2021 年度诺贝尔化学奖:大道至简

大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2022, 37 (1), 2112014 (1 of 5)收稿:2021-12-07;录用:2021-12-17;网络发表:2021-12-22*通讯作者,Email:******************.cn基金资助:国家自然科学基金(21825108)•今日化学• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202112014 2021年度诺贝尔化学奖:大道至简冯向青1,2,杜海峰1,2,*1中国科学院化学研究所分子识别与功能院重点实验室,北京 1001902中国科学院大学,北京 100049摘要:有机小分子成为继酶和金属催化剂之后发展的一类新型催化剂,被称为第三类催化。
关键词:手性;不对称催化;有机小分子催化;诺贝尔化学奖中图分类号:G64;O6The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Simpler the BetterXiangqing Feng 1,2, Haifeng Du 1,2,*1 CAS Key Laboratory of Molecular Recognition and Function, Institute for Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China.2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.Abstract: Organic molecules have become one novel type of catalysts developed after enzymes and metal catalysts, which are named as organocalysis, the third type of catalysis. As a new tool toward the precise construction of molecules, organocatalysis has a huge impact on the development of chiral new drugs, which has been used in the fields of pharmacy, pesticides, chemicals, materials, and so on. The 2021 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to German chemist Benjamin List and American chemist David W. C. MacMillan for their pioneering and important contributions to this field. This article will briefly describe chirality and asymmetric catalysis, especially, the history of organocatalysis development, its advantages and future prospects.Key Words: Chirality; Asymmetric catalysis; Organic small molecule catalysis; Nobel prize in chemistry1 2021年诺贝尔化学奖获得者简介2021年10月6日,长期被戏称为“理综奖”的诺贝尔化学奖被授予“对于有机小分子不对称催化[1]的重要贡献”的两位化学家,分别是德国化学家本杰明∙利斯特(Benjamin List)和美国化学家戴维∙麦克米伦(David W. C. MacMillan)。
Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum

Applied Soil Ecology 47 (2011) 98–105Contents lists available at ScienceDirectApplied SoilEcologyj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /a p s o ilInteraction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Trichoderma harzianum under conventional and low input fertilization field condition in melon crops:Growth response and Fusarium wilt biocontrolAinhoa Martínez-Medina ∗,Antonio Roldán,Jose A.PascualDepartment of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management,CSIC-Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura.Campus Universitario de Espinardo,E-30100Espinardo,Murcia,Spaina r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 16April 2010Received in revised form 12November 2010Accepted 17November 2010Keywords:Biocontrol FertilizerFusarium oxysporum Glomus sp.MelonTrichoderma harzianuma b s t r a c tThe objective of this work was to evaluate the interactions between four arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)(Glomus intraradices ,Glomus mosseae ,Glomus claroideum ,and Glomus constrictum )and the ben-eficial fungus Trichoderma harzianum ,inoculated in a greenhouse nursery,with regard to their effects on melon crop growth under conventional and integrated-system field conditions,and the biocontrol effect against Fusarium wilt.A synergistic effect on AM root colonization due to the interaction between T.harzianum and G.constrictum or G.intraradices ,was observed under a reduced fertilizer dosage,while no significant effect was observed for G.claroideum or G.mosseae.With the reduced fertilizer input,AMF-inoculated plants and T.harzianum -inoculated plants had improved shoot weight and nutritional status,but the combined inoculation of AMF and T.harzianum did not result in an additive effect.Under the con-ventional fertilizer dosage,plant growth was not influenced by AM formation;however,it was increased significantly in T.harzianum -inoculated plants.The AMF-inoculated plants were effective in controlling Fusarium wilt,G.mosseae -inoculated plants showing the greatest capacity for reduction of disease inci-dence.The T.harzianum -inoculated plants were more effective than AMF-inoculated plants with regard to suppressing disease incidence.Co-inoculation of plants with the AMF and T.harzianum produced a more effective control of Fusarium wilt than each AMF inoculated alone,but with an effectiveness similar to that of T.harzianum -inoculated plants.© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn recent years,low-input agricultural systems have gained increasing importance in many industrialized countries,for reduc-tion of environmental degradation (Mäder et al.,2002).Integrated farming systems with reduced inputs of fertilizers and pesticides have been developed.It is under these conditions that plants are expected to be particularly dependent on beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms (Smith et al.,1997).Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)are key components of soil microbiota and form symbiotic relationships with the roots of most terrestrial plants,improving the nutritional status of their host and protecting it against several soil-borne plant pathogens (Smith et al.,1997;Harrison,1999;Bi et al.,2007).The incidence and the effect of root colonization vary depending on the plant species and the AMF (Jeffries and Barea,2001);they are influenced by soil microorganisms and environmental factors (Azcón-Aguilar∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+34968396339;fax:+34968396213.E-mail (A.Martínez-Medina).and Barea,1992;Bowen and Rovira,1999).Trichoderma a common component of rhizosphere soil and has been reported to suppress a great number of plant diseases (Chet,1987;Harman and Lumsden,1990;De Meyer et al.,1998;Elad,2000;Howell,2003).Some strains,also,have been reported to colonize the root sur-face,enhancing root growth and development,crop productivity,resistance to abiotic stresses,and the uptake and use of nutrients (Ousley et al.,1994;Björkman et al.,1998;Harman and Björkman,1998;Rabeendran et al.,2000;Harman et al.,2004).Several reports have demonstrated that the interaction of these two groups of microorganisms may be beneficial for both plant growth and plant disease control (Linderman,1992;Barea et al.,1997;Saldajeno et al.,2008;Martínez-Medina et al.,2009a ).A syn-ergistic effect of some saprophytic fungi on AMF spore germination and colonization has been confirmed (Calvet et al.,1993;McAllister et al.,1996;Fracchia et al.,1998).For example,it has been reported that some Trichoderma strains may influence AMF activity (Calvet et al.,1992,1993;Brimner and Boland,2003;Martinez et al.,2004;Martínez-Medina et al.,2009a ).Volatile and soluble exudates pro-duced by saprophytic fungi are involved in these effects (McAllister et al.,1994,1995;Fracchia et al.,1998).Nevertheless,the results0929-1393/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.11.010A.Martínez-Medina et al./Applied Soil Ecology47 (2011) 98–10599of research on the interactions between soil saprophytic and AM fungi differ widely,even when the same species of saprophytic fungi are involved.For example,Trichoderma harzianum has been found to have antagonistic,neutral,and stimulating effects on AMF (Rousseau et al.,1996;Siddiqui and Mahmood,1996;Fracchia et al., 1998;Godeas et al.,1999;Green et al.,1999;Martínez-Medina et al., 2009a).Little is known about the interactions between AMF and beneficial saprophytic fungi,and the few studies published on this topic do not provide any conclusivefindings(Green et al.,1999; Vázquez et al.,2000).Even more,the beneficial effect attributable to these interactions under controlled experimental conditions may not be reflected infield experiments(Calvet et al.,1992;McAllister et al.,1997;Fracchia et al.,1998;Vázquez et al.,2000;Martinez et al.,2004).The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of T.harzianum and four AMF,previously inoculated in a greenhouse nursery, with regard to melon plant growth and their potential biocontrol of Fusarium wilt,under different soil fertilization conditions.To achieve this aim,dual inoculation in a greenhouse nursery with four mycorrhizal fungi from the genus Glomus(G.constrictum,G. mosseae,G.claroideum and Glomus intraradices)and the fungus T. harzianum was evaluated in twofield experiments(under conven-tional conditions and with reduced fertilizer dosage,and under F. oxysporum pressure)for its effect on melon crops,with regard to(1)plant growth and(2)biocontrol of Fusarium wilt.2.Material and methods2.1.Host plant and fungal inoculaMelon plants(Cucumis melo L.,cv.“Giotto”)were used as the host plants.Plants were inoculated with T.harzianum and four dif-ferent AMF from the genus Glomus(G.constrictum,G.mosseae,G. claroideum,and G.intraradices)in a greenhouse nursery(Martínez-Medina et al.,2009a).Here,the AM inocula were mixed at a rate of20g kg−1of peat,while T.harzianum was added to reach a population density of1×106conidia g−1of peat,according to Martínez-Medina et al.