



基 本 定 义 Basic definition
社会公众、科学界对空气污染在不同时期,从称呼上也经历了霾—灰霾 —雾霾的演变
1 雾霾是雾和霾的混合物,是由气象条件和人类活动造成的气溶胶细粒子
正是2000 年以来后,随着国家高速公路网 络的迅速扩张和汽车消费的刺激政策,汽车进 入寻常百姓家庭,使得我国城市的雾霾天气逐 年恶化。使用柴油的大型车是排放PM10的“重 犯”。
北京市雾霾的PM2.5 来源中,机动车尾气 占26.7%。
02 03
比如冶金、窑炉与锅炉、机电制造业,还有 大量汽修喷漆、建材生产窑炉燃烧排放的废气。
消 极 影 响 Negative influence
对农业生产 的影响
对工业生产 的影响
对旅游产业 的影响
1. 雾霾中大量颗粒物,使得植物负荷过重, 无法进行呼吸作用。 2.雾霾天气造成日照时间缩短,使得农作物 生长缓慢,产量减少,影响农民的利益。 3.农作物收成后,由于雾霾天气的影响居民 不愿出行,造成农作物销售困难,农民收益 减少。
2013 年上半年北京的入境过夜游人数出现了 5 年以来的首次下降,外国游客数量减少了 10% 。
2014 年 10 月 20 日,中国旅游研究院指出, 当前雾霾正成为我国入境旅游主要影响 influence
1. 交通运输业带来巨大的损失。 2.在雾霾天气下,交通事故的发生频次和数量也 较正常天气有大幅增加,给居民的生命财产安全 带来巨大损失。



Global satellite-derived map of PM2.5 averaged over 2001-2006
This measurements from two NASA satellite instruments with information about the vertical distribution of aerosols from a computer model The map shows very high levels of PM2.5 in a broad swath stretching from the Saharan Desert in Northern Africa to Eastern Asia
API: Air pollution Index AQI: Air Quality Index
Four-tier alerts : blue, yellow, orange and red - will be issued on "heavy pollution" days. Red alert, the highest, will be issued for heavy pollution that is expected to last m harm of children's growth
concerned about her daughter's health. If the air pollution stays like this, her won't ever be able to leave the house.



Haze,also known as smog,has become a significant environmental issue in many parts of the world,especially in urban areas.It is a type of air pollution that consists of a mixture of tiny particles,gases,and aerosols suspended in the atmosphere,which can be harmful to human health and the environment.Haze and Its CausesThe primary causes of haze are anthropogenic,meaning they are caused by human activities.Industrial emissions,vehicle exhaust,and the burning of fossil fuels are some of the main contributors.When these pollutants are released into the air,they combine with water vapor and other substances to form a dense,visible cloud of pollutants.This cloud can reduce visibility and lead to a range of health issues.Effects of Haze on HealthProlonged exposure to haze can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma,bronchitis, and other lung diseases.It can also exacerbate existing health conditions.Moreover,haze has been linked to cardiovascular diseases,as the fine particles can enter the bloodstream through the lungs.Environmental ImpactHaze can also have a detrimental effect on the environment.It can reduce sunlight penetration,affecting plant growth and photosynthesis.Additionally,haze particles can fall as acid rain,which can harm ecosystems and aquatic life.Measures to Combat HazeTo combat haze,several measures can be ernments can implement stricter regulations on industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust.Encouraging the use of public transportation,cycling,and walking can help reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Furthermore,promoting the use of clean energy sources,such as solar and wind power, can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels.Individual ActionsIndividuals can also play a part in reducing haze.Simple actions such as carpooling, reducing energy consumption,and supporting policies that favor clean energy can make a difference.Raising awareness about the issue and advocating for environmental protection are also crucial.ConclusionHaze is a serious environmental and health concern that requires collective action.By understanding its causes and effects,and taking appropriate measures,we can work towards a cleaner and healthier environment for all.雾霾及其成因雾霾,也被称为烟雾,已成为世界许多地区,尤其是城市地区的一个重要环境问题。





