
三、课程内容1. 导游介绍•学习如何介绍景点、历史背景和文化信息。
2. 餐厅用餐•学习点菜和服务员沟通的常用英语口语。
3. 酒店住宿•学习预订酒店、入住办理手续和服务投诉的英语表达。
4. 交通出行•学习乘坐公共交通工具、打车和问路的英语口语。
5. 景点参观•掌握参观景点时的常用英语词汇和问询方式。

1. 预订酒店•I’d like to make a reservation.(我想预订房间。
)•Do you have any available rooms for tonight?(今晚有空房吗?)•How much is the room for one night?(一晚上房间多少钱?)2. 机场交通•How much does it cost to get to the city center?(去市中心要多少钱?)•Could you please take me to the airport?(请送我去机场。
)•Where is the nearest subway station?(最近的地铁站在哪里?)三、旅行中的实用英语口语在旅行中,我们可能需要询问路线、点餐、购物等,以下是一些常用的英语口语用于解决问题。
1. 询问路线•Excuse me, where is the nearest bus stop?(对不起,最近的公交站在哪里?)•How can I get to the museum?(怎样去博物馆?)•Is this the right way to the train station?(这条路通往火车站吗?)2. 餐厅用餐•I’d like to order a steak and a glass of red wine.(我想要一份牛排和一杯红酒。
)•Can I have the menu, please?(请给我菜单。
)•Is the tip included in the bill?(小费在账单里吗?)3. 购物•How much does this cost?(这个多少钱?)•Do you have this in a different color?(这个有其他颜色吗?)•Can you give me a discount?(能打折吗?)四、紧急情况下的英语口语在旅行中,有时候会遇到一些紧急情况,了解一些紧急情况下的英语口语可以帮助您及时求助。

旅游英语口语教案一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握旅游常见场景的英语口语表达,如询问景点信息、预订酒店、餐厅点餐等。
2. 提高学生在旅游过程中的英语沟通能力,增强实际应用能力。
3. 培养学生的英语听、说、读、写综合技能,提高旅游英语水平。
二、教学内容1. 旅游常见场景词汇和短语的学习,如景点、交通工具、餐饮等。
2. 旅游英语口语表达的学习,如询问、介绍、预订等。
3. 实际旅游场景的对话练习,提高学生的实际应用能力。
三、教学方法1. 采用任务型教学法,让学生在实际旅游场景中进行英语口语练习。
2. 利用多媒体教学资源,如旅游视频、音频等,增加学生的直观感受。
3. 组织角色扮演活动,让学生模拟旅游场景,进行英语口语交流。
四、教学评估1. 平时课堂表现评估:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度、口语表达准确性等。
2. 对话练习评估:检查学生在角色扮演等实践活动中的表现。
3. 期末口语测试:设置旅游场景,测试学生的英语口语应用能力。
具体安排如下:第1-2课时:旅游常见场景词汇学习第3-4课时:旅游英语口语表达学习第5-6课时:询问景点信息的对话练习第7-8课时:预订酒店的对话练习第9-10课时:餐厅点餐的对话练习第11-12课时:旅游过程中的常用表达学习第13-14课时:实际旅游场景的综合练习第15课时:期末口语测试六、教学资源1. 旅游英语口语教材或教学大纲。
2. 旅游相关图片、地图、视频等教学辅助材料。
3. 录音机或多媒体播放设备。
4. 旅游场景模拟道具或卡片。
七、教学步骤1. 引入:向学生介绍旅游英语口语的重要性和实用性。
2. 讲解:教授旅游常见场景词汇和短语,解释相关语法规则。
3. 示范:通过示范对话,展示旅游英语口语的表达方式。
4. 练习:组织学生进行口语练习,鼓励他们积极参与。
5. 互动:进行角色扮演活动,让学生在实际旅游场景中应用所学知识。
八、教学建议1. 鼓励学生在课堂上积极发言,提高他们的自信心和勇气。

旅游英语口语教案第一章:旅游英语口语基础1.1 课程目标学习旅游英语口语的基本词汇和表达方式。
1.2 教学内容旅游英语口语的基本词汇和短语,如介绍、问候、道别、询问信息等。
1.3 教学活动引导学生进行自我介绍,练习常用的问候和介绍表达方式。
1.4 作业与评估学生进行自我介绍的录音作业,评估其发音和流利程度。
第二章:旅游英语口语进阶2.1 课程目标学习旅游英语口语的进阶词汇和表达方式。
2.2 教学内容旅游英语口语的进阶词汇和短语,如景点名称、美食、交通方式等。
2.3 教学活动通过图片或视频展示不同景点和美食,引导学生进行口语描述和表达。
2.4 作业与评估学生进行景点介绍的短文写作作业,评估其词汇运用和表达能力。
第三章:旅游英语口语实用场景3.1 课程目标学习旅游英语口语在实际场景中的应用。
3.2 教学内容旅游英语口语在实际场景中的常用表达方式,如购物、就医、求助等。
3.3 教学活动情景模拟,让学生练习购物、就医、求助等实际场景的对话。
3.4 作业与评估学生进行购物对话的录音作业,评估其口语表达和交流能力。
第四章:旅游英语口语文化差异4.1 课程目标学习旅游英语口语中的文化差异和礼仪规范。

课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生掌握基本的旅游英语词汇和短语。
2. 提高学生在旅游场景中的实际英语口语交流能力。
3. 培养学生跨文化交流的意识和能力。
教学对象:初中英语学习者教学重点:1. 旅游英语词汇和短语的运用。
2. 常见旅游场景的英语会话。
教学难点:1. 学生在实际交流中的语速和流畅度。
2. 文化差异在旅游英语交流中的影响。
教学准备:1. 旅游英语教材。
2. 旅游英语视频或图片。
3. 旅游英语情景模拟道具。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 老师通过提问,引导学生回忆自己曾经或计划中的旅游经历,激发学生对旅游英语会话的兴趣。
2. 引出本节课的主题:旅游英语会话。
二、新授1. 教师讲解旅游英语词汇和短语,如:hotel(酒店)、airport(机场)、tourist attraction(旅游景点)、excursion(短途旅行)等。
2. 通过例句,让学生学会运用这些词汇和短语进行简单的旅游英语对话。
三、情景模拟1. 老师创设旅游场景,如:在机场、酒店、旅游景点等,让学生进行角色扮演。
2. 学生在模拟过程中,运用所学词汇和短语进行对话。
四、课堂练习1. 学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟旅游过程中的各种场景。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
五、总结1. 老师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点词汇和短语。
2. 学生分享自己在模拟过程中的感受和收获。
第二课时一、复习1. 老师带领学生复习上节课所学内容,巩固旅游英语词汇和短语。
2. 学生进行小组讨论,分享自己在旅游过程中的英语交流经历。
二、拓展1. 教师展示一些旅游英语视频或图片,让学生了解不同国家的旅游文化。
2. 学生分组讨论,总结不同国家的旅游礼仪和习惯。
三、情景模拟1. 老师创设一个具有挑战性的旅游场景,如:在异国他乡求助、解决旅行中的问题等。
2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学知识解决问题。
四、课堂练习1. 学生分组进行旅游英语对话,模拟真实的旅游场景。

一、教学目标1. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力,增强学生的跨文化交际能力。
2. 培养学生对旅游话题的兴趣,丰富学生的旅游知识。
3. 增强学生的团队合作精神,提高学生的沟通技巧。
二、教学对象初中或高中英语学习者三、教学时长2课时四、教学内容1. 旅游词汇和表达2. 旅游场景模拟3. 旅游咨询与回答五、教学步骤第一课时1. 导入新课(10分钟)- 通过展示旅游图片或视频,激发学生的兴趣。
- 引导学生讨论旅游的话题,如“你喜欢旅游吗?为什么?”- 引导学生用英语表达旅游相关的词汇,如“hotel”,“beach”,“sightseeing”等。
2. 旅游词汇学习(20分钟)- 教师带领学生学习旅游相关的词汇,如“check-in”,“check-out”,“reserve”,“recommend”等。
- 通过图片或实物展示,帮助学生理解和记忆词汇。
- 学生分组,进行词汇接龙游戏,巩固所学词汇。
3. 旅游场景模拟(20分钟)- 分组模拟旅游场景,如酒店入住、餐厅点餐、景点参观等。
- 每组选派一名学生扮演服务员或游客,进行对话练习。
- 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
4. 总结与反思(10分钟)- 学生分享自己在模拟场景中的感受。
- 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和表达。
第二课时1. 复习与巩固(10分钟)- 回顾上一节课所学内容,进行口头测试。
- 学生分组,用英语复述自己模拟的场景。
2. 旅游咨询与回答(20分钟)- 教师设置旅游咨询场景,如“请问您有什么推荐的地方吗?”- 学生分组,进行角色扮演,模拟旅游咨询和回答。
- 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
3. 旅游话题讨论(20分钟)- 学生自由组合,讨论自己感兴趣的旅游话题,如“我最喜欢的旅游目的地”、“旅游中的趣事”等。
- 每组选派一名代表进行发言,其他学生倾听并给予评价。
4. 总结与作业布置(10分钟)- 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点表达和语法。

