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拓展模块Unit 11 Supplementary Reading

Darwin at His Early Age 学案(5)


【教师寄语】:What this era lacks is not the person who is perfect but the person who is with virtue, justice, courage and compassion.(这个时代缺的不是完美的人,缺的是从自己心底里给出的,真心,正义,无畏和同情。)

【Learning aims】学习目标

1)Further understand the regulation of word formation,master much more vocabulary: care for, mix with, to see sth in sb, take pleasure in doing,naughty. shooting, ironic, spark, enthusiasm, exploration, foundation, mineral and so on

2)Know more about of Darwin.

【Learning Important Points】学习重点

the new words and expressions .

understand how to mark a book


【Learning Difficult Points】学习难点

Develop their skills of reading and understanding

【Learning Mathod Guide】学法指导

—reading to get a general idea of the text

2 .Intensive reading to get more details about the text

,pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities


【Warming up】课前热身


【Lead in】导入

Where was Darwin born

What was he famous for

Do you know anything more about him


Read the text quickly and translate the phrases.

Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of a boy was Darwin at his early age

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What made Darwin become interested in natural science

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What further encouraged darwin's interest in science

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Was Darwin interested in medicine at college

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What helped Darwin lay a solid foundation for his later achievemen

_______________________________________________________________________________【Show Time】展

his book, Darwin ___________himself ______having been a rather "naughty" child.


describe sth /sb as…“把……描述成”,又如:

They ___________the young man________ a hero. 他们把这位年轻人描述成一位英雄。having been a rather "naughty" child.是V-ing形式的完成式,作介词as的宾语。又如:

I am sorry for having wasted so much time. 我感到很懊悔,过去浪费了太多的时光。

He was punished for______________________. 他因杀死了那只狗而受到处罚。

, Charles Darwin was a lazy young man, and a slow learner at school.


Ironic as it may seem 是个让步状语从句,意义是“虽然……”,它的结构是“形容词/名词/动词(原形)+as+主语+动词”,又如:

_______________________________________,it was finished in time.


_____________________________,Toom could not get out of the difficulty.



Child as he was,he had to make a living. 尽管他还是个孩子,他也得自己谋生。

was a rather shy student but he did _______________________________________

______________ his athletic skills to other schoolmates.


句中的take(a)pleasure in doing sth 意思是“喜欢做……”、“以……为乐”,又如:

He ______________________________teaching his little sister. 他以教他小妹妹学习为乐趣。He seems to _______________________doing such things. 他好像喜欢做这样的事。

I _________________________________such things. 我不愿意做这样的事。

show off“炫耀(自己的能力、智慧、财富等)”、“吸引大家注意某人(某物)”,又如:

The child danced round the room,______________ himself ___________to everyone.


She was_______________,her husband ___________at the party last night.



's mother taught him how to change the color of flowers by giving them water

__________________ ___________________.


本句中的mixed with food coloring是过去分词短语作定语,修饰water.


They _____________the caster oil __________water. 他们把蓖麻油和水混合起来。

Would you ________this kind of chemical _________the one I gave you


a young boy he delighted in collecting minerals, insects, stamps and other things.
