·临床研究·糖尿病新世界 2023年9月DOI:10.16658/ki.1672-4062.2023.17.039糖尿病合并代谢综合征的临床特征分析林梅芳1,黄明焕1,薛秉玮21.莆田学院附属医院血液净化室,福建莆田351100;2.莆田学院附属医院肾内科,福建莆田351100[摘要]目的分析糖尿病并发代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome, MS)的临床特征分析,为临床早期预防及早期诊断提供帮助。
MS组的空腹血糖、餐后血糖(0.5 h)、餐后血糖(2 h)、糖化血红蛋白、胰岛素、抵抗指数、β细胞功能指数均高于非MS组,而LnDI1、LnDI2低于非MS组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[关键词] 代谢综合征;糖代谢;血压;血脂;血糖;胰岛β细胞功能[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)09(a)-0039-04Analysis of Clinical Features of Diabetes Mellitus Complicated with Meta⁃bolic SyndromeLIN Meifang1, HUANG Minghuan1, XUE Bingwei21.Department of Blood Purification Room, Putian University Affiliated Hospital, Putian, Fujian Province, 351100 China;2.Department of Nephrology, Putian University Affiliated Hospital, Putian, Fujian Province, 351100 China[Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of diabetes complicated with metabolic syndrome, and to provide help for early clinical prevention and diagnosis. Methods 958 patients with diabetes in the affiliated hospitalof Putian University from January 2020 to December 2022 were selected by stratified cluster random sampling method for questionnaire survey, physical examination and laboratory examination. According to the diagnostic crite⁃ria of IDF metabolic syndrome in 2005, the population was divided into MS group (114 cases) and non MS group (844 cases). The general information, glucose metabolism and islet cell function of the two groups were compared, so as to obtain the clinical characteristics of diabetes complicated with metabolic syndrome. Results The age, waist circumfer⁃ence, BMI, SBP, DBP, and TG of the MS group were higher than those of the non MS population, while HDL-C was lower than that of the non MS population, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The FPG, PG (0.5 h), PG (2 h), HbA1c, LnHOMA-IR, and LnHOMA-β in MS Group were higher than those in the non MS group, while LnDI1 and LnDI2 were lower than those in the non MS group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with people with simple diabetes, people with diabetes combined with MS were older, had higher BMI and waist circumference, and had higher abnormal levels of blood pressure, blood lipids and blood glu⁃cose. Therefore, for diabetic patients, regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood lipids, blood glucose levels is of great significance for early clinical prevention and early diagnosis.[Key words] Metabolic syndrome; Glucose metabolism; Blood Pressure; Blood lipid; Blood glucose; Islet cell function代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome, MS)是一组以中心性肥胖、高血糖[糖尿病(diabetes mellitus, DM)[作者简介]林梅芳(1988-),女,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为糖尿病肾病。
(0 1 S 11) 山东大学 自主创新基金 (0 9 1 O 21G n 80 ; 2 O TS 2 ) 第 1作者 E mal gr @yh o c - i ip ao .n : f
△通 迅 作 者 ,E mal u j ho s u eu c - i ni a@ d .d . a :s n 收 稿 日期 :2 1 —92 ;修 回 日期 : 0 20 —9 0 10 —O 2 1 —31
t e s ra u h t it m.
K yw rs E h ;nuo ptea cl  ̄ rjcin e od p A5 e re i l l e s poet meecp ao ;R tr rn e h i l o sn e h l n NA i ef ec n e
帕金 森病 是 临床 上 常 见 的神 经 系 统 变 性疾 病 。该
研究表 明 E h 5与其 配体 E hi A pA p r - 5的相互作用 与 n 中脑 D 神经元 的轴 突 生 长有 关 。笔 者 在 前期 研 究 中 A
也显 示 中脑 多 巴胺 能 神 经 元 高 表 达 E h , 状 体 区 p A5纹 高表 达其 配体 E hi- 。本 实 验进 一步 应用 RNA 干 p r A5 n
物 由上 海博 尚生 物 工程公 司合 成 ; 4 T DNA 连 接 酶及 相
4 65 —
用 方式 也极 其复 杂 , p r s 族 中的成 员 均 可 以介 导 E hi 家 n
神 经元 的双 向联 系 。E h p A5是 E h is p r 家族 中新 发 现 n
制, 也将 为 其有 效治 疗提 供新 的思 路 。
[ ] P aa P s r a .A o u a c i ted p m n 2 rsdA A, at kmpR J x n g i ne n h o a i e d e sse J . d x d i ,0 96 1 9 一0. yt m[] A vE pMe o 2 0 , 5 : 1i 0 B l [ ] 房 苋, 3 杨昆 , 文静 , E h 5 导胚胎 中脑神经 上皮干 细胞 向 刘 等. p A 介
不可切除胰腺癌的分子靶向药物治疗进展胡润,李俊蒽,姚沛,桂仁捷,段华新湖南师范大学附属第一医院,湖南省人民医院肿瘤科,长沙 410005通信作者:段华新,****************(ORCID: 0000-0001-9596-5013)摘要:胰腺癌作为消化系统最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率及死亡率正逐年上升,大多数胰腺癌患者因分期较晚而失去了手术机会。
