北航云计算公开课10 Virtualization and Xen overview


Solaris 10 操作系统说明书

Solaris 10 操作系统说明书

Enterprises are under tremendous pressure to do more with less, roll out new businessservices faster, fit more servers into the same space, and comply with new regulations, all while their budgets are shrinking and headcount is frozen. Can an operating system really help you address these issues and turn IT into a business advantage? The answer is yes, with the Solaris™ Operating System.The Solaris OS is the strategic platform for today’s demanding enterprise. It’s the only open operating system that has delivered proven results, running everything from mission-critical enterprise databases to high performance Web farms, from large-scale SMP systems to industry-standard x86 systems from HP, IBM, Dell, and Sun.For customers facing challenging business and technical requirements — such as lowering costs, simplifying system administration, and maintaining high service levels — the Solaris 10 OS is the ideal cross-platform choice. Its innovative, built-in features deliver break-through virtualization and utilization, high availability, advanced security, and industry leading performance to meet these stringent requirements — all at a great price.Ten things to know about the Solaris OS1. Great productThe constant demonstrated innovation within the Solaris OS pays off by delivering benefits that can save companies time, hardware costs, power and cooling, while preserving investments in software and training. In short: innovation matters, because it saves you money.2. Great priceSolaris 10 support pricing is 20% to 50% lower than equivalent support from other open OS vendors. No-cost end user licensing lowers barriers to entry, while overall efficiency lowers costs of operation.3. Open sourceThe Solaris OS code base is the foundation of the OpenSolaris™ open source community (visit ). In addition, the Solaris OS includes the leading Web 2.0 open source packages, ready to run and optimized for the over 1,000 x64 and SPARC system platforms supported by Solaris 10.4. Application compatibility — guaranteed The Solaris OS delivers binary compatibility from release to release and source compati-bility between SPARC® and x86 processors; with the Solaris Application Guarantee backing it, it’s something you can count on. And for the ultimate in conversion ease, use Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Containers on Solaris 10, a “Physical to Virtual”way to quickly and easily run your existing application environ-ments on the latest SPARC systems.5. One Solaris — same features on hundreds of systemsWith a single source code base, the Solaris OS runs on x86 and SPARC and processor-based systems — and delivers the same features on all platforms. You can develop and optimize applications on the Solaris OS for use on over 1000 system models from leading vendors such as Sun, HP, IBM, and Dell.<HighlightsThe Solaris™ Operating Systemmeets and exceeds expectations for:•Virtualization: Optimize resourceutilization to deliver predictableservice levels with SolarisContainers•Networking: Attain near-wirespeedthroughput with the open, program-mable Solaris networking stack•Security: Implement a securefoundation for deploying serviceswith Solaris leading-edge securityfeatures•Availability: Increase uptime withPredictive Self Healing6. Designed to run securely all the timeThe leading-edge security features in the Solaris 10 OS help you reduce the risk of intrusions, secure your applications and data, assign the minimum set of privileges and roles needed by users and applications, and control access to data based on its sensitivity label. Solaris 10 has been inde-pendently evaluated at EAL4+ at three Protection Profiles, one of the highest levels of Common Criteria certifications.7. Designed for observabilitySolaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) technology makes it fast and easy to identify perform-ance bottlenecks, especially on production systems. System administrators can use this to troubleshoot even the most difficult problems in minutes instead of days; devel-opers can use it to optimize applications, with significant performance gains possible — real-world use has yielded increases up to 50 times previous performance.8. Designed for virtualizationSolaris 10 has powerful virtualization features built in at no additional charge. With Solaris Containers, you can maintain a one application per virtual server deploy-ment model while consolidating dozens or even hundreds of applications onto one server and OS instance. Share hardware resources while maintaining predictable service levels; increase utilization rates, cut system and licensing costs while gaining the ability to quickly provision and move workloads from system to system. Logical Domains and Xen-based paravirtualization support add even more virtualization flexibility.9.Designed for high availabilityPredictive Self Healing is a key feature in the Solaris 10 OS that helps you increase system and service availability. It automati-cally detects, diagnoses, and isolates system and software faults before they cause downtime. And it spans the full range from diagnosis to recovery on SPARC, AMD Opteron™ and Athlon, and Intel® Xeon®and Core Duo processor-based systems.10.Designed for performanceThe Solaris 10 OS has set over 244 priceperformance records since its release,unleashing even more power from existingapplications. Download the latest Sun™Studio compilers and developer tools tobring even greater performance to yourapplications.For business, industry, and developersThe Solaris 10 OS offers the technology, flexi-bility, and versatility you need to get down tobusiness immediately, whether you’re a smalldeveloper, a large enterprise, or anything inbetween.OpenSolaris participation and OS releaseMore than an open source project, OpenSolarisis also a community, a Web site for collabora-tion — and now provides a supported, leadingedge release every six months. The OpenSolarisrelease is available at , andSolaris source code, downloads, developertools, mailing lists, user groups, and events areall available at . OpenSolaristechnology features a single source base forSPARC and x86 platforms. It includes the keyinnovations delivered in the Solaris 10 OS, aswell as providing access to new technologiesas they’re being developed. The OpenSolarisproject and release provide a low-risk optionfor evaluating emerging OS technologies, plusan excellent opportunity to participate inshaping the direction of the Solaris OS.Development toolsDevelopers need integrated, ready-to-use toolsthat are compatible with all the environmentsin which they must deploy applications. Withthat in mind, Sun includes popular softwaretools from the free and open source world andcomplements them with access to key Sundeveloper technologies like the Sun Studiocompilers and tools and unique Solaris 10utilities such as DTrace.Solaris 10 technologiesWith the Solaris OS, you get compelling newfeatures that your applications can take advan-tage of immediately with few, if any, changes.Binary and source compatibility with previousreleases also helps make it easier to move toSolaris 10 from earlier releases of Solaris.DTraceSystem administrators, integrators, and devel-opers can use the dynamic instrumentation andtracing capabilities in the Solaris OS to see what’sreally going on in the system. Solaris DTracecan be safely used on production systems —without modifying applications. It is a powerfultool that gives a comprehensive view of theentire system, from kernel to application, eventhose running in a Java™ Virtual Machine. Thislevel of insight reduces the time for diagnosingproblems from days and weeks to minutes andhours and ultimately reduces the time to fixthose problems.Solaris ContainersSolaris Containers is an OS-level virtualizationtechnology built into the Solaris 10 OS. Usingflexible, software-defined boundaries to isolatesoftware applications and services, this break-through approach allows multiple privateexecution environments to be created withina single instance of the Solaris OS. Each envi-ronment has its own identity, including adiscrete network stack, separate from theunderlying hardware, so it behaves as if it’srunning on its own system — making consoli-dation simple, safe, and secure.By dynamically controlling application andresource priorities, businesses can define andachieve predictable service levels. Systemadministrators can easily meet changingrequirements by quickly provisioning newSolaris Containers or moving them from systemto system or disk to disk within the same systemas capacity or configuration needs change.Containers can be patched in parallel, increasing speed by up to 300% on systems with multiple containers configured. This also raises the bar on the number of contain-ers that can be realistically run on a system. Containers also offer the ability to emulate other environments, prior Solaris releases, such as Solaris 8 and Solaris 9, as well as support for Linux applications.In addition to Solaris Containers, Sun also offers Logical Domains (LDoms), a hardware partitioning technology that allows multiple instances of the Solaris OS to run on a single Sun CoolThreads™ server.Solaris ZFSThe Solaris ZFS file system is designed from the ground up to deliver a general-purpose file system that spans from the desktop to the datacenter. Anyone who has ever lost important files, run out of space on a partition, spent weekends adding new storage to servers, tried to grow or shrink a file system, or experienced data corruption knows the limitations of tradi-tional file systems and volume managers. Solaris ZFS addresses these challenges efficiently and with minimal manual intervention.Predictive Self HealingPredictive Self Healing is an innovative capability in the Solaris 10 OS that automatically diagnoses, isolates, and helps you recover from many hardware and application faults. As a result, business-critical applications and essential system services can continue uninterrupted in the event of software failures, major hardware component failures, and even software config-uration problems.• Solaris Fault Manager continuously monitorsdata relating to hardware and softwareerrors. It automatically and silently detectsand diagnoses the underlying problem andcan automatically take the faulty componentoffline on SPARC, Intel Xeon, and AMD Opteronprocessor based systems. Easy-to-understanddiagnostic messages link to articles in Sun’sknowledge base to help clearly guide admin-istrators through corrective tasks requiringhuman intervention.• Solaris Service Manager (SMF) creates astandardized control mechanism for applica-tion services by turning them into first-classobjects that administrators can observe andmanage in a uniform way. These servicescan automatically be restarted if they’reaccidentally terminated by an administrator,fail as the result of a software programmingerror, or interrupted by an underlyinghardware problem.PerformanceOptimizing performance and efficiency inSolaris 10 is the result of many factors: under-lying technologies, system configuration andutilization, tools, applications, and systemtuning. An enhanced networking stack mini-mizes latency and offers improved networkperformance for most applications out ofthe box.With DTrace, you can delve deeply into today’scomplex systems when troubleshooting systemicproblems or diagnosing performance bottlenecks— in real time and on the fly. Additional built-in technologies that help deliver increasedapplication performance include:• High-performance networking stack• Filesystem performance• Tools and libraries• Multiple page-size support (MPSS)• Memory placement optimization (MPO)SecuritySecurity is more than a mix of technologies;it’s an ongoing discipline. Sun understandsthis and continues its 20-year commitment toenhancing security in the Solaris OS. SolarisUser and Process Rights Management plusSolaris Containers enable the secure hostingof hundreds of applications and multiplecustomers on the same system. Administratorscan use features such as Secure by Default tominimize and harden the Solaris OS even more.Additionally, Solaris Trusted Extensions providestrue multi-level security for the first time in acommercial-grade OS, running all your existingapplications and supported on over 1,000different system models.• Verify your system’s integrity by employingSolaris Secure Execution and file verificationfeatures• Reduce risk by granting only the privilegesneeded for users and processes• Simplify administration and increase privacyand performance by using the standards-based Solaris Cryptographic Framework• Secure your system using dynamic serviceprofiles, including a built-in, reduced-exposurenetwork services profile• Control access to data based on its sensitivitylevel by using the labeled security technologyin Solaris Trusted ExtensionsNetworkingExponential growth in Web connectivity, services,and applications is generating a critical needfor increased network performance. With theSolaris 10 OS, Sun meets current and futurenetworking challenges by significantly improvingnetwork performance without requiring changesto existing applications. The Solaris 10 OS speedsapplication performance via the Network Layer7 Cache and enhanced TCP/IP and UDP/IPperformance. The latest networking techno-logies, such as 10-Gigabit Ethernet and hardwareoff-loading, are all supported out of the box.Additionally, the Solaris 10 OS supports current IPv6 specifications, high availability, streaming, and Voice over IP (VoIP) networking through extended routing and protocol support —meeting the carrier-grade needs of a growing customer base.Platform choiceThe Solaris 10 OS is optimized for Sun and third-party systems running 64-bit SPARC, AMD, and Intel processors. This makes it possible to create horizontally and vertically scaled infra-structures and offers the flexibility to easily add compute resources. The OS runs on hardware ranging from laptops and single-board computers to datacenter and grid installations, while serving applications ranging from military command-and-control systems to telecommunications switch gear and stock trading.InteroperabilityThe Solaris 10 OS provides interoperability from the desktop to the datacenter across a range of hardware systems, operating platforms, and technologies, making it the ideal platform for today’s heterogeneous compute environments. Not only does it interoperate with both Linux and Microsoft Windows, it also supports popular open source applications and open standards such as Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI); Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP); Web Services Description Language (WSDL); and eXtensible Markup Language (XML).• Source and binary compatibility for Linux applications and interoperability with Microsoft Windows systems• Includes Perl, PHP, and other widely used scripting languages• Includes Apache, Samba, sendmail, IP Filter, BIND, and other popular open source software • Supports Java application development and deployment with the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)• Includes authentication support for LDAP-based directory servers and Kerberos-based infrastructures© 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Solaris, OpenSolaris, Java , and CoolThreads are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the US and other countries. Products bearing SPARC trademarks are based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. Intel® Xeon® is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Information subject to change without notice. SunWIN #420130 Lit. #SWDS12147-4 09/09 Sun Microsystems, Inc.4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone1-650-960-1300 or 1-800-555-9SUN Web 。



