英语词汇测试英汉互译1. a\an2. able3. 关于,大约4. 在….之上,高于5. accept6. 穿过,横过7. address8. 害怕的,担心的9. 在…以后,后来10. 再一次,又一次11. against12. 年龄,时代13. 以前14. 同意,应允15. 空气16. 一切,所有的17. alone18. along19. already20. also21. 虽然,尽管22. 总是,始终23. 美洲,美国24. 美国人,美国的25. among 26. 和,与,并且27. angry28. 动物29. 再一个,另一个30. 回答,答复31. any32. 任何人33. 任何事物,任何东西34. 苹果35. 四月36. arm37. army38. around39. arrive40. as41. 问,询问,请求42. at43. August44. aunt45. away46. 婴儿47. 向后,背背面48. 坏的,不好的49. 袋,包50. 球51. banana52. 银行53. basket54. 篮球55. bath56. bathroom57. be58. B.C.59. beat60. 美的,美丽的61. 因为62. 变成63. 床,床位64. bedroom65. 在…以前,在…前面66. 开始67. 在…的背后68. 相信69. 钟,铃70. belong71. below72. beside73. 最好的74. 较好的75. 在…(两者)之间76. bicycle77. 大的,巨大的78. 鸟79. birth80. birthday81. bit82. 黑色的83. 黑板84. 蓝色的85. 船,小船86. 身体87. bookshop88. boring89. born90. borrow91. 老板,上司92. both93. 瓶94. bowling95. 箱子,拳击96. 男孩97. brave98. 面包99. break100. breakfast101. bridge102. bright103. 带来,拿来第 1 页共9 页104. 兄弟105. brown 106. build 107. 建筑物108. burn 109. 公共汽车110. 忙的111. 但是,可是112. 买,购买113. by114. 再见,再会115. 蛋糕116. 叫做,称为117. 加拿大118. can119. 卡,卡片120. care121. careful 122. carry 123. 猫124. catch 125. certain 126. certainly 127. 椅子128. 机会129. 变化130. 便宜的131. 小鸡132. 小孩133. 中国134. 中国的135. choose136. choice137. 电影院138. 班级139. 同班同学140. 教室141. clean142. clear143. clever144. climb145. 钟表146. 关闭147. 衣服148. cloud149. 上衣,外套150. 公鸡151. coffee152. 冷的153. collect154. college155. 颜色156. come157. consider158. 煮,烹饪159. cool160. copy161. corner162. correct163. 成本,费用164. cough165. count166. 国家167. 盖,覆盖168. crop169. 穿过,越过170. crowd171. 哭172. 杯子173. 切,剪,割174. 跳舞175. 危险的176. dare177. 暗的,深色的178. database179. date180. 女儿181. (一)天182. dead183. deaf184. deal185. dear186. 十二月187. 决定188. deep189. dialogue190. dictionary191. 死亡192. 不同的193. dinner194. dirty195. disagree196. discuss197. discover198. dish199. do200. 医生201. 狗202. dollar203. 门204. doubt205. 向下,在下面206. draw207. dream208. dress209. 喝,饮210. 驾驶,开211. 驾驶员212. drop213. dry214. 鸭肉,鸭215. during216. 每个217. 耳朵218. 早的219. east第 2 页共9 页220. 容易的221. 吃222. 蛋223. 八224. 十八225. 第八(个)226. 八十227. either228. elder229. elderly230. 十一231. 第十一232. else233. empty234. 最后,终止,结束235. 英格兰236. 英国的237. 英国人238. enjoy239. enough240. even241. 晚上242. ever243. every244. 每人245. 每件事246. 到处,各处247. examination 248. 榜样,例子249. except250. excuse251. 练习,训练252. expensive253. 解释,说明254. 眼睛255. 脸,面孔256. 事实257. 工厂258. fail259. fair260. fairly261. fall262. 家庭263. famous264. far265. 农场266. 农夫267. farther268. 快的269. 肥胖的270. 父亲271. February272. feed273. 感觉274. few275. field276. fifteen277. fifth278. fifty279. 战斗,斗阵280. 装满,充满281. 电影282. fine283. finger284. 完成285. 火286. firm287. first288. 鱼289. 五290. fix291. 旗292. flat293. 地板294. 花295. fly296. follow297. 食物298. fool299. 脚,足300. 足球301. for302. foreign303. 忘记304. 形式,形状305. 四十306. found307. 四308. 十四309. 第四310. 自由的,免费的311. fresh312. 星期五313. 朋友314. 友好的315. from316. front317. 水果318. full319. 乐趣,娱乐320. further321. 将来322. 游戏323. 花园324. 大门325. get326. 女孩子327. 给,做328. glad329. glance330. 玻璃331. go332. god333. 金,黄金334. 好的335. 再见第 3 页共9 页336. grade337. grandfather 338. grandmother 339. grant340. 草341. great342. 绿色的343. gray344. 地面,土地345. 组,群346. 成长347. 猜测348. 客人349. guide350. 枪351. 头发352. 半,一半353. 手354. 发生355. 快乐的,愉快的356. 坚硬的357. hardly358. 帽子359. hate360. have361. 他362. 头,头部363. headache364. 健康365. 健康的366. 听见367. 心脏,心368. heavy369. hello370. 帮助371. 她(宾格)372. 在这里373. 她的374. 她自己375. hi376. 高的377. 小山378. 他(宾格)379. 他自己380. 他的381. history382. hit383. 拿住,握住384. 假日,假期385. 家386. 家庭作业387. honest388. 希望389. 马390. 医院391. 热的392. 旅馆393. 小时394. 房屋,住宅395. how396. 一百397. hunger398. 匆忙399. 受伤,伤害400. 丈夫401. 我402. 冰,冰块403. 思想404. 如果405. 有病的406. 重要的407. in408. inside409. instead410. 有趣的411. 感兴趣的412. into413. invent414. island415. 它416. 它的417. 它自己418. jacket419. January420. jet421. 职业422. 参加423. 玩笑,笑话424. 七月425. 跳跃426. 六月427. 刚才,只是428. keen429. 保持430. 钥匙431. 杀死432. kilometer433. 种类434. kiss435. kitchen436. knee437. 刀438. 敲,打439. 知道,掌握440. 女士441. 湖442. 语言443. large444. 最后的445. 迟的,晚的446. 后来447. 笑448. lay449. lead450. 学习451. 学习者第 4 页共9 页452. least 453. 离开454. 左边的455. 腿456. less457. 功课,课458. let459. 信,信件460. library 461. 躺,平放462. 生命463. lift464. 光465. 喜欢,愿意466. 线,绳467. list468. 听469. little 470. 居住471. 长的472. 看,瞧473. lot474. 大声的478. 爱,热爱479. 可爱的480. 低的,矮的481. 运气482. 幸运的483. 午餐484. mad485. make486. 男人487. manner488. 许多489. 地图490. march491. mark492. 市场493. 娶,嫁494. 比赛495. mathematics496. matter497. 可能(五月)498. 也许,大概499. 我(宾格)500. meal501. 意思是,意味着502. 肉503. medicine504. 遇见505. 会议506. 成员507. mend508. 信息509. meter510. 中部,中间511. midnight512. mile513. 牛奶514. mind515. mine516. 小姐517. 错误518. 先生519. 女士520. 星期一521. 钱522. 猴子523. 月524. 月球525. more526. 早上527. most528. 母亲529. 山,山脉530. 嘴,口531. 动,移动,走动532. movie533. much534. mum535. 音乐536. 必须537. 我的538. 我自己539. 名字540. near541. nearby542. 必要的543. 需要544. neither545. 从不546. 新的547. 新闻548. 报纸549. next550. 好的,可爱的551. 夜,夜晚552. 九553. 十九554. 九十555. 第九556. no557. nobody558. 噪声559. 喧闹的560. none561. 中午,正午562. nor563. 北方564. 鼻子565. not566. 便条,注解567. 没有东西,没有一点儿568. November569. now570. 数目,数字第 5 页共9 页571. 护士572. o'clock573. October574. of575. off576. 提供577. 办公室578. 经常,常常579. oh580. 油581. Ok582. 老的,上年纪的583. on584. once585. 一,一个586. 自己,本身587. 只,仅仅588. 开,打开589. 或者590. 橙子,橘子591. 命令,嘱咐592. other593. ought594. 我们的(“我们”的所有格)595. 我们的(物主代词)596. 我们自己597. 出,在外,不在598. 外面,外部599. over 600. 自己的601. 页602. pain603. paint604. pair605. 纸606. pardon607. 父母亲,家长608. 公园609. 部分610. 晚会,政党611. pass612. past613. pattern614. 支付,付款615. 钢笔616. 铅笔617. 人,人们618. perhaps619. person620. phone621. 照片,相片622. phrase623. pick624. 图片,画面625. pie626. piece627. 猪628. 地方,地点629. 飞机630. plate631. 玩,演奏632. 运动员633. pleasant634. 请635. 愉快(名词)636. plenty637. 衣袋,小袋638. 点,分数,要点639. poison640. 警察局641. 警察642. pool643. 穷的644. 流行的645. post646. 土豆647. pound648. pour649. 练习,实践(名词)650. 练习,实习(动词)651. 准备652. present653. 价钱,价格654. 问题655. program656. promise657. proud658. pull659. 学生,小学生660. 推661. 争吵662. 问题,议题,询问663. 迅速的664. 安静的665. quite666. 无线电,广播收音机667. 雨,下雨668. raise669. rather670. reach671. 朗读672. ready673. 真的,真实的674. 真正地675. 收到,接到676. 记录,记载678. 红色的679. refuse680. 记得,记住681. 修理682. 重复683. reply684. 报告685. 休息686. 结果687. 回来,返回第 6 页共9 页688. 米,米饭689. 富的,有钱的690. 正确的691. ring692. rise693. 河流694. 路,道路695. 岩石696. roll697. roof698. 房间699. 玫瑰700. round701. 统治,控制702. 跑703. 悲伤的,伤心的704. 安全的705. sail706. salt706. 相同的,同一的707. 沙708. 星期六709. 救,挽救710. 说711. 学校712. 科学,学科713. 海,海洋714. 季节715. seat 716. 第二,次要的717. 看见,理解,知道718. 好像,似乎719. 卖,售出720. 送,寄出721. sentence722. 九月723. serious724. set725. settle726. 七727. shade728. shadow729. shall730. Shape731. sharp732. 她733. (绵)羊734. shine735. 船,舰736. 鞋737. 商店,店铺,车间738. 短的,矮的739. should740. shout741. shut742. sick743. side744. silly745. 简单的,简明的746. since747. 唱748. 单人的,单独的749. sir750. 姐妹751. sit752. 六753. size754. 皮肤755. 裙子756. 睡觉757. 慢的758. 小的,少的759. 气味,臭味760. 微笑761. 烟,吸烟762. 雪763. so764. 社会765. soft766. some767. somebody768. someone789. something790. sometime791. somewhat792. somewhere793. 儿子794. 歌,歌曲795. soon796. 对不起的,不安的797. 声音,听起来798. soup799. 南方800. space801. speak802. 拼写803. spend804. spoon805. 运动806. 春天807. square808. stair809. 邮票810. 站,起立811. 星812. 开始,着手813. state814. 车站815. 留下,暂住816. step817. stick818. still819. 停止,中止820. store821. 暴风雪822. 故事,传说第7 页共9 页823. straight824. 奇怪的,奇异的825. 陌生人826. 街道,马路827. strict828. 学生,学者,研究者829. 学习,研究830. stupid831. such832. 突然地833. sugar834. 合适,适合835. 夏天836. 太阳837. 星期日838. 晚餐839. 支撑,支持840. 确信841. surprise842. 甜的843. 游泳844. 桌子,表格845. take846. talk847. 高的848. 出租车849. 茶叶,茶850. 教,讲授851. 教师852. 队,组853. 眼泪854. tell855. temperature856. 十857. 学期858. terrible859. test860. than861. 感谢862. that863. the864. 戏院,剧场865. 他们的,她们的866. 他们的(所有物)867. 他们(宾格)868. 他们自己869. then870. there871. these872. 他们873. thick874. thin875. thing876. 想,思索,考虑877. 第三878. 口渴的879. 十三880. 三十881. this882. those883. 尽管,虽然884. 千885. 三886. 穿过,通过887. 扔,投888. 星期四889. 票890. tie891. tight892. till893. 时间,时候894. tired895. to896. 今天897. 在一起,共同898. 明天899. 在今晚,今晚900. 动物园901. 工具902. 顶,顶端,顶点903. toward904. 镇,市镇905. 玩具906. 火车907. 旅行908. 树909. trip910. 麻烦,困难911. 卡车912. 长裤913. 真实的,确实的914. 尝试915. 星期二916. turn917. 第十二918. 十二919. twentieth920. twenty921. twenty-first922. 两倍923. 两,二924. uncle925. under926. 理解,懂927. unless928. until929. up930. upon931. 我们(宾格)932. 用,使用933. 习惯于…934. 有用的935. 通常的,经常地936. 通常937. 蔬菜938. 很,非常第8 页共9 页939. 乡村940. 参观941. 参观者942. 声音943. 等,等待944. waiter945. 醒,唤醒946. 走,步行947. 墙,壁948. 要,想要949. 战争950. 温暖的951. 洗,洗涤952. 浪费,消耗953. watch954. 水955. 波动,挥手956. 方法,手段,路线957. 我们958. weak959. 穿着,戴着960. 天气961. 星期三962. 星期963. 周末964. 欢迎965. 担心966. 西方967. wet 968. 写969. 年轻的970. 年轻,青春971. whether972. 黄色的973. while974. 白的975. 错误976. 全部,整体977. 昨天978. whose979. 年轻的980. 宽的981. 妻子982. 野生的983. will984. 获胜,赢985. 风986. 窗户987. 冬天988. wish989. 你们自己990. without991. 妇女992. 奇妙的,精彩的993. 木材,木头994. 单词,字995. 工作,劳动,作业996. 工人997. 世界998. 更坏的999. 最坏的1000. 零第9 页共9 页。
Vocabulary Size Test: Version B1. drive: He <drives> fast.a swimsb learnsc throws ballsd uses a car2. jump: She tried to <jump>.a lie on top of the waterb get off the ground suddenlyc stop the car at the edge of the roadd move very fast3. shoe: Where is <your shoe>?a the person who looks after youb the thing you keep your money inc the thing you use for writingd the thing you wear on your foot4. standard: <Her standards> are very high.a the bits at the back under her shoesb the levels she reaches in everythingc the marks she gets in schoold the money she asks for5. basis: This was used as the <basis>.a answerb place to take a restc next stepd main part6. maintain: Can they <maintain it>?a keep it as it isb make it largerc get a better one than itd get it7. stone: He sat on a <stone>.a hard thingb kind of chairc soft thing on the floord part of a tree8. upset: I am <upset>.a tiredb famousc richd unhappy9. drawer: The <drawer> was empty.a sliding boxb place where cars are keptc cupboard to keep things coldd animal house10. joke: We did not understand his <joke>.a attempt at humourb false statementc way of speakingd way of thinking11. pave: It was <paved>.a prevented from going throughb dividedc given gold edgesd covered with a hard surface12. rove: He couldn't stop <roving>.a getting drunkb traveling aroundc making a musical sound through closed lipsd working hard13. lonesome: He felt <lonesome>.a ungratefulb very tiredc without companyd full of energy14. allege: They <alleged it>.a claimed it without proofb stole the ideas for it from someone elsec provided facts to prove itd argued against the facts that supported it15. remedy: We found a good <remedy>.a place to eat in publicb way to fix a problemc way to prepare foodd rule about numbers16. dash: They <dashed> over it.a moved quicklyb moved slowlyc foughtd looked quickly17. peel: Shall I <peel it>?a let it sit in water for a long timeb take the skin off itc make it whited cut it into thin pieces18. bacterium: They didn't find a single <bacterium>.a small living thing causing diseaseb plant with red or orange flowersc animal that carries water in lumps on its backd thing that has been stolen and sold to a shop19. thesis: She has completed her <thesis>.a talk given by a judge at the end of a trialb first year of employment after becoming a teacherc long written report of study carried out for a university degreed extended course of hospital treatment20. authentic: It is <authentic>.a realb very noisyc oldd like a desert21. miniature: It is <a miniature>.a an instrument for looking at very small objectsb a very small thing of its kindc a very small living creatured a small line to join letters in handwriting22. fracture: They found a <fracture>.a breakb small piecec short coatd discount certificate23. patience: He <has no patience>.a has no free timeb has no faithc will not wait happilyd does not know what is fair24. scrub: He is <scrubbing it>.a cutting shallow lines into itb repairing itc washing it energeticallyd drawing simple pictures of it25. vocabulary: You will need more <vocabulary>.a wordsb skillc moneyd guns26. accessory: They gave us <some accessories>.a papers giving us the right to enter a countryb official ordersc ideas to choose betweend extra pieces27. compost: We need some <compost>.a strong supportb help to feel betterc hard stuff made of stones and sand stuck togetherd plant material fertilizer28. fen: The story is set in <the fens>.a a piece of low flat land partly covered by waterb a piece of high, hilly land with few treesc a block of poor-quality houses in a cityd a time long ago29. puritan: He is a <puritan>.a person who likes attentionb person with strict moralsc person with a moving homed person who keeps money and hates spending it30. awe: They looked at the mountain <in awe>.a with a worried expressionb with an interested expressionc with a sense of wonderd with a feeling of respect31. bristle: The <bristles> are too hard.a questionsb short stiff hairsc folding bedsd bottoms of the shoes32. erratic: He was <erratic>.a without faultb very badc very respectfuld unsteady33. null: His influence <was null>.a had good resultsb did not help muchc had no effectd lasted a long time34. perturb: I was <perturbed>.a made to agreeb worried and puzzledc corruptly sexuald very wet35. peasantry: He did a lot for the <peasantry>.a local peopleb place of worshipc businessmen's clubd working class people36. palette: He lost his <palette>.a container for carrying fishb wish to eat foodc young female companiond artist's board for mixing paints37. devious: Your plans are <devious>.a tricky and threateningb well-developedc not well thought outd more expensive than necessary38. stealth: They did it by <stealth>.a spending a large amount of moneyb hurting someone so much that they agreed to their demandsc moving secretly with extreme care and quietnessd taking no notice of problems they met39. hallmark: Does it have a <hallmark>?a stamp to show when it should be used byb stamp to show the qualityc mark to show it is approved by the royal familyd mark or stain to prevent copying40. haze: We looked through the <haze>.a small round window in a shipb unclear airc cover for a window made of strips of wood or plasticd list of names41. gimmick: That's a good <gimmick>.a thing for standing on to work high above the groundb small thing with pockets for holding moneyc attention-getting action or imaged clever plan or trick42. yoga: She has started <yoga>.a handwork done by knotting threadb a form of exercise for the body and mindc a game where a cork stuck with feathers is hit between two playersd a type of dance from eastern countries43. sizzle: Listen to it <sizzle>.a turn to stoneb release pressure and untwistc make noise while being cookedd force out liquid44. psychotherapy: She wanted <psychotherapy>.a the mutual operation of two thingsb the ability to governc an unfriendly reactiond treatment for a mental illness45. heyday: The town was <in its heyday>.a at its peak of successb on top of the hillc very wealthyd admired very much46. mystique: He has lost <his mystique>.a his healthy bodyb the secret way he makes other people think he has special skillc the woman he dated while he was married to someone elsed the hair on his top lip47. communique: Have you seen their <communique>?a critical report about an organizationb garden owned by many members of a communityc printed material used for advertisingd official announcement48. thesaurus: She used <a thesaurus>.a a kind of dictionaryb a chemical compoundc a special way of speakingd an injection just under the skin49. dissonant: That is <very dissonant>.a full of sounds that are not nice togetherb full of signs of deathc full of unwanted stops and startsd likely to get you into trouble50. tracksuit: She was wearing <a tracksuit>.a the upper part of a dressb a set of clothing for runningc a knitted shirt with no buttonsd an angry expression51. spleen: His <spleen> was damaged.a knee boneb organ found near the stomachc pipe taking waste water from a housed respect for himself52. caffeine: This contains a lot of <caffeine>.a a substance that makes you sleepyb strings from very tough leavesc ideas that are not correctd a substance that makes you excited53. impale: He nearly got <impaled>.a charged with a serious offenceb put in prisonc stuck through with a sharp instrumentd involved in a dispute54. jovial: He was very <jovial>.a low on the social scaleb likely to criticize othersc full of fund friendly55. dingy: It was a <dingy> place.a cold, dampb poorly litc delightfuld hot, dry56. kindergarten: This is a good <kindergarten>.a activity that allows you to forget your worriesb place of learning for children too young for schoolc strong, deep bag carried on the backd place where you may borrow books57. locust: There were hundreds of <locusts>.a unpaid helpersb people who do not eat meatc creatures with wingsd brightly coloured wild flowers58. lintel: He painted the <lintel>.a beam across the top of a door or windowb small boat used for getting to land from a big boatc beautiful tree with spreading