关键词:胰腺肿瘤;分子靶向治疗;免疫疗法基金项目:湖南省自然科学基金(2020JJ8084)Advances in molecular-targeted therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancerHU Run,LI Junen,YAO Pei,GUI Renjie,DUAN Huaxin.(Department of Oncology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, Changsha 410005, China)Corresponding author: DUAN Huaxin,****************(ORCID: 0000-0001-9596-5013)Abstract:Pancreatic cancer is one of the most prevalent malignant tumors of the digestive system, and its incidence and mortality rates are increasing year by year. Most patients with pancreatic cancer are unable to receive surgery due to the advanced stage. Although chemotherapy regimens based on gemcitabine and fluorouracil have prolonged the survival time of patients to some extent,some patients cannot tolerate chemotherapy and hence lose the opportunity for treatment. With the advent of the era of precision medicine, molecular-targeted therapy has exhibited an excellent therapeutic efficacy and has thus become one of the most important treatment techniques for tumors; however, due to the high heterogeneity of pancreatic cancer and its complicated tumor microenvironment, molecular-targeted therapy for pancreatic cancer has not achieved notable results. Therefore, it is imperative to seek new therapeutic targets and medications to overcome this issue. This article reviews the latest advances in the research on molecular-targeted therapy for unresectable pancreatic cancer based on common molecular targets and tumor immunity-related therapeutic targets, in order to provide new treatment strategies for patients with pancreatic cancer.Key words:Pancreatic Neoplasms; Molecular Targeted Therapy; ImmunotherapyResearch funding:Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China (2020JJ8084)胰腺癌是一种起病隐匿、进展迅速、疗效及预后极差的恶性肿瘤,大多数患者确诊时已经属于晚期。
【关键词】美洲大蠊多肽PAP—2、H22荷瘤小鼠、抑瘤作用、提取和纯化、荷瘤小鼠模型、机制探讨、实验结果分析、展望未来研究方向、重要性和意义1. 引言1.1 研究背景肿瘤是一种危害人类健康的严重疾病,世界卫生组织统计数据显示,肿瘤已经成为影响人类寿命的主要因素之一。
1.2 研究目的本研究旨在探究美洲大蠊多肽PAP-2对H22荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤作用机制,从而为开发新的抗肿瘤药物提供理论依据和临床应用价值。
具体目的包括:1. 研究美洲大蠊多肽PAP-2的提取和纯化方法,确保实验所用样品的纯度和有效性;2. 建立H22荷瘤小鼠模型,为后续的抗肿瘤实验奠定基础;3. 观察美洲大蠊多肽PAP-2对H22荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤作用,包括肿瘤体积、生长速度和生存周期等指标的变化;4. 探讨美洲大蠊多肽PAP-2的抗肿瘤机制,为其临床应用提供理论支持;5. 对实验结果进行详细的数据分析,评估美洲大蠊多肽PAP-2在抗肿瘤治疗中的潜力和优势。
阻生的智齿可以引发智齿冠周炎或相邻第二磨牙的牙体和牙周疾病,改良型富血小板纤维蛋白(Advanced-Platelet-rich fibrin,A-PRF)是二代血小板浓缩制品富血小板纤维蛋白(Platelet Rich Fibrin,PRF)的改良版,在PRF的基础上,采用低速延时的方法,得到更为疏松的结构,有利于细胞的增殖和分化。
实验方法:所有48名患者术前均拍摄全口曲面断层片及锥形术CT(cone beam computed tomography,CBCT),术前评估智齿的阻生类型、牙根情况及牙槽骨缺损情况,局部麻醉下给与患者拔除阻生牙,A-PRF组在拔除阻生牙的同时采集自体静脉血,以1500r/min的转速离心14分钟,得到改良型富血小板纤维蛋白凝胶,等阻生牙拔除后,将改良型富血小板纤维蛋白凝胶填入拔牙创内,等待牙槽窝内血液充盈,采用半8字交叉缝合法严密缝合创口。
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-484X.2023.09.011双氢青蒿素通过调节TGF-β/Smad通路改善小鼠接触性皮炎①孙鸣远②金权鑫③张馨元张琪李芳芳金桂花(延边大学医学院免疫学与病原生物学教研室,延吉 133002)中图分类号R284.2 文献标志码 A 文章编号1000-484X(2023)09-1852-06[摘要]目的:探讨双氢青蒿素(DHA)对小鼠接触性皮炎(CHS)的抑制作用及机制。
方法:0.5%2,4-二硝基氟苯(DNFB)涂抹小鼠腹部连续2 d致敏,5 d后用0.25%DNFB涂抹左耳发敏,右耳涂抹丙酮和橄榄油混合液作为对照,于致敏前2 d灌胃给予DHA处理。
ELISA检测血清IL-6、IFN-γ、IL-10、TGF-β和单核细胞趋化蛋白(MCP)-1变化,Western blot检测皮肤Smad2和Smad3磷酸化水平,流式细胞术检测皮肤和脾脏免疫细胞浸润情况。
Western blot结果表明DHA处理显著抑制皮肤Smad2和Smad3磷酸化水平(P<0.05)。
[关键词]接触性皮炎;双氢青蒿素;TGF-β;Smad2/3Dihydroartemisinin ameliorates contact hypersensitivity in mice by regulating TGF-β/Smad signaling pathwaySUN Mingyuan, JIN Quanxin, ZHANG Xinyuan, ZHANG Qi, LI Fangfang, JIN Guihua. Department of Immunology and Pathogenic Biology, Yanbian University Medical College, Yanji 133002, China[Abstract]Objective:To investigate inhibition of dihydroartemisinin (DHA) on contact hypersensitivity (CHS) in mice and its mechanisms. Methods:Mice were sensitized with 0.5%2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB)on shaved abdominal flank skin for 2 consecutive days, and CHS was elicited by 0.25%DNFB on left ear 5 days later. Right ear was treated with acetone/olive-oil alone as control. Mice were given DHA orally 2 days before sensitization. Skin histopathological changes were observed by HE staining,infiltra‐tions of CD4+T and CD8+T cells in ear skin were observed by immunohistochemical staining, and spleen index was detected. Serum IL-6,IFN-γ, IL-10, TGF-β and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1 changes were detected by ELISA, skin Smad2 and Smad3 