雇佣合同范本 英文

雇佣合同范本英文Employment AgreementThis Employment Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Effective Date], and between [Employer's Name] (the "Employer") and [Employee's Name] (the "Employee"), effective as of the same date.1. EMPLOYMENT TERM1. The Employer here employs the Employee, and the Employee here accepts employment with the Employer, upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.2. The term of this Agreement shall mence on the Effective Date and shall continue until terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement (the "Employment Period").2. POSITION AND DUTIES1. The Employee shall be employed in the position of [Position Title] and shall perform such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to the Employee from time to time the Employer's management.2. The Employee shall devote his or her full business time, attention, and efforts to the performance of his or her duties hereunder and shall ply with all policies and procedures of the Employer applicable to his or her employment.3. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS1. The Employer shall pay the Employee a salary at the rate of[Monthly/Annual Salary], payable in accordance with the Employer's regular payroll practices.2. The Employee shall be eligible to participate in such employee benefit plans and programs as may be made avlable to the Employer's employees from time to time, in accordance with the terms and conditions of such plans and programs.4. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND INVENTIONS1. The Employee acknowledges that in the course of his or her employment with the Employer, he or she will have access to and bee familiar with theEmployer's confidential and proprietary information, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, and business plans. The Employee agrees to hold all such information in strict confidence and not to disclose or use it for his or her own benefit or for the benefit of any third party without the prior written consent of the Employer.2. The Employee agrees that all inventions, developments, and improvements made him or her during the course of his or her employment with the Employer shall be the exclusive property of the Employer. The Employee here assigns to the Employer all right, , and interest in and to such inventions, developments, and improvements, and agrees to execute such further documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to effectuate the assignment.5. NON-COMPETE AND NON-SOLICITATION1. The Employee agrees that during the Employment Period and for a period of [Non-Compete Period] following the termination of his or her employment for any reason, he or she will not directly or indirectly pete with the Employer (i) engaging in the same or similar business or (ii) soliciting the business of any customer or client of the Employer with whom the Employee had significant contact during the course of his or her employment.2. The Employee agrees that during the Employment Period and for a period of [Non-Solicitation Period] following the termination of his or her employment for any reason, he or she will not directly or indirectly solicit for employment any employee of the Employer who was reporting to the Employee at the time of termination.6. TERMINATION1. This Agreement may be terminated the Employer for cause at any time, with or without notice, upon written notice to the Employee. For purposes of this Agreement, "cause" shall mean: (i) the Employee's material breach of any term or condition of this Agreement; (ii) the Employee's gross misconduct, fraud, or dishonesty; or (iii) the Employee's inability to perform his or her duties hereunder due to physical or mental incapacity.2. This Agreement may be terminated the Employee for any reason upon written notice to the Employer.3. In the event of a termination of this Agreement the Employer for cause or the Employee for any reason other than for good reason (as defined below), the Employee shall be end to receive only his or her accrued salary and benefits through the date of termination.4. In the event of a termination of this Agreement the Employer other than for cause or the Employee for good reason, the Employee shall be end to receive the following severance benefits: (i) a severance payment equal to [Severance Pay Amount], payable in accordance with the Employer's regular payroll practices; and (ii) continued health insurance coverage for a period of [Severance Period], at the Employer's expense. "Good reason" shall mean: (i) a material reduction in the Employee's duties or responsibilities; (ii) a material reduction in the Employee's salary or benefits; or (iii) a relocation of the Employee's place of employment more than [Number] miles from the Employee's then-current place of employment.7. MISCELLANEOUS1. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, and representations, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to such subject matter.2. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Employer's principal place of business is located.3. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck and the remning provisions shall be enforced to the fullest extent possible.4. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Name] Employee: [Employee's Name]。

