An swersFundamentals Level - Skills Module, Paper F5 Performance ManagementSection A1 ADivision A: Profit = $14 • 4m x 30% = $4 • 32mImputed interest charge = $32 • 6m x 10% = $3 • 26mResidual income = $1 • 06mDivision B: Profit = 8 • 8m x 24% = $2 • 112mImputed interest charge = $22 • 2m x 10% = $2 • 22mResidual income = $(0 T08)m2 DAll costs are included when using life cycle costing.3AThis is the definition of a basicstandard.4BThe first statement is describing management control, not strategic planning.5CNumber of units required to make target profit = fixed costs + target profit/contribution per unit of P1.Fixed costs = ($1 • 2 x 10,000) + ($1 x 12,500) - $2,500 = $22,000.Conrw+n$80r0<o4p=$3。
=佗徑瓢能1•20=$4• 4°Product A B C D Selling price per unit $160 $214 $100 $140Raw material cost $24 $56 $22 $40 Direct labour cost at $11 per $66 $88 $33 $22hour $24 $18 $24 $18 Variable overhead cost $46 $52 $21 $60—6 —8 —3—2unit $7 • 67 $6 • 50 $7 $30Contribution per labour2 4 31N o urmal monthly hours (total units x hours per 1,800 1,000 720 800strike goes ahead, only 2,160 labour hours will be available.Therefore make all of D, then 1,360 hours ' worth of A (2,160 - 800hrs).7 B460 - 400 = 60 clients$40,000 - $36,880 = $3,120VC per unit = $3,120/60 = $52Therefore FC = $40,000 - (460 x $52) = $16,0808BIncrease in variable costs from buying in (2,200 units x $40 ($140 - $100)) = $88,000Less the specific fixed costs saved if A is shut down = ($10,000)Decrease in profit = $78,0008 AOnly the first statement is correct. Traditional absorption costing tends to over-allocate costs to high vo products, not under-allocate them.9 BBy definition, a shadow price is the amount by which contribution will increase if an extra kg of material becomes available. 20 x$2 - 80 = $56.December 2014 Answers11CNeither statement is correct. Responsibility is not assigned solely to senior managers as, for example, in a TQM enviro qualityis everybody ' s responsibility. In addition, standard co sting can be difficult to apply in dynamic situations.10 AThe second statement is talking about flow cost accounting, not input/output analysis.13DTarget 1 is a financial target and so assesses economy factors. Target 2 is measuring the rate of work handled by staff which is anefficiency measure. Target 3 is assessing output, so is a measure of effectiveness.11 BIn comparison to participative budgeting, an advantage of non-participative budgeting is that it should be less time consuming, as less collaboration will be required in order to produce the budgets.15CThe target costing process always begins with the target selling price being set. The required profit is then determine deductedfrom the target selling price to estimate the target cost. The target cost is then compared to the estimated current co and the cost gap is then calculated.12 AThis is a description of an incremental budget.17ANew profit figures before salaryGaidd manager: $180,000 x 1 • 3 = $234,000Average manager: $180,000 x 1 • 2 = $216,000Poor: $180,000 x 1 • 1 = $198,000EV of profits = (0 • 35 x $234,000) + (0 • 45 x $216,000) + (0 • 2 x $198,000) = $81,900 + $97,200 + $39,600 = $218,700Deduct salary cost and EV with manager = $178,700Therefore do not employ manager as profits will fall by $1,300.13 BSet-up costs per production run = $140,000/28 = $5,000Cost per inspection = $80,000/8 = $10,000Other overhead costs per labour hour = $96,000/48,000 = $2Overheads costs of product D:$Set-up costs (15 x $5,000) 75,000Inspection costs (3 x $10,000) 30,000Other overheads (40,000 x $2) 80,000-85,000 _-Overhead cost per unit = 185,000/4,000 = $46 • 2519AThis is an example of feedforward control as the manager is using a forecast to assist in making a future decision.20AIf demand is inelastic or the product life cycle is short, a price skimming approach would be more appropriate.Section B= n ■ JJ ■■ ■ ■.a1 Chair Co(a) Learning curve formula = y = axCumulative average time per unit for 8 units: Y = 12 x 8-• 415Tffere016e8(§u48idrlotivE total time for 8 units = 40 Cumulative average time per unit for 7 units: Y = 12 x 7-• 415There3re37umuiotive total time for 7 units = Therefore incremental time for 8th unit = 40-50315837 • 45964 -503158 hoursTotal labour cost for 8th unit =3• 043518 x $15 = $45• 65277Material and overheads cost per unit = $230 Therefore total cost per unit = Therefore price per unit = $413$275 • 65277 -4791537 • 45964 hours = 3• 043518 hours.(b) (i)(ii )Glam CoActual learningC^nulative number of seats produced 1 2 4 8Cumulative totalhours 12 • 534 • 3 Cumulative average hours per unit 12 • 12 • 12 •12 • 5 5 x r5 x r 2 5 x r 3Using algebra: 34 • 3 = 8 x (12• 5 xr 3)4 • 2875 = (12 • 5 x r 3) 0= 343 =D 3The learning effect was 70% as compared to the forecast rate of 75%, meaning that the labour force learnt more quickly than anticipated.Adjusted priceThe adjusted price charged will be lower than the original price calculated in part (a). This is because the incremental cost of the 8th unit will be lower given the 70% learning rate, even though the first unit took 12 know this because we are told that the cumulative time for 8 unit estimated cumulative time in part (a) for 8 units of 40 for the 8th unit must be lower than the estimated 3 lower-5 he urs. Ws was actually 34• 3 hours. This is lower than-503158 hours and therefore, logically, the actual incremental-043518 hours calculated i n part (a). Consequently, total cost w(a) Bottl^nd^rice will be lower, given that this is based on cost.Thvbottleneck may have been worked out as follows:Total salon hours = 8 x 6 x 50 = 2,400 each year. The capacity for each senior stylist must be 2,400 hours, which equates to 2,400 cuts each year (2,400/1). Since there are three senior stylists, the total capacity is 7,200 hours or 7,2 cuts each T etme tAearsUstng this method, the 48C0city for each血嘯審需也Senior 7,200 4,800 stylists9,6009,600Th^jbottleneck activity甲throughput from being higher than it is. The total number of cuts or treatments which can be completed by the salon stylists is less than the number which can be completed by other staff members, considering the number of each type of staff availa and the time required by each type of staff for each client.ows:is clearly the work performed by the senior stylists senior stylists ' time is called a bottleneck activity because it is the activity which prevents the salon s ser ior(b) TPARSelling priceMaterialsThroughputThroughput per bottleneck hour Total salon costs per BN hour (w1) TPARCut$600 • 6059 • 4059 • 4042 • 56「4Treatment$1108 (7 • 40+0 • 6)1026842 • 561 • 6Working 1: Total salon costs(3 x $40,000) + (2 x $28,000) + (2 x $12,000) + $106,400 = $306,400Therefore cost for each bottleneck hour = $306,400/7,200 = $42 • 56Note: Answers based on total salary costs were $80,000 were also equally acceptable since the wording of quest was open to interpretation.3 Hi Life CoDirect materials:FabricWoodDirect labour:SkilledSemi-skilledFactory overheads Administration overheadsTotal costNote $ 200 m2 at $17 • 50 per m 2 1 3,500 20 m at $8 • 20 per m 2164 30 m at $8 • 50 per m 2 25550 hours at $24 per hour 3 1,200 300 hours at $14 per hour 4 4,200 20 hours at $15 per hour 5 30069,6191 23 4 5 6 Since the material is in regular use by HL Co, it is replacement cost which is the relevant cost for th—-38r m a vill have to be ordered from the alternative supplier for immediate delivery but the remaining 20 m can be frominventory and replaced by an「order from the usual suppl ier at a . cost pf $8 . . • 20 per m.There is'no cost forine first 150 hours of rabourbecause there is spare capacity/The remaining *50 "hours will be at timeHL1 C^wkl Choose $o ^jse1 the agency ^6 rkers p whcfvvill cost $14 per hour, since this is cheaper than paexistingsemi- skilled workers at $18 per hour ($12 x 1 , , • 5) to work overtime.,None of the general factory costs are incremental, so they nave all been excluded. However, the s upervis pay isincremental, so has been included. The supervisor ' s normal salary, on the other hand, has been excluded becausThefe are gtnem ment壷eneral overheads and are not incremental, so no value should be included for4 Jamair(a) The four perspectivesFinancial perspective - this perspective is concerned with how a company looks to its shareholders. How can it c valuefor them? Kaplan and Norton identified three core financial themes which will drive the business strategy: revperspective - this considers how the organisation appears to customers. The organisation should as os\oeduction and asset utilisation.and杆ix, cachieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers? ' The customer perspective should identify the cusand聘隔l s pemp卿vin which-h諭液傩糊刊鄙龍俪強ask弔撕吨link between whetcuusme' excrspecoachieve our finan and customerrevenue objectives in the.financial perspective. If. customer objectives are achieved^. revenue objectives should b objectives? It must identify Theinfernal business processes which are critical* toihe implementation of tthis requires the organisation to ask itself whether it can continue to improprocess, the operations process and the post-sales process.value. The organisation must continue to invest in its infrastructure - i.e. people, systems and organisationalprocedures - inorder to improve the capabilities which will help the other three perspectives to be achieved.or ' s ove(b) Goals and measuresFinancial perspective GoalPerformance measure To use fewer planes to transportLease costs of plane perExpomaron -operating efficiency will be driven by gettin^moFS^ustomers on fewer planes. This goal and measur cover the Gotlside of this.To increase seat revenue per Explanationin, it is critical that it can deal with the growing number of customers. Learning perspective GoalTo reduce the employee absentee rate Explanation- it is critical to Jamair that its workforce is reliable as, at worse, absent staff lead toGonjelled flights.To increase ground crew training on cleaning andEx ueana goni'oce au腐round crew are better trained, they can reduce the number of minutes that the plane stays on ground,which will result in fewer planes being required and therefore lower costs. Also, if their cleaning is better, cus satisfaction Note :Only and relfenfic specificto Jamair asstated in the requirements.Performance measureRevenue per available passenger mileExplanation- this covers the first part of achieving operating efficiencyon planes.丄.Customer perspective GoalPerformance measureTo ensure that flights are on'On time arrival ' ranking from the aviationExplanation -Jamair is currently number 7 in the rankin autflP rityecomes known as a particularly reliable airl customers are more likely to use it, which will ultimately increase revenue^ Goal Performance measure To reduce the number of flightsThe number of flights郎anatdon-again, if flights are seen to be cancelled frequent^by Jamair, customers will not want to use it needs to be 辟薛罟門 as reliable by its customers.GoapectiveTo improve turnaround time on the ground-by having fewer empty seatsPerformance measure'On the ground 'Explanation - less time spent on the ground means few/rT^nes are needed, which will reduce plane leasing costs.However,it is important not to compromise the quality of cleaning or make errors in refuelling as a consequence of Ggapng on the TcFimprovc^the cleanliness of Jamair planesPerformance measureThe percentage of customers happy with the standard of the planes, as reported in the, customer satisfaction surveys,.,.Explanation- at present, only 85% of customers are happy with tne standard of cleanliness on Jamaircould 陽$戸口$吨 loss of revenue.To develop the online booking systemPerformance measure Percentage downtime.s planes.since the company relies entirely on the booking system for customer booking of flights and cPerformance measureThe number of days absent per employeePerformance measure Number of days' training per ground crew member瀏wgoac 靓measure were required for each perspective,In order to gain fu"marks,answers had to beSafe Soap Co (a) VariancecaicuMiona rianceTotal kg ofmaterials per standard batch = 0 • 25 + 0 • 6 + 0 • 5 = 1 •35 kgTherefore standard quantity to produce 136,000 batches = 136,000 x 1 •35 kg 183,600 kg Actual total kg of materials used to produce 136,000 batches =34,080 + 83,232 + 64,200 = 181,512 kgMaterialActual quantityActual quantityVarianceStandard costVarianceStandard mixActual mixper kgkgskgskgs$ $Lye181,512 x 0• 25/1 • 35 = 33,613 • 3334,080 (466 • 67)10 (4,666 •70)Coconut oil 181,512 x 0 • 6/1 • 35 =80,67283,232 (2,560) 4 (10,240) Shea butter181,512 x 0 • 5/1 • 35 = 67,226 • 6764,2003,026• 6739,080• 01—18-512 181,512(5,826• 69)AYield variance —---———MaterialStandard quantityActual quantityVarianceStandard costVarianceStandard mixStandard mixper kgkgskgs $ $Lye• 25 x 136,000 = 34,000 33,613 • 33 386 • 6710 3,866 • 70Coconut oil 0 • 6 x 136,000 = 81,600 80,672 9284 3,712Shea butter0 • 5 x 136,000 =68,000 67,226• 67 773• 3332,319• 99————181月129898 • 69F183,600A materials mix variance will occur when the actual mix of materials used in production is different from t standard mix. So, it is inputs which arebeing considered. Since the total mix variance is adverse for the Safe Soap CoAmmeaasyield variance arises because the output which was achieved is different from the output which wo JhVghe actual mix used in September and October was more expensive than the standard mix.been expected from the inputs. So, whereas the mix variance focuses on inputs, the yield variance focuses on outputs.Inboth September and October,, the yield variance was favourable, meaning that, the inputsoroduced a higher (ii) Whilst the "mix and yield" variances provide Safe Soap Co wrtn a certain level of inTormation, They d'o not 3level ofiloutput than one , would have expected..explain any quality issues which arise because of the change in mix. The consequences of the change may wel have an impact on sales volumes. In Safe Soap Co ' s case, the sales volume variance is adverse, meaning that sales volumesialso <8obeh'^r reas4 bcustome r^DQiTi^plamtsof the change , in mix to be slightly delayed, in this, case by one month, given that it is only once the been received^the sales manager s views should be taken on board.customers start receiving the slightly altered soap that they may start expressing their dissatisfaction with the product.(b) (i) Tavflay oavsa leswhicFundamentals Level - Skills Module, Paper F51 I ■ 1. >«U IM kBM. 1 ■ ■丄J IDecember 2014 Marking Scheme Performance ManagementSection A Marks2 marks per question 40Section B1 (a) PriceCumulative average time per unit for 8 1units 0 • 5Total time for 8 units 1Cumulative average time per unit for 7 0 • 5units 0 • 5Total time for 7 units 0 • 5Incremental time for 8th unit 0 • 5Cocefor 8th unit 0 - 5Total cost5(b) (i) Learning rateCalculating learning rate 2・5Saying whether better or 0 • 5worse 3(ii) Effect on price 2 Total marks102 (a) Calculation and justification of 3bottleneck 1Explanation of bottleneck4(b)TPARThroughput 1Throughput per bottleneck hour 1Total salon costs 1Cost per hour 1TPAR 26Total marks103 Fabric 0 • 5calculation 0 • 5Fabric reason 1Wood csOsolati on 1Skilled labour 1calculation 1S emes klbeouiarsouiocalculation 0 • 5Semi-skilled labour reason 1Factory overheads calculation 0 • 5Factory overheads reason 1・5Administration overheads reason 1Total relevant cost (lowest cost 0 • 5estimate), Total marks10回(a)Perspectives Explanation for each perspective Marks1・5 6(b)Goals and measuresEach goal/measure/explanation 2 Presentation and structure 19Total marks 155 (a)Variance calculations 4 Mix variance 4Quantity variance8(b)(i) VariancesMarks per variance explained 24(ii) DiscussionPer valid point 13 Total marks 15。
