exercises1 2

Exercises 1-answer

Exercises 11.List significant differrences between a file-processing system and a DBMS.2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of database?3.Explain the difference between physical and logical data independence.Discuss the ANSI-SPARC three-level architecture.4. What is a data model? Discuss the main types of data models.An integrated collection of concepts for describing and manipulating data, relationships between data, and constraints on the data in an organization. (See Section 2.3.)Object-based data models such as the Entity–Relationship model (see Section 2.3.1). Record-based data models such as the relational data model, network data model, and hierarchical data model (see Section 2.3.2). Physical data models describe how data is stored in the computer (see Section 2.3.3).Answer:•Physical data independence is the ability to modify the physical scheme without making itnecessary to rewrite application programs. Such modifications include changing from unblocked to blocked record storage, or from sequential to random access files.•Logical data independence is the ability to modify the conceptual scheme without making itnecessary to rewrite application programs. Such a modification might be adding a field to a record; an application pr ogram’s view hides this change from the program.Exercises 21.The following tables form part of a database held in a relational DBMS:Hotel (hotelNo, hotelName, city)Room (roomNo, hotelNo, type, price)Booking (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom, dateTo, roomNo)Guest (guestNo, guestName, guestAddress)where Hotel contains hotel details and hotelNo is the primary key;Room contains room details for each hotel and (roomNo, hotelNo) forms the primary key;Booking contains details of the bookings and (hotelNo, guestNo, dateFrom) forms the primary key;and Guest contains guest details and guestNo is the primary key.Identify the foreign keys in this schema. Explain how the entity and referential integrity rules apply to these relations.For each relation, the primary key must not contain any nulls.Room is related to Hotel through the attribute hotelNo. Therefore, the hotelNo in Room is FK,and should either be null or contain the number of an existing hotel in the Hotel relation. In this case study, it would probably be unacceptable to have a hotelNo in Room with a null value.Booking is related to Hotel through the attribute hotelNo. Therefore, the hotelNo in Booking is FK,and should either be null or contain the number of an existing hotel in the Hotel relation. However, because hotelNo is also part of the primary key, a null value for this attribute would be unacceptable.Similarly for guestNo. Booking is also related to Room through the attribute roomNo,(guestNo,roomNo) in booking is FK reference Room. guestNo in booking is FK reference Guest.Describe the relations that would be produced by the following relational algebra operations:(a)∏hotelNo (σprice> 50 (Room) )This will produce a relation with a single attribute (hotelNo) giving the number of those hotelswith a room price greater than £50.(b)σHotel.hotelNo=Room.hotelNo(Hotel⨯Room)This will produce a join of the Hotel and Room relations containing all the attributes of bothHotel and Room (there will be two copies of the hotelNo attribute). Essentially this willproduce a relation containing all rooms at all hotels.Produce some sample tables for these relations that observe the relational integrity rules. Suggest some enterprise constraints that would be appropriate for this schema.Student should provide some sample tables, observing entity and referential integrity. In particular, ensure the uniqueness for the composite primary keys of the Room and Booking tables.Some enterprise constraints may be:•There can be no two bookings for the same room in the same hotel on the same day.•For the Booking relation, dateFrom must be before dateTo.•Room price must be greater than 0 and less than £200.3.Consider the relational database of Figure 1,employee (person-name, street, city)works (person-name, company-name, salary)company (company-name, city)manages (person-name, manager-name)Figure 1. Relational databasewhere the primary keys are underlined.Give an expression in the relational algebra to express each of the following queries:a.Find the names of all employees who work for First Bank Corporation.b. Find the names, street address, and cities of residence of all employees whowork for First Bank Corporation and earn more than $10,000 per annum.c. Find the names of all employees in this database who live in the same cityas the company for which they work.Answer:a. Πperson-name (σcompany-name = “First Bank Corporation” (works))b. Πperson-name, street, city(σ(company-name = “First Bank Corporation” ∧salary > 10000)works ×employee)e. Πperson-name (employee ×works×company)。

exercises的用法一、什么是exercises?二、exercises的不同类型及其用法1. 体育锻炼2. 训练和练习3. 手部锻炼三、exercises对身体与心理健康的益处1. 增强肌肉力量和骨密度2. 改善心血管健康3. 提升心理健康和抗压能力四、如何制定一个适合自己的exercise计划?五、结语一、什么是exercises?Exercises这个词在日常生活中经常出现,它可以代表各种形式的运动或训练活动。
二、exercises的不同类型及其用法1. 体育锻炼Exercises最常见的用法之一就是指体育锻炼。
2. 训练和练习除了指体育锻炼,exercises还可以代表各种训练和练习活动。
这些类型的exercises 有助于培养专注力、精确性和协调性。
3. 手部锻炼除了身体整体上的锻炼,exercises也可以针对特定身体部位进行。
三、exercises对身体与心理健康的益处1. 增强肌肉力量和骨密度通过参与不同类型的exercise,我们可以增强肌肉力量并提高骨密度。
2. 改善心血管健康规律的exercise可以提高心血管系统的功能,包括增强心脏肌肉、调节心律以及促进血液循环。

