PT 2025特斯拉计 说明书
安全操作规程1. 操作前准备在开始使用特斯拉计高斯计之前,您需要确保以下几点:•仔细阅读产品说明书和使用手册;•检查设备是否完整,合格;•确保使用环境无磁场干扰和电磁波干扰。
2. 操作中的注意事项在特斯拉计高斯计的使用过程中,需要注意以下几点:•确保测试的区域无磁场干扰;•测量时,特斯拉计高斯计应垂直于地面,且测试棒所在平面应与测试方向的成角度度数小于10度;•测试结束后,应先将电源开关关闭,再取下电池或将电源线拔出;•在使用过程中,应注意保护设备,在使用完毕后,应及时清洁设备。
3. 废弃处理特斯拉计高斯计适用于家庭和工业场所的测试,不属于一般垃圾。
以下是特斯拉计高斯计的保养规程:1. 清洁特斯拉计高斯计是一种精密仪器,需要定期进行清洁。
2. 储存长期储存特斯拉计高斯计时,应该注意以下几点:•特斯拉计高斯计需要储存在干燥、通风、无尘等条件下,避免阳光直射;•在不使用的情况下,应使用防尘袋或放入维护盒中存放。
3. 校准特斯拉计高斯计在使用前和使用过程中,必须进行校准。
特斯拉计 说明书
(HT700)±1%满度 +1 字
检验结论 合格 合格 合格 合格
送修 日期
修复 日期
2、 传感器切不可受力,撞击或受挤压,以免损坏。
机器保修 12 个月 传感器不在保修范围内
3、 调零时传感器应放置在远离磁场的地方,否则会造成
(用于放置 9V 叠层电池)
(将开关按下则由测量数据显 示切换到显示传感器供电电流
5、仪器在测试完毕后,最好将电池盒中电池拿出来,这样能 延长电池使用寿命。
1、 如果测量时没有数值变化或显示为 1 时可能是传感器已 损坏或是接线断开。如果接线断开则可按下图接线方式连接:
HT20 便携式数字特斯拉计
外型尺寸:160mm×88mm×36mm 仪器重量:300g
1 显示方式:3 -LCD
1、 将传感器前端盖子打开,将仪器电源开关置于“关”位 置,量程开关保持在原有位置。
2、将仪器反面电池盖打开,装上电池,然后再盖上电池盖。 3、将电源开关置于“开”,显示器应该显示±000,若不为零,
构合理不易损坏。电源为一节 9V 干电池,连续可使用
3.0生产厂商: 上海亨通磁电科技有限公司
DC:0-200-2000mT(灵敏度0.01 mT、0.1 mT),AC:0-200-2000mT(灵敏度0.01 mT、0.1 mT)。
工作环境温度:5℃ to +40℃;
8.0辅助设备和辅料: 5号电池4节;
10.0 设备的维护保养
13.0 设备的校验
14.0 相关的文件表式
二、安全操作规程1. 仪器准备在操作仪器之前,需要进行以下准备工作:•确保工作环境清洁、干燥,并远离大型磁场干扰;•检查电源电压是否符合仪器要求,并连接地线以确保电气安全;•确保仪器表面干净,在使用前清除表面灰尘和杂质;•掌握仪器使用说明书,了解仪器的基本原理和操作步骤。
2. 测量操作在进行测量操作时,需要遵守以下规程:•将仪器放置在稳定的平台上,并确保仪器平稳;•避免将仪器暴露在强烈的磁场中,以免影响读数准确性;•使用仪器时,避免接触仪器的探头部分,以免产生误差;•在测量过程中,保持仪器处于稳定状态,避免震动和碰撞。
3. 数据处理在对测得的数据进行处理时,需要注意以下事项:•确保数据处理的软件或算法准确可靠,避免错误处理导致错误结果;•如果需要对数据进行存储或导出,注意选择可靠的存储介质和格式;•数据处理完成后,及时备份重要数据,并清理临时文件。
4. 仪器维护为了保持仪器的正常工作状态和延长使用寿命,需要进行定期的维护工作:•定期清洁仪器表面和探头,使用软布蘸取少量清洁剂轻轻擦拭,切勿使用强力溶剂或水直接浸泡仪器;•定期校准仪器,确保测量结果的准确性,校准周期一般为一年;•定期检查电源线和连接线是否完好,及时更换损坏的部分;•长时间不使用时,应将仪器存放在干燥、通风的地方,并避免长时间暴露在高温环境中;三、应急措施在仪器使用过程中,可能会遇到一些紧急情况,需要采取相应的应急措施:•当仪器出现异常或故障时,应立即停止使用,并联系专业技术人员进行维修;•当仪器使用过程中出现异常热量、气味等情况时,应立即切断电源,并进行安全检查;•在处理测量结果时,如发现与预期结果大幅度偏差时,应仔细检查仪器设置和操作是否正确。
注意:此时仍处于“峰值测量”状态。 例:原峰值为 1500MT;当要测定新峰值预计新峰值<1500MT,如 800MT>。
注意:仪器在测试完毕后,请将传感器上的护套插上,并最好将电池拿出来。 0.1MT=1GS 1T=10000GS.
