



国际商务英语写作模板:商业计划书篇一:商业计划书模板---英文版精编资料商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTS...商业计划书商业计划书模板---英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-45671[Your Name][DATE]2TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary ....................................................................................... (1)Management ................................................................................ (2)[Company] History ............................................................................................ . (5)[Product/Service] Description ................................................................................... .. (7)Objectives....................................................................................... . (9)Competitors ................................................................................. .. (10)Competitive Advantages ................................................................................... . (11)Innovation ..................................................................................... . (13)Pricing ............................................................................................ .. (14)Specific Markets .......................................................................................... . (15)Growth Strategy .......................................................................................... . (16)Market Size and Share ............................................................................................... . (17)Targeting New Markets .......................................................................................... .. (18)Location ......................................................................................... (19)Manufacturing Plan .................................................................................................. (20)Research &Development ............................................................................... (21)Historical Financial Data ................................................................................................. .. (22)Proforma Financial Data ................................................................................................. .. (23)Proforma Balance Sheet ............................................................................................... . (26)Cost Control ........................................................................................... (27)Effects of Loan or Investment .................................................................................... . (28)Attachments ................................................................................. . (29)3Executive Summary [My Company] was formed asa [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution (转载于: 小龙文档网:国际商务英语写作模板:商业计划书)and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. [I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are:1. Competitive pricing2. Expand the markets3. Increased advertising4. Lower our unit costs,5. Thereby achieving higher profits.1. Sign contracts2. Increased advertising3. Increase office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial Goals Sales Net Income Earnings pershareYear 1 $25,000 .01 Year 2 $250,000 .12 Year 3 $375,000 .141Management[Name] [Title]??[Experience]??Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.??Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels. Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[Education}University of BostonBoston, MA- Computer SciencesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987.篇二:商务英语写作(商业计划书写作格式)商务英语写作:商业计划书写作格式XX-03-24 13:39:08 来源:爱词霸资讯官网封面(Title page)企业的名称和地址Name and address of business负责人的姓名和地址Name(s) and address(es) of principals企业的性质Nature of business报告机密性的陈述Statement of confidentiality目录(Table of contents)1. 概述/总结(Executive summary)2. 行业及市场分析(Industry analysis)对未来的展望和发展趋势(Future outlook and trends)竞争者分析(Analysis of competitors)市场划分(Market segmentation)行业预测(Industry forecasts)3. 企业的描述(The description of the venture)企业的宗旨和目标(Mission statement and objectives)产品或服务的描述(Description of the product or service)企业的规模(Size of business)产品的进一步开发(Future potential/product development)竞争优势(Competitive advantage)办公设备和人员(Office equipment and personnel)创业者的背景(Backgrounds of entrepreneurs)4. 生产计划(Production plan)制造进程/被分包的数量(Manufacturing process / amount subcontracted)选址(Location)厂房(Physical plant)机械和设备(Machinery and equipment)原材料的供给情况(Sources of raw materials to be supplied)生产能力和提高的可能性(Output limitations,if any,and scale-up possibilities)质量控制计划(Quality control plans)5. 营销计划(The marketing plan)定价(Pricing)分销(Distribution)促销(Promotion)产品预测(Product forecasts)预见的涨价(Anticipated mark-up)竞争对手的反映(Competitors’response)市场份额预测(Market share projection)控制(Controls)6. 组织计划(Organizational plan)所有权的形式(Form of ownership)合作者或主要股权所有人的身份(Identification of partners or principal shareholders)负责人的权利(Authority of principals)管理层成员的背景(Management team background)组织成员的角色和责任(Roles and responsibilities of members of organization)7. 风险与对策分析(Assessment of risks)企业弱点的评价(Evaluate weakness if business)新技术(New technologies)应急计划(Contingency plan)8. 财务计划(Financial plan)各类业绩比率和投资回报(Summary of performance ratios, ROI etc.)销售预测(Sales forecasts)财务预测的假设(Assumptions underpinning financial forecasts)损益表(Income statement / Profit and lossstatement)预测现金流量表(Cash flow projections)资产欠债预估表(Pro forma balance sheet)量本利分析(Break-even analysis)资金来源和运用(Sources and applications of funds)9. 融资需求(Financing requirements)融资前的活动小结(Summary of operations prior to financing)此刻的股东和未付债款(Current shareholders, loans outstanding)资金需要量及时间(Funds required and timing)投资回报(The deal on offer)资本欠债比率和盈利与利息比率(Anticipated gearing and interest cover)投资者退出方式(Exit routes for investors)附录(Appendix)1. 管理人员简历(Management team biographies)2. 职业咨询人员背景(Names and details of professional advisors)3. 技术参数和图纸(Technical data and drawings)4. 专利、版权、设计等(Details of patents,copyright, designs)5. 审计的报表(Audited accounts)6. 信件(Letters)7. 市场调研数据(Market research data)8. 租约或合同(Leaser or contracts)9. 供给商的报价单(Price lists from suppliers)10. 客户的定单(Orders from customers)篇三:英文商业计划书模板英语商业计划书(Business Plan)第一讲:概述第二讲:现状分析第三讲:目标肯定第四讲:组织结构第五讲:产品分析第六讲:市场分析第七讲:市场策略第八讲:生产分析第九讲:财务分析第十讲:附件第一讲:概述(executive summary)概述是整个商业计划的第一部份,相当于整个商业计划的浓缩,使整个商业计划的精华所在。


Percent of adults who agree
40% France 35%
Italy 56%
71% India
52% China
44% Australia
42% Canada
36%ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱU.S.
39% Mexico
Percent globally who agree:
Gen Z Millennials Gen X Baby Boomers
62% 56% 43% 29%
“I feel lonely on a regular basis
(at least once a week).”
Sheryl Connelly Chief Futurist Ford Motor Company
Loneliness has become a global epidemic. There are lots of theories about why — people are delaying or avoiding marriage, they’re more likely to live alone and less inclined to join traditional communities. And, of course, there’s the impact of technology on how we socialize and connect. But whatever the root, the reality is that loneliness not only makes us feel bad, it’s also bad for our health. The health consequences of loneliness are comparable to obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes per day, according to Vivek Murthy, the former U.S. surgeon general. How, and where, can brands find meaningful ways to help people connect — and combat this growing health crisis of loneliness?



