片名时间简史改编自史蒂芬·霍金《时间简史》一书是先有鸡还是先有蛋Which came first the chicken or the egg?宇宙有起源吗Did the universe have a beginning...如果有那么在宇宙之前又是什么and if so, what happened before then?宇宙从何而来Where did the universe come from...它又将去向何方and where is it going?运气好Luck. Luck. Well...我们都很幸运we have been very lucky我是说我的家人史蒂芬和所有人I mean, my family and Stephen and everybody.曾经多灾多难关键是我们生存下来了You have your disasters, but the point is that we have survived.每个人都面临着灾难一些人消失了Everybody has disasters, and yet some people disappear...再也见不到了and are never seen again.飞弹总是让人绷紧神经Flying bombs are very alarming.它们呼啸而来They came buzzing over...然后戛然而止and then they would cut out.你听到嘭的一声你知道你没有被炸And when you heard the bang, you knew it wasn't you...你继续吃饭或者做其他的事so you went back to your meal or whatever.但是真的有个炸♥弹♥掉在我们的房♥子边上But one did fall quite close to our house...震破了玻璃and it blew the back windows out...碎玻璃片像尖刀一样打到对面的墙上so that the glass was sticking dagger points all out of the opposite wall. 当史蒂芬要出生时我们决定When Stephen was born, we decided. ..他最好是出生在牛津He'd better be born in Oxford.所以当我呆在医院的时候So while I was staying in the hospital...我去了牛津的布莱克威尔医院I went to Blackwell's in Oxford...我买♥♥了一本天文图集and I bought an astronomical atlas.我的一个弟媳说One of my sisters-in-law said..."这是你做的很有预见性的一件事""This is a very prophetic thing for you to have done."时间有多真实How real is time?时间有没有终点Will it ever come to an end?过去和未来有什么区别Where does the difference between the past and the future come from? 为什么我们能回忆起过去Why do We remember the past. ..而不是将来But not the future?我还记得那天I can remember the day...我们经过伦敦然后灯火管制刚结束when we traveled through London and the blackout was over.火车仍然在行驶And the trains, instead of being shut in...通过火车的百叶窗看去by blinds so that you just traveled in a train...我们正经过一座座的铁路桥we were coming over one of the bridges...看到灯光闪耀灯光消逝的地方and all the lights well, such lights as were left便是伦敦城区那也是一个星光闪耀的夜晚were on in London, but it was also a completely starry night...你能看到那些星光非常漂亮and you could see the light. It was beautiful.我记得我们都常常躺在草坪上I remember we all used to lie on the grass,透过望远镜looking straight up through a telescope...仰望璀璨的星空and seeing the wonders of the stars.史蒂芬总是充满了好奇Stephen always had a strong sense of wonder...我知道那些星星吸引了他and I could see that the stars would draw him...还有比星星还要深远的东西and further than the stars.我出生于伽利略逝世I was born exactly 300 years...300周年纪念日after the death of Galileo.我估计有二十万婴儿I estimate that about 200, 000 other babies...在那天出生were also born that day.我不知道他们中是否有些人I don't know whether any of them...后来对天文学感兴趣was later interested in astronomy.我最初的记忆是伊泽贝尔My first memory is of Isobel...推着老旧的pushing a rather antiquated...马车改装的婴儿车在北方大道上走着carriage-built pram along North Road...史蒂芬和玛丽在车内with Stephen and Mary in it...看上去非常大sort of looking very large...因为他们大大的脑袋粉红的脸颊十分引人注目because they had large heads and pink cheeks, and they were very noticeable. 他们看上去和常人不同They all looked different from ordinary people.我记得到霍金家拜访I can remember visiting the Hawking home...好多次了oh, several times.如果留下来吃晚饭的话It was the sort of place where, if invited to stay to supper...你可以you might, uh...可以和小史蒂芬说说话be allowed to have your conversation with Stephen...但是其他家庭成员会坐在but the rest of the family would be sitting...桌边阅读at the table reading a book...在我的观念里这样做是不允许的a behavior which was not really approved of in my circle...但是霍金一家却很宽容but which was tolerated from the Hawkings...他们看起来because they were recognized to be...非常特别智商很高very eccentric, highly intelligent...非常聪明very clever people...但是还是有一点古怪but still a bit odd.在我的印象中霍金家族中My impression of the Hawking family was that they were all like that... 只有史蒂芬看上去except for Stephen, who seemed to be...是一位正常的成员the only normal member of the family.史蒂芬常常猜想自己知道我认为Stephen used to reckon he knew, I think it was...有11条进房♥间的路线我只找到10条11 ways of getting into the house, and I could only find ten.我不是很确定那一条路在哪里I'm not sure where the other way was.房♥子的北面是一间自行车棚On the north side of the house was a bicycle shed.有前后门It had a door at the front and a door at the back.车棚上面有个窗户通往L型的房♥间Above that, there was a Window into the L-shaped room...前面有个拐角你可以从那里and at the front you could get sort of around the corner...上到屋顶去onto the roof ..从那里And from that level...你能到达主楼屋顶you could get onto the main roof.我想其中一条路是I think one of the ways...史蒂芬可以从主楼屋顶进去Stephen could get in was on the main roof.要我说他比我会爬得多As I say, he was a much better climber than I was.