4.4.3 硬件虚拟化的未来
• 首先,异构硬件的融合将本着“优势互补”的原则,向应用提供优势 资源以满足极端化需求。
• 其次,不同的硬件需要采用不同的虚拟化方法,提供各异的接口以获 得最佳的性能。
• 因此,要通过虚拟化实现异构硬件归一化管理,向应用提供统一的编 程接口。可利用来自应用的需求信息动态判断实际的后台执行硬件, 实现应用需求指导的动态硬件选择技术。
• 目前,基于硬件辅助的虚拟化方法在CPU、内存、网络等传统硬 件资源上获得了成功,CPU 和内存虚拟化资源已经接近物理性 能。
4.4.2 硬件虚拟化的代表
• GPU是计算机的一个重要组成部分,但GPU这类重要资源虚拟化的性 能、扩展性和可用性相对于CPU还处于滞后的阶段。
• 网络虚拟化以软件的形式完整再现了物理网络,应用在虚拟网 络上的运行与在物理网络上的运行完全相同。
• 网络虚拟化向已连接的工作负载提供逻辑网络连接设备和服务 (逻辑端口、交换机、路由器、防火墙、负载均衡器、VPN 等)。
• 虚拟网络不仅可以提供与物理网络相同的功能特性和保证,而 且具备虚拟化所具有的运维优势和硬件独立性。
图4.4 使用VMM二进制翻译客户操
作系统的请求 12
4.2.3 半虚拟化
• 半虚拟化指的是虚拟机系统和虚 拟化软件层通过交互来改善性能 和效率。
• 半虚拟化涉及修改操作系统内核 来将不可虚拟化的指令替换为可 直接与虚拟化层交互的超级调用 (hypercalls)。
图4.5 将不可虚拟化的操作系统指令替



虚拟现实交互技术Virtual Reality王莉莉副教授北京航空航天大学虚拟现实技术与系统国家重点实验室2010年春季课程主要内容•虚拟现实的概念•虚拟现实的应用•虚拟现实的支撑技术(重点内容)•一些其他技术在虚拟现实中的应用•构建虚拟现实系统的相关工具考核方式•课堂讲演80%•印象分20%一些有用信息•授课教师–A 沈旭昆教授–B 王莉莉副教授•邮件地址–xkshen@–Lily_w@•课程资源–/HomePage/lily/classe s.html 参考书•虚拟现实技术(第二版)Grigore C. Burdea & Philippe Coiffet著电子工业出版社 2005年•虚拟现实系统-接口、应用与设计 William R. Sherman & Alan B. Craig著点在工业出版社 2004年网络资源•国外网站–国外大学的VR实验室的网站–International Virtual Reality Conference –International Journal of Virtual Reality 网络资源•国内网站––––一些代理vr相关产品的公司网站•黎明视景•伟景行• 水晶石第一讲虚拟现实概述(Introduction of Virtual Reality)虚拟现实交互技术课程主要内容1.为什么要研究虚拟现实技术2.虚拟现实的发展3.虚拟现实系统的构成与特点4.虚拟现实系统的应用5.主要问题与研究方向虚拟现实的研究目的•由于客观条件的限制,许多研究成果不能只满足于理论,又无法进行真正的实践研究,对于这类问题,可以用计算机仿真的方法进行研究。

the 1993 Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Repair mission team using VR training Computer generated scene depicting the HST capture and EVA repair mission for mission planning虚拟现实的研究目的1.计算仿真为解决一些传统方法无法解决的问题提供了新途径、新方法。