branches and green fruitd board which shows the scene in a theatre59. upbeat: I'm feeling really <upbeat> about it.a upsetb goodc hurtd confused60. pallor: <His pallor> caused them concern.a his unusually high temperatureb the faint colour of his skinc his lack of interest in anythingd his group of friends61. skylark: We watched a <skylark>.a show with planes flying in patternsb human-made object going round the earthc person who does funny tricksd small bird that flies high as it sings62. beagle: He owns two <beagles>.a fast cars with roofs that fold downb large guns that can shoot many people quicklyc small dogs with long earsd houses built at holiday places63. atoll: The <atoll> was beautiful.a low island with sea water in the middleb art created by weaving pictures from fine stringc small crown with many valuable stonesd place where a river flows through a narrow spot with rocks64. hutch: Please clean the <hutch>.a thing with metal bars to keep dirt out of water pipesb space in the back of a car used for bags etcc round metal thing in the middle of a bicycle wheeld cage for small animals like rabbits65. gauche: He was <gauche>.a talkativeb flexiblec awkwardd determined66. cordillera: They were stopped by <the cordillera>.a a special lawb an armed shipc a line of mountainsd the firstborn son of the king67. limpid: He looked into her <limpid> eyes.a clearb sadc deep brownd beautiful68. aperitif: She had <an aperitif>.a a long chair for lying onb a private singing teacherc a large hat with tall feathersd a drink taken before a meal69. scrunch: It was <scrunched up>.a done with many mistakesb crushed togetherc cut into large, rough piecesd thrown violently into the air70. instantiate: you need to <instantiate that>.a make that happen quicklyb put that into the correct placec give a real example of thatd explain that71. landfall: The days after the <landfall> were busy.a ceremony to bless the land for a churchb bike event on a mountainc acceptance of foreign control after a ward the seeing of land after a journey by sea or air72. headstrong: He was a <headstrong child>.a very clever childb child who has been given too many good thingsc very fat childd child that is determined to do what it wants73. supercilious: She suddenly became <supercilious>.a proud and not respectfulb extremely stupidc able to think about only one thingd over weight74. torpor: She sank into <a torpor>.a a deep soft chairb an inactive statec a very unhappy stated a bed cover filled with feathers75. coven: She is the leader of a <coven>.a small singing groupb business that is owned by the workersc secret societyd group of church women who follow a strict religious life76. sputnik: He told them about the <sputnik>.a rare animal like a rabbit found in cold countriesb trap set by the policec object that travels high in the sky round the earthd secret organization with evil plans77. mozzarella: We'll need some <mozzarella>.a sweet sauce made from fruitb cheap winec mild cheesed substance that keeps insects away from you78. workaday: These are <workaday clothes>.a plain and practical clothesb clothes suitable for parties after workc old and worn out clothesd clothes that are thrown away after each working day79. lemur: We saw a <lemur>.a priest from an eastern religionb person with a very bad skin diseasec furry animal with a long taild purple fish from hot countries80. pantograph: The <pantograph> is broken.a instrument which plays music from a metal tubeb instrument which measures the amount of breath a person hasc framework of moving bars for copying plansd pen with a metal point for writing on hard surfaces81. planetarium: The <planetarium> was interesting.a place where planes are builtb place where a machine shows the way planets movec course to teach people good planning skillsd place where fish are kept82. vitreous: These rocks are <vitreous>.a very heavyb easy to breakc full of small holesd like glass83. cerise: Her dress was <cerise>.a a bright red colourb made of a thin, soft materialc a pale blue-green colourd made of expensive fabric with pretty patterns and small holes84. frankincense: He brought some <frankincense>.a sweet smelling white flowersb soft cheese made in Francec food made from yellow coloured rice and shellfishd good smelling substance that comes out of trees85. feint: He made a <feint>.a small cake with dried fruitb thing with wheels for moving heavy objectsc pretend attack to trick the enemyd serious mistake86. muff: This <muff> belonged to my mother.a tube of animal hair for keeping the hands warmb cover for a teapotc long rope of feathers to wear around the neckd bed cover made from squares of material sewn together87. ablution: He <performed his ablutions>.a did his exercises to stay healthyb played his very difficult piece of musicc did all his duties as a church ministerd washed himself to get ready88. exactitude: She was well known for her <exactitude>.a courage under pressureb sense of fairnessc habit of making unreasonable demandsd ability to be very accurate89. speedometer: The <speedometer> stopped working.a instrument that shows changes in the weatherb thing that measures how fast you goc thing that keeps a room at an even temperatured tube put into a person to let liquids in or out of their body90. serviette: Where is my <serviette>?a girl who helps in the houseb piece of glass which makes things look biggerc large flat plated piece of cloth or paper for wiping your mouth91. scrumptious: This is <scrumptious>.a extremely funnyb very expensivec delightful in tasted very dirty and untidy92. poppadom: Did you put the <poppadoms> on the table?a thin, slightly hard pieces of fried breadb small pieces of food, usually raw, eaten before a mealc cloths for protecting clothes while eatingd small sweet baked cakes93. hydrofoil: He studies <hydrofoils>.a crops produced from the seab devices that push boats clear of the waterc components of rocksd amazing curls and twists94. bylaw: They made a <bylaw>.a publisher’s list of older booksb secondary lawc code made of lines, read by machinesd law that morally condemns people95. nymphomaniac: Don’t be such <a nymphomaniac>!a a person expressing uncontrolled sexual desireb an antisocial personc an innocent rural persond a person who repeats the same crime after punishment96. maladroit: He is <maladroit>.a feeling sick to his stomachb physically awkwardc rather silly but likeabled quickly angry and easily depressed97. taxon: I think it belongs in this <taxon>.a tax categoryb small and light container for fruitc category of creatured room for safely keeping valuables98. canoodle: They’re always <canoodling>!a spreading false and evil ideas about othersb looking for a free mealc merging into the crowdd stroking and kissing one another99. stupa: Look at the <stupa>.a tall hairstyleb woman with a bad sexual reputationc temporary platform for a dead person’s bodyd Asian religious memorial100. dramaturgical: It has <a dramaturgical> effect.a a theatricalb a gloriousc a human-centringd an oily and unpleasant。
Test No. 1Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. abroad 11. abandon 21. abridge 31. abhorrent 41. abscissa 51. aboulia2. binoculars 12. ballot 22. aggregate 32. amorphous42. badinage 52. bifurcate3. daily 13. chaos 23. biscuit 33. crustacean 43. cartel 53. caracole4. expedition 14. contraband 24. credulous 34. declivity 44. demon 54. chalybeate5. horizon 15. excavate 25. duodenal 35. emaciated 45. dendrite 55. croton6. jangle 16. fatigue 26. grueling 36. foible 46. exordium 56. dysphoria7. limit 17. laboratory 27. industrious 37. galaxy 47. inchoate 57. halitosis8. postulate 18. maverick 28. meager 38. heretical 48. moraine 58. python9. ratio 19. purchase 29. nomadic 39. igneous 49. rubric 59. ortolan10. stroke 20. shuttle 30. occidental 40.nomenclature50. soutane 60 quadratTest No. 2Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. alter 11. beverage 21. biography 31. actuate 41. antinomy 51. apocalyptic2. barometer 12. cardinal 22. dandruff 32. bravura 42. carronade 52. cartouche3. distinct 13. demolish 23. domicile 33. comatose 43. deleterious 53. dorsal4. festival 14. gratify 24. facet 34. geld 44. hebdomadal 54. elvan5. grotesque 15. humdrum 25. impunity 35. hieroglyphic 45. infusoria 55. filemot6. harpoon 16. impulsive 26. lore 36. hybrid 46. linage 56. isomer7. matinee 17. memorial 27. mercenary 37. iconoclast 47. medusa 57. misogamy8. reign 18. parallel 28. phantasm 38. maelstrom 48. myrmidon 58. noumenon9. software 19. terminate 29. restive 39. mufti 49. paradigm 59. schizophrenia10. waste 20. vivacious 30. taboo 40. resurgent 50. topology 60. velleity Test No. 3Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. explosion 11. bigoted 21.cosmopolitan31. ecology 41. aneroid 51. bisque2. impatient 12. hatchet 22. diverge 32. laconic 42. burlap 52. circadian3. kangaroo 13. impact 23. interpose 33. linden 43. echinoderm 53. decuman4. pirate 14. javelin 24. lateral 34. maxilla 44. henry 54. elixir5. prowl 15. landmass 25. nook 35. paragon 45. interfacial 55. isomorphous6. referee 16. nebulous 26. porous 36. prolixity 46. jeton 56. obelisk7. slant 17. primitive 27. rampant 37. redolent 47. paregoric 57. parataxis8. solo 18. renown 28. territory 38. séance 48. rachitic 58.sexagenarian9. unique 19. tradition 29. venereal 39. timbre 49. syncretism 59. tanagra10. weary 20. urban 30. yeoman 40. vellum 50. tanager 60. urticant Test No. 4Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61.belfry 11. besiege 21. aquiline 31. archive 41. bergamot 51. ablegate2. bulge 12. bronze 22. botanist 32. beriberi 42. brevier 52. algorism3. outlaw 13. gorge 23. cauldron 33. cornice 43. deemster 53. balsam4. package 14. import 24. furtive 34. denary 44. homologous 54. bezel5. pillage 15. judo 25. initiate 35. gratuitous 45. lamina 55. leat6. rental 16. ledger 26. jaded 36. hertz 46. largo 56. mittimus37. hiatus 47. pantheon 57. myopic7. riddle 17. limpid 27.kaleidoscopic8. swerve 18. penetrate 28. limelight 38. medial 48. refulgence 58. perforate9. vanish 19. resort 29. mutual 39. pellagra 49. savoury 59. prunella50. triolet 60. zoosterol 10. varnish 20. yoke 30. stratagem 40.valetudinarianTest No. 5Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. ballad 11. abyss 21. adaptable 31. calculus 41. aclinic 51. Babbittry2. canoe 12. bale 22. capsule 32. eczema 42. banshee 52. corrugate3. external 13. canyon 23. daub 33. gargantuan 43. illation 53. demitasse4. influx 14. exterminate 24. embargo 34. ibid. 44. keelson 54. gault5. lame 15. hub 25. garbage 35. laissez-faire 45. lachrymal 55. hypnotism36. literati 46. martingale 56. jejunum6. magazine 16. lizard 26.infrastructure7. martyr 17. obvious 27. liberate 37. neurology 47. newton 57. knap8. nexus 18. password 28. memento 38. obloquy 48. occipital 58. limnology9. patriot 19. rhythm 29. naturalize 39. patois 49. petrology 59. mithridatism10. patrol 20. stoppage 30. oblivion 40. rabid 50. ratlin(e) 60. umbilical Test No. 6Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. anthill 11. absurd 21. acoustics 31. botulism 41. chamfer 51. chameleon2. climate 12. collapse 22. bicker 32. cutaneous 42. eschatology 52. deadlight3. container 13. extortion 23. bludgeon 33. diocese 43. giaour 53. enchiridion4. endeavour 14. generation 24. dinosaur 34. distrait 44. imprest 54. geodic35. encyclical 45. lapidate 55. jokul5. immediately 15. immigrate 25.extemporaneous6. jingle 16. jealous 26. garbled 36. gamma 46. nadir 56. laches7. optimum 17. mature 27. lichen 37. lacerate 47. oblate 57. maud8. rhyme 18. raid 28. mattock 38. mandate 48. samphire 58. pedicular9. signal 19. satellite 29. outshine 39. methylene 49. satrap 59. spandrel10. tank 20. slipshod 30. perimeter 40. nacelle 50. ubiquity 60. vasospasm Test No. 7Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. humbug 11.21. alloy 31. agoraphobia 41. agnostic 51. acarpousautobiography2. ivy 12. concerto 22. brevity 32. barograph 42. boulevardier 52. charade3. legend 13. extinct 23. deportation 33.43. canticle 53. demersalconcatenation4. magnet 14. gladiator 24. hinterland 34. demography 44. homophone 54. eclampsia5. nickname 15. deputy 25. inscrutable 35. hierarchy 45. lacustrine 55. gonorrhoea6. probably 15. hooligan 26. linage 36. in vitro 46. marionette 56. masochism7. ripple 16. lanky 27. mortgage 37. megrim 47. natterjack 57. orthodontist8. situation 18. magistrate 28. omen 38. olfactory 48. Paleozoic 58.pseudonymity9. tattoo 19. nozzle 29. persecute 39. radian 49. pentathlon 59. ret10. vague 20. offend 30. repertoire 40. risque 50. reticle 60. sachemTest No. 8Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. batter 11. barbed 21. dabble 31. bodkin 41. apercu 51. crucian2. chest 12. chemistry 22. exhaust 32. clairvoyance 42. bleb 52.deuteragonist3. engineer 13. exception 23. filtrate 33. dirigible 43. decorticate 53. encaustic4. funnel 14. fascinating 24. garnish 34. epitome 44. gauss 54. hysteroid5. horn 15. gibberish 25. indifferent 35. histrionic 45. involute 55. immortelle6. mean 16. hydrogen 26. keel 36. logarithm 46. lambent 56. karma7. outrun 17. liter 27. metronome 37. panegyric 47. peculation 57.metamorphosis8. pinpoint 18. microscope 28. naive 38. rowel 48. recidivist 58. peen9. remove 19. shield 29. patronize 39. simpatico 49. semiotics 59. regelate10. search 20. suburb 30. reinforce 40. stricture 50. voodoo 60. serendipity Test No. 9Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. badger 11. brewer 21. breaker 31. chicanery 41. ablaut 51. chiliad2. capture 12. charity 22. cumbersome 32. gratis 42. belvedere 52. disembogue3. fresh 13. generosity 23. detention 33. holocaust 43. diminutive 53. gemmule4. hiss 14. idol 24. foyer 34. lethargic 44. gelation 54. idolum5. ire 15. lathe 25. humane 35. monograph 45. homogeneity 55. logo6. ladle 16. orderly 26. juggernaut 36. pinnace 46. morpheme 56. oroide7. mermaid 17. orient 27. kernel 37. ramify 47. pis aller 57. quintan8. parade 18. quest 28. lineal 38. scrutineer 48. psephology 58. raptatorial9. rear 19. routine 29. objective 39. tangential 49. regulus 59. scatology10. swindle 20. summit 30. sorcery 40. unction 50. sawder 60. triumvirate Test No. 10Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 61. battery 11. crag 21. bristling 31. burnous 41. caucus 51. calamary2. collage 12. dwindling 22. devious 32. cadenza 42. eurhythmic 52. eparch53. fleur-de-lis 3. drowsy 13. easterly 23. entangle 33. debenture 43. habeascorpus4. forecast 14. hilt 24. graffito 34. flense 44. ichor 54. grangerize5. guilty 15. impetuous 25. precipitous 35. franklin 45. jussive 55. jacquard6. jellyfish 16. instinct 26. scramble 36. habiliment 46. limen 56. levigate7. mention 17. pike 27. summons 37. ignis iatuus 47. nescience 57. marsupial8. proverbial 18. regulation 28. territorial 38. jocund 48. obit 58. nepenthes9. result 19. verge 29. unkempt 39. mutability 49.59. obtestquerimonious60. thusly 10. screen 20. warehouse 30. vindicate 40. plebeian 50.thalassocracy。