Unit Two1.Of all American cities, San Francisco is considered by many to be ___ far themost beautiful.A. soB. byC. thisD. that2. Francis Chichester is ___ one of the greatest adventurers the world has ever known.A. undoubtedlyB. doubtfulC. doubtfullyD. doubt3. She is young and ___, but she is good at learning.A. experienceB. inexperienceC. inexperiencedD. experienced4. We’ll do our best to help those ___ people.A. fortuneB. misfortuneC. unfortunateD. fortunate5. They ___ the war, although it cost them millions of lives.A. wonB. beatC. defeatedD. conquered6. They aren’t doing well in school, ___ their intelligence.A. thoughB. althoughC. in spite ofD. despite of7. This is ___ we should always keep in mind.A. thatB. whatC. whyD. when8. After succeeding ___ sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent a radio message to London.A. atB. onC. inD. of9. He gave ___ his seat on the bus to an old woman standing nearby.A. outB. offC. overD. up10. Though she is nearly 65, Mary doesn’t want to ___.A. retireB. retellC. repeatD. restore11. The boy ___ his fear of dark and walked alone in the woods at night.A. contactedB. conqueredC. contentedD. covered12. I can’t help ___ that it was a mistake to let him go.A. to thinkB. thinkingC. thinkD. of thinking13. His classmates tried to dissuade him ___ swimming across the lake, but he did not listen.A. ofB. fromC. intoD. out14. Payment may be made in any of the ___ ways: by cash, by cheque or by credit card.A. followedB. followingC. followD. to follow15. Tom invented a(n) ___ to make the door shut by itself.A. adviceB. deviceC. serviceD. divorce16. The boat turned ___, throwing the boys into the water.A. overB. offC. outD. on17. Chichester had done what he wanted to ___ in his life.A. accomplishB. completeC. finishD. compete18. It is said that these attacks were carried ___ by terrorists.A. awayB. out ofC. outD. of19. This was more than twice the distance anyone had ___ sailed alone.A. obviouslyB. obviousC. previouslyD. previous20. It had taken him nine months, of ___ the sailing time was 226 days.A. thatB. the nine monthsC. the timeD. whichKeys: 1-5: BACCA 6-10: CBCDA 11-15: BBBBB 16-20: AACCD1.所有美国城市,旧金山被许多人认为是迄今为止最美丽。
Exercises1 (7)