请以“The Haze in China”为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,客观地介绍中国雾霾的现状,雾霾的危害以及如何减少雾霾。

初三2班陈钰铭The Haze in ChinaHaze is a kind of air pollution. The haze problem in China is becoming more and more serious, especially in Beijing. It has caused many problems.The haze is mainly caused by factories. It does great harm to people. People who live in the haze always have breathing problems. The haze makes the air dirty and people hardly see clearly on the road. Therefore, more traffic accidents happen because of the haze.Since the haze is harmful to both the environment and human beings, we must do everything we can to reduce it. Here are some suggestions:First, we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars. The cars produce too much harmful gas when working. Second, people oughtn’t to burn waste, because it also harms the air quality. Third, we should plant more trees to clean the air.In short, I hope the haze problem can be solved as soon as possible.教师点评:1、行文流畅,结构合理清晰。






















光罩管理系统的优化来降低Haze的影响摘 要光罩在晶圆厂的日常使用中会因为环境、光罩存储方式等因素的影响产生雾状缺陷(Haze),目前在全世界范围内还是个无法避免和解决的课题。

在晶圆厂内,Haze的产生是正常现象并不可怕,真正对生产上有影响的是Haze 的光罩没有被及时发现,仍在使用造成产品因为光罩Haze的影响而造成良率的损失以及光罩因Haze 去送修造成产品生产周期的延迟。