phos‐phorylation levels were detected by Western blot,and skin and spleen immune cells infiltration were detected by flow cytometry. Results:DHA significantly improved ear swelling, skin erythema and spleen index of CHS mice (P<0.05). Histopathological analysis revealed that degree of edema and cellular infiltration were markedly decreased in DHA-treated CHS mice. Flow cytometry results show that DHA treatment significantly decreased CD4+T cells, CD8+T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages infiltration in ear skin and spleen (P<0.05). ELISA results showed that DHA treatment also diminished serum levels of IL-6, IFN-γ, TGF-β and MCP-1 compared with model group (P<0.05). Western blot showed that Smad2 and Smad3 phosphorylation were normalized by DHA treat‐ment (P<0.05). Conclusion:DHA suppresses CHS by reducing infiltration of immune cells and regulating TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway, which provides a new drug selection and experimental basis for CHS treatment.[Key words]Contact hypersensitivity;Dihydroartemisinin;TGF-β;Smad2/3①本文为国家自然科学基金项目(81960305)。
半胱氨酸脲基甲基化 英文
半胱氨酸脲基甲基化英文英文回答:Cysteine carbamylation is a post-translational modification (PTM) in which a carbamyl group is added to the side chain of cysteine residues. This modification can alter the structure and function of proteins, and has been implicated in a variety of diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.Cysteine carbamylation is catalyzed by the enzyme carbamyltransferase. This enzyme transfers a carbamyl group from carbamoyl phosphate to the side chain of cysteine residues. Carbamoyl phosphate is a high-energy moleculethat is synthesized from glutamine and bicarbonate.The reaction mechanism of cysteine carbamylation is as follows:1. Carbamoyltransferase binds to carbamoyl phosphateand a cysteine-containing protein.2. Carbamoyltransferase transfers the carbamyl group from carbamoyl phosphate to the side chain of a cysteine residue.3. Carbamoyltransferase releases the carbamylated protein.Cysteine carbamylation can have a variety of effects on the structure and function of proteins. For example, carbamylation can alter the charge of a protein, which can affect its interactions with other proteins. Carbamylation can also alter the stability of a protein, which can affect its function.Cysteine carbamylation has been implicated in a variety of diseases, including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. For example, cysteine carbamylation has been shown to promote the growth of cancer cells and to contribute to the development of Alzheimer's disease.Cysteine carbamylation is a reversible modification. The enzyme carbamidase can remove the carbamyl group from cysteine residues. Carbamidase is a zinc-dependent enzyme that is expressed in a variety of tissues.Cysteine carbamylation is a complex and dynamic process that plays an important role in a variety of cellular processes. Further research is needed to understand therole of cysteine carbamylation in health and disease.中文回答:半胱氨酸脲基甲基化。
大多数神经退行性疾病的发病机制尚不清楚,但越来越多的证据表明,神经退行性疾病的发病机制与兴奋毒素和氧化应激有Berberine inhibits erastin-induced ferroptosis of mouse hippocampal neuronal cells possibly by activating the Nrf2-HO-1/GPX4pathwayHUANG Qingyang 1,JI Dongdong 1,TIAN Xiuyun 1,MA Linyan 2,SUN Xiaojin 21Department of Clinical Medicine,2Department of Pharmacy,Bengbu Medical College,Biochemical Drugs Engineering and Technological Research Center of Anhui Province,Bengbu 233030,China摘要:目的探讨小檗碱对于Erastin 诱导小鼠海马神经元HT22细胞的铁死亡的保护作用及其可能机制。
方法以HT22小鼠海马神经元细胞为研究对象,分为对照组、Erastin 模型组、Erastin+30μmol/L BBR 组、Erastin+60μmol/L BBR 组。
致癌因素 p53等基因突变
瓦博格 效应
Hfm α链CD3His
酶蛋白 β链CD3Ser、E10Lys
细胞高增生 低凋亡 低分化
谷胱甘肽过氧化物(ɡuò yǎnɡ huà wù)酶以还原型 谷胱甘肽(GSH)作为供氢体来分解H2O2, 生成氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG),使细胞内 GSH:GSSG的比率下降。GSH生成GSSG过 程中形成肿瘤细胞的低氧状态,激活氧 感受器和缺氧信号传导通路。
(DNA damage checkpoint)
DNA复制检查点 (DNA replication checkpoint)
(spindle assembly checkpoint)
由于瓦格博效应,在低氧诱导因子( hypoxia inducible factor,HIF)的介 导下,血管内皮生长因子(V EGF) mRNA转录和稳定性增加,且VEGF受体表 达上调, VEGF的生物学效应增强。其表 达的结果(jiē guǒ)是增加血管分支形成, 增 强血流量。