香港劳动合同范本篇一:香港雇佣合同范本(英文)SampleEmploymentcontract Thiscontractofemploymentisenteredintobetween(hereinafter (hereinafterreferredtoas‘Employee’)referredtoas‘Employer’)andonmencementofEmployment? underthetermsandconditionsofemploymentbelow:Effectivefrom?untileitherpartyterminatesthecontract.?forafixedtermcontractforaperiodof *day(s)/week(s)/month(s)/year(s),endingon.?Yes*day(s)/week(s)/month(s)2.ProbationPeriod??no3.PositionandSectionEmployed4.Placeofwork5.workingHours?6.mealBreak?7.Restdays?Fixed,atfromand?Shiftworkrequired,fromordaysperweek,*am/pmto*am/pmtohoursperday*am/pmto*am/pmtohoursperday*am/pm*am/pm*am/pm*am/pm?Shiftworkrequired,atworkingday(s)per*week/month,totallinghour(s).?ot hers(detailsofthearrangementonworkinghoursandtotalworkinghours)?Fixe d,from?not-fixed,at*am/pmto*am/pm,*with/withoutpay*minutes/hour(s)perday,*with/withoutpaymealbreak*is/isnotcountedasworkinghour(s).,*with/withoutpay?onevery?onrotation,day(s)per*week/month,*with/withoutpay(Theemployeeisentit ledtonotlessthan1restdayineveryperiodof7days)Basicwagesof$per*hour/d ay/week/month;plusthefollowingallowance(s):?mealallowanceof$?Travel lingallowanceof$per*day/week/monthper*day/week/month8.wages(a)wagerate?(b)overtimepay??attendanceallowanceof$ (detailsofcriteriaandcalculationofpayment)(amount)?others(mission,tips)$(amount) (detailsofcriteriaandcalculationofpaymentanddateofpayment)?attherateof$perhour?attherateaccordingto*normalwages/?Everymonth,on____________dayof themonthforwageperiodfromdayofthemonthto%ofnormalwagesdayof*themonth/thefollowingmonth.(c)paymentofwages&wageperiod(s)??Twicemonthly,payableon(i)dayof*themonth/followingmonth forwageperiodfromforwageperiodfrom dayofthemonthtodayofthemonthtodayof*themonth/thefollowingmonth.dayof*themonth/thefollowingmonth. (ii)dayof*themonth/followingmonth*day(s)/week(s)to9.?onceforeveryforwageperiodfrom.Holidays?TheEmployeeisentitledto:?statutoryholidaysasspecifiedintheEmploymentordinance?publicholidays ?plusotherholidays(pleasespecify)10.PaidannualLeave?11.maternityBenefits??TheEmployeeisentitledtopaidannualleaveaccordingtotheprovisionsofthe Employmentordinance(rangingfrom7to14daysdependingontheEmployee’slengthofservice).?TheEmployeeisentitledtothefollowingpaidannualleave accordingtotherulesofthecompany(pleasespecify)?TheEmployeeisentitledtomaternityleaveandmate rnityleavepayaccordingtotheprovisionsoftheEmploymentordinance.?TheE mployeeisentitledtothefollowingmaternityleaveandmaternityleavepay accordingtotherulesofthecompany(pleasespecify)?TheEmployeeisentitledt osicknessallowanceaccordingtotheprovisionsoftheEmploymentordinance.?TheEmployeeisentitledtosicknessallowanceaccordingtotherulesofthecom panyunderthefollowingcircumstances:-ifthenumberofsicknessdaystakenis______day(s)orbelow,anappropriatem edicalcertificateinsupportofthesickleave*is/isnotrequired.-ifthenumberofsicknessdaystakenis______day(s)ormore,anappropriateme dicalcertificateinsupportofthesickleaveisrequired.?others(pleasespecify) 2/4(7/20XX)12.Sicknessallowance??Pleaseputa“?”intheclause(s)asappropriate*Pleasedeletetheword(s)asinappropriate13.Terminationofanoticeperiodof*day(s)/week(s)/month(s)orEmployment anequivalentamountofwagesinlieuofnotice(noticeperiodnotlessthan7days) .contract?duringtheprobationperiod(ifapplicable):-withinthefirstmonth:wit houtnoticeorwagesinlieuofnotice-afterthefirstmonth:anoticeperiodof*day(s)/week(s)/month(s) oranequivalentamountofwagesinlieuofnotice(noticeperiodnotlessthan7day s).14.EndofYearPayment?anamountof*$orequivalenttowagesuponcompletionofeach?*calendar/luna ryear?specifiedperiod:from_______________to_____________Paymentistobe madewithin*calendar/lunaryear.month’sbasic/normal daysbeforecommencementofthefollowing15.mandatoryTheEmployerandtheEmployeearetomakecontributionstowar dsthemandatoryProvident ProvidentFundFundSchemeinaccordancewiththerequirementsspecifiedint hemandatoryProvidentFundScheme?Schemesordinance.16.workarrangementsduringTyphoon??inadditiontothemandatorycontribution,theEmployerprovidesmonthlyvolu ntarycontributiontothemandatoryProvidentFundScheme*intheamountof$/ atarateof%oftheEmployee’smonthlywages.?inadditiontothemandatorycontribution,theEmployeeprovidesmonthlyvol untarycontributiontothemandatoryProvidentFundScheme*intheamountof$ /atarateof%oftheEmployee’smonthlywages.?TheEmployeeisrequiredtoworkwhentyphoonsignalno.8o raboveishoisted.inadditiontowages,theemployeeisentitledto*typhoonallow ance/travellingallowanceat$or%ofnormalwages.?TheEmployeeisnotrequi redtoworkwhentyphoonsignalno.8oraboveishoistedandnowageswillbeded uctedduringtheperiod.TheEmployeeisrequiredtoresumedutyifthetyphoonsi gnalno.8islowerednotlessthanhoursbeforecloseofworkinghours.?TheEmployeeisrequiredtoworkwhenblackrainstormwarningishoisted.inadditiontow ages,theemployeeisentitledto*rainstormallowance/travellingallowanceat$ or%ofnormalwages.?TheEmployeeisnotrequiredtoworkwhenblackrainstor mwarningishoistedandno wageswillbedeductedduringtheperiod.TheEmployeeisrequiredtoresumedu tyiftheblackrainstormwarningiscancellednotlessthanhoursbeforecloseofw orkinghours.TheEmployeeisentitledtoallotherrights,benefitsorprotectionu ndertheEmploymentordinance,theminimumwageordinance,theEmployees ’compensationordinanceandanyotherrelevantordinances. (ifappropriate)additionalrulesandregulations,rights,benefitsorprotectionpr omulgatedunderthe*companyHandbook/alsoformpartofthiscontract.3/4(7/20XX)17.workarrangementsduringBlackRainstormwarning?18.others?Pleaseputa“?”intheclause(s)asappropriate*Pleasedeletetheword(s)asinappropriate TheEmployerandtheEmployeeherebydeclarethattheyunderstandthoro ughlytheaboveprovisionsandagreetosigntoabidebysuchprovisions.Theysh。

Sample Employment ContractThis contract of employment is entered into between (hereinafter referred to as ‘Employer’)and(hereinafter referred to as ‘Employee’) on under the terms and conditions of employment below :1. Commencement Effective fromof Employment†☐until either party terminates the contract.☐for a fixed term contract for a period of * day(s) /week(s)/ month(s)/ year(s),ending on .2. Probation Period†☐ No ☐ Yes *day(s) / week(s)/ month(s)3. Position andSection Employed4. Place of Work5. Working Hours†☐Fixed, at days per week, hours per dayfrom *am/pm to *am/pmand *am/pm to *am/pm☐Shift work required, hours per dayfrom *am/pm to *am/pmor *am/pm to *am/pm☐Shift work required, at working day(s) per *week/ month, totalling hour(s).☐Others(details of the arrangement on working hours and total working hours)6. Meal Break†☐ Fixed, from *am/pm to *am/pm,*with/without pay☐ Not-fixed, at *minutes/hour(s)per day, *with/without payMeal break *is/ is not counted as working hour(s).7. Rest Days ☐ On every , *with / without pay☐ On rotation, day(s)per *week/month, *with / without pay(The employee is entitled to not less than 1 rest day in every period of 7 days)8. Wages(a) wage rate†Basic wages of $ per * hour/ day /week/month;plus the following allowance(s) :☐Meal allowance of $ per * day / week/ month☐Travelling allowance of $ per * day / week/ month†Please put a “✓” in the clause(s) as appropriate*Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2015)☐Attendance allowance of $ (amount)(details of criteria and calculation of payment)☐Others (e.g. commission, tips) $ (amount)(details of criteria and calculation of payment and date of payment)(b) overtime pay†☐At the rate of $ per hour☐At the rate according to *normal wages /% of normal wages(c)payment of ☐Every month, on ____________ day of the monthwages & wage for wage period from day of the month to day of *the month/ the following month.period(s)†☐Twice monthly, payable on(i) day of *the month / following monthfor wage period from day of the month to day of *the mont h/ the following month.(ii) day of *the month / following monthfor wage period from day of the month to day of *the month/ the following month.☐Once for every *day(s)/week(s)for wage period from to.9. Holidays†The Employee is entitled to:☐ statutory holidays as specified in the Employment Ordinance☐ public holidays☐plus other holidays (please specify)10. Paid AnnualLeave†☐ The Employee is entitled to paid annual leave according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance (ranging from 7 to 14 days depending on the Employee’s length of service).☐ The Employee is entitled to the following paid annual leave according to the rules of the company (please specify)11. MaternityBenefits†☐ The Employee is entitled to maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.☐ The Employee is entitled to the following maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the rules of the company(please specify)12. PaternityBenefits†☐ The Employee is entitled to paternity leave and paternity leave pay according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.☐ The Employee is entitled to the following paternity leave and paternity leave pay according to the rules of the company(please specify)13. SicknessAllowance†☐ The Employee is entitled to sickness allowance according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.☐ The Employee is entitled to sickness allowance according to the rules of the company under the following circumstances:- If the number of sickness days taken is ______ day(s) or below, an appropriate medical certificate in support of the sick leave *is /is not required.- If the number of sickness days taken is ______day(s) or more, an appropriate medical certificate in support of the sick leave is required.☐Others (please specify)†Please put a “✓” in the clause(s) as appropriate* Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2015) 14. Termination of A notice period of * day(s) /week(s)/ month(s) orEmployment an equivalent amount of wages in lieu of notice (notice period not less than 7 days).Contract†During the probation period (if applicable) :- within the first month : without notice or wages in lieu of notice- after the first month : a notice period of * day(s)/week(s)/ month(s)or an equivalent amount of wages in lieu of notice (notice period not less than 7 days). 15. End of Year An amount of * $or equivalent to month’s basic/ normalPayment†wages upon completion of each☐*calendar / lunar year☐ specified period : from _______________ to _____________Payment is to be made within days before commencement of the following* calendar /lunar year.16. MandatoryProvident FundScheme†The Employer and the Employee are to make contributions towards the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme in accordance with the requirements specified in the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance.☐In addition to the mandatory contribution, the Employer provides monthly voluntary contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme * in the amount of $/ at a rate of% of the Employee’s monthly wages.☐In addition to the mandatory contribution, the Employee provides monthly voluntary contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme * in the amount of $/ at a rate of % of the Employee’s monthly wages.17. Work ☐The Employee is required to work when typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted. In additionArrangements to wages, the employee is entitled to *typhoon allowance / travelling allowance atduring $or% of normal wages.Typhoon†☐The Employee is not required to work when typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted and no Wages will be deducted during the period. The Employee is required to resume duty if thetyphoon signal no.8 is lowered not less than hours before close of working hours.18. Work ☐The Employee is required to work when black rainstorm warning is hoisted. In addition toArrangements wages, the employee is entitled to *rainstorm allowance / travelling allowance atduring Black $or% of normal wages.Rainstorm Warning†☐The Employee is not required to work when black rainstorm warning is hoisted and no wages will be deducted during the period. The Employee is required to resume duty if the black rainstorm warning is cancelled not less than hours before close of working hours.19. Others The Employee is entitled to all other rights, benefits or protection under the EmploymentOrdinance, the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and anyother relevant Ordinances.(If appropriate) Additional rules and regulations , rights, benefits or protectionpromulgated under the * Company Handbook /also form part of this contract.†Please put a “✓” in the clause(s) as appropriate*Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2015)The Employer and the Employee hereby declare that they understand thoroughly the above provisions and agree to sign to abide by such provisions. They shall each retain a copy of this contract for future reference.Signature of Employee Signature of Employer or Employer’s RepresentativeName in full: Name in full:HK I.D. No: Position held:Date:Date::Chop of the Company†Please put a “✓” in the clause(s) as appropriate* Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2016)。

