what is a comparative literature
what is American literature 什么是美国文学
Literature is fictional
Fiction: the prose that tell a story (fairy tells, short stories, and novels) that set them apart from the context of life Invented material: imaginative e.g. Harry Porter Stylized material: artistic control: through the play of language, selection of details, inclusion of metaphor, irony and imagery: compare: how does a newspaper report and a poet would describe the same event?
What is American Literature
Literature produced in American English by the people living in the United States excluding American expatriates or literature produced in other languages by minorities in the United States such as Native American Literature in Indian Language Primarily about American history, society, life, and people (American Experience)
What Is Literature
• 文学是我们生存的一部分。 • 文学的存在先于文学的本质。 • 文学从根本上说是一种物质现实 ,一种社会 活动 ,一种 “话语实践” 。
• 一 ,作为文学的客观本质属性和特征的文学 性; • 二 ,作为人的一种存在方式的文学性。 • 没有一个抽象的、 永恒的、 客观的文学性 , 只有具体的、 历史的、 实践中的文学性。
• 辅助教材:《英国文学名篇选注》,王佐 良等主编,商务印书馆,1999。
• • • • Attendance 10% Classroom Performance 20% Reading Notes 30% Term Paper 40%
文学在比较中存在 文学在差异中存在
• 文学理论导读+文学作品赏析 • 文学理论: 专业化 • 掌握与文学相关的基本概念, • 知晓文学理论的流派,文学理论大师的名字 • • • • 文学作品:鉴赏力 体会各文学题材之特色 辅助理解文学理论 掌握文学分析的基本方法
• • • • • • • • 以月为单位 每月第一周:文学理论 第二周:影音娱乐 第三、四、五周:文学作品赏析 3月:诗歌 4月:散文 5月:小说 6月:戏剧
• • • • • 话语和语言:parole vs. language 话语:实践中的语言 指鹿为马:强弱关系的符号 语言是一种行为 ,一种行动 。 语言是一种社会实践。
梵﹒高 《农民鞋》
• “从农鞋磨损的内部那黑洞洞的敞口中,劳动者艰 辛的步履显示出来。这硬邦邦的、沉甸甸的破旧 农鞋里,聚集着她在寒风料峭中迈动在一望无际 永远单调的田垄上步履的坚韧与滞缓。……夜幕 降临,这双鞋底在田野小径上踽踽而行。在这鞋 具里 ,回响着大地无声的召唤 ,显示着大地对成熟 的谷物的宁静的馈赠 ,表征着大地在冬闲的荒芜田 野里朦胧的冬冥。这器具聚集着对面包稳固性无 怨无艾的焦虑,以及那再次战胜了贫穷的无言的 喜悦,隐含着分娩时阵痛的哆嗦和死亡逼近时的 战栗。”(海德格尔 《艺术作品的本源》)
什么是世界文学(What is world literature)
The need to engaБайду номын сангаасe translations
• Even with a major improvement in the breadth of language study, and even with a substantial increase in collaborative projects, it will be necessary to make active scholarly use of translation if we are not to continue cutting our topics down to the size of whatever linguistic bed is available to us at a given moment.
台灣文學與文化翻譯 week 1
What is world literature?
• David Damrosch: • 1. world literature is an elliptical refraction of national literatures. • 2. world literature is writing that gains in translation. • 3. world literature is not a set canon of texts but a mode of reading: a form of detached engagement with worlds beyond our own place and time
The use of translations
• To use translations means to accept the reality that texts come to us mediated by existing frameworks of reception and interpretation. We necessarily work in collaboration with others who have shaped what we read and how we read it. 298 • Benjamin” The task of the translator”, p.71
The Name and Nature of Comparative Literature -
But this was a private letter not published till 1895, and "comparative" means here hardly more than "comparable." In English the decisive use was that of Hutcheson Macaulay Posnett, an Irish barrister who later became Professor of Classics and English Literature at University College, Auckland, New Zealand, who put the term on the title of his book in 1886.