2014 National English Contest forCollege Students(Level C – Preliminary)(总分:150分时间:120分钟)Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.1.why does Carl meet the woman?A.he is going to interview her on media matters.B.They are going to start a new company together.C.He will help her cope with an interview.D.He wants to recommend a new product to her.2.what is the man worrying about most?A.he can’t afford what the woman may recommend to him.B.The designer may charge him more than he should pay.C.There is no appropriate design for him in the Armani shopD.The woman may spend too much on new clothes.3.what is the woman suggesting by accepting that they can’t cut the mustard?A.she does’t have a knife so they can’t have mustard.B.She does’t know how to cook mustard without a recipe.C.They have to face the imperfect reality at the moment,D.The man needs to calm down or he may get hurt by a knife.4.Why did the man take up golf ?A. He enjoyed the sport when he was a child.B. He thought golf was useful in his career.C. It could help improve his health.D. It was part of his New York project.5.When did the man quit smoking this time?A.Less than two weeks ago.B.About two months ago.C.Some four years ago.D.More than ten years ago.Section B (10 marks)In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read thequestions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Conversation one6.Why did Jane phone Matt?A.she asked for a project record in Matt’s company.B,she invited him to participate in a project release in her Company,C.she had some questions about an investment project.D.she wanted to place a new project advertisement through him .7. how did tane get to know Matt’s project?A. She got a copy of the investment proposal.B.she got the information from another company.C. She was informed by one of his colleagues.D. Matt recommended the project to her before.8.when did Matt’s company find problems of the previous deal?A.before they signed the contract.B.shortly after they started the deal.C.when they completed the project.D.soon after they paid the deposit.9.Why did the deal fall through?A.Matt’s company changed its investment policy.B.Matt’s company was slow in delivering the money.C.the client company broke its promise.D.the client company had financial problems.10.what is tane going to do before she makes a decision on the project?A.discuss with her partners.B.submit the proposal to emma.C.call some other investment companies.D.visit Matt’s company in person.Conversation two11.what is Hilary Kingsley.A.A newspaper reporter.B.a TV columnist.C. A soap opera direct .D.a radio commentator.12.How did Hilary define a soap opera?A. It is a continuing story about things that happen among family members and colleagues.B. It is a fiction story that describes the life of people living on a special.C. It is a never-ending story telling about women selling soap powders.D. It is a TV series that concentrates on men coping with difficulties.13.When did soap operas get stated according to the passage?A. Since the 1920s and 1930s.B. Since the 1930s and 1940s.C.since the 1950s and 1960s.D.since 1960s and 1970s.14.why was the programme given the name “soap opera”?A.Because the first soap opera was about a women selling soap businesses.B.Because it was broadcast mainly to promote the sale of soap powders.C.Because it was broadcast mainly to promote the sale of soap factory.D.Because the first soap opera was soap operas differ from other dramas?15.In what way does Hilary think soap operas differ from other dramas?A.They always show how people deal with everyday problems.B.They have changed quite a lot since they got started.C.They have more female characters than male ones.D.They mainly focus on men’s never-ending pursuits in career.Section C (5 marks)In this section, you will hear five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.16.what is the main finding about carbon dioxide in roger’s report?A.carbon dioxide is firstly found in human history.B.Carbon dioxide is an important factor in global warming.C.Carbon dioxide is found reaching a quite high level.D.Measurement of carbon dioxide is symbolic in human history.17.How did the woman survive from the disaster?A.She was in a hospital when the collapse happened.B.She found water and food before she was saved.C.She got help from a colleague who died the later on .D.She was fortunately stronger than the others.18.Why did the government drop leaflets over the town?A.To express the concern over a build-up of troops.B.To warn the rebels the preparing attack on Qusair.C.To make the people aware of the danger and leave.D.To advertise for the government to collect more money.19.How many megawatts will the solar capacity reach in morocco by 2020?A. B. C. D.20.What did the survey by the American institute of CPAs mainly find?A.Student loans are rising because of the huge amounts of borrowers.B.Student loan debtors tend to borrow more money to live happily.C.60 percent of student loan are regretful about the survey.D.Student loans may have a negative influence on the borrowers’life.Section D (10 marks)In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are 10 missing words or phrases. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. The passage will be read twice. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Doctors often patients to take a certain kind of medicine in order to 21._________an illness. For example ,a patient may need medicine because his or her shoulder hurts. The doctor may tell the patient that there is a brand name medicine which will help him or her. This brand name medicine is made by a famous company. However,there may be also a generic type of the name medicine.Generic medicine are 22.________by some people because they are usually less expensive ,yet they have the name ingredients as brand new medicines. If the generic medicine has the same ingredients, this means that the medicine should have 23._______on the person as the brand name medicines.If the ingredients in the generic and brand name medicines are a little different ,then the generic type cannot 24. _______the same as the brand name medicine.Generic medicine are almost aways cheaper than brand name medicines. Why is this? Making any kind of medicine takes a lot of money and a lot of time.This is because a company has to pay doctors and scientists to study and illness.Then,it takes more money and more time for the company to test the medicine to 25.________it is safe and that it works.Once a company is ready to sell its product to people,the company usually sets the price of the medicine very high. The company 26._______a lot of money in order to get back all of the money that it spent making the medicine .Generic medicine makers,on the other hand,copy some kind of medicine that has already been developed and tested .For this reason,they do not have to spend as much money to develop the medicine.Generic medicines are usually not sold27.______Companies that make generic medicines must wait a certain28. ______before they can make the same medicine.But once the generic medicine is on the market,doctors are usually quick to offer it to their patients.This is because the price of medicine is very expensive.Taking a generic medicine can save a patient,or his or her 29._____,a lot of money.Generic medicines are just as good as brand name medicine.Therefore,doctors 30._____having their patients take these medicines.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks)There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letteron the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.Section A Vocabulary and Grammar(10marks)31.They finally____a conclusion that the company’s failure has been attributed to_____bad management.A.get;fullB.draw;sheerC.reach;wholeD.make;total32.----Most young people want to_____more about environment problems.--------Yes.but everyone knows about pollution problem,not many people have_____any solutions.A.look up;looked intoB.find out;come up withC.deal with;got round toD.make out;thought over33.I knew ______at the party ,but Monica knew_____people,nearly everybody in fact.A.hardly anybody;plenty ofB.rarely somebody;fewC.barely everybody;a fewD.scarcely nobody;many34.She hastened to______me that the report contained no critical comments on my department performance.A.ensureB.insureC.assureD.make sure35.______for his broken leg in the earlier part of the season,he_____in the England team to play Poland last may.A.Except ; would have playedB.But; might have beenC.Only; could not playD.If it’s not ;was able to be36._______before we depart next Thursday, we should have a wonderful together,A.had they arrivedB.Would they arriveC.Were they arrivingD.Were they to arrive37.please remember that Jeanie hasn’t been well recently,so please_____for her if she seems a bit slow,A.Make allowances forB.Make an observation aboutC.Provide the opportunity forD.Have your own way.38.Great as Einstein was ,many of his ideas ____today and are being modified by the seems a bit slow .A.Are to be challengedB.May be challengedC.Have been challengedD.Are challenged39.-----oh. I can speak only a few words of french ,i’m no good at languages! --------Come on !______we know you can speak five languages!A.are you pulling my leg?B. Keep your chip up!C.Stop fishing for compliment!D.A leopard can’t change its sports!40.------- Frances, do you think you could fix up a staff meeting for me ?-------yes,I’ll do that. _____--------well.let’s arranged it for Friday morning and see whether everyone else is free then.A.what’re you going to talk aboutB. Do you think they all will come?C.At what time do you stop working?D.When were you thinking of?Section B Cultures(5 marks)41. In his famous speech, the Gettysburg Address,_____extolled virtues for the listeners(and the nation) to ensure the survival of America's representative democracy, that "government of the people, by the people. for the people, shall not perish from the earth."A. B. C. D.42. The Wars of the _____ were a series of dynastic wars fought between supporters of tworival branches of the royal House of Plantagenet: the houses of Lancaster and York for the throne of England. They were fought in several sporadic episodes between 1455 and 1485, although there was related fighting both before and after this period.A. LiliesB. RosesC. TulipsD. Mayflower43.Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories.He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608,including Hamlet ,king lear,_____,and Macbeth ,considered some of the finest works in the English language .A.merchant of VeniceB.A midsummer night's dreamC.OthelloD.The taming of the shrew44._____is awarded the 2013 Nobel prize in literature for her work as "master of the modern short story ".and the 2009 man Booker international prize for her lifetime body of work .A.Alice MunroB.Helen KellerC.J.K.RowlingD.Anne Frank45._____is a collegiate research university located in England ,united kingdom .although its exactdate of foundation is unclear ,there is evidence of teaching as far back as 1096,making it the oldest university in the English-speaking world ,and the second -oldest surviving university in the world ,after the university of Bologna .A.the university of CambridgeB.the university of OxfordC.the university of walesD.the university of EdinburghPart III Cloze (10 marks)Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letters of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Birds are warm blooded animals.though their feathers help to keep them warm ,some birds such as ducks,46.( )(goose),and swans still can't endure harsh winter temperatures .for these reasons ,birdseed from cold climates fly to warmer climates 47.()the winter .this seasonal movement of birdseed is called migration .birds migrate to warmer places ,often hundreds of milestone away ,where they can have the best chance of 48.sur( ).Birds migrate naturally .certain clues form the environment cause hormone changes in the bird's body .as the days get 49.( )(short),for example ,these hormones tell the bird's body to store fat .this is because migrating Takes an 50.en( )energy .birds don't have a lot of time to eat while migrating ,so they rely on stores of fat .when bird migrate ,they fly as a group .to minimize the energy needed to fly long distances ,a group of birds51.( )(fly )together in a V-shape .the bird at the front of the "V"uses the most energy because the wind often blows 52.( )him.every so often ,the birds change positions site that each bird has a turn at the front ,and everyone gets a rest .53.Nav( )is also an important part of the journey .birds find where they are going birds using visual clues ,such as Rivers coastlines,and mountain ranges.In addition ,they use the sun and the star for guidance .54.( )(amaze),they also use the earth's invisible magnetic force for direction.this gives them a natural sense of north and south ,like a kind of internal compass . Many studies indicate that migratory birds fly along the same course every year .researchers decide to test this using "bird banding ".they first capture a migratory bird and attach a tag to its foot .this tag has an ID number on it ,55.( )is stored in a database .they then set the bird free and track its movement .bird banding has shown that many birds follow the same route year after year .Part IV Reading Comprehension (40 marks)Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Respond to the questions using information from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.Section A (5 marks)Questions 56—60 are based on the following passage.WHERE TO GO WHAT TO GOFridayClint blackOne of the hot new artists on the country music scene ,clint black ,will perform with one of country music's legends merle haggard and up-and-comer Lorrie Morgan at red Rocks amphitheater .for ticket information ,call Ticketmaster at 290-8497.Time:7:30 p.m. tickets:$19.542nd street‘42nd street' will be presented through Sunday at the Denver auditorium theatre .the comedy includes songs by Irving Berlin ,Jerome Kern ,ColePorter .call 893-4100 for tickets or for more information .Time :8 p.m.tonight and Saturday ;7 p.m.Sunday .tickets :$25-$38Bluegrass artistsHome on the Grande concert series presents top bluegrass artists including the bluegrass patriots and Peter and Joan Wernick performing at Grange hall in Niwot .for more information call 444-4537Time:8:30tonight and Saturday . tickets :$6SaturdayRiff performanceRiff will perform with ll cool j at Arnold hall theater at the u.s air force academy .call 1-719-472 for ticket information .Time:8p.m. ticket :$18,$15,$10Train ridesThe Georgetown loop historic mining and railroad park is open on weekends through may .passengers may board in either Georgetown or silver plume .the train will running daily beginning memorial day and continuing through labor day call 670-1686.Time :9:20a.m.