所以目前国内外对于Haze 的研究也大部分都集中在如何及时发现Haze,降低影响。

本文研究目标是通过对现有光罩管理系统的分析来发现其中会对光罩产生Haze的隐患,并对此进行优化来降低光罩产生Haze 的几率。


关键词 :光罩, 光罩盒,光罩管理系统,Haze, IRISIVHAZE REDUCTION BY MASKMANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPTIMIZATIONABSTRACTWhen Mask used in Fab, mask will grow Haze due to environment and the method of mask storage. Haze growth is still a challenging topic in the world, though Haze growth isn’t the biggest problem in the Fab. The biggest impact is that yield lost by Haze could not be caught in time and mask with Haze remain in use, and production cycle time delay due to mask remount. Studies on Haze reduction in the world are focused on how to find Haze earlier and reduce wafer yield impact.This paper will show how to optimize mask management system to meet the target of Haze reduction. We succeeded in setting up mask inspection system to find early Haze and optimize mask management system to reduce Haze impact.KEY WORDS : mask, mask pod, RTMS, Haze, IRISV目录第一章 绪论 (1)1.1集成电路发展的历史及趋势 (1)1.1.1 什么是集成电路 (1)1.1.2 集成电路的分类 (2)1.1.3 集成电路发展的历史 (3)1.2课题研究背景和意义 (6)1.3 国内外最新研究状况 (7)1.3.1 一种Haze形成的新模型和光罩存储时间的评估 (7)1.3.2先进的光掩模制造工艺 (13)1.4 论文结构框架 (17)第二章Haze现象的描述 (18)2.1光罩的基本特性 (18)2.1.1 光罩的定义 (18)2.1.2 光罩的构成 (19)2.2 Haze 缺陷产生的原理和机制 (21)2.2.1 Haze 的现象和在wafer上的表现 (21)2.2.2 Haze缺陷产生的原理和机制 (21)2.2.3 Haze 发生与曝光波长的关系 (22)2.3光罩制作流程中对于Haze产生的贡献 (23)2.3.1光罩的生产流程介绍 (23)2.3.2 光罩生产流程中用到的化学品 (25)2.4 光罩使用过程中对Haze的贡献 (25)2.4.1 光罩盒的影响 (25)2.4.2 Fab 环境的影响 (27)2.5 小结 (28)第三章光罩管理系统的介绍 (29)3.1光罩管理系统的介绍 (29)3.1.1 IT 支持的光罩管理系统 (29)3.1.2 光罩盒管理系统 (30)VI3.1.3 光罩存储系统 (30)3.1.4 光罩检测系统 (31)3.2 目前系统中对光罩产生Haze 的影响 (31)3.2.1 光罩盒管理系统的缺陷 (31)3.2.2 光罩存储系统的缺陷 (34)3.2.3 光罩检测机制的缺陷 (35)3.3 优化光罩管理系统来降低Haze产生的发展方向 (35)3.4 小结 (36)第四章 光罩管理系统的优化和成果 (37)4.1光罩盒管理系统的优化和成果 (37)4.1.1建立光罩盒清洗机制 (37)4.1.2建立光罩盒零部件更换机制 (38)4.1.3建立光罩盒清洗流程 (41)4.1.4 建立光罩盒编码和报废机制 (42)4.1.5 评估新光罩盒来满足193nm以下制程的需要 (42)4.2 优化光罩的检测机制 (43)4.2.1 优化光罩IRIS 检测机制 (43)4.2.2 优化光罩STAR-light检测机制 (44)4.2.3建立光罩 Print-down 检测机制 (45)4.3小结 (47)第五章 总结 (48)参考文献 (49)致 谢 (52)攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 (53)VII图片目录图1-1 历代存储器的演变 (6)图1-2 历代处理器的演变图—晶体管数目 (6)图1-3 不同曝光能量下硫酸离子数量与HAZE数量的关系 (8)图1-4 不同硫酸离子数量情况下曝光能量与HAZE数量的关系 (8)图1-5 临界值两侧HAZE种子增长示意图 (9)图1-6 HAZE 影像 (10)图1-7 空气中硫酸根离子浓度与时间的关系 (11)图1-8 吸附硫酸离子量与存储时间的关系 (12)图1-9 吸附的硫酸离子浓度与存储时间的关系 (12)图1-10 OPC在图形设计中的应用 (15)图2-1 光罩基座光学特性 (20)图2-2 薄膜的构成 (20)图2-3 HAZE 在WAFER 上的表现 (21)图2-4 HAZE 产生原理和成分 (22)图2-5 HAZE发生于波长的关系 (23)图2-6 光罩制作流程 (24)图2-7 光罩盒示意图 (26)图3-1 光罩管理系统架构图 (29)图3-2 HAZE 发生数量与光罩盒清洗时间的相关性 (32)图3-3 HAZE 发生与光罩盒使用时间的相关性 (33)图3-4 193NM光罩发生HAZE的时间 (34)图4-1 分组IRIS FAIL RATE 图 (39)图4-2 新光罩盒IRIS FAIL RATE 图 (40)图4-3 LOW LINER 损坏示意图 (40)图4-4 模压工具示意图 (41)图4-5 XCDA POD 试验追踪图 (43)图4-6 IRIS 扫描原理 (43)图4-7 PRINT DOWN 示意图 (46)图4-8 各季度HAZE发现的方式 (47)图5-1 整体HAZE发生数量与产品量率影响图 (48)VIII表格目录表1-1 不同存储时间与硫酸粒子束量的关系表 (10)表2-1 光罩基座种类硬度对照表 (19)表2-2 光罩基座种类热膨胀系数对照表 (19)表2-3 化学品用途与特性 (25)表3-1 清洗机厂能分配表 (32)表3-2 光罩盒零部件更换要求 (33)表4-1 光罩盒数量控制与清洗时间的关系 (38)表4-2 光罩盒零部件按使用时间更换表 (39)表4-3 不同时间光罩盒内部湿度控制状况 (42)表4-4 光罩STAR-LIGHT 检测次序表 (45)IX第一章 绪论1.1集成电路发展的历史及趋势1.1.1 什么是集成电路所谓集成电路(Integrated Circuit, IC),是指用半导体工艺,或薄膜、厚膜工艺(或者是这些工艺的组合),把电路的有源器件、无源器件及互连线以相互不可分离的状态制作在半导体或绝缘材料基片上,最后封装在一个管壳内,构成一个完整的、具有特定功能的电路、组件、子系统或系统。