初中英语词汇测试一一、单词匹配(每题1分,共144分)1 achieve A 提供37 competition A (正式的)会议;讨论2 afford B 使分开,使分离38 conference B 比赛,竞赛3 change C 弄错39 edge C 边缘4 mistake D 改变,变化40 enemy D 表面5 offer E 负担得起41 museum E 博物馆,博物院6 separate F 达到,取得42 surface F 敌人;敌军7 alone A (美州)印第安人的43 article A 文章;东西;物品;冠词8 elder B 安静的;寂静的44 choice B 形势,情况9Indian C 长者;前辈45 colour C 选择;抉择10 quiet D 丑陋的丑陋的, , , 难看的难看的46 once D 颜色11 ugly E 聪明的,英明的47 situation E 演讲12 wise F 单独的,孤独的48 speech F 一次,一度13 single A 单一的,单个的49 capital A 手术,操作14 active B 电的50 condition B 首都,省会;大写;资本15 ancient C 多云的,阴天的51 conversation C 说明,须知;教导16 cloudy D 古代的,古老的52 culture D 谈话,交谈17 electric E 光滑的;平坦的53 instruction E 条件,状况18 smooth F 积极的,主动的54 operation F 文化19 awake A 提及,提到,说起55 advise A 检查;诊察20 camera B 模型,原形;范例56 count B 进入21 courage C 勇气,胆略57 enter C 谋杀22 guess D 照相机;摄像机58 examine D 数,点数23 mention E 猜59 murder E 偷,窃取24 model F 唤醒60 steal F 忠告,劝告,建议25 attention A 注意,关心61 chemistry A 化学26 gesture B 姿势,手势62 company B 机器27 gold C 组,群63 industry C 广场28 group D 标准(的)64 international D 工业,产业29 score E 得分,分数65 machine E 公司30 standard F 黄金66 square F 国际的31 aloud A 有魔力的67 absent A 缺席;不在32 available B 愚蠢的,笨的68 accident B 臂,支架33 immediately C 可用到的可用到的, , , 可利用可利用69 advantage C 动物34 magic D 大声地70 agreement D 事故,意外的事35 seldom E 很少,不常71 animal E 统一,一致;协定,协议36 stupid F 立即72arm F 优点;好处73 symbol A 西方的,西部的粗心的,漫不经心的西方的,西部的 109 golden A 粗心的,漫不经心的大体的,笼统的,总的 74 umbrella B 符号, 记号, 象征110 simple B 大体的,笼统的,总的疯狂的75 weather C 天气天气 111 glad C 疯狂的高兴的;乐意的76 western D 雨伞雨伞 112 crazy D 高兴的;乐意的简单的,简易的77 wonder E 感到惊奇,想知道113 general E 简单的,简易的金(黄)色的烦恼,担忧,发怒 114 careless F 金(黄)色的78 worry F 烦恼,担忧,发怒世纪,百年 115 angry A 两方任一方的;两方任一方的;79 article A 世纪,百年首都,大写;资本 116 clear B 美妙的,精彩的;美妙的,精彩的;80 attention B 首都,大写;资本欧洲的,欧洲人的81 awake C 文章;东西;物品;117 strange C 欧洲的,欧洲人的奇怪的,奇特的,陌生的 注意,关心 118 European D 奇怪的,奇特的,陌生的82 camera D 注意,关心清晰的;明亮的;清楚的 照相机;摄像机 119 wonderful E 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的83 capital E 照相机;摄像机唤醒 120 either F 生气的,愤怒的生气的,愤怒的84 century F 唤醒普通的,一般的 121 asleep A 伟大的;重要的;好极了伟大的;重要的;好极了 85 common A 普通的,一般的社会的;社交的 122 comfortable B 完成的86 medical B 社会的;社交的通常的,平常的87 modern C 突然的突然的 123 complete C 通常的,平常的特别的,专门的现代的 124 great D 特别的,专门的88 snowy D 现代的睡着的,熟睡雪(白)的;下雪的 125 special E 睡着的,熟睡89 social E 雪(白)的;下雪的舒服的;安逸的;医学的,医疗的 126 usual F 舒服的;安逸的;90 sudden F 医学的,医疗的包含,包括91 master A 敲;打;击敲;打;击 127 knowledge A 包含,包括知识92 increase B 踢128 include B 知识你们自己烟;冒烟;吸烟 129 communicate C 你们自己93 smoke C 烟;冒烟;吸烟在(三个以上)之间增加,繁殖 130 yourselves D 在(三个以上)之间94 kick D 增加,繁殖精通,掌握 131 around E 在……周围;大约在……周围;大约95 knock E 精通,掌握沟通值(多少钱);花费 132 among F 沟通96 cost F 值(多少钱);花费选择 133 government A 意思,含意意思,含意97 create A 选择延伸;展开 134 intention B 意图, 目的98 allow B 延伸;展开邮票99 expect C 邀请,招待邀请,招待 135 magazine C 邮票杂志预料;盼望;认为 136 meaning D 杂志100 invite D 预料;盼望;认为站,所,车站;电台允许;准许 137 stamp E 站,所,车站;电台101 spread E 允许;准许政府造成,创造 138 station F 政府102 choose F 造成,创造无声的,无对话的昂贵的 139 worth A 无声的,无对话的103 clever A 昂贵的相似的,像便宜的,贱 140 serious B 相似的,像104 successful B 便宜的,贱小心的,仔细的,不可能的 141 strict C 小心的,仔细的,105 cruel C 不可能的严格的,严密的残忍的 142 careful D 严格的,严密的106 impossible D 残忍的严肃的,严重的;认真的 成功的,有成就的 143 similar E 严肃的,严重的;认真的107 cheap E 成功的,有成就的聪明的,伶俐的 144 silent F 有……的价值108 expensive F 聪明的,伶俐的二、请根据提示填写英语单词(每题1分,共120分)分)1 a. 成功的,成功的,成功的, ____________________ 41 v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊骗取,哄骗;作弊____________________2 a. 粗心的粗心的 ____________________ 42 v. 庆祝庆祝 ____________________3 a. 大体的,笼统的大体的,笼统的 ____________________ 43 v. 取消取消 ____________________4 a. 美妙的,精彩的美妙的,精彩的 ____________________ 44 v. 选择选择 ____________________ 5 a. 生气的,愤怒的生气的,愤怒的 ____________________ 45 v. 欣赏;享受欣赏;享受 ____________________ 6 a. 无声的无声的无声的 ____________________ 46 v. 想像,设想想像,设想 ____________________ 7 a. 相似的,像相似的,像相似的,像____________________ 47 v. 统一;应允统一;应允____________________ 8 a. 小心的,仔细的,小心的,仔细的, ____________________ 48 v. 收集,搜集收集,搜集 ____________________ 9 a. 严格的,严密的严格的,严密的严格的,严密的 ____________________ 49 v. 使兴奋,使激动使兴奋,使激动 ____________________ 10 a. 结实的,固体的结实的,固体的 ____________________ 50 v. 使惊奇,使诧异使惊奇,使诧异 ____________________ 11 conj. 是否是否 ____________________ 51 v. 取消取消 ____________________ 12 conj. 虽然,尽管虽然,尽管 ____________________ 52 v. 庆祝庆祝____________________ 13 n. 安静,沉默安静,沉默安静,沉默 ____________________ 53 v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊骗取,哄骗;作弊 ____________________ 14 n. 安全,保险安全,保险安全,保险 ____________________ 54 v. 烹调,做饭 ____________________ 15 n. 财产,财富财产,财富 ____________________ 55 v. 爬,攀登 ____________________ 16 n. 回忆,记忆回忆,记忆 ____________________ 56 v. 弄干净,擦干净 ____________________ 17 n. 活动活动 ____________________ 57 v. 拿,搬拿,搬 ____________________ 18 n. 疾病疾病 ____________________ 58 v. 满足,使满意满足,使满意 ____________________ 19 n. 精力,能量精力,能量 ____________________ 59 v. 连接连接 ____________________ 20 n. 能力;才能 ____________________ 60 v. 控制控制 ____________________ 21 n. 兴趣,趣味兴趣,趣味 ____________________ 61 v. 考虑考虑 ____________________ 22 n. 药药 ____________________ 62 v. 介绍介绍 ____________________ 23 n. 引进,介绍引进,介绍____________________ 63 v. 解释,说明解释,说明____________________ 24 n. 忠告,劝告,建议忠告,劝告,建议 ____________________ 64 v. 接住;捉住;赶上;接住;捉住;赶上; ____________________ 25 n. 重,重量重,重量____________________ 65 v. 接受____________________ 26 n. 过程,经过,课程 ____________________ 66 v. 建议,提议建议,提议 ____________________ 27 n. 回答;答复;回信 ____________________ 67 v. 坚持;坚决认为坚持;坚决认为 ____________________ 28 prep. 除……之外除……之外 ____________________ 68 v. 继续____________________ 29 prep. 对着,反对对着,反对____________________ 69 v. 管理;设法对付管理;设法对付____________________ 30 v. 比较,对照比较,对照 ____________________ 70 v. 鼓励鼓励____________________ 31 v. 避免,躲开,逃避避免,躲开,逃避 ____________________ 71 v. 改进,更新改进,更新 ____________________ 32 v. 表达,表示,表情表达,表示,表情 ____________________ 72 v. 分享,共同使用分享,共同使用 ____________________ 33 v. 猜想,假定猜想,假定猜想,假定 ____________________ 73 v. 发明,创造发明,创造 ____________________ 34 v. 称……的重量称……的重量 ____________________ 74 v. 锻炼____________________ 35 v. 锻炼____________________ 75 v. 定购,定货;点菜____________________ 36 v. 发明,创造发明,创造 ____________________ 76 v. 到达;达到到达;达到 ____________________ 37 v. 改进,更新改进,更新 ____________________ 77 v. 穿越,经过穿越,经过 ____________________ 38 v. 接受 ____________________ 78 v. 出现出现 ____________________ 39 v. 解释,说明解释,说明 ____________________ 79 v. 吃吃 ____________________ 40 v. 考虑考虑____________________ 80 v. 成功成功____________________81 v. 称……的重量称……的重量称……的重量 ____________________82 v. 猜想,假定,料想猜想,假定,料想 ____________________ 83 v. 表达,表示,表情表达,表示,表情 ____________________ 84 v. 避免,躲开,逃避避免,躲开,逃避 ____________________ 85 prep. 除……之外除……之外____________________ 86 n. 回答;答复;回信;答案 ____________________ 87 n. 过程,经过,课程 ____________________ 88 n. 标记标记 v. 标明,作记号于 ____________________ 89 n. v. 嗅,闻到;发气味嗅,闻到;发气味 ____________________ 90 n. v. 采访,会见,面试 ____________________ 91 n. v. 微笑微笑 ____________________ 92 n. v. 搜寻,搜查搜寻,搜查 ____________________ 93 n. v. 浪费浪费浪费 ____________________ 94 n. 重,重量重,重量重,重量 ____________________ 95 n. 忠告,劝告,建议忠告,劝告,建议 ____________________ 96 n. 中心,中央中心,中央 ____________________ 97 n. 照料,保护;小心照料,保护;小心 ____________________ 98 n. 赠品;礼物赠品;礼物 ____________________ 99 n. 云,云状物;阴影云,云状物;阴影 ____________________ 100 n. 圆圈圆圈圆圈 v. 将…圈起来将…圈起来 ____________________ 101 n. 原因,起因原因,起因 ____________________ 102 n. 娱乐娱乐 ____________________ 103 n. 影响影响 ____________________ 104 n. 引进,介绍引进,介绍 ____________________ 105 n. 遗憾的事;羞愧遗憾的事;羞愧 ____________________ 106 n. 药药 ____________________ 107 n. 兴趣,趣味兴趣,趣味 ____________________ 108 n. 信息信息 ____________________ 109 n. 问题问题____________________110 n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)兄弟, ____________________ 111 n. 速度速度速度 v. (使)加速 ____________________ 112 n. 社会社会 ____________________ 113 n. 钱;货币钱;货币 ____________________ 114 n. 能力;才能 ____________________ 115 n. 面积;地域;地方;面积;地域;地方; ____________________ 116 n. 例子;榜样例子;榜样 ____________________ 117 n. 军队军队 ____________________ 118 n. 精力,能量精力,能量 ____________________ 119 n. 经验,经历经验,经历 ____________________ 120 n. 借口;辩解____________________初中英语词汇测试二分)一、单词匹配(每题1分,共144分)头疼篮子37 fresh A n. 头疼1 balloon A n. 篮子新鲜的竹38 fridge B a. 新鲜的2 bamboo B n. 竹(总称)家具旗;标志;旗舰39 frog C n. (总称)家具3 baseball C n. 旗;标志;旗舰冰箱4 basket D n. 蜜蜂40 front D n. 冰箱5 flag E n. 气球气球41 headache E a. 前面的;前部的青蛙6 bee F n. 棒球棒球42 furniture F n. 青蛙富于幽默的7 beyond A n. 饼干饼干43 hole C a. 富于幽默的洞,坑8 biscuit B prep在..的那一边44 humorous F n. 洞,坑褐色,棕色45 jacket B n. 汁,液汁,液9 bitter C n. 褐色,棕色短上衣,夹克衫10 bottom D a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,46 jeans C n. 短上衣,夹克衫欢乐,高兴,乐趣11 brown E v. 刷;擦刷;擦47 joy E n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣牛仔裤底部;底48 juice F n. 牛仔裤12 brush F n. 底部;底柠檬水13 tomato A a. 每日的,日常的每日的,日常的49 lab A n. 柠檬水实验室诗50 pond B n. 实验室14 butter B n. 诗池塘牙科医生51 lamb C n. 池塘15 daily C n. 牙科医生羔羊西红柿,番茄52 lamp D n. 羔羊16 deaf D n. 西红柿,番茄执照,许可证黄油,奶油53 lemonade E n. 执照,许可证17 dentist E n. 黄油,奶油聋的54 license F n. 灯,油灯;光源灯,油灯;光源18 poem F a. 聋的大声的19 freeze A n. 主任;董事;导演55 heaven A a. 大声的孤独的,寂寞的20 direct B v. 结冰结冰56 lion B a. 孤独的,寂寞的狮子盘,碟;盘装菜;57 lively C n. 狮子21 director C n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;天,天空22 dish D a.直接的;直达的;58 hamburger D n. 天,天空23 doll E n. 牙痛汉堡包牙痛59 lonely E n. 汉堡包玩偶,玩具娃娃60 loud F a. 活泼的;充满生气的24 toothache F n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃全国性的,民族的25 dozen A n. 鸭子鸭子61 lovely A a. 全国性的,民族的叉,餐叉62 low B n. 自然,性质,种类26 bill B n. 叉,餐叉低,矮27 fork C n.牛肉63 national C a. ad. 低,矮28 drum D n. 十二个;几十,许多美好的,可爱的十二个;几十,许多64 natural D a. 美好的,可爱的鼓65 nature E a. 自然的自然的29 duck E n. 鼓账单;法案,议案;66 neck F n. 颈,脖子颈,脖子30 beef F n. 账单;法案,议案;(去)取(物)来,67 tongue A a.贫穷的;可怜的31 fantastic A v. (去)取(物)来,舌,舌头32 flat B a. 最后的;终极的68 nod B n. 舌,舌头33 fetch C a.极好的,美妙的,69 poor C n. 面条面条女用皮包,手提包70 plastic D v. 点头点头34 fever D n. 女用皮包,手提包鼻发烧;发热71 noodle E n. 鼻35 final E n. 发烧;发热楼中一套房间;72 nose F n.塑料制品36 handbag F n. 楼中一套房间;73 nurse A n. 护士;保育员109 rope A n. (动物的)尾巴(动物的)尾巴垃圾;废物74 package B n. 熊猫熊猫110 rose B n. 垃圾;废物绳,索75 palace C n. 薄煎饼薄煎饼111 row C n. 绳,索玫瑰花76 pancake D n.一包,一袋,一盒112 rubber D n. 玫瑰花橡胶;合成橡胶77 panda E n. 原谅,宽恕,对不起原谅,宽恕,对不起113 rubbish E n. 橡胶;合成橡胶划船宫,宫殿114 tail F v. 划船78 pardon F n. 宫,宫殿线79 passenger A n. 梨子,梨树梨子,梨树115 policy A n. 线剧场,戏院80 passport B n. 护照护照116 technology B n. 剧场,戏院水塘,水池117 tennis C a. 极小的,微小的81 past C n. 水塘,水池技术过去,昔日,往事118 theatre D n. 技术82 path D n. 过去,昔日,往事网球小道,小径119 thread E n. 网球83 pear E n. 小道,小径政策,方针乘客,旅客120 tiny F n. 政策,方针84 pool F n. 乘客,旅客毛巾时期,时代121 toothbrush A n. 毛巾85 perhaps A n. 时期,时代假期,休假86 period B n. 飞行员122 toothpaste B n. 假期,休假怜悯,同情123 towel C n. 牙膏87 picnic C n. 怜悯,同情卡车,运货车88 pilot D ad. 可能,或可能,或124 tower D n. 卡车,运货车牙刷野餐125 truck E n. 牙刷89 pink E n. 野餐粉红色 a.粉红色的126 vacation F n. 塔塔90 pity F n.粉红色排球91 president A v. 印刷印刷127 vehicle A n. 排球囚犯128 violin B n.斑马92 primary B n. 囚犯码;院子;场地初等的;初级的129 volleyball C n. 码;院子;场地93 print C a. 初等的;初级的发音130 X-ray D n.交通工具,车辆94 prison D v. 发音总统,主席131 yard E X射线;X光95 prisoner E n. 总统,主席小提琴监狱132 zebra F n. 小提琴96 pronounce F n. 监狱紫色的 n. 紫色133 hardly A n. 水果,果实水果,果实97 proper A a. 紫色的恰当的,合适的134 line B ad. 几乎不98 pupil B a. 恰当的,合适的绳索,线,排,行,99 purple C n. 铁路;铁道铁路;铁道135 pocket C n. 绳索,线,排,行,大厅,会堂,礼堂;100 purse D n. 钱包钱包136 hall D n. 大厅,会堂,礼堂;(小)学生137 position E n. 药,药物;毒品101 rabbit E n. (小)学生兔,家兔138 drug F n.(衣服的)口袋102 railway F n. 兔,家兔位置103 rat A n. 岩石,大石头岩石,大石头139 labour A n. 位置劳动老鼠140 taste B n. 劳动104 recite B n. 老鼠机器人141 post C n. 品尝,尝味;味道105 recorder C n. 机器人手指录音机142 festival D n. 手指106 riddle D n. 录音机投寄;邮寄背诵143 location E v. 投寄;邮寄107 robot E v. 背诵节日,,喜庆谜(语)144 finger F n. 节日108 rock F n. 谜(语)节日二、请根据提示填写英语单词(每题1分,共120分)分)1 n. 背景背景 ____________________ 41 v. 分,划分分,划分____________________2 n. 银行; ____________________ 42 a. 两倍的,双的两倍的,双的 ____________________3 v. 保护保护____________________ 43 v. 绘画;绘制;拉,拖; ____________________4 a. 自豪的;骄傲的自豪的;骄傲的 ____________________ 44 n. 滴滴____________________ 5 n. 熊熊____________________ 45 prep. 在……期间; ____________________ 6 n. (音乐)节拍 ____________________ 46 n. 责任,义务责任,义务 ____________________ 7 v. 变得;成为变得;成为 ____________________ 47 v. 失败,不及格;衰退失败,不及格;衰退 ____________________ 8 n. 行为,举止行为,举止 ____________________ 48 a. 公平的,合理的公平的,合理的 ____________________ 9 prep. 在…上(表示位置) ____________________ 49 n. 心;心脏;心;心脏;____________________ 10 v. 相信,认为相信,认为 ____________________ 50 a. 友好的友好的 ____________________ 11 v. 重讲,重复,复述重讲,重复,复述 ____________________ 51 n. 友谊,友情友谊,友情 ____________________ 12 a. 出生出生 ____________________ 52 n. 将来将来 ____________________ 13 n. 脑(子)脑(子) ____________________ 53 n. 习惯,习性习惯,习性 ____________________ 14 n. 气息;呼吸气息;呼吸 ____________________ 54 v. 处(人)绞刑;上吊处(人)绞刑;上吊 ____________________ 15 a. 明亮的;聪明的明亮的;聪明的 ____________________ 55 v. 恨 n.讨厌 ____________________ 16 v. aux. 敢,敢于 ____________________ 56 n. 热热 ____________________ 17 a. 黑暗的;暗淡的 ____________________ 57 n. 高,高度高,高度____________________ 18 a. 死的;无生命的 ____________________ 58 v. 把……藏起来,隐藏 ____________________ 19 n. 量,数额;交易量,数额;交易 ____________________ 59 a. 诚实的,正直的诚实的,正直的 ____________________ 20 n. 死死____________________ 60 n. 钩子钩子 v.衔接,连接 ____________________ 21 v. 决定;下决心决定;下决心 ____________________ 61 a. 巨大的,庞大的巨大的,庞大的 ____________________ 22 n. 决定;决心决定;决心 ____________________ 62 a. 基本的基本的 ____________________ 23 a. 深深____________________ 63 n. 海滨,海滩 ____________________ 24 n. 程度;度数;学位 ____________________ 64 v. 伤害,受伤;伤害,受伤; ____________________ 25 a. 美味的,可口的美味的,可口的 ____________________ 65 v. 跳跃;惊起;猛扑跳跃;惊起;猛扑 ____________________ 26 n. 发现发现 ____________________ 66 n. 语言语言 ____________________ 27 v. 依靠,依赖,取决于依靠,依赖,取决于 ____________________ 67 a.大的大的, , , 巨大的巨大的巨大的,,宽大的宽大的, , ____________________28 v. 描写,叙述描写,叙述____________________ 68 a. 晚的,迟的晚的,迟的____________________ 29 v.(使)发展(使)发达; ____________________ 69 n. 笑,大笑笑,大笑 ____________________ 30 n. 发展,发达,发育, ____________________ 70 v. 放,搁放,搁____________________ 31 v. 挖(洞、沟等);掘挖(洞、沟等);掘 ____________________ 71 v. 领导,带领领导,带领 ____________________ 32 n. 正餐,宴会正餐,宴会 ____________________ 72 ad. 将来,今后;前进将来,今后;前进 ____________________ 33 n. 方向;方位方向;方位 ____________________ 73 n. 领袖,领导人领袖,领导人 ____________________ 34 a. 脏的脏的 ____________________ 74 n. (树,菜)叶(树,菜)叶 ____________________ 35 v. 发现____________________ 75 n. 最少,最少量最少,最少量 ____________________ 36 v. 讨论,议论讨论,议论 ____________________ 76 v. 离开;剩下离开;剩下 ____________________ 37 n. 讨论,辩论讨论,辩论 ____________________ 77 a. 左边的____________________ 38 n. 病,疾病病,疾病 ____________________ 78 n. 腿,腿脚;支柱腿,腿脚;支柱 ____________________ 39 v. 遣散;解散;解雇 ____________________ 79 n. 水平线,水平水平线,水平 ____________________ 40 v. 扰乱;打扰扰乱;打扰____________________ 80 v. 举起,抬起;举起,抬起;____________________81 n. v. 一览表,清单一览表,清单____________________ 82 v. n. 乱丢杂物乱丢杂物____________________ 83 ad. 将近,几乎将近,几乎____________________ 84 a. 必需的,必要的必需的,必要的____________________85 n.邻居,邻人____________________86 a. 正常的正常的____________________ 87 n. 高兴,愉快高兴,愉快____________________88 a. 北的,朝北的,____________________89 a. 北方的,北部的北方的,北部的____________________90 n. 笔记,注释,纸币;音符,____________________91 n. 笔记簿笔记簿____________________92 n. 布告,通告,主意____________________93 n. 油漆油漆____________________ 94 v. 付钱,给……报酬付钱,给……报酬____________________ 95 n. 和平和平____________________ 96 n. 百分之……百分之……____________________ 97 a. 完美的,极好的完美的,极好的____________________ 98 n. 人人____________________ 99 v. 练习,实践练习,实践____________________ 100 n. 赞扬赞扬 v. 表扬____________________ 101 v. 准备,预备;调制,准备,预备;调制,____________________ 102 n. v. 答应,允诺答应,允诺____________________ 103 n. 关系,亲属关系,亲属____________________ 104 v. 余下,留下余下,留下____________________ 105 n. 角色角色____________________ 106 ad. 转过来____________________ 107 n.规则,规定规则,规定 v.统治;____________________ 108 a.可怕的;糟糕的____________________ 109 a. 厚的厚的____________________ 110 a. 薄的;瘦的;稀的薄的;瘦的;稀的____________________ 111 v. 赶快,急忙赶快,急忙____________________ 112 prep. 向向,朝,对于____________________ 113 n. 城镇,城城镇,城____________________ 114 n. 贸易贸易____________________ 115 v. 翻译翻译____________________ 116 n. 金银财宝;财富金银财宝;财富____________________ 117 n. 治疗,疗法治疗,疗法____________________ 118 n. 旅行,旅程旅行,旅程____________________ 119 n. 地面,地板;____________________ 120 n. 足,脚;英尺足,脚;英尺____________________。
Vocabulary Size Test: Version A1. see: They <saw it>.a closed it tightlyb waited for itc looked at itd started it up2. time: They have a lot of <time>.a moneyb foodc hoursd friends3. period: It was a difficult <period>.a questionb timec thing to dod book4. figure: Is this the right <figure>?a answerb placec timed number5. poor: We <are poor>.a have no moneyb feel happyc are very interestedd do not like to work hard6. microphone: Please use the <microphone>.a machine for making food hotb machine that makes sounds louderc machine that makes things look biggerd small telephone that can be carried around7. nil: His mark for that question was <nil>.a very badb nothingc very goodd in the middle8. pub: They went to the <pub>.a place where people drink and talkb place that looks after moneyc large building with many shopsd building for swimming9. circle: Make a <circle>.a rough pictureb space with nothing in itc round shaped large hole10. dig: Our dog often <digs>.a solves problems with thingsb creates a hole in the groundc wants to sleepd enters the water11. soldier: He is a <soldier>.a person in a businessb person who studiesc person who uses metald person in the army12. restore: It has been <restored>.a said againb given to a different personc made like new againd given a lower price13. pro: He's <a pro>.a someone who is employed to find out important secretsb a stupid personc someone who writes for a newspaperd someone who is paid for playing sport14. compound: They made a new <compound>.a agreementb thing made of two or more partsc group of people forming a businessd guess based on past experience15. deficit: The company <had a large deficit>.a spent a lot more money than it earnedb went down a lot in valuec had a plan for its spending that used a lot of moneyd had a lot of money stored in the bank16. strap: He broke the <strap>.a promiseb top coverc shallow dish for foodd strip of strong material17. weep: He <wept>.a finished his courseb criedc diedd worried18. haunt: The house is <haunted>.a full of decorationsb rentedc emptyd full of ghosts19. cube: I need one more <cube>.a sharp thing used for joining thingsb solid square blockc tall cup with no saucerd piece of stiff paper folded in half20. butler: They have a <butler>.a man servantb machine for cutting up treesc private teacherd cool dark room under the house21. nun: We saw a <nun>.a long thin creature that lives in the earthb terrible accidentc woman following a strict religious lifed unexplained bright light in the sky22. olive: We bought <olives>.a oily fruitb scented flowersc men's swimming clothesd tools for digging23. shudder: The boy <shuddered>.a spoke with a low voiceb almost fellc shookd called out loudly24. threshold: They raised the <threshold>.a flagb point or line where something changesc roof inside a buildingd cost of borrowing money25. demography: This book is about <demography>.a the study