-3:55p.m. tickets:$5-$12.5SundayMorning concertThe Azusa Pacific University Choir and Orchestra will perform at the Denver first church of the Nazarene ,3800 E.Hampden ave.the 150-member choir will perform a variety of classical and popular songs .A free continental breakfast will be offered before the concert .call 761-8370.When :8:45a.m.breakfast ,9:45a.m.concert . Tickets:free-will offering .Help for kidsColorado Kpids Care And Funplex are teaming up to help homeless children by accepting donations of baby items including clothing ,formula and diapers at Funplex ,located at south Kipling street and west coal mine avenue in Littleton .each person who brings a donation will receive a free activity pass to Funplex .for more information ,call 934-0277.Time:11a.m.-6p.m.origamiThe Boulder public library's Sunday specials program is presenting an origami workshop in the convent garden at the library ,1000canyon Blvd .participants will learn to make birds ,boats and other objects using the age-old paper folding techniques .call 441-3100.Time:3p.m tickets :freeAuto exhibitT he either annual concours d’Elegance auto exhibit will be held in the north parking lot at university Hillsborough mall ,2700s.Colorado Blvd .Rare Porsches ,Maseratis ,jaguars and racing Carson will be featured .all proceeds benefit Denver 's united cerebral palsy association .call 355-7337 for more information .Time:9 a.m.-4p.m. Tickets :$5Questions 56—60Decide the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to the passage .56.Only those WHO bring donations to homeless children can attend the activity at Funplex .57.if you are interested in gardening ,you won't want to mission the "bluegrass artists "Friday night in Niwot .58.if you are interested in buying a used car ,you won 't find any useful information in this page of weekend .59.in the Sunday morning concert at the Denver first church of the Nazarene ,free breakfast and performance will be provided .60.participants can watch and learn paper folding technique rather than do handset -on activities in the origami workshop .Section B (10 marks)Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage.One of the hardest things for any sportsperson to do is to know when to retire .do you retire when you are at your physical peak or do you wait untilyour body (or your coach )tells you that it's time to go ?but even harder is finding the answer to the question "what am i going to do with the rest of my life ?"61( )"there 's a high risk of depression and people often find adjusting to a new way of life difficult ",says Ian Cockerill ,a sports psychologist ."for sport people ,There's an extra trauma -the loss of the glamour .that 's the hardest part ."as Eddie Araro ,the us jockey says ,"when a jockey retires ,he becomes just another little man ."62( )perhaps they just can 't stand life without the "high "of playing professional sport .Michael Jordan ,the greatest basketball player of all time ,retired three timeshare .he retired once from the Chicago bulls,made a successful comeback with the bulls,then retired again .his second comeback with an inferior team ended in failure and he retired for ever at the age of 38.Jordan said ,"there will never be anything in do that will fulfill me as much as competing did ."63( )Muhammad Alice needed the money ,but his comeback fight ,at the age of 39,against Trevor Berbick ,was one of the saddest spectacles in modern sport .after losing to Berbick ,Alice retired permanently .three years later he developed Parkinson 's disease .64( )as Jimmy greaves ,an ex-England international footballer said ,"I think that a lot of players would prefer to be shot once their career is over ."many of them spend their retirement in a continual battle against depression,alcohol ,or drugs.65( )Franz Beckenbauer is a classic example of a footballer WHO won everything with his club ,Bayern Munich .after retiring he became a successful coach with Bayern and finally president of the club .John McEnroe ,the infamous "bad boy "of tennis ,is now a highly respected and highly paid TV commentator .another good example is world famous Chinese table tennis player -Deng Yaping.after retiring at the end of the 1997season ,Deng served on the international Olympic committee's ethics and athletes commissions.she is also a member of the elite Laureus World Sportswear academy ,and a member of the Chinese people 's political consultative conference .Deng Yaping becomes deputy secretary of China communist youth league Beijing committee later .but sadly ,for most sportspeople these cases are the exceptions .\A.for some people the pain of saying goodbye never leaves them .B.others can 't resist the chance of one last "pay day ".C.however ,some famous sports persons are much easier to develop some typical psychological disease .D.but for the lucky few ,retirement can mean a successful new career .E.when you hear the final whistle you have to leave as soon as possible .F.retirement for people in general is traumatic .G.some sportspeople go on playing too long .Section C (10 marks)Questions 66—70 are based on the following passage.There are two reasons why I wanted to come to southern Germany to study .I wanted to be at the centre of Europe ,within easier reach of other countries ,and cities such as Paris and Prague .the other reason was that is was finding it very difficult to find a place to study medicinein Norway ,where there are ONL Y three medical schools .I spent my last two years at a boarding school ,where I made lots of friends and learned to look after myself and integrate with other people .I was 19 when I left ,and those two years had changed me ;I knew I could cope with student life in another country .First I had to learn German .I went Munich in September ,a month before the term started ,and spent three weeks on a language with them .nobody spoke Norwegian ,of course ,so it was a great he;[ to find that there were other students from Norway at the university .I made friend with some of them and we were able to help one another during the Firestone few weeks in a new city .after sic months in moved into my own apartment ;there is a wonderful mix of cultures and is have made many friend form different places .for three years I had a Norwegian boy friend WHO was also studying to be a doctor ,but that ended when he left .I would recommend studying abroad to anyone .you get a chance to learn another language and to understand the culture and traditions of another country .Munich is a fantastic city for students ,especially as beer is the favourite drink of student everywhere .I didn't like beer before ,but if you live in Munich ,there really is no alternative ,and now i have acquired the taste .In winter i prefer to visit cafes and talk with friends,but in summer my favourite place is the Englisher Garten ,with its lake and park and lots of barstool .the city's beer halls are generally full of students and tourists .At weekends I often go skiing in the Australian Alps with friends. we pile into a couple of Carson and rent an apartment .this all costs money ,and ,like most students ,I am living on a loan from the government ,by the time i take my final exams i shall have serious problems .I hope to get a job in a hospital near Oslo .I worked there last summer ,while earning the money to go to Nepal ,Thailand and Vietnam fore three months .we are a medical family .My mother and elder sisters are nurses ,but my father is the odd one out :he runs a hairdressing salon .Questions 66—70Answers the following question according to the passage.66.why did Marianne go to Germany to study besides her desire to be in the centre of Europe ?67.how long did Marianne live in a Germany family after she reached Munich ?68.what does Marianne want to be after her graduation ?69.what makeshift Marianne be accustomed to drinking beer ?70.how did Marianne get the money for her three months’ travelling to other countries ? Section D (10 marks)Questions 71—75 are based on the following passage.Would you believe that your diet can make a big difference in keeping a youthful appearance ?It seems strange to think that the food we take in could result in fewer wrinkles .wouldn't it be betterto put things on our skin rather than in our mouths ?well ,according to one scientific theory ,our bodies start aging because of oxidation .this means the certain oxygen -containing molecules in our cells ,called free radicals ,have the capability to attach to and damage parts of our cells ,including our DNA .our bodies can repair this damage ,but as we get older ,these repair mechanisms start to break down ,resulting in the signs of aging .free radicals are actually reduced by our bodies ,but their numbers can also increase because of the food we eat .Besides avoiding foodstuff which could potentially produce more free radicals ,eating foodstuff which contain certain vitamins and micro -nutritious can also contribute to keep useful looking young .these vitamins help produce molecules called antioxidants ,which actually help reduce the production of free radicals .even better ,foodstuff containing antioxidant are not rare .common antioxidants,like vitamins A and E,can be found in many dark-coloured vegetables .for example ,carrots ,seaweed,spinach ,and broccoli are excellent sources of these helpful vitamins .also ,you can eat orange-coloured fruits like apricots and peaches .vitamins A and E are particularly good for helping your skin remain young -looking .these nutrients strengthen your skin and make it soft .however ,if you really want to stock up quickly on nutrients that benefit your skin ,you should eat cow's liver .one small piece of cooked cow 'sliver contains twice a much vitamin A as half a cup of cooked carrots .More recently ,green tea has also been tentatively added to the list of youth -promoting substances .although research about green tea 's effects on our bodies is at an Early stage ,scientists certainly believe that it is good for useful .scientists ,however ,are still cautious about predicting its capability to keep useful looking youthful .but from recent experiments ,itsantioxidant properties seem to be able to repair cell damage already sustained as well as prevent damage in the future .In fact ,green tea workshop even better if you apply it directly to your skin as an ingredient in facial cream ."You are what you eat /"this old proverb certainly seems to be TRUE there more we find out about how our body works .think about that the next time you sit down at the table .Question 71-75Complete the summary with words from the passage, changing the form where necessary, with only one word for each blank.people use cosmetic surgery ,facial 71_____and cosmetics to look younger .maybe the best way to fight wrinkles is really just to eat foodstuff with the right vitamins and nutrients in them .some foodstuff we eat have the capability of 72_____our cells in that these foods can increase harmful molecules in our bodies called free radicals .but if we take in foods with vitamins A and E,for example ,we can 73_____the production of free radicals in our bodies .other foods that seem to have healthy 74_____of antioxidant include cow's liver and green tea .moreover ,green tea is proved to be more helpful in repairing sustained damage and even preventing future damage if it is75_____properly and directly .Part V Translation (10 marks)Translate the following sentences into English, using the hints given in brackets. Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet.76.distance learning is a formal educational process that breaks the traditional mode of classroom teaching .there are two key differences between traditional education and distance learning .distance learning adds flexibility and availability ,regardless of time ,place ,regardless pace of learning .here an instructor teaches ,and somewhere else a student learns ,regardless of barriers of time or place .distance learning reaches out to non -traditional students WHO must fit their studies around workplace ,family responsibilities ,and geographical barriers ,etc .Section B (10 marks)Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints gives in brackets. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.77.体育运动可以防止发胖,增强体质,使我们保持身体健康。
最小对比对(minimal pairs)是指只有一个音素不同的一组单词。
dissent “不同意”;disclose“揭露,公开”,侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事;unfold“展开,展现”;uncover主要指移去遮盖物使东西显露出来,也可指揭露阴谋秘密等。
inperson“亲自”,in private“私下地,秘密地”,in order“按顺序”,in progress“进展”。
该强调句型为:It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他部分,此句型中It is/was not...已经是否定句了,that后面的句子要用肯定式,且须用陈述句语序。
2014年同等学力申硕英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12014 Same Ability Postgraduate Entrance Examination for English Test Questions and AnswersPart I Dialogue InterpretationDirections: The sentence pairs below are closely related and always discuss the same topic. After reading the two sentences, you may choose to omit the information they convey and the reasoning method for it, and select the correct answer from the four choices.1. Speaker A: I heard that Professor Smith got promoted last week.Speaker B: He did. Did you know that he has been working at the university for over 20 years? He really deserves it.Q: What do you know from Speaker B's response to Speaker A?A. Professor Smith has been at the university for a long time.B. Professor Smith has worked hard and finally gotten a promotion.C. Professor Smith is the oldest professor at the university.D. Professor Smith is the most popular professor at the university.2. Speaker A: Can you believe that Anna broke up with Mark?Speaker B: Oh, I know. I always thought they were the perfect couple.Q: What does Speaker B imply about Anna and Mark?A. Anna and Mark have been together for a long time.B. Anna and Mark are no longer a couple.C. Anna and Mark are happy together.D. Anna and Mark are a famous couple.......Part II Reading ComprehensionDirection: This part consists of 4 passages. After reading each passage, answer the questions or complete the statements that follow it.Passage 1The year 1848 brought political revolution and economic migration to Europe. The clinic and hospital in Vienna where Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis worked was one destination for those forced over Europe.Dr. Semmelweis had been born in Hungary in 1818, had entered medical school in Vienna in 1837, and had become a doctor in 1844. The Viennese clinic where Dr. Semmelweis worked was caught in the current of professional careers and economic migration that steered thousands of young doctors to Vienna from other parts of Europe. Chief residents such as Semmelweis had to compete for promotion and the attention of the professors who distributed favors and resources.This intense collective ambition, this jostling and networking, created the vital organizational networks that drove Vienna to the medical pinnacle of Europe. But such headlong, disorganized pursuit of professional allegiance and social advancement led to inevitable error, as the cause of this first medical tragedy soon became clear.1. In 1848, Europe witnessed _____.a. a political revolutionb. a economic migrationc. a and bd. none of the above2. Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis ____.a. was born in Germanyb. entered medical school in Hungaryc. competed for promotiond. entered medical school in Budapest......Part III VocabularyDirection: Select the correct meaning of the underlined word or phrase in the sentence.1. The book is somewhat of a rarity, and it could fetch a high price at the auction.a. valueb. scarcityc. numberd. quality2. The old buildings were standing in defiance of the developer's plan to demolish them.a. obedienceb. supportc. protestd. agreement......Part IV TranslationDirection: Translate the following sentences into English.1. 他们正在进行一场生动的辩论,以寻找新的解决方案。