香港雇佣合同雇佣合约样本本雇佣合约由(以下简称「雇员」)于年订立,双方同意遵守下列雇佣条款及条件:†1 受雇日期请在适用的条款加上号*请将不适用者删去6/8 工资(a) 工资率†底薪每*小时 /天 /星期 /月$另加以下津贴:膳食津贴每 *天 /星期 /月$ 交通津贴每 *天 /星期 /月$ 勤工奖 $ (请详加说明支付条件、计算方法等)(金额)其他 (如佣金、小账) $ (金额)(请详加说明支付条件、计算方法、支付日期等)(b) 超时工作工资† 工资按每小时 $ 计算(c)工资支付及工资期†工资按 *正常工资 / ________% 正常工资计算每月壹次,于每月______日支付,工资期由 _______日至 *当月/下月_______日每月两次,分别(i)于*当月/下月________日支付,工资期由 _______日至 *当月/下月________日;及(ii)于*当月/下月________日支付,工资期由 ________日至*当月/下月________日每*______天/ ______星期支付一次,工资期由---________至 _______9 假期†雇员可享有:按《雇佣条例》规定的法定假日公众假期另加其他假期10 有薪年假†雇员可根据《雇佣条例》的规定享有有薪年假雇员可根据公司的规定享有有薪年假 (请说明)†请在适用的条款加上号*请将不适用者删去6/211 产假薪酬†12 侍产假薪酬†13 疾病津贴†14 终止雇佣合约†15 年终酬金†16 强制性公积金计划†17 台风时当值††请在适用的条款加上号*请将不适用者删去雇员可根据《雇佣条例》的规定享有产假及产假薪酬雇员可根据公司的规定享有产假及产假薪酬 (请说明)雇员可根据《雇佣条例》的规定享有侍产假及侍产假薪酬雇员可根据公司的规定享有侍产假及侍产假薪酬 (请说明)雇员可根据《雇佣条例》的规定享有疾病津贴雇员在以下情况可根据公司的规定,享有疾病津贴:- 病假_______天或以下,雇员*必须 / 不须提交适当的医生证明书;- 病假_______天或以上,雇员须提交适当的医生证明书其他 (请说明)通知期为*天/星期/月或相等之代通知金试用期内 (如适用):-第壹个月内:无须给予通知或代通知金 - 第壹个月以后:通知期为*天/星期/月或相等之代通知金雇员每服务满一个酬金期,可领取*一笔酬金 $_____________或___________个月底薪/正常工资酬金期为壹*公 / 农历年指明期间,由_______月_______日至_______月_______日支付日期为随后的 *公 / 农历新年前天内雇主及雇员依照《强制性公积金计划条例》的规定向强制性公积金计划供款雇主在强制性供款之上会向强制性公积金计划提供自愿性供款,每月的供款*为_________元/雇员月薪的________%雇员在强制性供款之上会向强制性公积金计划提供自愿性供款,每月的供款*为_________元 /雇员月薪的________%当八号或以上风球悬挂时,雇员需要上班除工资外,雇员并可获发 *台风当值津贴/ 交通津贴 $_____________ 或 __________ %正常工资当八号或以上风球悬挂时,雇员无需上班,工资不会被扣减当八号或以上风球于下班前不少于小时前除下,雇员需要上班6/318 黑色暴雨警告时当值†19 其他当黑色暴雨警告生效期间,雇员需要上班除工资外,雇员并可获发 *暴雨当值津贴 / 交通津贴 $_____________ 或 ___________ %正常工资当黑色暴雨警告生效期间,雇员无需上班,工资不会被扣减当黑色暴雨警告于下班前不少于小时前除下,雇员需要上班雇员可根据《雇佣条例》、《最低工资条例》、《雇员补偿条例》或其他有关条例的条文享有其他权利、利益或保障 (如适用)另根据 *公司手册 /公布的其他规则和规章、权利、利益或保障也成为本合约的一部分雇主及雇员双方均清楚明白上述各项内容,并同意签字作实双方均须保存一份合约文本作日后参考雇员签名姓名:香港身份证号码:日期:雇主或代表签名姓名:职位:日期:公司印鉴†请在适用的条款加上号*请将不适用者删去6/4。

† 14.
† 11.