我仍然不知道第11条路是什么I still didn't know what the 11th one was.在20世纪以前Before the 20th century...人们认为宇宙会永远存在it was thought that the universe had existed forever... 或形成于过去某个时间点or had been created at some time in the past...跟我们今天观测到的差不多more or less as we observe it today.人们觉得这样很有说服力People found comfort in the thought...尽管他们会衰老和死亡that even though they may grow old and die...而宇宙是亘古不变的the universe was eternal and unchanging.我不再和霍金玩那个游戏I gave up playing games with Stephen...那时候他生病了大概12岁oh, when he was ill that time when he was about 12... 因为他开始对游戏异常认真because he started taking games terribly seriously.我们玩的是《大富翁》We had Monopoly...首先and first of all...在《大富翁》棋盘上建起贯穿的铁路the Monopoly board sprang railways going across it. .. 以增加复杂性To add to the complications...后来《大富翁》满足不了他的需求and then Monopoly just wasn't adaptable enough.他开始玩更可怕的游戏《王朝》He ended up with a fearful game called Dynasty...我不会玩这种游戏我从没玩过which, as far as I can make out I never played it他就会一直玩因为这游戏没有终点went on forever because there was no way of ending it.在我看来快要取代生活了It was almost a substitute for living, as far as I could make out. 他在游戏上花费一个又一个小时It took hours and hours and hours.我认为这是个非常可怕的游戏I thought it was a perfectly terrible game.我难以想象有人能花这么多时间I couldn't imagine anyone getting taken up with that.但是史蒂芬有很复杂的思维But Stephen always had a very complicated mind...我觉得就是因为and I felt as much as anything...这种复杂度吸引了他it was the complication of it that appealed to him.我高中的时候我学到When I was in high school, I learned that light...来自遥远星系的光会发生红移from distant galaxies was shifted to the red.那意味着它们在远离我们This meant that they were moving away from us...宇宙在膨胀and that the universe was expanding.但是我不相信But I didn't believe it.一个静态的宇宙看起来更加自然A static universe seemed much more natural.它可能已经存在It could have existed...并且永远存在下去and could continue to exist forever.我们当时在讨论We were discussing the possibility...生命自然产生的可能性of the spontaneous generation of life...我认为从史蒂芬的讨论中and I think that Stephen made a remark...不仅能看出他已经想到这一点which indicated not only that he'd thought of this...他甚至已经but he'd even also...对这一过程所需的时间come across some calculations..做了一些计算as to how long it might take.那一刻At that time,我对其中一位朋友约翰·麦克莱纳说I think I made a comment...to one of my friends, John McClenahan... "我觉得史蒂芬这个人""I think that Stephen..."能力非凡"will turn out to be unusually capable."我不确定我当时就是这么说的I don't think I put it in quite those words...但我做了类似这样的评价but I made some such remark to him...约翰并不认同and he disagreed.所以我们打了个赌And so we made a bet on the subject.用我们小时候的方法In our childish way, we bet...赌注是一袋糖果a bag of sweets on the issue.顺便说一句我认为我敢赌我是正确的And incidentally, I reckon that my bet has come correct...我觉得他该付我赌注and I think I'm entitled to payment...虽然我现在还没收到which has not yet been made.宇宙膨胀The expansion of the universe...暗示着一种可能性suggested the possibility...宇宙起源于that the universe had a beginning...过去的某个时间点at some time in the past.宇宙起源的时间点The point at which the universe may have started out. ..被称作大爆♥炸♥Became known as the Big Bang.他第一年在圣阿尔本兹学校的时候The first year he was at St. Albans School...成绩倒数第三名he came, I think, third from the bottom.我对他说 "好吧史蒂芬"I said, "Well, Stephen..."你真的想变得那么差吗"do you really have to be as far down as that?"他说道And he said, "Well..."很多人都没有做得更好"a lot of other people didn't do much better."他一点也不在意He was quite unconcerned.不知为何他总是被认为Somehow he was always recognized...很聪明as being very bright. ..事实上他有一年获得过神学奖And in fact they gave him the Divinity Prize one year.这没有什么奇怪的That was not surprising因为他爸爸在他很小的时候就常常给他because his father used to read him...朗读一些圣经的故事Bible stories from a very early age...他对那些故事很熟悉and he knew them all very well...他对宗教的一些事非常精通and he was quite well-versed in religious things...然而我不认为他是通过大量的练习才熟悉的although I don't think he makes a great deal of practice of it now.每个人都会谈论神学Everybody used to argue theology.那是一个好的安全的话题That's a good, safe subject.你不需要事实或者You don't need any facts or...分散注意力distracting things like that.如果你参与讨论If you go in for arguing你可以愉快地辩论任何事you know, debating you can quite happily debate about anything... 包括神学including theology...上帝存在及其形式and the existence or otherwise of God.一些人会厌倦了And then someone gets bored...就会谈论星际旅行或者类似这些的or Journey Into Space comes on, or something like that...然后讨论到此结束and the argument breaks up.在亘古不变的宇宙中In an unchanging universe...我们可以想象是上帝于过去的某个时间one can imagine that God created the universe...创造了宇宙at literally any time in the past.另一方面On the other hand...