Exercise7-1Build String VIObjective:To use the Format Into String,Concatenate Strings,and String Length functions.Complete the following steps to build a VI that converts a numeric to astring,concatenates the string to other strings to form a single output string,and determines the output string length.The VI also matches a pattern in astring and converts the remaining string to a numeric.Front Panel1.Open a new VI and build the following front panel.a.Right-click String2and select‘\’Codes Display from the shortcutmenu.b.Change String Length and Offset Past Match to I32representation.Block Diagram2.Build the following block diagram.a.Place the Format Into String function located on the Functions»String palette.This function converts Numeric to a string.b.Right-click the Format Into String function and select Edit FormatString from the shortcut menu to display the Edit Format Stringdialog box.c.Place a checkmark in the Use specified precision checkbox andtype4in the corresponding textbox to create a format string thatconverts Numeric to a string with four digits after the decimal point.d.Click the OK bVIEW creates a format string of%.4fusing the options you selected.e the Labeling tool to type a space on either side of the%.4fconstant and press the<Shift-Enter>keys so Numeric will appearwith spaces on either side in Combined String.f.Right-click the constant and select‘\’Codes Display from theshortcut menu.The spaces you typed change to\s.g.Place the Concatenate Strings function located on the Functions»String palette.This function concatenates input strings into a singleoutput string.h.Place the String Length function located on the Functions»Stringpalette.This function returns the number of characters in CombinedString.i.Place the Match Pattern function located on the Functions»Stringpalette.This function searches String2for a colon.j.Right-click the regular expression input terminal,select Create»Constant from the shortcut menu,type a colon(:),and press the<Shift-Enter>keys.k.Place the Scan from String function located on the Functions»String palette.This function converts the string after the colon to anumeric.3.Display the front panel and create the following icon and connector paneso you can use the VI as a subVI later in this course.Refer to Lesson3, Creating a SubVI,for more information about creating icons andconnector panes.4.Save the VI as Build String.vi,because you will use this VI laterin the course.5.Change the values of the front panel controls and run the VI.The VI concatenates Header,Numeric,and Trailer into Combined String and displays the string length.The VI also searches String2for a colon,converts the string following the colon to Numeric Out,and displays the index of the first character after the colon in Offset Past Match.6.Save and close the VI.End of Exercise7-1Exercise7-2File Writer VIObjective:To write data to a file.Complete the following steps to build a VI that concatenates a messagestring,a numeric,and unit string to a file.In Exercise7-3,you will builda VI to read the file and display its contents.Front Panel1.Open a new VI and build the following front panel.a.Place a path indicator located on the Controls»String&Pathpalette.This indicator displays the path for the data file you create.b.Right-click String to Write and select Visible Items»Scrollbarfrom the shortcut menu to display a scrollbar.Block Diagram2.Build the following block diagram.a.Place the Build String VI,which you built in Exercise7-1.This VIconcatenates the three input strings to one combined string.b.Place the Open/Create/Replace File VI located on the Functions»File I/O palette.This VI displays a dialog box to open or create afile.c.Right-click the prompt input terminal and select Create»Constantfrom the shortcut menu to create the Enter Filename constant.d.Right-click the function input terminal and select Create»Constantfrom the shortcut e the Operating tool to select create orreplace.e.Place the Write File function located on the Functions»File I/Opalette.This function writes the concatenated strings to the file.f.Place the Close File function located on the Functions»File I/Opalette.This function closes the file.g.Place the Simple Error Handler VI located on the Functions»Time&Dialog palette.This VI checks the error cluster and displays adialog box if an error occurred.3.Save the VI as File Writer.vi.4.Change the values of the front panel controls and run the VI.An EnterFilename dialog box appears.5.Type demofile.txt and click the Save or OK button.The VI writes the String to Write,Numeric to Write,and Unit to Write values to the file.End of Exercise7-2Exercise7-3File Reader VIObjective:To read data from a file.Complete the following steps to build a VI that reads the file created inExercise7-2and displays the information in a string indicator.Front Panel1.Open a new VI and build the following front panel using the path controllocated on the Controls»String&Path palette.Block Diagram2.Build the following block diagram.a.Place the Open/Create/Replace File VI located on the Functions»File I/O palette.This VI displays a dialog box that you use to openor create a file.b.Right-click the prompt input terminal and select Create»Constantfrom the shortcut menu to create the Select Filename constant.c.Right-click the function input terminal and select Create»Constantfrom the shortcut e the Operating tool to select open.d.Place the Read File function located on the Functions»File I/Opalette.This function reads count bytes of data from the file startingat the beginning of the file.e.Place the Close File function located on the Functions»File I/Opalette.This function closes the file.f.Place the Simple Error Handler VI located on the Functions»Time&Dialog palette.This VI checks the error cluster and displays adialog box if an error occurs.3.Save the VI as File Reader.vi .4.Display the front panel and use the Operating tool to click the Browsebutton in the path control.5.Navigate to demofile.txt and click the Open or OK button.6.Run the VI.String Read from File displays the contents of the file.7.Modify the VI so that the numeric is parsed and displayed in a digitalindicator.After you finish,save and close the VI.Tip Use the Match Pattern function to search for the first numeric character.End of Exercise 7-3ChallengeExercise7-4Temperature Logger VIObjective:To save data to a file in a form that a spreadsheet or a word processor can access.Complete the following steps to save the time and current temperature to adata file.Front Panel1.Open the Temperature Control VI,which you built in Exercise6-2,andsave it as Temperature Logger.vi.Y ou do not need to modify thefollowing front panel.Block Diagram2.Modify the block diagram as follows.a.Place the Open/Create/Replace File VI located on the Functions»File I/O palette.This VI displays a dialog box that you use to openor create a file.b.Place the Get Date/Time String function located on the Functions»Time&Dialog palette.This function returns the time,in stringformat,when the temperature measurement was taken.c.Place the TRUE Boolean constant located on the Functions»Boolean palette.This constant sets the function to include secondsin the string.d.Place the Format Into File function located on the Functions»FileI/O palette.This function converts the temperature measurement toa string and builds and writes to file a formatted data string.e.Place the tab constant and end of line constant located on theFunctions»String palette.f.Place the Unbundle by Name function located on the Functions»Cluster palette.This function removes status from the error cluster.g.Place the Not and And functions located on the Functions»Booleanpalette.The Not and And functions set the conditional terminal tocontinue while Power is TRUE and no error occurs.h.Place the Close File function located on the Functions»File I/Opalette.This function closes the file.i.Place the Simple Error Handler VI located on the Functions»Time&Dialog palette.This VI checks the error cluster and displays adialog box if an error occurs.3.Save the VI,because you will use this VI later in the course.4.Run the VI.An Enter Filename dialog box appears.5.Type temp.txt and click the Save or OK button.The VI creates a file called temp.txt.The VI takes readings every half-second and saves the time and temperature data to a file until you click the Power switch or an error occurs.When the VI finishes,itcloses the file.6.Close the VI.7.Open a word processor or spreadsheet application,such as(Windows)Notepad or WordPad,(Macintosh)TeachText,or(UNIX)Text Editor. 8.Open temp.txt.The time appears in the first column and thetemperature data appears in the second column.9.Exit the word processor or spreadsheet application and return toLabVIEW.End of Exercise7-4Exercise7-5Spreadsheet Example VIObjective:To save a2D array in a text file so that a spreadsheet application can access the file and to display numeric data in a table.In Exercise7-4,you formatted a string so tabs separated the columns andend of lines separated the plete the following steps to examine aVI that saves numeric arrays to a file in a format you can access with aspreadsheet.Front Panel1.Open the Spreadsheet Example VI.The following front panel is alreadybuilt.2.Run the VI.The VI generates a2D array of128rows×3columns.The first columncontains data for a sine waveform,the second column contains data fora noise waveform,and the third column contains data for a cosinewaveform.The VI plots each column in a graph and displays the data ina table.After the VI displays the data,a dialog box appears.3.Type wave.txt and click the Save or OK ter,you willexamine this file.Block Diagram4.Display the following block diagram to examine it.•The Sine Pattern VI located on the Functions »Analyze »SignalProcessing »Signal Generation palette returns a numeric array of128elements containing a sine pattern.The constant 90.0,in thesecond node specifies the phase of the sine pattern or cosine pattern.•The Uniform White Noise VI located on the Functions »Analyze »Signal Processing »Signal Generation palette returns a numericarray of 128elements containing a noise pattern.•The Build Array function located on the Functions »Array palettebuilds the following 2D array from the sine array,noise array,andcosine array.•The Transpose 2D Array function located on the Functions »Array palette rearranges the elements of the 2D array so element [i,j]becomes element [j,i],as follows.Sine Array…Noise Array…Cosine Array…S NC ………•The Write To Spreadsheet File VI located on the Functions »FileI/O palette formats the 2D array into a spreadsheet string and writesthe string to a file.The string has the following format,where anarrow (→)indicates a tab and a paragraph symbol (¶)indicates anend of line character.•The Number To Fractional String function located on theFunctions »String »String/Number Conversion palette converts anarray of numeric values to an array of strings that the table displays.5.Close the VI.NoteThis example stores only three arrays in the file.To include more arrays,increase the number of inputs to the Build Array function.6.(Optional)Open the file using a word processor or spreadsheetapplication and view its contents.a.Open a word processor or spreadsheet application,such as(Windows)Notepad or WordPad,(Macintosh)TeachText,or (UNIX)Text Editor.b.Open wave.txt .The sine waveform data appear in the firstcolumn,the random waveform data appear in the second column,and the cosine waveform data appear in the third column.c.Exit the word processor or spreadsheet application and return toLabVIEW.End of Exercise 7-5SNC →→¶→→¶→→¶………→→¶Exercise7-6Temperature Application VIObjective:Apply what you have learned so far in this course—structures,shift registers, sequence locals,waveform charts,arrays,graphs,file I/O,and so on.ChallengeCreate a VI with the following front panel that completes the following stepsand save the VI as Temperature Application.vi. Array1.Take a temperature measurement once every second until you stopthe VI or an error occurs.2.Display both the current temperature and the average of the last threemeasurements on a waveform chart.3.If the temperature goes over a limit,turn on an LED.4.After each measurement,log the date,time including seconds,temperature,average of the last three measurements,and a one-wordmessage describing whether the temperature is normal or over the limit.Log data so each item appears in one column of a spreadsheet,as shownin the following example.5.After you stop the acquisition,plot both the raw temperature data and abest-fit curve in an XY graph and display the average,maximum,andminimum temperatures.Tip Start with the Temperature Logger VI,which you built in Exercise7-4.To complete step5,use portions of the Temperature Analysis VI,which you built in Exercise5-3.End of Exercise7-6Additional Exercises7-7Build a VI that generates a 2D array of 3rows ×100columns of random numbers and writes the data transposed to a spreadsheet file.Add a header to each e the high-level File I/O VIs located on the Functions »File I/O palette.Tip Use the Write Characters To File VI to write the header and the Write To Spreadsheet File VI to write the numeric data to the same file.Save the VI as More Spreadsheets.vi .7-8Build a VI that converts tab-delimited spreadsheet strings tocomma-delimited spreadsheet strings,that is,spreadsheet strings with columns separated by commas and rows separated by end of line characters.Display both the tab-delimited andcomma-delimited spreadsheet strings on the front panel.Tip Use the Search and Replace String function.Save the VI as Spreadsheet Converter.vi .7-9Modify the Temperature Logger VI,which you built in Exercise 7-4,so the VI does not create a new file each time you run the VI.Append the data to the end of the existing temp.dat file that the Temperature Logger VI created.Run the VI several times and use a word processor application to confirm that the VI appended newtemperature readings.Tip Delete the Format Into File function and replace it with the Format Into String and Write File e the pos mode and pos offset parameters of the Write File function to move the current file mark.Save the VI as Temperature Logger 2.vi .Challenge。