(2009a).The AM fungal inoculum density was found to be35infective propagules per gram of inoculum. The isolate of T.harzianum,deposited in the Spanish Type Culture Collection(isolate CECT20714)by Centro de Edafología y Biologia Aplicada del Segura-CSIC(Spain),was chosen for this study owed to its high biocontrol capacity against F.oxysporum(Martínez-Medina et al.,2009a).T.harzianum inoculum was produced using a specific solid medium,prepared by mixing commercial oats,bentonite and vermiculite(1:2.5:5,w:v:v)according to Martínez-Medina et al. (2009b).The plants were grown in a peat-vermiculite mixture under nat-ural conditions,forfive weeks.They were irrigated manually,as necessary,during this period.Five weeks after planting,the melon plants were transplanted to thefield,at the Estación Experimen-tal Cuatro Caminos(Spain)(38◦11 N;1◦03 W),where they were arranged in a randomized design.Monoconidial Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.melonis was isolated from infected melon plants from a greenhouse nursery.For the production of inocula,the pathogen was cultivated for5days on potato dextrose broth(Scharlau Chemie,Barcelona,Spain),at28◦C in darkness,on a shaker at120rpm.After the incubation period,the fungal culture was centrifuged at193×g,10min,re-suspended in sterilized water,and re-centrifuged.The fungal suspension con-tained1×108conidia mL−1.2.2.Experimental design and growth conditionsTwo experiments,using a completely randomized design,were conducted separately.Thefirst experiment had three factors,thefirst factor withfive levels:non-inoculation and inoculation with four AMF(G.constrictum,G.mosseae,G.claroideum,or G. intraradices)in the greenhouse nursery.The second factor had two levels:non-inoculation and inoculation with T.harzianum,in the greenhouse nursery.The third factor had two levels:conventional and reduced fertilization dosage.To assess the effect of the fertilization on the interactions between the AMF and T.harzianum,half of the experiment was fertirrigated with a conventional fertilization dose for melon plants in the Mediterranean area:0.51g L−1NH4NO3and0.51g L−1 NH4H2PO4.The other half of the experiment was fertirrigated with 1/3of this dose.Eight replicates were established for each of the20 treatments.The second experiment had three factors,thefirst factor with five levels:non-inoculation and inoculation in the greenhouse nursery with four AMF(G.constrictum,G.mosseae,G.claroideum,or G.intraradices).The second factor had two levels:non-inoculation and inoculation in the greenhouse nursery with T.harzianum.The third factor had two levels:non-inoculation and inoculation with F.oxysporum.To assess the effect of the interactions between the AMF and T.harzianum on the potential biocontrol of Fusarium wilt, four weeks after planting,half of the melon plants were infected by F.oxysporum to reach afinal concentration of1×104conidia g−1 in the rhizosphere,while the other half was maintained as a control.Eight replicates were established for each of the20treat-ments.For both experiments,plants were planted1m apart,at a depth of10cm,in rows.The soil had a pH of8.04(1:1soil:water ratio), the NaHCO3-extractable P was26g g−1,total N was1mg g−1, and extractable K was289g g−1.The soil texture was39g kg−1 coarse sand,502g kg−1fine sand,301g kg−1silt,and158g kg−1 clay.Plants were grown for eleven weeks in thefield under natural conditions(the climate is semi-arid Mediterranean with an aver-age annual rainfall of300mm and a mean annual temperature of 19.2◦C;the potential evapo-transpiration reaches1000mm/year). Plants were fertirrigated automatically for10min every12h with 2.5L h−1water drippers.The fertilizer was added in fertigation at the following doses:0.13g L−1NH4NO3(total nitrogen:35.5%, nitric nitrogen:16.9%,ammoniacal nitrogen:17.6%)and0.13g L−1 NH4H2PO4(ammoniacal nitrogen:12%,soluble P2O5in neutral ammonium citrate:60%).Eleven weeks after planting,plants were harvested and rhi-zosphere samples were taken and stored at4◦C for biological and biochemical analyses.In thefirst experiment,the shoot fresh weight and the nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium contents were recorded as well as the fruit production.In the second experiment, further F.oxysporum-infected plants were determined.2.3.Plant analysesPlant samples for nutrient content analysis were digested by a microwave technique,using a Milestone Ethos I microwave diges-tion instrument.A standard aliquot(0.1g)of dry,finely ground plant material was digested with concentrated nitric acid(HNO3) (8mL)and hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)(2mL).Subsequently,the phosphorus and potassium contents were analyzed using ICP(Iris intrepid II XD2Thermo).Plant nitrogen content was determined using a Flash1112series EA carbon/nitrogen analyzer.Roots were softened with10%KOH in water bath and stained with0.05%trypan blue(Phillips and Hayman,1970).The per-centage root length colonized by AMF was calculated by the line intersect method(Giovannetti and Mosse,1980).Positive counts for AM colonization included the presence of vesicles,arbuscules, or typical mycelium within the roots.To determine the F.oxysporum colonization of inoculated plants, stem segments(∼1.5cm)from inoculated plants were cut imme-100 A.Martínez-Medina et al./Applied Soil Ecology47 (2011) 98–105 diately above crowns,surface-sterilized by soaking in1%sodiumhypochlorite for5min,and rinsed with sterilized water.Thesegments were incubated on PDA at28◦C for6days,and theappearance of F.oxysporum colonies was considered to be indica-tive of infected plants.The percentage of infected plants was usedto determine the disease incidence.2.4.Soil biological analysesSerial dilutions of1g of rhizosphere soil from the top0.3m,insterile,quarter-strength Ringer solution,were used for quantify-ing the T.harzianum colony forming units(CFU)by a plate counttechnique using PDA(Scharlau Chemie,Barcelona,Spain)amendedwith50mg L−1rose bengale and100mg L−1streptomycin sulfate.The plates were incubated at28◦C for5days.After the incubationperiod,CFUs were counted.Komada medium(Komada,1975)wasused for quantification of F.oxysporum.2.5.Statistical analysisThe data were subjected to analysis of variance(ANOVA)usingSPSS software(SPSS system for Windows,version15.0,SPSS Inc,Chicago,II).The statistical significance of the results was deter-mined by performing Duncan’s multiple-range test(P<0.05).3.Results3.1.Experiment I3.1.1.Plant shoot fresh weightIn treatments involving reduced fertilization,plants inoculatedwith T.harzianum alone had significantly increased shoot freshweight relative to the non-inoculated plants(Table1).The AMF-inoculated plants also showed increases in fresh weight,with nodifferences among the AMF.Plants co-inoculated with T.harzianumand AMF showed fresh weights similar to those of AMF-inoculatedplants.Conventionally fertilized plants had a higher fresh weightthan plants receiving a reduced dosage of fertilizer,the factor fer-tilization being highly significant(P<0.001)(Tables1and4).T.harzianum-inoculated plants receiving the conventional fertilizerdosage had an increased fresh weight compared with the non-inoculated plants,while the fresh weight of AMF-inoculated plantsdid not differ from that of the non-inoculated plants.Co-inoculated(T.harzianum-AMF)plants which were fertilized conventionallyexhibited fresh weights similar to those of AMF-inoculated plants(Table1).Table1Fresh shoot weight(g)of plants inoculated or not with Trichoderma harzianumand/or Glomus constrictum,Glomus mosseae,Glomus claroideum,or Glomusintraradices,under conventional and reduced fertilization dosages.Treatment Reduced fertilizerdose Conventional fertilizer doseNon-inoculated772±28c1156±27cG.constrictum890±64b1160±22cG.mosseae854±69b1291±56abc G.claroideum881±22b1154±45cG.intraradices884±47b1257±19abc T.harzianum1057±35a1378±80abG.constrictum×T.harzianum885±9b1166±77cG.mosseae×T.harzianum978±42ab1307±75abc G.claroideum×T.harzianum818±19b1233±121bc G.intraradices×T.harzianum911±14ab1288±55abcData are means±standard error of eight replicates.Values in the same column with the same letters,represent no significant difference between treatments according to Duncan’s multiple range test(P≤0.05),n= contentWith the low fertilizer dosage,total plant nitrogen was increased(P<0.001)in AMF-inoculated plants(Tables2and4). Inoculation of plants with T.harzianum increased the nitrogen content significantly.No additive effect for nitrogen content was observed in plants co-inoculated with T.harzianum and AMF;even negative effect could be observed in the case of plants co-inoculated with G.constrictum and T.harzianum.The plants co-inoculated with T.harzianum and G.mosseae showed higher nitrogen contents than plants co-inoculated with any other AMF.The conventional