以6-磷酸(lín suān)葡萄糖开始,在6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶 催化下形成6-磷酸葡萄糖酸,进而代谢生成以磷酸 戊糖为中间代谢物的过程,称为磷酸戊糖途径,简 称PPP途径。 反应部位:胞浆 重要反应产物:NADPH、5-磷酸核糖 限速酶(启动因子):6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶
非节段型白癜风患者黑素细胞自噬及脱落的研究进展胡孟娇;武松江【期刊名称】《中国美容医学》【年(卷),期】2017(026)006【摘要】Vitiligo due to the loss of melanocytes in the epidermis or dysfunction of the formation of clinical common pigmentation spots, the specific mechanism has not yet fully elucidated. Recent studies of melanocytic autophagy and melanocytorrhagy have matured.Low level of autophagy may damage the melanocyte antioxidant defense system leading to vitiligo. Researchers who support for melanocyte shedding theory pointed out that non-segmental vitiligo(NSV) Epithelialcadmium(Ecad) within the epidermis mediated intercellular adhesion abnormalities, which can cause melanocytes and adjacent keratinocytes between Adhesion defects, then combined with mechanical stress and other effects through the impact of a variety of intracellular signals, melanocytes from the base layer to escape, and ultimately lost through the epidermis. This article will make an overview about the research progress of melanocyte autophagy and melanocyte shedding, and the possible correlation between the two theories.They may provide a direction for the pathogenesis of non-segmental vitiligo and targeted therapy.%白癜风(vitiligo)多因表皮中黑素细胞丢失或功能低下而形成色素脱失斑,其具体机制尚未完全阐明.近来黑素细胞自噬学说以及黑素细胞脱落(melanocytorrhagy)学说趋于成熟.黑素细胞自噬学说支持者认为自噬水平低下可能破坏黑素细胞抗氧化防御系统从而导致白癜风发病;黑素细胞脱落学说指出,非节段型白癜风(non-segmental vitiligo,NSV)患者表皮内由于上皮型钙黏素(E-cadherin,Ecad)所介导的细胞间黏附异常可引起黑素细胞与邻近角质形成细胞之间出现黏附缺陷,加之机械应力等作用后通过影响多种胞内信号,黑素细胞自基底层逃逸,最终经表皮丢失.本文将黑素细胞自噬与黑素细胞脱落的研究进展,以及两者间可能存在的相关性作一概述,为非节段型白癜风发病机制和靶向治疗提供方向.【总页数】3页(P137-139)【作者】胡孟娇;武松江【作者单位】南华大学湖南衡阳 421001;南华大学附属第一医院皮肤科湖南衡阳 421001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R758.4+1【相关文献】1.黑素细胞自噬与老年白癜风患者临床类型的关系 [J], 王华清2.非节段型白癜风患者血清硫酸脱氢表雄酮水平的变化及意义 [J], 吴海城;樊凯文;黄珍3.CXCL10、CXCL16在非节段型白癜风患者外周血的表达及临床意义 [J], 雷田兵; 罗模桂; 刘官智4.节段型与非节段型白癜风临床特征比较及治疗现状初步调查 [J], 叶莹;周莲宝;项蕾红5.黑素细胞原代培养自体移植治疗节段型白癜风 [J], 徐小珂;何威;张春明;钟白玉;叶庆佾;刘荣卿因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
富血小板血纤蛋白与其他生物材料联合用于牙周组织修复郭天奇;周延民;赵静辉;储顺礼;孙千月;罗雯静;马珊珊【期刊名称】《国际口腔医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(000)002【摘要】Platelet-richfibrin(PRF)isderivedfromautologousbloodwithoutaddingheterologyorar tificialagents.PRFpresentsaspecialmicrostructurethatprovidesacompatiblesu bstrateforcellproliferationandmigration.PRFalsocontainsvariouscytokinesth atcanpromotehealingandregenerationofdamagedtissues.Thefeasibilityofap plyingPRFas a biological scaffold to repair periodontal tissues and combining it with other biomaterials to refine repairing effect has beeninvestigatedbymanyresearchers.ThemechanismofPRFinpromotingtissu eregenerationhasbeenfurtherstudied.Thispaperpresentsareviewofstudieson theapplicationofPRFcombinedwithotherbiologicalmaterialsinperiodontaltis suerepairandthemolecularmechanismofPRFinpromotingtissueregeneration. However,themechanismsofPRFinpromoting tissue regeneration must be further elucidated.%富血小板血纤蛋白(PRF)独特的三维空间架构,赋予其较大的内表面积,非常有利于生长因子的黏附和细胞的迁移,自身大量的内源性生长因子使其对组织细胞的生长分化有较强的促进作用。
自噬诱导剂海藻糖对帕金森症小鼠的治疗作用吴锋;秦巨峰【期刊名称】《交通医学》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【摘要】Objective: To explore the effect of trehalose in the MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease. Methods: The number of surviving dopaminergic (DA) neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and levels of dopamine and its main metabolites, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in striatum were evaluated. Re-sults: Trehalose rescued midbrain DA neurons from MPTP toxicity and increased the levels of dopamine, DOPAC, and HVA in striatum. Conclusion:Trehalose could be used for treatment of Parkinson’s disease.%目的:探讨自噬诱导剂海藻糖对帕金森症小鼠的治疗作用。
【摘要】@@ 脆性组氨酸三联体 ( Fragile histidine triad, FHIT) 基因最近在国外成功分离并定位于染色体 3p14.2. FHIT基因不仅横跨家族性肾细胞癌的易位断点t(3 ∶ 8)(p14.2;q24), 同时也见于大多数人类的共同脆性位点 FRA3B[1]. 研究发现 FHIT基因结构异常及表达缺失见于多种类型的肿瘤细胞株和原发癌组织 , 包括肺癌、乳腺癌、头颈部癌、食道癌、胃癌、胰腺癌、肾癌和宫颈癌等 [2~ 4], 这说明它可能是多种肿瘤的抑制基因 , 在人类恶性肿瘤的发生中 , 其作用可能不亚于p53[5].