旅游英语口语教案Week OneI. Teaching aim1. Introduce the Practical Oral English Course and the learning schedule of this term to students.2. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit one to Unit three.II. Important and difficult points1. How to introduce oneself or somebody.2. How to greet formally or casually.3. How to ask for and offer help.4. How to ask for information and make inquiries.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. Share with Ss the pictures I took in Hainan this winter holiday.3. Introduce the Practical Oral English Course and the learning schedule of this term to students.4. Basic Expressions(Unit one to Unit three)Review the basic expression of Part One (Unit one to Unit three) and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.4. Do pair work.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part One Unit Four to Unit Six. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review Unit One to Unit Three and prepare for an oral test.Week TwoI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss how to prepare for meeting the tour group.2. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Four to Unit Six.II. Important and difficult points1. How to make an appointment2. How to make suggestion and give advice3. How to apologize and forgive4. Preparations for meeting the tour group.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit One to Unit Three3. Teach Ss the preparations for meeting the tour group.a) How to prepare for meeting the tour group.b) What to do when tourists arrive.c) What if the guide picks up tourists other than his/her own tour group.Phrases and expressions:Local guide地陪national guide 全陪reception program 接待计划Travel agency 旅行社group code 团号tour leader 领队Sponsor travel service 组团社Preparations for meeting the tour group:A. A guide should dress decently, especially on the occasion of meeting the tour group at the airport. Tattoos and dyed hair are not appropriate for a guide. No guides are allowed to wear shorts, a sleeveless shirt or shoes without sock.B. A male guide should not wear shorts or wear his cap backwards or sideways. A female guide may dress casually, but should not wear the mini skirt and have excessive makeup.C. A guide should remember the details of the reception program before he picks up tourists at the airport. A reception program should include name of travel agency, group code, name of tour leader or national guide, names and number of tourists, arrival time, modes of transport, hotel and so on. Question: What does a guide do before the tourists arrive?a. confirm expected arrival time;b. arrive at airport 30 minutes prior to the expected arrival time and confirm the exact landing place;c. stand at a highly visible location at the exit, in full view of arriving tourists with a cardboard.Question: What does a guide do at the airport when tourists arrive?a. meet the tour group and check the group code, number of tourists and name of the national guide or tour leader;b. lead the tour group to the coach and stand by the door to politely greet tourists and confirm the number of tourists.Question: What does a guide serve tourists on the way to the hotel?a. greet tourists cordially or deliver a wele speech;b. inform overseas tourists of the local time;c. give a brief introduction to the local customs, location of the hotel;Additional Tips: Taking tourists by MistakesA guide may pick up tourists other than his own tour group because of carelessness, while his own tourists are left at the airport or, have been picked up by some other guide. To avoid suchmistakes, what kind of measures should the guide take?●The guide should double-check the information of the tour group: the name of sponsor travel service, the number of tourists and the name of the national guide or tour leader.●If he mistakes the tour group of another travel agency for his own group, he should first report the case to his travel service and make an apology to the tourists. Meanwhile he must hand the tour group over to that travel agency.●If the tour group belongs to the travel agency that he works for, yet he is not supposed to be their guide, the local guide may make the best of the mistake by acting as their guide and picking them up.4. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Four to Unit Six and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.5. Do pair work.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part One Unit Seven to Unit Ten. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review the preparations for meeting the tour group and prepare for an oral test.Week ThreeI. Teaching aim1. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Seven to Unit Eight.2. Teach Ss how to write an itinerary and how to deal with the difference in the itinerary.II. Important and difficult points1. How to ask for direction2. How to describe things and people3. How to write an itinerary and how to deal with the difference in the itinerary.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit Four to Unit Six.3. Basic Expressions (Unit Seven to Unit Eight)Review the basic expression of Part One (Unit Seven to Unit Eight) and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.4. Do pair work.5. Teach Ss how to write an itinerary and how to deal with the difference in the itinerary.Phrases and expressions:Standard group 标准团deluxe group豪华团Travel route 旅行线路tourist destination旅游目的地Local travel service地接社travel itinerary 旅行计划A. When writing an itinerary, you should take the following points into account:1. The tout title is an important part of the itinerary, and it usually highlights the length and location of the tour, e.g. “Three-Day Tour to the Yungang Grottoes”2. An itinerary should include information with regard to the standard of service/tour grade, travel expenses and the number of tourists, etc.3. For day-to-day activities specific information should be given about the cities, hotels, modes of transportation and duration.4. The descriptive account should include an overall view of the travel routes and tourist destinations in accordance with the contract made between the tourists and the travel agency.Question: What is the specific information about day-to-day activities in an itinerary?[ GW-ME-001 ] Beijing-Xi'an-Shanghai (09 Day)Departure everydayDay 1 Arrive BeijingArrive Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China. Meet your guide upon arrival and transfer to your fortable hotel. (D)Day 2 BeijingBegin the day with a visit to Tiananmen Square, the world largest. Then, move on to the "Forbidden City" that symbolizes the imperial and traditional China. After lunch, visit Temple of Heaven, the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for peace and harvest. A Peking Duck Dinner concludes your first full day activities in China. (B-L-D)Day 3 BeijingVisit the enchanting Summer Palace, one of China's largest and best-preserved imperial gardens. In the afternoon, you will visit the Yonghe Lama Temple. (B-L-D)Day 4 BeijingToday's highlight is your visit to the Great Wall, symbol of Chinese civilization. A short drive away is the statue-lined Shenlu (Spirit Road) leading to the Ming tombs, here you can see some marvelous stone sculptures. The Ming Tombs the tomb area for deceased emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Rest of the day is free. (B-L-D)Day 5 Beijing-Xi’anAfter a relaxed breakfast at hotel this morning, you will take a walk through some old "hutongs", akind of ancient city pound. Fly to Xi'an and check in Hotel upon arrival. Climb up the ancient City Walls and visit Forest of Steles Museum where precious stone carvings and sculptures are kept. Enjoy a characteristic dumpling dinner at a local restaurant. (B-D)Day 6 Xi'anBegin the day with a once-in-a-lifetime viewing of the extraordinary 2,200-year-old terracotta warriors of China's first Emperor, Qin Shihuang. On your way back to the city, stop at a mountain village and meet local residents. After lunch, visit the superb Shanxi History Museum, the best of its kind in China. Visit to Big Wild Goose Pagoda which was built in 652 A.D. It contains a large volume of Buddhist scriptures which were obtained from India by the eminent monk of Xuanzang. (B-L-D)Day 7 Xi'an-ShanghaiFly to Shanghai, China's largest city. Check in Hotel. Visit the Bund. The splendid row of early 20th century European buildings remains the quintessential Shanghai sight. Visit Yuyuan Garden -- a well restored Suzhou-style garden, and take a walk through the Old Town filled with antique markets and specialty stores. A fabulous acrobatic show concludes your first day in Shanghai. (B-L-D)Day 8 ShanghaiThis morning you will visit marvelous Shanghai Museum, a leading attraction of the city since it opened in 1994. Move on to the Fuxing Park . Then a visit to the Jade Buddha Temple where two rare jade statues of Sakyamuni Buddha are treasured. You will have some free time in the afternoon to explore the city. Enjoy a farewell dinner at the hotel. (B-L-D)Day 09 Return HomeTransfer to the airport and board your homebound flight. Arrive in your country on the same day. (B) B:Breakfast L:Lunch D:DinnerPriceHotel: (or the same standard)Beijing: Hao Yuan Jian Guo HotelXi'an: Jian Guo HotelShanghai: Ocean HotelB. Differences in the itinerary1. You should confirm the local travel arrangements with the tour leader or the national guide before tourists start their sightseeing.2. If the tourist itinerary or travel schedule is different from that presented by the national guide, both parties should have discussions and make a possible resolution to their mutual satisfaction.Question: How do you handle the case when you find the differences in the itinerary?Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part One Unit Nine to Unit Ten. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review today’s lecture and prepare for an oral test.3. Week Four is Ss’labor week.Week FiveI. Teaching aim1. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Nine to Unit Ten.2. Teach Ss how to deal with the changes in the itinerary.II. Important and difficult points1. How to express your likes and dislikes2. How to make farewell3. How to deal with the changes in the itinerary.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit Seven to Unit Eight.3. Basic Expressions (Unit Nine to Unit Ten)Review the basic expression of Part One (Unit Nine to Unit Ten) and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.4. Do pair work.5. Teach Ss how to deal with the changes in the itinerary.Changes in the itinerary:○Usually a guide should adhere to travel schedule or the itinerary as specified in the contract. You should not change the travel schedule or itinerary at your will.○A guide may make some reasonable adjustments, based on the travel schedule or the daily route. You should also inform the tourists of the changes and try to get their support.○A guide should evaluate their suggestions if tourists want to change the itinerary. Provided that their proposal is feasible, he may make the appropriate adjustments after he acquires the approval from the local travel service and the tour leader or national guide.Question: Can a guide change the itinerary at his/her will?What if you want to make some changes to the itinerary?What if the tourists want to change their travel schedule?Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit one. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review today’s lecture and prepare for an oral test.Week SixI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the entry procedure in airport.2. Teach Ss how to imitate the pronunciation of native speakers.II. Important and difficult points1. What to say when meeting the foreign guests.2. How many necessary formalities should foreigners go through?III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit Nine to Unit Ten.3. Listening prehension: The Temple of Earth and The Tian’an men square. Then read after the narrator.4. Part Two: Attendance to Daily lifeUnit One: Meeting the Foreign GuestsSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit two. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review today’s lecture and do the translation at page 61. Prepare for an oral test.Week SevenI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss how to provide good service in guest house.2. Teach Ss how to prepare an on-the-way introduction and the taboos of guiding service on the way.II. Important and difficult points1. What to do at the reception desk.2. How to offer room service.3. How to prepare an on-the-way introduction.4. The taboos of guiding service on the way.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit one.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily lifeUnit Two: Guest House ServiceSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.Additional dialogue when checking out:At the Cashier’s Desk:Cashier: Good morning, sir. May I help you?Billy: Is this where I can pay my hotel bills?Cashier: Yes. Please tell me your room number and when you would like to check out.Billy: My room number is 902 and I’d like to check out now.Cashier: Just a moment, please.Cashier: Are you Mr Billy?Billy: Yes.Cashier: Did you have breakfast this morning?Billy: Yes, but I paid cash for it.Cashier: And have you used any hotel services since breakfast?Billy: Yes. I used the mini-bar. I drank a can of coca-cola.Cashier: All right. Here you are, sir. It totals 3,450 yuan RMB, including 15% service charge. Please check it.Billy: Thank you. Can I pay with traveller’s checks[b1]?Cashier: Certainly, sir.(Mr Billy fills out checks and gives these and his passport to the cashier)Here is your invoice, Mr Billy. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us here and that you’ll have a pleasant trip home.Billy: Thank you.4. How to prepare an on-the-way introduction?a. Inform tourists of the itinerary of the day. (briefly introduce the scenery spots and tour destination)b. Introduce the local customs and scenery on the way.c. Initiate entertainments to promote friendship between tourists.d. Make a summary of the sightseeing activities on suitable occasions when the tour is over, so that you can further impress tourists on the way home.5. The taboos of guiding service on the way.a. A guide should not talk with the driver and leave tourists alone on the coach.b. A guide should not harm the interest or the dignity of the nation.c. A guide is not permitted to talk about something superstitious or obscene.d. A guide is not allowed to discriminate against the religion, customs and habits of ethnic groups. Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit three. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 70 and do the translation at page 72. Prepare for an oral test.Week EightI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss about the transportation in daily life and the related dialogues.2. Review the additional expression for hotel.II. Important and difficult points1. What to do at the luggage consignation.2. Conversation at the railway station and on the ship.3. Conversation at the Captain’s Bridge4. Conversation about the street trafficIII. Teaching procedure2. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Two.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Three: TransportationSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit four. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 85 and do the translation at page 88. Prepare for an oral test.Week NineI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the related dialogues about the food and drink.2. Review the additional expression for transportation.II. Important and difficult points1. How to invite people to dinner2. How to order in a restaurant3. How to plain in a restaurant4. Additional expressions about the dishes, soups, staple food and desserts, drinks and beverages. III. Teaching procedure3. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Three.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Four: Food and DrinkSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Five. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 100-107 and do the translation at page 109. Prepare for an oral test.Week TenI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the related dialogues about shopping.2. Review the additional expression for Food and Drink.II. Important and difficult points1. How to buy clothes at the department store2. How to buy a raincoat at the plastic counter3. How to buy vegetables or fruits at the market4. How to change the currencyIII. Teaching procedure4. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Four.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Five: ShoppingSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.5. Additional Expression:Cloisonne: Cloisonné first developed in the middle east. It spread to China along the Silk Road.The main processes of making cloisonne:1. Body-making. the artist forms metal (such as copper, bronze, or silver) into the shape of the finished object. The material usually used for making the body is copper, since it is easily hammered and stretched.2. Filigree-soldering. The pure silver wire is bent into shapes that define the colored areas. The bends are all done at right angles, so that wire does not curve up.3. Enamel-filling. Due to the difference in the minerals added, the colour differs accordingly. Usually one with much iron will turn grey, with uranium, yellow, with chromium, green, with zinc, white, with bronze, blue, with gold or iodine, red.4. Enamel-firing. This is done by putting the article, with its enamel fillings, to the crucible. The enamel in the little partment will sink down a bit after firing. That will require a refilling. This process will go on repeatedly until the little partments are finally filled.5. Polishing. Some pieces of hard carbon are used for polishing to produce some lustre on the surface of the article.6. Gilding. The article is placed in fluid of gold or silver. The exposed metal is electroplated with a thin film of gold to prevent corrosion and to give a pleasing appearance.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Six. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 120-128 and do the translation at page 128. Prepare for an oral test.Week ElevenI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the related dialogues about recreation and sports.2. Review the additional expression for shopping.II. Important and difficult points1. The expression at the cinema and the gym.2. The set phrases for acrobatic show3. How to talk about the ball game.III. Teaching procedure5. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Five.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Six: Recreation and SportsSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.5. Additional expression:mimicry 口技wire-walking 走钢丝plate-spinning 转碟forward somersault in midair前空翻backward somersault后空翻handstand 倒立spilt 劈叉pyramid叠罗汉stadium体育场championship锦标赛offence, mit an offence犯规forward前锋centre中锋guard后卫smash 扣球holding持球close up封球Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Seven. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 139-147 and do the translation at page 148. Prepare for an oral test.Week TwelveII.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss how to describe the state of an illness.2. Review the additional expression for recreation and sports.II. Important and difficult points1. The dialogues at the consulting room.2. The expression about the department of the hospital3. The expression about the medicine and some mon diseasesIII. Teaching procedure6. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Six.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Seven: At the hospitalSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.6. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.7. Additional expression:Director of a hospital 院长head of a department 科主任attending doctor 主治医生resident doctor 住院医生intern 实习医生pharmacist 药剂师physician科医生surgeon 外科医生laboratory technician化验员take one’s blood pressure 量血压fit an artificial tooth 镶牙Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit eight. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 161-164 and do the translation at page 165. Prepare for an oral test.Week ThirteenI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss general terms for visiting and sightseeing2. Review the additional expression of the hospital.II. Important and difficult pointsThe dialogues when visiting and sightseeing at palace museum, at the light industrial products exhibition, at the water park, at a university.III. Teaching procedure7. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Seven.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Eight: Visits and sightseeingSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.8. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.9. Additional expression:Beijing opera masks京剧脸谱jade carvings玉雕Embroidery刺绣papercuts 剪纸rockery 假山artificial lake人工湖pagoda宝塔meadow草地flower bed花坛bonfire evening party篝火晚会Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit nine. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 179-180 and do the translation at page 182. Prepare for an oral test.Week FourteenI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss general terms for daily services2. Review the additional expression of visiting and sightseeingII. Important and difficult points1. how to post a letter or a parcel2. How to send a fax at the hotel business centre3. dialogues at the bank and studioIII. Teaching procedure8. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Eight.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Nine: daily servicesSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.10. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.11. Additional expression:memorative stamp纪念邮票postal order 邮政邮票postmark 邮戳Press cable新闻电报cable address电报挂号insured letter 保价信international distance dialing 国际直拨Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Ten. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 193-195 and do the translation at page 196. Prepare for an oral test.Week FifteenI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss general terms for Chinese festival2. Review the additional expression of daily servicesII. Important and difficult points1. The custom of the national day, the spring festival, the dragon boat festival, the water splashing festival.III. Teaching procedure9. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Nine.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Ten: Chinese FestivalSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.12. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.13. Additional expression:(Laba)The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (marked by eating Laba porridge) 腊八The lantern festival (the 15th of the 1st lunar month marked by eating sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour) 元宵节The Women’s day, celebrated on March 3rd 三八国际妇女节The International Labor’s Day, celebrated on May 1st. 五一国际劳动节The Youth’s Day, celebrated on May 4th. 五四青年节The International Children’s Day, celebrated on June 1st. 六一国际儿童节The Party’s Birthday--- The celebration of the founding of the munist party of China is held on July 1st.建党日The celebration of the founding of the PLA is held on August 1st. 八军节(Chongyang)The double Ninth Festival (the day of the ninth lunar month). It’s a festival for the old people重阳节Ⅳ. Homework:1. Review Part Two. In next period, students are supposed to take the final exam.[b1]The use of credit cards has, however, rendered them less important than they previously were;–in fact, many places now do not accept the traveller’s checks.。