云计算与虚拟化技术课程大纲1. 课程概述1.1 目标与背景1.2 课程目标1.3 基本知识要求2. 基本概念与原理2.1 云计算基础概念2.2 虚拟化技术基本原理2.3 云计算与虚拟化的关系3. 虚拟化技术介绍3.1 虚拟化的定义与分类3.2 虚拟机技术3.3 容器技术3.4 虚拟化网络与存储4. 云计算平台与架构4.1 公有云、私有云与混合云4.2 云计算的三层架构4.3 IaaS、PaaS与SaaS5. 云计算服务模型与部署模式5.1 IaaS模型介绍5.2 PaaS模型介绍5.3 SaaS模型介绍5.4 公有云、私有云与混合云的对比5.5 云计算的演进与趋势6. 云计算与虚拟化技术应用6.1 企业级云计算解决方案6.2 云计算在大数据处理中的应用 6.3 云计算与人工智能的结合6.4 云计算的安全与隐私保护7. 实践环节7.1 虚拟机环境搭建实验7.2 容器化应用部署实验7.3 云计算平台使用实践8. 课程评估8.1 平时表现与作业8.2 课堂互动与讨论8.3 期末考试9. 参考资料本课程旨在介绍云计算与虚拟化技术的基本概念、原理和应用。





参考资料:- Thomas Erl,云计算:概念与实践,机械工业出版社,2013年。

- 李晏镔,虚拟化技术及应用,高等教育出版社,2015年。

- Mark Russinovich,Windows Sysinternals技术参考手册,中国电力出版社,2016年。





(4) Xen
3.8 微服务
3.1 虚拟化概述
3.1.2 虚拟化产生背景
1959 年 , 在 国 际 信 息 处 理 大 会 上 , 克 里 斯 托 弗 ( Christopher Strachey)发表《大型高速计算机中的时间共享》 (Time Sharing in Large Fast Computers)的学术报告,提出虚 拟化的概念。虚拟化技术由此萌芽。
第三章 云计算与虚拟化技术
计算机虚拟化,实质上就是一种计算机资源管理技术。通 过虚拟化技术,将一台或多台计算机的各种物理资源,如 CPU、内存、网络、磁盘及存储等进行抽象,统一形成逻辑 上的“计算资源池”、“存储资源池”、“网络资源池”。 虚拟机就是从这些资源池中动态申请虚拟CPU(vCPU)、虚 拟内存、虚拟I/O、虚拟网卡等虚拟资源而创建的一台逻辑 主机。
3.2 虚拟化类型
根据虚拟化使用目的、应用领域和范围,可 以有多种虚拟化类型,分别对各种资源实现虚拟 化管理。
虚拟化对象主要包括对计算资源虚拟化、网 络虚拟化、存储虚拟化、桌面虚拟化以及应用虚 拟化。
虚拟化实现方式主要包括全虚拟化、半虚拟 化和硬件辅助虚拟化。
从主机系统虚拟化来划分,主要有寄居虚拟 化、裸金属虚拟化、操作系统虚拟化、函数库虚 拟化等类型。

StarWind Virtual SAN Free 入门指南说明书

StarWind Virtual SAN Free 入门指南说明书

#1 HyperConverged Appliance for SMB and ROBOStarWind Virtual SAN®Free Getting StartedJUNE 2015TECHNICAL PAPERTrademarks“StarWind”, “StarWind Software” and the StarWind and the StarWind Software logos are registered trademarks of StarWind Software. “StarWind LSFS” is a trademark of StarWind Software which may be registered in some jurisdictions. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners. ChangesThe material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice. While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy, StarWind Software assumes no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this document, or from the use of the information contained herein. StarWind Software reserves the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.Technical Support and ServicesIf you have questions about installing or using this software, check this and other documents first - you will find answers to most of your questions on the Technical Papers webpage or in StarWind Forum. If you need further assistance, please contact us.Copyright ©2009-2015 StarWind Software Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of StarWind Software.In 2016, Gartner named StarWind “Cool Vendor for Compute Platforms”.Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.About StarWindStarWind is a pioneer in virtualization and a company that participated in the development of this technology from its earliest days. Now the company is among the leading vendors of software and hardware hyper-converged solutions. The company’s core product is the years-proven StarWind Virtual SAN, which allows SMB and ROBO to benefit from cost-efficient hyperconverged IT infrastructure. Having earned a reputation of reliability, StarWind created a hardware product line and is actively tapping into hyperconverged and storage appliances market. In 2016, Gartner named StarWind “Cool Vendor for Compute Platforms” following the success and popularity of StarWind HyperConverged Appliance. StarWind partners with world-known companies: Microsoft, VMware, Veeam, Intel, Dell, Mellanox, Citrix, Western Digital, etc.ContentsIntroduction (4)Implementation (5)Contacts (7)IntroductionStarWind Virtual SAN® is entirely software-based, hypervisor-centric virtual machine storage. It creates a fully fault-tolerant and high-performing storage pool that is built for the virtualization workload “from scratch”. StarWind Virtual SAN basically “mirrors” inexpensive i nternal storage between hosts. Virtual SAN completely eliminates any need for an expensive SAN or NAS or other physical shared storage. It seamlessly integrates into the hypervisor for unbeatable performance and exceptional simplicity of useStarWind comes with the different set of options and deployment scenarios. It allows implementation of:•Hyper-Converged architecture, which assumes running StarWind on the same physical host where the client is running•Compute and Storage Separated architecture, where StarWind is running on the dedicated physical box.Free version comes with basic set of features (and is targeting just one deployment scenario which is Compute and Storage Separated, while paid version can also do Hyper-Converged and various combined ones. StarWind Virtual SAN Free takes two servers with some internal storage, brand new or decommissioned from other project and turns them into a “shared nothing” fault-tolerant SAN and NAS. HA iSCSI SAN protocol is kept for “internal housekeeping” and no t available to external initiator servers. Highly available shared storage is available to the client servers through Continuously Available SMB 3.02 and Failover NFSv4.1. This dramatically simplifies the installation, support, and management of the storage solution. Performance is not throttled and still stands in line with Enterprise-grade storage arrays.This guide is intended to highlight the specific implementation that StarWind Virtual SAN Free allows, its pros and cons.A full set of up-to-date technical documentation can always be found here, or by pressing the Help button in the StarWind Management Console.For any technical inquiries, please visit our online community, Frequently Asked Questions page, or use the support form to contact our technical support department.ImplementationStarWind Virtual SAN Free takes a pair of new or decommissioned commodity servers and turns them into a DIY dual-controller “shared nothing” fault-tolerant SAN and NAS by “mirroring” their internal storage between them. Resulting solution exposes continuously available SMB 3.02 shares and failover NFS v4.1 mount points and targets such a use cases:•Shared storage for Microsoft Hyper-V VMs and SQL Server DBs (CA SMB3)•Shared storage for VMware vSphere & ESXi, Citrix XenServer and various Xen VMs (NFS) •Failover file server (common data, VDI profiles, backups and so on) (SMB3 & NFS)Though a hyper-converged scenario is an industry trend now, the differentiation of compute and storage layers makes sense if there’s need to grow by capacity or compute separately from each other. Typical use cases are shared storage for huge clustered SQL Server and Oracle deployments and an inexpensive block back-end for Scale-Out File Servers, NFS shared file servers, etc.This option assumes manual installation and configuration of the StarWind Virtual SAN on the Windows Server that is running on the separate physical box. As mentioned previously it really sensitive hardware utilization control leverages, such deployment usually considered for the bigdeployments, where underprovisioning may result in significant waste of budget on the hardware that wouldn`t be actually used, as in some case of hyper-converged architecture usage.While running StarWind in Compute and Storage architecture, it is possible to scale compute and storage resources independently, with different leverages regardless from each other. As a result, the system better fits the task while CapEx and OpEx go through the floor,since there is no need to purchase hardware that will be essentially wasted. Thus, the system can be created specifically for a particular task.In order to configure the configurations that StarWind Virtual SAN Free allows please refer to the one of the step-by-step manuals that you can find by using the links below:•/configuring-ha-file-server-for-smb-nas•/configuring-ha-file-server-for-nfs-nas•/sw-providing-ha-shared-storage-for-scale-out-file-serversContacts1-617-449-77171-617-507-5845 +44 20 3769 1857 (UK) +49 302 1788 849 (Germany)+33 097 7197 857 (France)+7 495 975 94 39(Russian Federation and CIS)1-866-790-2646Customer Support Portal:Support Forum:Sales:General Information:https:///support https:///forums ***********************************StarWind Software, Inc. 35 Village Rd., Suite 100, Middleton, MA 01949 USA ©2015, StarWind Software Inc. All rights reserved.。



