Edmund Spenser and his Faerie Queen
托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More, 1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(Utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、人们和谐相处的理想国。
《乌托邦》开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河,这一传统从培根的《新大西岛》(The New Atlantis)、斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》(Gulliver's Travels)、勃特勒的《埃瑞璜》(Erewhon)一直延续到20世纪的科幻小说。
文艺复兴时期诗歌创作繁荣,埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser, 1552-1599)的长诗《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)歌颂女王,宣扬人文主义思想。
弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon, 1561-1626)是这一时期最重要的散文家,他对文学的主要贡献是《论说文集》(Essays),共58篇。
克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe, 1564-1593)冲破旧的戏剧形式的束缚,创作了一种新戏剧。
生活Edmund Spenser是出生大约1552年。
作为一个年轻男孩,他在伦敦被教育了在商人裁缝的学校并且录取入学作为a sizar在Pembroke学院,剑桥. [1]在1570s Spenser去爱尔兰,大概在最近任命的阁下代理的服务,亚瑟灰色。
从1579年到1580年,他服务用英国军队在期间其次Desmond叛乱. 在反叛者的失败以后他被授予了土地县黄柏那在被没收了Munster种植园在期间爱尔兰的伊丽莎白女王的再征服. 在他的相识之中在区域是Walter罗利殖民。
通过他的诗歌Spenser希望巩固地方在法院,他在罗利的公司中参观提供他的最著名的工作,仙境Queene. 然而,他大胆地对抗了女王/王后的主要秘书,burghley阁下1591年和他按照他的工作接受的所有是一笔退休金。
当它提议他收到100磅的付款为他的叙事史诗,Burghley陈述了,“什么,所有这为歌曲!”在早1590s,Spenser写题为的散文小册子,爱尔兰的现状的看法. 这个片断在印刷品依然是以原稿形式直到它的出版物在中间第十七个世纪. 它是可能的它被保持已绝版在作者的一生期间由于它的激动内容。
被推荐的Spenser 被烧焦的地球战术,例如他在看见了使用Desmond叛乱创造饥荒。
斯宾塞诗歌有五大特点: • 1 完美的韵律 • 2 罕见的美感 • 3 奇妙的想象 • 4 崇高的道德纯洁性与严肃性 • 5 一种献身的理想主义。 • 除此之外,他还多次使用一种怪异的语言模式及废 弃不用的词汇,以增加作品的乡土气息。正是斯宾塞的理 想主义,对美的热爱以及精美优雅的诗文韵律使他成为 “诗人中的诗人”。
《仙后》采取中世纪常用的讽喻传奇的形式,是文艺复兴时期的一部重要的宗教、政治史诗。诗人原定写12章,只 完成了6章和第7章的一部分,共约35000行,但是这部未完成的伟大史诗早已显示出了万丈光芒,像一座辉煌的殿 堂屹立在欧洲文学的高峰之上。长诗以亚瑟王(Prince Authur)追求仙后格罗丽亚娜(Gloriana)为引子,仙后每年在宫中 举行12天宴会,每天派一名骑士去解除灾难,亚瑟参加每个骑士的冒险事迹。它既有人文主义者对生活的热爱,也 有新柏拉图主义的神秘思想,还带有清教徒的伦理宗教观念和强烈的资产阶级爱国情绪。 《仙后》的两重寓意:一方面是道德或哲学寓意,一方面是历史或政治讽喻。第一方面较为明确,易于理解; 而第二方面则较为隐晦(这是文学自古以来难以摆脱的特性),但是有识之士则能心领神会。 比如,仙后象征当权的女王伊丽莎白:“谎言(Duessa)”象征罗马天主教会和苏格兰天主教女王玛丽;暴 君“大错误(Grantorto)”象征西班牙天主教国王菲利浦,等等。 道德或哲学上的寓意显然是诗人的主要意图。想要真正体会出其中真意,最好不要刻意去理解或破译它。正 如很多事情是不可勉强的,如睡觉不可过分要求自己快速入睡一样。理解这样含义深刻的史诗最好心平气和得像充 满童真的孩子一样,去直接感受它。也就是说,事先要摆脱各种偏见、定势。因为在文艺复兴时期,一切旧的思想 模式都在逐渐被新的力量摧毁。人类再也不相信旧的枷锁和束缚了,但是新的一切还没有被确立起来。斯宾塞便是 借助古希腊思想家柏拉图的极力追求爱与美的思想,形成了一种“新柏拉图主义”。他试图通过《仙后》来表达他 对人类道德的重新设定。所以,我们想要读懂斯宾塞,必经首先学会忘记。忘记自己已经拥有的思想,从头开始去 探索人类的思想道德,以至于历史政治。
三、The Pre-Elizabethan Period前伊丽莎白时期The150years between the death of Chaucer and the ascension of Queen Elizabeth I was a very important period in history.Humanism as a movement came into existence.①Thomas More托马斯·莫尔Utopia consists of two books with emphasis on Book II in which the Utopian weal republic is described in detail.重点是详细描写理想国的第二卷。
Book I is written in the form of a dialogue between More and a traveler by the name of Rapael Hythloday.莫尔和拉斐尔·希斯洛德的旅行者之间的对话。
hints at the notion that the whole work is not a manifesto but rather a n endeavor to explore the potential of human life暗示整本书不是宣言,只是试图探讨人类生活的其他可能Utopia,a kind of“Nowhere Land”曾经去过乌托邦,一个“乌有之乡”Utopia offers the best ideal social system possible that could be offered at the time.《乌托邦》指出了当时社会可能提供的理想社会模式。
Utopia is an imaginary country where democracy replaces tyranny,commonwealth replaces private property...there is no distinction between the rich and the poor,education is free for all乌托邦是一个虚构的国家民主代替了专政,全民公有制代替了私有财产...没有贫富差距,每个人都可以接受免费教育The limitation of Utopian Society:The Utopian society is clearly male-dominated:there is no mention of gender equality,no equal opportunity for administrative and religious jobs,no clear recognition of the female sex and their rights,but a very clear indication that the women folk have to submit to their men folk as,for instance,they have to kneel before their men and confess on days of religious observance.乌托邦明显是一个以男性为主导的社会:书中并没有提到性别平等,没有行政与宗教工作均等的机会,没有对女性和其权益的明确认可,但却明确指出女性应该服从男性,如他们在宗教仪式之前不得不跪在男性面前忏悔。
Chapter 1 文艺复兴时期I. Edmund SpenserEpithalamion 贺新婚曲The Faerie Queene 仙后选文为The Faerie QueeneII.Christopher MarloweTamburlaine 铁木耳转Dr. Faustus 浮士德悲剧The Jew of Malta 马乐他岛的犹太人Edward II 爱德华二世Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德尔选文为Dr. Faustus ; The Passionate Shepherd to His LoveIII. William ShakespeareRape of Lucrece 鲁克斯受辱记Venus and Adonis 维纳斯与安东尼斯Titus Andronicus 泰托斯安东尼The Comedy of Errors 错误的喜剧The Two Gentlemen of Veroma 维洛那二绅士The Taming of the Shrew 驯悍记Love’s Labour’s Lost爱的徒劳Richard II 理查二世King John 约翰王Henry IV, Parts I and II, Henry VSix Comedies:A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人Much Ado About Nothing 无事无非As You Like It 皆大欢喜Twelfth Night 第十二夜The Merry Wise of Windsor 温莎的风流娘儿们Two Tragedies:Romeo and Juliet 罗米欧与朱丽叶Julius Caesar 凯撒HamletOthelloKing LearMacbethAntony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克里佩特拉Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus 特洛伊勒斯与克利西达All’ Well That Ends Well (comedy) 终成成眷属Measure for Measure (comedy) 一报还一报Pericles 伯里克利Cymbeline 辛白林The Winter’s Tale冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨Henry VIIIThe Two Noble Kinsmen两位贵族亲戚选文为Sonnet 18; The Merchant of Venice; HamletIV. Francis BaconThe Advancement of Learning 论科学的价值与发展Novum Organum 新工具Apophthagmes New and Old 新旧格言录The History of the Reign of Henry VIIThe New Atlantis 新大西岛Maxims of Law 法律原理The Learning Reading upon the Statute of Uses法令使用读书选文Of StudiesV. John DonneThe Elegies and Satires 挽歌与十四行诗The Songs and Sonnets 歌谣与十四行诗Holy Sonnets 圣十四行诗A Hymns to God the Father 给圣父的赞美诗选文The Rising Sun; Death Be Not ProudVI. John MiltonParadise Lost 失乐园Paradise Regain 复乐园Samson Agonistes力士参孙Lycidas 利西达斯Areopagitica 论出版自由Chapter 2 新古典主义时期I. John BunyanThe Pilgrim’s Progress 天路历程Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners 罪人头目的赫免The Life and Death of Mr. Badman 拜德门先生生死录The Holy War 圣战选文The Vanity Fair (from the The Pilgrim’s