Unit 1Part 1:Pre-reading questionsⅠ.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.AⅡ.1.当时的录音机还没有自动启停功能,要一边手动调控录音机一边打字,这活儿做起来太难了。
脸部扭曲,身体微微地抽搐着,双手紧紧地夹在膝间5.此后,她一如既往地真诚奉献着,生活充实,从不动摇,尽管她的每个动作都要靠脚来完成,靠她那发自内心的豁达来支撑Ⅲ.1.to transcribe his Sunday speech ; too much to handle2.out of the blue; share the inspiration3.deliver the tape personally; the mystery of the arrangement4.personal contact; spastic5.asked for reward; full and dedicatedReading StrategiesⅠ.AⅡ.1. be pleasantly live and attractive2. have a genuine capacity for sympathy3. be both intellectually and morally honest4. be mentally alert5. be capable of infinite patience6. have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learningⅢ.4Ⅳ.1.had engaged in role-play2.had experienced field trips3.felt competent at writing essays4.felt A-level courses had prepared them very well for work at university5.had used video\audio6.had made significant use of primary sources7.felt A-level courses had prepared them fairly well for work at university8.reported that their teachers had been more influential in their development as historiansthan the students’ own reading and thinking1.Despite her blindness, the author’s mother never fails to amaze her children with herknowledge of what is going on around her. For them she seems to know everything2.The moment she touched the dead bird, she screamed and drew back her hand immediately.Then she ordered the author and the bird outside and admonished her never to let her touch such a thing again.3.She was aware of the dog’s presence because she heard its toenails clicking on the bedroomfloor4.She was trying to tell her children that she knew everything about them and loved them, theway every mother knew and loved her children. Besides she wanted to show her children that she was also rearing them with her mind’s eye.5.This is because her mother is great. She shows that a blind person can also have dignity,character, wisdom, as well as a great love and devotion for her family. The author is in fact proud of her motherPart 31. F2.T3. F4. F5.T6. C7. D8. A9. E10.B11.E12.D13.B14.C15.A16.C17.B18.D19.C20.A21.D22.E23.C24.BUnit2PartⅠ:ExercisesⅠ1-6 ADBCACⅡ 1.我当时19岁,是德克萨斯大学的学生,一帆风顺,正在实现我的“梦想”—成为一名整形外科医生。

D. community
14. Language is _____.
A. instinctive
B. non-instinctive
C. static
D. genetically transmitted
Exercises II. Choose the best answer.
15. A linguist regards the changes in language and languages use as _____.
II. Choose the best answer.
23. _____ refers to the actual realization of the ideal language user's knowledge of the rules of his language in utterances.
A. unnatural
B. something to be feared
C. natural
D. abnormal
16. Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?
A. tree B. crash C. typewriter D. bang
I. Fill in the blanks.
5. The theory that language arose from instinctive emotional cries, expressive of pain or joy has been called the _____ theory.

