Veterum Sapientia 研究拉丁语文 若望二十三世
朗读课文,思考: 本文的中心话题“读书”,环绕这一话题, 谈了些什么内容?
①读书的正确目的;(读书足以怡情 ——全凭视察得之)
②要讲究读书的方法:(读书时不可存心诘难作者 ——使能无知而显有知)
③读书能塑造人的性情和补偿精神上的各种缺陷。 (读史使人明智——皆有特药可医)
1、读书足以怡情,足以傅彩,足 以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处 幽居之时;其傅彩也,最见于高 谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于 处世判事之际。练达之士虽能分 别处理细事或一一判别枝节,然 纵观兼顾,全局策划,则非好学 寻思者莫属。
这几句话从反面指 出读书中的三种偏向, 并论述读书和经验的 关系:相互补充、相 辅相成。
3、书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数 则需咀嚼消化。换言之,有只须读取部 分者,有只须大体涉猎者,少数则须全 读,读时须全神贯注,孜孜不倦。书亦 可请人代读,取其所作摘要,但只限题 材较次或价值不高者,否则书经提炼犹 如水经蒸馏,味同嚼蜡矣。
—— ——
马 甚培 书
培根(1561-1626),英国哲学家、作家。 出身官僚家庭。剑桥大学毕业。后又学习法律。 1618年任大理院院长,封为勋爵。1626年冬由 于在野外实验雪的防腐作用而受寒致死。培根 的主要建树在哲学方面。认为“知识就是力量”。 因此马克思称他为“整个现代实验科学的真正
咀嚼( jué)
味同嚼蜡( jiáo) 读好书(hǎo)
怡情:使心情愉快。 文采藻饰:修饰文词,使之富有文采。 诘难:诘问,为难。 寻章摘句:搜寻、摘取文章的片断语词。
续表 ①每种植物都有它自己的 习性 ,园艺工作者必须懂得 这些知识。 ②古人为什么说“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”呢?就是劝我 填空 们要远离坏人,别沾染上不良 习气 。 ③热爱劳动、勤俭节约这些 习惯 一旦养成,就能终身 受益。
淹没:(大水)漫过;盖过。也可用于声音,多用于具体 事物。 辨析 湮没:埋没。多指由于时间、环境等原因造成的埋没, 可用于具体事物,也可用于抽象事物。
答案:文章的基本观点是自然界生物存在自然选择——适者 生存,择优弃劣。它与文章各部分之间是“总—分”关系,因 为文章主要内容是从自然选择的法则与相关事实来证明自然 选择的存在。全文的整体思路是:①提出自然选择理论;②列 举大量事实和自然现象,用自然选择理论进行解释,论证物种 形成是自然选择的结果,生物的适应体现自然选择的作用;③ 针对自然选择学说面临的难题进行解释,证明自然选择学说 的科学性;④用自然选择理论解释生物在地理分布上的各种 现象,总结生物同源、迁移与变异的观点。
(四)从达尔文的进化论来看,自然界中存在着激烈的生 存竞争。你从中获得了什么启发?请你以“竞争”为话题, 写一个片段,谈谈自己的认识。
答案:在物种进化过程中,大凡每一纲中属于较大种群的优势物 种,更能产生新的优势类型,在竞争中打败较不占优势的类型,从 而获得更大的生存空间。因此,要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之 地,就要不断提高自身的竞争力。庄子曾说:“且夫水之积也不 厚 ,则其负大舟也无力。”“风之积也不厚,则其负大翼也无 力。”没有厚积,哪来薄发?要想有强大的竞争力,实力起决定作 用。一个国家的强大国力要靠雄厚的经济实力做后盾,一个人要 想出人头地就必须用知识武装头脑,还要在残酷的竞争中保持良 好的心理状态,胜不骄,败不馁。倘若一个人心浮气躁,胡搞蛮干, 即使偶尔一次冲到前列,也注定会从云端跌落,失去竞争力不说, 这大起大落也必定令人难以承受,以致难以翻身。
它两个最著名的文献包括了《印度药书》(CHARAKA SAMHITHA)和《外科书》(SUSRUTHA SAMHITHA)虽然这些著作表达的源自吠陀经的一些医学看法极其有限,历史学家有能力示范早期的阿育吠陀与早期的佛教和耆那教直接的历史关系。
斯宾诺莎简介个人生平(Baruch Spinoza ,1632年11月24日—1677年2月21日)荷兰哲学家。
后改名为贝内迪特·斯宾诺莎(Benedictus Spinoza )西方近代哲学史重要的理性主义者,与笛卡尔和莱布尼茨齐名。
因此,斯宾诺莎提出我们应该“在永恒的相下”(sub specie aeternitatis)看事情。
高二英语历史文物单选题50题1. The Terracotta Army, which was discovered in Xi'an, dates back to the _____ Dynasty.A. QinB. HanC. TangD. Song答案:A。
解析:秦始皇帝陵的兵马俑(The Terracotta Army)是秦朝(Qin Dynasty)的文物。
选项B汉朝(Han Dynasty)、选项C唐朝 Tang Dynasty)和选项D宋朝 Song Dynasty)都不符合兵马俑所属的朝代。
2. In the British Museum, there is a famous Rosetta Stone. It was created around _____.A. 196 BCB. 1066 ADC. 55 BCD. 1492 AD答案:A。
解析:罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone)大约制作于公元前196年 196 BC)。
选项B 1066 AD是诺曼征服英格兰的年份;选项C 55 BC不符合罗塞塔石碑的制作年代;选项D 1492 AD是哥伦布发现新大陆的年份。
3. The Mona Lisa in the Louvre Museum was painted by Leonardo daVinci in the _____.A. 15th centuryB. 16th centuryC. 17th centuryD. 18th century答案:B。
解析:《蒙娜丽莎》由列奥纳多·达·芬奇于16世纪(16th century)绘制。
15世纪(15th century)时间过早;17世纪(17th century)和18世纪 18th century)不符合达·芬奇创作《蒙娜丽莎》的时间。
4. The Parthenon Marbles, now controversial and in the British Museum, were originally from the _____ civilization.A. RomanB. GreekC. EgyptianD. Babylonian答案:B。
壹、生平教宗若望二十三世,原名Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli,1881年11月25日,生于意大利北部Bergamo的Sotto il Monte.为十三兄妹中的第三人,农家出生。
文化背景 生平简介 经院哲学 托马斯主义
中世纪(The Middle Age ):“中世纪” 一词是16世纪文艺复兴时期的人文主义者 首先提出来的。他们对古代希腊罗马的伟 大成就极为赞赏,并以同样的热情歌颂文 艺复兴时期的成就。于是把公元476年西罗 马灭亡到15世纪文艺复兴前夕两个文化高 潮之间约1000的时间称为“中间的世纪”。
“圣事”—洗礼、坚信礼、告解礼、圣餐礼、婚配礼、临 终涂油礼
托马斯•阿奎那 (约公元1225~1274年),
出生于意大利洛加塞卡城,是中世 纪经院哲学的哲学家和神学家,他把理 性引进神学,用 “自然法则”来论证 “君权神圣”说。死后也被封为天使博 士(天使圣师)或全能博士。他是自然 神学最早的提倡者之一,也是托马斯哲 学学派的创立者,成为天主教长期以来 研究哲学的重要根据。他所撰写的最知 名著作是《神学大全》(Summa Theologica)。天主教教会认为他是历 史上最伟大的神学家,将其评为33位教 会圣师之一。
实质性形式:有形实体的基本现实 偶性形式:上述基本现实的附加规定性
动力因 目的因
第二性原因 (因果关系)
主因 辅因
目的 终极目的:第一目的=上帝 非终极目的:第二性原因的目的
柏拉图:人的肉体属于感性世界,灵魂属于 理念世界。灵魂与身体的结合是理 念堕落的结果。“人是使用肉体的
灵 魂”。
亚里士多德:灵魂是一种特殊运动方式---生 命的本原,或者说灵魂是由生 命事物的形式。
托马斯阿奎那:人是由肉体和灵魂构成的有 形实体;人的灵魂是单一的精神实体。
例如,人类的学名是Homo sapiens ,其中 Homo 是属名,意为“人属”,sapiens 是种名,意为“有智慧的”。
比如,在解剖学中,“corpus callosum ”(胼胝体)、“aorta ”(主动脉);生理学中的“peristalsis ”(蠕动);病理学中的“carcinoma ”(癌);药理学中的“analgesic ”(镇痛药)等等。
例如,阿司匹林的化学名为“Acetylsalicylic acid ”,青霉素的拉丁名为“Penicillium ”。
统编版高中语文选择性必修下册 第四单元 第13课 自然选择的证明 教学课件