尊敬的用户: 感 谢您 关心 和使 用华 鸣产 品,您 在使 用华 鸣产 品的 过程 中遇 到任 何问 题 ,请 致
6、 置零 在非保持的状态下将传感器远离磁场,如显示屏上显示不为 0,可按 Zear 键 使之为零。
注意:如测量中需要转换量程,都必须重新调零,之后重新测量; 或 者测量之前先全部调零。 当重复按峰值保持测量按键时,可选择普通测量或峰值保持测量。
7、 测量
机、退磁机、微波炉、焊接机、电机等周围请不要使用。 建议您定期进行校准工作。 四.维修及注意点 1. 当仪器在测量状态时,如调零不起作用或测量磁体无读数,则应首先检 查供电电源是否正常,其次检查传感器是否损坏,如传感器表面无损坏、 接线完好,则可能仪器内部出现故障,建议客户将仪器寄回本公司进行 检修。 2. 传感器切不可受力、撞击或受挤压,以免损坏。 3. 调零时传感器应放置在远离磁场的地方,否则会造成测量误差。 4. 仪器保修期为 12 个月。注:传感器为易损件不在保修范围。 5. 仪器应避免在不符合使用环境条件下使用。 6. 如在测量时发现测量数值确实有偏差,则可用工具旋转传感器手柄上的 电位器进行微调以达到正确的测量结果。
F 垂直)中运动时,因为受到洛仑兹力( B)的作用而使轨迹发生偏移,并在材料
两侧(3.4)产生电荷积累形成垂直于电流方向的外加磁场方向的电场 ,最终
特斯拉计 高斯计仪表仪器测量精确参考信息
1. 什么是“实际值”:在对计量仪器进行检定中,用于检定的标准仪器所测得的被测量值称为“实际值”。
2. 什么是“真实值”:“真实值”是你想要测量的客观存在的值。
3. 什么是“绝对误差”(或称“误差”):“绝对误差”是指测量结果(仪器显示值)与“真实值”之差。
4. 什么是“相对误差”:“相对误差”是指仪器显示值的绝对误差与相应实际值的百分比〔也称为读数(of reading)误差〕。
按前面的例子:仪器显示102mT,磁场的实际值是100mT,此显示的绝对误差为+2mT,则相对误差=2mT÷100mT=2%5. 什么是“引用误差”:“引用误差”是指仪器显示值的绝对误差与仪器最大显示值〔或称满量程、满度、上限、FS〕的百分比。
仍然用前面的例子:如果仪器的量程处于1000mT量程,对于100mT的磁场,显示102mT,它的绝对误差为2mT,它的:引用误差=2mT÷1000mT(量程)=0.2%从以上对误差的不同表示方法可以看出,测量中产生同样的绝对误差,如果用相对误差表示,则为 2%。
特斯拉计 说明书.
构合理不易损坏。电源为一节 9V 干电池,连续可使用
4 小时。另外还标配稳压电源,可连接市电。
量程范围:0~200mT~2000mT 基本误差:±2.0%读数±2 个字 分辨力:0.1m T 零漂:30min 内小于 3 个字 环境温度:5℃~40℃ 相对湿度:20%~80%(无凝露) 供电电源:一节 9V 电池
(用于放置 9V 叠层电池)
(将开关按下则由测量数据显 示切换到显示传感器供电电流
5、仪器在测试完毕后,最好将电池盒中电池拿出来,这样能 延长电池使用寿命。
1、 如果测量时没有数值变化或显示为 1 时可能是传感器已 损坏或是接线断开。如果接线断开则可按下图接线方式连接:
1、HT20 数字特斯拉计
检验项目及技术标准要求 检验标准
外观 检 查 b.无伤痕变形
零位 漂移
基本 误差
(HT100/20)30 分钟内不 超过±1 字 (HT700)10 秒内不大于±
HT20 便携式数字特斯拉计
外型尺寸:160mm×88mm×36mm 仪器重量:300g
Specifications1.9kW Single-Phase Metered PDU, 120V Outlets (36 5-15/20R), L5-20P/5-20P adapter, 0U Vertical,72-in.MODEL NUMBER: PDUMV20-72DescriptionTripp Lite single phase Metered PDU / Power Distribution Units offer real-time local reporting of load level in amps via built-in digital display. Enables visual monitoring of PDU load levels to prevent overloads as additional equipment is added. Offers reliable rackmount multi-outlet power distribution from any protected UPS, generator or mains input power source. High quality design includes rugged all-metal housing andsecure rackmount installation with included mounting accessories.Features20A single phase 120V Metered Power Distribution Unit / PDU (Agency de-rated to 16A continuous)qTwo-digit lighted meter reports combined total output current in ampsqAttached NEMA L5-20P input plug with 15ft / 4.6m line cord and 5-20P adapter q0U 72-in. / 183cm vertical rackmount format installs using no rack spaces q36 NEMA 5-15/20R outletsqIncludes 20A circuit breaker and lighted power switch inside a transparent protective cover qToolless installation supported in button-mount compatible equipment racksqBolt-down installation brackets support installation in other racks and additional surfacesqHighlightsMetered single phase 120V 20A 0U 72-in. / 183cm vertical rackmount PDUqTwo-digit current meter reports output current in ampsqAttached 15ft / 4.6m cord with NEMA L5-20P plug and 5-20P adapterq36 NEMA 5-15/20R outlets qToolless button mount and bolt-down bracket installation hardware includedqPackage IncludesPDUMV20-72 Metered Vertical PDUq(1) L5-20P to 5-20P plug adapterqMounting hardware and spare mounting buttonsqInstruction manual with warranty informationq© 2020 Tripp Lite. All rights reserved. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. Tripp Lite has a policy of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Tripp Lite uses primary and third-party agencies to test its products for compliance with standards. See a list of Tripp Lite's testing agencies: https:///products/product-certification-agencies。
手持式数字特斯拉计安全操作及保养规程1. 引言手持式数字特斯拉计是一种常用于测量磁场强度的仪器。
2. 安全操作规程在操作手持式数字特斯拉计时,需遵循以下安全规程:2.1 穿戴个人防护装备在使用手持式数字特斯拉计之前,务必穿戴个人防护装备,包括护目镜、手套和防护服等。
2.2 确保操作环境安全在使用手持式数字特斯拉计时,应确保操作环境安全。
2.3 正确认识仪器的使用说明在使用手持式数字特斯拉计之前,必须仔细阅读和理解仪器的使用说明书。
2.4 规范操作流程在操作手持式数字特斯拉计时,应按照正确的操作流程进行。
2.5 注意安全距离在测量磁场强度时,应保持与仪器和测量目标之间的安全距离。
3. 保养规程为了保证手持式数字特斯拉计的长期可靠性和准确度,需要进行定期的保养工作。
以下是一些常见的保养规程:3.1 定期校准手持式数字特斯拉计应定期进行校准,以确保测量结果的精确性。
3.2 清洁和存储手持式数字特斯拉计在使用完毕后,应及时清洁仪器表面的污渍和尘埃。
3.3 防止震动和碰撞手持式数字特斯拉计应避免受到震动和碰撞,以防止仪器内部零部件的损坏。
3.4 充电和电池管理手持式数字特斯拉计使用电池供电,因此需要定期对电池进行管理。
数字特斯拉计高斯计安全操作及保养规程1. 引言本文档旨在说明数字特斯拉计高斯计的安全操作规程以及保养方法,旨在帮助用户正确使用和保养数字特斯拉计高斯计,确保使用过程中的安全和准确性。
2. 仪器概述数字特斯拉计高斯计是一种用于测量磁场强度的仪器。
以下是数字特斯拉计高斯计的主要规格:•测量范围:0.001 - 2000 mT•分辨率:0.001 mT•精度:±0.2%+1 digit•显示方式:数码显示•电源:9V 电池3. 安全操作规程正确的操作数字特斯拉计高斯计是确保安全和获得准确测量结果的关键。
以下是使用数字特斯拉计高斯计时的安全操作规程:3.1 仪器检查在使用之前,需要确保仪器处于良好的工作状态。
3.2 使用准备在开始使用数字特斯拉计高斯计之前,需做好以下准备工作:1.选择一个安静的测量环境,避免外部磁场干扰。
3.3 测量操作执行以下步骤进行测量操作:1.打开仪器电源,并等待仪器自检完成。
3.4 安全注意事项在使用数字特斯拉计高斯计时,请注意以下事项:•避免将仪器暴露于高温、潮湿、腐蚀性气体等环境中,以免损坏仪器。
4. 保养规程正确的保养能够延长数字特斯拉计高斯计的使用寿命并保持其准确性。
高斯计特斯拉计安全操作及保养规程1. 前言高斯计(Gauss Meter)和特斯拉计(Tesla Meter)是测量磁场强度的仪器。
2. 安全操作规程2.1 准备工作使用高斯计和特斯拉计前,必须仔细阅读仪器的说明书和本文档。
2.2 测量操作在测量操作时,应确保以下安全措施:1.经过专业培训的人员可以操作高斯计和特斯拉计。
2.3 管理和维护1.严格按照说明书中的要求操作仪器。
3. 保养规程3.1 清洁与保养高斯计和特斯拉计的探头应当保持干净。
3.2 储存与保管在存储和保管高斯计和特斯拉计时,要遵循以下原则:1.将仪器保持干燥、通风、避光的环境中。
4. 总结以上是高斯计特斯拉计的安全操作及保养规程。
特斯拉计PT2025ML_MAN_PT2025-V2-R1-Sep 03