结构严谨 逻辑严密 文体多样
论文、综述、实验报告、教材、专利、 说明书等。
(1) 无人称(Impersonal) (2) 语气正式 (Formal in Mode of Speech)
(3) 陈述客观、准确(Objective and Accurate in Statement)
English to Chinese:
ASHRAE Research Strategic Plan 2010-2015
1组 Goal 1、Goal 6 2组 Goal 2、 Goal 3 3组 Goal 10、 Goal 7 4组 Goal 11 5组 Goal 8、 Goal 9 6组 Goal 4、 Goal 5
(a) Mathematics is used in many different fields. (被动句) (b) People use mathematics in many different fields.(主动句)
语法特点(3)----后置定语多 汉语常用前置定语,英语常用后置定语, 尤其是科技英语。
科技英语的翻译方法 内容回顾
一.科技英语的特点 二.科技英语的翻译标准 三.科技英语的翻译过程
ASHRAE: The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, Air-Conditioning Engineers 美国供热、制冷与空调工程师学会 Air & Waste Management Association 空气和废弃物管理协会
becomes lighter, and rises because of the difference in density of the adjacent fluid.

EXERCISES 11 A. He is often asked to go and see movies.B. He would like to go and see the new movie.C. He once went to see the movie last month.D. He obviously does not want to see the movie.2 A. It is a wrong idea. B. It will make Tom crazy.C. It indicates Tom's strong will.D. It is quite practical.3 A. He doesn't know what to bring. B. He wouldn't drink so much.C. He was expecting gifts.D. He is ill.4 A. She does not agree with the man.B. She does not think that the man made a wise decision.C. She thinks that it is better to drive at night .D. She thinks that it is better to wait5 A. The man should work harder to improve his grades.B. The man will benefit from the effort he's put in.C. It serves the man right to get a poor grade.D. It was unfair of the teacher to give the man a C.6 A. The photos are terrible. B. The photos are not very good.C. The photos are wonderful.D. The photos are just so-so.7 A. He is counting the days of the vacation.B. He is planning to go home for a few days.C. He is eager to go back home.D. He is going over his accounts.8 A. Every girl the man brings home is not good enough.B. His mother doesn't think the girls he brings home fit him.C. The woman suggests he find someone who shows respect to his mother.D. It's human's nature to accept people like themselves more easily.9 A. The food in the local store is better but more expensive.B. The food in the supermarket is bad but cheaper.C. The supermarket is farther than the local store.D. Both of them like shopping in the supermarket.10 A. The movie was really bad.B. Their neighbors didn't like the movie.C. The man slept through the movie.D. The woman hoped their neighbors would watch the movie with them.11 A. She is different from others. B. She is making mistakes all the time.C. She is moody and self-centered.D. She is gentle and considerate.12 A. She doesn't remember much about the city.B. She's never been to the city.C. She would find someone else to help.D. She thinks the man should have helped earlier.13 A. They will go camping for three weeks. B. They plan to go swimming the next day.C. They go camping once every month.D. They will go camping if it is fine.14 A. What the woman saw was actually the headlights of a car.B. The woman needs evidence to prove what she saw was a UFO.C. It's very common to mistake the lights of an airplane for a UFO.D. It's hard to say if the light she saw was a UFO or not.15 A. He doesn't like the woman's idea.B. He would rather listen to some music.C. It's impossible for them to watch a movie at his home.D. It's not good for her to come for it's too late.16 A. The man and the woman are good friends. B. They have almost the same interests.C. They are talking about their jobs in the future.D. The woman has a variety of interests.17 A. Some people pretend to know what they really don't.B. What the woman said is true.C. What the woman said is wrong.D. He knows more than the woman does.18 A. She will save the stamps for the man's sister.B. She will no longer get letters from Canada.C. She can't give the stamps to the man's sister.D. She has given the stamps to the man's roommates.19 A. The man is asking the woman to do him a favor.B. The woman is a poor driver.C. The man wants to meet with the woman again.D. The woman is invited to go out with the man on Friday.20 A. They should put the meeting to an end.B. They should hold another meeting to discuss the matter.C. She should like to discuss another item.D. She wants to discuss the issue again later.21 A. Neither of their watches keeps good time.B. The woman's watch stopped three hours ago.C. The man's watch goes too fast.D. It's too dark for the woman read her watch.22 A. The mother wants to see if her husband could cook well.B. The father has a lot of confidence since he has books to refer to.C. The daughter doesn't seem to care who cooks dinner.D. The father failed because he didn't follow the directions completely.23 A. Whether she will go all depends on the weather.B. She asks the man to guess and bet.C. Surely she will not go .D. Surely she will go24 A. He'll ask Steve when he talks to him. B. He isn't sure if there'll be space for Steve.C. He doesn't know if they can get a room.D. He wants to make sure the weather is clear.25 A. The woman really has a good memory.B. The man is trying to deceive the woman.C. This is the first time they meet each other.D. The woman seems unwilling to answer the man's question.26 A. They will fix a telephone in the bedroom.B. They have to pay for the house by installments.C. They have different opinions as t what to do next.D. The man's idea is better than the woman's.27 A. He is to wait for another two days. B. He's leaving right away.C. He decides to travel by train.D. He doesn't care how much it costs.28 A. Billy and Jacky have changed.B. Jacky wants to talk to Billy.C. Billy and Jacky are planning a trip together.D. Billy and Jacky have many friends.29 A. They are studying hard for their finals.B. The school year seemed to go by very quickly.C. They've been in school a few weeks.D. Even though finals are over, they still have to study for a few weeks.30 A. It is not suitable to wear a sweater in such weather.B. It is wise to dress formally in an interview.C. The woman looks awful wearing this weather.D. The woman should wear another sweater instead of this sweater.。