fer-tilization dose increased the plant nitrogen concentration in all treatments(P<0.001)(Tables3and4).The nitrogen content was increased in T.harzianum-inoculated plants,while no differences in nitrogen content were found in AMF-inoculated plants,compared to the non-inoculated plants.Co-inoculation with T.harzianum and AMF gave nitrogen values similar to those of plants inoculated with the AMF alone.Under reduced fertilizer dosage,the phosphorus concentration was increased(P<0.001)in plants which had been inoculated in the greenhouse nursery with G.mosseae,G.claroideum,or G.intraradices alone,but it was unaffected in G.constrictum-inoculated plants(Tables2and4).The phosphorus content of T.harzianum-inoculated plants at the reduced fertilizer dosage was increased with respect to the non-inoculated plants.The plants co-inoculated with T.harzianum and AMF showed phos-phorus levels similar to those of plants inoculated with the AMF alone.The conventional fertilizer application increased(P<0.001) the shoot phosphorus level in all the treatments compared with the lower dose(Tables3and4).The phosphorus content of T. harzianum-inoculated plants was not altered with respect to non-inoculated plants.A decreased phosphorus level was observed in AMF-inoculated plants,and in plants co-inoculated with AMF and T. harzianum,relative to non-inoculated plants.Co-inoculated plants showed lower phosphorus contents than T.harzianum-inoculated plants.With the low fertilizer dosage,the plant potassium con-tent was increased in plants which had been inoculated in the greenhouse nursery with the AMF(Table2).The potas-sium content of T.harzianum-inoculated plants was increased with respect to the non-inoculated plants,at the reduced fertil-izer dosage.The potassium contents of plants co-inoculated with T.harzianum and AMF were similar to those of plants inocu-lated with each AMF alone,with no differences among them or with respect to T.harzianum-inoculated plants.The factor fer-tilization was not significant for the plant potassium content (Table4).At the conventional fertilizer dosage,no differences in plant potassium content were found among the treatments (Table3).3.1.3.AM root colonizationInoculation in the greenhouse nursery with the different AMF produced a significant increase(P<0.001)in the AM root coloniza-tion underfield conditions(Fig.1).Under low fertilizer dosage,G. constrictum-and G.intraradices-inoculated plants showed higher percentages of AM root colonization than any other AMF tested. The lowest percentage of AM colonization was observed in G. claroideum-inoculated plants.Under the reduced fertilizer dosage, AM root colonization by G.constrictum or G.intraradices was increased(P<0.001)in plants which were also co-inoculated with T.harzianum,with respect to plants inoculated with AMF alone,but it was unaffected in plants co-inoculated with G. mosseae or G.claroideum and T.harzianum.The conventional fer-tilizer dosage produced,in general,a decreased percentage of AM root colonization(P<0.001)compared with the reduced fertilizer dose.A.Martínez-Medina et al./Applied Soil Ecology47 (2011) 98–105101Table2Shoot nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium contents(g per plant)of melon plants inoculated or not with Trichoderma harzianum and/or Glomus constrictum,Glomus mosseae, Glomus claroideum,or Glomus intraradices,under reduced fertilization dosage.Treatment Nitrogen Phosphorous PotassiumNon-inoculated 1.90±0.01c0.37±0.02c 1.18±0.09cG.constrictum 2.11±0.01b0.36±0.02c 1.56±0.16abG.mosseae 2.49±0.01ab0.62±0.17ab 1.73±0.40aG.claroideum 2.08±0.16b0.47±0.05b 1.51±0.16abG.intraradices 2.05±0.05b0.45±0.02b 1.34±0.21bT.harzianum 2.42±0.06ab0.88±0.09a 1.51±0.13abG.constrictum×T.harzianum 1.82±0.29c0.39±0.09bc 1.52±0.05abG.mosseae×T.harzianum 2.63±0.07a0.48±0.05b 1.66±0.44abG.claroideum×T.harzianum 1.94±0.11bc0.49±0.19b 1.29±0.59bG.intraradices×T.harzianum 2.07±0.23b0.41±0.01bc 1.33±0.46bData are means±standard error of eight replicates.Values in the same column with the same letters,represent no significant difference between treatments according to Duncan’s multiple range test(P≤0.05),n=8.Table3Shoot nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium contents(g per plant)of melon plants inoculated or not with Trichoderma harzianum and/or Glomus constrictum,Glomus mosseae, Glomus claroideum,or Glomus intraradices,under conventional fertilization dosage.Treatment Nitrogen Phosphorous PotassiumNon-inoculated 4.74±0.01bcd 1.49±0.15a 1.20±0.14abG.constrictum 4.39±0.05bcde 1.11±0.40bc 1.56±0.49abG.mosseae 4.80±0.49bcd 1.16±0.21bc 1.55±0.46abG.claroideum 4.19±0.34cde0.95±0.06c 1.19±0.28abG.intraradices 5.46±0.27ab 1.21±0.09bc 1.70±0.62aT.harzianum 5.72±0.81a 1.59±0.57a 1.78±0.84aG.constrictum×T.harzianum 3.73±0.32de0.98±0.42c 1.00±0.21abG.mosseae×T.harzianum 5.02±0.64abc 1.10±0.36bc 1.47±0.35abG.claroideum×T.harzianum 3.56±0.04e0.99±0.14c0.99±0.03bG.intraradices×T.harzianum 4.98±0.17abc0.93±0.02c 1.77±0.03aData are means±standard error of eight replicates.Values in the same column with the same letters,represent no significant difference between treatments according to Duncan’s multiple range test(P≤0.05),n= populationT.harzianum was detected in the rhizosphere,reaching values around1×104CFU g−1and showing similar CFU values in all the treatments which included inoculation with T.harzianum;in non-inoculated treatments,its density was below1×102CFU g−1(data not shown).3.1.5.Number of fruitsWith the reduced fertilizer dosage,AMF-inoculated plants had an increased number of fruits(P<0.01)compared with non-inoculated plants(Fig.2).T.harzianum-inoculated plants did not differ in their fruit number relative to non-inoculated plants. At the reduced fertilizer dose,and compared with the AMF-inoculated plants,the number of fruits was decreased significantly by T.harzianum–G.constrictum or T.harzianum–G.intraradices co-inoculation,whereas T.harzianum–G.mosseae co-inoculation significantly increased the number of fruits.The conventional fertilization dose reduced significantly the number of fruits(P<0.001),compared with the lower dose(Fig.2). No.significant differences in fruit number were produced by AMF or T.harzianum inoculation,alone or in combination,at the con-ventional fertilizer dosage,compared to non-inoculated plants. 3.2.Experiment II3.2.1.T.harzianum populationT.harzianum was detected in the rhizosphere,reaching values around1×104CFU g−1and showing similar CFU values in all the treatments which included inoculation with T.harzianum;in non-inoculated treatments,its density was below1×102CFU g−1(data not shown).3.2.2.Disease incidenceThe disease incidence in AMF-inoculated plants was reduced by up25–50%,G.mosseae-inoculated plants showing the low-est percentage of infection(Fig.3).The disease incidence in T. harzianum-inoculated plants was reduced by60%with respect to non-inoculated plants.Plants co-inoculated with T.harzianum and AMF showed a lower percentage infection than AMF-inoculated plants.Table4The three-factor ANOVA(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)inoculation,Trichoderma harzianum inoculation,and fertilization(F)level)for all parameters studied.P significant values.Parameters studied AMFinoculation AM T.harzianuminoculation ThFertilization F InteractionAM×ThInteractionAM×FInteractionTh×FInteractionAM×Th×FShoot fresh weight0.0290.008<0.0010.0200.005NS NS Nitrogen content<0.0010.05<0.001<0.001<0.001NS NS Phosphorus content<0.0010.045<0.001NS NS NS NS Potassium content0.030.05NS0.045NS NS NS AM root colonization<0.001NS<0.001<0.001<0.001<0.001NS Fruit number0.0060.027<0.0010.017NS NS NS T.harzianum population NS<0.001NS<0.001NS<0.001NSNS:non-significant.102 A.Martínez-Medina et al./Applied Soil Ecology47 (2011) 98–105Fig.1.Percentage of root length colonized by Glomus constrictum ,Glomus mosseae ,Glomus claroideum ,and Glomus intraradices in melon plants receiving conventional or reduced fertilization and co-inoculated or not with Trichoderma harzianum .Bars indicate standard error of eight replicates.Values with the same letter do not differ significantly according to Duncan’s multiple range test (P ≤0.05),n =8.4.DiscussionThe results show a synergistic effect on AM root colonization due to the interaction between T.harzianum and G.constrictum or G.intraradices ,while no significant effect was observed for G.claroideum and G.mosseae .Although saprophytic fungi have been reported to influence AM colonization and host plant response (Fracchia et al.,2000),the effects of the saprophytic fungi on AM formation differ depending on the inherent characteristic of both agents (Martinez et al.,2004;Saldajeno et al.,2008;Martínez-Medina et al.,2009a ).A synergistic interaction between T.aureoviride and G.mosseae has been reported for AM root col-onization (Calvet et al.,1993).Fracchia et al.