高侵袭性特殊分子特征肾细胞癌的外科治疗决策及其价值 (“大家泌尿网”观看手术视频)
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Fluid mechanics relevant to flow through pretreatment of cellulosicbiomassVéronique Archambault-Léger a ,b ,Lee R.Lynd a ,b ,c ,⇑aDartmouth College,Hanover,NH 03755,United StatesbDOE BioEnergy Science Center,Oak Ridge National Laboratory,Oak Ridge,TN 37831,United States cMascoma Corporation,Lebanon,NH 03766,United Statesh i g h l i g h t sCompaction of biomass,water absorption and fine particles increase pressure drop. Bagasse and switchgrass require more water than poplar to operate in a FT mode. Pretreatment pressure drop is unpredictable from measurements at room temperature. Water flow compressed switchgrass and bagasse above threshold initial loadings. Viscous compression was not observed with poplar.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 18October 2013Received in revised form 8January 2014Accepted 12January 2014Available online 21January 2014Keywords:Flow through Pretreatment Pressure drop BagasseFluid mechanicsa b s t r a c tThe present study investigates fluid mechanical properties of cellulosic feedstocks relevant to flow through (FT)pretreatment for biological conversion of cellulosic biomass.The results inform identifying conditions for which FT pretreatment can be implemented in a practical context.Measurements of pres-sure drop across packed beds,viscous compaction and water absorption are reported for milled and not milled sugarcane bagasse,switchgrass and poplar,and important factors impacting viscous flow are ing biomass knife-milled to pass through a 2mm sieve,the observed pressure drop was high-est for bagasse,intermediate for switchgrass and lowest for poplar.The highest pressure drop was asso-ciated with the presence of more fine particles,greater viscous compaction and the degree of water ing bagasse without particle size reduction,the instability of the reactor during pretreat-ment above 140kg/m 3sets an upper bound on the allowable concentration for continuous stable flow.Ó2014Published by Elsevier Ltd.1IntroductionProducing fuel from lignocellulosic biomass is of interest in the context of developing a sustainable global energy system (International Energy Agency,2012).The main obstacle impeding production of cost-competitive cellulosic biofuels is the high cost of converting cellulosic feedstocks to reactive intermediates,termed biomass recalcitrance (Lynd et al.,1999;Himmel et al.,2007).In the case of biological conversion of cellulosic biomass to sugars,it has been widely observed that a pretreatment step is necessary in order to achieve high solubilization yields (Mosier et al.,2005;Wyman et al.,2005).There are a wide variety of pre-treatment processes,generally involving elevated temperature and pressure and in some cases added chemicals (Mosier et al.,2005;Wyman et al.,2005;Yang and Wyman,2008).Pretreatment has multiple objectives that are difficult to achieve at once includ-ing high recovery of sugars in concentrated form and high yields and rates upon subsequent hydrolysis (Dale and Ong,2012).Pre-treatment operated in a flow through (FT)mode typically achieves higher solids reactivity,higher xylan removal,less sugar degrada-tion and substantially higher removal of lignin compared to pre-treatment in non FT configurations at the same temperature and residence time (Mosier et al.,2005;Wyman et al.,2005;Yang and Wyman,2008).Operation of FT configurations in a practical context is challenging because the higher water usage compared to non-flow configuration dilutes the sugar streams and increases energy/10.1016/j.biortech.2014.01.0350960-8524/Ó2014Published by Elsevier Ltd.⇑Corresponding author at:Dartmouth College,14Engineering Drive,Hanover,NH 03755,United States.Tel.:+1(603)6462231.E-mail addresses:Veronique.Archambault-Leger@ (V.Archambault-Léger),Lee.R.Lynd@ (L.R.Lynd).consumption(Bobleter,1994).Several configurations have been proposed and investigated to address these concerns including‘‘recirculationflow’’,‘‘partialflow’’and‘‘counter-current flow’’(Bobleter,1994;Liu and Wyman,2005;Shao and Lynd, 2013).Operation of FT is also challenging because of the mechanical complexities of arranging a reactor of biomass in aflow type configuration at elevated temperature(180–220°C)and pressure (1000–2000kPa).Although continuous counter-currentflow oper-ation is common in the wood pulp and paper industry(Marcoccia et al.,2000)and has been reported for wheat straw pretreatment at a pilot scale(Thomsen et al.,2008),operating continuous FT pretreatment at scale is challenging and few studies have reported relatedfluid mechanics.Kim et al.(2001,2002)used an inclined screw reactor designed by NREL intended to achieve counter currentflow as a result of water draining to the bottom of the reactor.The reactor was found to be suitable for large particle size softwood residues,but it was unsuitable for severely pretreated softwood,poplar sawdust and chips.For these unsuitable substrates,the abundance offine parti-cles and smaller average particle size allowed lower drainage rates and caused problems such as compaction,lower void volume,in-creased pressure drop,blocking,channeling,packing andfilter clogging.Sugarcane bagasse’s mechanical properties are very prone to cause high resistance toflow(Plaza et al.,2002)making continuous FT pretreatment particularly challenging to implement.The relevantfluid mechanics,including the pressure drop,must be better understood to address the mechanical complexities of arranging a reactor of bagasse in aflow type configuration.It has been shown that laminarflow through a packed biomass reactor follows Darcy’s law,described in Eq.