of patterns of land useb the study of the use of pictures to show facts about numbersc the study of the movement of waterd the study of population26. malign: His <malign> influence is still felt.a goodb evilc very importantd secret27. strangle: He <strangled her>.a killed her by pressing her throatb gave her all the things she wantedc took her away by forced admired her greatly28. dinosaur: The children were pretending to be <dinosaurs>.a robbers who work at seab very small creatures with human form but with wingsc large creatures with wings that breathe fired animals that lived an extremely long time ago29. jug: He was holding <a jug>.a a container for pouring liquidsb an informal discussionc a soft capd a weapon that blows up30. crab: Do you like <crabs>?a very thin small cakesb tight, hard collarsc sea creatures that always walk to one sided large black insects that sing at night31. quilt: They made a <quilt>.a statement about who should get their property when they dieb firm agreementc thick warm cover for a bedd feather pen32. tummy: Look at my <tummy>.a fabric to cover the headb stomachc small soft animald finger used for gripping33. eclipse: <There was an eclipse>.a A strong wind blew all dayb I heard something hit the waterc A large number of people were killedd The sun was hidden by the moon34. excrete: This was <excreted> recently.a pushed or sent outb made clearc discovered by a science experimentd put on a list of illegal things35. ubiquitous: Many unwanted plants <are ubiquitous>.a are difficult to get rid ofb have long, strong rootsc are found everywhered die away in the winter36. marrow: This is <the marrow>.a symbol that brings good luck to a teamb soft centre of a bonec control for guiding a planed increase in salary37. cabaret: We saw the <cabaret>.a painting covering a whole wallb song and dance performancec small crawling creatured person who is half fish, half woman38. cavalier: He treated her <in a cavalier manner>.a without careb with good mannersc awkwardlyd as a brother would39. veer: The car <veered>.a moved shakilyb changed coursec made a very loud noised slid without the wheels turning40. yoghurt: This <yoghurt> is disgusting.a dark grey mud found at the bottom of riversb unhealthy, open sorec thick, soured milk, often with sugar and flavouringd large purple fruit with soft flesh41. octopus: They saw <an octopus>.a a large bird that hunts at nightb a ship that can go under waterc a machine that flies by means of turning bladesd a sea creature with eight legs42. monologue: Now he has a <monologue>.a single piece of glass to hold over his eye to help him to seeb long turn at talking without being interruptedc position with all the powerd picture made by joining letters together in interesting ways43. candid: Please <be candid>.a be carefulb show sympathyc show fairness to both sidesd say what you really think44. nozzle: Aim the <nozzle> toward it.a space that light passes through in a camerab dry patch of skinc pipe attachment that forces waterd sharp part of a fork45. psychosis: He has <a psychosis>.a an inability to moveb an oddly coloured patch of skinc a body organ that processes sugard a mental illness46. ruck: He got hurt in the <ruck>.a region between the stomach and the top of the legb noisy street fightc group of players gathered round the ball in some ball gamesd race across a field of snow47. rouble: He had a lot of <roubles>.a very valuable red stonesb distant members of his familyc Russian moneyd moral or other difficulties in the mind48. canonical: These are <canonical examples>.a examples which break the usual rulesb examples taken from a religious bookc regular and widely accepted examplesd examples discovered very recently49. puree: This <puree> is bright green.a fruit or vegetables in liquid formb dress worn by women in Indiac skin of a fruitd very thin material for evening dresses50. vial: Put it in a <vial>.a device which stores electricityb country residencec dramatic scened small glass bottle51. counterclaim: They made <a counterclaim>.a a demand response made by one side in a law caseb a request for a shop to take back things with faultsc an agreement between two companies to exchange workd a decorative cover for a bed, which is always on top52. refectory: We met in the <refectory>.a room for eatingb office where legal papers can be signedc room for several people to sleep ind room with glass walls for growing plants53. trill: He practised the <trill>.a repeated high musical soundb type of stringed instrumentc way of throwing the balld dance step of turning round very fast on the toes54. talon: Just look at those <talons>!a high points of mountainsb sharp hooks on the feet of a hunting birdc heavy metal coats to protect against weaponsd people who make fools of themselves without realizing it55. plankton: We saw a lot of <plankton> here.a poisonous plants that spread very quicklyb very small plants or animals found in waterc trees producing hard woodd grey soil that often causes land to slip56. soliloquy: That was an excellent <soliloquy>!a song for six peopleb short clever saying with a deep meaningc entertainment using lights and musicd speech in the theatre by a character who is alone57. puma: They saw a <puma>.a small house made of mud bricksb tree from hot, dry countriesc large wild catd very strong wind that lifts anything in its path58. augur: It <augured well>.a promised good things for the futureb agreed with what was expectedc had a colour that looked good with something elsed rang with a clear, beautiful sound59. emir: We saw the <emir>.a bird with two long curved tail feathersb woman who cares for other people's children in eastern countriesc Middle Eastern chief with power in his own landd house made from blocks of ice60. didactic: The story <is very didactic>.a tries hard to teach somethingb is very difficult to believec deals with exciting actionsd is written with unclear meaning61. cranny: Look what we found in the <cranny>!a sale of unwanted objectsb narrow openingc space for storing things under the roof of a housed large wooden box62. lectern: He stood at the <lectern>.a desk made to hold a book at a good height for readingb table or block used for church ceremoniesc place where you buy drinksd very edge63. azalea: This <azalea> is very pretty.a small tree with many flowers growing in groupsb light natural fabricc long piece of material worn in Indiad sea shell shaped like a fan64. marsupial: It is <a marsupial>.a an animal with hard feetb a plant that takes several years to growc a plant with flowers that turn to face the sund an animal with a pocket for babies65. bawdy: It was very <bawdy>.a unpredictableb innocentc rushedd indecent66. crowbar: He used a <crowbar>.a heavy iron pole with a curved endb false namec sharp tool for making holes in leatherd light metal walking stick67. spangled: Her dress was <spangled>.a torn into thin stripsb covered with small bright decorationsc made with lots of folds of fabricd ruined by touching something very hot68. aver: She <averred> that it was the truth.a refused to agreeb declaredc believedd warned69. retro: It had <a retro look>.a a very fashionable lookb the look of a piece of modern artc the look of something which has been used a lot befored the look of something from an earlier time70. rascal: She is such <a rascal> sometimes.a an unbelieverb a dedicated studentc a hard workerd a bad girl71. tweezers: They used <tweezers>.a small pieces of metal for holding papers togetherb small pieces of string for closing woundsc a tool with two blades for picking up or holding small objectsd strong tool for cutting plants72. bidet: They have a <bidet>.a low basin for washing the body after using the toiletb large fierce brown dogc small private swimming poold man to help in the house73. sloop: Whose <sloop> is that?a warm hatb light sailing boatc left over foodd untidy work74. swingeing: They got <swingeing fines>.a very large finesb very small finesc fines paid in small amounts at a timed fines that vary depending on income75. cenotaph: We met at the <cenotaph>.a large and important churchb public square in the centre of a townc memorial for people buried somewhere elsed underground train station76. denouement: I was disappointed with the <denouement>a ending of a story which solves the mysteryb amount of money paid for a piece of workc small place to live which is part of a bigger buildingd official report of the results of a political meeting77. bittern: She saw a <bittern>.a large bottle for storing liquidb small green grass snakec false picture caused by hot aird water bird with long legs and a very loud call78. reconnoitre: They have gone to <reconnoitre>.a think againb make an examination of a new placec have a good time to mark a happy eventd complain formally79. magnanimity: We will never forget her <magnanimity>.a very offensive and unfriendly mannersb courage in times of troublec generosityd completely sincere words80. effete: He has become <effete>.a weak and softb too fond of strong drinkc unable to leave his bedd extremely easy to annoy81. rollick: They were <rollicking>.a driving very fastb staying away from school without being permitted toc having fun in a noisy and spirited wayd sliding on snow using round boards82. gobbet: The cat left a <gobbet> behind.a strip of torn materialb footprintc piece of solid waste from the bodyd lump of food returned from the stomach83. rigmarole: I hate the <rigmarole>.a very fast and difficult dance for eight peopleb funny character in the theatrec form which must be completed each year for tax purposesd long, pointless and complicated set of actions84. alimony: The article was about <alimony>.a feelings of bitterness and annoyance, expressed sharplyb money for the care of children, paid regularly after a divorcec giving praise for excellent ideasd a metal which breaks easily and is bluish white85. roughshod: He <rode roughshod>.a travelled without good preparationb made lots of mistakesc did not consider other people's feelingsd did not care about his own comfort86. copra: They supply <copra>.a a highly poisonous substance used to kill unwanted plantsb the dried meat from a large nut used to make oilc an illegal substance which makes people feel good for a short timed strong rope used on sailing ships87. bier: She lay on the <bier>.a folding garden chairb grass next to a riverc place where boats can be tied upd board on which a dead body is carried88. torpid: He was <in a torpid state>.a undecidedb filled with very strong feelingsc confused and anxiousd slow and sleepy89. dachshund: She loves her <dachshund>.a warm fur hatb thick floor rug with special patternsc small dog with short legs and a long backd old musical instrument with twelve strings90. cadenza: What did you think of the <cadenza>?a cake topped with cream and fruitb large box hanging from a wire that carries people up a mountainc slow formal dance from Italyd passage in a piece of music that shows the player’s great skill91. obtrude: These thoughts <obtruded themselves>.a got themselves lost or forgottenb did not agree with each otherc got mixed up with each otherd pushed themselves forward in the mind92. panzer: They saw the <panzers> getting nearer.a players in a marching bandb fighter planesc large, slow windowless army carsd policewomen93. cyborg: She read about <a cyborg>.a an integrated human-machine systemb a musical instrument with forty stringsc a small, newly invented objectd a warm wind in winter94. zygote: It is <a zygote>.a an early phase of sexual reproductionb a lot of bother over nothingc a small animal found in southern Africad a gun used to launch rockets95. sylvan: The painting had a <sylvan> theme.a lost loveb wanderingc forestd casual folk96. sagacious: She had many ideas that were <sagacious>.a instinctively cleverb ridiculous and wildc about abusing people and being abusedd rebellious and dividing97. spatiotemporal: My theory is <spatiotemporal>.a focussed on small detailsb annoying to peoplec objectionably modernd oriented to time and space98. casuist: Don’t <play the casuist> with me!a focus only on self-pleasureb act like a tough guyc make judgments about my conduct of dutyd be stupid99. cyberpunk: I like <cyberpunk>.a medicine that does not use drugsb one variety of science fictionc the art and science of eatingd a society ruled by technical experts100. pussyfoot: Let’s not <pussyfoot around>.a criticise unreasonablyb take care to avoid confrontationc attack indirectlyd suddenly start。
做完本练习后,可以按照如下公式计算出词汇量:V=50n-(200-n)*50/(4-1) (其中V表示词汇量;n表示答对的题数)当然,短期内重复使用这同一套练习所统计出的词汇量也许不会十分准确。
I1. agree A.欢迎 B.赞同 C.反对 D.赞许2. beautiful A.美丽 B.丑恶的 C.美女 D.奇妙的3. business A.繁忙 B.事务 C.匆忙 D.懒惰4. color A.劳动 B.可可 C.颜色 D.冒号5. did A工作 B.小伙子 C.做 D.表示6. enjoy A.欣赏 B.羡慕 C.高兴 D.嘱咐7. fish A.完成 B.盘子 C.鱼 D.愿望8. glass A.草地 B.玻璃 C.班级 D.眼镜9. high A低的 B.长的 C.重的 D.高的10. join A.参加 B.约翰 C.大块肉 D.开玩笑11. live A.生命 B.生活 C.活泼的 D.肝12. moon A.中午 B.月亮 C.很快 D.语气13. object A.事物 B.主观 C.障碍 D.主语14. plan A.俚语 B.平面的 C.计划 D.飞机15. really A.实现 B.已经 C.现实 D.真正地16. sell A.告诉 B.买 C.自己的 D.销售17. sold A.说出 B.老的 C.售完 D.冷的18. such A.许多 B.接触 C.推 D.如此19. thought A.虽然 B.通过 C.携带 D.思想20. various A.各种各样的 B.继续 C.担忧的 D.单一的Ⅱ2l. aim A.目的 B.是的 C.援助 D.救济金22. basket A.木桶 B.火箭 C.篮子 D.曲棍球23. calm A.手掌 B.平静的 C.罐头 D.棕榈24. comfort A.向前走 B.前进 C.起飞 D.舒适25.deck A.甲板 B.颈 C.鸭子 D.码头26. editor A.食物 B.编辑 C.计葬器 D.记者27. feed A.野草 B.种子 C.喂养 D.感觉28. goes A.脚趾 B.斧头 C.鞋子 D.走29 improve A.证明 B.改进 C.反证 D.延伸30. likely A.高兴地 B.喜欢 C.类似的 D.可能的31. mix A.馄台 B.最大值 C.最小值 D.牛奶32.parent A.双亲 B.专利 C.天才 D.肃静33.possibly A.具有 B.邮局 C.也许 D.邮筒34 range A.跑步 B.范围 C.围墙 D.角度35. satisfy A.牺牲 B.使满意 C.使熟悉 D.使伤心36. skirt A.郊区 B.跳跃 C.裙子 D.衬衫37. style A.典型 B.型号 C.风格 D.偷窃38. tip A.顶部 B.笔尖C一小口 D.小费39. weak A.虚弱 B.星期 C.顶峰 D.寻求40. yield A.电场 B.场地 C.电焊 D.让步Ⅲ4l. agent A经理 B.代理人 C.店主 D.商人42. basis A.基础 B.三级管 C.脸盘 D.基本的43. capable A.首都 B.可能的 C.有能力的 D.无能的44. conflict A.使面临 B.混淆 C.限制 D.斗争45. dame A.游戏 B.一角钱 C.同样的 D.少女46. drift A.草图 B.漂流 C.简短 D.悲伤47. expedition A.探险 B.过程 C.超过 D.宴验48 fright A.飞行 B.正确的 C.恐怖 D.高度49. hesitate A.踌躇 B.匆忙 C.说明 D.国度的50. invent A.阻碍 B.无效 C.发明 D.专利51. lodge A.对敬 B.逻辑 C.圆木 D.供人住宿52. museum A.博物馆 B.展览馆 C.大会堂 D.音乐53. performance A.表演 B.完成 C.实验 D.成立54. proof A.屋顶 B.踏水 C.同意 D.证明55. retreat A.处理 B.欺骗 C.退却 D.进攻56. sew A.看见 B.播种 C.缝合 D.母猪57. stiff A.钢铁 B.硬的 C.偷窃 D.愉看58. tool A.池塘 B.工具 C.器件 D.傻子59. wherefore A.无论哪里 B.理由 C.向前进 D.然而60. yonder A.蛋黄 B.较年青 C.美国人 D.那边Ⅳ61. advocate A.广告 B.提倡 C.装饰 D.利益62. banker A.资金 B.宴会 C.银行家 D.河堤63. butcher A.屠夫 B.单身汉 C.管家 D.灌术64. code A.结尾 B.竹竿 C.冷却 D.电码65. creation A.生物 B.创造 C.债主 D.创造者66. discipline A.门徒 B.原理 C.阿司匹林 D.纪律67. emerge A.显露 B.台并 C.紧急 D.能量68. flush A.闲光 B.新鲜 C.奔流 D.刷子69. goddess A.女神 B.上帝 C.好的 D.货物70. horizon A.地平线 B.垂直线 C.交叉线 D.对角线71. jail A.果酱 B.尾巴 C.罐子 D.监牢72. loyal A.皇家的 B.守法的 C.忠实的 D.土壤73. mood A.语气 B.月球 C.运动 D.沼泽74. painter A.痛苦的人 B.熊猫 C.绷带 D.画家75. Pope A.主教 B.教皇 C.流行音乐家 D.傀儡76. reference A.会议 B.参考 C.干涉 D.区别77. satisfactory A.满意的 B.稳定的 C.工厂的 D.人造的78. soften A.沙发 B.土壤 C.软化 D.安全79. sunny A.星期天 B.儿子的 C.和煦的 D.总的80. tramp A.陷阱 B.践踏 C.象鼻 D.电车V81. alliance A.同盟 B.断言 C.允许 D.诱惑82. bitterness A.一点点 B.咬 C.苦难 D.污渍83. cigar A.砂糖 B.雪茄烟 C.吉他 D.圆84. cough A.咳嗽 B.粗糙 C.坚韧的 D.面团85. dispatch A.分离 B.驱散 C.配药 D.发送86. explosion A.开发 B.爆炸 C.考察 D.阐明87. glue A.手套 B.球状物 C.阴暗 D.胶水88. hog A.狗 B.猪 C.钩子 D.对数89. knave A.小刀 B.骑士 C.恶棍 D.刮胡须90. millionaire A.百万 B.百万周年纪念 C.蜈蚣 D.大富翁91. openly A.公开地 B.可能地 C.椭圆的 D.能开的92. plump A.不景气 B.水泵 C.李子 D.肥胖的93. relax A.选择 B.索引 C.松弛 D.静电复印VI94. selection A.选择 B.选举 C.解放 D.决定95. steak A.木杖 B.牛排 C.粘住 D.僵硬96. tempest A.企图 B.引诱 C.暴风雪 D.锻炼97. unconscious A.不合理的 B.不值得考虑的 C.未料想到的 D.无意识的98. vacant A.牛痘 B.假期 C.空的 D.真空99. wrist A.花圈 B.手腕 C.失事 D.包装100. zeal A.热心 B.封蜡 C.致命的 D.斑马Ⅵ101. advertise A.副词 B.倒转 C.登广告 D.忠告102. athletic A.运动的 B.交替的 C.大西洋的 D.大气的103. bonnet A.女佣人 B.禁止 C.香蕉 D.罩子104. chat A.高雅 B.闲谈 C.追赶 D.节俭的105. constable A.经常的 B.不变的 C.警官 D.构成的106. deliberate A.解放 B.移交 C.使高兴 D.细想107. eh A.嗯 B.高架铁路 C.淘气鬼 D.灰108.falter A.肥胖 B.错的 C.摇晃 D.落下109. glen A.高兴 B.滑走 C.瞥见 D.峡谷110. holder A.支持 B.占有昔 C.洞穴 D.家庭111. insane A.精神病的 B.无感觉的 C.插进的 D.不诚实的112. limitation A.模拟 B.石灰 C.刺激 D.限制113. mice A.大米 B.老鼠 C.很好 D.地雷114. northward A.向北的 B.向南的 C.向前的 D.向西的115. peaceable A.片的 B.刺穿的 C.和平的 D.孔雀116. postal A.广告 B.邮费 C.柱子 D.邮政的117. rebuke A.非难 B.叛逆者 C.拒绝 D.弹回118. rosy A.吵杂的 B.上升的 C.玫瑰色的 D.念珠119. signature A.手势 B.签名 C.图章 D.信号120. spun A.脊柱 B.纺过的 C.旋转 D.匙子Ⅶ121. almighty A.可能的 B.有为的 C.浑身难受的 D.可能的122. bald A.香油 B.无毛的 C.民歌 D.痛苦123. calamity A.钙粉 B.平静 C.灾害 D.甘菊124. compassion A.怜悯 B.压缩 C.罗盘 D.周围125. deceit A.欺诈 B.明白 C.决心 D.衰落126. earthworm A.蚯蚓 B.土工 C.热情 D.向下127. expel A.消费 B.压缩 C.吐气 D.驱逐128. generously A.大概 B.大方 C.整个地 D.产生地129. hoop A.跛行 B.铁环 C.吊钩 D.线圈130. jurisdiction A.正义 B.辩护 C.审判权 D.起诉131. manure A.菜谱 B.手工的 C.制造 D.肥料132. myriad A.金字塔 B.神秘 C.无数 D.山桃133. parrot A.牧师 B.教区 C.萝卜 D.鹦鹉134. proclamation A.要求 B.讯息 C.程序 D.宣言135. retirement A.