科技英语课件 ExercisesUnit 1 Exercises(1) Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. As with series resonance, the greater the resistance in thecircuit the lower the Q and, accordingly, the flatter and broader the resonance curve of either line current or circuit impedance.对于串联谐振,电路中的电阻愈大Q值就愈低,相应地线路电流或电路阻抗的谐振曲线也就愈平、愈宽。
2. A wire carrying a current looks exactly the same andweighs exactly the same as it does when it is not carrying a current.一根带电的导线其外表与重量都与不带电导线完全一样。
3. Click mouse on the waveform and drag it to change thepulse repetition rate, or directly enter a new value of the period in the provided dialogue box, while keeping the pulse width unchanged.在波形上点击鼠标并拖动来改变脉冲重复频率,或者在提供的对话框中直接输入新的周期值,而保持脉冲宽度HMILYYLIMH 1不变。
4. Electronics is the science and the technology of thepassage of charged particles in a gas, in a vacuum, or in a semiconductor. Please note that particle motion confined within a metal only is not considered electronics.电子学是一门有关带电粒子在气体、真空或半导体中运动的科学技术。

14.酶的抑制作用可以分为哪两大类 A.竞争性抑制和非竞争性抑制 B.可逆性抑制和不可逆性抑制 C.混合性抑制和反竞争性抑制 D.竞争性抑制和反竞争性抑制 E.可逆性抑制和非竞争性抑制
C.酶分子中半胱氨酸残基上的-SH被碘乙 酰
23.一个符合米氏动力学要求的酶促反应,当 [S]<<Km时 A.反应速度(ν)最大 B.ν不变 C.ν与[S]成正比 D.增加S,ν不受影响 E.增加S使ν降低
24.下列酶抑制反应中,Vmax不变者是 A.竞争性抑制 B.非竞争性抑制 C.反竞争性抑制 D.竞争+反竞争性混合抑制 E.非竞争+反竞争性混合抑制
17.关于竞争性抑制的叙述,不正确的是 A.如果[I]恒定,增大[S],抑制作用减弱 B.如果[S]恒定,增大[I],抑制作用增强 C.[S]远大于[I],抑制作用近于消失 D.竞争性抑制剂与底物结合在酶的相同部位上 E.竞争性抑制作用的动力学特征是Km值减小, Vmax不变
18.磺胺类药物能抑制某些细菌合成二氢叶 酸,是因为它和哪一物质相似 A.二氢蝶呤 B.谷氨酸 C.对氨基苯甲酸 D.四氢叶酸 E.5-氟尿嘧啶
3.酶能使反应速度加快,主要在于 A.降低反应的活化能 B.增加反应的活化能 C.减少了活化分子 D.增加了碰撞频率 E.减少反应中产物与底物分子自由能的差值
4.在酶促反应中,决定反应特异性的是 A.无机离子 B.溶液pH C.酶蛋白 D.辅酶 E.辅助因子

exercise的用法单复数一、exercise的用法1. 单数形式在英语中,exercise是一个可数名词,单数形式为"exercise"。
例如:- Regular exercise is important for maintaining good health.(定期锻炼对于保持身体健康很重要。
)2. 复数形式exercise的复数形式是exercises。
例如:- There are various exercises you can do to stay fit, such as jogging, swimming, and cycling.(有很多种你可以做来保持健康的锻炼方式,比如慢跑、游泳和骑自行车等。
)二、不同上下文中的 exercise 用法1. 动词用法除了作为名词外,exercise还可以作为动词使用,意思是“锻炼身体”或“使行使”。
例如:- She exercises for an hour every day to keep fit.(她每天锻炼一个小时以保持身材健美。
)- The professor asked the students to exercise caution while conducting the experiment.(教授要求学生们在进行实验时小心谨慎。
)2. 专业领域中的用法在某些专业领域中,exercise还具有特殊含义。
2.1 医学领域在医学领域,exercise 可以表示“活动”或“功能性训练”。
例如:- Physical exercise is an important factor in the prevention of heart disease.(体育锻炼是预防心脏病的重要因素。
)2.2 语言学习中在语言学习中,exercise指的是一种练习材料,用于巩固和应用所学的知识。
Exercises1 (1)