(1)(Plaza et al.,2002):D P=Q¼l L=KA¼l R=A;ð1Þwhere D P(Pa)is the pressure drop across a porous media,Q(m3/s) is the volumetricflow rate,l(cP)is thefluid viscosity,L(m)is the porous media length,K(m2)is the porous media permeability,R (mÀ1)is the porous media resistance and A(m2)is the cross-sectional area.The resistance of the media is a function of porosity, which is in turn a function of solids shape and size,compression, swelling or water absorption,temperature and pressure.Porosity, or void volume,is the fraction of free liquid.The remainder of the reactor is occupied by the solid particles.The solids contain a frac-tion of solid material and a fraction of pore volume containing bound water and air.The free liquid fraction decreases when the bed is compressed or when the solids swell or absorb water,result-ing in a smaller void fraction available forflow and thus a higher resistance toflow.The specific resistance of a porous media can be determined from the graph of media resistance against the mass of solids per unit area.In order to assess the feasibility of operating pretreatment in a FT mode at scale for sugarcane bagasse,the present study mea-sures keyfluid mechanical properties.2.Methods2.1.MaterialBiomass description,analysis and handling were performed as described previously(Archambault-Leger et al.,2012).Switchgrass harvested in November was provided by the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center(BER DE-FC02-07ER64494).Sugarcane bagasse was harvested in the fall and kindly provided by Louisiana State University.The biomass glucan,xylan/mannan/galactan(XMG), arabinan and Klason lignin composition is shown in Table1.2.2.Pressure drop apparatus and experimentsAn apparatus,illustrated in Fig.1,was designed and built to study thefluid mechanics of waterflow through biomass packed beds at reaction temperature(160–220°C)and pressure(1000–2000kPa).The apparatus was a66cm long stainless steel pipe with an internal diameter of4.9cmflanged on both ends to stain-less steel manifold blocks,and featured a threaded water inlet and outlet,filters to retain the biomass within the pipe,pressure and temperature monitoring and pressure relief at the inlet allowing to maintain the pressure within35kPa of the set pressure.All pipes andfittings were stainless steel316L,including the0.1mm pore sizefilter placed at the outlet of the reactor to contain the sol-ids.The outlet piping diameter was kept constant(1/200)and the hydrolyzate onlyflowed downward to the collection tank to min-imize the likelihood of solubilized solids recondensing and clog-ging the pipes upon cooling.The equipment was mounted solidly on an aluminum extrusion frame and fully enclosed in lexan sheets.The lexan enclosure was vented and the back panel was latched for easy access to the apparatus.111±1g of bagasse or switchgrass(95kg/m3)or167±1g of poplar(140kg/m3)were soaked for24h and loaded in the1.17L reactor.The maximum solid concentration not requiring manual compaction during loading was chosen to ensure uniform solids distribution initially.When the pipe wasfilled with the desired amount of biomass,the top manifold block wasflanged to the pipe and the inlet and outlet pipes were screwed to the manifold blocks. The lexan panel was latched to the extrusion frame,making sure the apparatus was fully enclosed and the venting duct was opera-tional.Water was pumped through the reactor using a diaphragm pump(Wanner Engineering,MN)at500mL/min and room tem-perature.Once the outlet liquid was devoid of air bubbles,the sys-tem was pressurized by turning the back pressure regulator at the outlet stream to2000kPa.With the back pressure valve set to 2000kPa,band heaters(Thermal Corporation,AL)installed on the reactor and a circulation heater(Durex Industries Inc.)were turned on and set at the desired temperature(170–200°C).The start of the reaction time was set arbitrarily as the time when the heaters are turned on and the heating time was observed to be about15min by monitoring the temperature inside the bottom and top of the reactor with a thermocouple(Omega Engineering Inc.).The pressure drop was measured throughout the experiment with differential pressure gauges(Orange Research Inc.).After 20min at reaction temperature,the heaters were turned off.The waterflow was stopped and the reactor was depressurized when the temperature at the outlet of the reactor dropped below60°C. Experiments were performed in duplicates.When the pipe was at atmospheric pressure and its tempera-ture was below60°C,the inlet and outlet pipes were disconnected from the manifold blocks and the top manifold block was removed. Compressed air at about140–200kPa was fed to the bottom man-ifold block to push the biomass out and to collect it.The biomass samples and collected hydrolysate were refrigerated for later analysis.Table1Feedstock sugar composition before pretreatment with the standard deviation on duplicates.%Glucan%XMG%Arabinan%LigninSwitchgrass37.9±0.524.4±0.3 3.0±0.218.0±0.8 Sugarcane bagasse38.6±1.122.1±0.7 1.9±0.120.9±1.9 Poplar37.8±0.516.1±1.30.9±0.221.9±0.5V.Archambault-Léger,L.R.Lynd/Bioresource Technology157(2014)278–2832792.3.Specific resistance calculationDarcy’s law(Eq.