退回 B.恢复 C.退休 D.沉默136. shipment A.航行 B.装船 C.船厂 D.航运137. stork A.鹳 B.传说 C.坚固 D.储存138. totally A.完全 B.高高地 C.频繁地 D.艰难地139. vassal A.船只 B.容积 C.诸侯 D.巨大140. writhe A.书写 B.扭歪 C.皱起 D.手腕Ⅶ14l. accidental A.接近的 B.必然的 C.接受的 D.偶然的142. aha A.毛边 B.尾声 C.哎呀 D.释义143. anoint A.涂油 B.镇痛 C.取消 D.告示144. artisan A.艺术家 B.巧计 C.商品 D.工匠145. balk A.无毛的 B.阻碍 C.货物 D.讨厌146. benefactor A.施主 B.利益 C.德行 D.弯曲147. blooming_ A.流血的 B.金色的 C.盛开的 D.洪水的148. buckwheat A.大麦 B.荞麦 C.公羊 D.手柄149. capacious A.广阔的 B.有能力的 C.重要的 D.连续的150. chiffon A.首领 B.谐音 C.薄纱 D.子孙151.collective A.选择的 B.集合的 C.正确的 D.大学的152. confirmation A.证实 B.资料 C.确信 D.宣告153. convenient A.方便地 B.交替地 C.相反地 D.常规地154. creative A.巨大的 B.生物地 C.积极的 D.创造的155. decency A.决心 B.凋谢 C.正派 D.拒绝156. determined A.减少的 B.废止的 C.分离的 D.坚决的157. disfigure A.轻视 B.脱离 C.破相 D.图象158. dryly A.努力地 B.冷淡地 C.缓慢地 D.相反地159. emphatic A.皇帝的 B.永久的 C.基础的 D.加强了的160. ether A.或者 B.以太 C.质子 D.介子Ⅸ161. fantasy A.幻想 B.展开 C.运动 D.饥饿162. fitting A.固定 B.装修 C.坚实的 D.点火163. fortification A.两星期 B.好运 C.筑城 D.修饰164. gangster A.工头 B.笨人 C.生姜 D.歹徒165. godlike A.信神的 B.类似的 C.善良 D.神似的166. hack A.习惯 B.劈 C.沼地 D.出租马车167. heighten A.提高 B.高度 C.地狱 D.手柄168. housekeeping A.管马的 B.有秩序的 C.良好的 D.家务管理169 impel A.阻止 B.逼近 C.推动 D.冲击170. infect A.传染 B.事实 C.幼儿 D.差的171. intrude A.侵入 B.采用 C.减少 D.加标题172. juicy A.果汁 B.果酱 C.判断 D.多汁的173. lea A.茶 B.草地 C.躺 D.依靠174. lordly A.贵族的 B.大声的 C.放松的 D.口头的175. manual A.方式 B.粪便 C.用手的 D.庄园176. mica A.老鼠 B.微型的 C.仪表 D.云母177. mop A.地图 B.自由集会 C.拖把 D.士气178. nebula A.无能的人 B.星云 C.家牛 D.镍179. noticeable A.声名狼藉的 B.显著的 C.理论上的 D.可得到的180. ordeal A.兰花 B.演说者 C.严峻考验 D.果园181. pancake A.薄煎饼 B.茶盘 C.小册子 D.嵌板182. pending A.刑事的 B.补偿 C.悬而未决的 D.修补183. picket A.口袋 B.尖桩 C.挖 D.小环184. polo A.投票 B.柱子 C.地极 D.水球185. prestige A.假装 B.威信 C.推测 D.漂亮的186. prowess A.机首 B.船首 C.梅干 D.英勇187. rational A.全国的 B.理性的 C.关联的 D.转动的188. reiterate A.再处理 B.退却 C.反复讲 D.离开189. revision A.苏醒 B.颠倒 C.反转 D.修改190. ruthless A.无情的 B.不生锈的 C.不粗糙的 D.不转动的191. scornful A.轻视的 B.育成绩的 C.灼热的 D.有影响的192. sewer A.缝制 B.更少的 C.阴沟 D.更新的193. sirup A.天狼星 B.陛下 C.胆小鬼 D.糖浆194. solicitor A.律师 B.硅 C.熟悉 D.隐居者195. squarely A.平行地 B.悲惨地 C.成直角地 D.粗糙地196. structural A.斗争的 B.结构上的 C.规矩的 D.麻木的197. survival A.测量员 B.环境 C.幸存 D.克服198. termination A.决心 B.限制 C.期限 D.终点199. topmost A.最高的 B.论题的 C.过分的 D.湿气200. turmoil A.转动 B.骚动 C.废话 D.意昧l B 2 A 3B 4C 5C 6 A 7C 8B 9D 10 A 11B 12B 13A 14C 15D 16D 17C 18D 19D 20A 2lA 22C 23B 24D 25A 26B 27C 28D 29B 30D 3lA 32A 33C 34B 35B 36C 37C 38D 39A 40D 4lB 42A 43C 44D 45D 46B 47A 48C 49A 50C 51D 52A 53A 54D 55C 56C 57B 58B 59B 60D 61B 62C 63A 64D 65B 66D 67A 68C 69A 70A 71D 72C 73A 74D 75B 76B 77A 78C 79C 80B 8lA 82C 83B 84A 85D 86B 87D 88B 89C 90D 91A 92D 93C 94A 95B 96C 97D 98C 99B 100A l01C 102A 103D 104B 105C l06D 107A 108C 109D 110B 111A 112D 113B 114A 115C 116D 117A 118C 119B 120B 121D 122B l23C 124A 125A 126A 127D 128B 129B 130C 131D l32C 133D 134D 135C 136B 137A 138 A 139C 140B 141D 142C 143A 144D 145B 146A 147C 148B 149A 150C 151B l52A 153A 154D 155C 156D 157C 158B 159D 160B 161A 162B 163C l64D 165D 166B 167A 168D 169C 170A 171A 172D 173B 174A l75C 176D 177C 178B 179B180C 181A 182C 183B 184D 185B 186D 187B 188C 189D 190A 19lA l92C 193D 194A 195C l96B 197C 198D 199A 200B。
三年级英语词汇量测试单选题50题1. 小明去动物园,看到了一只长尾巴的动物,它是:A. dog (狗)B. cat (猫)C. monkey (猴子)答案:C。
2. 小红在果园里,看到一个红红的水果,它是:A. banana (香蕉)B. apple (苹果)C. grape (葡萄)答案:B。
3. 妈妈买了水果,其中有一种水果外面有刺,它是:A. orange (橙子)B. pineapple (菠萝)C. pear (梨)答案:B。
4. 周末去公园,看到一只可爱的小动物在吃草,它是:A. rabbit (兔子)B. duck (鸭子)C. chicken (鸡)答案:A。
5. 弟弟生日,妈妈买了一个水果蛋糕,上面有很多水果,没有:A. strawberry (草莓)B. watermelon (西瓜)C. peach (桃子)答案:C。
6. I have ______ apples.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six答案:A。
根据题意,“我有_____个苹果”,A 选项“three”表示三个,B 选项“four”表示四个,C 选项“five”表示五个,D 选项“six”表示六个,结合实际,一般说有三个苹果比较符合常见的表述。
7. The sky is ______.A. blueB. redC. yellowD. green答案:A。
天空通常是蓝色的,A 选项“blue”是蓝色,B 选项“red”是红色,C 选项“yellow”是黄色,D 选项“green”是绿色,天空不是红色、黄色或绿色,所以选A。
8. I want to buy a ______ dress.A. blackB. whiteC. pinkD. purple答案:C。
外研版⼋年级上册英语词汇测试(含答案)外研版⼋年级上册英语词汇测试Module 1----词汇测试⼀A:2.The little boy is too _____shy______ to give a speech in front of the whole school.3.Here are the _dictionaries______ for you. You can use them when meeting the new words.Look, the light is on. I _____forgot_____ to turn it off before leaving the room.He can’t ____spell_________ the new word so he asks his partner for help.⼆:根据汉语提⽰完成句⼦,请注意单词的正确形式:1. Hi, boys and girls, please ask and answer the questions in__pairs__________.(对)2. I didn’t know the ____words______(单词) in the book so I looked them up in the dictionary.3. Don’t worry. Here is some ___advice_______________(建议) for you. It can help you a lot.4. If you want to study English well, don’t be afraid to make __mistakes______.(错误)5. I think English ___grammar___________(语法) is one of the problems for me.6. Good ___sentences________________(句⼦) can make our articles more beautiful.7. I chose the topic “ believe in yourself” and __practised___(练习) it more than 100__times__(次数). So I won the first prize in the English speech contest.8. Finally, the teacher __suggested___(建议) I should get up earlier and go to school on time.9. Bill is good at English because he always __writes down_(写下) the _correct/ right_(正确的) answers in his notebook and goes over them after school.10.You can study English better by _asking__ teachers __for__help.(请求)11. Did he __agree with___(同意) you?----- No, he had different ideas.12. I need some good ways to ___improve_(提⾼) my Chinese.13.Do you like listening to music on the Internet or on the __radio__(电台)?14. Everyone knows there are 26 English__letters__.(字母)15.He put down the book and ____placed__(放置) it in a box under the desk.16. Please speak it ___loudly/aloud___(⼤声地) to make everyone hear you.17.It’s a good way to smile before the __conversation____(交谈) starts.18. He is very sad because he couldn’t __pronounce__ (发⾳) the new words or couldn’t get the __pronunciation_____(发⾳) right.19.Please read carefully and then find out the ____key___(关键性的) words for each paragraph.20. What does it ___mainly__(主要地) talk about? ---- Its ___main__(主要的) idea is about how to keep active in class.21. The old man is ill so we must send him to the hospital as soon as __possible___.(可能)22. I can’t remember his telephone number so I am _looking it up__(查找它) in the notebook.23. At last, I __understood_____(理解) what my mother said.24. __Match___(连接) the words with their ___meanings___(意思),please!Module 2----词汇测试A:1. ___Millions___of graduates go to the big cities to find good jobs every year.2.The girl’s voice sounds___pretty__ beautiful and everyone likes her songs.3. .The weather ___is getting _________ hotter and hotter now.4. Bill lives a quiet village surrounded with a lot of small_____hills_______.5. Look, the workers are working on the street. In two years, it will be much __wider______.⼆:根据汉语提⽰完成句⼦,请注意单词的正确形式:1. China is an old country with a large __population___________.(⼈⼝)2. How many books are there in the book shop? --- I’m not sure. Maybe two ___million__(百万).3. First, we need to count the numbers of the books and bags. ___Then_____(然后) ,you can find out if there are more books ____than____(⽐) the bags.4. Shakespeare _was famous for___(由于…⽽著名) his plays and poems and he ___was famous as __(以…⽽著名)a writer.5. Beijing is not only the capital of China but also it has a lot of wonderful __universities____(⼤学) .6. The air in the ____countryside________(乡村)is fresh so it’s a good place to relax ourselves.7. We are going to welcome visitors from different ___areas____(地区) tomorrow.8. Sam moved to a new city but he really misses the old days in his hometown _____especially_____(尤其) the school life in the primary school.9. Hi,boys and girls. It’s raining hard outside. Don’t forget to take the ___umbrellas___(⾬伞) with you.10.Tai wan is ___an__ __island____(⼀个⼩岛) which belongs to China.11. Hebei is one of the cities in the ___north__(北⽅) of China while Guangdong is a city in the _south______(南⽅).12. The old man is too old to climb the tall _____mountain_______.(⼭)13. Do more sports and eat less meat, they will help you get much ____thinner____.(瘦)14. With the teachers’ help, the boy is ___better_____(好的) at English than before.15. Whose bag is _____bigger_____(⼤的), Bill’s or Linda’s ?Module 3 词汇测试⼀A:Playing ______volleyball____ is my sister’s favorite and she is good at it.During the basketball match, one player ___hurt_____ his knee.Nothing is _________more exciting____ than watching a football match.I don’t _______mind___ drinking a cup of coffee with you.⼆、根据汉语提⽰完成句⼦,请注意单词的正确形式:1. One of the players ____missed_____(未击中) the ball, and his team lost the game at last.2. Wang Ling __already_______(已经) went back home. You can return it to her hometown.3. The new movie is so ____boring_____that we all feel ___bored___(⽆聊的). We don’t enjoy it.4. Mr. Wang is one of the ____coaches_________(教练)of the School V olleyball Team.5. Lin Dan will play __against_______(对抗) Lee Chong Wei again. We are looking forward to the wonderful game.6. Today is Lily’s birthday. She looks much happier than __usual______(平常)7. Jack’s parents were ____pleased____( 满⾜的) with his performance in the English Speech.8. The tennis player ____trained______(训练) so hard that he could win the match.9. Henry makes some mistakes in his homework and he is _more careless_(粗⼼的) than his classmates.10. Don’t talk ____loudly____(⼤声地) in the room. Someone is sleeping.11. I believe Chinese players will do quite well in the 2016 ____Olympics________(奥运会).12. If you want to learn English well, you need more __practice_________(练习).13. Don’t be sad. You still have another ___chance_______(机会).14. I’m thirsty . Could you _____pass______(传递) me a cup of tea, please?15. She thinks watching the program Running Man is much __more enjoyable___(有乐趣的) .16. What a __pity________(遗憾)! He lost the game again.17.I am ___confident_______(⾃信的) that everything will come out right in time.18.The ___stadium________(体育馆) holds sixty thousand people.Module 4 词汇测试The book is of great importance so he wants to get one at any______cost____.It’s necessary to do some ___outside_______exercise. Don’t keep staying indoors.Tony is good at jumping and he jumps __________the farthest_____in his class.I’d like to go with you, _____however______, my hands are full.⼆:根据汉语提⽰完成句⼦,请注意单词的正确形式:Everyone is here__except______(除了) Tom.I’m _____wishing_____(期盼,期望)several important letters but nothing has arrived.The street was ________crowded__(拥挤的) and noisy. There were too many cars.Six passengers died in the ______accident_______(事故).They had little ____choice_______(选择) but to agree what he suggested. They __chose________(选择) to follow his advice.The letter has been in my pocket _______all the time______(⼀直).Because of the terrible traffic, the _journey/trip____________(旅⾏) took us a long time.My __classmate(s)_________(同学) borrowed my ruler and forgot to return it.The present ___cost___(花费) him all the pocket money but he felt glad that his mom loved it.There was little traffic on these _____roads____(公路).They both ride bikes to school. But Peter lives ____farthest________(远) and Tony’s home is _______the closest______(近)to school.At last they _____booked______(预订) the hotel rooms by phone.Helen turned into the next side street and ___parked________(停放) her car._Outside__________(外⾯), the shouting grew louder and louder.He met with all kinds of trouble. ___However___(然⽽), he kept trying and never gave upModule 5----词汇测试A:2. Last Sunday my parents __offered______ to take me around Europe..3. Ms Lin will be angry ___if___you don’t listen to her carefully in class.4. I got a special present from my parents on my__twentieth___ birthday.5. You can enjoy wonderful _____magic________shows in the teahouse.⼆、根据汉语提⽰完成句⼦,请注意单词的正确形式。
初中英语词汇测试一一、单词匹配(每题 1 分,共 144 分)1 achieve A 提供37 competition A (正式的)会议;讨论2 afford B 使分开,使分离38 conference B 比赛,竞赛3 change C 弄错39 edge C 边缘4 mistake D 改变,变化40 enemy D 表面5 offer E 负担得起41 museum E 博物馆,博物院6 separate F 达到,取得42 surface F 敌人;敌军7 alone A (美州) 印第安人的43 article A 文章;东西;物品;冠词8 elder B 安静的;寂静的44 choice B 形势,情况9 Indian C 长者;前辈45 colour C 选择;抉择10 quiet D 丑陋的, 难看的46 once D 颜色11 ugly E 聪明的,英明的47 situation E 演讲12 wise F 单独的,孤独的48 speech F 一次,一度13 single A 单一的,单个的49 capital A 手术,操作14 active B 电的50 condition B 首都,省会;大写;资本15 ancient C 多云的,阴天的51 conversation C 说明,须知;教导16 cloudy D 古代的,古老的52 culture D 谈话,交谈17 electric E 光滑的;平坦的53 instruction E 条件,状况18 smooth F 积极的,主动的54 operation F 文化19 awake A 提及,提到,说起55 advise A 检查;诊察20 camera B 模型,原形;范例56 count B 进入21 courage C 勇气,胆略57 enter C 谋杀22 guess D 照相机;摄像机58 examine D 数,点数23 mention E 猜59 murder E 偷,窃取24 model F 唤醒60 steal F 忠告,劝告,建议25 attention A 注意,关心61 chemistry A 化学26 gesture B 姿势,手势62 company B 机器27 gold C 组,群63 industry C 广场28 group D 标准(的) 64 international D 工业,产业29 score E 得分,分数65 machine E 公司30 standard F 黄金66 square F 国际的31 aloud A 有魔力的67 absent A 缺席;不在32 available B 愚蠢的,笨的68 accident B 臂,支架33 immediately C 可用到的, 可利用69 advantage C 动物34 magic D 大声地70 agreement D 事故,意外的事35 seldom E 很少,不常71 animal E 统一,一致;协定,协议36stupid F 立即72arm F 优点;好处73 symbol A 西方的,西部的109 golden A 粗心的,漫不经心的74 umbrella B 符号, 记号, 象征110 simple B 大体的,笼统的,总的75 weather C 天气111 glad C 疯狂的76 western D 雨伞112 crazy D 高兴的;乐意的77 wonder E 感到惊奇,想知道113 general E 简单的,简易的78 worry F 烦恼,担忧,发怒114 careless F 金(黄)色的79 article A 世纪,百年115 angry A 两方任一方的;80 attention B 首都,大写;资本116 clear B 美妙的,精彩的;81 awake C 文章;东西;物品;117 strange C 欧洲的,欧洲人的82 camera D 注意,关心118 European D 奇怪的,奇特的,陌生的83 capital E 照相机;摄像机119 wonderful E 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的84 century F 唤醒120 either F 生气的,愤怒的85 common A 普通的,一般的121 asleep A 伟大的;重要的;好极了86 medical B 社会的;社交的122 comfortable B 完成的87 modern C 突然的123 complete C 通常的,平常的88 snowy D 现代的124 great D 特别的,专门的89 social E 雪(白)的;下雪的125 special E 睡着的,熟睡90 sudden F 医学的,医疗的126 usual F 舒服的;安逸的;91 master A 敲;打;击127 knowledge A 包含,包括92 increase B 踢128 include B 知识93 smoke C 烟;冒烟;吸烟129 communicate C 你们自己94 kick D 增加,繁殖130 yourselves D 在(三个以上)之间95 knock E 精通,掌握131 around E 在……周围;大约96 cost F 值(多少钱);花费132 among F 沟通97 create A 选择133 government A 意思,含意98 allow B 延伸;展开134 intention B 意图, 目的99 expect C 邀请,招待135 magazine C 邮票100 invite D 预料;盼望;认为136 meaning D 杂志101 spread E 允许;准许137 stamp E 站,所,车站;电台102 choose F 造成,创造138 station F 政府103 clever A 昂贵的139 worth A 无声的,无对话的104 successful B 便宜的,贱140 serious B 相似的,像105 cruel C 不可能的141 strict C 小心的,仔细的,106 impossible D 残忍的142 careful D 严格的,严密的107 cheap E 成功的,有成就的143 similar E 严肃的,严重的;认真的108expensive F 聪明的,伶俐的144silent F 有…… 的价值二、请根据提示填写英语单词(每题 1 分,共 120 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 a. 成功的,a. 粗心的a. 大体的,笼统的a. 美妙的,精彩的a. 生气的,愤怒的a. 无声的a. 相似的,像a. 小心的,仔细的,a. 严格的,严密的a. 结实的,固体的conj. 是否conj. 虽然,尽管n. 安静,沉默n. 安全,保险n. 财产,财富n. 回忆,记忆n. 活动n. 疾病n. 精力,能量n. 能力;才能n. 兴趣,趣味n. 药n. 引进,介绍n. 忠告,劝告,建议n. 重,重量n. 过程,经过,课程n. 回答;答复;回信prep. 除……之外prep. 对着,反对v. 比较,对照v. 避免,躲开,逃避v. 表达,表示,表情v. 猜想,假定v. 称……的重量v. 锻炼v. 发明,创造v. 改进,更新v. 接受v. 解释,说明v. 考虑41 v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊42 v. 庆祝43 v. 取消44 v. 选择45 v. 欣赏;享受46 v. 想像,设想47 v. 统一;应允48 v. 收集,搜集49 v. 使兴奋,使激动50 v. 使惊奇,使诧异51 v. 取消52 v. 庆祝53 v. 骗取,哄骗;作弊54 v. 烹调,做饭55 v. 爬,攀登56 v. 弄干净,擦干净57 v. 拿,搬58 v. 满足,使满意59 v. 连接60 v. 控制61 v. 考虑62 v. 介绍63 v. 解释,说明64 v. 接住;捉住;赶上;65 v. 接受66 v. 建议,提议67 v. 坚持;坚决认为68 v. 继续69 v. 管理;设法对付70 v. 鼓励71 v. 改进,更新72 v. 分享,共同使用73 v. 发明,创造74 v. 锻炼75 v. 定购,定货;点菜76 v. 到达;达到77 v. 穿越,经过78 v. 出现79 v. 吃80 v. 成功81 v. 称……的重量____________________82 v. 猜想,假定,料想____________________83 v. 表达,表示,表情 ____________________84 v. 避免,躲开,逃避 ____________________85 prep. 除……之外 ____________________86 n. 回答;答复;回信;答案 ____________________87 n. 过程,经过,课程 ____________________88 n. 标记 v. 标明,作记号于 ____________________89 n. v. 嗅,闻到;发气味____________________90 n. v. 采访,会见,面试 ____________________91 n. v. 微笑____________________92 n. v. 搜寻,搜查____________________93 n. v. 浪费____________________94 n. 重,重量____________________95 n. 忠告,劝告,建议 ____________________96 n. 中心,中央 ____________________97 n. 照料,保护;小心 ____________________98 n. 赠品;礼物 ____________________99 n. 云,云状物;阴影 ____________________ 100 n. 圆圈 v. 将…圈起来 ____________________ 101 n. 原因,起因 ____________________ 102 n. 娱乐 ____________________ 103 n. 影响 ____________________ 104 n. 引进,介绍 ____________________ 105 n. 遗憾的事;羞愧____________________ 106 n. 药 ____________________ 107 n. 兴趣,趣味 ____________________ 108 n. 信息 ____________________ 109 n. 问题 ____________________ 110 n. 堂(表)兄弟, ____________________ 111 n. 速度 v. (使)加速____________________ 112 n. 社会____________________ 113 n. 钱;货币 ____________________ 114 n. 能力;才能 ____________________ 115 n. 面积;地域;地方; ____________________ 116 n. 例子;榜样 ____________________ 117 n. 军队 ____________________ 118 n. 精力,能量 ____________________ 119 n. 经验,经历 ____________________ 120 n. 借口;辩解 ____________________初中英语词汇测试二一、单词匹配(每题 1 分,共 144 分)1 balloon A n. 篮子37 fresh A n. 头疼2 bamboo B n. 竹38 fridge B a. 新鲜的3 baseball C n. 旗;标志;旗舰39 frog C n. (总称)家具4 basket D n. 蜜蜂40 front D n. 冰箱5 flag E n. 气球41 headache E a. 前面的;前部的6 bee F n. 