

跨文化交际 unit 1Communication1

跨文化交际 unit 1Communication1


独立知识点与概念 主题鲜明 标题字数 尽量人性化 分级标题的之间的逻辑性

先见文,后见图、表 行长一般以 80-100mm 为适 最有价值信息放在最前面 页面力求丰满

能见度(visibility) 能辨度(legibility) 能解度(readability)

做别人不敢做的事 做别人不愿做的事 做别人做不了的事
明确目标 以终为始 知彼知已 组织内容 主题大纲 加味添料 注重细节 呈现形式 用图表说话 PPT制作常识 预演彩排 开场白与结束 避免事项
• 适当的作笔记; • 关注对方的肢体语言
– – – – 面部表情 姿势 个人空间 语音语调
What is culture?
• The term “culture” was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917)in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871.
多媒体 实验
案例 游戏 实践演练

问一个煽动性问题 引用名人精句 让数字说话 讲述主题相关的亲身经历 摘述最近新闻焦点

跨文化交际Chapter 1部分翻译

跨文化交际Chapter 1部分翻译


anyone who has done business internationally knows that dreadful feeling brought on by the blank stares,任何人做国际业务的都知道,空洞的眼神所带来的可怕感觉,the forced half-smiles, the murmured comments in a language that seems indecipherable—强迫半微笑,用似乎难以辨认的语言低声评论——when what you say doesn't connect, and when something seems missing.当无法和你说什么事情联系上时,有些事情似乎就错过了,The paranoia is inescapable. You had your checklist of cultural do's and don'ts and followed them religiously.偏执是不可避免的。


You broke no taboos, committed no cultural faux pas, insulted no one—yet you failed to break through. Why?你不打破任何禁忌,不犯任何文化失礼,不侮辱任何人——但你却未能突破文化差异。

为什么呢?Distance and time were once the biggest obstacles to doing business internationally.距离和时间,一度成为做国际业务的最大障碍。

跨文化交际导论(英文版)(第二版) Chapter 1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication

跨文化交际导论(英文版)(第二版) Chapter 1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication

Defining Intercultural Communication
International Communication
Chinese Chairman
American President
Defining Intercultural Communication
Interracial Communication

Chapter 1
Introduction to ICC
Learning Objectives
Define intercultural communication. Understand the importance of
intercultural communication. Briefly describe the developmental
Five Forms of ICC
(Rich ,1974)
(1) Intercultural communication (2) International communication (国际间
传播) (3) Interracial communication (种族间传
(4) Interethnic or minority communication (少数民族间传播)
Four Categories of ICC
(Gudykunst and Hammer, 1987)
(1) Intercultural communication (2) Cross-cultural communication (跨文
化传播) (3) International communication (4) Comparative mass communication

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际

• Principles of Communication:
a) It is a dynamic process
b) It is symbolic
c) It is contextual (situations) d) it is self-reflective
e) we learn to communicate f) it has a consequence
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Societies around the globe have been interwoven into a complex fabric of interdependent economic, technological, political, and social relationships.
• Functions of Communication:
a) Gather information about other people
b) Fulfill interpersonal needs
c) Establishes personal identities
d) Influence others
ethnic background, age, sex,
media, monetary systems,
or other factors.
etc.Βιβλιοθήκη • We learn our culture through proverbs

Topic 1 Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication (跨文化交际)

Topic 1 Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication (跨文化交际)

Patterns of communication

Upward communication (sending information from people at a lower level to people at a higher level in an organization)

1) new technology and information systems
2) changes in the world‘s population 3) a shift in the world‘s economic arena

1) new technology and information systems Transportation systems: Tourism boomed (tourism is one of the fastgrowing industries in the world)

available in 210 countries, 28.5million households view it in an average week.

The expasion of WWW and the Internet computer network. The benefits & drawbacks of Internet.
Pre-class discussion

Give an example of a(co)-cultural behavior that you do not understand. See if anyone in the class can explain it to you.