旅游英语口语教案第一章:旅游英语口语基础1.1 教学目标:让学生掌握旅游英语口语的基本词汇和常用表达方式。
1.2 教学内容:旅游相关词汇、常用问候语、介绍自己和询问信息等基本表达。
1.3 教学方法:通过听力练习、角色扮演、小组讨论等方式进行教学。
1.4 教学资源:旅游英语口语教材、多媒体教学资源。
第二章:旅游计划与预订2.1 教学目标:让学生能够用英语进行旅游计划的制定和酒店、机票等的预订。
2.2 教学内容:旅游计划的制定、酒店预订、机票预订等表达方式。
2.3 教学方法:通过情景模拟、小组讨论、角色扮演等方式进行教学。
2.4 教学资源:旅游英语口语教材、多媒体教学资源。
第三章:旅游中的沟通与交流3.1 教学目标:让学生能够在旅游过程中用英语进行有效的沟通与交流。
3.2 教学内容:购物、餐饮、交通等旅游过程中的常用表达方式。
3.3 教学方法:通过情景模拟、角色扮演、小组讨论等方式进行教学。
3.4 教学资源:旅游英语口语教材、多媒体教学资源。
第四章:旅游中的紧急情况应对4.1 教学目标:让学生能够用英语处理旅游中的紧急情况。
4.2 教学内容:求助、丢失物品、健康问题等紧急情况的表达方式。
4.3 教学方法:通过情景模拟、角色扮演、小组讨论等方式进行教学。
4.4 教学资源:旅游英语口语教材、多媒体教学资源。
第五章:旅游英语口语拓展5.1 教学目标:让学生能够用英语进行更深入的旅游交流和体验。
5.2 教学内容:旅游文化、当地特色、旅游体验等表达方式。
5.3 教学方法:通过听力练习、角色扮演、小组讨论等方式进行教学。
5.4 教学资源:旅游英语口语教材、多媒体教学资源。
第六章:旅游英语口语中的问路和指路6.1 教学目标:让学生能够用英语正确地询问路线和指引他人。
6.2 教学内容:常用的问路和指路表达方式,如询问地铁站、景点、餐馆等地点的位置。
6.3 教学方法:通过角色扮演、模拟情景、小组讨论等方式进行教学。
6.4 教学资源:旅游英语口语教材、地图、多媒体教学资源。