Progress)II. Alexander PopeThe Dunciad 群愚史诗An Essay on Criticism 论批评The Rape of the Lock 夺发记选文An Essay on CriticismIII. Daniel DefoeRobinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记Captain Singleton 辛立顿船长Moll Flanders 莫尔弗兰德斯Colonel Jack 杰克上校A Journal of the Plague Year 灾疫之年的日记Roxana 罗克萨那选文Robinson CrusoeIV. Jonathan SwiftA Tale of Tub 木桶传The Battle of the Books 书籍的战斗Gulliver’s Travels 格列弗游记A Modest Proposal 一个小小的建议The Drapier’s Letters 布商的书信选文Gulliver’s TravelsV. Henry FieldingThe Coffee House Politician 咖啡屋的政治家The Tragedy of the Tragedies 悲剧中的悲剧The Historical Register for the Year 1736 1736历史年鉴The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams, Written in Imitation of the Manner of CervantesThe History of Jonathan Wild the Great 大伟人江奈生翻乐德传The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 汤姆琼斯The History of Amelia 阿米亚选文为Tom JonesVI. Samuel JohnsonPoems:LondonThe Vanity of Human Wishes 人生希望多空幻The History of Rasselas, Price of Abyssinia (a romance)阿比西尼亚王子的故事Irene (a tragedy) 艾琳The Ramble and The Idler 漫游者和闲散者Lives of PoetsA Dictionary of the English Language选文To the Right Honorable the Earl of ChesterfieldVII. Richard Brinsley SheridanThe Rival 情敌The School for Scandal 造谣学校St. Patrick’s Day圣特帕里克节日Scheming Lieutenant 诡计多端的中尉The Duenna 少女的监护人The Critic 批评家Pizarro 比扎罗选文The School for ScandalVIII. Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard 写在教堂墓地的挽歌Ode on a Spring 春之颂Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College 伊顿远眺Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat 爱猫之死颂Hymn to Adversity 逆境颂选文Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardChapter III 浪温主义时期I. William BlakePoetic Sketches 诗歌扎记The Songs of Innocence 天真之歌The Songs of Experience 经验之歌Marriage of Heaven and Hell 天堂与地狱联姻The Book of Urizen 尤里曾的书The Book of Los 洛斯的书The Four Zoas 四个成熟的个体Milton 弥尔顿选文The Chimney Sweeper (from Songs of Innocence); The TygerII. William WordsworthLyrical Ballads (抒情歌谣集)The PreludeThe ExcursionWorshipper of Nature (The Sparr,w’s Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo, To a Butterfly,I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, An Evening Walking, My Heartn Leaps up, Tintern Abbey)选文:I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Composed upon Westminster Bridge, She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways, The Solitary ReaperIII. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLyrical BalladsThe Rime of the Ancient Mariner (古舟子咏)Kubla Khan (忽必烈汗)This Lime Free Bower My Prison (酸橙树亭------我的监牢)Frost at Midnight 午夜霜The Nightingale 夜莺Biographia Literaria 文学传记选文Kubla KhanIV. George Grodon ByronHours of Idleness 闲散的时光Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage恰尔德哈罗德游记Oriented Tales 东方化的传奇The Prisoner of Chillon 锡庸的囚徒Manfred 曼弗雷德Don Juan 唐璜Cain 该隐The Island 岛屿The Vision of Judgment 审判的想象选文Song for the Luddites ; The Isles of Greece (from Don Juan)V. Percy Bysshe ShelleyThe Necessity of Atheism 无神论的必要性Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem 仙后麦布Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude 复仇者或隐居者的精神Julian and Maddalo 朱利安与麦达格The Revolt of Islam 伊斯兰的反叛The Cenci 钦契一家The Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯Adomais 阿多尼斯Hellas 海娜斯A Defense of Poetry 诗之辩护选文A Song: Men of England; Ode to the West WindVI. John KeatsOn First Looking into Chapman’s HomerEndymionLamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agens, and Other Poems (Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Psyche)Lyric masterpiece (To Autumn, Hyperion)选文Ode on a Grecian UrnVII. Jane AustenSense and Sensibility 理智与情感Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见Northanger Abbey 诺桑觉寺Mansfield Park 曼斯菲尔德花园Emma 埃玛Persuasion 劝导The Watsons 屈陈氏一爱Fragment of a Novel 小说的片断Plan of a Novel 小说的计划选文Pride and PrejudiceChapter IV. 维多利亚时期I. Charles DickensSketches by Boz 博兹特写集The Posthumous of the Pickwick Club 皮克威克外传Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby 尼古拉斯尼克尔贝The Pickwick Paper 皮克威克外传David Copperfield 大卫科波菲尔Martin Chuzzlewit 马丁朱尔述维特Dombey and Son 董贝父子A Tale of Two Cities 双城记Bleak House 荒凉山庄Little Dorrit 小杜丽Hard Times 艰难时世Great Expectations 远大前程Our Mutual Friends 我们共同的朋友The Old Curiosity Shop 老古玩店选文为Oliver TwistII. The Bronte SistersPoem by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell (Charlotte, Emily, Anne)The Professor (Charlotte) 教师Jane Eyre (Charlotte) 简爱Wuthering Heights (Emily) 呼啸山庄Agnes Grey (Anne) 格雷The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (Anne)野岗庄园房客选文Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Wuthering Heights by Emily BronteIII. Alfred TennysonPoems by Two Brothers 两兄弟诗集Poems, Chiefly Lyrical 诗集,主要是抒情诗Poems 诗集The Princess 公主In Memoriam 悼念Idylls of the King 国王叙事集选文Break,Break,Break, Crossing the Bar, UlyssesIV. Robert BrowningPauline 波琳 Sordello 索尔戴洛Dramatic Lyrics 戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romances and Lyrics 戏剧罗曼史和抒情诗Bells and Pomegranates 铃铛与石榴Men and Women 男人与女人Dramatic Personae 剧中人The Ring and the Book 指环与书Dramatic Idylls 戏剧田园诗选文My Last Duchess, Meeting at Night, Parting at MorningV. George EliotScenes of Clerical Life 教区生活场景Adam Bede 亚当比德The Mill on the Floss 弗洛斯河上的磨坊Romola 罗慕拉Felix holt, the Radical 激进分子菲尼克斯霍尔特Middlemarch 米德尔马契Daniel Deronda 但尼尔狄隆达选文MiddlemarchVI. Thomas HardyTess of the D’Urbervilles苔丝Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德The Dynasts 列后The Return of the Native 还乡The Trumpet Major 号兵长The Mayor of Casterbridge 卡斯特桥市长The Woodlanders 林地居民Under the Greenwood 林间居民Far from the Madding Crowd 远离尘嚣选文Tess of the D’Urbervill esChapter 5 现代主义时期I. George Bernard ShawCashel Byron’s Profession 卡歇尔拜伦的职业Our Theaters in the Nineties 90年代的英国戏剧Widower’s