如果宇宙在膨胀if the universe is expanding...那可能有物理原因there may be physical reasons...为什么一定要有起源呢why there had to be a beginning.宇宙的膨胀并不排除创造者An expanding universe does not preclude a creator...但是它在上帝是何时创世这方面but it does place limits...有局限性on when he might have carried out his job.我们一家到了印度When the family went to India...史蒂芬也来和我们一起住一年it was arranged that Stephen should come and live with us for a year. 他认为我们He decided it would be nice...晚上应该跳苏格兰舞是很好的that we should have...Scottish dancing in the evening.提醒你一下这是一间很普通的房♥子Mind you, this was quite an ordinary house...但是我们有很多房♥间和一个大厅but we had rather a lot of room and a large hall...我们买♥♥了一些唱片and so we bought some records...和一本消遣的书and a book about what to do...史蒂芬开始主持and Stephen took charge.他坚持让你穿夹克打领带And he insisted you put on a jacket and a tie.他来当晚会的主持And then he was the master of the proceedings.史蒂芬很认真地在做And Stephen took it very seriously.但他喜欢跳舞发现了吗But then he liked dancing, you see?有四位物理学家与我同级There were four physicists in my year戈登·贝瑞Gordon Berry...里查德·布莱恩Richard Bryan...史蒂芬Stephen...和我自己myself.我对史蒂芬最初的印象是I first remember Stephen...有一次我和戈登吃完饭去史蒂芬的房♥间on an occasion when Gordon and I went up after dinner to his room...找他to try to find him.史蒂芬正在那里And Stephen was up there...那儿有一箱啤酒with a crate of beer...慢慢地喝着啤酒slowly drinking his way through it.他只有17岁不允许去酒吧He was only 17. He couldn't legally go into a pub.他很小就去了牛津大学读书He'd gone up to Oxford ridiculously early.我们常常聚会We used to have what we called a gathering net.组织啤酒派对或者类似的活动We used to organize a beer party and various things like that...以邀请尽可能多的新生to gather all these collar as many freshman as we could get...让他们加入划船俱乐部to get them to join the Boat Club.我们就是这样认识他的And that's how we collected him, you see?但是史蒂芬的问题是But the question always with Stephen was..."我们应该让他做第一批的八个舵手之一""Should we make him the cox of the first eight..."还是第二批"or the second eight?"有些舵手比较冒险Well, coxes can be adventurous...有些则很沉稳and some coxes can be very steady people.他属于冒险的那一类He was rather an adventurous type.你永远也不知道他接下来会干什么You never knew quite what he was going to do...当他和船员一起的时候when he went out with the crew.他有时候会想些自己的事情I think he used to bring his work with him into the boat sometimes. 在船上他思维的齿轮开始转动His sort of thinking gear was going...在不同层次上on different levels.我们被要求阅读We were asked to read chapter 10...一本书的第十章书名叫电磁学in a book called Electricity and Magnetism...由布里尼夫妇所著一个不太可能的组合by Bleaney and Bleaney, an unlikely combination他们是夫妻档a husband-and-wife team在第十章的最后部分有13个问题and at the end of that chapter, there were 13 questions...都是具有挑战性的问题all of them final honors questions.我很快发现我一个都不会做I discovered very rapidly that I couldn't do any of them.理查德和我一起做了一个星期Richard and I worked together for the week...我们做出了1道半and we managed to do 1 1/2 questions...我们感到很骄傲which we felt very proud of.戈登拒绝外援Gordon refused all assistance...独♥立♥做出了1道题and managed to do one all by himself.史蒂芬像往常一样甚至还没开始Stephen, as always, hadn't even started...但是第二天早上他9点钟进房♥间but the next morning, he went' up to his rooms at 9:00. ..我们回来是12点也可能是12点5分And we came back about 12:00, maybe five past 12:00...史蒂芬随后也来了我们在大学门口的长廊碰到and down came Stephen, and we were in the college gateway, the lodge. "霍金" 我说 "你做出了多少""Ah, Hawking," I said, "how many have you managed to do, then?""好吧" 他说 "我只有时间做前十道""Well," he said, "I've only had time to do the first ten."在那一刻I think at that point we realized我们认识到我们不仅仅不是一路人that it's not just we weren't in the same street.我们根本就不是一类人We weren't on the same planet.我曾算过I once calculated...我在牛津的三年里that I did about 1, 000 hours' work...做过1 000个小时的工作in the three years I was at Oxford平均每天一小时an average of an hour a day.我不会因为不勤于工作而感到骄傲I am not proud of this lack of work.我只是在描述我当时的态度I am just describing my attitude at the time...当时就觉得没有什么是值得努力的an attitude that nothing was worth making an effort for.每个星期的课外辅♥导♥他都做些研究He used to produce his work every week for tutorial...因为他从来不保留笔记and, as he never kept any notes...草稿或者类似这些资料or papers or that sort of thing...离开我房♥间的时候他都把那些会扔到我的垃圾桶里on leaving my room, he would normally throw it in my wastepaper basket. 当他和其他一些大学生一起做研究And when he was with other undergraduates at the tutorial...他们看到这些时完全吓坏了and they saw this happen, they were absolutely horrified...因为他们认为他只要半小时就完成的工作'cause they thought, he did this work in probably half an hour...如果他们能在一年内完成If they could have done it in a year,他们都不会扔到废纸篓里they wouldn't have thrown it in the wastepaper basket.