同一块大陆上,在炎热和寒冷、高山和低地、沙漠与沼泽等极为不同 的条件下,每一大纲中的大多数生物有明显联系;在最遥远的山区,在南 北温带中会有少数植物是相同的,其他许多植物也很相似;虽然有整个热 带海洋的间隔,南北温带海洋生物中仍有些也极为相似。
配套新教材-语文-RJ-选择性必修下册-第四单元-第13课 自然选择的证明
本文节选自《物种起源·综述和结论》,题目是编者加的。“自然 选择”是证明的对象,“证明”是文章的主体内容。
配套新教材-语文-RJ-选择性必修下册-第四单元-第13课 自然选择的证明
1.第一段是如何提出并确立论点的? 首先提出论点,接着引用某些人的观点质疑,然后用大家公认的事实和所 有博物学家承认的事实来反驳,从而使论点确立。
配套新教材-语文-RJ-选择性必修下册-第四单元-第13课 自然选择的证明
3.根据第4段的分析,试总结自然选择之“变异”的作用及结果是什么? ① 使同一物种的不同变种间、同一属内不同物种间的特征差异增大; 改良变种取代旧的、少有改良的变种,并使其绝灭。 ② 物种确定,界限分明。
配套新教材-语文-RJ-选择性必修下册-第四单元-第13课 自然选择的证明
第一层次为3 ~ 7 段,从物种最初的存在形式谈起,这是物种进化的起源;接着从 生物的演化、改良、灭绝,以及生物遗传的稳定性与变异的缓慢性方面论证生物在自然 选择中不断进化的过程;最后谈自然选择让“自然界处处充满着美”。
配套新教材-语文-RJ-选择性必修下册-第四单元-第13课 自然选择的证明
第二层次为8 ~ 11 段,主要谈生物的遗传与变异。该部分是对上一层内容的进一步论 证,分别从生物物种的适应与改良、生物本性、杂交物种与其父母的相似性、地质学研究 成果显示的物种遗传与变异关系等方面,论证了物种进化符合自然选择的法则。
第1篇一、古代医学时期1. 古埃及医学- 古埃及医学起源于公元前3000年左右,当时的医学知识主要通过祭祀和巫术传承。
- 古埃及人发明了木乃伊技术,通过防腐处理保存尸体,这一技术对后来的医学研究具有重要意义。
- 古埃及医学著作《埃德温纸草卷》记载了各种疾病的治疗方法,如骨折、烧伤、皮肤病等。
2. 古希腊医学- 古希腊医学起源于公元前5世纪,被誉为西方医学的摇篮。
- 恺撒·希波克拉底(Hippocrates)是古希腊最著名的医生,他提出了“希波克拉底誓言”,强调医生的职业道德。
- 希波克拉底学派认为疾病是由体液失衡引起的,提出了“四体液说”。
- 阿斯克勒庇俄斯(Asclepius)是希腊神话中的医神,被奉为医学的象征。
3. 古罗马医学- 古罗马医学继承了古希腊医学,并在此基础上有所发展。
- 加伦(Galen)是古罗马最著名的医生,他系统整理了古希腊医学知识,并提出了自己的医学理论。
- 加伦认为疾病是由体液失衡和内脏器官功能障碍引起的,强调诊断和治疗的结合。
二、中世纪医学时期1. 教会医学- 中世纪医学受到基督教会的影响,医学研究与宗教信仰紧密相连。
- 教会医学强调治疗疾病的同时,也要注重病人的灵魂救赎。
- 拉齐奥·罗马努斯(Razius Manlius)是中世纪最著名的医生,他整理了古希腊和古罗马的医学知识,编写了《医学大全》。
2. 阿维森纳(Avicenna)- 阿维森纳是波斯医学家,被誉为“医学之王”。
- 他的著作《医典》对后世医学发展产生了深远影响,成为中世纪医学的代表作。
三、近代医学时期1. 解剖学的发展- 意大利解剖学家安德烈亚斯·维萨里(Andreas Vesalius)在16世纪发表了《人体结构》一书,彻底颠覆了当时的解剖学观念。
- 维萨里的解剖学研究为现代医学奠定了基础。
2. 微生物学和病原学- 17世纪,荷兰科学家安东尼·范·列文虎克(Antonie van Leeuwenhoek)发现了微生物,为微生物学和病原学的发展奠定了基础。
《神谱》序诗中的缪斯初探卫 冕(北京师范大学 文学院,北京 100875)摘 要:赫西俄德的《神谱》序诗是一首献给缪斯的颂歌。
关键词:缪斯;《神谱》;古希腊诗歌;精神影响中图分类号:I106.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-8891(2024)01-0078-08※文学与艺术※收稿日期:2023-12-18作者简介:卫冕(1996—),女,湖北十堰人,北京师范大学文学院博士研究生,研究方向:古希腊文学与文化。
在古希腊诸神谱系中,缪斯(Muse/Muses )原本是一族歌唱女神。
基于自荷马史诗以来在诗歌开篇呼唤缪斯的文学传统,缪斯以诗神或文艺女神的身份最广为人知,然其所司掌的技艺几乎涉及古希腊时期所有智性领域,故而也被视为知识的保护 神①。
而在所有提及缪斯的古代资料中,古希腊诗人赫西俄德(Hesiod )的长篇叙事史诗《神谱》(Theogony )具有元文本的价值:序诗(第1—115行)首次讲述了缪斯的诞生,赋予缪斯姓名、数目、谱系,并描写了缪斯与歌手、国王的交际,极大丰满了缪斯这一形象。
植物学拉丁文LINGA LATINAE BOTANICAE BOTANICAL LATIN赵毓棠编东北师范大学生命科学学院吉林大学植物科学学院2008.04.关于植物学拉丁文拉丁文是二千多年前居住在欧洲亚平宁半岛上拉丁族的语言,该民族在公元前753年建立了以罗马城为政治,经济和文化中心的奴隶制的国家—罗马帝国。
到18世纪,瑞典植物学家林奈大量的具有划时代意义的巨著,如:《植物种志》(Species Plantarum),《植物学哲学》(Philosophia Botanica),《植物学评论》(Critica Botanica)等都是用拉丁文写成的。
医学年表-3500美索不达⽶亚已有医⽣- 3400埃及制作⼲化⼫-3000美索不达⽶亚有医⽣图象,建筑浴室、下⽔道-2700伊姆荷太普(Imhotep)医僧被奉为医神-1850埃及康(Kahun)纸草⽂-1800埃及斯密斯(EdwinSmith)纸草⽂医书汉谟拉⽐法典-1550埃伯斯(GeorgeEbers)纸草⽂医书,印度《赞诵明论》(⼜译《梨俱吠陀》)(Rig-veda)-950荷马史诗《伊⾥亚特》载有医药知识,民间经验医学和战伤医疗开始发展-814希腊神话中的医神阿斯克雷⽐亚(Asklepios) -685印度《让灾明论》或译作《阿闼婆吠陀》(Atharva-veda),是巫祝及祭祀的诗集,记有多种病名和创伤、毒蛇伤等,以及治病的草药。
公元前六世纪印度如⽕著《瞰⾷⽒集》(AtreyaTantra)-600~-566印度《妙闻集》系印度古代外科著作公元前六世纪阿尔克梅翁(Alcmaeon)希腊哲学家⽣理学家、医⽣-572~-497毕达哥拉斯(Pythagoras)-540~-480赫拉克利特(Herakleitos)-522迪莫塞迪斯(Democedes)在雅典建⽴医学校-483~-432思培多克⾥(Empedocles),倡四元素说-469~?希腊苏格拉底(Socrates)-460~365德谟克⾥特(Democritus),倡原⼦论-460~370希波克拉底(Hippocrates),希腊医学之集⼤成者,希狡克拉底全集59篇-450罗马法中禁⽌城市葬⼈,规定清扫街道-430~425雅典疫病流⾏-429~347柏拉图(Plato)-384~322亚⾥斯多德(Aristotle)-341~270伊壁鸠鲁(Epicurus)-331罗马建设地下⽔道-320亚历⼭⼤利亚建⽴规模宏⼤的科学院和图书馆-335~280希洛菲利(Herophilus)-310~-250埃拉吉斯塔特(Erasistratus)-219希腊医⽣始⾄罗马-125凯撒允许外国医⽣在罗马开业,授与公民权,希腊来者甚多-124~-58阿斯克雷庇阿德(Asclepiades)30罗马塞尔萨斯(celsus)⾸⽤拉丁⽂著医书《医学集书》(Demedicine)⼋卷23-79⽼替利尼(Plinius),著《⾃然史》公元⼀世纪印度闍罗迦编撰《闍罗迦集》(系《阿输吠陀》医学的内科代表著作) 98~117索兰纳斯(Soranus),著《论妇⼥病》约公元100年拉弗斯(Rufus)130~210盖仑(Galen,C.),罗马医学之集⼤成者,对医学、解剖学、⽣理学均有建树,成为中世纪医学之圭臬167意⼤利半岛天花流⾏300《妙闻集》(系《阿输吠陀》医学的外科代表著作,由龙树修订编撰) 325~403奥芮培锡阿斯(Oribacius),著《医学遗作集》(Collectamedinalia) 369贾斯蒂尼安(Justinian)皇帝在凯撒城建⽴了圣巴兹尔(St.Basil)医院375埃德萨(Edessa)建⽴传染病400费⽐奥拉(Fabiola)建⽴医院525~605亚历⼭多罗(Alexandoros),研究内科疾患之病理与治疗529本尼迪克特(Benedict)宗派在蒙特卡西诺(Montecasslno)建⽴医院570阿旺什(Avenches)僧正马⾥奥斯(Marius)命名天花为"Variola"581法国的图尔地区天花流⾏590法国流⾏"圣安东尼之⽕"病(麦⾓中毒)623⽇本留学⽣由⼤唐归国651圣兰德⾥(/doc/df5240db80eb6294dd886c4d.html ndry)建⽴巴黎市⽴医院600~700炼⾦术盛⾏,药物学进步738蒙披利(Montpellier)学校创建公元⼋世纪印度摩陀婆伽罗著《摩陀婆尼旦那》(Madhavanidana)848~856意⼤利的萨勒诺(Salerno)学校开始闻名于世865~925累塞斯(Rhazes),阿拉伯医⽣,鉴别天花与⿇疹936~1013阿尔布卡西斯(Albucasis),阿拉伯外科学家,著《⽅法》(Altasrif)⼀书962圣伯纳德(St.Bernard)病院建⽴980~1036阿维森纳(Avicenna),集阿拉伯医学之⼤成,所著《医典》乃中世纪的经典982巴格达建⽴爱杜迪(Adudi)医院1020~1087康斯坦丁诺斯(ConstantinusAfricanus),把阿拉伯医书译成拉丁⽂1021舞蹈病流⾏1025意⼤利建⽴帕尔马(Parma)⼤学1096~1270⼗字军东征,1096第⼀次东征,1098疫病流⾏,发⽣坏⾎病1113~1162阿⽂佐阿(Avenzoar),著《临床著述》(Altersir)1114~1187克雷其纳的杰勒德(GerardofCremona),把《医典》译成拉丁⽂1126~1198阿夫罗伊斯(Averroes),著《医学通则》1131兰斯(Rheims)会冶议决定禁⽌僧侣⾏医1185~1204科多⽡(Cordova)的迈蒙尼德(Maimonides),从事医学、天⽂学书籍的拉丁⽂翻译1137圣巴托罗缪(St.Bartholomew)医院在伦敦成⽴1140西西⾥王禁⽌⽆照⾏医。