社群营销总结汇报英文模板Social Media Marketing Report TemplateTitle: Social Media Marketing ReportIntroduction:This report provides an overview and analysis of the social media marketing activities undertaken by [Company Name] during [Time Period]. Through this report, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of our social media campaigns, identify key insights, and propose recommendations for future strategies.Executive Summary:In this section, provide a brief summary of the report's content, highlighting the main findings, key achievements, and proposed recommendations.1. Objectives:Outline the objectives of the social media marketing campaigns. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, etc.2. Social Media Platforms and Audience Analysis:List the social media platforms utilized by the company and provide an analysis of the target audience demographics, such as age, gender, location, interests, etc. This analysis helps in understanding the audience's preferences and tailoring the content accordingly.3. Content Strategy:Describe the content strategy employed during the time period, including the type of content (text, images, videos), frequency of posting, engagement tactics (hashtags, contests), and tone of voice. Evaluate the success of different types of content and identify the most engaging ones.4. Key Performance Metrics:Highlight the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) used to measure the success of the social media campaigns. This could include metrics like reach, impressions, engagement rate, click-through rate, conversions, etc. Include charts or graphs to visually represent the data.5. Campaign Analysis:Review each social media campaign individually, describing its objectives, target audience, timeline, content strategy, and results achieved. Assess the success of the campaigns in meeting their objectives and provide insights into what worked and what didn't.6. Competitor Analysis:Conduct a competitive analysis by evaluating the social media presence and activities of key competitors. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas where the company can differentiate itself. This analysis helps in gaining insights into industry trends and best practices.7. Customer Feedback and Sentiment Analysis:Analyze customer feedback received through social media channels, such as comments, reviews, and direct messages. Assess the overall sentiment towards the company, its products or services,and identify areas of improvement or success. Incorporate customer feedback into future strategies.8. Recommendations:Based on the analysis conducted, provide recommendations for future social media marketing strategies. These recommendations should be actionable, aligned with the company's objectives, and take into account the insights gained from the analysis. For example, increase engagement by incorporating user-generated content, allocate more budget towards successful campaigns, etc. Conclusion:Summarize the key findings and recommendations from the report, emphasizing the importance of social media marketing for achieving business objectives. Highlight any notable achievements or insights gained during the time period.Appendix:Include any supporting data, charts, or graphs that supplement the information provided in the report.References:Cite any external sources or references used in compiling the report.Note: This template can be customized and expanded based on the specific needs and requirements of the company and the social media marketing activities undertaken.。



Plain Speaking of Sales Jargon
Preface 前言...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Chapter 1 销量是硬道理 ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
案例:零售商门店信息汇总表。 ............................................................................................................................. 8 零售商常见的销售分析报告................................................................................................................................... 10 我的销量和大家的销量 ...................................................................................

ISO 9001-2015 QMS requirements(EN)

ISO 9001-2015 QMS requirements(EN)