NMR TESLAMETERUser’s ManualVersion 2.0(Revision 1.0)September 2003CONTENTS1GENERAL DESCRIPTION (1)2SPECIFICATIONS (5)2.1Probes (5)2.2PT 2025 TESLAMETER (5)3USER'S GUIDE (11)4PT 2025 OPERATING MODES (15)4.1The MANUAL Mode (15)4.2The AUTO Mode (16)4.3The SEARCH Mode (17)4.3.1Introduction (17)4.3.2Operation of the SEARCH Mode (17)4.4Use of the Three Modes via the Interface (18)5PT 2025 IEEE 486 INTERFACE (19)5.1Listener/Talker (20)5.1.1IEEE 488 Commands (20)5.1.2The PT 2025 Addressed as a Listener (22) of the Radio Frequency (22) MANUAL or AUTO Mode (23) Field Sense (23) Display (23) Multiplexer Channel (24) SEARCH Mode (24) SEARCH Mode (24) Number of MUX channels Used in SEARCH Mode (25) the SEARCH Time (25) nable/Disable Trigger (26) ast reading display (26) RQ Mask (26) equest Instrument Status (27)5.1.3The PT 2025 Addressed as a Talker (28)5.2Service Request (SRQ) (29)5.2.1How to Use the SRQ (29)5.2.2Setting the SRQ Mask (29)5.2.3The SRQ Status Register (30)5.3Instrument Status Registers (31)5.3.1Status Register 1: Internal Instrument Status (1 byte) (31)5.3.2Status Register 2: NMR signal status (1 byte) (33)5.3.3Status Register 3: Instrument Functions (1 byte) (34)5.3.4Status Register 4: DAC Status (2 bytes) (35)5.4Talker Only (35)5.5Summary of the IEEE Commands and PT 2025 Messages (37)6PT 2025 RS 232 C INTERFACE (DCE) (39)6.1Programming of the RS 232 C Interface (39)6.2Connecting the RS 232 C Interface (40)6.3Setting the Speed for the RS 232 C Interface (40)6.4The Two Operational Modes of the RS 232 C Interface (42)6.4.1Conversational Mode (42) the Displayed Value (<ENQ>) (42) (43) (43) Lockout (43) of the Radio Frequency (44) of the Radio Frequency (Decimal Form) (44) of the Radio Frequency (Binary Form) (44) MANUAL or AUTO Mode (45) Field Sense (45) elect Display (46) elect Multiplexer Channel (46) ctivate SEARCH Mode (46) uit SEARCH Mode (46) elect Number of MUX Channels Used in SEARCH Mode (47) elect the SEARCH Time (47) eset NNR Time-base (Trigger) (48) ast Reading Display (48) equest Status (48)6.4.2Instrument Status Registers (49) Register 1 : Internal Instrument Status (1 Byte) (49) Register 2: NMR signal status (1 byte) (50) Register 3: Instrument Functions (1 byte) (51) Register 4: DAC Status (2 bytes) (52)6.5Autonomous Mode (52)6.6Summary of the RS 232 C Messages (53)7THEORY OF OPERATION (55)8PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION (59)9CIRCUIT DETAILS (63)9.1Probes (63)9.2Automatic Probe Tuning (63)9.3The NMR Signal and Radio Frequency Amplifiers (65)9.4Automatic Trigger Threshold and Delay Circuits (67)9.5Frequency Control and Loop Gain (68)9.6Frequency Counter (70)10FAULT FINDING (73)10.1About auto mode (73)10.2about field tracking (74)10.3Unstable value (74)10.4external frequency meter (75)NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualMETRO LAB Instruments SA 11 GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe PT 2025 NMR Teslameter System (Fig. 1) comprises the following:•Bench-top main unit with RS 232C and (as an option) IEEE-488 interfaces •At least one NMR probe • A multiplexer if several probes are requiredEach Probe consists of a measuring head and a detection circuit.Probes model 1060 need an external amplifier (model 1030), the probe cable to the Amplifier is 7m long and the cable of the Amplifier to the PT 2025 may be up to 100 meters long.Probes model 1062 have the amplifier integrated. They are connected directly to the PT2025. The cable of the probes model 1062 may be up to 100 meters long.A block diagram of the Teslameter, including Probe and Amplifier, is shown in Fig. 2.The radio frequency oscillator in the PT 2025 has a frequency range of 30 to 90 MHz, which corresponds to the highest proton resonance field range of 0.7 to 2.1 Tesla. The other field ranges are obtained by dividing the radio frequency (f) by 2, 4, 8 or 16; f/4, f/2 or f being used for the three 2H probes. This results in a very comfortable overlap of the eight field ranges.An internal frequency counter measures the NMR frequency which is sent to the probe, the result is displayed in Tesla with a resolution of 0.1 µT (1 mGauss) or in frequency with a resolution of 1 Hz.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s Manual2 METRO LAB Instruments SAFig. 1Model PT 2025 NMR TeslameterNMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualMETRO LAB Instruments SA 3COARSE frequency adjustment is done manually with a 10 turns potentiometer or via the interfaces.FINE adjustment of the frequency is done with a second 10 turns potentiometer that allows precise adjustment of 1 to 5 % of full scale, depending on the COARSE frequency setting and the type of Probe (1H or 2H) used.In the “automatic” mode, the unit sweeps the frequency up and down through the FINE adjustment range until an NMR signal is detected. Then it “locks” automatically to this signal, a feedback control adjusts the frequency such that it equals the NMR frequency of the connected probe.The resulting frequency tracking, with any changes of the magnetic field at the Probe, is restricted to the FINE frequency adjustment range. Various other automatic controls simplify the use of the Teslameter: these are automatic trigger threshold and timing of the NMR signal processing circuits.Fig. 2Block diagram of the PT 2025 TeslameterNMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s Manual4METRO LAB Instruments SANMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualMETRO LAB Instruments SA 52 SPECIFICATIONS2.1 PROBESProbe N°Field Range (Tesla) Probe Type Frequency Range (MHz) Active Volume (Diam x L (mm) 10.043 to 0.13 1H 1.9 to 5.6 7 x 4.5 20.09 to 0.26 1H 3.8 to 11.2 5 x 4.5 30.17 to 0.52 1H 7.5 to 22.5 4 x 4.5 40.35 to 1.05 1H 15.0 to 45.0 4 x 4.5 50.70 to 2.1 1H 30.0 to 90.0 4 x 4.5 6*1.5 to 3.4 2H 7.5 to 22.5 4 x 4.5 7*3.0 to 6.8 2H 15.0 to 45.0 4 x4.5 8* 6.0 to 13.7 2H30.0 to 90.0 4 x 4.5 * For these probes, the signal-to-noise ratio is low at the lower end of their frequency range.2.2PT 2025 TESLAMETERABSOLUTE ACCURACYBetter than ± 5 ppm; this can be improved by absolute calibration of the probes.RELA TIVE ACCURACYApproximately ± 0.1 ppmSTABILITYOver fifty display readings in a 1.5 T superconducting coil, in stable laboratory conditions, the standard deviation is less than ± 5.0 x 10-8.Note: The specified value holds for a signal-to-noise ratio safely above the limitfor automatic frequency tracking.