• ④ eu发音: • eu 如在词尾时,不看成双元音,必须分读
成两个单元音。比如:oleum油,Rheum大 黄属。
5. 拼音 • 拼音是辅音和元音联合发音。拼音有以下几个情
况: • ① 前面一个辅音,后面紧跟—个元音,相拼而成
• ④ 元音位于x、z之前是长音。比如: • Glycyrrhīza甘草属 reflēxus 反折 • ⑤ 凡具以下固定词尾,倒数第二音节读长
• a.词尾:-urus, -ura, -urum. • 比如:matūrus (-ura, -uram) 成熟 • b.词尾:-osus, -osa, -osum • 比如:globōsus (-osa, -osum) 球形 • C.词尾:-inus, -ina, -inum • 比如:velutīnus (-ina, -inum) 被毡毛 • Coelestīnus (-ina,-inum) 天蓝色
• 长元音规则 • ① 含有双元音音节是天然长音节。比如: • Mussaenda 玉叶金花属 • Chloroleucus 绿白色 • ② 元音位于两个或三个辅音之前时是长音。
比如: • placēnta 胎座 rhombifōrmis 菱形 • chinēnsis 中国 colūmna 柱 • ③ 在鼻辅音m n前元音普通为长音。比如: • rhizōma 根茎 Gentiāna 龙胆属
音,又叫顺拼音。 • ② 前面一个元音,后面紧跟一个辅音,相拼时只
是两个字母发音连续,而不能读成一个音,但可 组成一个音节,又称为逆拼音。 • ③ 元音字母前面有两个或两个以上辅音,元音只 和它前面一个辅音相拼,其它辅音单独发音。 • ④ 一个元音字母前后各有一个辅音字母,先将前 面辅音与元音相拼,再读后一个辅音。比如:
Aristotle亞里斯多德亞里斯多德(Aristotle 384-322 BC),亞氏年青時曾於柏拉圖的學院(Academy)親炙柏拉圖二十年之久,直到柏氏去世為止,柏拉圖實對亞里斯多德有很大的影響,之後亞氏發展其思想,逐漸形成批評柏氏學說的觀點,亞氏更有經典名言:「吾愛吾師,吾更愛真理。
亞氏在邏輯主要成就包括主謂命題(statement in subject-predicate form)及關於此類命題的邏輯推理方法,特別是三段論證(syllogism)。
四種主謂命題是:(A) 所有S是P (或凡S是P),例如「凡人是動物」;(E) 凡S 不是P,例如「凡貓不是狗」;(I) 有S是P,例如「有花是白的」;(O) 有S不是P,例如「有花不是白的」。
汤若望1592年出⽣于德国科隆,原名Johann Adam Schall von Bell,约翰·亚当·沙尔·冯·⽩尔。
他与李天经等⼈合作翻译了德国矿冶学家阿格⾥科拉(Georgius Agricola)于1550年撰写的论述16世纪欧洲开采、冶⾦技术的巨著“矿冶全书”(Dere Metallica Libri XII),中译本名为《坤舆格致》。
阿耶波多湖南科学技术出版社陈一心(Kusumapura);卒年不详.数学、天文学.阿耶波多是迄今所知最早的印度数学家.他的出生地拘苏摩补罗距现今的巴特拉不远.巴特拉在当时叫华氏城(Pātaliputra),是一座有名的古城.释迦牟尼晚年曾行教至此.华氏城先后是孔雀王朝、笈多王朝的都城.公元5世纪初,即阿耶波多出生前近一个世纪,中国的高僧法显曾在该城的佛教寺院里从事学术活动.阿耶波多在华氏城和拘苏摩补罗著书立说,属于拘苏摩补罗学派.他书于公元499年,另一本天算书已经失传.《阿耶波多历书》包括“天文表集”(Da s agītikā)、“算术”(Ganitapāda)、“时间的度量”(Kālakriy āpāda)、“球”(Golapāda)等部分.该书于公元800年左右被译成拉丁文,有较大的影响.《阿耶波多历书》曾被多次评注,特别是在南印度,许多学者对该书进行过深入的研究.阿耶波多对数学作出了多方面的贡献.其中π值、正弦表和一次不定方程的解法是他的最有代表性的成果.在数学史上,π值即圆周率的计算占有重要的地位.在某种程度上,它反映一个国家数学发展的水平.中国魏晋时期,刘徽运用“割圆木”时,祖冲之求得3.1415926<π<3.1415927,并得出两个重要的近似值:除中国以外,关于π值为3.1416的记载,也见于阿耶波多的著作中.阿耶波多指出:“100加4再乘8,再加62000,就得到直径是20000的师承关系,尚待进一步研究.在三角学方面,阿耶波多以他制作的正弦表而闻名于世.希腊人托勒密(Ptolemy)早就制作过从0°到90°每隔半度的弦表,他把圆周分为360等份,每等份继续分为60小等份,另把半径分为60等份,对失传的天文学著作《苏利耶历书》(Sūrya Sid-dhānta)中据说也载有正弦表,阿耶波多的正弦表很可能是在此表的基础上改进而成的.在制作过程中,他大概用了几何技巧和近似运算等数学知识.阿耶波多正弦表包含从0°到90°每隔3°45′的正弦值,它比较过去希腊人的弦表,有两点明显的区别:其一,把圆周分为360等份,每份继续分为60小等份,半径r也同圆周一样度量.于是,从圆周长=360×60=21600分及圆周长=2πr,得半径r=3437.746.略去小数部分,取近似值得r=3438.不再像希腊人那样,把圆周分为360份,而把半径另分为60份.阿耶波多默认曲线和直线可用同一单位度量,这无疑是一大进步.按照这种统一的度量法,即有sin7°20′=449,sin30°=1719,等等.其二,阿耶波多是计算半弦(相当于现在的正弦线)而不是全弦的长,这也是与希腊人不同的.阿耶波多称半弦为jiva,该词原意为猎人的弓弦.阿拉伯人将它译成dschiba.后来又误成形状相似的dschaib,这个词的原意为胸膛、海湾或凹处.12世纪时,它被蒂沃利(意大利中部,罗马之东)地方的柏拉图(Plato of Tivoli)意译成拉丁文sinus,“正弦”一词即来源于此.不定方程可以说是阿耶波多贡献最大的一个领域.他提出:如何决定一个整数N,使N除以整数a余r1,除以整数b余r2,即N=ax+r1=by+r2,或by-ax=c,其中c=r1-r2.通过研究这类问题,阿耶波多建立了求一次线性不定方程by-ax=c(a,b,c都是整数)的正整数通解的法则,并将此法则推广到解一次联立不定方程组.这项工作是走在当时世界前列的.阿耶波多的法则实际上就是辗转相除法.印度人称求解一次不定方程为库塔卡(Kuttaka),意思为碾细.阿耶波多开库塔卡的先河.按照他的学生婆什迦罗(Bhāskara Ⅰ)等人的解释,用现代数学语言表达,对by-ax=c(Ⅰ),不妨设a,b互质.阿耶波多的解法如下:作辗转除法,可得到一系列的商和余数:q,q1,q2,q3,…q m,r1,r2,r3,…r m+1.其中,a=bq+r1,b=r1q1+r2,r1=r2q2+r3,r2=r3q3+r4,……r m-2=r m-1q m-1+r m,r m-1=r m q m+r m+1.以a=bq+r1代入方程(Ⅰ)中,可得by=(bq+r1)x+c.故 y=qx+y1,by1=r1x+c.(Ⅰ.1)将 b=r1q1+r2代入(Ⅰ.1)中,得x=q2y1+x1,r1x1=r2y1-c. (Ⅰ.2) 按上法运算下去,并把所得的式子排成两栏,有互除可以进行到0,也可以进行到某一步为止.再分下列几种情况讨论:(1)假定互除进行到0,因为a,b互质,倒数第二个余数是1.若序数是偶数,则有r2n=1,r2n+1=0,q2n=r2n-1.式(Ⅰ.2n)和(Ⅰ.2n+1)分别为y n=q2n x n+c,y n+1=c.给x n以任一整数值t,可得y n的一整数值.由(2n),又的值,一步步往回推,最后可得到x,y的整数值;若序数是奇数,得到x n-1则可由式(Ⅰ.2n-1)和(Ⅰ.2n)等求解.(2)假定互除在某一步停止.若序数是偶数,则有r2n y n+1=r2n+1x n+c,(2n+1),得y n的整数值.一步步往回推,可得x,y的整数值;若序的整数值.逆推可解出x,y的整数值.使x n也为整数.由(2n),得x n-1显然,若x=α,y=β是方程by-ax=c的最小整数解,则 x=bm+α,y=am+β(m为任意整数)也是方程的解,这就是方程的通解.阿耶波多的法则,被他的学生婆什迦罗推广到解by-ax=-c,后来的印度数学家继续研究了这类不定方程问题,得到了其他一些结果.10世纪中,阿耶波多Ⅱ(Aryabhata Ⅱ)进一步改进了阿耶波多的法则,并指出运算可以简化及法则可能失效的情况.