Houses 鳏夫的房产 Candida 堪迪达Mrs. Warren’s Profession 沃伦夫人的职业Caesar and Cleoptra 凯撕与克利奥佩特拉 St. Joan 圣女贞德Back to Methuselah 回归玛士撒拉 Man and Superman人与超人John Bull’s Other Island 约翰布尔的另外岛屿 Pygmalion 茶花女Getting Married 结婚 Misalliance 不合适的媳妇Fanny’s First Play 范尼的第一部戏剧The Doctor’s Dilemma医生的困境Too True to be Good 难以置信选文Mrs. Warren’s ProfessionII. John GalsworthyFrom the Four Winds 来自四位吹奏者The Man of Property 财主 The Silver Box 银盒The Forsyte Saga弗尔赛特三部曲 ( The Man of Property, In Chancery 骑虎难下, To Let 出租)A Modern Comedy 现代喜剧 End of the Chapter 篇章未尾选文The Man of PropertyIII. William Butler YeatsThe Lake of Innisfree 伊尼斯岛 Sailing to Byzantium 驶向拜占庭The Countess Cathleen 女伯爵凯瑟琳 Cathleen ni Houlihan 故里痕的凯瑟琳The Land of Heart’s Desire 心里渴望的地方 The Shadowy Waters 浅水区Purgatory 炼狱选文The Lake of InnisfreeIV. T. S. EliotThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 布鲁富劳克的情歌The Waste Land 荒园 Murder in the Cathedral 教堂里的谋杀The Family Reunion 家人团聚 The Confidential Clerk 机要秘书The Statesmen 政治家 The Cocktail Party鸡尾酒会选文The Love Song of J. Alfred PrufrockV. D. H. LawrenceSons and Lovers 儿子与情人 The White Peacock白孔雀The Trespasser 过客 The Rainbow彩虹Women in Love 恋爱中的女人Aaron’s Rod亚伦神仗Kangaroo 袋鼠 The Plumed Serpent带羽毛的蛇Lady Chatterley’s Lover St. Mawr 圣摩尔The Daughter of the Vicar 主教的女儿The Horse Dealer’s Daughter贩马人的女儿The Captain’s Doll 般长的娃娃 The Prussian Officer 普鲁士军官The Virgin and the Gypsy贞女和吉普塞人Trilogy(A Collier’s Friday Night, 矿工周五的夜晚The Daughter-in-law,儿媳 The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed 守寡的霍尔伊德夫人选文Sons and LoversVI. James JoyceDubliner 都柏林人 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man青年艺术家的自画像Ulysses 尤利西斯 Finnegans Wake 为芬尼根守灵选文Dubliner美国文学I. Washington IrvingA History of New York form the Beginning of the World to the End of Dutch Dynasty自古至荷兰占领为止的纽约史The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent 见闻扎记Bracebridge Hall 布雷斯布里奇庄园Tales of a Travel 旅行者的故事The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说选文Rip Van WinkleII. Ralph Waldo EmersonNature 论自然 Essay 散文集 The American Scholar 论美国学者Self-Reliance 论自信 The Over-Soul 论超灵选文NatureIII. Nathaniel HawthorneMosses from an Old Manse古宅青苔The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales 雪像和其他故事新编The Scarlet Letter 红字The House of Seven Gables 七个尖角阁的房子The Blithedale Romance 福谷传说 The Marble Faun 大理石雕像选文Young Goodman BrownIV. Walt WhitmanLeaves of Grass选文There Was a Child Went Forth, Cavalry Crossing a Ford, Song of MyselfV. Herman MelvilleTypee 泰比 Omoo 奥穆 Mardi 玛迪Redburn 雷德本 White Jacket 白外衣 Pierre 皮埃尔Confidence-Man 信心人 Moby-Dick 白鲸Billy Budd 比利伯德选文Moby-DickChapter 2 现实主义时期I. Mark TwainAdventures of Huckleberry FinnLife on Mississippi The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Innocent Abroad 傻瓜出国记 Roughing It 含莘如苦The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Gilded Age 镀金时代A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 亚瑟王宫庭中的美国佬The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson傻瓜威尔逊The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg 败坏哈德莱堡的人The Mysterious Stranger 神秘的陌生人选文Adventures of Huckleberry FinnII. Henry JamesThe American 美国人 Daisy Miller 黛西米勒 The European 欧洲人The Protrait of A Lady 贵妇人的画像 The Bostonians 波士顿人Princess Casamassima 卡撒玛西公主 The Private Life 私生活The Middle Years 中年 The Turn of the Screw 螺丝的拧紧The Beast in the Jungle 丛林猛兽 What Maisie Knows 梅西所知道的The Wings of the Dove 鸽翼 The Ambassadors 大使The Golden Bowl 金碗 The Death of a Lion 狮之死选文Daisy MillerIII. Emily DickinsonIf you were coming in the fallThere came a day Summer’s fullI cannot live with You I’m ceded-I’ve stopped being theirs选文This is my letter to the World, I heard a Fly buzz-when I diedI like to see it lap the MilesBecause I could not stop for deathIV. Theodore DreisererSister Carrie 嘉莉妹妹 Nigger Jeff 黑人杰夫Old Rogaum and His Theresa 老罗格姆和他的特里萨 Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘Trilogy of Desire The Financier 金融家 The Genius 天才An American Tragedy 美国悲剧 Dreiser at Russia 德莱塞对俄罗斯的观感选文Sister CarrieChapter 3 现代主义时期I. Ezra PoundThe Cantos 诗章 Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound 庞德的诗章Personae 人物 Cantos Hugh Selwyn Mauberley 休塞尔温莫伯利Make It New 要革新 Literary Essays 文学散文 The ABC of Reading 阅读入门Polite Essays 优雅的随笔The Translations of Ezra Pound 庞德译文集Confucius 孔子 Shih-Ching 诗集选文In a Station of the Metro, The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter, A PactII. Robert Lee FrostA Boy’s Will 一个男孩儿的愿望 North of Boston 波士顿以北 Mountain IntervalNew Hampshire 新罕布什尔 Snowy Evening 雪夜停马在林边 West-Running Brook 向西流去的小溪 Collected Poems 诗选 A Winter Tree选文After Apple-Picking, The Road Not Taken, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening以III. Eugene O’NeillBound East for Cardiff 驶向东方的卡笛夫 Beyond the Horizon 天外边Straw Anna Christie The Emperor Jones 琼斯皇帝The Hairy Ape 毛猿All God’ s Chillun Got Wings 所有上帝的烟斗都有翅膀The Great God Brown 伟大之神布朗Long Day’s Journal Into Night 直到夜晚的漫长的一天 Desire Under the Elms 榆树下的欲望选文The Hairy ApeIV. F. Scott FitzgeraldThis Side of Paradise 天堂的这一边 Beautiful and Damned 美丽而遭骂的人The Great Gatsby Tender is the Night 夜色温柔The Last Tycoon 最后一个巨头 Flappers and Philosophers 吹捧者与哲学家Tales of the Jazz Age 爵士时代 All the Sad Young Men 所有悲惨的小伙子Taps at Reveille 拍打在起床鼓上 Babylon Revisited重返巴比伦选文The Great GatsbyV. Earnest HemingwayIn Our Time 在我们的时代 A Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器For Whom the Bell Tolls 丧钟为谁敲响 The Old Man and the Sea 老人与海Men Without Women 没有女人的男人 Death in the Afternoon 午后之死The Snows of Kilimanjaro 开利曼扎罗之雪 The Green Hills of Africa 非洲的青山选文Indian Camp (from In Our Time)VI. William FaulknerThe Marble Faun 玉石牧神 The Sound and the Fury 喧嚣与骚动As I Lay Dying 我弥留之际 Light in August 八月之光Absalom, Absalom 押沙龙!押沙龙! Wild Palms 疯狂的手掌The Hamlet 哈姆雷特 The Unvanquished 不可征服的Go Down, Moses 去吧,摩西 The Fable 寓言The Town 小镇 The Mansion 大厦Soldier’s Pay 士兵的报酬。