Tip 5:生活例子论证
• As a student, what should we do to fight haze?
• Write a paragraph about “As a student, what we can do to fight haze”, using the structure and at least two proof methods we have learnt. No more than 100 words.
vehicle exhaust emission, especially the diesel cars
coal burning
factory contamination
Do you want to know more about haze?
vehicle exhaust emission
coal burning
attribute to
factory contamination
• Read the passage and give the structure analyses.
• Part 1 (Para 1) put forward a problem • Part 2 (Para 2) analyze the problem • Part 3 (Para 3) solve the problem
Tip 4:数据论证
• Another solution is that more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice. The environment is a boat. All Chinese are in it, sailing for our destination. Once the number exceeds its bearing capability, the consequence will be disastrous.



治理雾霾措施英语作文治理雾霾措施 (Measures to Control Haze)。

Haze, also known as smog, has become a major environmental problem in many parts of the world,especially in densely populated urban areas. Haze is a mixture of air pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds, that can cause a range of health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In this article, we will discuss the measures that can be taken to control haze.1. Reduce Emissions from Industrial Sources。

One of the most effective ways to control haze is to reduce emissions from industrial sources, such as factories, power plants, and transportation. This can be achieved by implementing stricter regulations on emissions, using cleaner technologies, and promoting renewable energysources. For example, some countries have introduced emissions trading schemes, which allow companies to buy and sell emissions permits, encouraging them to reduce their emissions.2. Improve Energy Efficiency。

haze 英语作文

haze 英语作文

haze 英语作文英文回答:When the sun rises and the world outside my window begins to stir, the first thing that catches my eye is the blanket of hazy air that squats stubbornly over the cityscape. This, I've come to realize, is no ordinary mist; it's the thick smog known as haze.It was mid-autumn when the haze settled in, just as the leaves were turning into a palette of rich reds and oranges. It was supposed to be a season of clear skies and crisp air, a perfect backdrop to the festivities of harvest and thanks. Instead, we were greeted by a murky, diffused view that seemed to swallow the sun's rays whole. This haze had a profound effect on me. It dampened the vibrant hues of fall and brought with it a sense of somberness.Though I'd heard of haze before, I had never experienced it in such a personal way. To me, haze was something that happened elsewhere, in far-flung cities shrouded by black pollution. From a distance, I could only express my sympathies and wish for a swift end to their plight. However, when the haze became my reality, my emotions took another turn. It was no longer an abstract concept but a tangible cloud surrounding every inhale and exhale.The days when the haze is at its worst are the most disconcerting. The air feels thick and heavy, making ithard to breathe. Each step outside is a conscious decision, a compromise between necessity and the desire for clean air. The irony is bitter; we breathe to live, yet every breath under the haze seems like a choice to poison ourselves slowly.Yet, amidst the gloom, there are lessons to be learned. The haze is a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting our environment. It’s a call to action for eachone of us to consider our daily actions and how they contribute to this problem. It forces us to confront the choices we make and to think about what we can do better.As the haze seasons come and go, I've grown to understand the importance of community and collective effort. We can no longer afford to turn a blind eye to the environmental imp act of our lifestyles. It’s time to make changes, however small they may seem, because when multiplied by millions, these small steps can make a significant difference.In conclusion, the haze has left an indelible mark on my sense of place and well-being. It's a constant presence, a silent protest against our actions. This invisible invader has challenged me to think more deeply about my contributions to this issue and has spurred me to take active steps towards a cleaner, healthier environment. Let the memory of the haze, with its murky tendrils reaching into our lives, serve as a reminder to each of us of theurgent need for change.中文回答:当我打开窗帘,第一个映入眼帘的便是覆盖在整个城市上空的朦胧薄雾,这就是被称为雾霾的厚重烟雾。