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VNC Proxy
分布式块存储 EBS
模板API Glance
KVM Sched Usage Kvm/docker Host server Docker
对大页内存使用量的限制和计量 对进程数的限制和计量
• 系统盘:分层文件系统
• AUFS • Device-mapper
• 数据盘 :
• Volume: 宿主机本地存储
Bridge 独享虚拟interface,并通过bridge 和宿主机网络桥接,实现对外服 务 和其他容器共享interface 和宿主机共享interface Docker不管理网络,用户自定义 网络
统一API - 物理机
POST /servers HTTP/1.1 {"server”: {“name”: “dx-data-hdp-dn01”, "ncpu": 32, "vmem_size": ”128G", “disk.0”: “CentOS-6.5-x86_64-Hadoop-Hive-Presto-proxy-Spark”, “disk.1”: “swap:32g”, “disk.2”: “ext4:autoextend:/opt”, “disk.3”: “ext4:autoextend:/data1”, “disk.4”: “ext4:autoextend:/data2”, … “host_type”: “baremetal”, “baremetal-disk-config.0”: “raid1:[0,1]” } }

云计算Cloud Computing-外文翻译

云计算Cloud Computing-外文翻译

毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译学生姓名:学号:计算机与控制工程学院:专指导教师:2017 年 6 月英文文献Cloud Computing1. Cloud Computing at a Higher LevelIn many ways, cloud computing is simply a metaphor for the Internet, the increasing movement of compute and data resources onto the Web. But there’s a difference: cloud computing represents a new tipping point for the value of network computing. It delivers higher efficiency, massive scalability, and faster, easier software development. It’s about new programming models, new IT infrastructure, and the enabling of new business models.For those developers and enterprises who want to embrace cloud computing, Sun is developing critical technologies to deliver enterprise scale and systemic qualities to this new paradigm:(1) Interoperability — while most current clouds offer closed platforms and vendor lock-in, developers clamor for interoperability. Sun’s open-source product strategy and Java™ principles are focused on providing interoperability for large-scale computing resources. Think of the existing cloud “islands” merging into a new, interoperable “Intercloud” where applications can be moved to and operate across multiple platforms.(2) High-density horizontal computing —Sun is pioneering high-power-density compute-node architectures and extreme-scale Infiniband fabrics as part of our top-tier HPC deployments. This high-density technology is being incorporated into our large-scale cloud designs.(3)Data in the cloud —More than just compute utilities, cloud computing is increasingly about petascale data. Sun’s Open Storage products offer hybrid data servers with unprecedented efficiency and performance for the emerging data-intensive computing applications that will become a key part of the cloud.These technology bets are focused on driving more efficient large-scale cloud deployments that can provide the infrastructure for next-generation business opportunities: social networks, algorithmic trading, continuous risk analysis, and so on.2. Why Cloud Computing?(1)Clouds: Much More Than Cheap ComputingCloud computing brings a new level of efficiency and economy to delivering IT resources on demand — and in the process it opens up new business models and market opportunities.While many people think of current cloud computing offerings as purely “pay by the drink” compute platforms, they’re really a convergence of two major interdependent IT trends:IT Efficiency —Minimize costs where companies are converting their IT costs from capital expenses to operating expenses through technologies such as virtualization. Cloud computing begins as a way to improve infrastructure resource deployment and utilization, but fully exploiting this infrastructure eventually leads to a new application development model.Business Agility —Maximize return using IT as a competitive weapon through rapid time to market, integrated application stacks, instant machine image deployment, and petascale parallel programming. Cloud computing is embraced as a critical way to revolutionize time to service. But inevitably these services must be built on equally innovative rapid-deployment-infrastructure models.To be sure, these trends have existed in the IT industry for years. However, the recent emergence of massive network bandwidth and virtualization technologies has enabled this transformation to a new services-oriented infrastructure.Cloud computing enables IT organizations to increase hardware utilization rates dramatically, and to scale up to massive capacities in an instant — without constantly having to invest in new infrastructure, train new personnel, or license new software. It also creates new opportunities to build a better breed of network services, in less time, for less money.IT Efficiency on a Whole New ScaleCloud computing is all about efficiency. It provides a way to deploy and access everything from single systems to huge amounts of IT resources — on demand, in realtime, at an affordable cost. It makes high-performance compute and high-capacity storage available to anyone with a credit card. And since the best cloud strategies build on concepts and tools that developers already know, clouds also have the potential to redefine the relationship between information technology and the developers and business units that depend on it.Reduce capital expenditures — Cloud computing makes it possible for companies to convert IT costs from capital expense to operating expense through technologies such as virtualization.Cut the cost of running a datacenter — Cloud computing improves infrastructure utilization rates and streamlines resource management. For example, clouds allow for self-service provisioning through APIs, bringing a higher level of automation to the datacenter and reducing management costs.Eliminate over provisioning —Cloud computing provides scaling on demand, which, when combined with utility pricing, removes the need to overprovision to meet demand. With cloud computing, companies can scale up to massive capacities in an instant.For those who think cloud computing is just fluff, take a closer look at the cloud offerings that are already available. Major Internet providers , Google, and others are leveraging their infrastructure investments and “sharing” their large-scale economics. Already the bandwidth used by Amazon Web Services (AWS) exceeds that associated with their core e-tailing services. Forward-looking enterprises of all types —from Web 2.0 startups to global enterprises — are embracing cloud computing to reduce infrastructure costs.Faster, More Flexible ProgrammingCloud computing isn’t only about hardware —it’s also a programming revolution. Agile, easy-to-access, lightweight Web protocols — coupled with pervasive horizontally scaled architecture — can accelerate development cycles and time to market with new applications and services. New business functions are now just a script away.Accelerated cycles — The cloud computing model provides a faster, more efficientway to develop the new generation of applications and services. Faster development and testing cycles means businesses can accomplish in hours what used to take days, weeks, or months.Increase agility —Cloud computing accommodates change like no other model. For example, Animoto Productions, makers of a mashup tool that creates video from images and music, used cloud computing to scale up from 50 servers to 3,500 in just three days. Cloud computing can also provide a wider selection of more lightweight and agile development tools, simplifying and speeding up the development process.The immediate impact will be unprecedented flexibility in service creation and accelerated development cycles. But at the same time, development flexibility could become constrained by APIs if they’re not truly open. Cloud computing can usher in a new era of productivity for developers if they build on platforms that are designed to be federated rather than centralized. But there’s a major shift underway in p rogramming culture and the languages that will be used in clouds.Today, the integrated, optimized, open-source Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python (AMP) stack is the preferred platform for building and deploying new Web applications and services. Cloud computing will be the catalyst for the adoption of an even newer stack of more lightweight, agile tools such as lighttpd, an open-source Web server; Hadoop, the free Java software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications; and MogileFS, a file system that enables horizontal scaling of storage across any number of machines.(2)Compelling New Opportunities: The Cloud EcosystemBut cloud computing isn’t just about a proliferation of Xen image stacks on a restricted handful of infrastructure prov iders. It’s also about an emerging ecosystem of complementary services that provide computing resources such as on-ramps for cloud abstraction, professional services to help in deployment, specialized application components such as distributed databases, and virtual private datacenters for the entire range of IT providers and consumers.These services span the range of customer requirements, from individualdevelopers and small startups to large enterprises. And they continue to expand the levels of virtualization, a key architectural component of the cloud that offers ever-higher abstractions of underlying services.(3) How Did Cloud Computing Start?At a basic level, cloud computing is simply a means of delivering IT resources as services. Almost all IT resources can be delivered as a cloud service: applications, compute power, storage capacity, networking, programming tools, even communications services and collaboration tools.Cloud computing began as large-scale Internet service providers such as Google, Amazon, and others built out their infrastructure. An architecture emerged: massively scaled, horizontally distributed system resources, abstracted as virtual IT services and managed as continuously configured, pooled resources. This architectural model was immortalized by George Gilder in his October 2006 Wired magazine article titled “The Information Factories.” The server farms Gilder wrote about were architecturally similar to grid computing, but where grids are used for loosely coupled, technical computing applications, this new cloud model was being applied to Internet services.Both clouds and grids are built to scale horizontally very efficiently. Both are built to withstand failures of individual elements or nodes. Both are charged on a per-use basis. But while grids typically process batch jobs, with a defined start and end point, cloud services can be continuous. What’s more, clouds expand the types of resources available — file storage, databases, and Web services — and extend the applicability to Web and enterprise applications.At the same time, the concept of utility computing became a focus of IT design and operations. As Nick Carr observed in his book The Big Switch, computing services infrastructure was beginning to parallel the development of electricity as a utility. Wouldn’t it be great if you could purchase compute resources, on demand, only paying for what you need, when you need it?For end users, cloud computing means there are no hardware acquisition costs, no software licenses or upgrades to manage, no new employees or consultants to hire, nofacilities to lease, no capital costs of any kind — and no hidden costs. Just a metered, per-use rate or a fixed subscription fee. Use only what you want, pay only for what you use.Cloud computi ng actually takes the utility model to the next level. It’s a new and evolved form of utility computing in which many different types of resources (hardware, software, storage, communications, and so on) can be combined and recombined on the fly into the specific capabilities or services customers require. From CPU cycles for HPC projects to storage capacity for enterprise-grade backups to complete IDEs for software development, cloud computing can deliver virtually any IT capability, in real time. Under the circumstances it is easy to see that a broad range of organizations and individuals would like to purchase “computing” as a service, and those firms already building hyperscale distributed data centers would inevitably choose to begin offering this infrastructure as a service.