而是把它们裱起来挂到墙上They would've put it in a frame on their walls.由于我疏于学习Because of my lack of work...我打算解决理论物理的问题I had planned to get through the final exam...来通过我的期末考试by doing problems in theoretical physics...并避开需要事实性知识的问题and avoiding any questions that required factual knowledge.我做的不是很好I didn't do very well.我处在一等和二等学位的边界I was on the borderline between a first- and second-class degree... 我不得不通过面试来决定我能够获得第几等and I had to be interviewed to determine which I should get.他们询问我的未来计划They asked me about my future plans.我回答到如果他们给我第一等I replied, if they gave me a first...我就会去剑桥大学I would go to Cambridge.如果我获得二等学位If I only got a second...我就留在牛津I would stay in Oxford.他们给了我一等学位They gave me a first.我带着史蒂芬和他的弟弟I drove Stephen and his young brother...去沃本公园out to Woburn Park...他爬上一棵树and he climbed a tree.我想他在测试自己我没有意识到He was testing himself out, I think. I didn't realize.他能够爬树He did manage to climb a tree...沿着树枝把自己弄下来and go along a branch of it and get himself down.我想他开始认识到自己的双手I think he began to notice that his hands...没有曾经那么好用了were less useful than they had been...但是他没有告诉我们but he didn't tell us.大学里有些垂直的楼梯Univ has these square staircases...圆角但却是垂直的which are round but they're square.他从一个房♥间出来It was just coming down from one of the rooms.史蒂芬从楼梯上摔了下来Steve actually fell on the stairs coming downstairs...一直滚到底部and kind of bounced all the way down to the bottom.我不知道他是否失去了意识但他失忆了I don't know if he lost consciousness, but he lost his memory.我们把他弄到一个地方不是我房♥间也不是别人的房♥间We took him to either my room or someone's room.他第一个问题就问 "我是谁"The first question of course was, "Who am I?"我们告诉他 "你是史蒂芬·霍金"We told him, "You're Steve Hawking."接下来他立马又问了一遍 "我是谁"Right away he would ask again, "Who am I?""史蒂芬·霍金""Steve Hawking."接着过了几分钟他想起他是史蒂芬·霍金Then, after a couple of minutes, he remembered he was Steve Hawking. 然后我们问他 "你还记得星期天晚上"Then we'd say, "Do you remember going down to the bar..."你去酒吧喝酒么"and having a drink on Sunday night?"或者 "你还记得星期一我们在河上划船么"Or, "Do you remember coxing on the river on Monday?"他的记忆逐渐恢复了And his memory came back gradually...直到他能记起几天前的一些事until he could remember the previous day's events,然后是几小时前and then the previous hour...后来的两个小时他能记起每一件事and by the end of the two hours, he could remember everything.问题是 "你可能因为这个损伤了"The question was, "Well, maybe you've lost..."一些脑细胞"some of your mind because of this."然后史蒂芬说 "这样的话我要参加门萨考试"And so Steve decided, "Well, I'll take the Mensa test."我们回应道 "你一定会进的"We said, "Of course you'll get in."他回来很高兴他能够进入门萨But he came back delighted he was able to get into Mensa. 极其欣喜Absolutely delighted.我感觉理论物理I felt that there were two areas...有两个领域of theoretical physics...我在剑桥可能会研究的两个领域I might study at Cambridge.一个是宇宙学研究宏观One was cosmology, the study of the very large.另一个是基本粒子The other was elementary particles...研究微观the study of the very small.然而我认为基础粒子However, I thought elementary particles...缺乏吸引力were less attractive...因为没有合适的理论because there was no proper theory.他们所要做的All they could do...就是粒子的分类was arrange the particles in families...就像植物学like in botany.而在宇宙学里换句话说In cosmology, on the other hand...有定义明确的理论there was a well-defined theory爱因斯坦的相对论Einstein's general theory of relativity.那一年很冷It was a very cold year...维鲁拉米恩池塘and the ice on Verulamium Pond...都结了冰it was frozen there...我们一起出去滑冰and we all went skating.史蒂芬滑的相当好And Stephen managed to skate fairly well...但是后来他离我非常的近but then, he and I were close together.他滑冰的水平不是很高He wasn't skating in a very advanced way...但我会那样滑but nor was I, if it comes to that.他摔倒了He fell...爬不起来and he couldn't get up.我带着他来到咖啡馆暖身So I took him to a caf茅 to warm up...他告诉我关于这件事的一切and he told me then all about it.并且是确诊的And it was diagnosed.我坚持要见他的医生I insisted on going to see his doctor...因为不管他还能活多久because it seemed to me however long you're going to live...我都想知道有没有什么方法或什么人能够帮助他there's probably something someone can do about it至少能让人更容易接受at least anyhow to make things easier for people.我不想提医生的名字I won't mention the doctor's name...我和他在伦敦的诊所见面but I got to see him at the London Clinic.他见到我很惊奇我竟然不辞劳苦地找到他He was rather surprised that I should bother to come 'round to see him. 毕竟我只是史蒂芬的母亲After all, I was only Stephen's mother.他非常友好他同意和我正式会面He was quite nice. He agreed to see me in a rather grand way. 他说道 "是的非常抱歉"And he said, "Yes, it's all very sad."才华横溢的年轻人在他的年轻时即将陨落"Brilliant young man cut off in the prime of his youth."当然我问 "我们该怎么做"But of course I said, "What can we do?"