数百年来积累的这些成果,形成了印度数学中有名的库塔卡理论.在世界古代数学史上,不定方程也受到中国、希腊等国学者的注意.中国古代数学名著《九章算术》讨论了不定方程组问题,并指出解法:“如方程,以正负术入之”.即按线性方程组来解.古希腊学者丢番图(Diophantus)因研究不定方程很有成就,以至后人把求整系数不定方程的整数解称为解“丢番图方程”.丢番图研究的主要是高次不定方程,他解方程时只限于正根,认为负根出现则表明方程不合理.解二次方程的时候,即使两个根都是正根,他也只取一根.希腊学者在这方面的缺陷,被阿耶波多及后来的印度数学家弥补了.阿耶波多还有其他许多数学成果,例如印度的字母记数法,开平方、开立方法则,等等.他还引入了一些算术级数,它们在过去的印度典籍中没有发现过.但是,他关于求圆面积的公式显然取自早期的印度天算《阿耶波多历书》是印度第一部重要天算著作.在书中,阿耶波多运用他提出的数学方法,计算了黄道、白道的升交点和降交点的运动,讨论了日月五星的最迟点及其迟速运动,推算了日月食的发生时间,并像中国人那样去推算上元积年.他还提出过地球自转的先进思想,可惜未被后来的天文学家所承认.阿耶波多在印度科学史上是有重要影响的人物,1975年4月19日印度发射的第一颗人造卫星名为阿耶波多号,就是为了纪念他的.。
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Pope John XXIIIApostolic ConstitutionVeterum SapientiaOn the Promotion of the Study of LatinFebruary 22, 1962Editor's note from the Adoremus Bulletin - Vol VIII, No. 2 - April 2002The fortieth anniversary of the Blessed Pope John XXIII's Apostolic Constitution on the study of Latin, Veterum Sapientia, was observed at a conference February 22, 2002, at the Salesian University in Rome. According to a news report, a message of the Holy Father to the conference quoted Veterum Sapientia. As part of its observance of the anniversary, the university announced that it would conduct an internet Latin course (see News, p 12.)Pope John XXIII, who innaugurated the Second Vatican Council in 1962, died on June 3, 1963. On November 22, 1963, the Council fathers adopted the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, which was formally promulgated on December 4. Although the Constitution on the Liturgy permitted use of vernacular languages at Mass, it also stressed the importance of Latin.According to an account of Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, a peritus to the Council and later secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship (1969-75), just before the Council there was considerable controversy over use of Latin. He describes a plenary meeting in April 1961, where the matter was discussed:"For more than two hours on the appointed day, the periti, one from each country, pleaded - some of them in sorrowful tones, including Father Godfrey Diekmann, an American Benedictine, and Professor Frederick McManus of the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. - that the door be opened to the mother tongues. It was an evening of deep emotion; all were shaken, being deeply moved by what had been said and heard. The conclusion reached in this debate was ultimately set forth in Chapter I of the Constitution on the Liturgy, where the question is answered in a way that reconciles the rights of Latin and the need of the vernaculars in celebrations with the people".Annibale Bugnini, The Reform of the Liturgy, 1948-1975,[1990. Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN, p 24, 25.]Veterum SapientiaThe wisdom of the ancient world, enshrined in Greek and Roman literature, and the truly memorable teaching of ancient peoples, served, surely, to herald the dawn of the Gospel which Gods Son, "the judge and teacher of grace and truth, the light and guide of the human race,"1 proclaimed on earth.Such was the view of the Church Fathers and Doctors. In these outstanding literary monuments of antiquity, they recognized man's spiritual preparation for the supernatural riches which Jesus Christ communicated to mankind "to give history its fulfilment."2Thus the inauguration of Christianity did not mean the obliteration of man's past achievements. Nothing was lost that was in any way true, just, noble and beautiful. Venerable languagesThe Church has ever held the literary evidences of this wisdom in the highest esteem. She values especially the Greek and Latin languages in which wisdom itself is cloaked, as it were, in a vesture of gold. She has likewise welcomed the use of othervenerable languages, which flourished in the East. For these too have had no little influence on the progress of humanity and civilization. By their use in sacred liturgies and in versions of Holy Scripture, they have remained in