棒球42 furniture F n. 青蛙7 beyond A n. 饼干43 hole C a. 富于幽默的8 biscuit B prep 在.. 的那一边44 humorous F n. 洞,坑9 bitter C n. 褐色,棕色45 jacket B n. 汁,液10 bottom D a. 有苦味的;痛苦的,46 jeans C n. 短上衣,夹克衫11 brown E v. 刷;擦47 joy E n. 欢乐,高兴,乐趣12 brush F n. 底部;底48 juice F n. 牛仔裤13 tomato A a. 每日的,日常的49 lab A n. 柠檬水14 butter B n. 诗50 pond B n. 实验室15 daily C n. 牙科医生51 lamb C n. 池塘16 deaf D n. 西红柿,番茄52 lamp D n. 羔羊17 dentist E n. 黄油,奶油53 lemonade E n. 执照,许可证18 poem F a. 聋的54 license F n. 灯,油灯;光源19 freeze A n. 主任;董事;导演55 heaven A a. 大声的20 direct B v. 结冰56 lion B a. 孤独的,寂寞的21 director C n. 盘,碟;盘装菜;57 lively C n. 狮子22 dish D a. 直接的;直达的;58 hamburger D n. 天,天空23 doll E n. 牙痛59 lonely E n. 汉堡包24 toothache F n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃60 loud F a. 活泼的;充满生气的25 dozen A n. 鸭子61 lovely A a. 全国性的,民族的26 bill B n. 叉,餐叉62 low B n. 自然,性质,种类27 fork C n. 牛肉63 national C a. ad. 低,矮28 drum D n. 十二个;几十,许多64 natural D a. 美好的,可爱的29 duck E n. 鼓65 nature E a. 自然的30 beef F n. 账单;法案,议案;66 neck F n. 颈,脖子31 fantastic A v.(去)取(物)来,67 tongue A a. 贫穷的;可怜的32 flat B a. 最后的;终极的68 nod B n. 舌,舌头33 fetch C a. 极好的,美妙的,69 poor C n. 面条34 fever D n. 女用皮包,手提包70 plastic D v. 点头35 final E n. 发烧;发热71 noodle E n. 鼻36handbag F n. 楼中一套房间;72nose F n. 塑料制品73 nurse A n. 护士;保育员109 rope A n. (动物的)尾巴74 package B n. 熊猫110 rose B n. 垃圾;废物75 palace C n. 薄煎饼111 row C n. 绳,索76 pancake D n. 一包,一袋,一盒112 rubber D n. 玫瑰花77 panda E n. 原谅,宽恕,对不起113 rubbish E n. 橡胶;合成橡胶78 pardon F n. 宫,宫殿114 tail F v. 划船79 passenger A n. 梨子,梨树115 policy A n. 线80 passport B n. 护照116 technology B n. 剧场,戏院81 past C n. 水塘,水池117 tennis C a. 极小的,微小的82 path D n. 过去,昔日,往事118 theatre D n. 技术83 pear E n. 小道,小径119 thread E n. 网球84 pool F n. 乘客,旅客120 tiny F n. 政策,方针85 perhaps A n. 时期,时代121 toothbrush A n. 毛巾86 period B n. 飞行员122 toothpaste B n. 假期,休假87 picnic C n. 怜悯,同情123 towel C n. 牙膏88 pilot D ad. 可能,或124 tower D n. 卡车,运货车89 pink E n. 野餐125 truck E n. 牙刷90 pity F n. 粉红色 a. 粉红色的126 vacation F n. 塔91 president A v. 印刷127 vehicle A n. 排球92 primary B n. 囚犯128 violin B n. 斑马93 print C a. 初等的;初级的129 volleyball C n. 码;院子;场地94 prison D v. 发音130 X-ray D n.交通工具,车辆95 prisoner E n. 总统,主席131 yard E X 射线; X 光96 pronounce F n. 监狱132 zebra F n. 小提琴97 proper A a. 紫色的 n. 紫色133 hardly A n. 水果,果实98 pupil B a. 恰当的,合适的134 line B ad. 几乎不99 purple C n. 铁路;铁道135 pocket C n. 绳索,线,排,行,100 purse D n. 钱包136 hall D n. 大厅,会堂,礼堂;101 rabbit E n. (小)学生137 position E n. 药,药物;毒品102 railway F n. 兔,家兔138 drug F n. (衣服的)口袋103 rat A n. 岩石,大石头139 labour A n. 位置104 recite B n. 老鼠140 taste B n. 劳动105 recorder C n. 机器人141 post C n. 品尝,尝味;味道106 riddle D n. 录音机142 festival D n. 手指107 robot E v. 背诵143 location E v. 投寄;邮寄108rock F n. 谜(语) 144finger F n. 节日,喜庆二、请根据提示填写英语单词(每题 1 分,共 120 分)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 40n. 背景n. 银行;v. 保护a. 自豪的;骄傲的n. 熊n. (音乐)节拍v. 变得;成为n. 行为,举止prep.在…上(表示位置)v. 相信,认为v. 重讲,重复,复述a. 出生n.脑(子)n. 气息;呼吸a. 明亮的;聪明的v. aux. 敢,敢于a. 黑暗的;暗淡的a. 死的;无生命的n. 量,数额;交易n. 死v. 决定;下决心n. 决定;决心a. 深n. 程度;度数;学位a. 美味的,可口的n. 发现v. 依靠,依赖,取决于v. 描写,叙述v. (使)发展(使)发达;n. 发展,发达,发育,v.挖(洞、沟等);掘n. 正餐,宴会n. 方向;方位a. 脏的v. 发现v. 讨论,议论n. 讨论,辩论n. 病,疾病v. 遣散;解散;解雇v. 扰乱;打扰____________________ 41____________________ 42____________________ 4344________________________________________ 45____________________ 46____________________ 47____________________ 48____________________ 49____________________ 50____________________ 51____________________ 52____________________ 53____________________ 54____________________ 55____________________ 56____________________ 57____________________ 58____________________ 59____________________ 60____________________ 61____________________ 62____________________ 63____________________ 64____________________ 65____________________ 66____________________ 67____________________ 68____________________ 69____________________ 70____________________ 71____________________ 72____________________ 73____________________ 74____________________ 75____________________ 76____________________ 77____________________ 78____________________ 79____________________ 80v. 分,划分a. 两倍的,双的v. 绘画;绘制;拉,拖;n. 滴prep. 在……期间;n. 责任,义务v. 失败,不及格;衰退a. 公平的,合理的n. 心;心脏;a. 友好的n. 友谊,友情n. 将来n. 习惯,习性v.处(人)绞刑;上吊v. 恨 n.讨厌n. 热n. 高,高度v. 把……藏起来,隐藏a. 诚实的,正直的n. 钩子 v.衔接,连接a. 巨大的,庞大的a. 基本的n. 海滨,海滩v. 伤害,受伤;v. 跳跃;惊起;猛扑n. 语言a.大的, 巨大的,宽大的,a. 晚的,迟的n. 笑,大笑v. 放,搁v. 领导,带领ad. 将来,今后;前进n. 领袖,领导人n. (树,菜)叶n. 最少,最少量v. 离开;剩下a. 左边的n. 腿,腿脚;支柱n. 水平线,水平v. 举起,抬起;81828384858687888990919293949596979899 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120n. v. 一览表,清单v. n. 乱丢杂物ad. 将近,几乎a. 必需的,必要的n.邻居,邻人a. 正常的n. 高兴,愉快a. 北的,朝北的,a. 北方的,北部的n. 笔记,注释,纸币;音符,n. 笔记簿n. 布告,通告,主意n. 油漆v. 付钱,给……报酬n. 和平n. 百分之……a. 完美的,极好的n. 人v. 练习,实践n. 赞扬 v. 表扬v. 准备,预备;调制,n. v. 答应,允诺n. 关系,亲属v. 余下,留下n. 角色ad. 转过来n. 规则,规定 v. 统治;a.可怕的;糟糕的a. 厚的a. 薄的;瘦的;稀的v. 赶快,急忙prep. 向,朝,对于n. 城镇,城n. 贸易v. 翻译n. 金银财宝;财富n. 治疗,疗法n. 旅行,旅程n. 地面,地板;n. 足,脚;英尺。
中考英语专题训练《词汇检测》1.it's good to have a(健康的)eating habit.2.His father always(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.3.John is interested in(化学)4.The Blacks are going to have their garden(浇水)this weekend.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an(未知的)world to us.6.Sue always has great(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to(指向)at others like that.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words(正确地).9.With the development of science and technology,more and more(机器人)are used in factories.10.Drinking tea is a(传统的)custom in China.11.Everest is a natural(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and(五月).13.Most drivers in Suqian are(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.14.All my classmates went to the old people's home(除了)Enic because he was ill.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue(上升)this summer.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.18.Flight 846(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his(粗心).20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very(真实的)21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of(传统的)art.22.Mrs Wang,a new(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long(历史).24.We all know that the earth is not the(中心)of the universe.25.They were(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.26.I could feel my heart(跳动)fast when I heard the news.27.The floor will feel even(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.28.Don't drink the(污染)water.It will make you ill.29.To my parents,my health(要紧)more to them than anything else.30.All(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.31.Something must be done to stop the virus(扩散).32.The little boy his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)33.I think these cameras are those(导演).Please look after them.34.The Shanghai Disney Resort which opens in June is to attract 10million visits each year.(预计)35.Ice fishing,a popular winter sport,is(相似的)in many ways to regular fishing.36.We need to learn new words and more(语法)to understand English better.37.They wanted to(发送)everyone e﹣mails to ask for help.38.I was told that Apple Pay is one of the(最安全的)way to pay on the Internet.39.Jack has many story books and he often(分享)them with his friends.40.My father is interested in(收集)stamps.41.His family is not rich enough to(买得起)a house.42.To our surprise,there was no salt in the fish.Dad did the cooking(粗心地).43.Here is the(菜单),can you tell me what you will order?44.My dream is to be a teacher in the(将来).45.Everyone is here(除了)Tom.He is absent because of his illness.46.This big meal gives me energy for the afternoon.(整个的)47.of patients are treated in the hospital every day.(千)48.He climbed the window and saw what he could take away.(穿过)49.It is my to be together with you.(愉快)50.Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has changed its name into Yangzhou Taizhou Airport.(国际的)51.Forbes thinks Tsinghua University is one of the most beautiful college campuses.(世界的)52.Any person who does something the law will be put into prison.(违反)53.fireworks lighted up Shanghai Disneyland on March 29,2016.(首次)54.Danny Bowman is crazy about taking photos of.(他自己)55.The boy learns to play the piano every evening.(星期二)56.This is probably the painting I've ever seen.(丑陋的)57.The man seems to be in his.(四十)58.Please tell me the(总的,大体的)idea of the passage after you read it.59.The boy who won the drawing competition is the(骄傲)of his class.60.The robot caught a virus and no longer worked(正常地)61.My friends in Australia say that they now have hot days,with temperatures in the (三十).62.Helping others is the most(有价值的)thing in the world.63.People like(分享)things through WeChat now.64.Could you tell me the(高度)of Qomolangma?65.He has just come back after living(在国外)for almost ten years.66.The copy of Evangeline has many(有帮助的)notes at the back.67.The twins looked the same,so I often(弄错)one from the other.68.Do you know the(首都)of America?69.Mum sometimes(混合)vegetables together to make a salad for us.70.To catch her attention,I(摇动)my head and held up my hat to her.71.I have no interest in TV ads.I think it(简直)a waste of time to watch them.72.Today,I consider myself the(幸运的)man on the face of the Earth.73.Can you help me divide the cake into two(半)?74.I never learned to raise cows and(也不)did they.75.The Reed Flute Cave in Guilin is(赞扬)as the"Art Palace of Nature".76.The enemies suspected that Wang Fang was an(地下的)worker of our Party.77.Something is wrong with the(模型)plane.Can you fix it for me?78.The Australian teacher in our school tries to use(筷子)when he has meals.79.We should work(紧密地)with the local people to help them with their problems.80.Most foreign visitors are very(兴趣)in Chinese traditional culture.81.Yesterday we had a special party for her(九)birthday.82.Supermarket is the(吵闹的)place that I have been to.83.Before the game started,I(分开)these children into five groups.84.I found a letter(躺)on the floor when I came into the classroom.85.﹣Do you know the lady well over there?﹣No,she is a(完全的)stranger to me.86.Luckily,neither the driver nor the(乘客)was hurt.87.﹣What's the temperature in Beijing tomorrow?﹣It will drop zero,to﹣5℃.88.﹣What do you think of Mr.Reads speech?﹣It was very.Some of the students were sleeping all the time.89.﹣Are these vegetables safe enough to eat?﹣Yes,they are up to high.90.﹣Is there any chance that we can change the plan?﹣I'm afraid not.Whether you are for or,it will be carried out.91.﹣Where are you going for your school trip,Tom?﹣I haven't made a yet,I'm going to talk about it with our classmates.92.﹣Why not take this road?It's a short cut.﹣I am afraid we can't,for it breaks down.Several workers are busy it now.93.一in before others is really not polite,I think.一I agree.We should always queue.94.一Are there any clues for the big fire?一The police confirm that the house caught fire by design rather than by.95.一Have the passengers gone on yet?一Yes,they are all on the plane now.96.﹣﹣﹣Why did n't you accept such a good job?﹣﹣﹣Oh,it's my ability,so I had to give it up.97.﹣Do you know what the gesture"V"stands for?﹣It stands for"".I think.98.﹣﹣Will Tom win the game?﹣﹣Of course.There is no that he will be come first.99.﹣How much does this elephant?﹣About 3tons.100.﹣The doctor advised me to get up and sleep at a time,but I found it very hard.﹣I think you can make it.101.Tomorrow is his(九十)birthday,and he is so excited.102.There are still some places that are(未知)to humans.103.Simon,don't worry too much.We all think you can make it by(自己).104.American (发明家)Thomas Edison began making short action pictures at the beginning of the 20th century.105.Chang'e 4will send wonderful pictures back to us when it(到达)the moon in the year 2018.106.Kobe Bryant,one of the greatest players,retired(退役)in April.He(赢得)five NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals.107.Alex and Tony are crazy about computer.They want to be computer(工程师)in the future.108.Lots of parents become(没耐心)as their children grow up.109.Bill married the wrong woman and he thought his life was(完全)finished.110.You can watch more English(录像)to improve your oral English.111.Leonardo DiCaprio finally(赢得)his first Oscar for Best Actor at the 88th Academy Awards.112.This kind of disease(传播)so quickly that it drew the government's attention.113.Each of us felt(口渴的)when seeing the watermelons on the table.114.To(形成)a good habit of reading,you should always choose the good reads.115.Don't wear dark clothes when you walk on the road at night,yellow and white are the(容易的)colours for dirvers to see.116.I can't tell the differences between the two boys.They look(完全地)the same.117.The museum is about two(小时)ride from the theme park.We had better start right now.118.He is a talented man and all his novels were well(写).119.Though the little girl has no parents,lots of people have volunteered to give a (帮助)hand.120.Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by (意外的事).121.I think the(人口)of China will become larger and larger because of the new policy(政策).122.Anna has(取得进步)in math since last term.123.(饲养)cows is still an important industry in many parts of the world.124.She has a(亲戚)in this small town.125.It's the(丑陋的)house I have ever seen in this city.126.Don't take the lift in a(火灾).127.As science(技术)is changing fast,we need to keep studying.128.Yesterday Jay Chou's(出现)made his fans excited,and they were calling out his name.129.The big man was seen(奔跑)away from the scene of the crime.130.Tim(主动提出)to help me with my history every Sunday this morning.131.You will be(测试)in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels in this course.132.Rodger loves reading and he has eight(百)books at home.133.The old man was very(孤独的)after his wife passed away.134.Look,there's a brilliant car parking there.The car is for one of the(发明者).135.What the witness said was recorded and the police got new clues(线索).136.Everyone wants to get(满足)out of his or her job.137.Bill is(搜索)the Internet.He wants to find something interesting.138.Go(径直地)on,and you'll find the Panda House.139.You must look left and right before(穿过)the road.140.You should(沟通)with your parents or your teacher if you have time.141.Can you help find some(信息)about the history of football on the Internet?142.When someone knocked at the door,I was(翻译)the sentences into Chinese.143.Tom and all his(亲戚)always look after each other well.144.Can you give me some(建议)on reading?145.Mr.King successfully(避免)a terrible disaster the other day.146.The purpose of the charity should be(改善)young people's health.147.He's so shy that he has trouble(交流)with others.148.﹣﹣﹣I have a pair of shoes(类似于)to yours.﹣﹣﹣That's nice.We can wear on the same day.149.The doctors must be tired because he has done several(手术)in thedaytime.150.Henry(继续)his writing for another year although he was badly ill.151.What do you think of the town after the(最近的)visit to it.152.The girl from America is very(友好的).153.I like history best.Because history is very(容易的).154.He was in trouble,but he(拒绝)all help from others.155.We should take action to prevent water(污染)because people can't live without water.156.It's(困难的)for many foreigners to use Chinese chopsticks.157.Many students(讨厌)to housework.158.We are looking forward to(饲养)some cute pet dogs.159.Let me ask you the(四十九)question.160.Be careful with the machines on show and you mustn't(触摸)any of them.161.The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open (空地).162.It is a(极好的)show,many young people are looking forward to it.163.There is a dog lying in the(角落)of the room.164.Do you want to be an(技师)in the future?165.I think that Tony will never forget such interesting(经历)in France.166.When he came in,I was standing(紧挨着)the wall and crying sadly.167.The children carefully wrote their names at the(底部)of their pictures.168.I'd like to buy a house with two big(阳台).169.It's a pity that our house is going to be the(最丑陋的)one in this area.170.﹣What is the weather like today?﹣It's very cold.The temperature is zero.171.﹣He the early bus again this morning.﹣That's true.He always gets up so late.172.﹣It is to play with fire.﹣Yes,we should keep children away from fire.173.﹣What does your uncle do?﹣He is a,and he sends letters and newspapers.174.﹣﹣What happened to you then?﹣﹣I looked down and found an of ants climbing on my body.175.﹣﹣Will you go to Sam's birthday party?﹣﹣No,I his invitation.I would like to,but have no time.176.﹣﹣Excuse me,can you give me more about that meeting?﹣﹣Sorry,it's secret.177.﹣Millie,can you give me the to the classroom?I left my homework in it ﹣OK,here you are.178.I think(医疗的)level in the city is better than that in the countryside.179.When driving,you need to know the flashing yellow light(意味着)you must stop.180.More volunteers went to Nepal after the earthquake.I really admired them for their(勇气).参考答案与解析1.it's good to have a healthy(健康的)eating habit.【分析】有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.【解答】答案:healthy 根据题干it's good to have a___(健康的)eating habit.可知句意为:有一个健康的饮食习惯,是好的.修饰名词habit,应该用形容词.healthy,健康的,形容词.