(4)Harnessing Cloud ComputingSo how does an individual or a business take advantage of the cloud computing trend? It’s not just about loading machine images consisting of your entire software stack onto a public cloud like AWS — there are several different ways to exploit this infrastructure and explore the ecosystem of new business models.Use the CloudThe number and quality of public, commercially available cloud-based service offerings is growing fast. Using the cloud is often the best option for startups, research projects, Web 2.0 developers, or niche players who want a simple, low-cost way to “load and go.”If you’re an Internet startup today, you will be mandated by your investors to keep you IT spend to a minimum. This is certainly what the cloud is for.Leverage the CloudTypically, enterprises are using public clouds for specific functions or workloads. The cloud is an attractive alternative for:Development and testing — this is perhaps the easiest cloud use case for enterprises (not just startup developers). Why wait to order servers when you don’t even know if theproject will pass the proof of concept?Functional offloading — you can use the cloud for specific workloads. For example, SmugMug does its image thumbnailing as a batch job in the cloud.Augmentation —Clouds give you a new option for handling peak load or anticipated spikes in demand for services. This is a very attractive option for enterprises, but also potentially one of the most difficult use cases. Success is dependent on the statefulness of the application and the interdependence with other datasets that may need to be replicated and load-balanced across the two sites.Experimenting — Why download demos of new software, and then install, license, and test it? In the future, software evaluation can be performed in the cloud, before licenses or support need to be purchased.Build the CloudMany large enterprises understand the economic benefits of cloud computing but want to ensure strict enforcement of secur ity policies. So they’re experimenting first with “private” clouds, with a longer-term option of migrating mature enterprise applications to a cloud that’s able to deliver the right service levels.Other companies may simply want to build private clouds to take advantage of the economics of resource pools and standardize their development and deployment processes.Be the CloudThis category includes both cloud computing service providers and cloud aggregators — companies that offer multiple types of cloud services.As enterprises and service providers gain experience with the cloud architecture model and confidence in the security and access-control technologies that are available, many will decide to deploy externally facing cloud services. The phenomenal growth rates of some of the public cloud offerings available today will no doubt accelerate the momentum. Amazon’s EC2 was introduced only two years ago and officially graduated from beta to general availability in October 2008.Cloud service providers can:Provide new routes to market for startups and Web 2.0 application developersOffer new value-added capabilities such as analyticsDerive a competitive edge through enterprise-level SLAsHelp enterprise customers develop their own cloudsIf you’re building large datacenters today, you should probably be thinking about whether you’re going to offer cloud services.(5)Public, Private, and Hybrid CloudsA company may choose to use a service provider’s cloud or build its own — but is it always all or nothing? Sun sees an opportunity to blend the advantages of the two primary options:Public clouds are run by third parties, and jobs from many different customers may be mixed together on the servers, storage systems, and other infrastructure within the cloud. End users don’t know who else’s job may be me running on the same server, network, or disk as their own jobs.Private clouds are a good option for companies dealing with data protection and service-level issues. Private clouds are on-demand infrastructure owned by a single customer who controls which applications run, and where. They own the server, network, and disk and can decide which users are allowed to use the infrastructure.But even those who feel compelled in the short term to build a private cloud will likely want to run applications both in privately owned infrastructure and in the public cloud space. This gives rise to the concept of a hybrid cloud.Hybrid clouds combine the public and private cloud models. You own parts and share other parts, though in a controlled way. Hybrid clouds offer the promise of on-demand, externally provisioned scale, but add the complexity of determining how to distribute applications across these different environments. While enterprises may be attracted to the promise of a hybrid cloud, this option, at least initially, will likely be reserved for simple stateless applications that require no complex databases or synchronization.3. Cloud Computing Defined(1)Cornerstone TechnologyWhile the basic technologies of cloud computing such as horizontally scaled, distributed compute nodes have been available for some time, virtualization —the abstraction of computer resources —is the cornerstone technology for all cloud architectures. With the ability to virtualize servers (behind a hypervisor-abstracted operating system), storage devices, desktops, and applications, a wide array of IT resources can now be allocated on demand.The dramatic growth in the ubiquitous availability of affordable high-bandwidth networking over the past several years is equally critical. What was available to only a small percentage of Internet users a decade ago is now offered to the majority of Internet users in North America, Europe, and Asia: high bandwidth, which allows massive compute and data resources to be accessed from the browser. Virtualized resources can truly be anywhere in the cloud — not just across gigabit datacenter LANs and WANs but also via broadband to remote programmers and end users.Additional enabling technologies for cloud computing can deliver IT capabilities on an absolutely unprecedented scale. Just a few examples:Sophisticated file systems such as ZFS can support virtually unlimited storage capacities, integration of the file system and volume management, snapshots and copy-on-write clones, on-line integrity checking, and repair.Patterns in architecture allow for accelerated development of superscale cloud architectures by providing repeatable solutions to common problems.New techniques for managing structured, unstructured, and semistructured data can provide radical improvements in data-intensive computing.Machine images can be instantly deployed, dramatically simplifying and accelerating resource allocation while increasing IT agility and responsiveness.(2)The Architectural Services Layers of Cloud ComputingWhile the first revolution of the Internet saw the three-tier (or n-tier) model emerge as a general architecture, the use of virtualization in clouds has created a new set of layers: applications, services, and infra structure. These layers don’t just encapsulateon-demand resources; they also define a new application development model. And within each layer of abstraction there are myriad business opportunities for defining services that can be offered on a pay-per-use basis.Software as a Service (SaaS)SaaS is at the highest layer and features a complete application offered as a service, on demand, via multitenancy — meaning a single instance of the software runs on the provider’s infrastructure and serves multiple client organizations.The most widely known example of SaaS is , but there are now many others, including the Google Apps offering of basic business services such as e-mail. Of course, ’s multitenant application has preceded the definition of cloud computing by a few years. On the other hand, like many other players in cloud computing, now operates at more than one cloud layer with its release of , a companion application development environment, or platform as a service. Platform as a Service (PaaS)The middle layer, or PaaS, is the encapsulation of a development environment abstraction and the packaging of a payload of services. The archetypal payload is a Xen image (part of Amazon Web Services) containing a basic Web stack (for example, a Linux distro, a Web server, and a programming environment such as Pearl or Ruby).PaaS offerings can provide for every phase of software development and testing, or they can be specialized around a particular area, such as content management.Commercial examples include Google App Engine, which serves applications on Google’s infrastructure. PaaS services such as these can provide a great deal of flexibility but may be constrained by the capabilities that are available through the provider.Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)IaaS is at the lowest layer and is a means of delivering basic storage and compute capabilities as standardized services over the network. Servers, storage systems, switches, routers, and other systems are pooled (through virtualization technology, for example) to handle specific types of workloads —from batch processing toserver/storage augmentation during peak loads.The best-known commercial example is Amazon Web Services, whose EC2 and S3 services offer bare-bones compute and storage services (respectively). Another example is Joyent whose main product is a line of virtualized servers which provide a highly scalable on-demand infrastructure for running Web sites, including rich Web applications written in Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, and Java.中文翻译云计算1.更高层次的云计算在很多情况下,云计算仅仅是互联网的一个隐喻,也就是网络上运算和数据资源日益增加的一个隐喻。