(1998)found that T.harzianum did not affect the percentage of soybean root length col-onized by G.mosseae ,whereas T.pseudokoningii increased it.Calvet et al.(1992)reported a stimulation of G.mosseae spore germination by T.harzianum and T.aureoviride .The synergistic effect produced by the interaction between T.harzianum and G.constrictum or G.intraradices in our experiment could have been caused by a direct beneficial action of soluble exudates and volatile compounds pro-duced by the saprophytic fungus (Calvet et al.,1992).No negative interaction was observed in our results,in contrast to previous results (McAllister et al.,1996;Green et al.,1999;Martinez et al.,2004).Our results further demonstrate that,under reduced fertilizer dosage,AMF and T.harzianum inoculation resulted in an improve-ment in shoot weight and nutritional status.Soil microorganisms and their activities play important roles in thetransformationFig.2.Number of fruits produced by plants inoculated with Trichoderma harzianum and/or Glomus constrictum ,Glomus mosseae ,Glomus claroideum ,or Glomus intraradices ,under conventional and reduced fertilization doses.Bars indicate standard error of eight replicates.Values with the same letter do not differ significantly according to Duncan’s multiple range test (P ≤0.05),n =8.A.Martínez-Medina et al./Applied Soil Ecology47 (2011) 98–105103Fig.3.Disease incidence(%)in plants inoculated with Trichoderma harzianum and/or Glomus constrictum,Glomus mosseae,Glomus claroideum,or Glomus intraradices, seven weeks after pathogen inoculation.Bars indicate standard error of eight repli-cates.Values with the same letter do not differ significantly according to Duncan’s multiple range test(P≤0.05),n=8.of plant nutrients from unavailable to available forms and the improvement of soil fertility(Adesemoye and Kloepper,2009).The capacity of AMF to promote plant growth and enhance phospho-rous availability and uptake has been widely reported over the years(Ames et al.,1983;Smith et al.,1997;Barea et al.,2002; Tawaraya et al.,2006).Several investigations indicated as well,that plant interaction with Trichoderma sp.correlates with improved phosphorous availability and plant growth(Harman and Björkman, 1998;Altomare et al.,1999).However,the combined inoculation of AMF and T.harzianum did not result in an additive effect.In general, for co-inoculated plants,both growth and nutrient uptake were maintained at values similar to those of plants inoculated with the AMF alone.In contrast to our results,Haggag and Abd-El latif(2001) found that the combined inoculation of G.mosseae and T.harzianum enhanced growth of geranium plants.Similarly,combined inocu-lation of T.aureoviride and G.mosseae had a synergistic effect on the growth of marigold plants(Calvet et al.,1993).However,root and shoot weights of soybean were decreased by co-inoculation with T.pseudokoningii and Gigaspora rosea(Martinez et al.,2004). The interaction between AMF and T.harzianum and its effect on plant growth may vary depending on the inherent characteristics of the AMF and the T.harzianum strain(Saldajeno et al.,2008).In our experiment,this interaction was in fact negative in the case of plants co-inoculated with G.constrictum and T.harzianum,which showed a decrease in nitrogen content relative to plants inocu-lated with the AMF or T.harzianum alone.However,an increase in the plant nitrogen content was observed in plants which had been co-inoculated with T.harzianum and G.mosseae in the greenhouse nursery,relative to plants inoculated with the saprophyte alone. Co-inoculation with T.harzianum and G.mosseae was more effec-tive than any other combination tested with regard to increases in the uptake of nitrogen.Under the conventional fertilizer dose,plant growth was not influenced by AM formation,but it was significantly increased when T.harzianum was inoculated alone.However,the growth pro-motion mediated by T.harzianum was decreased at this fertilizer rate.Rabeendran et al.(2000)hypothesized that when plants are grown under optimal conditions growth promotion by Trichoderma is unlikely,whereas under suboptimal conditions enhanced growth can be achieved.Our results show that differences in growth pro-motion by T.harzianum and AMF are related to differences in growing conditions,being more pronounced in soils relatively poor in nutrients.It is noteworthy that plants co-inoculated with the AMF and T.harzianum had growth which was similar to that of non-inoculated plants under these conditions.The negative impact of high N and P levels on mycorrhizal root colonization has been reported(Rubio et al.,2002;Kohler et al.,2006).In our experiment,under the higher fertilization dose, the beneficial effect of the AMF disappeared and the effect was even negative in the case of phosphorus uptake.The suppression of extraradical mycelium development,which occurs in soil fol-lowing a high fertilizer application(Azcón et al.,2003),could not explain ourfindings,since under this condition no effect on plant growth should be expected.This negative effect may be explained by an alteration in the rhizosphere microbial population due to the nutrient supply(Liu et al.,2000;Rengel and Marschner,2005). Stimulation of the rhizospheric population may increase competi-tion between plant roots and the microbial population,which has particular nutrient requirements(Germida et al.,1998;Griffiths et al.,1999),microorganisms being,in many cases,superior com-petitors(Kaye and Hart,1997;Hodge et al.,2000).Similar results have been reported by Azcón et al.(2003),who observed that a higher application of nitrogen and phosphorus to the soil reduced the nutrient uptake in AM-compared with non-AM-lettuce plants. Ourfindings may indicate not only the lack of mycorrhizal ben-efit at these high fertilizer doses,but also a negative influence of AMF on mechanisms associated with the mineral nutrition of plants when grown in a highly fertilized soil.These results suggest that the beneficial mycorrhizal effect on plant nutrition is only evident under lower fertility levels and that fertilizer application can reduce or even eliminate it.Interestingly,a decrease in fruit number was observed due to an increase in the fertilizer dose.Imbalanced fer-tilizer use in soil has been reported to cause yield decline(Manna et al.,2005).In our experiment,T.harzianum was able to increase plant nitrogen uptake even at the higher fertilizer level.Ourfind-ings indicate an improvement in plant active-uptake mechanisms, and an increase in the effectiveness of nitrogen-containing fertil-izer.These results contrast markedly with the absence of effects observed in tomato plants under fertilized conditions:no effects on plant nutritional status occurred following inoculation with Tri-choderma(Inbar et al.,1994).The AMF-inoculated plants showed a significant decrease in Fusarium wilt incidence,G.mosseae-inoculated plants showing the greatest reduction.AM symbiosis has been shown to reduce the damage caused by soil-borne plant pathogens(Azcón-Aguilar and Barea,1996;Bi et al.,2007).Com-petition for host photosynthates or sites,microbial changes in the mycorrhizosphere due to AM,and induction of local and systemic defense responses have been proposed(Azcón-Aguilar and Bago, 1994;Caron,1989;Liu et al.,2007).With regard to suppress-ing disease incidence,T.harzianum was more effective than the AMF.Several studies report the biocontrol capacity of Trichoderma sp.(Chet,1987;Chet et al.,1997;De Meyer et al.,1998;Yedidia et al.,1999;Harman,2000;Howell et al.,2000;Yedidia et al., 2003;Shoresh et al.,2005;Martínez-Medina et al.,2009b).Various mechanisms of biocontrol have been reported,such as mycopara-sitism,antibiotic production,competition,or induction of local and systemic defense responses(Howell,2003;Yedidia et al.,2003; Harman et al.,2004).Co-inoculated plants showed disease sup-pression similar to that of T.harzianum-inoculated plants.Datnoff et al.(1995)reported a higher suppressive effect against Fusarium crown and root rot of tomato with the combination of T.harzianum and G.intraradices than with each biological agent applied alone. However,there are several examples of combinations of different biocontrol agents providing no better or,in some cases,worse bio-control than the isolates used singly(Larkin and Fravel,1998;de Boer et al.,1999).。

19世纪末,恩斯特·阿贝将光学显微镜的分辨率极限大致确定在可见光波长的一 半,即0.2微米左右。这意味着科学家们可以分辨单个细胞,以及一些被称为细胞器的 细胞成分。然而他们无法用这样的显微镜分辨尺寸更小的物体,例如常规尺寸的病毒, 或者单个的蛋白质(图一)。
大大提高 通过常规光学显微镜,线 粒体轮廓可以被分辨出来, 但无法分辨范围小于0.2微米
2.扫描整个样品 1.在STED显微镜下,只有
这项技术同时使用两束激光,其中一束激发荧光分子发光,另外一束 将除了一个纳米尺寸之外的荧光全部猝灭掉。这样,通过一个纳米一个 纳米地扫描样品,我们可以获得分辨率高于阿贝极限的图像(图3)。
另一项工作来自于埃里克•白兹格和威廉•莫尔纳,他们各自独立地建立了 单分子显微镜(single molecule microscopy)的基础(图4)。
这项成果可以将单个分子的荧光打开或者关掉。科学家们对同一区域反复分辨率达到 纳米尺度的图像。在2006年,Eric Betzig首次使用了这种方法(图5)。
Have you ever heard of nanoscopy?