S a m p l e E m p l o y m e n t C o n t r a c tThis contract of employment is entered into between (hereinafter referred to as ‘Employer’)and(hereinafter referred to as ‘Employee’) on under the terms and conditions of employment below :1. Commencement Effective fromof Employment†☐until either party terminates the contract.☐for a fixed term contract for a period of * day(s) /week(s)/ month(s)/ year(s),ending on.2. Probation Period†☐ No ☐ Yes *day(s) / week(s)/ month(s)3. Position andSection Employed4. Place of Work5. Working Hours†☐Fixed, at days per week, hours per dayfrom *am/pm to *am/pmand *am/pm to *am/pm☐Shift work required, hours per dayfrom *am/pm to *am/pmor *am/pm to *am/pm☐Shift work required, at working day(s) per *week/ month, totalling hour(s).☐Others(details of the arrangement on working hours and total working hours)6. Meal Break†☐ Fixed, from *am/pm to *am/pm,*with/without pay☐ Not-fixed, at *minutes/hour(s)per day, *with/without payMeal break *is/ is not counted as working hour(s).7. Rest Days ☐ On every , *with / without pay☐ On rotation, day(s)per *week/month, *with / without pay(The employee is entitled to not less than 1 rest day in every period of 7 days)8. Wages(a) wage rate†Basic wages of $ per * hour/ day /week/month;plus the following allowance(s) :☐Meal allowance of $ per * day / week/ month☐Travelling allowance of $ per * day / week/ month†Please put a “✓” in the clause(s) as appropriate*Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2015)☐Attendance allowance of $ (amount)(details of criteria and calculation of payment)☐Others (e.g. commission, tips) $ (amount)(details of criteria and calculation of payment and date of payment)(b) overtime pay†☐At the rate of $ per hour☐At the rate according to *normal wages /% of normal wages(c)payment of ☐Every month, on ____________ day of the monthwages & wage for wage period from day of the month to day of *the month/ the following month.period(s)†☐Twice monthly, payable on(i) day of *the month / following monthfor wage period from day of the month to day of *the mont h/ the following month.(ii) day of *the month / following monthfor wage period from day of the month to day of *the month/ the following month.☐Once for every *day(s)/week(s)for wage period from to.9. Holidays†The Employee is entitled to:☐ statutory holidays as specified in the Employment Ordinance☐ public holidays☐plus other holidays (please specify)10. Paid AnnualLeave†☐ The Employee is entitled to paid annual leave according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance (ranging from 7 to 14 days depending on the Employee’s length of service).☐ The Employee is entitled to the following paid annual leave according to the rules of the company (please specify)11. MaternityBenefits†☐ The Employee is entitled to maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.☐ The Employee is entitled to the following maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the rules of the company(please specify)12. PaternityBenefits†☐ The Employee is entitled to paternity leave and paternity leave pay according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.☐ The Employee is entitled to the following paternity leave and paternity leave pay according to the rules of the company(please specify)13. SicknessAllowance†☐ The Employee is entitled to sickness allowance according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.☐ The Employee is entitled to sickness allowance according to the rules of the company under the following circumstances:- If the number of sickness days taken is ______ day(s) or below, an appropriate medical certificate in support of the sick leave *is /is not required.- If the number of sickness days taken is ______day(s) or more, an appropriate medical certificate in support of the sick leave is required.☐Others (please specify)†Please put a “✓” in the clause(s) as appropriate* Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2015)14. Termination of A notice period of * day(s) /week(s)/ month(s) orEmployment an equivalent amount of wages in lieu of notice (notice period not less than 7 days).Contract†During the probation period (if applicable) :- within the first month : without notice or wages in lieu of notice- after the first month : a notice period of * day(s)/week(s)/ month(s)or an equivalent amount of wages in lieu of notice (notice period not less than 7 days). 15. End of Year An amount of * $or equivalent to month’s basic/ normalPayment†wages upon completion of each☐*calendar / lunar year☐ specified period : from _______________ to _____________Payment is to be made within days before commencement of the following* calendar /lunar year.16. MandatoryProvident FundScheme†The Employer and the Employee are to make contributions towards the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme in accordance with the requirements specified in the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance.☐In addition to the mandatory contribution, the Employer provides monthly voluntary contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme * in the amount of $/ at a rate of% of the Employee’s monthly wages.☐In addition to the mandatory contribution, the Employee provides monthly voluntary contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme * in the amount of $/ at a rate of % of the Employee’s monthly wages.17. Work ☐The Employee is required to work when typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted. In additionArrangements to wages, the employee is entitled to *typhoon allowance / travelling allowance atduring $or% of normal wages.Typhoon†☐The Employee is not required to work when typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted and no Wages will be deducted during the period. The Employee is required to resume duty if thetyphoon signal no.8 is lowered not less than hours before close of working hours.18. Work ☐The Employee is required to work when black rainstorm warning is hoisted. In addition toArrangements wages, the employee is entitled to *rainstorm allowance / travelling allowance atduring Black $or% of normal wages.Rainstorm Warning†☐The Employee is not required to work when black rainstorm warning is hoisted and no wages will be deducted during the period. The Employee is required to resume duty if the black rainstorm warning is cancelled not less than hours before close of working hours.19. Others The Employee is entitled to all other rights, benefits or protection under the EmploymentOrdinance, the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and anyother relevant Ordinances.(If appropriate) Additional rules and regulations , rights, benefits or protectionpromulgated under the * Company Handbook /also form part of this contract.†Please put a “ ” in the clause(s) as appropriate*Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2015)The Employer and the Employee hereby declare that they understand thoroughly the above provisions and agree to sign to abide by such provisions. They shall each retain a copy of this contract for future reference.Signature of Employee Signature of Employer or Employer’s Representative Name in full: Name in full:HK I.D. No: Position held:Date: Date:Chop of the Company†Please put a “ ” in the clause(s) as appropriate* Please delete the word(s) as inappropriate(6/2016)。

香港雇佣合同范本(英文)Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] between [Employer's Name] (the "Employer") and [Employee's Name] (the "Employee").1. Position and DutiesThe Employee will be employed in the position of [job ] and will perform the duties and responsibilities as reasonably assigned the Employer.2. Employment PeriodThe employment will mence on [start date] and will continue until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Working Hours and LocationThe normal working hours will be [hours of work] per week. The Employee will be based at [work location].4. RemunerationThe Employee will be pd a monthly salary of [amount] Hong Kong Dollars (HKD). Payment will be made on or before [payment date] of each month.5. BenefitsThe Employee will be end to the following benefits: [list of benefits, such as medical insurance, annual leave, etc.]6. Tax and Social SecurityThe Employee is responsible for the payment of all applicable taxes and contributions in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.7. Confidentiality and Non-DisclosureThe Employee agrees to mntn the confidentiality of all proprietary and confidential information of the Employer during and after the employment.8. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party with prior written notice as follows:By the Employer with [notice period for employer] notice.By the Employee with [notice period for employee] notice.9. Grievance and Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any dispute or grievance, the parties will attempt to resolve the matter through amicable discussions. If unresolved, the dispute may be referred to arbitration in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Signature]Employee: [Employee's Signature]Please note that this is a basic template and may not cover all specific circumstances and legal requirements. It is advisable to seek legal advice when drafting and finalizing an employment contract.。