force in certain regions even to the present day, bearing constant witness to the living voice of antiquity.A primary placeBut amid this variety of languages a primary place must surely be given to that language which had its origins in Latium, and later proved so admirable a means for the spreading of Christianity throughout the West.And since in God's special Providence this language united so many nations together under the authority of the Roman Empire -- and that for so many centuries -- it also became the rightful language of the Apostolic See.3 Preserved for posterity, it proved to be a bond of unity for the Christian peoples of Europe.The nature of LatinOf its very nature Latin is most suitable for promoting every form of culture among peoples. It gives rise to no jealousies. It does not favor any one nation, but presents itself with equal impartiality to all and is equally acceptable to all.Nor must we overlook the characteristic nobility of Latin for mal structure. Its "concise, varied and harmonious style, full of majesty and dignity"4makes for singular clarity and impressiveness of expression.Preservation of Latin by the Holy SeeFor these reasons the Apostolic See has always been at pains to preserve Latin, deeming it worthy of being used in the exercise of her teaching authority "as the splendid vesture of her heavenly doctrine and sacred laws."5 She further requires her sacred ministers to use it, for by so doing they are the better able, wherever they may be, to acquaint themselves with the mind of the Holy See on any matter, and communicate the more easily with Rome and with one another.Thus the "knowledge and use of this language," so intimately bound up with the Church's life, "is important not so much on cultural or literary grounds, as for religious reasons."6These are the words of Our Predecessor Pius XI, who conducted a scientific inquiry into this whole subject, and indicated three qualities of the Latin language which harmonize to a remarkable degree with the Church's nature. "For the Church, precisely because it embraces all nations and is destined to endure to the end of time ... of its very nature requires a language which is universal, immutable, and non-vernacular."7UniversalSince "every Church must assemble round the Roman Church,"8and since the Supreme Pontiffs have "true episcopal power, ordinary and immediate, over each and every Church and each and every Pastor, as well as over the faithful"9 of every rite and language, it seems particularly desirable that the instrument of mutual communication be uniform and universal, especially between the Apostolic See and the Churches which use the same Latin rite.When, therefore, the Roman Pontiffs wish to instruct the Catholic world, or when the Congregations of the Roman Curia handle matters or draw up decrees which concern the whole body of the faithful, they invariably make use of Latin, for this is a maternal voice acceptable to countless nations.ImmutableFurthermore, the Church's language must be not only universal but also immutable. Modern languages are liable to change, and no single one of them is superior to the others in authority. Thus if the truths of the Catholic Church were entrusted to an unspecified number of them, the meaning of these truths, varied as they are, would not be manifested to everyone with sufficient clarity and precision. There would, moreover, be no language which could serve as a common and constant norm by which to gauge the exact meaning of other renderings.But Latin is indeed such a language. It is set and unchanging. it has long since ceased to be affected by those alterations in the meaning of words which are the normal result of daily, popular use. Certain Latin words, it is true, acquired new meanings as Christian teaching developed and needed to be explained and defended, but these new meanings have long since become accepted and firmly established.Non-vernacularFinally, the Catholic Church has a dignity far surpassing that of every merely human society, for it was