跨文化交际实训 Chapter 1

跨文化交际实训  Chapter 1

guatemalan weaving 危地马拉的编织
危地马拉是古代玛雅文化的中心之一。1523年沦 为西班牙的殖民地,1821年摆脱殖民统治,宣布 独立。1823年加入中美洲联邦,1839年成立共和 国。危地马拉人主要从事农业,种植玉米、咖啡、 香蕉、豆类、辣椒、西红柿、棉花等。在太平洋沿 岸的种植园里,资本主义农业有了发展。棉纺、丝 纺、编织、制陶、皮革等手工业较发达。农民的住 房一般系用土坯或树枝搭盖的窝棚。食物以玉米面 饼为主。白人和印欧混血种人穿欧式服装,印第安 人穿传统服装。条纹花布长裙和带鲜艳刺绣的短上 衣是印第安妇女的主要服装。印第安人的文化具有 古代玛雅文化的一系列特征。
What problems have you ever had communicating with others? Use some examples to explain intercultural communication.
I. Culture 文化
Definitions of Culture文化的定义
adj. 仪式的,老规矩的 adj. 星云的,星云状的 conj. 凭借 n. 对某种文化的适应 adj. 家族的,家庭的 adj. 普遍的,蔓延的,渗透的 v. 整合,使……成整体 n. 下部构造,下部组织 n. <政> 上层建筑<建> 上层结构 n. 改变,变更
Comprehension Questions
I. Culture 文化
Metaphors in Culture 文化中的隐喻
▪The Culture Iceberg 文化冰山
▪The Culture Onion 文化洋葱
I. Culture 文化

跨文化交际chapter 1 introduction and communication (2)

跨文化交际chapter 1 introduction and communication (2)

Chapter One A Brief IntroductionⅠ. Introduction1. Questionnaires (extra hand-outs)These two questionnaires are presented as the warming up exercises to check how the students can handle communications in daily practice. Discuss the communicative problems with students and analyze the relevant reasons. Then ask the students some questions.2. Lead-in Questionsⅰ. What do you usually communicate with other people?ⅱ. Have you ever been embarrassed when talking with strangers? Why is that?ⅲ. Do you know how to communicate with foreigners?Tell their conversation partner something concrete and significant about themselves.Look for common interests and shared opinions for a more solid basis of relationship.Individualize the foreigners.ⅳ. Have you come across the cultural shock in communication?3. DiscussionDiscuss the different ways of cultural communication and found out the reasons by analyzing some cases.4.Introduction of Intercultural Communicationa.Cross-cultural communication is also called intercultural communication. “Intercultural Communication”is communication between members of different cultural backgrounds. Intercultural Communication involves different perceptions, attitudes, and interpretations. Intercultural Communication is an interdisciplinary field which includes anthropology, cultural studies, psychology, and communication.Anthropology(from the Greek word ἄνθρωπος, "human" or "person") consists of the study of humanity (see genus Homo). It is holistic in two senses: it is concerned with all humans at all times and with all dimensions of humanity. In principle, it isconcerned with all institutions of all societies.Cultural studies combines sociology, social theory, literary theory, media theory, film/video studies, cultural anthropology,philosophy and art history/criticism to study cultural phenomena in industrial societies. Cultural studies researchers often concentrate on how a particular phenomenon relates to matters of ideology, race, social class, and/or gender.Cultural studies concerns itself with the meaning and practices of everyday life. Cultural practices comprise the ways people do particular things (such as watching television, or eating out) in a given culture. Particular meanings attach to the ways people in particular cultures do things.Psychology is an academic and applied field involving the study of the human mind, brain, and behavior. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including problems of individuals' daily lives and the treatment of mental illness.For instance, if you talk with your American teacher, intercultural communication takes place. If you interact with a Japanese student, there is intercultural communication.It takes place everywhere.Intercultural communication dates back to thousands of years ago. A long time ago, when people started intermingling with each other, when people were having trade relations with each other, there was intercultural communication. A very good example is the Silk Road.b. Reasons for us to learn cross-cultural communication:Modern means of communicationNow jet planes fly everywhere. It used to take a month to travel from Shanghai to Los Angeles. But now, it takes only twelve hours. It is much easier for people to move from one country to another. People of different countries and races get together much oftener than before. Besides, people get in touch with each other in various ways, including the telephone, the internet, the satellite, etc.Sophisticated communication systems have also helped to increase intercultural communication.Global villageThis means multinational companies now operate in many countries in the world.They employ people of different ethnic groups and of different countries.Actually some multinational companies make a point of employing people from different countries. They don't use people from just one country because their company is a multinational company and they want to use people from different countries. People everywhere need to learn about other cultures. They need to know their neighbors. They need to know how to get along with them and how to solve problems that inevitably arise. To do this it is necessary to learn how to communicate across cultures or how to do culture.Mass migrationMillions of people now move across national boarders every year. All these contribute to the fact that intercultural communication is now a daily occurrence.Its importance is now being recognized by an increasing number of people. The United States is a “melting pot”. Many young Americans no longer accept the melting pot image, because it includes the idea that people lose their home cultural identities, traditions, and values when they become Americans. We now replace the melting pot with mosaic. A mosaic is made up of diverse materials or elements that keep their original character when they are combined to create a new design. This new image expresses the idea that part of the American way of life is respect for cultural diversity.c. ApplicationIt can be applied in the training of business executives and technicians, particularly for those who go overseas. And they have to encounter a lot of cultural problems, so they have to be trained before they are sent overseas.Otherwise they would not be able to work effectively.And then there is the training of new immigrants and foreign students. This is done both in the United States, and also in countries like Australia.And then there is multicultural education because at American schools and also at some of the British schools, the pupils, the students are from different ethnic groups, and they have different cultures. So they have to be given what is calledmulticultural education. And also in foreign language teaching, intercultural communication is very important. Finally, it is useful for improving general cultural awareness.Ⅱ. Communication1.Types of Communicationa)human communicationHumans communicate in various ways. We speak, use body languages,intentionally or unintentionally communicate each other in either formal orinformal ways. (formal&informal, oral&written, intentional&unintentional,verbal&nonverbal)b)animal communicationResearchers have discovered that animals share with humans a number ofcharacteristics, including those associated with attraction and mating,territoriality, rivalry and play, familial ties, colony organization, division oflabor, and numbers of other traits that we once assumed were uniquely“human”. (animal language)c)human-animal communicationnon-word soundbody languaged)human-computer communicationInformation that was once conveyed verbally through stories and myths inancient times is now transmitted through high-tech media. (artificiallanguage)e) machine-machine communicationartificial language: codes2. Compare and ContrastGreetingsDialogue 1Friend: Hi, George, have you met Bill?George: No, I haven’t. Hi, Bill.Bill: Hi! How ya doing?Dialogue 2香港人到現在一見面還是會問:“食咗飯未?”意思就是吃過飯了嗎。