英语口语教学教案篇1一、教学目标:1、语言知识目标:1)认读句子:We’re going to go to Hainantomorrow.I’m going to swim in thesea.I’m going to visit mygrandpa.2)认读单词:children, tomorrow, from,China, swim, sea短语:by plane, getup2、语言技能目标:1)能听懂并能口头运用We are going to go to Hainan tomorrow.I’m going to swim in the sea.这类语句描述即将做的事情,Module7的教案。
4、文化意识:通过学习I’m from China.来培养学生爱国意识。
三、教学难点:会用“be goingto”结构讲述讲自己的计划或将要发生的事情以及单词visit的发音。
五、教学过程:I.Warm-upDo some actions.Play,play,play basketball.Play,play,play chess.Make, make, make acake.Write, write ,writealetter.Play, play, playbasketball.Swim, swim, swim in thesea.(学习词组并让学生做动作)II.PresentationT:I like swimming.Do youlike swimming?S:Yse.T:But nowit’s very cold, so I’m going to go a warmer place(课件展示海南的图片以及句子I’m going to go to Hainan.领读跟读)I like sports and I liketravelling too. Look, I’m going to go to…继续出示课件北京、上海等地的图片和I’m going to go to……引导学生说出I’m going to go toBeijing/Shanghai……III.Practice一.课件出示中国地图让学生用I’m going to go to…这个句型来描述自己将要去的地方。

教学目标:1. 培养学生对旅游英语口语的听说能力。
2. 增强学生参与旅游话题讨论的积极性。
3. 提高学生运用英语进行旅游场景交流的能力。
教学对象:高中英语水平学生教学时间:2课时教学准备:1. 旅游场景图片、视频、音频材料。
2. 旅游英语口语教材或辅助资料。
3. 教学PPT。
教学步骤:第一课时一、导入1. 利用图片或视频展示不同的旅游景点,引导学生思考:What are the most popular tourist attractions in your country?2. 学生自由讨论,分享自己了解的旅游景点。
二、基础词汇和句型学习1. 教师带领学生学习旅游相关的词汇,如:tourist attraction、sightseeing、excursion、attraction、travel agency等。
2. 教师讲解并示范常用的旅游口语句型,如:- Can you recommend any good restaurants around here?- How much is the entrance fee for this museum?- What are the opening hours of the tourist attraction?三、角色扮演1. 将学生分成小组,每组选择一个旅游场景,如:酒店入住、餐厅点餐、景点参观等。
2. 每组根据所选择的场景,用英语进行对话练习。
3. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
四、总结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 学生复述自己所学到的旅游口语知识。
第二课时一、复习与巩固1. 教师提问,检查学生对上节课所学内容的掌握情况。
2. 学生分组,进行旅游话题讨论,如:What should I pack for a trip?、How to make a travel plan?等。
二、拓展练习1. 教师播放一段旅游英语视频,学生观看并总结视频中的关键信息。

例如:May I help you?(我能帮您吗?)Can yo u show me the way to…?(您能帮我指路到……吗?)2、旅游信函的写作技巧学习旅游信函的格式和常用表达方式,如邀请函、感谢信、建议信、意见书等。
例如:Thank you for your letter.(感谢收到您的来信。
)I will be delighted to come to…(我非常愿意去……。
例如:Where do you come from?(你来自哪里?)What do you think of the food here?(你觉得这里的食物怎么样?)三、教学方法1、听说结合采用听与说有机结合的教学方式,听音练习的同时进行口语实践,带动学生口语表达的积极性,同时提高了学生的听力水平。