© ISO 2015Quality management systems — RequirementsSystèmes de management de la qualité — ExigencesINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9001Fifth edition 2015-09-15Reference numberISO 9001:2015(E)ISO 9001:2015(E)ii© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11Fax +41 22 749 09 47copyright@ ISO 9001:2015(E)Contents Page Foreword (v)Introduction (vi)1 Scope (1)2 Normative references (1)3 Terms and definitions (1)4 Context of the organization (1)4.1 Understanding the organization and its context (1)4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties (2)4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system (2)4.4 Quality management system and its processes (2)5 Leadership (3)5.1 Leadership and commitment (3)5.1.1 General (3)5.1.2 Customer focus (3)5.2 Policy (4)5.2.1 Establishing the quality policy (4)5.2.2 Communicating the quality policy (4)5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities (4)6 Planning (4)6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities (4)6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them (5)6.3 Planning of changes (5)7 Support (6)7.1 Resources (6)7.1.1 General (6)7.1.2 People (6)7.1.3 Infrastructure (6)7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes (6)7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources (7)7.1.6 Organizational knowledge (7)7.2 Competence (8)7.3 Awareness (8)7.4 Communication (8)7.5 Documented information (8)7.5.1 General (8)7.5.2 Creating and updating (9)7.5.3 Control of documented information (9)8 Operation (9)8.1 Operational planning and control (9)8.2 Requirements for products and services (10)8.2.1 Customer communication (10)8.2.2 Determining the requirements for products and services (10)8.2.3 Review of the requirements for products and services (10)8.2.4 Changes to requirements for products and services (11)8.3 Design and development of products and services (11)8.3.1 General (11)8.3.2 Design and development planning (11)8.3.3 Design and development inputs (11)8.3.4 Design and development controls (12)8.3.5 Design and development outputs (12)8.3.6 Design and development changes (12)© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved iiiISO 9001:2015(E)8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products and services (13)8.4.1 General (13)8.4.2 Type and extent of control (13)8.4.3 Information for external providers (13)8.5 Production and service provision (14)8.5.1 Control of production and service provision (14)8.5.2 Identification and traceability (14)8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers (15)8.5.4 Preservation (15)8.5.5 Post-delivery activities (15)8.5.6 Control of changes (15)8.6 Release of products and services (15)8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs (16)9 Performance evaluation (16)9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (16)9.1.1 General (16)9.1.2 Customer satisfaction (17)9.1.3 Analysis and evaluation (17)9.2 Internal audit (17)9.3 Management review (18)9.3.1 General (18)9.3.2 Management review inputs (18)9.3.3 Management review outputs (18)10 Improvement (19)10.1 General (19)10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action (19)10.3 Continual improvement (19)Annex A (informative) Clarification of new structure, terminology and concepts (21)Annex B (informative) Other International Standards on quality management and quality management systems developed by ISO/TC 176 (25)Bibliography (28)iv© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9001:2015(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see /directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see /patents).Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: /iso/foreword.html. The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance, Subcommittee SC 2, Quality systems.This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO 9001:2008), which has been technically revised, through the adoption of a revised clause sequence and the adaptation of the revised quality management principles and of new concepts. It also cancels and replaces the Technical Corrigendum ISO 9001:2008/Cor.1:2009.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved vISO 9001:2015(E)Introduction0.1 GeneralThe adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives. The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a quality management system based on this International Standard are:a)the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;b)facilitating opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;c)addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and objectives;d)the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management system requirements. This International Standard can be used by internal and external parties.It is not the intent of this International Standard to imply the need for:— uniformity in the structure of different quality management systems;— alignment of documentation to the clause structure of this International Standard;— the use of the specific terminology of this International Standard within the organization. The quality management system requirements specified in this International Standard are complementary to requirements for products and services.This International Standard employs the process approach, which incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and risk-based thinking.The process approach enables an organization to plan its processes and their interactions. The PDCA cycle enables an organization to ensure that its processes are adequately resourced and managed, and that opportunities for improvement are determined and acted on.Risk-based thinking enables an organization to determine the factors that could cause its processes and its quality management system to deviate from the planned results, to put in place preventive controls to minimize negative effects and to make maximum use of opportunities as they arise (see Clause A.4). Consistently meeting requirements and addressing future needs and expectations poses a challenge for organizations in an increasingly dynamic and complex environment. To achieve this objective, the organization might find it necessary to adopt various forms of improvement in addition to correction and continual improvement, such as breakthrough change, innovation and re-organization.In this International Standard, the following verbal forms are used:— “shall” indicates a requirement;— “should” indicates a recommendation;— “may” indicates a permission;— “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.Information marked as “NOTE” is for guidance in understanding or clarifying the associated requirement. vi© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9001:2015(E)0.2 Quality management principlesThis International Standard is based on the quality management principles described in ISO 9000. The descriptions include a statement of each principle, a rationale of why the principle is important for the organization, some examples of benefits associated with the principle and examples of typical actions to improve the organization’s performance when applying the principle.The quality management principles are:— customer focus;— leadership;— engagement of people;— process approach;— improvement;— evidence-based decision making;— relationship management.0.3 Process approach0.3.1 GeneralThis International Standard promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. Specific requirements considered essential to the adoption of a process approach are included in 4.4. Understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its intended results. This approach enables the organization to control the interrelationships and interdependencies among the processes of the system, so that the overall performance of the organization can be enhanced.The process approach involves the systematic definition and management of processes, and their interactions, so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the quality policy and strategic direction of the organization. Management of the processes and the system as a whole can be achieved using the PDCA cycle (see 0.3.2) with an overall focus on risk-based thinking (see 0.3.3) aimed at taking advantage of opportunities and preventing undesirable results.The application of the process approach in a quality management system enables:a)understanding and consistency in meeting requirements;b)the consideration of processes in terms of added value;c)the achievement of effective process performance;d)improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information.Figure 1 gives a schematic representation of any process and shows the interaction of its elements. The monitoring and measuring check points, which are necessary for control, are specific to each process and will vary depending on the related risks.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved viiISO 9001:2015(E)Figure 1 — Schematic representation of the elements of a single process0.3.2 Plan-Do-Check-Act cycleThe PDCA applied to all processesFigure 2 illustrates how Clauses 4 to 10 can be grouped in relation to the PDCA cycle.NOTE Numbers in brackets refer to the clauses in this International Standard.Figure 2 — Representation of the structure of this International Standard in the PDCA cycle viii© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9001:2015(E) The PDCA cycle can be briefly described as follows:— Plan: establish the objectives of the system and its processes, and the resources needed to deliver results in accordance with customers’ requirements and the organization’s policies, and identify and address risks and opportunities;— Do: implement what was planned;— Check: monitor and (where applicable) measure processes and the resulting products and services against policies, objectives, requirements and planned activities, and report the results;— Act: take actions to improve performance, as necessary.0.3.3 Risk-based thinkingRisk-based thinking (see Clause A.4) is essential for achieving an effective quality management system. The concept of risk-based thinking has been implicit in previous editions of this International Standard including, for example, carrying out preventive action to eliminate potential nonconformities, analysing any nonconformities that do occur, and taking action to prevent recurrence that is appropriate for the effects of the nonconformity.To conform to the requirements of this International Standard, an organization needs to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities. Addressing both risks and opportunities establishes a basis for increasing the effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving improved results and preventing negative effects.Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieving an intended result, for example, a set of circumstances that allow the organization to attract customers, develop new products and services, reduce waste or improve productivity. Actions to address opportunities can also include consideration of associated risks. Risk is the effect of uncertainty and any such uncertainty can have positive or negative effects. A positive deviation arising from a risk can provide an opportunity, but not all positive effects of risk result in opportunities.0.4 Relationship with other management system standardsThis International Standard applies the framework developed by ISO to improve alignment among its International Standards for management systems (see Clause A.1).This International Standard enables an organization to use the process approach, coupled with the PDCA cycle and risk-based thinking, to align or integrate its quality management system with the requirements of other management system standards.This International Standard relates to ISO 9000 and ISO 9004 as follows:— ISO 9000 Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary provides essential background for the proper understanding and implementation of this International Standard;— ISO 9004 Managing for the sustained success of an organization — A quality management approach provides guidance for organizations that choose to progress beyond the requirements of this International Standard.Annex B provides details of other International Standards on quality management and quality management systems that have been developed by ISO/TC 176.This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those for environmental management, occupational health and safety management, or financial management.Sector-specific quality management system standards based on the requirements of this International Standard have been developed for a number of sectors. Some of these standards specify additional quality management system requirements, while others are limited to providing guidance to the application of this International Standard within the particular sector.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved ixISO 9001:2015(E)A matrix showing the correlation between the clauses of this edition of this International Standard and the previous edition (ISO 9001:2008) can be found on the ISO/TC 176/SC 2 open access web site at: /tc176/sc02/public.x© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9001:2015(E)Quality management systems — Requirements1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization:a)needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, andb)aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.All the requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to any organization, regardless of its type or size, or the products and services it provides. NOTE 1 In this International Standard, the terms “product” or “service” only apply to products and services intended for, or required by, a customer.NOTE 2 Statutory and regulatory requirements can be expressed as legal requirements.2 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 9000:2015 apply.4 Context of the organization4.1 Understanding the organization and its contextThe organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and its strategic direction and that affect its ability to achieve the intended result(s) of its quality management system.The organization shall monitor and review information about these external and internal issues. NOTE 1 Issues can include positive and negative factors or conditions for consideration. NOTE 2 Understanding the external context can be facilitated by considering issues arising from legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments, whether international, national, regional or local.NOTE 3 Understanding the internal context can be facilitated by considering issues related to values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 1ISO 9001:2015(E)4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested partiesDue to their effect or potential effect on the organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, the organization shall determine:a)the interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system;b)the requirements of these interested parties that are relevant to the quality management system. The organization shall monitor and review information about these interested parties and their relevant requirements.4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management systemThe organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the quality management system to establish its scope.When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:a)the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;b)the requirements of relevant interested parties referred to in 4.2;c)the products and services of the organization.The organization shall apply all the requirements of this International Standard if they are applicable within the determined scope of its quality management system.The scope of the organization’s quality management system shall be available and be maintained as documented information. The scope shall state the types of products and services covered, and provide justification for any requirement of this International Standard that the organization determines is not applicable to the scope of its quality management system.Conformity to this International Standard may only be claimed if the requirements determined as not being applicable do not affect the organization’s ability or responsibility to ensure the conformity of its products and services and the enhancement of customer satisfaction.4.4 Quality management system and its processes4.4.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve a quality management system, including the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard.The organization shall determine the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization, and shall:a)determine the inputs required and the outputs expected from these processes;b)determine the sequence and interaction of these processes;c)determine and apply the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurements and related performance indicators) needed to ensure the effective operation and control of these processes;d)determine the resources needed for these processes and ensure their availability;e)assign the responsibilities and authorities for these processes;f)address the risks and opportunities as determined in accordance with the requirements of 6.1;g)evaluate these processes and implement any changes needed to ensure that these processes achieve their intended results;2 © ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9001:2015(E)h)improve the processes and the quality management system.4.4.2 To the extent necessary, the organization shall:a)maintain documented information to support the operation of its processes;b)retain documented information to have confidence that the processes are being carried out as planned.5 Leadership5.1 Leadership and commitment5.1.1 GeneralTop management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the quality management system by:a)taking accountability for the effectiveness of the quality management system;b)ensuring that the quality policy and quality objectives are established for the quality management system and are compatible with the context and strategic direction of the organization; c)ensuring the integration of the quality management system requirements into the organization’s business processes;d)promoting the use of the process approach and risk-based thinking;e)ensuring that the resources needed for the quality management system are available;f)communicating the importance of effective quality management and of conforming to the quality management system requirements;g)ensuring that the quality management system achieves its intended results;h)engaging, directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the quality management system;i)promoting improvement;j)supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility.NOTE Reference to “business” in this International Standard can be interpreted broadly to mean those activities that are core to the purposes of the organization’s existence, whether the organization is public, private, for profit or not for profit.5.1.2 Customer focusTop management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to customer focus by ensuring that:a)customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently met;b)the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed;c)the focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 3ISO 9001:2015(E)5.2 Policy5.2.1 Establishing the quality policyTop management shall establish, implement and maintain a quality policy that:a)is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic direction;b)provides a framework for setting quality objectives;c)includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements;d)includes a commitment to continual improvement of the quality management system.5.2.2 Communicating the quality policyThe quality policy shall:a)be available and be maintained as documented information;b)be communicated, understood and applied within the organization;c)be available to relevant interested parties, as appropriate.5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authoritiesTop management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned, communicated and understood within the organization.Top management shall assign the responsibility and authority for:a)ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirements of this International Standard;b)ensuring that the processes are delivering their intended outputs;c)reporting on the performance of the quality management system and on opportunities for improvement (see 10.1), in particular to top management;d)ensuring the promotion of customer focus throughout the organization;e)ensuring that the integrity of the quality management system is maintained when changes to the quality management system are planned and implemented.6 Planning6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities6.1.1 When planning for the quality management system, the organization shall consider the issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and determine the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed to:a)give assurance that the quality management system can achieve its intended result(s);b)enhance desirable effects;c)prevent, or reduce, undesired effects;d)achieve improvement.4 © ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9001:2015(E)6.1.2 The organization shall plan:a)actions to address these risks and opportunities;b)how to:1)integrate and implement the actions into its quality management system processes (see 4.4);2)evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.Actions taken to address risks and opportunities shall be proportionate to the potential impact on the conformity of products and services.NOTE 1 Options to address risks can include avoiding risk, taking risk in order to pursue an opportunity, eliminating the risk source, changing the likelihood or consequences, sharing the risk, or retaining risk by informed decision.NOTE 2 Opportunities can lead to the adoption of new practices, launching new products, opening new markets, addressing new customers, building partnerships, using new technology and other desirable and viable possibilities to address the organization’s or its customers’ needs.6.2 Quality objectives and planning to achieve them6.2.1 The organization shall establish quality objectives at relevant functions, levels and processes needed for the quality management system.The quality objectives shall:a)be consistent with the quality policy;b)be measurable;c)take into account applicable requirements;d)be relevant to conformity of products and services and to enhancement of customer satisfaction;e)be monitored;f)be communicated;g)be updated as appropriate.The organization shall maintain documented information on the quality objectives.6.2.2 When planning how to achieve its quality objectives, the organization shall determine:a)what will be done;b)what resources will be required;c)who will be responsible;d)when it will be completed;e)how the results will be evaluated.6.3 Planning of changesWhen the organization determines the need for changes to the quality management system, the changes shall be carried out in a planned manner (see 4.4).© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 5。