founded by Christ the Lord. It is altogether fitting, therefore, that the language it uses should be noble, majestic, and non-vernacular.In addition, the Latin language "can be called truly catholic."10It has been consecrated through constant use by the Apostolic See, the mother and teacher of all Churches, and must be esteemed "a treasure ... of incomparable worth."11. It is a general passport to the proper understanding of the Christian writers of antiquity and the documents of the Church's teaching.12 It is also a most effective bond, binding the Church of today with that of the past and of the future in wonderful continuity. Educational value of LatinThere can be no doubt as to the formative and educational value either of the language of the Romans or of great literature generally. It is a most effective training for the pliant minds of youth. It exercises, matures and perfects the principal faculties of mind and spirit. It sharpens the wits and gives keenness of judgment. It helps the young mind to grasp things accurately and develop a true sense of values. It is also a means for teaching highly intelligent thought and speech.A natural resultIt will be quite clear from these considerations why the Roman Pontiffs have so often extolled the excellence and importance of Latin, and why they have prescribed its study and use by the secular and regular clergy, forecasting the dangers that would result from its neglect.A resolve to uphold LatinAnd We also, impelled by the weightiest of reasons -- the same as those which prompted Our Predecessors and provincial synods 13 -- are fully determined to restore this language to its position of honor, and to do all We can to promote its study and use. The employment of Latin has recently been contested in many quarters, and many are asking what the mind of the Apostolic See is in this matter. We have therefore decided to issue the timely directives contained in this document, so as to ensure that the ancient and uninterrupted use of Latin be maintained and, where necessary, restored.We believe that We made Our own views on this subject sufficiently clear when We said to a number of eminent Latin scholars:"It is a matter of regret that so many people, unaccountably dazzled by the marvelous progress of science, are taking it upon themselves to oust or restrict the study of Latin and other kindred subjects.... Yet, in spite of the urgent need for science, Our own view is that the very contrary policy should be followed. The greatest impression is made on the mind by those things which correspond more closely to man's nature anddignity. And therefore the greatest zeal should be shown in the acquisition of whatever educates and ennobles the mind. Otherwise poor mortal creatures may well become like the machines they build -- cold, hard, and devoid of love."14 Provisions for the Promotion of Latin StudiesWith the foregoing considerations in mind, to which We have given careful thought, We now, in the full consciousness of Our Office and in virtue of Our authority, decree and command the following:Responsibility for enforcement1. Bishops and superiors-general of religious orders shall take pains to ensure that in their seminaries and in their schools where adolescents are trained for the priesthood, all shall studiously observe the Apostolic See's decision in this matter and obey these Our prescriptions most carefully.2. In the exercise of their paternal care they shall be on their guard lest anyone under their jurisdiction, eager for revolutionary changes, writes against the use of Latin in the teaching of the higher sacred studies or in the Liturgy, or through prejudice makes light of the Holy See's will in this regard or interprets it falsely.Study of Latin as a prerequisite3. As is laid down in Canon Law (can. 1364) or commanded by Our Predecessors, before Church students begin their ecclesiastical studies proper they shall be given a sufficiently lengthy course of instruction in Latin by highly competent masters, following a method designed to teach them the language with the utmost accuracy. "And that too for this reason: lest later on, when they begin their major studies . . . they are unable by reason of their ignorance of the language to gain a full understanding of the doctrines or take part in those scholastic disputations which constitute so excellent an intellectual training for young men in the defense of the faith." 