旅游专业英语教案五篇第一篇:旅游专业英语教案旅游专业英语电子教案UnitOne A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: 1)Be familiar with the expressions of itinerary;2)Describe a scenic spot;3)Learn how to write a tour itinerary and make a dialogue about tour.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about itinerary.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write an itinerary;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about tour;C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, comprehensive reading of Part A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Learn to write a tour itinerary.3rd-4th period: talk about package tour, understand passage of reading B and the structure of reading B, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Check the answers of excises on page 5-6.Make a dialogue about tour.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: warming up.Introduce some places in America.⌝Step two: let students do the fast reading to find out the route of the tour to America.⌝ Step three: do the global reading and thenanswer the questions on Task 1.⌝Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝ Step five: read the sample of an itinerary on page6, learn how to write a tour itinerary.2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: warming up.Talk about tours in summer vacation ⌝Step two: skimming reading and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝ Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.⌝ Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.旅游专业英语电子教案3.Period five and Period six:⌝Step one: Do the listening.⌝Step two: make a dialogue about tour itinerary.⌝ Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 2.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: write a tour itinerary 3rd-4th period: finish the excises on page 5-6 5th--6th period: Finish Home Reading on page11.Notes: ⌝Important words: scenic;foothill;giant;fertile;raise;claim;prearrange, offer, comprise, relatively, afford, and so on.⌝Phrases: save from;on an inlet;a number of, a combination of, a variety of, prefer to, in advance, and cater to.⌝ Grammar: attributive clause;future progressive;⌝Difficult sentences:a)Where the Willamette flows into the Colunbia River, one of the great rivers of America, we will find Oregon’s largest city, Portland, known as the “City of Roses.”b)A package tour is a combination of several travel components provided by different suppliers, which are sold to the consumer as a single product at a single price.c)Besides, it is often easier to get into a special event as a member of a tour than as an individual since the tour operators have theexperience to know which attractions are worth a special trip.d)While the majority of tourists nowadays prefer to travel in groups with their entertainment and sightseeing included in the package, some tourists prefer personalized tours which provide the comfort of a guide to show them around scenic sights and make all the necessary arrangements for them.旅游专业英语电子教案UnitTwo A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to:1)Be familiar with elements of a short welcome speech and the expressions of hotel services.2)Discuss hotel services in simple words.3)Know how to write a short welcome speech.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: make a short welcome speech by group-work.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write a welcome speech;Focus 2: how to make dialogues about meeting tourists and hotel check-in;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, and figure out the main parts of a welcome speech.Intensive reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand text B, discuss, and explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Doing listening on page20.Learn to write a welcome speech.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to thetheme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: help students review the important words and phrases in Unit 1.⌝Step two: talk about the elements of a welcome speech.⌝ Step three: skimming reading on text A and find the answers for the questions on Task 1.⌝Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task 2.⌝ Step two: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:⌝ Step one: do listening on page20.3旅游专业英语电子教案⌝ Step two: check the answers of the excises on Page 17-18 ⌝ Step three: read the sample on Page 18 and learn to write a welcome speech.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the exercise on page17-18.5th--6th period: write a welcome speechNotes:1)Important words: reset;suppose, establish, reset, encompass, cater;transient;resort;budget;prime and so on.2)Phrases: on behalf of;for most of;the first trip to;be considered as;date back;be set to;up to;allow sb to do sth;.3)Difficult sentences:a)Chinese culture is considered as one of the oldest civilizations, while the PRC is among the youngest nations of the world..b)The history of Chinese culture and China dates back to over 5,000 years ago, while the People’s Republic of China was established on October 1st, 1949.c)Although China encompassesenough territoryto include five different time zones, all of the clocks and watches in this nation are set to Beijing standard time, except XinJiang.d)After the beginning of the economic reform in 1978, we are making progress towards modernization, and we are having some free time and money to tour, not in China but also abroad.旅游专业英语电子教案UnitThree A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ Be familiar with the expressions of food service.⌝Discuss about Chinese food in simple words.⌝ Write a banquet menu and make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: make a dialogue about restaurant conversation.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write a banquet menu;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about restaurant conversation;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.Learn to write a menu.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of theunit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about the specialties in their hometown.⌝ Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1.⌝ Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four: ⌝Step one: warming up.Discuss the art of cooking.(technique, elements, seasonings and etc.)⌝Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝ Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.5旅游专业英语电子教案⌝ Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:⌝ Step one: Do the listening.⌝ Step two: read the sample of a banquet menu on Page 31, learn to write menu.⌝ Step three: make a dialogue based on Task 1.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: write a banquet menu.Notes:1)Important words: aroma;specialize;delicate;flavor;crave;distinctive;ensure and so on.2)Phrases: give rise to;appeal to;make use of;allow for;boast of;a variety of;see to it that;3)Difficult sentences:a)Quite different from Western cooking where recipes are followed strictly like laboratory instructions, Chinese cooking always allows for a creative and stylistic touch to it.b)Great attention is paid to aesthetic appreciation of the food because the food should be good not only in flavor and smell, but also incolor and appearance.UnitFour 6旅游专业英语电子教案A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ be familiar with the introduction of urban tourism.⌝translate text B.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills: translate the text B.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus 1: how to write publicity for a tourist city;Focus 2: how to make a dialogue about Urban Tourism;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, learn to describe the main idea of each paragraph, and discuss, explain new words, phrases and expressions.5th--6th period: Do the listening.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.Ask students to talk about their experience of traveling ⌝Step two: do the global reading and then answer the questions on Task 1.⌝Step three: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four: ⌝ Step one: warming up.⌝ Step two: skimming reading ontext B and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝Step three: read the passage again to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.⌝Step four: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.3.Period five and Period six:⌝Step one: Do the listening.⌝Step two: make a dialogue based on Task 1.旅游专业英语电子教案E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page30-31 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:Important words: urban reprensntcomopolitan enthicabound sponsor exquisite leisure sufficient incentivePhrases: far and wide associate with a range of turn up lie in acclaims as Difficult sentences:a)It is considered a museum of the East meeting the West and the past joining the present.b)The East has a Western flavor in Shanghai, but at the same time the creation of a strictly Chinese culture have not been erased.UnitFive 8旅游专业英语电子教案A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝know and remenber some basic Chinese ancient architecture.⌝ memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss and express the Chinese ancient architecture.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.3)Functions:Focus:the express of Chinese three main ancient architecture;C.teaching contents and time allotment:1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A, explain new words, and phrases and expressions.3rd-4th period: understand the reading passage in Text B, explain new words, phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: warming up.Ask students to discuss the Chinese ancient architecture they have known.⌝Step two:background information.⌝ Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions⌝ Step four: intensive reading.Explain the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: warming up.⌝ Step two: skimming reading on text B and find the answers for the questions on Task2.⌝Step three: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝ Step four: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.旅游专业英语电子教案3.Period five and Period six:⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview text B 3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page55-56 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:Important words: architecture civilization heritage relics unearth magnificent Phrases: leave behind architecture relics consist of refer to derive from …Difficult sentences:a)Rich history has left behind in China many cultural heritage and famous architectural relics such as …b)The most widespread residential structures in China is”the courtyard dwellings.”UnitSix A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;10旅游专业英语电子教案⌝know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden.⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known.⌝ Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:旅游专业英语电子教案Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagodaDifficult sentences:a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.UnitSevenA.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝know and remenber some famouse Chinese garden.⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate thetext.旅游专业英语电子教案B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese gardenes.2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese gardenes they have known.⌝ Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page67-69.5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes:Important words: component imperial masterpiece gemotric subordinate heyday lattice shelter pagodaDifficult sentences:旅游专业英语电子教案a)Garden building saw its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the imperial garden Yuanmingyuan was regarded as masterpiece in the period.b)Different from the classical European gardens, in which geometric patterns dominate, Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale.c)Traditional Chinese gardens fall into three categories, namely, imperial, private and landscape gardens.d)Building in the garden were used for receiving guests, holding banquet, reading or writing poetry.UnitEightA.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ know and remenber some famouse Chinese painting ⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese painting2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 旅游专业英语电子教案1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese paintings they have known.⌝ Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes: Important words: distinguished adj.卓著的, 著名的 imitation n.模仿portrayal n.描画, 描写 azurite n.石青 elaborate adj.复杂精美的professional adj.专业的scholarly adj.学者气质的, 学者风度的intellectual n.知识分子execution n.技巧,手法contour n.轮廓visible adj.看得见的, 显著的 cinnabar n.朱Difficult sentences:1.figure painting 人物画ndscape painting 山水画旅游专业英语电子教案3.flower and bird painting 花鸟画4.court painting 宫廷画5.literati painting 文人画UnitNine A.ObjectivesStudents will be able to: ⌝ grasp the main idea and structure of the text;⌝ know and remenber some famouse Chinese folklore ⌝memorize some useful expressions and translate the text.B.Important and difficult points1)Speaking skills:discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs2)Comprehensive skills: Understand the passage in the text and on this basis, learn to describe content of the text, and discuss about the issue.C.teaching contents and time allotment: 1st-2nd period: warming up and background information, do the reading of Text A and Text B.3rd-4th period: explain new words, and phrases and expressions.Make a situational dialogue.5th--6th period: Do the listening and excises.D.Teaching Procedures Six teaching periods are needed to cover the whole unit, among which students will 16旅游专业英语电子教案have a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.1.Period One and Period Two:⌝ Step one: warming up.discuss the names of Chinese Folk Customs ⌝s they have known.⌝Step two:background information.⌝Step three: extensive reading.Ask the students to read the whole passage in 15minutes and then answer some questions2.Period three and Period four:⌝ Step one: intensive reading, understanding the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples.⌝Step two: make a dialogue on the basis of the stuation provided in the book.3.Period five and Period six: ⌝ Step one: check the answers of the excises ⌝ Step two:Do the listening.E.Homework 1st-2nd period: preview the new words, phrases, and grammatical strucure.3rd-4th period: Finish the excises on Page76 5th--6th period: preview the new unit.Notes: folk adj.民间的 symbolize vt.象征, 用符号表现 dynasty n.朝代variegated adj.杂色的,斑驳的 hilarious adj.欢闹的 burlesque adj.滑稽的,可笑的 pantomime n.哑剧 snipe n.鹬鸟beak n.鸟嘴inevitably adv.不可避免innumerable adj.无数的, 数不清的 bamboo n.竹子enthusiasm n.狂热, 热心, 积极性, 激发热情的事物 1.riding in a boat on land 跑旱船跑旱船的船身,大都以竹枝扎成骨架,外围彩布或彩纸,成为无底的小船形,一个男子扮演坐在船身中的姑娘(实际上是站着),提起整条旱船,与表演船夫的男子搭配表演,作出撑船、划船的模样,十分有趣。

1. 培养学生对旅游英语的兴趣和实际应用能力。
2. 提高学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能。
3. 使学生掌握旅游英语的基本词汇和句型,能够进行简单的旅游交流。
二、教学内容1. 旅游英语词汇:酒店、餐厅、景点、交通、购物等。
2. 旅游英语句型:问候、介绍、询问、推荐、预订等。
3. 旅游英语听力:了解旅游英语的实际应用场景。
4. 旅游英语口语:模拟旅游场景,进行实际对话。
三、教学步骤1. 导入通过图片、视频等形式导入旅游主题,激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 词汇学习展示旅游英语词汇,引导学生进行拼读和记忆。
3. 句型学习讲解旅游英语常用句型,结合实际场景进行讲解。
4. 听力训练播放旅游英语听力材料,引导学生进行听力练习。
5. 口语练习组织学生模拟旅游场景,进行口语对话。
6. 总结与作业总结本节课所学内容,布置课后作业。
教案范文:1. 学生能够掌握旅游英语的基本词汇和句型。
2. 学生能够在实际旅游场景中进行简单的英语交流。
3. 学生对旅游英语产生兴趣,提高学习积极性。
二、教学内容1. 旅游英语词汇:hotel、restaurant、attraction、traffic、shopping等。
2. 旅游英语句型:How are you?、Where are you from?、What’s this?、Can you help me?等。
3. 旅游英语听力:了解酒店、餐厅、景点等场景的英语对话。
4. 旅游英语口语:模拟酒店入住、餐厅点餐、景点游览等场景。
三、教学步骤1. 导入展示旅游风景图片,引导学生讨论:“What’s this place? Have you ever been there?”激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 词汇学习展示旅游英语词汇卡片,引导学生拼读和记忆。
3. 句型学习讲解旅游英语常用句型,如:How are you?、Where are you from?、What’s this?、Can you help me?等,结合实际场景进行讲解。

二、准备旅行1. 言之前:在计划旅行之前,明确你想去哪里以及你希望做些什么。
2. 了解基本信息:在决定目的地后,了解该地区特点、气候、文化等方面的基本信息。
三、预订酒店1. 预算考虑:首先确定你计划在酒店上花费多少钱,并选择符合预算且能满足个人需求的住所。
2. 比较酒店:在决定预订哪家酒店时,了解不同酒店的设施、服务和地理位置。
四、询问交通信息1. 机票预订:打开计算机或手机,搜索航空公司网站或在线旅行代理商的网站,将乘客姓名、出发时间及目的地输入后点击搜索。
请问你更倾向于选择直飞还是转机的航班?2. 地铁与公交:在确定目的地后,请了解当地公共交通系统,并找到最有效且经济实惠的方式到达目标地点。
五、旅行准备与行李打理1. 购物打折季节:在旅游前购置一些必需品可以大大减轻你远离家乡时可能遇到的麻烦。
2. 行李打理:根据旅行目的地和天气情况准备必要的行李物品,并学习如何高效地整理和包装它们。