Exercise10-1Use Pop-Up Graph VI and Pop-Up Graph VI Objective:To display a subVI front panel when a VI runs.Complete the following steps to build a VI that acquires temperature onceevery0.5s for10s,displays a subVI front panel that shows the acquireddata in a graph,and keeps the front panel open until you click a button.Front Panel1.Open a new VI and build the following front panel.a.Right-click the thermometer and select Visible Items»DigitalDisplay from the shortcut menu to display the digital value.b.Change#of data values to I32representation.Block Diagram2.Build the following block diagram.a.Place a For Loop located on the Functions»Structures palette.The For Loop causes the VI to repeat20measurements.b.Place the Thermometer VI,which you built in Exercise3-2.This VIacquires the current temperature value.c.Place the Wait Until Next ms Multiple function located on theFunctions»Time&Dialog palette.This function causes the ForLoop to execute every500ms.d.Place the Multiply function located on the Functions»Numericpalette.This function multiplies each element of the output array by0.5to scale the x values to represent the time interval at whichthe VI takes the measurements.e.Place the Pop-Up Graph VI,which is already built.This VI plots thetemperature data on an XY graph.3.Save the VI as Use Pop-Up Graph.vi.4.Configure the subVI to display its front panel when called.a.Double-click the Pop-Up Graph subVI to open its front panel.b.Select File»VI Properties.c.Select Window Appearance from the Category pull-down menu.d.Click the Customize button.Configure the window appearance asshown in the following dialog box.e.Click the OK button twice and save and close the subVI.If the frontpanel is not closed,it will not close after the subVI runs.5.Run the Use Pop-Up Graph VI.After the VI acquires10s of temperature data,the front panel of the Pop-Up Graph VI displays and plots the temperature data.Click the DONE button to return to the calling VI.6.Change the window appearance settings for the Pop-Up Graph subVI tothe Dialog window style.7.Save and close the subVI.8.Run the Use Pop-Up Graph VI again.The Pop-Up Graph subVI frontpanel window functions as a dialog box.For example,the window stays on top of all other windows and uses the system color.9.Close all open VIs.End of Exercise10-1Exercise10-2Temperature System VIObjective:To set keyboard shortcuts for front panel controls and display a subVI front panel when a VI runs.Complete the following steps to build a temperature monitoring system youcan use to view three different tests on request.Front Panel1.Open the Temperature System VI.The following front panel is alreadybuilt.The front panel contains four Boolean buttons.The mechanical actionof the first three buttons is Latch When Pressed and the STOP buttonis Latch When Released.2.Right-click a control and select Advanced»Key Navigation from theshortcut menu to display the Key Navigation dialog box.3.In the Key Assignment section,assign the shortcut key shown in theprevious front panel.4.Repeat steps2and3for each control.Block Diagram5.Build the following block diagram,leaving all the FALSE cases empty.a.Place a While Loop and three Case structures located on theFunctions»Structures palette.b.Place the Display Temp VI located on the Functions»UserLibraries»Basics I Course palette.This VI simulates a temperaturemeasurement every500ms and plots it on a strip chart.c.Place the Display and Log Temp VI located on the Functions»UserLibraries»Basics I Course palette.This VI simulates a temperaturemeasurement every500ms,plots it on a strip chart,and logs it to afile.d.Place the Display Logged Temp VI located on the Functions»UserLibraries»Basics I Course palette.This VI opens a file that youselect,reads the logged data,and displays them on a graph.e.Place the Wait Until Next ms Multiple function located on theFunctions»Time&Dialog palette.This function causes the WhileLoop to execute every100ms.6.Double-click each subVI icon to open its front panel,examine the blockdiagram,and close the subVI.7.Configure each subVI to display its front panel when called.a.Right-click the subVI and select SubVI Node Setup from theshortcut menu.b.Place a checkmark in the Show Front Panel when called and Closeafterwards if originally closed checkboxes.c.Repeat steps a and b for the remaining two subVIs.8.Save the VI.9.Display the front panel and run the VI.10.Click each button and press the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.Note The three subVIs return to the Temperature System VI front panel when you press the<Enter>key.Try pressing the<Enter>key to do so.11.Stop the VI.12.Configure the Temperature System VI to run automatically when youopen the VI.a.Select File»VI Properties.b.Select Execution from the Category pull-down menu.c.Place a checkmark in the Run When Opened checkbox.13.Configure the VI so the menu bar and toolbar are not visible whilethe VI runs.a.Select Window Appearance from the Category pull-down menu.b.Click the Customize button.c.Remove the checkmarks from the Show Menu Bar and ShowToolbar When Running checkboxes.d.Click the OK button twice.14.Save and close all VIs.15.Open the Temperature System VI again.The VI runs automaticallywhen you open it.16.Click the buttons on the front panel or use the keyboard shortcuts.17.Stop and close all VIs.End of Exercise10-2Exercise10-3Edit Me VI(Optional)Objective:To edit a VI with properties that make it difficult to edit.Complete the following steps to modify a VI that is configured to run whenopened and quit LabVIEW after it runs.Front Panel1.Close any open VIs and open the Edit Me VI.The following front panelis already built.The VI is already running when it opens.While the VI runs,you cannotuse the menu bar,toolbar,or keyboard shortcuts to edit or abort the VI.2.Click the Start button.After10seconds,the VI stops running and quitsLabVIEW.3.Relaunch LabVIEW and open a new VI.4.If the VI you want to edit either does not have subVIs or you do notknow what it contains,complete the steps5through13.However,if the VI you want to edit has subVIs,open one of the subVIsand modify the block diagram to break the subVI.For example,place anAdd function on the block diagram and do not wire the inputs.Open theVI you want to edit.Because its subVI is nonexecutable,the VI that callsit is also nonexecutable.It opens in edit mode and the Run buttonappears broken.Make sure to fix the subVI after you edit the calling VI.5.Display the block diagram of the new VI.6.Place the Edit Me VI,which is already built,on the block diagram.The front panel for the Edit Me VI displays.Although you can display the block diagram of the Edit Me VI,youcannot edit it.7.Select Operate»Change to Edit Mode.A dialog box informs you thatthe VI is locked.8.Click the Unlock button.Y ou now can edit the VI.Y ou also can unlocka VI by selecting File»VI Properties and selecting Security from theCategory pull-down menu.9.Select and delete the Quit LabVIEW function from the block diagram.10.Save and close the Edit Me VI.Close the new VI and do not savechanges.11.Open the Edit Me VI again.12.After the VI runs,try to edit it.13.Close the Edit Me VI.End of Exercise10-3Exercise10-4Palette Views(Optional)Objective:To create a new palette view and edit the Functions palette.Complete the following steps to create a new palette view and edit theFunctions palette to include the VIs in exercises\LV Basics I.1.Open a new VI.2.Display either the Controls or Functions palette and click the Optionsbutton in the palette toolbar.3.Click the Edit Palettes button to display the Edit Controls andFunctions Palettes dialog box.4.Select new setup from the Palette Set pull-down menu.5.Type LabVIEW C ourse in the dialog box that appears and click the OKbutton.6.Right-click the Functions palette and select Insert»Submenu from theshortcut menu to display the Insert Submenu dialog box.7.Select Link to a directory and click the OK button.A dialog boxdisplays the contents of the LabVIEW Course view directory.8.Select the directory to associate with the submenu or subpalette,exercises\LV Basics bVIEW creates a subpalette for thecontents of LV Basics I directory and uses a default icon.9.Click the new LV Basics I subpalette.10.Delete blank icons and rearrange icons by right-clicking the icons andselecting options from the shortcut menu.Y ou also can press the<Shift>key while you drag objects to rearrange them.11.Click the Save Changes button in the Edit Controls and FunctionsPalettes dialog box.12.Display the block diagram and select the Functions»LV Basics Ipalette.13.Click the Options button again and change among the palette views byselecting them from the Palette Set pull-down menu.14.Change back to the default view.End of Exercise10-4。