The Name and Nature of Comparative Literature (Part I)
Rene Wellek
The term "comparative literature" has given rise to so much discussion, has been interpreted so differently and misinterpreted so frequently, that it might be useful to examine its history and to attempt to distinguish its meanings in the main languages.
Posnett, in an article, “The Science of Comparative Literature," claimed "to have first stated and illustrated the method and principles of the new science, and to have been the first to do so not only in the British Empire but in the world.''Obviously this is preposterous, even if we limit "comparative literature" to the specific meaning Posnett gave to it. The English term cannot be discussed in isolation from analogous terms in France and Germany.
比较文学 comparative literature
比较文学comparative literature
绪论一、导论:无所不在的比较“文学如果不是比较的,是什么?”(What is Literature If Not Comparative? 美国比较文学学者哈利·列文语。
如:He made you for a highway to my bed: But, I, a maid, die maiden-widowed. 译文一:他要借着你做牵引相思的桥梁,可是我却要做一个独守空阁的怨女而死去。
主要是考虑到中国传统的“性忌讳”,朱氏采取从中国才子佳人戏里信手取来的办法,将上我的床(to my bed)译成“相思”,将“活守寡,到死是处女”(die maiden-widowed)译成“做一个独守空阁的怨女而死去”。
a review of literature
a review of literature全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:文学评论是一种对文学作品、文学现象和文学理论进行系统性评价和探讨的文学批评形式。
我对文学性质的理解英语作文英文回答:Literature encompasses a vast and diverse realm of thought, emotion, and expression. It embodies the human experience in all its complexity and glory, transcending temporal and cultural boundaries to connect us to our collective past, present, and future. Literature encompasses both written and oral forms, ranging from poetry, drama, and fiction to essays, speeches, and other prose genres.The nature of literature is multifaceted, encompassing both subjective and objective elements. On the one hand, literature is a form of creative expression, shaped by the unique perspectives and imagination of its creators. As such, it is deeply personal and reflects the intimate concerns, experiences, and aspirations of the individual author. On the other hand, literature is a form of communication, intended to engage with an audience andelicit a response. It is shaped by social and cultural contexts, reflecting the collective experiences, beliefs, and values of a particular time and place.The subjective nature of literature is evident in its use of language. Language is the medium through which literature communicates its message, but it is also a flexible and malleable tool that can be molded to create infinite possibilities of meaning. Authors use language creatively, employing metaphors, similes, and otherliterary devices to evoke vivid imagery, create suspense, and convey complex emotions. In doing so, they invite readers to participate in the creative process, tointerpret and respond to the text in their own unique way.The objective nature of literature is reflected in its ability to transcend personal experiences and connect with readers on a universal level. Literature explores fundamental questions about human nature, morality, and the meaning of life. It often depicts characters and situations that are recognizable and relatable, allowing readers to identify with the struggles, joys, and aspirations ofothers. Through literature, we can gain insights into ourselves and the world around us, developing empathy, understanding, and a broader perspective on the human condition.Literature also plays a vital role in shaping our cultural identity and collective memory. Literary works preserve and transmit cultural traditions and values from one generation to the next. They reflect the social and historical context in which they were created, providing a valuable window into past ways of life and thought. By studying literature, we can learn about our own history, culture, and the experiences of those who came before us.Furthermore, literature has an inherent educational value. It exposes us to different perspectives, challenges our assumptions, and expands our knowledge of the world. Through literature, we can learn about history, science, philosophy, and other disciplines in a way that is engaging and memorable. Literature fosters critical thinking skills, develops our imagination, and cultivates an appreciationfor beauty and expression.In conclusion, the nature of literature is both subjective and objective, encompassing both creative expression and communication. It uses language in creative and innovative ways to evoke vivid imagery, create suspense, and convey complex emotions. Literature transcends personal experiences to connect with readers on a universal leveland plays a vital role in shaping our cultural identity and collective memory. It has an inherent educational value and fosters critical thinking skills, imagination, and an appreciation for beauty and expression.中文回答:文学的本质是一个博大精深的领域,涉及思想、情感和表达。
Comparative Literature(Croce)
读Croce,Benedetto的Comparative Literature:引言部分是对作者克罗齐的简要介绍,他是意大利新黑格尔主义哲学家、历史学家、政治家。
国朋友之间的冲突,所以怎Leabharlann 正确地使用身势语,怎样理解身势语的差
Ⅰ.Introduction………………………………..……………….………1 II. The Functions of Body Language………….………...….…….…..2
Ⅳ. Conclusion……………………………...…………………………11 Work Cited……………………………………………………………13
I. Introduction
People can communicate with one another not only by verbal communication but also by nonverbal communication. Moreover, the latter plays an essential role. Body language is one of the most important parts of the nonverbal communication, and thus this paper intends to present its meaning and talks about it briefly so that people can improve their communicative skills and abilities by understanding it well.