Employment Contract劳动合同This Contract of employment is between (the employer ) and (employee), dated asof ,the parties agree the employment terms and conditions as follow:本雇佣合约由以下简称雇主)与(以下简称雇员)于年月日订立。
双方同意遵守下列雇佣条款及条件:1.Date of employment (受雇日期)□The contract is with effect fromuntil either party terminate the contract.□Term contract:years, until□由年月日起生效,直至任何一方终止合约为止□定期合约,为期年,至年月日止。
2.Probation (试用期)□No ✓YesThe period of probation is 6 months.□No 无✓有,试用期为6 个月3.Job title / department (受雇职位/部门)4.Place of work (工作地点)Depend on the resident workplace (根据员工实际常驻工作地点来填写)5.Working hours (工作时间)Fixed working hours, toevery week, from to,a.m, to p.m.✓Or flexible working hours, five days per week, 8 hours per day□固定工作时间,每星期至每星期上午时至时,下午时至时✓其他:不定时或弹性工作制,每星期5天,每天8小时6.Break (休息日)2 days per week每周休息2 天7.Salary (工资)Monthly Fix Salary(before tax): 7000US$ * 12 MONTHS = 84000US$ 月固定薪资:Holiday (假期)The employee can have:□The legal holidays on the employment Ordinance□Public Holidays□The national holiday in the resident country雇员可享有□按《雇佣条款》规定的法定假日□公众假期□按雇佣常驻工作地点的国家公众假期执行8.Paid holiday (有薪年假)□According to the employment terms, employee is entitled with 7 -14 paid holidays (depend on the employment Ordinance)□Employee is entitled with paid annual leave according to the rules of company□雇员可根据《雇佣条例》的规定校友有薪年假(日数由7天至14天不等,视乎该雇员受雇年期而定)□雇佣可根据公司的规定享有有薪年假□雇员可根据常驻国家实际法规要求享有有薪年假9.Maternity leave and remuneration (产假薪酬)□□Employee is entitled with maternity leave and maternity paid according to theemployment terms.□□Employee is entitled with maternity leave and maternity paid according to the rules of company.□□Employee is entitled with maternity leave and maternity paid according to the law of Resident country.□雇员可根据《雇佣条例》的规定享有产假及产假薪酬。
香港雇佣合同范本 英文

香港雇佣合同范本英文Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between:Employer:Name: [Employer's Name]Registered Address: [Employer's Address]AndEmployee:Name: [Employee's Name]Identity Card Number: [Employee's ID Number]Residential Address: [Employee's Address]1. Position and DutiesThe Employer here employs the Employee in the position of [Position Name], and the Employee agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities associated with this position.2. Commencement DateThe employment shall mence on [Commencement Date] and shall continue until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Working Hours and Rest PeriodsThe Employee's normal working hours shall be [Hours of Work] per week. The Employee shall be end to rest periods and breaks as required law.4. RemunerationThe Employee shall be pd a salary of [Salary Amount] per month. Payment shall be made on [Payment Date] each month.5. BenefitsThe Employee shall be end to benefits such as [List of Benefits, e.g. medical insurance, annual leave, etc.] in accordance with the Employer's policies and applicable laws.6. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party giving notice in accordance with the provisions of this Contract or as required law.7. ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to mntn the confidentiality of the Employer's trade secrets and confidential information during and after the employment.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.Employer's Signature: [Employer's Signature]Employee's Signature: [Employee's Signature]Date: [Date]Please note that the above is a basic template and may need to be tlored to the specific circumstances and legal requirements of the employment. It is remended to seek legal advice when drafting and finalizing an employment contract.。

雇佣合同模板中英合同雇佣合同模板EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT TEMPLATE合同编号:[合同编号]Contract No: [Contract Number]甲方(雇主):[雇主姓名/公司名称]Party A (Employer): [Employer's Name/Company Name]乙方(雇员):[雇员姓名]Party B (Employee): [Employee's Name]签署日期:[签署日期]Date of Signing: [Date of Signing]1. 背景与目的1. Background and Purpose本雇佣合同(以下简称“合同”)由甲方与乙方签署,双方同意在以下条款和条件下建立雇佣关系。
This Employment Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and between Party A and Party B, who agree to establish an employment relationship under the following terms and conditions.2. 雇佣条款2. Employment Terms2.1 职位与职责2.1 Position and Responsibilities甲方将雇佣乙方作为其[职位]。
Party A shall employ Party B as [Position]. Party B agrees to fulfill all duties and obligations associated with the position.2.2 雇佣期限2.2 Employment Duration本雇佣关系自[起始日期]开始,持续至[终止日期],期间乙方将按照约定在甲方所规定的工作地点工作。

香港雇佣合同英文版**The Significance and Practical Application of the English Version of Hong Kong Employment Contracts**In the globalized business environment of Hong Kong, the English version of employment contracts has become increasingly crucial. This document, which outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and an employee, serves as a vital legal safeguard for both parties. Its importance cannot be overstated, particularly in a city that prides itself on its international business hub status.Hong Kong, as a global financial and trade center, attracts a diverse workforce from across the globe. With this diversity, the use of a common language for employment contracts becomes imperative. English, being the lingua franca of the international business community, facilitates smooth communication and understanding between employers and employees of diverse nationalities. This removes linguistic barriers and ensures that all parties are fully aware of their rights and obligations under the contract.The English version of the employment contract in Hong Kong typically covers a wide range of topics. These include job duties and responsibilities, working hours, salary and benefits, leave entitlements, termination procedures, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Each clause is carefully crafted to ensure clarity and fairness, reflecting thelegal and ethical standards of Hong Kong's employment laws. One key aspect of the English employment contract isits precision and specificity. Unlike general or vague statements, the contract uses precise language to outline the expectations and obligations of both parties. This specificity helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes that may arise due to ambiguity. Additionally, the contract also incorporates legal terminology to ensure compliance with Hong Kong's labor laws and regulations.Another notable aspect of the English employment contract is its flexibility. While it provides a solid framework for employment relationships, it also allows for negotiation and customization based on the specific needs and preferences of the employer and employee. Thisflexibility ensures that the contract reflects the uniquecharacteristics of each employment relationship, promoting fairness and mutual respect.In practical applications, the English version of the employment contract serves as a crucial reference document. It is referred to during performance reviews, salary negotiations, and dispute resolution processes. Its existence provides a sense of security and certainty to both employers and employees, ensuring that their rights and interests are protected.Moreover, the English employment contract also plays a vital role in maintaining the reputation and credibility of Hong Kong's business community. By adhering tointernational standards of clarity, fairness, and legality, it helps to enhance the city's image as a trusted and reliable business destination.In conclusion, the English version of the employment contract in Hong Kong is a vital legal document that serves to protect the rights and interests of both employers and employees. Its precision, specificity, and flexibility make it an essential tool in maintaining fair and harmonious employment relationships. As Hong Kong continues to thriveas a global business hub, the importance of the English employment contract will only increase.**香港雇佣合同英文版的重要性及其实际应用**在全球化商业环境日益凸显的香港,雇佣合同的英文版本显得愈发重要。