I’m going to retire. I feel very tired. I don’t want to make another film for a long time.
retire : not work any more
这位老人六十岁才从部队退休。 这位老人六十岁才从部队退休。
The old man retired at 60.
sensation n.五官的感觉,感受 五官的感觉, 五官的感觉 a sensation of happiness 我的两只腿已完全失去直觉了。 我的两只腿已完全失去直觉了。 I have lost all sensation in my legs.
Karen Marsh arrived at London Airport today. She was wearing a blue dress and a mink coat.
A make B make up C my D take 3.—Is the ticket to the city expensive?—I’m not sure.It _______be expensive. D A not B not may C may’t D may not
B 4.They worked hard but _______ they failed.
arrive : reach; get to at + small place ; in + big place 韩庚两天前就已经到达扬州机场了。 韩庚两天前就已经到达扬州机场了。 Hangeng arrived at Yangzhou Airport two days ago. 那个著名的女演员昨天到达了中国。 那个著名的女演员昨天到达了中国。 The famous actress arrived in China yesterday. wear = be in 我旁边的这位男孩穿着一件蓝色的大衣。 我旁边的这位男孩穿着一件蓝色的大衣。 The boy beside me is in a blue coat. 戴帽子的那位经理当时可能在店里的。 戴帽子的那位经理当时可能在店里的。 The manager in a hat may have been in the shop.

31. They often watch TV _______ Sunday evening.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
32. Do you enjoy _______ the story books?
11.My birthday is _______ November 25th.
A .in B. at C. on D. of
12.She can speak _______ English and French.
A. a little B.many C. a few D. much
13.I like _______ to the movie _______ my friends.
A. in; in B. on; at C. at; in D. in; on
4.______ has Mr.Brown been inDalian?
----Since two years ago.
A. How much B. How long C. How often D. How soon
5. ----Happy New Year!
26. ---- ________
---- It looks nice. Can I try it on?
A. What can I do for you?
B. What would you like?
C. What about this jacket?
D. Let's buy this jacket.
42.She ___ back home once a year with her parents.
Unit 1翻译Exercises

Suggested answer:
• 英国人把排队叫做“queue up”,美国人 把排队叫做“wait in line”,只有纽约人 不同,他们把排队叫做“wait on line”。 • 似乎没有人知道纽约人为什么要这样说, 这倒是我们在排队时可以好好考虑的问题。
• 排队是城市生活中一个严峻的现实。 • 尽管对于什么是城市中最难排的队似乎还没有一 个一致的意见,但是人们经常提到的是午饭时间 在银行和邮局排起的长队。 • 年轻人则经常提到买电影票以及入学注册时需要 排队。 • 不论排什么队,最基本的原则都是先来后到,亦 即社会学家所说的“公平分配”原则。 • 例外情况也有可能发生,如在高档饭店里,领班 就会优先照顾他们偏爱的某些顾客。 • 但一般来说这条规排好。
• 但实际上每个人对此的关注程度,会随着自己在
队伍中位置的不同而有所不同。 • 一般来说,最强烈的抗议往往来自于那些直接受 害者,也就是正好排在插队者后面的那些人。 • 而排在队伍更后面的人就抱怨的相对少些,或者 根本不抱怨,尽管前面插了一个人,他们的利益 也同样遭受到损失。
• • • • • • • 最高限价被取消了。 做这件事与其说是为了钱,倒不如说是为了荣誉。 我最多只能付200美元。 大脑越用越灵。 他是最不应该受到谴责的人。 他华丽宏伟的风格使得该书成为一本杰作。 每个人都对他所属的社会负有责任,并通过社会对人类负 责任。 • 任何事情,只要他一出现就意味着能够成功。 • 尽管这场经济衰退波及全球的每个角落,但各地受到的影 响不一样。 • 农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得大多数农 民处于贫穷的困境。