剑桥商务英语初级考试试题及答案解析(十四)一、READING (PART ONE )(本大题5小题.每题1.0分,共5.0分。
● Look at the questions 1--5. ● In each question, which sentence is correct? ● For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. )第1题Taylor rang—order for desks held up by strike.They expect to despatch them on 10th May.What is the problem with the order?A. The goods are delayed.B. The goods are lost.C. The goods are damage【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[精析] 本题意:Taylor打电话来了一询问他们预定的因罢工而停止生产的桌子。
hold up是“阻碍”的意思。
第2题Do not despatch the goods until you have received the cheque.A. Check the goods before you dispatch them.B. If you have not got the cheque, do not send out the goods.C. You can send out the goods only after you have checked them.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[精析] 本题意:收到支票后才可以发货。
剑桥商务英语初级考试试题及答案解析(六)一、READING(PART FOUR )(共7小题,共7.0分)· This part of the Reading Test tests your vocabulary. · Read the whole text quickly to find out what it is about. As you read, try to predict the words that might fill the gaps. · Look at the four p ossible answers for each gap and cross out any obviously incorrect words, · Then read both before and after each gap to decide which word should go in it. The word needs to fit both the meaning and the grammar · After completing all the gaps, read the whol e text again to check your answers, · Read the text on the opposite page about decision-making. · Choose the best word from below to fill each gap. · For each question 1-10, mark one letter (A,B,C or D)on your Answer sheet.第1题PRESS OFFICER £22,000 PER YEARA leading oil company needs a Press Officer for its busy offices. You should be:◆ good at making phone calls◆ excellent at writing reports◆ able to go on business trips at least three times a month◆ willing to w ork late several times a week◆ experienced at working with computersBenefits include:6 weeks' annual holiday and bonus payment after 12 months. You will need to travel in this job.A rightB wrongC Doesn't say【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“ab le to go on business trips at least three mesa month.”第2题You will never need to work late.A rightB wrongC Doesn't say【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】“willing to work late several times a week”,愿意多次加班。
解析:to play with是不定式短语作后置定语,修饰a large toy train。
in view of考虑到/由于,符合题意,故选A选项。
In charge of管理/控制……;In spite of虽然/尽管……;In case of在……情况下/万一……发生的话。
解析:appeal to向……呼吁(请求),句意为:警方已经向公众呼吁,希望公众能提供有助于调查的线索。
解析:drew off脱去,放掉;hit off适合,将打掉,struck off砍掉,击断;knocked off撞倒。
解析:take one̓s mind off固定搭配,意为转移某人注意力。
解析:substitute有“用……代替,代以”之意;taken the place of有“取代(走)”的意思,但只适用于主动,而这里用的被动语态;replace表示“取代(走)”的意思,只适用于主动,且介词使用错误;give way to表示“给……让路(为……所代替,听凭决定)”,如果选D就等于说“让这些硬质塑料让步(被代替掉)=不用这些材料”,与句意不符,且介词使用错误。
解析:考查介词搭配,made a deep impression on sb.给某人留下深刻印象。
解析:solution to the problem固定用法,“问题的解决办法”,所以正确答案应该选择B。
★绝密·考试前严禁任何人翻阅全国外经贸从业人员考试国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试题册考试时间:2014年5月31日 09:30-11:30※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※考生姓名:准考证号:考点(考区):注意事项一、考生将姓名、身份证号、考试项目、考点(考区)、准考证号填涂在试题册及答题卡(答题纸)相应位置。
一、客观题(本大题有60小题,每小题1分,共60分)[1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分)Section ADirections: Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice.Mike: It would be nice to see you again, Mary. Are you free on Sunday evening?Mary: I’ m sorry, I’m not. I’ve got to visit my aunt 1 .Mike: Oh, that’s a pity. Monday’s difficult for me. What about Tuesday evening?Mart: Tuesday’s bad for me as well. I’ve got to go to a meeting.Mike: Wednesday then?Mary: No, Wednesday’s out for me, I’m afraid. I’ve got to 2 and do some work. I really must.Mike: Oh, that’s a shame. Well, I can’t 3 Thursday. What about Friday?Mary: I’m 4 sorry. I’ve got to go out for dinner on Friday.Mike: Have you got to? Can’t you get out of it?Mary: I’m afraid not. I’ve simply got to go.Mike: Well, it looks as if we’ll have to wait till next week then.Mary: Yes, I’m sorry, Mike. Look, I must go now. I have to meet Lisa in ten minutes. Ring me next week 5 .Mike: Fine. Try and keep an evening free for me.1.A. in the hospital B. in hospital C. in hotel D. in hostel2.A. stay in B. staying C. stay D. sleep3.A. make that B. make this C. make D. make it4.A. outright B. awfully C. really D. totally5.A. some time B. sometimes C. sometime D. some timesSection BDirections: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice.For international investors, the decision to invest in a foreign country, whether to establish or6 a plant or a sales network, or to purchase stocks or bonds, is a difficult one. Before theymake the decision to invest abroad, international investors will have to make sure that the investment 7 in the host country is favorable enough. In other words, they will have to analyze and assess the possible 8 before actual investments are made. Therefore, international investors must take into 9 the economic, political, legal and social aspects of the host country to 10 possible risk exposure.6.A. access B. acquire C. account D. require7.A. climate B. climax C. climb D. client8.A. risk facts B. least factors C. risk factors D. list factors9.A. an account B. a account C. the account D. account10.A. maximize B. minimize C. maximum D. minimumSection CDirections: Listen to the tape and choose the correct translation for each of the sentences. This section accounts for 10 points.Each question will be read twice.11.A. 希望和你方达成交易。
2014年上半年软件水平考试(高级)系统分析师下午(论文)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 选答题选答题(满分75分)1、从下列试题中任选1道解答,请在答卷上用“○”圈住选答的试题编号。
2014年国家开发银行招聘考试真题汇编第一部分英语能力测试(限时60分钟)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20题)1.The boy’s father bought him a large toy train.A.which to play withB.to play with itC.to play withD.at which to play2.your poor record in school,we think you should study harder.A.In view ofB.In charge ofC.In spite ofD.In case of3.There are more than fifty proposals at the conference.A.discussedB.to be discussedC.discussingD.having been discussed4.Police have to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.A.urgedB.claimedC.appealedD.called5.I am sorry I your glass off the desk when I was wiping it.A.drewB.hitC.struckD.knocked6.Why don’t you have a night out?It would take your off your worries.A.caresB.heartC.headD.mind7.Some hard plastics can be metals in manufacturing machine parts.A.substituted forB.taken the place ofC.replaced inD.given way to8.His understanding made a deep impression the young girl.A.inB.onC.forD.to9.They have been trying to arrive at a practical solution the problem.A.inB.toC.onD.with10.In many American families,parents feel that children should make important decisions.A.to themselvesB.on themselvesC.of themselvesD.by themselves11.The manager is calling on a customer,trying to talk him into signing the contract.A.prosperousB.preliminaryC.pessimisticD.prospective12.In1991,while the economies of industrialized countries met an economic,the e⁃conomies of developing countries were growing very fast.A.revivalB.repressionC.recessionD.recovery13.The destruction of the twin towers shock and anger throughout the world.A.summonedB.temptedC.provokedD.stumbled14.About20of the passengers who were injured in a plane crash are said to be in condition.A.decisiveB.urgentC.vitalD.critical15.The interactions between China and the U.S.will surely have a significant on peace and stability in the Asia⁃Pacific region and the world as a whole.A.importanceB.impressionC.impactD.implication16.Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn,the Irish milkmaid fought hard to her laughter.back B.hold on C.hold out D.hold up17.How does it that your answers are identical with his?e oute offe upe about18.There are a few small things that I don’t like about my job,but it’s very enjoyable.A.above allB.as usualC.by and largeD.by all means19.I provided you with the money.Why didn’t you ask me?A.could haveB.hadC.must haveD.ought to have20.no doubt that the effectiveness of the drug needs to be tested by many experiments.A. B.It is C.There is D.It being二、完形填空题(每题1.5分,共20题)One summer night,on my way home from work I decided to see a movie.I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t tolerate my21apartment.Sitting in the theatre I had to look through the22between the two tall heads in front of me.I had to keep changing the23every time she leaned over to talk to him,24he leaned over to kiss her.Why do Americans display such25in a public place?I thought the movie would be good for my English,but26it turned out,it was an Italian movie.27about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and28on my popcorn.I’ve nev⁃er understood why they give you so much popcorn!It tasted pretty good,29.After a while I heard30more of the romantic-sounding Italians.I just heard the31of the pop-corn crunching between my teeth.My thought started to32I remembered when I was in South Korea, I33to watch Kojak on TV frequently.He spoke perfect Korean--I was really amazed,he like a good friend to me,34I saw him again in New York speaking35English in⁃stead of perfect Korean.He didn’t even have a Korean accent and I36like I had been be⁃trayed.When our family moved to the United States six years ago,none of us spoke any English.2——37we had begun to learn a few words,my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home.Everyone agreed,but our house became very38and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence,preferring that to39in a difficult language.Mother tried to say something in English but it40out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it!We̓ve been speaking Korean at home ever since.21.A.warm B.hot C.heated D.cool22.A.crack B.blank C.break D.opening23.A.aspect B.view C.space D angle24.A.while B.whenever C.or D.and25.A.attraction B.attention C.affection D.motion26.A.since B.when C.what D.as27.A.Within B.After C.For D.Over28.A.concentrate B.chew C.fix D.taste29.A.too B.still C.though D.certainly30.A.much B.any C.no D.few31.A.voice B.sound C.rhythm D.tone32.A.wonder B.wander C.imagine D.depart33.A.enjoyed B.happened C.turned ed34.A.until B.because C.then D.therefore35.A.artificial rmal C.perfect D.practical36.A.felt B.looked C.seemed D.appeared37.A.While B.If C.Before D.Once38.A.empty B.quiet C.stiff D.calm39.A.telling B.uttering C.saying D.speaking40.A.worked B.got C.came D.made三、阅读理解题(每题2.5分,共20题)Passage1It is pretty much a one-way street.While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world,there is very little traffic in the opposite direction.Pay has al⁃ways been the biggest deterrent,as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job.For some industrial scientists,however,the attractions of a⁃cademia(学术界)outweigh any financial considerations.Helen Lee took a70%cut in salary when she moved from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge.Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was to take advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions.Some areas of inquiry have few prospects of a commercial return,and Lee̓s is one of them.The impact of a salary cut is probably less severe for a scientist in the early stages of a career.3——Guy Grant,now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the Uni⁃versity of Cambridge,spent two years working for a pharmaceutical(制药的)company before re⁃turning to university as a post-doctoral researcher.He took a30%salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual opportunities.Higher up the ladder,where a pay cut is usually more significant,the demand for scientists with a wealth of experience in industry is forcing universities to make the transition(转换)to a⁃cademia more attractive,according to Lee.Industrial scientists tend to receive training that aca⁃demics do not,such as how to build a multidisciplinary team,manage budgets and negotiate con⁃tracts.They are also well placed to bring something extra to the teaching side of an academic role that will help students get a job when they graduate,says Lee,perhaps experience in manufacturing practice or product development.“Only a small number of undergraduates will continue in an aca⁃demic career.So someone leaving university who already has the skills needed to work in an in⁃dustrial lab has far more potential in the job market than someone who has spent all their time on a narrow research project.”41.By“a one-way street”(Line1,Para.1),the author means.A.university researchers know little about the commercial worldB.there is little exchange between industry and academiaC.few industrial scientists would quit to work in a universityD.few university professors are willing to do industrial research42.The word“deterrent”(Line3,Para.1)most probably refers to something that.A.keeps someone from taking actionB.helps to move the trafficC.attracts people’s attentionD.brings someone a financial burden43.What was Helen Lee’s major consideration when she changed her job in the middle of her career?A.Flexible work hoursB.Her research interestsC.Her preference for the lifestyle on campusD.Prospects of academic accomplishments44.Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to.A.do financially more rewarding workB.raise his status in the academic worldC.enrich his experience in medical researchD.exploit better intellectual opportunities45.What contribution can industrial scientists make when they come to teach in a university?A.Increase its graduates’competitiveness in the job marketB.Develop its students’potential in researchC.Help it to obtain financial support from industryD.Gear its research towards practical applications4——Passage2Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life.Relationships with family, friends,neighbours,even pets,will all do the trick,but the biggest longevity(长寿)boost seems to come from marriage or an equivalent relationship.The effect was first noted in1858by William Farr,who wrote that widows and widowers(鳏夫)were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers.Studies since then suggest that marriage could add as much as seven years to a man’s life and two to a woman’s.The effect holds for all causes of death,whether illness,accident or self-harm.Even if the odds are stacked against you,marriage can more than compensate.Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart.Likewise,a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man who doesn’t smoke. There’s a flip side,however,as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their spouse’s death,and caring for a spouse with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems.Even so,the odds favour marriage.In a30-year study of more than10,000people,Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of so⁃cial networks have similar effects.So how does it work?The effects are complex,affected by socio-economic factors,health-ser⁃vice provision,emotional support and other more physiological(生理的)mechanisms.For example, social contact can boost development of the brain and immune system,leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life.People in supportive relationships may handle stress better. Then there are the psychological benefits of a supportive partner.A life partner,children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to100.The ultimate social network is still being mapped out,but Christakis says:“People are interconnected, so their health is interconnected.”46.William Farr’s study and other studies show that.A.social life provides an effective cure for illnessB.being sociable helps improve one’s quality of lifeC.women benefit more than men from marriageD.marriage contributes a great deal to longevity47.Linda Waite’s studies support the idea that.A.older men should quit smoking to stay healthyB.marriage can help make up for ill healthC.the married are happier than the unmarriedD.unmarried people are likely to suffer in later life48.It can be inferred from the context that the“flip side”(Line5,Para.2)refers to.A.the disadvantages of being marriedB.the emotional problems arising from marriage5——C.the responsibility of taking care of one’s familyD.the consequence of a broken marriage49.What does the author say about social networks?A.They have effects similar to those of a marriage.B.They help develop people’s community spirit.C.They provide timely support for those in need.D.They help relieve people of their life’s burdens.50.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.It’s important that we develop a social network when young.B.To stay healthy,one should have a proper social network.C.Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.D.We should share our social networks with each other.Passage3“I promise.”“I swear to you it’ll never happen again.”“I give you my word.”“Honestly. Believe me.”Sure,I trust.Why not?I teach English composition at a private College.With a certain excitement and intensity,I read my students’essays,hoping to find the person behind the pen.As each semester progresses,plagiarism appears.Not only is my intelligence insulted as one assumes I won’t detect a polished piece of prose from an otherwise⁃average writer,but I feel a sadness that a student has resorted to buying a paper from a peer.Writers have styles like fingerprints and after several assignments,I can match a student’s work with his or her name even if it’s missing from the upper left⁃hand corner.Why is learning less important than a higher grade⁃point average(GPA)?When we’re threat⁃ened or sick,we make conditional promises.“If you let me pass math I will....”“Lord,if you get me over this before the big homecoming game I’ll....”Once the situation is behind us,so are the promises.Human nature?Perhaps,but we do use that cliche to get us out of uncomfortable bargains. Divine interference during distress is asked;gratitude is unpaid.After all,few fulfill the contract,so why should anyone be the exception.Why not?Six years ago,I took a student before the dean.He had turned in an essay with the vocabulary and sentence structure of a PHD thesis.Up until that time,both his out⁃of⁃class and in⁃class work were borderline passing.I questioned the person regarding his essay and he swore it.I’d understand this copy would not have the time and attention an out⁃of⁃class paper is given,but he had already a finished piece so he understood what was asked.He sat one hour,then turned in part of a page of unskilled writ⁃ing and faulty logic.I confronted him with both essays.“I promise...,I’m not lying.I swear to you that I wrote the essay.I’m just nervous today.”The head of the English department agreed with my findings,and the meeting with the dean had the boy’s parents present.After an hour of discussion,touching on eight of the boy’s previous essays and his grade⁃point average,which indicated he was already on academic probation,the6——dean agreed that the student had plagiarized.His parents protested,“He’s only a child”and we instructors are wiser and should be compassionate.College people are not really children and most times would resent being labeled as such...Except in this uncomfortable circumstance.51.According to the author,students commit plagiarism mainly for.A.moneyB.degreeC.higher GPAD.reputation52.The sentence“Once the situation is behind us,so are the promises”implies that.A.students usually keep their promisesB.some students tend to break their promisesC.the promises are always behind the situationD.we cannot judge the situation in advance,as we do to the promises53.The phrase“borderline passing”(Para.3)probably means.A.fairly goodB.extremely poorC.above averageD.below average54.The boy’s parents thought their son should be excused mainly because.A.teachers should be compassionateB.he was only a childC.instructors were wiserD.he was threatened55.Which of the following might serve as the title of this passage?A.Human NatureB.Conditional PromisesC.How to Detect CheatingD.The Sadness of PlagiarismPassage4Convenience food helps companies by creating growth,but what is its effect on people?For people who think cooking was the foundation of civilization,the microwave is the last enemy.The communion of eating together is easily broken by a device that liberates households citizens from waiting for mealtimes.The first great revolution in the history of food is in danger of being undone. The companionship of the campfire,cooking pot and common table,which have helped to bond hu⁃mans in collaborative living for at least150,000years could be destroyed.Meals have certainly sated from the rise of convenience food.The only meals regularly taken together in Britain these days are at the weekend,among rich families struggling to retain some⁃thing of the old symbol of togetherness.Indeed,the day’s first meal has all but disappeared.In the 20th century the leisure British breakfast was undermined by the corn flake;in the21st breakfast is vanishing altogether a victim of the quick cup of coffee in Starbucks and the cereal bar. Convenience food has also made people forget how to cook.One of the apparent paradoxes of modern food is that while the amount of time spent cooking meals has fallen from60minutes a day in1980to13minutes a day in2002,the number of cooks and television programmer on cooking has multiplied.But perhaps this isn’t a paradox.Maybe it is because people can’t cook any more, so they need to be told how to do it,or maybe it is because people buy books about hobbies—golf, yachting—not about chores.Cooking has ceased to be a chore and has become a hobby. Although everybody lives in the kitchen,its facilities are increasingly for display rather than7——for use.Mr.Silverstein’s new book,“trading up”look at mid⁃range consumer’s milling now to splash out.He says that industrial⁃style Viking cook pot,with nearly twice the heat output of other ranges, have helped to push the“kitchen as theater”trend in hour goods.They cost from$1,000to$9,000. Some75%of them are never used.Convenience also has an impact on the healthiness,or otherwise,of food,of course there is nothing bad about ready⁃to⁃eat food itself.You don’t get much healthier than an apple,and super⁃markets sell a better⁃for⁃you range of ready⁃meals.But there is a limit to the number of apples peo⁃ple want to eat;and these days it is easier for people to eat the kind of food that makes them fat. The three Harvard economists in their paper“why have Americans become more obese?”point out that in the past,if people wanted to eat fatty hot food,they had to cook it.That took time and ener⁃gy—a good chip needs frying twice,once to cook the potato and once to get it crispy—Which dis⁃couraged of consumption of that cost of food.Mass preparation of food took away that constraint. Nobody has to cut and double cook their own fries these days.Who has the time?56.What might the previous paragraphs deal with?A.The relationship between meals and convenience food.B.The importance of convenience food in people’s life.C.The rise of convenience food.D.The history of food industry.57.What is the paradox in the third paragraph?A.People don’t know how to cook.B.The facilities in the kitchen are not totally used.C.People are becoming more obese,thus unhealthy.D.Convenience food actually does not save people time.58.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.The bad effects of convenience food.B.Mr.Silverstein’s new book.C.People’s new hobby.D.Disappearance of the old symbol of togetherness.59.Why has American become more obese?A.Because of eating chips.B.Because of being busy.C.Because of being lazy.D.B and C.60.Which of the following might the auther mostly agree with?A.There is nothing bad about convenience food.B.Convenience food makes people lazy.C.Convenience food helps companies grow.D.Convenience food is a revolution in cooking.8——第二部分综合能力测试(限时60分钟)一、经济常识题(每题1分,共20题)1.下列不属于中央银行的监管职能的是()。
剑桥商务英语高级考试试题及答案解析一、READING(PART ONE )(共8小题,共8.0分)·Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about Web hosting provider,its reseller and outsourcing. ·Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1—8 refer to? ·For eac h statement 1—8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. ·You will need to use some of these letters more than once.第1题A Separate Legal EntityA unique feature of a company is that, no matter how many individuals have bought shares in it, it is treated in its dealings with the outside world as if it was a person in its own right. It is said to be a separate legal entity. Just as the law can create this separate legal person, the law also can eliminate it, but its existence can only be terminated by using the proper legal procedures.Thus, the identity of the shareholders in a large concern may be changing constantly as shares are bought and sold by different people. On the other hand, a small private company may have the same shareholders from the date it is incorporated (the day it legally came into being), until the date when liquidation is completed (the cessation of the company, often known as "winding up" or being "wound up"). A prime example of its identity as a separate legal entity is that it may sue its own shareholders, or in turn be sued by them.B Limited LiabilityMost companies are "limited" companies. This means that any shareholder who has paid for the share(s) which he has bought cannot be forced to pay more money into the company if, for example, it is making losses or has gone into liquidation. Thus, the maximum amount of money any shareholder can lose by investing in a company is the amount he has invested. Unlike in sole traders or partnerships a shareholder in a limited company cannot be forced to sell his own property to pay the debts of the business.If a shareholder has not paid in full for the shares he has agreed to buy, he can be forced to pay the balance owing on the shares. Once he has paid that amount he cannot be forced to pay any further amount. Thus, his liability is limited.C Company DirectorsThe day-to-day management of a company is not carried out by the shareholders. Shareholders can normally attend, and vote at, general meetings of their company. At one of these meetings the shareholders will vote for directors, the people to whom the running of the company is entrusted. At each Annual General Meeting (AGM) the directors have to report to the shareholders. They write a directors' report and this is accompanied by a set of final accounts for the year. If there is a change in the directors of a company, for example, a new director being appointed or an existing director resigning, this change must be notified to the Companies Office within fourteen days of the change. The board of directors (usually known simplyas "the board") is the term used to mean all of the directors.D The Company SecretaryThe company secretary must, among other things, attend all board meetings, consult with the chief executive on the agenda and keep a record of the minutes of board meetings and general meetings of the shareholders. It is normally the company secretary who makes returns to the Companies Office including notifying the Registrar of changes in the company's board, auditors, registered office etc. The company secretary is usually an individual although many companies pay firms of accountants to undertake this role.E Share Capital and DividendsA shareholder in a limited company obtains his reward for investing in the form of a share of the profits made by the company, known as a dividend. The directors decide how much of the profits is to be retained in the company and used for expansion. Out of the remaining profits they propose the payment of a certain amount of dividend. The shareholders cannot propose a dividend for themselves higher than that already proposed by the directors. They can, however, propose that a lesser dividend should be paid, although this action is very rare. If the directors propose that no dividend should be paid, then the shareholders are powerless to alter the decision.The decision by the directors as to the amount proposed as dividends is a very complex one and such matters as the effect of taxation, the availability of bank balances to pay the dividends, the possibility of take-over bids and so on will all be taken into consideration.No matter how many individuals have bought shares in it, it is treated in its dealings with the outside world as if it was a person in its own right.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[精析] 本题意为:不管有多少人买卖股票,它都像个体一样,和外面世界交易。
4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D].5。
Part I Oral Communication (10 points)Section ADirections: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue。
Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet。
Dialogue OneA。
They had been in there for about 5 minutesB。
It’s the other man I'm talking aboutC。
I thought you said there were three menBurney: There were two men,I think. No, three。
29. confirming banki. total resources of a business, such as cash, accounts receivable, real estates, etc.