Chapter 1 CultureI.定义Culture(from intellectual perspective):从知性角度定义文化:作为整体的人类智力成就的艺术和其他表现Culture(from anthropologic perspective):从人类学角度定义文化:文化有清晰和模糊的行为模式构成,这些模式通过符号获得并传播,这些符号有人类群体的特别成就构成,包括具体的人工制品。


Culture(from psychological perspective) : 从心理学角度定义文化:文化是使一个人类群体成员区别于其他人类群体的思维的总体规划。

Culture(from sociological perspective):从社会学角度定义文化:文化是一种可习得的,基于群体的认知模式——包括言语与非言语符号,态度,价值观,信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。

Culture(from intercultural communication perspective):从跨文化交际学角度定义文化:文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获得的知识,经验,信仰,价值观,行为,态度,阶级,宗教,时间观,角色,空间观和艺术品的集合。

Culture Identity: 文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。


Co-culture 共文化——指具有独特的交际特征,感知特点,价值观,信仰和行为,区别于其他群体,社团以及主流文化的群体或社团。

Subgroup 亚群体——相对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体时代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。

Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural Communication1. Sender/Source信息发出者/信息源:指传递信息的人2. Message信息:只引起信息接受者反应的任何信号。

大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture

大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture

2. Culture Is Dynamic
Activity: Exploring Ideas Do you know any other events that have great influence on culture? Tell your partner how the following events changed culture. 1. China’s policy of reform and openingup 2. The United States’ entering WWII 3. The atomic bombing in Japan in WWII
2. Culture Is Our Software
2. Culture Is Our Software
The physical body is like the hardware of a computer. It is programmed by our home culture. An infant learns how to be human in a culturally specific way. We are vaguely aware of the “software” as we use it.
Text B DEFINITIONS OF ‘CULTURE’ According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, culture is “the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively”.

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际(课堂PPT)

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际(课堂PPT)

CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
Dominant Culture
• It's the one in power -
• They are numerous.
• Distinct and unique
• Meanwhile, aging population in more developed countries – Could bring more communication issues between older generations and younger generations (this can be treated as co-culture).
ethnic background, age, sex,
media, monetary systems,
or other factors.
• We learn our culture through proverbs
– Offer an important set of instructions
Our goal in this class is to answer some of the following questions: • Why do we often uncomfortable when encountering people who are different from yourself? • Why do people from different cultures behave in ways that seem strange to you? • How do cultural differences influence communication? • Which cultural differences are important and which are inconsequential? • Why is it difficult to understand and appreciate cultural difference?