营销情报告模板英语Executive SummaryThis marketing intelligence report provides an overview of the current market trends and consumer preferences in order to assist the decision-making process of the marketing team. The report includes an analysis of market competition, target market analysis, and a recommendation for marketing strategies. IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to analyze the latest market trends and gather relevant data from various sources to improve our understanding of the market. By utilizing marketing intelligence, we can identify potential opportunities and make informed decisions to create effective marketing strategies.Market Competition AnalysisIn order to understand our position in the market, it is crucial to analyze our competitors. The analysis includes the following elements:1. Identification of Competitors: We have identified the keycompetitors in our market segment. These competitors include Company A, Company B, and Company C.2. Competitive Advantage: We have assessed the competitors' strengths and weaknesses and compared them to our own. This helps us to identify our competitive advantage and areas of improvement.3. Market Share Analysis: By comparing our market share with that of our competitors, we can evaluate our market position and growth potential.Target Market AnalysisUnderstanding our target market is essential to develop effective marketing strategies. The target market analysis includes:1. Demographics: We have gathered data on the age, gender, income, and location of our target audience. This information helps us to better understand their preferences and needs.2. Psychographics: In addition to demographics, we have conducted surveys and interviews to gain insights into the attitudes, interests, and lifestyle choices of our target market.3. Buying Behavior: By analyzing our target market's buying behavior, such as their preferred channels of purchase and decision-making factors, we can tailor our marketing efforts accordingly.Marketing Strategies RecommendationBased on the analysis conducted, we recommend the following marketing strategies:1. Product Enhancement: After analyzing consumer feedback and preferences, we recommend making improvements to our product to better align with the needs and desires of our target market.2. Digital Marketing: Given the increasing reliance on digital platforms, we propose implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This includes optimizing our online presence, utilizing social media platforms, and launching targeted online advertising campaigns.3. Personalized Communication: By implementing a personalized communication strategy, such as email marketing, wecan strengthen our relationship with our customers and enhance customer loyalty.4. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers who have a significant following in our target market can help extend our brand reach and increase brand awareness.ConclusionThis marketing intelligence report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market competition, target market, and recommended marketing strategies. By implementing the recommended strategies, we can enhance our market position, attract a larger customer base, and ultimately increase our sales and revenue.。