故填:healthy.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查healthy,健康的,形容词.2.His father always encourages(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.【分析】他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.【解答】答案:encourages 根据题干His father always_____(鼓励)him to face the failure bravely.可知句意为:他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢地面对失败.根据句意,再结合标志词always,可知是一直这样做的事情,应该用一般现在时态.encourage,鼓励,动词.主语是第三人称单数形式,故填:encourages.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查encourages.3.John is interested in chemistry(化学)【分析】约翰对化学感兴趣.【解答】答案:chemistry 根据题干John is interested in______(化学).可知句意为:约翰对化学感兴趣.chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.故填:chemistry.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查chemistry,化学,名词,学科名称.4.The Blacks are going to have their garden watered(浇水)this weekend.【分析】这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.【解答】答案:watered 根据题干The Blacks are going to have their garden___(浇水)this weekend.可知句意为:这个周末,布莱克夫妇要让人给他们的花园浇水.have sth.done,"have+sth (宾语)+过去分词(宾语补足语)"意为"让/叫/使/请别人做某事".宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.故填:watered.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查water,浇水,动词,过去分词watered.5.Reading is important,for it can open up an unknown(未知的)world to us.【分析】阅读很重要,因为它能给我们打开一个未知的世界.【解答】答案:unknown通过观察句子结构可知此空在句中作定语修饰名词world,要用形容词,再根据空格前的不定冠词an,可知该词为元音音素开头,结合所给汉语提示未知的英文表达为unknown,符合意思,语法正确,故填unknown【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词6.Sue always has great courage(勇气)to face difficulties and that's why we all respect her.【分析】Sue 总是有很大的勇气去面对困难,那就是我们尊敬她的原因.【解答】答案:courage通过分析句子结构可知该空填入名词作宾语,根据汉语提示"勇气'的英文表达为courage,为不可数名词只有单数形式,故填courage.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查名词7.Be polite,Henry.It's rude to point(指向)at others like that.【分析】亨利,要有礼貌.那样指着别人没有礼貌.【解答】答案:point通过分析句子结构可知该句型为It's+形容词+to do sth,其中it为形式主语,动词不定式在句中作真正的主语,可知该空处需填入动词,结合汉语提示"指向"及空格后的介词at,可知其英文表达为point,该空格前已有不定式符号to,故填入动词原形即可,故填point【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查固定短语及动词的识记.8.To my surprise,the 3﹣year﹣old boy can spell all those words correctly(正确地).【分析】令我惊讶的是,那个三岁男孩能正确地拼出所有的单词.【解答】答案:correctly通过分析句子结构可知该空处应填入副词在句中作状语修饰动词spell,根据汉语提示"正确地"的英文表达为correctly,故填correctly【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查副词9.With the development of science and technology,more and more robots(机器人)are used in factories.【分析】随着科技的发展,越来越多的机器人在工厂中使用.【解答】答案:robots根据提示词"机器人"可知,这里考查名词的用法.机器人:robot;结合前面的修饰词"more and more"可知此处应该用robot的复数形式,故答案为:robots【点评】这道题考查名词的用法,要根据修饰词"more and more"判断出此处应该用复数形式.10.Drinking tea is a traditional(传统的)custom in China.【分析】喝茶在中国是传统习俗.【解答】答案:traditional根据提示词"传统的"和空格后面的名词"custom"可知此处为形容词,修饰名词custom;传统的;traditional.【点评】本题考查形容词.做此类题首先要根据所给词的含义及句子分析出词语的词性.然后再写出相对应的词语.11.Everest is a natural wonder(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.【分析】珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.【解答】答案:wonder 根据题干Everest is a natural____(奇迹).Many people expect to explore it.可知句意为:珠穆朗玛峰是一个自然奇迹.很多人都希望去探索它.不定冠词a+名词单数.wonder,奇迹,名词.故填:wonder.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查wonder,奇迹.12.There are three months in spring,including March,April and May(五月).【分析】春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.【解答】答案:May 根据题干There are three months in spring,including March,April and___(五月).可知句意为:春季有三个月,包括三月、四月和五月.and 连接并列的句子成分.可知此处应该填月份.May,五月,名词.故填:May.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查May,五月,名词.13.Most drivers in Suqian are polite(礼貌的)enough to let people walk across the street first.【分析】宿迁的大部分司机都很有礼貌能让行人先过马路.【解答】答案:polite通过分析句子结构可知该空处在句中作表语,要用形容词形式,根据汉语提示"礼貌的"的英文表达为polite,故填polite.【点评】此类题目为给汉语型单词拼写题,完成此类题不仅要熟记单词,注意拼读规则,还要注意写出的单词在句中的句法功能,即要选用适当的词形.本题考查形容词14.All my classmates went to the old people's home except(除了)Enic because he was ill.【分析】除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.【解答】答案:根据题干All my classmates went to the old people's home____(除了)Enic because he was ill.可知句意为:除了Enic,我的同学们都去养老院了,因为他病了.except 表示"表示"除了…"指从所提到的人或事物中除去,即从整体中除去一部分,即不包括在内.besides表示"除了…之外,还有…",指在整体中加入一部分,即包括在内.根据句意,可知是不包括Enic在内,应该用except,故填:except.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查except.15.Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue rising(上升)this summer.【分析】研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.【解答】答案:rising 根据题干Researchers say temperatures in North Africa will continue___ (上升)this summer.可知句意为:研究人员说,今年夏天北非的气温将继续上升.continue+doing…,持续做某事;继续做某事.rise,上升,不及物动词.故填:rising.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查rise,上升,动词.16.﹣When was the new cross﹣sea bridge(桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.【分析】﹣﹣连云港新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?﹣﹣在2016年4月.【解答】答案:bridge 根据题干﹣When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?﹣In April,2016.可知句意为:连云港的新的跨海大桥是什么时候完成的?在2016年4月.根据题干When was the new cross﹣sea___ (桥)in Lianyungang completed?可知此句缺少主语,bridge,桥,名词.这里是特指这座跨海大桥故用单数.故填:bridge.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查bridge.17.﹣Come on,Sandy.Everybody will be lucky or successful(成功的)sometime in their life.﹣Thanks,I'll try again.【分析】﹣﹣加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.﹣﹣谢谢,我会再次尝试的.【解答】答案:successful.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"加油,Sandy,每个人在一生中的某个时间都将是幸运的或者成功的.",由设空处前面的will be lucky 判断设空处应填形容词,提示词"成功的"是successful,所以答案是:successful【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.18.Flight 846landed(降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300passengers.【分析】十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.【解答】答案:landed 根据题干Flight 846___ (降落)safely ten minutes ago with 300 passengers.可知句意为:十分钟前,载有300名乘客的846航班安全着陆.根据时间状语ten minutes ago,可知是十分钟之前的发生的事情,应该用一般过去时态.land,着陆,动词,过去式landed.故填:landed.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查landed.19.On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his carelessness(粗心).【分析】在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.【解答】答案:carelessness 根据题干On his way back home,Frank lost his wallet because of his____ (粗心).可知句意为:在回家的路上,由于粗心,他把钱包丢了.物主代词his+名词.carelessness,粗心,名词.故填:carelessness.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查carelessness.20.Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small but they look very real(真实的)【分析】中国泥塑很有名因为泥塑作品很小但看起来像真的一样.【解答】答案:real真实的:real;句中real作系动词look的表语,表示看起来很真实,要用形容词形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.21.Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional(传统的)art.【分析】中国每个不同的地方都有自己独特的传统艺术形式.【解答】答案:traditional传统的:traditional;句中修饰名词art,用形容词形式即可.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.22.Mrs Wang,a new customer(顾客)of our shop,has become my friend.【分析】王夫人是我们店的一位新顾客,已经成了我的朋友.【解答】答案:customer顾客:customer;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.23.Lily is proud that she was born in a city with a long history(历史).【分析】Lily为自己出生在一个有悠久历史的城市而自豪.【解答】答案:history历史:history;句中有不定冠词a限定,要用名词的单数形式.【点评】翻译填空题考查的是词汇记忆和句意理解能力.解题时,要用理解句意的前提下,注意词汇的拼写.24.We all know that the earth is not the center/centre(中心)of the universe.【分析】我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.【解答】答案:center/centre.根据提示汉语结合语境推测句意是"我们都知道地球并不是宇宙的中心.",由设空处前面的定冠词the 判断设空处应填名词,提示词"中心"是center/centre,所以答案是:center/centre【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.25.They were excitedly(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.【分析】他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.【解答】答案:excitedly.根据题干They were﹣﹣(激动地)discussing the plan for the coming May Day holiday.可知句意为:他们都兴奋地讨论着即将到了的五一假期计划.句子中discuss是个动词,修饰它的话应该用副词形式.excitedly,副词,激动地.故填:excitedly.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.26.I could feel my heart beating(跳动)fast when I heard the news.【分析】听到这个消息的时候,我能觉得心跳很快.【解答】答案:beating.提示词:跳动,beat,是一个动词.根据when I heard the news,可知这里表示当我听到这个消息时我的心正跳动的厉害,所以应该用beat的现在分词形式,表示正在进行.故填:beating.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,解答时根据所给的汉语提示,看空白处所缺的单词是什么.单词确定后,再根据人称,时态,短语,句型,语态等,确定单词的适当形式.27.The floor will feel even smoother(光滑的)after it is mopped by me.【分析】我拖完地板以后,地板会感觉更光滑.【解答】答案:smoother.根据even﹣﹣(光滑的)after it is mopped by me,可知在这里拖地之后和拖地之前相比较更光滑,even,更加,后面可以跟比较级,所以这里用形容词smooth 的比较级形式smoother,故填smoother.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,首先要根据所给句子,看空白处所缺的单词是什么,然后用其适当形式解答即可.28.Don't drink the polluted(污染)water.It will make you ill.【分析】不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.【解答】答案:polluted.根据Don't drink the﹣﹣(污染)water.It will make you ill,可知不要喝污染的水.它会使你生病.所填词修饰名词,这里用形容词形式polluted.故填polluted.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.29.To my parents,my health matters(要紧)more to them than anything else.【分析】对于我的父母来说,我的健康对他们比其它任何事情更要紧.【解答】答案:matters.根据my health﹣﹣(要紧)more to them than anything else,可知这里考查"要紧"的英语表达法,在英语中一般翻译成matter,本句缺少谓语,所以这里matter是一个动词,本句叙述了一个事实,时态应该用一般现在时,根据health,可知它是一个不可数名词,所以后面的谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,直接在词尾加s.故填matters.【点评】本题考查学生对词汇的记忆能力和理解能力,还考查学生在具体的语境中灵活运用词汇知识和语法知识的能力.30.All suggestions(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime.【分析】所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.【解答】答案:suggestions.根据All﹣﹣(建议)are welcome.Please give them to us at anytime,可知所有建议都是受欢迎的.请随时给我们提建议.句子中all和are可以判断出主语应该是复数形式,suggestion,名词,建议,复数是suggestions.故填suggestions.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.31.Something must be done to stop the virus spreading(扩散).【分析】应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.【解答】答案:spreading.根据Something must be done to stop the virus﹣﹣(扩散).可知应该采取措施阻止病毒扩散.句子考查了stop的用法:stop to do sth停下来做某事,stop doing sth 停止做某事,这里应该是阻止病毒扩散,所以用stop doing sth,spread,动词,扩散.故填spreading.【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.32.The little boy hung his head when he heard what his mother said.(垂下)【分析】当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.【解答】答案:hung.根据题干The little boy﹣﹣his head when he heard what his mother said.可知句意为:当听到妈妈说的话时,这个小男孩垂下了头.句子when he heard what his mother said,可以判断所使用的时态应该是一般过去时,hang,动词,垂下,过去式是hung.故填:hung.。
第二周单词(120个)浴室,bathroom['bɑːθruːm; -rʊm], n.(C)电池,battery['bætri], n.be动词,be,(am,is,are)v.(D)豆子,bean/bi:/, n.熊,bear[beə],v. & n.漂亮的,beautiful[ˈbju:tifl], a.(D)成为,become [bi'kʌm], v.(D)床,bed/bed/, n.(D)卧室,bedroom/bed rʊm/, n.(D)牛肉,beef[biːf], n.(D)啤酒,beer[biə], n.(D)之前,before [bi'fɔː], prep.ad.& conj.(D)开端,beginning[bi'giniŋ], n.(C)在…后面,behind [bi'haind], prep. & ad.(C)相信,believe/bli:v/, v.(B)铃,bell/bel/, n.(D)属于,belong[bi’lɔŋ], v.(D)在…下面,below[bi'ləʊ], prep. (C)在…旁边,beside[bi'said], prep.(C)除了…之外,besides[bi'saidz], prep. & ad.(B)最好的,best/best/, a.& ad.(D)比较好的,better/'betə/, a. & ad.(D)在…之间, between/bi'twi:n/ , p rep.(D)大的,big/big/, a.(D)自行车,bike/bai/,(=bicycle)n.(D)账单,bill/bil/, n.(D)生日,birthday ['bɜːθdeɪ], n.(D)苦的,bitter/'bitə/, a.黑板,blackboard ['blækbɔːd], n.(C)空白的,blank[blæŋk], n. & a.街区,block/blɔk/, n.博客,blog/blɔg/, n.血,blood [blʌd], n.吹,blow [bləʊ], v.(B)蓝色的,blue/blu:/, n. & a.(D)船,boat[bəʊt], n.(D)骨头,bone[bəʊn], n.书,book/buk/, n. & v.(D)无聊的,boring['bɔːriŋ], a.(D)借(进),borrow['bɔrəʊ], v.(C)天生的,born/bɔːn/, a.(D)老板,boss/bɔs/, n.(D)两者,both [bəʊθ], a. & pron.(D)瓶子,bottle['bɔtl], n.(D)末端,底部,bottom['bɒtəm], n. (C)碗,bowl[bəʊl], n.(B)盒子,box/bɔks/, n.(D)男孩,boy/bɔi/, n.(D)头脑,brain/brein/, n.分支,branch[bræntʃ], n.勇敢的,brave/breiv/, a.(B)面包,bread/bred/, n.(D)打破,break/breik/, n. & v.(C)早餐,breakfast/'brekfəst/, n.(D)呼吸,breathe/'bri:ð/, v.(B)桥,bridge [bridʒ], n.(C)简要的,brief/bri:f/, a.明亮的,bright/brait/, a.(B)带来,bring/briŋ/, v.(D)不列颠,Britain/'britn/, n.(B)英国人;英国的;不列颠的,British['britiʃ], n. & a.(B)宽的,broad/brɔ:d/, a .兄弟,brother ['brʌðə], n.(D)棕色的,brown [braʊn], n. & a.(C)刷,brush[brʌʃ], n. & v.建,build/bild/, v.(D)建筑,building/'bildiŋ/, n.(D)燃烧,burn/bə:n/, v.(C)汽车,bus/bʌs/, n.(D)商业,business/'biznis/, n.(C)商人,businessman/'biznismən/, n.(C)忙的 a.(D)但是conj.& prep.(D)买,buy/bai/, v.(D)由,通过,by, prep.(D)再见,bye, int.(D)咖啡馆,cafe ['kæfei; 'kæfi],(=cafeteria[kæfi'tiəriə])n.(C)蛋糕,cake/keik/ , n.(D)打电话,称呼, call /kɔ:l/, n. & v.(D)相机,camera/'kæmərə/, n.(C)野营,camp/'kæmp/, n. & v.能;(一)听;,can, v. & n.(D)加拿大,Canada/'kænədə/, n.(C)加拿大的;加拿大人,Canadian/kə'nædiən/, n. & a.(B)取消,cancel/'kænsl/, v.(B)癌症,cancer['kænsə], n.糖果,candy['kændi], n.(D)首都,capital['kæpitl], n.船长,captain['kæptin], n.小车,car [kɑː], n.(D)卡片,card [kɑːd], n.(D)注意;照料,care[keə(r)], n. & v.(B)职业,career[kə'riə], n.(B)认真的,细心的,careful['keəful], a.(D)背;带,carry['kæri], v.(D)二轮货运马车;大车,cart[kɑːt], n.卡通,cartoon[kɑː'tuːn],n.(D)箱子;案例,case/keis/, n.现金,cash [kæʃ] , n. & v.(B)猫,cat[kæt], n.(D)抓住,catch[kætʃ], v.(C)细胞;牢房, cell/sel/, n.中心,center/'sentə/, n.(D)中间的,central/'sentrəl/, a.世纪,century['sentʃəri], n.(B)当然地,certainly['sɜːtnli] , ad.(D)链子,chain/tʃein/, n.椅子,chair/tʃeə/, n.(D)机会,chance[tʃɑːns] , n.(B)改变;变化;零钱,change [tʃeindʒ] , n. & v.(C)聊天,chat[tʃæt], n. & v.(D)便宜的,cheap[tʃi:p], a.(D)核对;支票,check[tʃek], n. & v.(C)欢呼,cheer[tʃiə], n. & v.(B)厨师,chef[tʃef], n.(B)化学的,chemical['kemikl] , a. & n.鸡肉,chicken['tʃikin], n.(D)主要的,chief[tʃi:f], a. & n.孩子,child[tʃaild], n.(D)童年,childhood['tʃaildhud], n.(D)中国,China['tʃainə], n.(D)中国人;中国的,Chinese[tʃaɪ'ni:z], n. & a.(D)芯片,chip[tʃip], n.巧克力,chocolate['tʃɔkəlit], n.(C)选择,choice['tʃɔis], n.(B)选择,choose['tʃu:z], v.(B)。
9.devote A.献身 B.投票 C.号角
10.debt A.辩论 B.债务 C.支付
11.missile A. 导弹 B.潜水艇 C.使命 D.海(上)的
A.帆 B. 交易会 C. 尾巴 D. 失败
13.pour A.爬 B.爪子 C.生的 D.倾泻
A.罢工 B.储备 C.蛇
A.棋 B.追赶 C.盒子 D.跟踪
A.行星 B.飞机 C.空白 D.工厂
A.焦虑 B.学期 C.古代 D.祖先
A.车辆 B.容器 C.吹口哨 D.取消
A.温度 B.临时.喷射 C.销毁 D.耽搁
A样式 B.模式 C.心情 D.树林
A. 冒犯 B. 保卫 C. 坦白 D. 悬挂
A. 浆糊 B. 补丁 C. 包裹 D. 小路
56.invisible A.可见的 B.无形的 C.视觉的 D.智慧的
A.耳朵 B.月球 C.泥土 D.东方
A.侄女 B.侄子 C.姑母 D.整洁的
A.园丁 B.卫兵 C.指导 D.木匠
60.consequence A.结果 B.女王 C.频率 D.次序
02 答完后,将你的答案与后面相应的KEYS逐一核 对,统计出自己答对的题数(R)和答错的题数 (W)。未回答的题目可不必统计进去,然后 将W和R分别代入下面公试:词汇量=48(RW/3)算出的结果就是对你的词汇量的估计数。
1. sour A 心灵 B.酸的 C.汤
英语词汇能力测试本测试共100题,答对1题计1分:(60-70分菜鸟,71-80良好,81-95优秀,96-100完美)1. An agreement is: a) a fight b) a question c) an understanding2. A curious person is: a) not interested b) angry c) full of questions3. To prepare means: a) to get ready b) to watch c) to leave4. If you suggest something,you: a) are afraid of it b) forget it c) offer an idea5. To entertain means: a) to change b) to make sleepy c) to make happy6. Something negative is: a) nice b) bad c) interesting7. Tension is: a) rest b) happiness c) a nervous feeling8. The conclusion of something is: a) the last part b) the best part c) the first part9. A volunteer is: a) a bad worker b) a paid worker c) a workerwho is not paid10. Someone who is fortunate is: a) sorry b) scared c) lucky11. If you produce something, you: a) make it b) break it c) take it12. An event is: a) a problem b) something that happens c) a special skill13. If something is precious, it: a) has great value b) is not important c) is funny14. Claim means: a) to say something is true b) to hide c) to forget to say15. To satisfy is to: a) surprise b) make unhappy c) be enough for16. Something definite is: a) certain b) not fair c) wrong17. Specific means: a) boring b) exact c) future18. If you are motivated,you are: a) interested and excited b) well-known c) good-looking19. To suspect is to: a) hope b) put away c) think20. An occasion is: a) a car b) a special time c) a boring time21. Ability means: a) a feeling of thanks b) a special skill c) a wish22. If you devour something, you: a) make it b) eat it quickly c) save it for later23. Something that is constant is: a) never-ending b) quiet c) sad24. Gratitude means: a) anger b) thanks c) worry25. A struggle is: a) a boring time b) an easy time c) a difficult time26. A good excuse is a good: a) reason b) time c) question27. A sociable person is: a) quiet b) friendly c) angry28. If something is modern,it is: a) up-to-date b) broken down c) strong29. If you ignore something, you: a) know it b) pay no attention to it c) need it30. Inspire means: a) to stop someone from doing somethingb) to make someone afraid to do somethingc) to make someone want to do something31. Damage means: a) hard work b) safety c) harm32. Someone who is capable: a) has skill b) is not ready c) is not careful33. If you require something, you: a) send it away b) do without it c) need it34. An opportunity is: a) a problem b) a habit c) a chance35. If you are sensitive, you are: a) not caring b) happy c) understanding36. To persist means: a) to give up easily b) to keep doing something c) to forget37. Something insulting is: a) kind b) easy to understand c) hurtful38. If you are comfortable, you are: a) relaxed b) mean c) thirsty39. Allow means: a) to hate b) to let c) to stop40. If you avoid something, you: a) get closer to it b) keep away from it c) enjoy it41. Confident people are: a) mean b) honest c) sure of themselves42. To donate something is to: a) show it off b) find it c) give it away43. If something disgust s you, it: a) makes you happy b) makes you sick c) keeps you busy44. Advice is: a) a helpful idea b) a friendship c) a mistake45. If something is impossible, it: a) happens all the time b) cannot