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualSIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO (IN A HIGHLY HOMOGENEOUS FIELD)1H probes: at min. of field range: approximately 10at max. of field range: approximately 1002H probes: at min. of field range: approximately 5at max. of field range: not measuredFREQUENCY TRACKING SPEED∆f/f: up to 1%/secTime lag: min. 17 msBoth depend on the loop gain and the maximum tracking speed (∆f/f) max, as well as on the setting of the frequency and the amplitude of the modulation. Therefore, the frequency tracking speed and the time lag may be of an order of magnitude poorer than the optimum values given above.LOOP GAIN AT D.C.Greater than 105 (worst case for 2H probes); but typically greater than 106.Front panel screwdriver a djustment for a maximum of 10 times attenuation of loop gain.MANUAL FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENTCOARSE: 10 turns precision potentiometer.FINE: 10 turns precision potentiometer; see “Field Tracking Range".MAGNETIC ENVIRONMENTThe PT 2025 should not be used in magnetic environments over 0.1 Tesla. However, for the Amplifier 1030 and the Multiplexer - Amplifier 2031, the operational limit can be extended up to 1 Tesla.6METRO LAB Instruments SANMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualREQUIRED HOMOGENEITY OF THE FIELDThe following table gives the maximum field gradients (in ppm/cm) for which the resulting signal-to-noise ratio just allows for automatic frequency tracking.Note: The field gradient effect on the NMR signal can, in some conditions, becompensated for with an appropriate external correcting coil.FIELD TRACKING RANGE (IN AUTO MODE)1H probes: up to 70 % of the frequency range: > ± 5%at the upper extremity of the frequency range: approx. ± 3%2H probes:up to 70 % of the frequency range:>±1.5%at the upper extremity of the frequency range: approx. ± 1.0 % Two LEDs indicate the approach of the upper (TOO HI) or lower (TOO LO) limit respectively, of the frequency tracking range.NMR SIGNAL OUTPUTBNC connector, located on the front panel, for scope inspection of the NMR signal. Output impedance: 10 k Ω + 10 nF to ground for noise filtering.NMR signal: negative pulses of 100 mV to 5 V.NMR LOCK INDICATORThe LED is on in the presence of an NMR signal.Field Range Probe N°High Middle Low 1600 900 600 21200 1600 1200 31200 1400 1400 41500 900 800 5250 600 350 6240 280 280 7300 180 160 8 50 120 70NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualFIELD MODULATION OUTPUTBNC connector, located on the front panel, for scope inspection of Probe field modulation waveform.Output impedance: 1 kΩ.Modulation signal is a 30 Hz to 70 Hz triangular waveform with an amplitude from 0 to ±8 V. Amplitude and frequency are adjustable with front panel screwdriver trimpots.NMR FREQUENCYBNC connector, located on the front panel, for scope inspection or external precision frequency counter.It’s a current square-wave of 0 to -16 mA amplitude (NIM level): 0 to -0.8 V amplitude if the input impedance of the measuring instrument is 50 Ω.RADIO FREQUENCY OUTPUT FOR NNR AMPLIFIERBNC connector, located on the rear panel, giving a square-wave of 0.8 V p-p amplitude into 50 Ω.SIGNAL OUTPUT FOR NMR AMPLIFIERLEMO connector, located on the rear panel, used for NMR signal, Modulation and Amplifier power supply.INTERNAL FREQUENCY COUNTER9 digits LED display indicating the field strength in Tesla or NMR frequency in MHz.Resolution: 0.1 µT or 1 Hz.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s Manual TEMPERATURE COMPENSA TED QUARTZ OSCILLATORStability: ± 1 ppm within 10 to 40°C ambient temperature.Refer also to the following picture which shows the 5 pointcompensation within the temperature range -20 to +70° C.(1) Uncompensated curve; (2) Compensation point; (3)Compensated curve.Ageing: < ± 1.0 x 10-7 / day< ± 1.0 x 10-6 / month< ± 2.0 x 10-6 / yearPOWER REQUIREMENTVoltage: 220 VAC or 110 VAC ± 10% (depending on the position of the line voltage selector).Power: approx. 40 VAFrequency: 50 or 60 HzFuses:0.8 Amp for 220 VACs; 1.6 Amp for 110 VAC(Slow Blow). OPTIONAL HIGH STABILITY COUNTER (HS)(OVEN CONTROLLED QUARTZ OSCILLATOR)Warm-up: 5 minutes at 25° C.Stability: < ± 5 ppb / ° C. within 10 to 40 ° C. ambient temperature. Ageing: < ± 2 ppb / day after 30 working days.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualNMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s Manual 3 USER'S GUIDE•Ensure that the line voltage, which is indicated on the back panel of the PT 2025, corresponds to that of your location. A selector, situated just below the line voltage input, enables you to change the voltage accordingly. With the power cable removed, use a screwdriver to extract the fuse holder and replace it in the desired position.•The main power switch situated on the back panel should be set to OFF. •Either the 220 VAC or the 115 VAC power cord (whichever is required) should then be connected.•The approximate magnitude of the field should be known or measured by external means (eg Hall Probe, value of magnet coil current etc.). •Choose the relevant probe according to the magnitude of the field. Where the probe ranges overlap, it is recommended that the lower field range probe to use which will produce a larger NMR signal.•If an amplifier 1030 is used, set correctly the Probe Select Switch: one position for probes 2 to 8 and the other position for probe 1 only.