发明超级荧光显微镜 for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy
德国人,1962年出生 美国人,1953年出生于 于罗马尼亚的阿拉德, 加尼福利亚州的普莱森顿, 1990年在德国海德堡大 1982年在康奈尔大学获博 学获博士学位。现为哥 士学位。现为斯坦福大学 廷根研究所主任及海德 哈里-莫舍化学教授及应 3 堡癌症研究中心负责人。用物理学教授。

拉曼用光栅分析海水的颜色,发现海水光谱的最大值比天空光 谱的最大值更大。可见,海水的颜色只是部分由天空颜色引起 的。
又从光线散射与水分子相互作用入手,证明出水分子对光线的 散射使海水显出蓝色的机理,与大气分子散射太阳光而使天空 呈现蓝色的机理完全相同。
➢ X射线衍射
1. X射线衍射是入射线在晶体中所经过所有路程上的所有原子散射波干涉的结果 2. X射线衍射只有满足布拉格定律的角度产生衍射。
2d sin n
d为晶面间距 n为衍射级数 θ为掠射角(x光与晶面之间的夹角)
✓ 产生衍射的条件: 一组晶面只能在有限的几个方向发生衍射
扰很大。 ✓ 拉曼光谱仪器的设计,必须能排除瑞利散射光,
具有高灵敏度(体现在弱信号检测的高信噪比), 才能有效地收集拉曼光谱。
指当一些分子被吸附到某些粗糙的金属,如金、银或铜的表面时, 它们的拉曼谱线强度会得到极大的增强, 这种不寻常的拉曼散射增强现象被称为SERS效应, 将检测提升至单分子水平。
拉曼散射 测量较大的频率位移
液体分子碰撞粒子造成 粒子越大,布朗运动越慢 粒子越小,布朗运动越快
一定角度下可以检测到光信号,所检测到 的信号是多个散射光子叠加后平均光强
小颗粒:High frequency
大颗粒:Low frequency
小 沟 结 合
嵌 入 结 合


p-HBI 生色团的成熟过程经历 GFP 多肽骨架折叠 和生色团形成两个阶段,期间 4 个保守氨基酸残基发 挥着特殊的功能作用[10]。
2011,31( 1)
邓 超 等: 绿色荧光蛋白及其应用
图 1 野生型 avGFP 的结构 Fig. 1 The structure of wild type avGFP
4 不同类型的荧光蛋白
通过 定 点 突 变 和 随 机 突 变 得 到 了 不 同 突 变 型 的 avGFP 样蛋白,珊瑚类荧光蛋白的发现使人们发展出更 多性质各异的荧光蛋白,发射谱覆盖 420 ~ 655 nm,应 用范围不断扩大 [14-15]。部分荧光蛋白及基本性质见表 1 所示。 4. 1 蓝色荧光蛋白
2 绿色荧光蛋白的结构
从维 多 利 亚 多 管 水 母 中 分 离 出 来 的 野 生 型 GFP ( avGFP ) 由 238 个 氨 基 酸 残 基 组 成,分 子 质 量 约 27kDa,二级结构包括 11 个 β 折叠链( β-sheet strand) , 8 个螺旋( helix) ,3 个转折( turn) [图 1 ( a) ],三维结构 ( PDB 登录号 1EMA 和 1GFL,1GFL 为二聚体) 为 42 × 24 ( 高 × 直径) 的 β 圆柱( β-barrel) ,圆柱两端由一 些较短的 α 螺旋盖住,圆柱中央是几段 α 螺旋,生色团 的三肽( Ser65-Tyr66-Gly67) 位于圆柱中央[图 1 ( b) ~ ( d) ]。该结构性质稳定,圆柱内部的微环境对维持生 色团的正确构象从而产生荧光以及保护生色团不被氧 气淬灭等都有重要作用[10][图 1( e) ]。

1 早期研究
有机合成化学制 造出的这几 千万种新的 物质绝大 多数都是以碳原子为 主来构建的。为了制 备结构更复 杂、 功能更强大的新型材料, 就要想办法通过各种化学 反应将碳原子连接在 一起。然而碳原子本 身是十分稳 定的, 在化学反应中并不活 泼, 所以就得想办法来激活 碳原子, 让它 更容易 参与反 应并 与其 他碳 原子连 接起 来, 逐步 形成 更 高层 次 的碳 基 骨架。1912 年, 法 国人 Grignard 因发明有机镁试剂( 格 氏试剂) 而 荣获诺贝尔 化学奖, 可以说是碳基活化史上的第一个里程碑。随着 时代的发展, 人们对碳基的研究愈加深入。在研究的前 期, 要么无法活化碳基, 化合物难于参加反应; 要么使碳 原子过于活 跃, 虽然 能有效 地制 造出 很多 简单的 有机 物, 但要是合成复杂分子却有大量的副产物生成。正如 大家所知, 在有机合成操 作中提纯是一项繁琐的工 作。 H eck, Negish i 和 Suzuki 等人 通过实验 发现, 当 碳原子 和钯原子连接在一 起, 会形成一种∃ 温和% 的碳钯键, 在 这里钯既活跃了碳基, 又使 其不至于过于活泼, 然后又 可以把别的碳原子吸引过来, 这样使得两个碳原子距离 拉近, 容易成 键而 偶联 起来。在 这里 钯原 子就相 当于 ∃ 媒人%的作用, 只需使用 催化剂就行。所以∃ 钯催化交 叉偶联反应%就 是一款精致 的工具, 让化学 家得以像艺 术家一样来雕刻和拼接类似积木的模块( 小的基团) , 构 筑令人叹为观 止的艺术品 ( 有机复杂 分子) 。与此同时 还避免了过多不必要副产物的生成。 H eck 1931 年出生于美国麻省斯普林菲尔 德( Spri
的交叉偶联反应 在全球的科研、 医药生产、 电子 工业和 先进材料等领域 都有广泛应用。以在 此领域有卓 越贡 献的科学家名 字命名的有 机反应对于 从事化学的 人来 说是耳熟能详的, 如 H eck 反应、 N egishi 反应、 Suzuki 反 应、 Stille 反 应、 Kum ada 反 应、 Sonogashira 反 应 以 及 H iyam a 反应等等。 众所周知, 有机合成化学以其强大的生命力制造出 了几千万种新 的物质, 并且这个数目仍在迅 速的膨胀, 而有机合成化学的基础核心是新型、 高效三次与 有 机合成方法学 相关的诺贝 尔化学奖授 予情况可以 看出 这一领域的重要性: 2001 年 W. S. K now les, R. Noyori 和 K. B. Sharpless 因在发展催化不对称合成研究方面 获奖; 2005 年 Y. Ch auvin , R. H . G rubbs 和 R . R . Sch rock 因在发展 烯烃 复分解 反应所 作出 的贡 献而 获 奖; 最后 就是 2010 年的 钯催化 交叉偶 联反 应的获 奖。 下面对钯催化交叉偶联反应的早期研究、 反应机理以及 发展应用等 做一 个粗浅 的介 绍, 以期 达到 抛砖 引玉 之 作用。

马丁·沙尔菲现年 61岁,美国哥伦比亚 大学生物学教授,他 获奖的主要贡献在于 向人们展示了绿色荧 光蛋白作为发光的遗 传标签的作用。诺贝 尔奖评审委员会说, 这种蛋白已经成为同 时代生物科学研究最 重要的工具之一。
下村修现年80 岁,出生于日本京 都府,1960年获 得名古屋大学理学 博士学位,曾先后 在美国普林斯顿大 学、波士顿大学和 伍兹霍尔海洋生物 实验所工作。他 1962年从一种水 母中发现了荧光蛋 白,被誉为生物发 光研究第一人。
2008诺贝尔化学奖 诺贝尔化学奖
绿色荧光蛋白 钱永健 马丁·沙尔菲
钱永健1952年生 于纽约,现为美国加 州大学圣迭戈分校生 物化学及化学系教授、 美国国家科学院院士、 国家医学院院士, 2004年沃尔夫奖医学 奖得主。主要贡献是 利用水母发出绿光的 化学物来追查实验室 内进行的生物反应, 他被认为是这方面的 先驱。
• 在宣布获奖名单时,瑞典皇家科学院诺贝尔化学奖评审委 员会主席贡纳尔·冯·海涅手持一支试管,内装用绿色荧光 蛋白基因改造过的大肠杆菌。用紫外线照射后,试管发出 绿色荧光。冯·海涅说,这种级别的发现“能让科学家的 心跳比平时快上三倍”。 • 美联社援引哈佛大学医学和放射医学副教授约翰·弗 兰焦尼的话评价说:“这一技术彻底改变了医学研究。研 究人员第一次能在活体细胞和活生生的动物身上同时研究 基因与蛋白。” • 钱永健说,有不少科学家都对绿色荧光蛋白的研究作 出过重大贡献。“我知道一个奖项只能同时给3个人,评 审委员会决定谁得奖一定十分艰难”。 • 在今年获得化学奖的3人中,钱永健走出的可说是绿 色荧光蛋白开发历程的“最后一步”,他在下村修与沙尔 菲研究的基础上进一步搞清楚了绿色荧光蛋白特性。他改 造绿色荧光蛋白,通过改变其氨基酸排序,造出能吸收、 发出不同颜色光的荧光蛋白,其中包括蓝色、青色和黄色, 并让它们发光更久、更强烈。 • 瑞典皇家科学院说:“这也正是研究人员今天能用不 同的颜色标记不同的蛋白质、观察它们相互作用的原因。”

本草纲目中对滑石的记载英文回答:Talc is a mineral composed of hydrated magnesiumsilicate (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2). It is the softest mineral known, with a Mohs hardness of 1. Talc is white or light green in color and has a greasy feel. It is used as a lubricant, a dusting powder, and an ingredient in cosmetics, ceramics, and other products.The Chinese herbal classic Bencao Gangmu, written by Li Shizhen in the 16th century, includes a description of talc. Li Shizhen wrote that talc is "smooth and slippery, and can be used to treat skin diseases and digestive problems." He also noted that talc is "non-toxic and can be used safelyfor both internal and external applications."In traditional Chinese medicine, talc is used to treata variety of conditions, including:Skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis.Digestive problems, such as diarrhea and constipation.Genitourinary problems, such as urinary tract infections and vaginitis.Respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis. Eye problems, such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis.Talc is also used in traditional Chinese medicine as a tonic and a rejuvenator. It is believed to help strengthen the body and improve overall health.中文回答:李时珍在《本草纲目》中对滑石的记载:滑石。

进展 FORWARD 技术箴言PROVERB数字DATA14欧洲科学家通过对逾4万名个体的分析,发现了14种与全因死亡率相关的血液生物标记物。
15.2万亿我国5G 商用发展开局良好,目前5G+工业互联网、车联网已实现重要突破,在交通、医疗等多个行业已形成上百个5G 创新应用场景。
根据中国信息通信研究院测算,预计2020—2025年,5G 将拉动中国数字经济增长15.2万亿元人民币。
5G 与人工智能、大数据等新技术融合发展,将推动数字经济生产组织方式、资源配置效率、管理服务模式的深刻变革。
——金贤敏(上海交通大学物理与天文学院教授)Investing in renewable energy is investing in a sustainable and profitable future, as the last decade of incredible growth in renewables has shown.过去10年间可再生能源的惊人发展表明,投资可再生能源就是投资可持续和可赢利的未来。

2023届河北省石家庄市高中毕业年级教学质量检测(二)英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解The Nobel Prize has been awarded to women60times between1901and2022.These women have made outstanding contributions to the worlds of medicine,science,literature and so on.Here are four of them.Dorothy Crowfoot HodgkinAward:Nobel Prize in ChemistryYear:1964Dorothy Hodgkin was a British chemist whose interest in research began when,as a child,she received a chemistry book containing experiments with crystals.She studied at Oxford University and developed protein crystallography,which advanced the development of X-rays.This earned her the Nobel Prize.Gertrude B.ElionAward:Nobel Prize in Physiology or MedicineYear:1988Gertrude Elion won the Nobel Prize for her discoveries of important principles for drug treatment.Elion had watched her grandfather die of cancer,so she decided to fight the disease throughout her life.Elion,together with George Hitchings,with whom she shared the award, created a system for drug production that