营销经验报告模板英文IntroductionThis report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of a recent marketing campaign carried out by [Company Name]. The objective of the campaign was to increase brand awareness and sales for [Product/Service]. This report will highlight the strategies and tactics employed, their effectiveness, and recommendations for future campaigns.Objectives1. Increase brand awareness for [Company Name] by reachinga broader target audience.2. Generate leads and increase sales for [Product/Service].3. Improve customer engagement through effective digital marketing channels.Campaign StrategyTarget AudienceThe target audience for this campaign was predominantly young adults aged 18-35, who are tech-savvy and social mediausers. This demographic was selected based on market research and analysis indicating their interest in similar products/services. Brand Positioning[Company Name] aimed to position itself as a leading provider of [Product/Service], emphasizing its unique features and benefits over competitors. The key selling points were affordability, quality, and innovative design.Marketing Channels1. Social Media: A comprehensive social media strategy was implemented, utilizing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with potential customers, share product information, and run targeted advertisements.2. Influencer Marketing: Collaborations with popular influencers were established to increase brand awareness and recommendation among their followers.3. Email Marketing: A series of personalized email campaigns were developed and sent out to a segmented database, promoting the product/service features and offering exclusive discounts.4. Content Marketing: Engaging blog posts and articles were published on [Company Name] website, offering valuable information related to [Product/Service] and establishing thought leadership.Campaign Execution1. Pre-launch: Extensive research was conducted to identify target audience preferences and behavior, enabling effective campaign segmentation and messaging.2. Content Creation: Engaging and visually appealing content, including images, videos, and graphics, were developed to captivate the target audience and clearly communicate the key messages.3. Advertising: Strategic paid advertising campaigns were launched on social media platforms, targeted to specific demographics and geographical regions.4. Collaborations: Influencers were carefully chosen based on their relevance and engaged in creating engaging content and promotions related to [Product/Service].5. Email Campaigns: Segmented email lists were created, and a series of personalized campaigns were sent out to engage potential customers and drive conversions.Results and EvaluationBrand AwarenessThe campaign successfully increased brand awareness, as evidenced by a significant increase in social media followers, impressions, and engagements. The collaboration with influencers also boosted brand exposure and recommendation among their followers.Lead Generation and SalesThe campaign generated a substantial amount of leads, resulting in a significant increase in sales for [Product/Service]. The targeted advertising campaigns on social media platforms proved to be highly effective in driving conversions.Customer EngagementThe use of engaging content and personalized email campaigns led to improved customer engagement rates, with ahigh opening and click-through rate. The blog posts and articles published on the website also attracted a significant amount of traffic and interaction.Recommendations for Future Campaigns1. Continuous Market Research: Stay updated with industry trends, preferences, and competitor strategies to ensure ongoing campaign relevance and effectiveness.2. Data Analysis: Collect and analyze campaign data to identify areas of improvement and optimize future marketing efforts.3. Expansion of Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with a wider range of influencers to reach different target audience segments and increase brand exposure.4. Interactive Content: Incorporate interactive content formats such as quizzes, polls, and contests to enhance customer engagement and interaction.5. Personalization: Further refine email marketing campaigns by leveraging customer data to deliver highly personalized content and offers.ConclusionThe marketing campaign successfully achieved its objectives, increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and improving customer engagement. The strategic use of social media, influencer marketing, email campaigns, and content marketing proved to be highly effective. The results obtained provide valuable insights and recommendations for future campaigns, facilitating continued growth and success for [Company Name].。



讨论2020年第三季度销售计划英语作文“Money coming in says I’ve made the right marketing decisions.”Marketing is the backbone of many businesses today, and without tools that support your business, your competitors may very well outclass you. While you can spend a hefty budget on finding the best resources for your business, hire manpower to work for you and get along with your business, there are several marketing tools that you can use on your own and get the best bang for your buck.Marketing tools make things easy and simplify the process of professionally representing your brand. From small bloggers to top brands that rule the global market, everyone is looking to grow and marketing tools help them to increase their effectiveness.Here are the 10 must-have marketing tools in 2022.1. Google AnalyticsIn order to implement different strategies and measure the impact of any business, one needs to know the frequency of the customers or visitors that they get online. Google Analytics,a simple tool developed by the tech-giant, Google, the tool makes it easy to find details about visitors, measures theimpact of social media presence, and calculates conversion rates.Google Analytics today is so developed that one can find customized reports including demographics, age, sex and user activities on their site. This helps companies to implement different strategies according to their needs and requirements.2. UnbounceApart from just creating a website and a blog, many online businesses lack the capability to create conversions and generate leads. Landing pages are what makes things easy and boosts sales these days. This is where Unbounce comes in. This easy-to-use marketing tool helps marketers to create landing pages without needing to know the technical knowledge behind coding.In order to develop conversion rates substantially,Unbounce helps to create, customize and publish beautiful landing pages to improve marketing campaigns without the help of an expert.3. RightlyWrittenWhile images are said to speak a thousand words, content is what really boosts rankings on search engines today.RightlyWritten provides premium copywriting services including blog posts, website content, product descriptions,and more to businesses of all sizes. The monthly blog packages available at RightlyWritten allow businesses to put their website blogs on autopilot. These packages are fully customizable and businesses can choose packages per their needs and get content idea generation, pitching, creation and publishing, all taken care of.With a fully intuitive client dashboard made available,the service also provides businesses with the ability to track their content orders in real time, place new orders and communicate in no time. Last but not the least, the quality of content delivered is second to none and does not cost an arm and a leg.4. MentionThe internet has so much that people are always talking about new online businesses. Be it on social media or blogs,businesses are being discussed everywhere. This is where Mention comes in handy. This tool helps to keep track of your business as well as your competitors and helps you to get to know what people are saying.By tracking brand names and key phrases in real time,Mention helps businesses to reach out to their potential customers and never miss out on any conversation about them.5. Crowd ReviewsA crowd-driven, verified review site currently in its beta stage, Crowd Reviews is a marketing tool that helps both businesses and consumers to find legitimate online reviews about technology services and software. A consumer-friendly site with transparent details completely driven by the crowd,this tool provides free access to meaningful reviews and rankings while also taking into account the strength and validity of these reviews and rankings.6. IFTTTIFTTT stands for “if this then that.” Considered to be an amazing tool by many, IFTTT helps marketers to automate their business. From social sharing to different networks,receiving notifications about a sale in real time and more,this fantastic tool helps businesses to set protocols based on specific actions as desired.Also said to be a useful tool for time management, IFTTT is a perfect automation tool for marketers today.7. CanvaInfographics and other visually appealing images create a better buzz today. You might not be a graphic design expert and this is where Canva comes into play. Helping to create simple images to engaging presentations, appealing social-media images and great looking infographics, this tool provides templates that are easy to use. On top of that, they also store everything online, meaning that you don’t lose your material.8. MailchimpWhile there are several email marketing tools available to use, MailChimp is often considered to be the best in the industry. With its incredibly simple platform, MailChimp offers free as well as paid plans which makes it easy for marketers to create robust email campaigns and find their customers.9. KissMetricsAnother innovative marketing tool for analyzing site analytics, KissMetrics helps marketers to analyze data more than the vanity metrics. Apart from just analyzing page views,bounce rates and time spent by a visitor, the tool actually digs deep into finding how current or potential customers interact with the website.KissMetrics analyzes data that has a direct impact on revenue which includes conversion rates, average revenue per user, and churn rates, among other factors.10. BuzzSumoBuzzSumo is another great marketing tool that helps marketers to analyze online trends and the performance of their content. The service also helps with uncovering details relating to factors such as social media shares and the broader impact of this for your business.。



