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Workshop of Verb-ed Form
Read the summary of How to Train Your Dragon 2, and pick out all the structures with verb-ed form.
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
前 ;过去分 • 单个过去分词做定语,放在名词______ 后 词短语做定语,放在名词_______ 。 • 过去分词做定语时,它和被修饰的词逻辑上是 被动 关系,相当于一个_______ 被动 语态的定语 _________ 从句。
Workshop of Verb-ed Form the attributive • Hiccup goes on adventures with his dragon named Toothless, as they discover and map unexplored lands. Hiccup goes on adventures with his which is named Toothless dragon________________________, as they discover and which are unexplored/ map lands___________________________. which are not explored • On his journey, captured by a puzzling woman, Valka, revealed to be his mother, Hiccup gets a lot of knowledge about dragons. …, captured by a puzzling woman, Valka, ________________his mother, Hiccup gets … who is revealed to be • Toothless finds out some abilities unknown to himself. Toothless finds out some abilities which are unknown to himself. ___________________________________.
the predictive
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
• Finish the exercise B on Page 51 • Keys: 1. tired 2. burnt 3. bored 4. disappointing 5. pleased 6. challenging 7. relaxed
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
定 语
(2)his dragon named Toothless (3)map unexplored lands (10)a woman revealed to be his mother (12)some abilities unknown to himself
(15)…am inspired
表 语
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
补 语
(5)…had his arm and family taken away by the dragon (7)…keep himself and the island cut off from the outside world
表 语
状 语
the attributive
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
• his dragon named Toothless • map unexplored lands • a woman, revealed to be his mother • some abilities unknown to himself
the attributive
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
Finish the exercise B on Page 49
• The problems created by cloning will soon become clear. • We don’t want beasts produced by scientists to replace us one day. • The technology used is amazing. • The only thing needed is a cell from your old pet.
• 使役动词:have, make, get, leave, keep • With his father killed by Toothless, Hiccup doesn’t want to see him again. • with的独立主格结构
the object complement
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
3. The manager was satisfied to see many new products ______ after great effort. (2014年四 川卷) A. having developed B. to develop C. developed D. develop
2. There was so much noise in the room that the speaker couldn't make himself ________. A. being heard B. hearing C. heard D. hear
the object complement
定 语
表 语
补 语
状 语
the object complement
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
• had his arm and family taken away • keep himself and the island cut off from the outside world • 宾补是指补充说明宾语的情况或状态,若 充当宾补的动词与宾语间的关系为 被动 过去分词 的 ___________, 则该动词要以__________ 形式出现。
the object complement
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
• Hiccup’s father is seen hit by Toothless. see, look at, watch, observe, notice, • 感官动词: hear, listen to • Drago has all the innocent dragons misled by the biggest one called Alpha.
• (2)…his dragon named Toothless • (3)…map unexplored lands • (4)faced with a new enemy • (5)…had his arm and family taken away by the dragon discuss with your classmates to find out what is the • (7)…keep himself and the island cut off from the function of verbed form in each sentence outside world (the attributive定语, the object complement补语, • (9)…the captured by a puzzling woman predicative 表语, the adverbial状语) • (10)a woman revealed to be his mother • (11)…pressed by Valka • (12)…some abilities unknown to himself • (15)…am inspired
the attributive
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
The film was made in America, a developed country. It is well received in China, a developing country.
正在进行 或 • 现在分词作定语,表示动作__________ 主动 __________ 已完成 或_________ 被动 • 过去分词做定语,表示动作_______ 未来的 的动作。 • 不定式做定语,表示_________
(4)faced with a new enemy (9)captured by a puzzling woman (11)pressed by Valka
状 语
定 语
补 语
Task today: 1. What is verb-ed form? 2. What part does verb-ed form play in a sentence? 3. How can we use verb-ed form properly?
Furen High School Li Ji
Verb-ed form
不定式 (to infinitive) 动名词 (verb-ing as a noun) 现在分词 (verb-ing as an adj. or adv.) 过去分词 (verb-ed form)
非谓语动词 (non-predicate verbs)
the attributive
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
to be broadcast • The film ___________________(broadcast) next month will set off a wave of watching. being broadcast • The film _________________(broadcast)now has set off a wave of watching. broadcast • The film __________________(broadcast)last week set off a wave of watching.
1. The murderer was brought in, with his
hands ___________ behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied
the object complement
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
定 语
表 语
补 语
状 语
the predictive
Workshop of Verb-ed Form
• am inspired • 如同现在分词做表语一样,很多过去分词已经完 全具备形容词的特征。 • The film is inspiring and I am inspired. frightening(frighten)news that • Hearing the _________ someone intends to start a battle, Hiccup was__________(surprise). surprised • Deeply _______(move)by the dragons helping her, moved Hiccup’s mother was __________(determine) to determined help them.