relies heavily on biochemistry.Toni MorrisonAward:Nobel Prize in LiteratureYear:1993Toni Morrison,whose book“Beloved”earned her the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award,was the first Black woman to ever receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.Born in Ohio,Morrison was a writer whose works are mostly about life in the Black community.She taught writing and served as an honorary professor at Princeton University.Esther DufloAward:Nobel Prize in EconomicsYear:2019“The elderly want stuffed animals not only for comfort,but they were conversation starters.It reminded them of their childhood,”she said.And she recalled one man said,“You know,I never wanted to go to school.And my father said if I would go that day,he would take me to the Brooklyn Zoo.And you know what?This was the first animal I saw there and it looked just like this giraffe.”Spreading joy isn’t just a holiday pastime for Patricia.She is also known as the“Happy Flower Lady”around Philadelphia,because she collects old flowers from stores and passes them out to anyone who needs a pick-me-up.“When you give,you really do get more back,”Patricia said.“Every morning,whether it’s the flowers or the stuffed animals,I have a purpose.”4.Why did Patricia go to the nursing homes in2009?A.To send gifts to the seniors.B.To read a story to the elderlyC.To get over her loneliness.D.To get rid of her kids’toys. 5.What does the underlined word“capping”in paragraph3mean?A.Limiting.B.Recording.C.Identifying.D.Doubling. 6.What can we infer from paragraph4?A.Seniors love good old days.B.Cute animals have healing effects on seniors.C.Giving makes seniors happy.D.Stuffed animals have more than one function.7.What does Patricia think of her giving experiences?A.Rewarding.B.Entertaining.C.Timely.D.Tough.A new study suggests classic paintings by well-known Impressionists Joseph Turner and Claude Monet may have been influenced by air pollution during the Industrial Revolution.The study,published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by authors from Harvard and Sorbonne universities,analyzed60oil paintings by Turner from1796to 1850and38paintings by Monet from1864to1901.Scientists don't know exactly how polluted the cities were during that time for lack of data.However,researchers say examining the works of Turner and Monet can give a picture of long-term environmental change with the air pollution.In particular,researchers said changes in local sulfur dioxide emissions from burningcoal may explain changes in the colour contrast and intensity of Turner,Monet,and others' works,even after taking into account the artistic trends and subject matter of the time.Scientists successfully measured painters'representation of nature,focusing on differences in local weather patterns which influenced colour in works painted in different parts of Europe.Paintings'done in Britain generally feature a paler blue sky than other works in other parts of the continent.Generally,artists can historically accurately represent their environment,so Turner and Monet were chosen because they are famous for their landscape and cityscape paintings and also because they were active during the Industrial Revolution, when air pollution grew at a rate never seen before.Additionally,researchers say that as the air in London and Paris became more polluted, the cities would appear hazier to the eyes as well as in photographs.By comparing the paintings of Turner and Monet to pictures from the era,they were able to determine the artists were at least partly influenced by the change in emissions.8.How did the researchers conduct the study?A.By referring to relevant historical records.B.By comparing the paintings of Turner and Monet.C.By relating the paintings to the air conditions then.D.By analyzing the data during the Industrial Revolution.9.What did the researchers find in the works of Turner and Monet?A.Air pollution at that time.B.Change in subject matter.C.Social trends of the period.D.Development of photography 10.What can we learn from paragraph5?A.European artists preferred landscape paintings.B.Scientists focused on studying weather patterns.C.Turner and Monet intended to present pollution.D.Britain suffered from air pollution most in Europe.11.What is the purpose of the text?A.To inform people of a new discovery.B.To instruct people to appreciatepaintings.C.To introduce the Industrial Revolution.D.To call on people to protect theenvironment.Many owners of electric cars have wished for a battery pack that could power their vehicle for more than a thousand miles on a single charge.Researchers have developed a lithium-air battery that could make that dream a reality.The new battery design could also one day power airplanes and trucks.The main new component in this lithium-air battery is a solid electrolyte(电解质)instead of the usual liquid variety.Batteries with solid electrolytes are not subject to safety problems with the liquid electrolytes used in lithium-ion and other battery types,which can overheat and catch fire. More importantly,the solid electrolyte can potentially boost the energy four times,which translates into longer driving range.For over a decade,scientists have been working overtime to develop a lithium(锂) battery that makes use of the oxygen in air.The lithium-air battery has the highest energy of any battery technology being considered for the next generation of batteries beyond lithium-ion.The new solid electrolyte is composed of a material made from relatively inexpensive elements,compared with the past designs.Besides,the chemical reaction in lithium-ion only involves one or two electrons stored per oxygen molecule(分子),while that for lithium-air battery involves four electrons.More electrons stored means higher energy.The new design is the first lithium-air battery that has achieved a four-electron reaction at room temperature.It also operates with oxygen supplied by air from the surrounding environment.The capability to run with air avoids the need for oxygen tanks to operate,a problem with earlier designs.“With further development,we expect our new design for the lithium-air battery to reach a record of1200watt-hours per kilogram,”said Curtiss,a researcher.