on haze英语作文

on haze英语作文

on haze英语作文Title: The Enigma of Haze: A Critical Examination。

Haze, an atmospheric phenomenon characterized by fine particles suspended in the air, has become a pressing environmental issue in many parts of the world. Its impact transcends geographical boundaries, affecting not only the physical environment but also human health and economic activities. In this essay, we delve into the intricacies of haze, exploring its causes, consequences, and possible solutions.To begin with, haze primarily arises from the interaction of various factors, including industrial activities, vehicular emissions, agricultural practices, and natural phenomena such as forest fires. These factors release pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere, where they undergo complex chemical reactions and form haze.The consequences of haze are multifaceted and far-reaching. Firstly, it poses significant health risks, particularly to vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions. Inhalation of fine particulate matter can leadto respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and even premature death. Secondly, haze impairs visibility, posing hazards to transportation and aviation. Reduced visibility on roads and runways increases the risk of accidents, endangering lives and disrupting travel schedules. Moreover, haze has adverse effects on ecosystems, agriculture, and climate patterns, exacerbating environmental degradationand climate change.Addressing the issue of haze requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach involving various stakeholders, including governments, industries, communities, and international organizations. Firstly, stringent regulations and enforcement mechanisms must be implemented to curb emissions from industrial facilities, power plants, vehicles, and agricultural activities. This entailsadopting cleaner technologies, promoting renewable energy sources, and enforcing emission standards to limit pollutants released into the atmosphere.Furthermore, public awareness and education play a crucial role in mitigating haze. Through campaigns, workshops, and educational programs, individuals can be informed about the causes and consequences of haze, as well as the preventive measures they can take to reduce their carbon footprint and minimize air pollution. Simple actions such as carpooling, using public transportation, conserving energy, and practicing sustainable agriculture can collectively contribute to reducing haze and improving air quality.International cooperation is also indispensable in addressing transboundary haze pollution, which often originates from activities in one country but affects neighboring regions. Regional agreements, such as the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution, facilitate cooperation among countries in monitoring, preventing, and mitigating haze incidents. By sharing information,resources, and best practices, countries can work togetherto combat haze and protect the health and well-being oftheir citizens.In conclusion, haze represents a complex environmental challenge with profound implications for human health, safety, and sustainability. To effectively tackle this issue, concerted efforts are needed at the local, national, and international levels. By adopting stringent regulations, raising public awareness, and fostering international cooperation, we can mitigate haze pollution and pave theway for a cleaner, healthier future for generations to come.。

高中英语作文 雾霾

高中英语作文 雾霾



下面是一篇简短的范文:Title: The Hazards of Haze。

Haze, a common phenomenon in urban areas, poses a significant threat to both human health and the environment. It occurs when fine particulate matter, smoke, dust, and other pollutants obscure the clarity of the air. The main culprits behind haze are industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and agricultural burning. This essay aims to explore the causes and consequences of haze, as well as potential solutions to mitigate its effects.One of the primary causes of haze is the burning offossil fuels. Industries and vehicles emit vast quantitiesof pollutants into the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide,sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These pollutants react with sunlight and other compounds in the atmosphere to form fine particles known as PM2.5, which can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause respiratory problems. Additionally, haze reduces visibility, leading to traffic accidents and disruptions to transportation systems.Furthermore, agricultural practices such as slash-and-burn farming contribute significantly to haze. Farmersoften burn forests and crop residues to clear land for cultivation, releasing large amounts of smoke andpollutants into the air. This not only exacerbates air pollution but also contributes to deforestation and loss of biodiversity.The consequences of haze are far-reaching and severe. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. Children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable to theeffects of haze. Moreover, haze can have detrimentaleffects on ecosystems, including damage to vegetation, soildegradation, and disruption of wildlife habitats.To address the issue of haze, concerted efforts are needed at the local, national, and international levels. Governments should implement strict regulations to limit industrial emissions and enforce vehicle emission standards. Investing in clean energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power can help reduce reliance on fossilfuels and mitigate air pollution. Additionally, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and providing incentives for farmers to adopt alternative land-clearing methods can help reduce the incidence of forest fires and slash-and-burn farming.In conclusion, haze is a serious environmental andpublic health issue that requires urgent action. By addressing the root causes of haze and implementingeffective solutions, we can protect the health of both current and future generations and preserve the planet for years to come.Now, let's expand upon this essay to meet yourrequirement of at least 1500 words. We'll delve deeper into each aspect and provide more detailed explanations, examples, and potential solutions. Let's get started.。