15We wish the same rule to apply to those whom God calls to the priesthood at a more advanced age, and whose classical studies have either been neglected or conducted too superficially. No one is to be admitted to the study of philosophy or theology except he be thoroughly grounded in this language and capable of using it. Traditional curriculum to be restored4. Wherever the study of Latin has suffered partial eclipse through the assimilation of the academic program to that which obtains in State public schools, with the result that the instruction given is no longer so thorough and well-grounded as formerly, there the traditional method of teaching this language shall be completely restored. Such is Our will, and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind about the necessity of keeping a strict watch over the course of studies followed by Church students; and that not only as regards the number and kinds of subjects they study, but also as regards the length of time devoted to the teaching of these subjects.Should circumstances of time and place demand the addition of other subjects to the curriculum besides the usual ones, then either the course of studies must be lengthened, or these additional subjects must be condensed or their study relegated to another time.Sacred sciences to be taught in Latin5. In accordance with numerous previous instructions, the major sacred sciences shall be taught in Latin, which, as we know from many centuries of use, "must be considered most suitable for explaining with the utmost facility and clarity the most difficult and profound ideas and concepts."16 For apart from the fact that it has long since been enriched with a vocabulary of appropriate and unequivocal terms, bestcalculated to safeguard the integrity of the Catholic faith, it also serves in no slight measure to prune away useless verbiage.Hence professors of these sciences in universities or seminaries are required to speak Latin and to make use of textbooks written in Latin. If ignorance of Latin makes it difficult for some to obey these instructions, they shall gradually be replaced by professors who are suited to this task. Any difficulties that may be advanced by students or professors must be overcome by the patient insistence of the bishops or religious superiors, and the good will of the professors.A Latin Academy6. Since Latin is the Church's living language, it must be adequate to daily increasing linguistic requirements. It must be furnished with new words that are apt and suitable for expressing modern things, words that will be uniform and universal in their application. and constructed in conformity with the genius of the ancient Latin tongue. Such was the method followed by the sacred Fathers and the best writers among the scholastics.To this end, therefore, We commission the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities to set up a Latin Academy staffed by an international body of Latin and Greek professors. The principal aim of this Academy -- like the national academies founded to promote their respective languages -- will be to superintend the proper development of Latin, augmenting the Latin lexicon where necessary with words which conform to the particular character and color of the language.It will also conduct schools for the study of Latin of every era, particularly the Christian one. The aim of these schools will be to impart a fuller understanding of Latin and the ability to use it and to write it with proper elegance. They will exist for those who are destined to teach Latin in seminaries and ecclesiastical colleges, or to write decrees and judgments or