重要英美作家作品英汉对照英国作家作品Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) 埃德蒙·斯宾塞The Shepherds Calendar《牧人日历》The Faerie Queen 《仙后》Christopher Marlow (1564-1593) 克里斯托弗·马洛Tamburlaine, Parts I &II 《铁木耳大帝,第一部和第二部》The Tragical History of Dr.Faustus《浮士德博士的悲剧》The Jew of Malta《马尔他的犹太人》Edward II《爱德华二世》“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”《多情的牧羊人致情人歌》William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 威廉·莎士比亚Henry VI《亨利六世》Richard III《查理三世》Henry IV《亨利四世》A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》As You Like It《皆大欢喜》The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》Twelfth Night《第十二夜》Romeo and Juliet《洛密欧与朱丽叶》Hamlet《哈姆雷特》Othello《奥赛罗》King Lear《李尔王》Macbeth《麦克佩斯》Cymbeline《辛白林》The Tempest《暴风雨》The Two Gentlemen of Verona《维洛那二绅士》Timon of Athens《雅典的泰门》Francis Bacon (1561-1626) 弗兰西斯·培根The Advancement of Learning《学术的进展》Novum Orgaum《新工具》History Of the Reign of King Henry VII《亨利七世王朝史》The New Atlantis《新大西岛》Essays《论说文集》“Of Studies”《论读书》John Donne (1572-1631) 约翰·邓恩The Elegies and Satires《挽歌与讽刺诗》The Songs and Sonnets《歌曲与十四行诗》“The Sun Rising”《日出》:Death, Be Not Proud”《死神莫骄傲》John Milton (1608-1674) 约翰·米尔顿Lycidas《列西达斯》Areopagitica《论出版自由》Paradise Lost《失乐园》Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》John Bunyan (1628-1688) 约翰·班杨Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners《功德无量》The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》The Life and Death of Mr.Badman《培德曼先生传》The Holy War《圣战》Alexander Pope (1688-1744)亚历山大·蒲柏Pastorals《田园诗集》The Rape of the Lock《卷发遭劫记》The Dunciad《愚人志》An Essay on Criticism《批评论》Essay on Man《人论》Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) 丹尼尔·迪福Robinson Crusoe《鲁宾逊漂流记》Captain Singleton《辛格顿船长》Moll Flanders《摩尔·弗兰德斯》Colonel Jack《杰克上校》Roxana《洛珊娜传》A Journal of the Plague Year《大疫年记》Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) 乔纳森·斯威夫特The Battle of the Books《书的战争》A Tale of a Tub《一个木桶的故事》The Drapier’s Letters《布商的书信》A Modest Proposal《一个温和的建议》Gulliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》Henry Fielding (1707-1754)亨利·菲尔丁The Coffee-House Politician《咖啡屋政客》Pasquin《讽刺诗文》The Historical Register for the Year 1736《一七三六年历史纪事》Joseph Andrews 《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯》The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great《大伟人乔纳森·威尔德传》The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling《弃儿,汤姆·琼斯传》Amelia《阿米丽亚》Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)塞缪尔·约翰逊A Dictionary of the English Language《英语词典》Lives of the Poets《诗人传》London《伦敦》The Vanity of Human Wishes《人类欲望之虚幻》The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia《阿比西尼亚王子拉塞拉斯》“To the Right Honorable the Eael of Chesterfield”《致切斯特菲尔德书》Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816) 查理德·布林斯利·谢立丹The Rivals《情敌》The School fro Scandal《造谣学校》St. Patrick’s Day《圣·帕特立克节》The Duenna《杜埃娜》The Critic《批评家》Thomas Gray (1716-1771)托马斯·格雷“An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”《墓园挽歌》“Ode on the Spring”《春天颂》“Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College”《伊顿学院的遥远前景颂》“Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat”《爱猫之死颂》“Hymn to Adversity”《逆境赞》William Blake (1757-1827)威廉·布莱克Poetical Sketches《素描诗集》Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》The Marriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地域的婚姻》The Book of Urizen《尤里真之书》The Book of Los《洛斯之书》The Four Zoas《四个佐亚》Milton《米尔顿》“The Chimney Sweeper”《扫烟窗的孩子》“The Tyger”《老虎》William Wordsworth (1770-1850) 威廉·华兹华斯The Prelude《序曲》An Evening Walk 《黄昏散步》Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》Ode: Intimations of Immortality《不朽颂》The Excursion《远足》“I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud”《我好似一朵孤独的流云》“Composed upon Westminster Bridge”《西敏寺桥上》“She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”《她住在人迹罕见的路边》“The Solitary Reaper”《孤独的割麦女》Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) 塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔勒治Remorse 《懊悔》Biographia Literaria《文学传记》“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”《老船夫》“Kubla Khan”《忽必烈汗》“Frost at MIdnight”《午夜寒降》George Gordon Byron (1788-1824)乔治·戈登·拜伦Hours of Idleness《懒散时光》English Bards and Scotch Reviewers《英格兰诗人与苏格兰评论家》Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》The Prisoner of Chillon《奇伦的囚犯》Manfred 《曼弗雷德》Cain《该隐》The Island《岛》Don Juan《唐璜》“Song for the Luddites”《献给路德派的歌》“The Isles of Greece”《哀希腊》Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)波西·比希·雪莱The Necessity of Atheism《无神论的必然性》Queen Mab《麦布女王》Alstor《阿拉斯特》Julian and Maddalo《朱利安和马达洛》The Revolt of Islam《伊斯兰的反抗》The Cenci《钦契》Prometheus Unbound《解放了得普罗米修斯》Adonais《安东尼斯》A Defence of Poetry《诗辩》“Ode to a Skylark”《云雀颂》“A Song: Men of England”《给英格兰人的歌》“Ode to the West Wind”《西风颂》John Keats (1795-1821) 约翰·济慈Endymion《恩狄弥翁》Lamia《拉米娅》Isabella《伊莎贝拉》The Eve of Saint Agnes《圣爱尼节前夜》“Ode on a Grecian Urn”《希腊古瓷颂》“Ode to a Nightingale”《夜莺颂》“Ode to Psyche”《普塞克颂》“To Autumn”《秋颂》“Ode on Melancholy”《忧郁颂》Jane Austen (1775-1817) 简·奥斯汀Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》Mansfield Park《曼斯菲尔德公园》Emma《爱玛》Persuasion《劝告》The Watsons《沃森一家》Charles Dickens (1812-1870) 查尔斯·狄更斯Sketches by Boz《博兹素描》The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club《匹克威克外传》Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》David Copperfield《大卫·科波菲尔》Martin Chuzzlewit《马丁·朱述尔维特》Dombey and Son《董贝父子》A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》Bleak House《荒凉山庄》Little Dorrit《小多利特》Hard Times《艰难时世》Great Expectations《远大前程》Our Mutual Friend《我们共同的朋友》The Old Curiosity Shop《老古玩店》Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) 夏洛特·布朗蒂Jane