Influencer Marketing Hub(IMH)发布了“2020年意见领袖营销报告”。

IMH 调查了4000家营销机构、品牌和其他行业专业人士,以收集他们对2020年意见领袖营销状况的看法。


















最新资料,WORD文档,可下载编辑!SME实用手册SME Manual本手册指在帮助中小企业所有人在自己企业内建立操作手册。

The manual is designed to assist SME owners to implement an operations amnaul within their business.目录TABLE OF CONTENTS概述OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 经营手册Operations Manual ........................................................................................................................................................ 企业概述Business Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 人力资源管理HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................ 雇佣政策Employment Policies .................................................................................................................................................... 员工记录Team Member Records ................................................................................................................................................. 招聘和选拔Recruitment and Selection ........................................................................................................................................ 业绩管理Performance Management ............................................................................................................................................ 培训Training ................................................................................................................................................................................. 沟通和激励Communication and Motivation................................................................................................................................ 职业健康和安全Occupational Health and Safety ........................................................................................................................ 客户服务CUSTOMER SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................... 服务标准Service Standards .......................................................................................................................................................... 顾客选择Customer Selection ....................................................................................................................................................... 顾客反馈Customer Feedback ....................................................................................................................................................... 市场营销MARKETING ............................................................................................................................................................... 企业识别Corporate Identity ......................................................................................................................................................... 战略营销Strategic Marketing ....................................................................................................................................................... 公共关系Public Relations ............................................................................................................................................................ 采购和存货管理PURCHASING AND STOCK MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 采购Purchasing ............................................................................................................................................................................. 存货管理Stock Management ........................................................................................................................................................ 行政管理ADMINISTRATION .................................................................................................................................................... 电话、信息和电子邮件Telephone, Messages and Email ........................................................................................................... 邮件和重要信函Mail and Couriers .............................................................................................................................................. 计算机和互联网Computers and the Internet ............................................................................................................................... 安全Security ................................................................................................................................................................................. 会计ACCOUNTING ................................................................................................................................................................ 应付账款Creditors ........................................................................................................................................................................ 应收账款Debtors .......................................................................................................................................................................... 银行往来账Bank Accounts .......................................................................................................................................................... 固定资产Fixed Assets .................................................................................................................................................................. 领导能力LEADERSHIP ..............................................................................................................................................................概述OVERVIEW经营手册Operations Manual经营手册的目的Purpose of the Operations Manual本经营手册旨在提供必要的资源, 以帮助员工改进工作表现, 并帮助企业达成目标。

《IBM 2020 年度报告》发布:董事长兼首席执行官Arvind Krishna致投资者的一封信

《IBM 2020 年度报告》发布:董事长兼首席执行官Arvind Krishna致投资者的一封信

《IBM 2020 年度报告》发布:董事长兼首席执行官Arvind Krishna致投资者的一封信IBM董事长兼首席执行官Arvind Krishna尊敬的IBM 投资者:今天,我们正在步入混合云与AI 时代,IBM致力于成为这一时代的引领者。





2020年之前预计需要5 到10 年才能完成的数字化转型,将在未来两到三年得以实现。

采用基于IBM 数字化技术的新型业务模式,或许是客户正在经历的最深刻、也是最令人振奋的变化。

这样的例子在过去一年里层出不穷,无论是借助AI 驱动的数字化助手,轻松处理汹涌而来的呼叫中心请求;还是迅速崛起的远程医疗;亦或是运用混合云,在数字银行等领域构建丰富、安全的个性化体验。