What is literature 什么是文学 ppt课件
literature prevailed in the early and
mid-20th century among AngloAmerican New Critics, many of whom are represented in my lecture.
And Poe concludes that “ the death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world.” Poe is opposed to “the heresy of the didactic” and calls for “pure” poetry. What he seems to be saying is that art does not lie in its message; poetry does not have to inculcate a moral; the artistry of the poem lies not so much in what is being said as in the way it says it.
比如说,英美新批评注重文学性语言和有机整体性, 洛 伊丝·泰森如是说:
在新批评看来,文学文本形式因素的重要性源于文学性语 言迥异于科学性语言和日常语言的特质。科学性语言及很大 一部分日常语言依赖语词的指称意义(本义),即单词和它 所表征的客体及概念之间的一一对应关系。科学性语言不优 美,不煽情,不试图引人注目。它的使命不是自我指涉,而 是指称它试图描述与解释的语言外物质世界。与此形成对比 的是,文学性语言依赖语词的内涵意义:隐含意义、联想意 义、暗示意义、引申意义和细微意义(比如说“父亲”这个词 的本义指双亲中的男性,内涵意义泛指权威、庇护和责任感 )。此外,文学性语言富于表现力:它传达语调、态度和情 感。虽然日常语言也富于表现力且内涵意义丰富,一般来说 却并非常常有意而为之,因为它的主要目的是实用性的。日 常语言旨在完成交际使命。文学性语言将语言资源组合成一 特殊复杂统一体,其目的在于确立一个自足的引发审美体验 的世界。
What is literature 什么是文学 ppt课件
The theory first emerged during the 19th century when poets such as Edgar Allan Poe and Gerard Manley Hopkins started exploring, sometimes, extravagantly, the constituent materials of literature (especially sound effects), turning away from the notion of literature as simply a reliable recorder of nature or source of morality.
In our ordinary understanding, literature represents life; it holds up, as it were, a mirror to nature and is thus “mimetic.” The expressive theory of literature, which regards literature as stemming from the author’s inner being, similarly depends on a notion of mirroring, though here literature reflects the inner soul rather than the external world of the writer.
The didactic theory, which sees literature as a source of knowledge, insight, wisdom, and perhaps prophecy, is compatible with both the mimetic and expressive theory: literature can depict external and internal realities while at the same time disseminating valuable knowledge and clarifying emotions.