“That is nearly four times better than lithium-ion batteries.”12.What contributes most to the lithium-ion battery?A.Lithium-ion.B.Oxygen molecules.C.Solid electrolytes.D.Liquidcomponent.13.What’s the problem with lithium-ion batteries?A.They burn easily if overheated.B.They are unsafe in production.C.They damage the environment.D.They require longer charging time. 14.How does the author organize paragraph4?A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.C.By presenting statistics D.By analyzing cause and effect. 15.What is the best title of the text?A.How Lithium-air Batteries Work B.What will Be Used to Power Airplanes C.Electric Cars Are Becoming More Popular D.New Batteries Offer LongerDriving Range二、七选五E.So actively being mindful of the present reduces stress.F.You'd better take a quick break to check in with your breathing.G.More minutes of movement add up to big health benefits over time.三、完形填空30.A.informed B.reminded C.warned D.convinced 31.A.turn B.quit C.wait D.rush 32.A.magic B.madness C.horror D.calmness 33.A.looked back B.turned around C.pulled over D.helped out 34.A.packed B.placed C.removed D.grabbed 35.A.kindness C.comfort D.admiration四、用单词的适当形式完成短文五、其他应用文46.假定你是李华,4月18日是国际古迹遗址日(World Heritage Day),你的外国笔友William发来邮件询问你校的活动计划。

[课外阅读]美科学家研发出“化学遗传学新技术” 能操控动物行为
![[课外阅读]美科学家研发出“化学遗传学新技术” 能操控动物行为](
目前,世界上已有数百家实验室在用第一代DREADD 技术。
论文共同第一作者、UNC博士生埃利奥特·罗宾逊说:“这些实验证明,对那些有兴趣控制特殊细胞群功能的研究人员来说,KORD 是一种新工具,同时在治疗方面也很有潜力。
钩刺山羊草(Aegilops triuncialis L.)低分子量谷蛋白基因序列分析

农业生物技术学报Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology 2006,14(4):569~573*基金项目:国家高技术研究与发展计划(863)项目(No.2003AA207100)、长江学者和创新团队发展计划(No.IRTO453)和高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金项目(No.200357和No.200458)资助。
E-mail:<jinmin79827@>.**通讯作者Author for Correspondence.博士,教授,主要研究方向:小麦分子生物学与育种。
E-mail:<ylzheng@>.收稿日期:2005-06-26接受日期:2005-09-21·研究论文·钩刺山羊草()低分子量谷蛋白基因序列分析*林娜1,颜泽洪1,魏育明1,郑有良1,2**(1.四川农业大学小麦研究所,都江堰611830;2.西南作物基因资源与遗传改良教育部重点实验室,雅安625014)摘要:根据低分子量谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)基因编码区保守序列设计引物,对钩刺山羊草(L,2n=4x=28,CCUU)PI483029总DNA 进行PCR 扩增,得到长度为900和1065bp 的DNA 片段,克隆测序后获得2个LMW-GS 基因,GenBank 登录号分别为AY841016和AY841017。
它们具有小麦LMW-GS 基因的典型结构特征。
其中,AY841017具有完整编码区,长度为1065bp ,可编码322个氨基酸残基的成熟蛋白,第一个半胱氨酸残基出现在重复区第13位。
在重复区,AY841017的两个疏水单元为PIIIL 和PVIIL ,重复区中还存在一个连续13个Q(谷氨酰胺)组成的短肽。
氨基酸序列比较发现,AY841017与普通小麦(L.)位点编码的LMW-GS 基因有很高的一致性。
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DOI:10.1002/anie.200800231Plasmon-Resonance-Enhanced Absorption and Circular Dichroism**Itai Lieberman,Gabriel Shemer,Tcipi Fried,Edward M.Kosower,and Gil Markovich*The excitation of surface plasmons at rough noble-metal surfaces is responsible for the enhancement of several optical phenomena observed for molecules adjacent to these sur-faces,such as surface-enhanced Raman scattering,[1]surface-enhanced infrared absorption,[2]and surface-enhanced fluo-rescence (SEF).[3]We report herein on a new application ofplasmon-enhanced absorption:circular dichroism (CD).[4]CD enhancement of two orders of magnitude arises from a comparable enhancement of the overall electronic absorption of specific probe molecules on colloidal silver nanoparticles (NPs),where the metal surface plasmons are in resonance with the molecular electronic transition.Significant enhance-ment of the sensitivity of CD spectroscopy,which is used to study conformations of biological molecules,[5]would help in probing samples of lower concentrations and would enable CD measurements of biomolecules adsorbed on surfaces.Direct observation of resonant surface-enhanced elec-tronic absorption is difficult owing to the large extinction of metal nanostructures at visible wavelengths compared to rather weak molecular extinctions.Alternatively,absorption enhancement has been frequently inferred from SEF or enhanced photocurrent in photovoltaic devices.[6]Previously,Inoue and Hatta deduced an electronic absorption enhance-ment of >20in a 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p -quinodimethane (TCNQ)layer over planar Ag films in reflection experi-ments,[7]and Dintinger et al.measured an absorption enhancement in an Ag nanohole array,in a wavelength range for which the array had a peak in transmission.[8]In the present study the absorption enhancement was measured directly in solution absorption experiments and was further elaborated by CD spectroscopy where the silver nanoparticles used for enhancement had a zero average contribution to the CD signal.This study follows previous work on surface-enhanced magnetic CD in magnetic nanoparticles.[9]Molecular CD is of relatively low sensitivity and thus limited to solution studies of samples of moderate molecular concentrations;the lower concentration limit for proteins is of the order of about 0.1mg mL À1,or 0.1m m of single amino acids.In our work the chiral molecule selected for themolecular CD enhancement study needed to have a chromo-phore absorbing at the surface-plasmon-resonance wave-length of small silver spheres (%400nm),a chiral center adjacent to the chromophore,and a functional group for attaching the molecule to the silver surface.Such a system was realized by binding a bimane chromophore [10]to l -glutathione(l -GSH)-coated colloidal silver nanoparticles;this was generated by reducing a silver nitrate solution in the presence of l -GSH.[11]Bimane is commonly used to label the thiol group of GSH,[10]and formation of a derivative was verified by thin layer chromatography.The absorption,fluorescence,and CD spectra of aqueous solutions of the silver nanoparticles,l -GS–bimane,and their conjugates were measured.Transmission electron microscopy of the silver nano-particles formed in the presence of the l -GSH with an Ag/ligand concentration ratio of 50:1showed a broad particle-size distribution in the range of 2–50nm,with no apparent change in size distribution on addition of the bimane to the Ag-l -GSH.Figure 1depicts the absorption spectra of the various samples.The absorption spectrum of the Ag particles coated with l -GS–bimane includes a contribution from the Ag particle plasmon absorption (maximum at about 400nm)and the (enhanced)bimane n–p *absorption [12](maximum at %390nm).The absorbance of 0.05m m free l -GS–bimane at 390nm is %0.02(thick black line)and the plasmon absorb-ance of the GSH-coated Ag nanoparticles is %0.4(thick gray line),while the absorbance of the Ag nanoparticles coated with 0.05m m l -GS–bimane is %1.8(thick red line).Since the absorption coefficient of the plasmons in such Ag nano-particles cannot be highly sensitive to the attachment of the bimane moieties to the capping GSH,the extra absorbanceFigure 1.Absorption spectra of various solution samples.In all sol-utions the bimane concentration was 0.05m m .The blue curve is the sum of the separate absorptions of l -GS-bimane and the Ag nano-particles.