有什么我们可以做的"What can we do to sort of"需要做理疗么"Can we get physiotherapy?"有没有什么能帮到忙吗"Can we get anything like that that will help in any way?"他说 "事实上没有"He said, "Well, actually, no."真的我不能帮上一点忙差不多就是这样"There's nothing I can do, really. More or less, that's it."我21岁生日后不久Shortly after my 21 st birthday...我来到医院检查I went into hospital for tests.他们取了我的手臂肌肉样本They took a muscle sample from my arm...把电极插在我身上stuck electrodes into me...把显影剂注入我的脊椎and injected some radiopaque fluid into my spine...然后把床倾斜用X光扫描and watched it going up and down with X-rays...从头扫到尾as they tilted the bed.我被诊断为ALSI was diagnosed as having ALS肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症amyotrophic lateral sclerosis又叫做运动神经元疾病or motor neuron disease, as it is also known.医生没有治疗方案The doctors could offer no cure...告诉我只剩下2年半的时间可活and gave me 21/2 years to live.我来到毕业生休息室I went into the graduates' common room...找有谁能一起吃饭的looking, really, for someone to have lunch with.没有人我期望的那样能够陪我一起吃午饭There was nobody around that I particularly wished to have lunch with... 这时史蒂芬进了房♥间and then Stephen walked through the door.我不知道他在牛津干什么我已经忘记了I don't know what he was doing at Oxford. I've certainly forgotten now. 史蒂芬慷慨地出去And so Stephen generously went off...买♥♥了些喝的to buy the drinks...带回来放在桌子上and brought them and put them on the table.他放下一品脱啤酒And as he put his pint of beer down...他分了一下he spilled it.我高兴地说I sort of said genially..."老天尽情喝吧""Oh, heavens. Drinking at this time of day!"然后他告诉我他在阿登布鲁克有三个星期了He then told me he'd been in Addenbrooke's for three weeks...他们做了一系列的检查and they'd done a whole series of tests...诊断出and they'd decided...他得了什么病what was wrong with him.他很平静的告诉我And he told me very straight and flat...他将渐渐地不能掌控that he was gradually going to lose...自己的身体the use of his body...到最后that eventually...只有心脏和肺only his heart and his lungs...大脑还能工作would still be operating, and his brain...他们告诉他and that they'd told him that...最终基本上全部瘫痪eventually he would essentially have the body of a cabbage...但是他仍然能够很好思考but his mind would still be in perfect working order...他将无法和别人交流and he would be unable to communicate with the rest of the world. 那时候我很迷茫My dreams at that time were rather disturbed.在我被确诊之前Before my condition had been diagnosed...我对生活非常厌倦I had been very bored with life.好像没有什么可以值得做的There had not seemed to be anything worth doing.但是当我从医院出来的一瞬间But shortly after I came out of hospital...我想我快要完蛋了I dreamt that I was going to be executed.我突然意识到我还有很多值得做的事I suddenly realized there were a lot of worthwhile things...如果还有时间的话I could do if I were reprieved.我完全理解他失去了信念I knew perfectly well that he had no faith...然后and...对我而言那让我心里更加难受to me, that made it the more difficult...因为一般人遭遇这种悲剧都会问自己because you must ask yourself,"为什么偏偏是我""Why me?"偏偏是这种病偏偏在我正值青春的时候"Why this? Why now?"但他不同他就那么完全坦然地接受了But he just totally, flatly accepted...接受了即将发生的事情that this was what was going to happen to him.据我推测那时候他开始了一些工作As far as I can gather, at that point he started to do some work. 一开始我并不觉得我的研究At first, there did not seem much point...能有什么意义in working at my research...因为我根本没指望活到能够because I didn't expect to live long enough...完成我的博士学位to finish my PhD.然而时间一天天过去However, as time went by...看上去似乎病情进展延缓了the disease seemed to slow down.我开始能理解广义相对论I began to understand general relativity...还在工作中取得了一些进展and made progress with my work.不过一直以来真正支撑着我的是But what really made a difference was...我那时已经与一位叫简·王尔德的姑娘订了婚I had got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde.她是我生命的支柱This gave me something to live for...同时这也意味着我得找份工作but it' also meant I had to get a job...如果我真心想和她结婚if we were to get married.史蒂芬那时已经确诊简也清楚地知道Stephen was already ill. Jane knew it.这是史蒂芬又一个幸运之处And it was another instance of Stephen's luck, you know在对的时间遇见对的人meeting the right person at the right time...你想想史蒂芬那时无比沮丧because Stephen was very, very badly depressed...并不怎么情愿继续他的工作and he wasn't very much inclined to go on with his work.他被告知生命只剩两年半的时间。
时间简史简介1. 引言时间是人类生活中不可或缺的概念,我们用时间来衡量事件的先后顺序以及持续的时间长度。
2. 作者简介斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking)是英国最杰出的理论物理学家之一,于1942年出生在牛津,他以其对黑洞、宇宙学和广义相对论的研究而闻名于世。
3. 书籍概述《时间简史》是霍金最知名的作品之一,于1988年首次出版。
霍金试图向读者解答几个基本问题:宇宙是如何开始的?时间的概念和起源是什么?宇宙的未来会是怎样的?4. 内容概述4.1 宇宙的起源在《时间简史》的开篇,霍金讲述了宇宙大爆炸理论,即宇宙诞生于一个起源于极小并极高密度的点。
4.2 时间的概念和起源时间是人类生活中重要的概念,但我们对时间的了解却并不完整。
4.3 黑洞和时间旅行黑洞是宇宙中最神秘和令人着迷的天体之一。
4.4 宇宙的未来在书的最后,霍金提出了一些关于宇宙未来发展的理论。
银河系直径 10万光年 星系之间的平均 距离300万光年 宇宙???