Eyre《简·爱》Shirley《雪莉》The Professor《教授》Emily Bronte (1818-1848) 埃米莉·布朗蒂Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) 阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生Poems by Two Bothers《两兄弟诗集》In Memoriam《悼念》Maud《毛黛》Idylls of the King《国王之歌》Enoch Arden《伊诺克·阿登》“Break, Break, Break”《碎了,碎了,碎了》“Crossing the Bar”《过沙洲》“Ulysses”《尤利西斯》Robert Browning (1812-1889) 罗伯特·布朗宁Pauline《波琳》Sordello《索德罗》Dramatic Lyrics《戏剧抒情传》Dramatic Romances and Lyrics《戏剧传奇与抒情诗》Bell and Pomegranates《铃与石榴》Men and Women《男男女女》Dramatic Personae《登场人物》Ring and Book《戒指与书》“My Last Duchess”《我已故的公爵夫人》“Meeting at Night”《夜会》“Parting at Moring”《晨别》George Eliot (1819-1880)乔治·艾略特Adam Bede《亚当·德比》The Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》Silas Marner《织工马南传》Middlemarch《米德尔马契》Daniel Deronda《丹尼尔·德伦达》Thomas Hardy托马斯·哈代Desperate Remedies《孤注一掷的措施》Under the Green Tree《绿荫下》Far from the Madding Crowd《远离尘嚣》Tess of the D’urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》Jude The Obscure《无名的裘德》The Dynastes《统治者》The Trumpet Major《喇叭上校》The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》The Woodlanders《林中居民》George Berard Shaw (1856-1950) 乔治·萧伯纳Cashel Byron’s Profession《卡希尔·拜伦的职业》Widower’s Houses《鳏夫的房产》Candida《堪迪达》Mrs. Warren’s Profession《华伦夫人的职业》Caesar and Cleopatra《凯撒与克利奥佩特拉》St. Joan《圣女贞德》Pygmalion《皮格马利翁》The Apple Cart《苹果车》Too True To Be Good《真相毕露》John Galsworthy (1867-1933)约翰·高尔斯华绥From the Four Winds《八面来风》The Man of Property《有产业的人》The Silver Box《银匣》The Forsyte Saga《福尔赛世家》In Chancery《骑虎》To Let《出租》William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝The Countess Cathleen《伯爵夫人凯思琳》Cathleen in Houlihan《凯思琳在毫里汗》The Land of Heart’s Desire《理想的国土》Purgatory《炼狱》“The Lake Isle of Innisfree”《茵纳斯弗利岛》“Down by the Salley Gardens”《走过黄柳园》T.S.Eliot (1888-1965) T.S.艾略特“The love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》The Waste Land《荒原》The Hollow Man《空心人》Ash Wednesday《灰星期三》Four Qurtets《四个四重奏》Murder in the Cathedral《大教堂里的谋杀》The Family Reunion《家庭团圆》The Cocktail Party《鸡尾酒会》Confidential Clerk《心腹职员》The Elder Statesman《资深政治家》D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》The White Peacock《白孔雀》The Trespasser《侵犯者》The Rainbow《虹》Women in Love《恋爱中的女人》Aaron’s Rod《阿伦之杖》Kangaroo《袋鼠》The Plumed Serpent《羽蛭》Chatterley’s Lover《查特莱夫人的情人》Lady St. Mawr《烈马圣莫尔》The Daughter of the Vicar《牧师的女儿》The Horse Dealer’s Daughter《马贩子的女儿》The Captain’s Doll《上尉的偶像》James Joyce (1882-1941) 詹姆斯·乔伊斯Dubliners《都柏林人》A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man《青年艺术家的画像》Ulysses《尤利西斯》“Araby”《阿拉比》美国作家作品Washington Irving (1783-1859) 华盛顿·欧文A History of New York《纽约外史》The Sketch Book《见闻札记》Tales Of a Traveler《旅行者的故事》“Rip Van Winkle”《瑞普·凡·温克尔》Bracebridge Hall《布雷斯布里奇田庄》“The Legend of Sleep Hollow”《睡谷的传说》Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生Nature《论自然》The American《美国学者》Self-Reliance《论自立》The Over-soul《论超灵》The American Scholar《论美国学者》Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) 纳撒尼尔·霍桑Twice-Told Tales《众人皆知的故事》Mosses from Old Manse《古屋青苔》The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales《雪的形象及其他尽人皆知的故事》The Scarlet letter《红字》The Home of the Seven Gables《有七个尖角阁的房子》The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》The Marble Faun《玉石雕像》“Young Goodman Brown”《年轻的古德曼·布朗》Walt Whitman (1819-1892) 华尔特·惠特曼Leaves of Grass《草叶集》“Song of Myself”《自我之歌》“There Was a Child Went Forth”《有个天天向前走的孩子》“Cavalry Crossing a Ford”《骑兵过河》Herman Melville (1819-!891) 赫尔曼·麦尔维尔Moby-Dick《白鲸》Billy Budd《比利·巴德》Typee《泰比》Omoo《奥穆》Mardi《玛地》Redburn《雷得本》White Jacket《白外衣》Pierre《皮埃尔》Mark Twain (1835-1910) 马克·吐温Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》Life on the Mississippi《密西西比河上的生活》Innocents Abroad《傻子出国记》Roughing It《含辛茹苦》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆·索亚历险记》The Gilded Age《镀金时代》A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court《亚瑟王宫廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson《傻瓜威尔逊》Henry James (1843-1916) 亨利·詹姆斯The American《美国人》Daisy Miller《黛西·米勒》The Europeans《欧洲人》The Portrait of A Lady《贵妇人的画像》The Bostonians《波士顿人》The Princess of Casamassima《卡撒玛西玛公主》The Private Life《私生活》The Death of a Lion《狮之死》The Turn of the Screw《螺丝在拧紧》The Beast in the Jungl e《丛林猛兽》The Wing of the Dove《鸽翼》The Ambasssadors《大使》The Golden Bowl《金碗》Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) 艾米利·狄金森The Poems of Emily Dickinson 《艾米利·狄金森诗集》“This is my letter to the world”《这是我写给世界的信》“I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died”《当我死的时候,我听到苍蝇嗡嗡叫》“I like to see it lap the Miles”《我爱看它舔食一哩又一哩》“Because I could not stop to death”《因为我不能停步等候死神》Theodore Dreiser (1875-1945) 西奥多·德莱塞Sister Carrie《嘉利妹妹》Jennie Gerhardt《珍妮姑娘》Trilogy of Desire《欲望三部曲》The Financier《金融家》An American Tragedy《美国的悲剧》Ezra Pound (1885-1975) 埃兹拉·庞德The Cantos《诗章》The Pisan Cantos《比萨诗章》Personae《人物》Huge Selwyn MAuberly《休·塞尔温》“In a Station of the Metro”《在地铁站》“The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter”《河商的妻子》Robert Lee Frost (1874-1963) 罗伯特·李·弗洛斯特A Boy’s Will《一个男孩的志向》North of Boston《波士顿以北》Mountain Interval《山间低地》New Hampshire《新罕普什尔》West-Running Brook《西去的河流》A Witness Tree《见证树》“After Apple-Picking”《摘苹果之后》“The Road Not Taken”《没有走的路》“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”《雪夜林边驻脚》Eugene O’Neil (1874-1940)尤金·奥尼尔Beyond the Horizon《天外边》The Straw《草》Anna Christie《安娜。
The Fairy Queen
• Arthur, the Knight of Magnificence, the perfection of all virtues. He is madly in love with the Fairy Queen and spends his time in pursuit of her. • Gloriana, the "Fairy Queen" herself. • Calidore, the Knight of Courtesy, hero of Book Six. He is on a quest from the Fairy Queen to slay the Blatant Beast. • Guyon, the Knight of Temperance, the hero of Book Two. He is the leader of the Knights of Maidenhead and carries the image of Gloriana on his shield.