(1))can be manipulated as follows to estimate pressure losses from design parameters and empirical specific resistance:D P=L¼a l cQ=Að2Þwhere D P(Pa)is the pressure drop across a porous media,Q(m3/s) is the volumetricflow rate,l(cP)is thefluid viscosity,L(m)is the porous media length,K(m2)is the porous media permeability,A (m2)is the cross-sectional area,c(kg/m3)is the solids concentration and a(mÀ1)is specific resistance of the porous media.In order to measure the specific resistance of a sugarcane bagasse reactor,pres-sure drop was plotted againstflow rate for various bed lengths.An example of this graph is provided in Appendix A,Fig.A1.The slope of each line on this graph is the porous media resistance for a par-ticular bed length.The porous media resistance is then plotted against the dry mass per unit area(Fig.A2),which slope indicates the measured specific resistance for a particular solid concentration.2.4.Viscous compactionWhen the solids were pushed out of the reactor with com-pressed air,they retained their shape.They were separated in mul-tiple sections and the length of each section was measured.They were then dried in a102°C oven and weighed.The concentration, c(kg/m3),of each section of the pipe as a function of initial bed length was calculated using Eq.(3):C¼W=AL;ð3Þwhere L was the section’s length(m),A was its cross-sectional area (m2)and W was its dry solids weight(kg).2.5.Water absorptionA well mixed sample with known moisture content was weighed in an aluminum weigh boat with known weight.Water was added to the weigh boat to completely submerge the sample. The solids soaked in water for48h.Two procedures were used to measure the solids moisture content at saturation.In thefirst pro-cedure,termed saturation moisture after draining water,the ex-cess water was poured through a0.1mmfilter and the sample as weighed.In the second procedure,termed saturation moisture after vacuumfiltration,the sample was transferred to a Büchner funnel equipped with a40l mfilter(material and distributor) and vacuumfiltrated.The sample was transferred back to its weigh boat and weighed.The saturation moisture,m,was calculated using Eq.(4):M¼1ÀðM dry solidsÀM weight boatÞ=ðM saturated solidsÀM weight boatÞð4Þ3.Results and discussion3.1.Pressure drop correlations and scale up predictionSpecific resistances,corresponding to the derivative of the cake resistances per area density,were measured in a200pipe at room temperature and pressure for milled bagasse concentrations of 100,150and200kg/m3.The pressure drop per unit length was cal-culated from the measured specific resistances for a30m long,2m diameter bagasse reactor with a superficial velocity of0.033m/s. The calculated pressure drops are about12,300kPa/m at 200kg/m3,2580kPa/m at150kg/m3and about197kPa/m at 100kg/m3.The pressure drop,proportional to water viscosity, was expected to be5.6times lower at220°C than at25°C because of the lower water viscosity(Fig.A3).Nevertheless,the instability of the reactor due to the pretreatment reaction impeded predicting pressure drop at reaction temperature from measurements at room temperature.Thus,pressure drop data must be collected at pretreatment reaction condition.3.2.Time profile of pressure drop across the reactor for various feedstocksPressure drop across packed beds was monitored during the hot water FT pretreatment of bagasse,switchgrass and poplar milled to pass through a2mm sieve.Sugar cane bagasse and switchgrass were initially loaded with95kg/m3and poplar with145kg/m3, the waterflow rate was500mL/min.The observed pressure drop due tofluidflow was highest through bagasse,intermediate for switchgrass,and lowest for poplar as shown in Fig.2.The pressure drop before the temperature was brought down and the reactor was depressurized was about248–296kPa/m in thebagasse Fig.1.Schematic diagram of the pressure drop apparatus.reactor,21kPa/m in the switchgrass reactor and smaller than 6kPa/m in the poplar reactor.During heat up and at the beginning of the reaction,pressure drop oscillations were observed as shown in Fig.2.The oscillations stopped after the reaction was complete.This unstable behavior suggests that close attention should be paid to the design of the reactor during large scale FT pretreatment implementation,for example by providing mixing to minimize compaction and rearrangement of the biomass bed.As the temperature was brought down,the pressure drop increased linearly with increasing water viscosity,which increases with decreasing temperature according to the Arrhenius equation(Bird et al.,2002).An Arrhe-nius model for the temperature dependance of viscosity predicted the increase in pressure drop observed as the reactor was cooled, as shown in Appendix B.However,the temperature dependance of viscosity did not predict the pressure drop during the reaction due to the instability of the biomass bed.The compaction of the biomass,its water absorption and its particle size influenced pres-sure drop.3.3.Viscous compactionWaterflow exerts a viscous force on biomass,causing it to com-pact as illustrated for milled substrates in Fig.3.The horizontal lines in Fig.3indicate the initial concentration of the reactor and the data points indicate the concentration after the reaction along the length of the reactor.The viscous force is cumulative through the bed,as the waterflow pushes on thefirst layer of biomass, which then pushes on the second layer along with the waterflow and so on.Of the milled feedstocks