happen c) is safe46. Necessary means: a) not wanted b) careful c) very important47. Defeat means: a) to beat in a contest b) to keep c) to hide48. If you regret something, you: a) feel bad about it b) are thankful for itc) are nervous about it49. An opinion is: a) a thought b) a need c) a job50. Encourage means: a) to stop b) to shout at angrily c) to give hope to51. If you prevent something, you: a) stop it ahead of time b) help it c) give it away52. Something that is available is: a) boring b) easy to get c) expensive53. A portion is: a) all of something b) nothing c) a part of something54. When you arrange things, you: a) buy them b) mix them up c) put them in order55. If you depend on people, you: a) wait for them b) rely on them c) turn away from them56. A cautious person is: a) happy b) tired c) careful57. Contain means: a) to dislike b) to make c) to have inside58. If you are uncertain, you are: a) not interested b) sure c) not sure59. Effort means: a) hard work b) sadness c) good looks60. Something that is effective is: a) late b) slow c) good61. To collapse means: a) to build b) to stay safe c) to fall down62. When you are relieved, you are: a) unhappy b) not caring c) less worried63. Things that are similar are: a) not safe b) good-looking c) like each other64. Confusion is: a) a feeling of danger b) a feeling of not knowing what to doc) a feeling of peace65. Something that is distant is: a) nearby b) far away c) different66. To refuse means: a) to decide not to b) to forget about c) to want to67. Humor is: a) a lesson b) anger c) something funny68. Someone who is stubborn: a) is easy to get along with b) does not want to do somethingc) is quick to learn69. To increase means: a) to make smaller b) to make greater c) to get rid of70. Progress is: a) mistakes b) friends c) movement toward a goal71. A generous person is: a) willing to share b) selfish c) bad-tempered72. If you select something, you: a) break it b) lose it c) choose it73. Something that is scarce is: a) easily found b) famous c) few in number74. Imagine means: a) to picture in the mind b) to forget c) to say something nice75. Something familiar is: a) far away b) well-known c) sad76. A detail is: a) the end of something b) a small part c) a color77. Persuade means: a) to get someone to do something b) to stop c) to leave78. To occupy something means: a) to break it b) to clean it c) to live in it79. To realize is to: a) hope b) know c) write80. If you separate things, you: a) bring them together b) make them largerc) put them in different places81 • Something that is common: a) is very large b) is strange c) happens often82. Condition means: a) the shape something is in b) a neighborhood c) news83. To develop means: a) to grow a little at a time b) to leave c) to dry84. Your duty is your: a) job b) hobby c) problem85. To pretend is to: a) make believe b) grow c) know86. Something that is permanent is: a) good b) new c) long-lasting87. An injury is: a) a movement b) something that hurts c) good health88. If you expect something, you: a) dislike it b) want it c) believe it will happen89. Someone who is competent is: a) dangerous b) good at something c) boring90. A request is a: a) problem b) answer c) thing that is asked for91. If you succeed, you: a) do badly b) do well c) pay too much92. To examine means: a) to leave b) to use c) to look at carefully93. To recognize is to: a) know from before b) study c) lose94. The value of something is: a) the reason for it b) its color c) what it is worth95. If something seldom happens, it: a) happens every day b) does not happen oftenc) happens on purpose96. If you consider something, you: a) cover it up b) think about it c) want it97. To admire means: a) to laugh at b) to think highly of c) to forget98. If you attempt something, you: a) repeat it b) try it c) remember it99. A solution is: a) a reason for doing something b) a questionc) an answer to a problem100. If you achieve something, you: a) lose it b) have trouble with it c) reach a goal。
1. He is a very ______ person, always ready to help others.A. kindB. strictC. lazyD. naughty.解析:根据“always ready to help others(总是乐意帮助他人)”可知,这是形容一个人善良的品质,kind表示“善良的”,strict是“严格的”,lazy是“懒惰的”,naughty是“淘气的”,所以答案是A。
2. I'm so ______ that I can't eat any more.A. fullB. hungryC. thirstyD. tired.解析:根据“can't eat any more(不能再吃了)”,这表明是很饱的状态,full表示“满的;饱的”,hungry是“饥饿的”,thirsty是“口渴的”,tired是“疲倦的”,所以答案是A。
3. There are ______ days in a week.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight.解析:常识可知,一周有七天,所以答案是C。
4. My favorite ______ is spring. I love the flowers and warm weather.A. seasonB. colorC. animalD. book.解析:根据“spring(春天)”可知这是在说季节,season表示“季节”,color是“颜色”,animal是“动物”,book是“书”,所以答案是A。
5. She ______ to school by bike every day.A. goB. goesC. wentD. going.解析:every day表明是一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,go的第三人称单数形式是goes,所以答案是B。
吉他唱歌游泳v.跳舞;n.舞蹈画国际象棋下国际象棋说(某种语言);说话说英语参加;加入俱乐部;社团擅长于……讲述;告诉故事;小说写作;写字n.演出;节目 v.给……看;展示或者;也不(用于否定句)说话;交谈跟……说(中国)功夫鼓敲鼓钢琴弹钢琴小提琴拉小提琴也;而且人;人们n.家;活动本部 adv.到家;在家善于……的;对……有办法使成为;制造结交朋友在今天在某方面帮助(某人)中心;中央周末(在)周末教;讲授音乐家莉莎(女名)吉尔(女名)彼得(男名)向上起床;站起v.穿衣服 n.连衣裙穿上衣服v.刷;刷净 n.刷子牙齿v.淋浴 n.淋浴器(间)洗淋浴通常地;一般地四十(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀从不;绝不早(的)五十工作;职业工作电(视)台;车站广播电台(表示整点)……点钟晚上;夜晚奇怪的;滑稽好笑的锻炼;练习(在)周末adj.最好的 adv.最好地;最组;群一半;半数prep.晚于;过(时间) adj.过去的一刻钟;四分之一家庭作业做作业跑;奔v.打扫;弄干净 adj.干净的行走;步行散步;走一走很快地或者;也(用在否定词组后)要么……要么……;或者……或者……大量;许多有时v.有……的味道;品尝 n.味道;滋味生活;生命里克(男名)吉姆(男名)斯科特(男名)托尼(男名)火车公共汽车地铁乘地铁v.骑 n.旅程自行车骑自行车六十七十八十九十一百分钟远;远的千米;公里新的;刚出现的每一;每个每天(表示方式)乘(交通工具)骑自行车开车小汽车;轿车居住;生活车站;停止认为横过;越过河;江许多村庄;村镇介于……之间在……和……之间桥小船索道年;岁害怕;畏惧像;怎么样村民离开n.梦想;睡梦 v.做梦真的;符合事实的实现;成为现实戴夫(男名)规则;规章到达准时走廊;过道大厅;礼堂餐厅听;倾听听……打架;战斗抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的adv.在外面 adj.外面的穿;戴重要的带来;取来校服;制服安静的外出外出(娱乐)练习碟;盘清洗餐具prep.&conj在……以前;adv.以前铺床脏的厨房更多(的)吵闹的放松;休息阅读非常讨厌的;可怕的感受;觉得严格的;严厉的(对某人)要求严格记住;记起遵循;跟随遵守规则幸运;运气保持;保留头发;毛发学习;学会克拉克(姓;男名)埃米(女名)莫莉(女名)纽约熊猫动物园老虎大象树袋熊;考拉狮子长颈鹿动物可爱的;机灵的懒散的;懒惰的聪明的美丽的;美好的吓人的;恐怖的种类稍微;有点儿澳大利亚adj.南方的;n.南;南方非洲南非宠物腿猫睡觉友好的羞怯的;腼腆的救;救助象征旗;旗帜忘记;遗忘迷路地点;位置水危险处于(极大)危险之中砍;切adv.(坐、躺、倒)下 prep.向下;沿着砍到树杀死;弄死象牙超过,多于;在……上方由……制成的朱莉(女名)贝姬(女名)泰国泰国(人的);泰语(的)报纸看报纸使用;运用汤做汤洗电影看电影只是;恰好出去吃饭房子v.喝 n.饮料茶;茶叶喝茶adv.在明天 n.明天;未来游泳池;水池v.购物 n.商店超市男人;人竞赛主人;东道主学习;研究州美国;美利坚合众国adj.美国的;美洲的 n.美国人;美洲人龙端午节adj.任何的;任一的 pron.另外的人(或物)幼小的;年轻的儿童怀念;思念希望可口的;美味的还;仍然客厅史蒂夫(男名)劳拉(女名)v.下雨 n.雨水多风的多云的晴朗的v.下雪 n.雪天气做饭坏的;糟糕公园信息;消息※捎个口信;传话他(he的宾格)能;可以回来;回原处※(给某人)回电话困难;难题再一次;又一次干燥的寒冷的;冷的热的温暖的拜访;参观加拿大夏天;夏季果汁;饮料不久;很快※假期度假adv.努力地 adj.困难的欧洲高山国;国家滑冰下雪的冬天;冬季adj.俄罗斯的 n.俄罗斯人;俄语雪人阴雨的;多雨的乔(男名)杰夫(男名)莫斯科多伦多波士顿邮政办公室※邮局警察※警察局旅馆;酒店餐馆银行医院大街付费※付费电话在……附近过;穿过※在……对面※前面在……前面在……的后面镇;市镇到处;大约n.北;北方 adj.北方的沿着※沿着(这条街)走转向;翻adv.向右边 n.右边adv.向左边 n.左边※向右/左转十字路口街区;街坊花(时间、钱等)※花时间爬路时常;常常空气阳光免费的享受;喜爱※喜欢阅读容易地钱卷曲的直的高的中等的身高;高度瘦的重的身材(在)今晚;(在)今夜小的电影院眼镜以后英俊的演员女演员人鼻子(头发)金黄色的嘴圆形的脸眼睛歌手艺术家犯罪活动罪犯放每个;各自方式;路线描述不同地另一;又一结尾;尽头真正的;真实的牛仔裤约翰尼(男名)迪安(姓)蒂娜(女名)杰克逊(姓)面条羊肉牛肉卷心菜;洋白菜土豆;马铃薯n.特设菜;特价品 adj.特别的;特殊的(表示意愿)愿意(常用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然大号的;大的点菜;命令大小;尺码碗※一(大)碗……豆腐(可食用的)肉饺子粥;面糊洋葱鱼;鱼肉烙饼;博饼世界n.答案 v.回答不同的蛋糕蜡烛年龄吹如果将要;会糖果幸运的受欢迎的;普遍的想法;主意挤奶奶牛马喂养;饲养农民;农场主相当;完全(常用于否发句或疑问句)任何东西;任何事物种植;生长;发育n.农场 v.务农;种田采;摘极好的;优秀的乡村;农村昨天花担心;担忧幸运地;好运地太阳博物馆火;火灾油画;绘画使人兴奋的;令人激动的可爱的昂贵的廉价的;便宜的缓慢的;迟缓的快地(的)机器人导游;向导礼物;赠品所有事物;一切感兴趣的黑暗的;昏暗的听到;听见卡罗尔(女名)扎营;搭帐篷湖;湖泊海滩;沙滩羽毛球运动羊;绵羊作为;当作自然的蝴蝶游客;访问者疲倦的;劳累的停留;待离开;远离老鼠;耗子adj.幼小的 n.婴儿呼叫;喊叫(狗叫声)汪汪语言飞风筝高的(地)以前印度帐篷月亮n.惊奇;惊讶 v.使吃惊蛇惊慌的;吓坏了的移动开始;着手跳;跃弄醒;醒到……里面;进入森林耳朵露西(女名)。
英语词汇应用测试40题1. There are some ______ on the table.A. appleB. applesC. waterD. bread答案:B。
A 选项“apple”是单数形式,前面有“some”,需要用复数形式“apples”,所以A 错误;C 选项“water”是不可数名词,不能与“some”直接搭配表示多个,所以 C 错误;D 选项“bread”是不可数名词,不能用“some”修饰表示多个,所以D 错误;B 选项“apples”是可数名词复数,符合“some”的用法,所以选B。
2. I need some ______ to make a cake.A. flourB. eggsC. milkD. sugar答案:B。
A 选项“flour”( 面粉)和D 选项“sugar”( 糖)都是不可数名词,“some”后接不可数名词时,不能用复数形式,所以A、D 错误;C 选项“milk”( 牛奶)也是不可数名词,不能用“some”修饰表示多个,所以 C 错误;B 选项“eggs”是可数名词复数,“some eggs”表示“一些鸡蛋”,符合题意,故选B。
3. Can you give me a piece of ______?A. paperB. papersC. newsD. information答案:A。
B 选项“papers”错误,“paper”作“纸”讲时是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以B 错误;C 选项“news”( 新闻)和D 选项“information”( 信息)都是不可数名词,不能与“a piece of”搭配,所以C、D 错误;A 选项“paper”可以用“a piece of”修饰,表示“一张纸”,故选A。
4. We have a lot of ______ in the garden.A. flowerB. flowersC. grassD. leaf答案:B。
词汇测试11.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ________ of cheating customers .A) accused B) chargedC) scoldedD) cursed2.Allherenergiesare__________uponherchildrenandsheseemstohavelittletimefo ranything else.A) guidedB) aimedC) directedD) focused3.Everyone should be ___________ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to beeducated.A) attributedB) entitledC) identifiedD) justified4.His wife is constantly finding __________ with him, which makes him very angry.A) errorsB) shortcomingsC) faultD) flaw5.Vitamins are complex ________ that the body requires in very small amounts .A) mattersB) materialsC) particlesD) substances6.The police are trying to find out the _______ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A) evidenceB) recognitionC) statusD) identity7.All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the ______ they keep from someone theytalk with.A) distanceB) scopeC) rangeD) boundary8 Our new house is very _________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D) available9.John doesn't believe in ______ medicine; he has some remedies of his own .A) standardB) regularC) routineD) conventional10.Owingto________competitionamongtheairlines,travelexpensehavebeenredu cedconsiderably.A) fierceB) strainedC) eagerD) critical11.InAfrica,educationalcostsareverylowforthosewhoare_________enoughtogeti ntouniversities.A) ambitiousB) fortunateC) aggressiveD) substantial12.A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of_______ .A) precautionB) crisisC) emergencyD) urgency13.The film provides a deep _______ into a wide range of human qualities and feelings.A) insightB) fancyC) imaginationD) outlook14.Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick upwonderful_______ in the market.A) batteriesB) bargainsC) basketsD) barrels15. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longestlife_____:77.2 years.A)rank C)scale B)span D)scope16. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the statedperiod of time.A) entitles C)bloomed B) grants D)promises17. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighbourhood have been allowed by theuniversity to take in_____ .A) residents B) settlers B) lodgers D)inhabitants18. Purchasing the new production line will be a_____ deal for the company.A) forceful C) favorite B) tremendous D)profitable19. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won____ and a scholarship.A) faith C) fame B) status D) courage20. The Car Club c ouldn’t____ to meet the demands of all its members.A) assume B) ensure C) guarantee D) confirm21. Extensive reporting on television has helped to_____ interest in a wide variety of sports andactivities.A) assemble B) generate C) yield D) gather22. Petrol is refined from the___ oil we take out of the ground.A) crude C) rude B) fresh D) original23. I suggested he should _______ himself to his new conditions.A) adaptB) adoptC) regulateD) suit24. Cancellation of the flight _______ many passengers to spend the night at the airport.A) resultedB) obligedC) demandedD) recommended25. All the key words in the article are printed in _______ type so as to attract readers' attention.A) darkB) denseC) blackD) bold26. I didn't _______ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late.A) assumeB) supposeC) meanD) hope27.OnNewYear'sEve,NewYorkCityholdsanoutdoor_______whichattractsacrowdo famillion or more people.A) incidentB) eventC) caseD) affair28. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised_______ from the United States.A) transferB) deliveriesC) transportationD) transmissions29. If this kind of fish becomes _______, future generations may never taste it at all.A) minimumB) shortC) seldomD) scarce30. The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one _______ the other.A) emphasizingB) reinforcingC) multiplyingD) increasingADBCDDACDABCABBACDCCBAABDCBDDB。
1. He is very i______ in learning new languages.2. The c______ weather in this city attracts many tourists.3. My sister is f______ of spiders, she screams whenever she sees one.4. The s______ is shining brightly, let's have a picnic in the park.5. Lisa is a g______ student, she always gets top grades in every subject.6. The book is too h______, I can't understand it.7. My father works as an e______ in a big company.8. We had a great time at the a______ park yesterday.9. The teacher gave us a lot of h______ to improve our writing skills.10. I have a lot of q______ to ask the speaker after the presentation.答案:1. interested2. comfortable3. frightened4. sun5. gifted6. hard7. engineer8. amusement9. homework10. questions题目二:选择题(每题1分,共10分)选择正确的单词完成下列句子。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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1.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ________ of cheating customers .
A) accused B) chargedC) scoldedD) cursed
2.Allherenergiesare__________uponherchildrenandsheseemstohavelittletimefo ranything else.
A) guidedB) aimedC) directedD) focused
3.Everyone should be ___________ to a decent standard of living and an opportunity to beeducated.
A) attributedB) entitledC) identifiedD) justified
4.His wife is constantly finding __________ with him, which makes him very angry.
A) errorsB) shortcomingsC) faultD) flaw
5.Vitamins are complex ________ that the body requires in very small amounts .
A) mattersB) materialsC) particlesD) substances
6.The police are trying to find out the _______ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.A) evidenceB) recognitionC) statusD) identity
7.All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the ______ they keep from someone theytalk with.
A) distanceB) scopeC) rangeD) boundary
8 Our new house is very _________ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D) available
9.John doesn“t believe in ______ medicine; he has some remedies of his own .
A) standardB) regularC) routineD) conventional
10.Owingto________competitionamongtheairlines,travelexpensehavebeenredu cedconsiderably.
A) fierceB) strainedC) eagerD) critical
11.InAfrica,educationalcostsareverylowforthosewhoare_________enoughtogeti ntouniversities.
A) ambitiousB) fortunateC) aggressiveD) substantial
12.A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of
_______ .A) precautionB) crisisC) emergencyD) urgency
13.The film provides a deep _______ into a wide range of human qualities and feelings.A) insightB) fancyC) imaginationD) outlook
14.Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick upwonderful_______ in the market.
A) batteriesB) bargainsC) basketsD) barrels
15. According to the American federal government, residents of Hawaii have the longestlife_____:77.2 years.
A)rank C)scale B)span D)scope
16. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the statedperiod of time.
A) entitles C)bloomed B) grants D)promises
17. Only a selected number of landladies in the neighbourhood have been allowed by theuniversity to take in_____ .
A) residents B) settlers B) lodgers D)inhabitants18. Purchasing the new production line will be a_____ deal for the company.
A) forceful C) favorite B) tremendous D)profitable
19. He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won____ and a scholarship.
A) faith C) fame B) status D) courage
20. The Car Club c ouldn’t____ to meet the demands of all its members.
A) assume B) ensure C) guarantee D) confirm
21. Extensive reporting on television has helped to_____ interest in a wide variety of sports andactivities.
A) assemble B) generate C) yield D) gather
22. Petrol is refined from the___ oil we take out of the ground.
A) crude C) rude B) fresh D) original
23. I suggested he should _______ himself to his new conditions.
A) adaptB) adoptC) regulateD) suit
24. Cancellation of the flight _______ many passengers to spend the night at the airport.
A) resultedB) obligedC) demandedD) recommended
25. All the key words in the article are printed in _______ type so as to attract readers“ attention.
A) darkB) denseC) blackD) bold
26. I didn“t _______ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late.
A) assumeB) supposeC) meanD) hope
27.OnNewYear“sEve,NewYorkCityholdsanoutdoor_______whichattractsacrowd ofamillion or more people.
A) incidentB) eventC) caseD) affair
28. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised_______ from the United States.
A) transferB) deliveriesC) transportationD) transmissions
29. If this kind of fish becomes _______, future generations may never taste it at all.
A) minimumB) shortC) seldomD) scarce
30. The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one _______ the other.
A) emphasizingB) reinforcingC) multiplyingD) increasing