L1_what is literature
柏拉图的写作形式与意图 柏拉图的“诗”——对话(戏剧) 对话的两种读法:哲学式与文学式读法 对话的文学形式:时间、地点、人物、情节、 论题等
阿里斯托芬、色诺芬、柏拉图、亚里斯多德笔 下的苏格拉底 阿里斯托芬的《云》——苏格拉底形象:自然 哲人和智术师(智者)
义:文学,才不过二百年。1800年之前, literature这个词和它在欧洲语言中相似的词指的 是‘著作’或者‘书本知识’。”
英语中literature一词最早出现在14世纪,源于拉 丁文litteratura和littevae。它最初的含义是泛指 一切文本材料而非文学。
在欧洲,直到18世纪末,文学一词都还只 是文献之意,随后逐渐过渡到专指有关古 典文献的特别知识和研究。 1900年前后形成了现代的文学观念,即专 门指涉具有审美想像性的那一类特殊文本。
A、文献、文化知识 “文学”一词,首见于《论语·先进》 《论语•先进》:“德行:颜渊、闵子骞、冉伯牛、仲弓。言 语:宰我、子贡。政事:冉有、季路。文学:子游、子夏。” 杨伯峻《论语译注》:文学“指古代文献,即孔子所传的 《诗》《书》《易》等。”实泛指学术文化。 《荀子•大略》:“人之于文学也,犹玉之于琢磨也。”
最高的是永恒不变的‚善‛( The (Idea)或‚理式‛(Form);
Good )、‚理念‛
其次才是反映了理式的,自然的或人为的现实世界; 最次的是对第二个的反映,诸如水中和镜中的影象 或艺术之类。
比较文学 百度百科
[1]比较文学(comparative literature)一词最早出现于法国学者诺埃尔和拉普拉斯合编的《比较文学教程》(1816)中,但该著作未涉及它的方法与理论。
2发展19 世纪70年代后,比较文学在欧美各国有了很大发展,其中心在法国。
1952 年《比较文学与总体文学年鉴》在美国创刊,按年总结比较文学发展的成绩与问题。
文学需要我们一生去解读英语作文150词 Literature, the vast and profound realm of words and ideas, is a lifelong journey of discovery and interpretation. It is not merely a collection of stories or poems, but a mirror reflecting the complexities of human existence and a toolbox for understanding the world. Each literary work, whether a novel, poem, or play, is a unique world teeming with characters, themes, and symbols waiting to be explored.From the earliest childhood tales that captivate our imaginations to the complex novels of adulthood that challenge our understanding of the world, literature accompanies us throughout our lives, offering insights and perspectives that shape our view of the universe. The beauty of literature lies in its ability to speak to us in a language that transcends the boundaries of culture, language, and time.The process of interpreting literature is as much an intellectual exercise as it is an emotional journey. It requires a deep understanding of the author's intentions, the historical and cultural context, and the subtextualmeanings embedded within the text. It also involves a personal connection with the characters and their stories, an empathy that allows us to feel their joys and sorrows, their triumphs and failures.As we grow and evolve as individuals, our interpretations of literary works also evolve. We may read the same novel at different stages of our lives and find new meanings, insights, and resonances that were not apparent before. This is the beauty of literature: it is ever-evolving, ever-renewing, and always ready to reveal new truths and perspectives.In conclusion, literature is not just a collection of stories; it is a way of life, a continuous quest for meaning and understanding. It is a lifelong pursuit that challenges, inspires, and transforms us in ways that are both profound and subtle. As such, it deserves our utmost respect, attention, and dedication. Let us embark on this lifelong journey of exploring and interpreting the rich and diverse world of literature.**文学的魅力:一生的探索与解读**文学,这个由文字和思想构成的庞大而深邃的领域,是一场终生的发现与解读之旅。
Comparative Literature
• The Butterfly Lovers is a folk based on some real stories .We can easily find the shadow of the feudal society. For example, the feudal marital system, the system of social etiquette and norms and the social customs and habits.
the1920s ---a field of study at National Tsinghua University (Beijing) the mid-1930s---an academic subject and a mode of cross-cultural inquiry the 1930s to the1950s ----the most formative time the late 1970s to the early 1990s ---another active period Now---still developing
Comparative Literature ---Butterfly Lover VS Romeo and Juliet
By : Heather Della Pan xixi Liu yuanyuan Liu shuang
Comparative literature is an academic field dealing with the literature of two or more different linguistic, cultural or national groups.