英文雇佣合同范本English Employment Contract TemplateThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Employer's Name] (the "Employer") and [Employee's Name] (the "Employee").1. Employment Term: The Employee shall be employed the Employer for a period mencing on [start date] and ending on [end date], unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.2. Position and Duties: The Employee will hold the position of [job ] and shall perform the duties and responsibilities as assigned the Employer.3. Remuneration: The Employer shall pay the Employee a salary of [amount] per [time period].4. Working Hours and Conditions: The Employee shall work [number of hours] per day/week and shall be end to the benefits and working conditions as provided the Employer.5. Confidentiality: The Employee agrees to mntn the confidentiality of all proprietary information and trade secrets of the Employer.6. Non-Compete: During the employment term and for a period of [number of months/years] after the termination of employment, the Employee shall not engage in any peting activities.7. Termination: Either party may terminate this Contract in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Contract.8. Notice of Termination: The notice period required for termination shall be [number of days/weeks].9. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Contract as of the date first written above.Employer: [Employer's Signature]Employee: [Employee's Signature]Please note that this is just a basic template and may need to be customized and adjusted according to specific circumstances and legal requirements. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional for accurate and prehensive employment contract drafting.。

英语雇佣合同范本Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Employer's Name] (the "Employer") and [Employee's Name] (the "Employee").1. Position and DutiesThe Employer here employs the Employee in the position of [Position Name], and the Employee agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities associated with this position.2. Employment PeriodThe employment shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. CompensationThe Employee shall be pd a salary of [Salary Amount] per [Payment Period] and shall be subject to deductions and withholdings as required law.4. Working Hours and BenefitsThe Employee's normal working hours shall be [Working Hours]. The Employee shall be end to benefits such as [List of Benefits, e.g., health insurance, vacation days, etc.] in accordance with the Employer's policies.5. ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to keep confidential all proprietary and confidential information of the Employer during and after the employment.6. TerminationThe employment may be terminated either party in accordance with the following conditions:For cause, upon notice and demonstration of valid reasons.Without cause, with prior notice as specified in the Employer's policies or as required law.7. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. If negotiation fls, the parties agree to submit to arbitration or litigation in accordance with the applicable laws.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Signature]Employee: [Employee's Signature]Please note that this is a basic template and should be reviewed and customized a legal professional to ensure it plies with all relevant laws and meets the specific needs of the employer and employee.。

雇佣合同范本英文Employment Contract Template (English)This Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], and between [Employer's Name], a pany organized and existing under the laws of [Country/State] ("Employer"), and [Employee's Name], an individual residing at [Employee's Address] ("Employee").1. Employment1.1 The Employee agrees to work for the Employer as a [Job Title], and the Employer agrees to employ the Employee as such, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.1.2 The Employee's duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:[a. List of duties and responsibilities]1.3 The Employee shall perform all duties and responsibilities to the best of their ability and in accordance with the instructions given the Employer or their authorized representatives.2. Term of Employment2.1 The term of this Contract shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.2.2 The term of this Contract may be extended mutual agreement of the parties in writing.3. Salary and Benefits3.1 The Employer agrees to pay the Employee a gross annual salary of [Salary Amount] (the "Salary"), payable in equal installments on [Payment Frequency](e.g., monthly, bi-weekly).3.2 The Employee shall be end to the following benefits:[a. List of benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plan, vacation days, etc.]4. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure4.1 The Employee acknowledges that during the course of their employment, they may have access to confidential and proprietary information of the Employer ("Confidential Information").4.2 The Employee agrees to keep all Confidential Information strictly confidential and not to disclose it to any unauthorized person, either during or after the termination of this Contract.4.3 For the purposes of this Contract, "Confidential Information" shall include, but not be limited to, the following:[a. List of confidential information, such as trade secrets, client lists, financial data, etc.]5. Intellectual Property5.1 The Employee acknowledges that any and all inventions, discoveries, improvements, works of authorship, and other intellectual property created the Employee during the course of their employment, whether solely or jointly with others, shall be the exclusive property of the Employer.5.2 The Employee agrees to assign and transfer to the Employer all right, , and interest in and to such intellectual property.6. Termination6.1 This Contract may be terminated either party upon written notice to the other party, subject to the following provisions:[a. Notice period, severance pay, and other termination provisions]6.2 In the event of termination, the Employee shall return all property and materials belonging to the Employer, including but not limited to, puters, mobile devices, and any Confidential Information.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Association/Institution].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Employment Contract as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name]By: ___________________________Name:Title:[Employee's Name]By: ___________________________Name:Signature:Definitions:Employer: The pany or organization that employs the Employee.Employee: The individual who is hired the Employer to perform certn duties and responsibilities.Confidential Information: Any non-public information, data, or knowledge that is proprietary to the Employer and is not generally known to others.Intellectual Property: Any inventions, discoveries, improvements, works of authorship, or other creative works that have mercial value or potential for mercial exploitation.。

英文雇佣合同范本Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between [Employer Name], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Country/State] with its registered office at [Address] (the "Employer"), and [Employee Name], an individual residing at [Address] (the "Employee").1. Position and DutiesThe Employer here employs the Employee as [Position] and the Employee agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities associated with this position. The Employee shall perform such duties and responsibilities to the best ofhis/her ability and in accordance with the Employer's instructions and policies.2. Term of EmploymentThe employment term shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Compensation and Benefitsa. The Employer shall pay the Employee a salary of [Salary Amount] per [Payment Period] (e.g., month, week).b. The Employee shall be end to benefits such as [List of Benefits, e.g., health insurance, vacation, etc.] in accordance with the Employer's benefit policies.4. Working Hours and Locationa. The Employee's normal working hours shall be [Working Hours] per [Work Week].b. The Employee shall be primarily based at [Work Location]. However, the Employer may require the Employee to travel or work at other locations as necessary for the business.5. Confidentiality and Non-DisclosureThe Employee agrees to keep confidential all proprietary and confidential information of the Employer and not to disclose such information to any third party during the term of employment and after its termination.6. Intellectual PropertyAny inventions, creations, or works developed the Employee during the course of employment that are related to the Employer's business shall be the property of the Employer.7. Terminationa. Either party may terminate this Contract giving [Notice Period] written notice to the other party.b. The Contract may also be terminated for cause, including but not limited to, breach of this Contract, misconduct, or poor performance.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].9. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Employment Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer Name]Signature: ____________________Date: ____________________Employee: [Employee Name]Signature: ____________________Date: ____________________。