• The story, which is set against a background of Arthur & medieval legend, deals with the adventures of six knights of the court of the fairy queen named Gloriana, who represents Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ of English.
The Fairy Queen is an incomplete English epic poem by Edmund Spenser. The first half was published in 1590, and a second installment was published in 1596. The Fairy Queen is notable for its form: it was the first work written in Spenserian stanza and is one of the longest poems in the English language. It is an allegorical work, written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I. In Spenser's "A Letter of the Authors," he states that the entire epic poem is "cloudily enwrapped in allegorical devises," and that the aim of publishing The Fairy Queen was to “fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gen• • • • • Book I: Holiness Book II: Temperance Book III: Chastity Book IV: Friendship Book V: Justice Book VI: Courtesy Book VII:Constancy In addition to these six virtues, Arthur represents the virtue of Magnificence, which is "the perfection of all the rest, and conteineth in it them all"; and that the Fairy Queen herself represents Glory .
The Faerie Queene
The poem follows several knights in an examination of several virtues, though it is primarily an allegorical work, and can be read on several levels of allegory, including as praise (or, later, criticism) of Queen Elizabeth I. In Spenser's "Letter of the Authors" he states that the entire epic poem is "cloudily enwrapped in Allegorical devises," and that the aim of publishing The Faerie Queene was to "fashion a gentleman or noble person in vertuous and gentle discipline".
埃德蒙·斯宾塞 (1552/1553-1599年1月 13日)是英国诗人,以 《仙女皇后》而闻名,这 是一首史诗和荒诞的寓言, 庆祝都铎王朝和伊丽莎白 一世。他被公认为现代新 诗首屈一指的工匠之一, 并经常被认为是英语中最 伟大的诗人。
The Faerie Queene is an English epic poem by Edmund Spenser. Books I to III were first published in 1590, and then republished in 1596 together with books IV to VI. The Faerie Queene is notable for its form: it is one of the longest poems in the English language and the origin of a verse form that came to be known as Spenserian stanza.
现在回想起来第一次结识全球读经教育交流网,也是因为搜索“homeschooling 在家自学”这个关键词,找到了该网转贴沈立博士的一篇关于在家自学的演讲。
文艺复兴时期威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)As the spokesman of English Renaissance, William Shakespeare is one of the most remarkable playwrights and poets the world has ever known. With his 38 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems, he has established his giant position in world literature. Hamlet, the summit of Shakespeare’s art, is the profoundest expression of his humanism and his criticism of contemporary life.弗朗西斯·培根Francis Bacon(1561-1626)As a representative of the Renaissance in England, Bacon was the founder of modern science of England and the first English essayist. His essays cover a wide variety of subjects. They have won popularity for their precision, clearness, brevity and force. Of Studies is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. Forceful and persuasive, compact and precise, Of Studies reveals to us Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning.埃德蒙·斯宾塞Edmund Spencer(1552-1599)Spencer was recognized as the “Poet’s poet” by his contemporaries and had great influence on a number of great English poets in the later centuries. His greatest work, The Faerie Queene, was writtenin Spenserian stanza, which was a popular verse form invented by him. The principle intention is to present through a “historical poem” the example of a perfect gentleman.浪漫主义时期威廉·布莱克William Blake(1758-1827)Blake is regarded as a Pre-Romantic or a forerunner of the Romantic poetry of the 19th century, who proclaimed the supremacy of the imagination over the rationalism and materialism. In his masterpiece Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, the world is seen from a child’s point of view, but the poems also function as parables of adult experience.威廉·华兹华斯William Wordsworth (1770-1850)William Wordsworth was the leading figure of the English romantic poetry. His poems are mainly about the beauty of nature and its relationship with all human beings. His best-known work Lyrical Ballads marked the beginning of the Romantic revival in England. Its preface served as the manifesto of the English Romantic movement in poetry. He, together with Coleridge and Southey, has often been mentioned as the “Lake Poets”.拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson(1803-1882)Emerson was the chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism, which is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the romantic period in the history of American literature. He greatly influenced religion and philosophy, especially with his idea of Transcendentalism, which said that God’s nature was in every person and thing. Emerson’s essay Nature explains Transcendentalism as the unity of nature.现实主义查尔斯·狄更斯Charles Dickens(1812-1870)Dickens was one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age. The greatness of Dickens is that he had the ability to sustain interest through all kinds of literary devices. He is a great humorist and satirist and his novels are characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos. His masterpiece Great Expectations is a satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher society.马克·吐温Mark Twain(1835-1910)Mark Twain is the leading US humorous writer of the 19th century, who is considered the father of American literature. In his books Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made an extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Twain’s most representative work, describing a journey down the Mississippi undertaken by Huck and Jim.亨利·詹姆斯Henry James(1843-1916)Henry James was the forerunner of the “stream of consciousness”literature. A recurring theme in his fiction is the conflict between the European and American world views. The Portrait of A Lady is generally considered to be his masterpiece, which incarnates the clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment.自然主义托马斯·哈代Tomas Hardy(1840-1928)Tomas Hardy was an outstanding novelist as well as a poet. His best local-colored works, known as “novels of character and environment”, are the most representative of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer. Tess of D’Urbervilles isHardy’s most well known novel, which portraits the tragic lot of a poor country girl ruined by the bourgeois society.西奥多·德莱塞Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945)Dreiser was one of the most significant American writers of naturalism. His works are often about poor people with unhappy lives. He was opposed to the idea of the American dream of success. In Sister Carrie Dreiser expressed his naturalistic pursuit by expounding the purposelessness of life and attacking the conventional moral standards.斯蒂芬·克莱恩Stephen Crane(1871~1900)Crane was a pioneer writing in the naturalistic tradition and also a pioneer in the field of modern poetry. Crane’s fictional world is a naturalistic one in which man is deprived of free will and expects no help from any quarter whatever. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets relates the story of a good woman’s downfall and destruction in a slum environment.现代主义T.S.爱略特T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)T. S. Eliot was a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry and a great innovator of verse technique, who was awarded the British Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948. His masterpiece The Waste land is a poem which is regarded as being primarily a reflection of the 20th-century people’s disillusionment and frustration in a sterile and futile society.D. H.劳伦斯D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)D. H. Lawrence was one of the literary giants of the modern period. The major theme of all his writings is human relationships in the modern world where natural harmony has been destroyed by industry and modernization. In the autobiographical novel Sons and Lovers, the detailed description of the human relationships shows the influence of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis, especially that of the “Oedipus complex.”詹姆斯·乔伊斯James Joyce(1882-1941)James Joyce was regarded as the most prominent stream-of-consciousness novelist, concentrating on revealing in his novels the psychic being of the characters. His masterpiece Ulysses presents a realistic picture of the modern wasteland, which modernmen are searching in vain for harmonious human relationships and spiritual sustenance in a decaying world.后现代主义塞缪尔·贝克特Samuel Beckett(1906-1989)Samuel Beckett was an Irish playwright, novelist, poet and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. His plays are concerned with human suffering and survival, and his characters are struggling with meaninglessness and the world of the Nothing. His famous two-act play Waiting for Godot is regarded as an important and symbolic play of the futility and nothingness of human life, a pessimistic attitude towards life.约瑟夫·海勒Joseph Heller(1923-1999)Heller was an American satirical novelist and playwright. In his books he used an absurd linguistic surface to reflect the depth of the absurdity of the modern world. He wrote the influential novel Catch-22 about American servicemen during World War II. It was this work whose title became the term commonly used to express absurdity in choice.约翰·福尔斯John Fowles(1926- )John Fowles is regarded as one of the greatest postmodernist novelists in literary world. He is a master of layered story-telling, illusionism, and purposefully ambiguous endings. His best-known novels are The French Lieutenant’s Woman, The Collector, and The Magu. His protagonists must often confront their past, self-delusions and illusions, in order to gain their personal freedom or peace of mind.。
英美文学选读复习:英美文学选读时代,年代和作者及其作品大纲列表(英国文学部分)文学名词:讽喻Allegory 如《仙后》白体诗Blank Verse 人文主义humanism 玄学派Metaphysical如约翰邓恩文艺复兴Renaissance 十四行诗sonnet18英美文学选读:英美文学选读时代,年代和作者及其作品大纲列表(英国文学-新古典主义)文学名词:启蒙运动The Enlightenment 崇尚理性,平等和科学,主张人有能力完善自己,完善社会新古典主义Neoclassicism17世纪末到18世纪中叶主宰了英国文学的一种古典主义倾向哥特式小说Gothic Novel以魔法,神秘,超自然因素为主要特色的一种小说,运用鬼混,怪物以及诸如旧城堡,地牢,墓场等背景造成一种险恶,可怕的氛围。
英雄双韵体诗Heroic couplet英美文学选读:英美文学选读时代,年代和作者及其作品大纲列表(英国文学-浪漫主义)拜伦式英雄Byronic hero 是拜伦塑造的一种典型人物形象,常常出身显贵,傲慢而神秘英美文学选读:英美文学选读时代,年代和作者及其作品大纲列表(英国文学-维多利亚)功利主义Utilitarianism检验伦理观念的方法就是看它是否对社会有用戏剧独白Dramatic monologue决定论Determinism人的行为和事件都是由决定它们的种种因素控制和导致的一种信仰或理论(Eliot的决定论有两个原因:内因和外因)自然主义Naturalism流行于19世纪晚期,在宇宙中人是被他所生存的环境和遗传因素控制的一种生物英美文学选读复习:英美文学选读时代,年代和作者及其作品大纲列表(现代部分)英美文学选读复习:英美文学选读时代,年代和作者及其作品大纲列表(美国部分)浪漫主义时期:加尔文主义Calvinism 通过上帝的特殊恩典的输入而获得有限的赎罪美国清教主义American Puritanism 那些由于各种原因来到新大陆并在美国定居下来的清教徒们的信仰和习俗超验主义transcendentalism 相信人能够通过直觉认识真理,或者超越感官获得知识自由诗体Free verse 有节奏的诗行长短不一,不符合任何固定的一样个牧师或传统的押韵体系。
关于传说中的不列颠国王,详见“李尔 (不列颠国王)”。
《李尔王》(King Lear)是威廉·莎士比亚著名的悲剧之一,它可能于1605年写成,剧情基于一位传说中罗马人时代之前,不列颠国王李尔的故事,关于这位国王的史记、诗歌和剧作在莎士比亚时代前便已存在。
目录∙ 1 人物∙ 2 剧情∙ 3 来源∙ 4 争论点o 4.1 开幕的不明o 4.2 悲剧结尾o 4.3 寇蒂莉亚和弄人o 4.4 爱德蒙o 4.5 版本∙ 5 改编作品∙ 6 外部链接人物∙李尔王:不列颠国王,他是一位很专制的人物,他对他的女儿们错误的判断导致了他的失败。
∙奥本尼公爵(The Duke of Albany):高纳里尔的丈夫,高纳里尔对他的“牛奶似的礼貌”不满,得知高纳里尔有意害死他后起来反对高纳里尔。
∙康华尔公爵(The Duke of Cornwall):里根的丈夫,在一次风暴中他将肯特伯爵推上了柴堆,将李尔放在一个火炉上,刺瞎了葛罗斯特伯爵。
∙葛罗斯特伯爵(The Earl of Gloucester):爱德伽和爱德蒙的父亲,爱德蒙欺骗他反对爱德伽,后来爱德伽扮装逃亡。
∙肯特伯爵(The Earl of Kent):李尔的忠臣,他反对李尔对寇蒂莉亚的态度后被李尔驱逐,但他扮装为仆人继续为李尔服务,只是不让李尔知道他是谁。
Edmund Spenser
Amoretti and Epithalamion
《小爱神》由88首十四行诗组成,一般 认为是写给他的未婚妻的。诗中既歌颂 世俗的爱情,又将爱情理念化,赋予其 神秘色彩。诗体结构上改意大利十四行 “4,4,3,3,”式为“4,4,4,2” 式,韵脚安排比较特abab,bcbc,cdcd,ee。 这种像连环扣似的韵式被称为“斯宾塞 式”。《婚曲》是为两位贵族女子出嫁 写的一首贺诗,把她们比作两只天鹅在 泰晤士河上顺流而下直到新郎府邸,诗 歌语言优美、形式整齐、音乐性强,既 典雅,又清新,较明显地体现了伊丽莎 白时代的诗歌风格。
Edmund Spenser
-----B英语101 张华
Edmund Spenser (1522-1599)
• • • • His literary career His life His Major Works His social significance
His literary Career
The Faerie Queen
----- his masterpiece
The Faerie Queen
• Spenser's masterpiece is an extensive poem , a great poem of its age. The first three books of The Faerie Queen were published in 1590, and a second set of three books were published in 1596.