30. modesj. that which incites, rouses or encourages a person
Ⅶ. Translate the following into English(25%)
34. soft loans
35.Байду номын сангаасVER
Ⅴ. Answer the following questions in English(20%)
36. What is a letter of credit?
37. What are common carriers?
38. What is documentary collection?
2. political entity
3. free trade area
4. banknotes
5. legal obligations
6. BOT
7. trademark
8. staple goods
9. council of ministers
10. parent company
Ⅱ. Translate the following words and expressions from Chinese into English(10%)
Ⅳ. Make brief explanations of the following terms or give the full name of the abbreviation in English(10%)
★绝密·考试前严禁任何人翻阅全国外经贸从业人员考试国际商务英语等级考试(初级)试题册考试时间:2014年12月6日 09:30-11:30 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※考生姓名:准考证号:考点(考区):注意事项一、考生将姓名、身份证号、考试项目、考点(考区)、准考证号填涂在试题册及答题卡(答题纸)相应位置。
一、客观题(本大题有60小题,每小题1分,共60分)[1-20] Listening: 20%(听力,20分)Section ADirections: Listen to the following dialogue and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice.CA = Cost Accountant GM = General ManagerCA: Look, we’ve got to do something. Doing nothing is not a good option. Our 1will just get squeezed more and more.GM: OK. What do you suggest?CA: Personally, I’d recommend 2 - either by laying some people off or by freezing salaries. GM: Neither is going to be a very popular option.CA: No, but the alternatives are probably worse: reducing material costs will definitely have an impact on product quality and 3advertising expenditure is only a short-term solution - it will hurt us in the long run.GM: No, I see that. What about administrative costs or other overheads? Instead of cutting staff, we could 4about getting our energy bills down for example.CA: I’ve already done as much as I can in those areas. I have thought about this a lot and for me, 5labour costs. It may be painful, but the advantage of it would be that, once done, we could get back to concentrating on selling.GM: OK, I hear what you’re saying, but I think it might create more problems than you think. I’m going to go away and think about it ... see if there is an acceptable way of doing it. 1.A.marks B.marginsC.marginals D.mars2.A.to cut the wage bill B.carting the wagesC.cutting the wage bill D.cutting the wage beer3.A.cutting down on B.cutting onC.cutting back upon D.cutting back on4.A.try and do something B.try doing somethingC.try to do something D.trying doing something第1页(共16页)5.A.the only solution is to take B.the only real solution is to attack C.the only real solution is to tackle D.the only real solution is to attackSection BDirections: Listen to the following passage and choose the correct word or words to fill each gap from A,B,C or D. This section accounts for 5 points. Each question will be read twice.The world economy is showing 6of recovery, but there are still a number of risks in the international financial system, and strong, balanced, and sustainable growth has not 7. Many developed economies are confronted with high unemployment, and with high deficit and debt 8 , and developing economies are concerned by financial instability. The efforts to increase the G20’s collective GDP by 9by 2019, will benefit from the expertise of G20 think tank experts. We will support G20 members to enhance macroeconomic policy communication and coordination in order to minimize the negative 10effects of policy adjustments. 6.A.science B.signs C.signals D.since7.A.emerged B.merged C.enlarged D.emergered8.A.rates B.ratios C.ratings D.racials9.A.additional 2% B.an additional 2%C.additional of 2% D.an additional of 2%10.A.spillover B.spill overC.spearover D.overspillSection CDirections: Listen to the tape and choose the correct translation for each of the sentences. This section accounts for 10 points.Each question will be read twice.11.A.请报最低价。
剑桥商务英语初级考试试题及答案解析(七)一、READING (PART ONE )(本大题5小题.每题1.0分,共5.0分。
● Look at the questions 1--5. ● In each question, which sentence is correct? ● For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. )第1题Delegates are asked to check out by 10:30 a.m. The delegates should leave their roomsA before half past ten.B at ten thirty.C earlier than half past eleven.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】check out“结账离开(旅馆)”。
第2题Company performance, 19991998 1999Total operating Income $10,000 $25,000Eearnings per Employee $5,000 $15,000Net Income-before Tax $3.000 $3,500A. Net Income-before Tax in 1999 was smaller than in 1998B. Total Operating Income in 1998 was not as much as Net Income--before Tax.C. The employees earned more in 1999【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】由图知,全部的业务收入每个职业的薪金和税前的纯收入都是1999年的比1998年的高,只有C是正确的。
剑桥商务英语高级考试试题(三十一)一、READING(PART ONE )(共8小题,共8.0分)·Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about Web hosting provider,its reseller and outsourcing. ·Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1—8 refer to? ·For eac h statement 1—8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. ·You will need to use some of these letters more than once.第1题A.Hire With Your HeadLou Adler,president of the Power Hiring consulting and training company,provides a systematic approach for finding,interviewing and hiring the best candidate for a job.He emphasizes making an objective assessment and,to this end,he provides techniques for overcoming first impressions.The book includes charts and checklists that highlight important points.This well-organ-lzed guide to effective hiring is hig hly recommended to company owners,human resource per-sonnel and managers involved in the hiring process.Alert job seekers may also find it useful to learn what a good interview will demand.B.Hiring the BestAny manager with hiring authority knows that selecting the‘right’candidate for any position is a nervewracking task.Author Martin Yate'S basic book can help inexperienced managers hire effectively,although this useful primer on interviewing and hiring is a little wordy.Yates provides great detail about key steps,such as when to schedule a phone interview,what to ask and how to conduct an interview.He even provides numerous sample questions for each major job category,from entry level to management.C.Ask the Right Questions,Hire the Best PeopleThis book boasts of a list of questions designed to make your interviews effective in weeding out the pretenders and uncovering that dream hire.The book's real value is in its list of interview questions,with accompanying comments on what answers you should be looking for.It seems impossible that you could read this book and not stumble over one question that makes you smile and tuck it away to spring later on some unsuspecting interviewee.This book will prove useful for human resource professionals or any manager charged with hiring.D.Hiring and Keeping the Best PeopleThis book covers a huge amount of valuable information about hiring and retaining a great workforce.If more companies followed its fivestep hiring process,not only would talented employees face greater competition for their services,companies would get better staffers and the fit of workers to their jobs would improve.Thebook demonstrates an awareness of the realities of diversity in the modern workplace and the expectations employees have about worklife balance.This handy guide is clear and concise,and is highly recommended to anyone involved in the hiring and retention process.E.How to Hire a ChampionDavid Snyder,a business consultant with a psychology graduate degree from Harvard,believes that managers must be able to evaluate applicants'personality traits to hire the right people.His assertions are hard to dispute.His book is Ioaded with good advice,although the writing can get choppy and repetitive.Still,it is strongly believed Snyder provides solid,practical and useful information.When you think how hard it is to live withor discard-an incorrect hire,you'll want to be sure you take on the right people.The author of the book is a graduate from a famous university.【正确答案】:E【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】本题答案很明确,参见E篇的第一句话“DaVid snycler,a business eonsultant with a psychology gracluate degree from Harvard…”其中介绍了作者是“一个商务顾问,拥有哈佛大学心理学硕士学位”,由此可以判断E为正确答案。
剑桥商务英语高级考试试题(二十八)一、READING(PART ONE )(共8小题,共8.0分)·Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about Web hosting provider,its reseller and outsourcing. ·Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1—8 refer to? ·For eac h statement 1—8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. ·You will need to use some of these letters more than once.第1题A.The New BossTaking over as the‘new boss’is never easy.Expectations run high,you have a limited time to make a good impression and the competitive pressure is severe.Peter Fischer identifies‘seven building blocks of successful leadership transition’to help you find your way.He devotes a chapter to each step,including lists of unexpected difficulties and easily-made mistakes,suggestions,questions and a summary.The last part of this book contains case studies that focus on different‘new boss’situations.Fischer's unembeIlished,straightforward style makes his concepts easy to understand and implement.B.Discipline without PunishmentFor CEOs,human-resource staff members and anyone who influences the development of an organization's disciplinary system,this book is a must-read.Managers,supervisors and smallbusiness owners also will benefit from Dick Grote's guidance on implementing a non-punitive approach to improved performance.This book is highly appreciated for the thoughtfulness and detail of his suggested disciplinary system,as well as his advice on incorporating this system into your daily management practices.C.The Game-ChangerThis book is both intriguing and highly useful.Procter & Gamble CEO A.G.Lafley and business author Ram Charan draw examples from several large,successful organizations—GE,Honey-well,and Dupont—but their primary focus is Procter &Gamble(P&G).They explore how P&G changed from a staid giant to an organization driven by innovation—and radically expanded its sales and profits along the way.They are candid about P&G's organizational methods and failed innovations,and they show how willing it has become to open up and connect.D.The Leader on the CouchWhen Manfred Kets de Varies uses many real life stories to show how you can use psychology to understand the workplace,his points are clear and seem immediately applicable.Admittedly,his discussion of the theories varies from instructive to somewhat obscure,and his classifications of personality and organizational typesmay seem arbitrary,but when he explains the processes involved in change.he is realistic and humare.Readers who exert some conscious patience will find the author's core points about the role of the unconscious in the business world insightful and useful.E.The 21 Irrefutable Laws of LeadershipPrinciples are laws that apply across different cultures.generations,and circumstances,John Maxwell,drawing lessons from his own experiences as well as those of other leadem,has discovered 21 principles for leadership.In each chapter of the book,Maxwell describes each law as a tool that can help people succeed in business,church,spots,and pemonal endeavors。