外形:中心厚、 边缘薄的扁平盘 状体。像一个巨 大的铁饼。 直径约10万光年, 中心厚度1万光 年。由1000-4000 亿颗恒星、数千 个星团和星云组 成。是一个巨大 的旋涡星系。
亚里士多德在论证地球是球形的同时,表达了“地球是宇宙的中心”的观点。 他认为宇宙是一个有限的球体,分为天地两层。地球是静止的,位于宇宙的中心
古希腊学者托勒密的宇宙模型 为了解决行星不规则运动,托勒密提出,要在原本绕地球轨道之外,给行星再加上 一个运行轨道,即“本轮”和“均轮” 每个行星都绕一个较小的圆周运动(小圆周称之为“均轮”) 而每个圆周的中心都在以地球为圆心的圆周上运动(绕地球的圆周称之为“本轮”)
其意思是指光(光速:c≈3.0×108 m/s) 在真空中沿直线传播一年的距离: 约为9.5万亿千米 光年是计量天体间距离的 单位,一般被用于衡量天体间的距离。
光在一秒内就可以绕地球7圈半 常见的客机飞行时速约为885千米,飞跃一光年的距离需要122万年
从星球之间的比较 反观宇宙之大
他是本世纪享有国际盛誉的科学伟人之一,统一了20世纪世界物理学的两个基础理 论——爱因斯坦广义相对论和普朗克创立的量子力学,成为继爱因斯坦后世界上最 著名的理论物理学家。
一、我们的宇宙图像(天体) 二、人类认识宇宙的历史进程 三、以光年为尺度看宇宙距离
第谷认为,地球是静止的,太阳绕地球运动,其他行星则绕太阳运动 开普勒第一定律 (轨道定律) 每一个行星都沿着自己的椭圆轨道绕太阳运行,而太阳则处在椭圆的一个焦点上 开普勒第二定律 (等面积定律)
斯蒂芬·霍金《时间简史》导言(中英文互译)斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking,1942—2018),英国著名物理学家,剑桥大学数学及理论物理学系教授,主要研究领域是宇宙论和黑洞,证明了广义相对论的奇性定理和黑洞面积定理,提出了黑洞蒸发理论和无边界的霍金宇宙模型。
Introduction to "A Brief History of Time"《时间简史》导言We go about our daily lives understanding almost nothing of the world. We give little thought to the machinery that generates the sunlight that makes life possible, to the gravity that glues us to an Earth that would otherwise send us spinning off into space, or to the atoms of which we are made and on whose stability we fundamentally depend. Except for children (who don't know enough not to ask the important questions), few of us spend much time wondering why nature is the way it is; where the cosmos came from, or whether it was always here; if time will one day flow backward and effects precede causes; or whether there are ultimate limits to what humans can know. There are even children, and I have met some of them, who want to know what a black hole looks like; what is the smallest piece of matter; why we remember the past and not the future;how it is, if there was chaos early, that there is, apparently, order today; and why there is a universe.我们在几乎对世界毫无了解的情形下进行日常生活。
《时间简史》故事节选1. 《时间简史》简介《时间简史》是英国物理学家史蒂芬·霍金所著的科普读物,是一部介绍宇宙和时间的著作。
2. 宇宙起源的探索在本章节中,史蒂芬·霍金介绍了对宇宙起源的探索。
3. 时间和空间的本质在本章节中,史蒂芬·霍金探讨了时间和空间的本质。
4. 黑洞和时间旅行在本章节中,史蒂芬·霍金讲述了黑洞和时间旅行的神话。
5. 宇宙尽头和物理学的未来在本章节中,史蒂芬·霍金探讨了宇宙尽头和物理学的未来。
Over time, English vocabulary has consistently evolved, adapting to new concepts and ideas This evolution is evolved in the development of new words, coinages, and semantic shifts
Social Change
The evolution of English has been a reflection of, and a catalyst for, social change, both in the form of new words to describe emerging concepts or the normalization of previous table language
Reflections and inspirations in a brief history of time Translation and cross cultural discussion of a brief history of time
Introduction to a Brief History of Time
A Brief History of Time is a non fiction book written by British author Stephen Hawking
It was first published in 1988 and has since sold over 10 million copies worldwide
Reflections and inspirations in a brief history of time
English name: Dr. Hawking born in Oxford, England in 1942 时间的本质:时间随宇宙的变化而变。
Deng's时间公式 t=T(U,S,X,Y,Z......) U-宇宙;S空间,XYZ,......事件,顺序时间是宇宙事件秩序的计量。
•暗物质与暗能量:物理学至今未能直接探测到的暗物质和暗能量组成了宇宙中约95% 的部分,对宇宙演化有着重要影响。
作者简介史蒂芬·霍金(Stephen Hawking),于1942年1月8日生于牛津,那一天刚好是伽利略逝世三百年。
English: The first chapter of "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking introduces the concept of a "big bang" and the beginning of the universe. Hawking discusses the inextricable link between space and time, explaining how the two are interconnected and cannot exist independently. He also explores the idea of a "singularity," where the laws of physics as we understand them break down, and time and space become infinitely distorted. This chapter lays the foundation for understanding the basics of the universe's origin and the fundamental principles that govern it.