1 (仙 后 第一t was pricking on the plain, 一位高贵的骑士正策马穿过平原, • Ycladd in mightier armies and silver shield, 他全副武装,手持银盾, • Wherein old dints of deeper wounds romaine, 盾上仍留着陈旧的深深的凹痕,
《乌托邦》开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河,这一传统从培根的《新大西岛》(The New Atlantis)、斯威夫特的《格列佛游记》(Gulliver’s Travels)、勃特勒的《埃瑞璜》(Erewhon)一直延续到20世纪的科幻小说。
文艺复兴时期诗歌创作繁荣,埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser, 1552-1599)的长诗《仙后》(The Faerie Queene)歌颂女王,宣扬人文主义思想。
弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon, 1561-1626)是这一时期最重要的散文家,他对文学的主要贡献是《论说文集》(Essays),共58篇。
克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe, 1564-1593)冲破旧的戏剧形式的束缚,创作了一种新戏剧。
Sonnet 75 埃德蒙·斯宾塞
1. time and immortality the transience of life, and the decline of youth and beauty
2. love and sea image All change except true love
whereas Where whenas death shall all the world subdew, subdue defeat 纵然死亡将征服整个世界, Our love shall live, and later life renew." renew later life 我们的爱却要在新生中复苏。”
/kənˈtra ɪv/ said contrive "Not so," quod i , "let baster things devize, /kwɒd/ the thing considered as worthless “不,”我说,“让低贱之物策划 die To dy in dust, but you shall live by fame: tomb widely known dead 死亡,而你将以美名永存于世:
英美文学-Renaissance 文艺复兴
As it was published in 1596, the epic presented the following virtues: Book I: Holiness Book II: Temperance Book III: Chastity Book IV: Friendship Book V: Justice Book VI: Courtesy In addition to these six virtues, the Letter to Raleigh suggests that Arthur represents the virtues of Magnificence, which ("according to Aristotle and the rest") is "the perfection of all the rest, and conteineth in it them all"; and that the Faerie Queene herself represents Glory (hence her name, Gloriana).
IV. Major Authors and Works (2)
2. Edmund Spenser and his “ The Faerie Queene”
Spenser, published first in three books in 1590, and later in six books in 1596. The Faerie Queene is notable for its form: it was the first work written in Spenserian stanza. It is an allegorical work, written in praise of Queen Elizabeth I. Largely symbolic, the poem follows several knights in an examination of several virtues. and was consequently a success, to the extent that it became Spenser's defining work. A measure of the favour which the poem found with the monarch is that Spenser was granted a pension for life on account of it (50 pounds a year). The work found great acclamation among critics and has been the subject of many analyses.
The Faerie Queene
The Faerie QueeneEdmud SpenserA Gentle Knight was pricking on the plaine,一位高贵的骑士正策马穿过平原,Ycladd in mightie armes and silver shielde,他全副武装,手持银盾,Wherein old dints of deepe wounds did remaine, 盾上仍留着陈旧的深深的凹痕,The cruell markes of many a bloudy fielde;这残酷的标记来自多次血腥的战阵;Yet armes till that time did he never wield:但这些武器至今他还未用过;His angry steede did chide his foming bitt, 他那愤怒的坐骑暴躁地咬着马勒,As much disdayning to the curde to yield:似乎桀骜不驯,不愿受主人的控制;Full jolly knight he seemed , and faire did sitt,他看上去是位真正的骑士,端坐马上,As one for knightly giusts and fierce encouters fitt.好象准备参加骑士比武,迎接激烈对抗。
2But on his brest a bloudie Crosse he bore,然而,他胸前带着一个血十字The deare remembrance of his dying Lord,这是他对垂死的主耶稣的珍贵记忆,For whose sweete sake that glorious badge he wore, 就为了耶稣,他佩带那光荣的徽章,And dead as living ever him adored:虽死犹生,耶稣永受他崇敬;Upon his shield the like was also scored,他的盾上也有着同样的血十字,For soveraine hope, which in his helpe he had: 这是耶稣基督帮助他得到最高希望的标记;Right faithfull true he was in deede and word,他忠诚正直,言行一致,But of his cheere did seeme too solemne sad;他的面容却显得过于严肃忧郁;Yet nothing did he dread, but ever was ydrad.但对于任何可怕的东西,他都无所畏惧。
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A romantic epic.
• Like Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, full of adventures and marvels, dragons, witches, enchanted trees, giants, jousting knights, and castles. • It fulfills the expectation that a romance will produce wonder, that it will enthrall us with its intricate plots, amazing episodes, heroic characters, elaborate descriptions. • It also fulfills the common Elizabethan expectation that poetry should teach by delighting.
Edmund Spenser and his The Faerie Queen
• Edmund Spenser(1552--1599) • the greatest nondramatic poet of the Elizabethan era. • poet's poet : 诗人的诗人 • Amoretti 《小爱神》 • The Shepheardes Calender 《牧人月历》 • The Faerie Queen 《仙后》
• He is a poet of sensuous images yet also something of an iconoclast, deeply suspicious of the power of images to turn into idols. • He is an idealist, yet also a celebrant of English nationalism, empire, and martial power. • He paid homage to Chaucer, used archaic language
Spenserian sonnet
special ryhme scheme: abab bcbc cdcd ee. • Shakespeare sonnet: abab cdcd efef gg • the remarkably beautiful adaption of the Italian canzone forms for the Epithalamion (《婚曲》)and Prothalamion, and the nineline stanza of The Faerie Queen , with its extraordinary six-foot line at the end.
• The Faerie Queen’s subjects in Faerie Land are called Faeries or elves. They are human beings, and undergo the trials and tribulations people undergo in the ordinary world. • Faerie Land is also inhabited by knights and ladies who are not Faeries but Байду номын сангаасritons - Redcrosse, Britomart, and Prince Arthur. • The bad creatures, people and monsters, represent various vices, evils, and temptations.
• The various books are composed on different structural principles. • Book 1 is almost self-contained, ----a miniature epic in itself, centering on the adventures of one principal hero, Redcrosse, who at length achieves the quest he undertakes at Una’s behest- killing the dragon who has imprisoned her parents; and winning her as his bride. • Spiritual allegory
A national epic
• it celebrates the Tudors, Queen Elizabeth, and the English nation. • The Redcrosse Knight in book 1 is the knight of Holiness, and also St. George, the patron saint of England. • Sir Guyon in book 2 is the knight of Temperance. • The female knight Britomart in book 3 is the knight of Chastity, alludes for Queen Elizabeth.
• He was strongly influenced by Renaissance neoplatonism, but was also earthy and practical. • He is a lover and celebrator of physical beauty, yet also a profound analyst of good and evil in all their perplexing shapes and complexities. • He was strongly influenced by Puritanism in his early days, remained a thoroughgoing Protestant all his life, and portrayed the Roman Catholic church as a villain in The Faerie Queene; yet his understanding of faith and of sin owns much to Catholic thinkers.
Virgil and Spenser
• Virgil, pastoral poetry to epic. • Aeneid----- epic heroism, “Arms and the man” • Spenser: move from The Shepheardes Calender to The Faerie Queen • The organization of each book into 12 cantons also imitates the 12 books of Virgil’s Aeneid. • The Faerie Queen, more romantic, “Fierce warres and faithful loves” • The scenery is romantic: plains and forests and caves and castles and magical trees and springs, where one meets dwarfs and giants and lions and pilgrims and magicians.
The Faerie Queen
• Courtesy book: like Castiglione's Courtier, intend to "fashion a gentleman or noble person" by exhibiting the qualities such a person should have. • The six books that Spenser completed exhibit the virtues of Holiness, Temperance, Chastity, Friendship, Justice and Courtesy.
• Persistent allusion to personages, events, and issues in Spenser’s England and Ireland-e.g. The queen, the English Reformation, the Continental religious wars, the iconoclastic controversies, and colonialism-the poem incorporates historical allegory.
The Shepheardes Calender
• 13 different meters. • some of these Spenser invented, some he adopted, but most of them were novel; only three or four were at all common in 1579.