•It is possible to place the probe detector circuitry within the magnetic field as this results in less than 1 ppm on the field value measured by the probe.Whereas the 1030 Amplifier may be used in high fields, the PT 2025 should only be used in fields of below 100 mT.•The front panel outputs FIELD MODULATION and NMR 5IGNAL may be connected to the high impedance inputs of an oscilloscope: 2.0V/div,0.2V/div respectively and an internal time-base of 5 ms/div.•Set the MHz/TESLA toggle switch to the TESLA position.•Set the MANUAL/AUTO switch to the MANUAL position.•On powering up the Teslameter, a yellow LED situated on the front panel indicates which probe is in fact connected to the PT 2025•If a scope is connected, then verify the d.c. value of the NMR signal output on the display. Depending on the frequency and the probe used, it should be between 0.1 to 1V. Should no positive d.c. voltage be registered at the NMR SIGNAL output, turn the COARSE control to maximum and then back to the required value.Note that the radio frequency oscillator may not start when set to a low frequency if the power has been turned off and on within a delay of approximately 15 seconds.•Set the Modulation amplitude to its maximum value by using a screwdriver to turn the MODULATION AMPLITUDE trimpot fully clockwise.•In certain cases (where high magnetic fields are to be measured) the stability of the measurement can be improved by reducing the Modulation amplitude.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s Manual•Set the Modulation frequency to 30 Hz. Again this can be done by using a screwdriver to turn the MODULATION FREQ trimpot fully anti-clockwise. •For better stability, the frequency of modulation may be increased up to 70 Hz in high uniformity fields. The amplitude will decrease however when the frequency is increasing since the slope of the modulation signal is constant. •The COARSE control must be adjusted until the Teslameter's field reading roughly corresponds to the magnitude of the field, then gradually turned until the NMR Lock LED flashes or remains lit. If an oscilloscope is connected to the front panel outputs (see above), the NMR signal should now be displayed on the screen. The FINE control can also be used if necessary.•Set the MANUAL/AUTO toggle switch to the AUTO position. The Teslameter will scan the full range of the FINE control and “lock” on to the field. Should the Teslameter not “lock”, then the modulation may be in the wrong polarity with respect to the measured field. In this case, reverse the FIELD ± toggle switch polarity.•For optimum results the probe should be fixed in a position of high homogeneity, this being indicated by the "wiggles" and maximum amplitude of the NMR signal (refer to Fig. 3).•The GAIN potentiometer of the frequency control loop should normally be turned fully clockwise (maximum gain for the highest precision measurement). Nevertheless a reduction of the loop gain may lead to a more stable field reading in the event of a poor signal-to-noise ratio or if there are rapid fluctuations in the field.•Should the LEDs TOO HI or TOO LO appear faint, this implies that the Teslameter is “locked” but is not at the center of the field tracking range. In this case, turn the COARSE potentiometer very gently in the relevant direction until the LED is off.•If the magnetic field changes slowly, the Teslameter will automatically follow the variations within the field tracking range (as given in the specifications). The position of the COARSE field setting in relation to the actual field is indicated by the LEDs TOO HI or TOO LO. In the MANUAL mode, these are off only when the FINE control is set to 5.0.•The resonance frequency may be read in Hz by setting the MHz/TESLA switch accordingly. The 1 Hz digit will be relevant only in high uniformity fields.•To ensure high precision during long-term measurements, a temperature stabilizer frequency meter of suitable stability may be connected to the NMR FREQ output located on the front panel. Verify that the input impedance of the frequency meter is 50Ω.•To use the SEARCH mode of operation (see section 4.3 for details) push the SEARCH button. The REM/SEARCH LED is lit and the front panel functions are disabled. In this mode of operation, the FINE potentiometer must be in position 5.0. In particular field conditions, a different position may cause difficulties to lock the NMR signal. To stop the SEARCH mode, press again the SEARCH button.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualFig. 3Typical NMR waveform, showing ringing or “wiggles”.NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualNMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s Manual 4 PT2025OPERATING MODESThe PT 2025 has three operating modes, which are explained in this chapter. These three modes, called MANUAL, AUTO and SEARCH respectively, allow the user to measure field values under varying field conditions and can be used with or without the computer interface. The basic use of these three modes without the interface is now described, followed by details of what can be gained by using the interface commands.4.1 THE MANUAL MODEThe MANUAL mode is the most basic mode of operation and gives the user full control of all the instrument functions. It may be useful in some very non-homogeneous fields that the AUTO mode does not ?lock? on to the NMR signal.Set the MANUAL/AUTO to the MANUAL position (i.e. the button is released). The radio frequency can be adjusted with the COARSE and FINE potentiometers. The NMR signal can be found by slowly turning the