我将通过这封信,为各位投资者描述我们所采取的果断行动,帮助我们的客户发挥混合云和AI 的巨大潜能,实现蓬勃发展。


我的信心源自我们强有力的战略,源自我们转型路上的捷报频传,以及全球IBM 人所展现出的卓越才华和坚韧不拔。

2020 年度业绩2020 年,我们实现了736 亿美元的营收,排除货币和资产剥离影响,同比下降4%。


数字化转型的紧迫性继续成为IBM 发展的强大推动力。

抛开货币和资产剥离影响,我们与云相关的营收增长了20%,达到251 亿美元,目前已超过总收入的1/3。

250 亿美元抛开货币和资产剥离影响,我们与云相关的收入增长了20%,达到251 亿美元,目前已超过总收入的1/3。

红帽是营收的关键推动力量,其2020 年标准化营收增长18%,年底未结订单首次突破50 亿美元。


3、投资 ……
媒体习惯的研究,可以为企业投放广告、进行产品宣传方面的决策提供参考。从报 纸、杂志、广播、电视、网络以及广告习惯等方面对高端人群的媒体习惯进行了全面深 入的研究。
1、报纸 统计发现,高端人群过去半年平均阅读过 8 种以上的报纸,其中追求创新型人群、
文化知识型人群和品牌热衷型人群的接触率最高。 ……
2、杂志 高端人群过去半年平均接触过 9-10 本不同杂志,其中追求创新型人群、文化知识型
人群和生活享受型人群接触的杂志更多,均接近或超了 11 种。 …… 从经常阅读的杂志来看,服饰美容类的杂志被选择的比例较高,排在前三位依次是:
《瑞丽服饰美容》、《服饰与美容 VOGUE》、《时尚-芭莎》,此外财经类杂志《财经》 的阅读率也较高。
1、年轻化特征凸显 2、女性消费者为主导 3、受到了良好教育 4、企业的管理层居多
在本次调查中,研究发现在中国高端人群可以细分为 8 大类型,具有较为独立的心 理特征、消费偏好和收入水平,因此消费者的需求也不尽相同。
注:某些消费者可能兼具若干个细分人群的特征。 在以上八类细分人群中,知识文化型、追求创新型、生活严谨型、品牌热衷型和成 就彰显型人群所占比例较高,生活享受型和消费理性型人群所占比例较低,各细分人群 的思维模式、行动方式均存在一定的差异。现按照如上描述,将八类细分人群进行心理 和行为两个维ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的对应,得出如下矩阵图:
高盛 2009 年上半年的一份报告称,2008 年,中国奢侈品消费额的年增长率在 20% 左右,到 2015 年,其年增长率将约为 10%,届时,中国的奢侈品消费总额有望超过 115 亿美元,成为世界第一奢侈品消费国,约占全球消费总额的 29%。“万事达卡”2009 年 8 月信用卡消费数据也显示,未来一年中国奢侈品的消费仍然会有 7%的增长,而美国奢 侈品市场将跌 10%-15%。

国潮风大字报PPT模版 (21)

国潮风大字报PPT模版 (21)