Citrix Xenserver概述

Citrix Xenserver概述

Citrix Xenserver概述一台服务器对一套应用的传统模式已经被证实不仅成本高、使用繁琐而且效率低下;IT资产虚拟化正迅速成为大多数企业的标准解决方案。

虚拟化使IT 人员可以改变运行模式,做到事半功倍。


Citrix® XenServer™改变了这种局面,向客户免费提供已在云计算环境中经过验证、能够直接投入生产的企业级虚拟化平台。



XenServer是一种完整的虚拟基础架构解决方案,包括具有实时迁移功能的 64位系统管理程序、功能全面的管理控制台,以及将应用、桌面和服务器从物理环境迁移到虚拟环境所需的各种工具。





XenServer允许通过一个直观的向导驱动工具轻松完成服务器、存储和网络设置,真正实现“Ten Minutes to Xen(10分钟实现虚拟化)”的目标。



单元6 - 文件系统管理(Filesystem Management)
单元7 - 高级文件系统管理(Advanced Filesystem Management)
单元8 - 网络设置(Network Configuration)
单元9 - 安装(Installation)
单元10 - Xen虚拟化技术(Virtualization with Xen)
单元1 - Linux核心思想和发展历史(Linux Ideas and History)
单元2 - Linux基本使用(Linux Usage Basics)
单元3 - 使用命令和帮助(Running Commands and Getting Help)
单元16 - 深入了解Linux文件系统(The Linux Filesystem In-Depth)
单元17 - 基本的系统管理工具(Essential System Administration Tools)
单元18 - 和开源社区同行(So... What Now?)
RH134 Red Hat Linux 系统管理
* 成功完成第一部分的所有故障排除问题(所有故障排除问题都是必答题);
* 在第二部分,安装和配置部分达到70%以上的成绩。
RH124 Red Hat Linux 基础课程
单元4 - 浏览文件系统(Browsing the Filesystem)
单元5 - 用户、组和权限(Users, Groups and Permissions)



虚拟化(Virtualization)是一种资源管理技术, 定义:服务器、网络、内存等,加以抽象、转换后呈现出来。 特征:虚拟化生成的虚拟资源,不受现有资源的架设方式、地域或物理配置所限制。 (计算能力、数据存储) 目的:虚拟化的主要目的,是对IT基础设施进行简化,对资源及资源管理访问方式的 简化。更好地应用资源,提高计算机工作效率。
②降低管理成本——虚拟可通过以下途径提高工作人员的效率:减少必须进行管理的物理资源的数量;隐 藏物理资源的部分复杂性;通过实现自动化、获得更好的信息和实现中央管理来简化公共管理任务;实现负载管 理自动化。另外,虚拟还可以支持在多个平台上使用公共的工具。
VMM:现有的虚拟机系统是通过在现有平台(裸机或操作系统)上增加一个虚拟化 层VMM(虚拟机监视器,virtual Machine Monitor或 Hypervisor)来实现的。
Guest OS:在虚拟机里运行的操作系统叫Guest OS。
①提高的资源利用率——虚拟可支持实现物理资源和资源池的动态共享,提高资源利用率,特别是针对 那些平均需求远低于需要为其提供专用资源的不同负载。
VM(Virtual Machine):即虚拟机,指通过软件模拟的具有完整硬件系统功能的、 运行在一个完全隔离环境中的完整计算机系统。

虚拟化技术与云计算 第一讲 20110908

虚拟化技术与云计算 第一讲 20110908

优点:性能高。能达到与原始系统相近的性能. 缺点: 必须修改GuestOS 代表产品: Xen;Denali
优点:也不用修改GuestOS内核 缺点:需要硬件支持。 代表技术: Intel-VT;AMD-V
应用程序 Guest OS 应用程序 ... Guest OS 虚拟机监控器(VMM) 计算机硬件(CPU、内存、硬盘等) Guest OS 应用程序
服务器 性能没 有得到 充分利 用;
更换硬件或 迁移应用, 都要先停机
了解虚拟化与云计算的典型产品 了解虚拟化与云计算的发展趋势
编译技术 算法与复杂性
虚拟化技术 与云计算
网格计算 人机交互
系统芯片设 计与测试
管海兵 教授
管海兵 hbguan@ 梁阿磊 liangalei@
马汝辉 (博士生)ruhuima@sjtu 常郅博(硕士生)
James E Smith 《Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes》 王庆波、陈滢等 (IBM) 《虚拟化与云计算》

Citrix Xenserver介绍

Citrix Xenserver介绍
Likewise • AD
Xenstore • xen SM • Storage
Inrf-rcnfgre • Network config
VM lifecycle management (i.e. start, stop, suspend, etc.)