COARSE potentiometer or, if necessary, the FINE one. The presence of the NMR signal will be indicated by the flashing of the NMR LOCK LED located to the left of the display.Note: Noise can also cause the NMR LOCK to flash, if it is great enough to pass the threshold level.If, however, the NMR signal is so small (due to the non-homogeneity of the magnetic field) that the detection level i s not reached, the NMR LOCK will not light. In this case it is necessary to use an oscilloscope.Connect channel 1 of the oscilloscope to the NMR SIGNAL BNC output (0.1 V/Div) and channel 2 to the FIELD MODULATION (5 V/Div). Set the time-base to 5ms/Div and trigger on channel 2 (FIELD MODULATION).A precision of the order of 10-4 can be easily obtained if the NMR signal is made symmetrical in relation to the modulation signal (see below).Fig. 4NMR signal (upper) / Modulation signal (lower).NMR Teslameter PT 2025 – User’s ManualThe LEDs TOO HI and TOO LO have no significance in the MANUAL mode and will only be off if the FINE potentiometer is set to 5.0.If the NMR signal is sufficient to light the NMR LOCK LED then set the AUTO mode to ensure a stable “lock” condition. (See the following section).4.2 THE AUTO MODETo select the AUTO mode, push the MANUAL/AUTO button to AUTO (the button is depressed). In the AUTO mode, the PT 2025 sweeps the radio frequency over the whole range of the FINE potentiometer (the latter being disconnected). This represents a variation of ± 5 % of the frequency actually selected by the COARSE potentiometer. If the NMR signal appears within the range scanned, the PT 2025 will automatically “lock” on to the signal, providing that the polarity of the modulation as selected by the FIELD +/- is in accordance with that of the field (if the field sense is wrong select the correct sense). The LED NMR LOCK should then be permanently lit to indicate that the PT 2025 has found t he correct field value.The LEDs TOO HI and TOO LO indicate the position of the COARSE potentiometer in relation to the NMR frequency when the signal is “locked”. Example:The field to be measured has a value of 1.02 T (probe 5). The PT 2025 is in MANUAL mode with the FINE potentiometer set to 5.0 and indicates 1.000 T. When the AUTO mode is selected, the PT 2025 will scan the field from 0.95 T (-5%) to 1.05 T (+5%). When the PT 2025 arrives at the field value of 1.02 T, it will “lock” on to the NMR Signal and the display will show the actual field value. The LEDs TOO LO will be lit, indicating that the COARSE potentiometer is too low. Increasing the COARSE very slowly until the TOO LO LEDs are off, will ensure that the NMR signal is centred within the scan range.The magnetic field can be tracked within the range of ± 5% without losing the "locked" condition, providing the variation is not greater than 1%/sec.If the NMR signal is too weak and the PT 2025 cannot “lock” on to it, the instrument must be returned to the MANUAL mode (refer to the previous section). Note: For the 1H probes the sweep range is typically ± 5% but can be reduced to 3% at the upper end of the probe's range. For the 2H probes, the sweep range is reduced by a factor of 3 in comparison to the 1H probes.4.3 THE SEARCH MODE4.3.1 IntroductionIn this mode the microprocessor takes control of all the front panel commands rendering them inoperative. Simultaneously, an automatic field search is activated. The entire range of the probe is scanned (from bottom to top) until the NMR signal is seen; at which point the PT 2025 “locks” on to the signal.Noise and interference signals are detected and by-passed by the search algorithm. Once the PT 2025 has “locked” on to a signal, the search algorithm can follow the field over the whole probe range. When connected to a computer and with the aid of the probe multiplexer, the PT 2025 can be programmed to search for and track a field over several probes.4.3.2 Operation of the SEARCH ModeThe SEARCH mode is activated by pressing the LOCAL/SEARCH push button when the PT 2025 is under front panel control. The LED REMOTE/SEARCH will indicate the start of the field search. The front panel controls the sense of the field FIELD +/-. The multiplexer setting and the display format TESLA/MHz are taken into account at the start of the search; all other settings are ignored (the user is advised to set the FINE potentiometer to5.0).The microprocessor sweeps the radio frequency from the low end of the probe and waits to see if the NMR signal is seen. Once it has detected a signal, it must decide whether this is really the NMR signal, or if it is caused by some external interference. The algorithm rapidly rescans this zone to check for the reoccurrence of the NMR signal and if this is seen puts the PT 2025 into the AUTO mode to try to “lock” on to the NMR signal. (If the second occurrence is not seen the algorithm presumes that the signal was due to noise.)Once in the AUTO mode the algorithm waits for five seconds and if the "locked" condition is not reached, changes the polarity of the field. After another period of five seconds the PT 2025 is either "locked" or the scan is continued as no signal was found.Once in the “locked” state the PT 2025’s search algorithm uses a servo control to avoid losing a signal from a drifting field. A variation of 1%/sec over the probe's range, increasing or decreasing, can be tolerated. Should the signal become "unlocked" the algorithm will restart the search from the present field value. A typical search may last for about 12 seconds depending on field value and polarity.To quit the SEARCH mode the user must push the