conduct correspondence in the ministries of the Holy See, diocesan curias, and the offices of religious orders.The teaching of Greek7. Latin is closely allied to Greek both in formal structure and in the importance of its extant writings. Hence -- as Our Predecessors have frequently ordained -- future ministers of the altar must be instructed in Greek in the lower and middle schools. Thus when they come to study the higher sciences -- and especially if they are aiming for a degree in Sacred Scripture or theology -- they will be enabled to follow the Greek sources of scholastic philosophy and understand them correctly; and not only these, but also the original texts of Sacred Scripture, the Liturgy, and the sacred Fathers.17A syllabus for the teaching of Latin8. We further commission the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities to prepare a syllabus for the teaching of Latin which all shall faithfully observe. The syllabus will be designed to give those who follow it an adequate understanding of the language and its use. Episcopal boards may indeed rearrange this syllabus if circumstances warrant, but they must never curtail it or alter its nature. Ordinaries may not take it upon themselves to put their own proposals into effect until these have been examined and approved by the Sacred Congregation.Finally, in virtue of Our apostolic authority, We will and command that all the decisions, decrees, proclamations and recommendations of this Our Constitution remain firmly established and ratified, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, however worthy of special note.Given at Rome, at Saint Peter's, on the feast of Saint Peter's Throne on the 22nd dayEND NOTES:1. Tertullian, Apol. 21: Migne, FL 1, 294.2. Ephesians 1, 10.3. Epist. S. Cong. Stud. Vehementer sane, ad Ep. universos, July 1, 1908: Ench. Cler., N. 820. Cf. also Epist. Ap. Pius XI, Unigenitus Dei Filius,Mar. 19, 1924: AAS 16 (1924), 141.4. Pius XI, Epist. Ap. Officiorum omnium, Aug. 1, 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 452-453.5. Pius XI, Motu proprio Litterarum latinarum, Oct. 20, 1924: AAS 16 (1924), 417.6. Pius XI, Epist. Ap. Officiorum omnium, Aug. 1, 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 452.7. Ibid.8. Saint Iren., Adv. Haer. 3, 3, 2: Migne PG 7, 848.9. Cf. CIC, can. 218, pars. 2.10. Cf. Pius XI, Epist. Ap. Officiorum omnium, Aug. 1, 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 453.11. Pius XII, Al. Magis quam, Nov. 23, 1951: AAS 43 (1951), 737.12. Leo XIII, Epist. Encycl. Depuis le jour, Sept. 8, 1899: Acta Leonis XIII, 19 (1899), 166.13. Cf. Collectio Lacensis, espec. vol. III, 1018s. ( Cone. Prov. Westmonasteriense, a (1859); Vol. IV, 29 (Conc. Prov. Parisiense, a 1849); Vol. IV, 149, 153 (Cone. Prov. Rhemense, a 1849); Vol. IV, 359, 861 (Conc. Prov. Avenionense, a 1849); Vol. IV, 394, 396 (Cone. Prov. Burdigalense, a 1850); Vol. V, 61 (Cone. Strigoniense, a 1858); Vol. V. 664 (Conc. Prov. Colocense, a 1863); Vol. VI, 619 (Synod. Vicariatus Suchnensis, a 1803).14. International Convention for the Promotion of Ciceronian Studies, Sept. 7, 1959, in Discorsi Messaggi Colloqui del Santo Padre Giovanni XXIII, I, pp. 234-235. [English translation in TPS, V, 421.] Cf. also Address to Roman Pilgrims of the Diocese of Piacenza, April 15, 1959, in L'Osservatore Romano April 16, 1959; Epist. Pater misericordiarum, Aug. 22, 1961, in A.4S 53 (1961), 677; Address given on the occasion of the solemn inauguration of the College of the Philippine Islands at Rome, Oct. 7, 1961, in L'Osservatore Romano, Oct. 9-10, 1961; Epist. lucunda laudatio, Dec. 8, 1961: AAS 53 (1961), 812 [English summary in TPS, VII, 367-8.]15. Pius XII, Epist. Ap. Officiorum omnium, Aug. 1, 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 453.16.Epist. S. C. Stud., Vehementer sane, July 1, 1908: Ench. Cler., N. 821.17. Leo XIII. Lit. Encyci. Providentissimus Deus, Nov. 18, 1893: Acta Leonis XIII 13 (1893), 342; Epist. Plane quidem intelligis, May 20, 1885, Acta, 5, 63-64; Pius XII,。