英语雇佣合同范本Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] (the "Effective Date") and between [Employer's Name], a pany incorporated and existing under the laws of [Employer's Jurisdiction], with its principal place of business at [Employer's Address] (the "Employer"), and [Employee's Name], an individual residing at [Employee's Address] (the "Employee").1. Position and DutiesThe Employer here employs the Employee in the position of [Position Title], and the Employee agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities associated with such position. The Employee shall perform the duties assigned the Employer diligently and to the best of his/her ability.2. Term of EmploymentThe employment term shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. CompensationThe Employee shall be pd a salary of [Salary Amount] per [Payment Period] (e.g., month, week). The salary shall be pd on [Payment Date] [Payment Method](e.g., direct deposit, check).4. Working Hours and BenefitsThe Employee's normal working hours shall be [Working Hours]. The Employee shall be end to benefits such as [List of Benefits] in accordance with the Employer's policies and applicable laws.5. Confidentiality and Non-DisclosureThe Employee agrees to keep confidential all proprietary and confidential information of the Employer and shall not disclose such information to any third party during or after the term of employment.6. Intellectual PropertyAll inventions, creations, and works developed the Employee during the course of employment that relate to the Employer's business shall be the property of the Employer.7. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party upon [Notice Period] written notice for cause or without cause. In the event of termination for cause, the Employer shall have the right to immediately cease all pensation and benefits.8. Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising under this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration or litigation in the appropriate forum.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Employment Contract as of the date first above written.Employer: [Employer's Name]By: [Authorized Signature]Title: [Title]Employee: [Employee's Name]Signature: [Employee's Signature]Date: [Date]。

合同编号(NO.)EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT劳动合同书甲方Party B: _________________________乙方: _________________________Date(签订日期): ___________________In accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China and other applicable laws and regulations, on the basis of the principle of equality and willingness and after friendly consultation, this Employment Agreement ("Agreement") is made by and between the following two parties in Beijing, the People's Republic of China ("China"):根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》及其他有关法律、法规的规定,在平等自愿的基础上并经过友好协商,以下双方在中国(“中国”)北京达成本劳动合同(“合同”):Party limited liability company duly incorporatedParty B: Mr./Ms. ("Employee"),a citizen of ________________ and with an Identity Card No./Passport No. ________________________________________________, and residing at _______________________________________________________.乙方:(先生/女士)(“员工”),公民________________,居民身份证号码/护照号码为:___________________________________________________________,居住住址为:__________________________________________________________。

香港雇佣合同协议书(英文)这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!Title: Hong Kong Employment Contract Agreement (English)Contract Parties:1. Employer: [Employer's Name], hereinafter referred to as "Employer" or "Company".2. Employee: [Employee's Name], hereinafter referred to as "Employee".1. Job Position and Responsibilities:The Employee is employed by the Employer as [Job Title] and is responsible for the following duties and responsibilities:[List of job duties and responsibilities]2. Employment Period:The employment period of the Employee shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until the earlier of the following events:(a) The Employee's written resignation;(b) The Employer's written termination of employment; or(c) The expiration of the fixed term, if any.3. Salary and Benefits:The Employee shall receive a monthly salary of [Salary Amount] payable on the [Payment Date]. The Employee shall also be entitled to thefollowing benefits:[List of benefits, e.g., medical insurance, annual leave, etc.]4. Working Hours and Vacation:The Employee shall work [Working Hours] per week, including [Number of Hours] of overtime work, if required. The Employee is entitled to [Number of Days] of annual leave per year, prorated based on the length of employment.5. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure:The Employee shall maintain strict confidentiality with respect to all confidential information of the Employer, except for information that is generally known or becomes publicly available without breach of this Agreement. The Employee shall not disclose or use any confidential information for any purpose other than the performance of their duties.6. Non-Competition:During the employment period and for a period of [Number of Months] after the termination of employment, the Employee shall not engage in any business that is in direct competition with the Employer within the territory of [Territory].7. Termination:Either party may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by giving written notice to the other party in case of a material breach of this Agreement by the other party. The Employer may also terminatethis Agreement with immediate effect if the Employee fails to perform their duties or violates any laws or regulations.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Employment Contract Agreement as of the date first above written.Employer:[Employer's Name]Employee:[Employee's Name]。

英语聘用合同范本香港英语聘用合同范本(香港)合同编号:_______甲方(雇主):_______地址:_______联系人:_______乙方(雇员):_______地址:_______联系人:_______鉴于甲方愿意聘请乙方,并且乙方愿意接受甲方的聘请,双方经友好协商,就乙方的聘用事宜达成如下协议:一、聘用职位及工作地点1.1 甲方聘请乙方担任_______职位。
1.2 乙方的工作地点为_______。
二、聘用期限2.1 本合同的聘用期限为_______年,自_______年_______月_______日起至_______年_______月_______日止。
2.2 本合同期满前一个月,如双方同意续约,应签订新的聘用合同。
三、工作职责3.1 乙方应按照甲方的安排,履行_______职位的工作职责。
3.2 乙方应遵守甲方的规章制度,服从甲方的管理和指导。
四、工作时间和休息休假4.1 乙方的工作时间为每周_______天,每天_______小时。
4.2 乙方享有法定的休息日和公众假期。
五、薪酬和福利5.1 甲方应按月支付乙方工资,工资标准为每月_______元。
5.2 甲方应依法为乙方缴纳社会保险和住房公积金。
5.3 乙方享有甲方规定的其他福利待遇。
六、保密与知识产权6.1 乙方在合同期间及合同终止后_______年内,应对甲方的商业秘密和知识产权予以保密。
6.2 乙方违反保密义务的,应承担相应的法律责任。
七、合同的解除和终止7.1 双方应提前_______天书面通知对方,方可解除或终止本合同。
7.2 乙方在合同期间如有严重违反甲方规章制度的行为,甲方有权立即解除本合同。
八、争议解决8.1 双方因履行本合同发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决。
8.2 如协商不成,任何一方均有权向_______法院提起诉讼。
九、其他约定9.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
9.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