[*]I.Lieberman,G.Shemer,T.Fried,Prof.E.M.Kosower,Dr.G.MarkovichSchool of Chemistry,Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 69978(Israel)Fax:(+972)[**]This research was supported by the ISF Converging TechnologiesProgram (grant no.1714/07).We are grateful to Prof.Nechama Kosower for her help with the bimane and to Dr.Michael Gozin for useful discussions.Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under or from the author.AngewandteChemie4855Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2008,47,4855–48572008Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,Weinheimmust be due to plasmon-enhanced absorption of the bimane chromophores.The extra %1.4absorbance units indicate an average enhancement factor of %70.An alternative prepa-ration of the Ag nanoparticles coated with l -GS-bimane produced a similar result (thin orange line).[11]The true enhancement factor per attached molecule is larger,since a fraction of the l -GS–bimane molecules is free in solution owing to incomplete coating of the Ag surface.[13]The second n–p *absorption band of the bimane at %260nm appeared to be enhanced by a smaller factor (%5),probably reflecting its detuning from resonance with the surface plasmon.The two relevant electronic transitions of the bimane moiety were assigned as n–p *transitions and originate in the splitting of the nonbonding levels of the two central nitrogen atoms.[12]Figure 2(black curves)shows that the binding of the bimane moiety to the l -GSH produced a very weak CD signature at the 390nm absorption band of the bimaneinduced by the chiral centers of the GSH,while the second band at 260nm had a stronger induced CD.The induced CD signal at 390nm,with D e %10À2m À1cm À1,was enhanced by a factor of %100(Figure 2,red curve).Both the achiral bromobimane precursor and solutions of GSH-coated Ag nanoparticles showed no detectable CD signal between 250–450nm.The attachment to the silver nanoparticles appeared to strongly modify the internal structure of the induced CD bands of the l -GS–bimane;this is ascribed to the interaction of the l -GS–bimane with the silver surface and a concomitant change in conformational distributions.Like the absorbance,the CD band at the higher energy absorption band of the bimane was less enhanced.The broad size distribution of the Ag–l -GS–bimane nanoparticles could be separated by centrifugation at 12000rpm into two fractions with different characteristic sizes.The small-particle population (mostly 2–5nm)remained in the supernatant.These small Ag–l -GS–bimane particles showed a negligible CD signal (Figure 2,blue curve),while the precipitate that was redispersed in solution,which contained larger particles and particle aggregates (5–50nm),repro-duced the CD enhancement of the original solution around 390nm (Figure 2,green curve).It should also be noted that a dried l -GS–bimane (no silver)film showed no CD enhance-ment.This rules out the possibility of CD enhancement by induced supramolecular chirality upon aggregation of the molecules as has been observed for chiral porphyrins.[14]The fluorescence emission spectra shown in Figure 3indicate that the emission is enhanced for the small-particle fraction and quenched for the large-particle fraction of Ag–l -GS–bimane.These changes in fluorescence intensity are the combined result of two effects:1)Absorption enhancement and 2)quantum yield change due to increased excitation decay rates.The inset of Figure 3displays fluorescence excitation spectra of the large-particle dispersion before and after the addition of excess mercaptopropionic acid (MPA)to the sample.The MPA displaced most of the l -GS–bimane bound to the surface of the nanoparticles.This resulted in an immediate twofold increase in emission intensity and changes in the excitation spectrum.Thus,it can be concluded that in the case of the larger particles,the emission quenching was about two times greater than the absorption enhancement.The attachment of l -GS–bimane to the surfaces of the Ag nanoparticles resulted in enhancement of the CD spectra (enhanced D e ),which can be simply explained by the plasmon-induced resonant absorption enhancement (enhanced e )arising from the larger particles and particle aggregates.The two orders of magnitude enhancement enabled the observation of the very weak induced CD of the bimane chromophore by bringing the D e up to typical values of the usual UV CD of amino and nucleic acids.The contribution of the larger particles to the enhancement indicates that this effect is related to the plasmon-induced electromagnetic enhancement responsible for the other sur-face-enhanced optical phenomena.[1,15]Simultaneous mea-surements of absorption and fluorescence enhancement en-abled us to estimate that the emission quenching roughly balanced the absorption enhancement,with both effectsFigure 2.CD spectra of various solution samples.The small-and large-particle samples were separated from the Ag–l -GS–bimane by centrifugation and their concentration estimated as half of the original (0.05m m ).The thin black curve is the measurement for l -GS–bimane,with D e multiplied by 100.Figure 3.Fluorescence emission spectra of various solution samples.The inset shows the excitation spectrum of the large Ag–l -GS–bimane nanoparticles (green)and of the same solution after the addition of MPA (red)to displace the l -GS–bimane ligands from the Ag surfaces.The vertical dotted lines mark Raman bands of water.Communications2008Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.KGaA,WeinheimAngew.Chem.Int.Ed.2008,47,4855–4857changing with particle size.The absorption/CD enhancement is sensitive to spectral overlap with the plasmon resonance. Thus,bimane derivatives of biological molecules with their moderate intensity and CD-favorable n–p*transitions are promising candidates for further study.However,most biological molecules have absorption bands further into the UV,and an examination of metal nanostructures with shorter wavelength plasmon resonances would be desirable,in particular for cases in which labeling is not feasible. 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