中文翻译: 《霍金时间简史》的第一章介绍了“大爆炸”的概念以及宇宙的起源。
时间简史02|空间和时间(中英文)CHAPTER 2SPACE AND TIME第二章空间和时间Our present ideas about the motion of bodies date back to Galileo and Newton. Before them people believedAristotle, who said that the natural state of a body was to be at rest and that it moved only if driven by a force orimpulse. It followed that a heavy body should fall faster than a light one, because it would have a greater pulltoward the earth.我们现在关于物体运动的观念来自于伽利略和牛顿。
The Aristotelian tradition also held that one could work out all the laws that govern the universe by purethought: it was not necessary to check by observation. So no one until Galileo bothered to see whether bodiesof different weight did in fact fall at different speeds. It is said that Galileo demonstrated that Aristotle’s beliefwas false by dropping weights from the leaning tower of Pisa. The story is almost certainly untrue, but Galileodid do something equivalent: he rolled balls of different weights down a smooth slope. The situation is similar tothat of heavy bodies falling vertically, but it is easier to observe because the Speeds are smaller. Galileo’smeasurements indicated that each body increased its speed at the same rate, no matter what its weight. Forexample, if you let go of a ball on a slope that drops by one meter for every ten meters you go along, the ballwill be traveling down the slope at a speed of about one meter per second after one second, two meters persecond after twoseconds, and so on, however heavy the ball. Of course a lead weight would fall faster than afeather, but that is only because a feather is slowed down by air resistance. If one drops two bodies that don’t have much air resistance, such as two different lead weights, they fall at the same rate. On the moon, wherethere is no air to slow things down, the astronaut David R. Scott performed the feather and lead weightexperiment and found that indeed they did hit the ground at the same time.亚里士多德的传统观点还以为,人们用纯粹思维可以找出制约宇宙的定律:不必要用观测去检验它。
时间简史儿童版读后感(中英文版)A Journey Through Time: Reflections on "A Brief History of Time" for Children《时间简史》儿童版读后感:一场穿越时空的奇妙之旅Perusing "A Brief History of Time" tailored for children was an enlightening experience that sparked curiosity and wonder in the realm of physics and our universe.It"s a book that simplifies complex concepts, making them accessible and fascinating for the young minds.阅读专为儿童编写的《时间简史》是一次启迪智慧、激发好奇与惊叹的体验。
The narrative weaves a tapestry of cosmic discovery, from the origins of the universe to the mysterious nature of black holes, all told in a language that resonates with the youthful spirit of exploration.这本书的叙述编织了一幅宇宙探索的壮丽画卷,从宇宙的起源到黑洞的神秘性质,都采用了与孩子们探索精神相契合的语言。
Each chapter is a gem, shining a light on the fundamental building blocks of our existence, and it encourages children to think big and ask questions about the world around them.每一章节都是一颗宝石,照亮了我们存在的基石,鼓励孩子们敢于思考宏大问题,对周围世界提出疑问。
时间简史(A Brief History Of Time)简介