Comparative Literature in China
literature的意思n. 文学,文学作品,文献,著作literature用法literature可以用作名词literature的基本意思是“文学,文学作品”,是抽象名词,表示“多种语言的文学”时可用复数形式。
literature用作名词的用法例句She is fond of polite literature.她喜爱风雅文学。
He destroyed feudal ideas in literature.他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。
The principal literature comes from zoology.主要文献都来自动物学。
literature用法例句1、He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.他对于法国、德国和荷兰的文学了如指掌。
2、Her literary criticism focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.她的文学批评集中关注的是伟大的文学作品表达思想的方式。
3、Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional literature.一些公司已降低了宣传资料中标榜之词的调门。
literature词组| 习惯用语literature review 文献回顾;文献综述;文献评论literature and art 文艺;文学与艺术english literature 英国文学;英语文化contemporary literature n. 现代文学comparative literature 比较文学classical literature 古典文学ancient literature 古代文学medical literature 医学文献foreign literature 外国文学;国外文献world literature 世界文学literature search 文献检索;文献研究childrens literature 儿童文学history of chinese literature 中国文学史popular literature n. 大众文学,通俗文学ancient chinese literature 中国古代文学scientific literature 科学文献literature survey 文献调查;文学调研classical chinese literature 中国古典文学technical literature 技术文献promotional literature 宣传刊物literature英语例句库1.The book hardly belongs to literature proper.这本书不好说是纯文学书。
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• Moreover, the comparatist must possess special skills. Wellek and Warren in their Theory of Literature, a book that was enormously significant in comparative literature when it first appeared in 1949, suggest that:
• Comparative literature as a term seems to arouse strong passions, both for and against. As early as 1903, Benedetto Croce argued that comparative literature was a non-subject, contemptuously dismissing the suggestion that it might be seen as a separate discipline.
• But other scholars made grandiose claims for comparative literature. Charles Mills Gayley, one of the founders of North American comparative literature, proclaimed that the working premise of the student of comparative literature was:
What is Comparative Literature?
Comparative Literature as a Discipline: its definitions and scope
• It can almost be argued that anyone who has an interest in books embarks on the road towards what might be termed comparative literature: reading Chaucer, we come across Boccaccio; we can trace Shakespeare's source materials through Latin, French Spanish and Italian; we can study the ways in which Romanticism developed across Europe at a similar moment in time, follow the process through which Baudelaire's fascination with Edgar Allan Poe enriched his own writing, consider how many English novelists learned from the great nineteenth-century Russian writers (in translation, of course), compare how James Joyce borrowed from Italo Svevo.
• Critics at the end of the twentieth century, in the age of post-modernism, still wrestle with the same questions that were posed more than a century ago: What is the object of study in comparative literature? How can comparison be the object of anything? If individual literatures have a canon, what might a comparative canon be? How does the comparatist select what to compare? Is comparative literature a discipline? Or is it simply a field of study?
• But if we shift perspective slightly and look again at the term ―Comparative literature‖, what we find instead is a history of violent debate that goes right back to the earliest usage of the term at the beginning of the nineteenth century and continues still today.
• At this juncture, one could be forgiven for assuming that comparative literature is nothing more than common sense, an inevitable stage reading, made increasingly easier by international marketing of books and by the availability of translations.
• When we read Clarice Lispector (Brazilian writer) we are reminded of Jean Rhys (Dominican writer), who in turn recalls Djuna Barnes (American writer) and Anaï Nin (French s writer). There is no limit to the list of examples we could devise. Once we begin to read we move across frontiers, making associations and connections, no longer reading within a single literature but within the great open space of Literature with a capital L.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• The comparatist is here depicted as someone with a vocation, as a kind of international ambassador working in the comparative literatures of united nations.
• Comparative Literature...will make high demands on the linguistic proficiencies of our scholars. It asks for a widening of perspectives, a suppression of local and provincial sentiments, not easy to achieve.
• literature as a distinct and integral medium of thought, a common institutional expression of humanity; differentiated, to be sure, by the social conditions of the individual, by racial, historical, cultural and linguistic influences, opportunities, and restrictions, but, irrespective of age or guise, prompted by the common needs and aspiration of man, sprung from common faculties, psychological and physiological, and obeying common laws of material and mode, of the individual and social humanity.
• Remarkably similar sentiments were expressed in 1974 by Franç Jost, when ois he claimed that ―national literature‖ cannot constitute an intelligible field of study because of its ―arbitrarily limited perspective‖, and that comparative literature:
• He discussed the definition of comparative literature as the exploration of ―the vicissitudes, alterations, developments and reciprocal differences‖ of themes and literary ideas across literatures, and concluded that ―there is no study more arid than researches of this sort‖. This kind of work, Croce maintained, is to be classified ―in the category of erudition purely and simply‖.