LOCAL/SEARCH button at which point the PT 2025 will return to front panel control.During the search for the NMR signal, noise signals, which pass the detection threshold, will appear to be the first signs of the NMR signal. Providing the noise is of a random nature the search algorithm will ignore it; however this adds a delay of about four seconds to the search time. If the noise is not random but appears at a precise frequency (for example an external radio frequency beating with the internal radio frequency of the PT 2025), the algorithm will take about ten seconds to identify the noise signal (during thistime the LEDs TOO HI and TOO LO will light up alternatively. Once the noise has been identified, the search will be continued.4.4 USE OF THE THREE MODES VIA THE INTERFACEThe above explanation of the three modes of operation remains valid when using them via the computer interface. However more options are available in the SEARCH mode; these options are now described.The MANUAL / AUTO mode is selected with the "An" message;Where n = 0 for MANUALn = 1 for AUTOThis has exactly the same effect as the front panel button.With regard to the SEARCH mode, the use of interface gives the user more possibilities than the front panel controls.For example:•Starting the search at a defined radio frequency.•Performing a Search over several probes if a probe multiplexer is used.•Changing the speed at which the search is performed.The use of these functions is now outlined. If the value of the field to be measured is known approximately, the search time can be reduced if the search is started from a value close to that of the field to be measured.When using the multiplexer with several probes (where the field value could be in one of several probes' ranges) the user may specify with the "Xn" message the number (n) of probes to be used in the search. If the PT 2025 does not find an NMR signal in the last probe's range, it restarts the search from the bottom of the first probe's range.In poor field conditions, the rate at which the search is executed may need to be decreased in order to improve the “locking”. This may be achieved with the "On" message. In this case n = 1 gives a fast search of 9 seconds per probe. Each increment in n causes the scan time to be increased by 3 seconds.5 PT2025IEEE486INTERFACEThe PT 2025 Teslameter is equipped with a RS 232C and an IEEE 488 interfaces. The desired interface can be selected by using micro-switch "9" located on the back panel: “0” = RS 232C and “1” = IEEE 488.Via these interfaces the user has control of the front panel functions and can access to the measured field value and the instrument status. The SEARCH mode may also be entered via the interfaces. Chapters 5 and 6 describe in detail the interfaces and their protocols.In order to select the IEEE 488 interface, micro-switch “9” must be set to 1. This interface supports the following two modes:•Listener / Talker (addressed mode)•Talker only.The PT 2025 can perform following functions:SH1; AH1; T5; L4; SR1; RL1; PP0; DC1; DT1; C0E1.The micro-switch configuration (on rear panel) to select one of the above two modes is now given.Micro-switch N° Comment1 to 5 Device address in Listener/Talker mode orrepetition rate when in Talker only mode (referto section 5.4)6 Must be 00 : Listener/Talker (addressed mode)71 : Talker Only (section 5.4)80 : suppresses the transmission of <CR><LF>as message terminator1 : PT 2025 sends <CR><LF> to terminatemessages90 : selects RS 232 C interface1 : selects IEEE 488 interfaceIn this document, the IEEE functions such as REMOTE and LOCAL are referred to as “Commands” and ASCII data sent to the PT 2025 when it is addressed as a Listener are referred as "Messages".。
SPECIAL TOOLSNo.Description of individual tools Length Weight g2-265T est prod, red, 1 mm, extremely slim, pointed and fl exible,blade made from 1 mm steel wire, with banana plugconnection, fully insulated, available in red (2-265-1)and black (2-265-2)155 mm92-126Desoldering lever, slotted on one end, nickel plated, withdissipative (ESD) black plastic handle115 mm102-127Tin knife with pointed, sharp blade, for cutting circuit paths,with plastic handle, 115 mm115 mm142-128Tin scraper with blade of sharp parting tool, shape forscraping off excess solder and solder bridges115 mm142-101Tin knife with ceramic blade for working at printed circuitboards, 105 mm long, handle from dissipative black plastic105 mm92-113ESD metal opener lifting tool, dissipation capacity approx.109 Ohm, ideal for gentle opening of sensitive equipment222-145Screwdriver with guide sleeve, for easy and accurate settingof spindle resistors and potentiometers, with slotted axlesup to 3.2 mm Ø, nickel-plated blade, plastic handle140 mm122-155Claw-type gripper, nickel-plated, with 3 hardened wireclaws, opening up to max. 12 mm, with clip165 mm492-157Flexible claw-gripper with 4 spring claws, to reachinaccessible places, nickel-plated, long version600 mm752-161Steel Scriber, Ø 7 mm, telescopic rod with magnetic lifter,143 - 660 mm146 mm372-163Brass contact cleaner brush, Ø 4 mm, with rotarymechanism, plastic casing120 mm102-164Replacement brass brush insert for 2-16340 mm12-165Contact cleaner, brush form, with wire bristles, nickel-plated35 mm22-166Glass fi bre contact cleaner brush with rotary mechanism,plastic casing, 120 mm120 mm102-167/10Replacement glass fi bre inserts for 2-166, 10 pieces40 mm122-168Glass fi bre contact cleaner brush, Ø 2 mm135 mm92-169Replacement glass fi ber for 2-168110 mm11-909Engineer‘s mirror with extension, magnifi cation, hollow mirror 23 mm Ø145/260 mm91-978Engineer‘s mirror as above, but extension handle with ground 6 mm screwdriver blade made of grey plastic145/260 mm92-275Repair mirror, stainless, magnifying, concave mirror,Ø 21 mm180 mm72-282T elescopic mirror with double hinge, can be swivelled in any position, nickel-plated, rubberized handle, mirror 23 mm Ø150 bis460 mm212-285Inspection mirror with telescopic rod, double joint and LED Illumination, Ø 26 mm, 360° rotatable, stainless steelhandle240 bis645 mm58NEW72。