经过一段时间的学习和思考,我决定撰写一份以旅行为主题的英语教案,名为“我的旅行Let's talk!”一、教学目标1.学习和掌握旅游相关的英语词汇和表达方式;2.提高口语表达及听力水平;3.了解不同目的地的文化背景和旅游资源。
三、教学过程1.Warm up教师可以通过展示图片或介绍旅游资源等方式,引导学生进行“热身”,激发学生兴趣和好奇心。
通过“我的旅行Let's talk!”的教学过程,旨在为学生提供更加健康、丰富、多彩的学习经验,通过旅行的方式深入了解不同的文化色彩和风土人情,不仅增强文化交流的意识和能力,而且可以在英语学习过程中不断充实自己的内在知识库,成为更加全面的英语人才。

旅游英语口语教案一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握旅游场景中常用的英语口语表达。
2. 提高学生在旅游过程中的沟通能力,能够熟练地与外国游客交流。
3. 培养学生对旅游英语口语的兴趣,增强其学习英语的积极性。
二、教学内容1. 旅游基本用语:问候、介绍、道别等。
2. 旅游活动相关词汇:景点、交通、美食、购物等。
3. 旅游场景中的常用句型:询问信息、推荐景点、描述美食等。
4. 旅游中的礼貌用语:感谢、道歉、请求等。
5. 旅游英语口语实战对话。
三、教学方法1. 情景教学法:通过模拟旅游场景,让学生在实际情境中学习并运用旅游英语口语。
2. 互动教学法:鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,进行角色扮演、小组讨论等。
3. 视听教学法:利用多媒体教学资源,为学生提供真实的旅游英语口语材料。
四、教学步骤1. 热身活动:让学生自由组成旅游团队,讨论旅游计划,引出旅游主题。
2. 呈现旅游场景词汇和句型,让学生进行模仿和练习。
3. 角色扮演:学生分组进行旅游场景的角色扮演,练习旅游英语口语。
4. 小组讨论:让学生就某个旅游话题展开讨论,鼓励他们用英语表达观点。
5. 总结与反馈:对学生的表现进行点评,指出需要改进的地方,给予鼓励。
五、作业布置1. 让学生课后复习课堂内容,巩固所学旅游英语口语表达。
2. 布置旅游英语口语练习任务,如模拟旅游场景进行对话。
3. 鼓励学生利用网络资源,了解更多旅游英语口语用法。
六、教学评估1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的参与程度,了解他们的学习积极性。
2. 口语表达准确性:评估学生在角色扮演和小组讨论中的口语表达准确性。
3. 口语流利度:关注学生在口语练习中的流利程度,指导他们克服语言障碍。
4. 作业完成情况:检查学生课后作业的完成质量,了解他们对旅游英语口语的掌握程度。
七、教学资源1. 旅游英语口语教材:选用适合学生的旅游英语口语教材,提供丰富的学习内容。
2. 多媒体教学资源:利用课件、视频、音频等多媒体资源,为学生提供生动的学习材料。

二、教学内容1、旅游中的常用英语口语表达:a.问路和指引:-Excuse me, where is the nearest ATM?-Can you tell me how to get to the museum?-Which way is the shopping center?b. 询问时间:-Do you know what time the museum opens?-Excuse me, what time does the concert start?-Could you tell me what time the restaurant closes?c. 询问价格:-How much is the admission fee?-Can you tell me the price of this souvenir?-What is the price for a one-day tour?2、旅游中的文化差异:a.礼仪和习惯:-在某些国家,穿着暴露的衣服可能会被认为是不文明的。
b. 宗教信仰和风俗习惯:-在某些国家,有些食物是禁忌的,比如猪肉在伊斯兰教国家就是禁食的。

课程名称:旅游英语口语适用年级:高中课时: 2课时教学目标:1. 学生能够掌握基本的旅游英语口语表达。
2. 学生能够运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的旅游交流。
3. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
教学重点:- 旅游常用词汇和短语- 旅游场景下的交际用语教学难点:- 在实际情境中灵活运用所学词汇和句型- 正确理解并应对不同文化背景下的交流教学准备:- 多媒体课件- 旅游场景图片或视频- 旅游英语口语练习材料教学过程:第一课时一、导入(10分钟)1. 利用图片或视频展示不同旅游景点的美丽风光,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 提问:“Do you like traveling? Why or why not?” 引导学生思考旅游的意义。
二、新课讲授(30分钟)1. 词汇教学:- 展示旅游相关词汇,如:hotel, restaurant, attraction, ticket, guide 等。
- 通过例句和游戏,帮助学生记忆和理解这些词汇。
2. 句型教学:- 教授常用的旅游英语句型,如:- How much is the ticket?- Can I help you?- Where is the bathroom?- I’d like a room with a view.- 通过角色扮演,让学生练习这些句型。
3. 文化差异:- 介绍一些旅游文化差异,如:预订酒店、点餐礼仪等。
- 让学生讨论在旅游过程中可能遇到的文化冲突和应对策略。
三、练习巩固(20分钟)1. 分组练习:- 学生分组,模拟旅游场景,进行对话练习。
- 教师巡回指导,纠正发音和语法错误。
2. 小测验:- 进行简单的听力或口语测试,检查学生的学习效果。
第二课时一、复习(10分钟)1. 回顾上一节课学过的词汇和句型。
2. 学生分享自己在练习中的收获和体会。
二、拓展活动(30分钟)1. 角色扮演:- 学生分组,模拟真实的旅游场景,如:预订酒店、询问路线等。
- 教师评价学生的表现,并给予反馈。

教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:掌握与旅行相关的词汇和短语,如hotel, airport, travel agency, travel guide等。
2. 语言技能目标:能够运用所学词汇和短语进行旅行场景的对话,如预订酒店、询问路线、表达需求等。
3. 学习策略:培养学生观察、思考和表达的能力,提高口语交际水平。
4. 文化意识:了解不同国家的旅行文化,拓展国际视野。
5. 情感态度:激发学生对旅行的兴趣,培养积极向上的生活态度。
教学重点:1. 掌握与旅行相关的词汇和短语。
2. 能够运用所学词汇和短语进行旅行场景的对话。
教学难点:1. 正确运用时态和语态。
2. 在不同情境下灵活运用词汇和短语。
教学用具:1. 多媒体课件2. 单词卡片3. 旅行场景图片4. 英语原版旅行书籍教学过程:一、导入1. 教师展示一张美丽的风景图片,引导学生谈论旅行。
2. 提问:Do you like traveling? Why or why not?3. 学生自由发言,分享自己的旅行经历。
二、新课导入1. 教师展示多媒体课件,呈现与旅行相关的词汇和短语。
2. 学生跟读,并尝试拼写。
3. 教师带领学生朗读课文,让学生熟悉课文内容。
三、词汇学习1. 教师讲解重点词汇,如hotel, airport, travel agency, travel guide等。
2. 学生跟读并模仿发音。
3. 教师引导学生进行单词接龙游戏,巩固所学词汇。
四、句型练习1. 教师展示与旅行相关的句型,如:- Excuse me, where is the hotel?- Can you tell me the way to the travel agency?- How much is the ticket to the airport?2. 学生跟读并尝试模仿。
3. 教师组织学生进行角色扮演,模拟旅行场景。
五、小组活动1. 将学生分成小组,每组设定一个旅行目的地。