Copy PIF_eth0
PIF_eth1 PBD Shared SR network1
Bond 0+1
Host y’s database
PIF_eth0 Host_x PIF_eth1
Local SR PBD Inherit network config network1
VM 1 VIF 1
Pooled NIC require same MTU size Pooled NIC require same MTU size Pooled NIC require same MTU size
Two host, pooled

NIC must support VLAN 802.1q Port switch configured in trunk mode Device named eth<X>.<Y>
Storage type

Local - lvm

Physical drives directly attached to machine Attaches remote storage devices to a machine Appears locally attached Access to file system over network Allows SCSI protocol over TCP/IP

北航云计算公开课07 JVM Internal

北航云计算公开课07 JVM Internal
By 邓侃 Ph.D
• This class is to: design a JVM by ourselves. • But before we start to design, understand how CPU and program work.
10 / 43
ARM core enlarge its instruction set.
• ARM926EJ-S vs ARM7EJ-S: - Harvard Architecture, von Neumann Architecture, split memory for instruction and data separately. - Add Cache and TCM (Tightly Coupled Memory), for more efficient memory retrieval. - Add MMU (Memory Management Unit), to manage memory usage more efficiently.
ARM chips thmetic instructions, with variable format, may perform memory access.
8 / 43
• RISC CPU is with simpler architecture, of smaller size. RISC increase frequency, so as to increase its computational speed, RISC performance bottleneck is memory IO. • To improve RISC performance: - Include more instructions, e.g. 16-bit Thumb instructions, DSP instruction, Java bytecode instructions. - Enhance memory access.


SAAS(软件即服务)-应用、过程、信息省去服务器和软件授权上的开支;不需要管理任何架构、软件。直接访问并使用云平台提供商提供的服务(如CRM,Mail, live office,etc.)PaaS(平台即服务)可描述为一个完整的虚拟平台,它包括一个或多个服务器(在一组物理服务器上虚拟而成)、操作系统以及特定的应用程序(例如用于基于 Web 的应用程序的 Apache 和 MySQL)最常用的是提供一个开发平台用户可以开发、部置自己的应用不需要管理系统架构IaaS(架构即服务)以服务的形式交付计算机基础设施。提供一个完整的计算机环境(虚拟的服务器、存储、网络)用户可以部署和运行任意的软件和应用具有完全控制自己资源的能力
Dropbox AmazБайду номын сангаасn Web Services Mozy Oracle IaaS
Windows Azure Google App Engine Aptana Cloudoracle DaaS/MaaS
Zoho Basecamp oracle.cloud Google Apps
简单来讲,就是在一个物理硬件机器上同时运行多个不同应用的独立的操作系统。独立运行操作系统资源来自于同一底层平台资源这些同时运行的虚拟系统由底层的监督器来控制,这个监督器被称做“hypervisor”或“VMM-virtual machine monitor,虚拟机被称为“guest”hypervisro的功能提供虚拟系统资源提供主机/虚拟机调度提供虚拟机通讯






习题2一、选择题(1)(多项选择)服务器虚拟化通常包括以下哪些架构模型?(A)宿主模型(OS-Hosted VMM)(B)原生架构模型(Hypervisor VMM)(C)混合模型(Hybrid VMM)(D)CPU虚拟机模型(2)(多项选择)x86体系架构上服务器虚拟化是指对哪些硬件资源的虚拟化?(A)CPU(B)内存(C)网络(D)设备与I/O(3)(多项选择)x86体系架构上,下列哪些方法是针对CPU特权指令的虚拟化?(A)基于模拟执行的CPU虚拟化技术(B)基于操作系统辅助的CPU虚拟化技术(C)基于硬件辅助的CPU虚拟化技术(D)基于软件辅助的CPU虚拟化技术(4)(多项选择)x86体系架构上,下列哪些是主流的设备和I/O虚拟化实现方式?(A)全设备模拟(B)半虚拟化(C)软件辅助虚拟化(D)硬件辅助虚拟化(5)(多项选择)x86体系架构上,下列哪些是存储虚拟化的特性?(A)异构存储设备整合(B)简化存储管理(C)高可靠性(D)提高资源利用率、绿色存储二、简答题本书提到的主流虚拟化技术有哪些?简述它们各自的特点。

一、选择题(多项选择)在ESXi平台的虚拟机中安装操作系统可以采用哪些方法?(A)ISO镜像文件安装(B)模板文件安装(C)网络自动安装(D)U盘安装二、简答题在ESXi主机上创建虚拟机过程中,在“创建磁盘”的步骤中有三种磁盘置备选项“厚置备延迟置零”“厚置备置零”“Thin Provision”(精简置备),请问这几种置备模式的区别是什么?三、计算题云计算虚拟化技术可以将一个物理CPU内核虚拟化为16个虚拟化CPU内核。



接近本机性能(Almost native performance) 为每个guest操作系统创建一个 “表面”的独立服务器 根据需求快速迁移guest 不需要增加费用或使复杂性增 加就可以通过复制guest来增加 冗余或容量
centers正在经受物理上的约束与限制 Data centers正在经受物理上的约束与限制
固定的空间、固定的电源系统、固定的空调系统等。 物理上的限制及成本上的限制使得很难去改变
据统计服务器的平均利用率只有10-15%,中/高等利用率也只有 30-40%
Red Hat Network: 提供无缝的管理
RHN – Red Hat Network 是一个成熟的模块化的,基于Web方式集成的平台管理系 统:包括下列模块化功能 Updates, Management, Provisioning, Monitoring 通过RHN实现无缝的虚拟化管理 完全的虚拟化功能支持 不需新的工具 – 与原有无虚拟化功能一致 快速建立VM的配置文件/模板及快速VMs的布署 非常容易实现VMs机间的比较 集成Kickstart环境
Virtual Servers Red Hat GFS
高可用的虚拟化集群解决方案 在不同的节点间实现Fail-over虚拟化环境

Understanding Full Virtualization, Paravirtualization, and Hardware Assist VMware[1]

Understanding Full Virtualization, Paravirtualization, and Hardware Assist VMware[1]