2014年河南省普通高等学校选拔优秀专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试公共英语Part I Vocabulary an Structure1. _____ difficulties they may come across, they will help one another to overcome them.(2014)A. WhateverB. WheneverC. HoweverD. Wherever2. Education cannot be ____ in any country.A.rejectedB.deletedC.neglectedD.refused3. Although it’s tough finding a job these days, Henry got a _____ in a famous company.A.placeB.positionC.postD.patch4. The doctor said that mental _____ is the major cause of his sleeping problem.A.tensionB.sadnessC.angerD.relaxation5. _____ comes back first is supposed to win the prize. (2014)A. One whoB. WhoeverC. AnyoneD. Those who6. The last time I saw her was _____ my brother’s wedding ceremony three years ago.A.toB.atC.inD.during7. I have two children but ____ of them likes fruits.A.noneB.eitherC.neitherD.both8. He might have been killed_____the arrival of the police.(2014)A.except forB.withC.forD.but for9. Some areas, _____ their severe weather conditions, are sparsely populated.A.due toB.but forC.in spite ofD.with regard to10. Many teenagers feel no difficulty _____ computer.(2014)A.to learnB.learnC.in learningD.learned11. No agreement was _____ in the discussion as neither sidle would give way to the other.A.arrivedB.obtainedC.reachedD.gained12. A loud noise _____ my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.A.dividedB.divertedC.focusedD.separated13. Henry planned to visit _____ country besides England.A.some otherB.every otherC.several othersD.other14. Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following _____carefully.A.noticesB.ordersC.advertisementsD.instructions15. It is very expensive to _____ the fashion.A.go along withB.get on withC.keep up withD.carry on with16. If I have a good sleep, I’ll be_____ to work out the problem.A.possibleB.ableC.capableD.reasonable17. If you get into difficulties, don’t hesitate to _____ help.A.ask aboutB.ask afterC.ask forD.ask in18. All of them are ____ at Lana’s ac hievement.A.amazedB.interestedC.fondD.proud19. The football match was ____ on account of rain.A.called upB.called onC.called offD.called for20. Students should develop a good attitude _____ tests.A.forB.withC.onD.towards21. I’m _____ in this argument:I don’t care who wins.A.naturalB.centralC.neutralD.middle22. She passed me in the street,but took no _____ of me.A.attentionB.watchC.sightD.notice23. Only in this way _____ get rid of your headache.A.can youB.you canC.you willD.do you24. Tolerance _____ respecting the opinions of others.A.consists inB.consists ofC.insists onD.depends on25. The weather was good except for an _____ shower.A.optionalB.intentionalC.additionalD.occasional26. He had his book _____ at his own expense.A.printB.printedC.to printD.printing27 Patients’ bills of rights require that they ____informed about their con dition and aboutalternatives for treatment.A.areB.might beC.should beD.were28. He studies so hard to avoid _____ at the bottom of the class.(2014)A.finishingB.to finishC.finishedD.finish29. I thought you might be tired, ____ is why I decided to help you.(2014)A.thatB.thisC.whichD.as30. No one should blind himself _____ the well-known fact.A.withB.toC.forD.over31. The color of the skirt does not _____ that of the coat.A.balanceB.matchC.correspondingD.accord32. The boy is eager to ______ knowledge in different fields.A.accomplishB.absorbC.arrangeD.approach33. In my bedroom, there is a pair of scissors, a stack of books and _____ flowers on my desk.A.a piece ofB.a pocket ofC.a slice of D,a bunch of34. Ryan was late for the conference yesterday ______ the traffic jam. (2014)A.becauseB.sinceC.forD.because of35. As far as the professor______, college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.(2014)A.concernB.concernsC.concernedD.is concerned36. We have to get that car fixed _____.(2014)A.no matter it costs how muchB.no matter how much costs itC.no matter how much it costsD.no matter how much does it cost37. When I was a child, I used ____ to the river and bathe in the evening.(2014)A.to goingB.to goC.goD.going38. Nobody could _____a satisfactory explanation of the accident.e up withe throughe upone into39. _____ my delight,our school football team won the game easily.A. InB. OfC. ToD. For40. ______driving to work, Mr. Lead usually goes to his office downtown bu train. (2014)A. WithoutB. Instead ofC. In case ofD. In spite ofPart II ClozeMany visitors to the United Kingdom go straight to London and never set foot outside the capital---which is a pity, for those that doare often surprised at the sheer variety of landscapes _41_ within such a small geographical area. _42 you want to see stunning, unspoilt scenery you should 43 spend a few days in one of Britain’s largest areas of protected countryside, a natural park. 44 In the second half of the 20th century after popular pressure for access 45 the country’s wilder places, there are now 15 of them throughout the British Isles.The biggest is the Cairngorms in northern Scoland, named 46 some of the country’s highest mountains and the best place for skiing. Pony---trekking, climbing and fishing are also _47 , along with Scoland’s national game, golf. 48 enthusiasts are well rewarded---this is the home of the red deer, red squirrel and golden eager. If you don’t like the 49 to the highest point, some 2,000 meters 50 sea level, you can take the railway 51 gets youto the summit in less than ten minutes. 52 the west of the park is another popular natural 53 , Loch Ness. The lake is over 200 meters 54 in places, and salmon, trout and eels are in abundance here.Over the border in England is the Lake District, 55 made famous by Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth two hundred years ago. People have been 56 here en mass since 1847 57 a railway was built to its biggest lake, Windermere. 58 in the past boats piled its waters 59 stone, timber and wood, today’s craft are more likely to carry 60 on pleasure cruises---over a million a year, in fact.41. A.to find B.to be found C.finding D.to have found42. A while B.As C. If D. Since43. A.certainly B.formally C.normally D.gradually44. A. To create B. Creating C. Create D. Created45. A.for B.to C.by D.in46. A.for B.by C.with D.after47. A.pleasant B.favorite C.popular D.favorable48. A. Creature B. Wildlife C. Plant D. Botany49. A.way B.road C.walk D.step50. A.below B.up C.above D.under51. A.which B.what C.when D.where52. A. At B. On C. To D. In53. A.interest B.attraction C.pleasure D.place54. A.depth B.deeply C.deep D.deepness55. A.recently tely C.eventually D.originally56. A.traveled B.traveling C.travel D.to travel57. A.when B.because C.while D.as58. A. As B. Because C. Since D. While59. A.moving B.running C.transporting D.sending60. A.goods B.materials C.tourists D.productsPart III Reading ComprehensionPassage OneI strongly believe that understanding is more important than love, especially when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships. As a psychologist for more than twenty years I can tell you that I have never had an adult looking back at her childhood and complaining that her parents were too understanding. And similarly, I have met many divorced people who still love each other but yet they never really understood each other.The painful reality is love is just not enough. I’ll admit that there are people who I love and who I still need to better understand. I hope I will continue my work to understand them. The willingness to understand is very important. It is not always easy,but healthy love is strengthened by the willingness to understand. Love without understanding will wilt like flowers without water.Our egos are what seem to get in the way of understanding those who we love and care about. Often it is our need to be right that makes what others think and feel so wrong for us. I have certainly been quite guilty of this in some of my relationships.As I have written repeatedly in my books, empathy , is truly the emotional glue that holds all close relationships together. Empathy allows us to slow down and try to walk in the shoes of those we love. The deeper our empathy, the deeper---the healthier---our love. Not all relationships are meant to be. Yet all relationships that are meant to flourish in a healthy way, must stress understanding just as much, if not more, than love.61. From the passage, we know that _____.A.the author complains about her parents’ being too understandingB.the author has been studying marriage for more than 20 yearsC.People divorced mainly because they didn’t love each otherD.Some people divorced because they couldn’t understand each other62. Why are we unable to understand the others sometimes?A. Because we are caring the others too much.B. Because it is quite difficult to understand the others.C. Because we believe we are always rightD. Because the others have done something wrong63. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Understanding is more important to parenting relationships than to other intimate relationships.B. Understanding is less important than love as far as marriage is concerned.C. Understanding is more important than love to some degree.D. Understanding is more often neglected in parenting relationship.64. If we are to understand our parents, we should firstly _____.A.have willingness to do soB.have love for themC.get into connection with themD.care about them65. In this passage, the expression “walk in the shoes of” is similar in meaning to ____.A.befriendB.understandC.loveD.care aboutPassage TwoFinally, the Christmas season is over. We can take a long breath, put up our feet, sip from a cup of good tea and relax. The frenzy, starting from Black Friday right after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, of gift shopping, buying, wrapping, giving, receiving, opening, returning...is exhaustive and time---consuming, but it takes place every year.There is considerable difference between the cultures in China and western countries when it comes to gift giving. In China, it is not polite to open a gift in front of the gift giver, and gift is only looked at after the guest has left. Here in America, gift givers always wrap their gifts, large or small, priceless or valueless, carefully and decorate them with colorful ribbons and little pretty paper flowers; and the lucky receiver is expected to open the gift right away in front of the giver, with great eagerness and curiosity, and should always express appreciation with the all time truthful comment,“this is just exactly what I wanted!” Well, as a matter of fact, most people would take their“always wanted” gifts back to the store to exchange for something they really wanted.Finding a gift for somebody, even a close family member, you will have to know what the person likes and shop for days before you can locate the perfect gift. But , still the person may not like the gift from you. Nowadays, stores would provide two copies of the receipts for anything they sell as a gift, one of which is included in the gift packaged so that the receiver can come back for an exchange. I know, it was unthinkable to cash out gift you get, but, times are different. Another good way to avoid all that shopping hassle is to purchase a gift card from one of the stores and send it to your niece, nephews, or a family member, so that they can get whatever they want or even keep the money.66. Finding a gift for somebody is a(n) _____.A.easy jobB.tough taskC.must-be jobD.arranged task67. It is quite _____ for Chinese people to open the gift in front of the