studied,bagasse was the most susceptible to compaction.It compacted above a threshold initial concentration of95kg/m3and formed a plug containing about 450kg/m3at the water outlet.Switchgrass also compressed to a lesser extent compacting above a threshold initial concentration of95kg/m3and forming a plug containing about300kg/m3at the water outlet.Poplar did not compress significantly.Under-standing the viscous compaction during FT pretreatment for sev-eral feedstocks is important for designing a reactor with a solids concentration that will allowflow.Preventing compaction with mixing or other physical means would greatly reduce the observed pressure drop.3.4.Water absorptionWhen biomass absorbs water,free water becomes bound water, reducing the volume available for waterflow.Biomass behaves similarly to a sponge,absorbing and holding many times its weight in water.Fig.4illustrates the sponge like behavior of bagasse,pop-lar and switchgrass with and without particle size reduction as well as after pretreatment.Bagasse with no particle size reduction absorbed10.7times its weight in water,the most of all substrates studied.Poplar chips absorbed2.5times its weight in water,the least of all substrate studied.Keeping in mind that free water in the reactor is necessary forflow,the absorption behavior deter-mines how much biomass can be loaded in the FT reactor.There-fore,a bagasse FT reactor requires a much lower solidsV.Archambault-Léger,L.R.Lynd/Bioresource Technology157(2014)278–283281Fig.2.No pressure drop was detected for reactors packed with the same initial concentration of bagasse with no particle size reduc-tion.Hence,smaller average particle size causes larger pressure drop.Flow through milled bagasse is neither practical from afluid mechanical perspective because the pressure drop per unit length is too high nor from a logistical perspective because an additional size reduction processing step is undesirable.The pressure drop across a reactor of bagasse as received from the sugar mill diffusers is of greater practical interest.At room temperature,the pressure drop across the reactor packed with100kg/m3of bagasse as received was below6kPa/m.At120kg/m3,the pressure drop was34kPa/m and it increased exponentially to192kPa/m at 200kg/m3.Noflow was possible at400kg/m3.The pressure drop per unit length at different bagasse concen-tration during the pretreatment reaction is plotted in Fig.5A and zoomed in for the low pressure drop conditions in Fig.5B.Fig.5C shows the temperature profiles corresponding to the reactions plotted in Fig.5A and B.At pretreatment temperature and pres-sure,the pressure drop decreases slightly for reactors initially loaded with140kg/m3solids or less as expected from the decrease in water viscosity.However,at150kg/m3the pressure shoots up uncontrollably at the end of the reaction at about175°C.At 170–200kg/m3the pressure shoots up uncontrollably at the begin-ning of the reaction as the temperature increases above100°C. This sharp rise in pressure is unacceptable in a practical context because it would lead to a highly unstable pretreatment process. This sets an upper bound of140kg/m3on the bagasse concentra-tion acceptable for practical pretreatment operation in a FT mode. Since the skeletal density of bagasse is about1500kg/m3(Rasul et al.,1999),this corresponds to a low bound of6:1on the allow-able mass ratio of liquid to solids for FT operation.The sharp rise in pressure seen at pretreatment conditions is a consequence of the non-ideality of the reactionfluid mechanics and indicates that the pressure drop at reaction conditions cannot be predicted from the reactor behavior at room temperature.4.ConclusionsBagasse and switchgrass require more water than poplar to pro-cess in aflow-through mode.Higher pressure drop was associated with greater biomass compaction,greater water absorption,more fine particles and smaller average particle size.The instability of the bagasse bed during pretreatment above140kg/m3sets an upper bound on the allowable concentration for continuous stable flow.The data provided in this study provide useful information to identify conditions for which FT pretreatment can be implemented in a practical context.Further work on thermodynamic and eco-nomic considerations is required to define the feasible operating region for FT pretreatment.AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful for the support provided by funding Grants from the Link Energy Foundation,the BioEnergy Science Center(BESC),a U.S.Department of Energy(DOE)Research Center supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research in the DOE Office of Science,Oak Ridge National Laboratory,and Mascoma Corporation.Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by University of Tennessee UT-Battelle LLC for the Department of Energy under Contract No.DE-AC05-00OR22725.Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.biortech.2014.01. 035.ReferencesArchambault-Leger,V.,Shao,X.,Lynd,L.R.,2012.Integrated analysis of hydrothermalflowthrough pretreatment.Biotechnol.Biofuels5,49.Bird,R.B.,Stewart,W.E.,Lightfoot,E.N.,2002.Transport Phenomena.J.Wiley,New York.Bobleter,O.,1994.Hydrothermal degradation of polymers derived from plants.Prog.Polym.Sci.19,797–841.Dale,E.D.,Ong,R.G.,2012.Energy,wealth,and human development:why and how biomass pretreatment research must improve.Biotechnol.Prog.284,893–898. 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