Understanding Full Virtualization,Paravirtualization, and Hardware AssistVMwareR98922135陳昌毅R98922150黃柏淳R98944033顏昭恩Full virtualizationTranslates kernel code to replace nonvirtualizable instructions with new sequences of instructions that have the intended effect on the virtual hardware.Meanwhile, user level code is directly executed on the processor for high performance virtualization. This combination of binary translation and direct execution provides Full Virtualization as the guest OS is fully abstracted (completely decoupled) from the underlying hardware by the virtualization layer.Full virtualization offers the best isolation and security for virtual machines, and simplifies migration and portability as the same guest OS instance can run virtualized or on native hardware. VMware’s virtualization products and Microsoft Virtual Server are examples of full virtualization.Para-virtualizationParavirtualization, as shown in Figure below, involves modifying the OS kernel to replace nonvirtualizable instructions with hypercalls that communicate directly with the virtualization layer hypervisor. The hypervisor also provides hypercall interfaces for other critical kernel operations such as memory management, interrupt handling and time keeping.Hardware AssistedHardware vendors are rapidly embracing virtualization and developing new features to simplify virtualization techniques.First generation enhancements include Intel Virtualization Technology (VT-x) and AMD’s AMD-V which both target privileged instructions with a new CPU execution mode feature that allows the VMM to runin a new root mode below ring 0.As depicted in Figure , privileged and sensitive calls are set to automatically trap to the hypervisor, removing the need for either binary translation or paravirtualization.Due to high hypervisor to guest transition overhead and a rigid programming model, VMware’s binary translation approach currently outperforms first generation hardware assist implementations in most circumstances.Memory VirtualizationThe operating system keeps mappings of virtual page numbers to physical page numbers stored in page tables. All modern x86 CPUs include a memory management unit (MMU) and a translation lookaside buffer (TLB) to optimize virtual memory performance.one has to virtualize the MMU to support the guest OS. The guest OS continues to control the mapping of virtual addresses to the guest memory physical addresses, but the guest OS cannot have direct access to the actual machine memory.The VMM is responsible for mapping guest physical memory to the actual machine memory, and it uses shadow page tables to accelerate the mappings. As depicted by the red line in Figure 8, the VMM uses TLB hardware to map the virtual memory directly to the machine memory to avoid the two levels of translation on every access1Device and I/O VirtualizationThis involves managing the routing of I/O requests between virtual devices and the shared physical hardware.in contrast to a direct pass-through to the hardware, enables a rich set of features and simplified management.The key to effective I/O virtualization is to preserve these virtualization benefits while keeping the added CPU utilization to a minimum.The hypervisor virtualizes the physical hardware and presents each virtual machine with a standardized set of virtual devices as seen in Figure . These virtual devices effectively emulate well-known hardware and translate the virtual machine requests to the system hardware.Full Virtualization with Binary Translation is the Most Established Technology TodayFull virtualization with binary translation will continue to be a useful technique for years to come as newer and faster hardware continues to advance binary translation performance for unmodified guest OSes, however, hardware assisted virtualization is where virtualization is going with processor paravirtualization being a performance enhancing stopgap along the way.Hardware Assist is the Future of Virtualization, but the Real Gains Have Yet to ArriveIntel and AMD’s first generation hardware assist features released in 2006 are the first step in removing the need for hypervisors to employ binary translation andOS-assisted processor paravirtualization.As hardware assist features developand mature, hypervisors will commoditize as they increasingly leverage a common set of hardware assist features, but they will continue to compete on performance, manageability and features.Xen’s CPU Paravirtualization Delivers Performance Benefits with Maintenance CostsXen likes to position paravirtualization as the second generation of virtualization, labeling VMware‘s full virtualization technology as the first generation. The reality is that paravirtualization is an old and useful virtualization technique that does deliver performance benefits for some workloads but typically with added maintenance costs. Xen’s first major challenge is that processor paravirtualization does not apply to unmodified guest OSes, so it is not an option for guests that can’t be modified (e.g. Windows) and guests where modifications are undesired (e.g. when supported versions of Linux are required).many new virtualization vendors with open source Xen-derived offerings are abandoning Linux paravirtualization entirely.This leads to Xen’s second competitive challenge.XenLinux kernel can’t run on native hardware or other hypervisors, doubling the number of kernel distributions that have to be maintained. Additionally, it’s limited to newer, open source operating systems as the intrusive changes to the guest OS kernel require OS vendor support.Finally, the strong hypervisor dependency impedes the independent evolution of the kernel.Observation and ConclusionVirtualization is the important technology in cloud computing, so we compare the each popular software. VMware is the most popular software in virtualization but the performance is not well in free version.Since they use the binary translation in user mode, the guest OS is constrained by the Host OS. On the other hand, the commercial version provides better performance for they use native virtualization architecture; therefore,the host OS is very small just as a hypervisor. Xen is the also popular software in linux which has a high performance in para-virtualization, and there are so many fans in the world. In these years, KVM is becoming hot for their friendly interface; however, the performance in KVM is not very well because it need a hardware virtualization software to work with, and the software will constrain the performance in KVM.So we use Xen in our study now.。









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7 / 30
X86 virtualization challenges
VM2 0
Guest Apps Apps
Ring3 Ring1
Guest Apps Apps
Guest Guest Kernel OS
Guest Guest Kernel OS
• MMU virtualization
How to keep physical TLB valid Different approaches involve different complication and overhead
10 / 30
Memory virtualization challenges
• • • • OS kernel requires minimal contiguous low memory DMA require certain level of contiguous memory Efficient MM management, e.g., less buddy overhead Efficient TLB, e.g., super page TLB
VMM HW Benefit: Business Agility and Productivity
Dynamic Load Balancing Disaster Recovery
App 1
App OS App 2 OS App 3 OS
App 4 OS

App OS
VMM HW Benefit: Lost saving • RAS • live migration • relief lost
Guest Guest Kernel OS
Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM)
8 / 30
Typical X86 virtualization approaches
• Para-virtualization (PV)
Para virtualization approach, like Xen Modified guest OS aware and co-work with VMM Standardization milestone: linux3.0
3 / 30
What is Virtualization
Apps Guest OS
Apps Guest OS
Guest OS
Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) Platform HW
Memory Processors I/O Devices
Guest/VMM in same linear space Guest/VMM share same page table Guest page table unmodified VMM shadow page table Complication and memory overhead
• •
X86-32: deprivileging ring 1 X86-64: deprivileging ring 3
Ring deprivileging problems
some privilege instructions some exceptions
• Guest kernel protection (x86-64)
CPU Usage 90%
CPU Usage 30%
• Benefit: Productivity
5 / 30
• Introduction • Virtualization
CPU virtualization Memory virtualization I/O virtualization Virtual platform models
• VMI vs. PVOPS • Bare metal vs. virtual platform
• Binary Translation (BT)
Full virtualization approach, like VMWare Unmodified guest OS Translate binary ‘on-the-fly’
• Xen
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X86 virtualization challenges
• Ring Deprivileging
Goal: isolate guest OS from Ring deprivileging layout
• •
• Controlling physical resources directly • Modifying VMM code and data • vmm runs at full privileged ring0 • Guest kernel runs at • Guest app runs at ring 3 • Ring compression • Unnecessary faulting
gva -> gpa full control CR3, page fault
Extended page table
Shadow page table
• Flexible choices
Para virtualization Full virtualization
• Direct page table • Shadow page table • Shadow page table • Extended page table
4 / 30
Server Virtualization Usage Model
Server Consolidation R&D Production
App OS

App OS
Benefit: Cost Savings • Consolidate services • Power saving
• Virtualization holes
19 instructions Some userspace holes hard to fix by s/w approach
• Hard to trap, or • Performance overhead • SIDT/SGDT/SLDT … • PUSHF/POPF …
• Virtualization is …
An abstraction of computer resources (Wikipedia) A layer of redirection (borrow from Donald E. Knuth)
• Virtualization of different levels
Instruction level virtualization System level virtualization
• Virtualization history

60s’ 70s’ 80s’ 1998 2003 After:
IBM - CP/CMS on S360, VM370, … Popek and Goldberg - P&G requirements Silent VMWare - SimOS project, Stanford Xen - Xen project, Cambridge KVM/Hyper-v/Parallels …
• gva -> hpa • gva -> gpa
• Shadow page table
Guest page table Direct page table
• Extended page table
• •
Guest page table unmodified VMM extended page table • gpa -> hpa • hardware based • good scalability for SMP • low memory overhead
• VMM is a new layer of software abstraction
support multiple guest OSes de-privilege each OS to run as Guest OS
• VMM provide virtual platform
redirect physical platform to virtual platform illusions of many
• I/O Virtualization require
• • •
presenting guestos driver a complete device interface
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I/O virtualization requirements
Interrupt Register Access
Shared Memory
• I/O device from OS point of view

Resource configuration and probe I/O request: IO, MMIO I/O data: DMA Interrupt