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阿里巴巴审计报告意见段内容英文版全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Big Bosses and Their Report CardsHey there, little buddies! Today, we're going to talk about something really important – the report cards of big companies like Alibaba. You might be thinking, "But I'm just a kid! Why do I need to know about that?" Well, let me tell you a secret: understanding these report cards can help you learn about how businesses work and how they make sure everything is running smoothly.Now, you know how you get report cards from your teachers at school? Well, companies like Alibaba also get report cards, but they're called "audit reports." These reports are like a big checkup for the company, where super smart people called "auditors" take a close look at everything the company does to make sure they're following all the rules.One of the most important parts of the audit report is called the "Audit Opinion" section. This is like the final grade on yourreport card, where the auditors give their opinion on whether the company has been a good student or not.The auditors at Alibaba have a really big job because Alibaba is a huge company with lots of different businesses. They have to look at everything from how Alibaba keeps track of their money to how they follow laws and regulations. It's like checking if you did your homework, cleaned your room, and played nicely with your friends – but on a massive scale!So, what do the auditors usually say in the Audit Opinion section? Well, if they think Alibaba has been a really good student and followed all the rules, they'll give them a "clean opinion." That's like getting an A+ on your report card! It means Alibaba has done an awesome job, and everyone can trust the information they share about their business.Sometimes, though, the auditors might find a few things that Alibaba needs to work on. In that case, they'll give what's called a "qualified opinion." It's like getting a B or C on your report card – not terrible, but there's room for improvement. The auditors will explain what Alibaba needs to fix, and the company will have to work hard to make those changes.In really rare cases, if the auditors find a lot of big problems, they might give an "adverse opinion" or a "disclaimer ofopinion." Those are like getting an F or an incomplete on your report card. It means there are serious issues that need to be fixed before the auditors can give their approval.Now, you might be wondering, "Why is all this so important?" Well, just like your parents and teachers want to know how you're doing in school, people who invest money in Alibaba or do business with them want to know if the company is following the rules and being responsible. The Audit Opinion section helps them understand if Alibaba is a trustworthy company or if there are some concerns they should be aware of.So, the next time you hear someone talking about an audit report or an Audit Opinion, you'll know exactly what they're talking about! It's like a big report card for companies, letting everyone know if they've been good students or if they need to do some extra studying.篇2Alibaba is a Huge Company!You know Alibaba, right? It's that massive company that sells pretty much everything online. My parents buy tons of stuff from their websites like Taobao and Tmall. Alibaba is so big andimportant that they have to get their books checked over really carefully every year by some super smart auditors.These auditors are like detectives who go through all of Alibaba's financial records with a fine-tooth comb. Their job is to make sure everything adds up correctly and that Alibaba is following all the rules about money and accounting. It's a hugely important task because Alibaba haskazillions of customers and investors who need to know the company's finances are on the up-and-up.After the auditors have taken a microscope to all of Alibaba's books and documents, they write up a big report called the audit opinion. This lays out whether they think Alibaba's financial statements are totally accurate or if they spotted any problems or inaccuracies. It's kind of like a massive report card for a ginormous company!The audit opinion has to be written very carefully and clearly because it's such an important document. The auditors can't make any mistakes because too much is riding on their analysis of Alibaba's finances. If they mess things up, it could really hurt the company and cause a lot of trouble.So what kind of things do the auditors look at when they are doing their big check-up on Alibaba? Well, they go overabsolutely everything - from how much money came in from product sales, to what Alibaba paid employees, to whether the company properly recorded the value of their assets like buildings and equipment. They check that revenue was calculated right, that expenses were legitimate, that profits were accounted for correctly - basically every single financial detail under the sun!The auditors use all sorts of tricks to verify the accuracy of Alibaba's books. They'll request tons of documents as proof. They'll make sample checks on random transactions. They'll interview employees and executives about accounting procedures. They'll analyze data for any red flags or inconsistencies. It's like a full-scale investigation into Alibaba's inner financial workings!After all that intense scrutinizing and double-checking, the auditors finally get to write up their official opinion. This is the most critical part of the whole audit report. If the auditors can conclude that Alibaba's financial statements are fair and accurate, they'll issue what's called an "unqualified" or clean opinion. That's the best outcome and means Alibaba's books are intip-top shape according to the auditors.However, if the auditors did identify any problems, errors or issues with Alibaba's finances or accounting practices, they would issue a "qualified" opinion instead. That means they found some areas of concern that people need to be aware of, even if the issues aren't huge red flags. The auditors have to spell out every little thing they objected to or disagreed with in the financial statements.In the absolute worst case scenario where the auditors determine that Alibaba's books are an outright mess with major inaccuracies or even fraud, they would issue an "adverse" opinion. That would be a total disaster for Alibaba because it would crush investor confidence and could potentially lead to all sorts of legal trouble. No company wants an adverse audit opinion - it's like getting a failing grade!So in summary, the audit opinion is the final verdict that those forensic accounting experts give on whether they believe Alibaba's financial reporting is legit or problematic. It's a hugely critical assessment that investors, regulators and the general public pay very close attention to. The auditors have to take extreme care in getting it exactly right after their deep-dive into Alibaba's labyrinths of financial data.Does that help explain what the audit opinion section is all about? It's a serious and high-stakes process but also pretty fascinating when you think about the auditors scrutinizing a behemoth corporation's entire financial universe! Let me know if any part was confusing and I can try to break it down further. Learning about grown-up business stuff like this can be really interesting.篇3Imagine, Money Town and Its Magical AuditorOnce upon a time, there was a bustling town called Money Town. It was a place where everyone loved to earn, spend, and save money. The people of Money Town were very hardworking, and they had built many successful businesses. One of the biggest businesses in Money Town was called Alibaba.Alibaba was a massive company that helped people buy and sell all kinds of things. It was so big that it had offices and warehouses all over the world! Running such a huge company was no easy task, and the people in charge of Alibaba had to be very careful with how they managed the company's money.Every year, the leaders of Alibaba would invite a special person called an auditor to take a close look at the company'sbooks and records. An auditor's job is to make sure that the company is keeping track of its money properly and following all the rules.The auditor who visited Alibaba was named Claude. Claude was a very smart and experienced auditor who had helped many other companies before. He was like a detective, but instead of solving mysteries, he solved problems with money and numbers.When Claude arrived in Money Town, he was greeted by the people in charge of Alibaba. They showed him all the company's books, documents, and computer systems, and Claude got to work.For several weeks, Claude and his team of auditors pored over every detail of Alibaba's finances. They checked the company's income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. They made sure that all the money was being recorded correctly and that the company was following the rules for accounting and reporting.Claude and his team asked many questions and carefully examined all the evidence. They wanted to be absolutely certain that everything was in order before they gave their opinion.Finally, after months of hard work, Claude was ready to share his findings with the leaders of Alibaba and the people of Money Town. He gathered everyone in a big meeting room and cleared his throat."Ladies and gentlemen," Claude began, "I have thoroughly examined Alibaba's financial records, and I am pleased to report that everything appears to be in order."The people of Money Town let out a collective sigh of relief. They knew that they could trust Claude's opinion because he was such an experienced and trustworthy auditor."Alibaba's financial statements are accurate and fair," Claude continued. "They follow all the accounting rules and guidelines, and they provide a true and honest picture of the company's financial situation."Claude went on to explain that he and his team had found no major issues or problems with Alibaba's books. They had checked everything, from the biggest transactions to the smallest details, and everything seemed to be accounted for properly."In our opinion, Alibaba is a well-run company that is managing its money responsibly," Claude said. "We have noconcerns or reservations about the company's financial reporting."The people of Money Town were thrilled to hear Claude's positive opinion. They knew that having a clean audit report was important for Alibaba's reputation and for maintaining the trust of its customers and investors.After the meeting, Claude stayed in Money Town for a little while longer to enjoy the sights and sounds of the bustling town. He loved seeing all the different businesses and watching the people go about their daily lives, earning, spending, and saving their money.As Claude prepared to leave Money Town, he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that he had helped to ensure the financial integrity of one of the town's most important companies. He knew that his work as an auditor was crucial for maintaining trust and transparency in the world of business and finance.And so, with his audit report in hand, Claude bid farewell to Money Town and set off on his next adventure, ready to use his expertise and keen eye to help another company keep its financial house in order.The end.篇4The Alibaba Audit Report: What the Auditors SaidHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about the super important audit report for the company Alibaba. An audit report is like a big checkup that companies get from special inspectors called auditors. The auditors go through all the company's books and records with a fine-tooth comb to make sure everything adds up correctly.After they finish checking everything, the auditors write up their findings in a big report. The most critical part is the opinion section at the end. That's where the auditors give their overall thoughts on whether the company's financial statements are accurate and can be trusted. It's kind of like getting a grade on your math homework!For the Alibaba audit report, the auditors are some real brainiacs from a huge accounting firm called PricewaterhouseCoopers. These guys are the professionals when it comes to audits. They have teams of number crunchers who are masters at spotting any tiny mistakes or inconsistencies in accounting records.After spending months digging into every nook and cranny of Alibaba's books, the PricewaterhouseCoopers auditors came to their big conclusion for the opinion section. In fancy auditor language, they stated:"In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Alibaba Group Holding Limited..."Whoa, that's a jumble of big words! Let me break it down for you in simpler terms that us kids can understand.Basically, what the auditors are saying is that after checking absolutely everything, they think Alibaba's financial statements are fair and accurate. They aren't hiding anything shady or cooking the books. The numbers in the statements match up with Alibaba's actual financial situation.The auditors used some qualifiers though like "in all material respects" and "consolidated financial position." Those just mean they looked at all the important, big picture stuff rather than getting bogged down in every tiny little detail. As long as the overall numbers are correct, the auditors are satisfied.They also specifically mentioned that the financial statements follow the rules and accounting practices that public companies are supposed to use. There's a big rulebook called "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles" that companies have to go by when reporting their finances. The auditors checked that Alibaba played by those rules properly.At the end of the day, getting an unqualified or clean opinion like this from the auditors is a really good sign. It means Alibaba's accounting can be trusted and they aren't trying to fool anyone about how much money they really make and spend. The auditors are giving their official seal of approval!But the opinion paragraph is definitely the most anticipated part. It's kind of like the principal's signature at the end of your report card. If the auditors gave Alibaba anything less than an unqualified clean opinion, that would send up huge red flags! Investors, regulators, and the whole world would start wondering whether they can really trust the company's numbers.So for now, Alibaba can breathe a sigh of relief. The auditors didn't find any skeletons in their closet. By giving a clean opinion, they are saying loud and clear that as far as they could tell, Alibaba's financial statements are legit. No funky accounting games or glossing over problems here!Those auditors from PricewaterhouseCoopers sure did their homework. Can you imagine having to scrutinize the books of a massive company like Alibaba? I'm getting a headache just thinking about it! That's why auditors have to be so rigorously trained and hire only the best accounting brains around.Well, that's the scoop on the opinion section of the big Alibaba audit report! It may have seemed pretty dry and technical, but it's actually a crucial document. Companies live or die by their audits, so getting that clean opinion is a major victory. Alibaba can march forward confidently, knowing the auditing experts have vouched for their books being truthful and accurate.Unless you plan on becoming an auditor yourself someday, you probably don't need to obsess over the rest of the report's finer details. But篇5阿里巴巴审计报告意见亲爱的老师和同学们,大家好!我是小明,今天我要给大家讲一下阿里巴巴的审计报告意见。

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