仪器名称 HM-100 高斯计
出厂检定记录 仪器编号
出厂日期 年月日
外观 检查
2、无伤痕变形 3、开关动作正常
合格 合格
零位 漂移 基本 误差
30 分钟不超过±1 字 ±1%满度±1 字
送修 日期
合格 合格 合格 返修记录 实际情况
机、退磁机、微波炉、焊接机、电机等周围请不要使用。 建议您定期进行校准工作。 四.维修及注意点 1. 当仪器在测量状态时,如调零不起作用或测量磁体无读数,则应首先检 查供电电源是否正常,其次检查传感器是否损坏,如传感器表面无损坏、 接线完好,则可能仪器内部出现故障,建议客户将仪器寄回本公司进行 检修。 2. 传感器切不可受力、撞击或受挤压,以免损坏。 3. 调零时传感器应放置在远离磁场的地方,否则会造成测量误差。 4. 仪器保修期为 12 个月。注:传感器为易损件不在保修范围。 5. 仪器应避免在不符合使用环境条件下使用。 6. 如在测量时发现测量数值确实有偏差,则可用工具旋转传感器手柄上的 电位器进行微调以达到正确的测量结果。
(纵向传感器)紧密接触被测材料表面(直流磁场)或被测的磁场位置进行 测量,液晶显示即为被测磁场的大小。 8、 重置峰值保持
在峰值保持测量状态的测量过程中,如需重新测定峰值,而此峰值预计 比原峰值小,则可按 Zear 键使之重新读入峰值。
因为当仪器进入峰值保持状态后必须有比现有显示值大的值时数据显 示才改变,如果所测数据比现有显示值小,刚显示值不改变。所以此时必须 按峰值重置。
手持式特斯拉计使用方法(一)手持式特斯拉计使用方法1. 简介手持式特斯拉计是一种测量电场强度的仪器,它能够帮助我们评估电磁辐射水平,并提供相关的数据。
2. 装配准备工作•在使用之前,先检查手持式特斯拉计是否完好,并确保电池电量充足。
3. 测量打开仪器•打开手持式特斯拉计的电源开关,等待仪器启动。
4. 注意事项•在测量过程中,避免手持式特斯拉计与其他金属物质接触,以免干扰测量结果。
5. 其他功能数据记录一些手持式特斯拉计具有数据记录功能,可以将测量结果自动记录下来。
特斯拉计操作手册(总3页)本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March特斯拉计操作手册1概述1.1简单介绍特斯拉计也叫高斯计,可对永久磁材料的表面磁场、空间的直流磁场进行测量。
1.2技术指标量程范围:0—20mT —200mT ;基本误差:±1.0%;环境温度:5度—40度;相对湿度:20%—80%(无凝露)。
2、LCD :液晶显示。
1 2 3 6 7 8 4 5 9 特斯拉计6、量程转换开关:将开关按下则由20MT切换到200MT的量程。
2.2 按下20 mT量程转换开关。
2.3 把特斯拉计传感器头部的凹陷圆点垂直放置在地感器表面上方,其顶部与钢轨表面垂直距离110mm。
2.4 显示的数值为该点的磁感应强度,此数值为mT值,1mT=10Gs,不得少于40Gs。
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6. 警报系统
1. 用户需保管好自己的账号和密码,避免泄露给他人。
2. 使用数字特斯拉计进行远程控制时,需确保网络信号良好,避免操作出现延迟或错误。
3. 在使用数字特斯拉计时需严格遵守交通法规,避免因远程操作而导致交通事故。
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PT 2025特斯拉计说明书PT 2025特斯拉计说明书测量范围超过13特斯拉,绝对精度5 ppm,同时不受温度或老化引起自由漂移影响,使PT2025成为磁强计的黄金标准。
该PT4025 3U机架式模式允许一个或两个特斯拉计被固定在19寸机架上。
不同的应用选择不同的探头强大的质子试样探针有效范围从43mT至2.1 T,而氘试样探针,(在玻璃器皿中的重水)覆盖1.5T至13.7T的范围。
每个探针有300%(质子)或225%(氘)的范围,例如从0.7到2.1 T,能提供一个较大的重叠区域与下一个更高和下一个较低的范围。
高稳定性的HS2060内部频率计数器提供了长期稳定的终极,和ACC - 1060和1100梯度补偿线圈可用在不同区域内改善性能。
PT2025简介 1062探头数据表(不需要外部放大器) 1060探头数据表(需要外部放大器) 1082探头数据(微型探头,不需要外部放大器) 1080探头数据(微型探头,需要外部放大器)梯度补偿线圈数据表探头1:1062-1-10 (0.043T-0.13T)探头2:1062-2-10 (0.09T-0.26T)探头3:1062-3-10 (0.17T-0.52T)探头4:1062-4-10 (0.35T-1.05T)探头5:1062-5-10 (0.7T-2.1T)探头6:1062-6-10 (1.5T-3.4T)探头7:1062-7-10 (3.0T-6.8T)探头8:1062-8-10 (6.0T-13.7T)(“10”表示10米长电缆)探头不同价格不同,定货前请先确定所需探头的型号!Range 0.043T to 13.7TResolution0.1μT or 1Hz in NMR frequencyAccuracy Better than 5ppmStandard Deviation < 0.05ppm at 1.5TFrequency StabilityOver TimeTemperature Aging Better than 0.05ppm over 3 days ± 1ppm from -20°C to +70°C± 2ppm/yearTracking Rate 1%/sec, maximumReading Rate 1/sec or 10/sec at a reduced resolutionLag Time Approx. 17msOperating Temperature 10°C to 40°CStorage Temperature - 20°C to + 70°CEnvironmental Field < 0.1T (for 2025 control)Computer Interface RS-232-C and IEEE-488 GPIBPower Input 110/220V 50/60Hz, 40VAFuseIndicatorsDisplay 8? digit, 7 segment, 11mm high, LEDsNMR Lock LED, indicates an NMR signalProbe Range 8 LEDs, indicates range of connected probe, 1 - 8Tesla / MHz 2 LED bars, indicates Tesla or MHz displayRemote / Search LED, indicates remote and search operationToo High / Too Low 2 LED bar graphs, indicates manual tuning errorControls - FrontCoarse 10-turn potientometer, coarse control of manualtuningFine 10-turn potientometer, fine control of manual tuning Manual / Auto Push button switch, manual or automatic field lockSearch Push button switch, search for signal over entireprobe rangeTesla / MHz Push button switch, change display from Tesla toFrequencyMultiplexer Select 8-position rotary switch, selects multiplexer channel,requires external probe multiplexerModulation Amplitude Internal trim-pot, sets modulation amplitudeModulation Frequency Internal trim-pot, sets modulation frequencyGain Internal trim-pot, sets gain of auto lock loopControls - RearReset Push button switch, resets the PT 2025Interface Setup 9 position DIP switch, configures the interfaceoptionsEnclosure Elma Electronics type 32 caseDimensions 260 x 145 x 340mmWeight 6.8kgConnectors - FrontField Modulation BNC (monitor output)NMR Signal BNC (monitor output)NMR Frequency BNC (monitor output)Connectors - RearExternal Power Input IEC Standard socket with voltage selector and fuseholderGround Jack 'Banana' type jack & binding post.RS-232-C DB25, femaleIEEE-488Mulitplexer Lemo 4-pole, type EGG.0B.304.CLLRF Out BNCProbe Power Lemo 8-pole, type EGG.2B.308.CLL Specifications - Probes type 1062Field Ranges and Uniformity:1H (Proton)1062-1 1062-2 1062-3 1062-4 1062-5 0.043T to 0.13T, <600ppm/cm 0.09T to 0.26T, <1200ppm/cm 0.17T to 0.52T, <1200ppm/cm 0.35T to 1.05T, <1500ppm/cm 0.7T to 2.1T, <250ppm/cm2H (Deuteron)1062-6 1062-7 1062-8 1.5T to 3.4T, <240ppm/cm 3.0T to 6.8T, <300ppm/cm 6.0T to 13.7T, <50ppm/cmOperating Temp.1062-1 to 1062-5 1062-6 to 1062-8 10°C to 40°C 10°C to 40°CStorage Temp.1062-1 to 1062-5 1062-6 to 1062-8 - 20°C to + 70°C + 5°C to + 70°CActive Sample Vol. 1062-1 Diameter x Length (mm) 7 x 4.51062-21062-3 to 1062-8 5 x 4.5 4 x 4.5Enclosure Cu-Be tubeDimensions 16.5 x 12.5 x 230mmCable Length 15m standard, up to 100m to orderWeight 0.13kg (Probe Head), 1.0kg (Probe and 15m Cable)ConnectorsPower Lemo 8-pole, type FGG.2B.308.CLCD62ZRF BNC全世界大的物理实验室都熟悉我们,核磁共振系统的制造商也如此。
测量范围超过13特斯拉,绝对精度5 ppm,同时不受温度或老化引起自由漂移影响,使PT2025成为磁强计的黄金标准。