课时:2课时年级:五年级教材:《英语》五年级下册教学目标:1. 培养学生对旅行的兴趣,提高他们的英语口语表达能力。
2. 帮助学生了解不同国家的风土人情,拓宽视野。
3. 培养学生合作交流的能力,提高他们的团队意识。
教学重点:1. 旅行中的常用英语词汇和句型。
2. 如何用英语询问旅行信息、表达旅行计划。
教学难点:1. 学生能够熟练运用所学词汇和句型进行交流。
2. 学生能够根据情境进行角色扮演,提高口语表达能力。
教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师通过图片、视频等形式展示世界各地的风景,激发学生对旅行的兴趣。
2. 学生分享自己想去旅行的国家或城市。
二、新课学习1. 教师带领学生学习旅行中的常用英语词汇,如:hotel、restaurant、airport、bus、train等。
2. 教师教授旅行中的常用句型,如:Where are you going?、What do you want to see?、How long will you stay there?等。
3. 学生跟读并模仿,加强口语练习。
三、巩固练习1. 学生分成小组,进行角色扮演,模拟旅行场景。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 学生分享自己在角色扮演中的收获。
第二课时一、复习导入1. 教师提问:上一节课我们学习了哪些内容?2. 学生回答,复习所学词汇和句型。
二、新课学习1. 教师引导学生思考:在旅行中,我们还需要了解哪些信息?2. 学生分享自己的想法,教师总结:了解当地的天气、交通、住宿、美食等信息。
3. 教师教授相关词汇和句型,如:weather、traffic、accommodation、cuisine 等。
三、巩固练习1. 学生分组,模拟旅行计划,用英语表达自己的行程。
2. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。
四、课堂小结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
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旅游英语口语教案Week OneI. Teaching aim1. Introduce the Practical Oral English Course and the learning schedule of this term to students.2. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit one to Unit three.II. Important and difficult points1. How to introduce oneself or somebody.2. How to greet formally or casually.3. How to ask for and offer help.4. How to ask for information and make inquiries.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. Share with Ss the pictures I took in Hainan this winter holiday.3. Introduce the Practical Oral English Course and the learning schedule of this term to students.4. Basic Expressions(Unit one to Unit three)Review the basic expression of Part One (Unit one to Unit three) and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.4. Do pair work.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part One Unit Four to Unit Six. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review Unit One to Unit Three and prepare for an oral test.Week TwoI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss how to prepare for meeting the tour group.2. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Four to Unit Six.II. Important and difficult points1. How to make an appointment2. How to make suggestion and give advice3. How to apologize and forgive4. Preparations for meeting the tour group.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit One to Unit Three3. Teach Ss the preparations for meeting the tour group.a) How to prepare for meeting the tour group.b) What to do when tourists arrive.c) What if the guide picks up tourists other than his/her own tour group.Phrases and expressions:Local guide地陪national guide 全陪reception program 接待计划Travel agency 旅行社group code 团号tour leader 领队Sponsor travel service 组团社Preparations for meeting the tour group:A. A guide should dress decently, especially on the occasion of meeting the tour group at the airport. Tattoos and dyed hair are not appropriate for a guide. No guides are allowed to wear shorts, a sleeveless shirt or shoes without sock.B. A male guide should not wear shorts or wear his cap backwards or sideways. A female guide may dress casually, but should not wear the mini skirt and have excessive makeup.C. A guide should remember the details of the reception program before he picks up tourists at the airport. A reception program should include name of travel agency, group code, name of tour leader or national guide, names and number of tourists, arrival time, modes of transport, hotel and so on.Question: What does a guide do before the tourists arrive?a. confirm expected arrival time;b. arrive at airport 30 minutes prior to the expected arrival time and confirm the exact landing place;c. stand at a highly visible location at the exit, in full view of arriving tourists with a cardboard.Question: What does a guide do at the airport when tourists arrive?a. meet the tour group and check the group code, number of tourists and name of the national guide or tour leader;b. lead the tour group to the coach and stand by the door to politely greet tourists and confirm the number of tourists.Question: What does a guide serve tourists on the way to the hotel?a. greet tourists cordially or deliver a welcome speech;b. inform overseas tourists of the local time;c. give a brief introduction to the local customs, location of the hotel;Additional Tips: Taking tourists by MistakesA guide may pick up tourists other than his own tour group because of carelessness, while his own tourists are left at the airport or, have been picked up by some other guide. To avoid such mistakes, what kind of measures should the guide take?●The guide should double-check the information of the tour group: the name of sponsor travel service, the number of tourists and the name of the national guide or tour leader.●If he mistakes the tour group of another travel agency for his own group, he should first report the case to his travel service and make an apology to the tourists. Meanwhile he must hand the tour group over to that travel agency.●If the tour group belongs to the travel agency that he works for, yet he is not supposed to be their guide, the local guide may make the best of the mistake by acting as their guide and picking them up.4. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Four to Unit Six and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.5. Do pair work.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part One Unit Seven to Unit Ten. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review the preparations for meeting the tour group and prepare for an oral test.Week ThreeI. Teaching aim1. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Seven to Unit Eight.2. Teach Ss how to write an itinerary and how to deal with the difference in the itinerary.II. Important and difficult points1. How to ask for direction2. How to describe things and people3. How to write an itinerary and how to deal with the difference in the itinerary.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit Four to Unit Six.3. Basic Expressions (Unit Seven to Unit Eight)Review the basic expression of Part One (Unit Seven to Unit Eight) and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.4. Do pair work.5. Teach Ss how to write an itinerary and how to deal with the difference in the itinerary.Phrases and expressions:Standard group 标准团deluxe group豪华团Travel route 旅行线路tourist destination旅游目的地Local travel service地接社travel itinerary 旅行计划A. When writing an itinerary, you should take the following points into account:1. The tout title is an important part of the itinerary, and it usually highlights the length and location of the tour, e.g. “Three-Day Tour to the Yungang Grottoes”2. An itinerary should include information with regard to the standard of service/tour grade, travel expenses and the number of tourists, etc.3. For day-to-day activities specific information should be given about the cities, hotels, modes of transportation and duration.4. The descriptive account should include an overall view of the travel routes and tourist destinations in accordance with the contract made between the tourists and the travel agency.Question: What is the specific information about day-to-day activities in an itinerary?[ GW-ME-001 ] Beijing-Xi'an-Shanghai (09 Day)Departure everydayDay 1 Arrive BeijingArrive Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China. Meet your guide upon arrival and transfer to your comfortable hotel. (D)Day 2 BeijingBegin the day with a visit to Tiananmen Square, the world largest. Then, move on to the "Forbidden City" that symbolizes the imperial and traditional China. After lunch, visit Temple of Heaven, the place where the emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped heaven and prayed for peace and harvest. A Peking Duck Dinner concludes your first full day activities in China. (B-L-D)Day 3 BeijingVisit the enchanting Summer Palace, one of China's largest and best-preserved imperial gardens. In the afternoon, you will visit the Yonghe Lama Temple. (B-L-D)Day 4 BeijingToday's highlight is your visit to the Great Wall, symbol of Chinese civilization. A short drive away is the statue-lined Shenlu (Spirit Road) leading to the Ming tombs, here you can see some marvelous stone sculptures. The Ming Tombs the tomb area for deceased emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Rest of the day is free. (B-L-D)Day 5 Beijing-Xi’anAfter a relaxed breakfast at hotel this morning, you will take a walk through some old "hutongs", a kind of ancient city compound. Fly to Xi'an and check in Hotel upon arrival. Climb up the ancient City Walls and visit Forest of Steles Museum where precious stone carvings and sculptures are kept. Enjoy a characteristic dumpling dinner at a local restaurant. (B-D)Day 6 Xi'anBegin the day with a once-in-a-lifetime viewing of the extraordinary 2,200-year-old terracotta warriors of China's first Emperor, Qin Shihuang. On your way back to the city, stop at a mountain village and meet local residents. After lunch, visit the superb Shanxi History Museum, the best of its kind in China. Visit to Big Wild Goose Pagoda which was built in 652 A.D. It contains a large volume of Buddhist scriptures which were obtained from India by the eminent monk of Xuanzang. (B-L-D)Day 7 Xi'an-ShanghaiFly to Shanghai, China's largest city. Check in Hotel. Visit the Bund. The splendid row of early 20th century European buildings remains the quintessential Shanghai sight. Visit Yuyuan Garden -- a well restored Suzhou-style garden, and take a walk through the Old Town filled with antique markets and specialty stores. A fabulous acrobatic show concludes your first day in Shanghai. (B-L-D)Day 8 ShanghaiThis morning you will visit marvelous Shanghai Museum, a leading attraction of the city since it opened in 1994. Move on to the Fuxing Park . Then a visit to the Jade Buddha Temple where two rare jade statues of Sakyamuni Buddha are treasured. You will have some free time in the afternoon to explore the city. Enjoy a farewell dinner at the hotel. (B-L-D)Day 09 Return HomeTransfer to the airport and board your homebound flight. Arrive in your country on the same day. (B)B:Breakfast L:Lunch D:DinnerPriceHotel: (or the same standard)Beijing: Hao Yuan Jian Guo HotelXi'an: Jian Guo HotelShanghai: Ocean HotelB. Differences in the itinerary1. You should confirm the local travel arrangements with the tour leader or the nationalguide before tourists start their sightseeing.2. If the tourist itinerary or travel schedule is different from that presented by the national guide, both parties should have discussions and make a possible resolution to their mutual satisfaction.Question: How do you handle the case when you find the differences in the itinerary? Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part One Unit Nine to Unit Ten. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review today’s lecture and prepare for an oral test.3. Week Four is Ss’labor week.Week FiveI. Teaching aim1. Review the basic expression of oral English from Unit Nine to Unit Ten.2. Teach Ss how to deal with the changes in the itinerary.II. Important and difficult points1. How to express your likes and dislikes2. How to make farewell3. How to deal with the changes in the itinerary.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit Seven to Unit Eight.3. Basic Expressions (Unit Nine to Unit Ten)Review the basic expression of Part One (Unit Nine to Unit Ten) and tick some important sentences for Ss to recite.4. Do pair work.5. Teach Ss how to deal with the changes in the itinerary.Changes in the itinerary:○Usually a guide should adhere to travel schedule or the itinerary as specified in the contract. You should not change the travel schedule or itinerary at your will.○A guide may make some reasonable adjustments, based on the travel schedule or the daily route. You should also inform the tourists of the changes and try to get their support. ○A guide should evaluate their suggestions if tourists want to change the itinerary. Provided that their proposal is feasible, he may make the appropriate adjustments after he acquires the approval from the local travel service and the tour leader or national guide.Question: Can a guide change the itinerary at his/her will?What if you want to make some changes to the itinerary?What if the tourists want to change their travel schedule?Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit one. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of thedialogues.2. Review today’s lecture and prepare for an oral test.Week SixI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the entry procedure in airport.2. Teach Ss how to imitate the pronunciation of native speakers.II. Important and difficult points1. What to say when meeting the foreign guests.2. How many necessary formalities should foreigners go through?III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test from Unit Nine to Unit Ten.3. Listening comprehension: The Temple of Earth and The Tian’an men square. Then read after the narrator.4. Part Two: Attendance to Daily lifeUnit One: Meeting the Foreign GuestsSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit two. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Review today’s lecture and do the translation at page 61. Prepare for an oral test.Week SevenI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss how to provide good service in guest house.2. Teach Ss how to prepare an on-the-way introduction and the taboos of guiding service on the way.II. Important and difficult points1. What to do at the reception desk.2. How to offer room service.3. How to prepare an on-the-way introduction.4. The taboos of guiding service on the way.III. Teaching procedure1. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit one.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily lifeUnit Two: Guest House ServiceSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.Additional dialogue when checking out:At the Cashier’s Desk:Cashier: Good morning, sir. May I help you?Billy: Is this where I can pay my hotel bills?Cashier: Yes. Please tell me your room number and when you would like to check out. Billy: My room number is 902 and I’d like to check out now.Cashier: Just a moment, please.Cashier: Are you Mr Billy?Billy: Yes.Cashier: Did you have breakfast this morning?Billy: Yes, but I paid cash for it.Cashier: And have you used any hotel services since breakfast?Billy: Yes. I used the mini-bar. I drank a can of coca-cola.Cashier: All right. Here you are, sir. It totals 3,450 yuan RMB, including 15% service charge. Please check it.Billy: Thank you. Can I pay with traveller’s checks[b1]?Cashier: Certainly, sir.(Mr Billy fills out checks and gives these and his passport to the cashier)Here is your invoice, Mr Billy. We hope you enjoyed your stay with us here and that you’ll have a pleasant trip home.Billy: Thank you.4. How to prepare an on-the-way introduction?a. Inform tourists of the itinerary of the day. (briefly introduce the scenery spots and tour destination)b. Introduce the local customs and scenery on the way.c. Initiate entertainments to promote friendship between tourists.d. Make a summary of the sightseeing activities on suitable occasions when the tour is over, so that you can further impress tourists on the way home.5. The taboos of guiding service on the way.a. A guide should not talk with the driver and leave tourists alone on the coach.b. A guide should not harm the interest or the dignity of the nation.c. A guide is not permitted to talk about something superstitious or obscene.d. A guide is not allowed to discriminate against the religion, customs and habits of ethnic groups.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit three. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 70 and do the translation at page 72. Prepare foran oral test.Week EightI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss about the transportation in daily life and the related dialogues.2. Review the additional expression for hotel.II. Important and difficult points1. What to do at the luggage consignation.2. Conversation at the railway station and on the ship.3. Conversation at the Captain’s Bridge4. Conversation about the street trafficIII. Teaching procedure2. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Two.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Three: TransportationSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit four. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 85 and do the translation at page 88. Prepare for an oral test.Week NineI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the related dialogues about the food and drink.2. Review the additional expression for transportation.II. Important and difficult points1. How to invite people to dinner2. How to order in a restaurant3. How to complain in a restaurant4. Additional expressions about the dishes, soups, staple food and desserts, drinks and beverages.III. Teaching procedure3. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Three.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Four: Food and DrinkSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Five. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 100-107 and do the translation at page 109.Prepare for an oral test.Week TenI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the related dialogues about shopping.2. Review the additional expression for Food and Drink.II. Important and difficult points1. How to buy clothes at the department store2. How to buy a raincoat at the plastic counter3. How to buy vegetables or fruits at the market4. How to change the currencyIII. Teaching procedure4. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Four.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Five: ShoppingSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.5. Additional Expression:Cloisonne: Cloisonné first developed in the middle east. It spread to China along the Silk Road.The main processes of making cloisonne:1. Body-making. the artist forms metal (such as copper, bronze, or silver) into the shape of the finished object. The material usually used for making the body is copper, since it is easily hammered and stretched.2. Filigree-soldering. The pure silver wire is bent into shapes that define the colored areas. The bends are all done at right angles, so that wire does not curve up.3. Enamel-filling. Due to the difference in the minerals added, the colour differs accordingly. Usually one with much iron will turn grey, with uranium, yellow, with chromium, green, with zinc, white, with bronze, blue, with gold or iodine, red.4. Enamel-firing. This is done by putting the article, with its enamel fillings, to the crucible. The enamel in the little compartment will sink down a bit after firing. That will require a refilling. This process will go on repeatedly until the little compartments are finally filled.5. Polishing. Some pieces of hard carbon are used for polishing to produce some lustre on the surface of the article.6. Gilding. The article is placed in fluid of gold or silver. The exposed metal is electroplated with a thin film of gold to prevent corrosion and to give a pleasing appearance.Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Six. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 120-128 and do the translation at page 128. Prepare for an oral test.Week ElevenI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss the related dialogues about recreation and sports.2. Review the additional expression for shopping.II. Important and difficult points1. The expression at the cinema and the gym.2. The set phrases for acrobatic show3. How to talk about the ball game.III. Teaching procedure5. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Five.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Six: Recreation and SportsSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.4. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.5. Additional expression:mimicry 口技wire-walking 走钢丝plate-spinning 转碟forward somersault in midair前空翻backward somersault后空翻handstand 倒立spilt 劈叉pyramid叠罗汉stadium体育场championship锦标赛offence, commit an offence犯规forward前锋centre中锋guard后卫smash 扣球holding持球close up封球Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Seven. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 139-147 and do the translation at page 148. Prepare for an oral test.Week TwelveII.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss how to describe the state of an illness.2. Review the additional expression for recreation and sports.II. Important and difficult points1. The dialogues at the consulting room.2. The expression about the department of the hospital3. The expression about the medicine and some common diseasesIII. Teaching procedure6. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Six.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Seven: At the hospitalSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.6. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.7. Additional expression:Director of a hospital 院长head of a department 科主任attending doctor 主治医生resident doctor 住院医生intern 实习医生pharmacist 药剂师physician内科医生surgeon 外科医生laboratory technician化验员take one’s blood pressure 量血压fit an artificial tooth 镶牙Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit eight. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 161-164 and do the translation at page 165. Prepare for an oral test.Week ThirteenI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss general terms for visiting and sightseeing2. Review the additional expression of the hospital.II. Important and difficult pointsThe dialogues when visiting and sightseeing at palace museum, at the light industrial products exhibition, at the water park, at a university.III. Teaching procedure7. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Seven.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Eight: Visits and sightseeingSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.8. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.9. Additional expression:Beijing opera masks京剧脸谱jade carvings玉雕Embroidery刺绣papercuts 剪纸rockery 假山artificial lake人工湖pagoda宝塔meadow草地flower bed花坛bonfire evening party篝火晚会Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit nine. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 179-180 and do the translation at page 182. Prepare for an oral test.Week FourteenI. Teaching aim1. Teach Ss general terms for daily services2. Review the additional expression of visiting and sightseeingII. Important and difficult points1. how to post a letter or a parcel2. How to send a fax at the hotel business centre3. dialogues at the bank and studioIII. Teaching procedure8. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Eight.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Nine: daily servicesSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.10. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.11. Additional expression:Commemorative stamp纪念邮票postal order 邮政邮票postmark 邮戳Press cable新闻电报cable address电报挂号insured letter 保价信international distance dialing 国际直拨Ⅳ. Homework:1. Preview Part Two unit Ten. In next period, students are supposed to do pair work of the dialogues.2. Recite the additional expressions at page 193-195 and do the translation at page 196. Prepare for an oral test.Week FifteenI.Teaching aim1. Teach Ss general terms for Chinese festival2. Review the additional expression of daily servicesII. Important and difficult points1. The custom of the national day, the spring festival, the dragon boat festival, the water splashing festival.III. Teaching procedure9. Greeting.2. An oral test of Part two Unit Nine.3. Part Two: Attendance to Daily life Unit Ten: Chinese FestivalSs do the pair work and then T analyzes the dialogues.12. Ask Ss to imitate the dialogues in our text.13. Additional expression:(Laba)The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month (marked by eating Laba porridge) 腊八The lantern festival (the 15th of the 1st lunar month marked by eating sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour) 元宵节The Women’s day, celebrated on March 3rd 三八国际妇女节The International Labor’s Day, celebrated on May 1st. 五一国际劳动节The Youth’s Day, celebrated on May 4th. 五四青年节The International Children’s Day, celebrated on June 1st. 六一国际儿童节The Party’s Birthday--- The celebration of the founding of the communist party of China is held on July 1st.建党日The celebration of the founding of the PLA is held on August 1st. 八一建军节(Chongyang)The double Ninth Festival (the day of the ninth lunar month). It’s a festival for the old people重阳节Ⅳ. Homework:1. Review Part Two. In next period, students are supposed to take the final exam.[b1]The use of credit cards has, however, rendered them less important than they previously were;– in fact, many places now do not accept the traveller’s checks.。