givers.ualB.normalC.abnormalD.unusual68. Gift giving is the same thing in China and America in that _____.A.people spend a lot of time preparing a giftB.People would cash out the gift immediatelyC.People are eager to open to get a gift from a friendD.People are less willing to give gifts.69. Which of the following is the author’s suggestion?A. Open a gift immediately in front of the giver.B. Wrap the gift carefully.C. Express the appreciation for the gift you receive.D. Buying a present card to avoid the trouble in shopping70. The author’s attitude towards gift giving is_____.A.indifferentB.protestingC.objectiveD.supportivePassage ThreeThey already guide blind and disabled people ;now dogs are to be trained to help people with dementia(痴呆).The duties of these “guide dogs for the mind” will include reminding their owners to take medication, as well as encouraging them to eat , drink and sleep at regular intervals.The dementia dogs will be trained to respond to sound triggers in the home that prompt them to perform tasks .These could include delivering a bite-proof bag of medicine with a note inside reminding the patient to take it , or waking them up in the morning.The idea was developed by design students at the Glasgow School of Art and will now be put into practice by Alzheimer’s Seotland and Dogs for the disabled.Joyee Gray of Alzheimer’s Scotland said:“People in the early stages of dementia are still able to live a relativ e normal life , and dogs help to maintain routine .”The other advantage of using the pets as companions is that conversation can be increasingly confusing for people with Alzheimer’s ,but dogs can give them a sense of silent support and companionship . Pe ople light up when they can see animals .They don’t need to communicate verbally but they can still interact . You can have a speechless bond .The dog would also encourage the owner to take them out for walks ,ensuring they keep exercising and interacting with other people .71.As is mentioned in the passage ,the guide dogs will do the following except for ____ .A.helping ensure the owner doing some exercisesB.reminding the owner to take medicinemunicating with the owner in a non-verbal wayD.helping the owner recover from the illness72.Who will train the dogs to perform such tasks?A.The students who developed the idea.B.The owners of the dogs.C.The experts in Alzheimer’s Scotland .D.It is not mentioned in the passage .73.What is true about the people suffering from dementia?A.They would like to stay with other people.B.They can maintain routine .C.They will gradually lose the ability to live a normal life .D.They would like to talk in a different way .74.The guide dogs helping the people with dementia will ___.A.respond to the owners orderB.respond to a sound deviceC.act on the owners instructionsD.act on the trainers order75.Having a conversation with people with dementia will be ___.A.difficultB.interestingC.confusing D .encouragingPassage FourIt seems obvious that you don’t give away your product for free but this is exactly what indie rock group The Crimea did earlier this year. The band’s reasoning goes like this: more people will download the free album than would pay for it. Therefore, more people will hear The Crimea’s music. These people will then pay money for concerts by the band and perhaps buy a T-shirt or other merchandise. If the band play regular concerts to crowds of 200 or 300 people they can make more money than they would from sales of CD. There will always be somepeople who want something they can hold in their hands so they will release the CD into the shops too---but making money through sales of their music i sn’t the top priority.The story illustrates the creative thinking going on in their music in response to dramatic changes over the last few years in the way that people buy music. Sales of music digitally ---to computer, phone and MP3 players rose to $2 billion in 2006---an increase of almost 100 percent on the previous year---yet overall record company sales are down. People are simply not buying CDs in record shops in anything like the numbers they used to.This trend looks set to continue so the big questions for the music industry is whether they can successfully manage the move to being primarily a digital industry without profits falling to unacceptable levels.There are both positive and negative signs. On the plus side, more and more people are buying music by mobile phones, which allows people to make impulse purchases---they can buy a song as soon as they hear it. Research by the UK mobile operator 3 suggested that 75 percent of 16 to 24-year-olds wanted to buy a track they liked as soon a s they heard it. With so much competition for people’s disposable income, a product you can sell immediately is a big advantage.The bad news for the record companies, however, is the amount of music that is downloaded illegally. Piracy---usually in the form of cheaply copied CD---has long been an issue for the music business but the internet means music can be copied and distributed freely through file-sharing sites on a large scale than ever before.It is this situation that leads bands to start giving away their music for free and promises to make the next few years a very interesting time in the music business.76.What is unusual abou t the Crimea’s business plan ?A.Their business was given away free on the Internet .B.They gave CDs away free in shops .C.They played free concerts.D.They charged more for their CDs.77.The Crimea hope to make money___.A.through CD salesB.by giving concerts and selling T-shirts and other merchandiseC.by selling merchandise on the InternetD.through sales of merchandise in shops78.The Crimea also released CDs for sale in shops because ___.A.people who attend their concerts need themB.they want to make extra moneyC.there are still people who prefer CDs to other formatsD.people who fail to attend their concerts need them79.What is true about sales of music over the last year?A.Overall,sales are up on last year.B.Overall,sales are down on last year.C.There is no change compared to previous salesD.It is not mentioned in the passage.80.What effect has internet had on music piracy?A.It is made it easier to fight piracyB.It has increased the number of pirate CDs available.C.It has made it easier to illegally copy music.D.It has reduced the number of pirate CDs available.Part IV TranslationSection A81.她喜欢看书时听音乐。
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2014年上半年全国高等学校(安徽考区)计算机水平考试试卷(二级Visual FoxPro 6.0程序设计)一、单项选择题(每题1分,共40分)1、一个完整的计算机系统应该包括______A)主机和外设B)硬件系统和软件系统C)操作系统和应用程序D)运算器、控制器和存储器2、微型计算机突然断电后,数据会丢失的存储器是____A)RAM B)硬盘C)ROM D)光盘3、在计算机的应用领域中,CAD属于____领域的应用A)科学计算B)数据处理C)计算机辅助系统D) 人工智能4、下列选项中,不是操作系统的软件是____A)Windows XP B)Windows7 C)Linux D)Microsoft Office5、将(110010)2转换成十进制数是___A)46 B)48 C)50 D)526、下列关于Windows剪贴板的描述,不正确的是____A)只要Windows在运行中,剪贴板就处于运行状态B)剪贴板是内存中临时存储信息的区域C)剪贴板只能传递文字和图像信息D)剪贴板是Windows提供的信息传递方式7、下列选项中,属于多媒体计算机的硬件设备是___A)网卡B)声卡C) 打印机D)扫描仪8、在Internet中,FTP值得是___A)文件传输协议B)超文本传输协议C)电子邮件协议D)传输控制协议9、下列关于计算机病毒的说法,正确的是___A)计算机病毒是一种生物病毒B)计算机病毒是一种程序C)计算机病毒只破坏内存中的数据D)使用杀毒软件能清除所有病毒10、计算机能够直接识别和处理的语言是___A)汇编语言B)高级语言C)数据库语言D)机器语言11、下列选项中,从关系中取出满足条件的元祖的运算是___A)投影B)选择C)连接D)筛选12、在VFP中,项目文件和数据表文件的扩展名分别是___A)PJX和DBC B)PJX和DBF C)PRG和DBC D)PRG和DBF13\在VFP中,用于图像的字段类型是___A)通用型B)备注型C)字符型D)逻辑性14、下列选项中,不属于常量的是___A)[ABCD] B)’ABCD’C) 3E-5 D)TRUE15\下列表达式的值为数值型的是____A)”345”+”216”B)CTOD(“10—1-2012”)-20 C)100+200=300 D)len(“student”)16、\函数AT(“数据表”,”建立VFP数据表”)的结果是___A)5 B)6 C) 7 D)817、下列函数中,返回值的类型不是逻辑型的是___A)subs() B)eof() C)found() D)bof()18、下列表达式不合法的是___A){^2012-12-31}-date() B)”今天是”+dtoc({^2012-12-31})C)dtoc({^2012-12-31})-date() D){^2012-12-31}+36519、下列选项中,修改表结构的命令是____A)COPY STRU B)MODI STRU C)DISP STRU D)LIST STRU20、下列选项中,随着表的打开而自动打开的索引文件是___A)结构化复合索引B)非结构化复合索引C)单索引文件D)所有的索引文件21、逻辑删除当前数据表中所有籍贯为“安徽”的男生记录,使用命令___A)DELETE FOR 籍贯=”安徽” or 性别=”男”B) DELETE FOR 籍贯=”安徽” and 性别=”男”C) DELETE FOR 籍贯=”安徽”, 性别=”男”D) DELETE WHILE 籍贯=”安徽” or 性别=”男”22、下列选项中,创建数据库的命令是___A)open database B)modify database C)create datadase D)close database23、计算当前数据表中职称为“教授”的工资(N)总和,并把计算结果存入内存变量GZ中,正确的命令是___A)TOTAL 工资TO GZ FOR 职称=”教授”B) TOTAL ON工资TO GZ FOR 职称=”教授”C) SUM ON 工资TO GZ FOR 职称=”教授”D) SUM 工资TO GZ FOR 职称=”教授”24、命令动词__可以进行排序操作A)SORT B)SEEK C)REPLACE D)COUNT25、数据库中的完整性不包括__A)实体完整性B)域完整性C)记录完整性D)参照完整性26、下列关于视图的描述,不正确的是___A)视图必须依附于数据库存在B)不能根据自由表建立视图C)视图可以更新数据源D)视图是从一个或多个表中产生的虚表27、下列程序结构中,不能出现LOOP语句的是___A)FOR …ENDFOR B)IF ….ENDIFC)SCAN …ENDSCAN D)DO WHILE …ENDDO28、下列选项中,定义全局变量的命令是___A)PUBLIC B)PRIV ATE C)LOCAL D)DIME29、SQL语句,DROP的作用是___A)更新记录B)插入记录C)删除表D)删除记录30、SQL语句中,用于限定分组条件的子句是___A)FOR B)WHERE C)HA VING D)WHILE31、数据表XSDA.dbf含有学号( C)、出生日期( D)等字段,查询1991年以后(含1991)出生的记录,将查询结果存入永久表XS.dbf中,正确的SQL语句是___A)SELECT *FROM XSDA WHERE YEAR(出生日期)>=1991 INTO TABLE XSB) SELECT *FROM XSDA WHERE YEAR(出生日期)>=1991 INTO CURSOR XSC) SELECT *FROM XSDA WHERE出生日期>=1991 INTO TABLE XSD) SELECT *FROM XSDA WHERE 出生日期>=1991 INTO CURSOR XS32、将数据表KC.dbf中课程号为“101“的成绩加10分,正确的SQL语句是___A)UPDATE KC 成绩=成绩+10 WHERE 课程号=“101“B) UPDA TE KC SET 成绩=成绩+10 FOR 课程号=“101“C) UPDA TE KC 成绩=成绩+10 FOR 课程号=“101“D) UPDATE KC SET 成绩=成绩+10 WHERE 课程号=“101“33、所有控件都有的属性事__A)Caption B)Name C) Autosize D)Backcolor34、下列选项中,用于设置选项按钮组按钮个数的属性是__A)Buttons B)Value C)ButtonCount D)Visible35、在当前表单的Click事件代码中,将表单中标签控件Label1的标题修改为”添加控件”的语句为A)bel1.Caption=”添加控件”B)This.Caption=”添加控件”C)ThisForm.Caption=”添加控件”D bel1.caption=”添加控件”36、下列选项中,用于向列表框添加列表项的方法是A)ListItem B)AddItem C)RemoveItem D)RemoveListItem37、计时器控件Interval属性值为500,每隔0.5秒回触发__事件A)Reset B)Destroy C)Timer D)Init38、下列选项中,运行菜单文件Menu1的命令是A)Do menu1.prg B)Do menu1.mnt C)Do menu1.mnx D)Do menu1.mpr39、下列选项中,不能作为报表数据源的是A)数据库表B)自由表C)表单D)视图40、在项目管理器中,管理数据库的是___选项卡A)数据B)代码C)文档D)类二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1、用二维表的形式来表示实体及实体之间联系的数据模型成为_关系_模型。
2、执行命令DIME B(4)后,数组B(1)的初值是.F.3、与VFP表达式a/(a^2+b^2)对应的数学表达式是_________4、设变量a=2.136,命令?ROUND(a,2)的执行结果是2.145、将当前数据表按照价格(N)的升序建立结构化复合索引,应用命令index on价格TAG JG6、当前数据表DA.dbf包含“性别( C )”字段,将所有“男”同学的记录复制生成XS.dbf,应使用命令copy to xs for 性别=”男”7、查询书名为“线性代数”的记录个数SELECT 书名,count(*) AS 记录数FROM TS WHERE 书名=”线性代数”8、查询出版社为“高等教育”的图书信息,并按照价格的升序排列SELECT * FROM TS WHERE 出版社=”高等教育”ORDER BY价格9、在TS.dbf表中增加出版日期(D)字段ALTER TABLE TS ADD 出版日期D10、表单运行时,复选框控件为选中状态,则Value属性的值为.T. 或1三、阅读理解题(每题4分,共20分)1、下面程序的运行结果是4.5SET TALK OFFCLEARSTOR 3 TO X,YDO CASECASE X<0Y=Y+XCASE X<5Y=Y+X/2OTHEY=XENDCASE?Y2、下面程序的运行结果是750p=1i=0do while i<=10i=i+5p=p*ienddo?p3、下面程序的运行结果是28DIME A(6)FOR I=1 TO 6IF MOD(I,2)=0A(I)=I+1ELSEA(I)=I^2ENDIFENDFOR?A(2)+A(5)4、数据表xscj.dbf的结构和记录如下表所示,下面程序的运行结果是173ClearCj=0Scan for 性别=”女” and 成绩>=60Cj=cj+成绩Endscan?cjuse5、下面程序的运行结果是3?FC(1)+FC(2)RETURNFUNC FCPARA XS=0FOR I=1 TO XS=S+1ENDFORRETU SENDFUNC四、编程题(第1、2题各6分,第3题8分,共20分)1、从键盘输入一个数,如果大于等于零,输出其平方根,否则输出其绝对值Input “数:” to xIf x>=0?sqrt(x) &&或者x^0.5Else?abs(x) &&或者-1*xEndif[注]本题主要考核“分支结构”及2个函数4 6 8 1002、利用循环结构变成计算输出表达式s=1+ ——+ ——+——+……+——的值3252 72992s=1for i=3 to 99 step 2s=s+(i+1)/i^2endfor3、某工厂将依据生产情况表SCB.dbf(车间代码C、实际产量N、核定产量N、完成率N、考核等级C),对车间生产完成情况考核,考核方法如下:优秀(完成率>=0.85)考核等级= 合格(0.7<=完成率<0.85)不合格(完成率<0.7)数据表SCB.dbf经添加到如下图所示的表单数据环境中,要求单击“确定”按钮,计算并显示某车间的生产“完成率”(完成率=实际产量÷核定产量)和“考核等级”,并将车间代码、实际产量、核定产量、完成率和考核等级的值存入数据表SCB.dbf中,编写“确定”按钮的Click事件代码“确定”的Click事件代码:Loca for车间代码=allt(thisform.text1.value) Wcl=实际产量/核定产量Do caseCase wcl>=0.85Dj=”优秀”Case wcl>=0.7 andwcl<0.85Dj=”合格”Case wcl<0.7Dj=”不合格”EndcaseThisform.text2..value=wclThisform.text4.value=dj。