Key words:
4. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective
“Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.”
3. Culture Is Like the Water a Fish Swims In
“Out of water” = Out of Context
As a schooled fish… “Water” is my culture Other Waters or Air are
3. Summarize the process of the formation of cultural identity.
Chapter Outline
The Nature of Definitions Characteristics Cultural
How can we recognize it i精n选opptth课e件r2s02?1
Can you tell which of the following are above the water and which are below?
What and how people eat How to keep healthy How to raise children How to do business How to use time How to introduce people How to participate in ceremonies Rules for gestures Rules for facial expressions and eye contact Etiquette Work speed What is right or wrong, beautiful or ugly, clean or dirty, good or


• In order to study cross-cultural communication, we must pay attention to the following:
a) Each individual are unique. b) Stereotyping. c) Objectivity. d) Communication is not a Cure-all.
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Culture is – Transmitted from generation to generation – Learned – Shared – Based on symbols – Dynamic – An intergrated system
Cross-CulturalCommunicationUnit1-4跨文化 交际
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
– increased the probability of survival
– satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche
– share with those who could communicate with each other and lived in the same tCommunication:

跨文化交际1 (1)

跨文化交际1 (1)

Chapter One:Culture and Communication1.The Importance of Learning about CulturesCase 1. Read the following case and try to explain the underlying reason.Case 1. The following case involves an American businesswoman and a British Businessman.“We seeme d to get along great on the telephone. It was a relief after several years in Eastern Europe to actually be doing business with the British. At least we spoke the same language,” says the American businesswoman. “We thought alike. I trusted him.”All went well until the American traveled to London to meet face-to-face with her British colleague to sign a research and development contract. The first meeting did not go well. “ There was something that didn‟t seem right,” she says. “Throughout the presentation none of the Brits, not even the guy I had developed a phone relationship with, would look us in the eye. It was like they were hiding something.After a lot of internal discussion, we decided to sign the contract, but many of us still felt uneasy. Even wh en we talked on the phone later I just couldn‟t get the failure of them to look me in the eye out of my head. It almost ruined the relationship and sunk the deal.”2.Understanding Culture2.1 The Definition of Culture(p2-p4)What’s culture?2.1 Larry A. Samovar and Richard E. Porter’s Definition of Culture (p4):The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving.文化的定义:文化是一个大群体在代代相传中,通过本人和集体的努力获得的知识、经验、信念、价值、态度、角色、空间关系、宇宙关系的积淀,以及他们获得的全部物质的东西。

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际

Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际
Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
This is called Globalization.
Globalization has greatly increased the economic strength of many nations and bring people together from different cultures. However, it could resulting more competition for natural resources, international conflicts and security, environmental issues, and world health issues.
❖ No Direct Mind-to-Mind Contact
❖ We can only Infer
❖ We seek to define the world
❖ Communication is self-Reflective
❖ The Brain is an open system - we learn to communicate
❖ Communication has a consequence
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future

跨文化交际第一章 PPT

跨文化交际第一章 PPT

However, the most common ones are racial stereotypes and gender stereotypes. Race, nationality, gender and sexual orientation are the main factors of stereotyping. Stereotyping must be avoided at all costs, as it leads to treating groups as a single entity. Given below are examples of stereotypes that people commonly use.
intentional and unintentional behavior
The second school of thought proposes that the concept of intentionality is too limiting and fails to account for all the circumstances in which messages are conveyed unintentionally. Scholars who support this approach believe communication takes place whenever people attach meaning to behavior, even if the sender of the message does not expect his or her actions to be conveyed.
After this chapter, we will be able



3. Elements ofents of Culture
artifacts concepts (beliefs, values, world
views…) behavior
e.g. Whereas the money is considered an artifact, then value placed on it is a concept, the actual spending and saving of the money is behavior.
5) Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
4) Culture is the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving(努力,奋斗 ).


房玉靖 姚颖主编 对外经济贸易大学出版社
What are the major differences between Chinese and western culture? Use some examples to explain intercultural communication.
1.What is the major challenge facing
III. Intercultural Communication 跨文化交际 p.13
II. Communication 交际
Definitions of Communication 交际的定义
Generally speaking, communication can be defined as a dynamic, symbolic, transactional and contextual process in which people create shared meanings or messages.
I. Culture 文化
Metaphors in Culture 文化中的隐喻 p.3
▪The Culture Iceberg 文化冰山 食物 音乐 传统 风俗 行为/语言 态度 价值 信仰 知觉 看法
▪The Culture Onion 文化洋葱
符号 英雄人物
仪式 价值观
I. Culture 文化
Fish & chips
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