香港中英聘用合同模板这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!香港中英聘用合同模板甲方(聘用方):乙方(受聘方):根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《香港特别行政区雇佣条例》,甲乙双方本着平等自愿、公平公正的原则,经友好协商,达成以下协议:一、职位与职责1. 乙方担任甲方公司(部门)的(职位),负责(工作职责)。
2. 乙方应严格按照甲方的规章制度和领导安排开展工作,维护甲方公司的合法权益。
二、合同期限1. 本合同期限为(年),自(年月日)起至(年月日)止。
2. 合同期满后,如双方同意续约,应提前一个月书面通知对方。
三、试用期1. 本合同试用期为(个月),自(年月日)起至(年月日)止。
2. 试用期间,乙方应充分展示其工作能力与素质,甲方应认真考核乙方。
3. 试用期间,乙方如不符合甲方要求,甲方有权解除本合同。
四、薪酬待遇1. 乙方试用期的工资为(元/月),合同期满后工资为(元/月)。
2. 乙方依法享受节假日、年假、病假等相关待遇。
3. 乙方的工作时间按照甲方规定执行,甲方应按时足额支付乙方工资。
五、社会保险1. 甲方依法为乙方缴纳社会保险,包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险。
2. 乙方应按时足额缴纳社会保险费,甲方代扣代缴。
六、保密条款1. 乙方在甲方工作期间,接触到的一切商业秘密、技术秘密和内部信息,无论书面或口头,均应严格保密。
2. 乙方离开甲方后,仍应继续承担保密义务,不得泄露任何保密信息。
七、违约责任1. 任何一方违反本合同的约定,导致合同解除或无法履行,应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 若乙方在合同期内提前解除合同,应提前一个月书面通知甲方,并支付违约金(元)。
八、争议解决1. 本合同在履行过程中,如发生纠纷,双方应友好协商解决。
2. 如协商无果,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
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编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载香港雇佣合同范本英文甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________This contract of employment is entered into between (hereinafterreferred to as ' Employe (hereinafter referred to as ' Employee')onunder the terms and conditions of employment below :Effective fromuntil either party terminates the contract.for a fixed term contract for a period of * day(s) /week(s) / month(s)/ year(s), ending on .Travelling allowance of $ per * day / week/ month1. Commencement of Employment ?2. Probation Period ? No3. Position andSection Employed ____Yes * day(s) / week(s)/ month(s)4. Place of Work5. Working Hours6. Meal Break7. Rest DaysFixed, at days per week, hours per dayfrom *am/pm to * am/pm and* am/pm to* am/pmShift work required, hours per dayfrom* am/pm to * am/pm or * am/pm to * am/pm Shift work required, at working day(s) per * week/ month, totalling hour(s).Others _________________________________________________________________(details of the arrangement on working hours and total working hours)Fixed, from*am/pm to*am/pm, *with/without payNot-fixed, at *minutes/hour(s) per day, *with/without pay Meal break *is/ is not counted as working hour(s). On every, *with / without payOn rotation, day(s) per *week/month, *with / without pay(The employee is entitled to not less than 1 rest day in every period of 7 days)8. Wages(a) wage rate ?Basic wages of $ per * hour/ day /week/month; plus the following allowance(s):Meal allowance of $per * day / week/ monthAttendance allowance of $ (amount)(details of criteria and calculation of payment)Others (e.g. commission, tips) $ (amount)(details of criteria and calculation of payment and date of payment)(b) overtime pay ? At the rate of $ __________________ per hourAt the rate according to * normal wages / % of normal wages(c) payment of wages & wage period(s) ?Every month, on ___________ day of the monthfor wage period from day of the month to day of *the month/ the following month.Twice monthly, payable on(i) _______ day of * the month / following monthfor wage period from ______ day of the month to ______ day of *the mont h/ the following month. (ii) _______ day of * the month / following monthfor wage period from day of the month to day of *the month/ the following month.Once for every _____________ * day(s)/week(s)for wage period from _________________ to _________________ .9. Holidays? The Employee is entitled to:statutory holidays as specified in the Employment Ordinancepublic holidaysplus other holidays (please specify) ___________________________________________10. Paid AnnualLeave?The Employee is entitled to paid annual leave according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance (ranging from 7 to 14 d ays depending on the Employee ' s length of service).The Employee is entitled to the following paid annual leave according to the rules of the company (please specify) ___________________________________________________________11. MaternityBenefits? The Employee is entitled to maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.The Employee is entitled to the following maternity leave and maternity leave pay according to the rules of the company(please specify) ________________________________________12. SicknessAllowance? The Employee is entitled to sickness allowance according to the provisions of the Employment Ordinance.The Employee is entitled to sickness allowance according to the rules of the company under the following circumstances:-If the number of sickness days taken is ______ d ay(s) or below, an appropriate medical certificate in support of the sick leave * is /is not required.-If the number of sickness days taken is ________ day(s) or more, an appropriate medical certificate in support of the sick leave is required.Others (please specify)13. Termination ofEmploymentContract ? A notice period of * day(s) /week(s)/ month(s) oran equivalent amount of wages in lieu of notice (notice period not less than 7 days). During the probation period (if applicable):- within the first month : without notice or wages in lieu of notice- after the first month : a notice period of * day(s)/ week(s)/ month(s) or an equivalent amount of wages in lieu of notice (notice period not less than 7 days).14. End of YearPayment? An amount of * $ ______________ or equivalent to ___________ month' basic/ normal wages upon completion of each*calendar / lunar yearspecified period : from _______________ to _____________Payment is to be made within __________ d ays before commencement of the following* calendar /lunar year.15. MandatoryProvident FundSchema The Employer and the Employee are to make contributions towards the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme in accordance with the requirements specified in the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance.In addition to the mandatory contribution, the Employer provides monthly voluntary contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme * in the amount of $/ at a rate of _______________ % of the Employee ' stm^nvages.In addition to the mandatory contribution, the Employee provides monthly voluntary contribution to the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme * in the amount of $ / at a rate of % of the Employee ' s monthly wages.16. WorkArrangementsduringTyphoon?The Employee is required to work when typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted. In addition to wages, the employee is entitled to * typhoon allowance / travelling allowance at $ or % of normal wages.The Employee is not required to work when typhoon signal no.8 or above is hoisted and no wages will be deducted during the period. The Employee is required to resume duty if the typhoon signal no.8 is lowered not less than hours before close of working hours.17. WorkArrangementsduring BlackRainstormWarning ?The Employee is required to work when black rainstorm warning is hoisted. In addition to wages, the employee is entitled to * rainstorm allowance / travelling allowance at $ or % of normal wages.The Employee is not required to work when black rainstorm warning is hoisted and no wages will be deducted during the period. The Employee is required to resume duty if the black rainstorm warning is cancelled not less than __________________ h ours before close of working hours.18. Others The Employee is entitled to all other rights, benefits or protection under the EmploymentOrdinance, the Minimum Wage Ordinance, the Employees ' Compensation Ordinanceand anyother relevant Ordinances.(If appropriate) Additional rules and regulations , rights, benefits or protection promulgated underthe * Company Handbook / ____________________________________also form part of this contract.The Employer and the Employee hereby declare that they understand thoroughly the above provisions and agree to sign to abide by such provisionsThey shall each retain a copy of this contract for future reference.Signature of Employer oEmployer' s RepresentativeName in full :Position held : _______Date : _____________Chop of the CompanySignature of EmployeeName in full : HK I.D. No :_______________________ Date : ______________________________。