时间简史(A Brief History Of Time)简介:A Brief History of Time is a popular science book written by Stephen Hawking and first published by the Bantam Dell Publishing Group in 1988.[1] It became a best-seller and has sold more than 9 million copies. It was also on the London Sunday Times best-seller list for more than four years.[2]There is also a documentary by the same name, directed by Errol Morris and released in 1991. Unlike the book, the documentary is primarily a biography of Stephen Hawking.A Brief History of Time attempts to explain a range of subjects in cosmology, including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory, to the nonspecialist reader. Its main goal is to give an overview of the subject but, unusual for a popular science book, it also attempts to explain some complex mathematics. The author notes that an editor warned him that for every equation in the book the readership would be halved, hence it includes only a single equation: E = mc? In addition to Hawking's abstinence from equations, the book also simplifies matters by means of illustrations throughout the text, depicting complex models and diagrams.尽管霍金教授的著述极为清晰而机智,有些读者仍然觉得难以掌握复杂的概念。
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说法. 宝 身。 但 玑 的 这 只 出 现 于 文 字记裁 当
瓦的阁栏里 ( b a a 是 日后芝 钟表之父 A hm r
制 造 钟 衰 ,L o … 柏 c i - 一 生 众 多 G r  ̄d
怀 ——
( D
多年后秘听 Pre t 发 P r gu ) 发明 中 矗 erl ) s s ̄ ax e 坦 丁 明 了 自动 公 司 的前 伟大 的 发
开始 在 目内 一 怕 特 莱 表 厂 . 这就 这 位 “ 代 现
制 出世 界 发 明 “ 直
上 第一 只 进 式
戴 在 手 腕 开始 了 他 用 寰冠 上 一 米 删 量
上 的 寰 尽 的 制 表 业 发 景 和 调 蓦 。 从 此 管 其 他 品 务. 就是 时的表. 这 此 表 的 零 件
法 匮^ | 瑞 士 ^安 f
列吉特 丽 ( dll托 万 ・到 A  ̄ r e 什建 cen 宝玑 c 特 ( F 陀 飞 轮 的陀 飞 轮 不 勒 斯 塞 万 ・ Ja AL J M a c r )早 9 u s a t )创 (ofi  ̄ 得 了 专 后 制 造 了 ( t … t Tu l )取 gl o Ar 0 l P i p e) 古 特 首 创 hI p i 利 一 只 可 佩 LC u )开 发 出运 百 万 分之 aoIe t r V = eo = h rn)年的师傅之 建 了 一 问 装量 . 遮是
时 间广角 TI E M TAL E
苏颂 . 韩公濠等人刨 制出水运仪象台。
据 史 料 记载 . 周 王 朝 已 设 有 管 理 时 间 的 专 职 机 构 并 使 用 了 圭 表
麓摅 。 慷 囊
清 高宗 ( 乾隆帝 ) 在 位 已6 年 为 了 0 兑现 他 登 基之 初 许 下的诺言 . 高宗将 皇 帝位 禅 让给 皇 十 岁的皇子弘历即位 , 次年改年号为乾 五 子永 琰 . 年 改 次 隆。 这位 新皇 帝一生对钟表盼痴迷不 年 号为 嘉 庆 而 皇 亚于他在其他艺术品领域 的见地。 宫 内仍 沿 用 乾隆 年 号 至乾 隆 六 十 四年
朝鲜 战争结束 巨型油画 《 国大典》在 《 开 人民日报 上发表
博 逋 夫 ・朗 雅 典表
格 【dle A op c h
美 国^ 璃斯 爱彼
象征瑞 士制 瑞士歌 米茄 卡地亚
劳力士开 发 瑞士H 曲 公
, c c 0w 公 tr ) (h p ) al n
这 一 时 期是 外 国 列强 欺 辱 中国 的 间 歇 . 廷 的 内政 外 交 较 为 平 稳 。 清 有封建 史学 家满怀 懂憬 地 喊 出 同冶 中兴 ” 的 字 眼 。
英 法 联 军 火 烧 圃 胴 园 .清 文 宗
( 咸丰帝) 逃往热河行 宫. 不久病 死在烟波致爽殿的西暧阁
中 .
一 一
( a 七 I F n o 弦 机 芯 , 身 。 r s上 C 'tni) 日 后 宝 玑  ̄l at1 s r
又 将 此 粪
然近 年 的 陀飞 艳 褒 珏 赏性 远
形 成了 今 日 机 芯 发 扬
手 表 较 早
Ln e a g )开始 成 立 在 堪 国 东 部 的 格 拉 苏 蒂
镇 制 造 钟
【 e ih Z n [)公 (I … e( d F… t Au … r Mo ao 公 (rii )公 衰业最 商制 ( me a s( v d ] B e lg tn O g ]公 (,t r C re)开 出 至 今 广 受 司与 T G 公 ai A 司成 立 .夸 司成立. J … )从波 Pge o i t&Ce u i )司成立。 司成立。 造 标 准 的 司为 当时中 发 出 首 嗽 敢 迎 的 潜 对 司 组 成 今 天 c 秉 发展为 一 士顿 迁 居到 公 司成立 。 日内Ze 记 囱的上 海铁 Ep 坦 克 表 系 列 — — 的囊 雅 cA TG 采以钟表 . 瑞士 北 部边 ( G…I 1 a路当局 c ( a k 手 潜 舷 者 H u ̄ 公 司 由 Tn 】 ee ) 珠宝 为主 要 境小 城 沙夫 S a) 《 洋 人 掌控 】裹 .它的觅 ( ur ie) 。 e 1”带 度 s  ̄. r b n ” 产 品的综台 性辅品 公司 豪森 . 他看 中 了幕 菌河 巨太 的球 电 资源 。 从此 瑞士 有 了一 家万 量 蓑厂