haze 英语作文

haze 英语作文

haze 英语作文The haze hung heavy in the air, obscuring the landscape and casting a dull gray pall over everything. It felt like the world had been put on mute, with sounds muffled and colors muted.Walking through the haze felt like moving through a dream, where everything was hazy and indistinct. The familiar landmarks were blurred, and even the people passing by seemed like ghosts, their features obscured by the thick fog.Breathing in the haze was like inhaling smoke, making my lungs feel heavy and my throat scratchy. It was a constant reminder of the pollution that choked the city, a reminder that we were all living in a world slowly suffocating under the weight of our own making.Despite the oppressive atmosphere, there was a strange beauty to the haze. The way the light filtered through thethick air, casting long shadows and creating a soft, ethereal glow. It was like walking through a painting, where reality was distorted and the ordinary transformed into something magical.But beneath the surface beauty, there was a sense of unease. The haze was a reminder of the damage we were doing to the planet, a warning that if we didn't change our ways, this could be our future. It was a wake-up call, a call to action before it was too late.And so, as I walked through the haze, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. We needed to do something, to make a change before it was too late. The haze was a reminder that we only had one planet, and it was up to us to protect it.。



雾霾英语作文六级Title: The Challenge of Haze: Understanding, Consequences, and Solutions。

Haze, a persistent environmental issue, poses grave threats to public health and ecological balance. Understanding its origins, consequences, and potential solutions is crucial in combating this menace. In this essay, we delve into the complexities of haze, exploring its causes, impacts, and viable strategies for mitigation.To comprehend haze, one must first recognize its primary sources. Industrial emissions, vehicular exhaust, agricultural activities, and biomass burning are major contributors. These activities release particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere, forming hazardous haze. Additionally, natural phenomena like forest fires and dust storms exacerbate haze formation, especially in regions prone to such occurrences.The consequences of haze are multifaceted and far-reaching. Foremost is its detrimental impact on public health. Inhalation of haze pollutants increases the risk of respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, and cardiovascular diseases. Prolonged exposure to fine particulate matter can even lead to premature death. Moreover, haze reduces visibility, posing hazards to transportation and aviation safety. Beyond human health, haze adversely affects ecosystems, harming plant growth, disrupting wildlife habitats, and impairing water quality through acid deposition.Addressing the haze problem necessitates a comprehensive approach involving government action, public awareness, and technological innovation. Governments must enact stringent environmental regulations to limit emissions from industries, vehicles, and agricultural activities. Implementation of clean energy initiatives, such as renewable power generation and electric transportation, can significantly reduce pollution levels. Furthermore, international cooperation is imperative toaddress transboundary haze issues, particularly in regions where neighboring countries share responsibility for pollution.Public awareness campaigns play a pivotal role in fostering behavioral change and promoting eco-friendly practices. Educating individuals about the health risks associated with haze exposure encourages them to adopt cleaner habits and support environmental conservation efforts. Additionally, incentivizing sustainable practices, such as afforestation and waste reduction, can mitigate haze by curbing emissions and enhancing natural carbon sinks.Technological innovation offers promising solutions to combat haze. Advancements in air quality monitoring systems enable real-time tracking of pollutant levels, facilitating prompt intervention measures. Furthermore, research into cleaner production technologies and emission control devices enhances industry efficiency while minimizing environmental impact. Investing in research and development of sustainable agriculture practices reduces reliance onslash-and-burn techniques, thereby mitigating haze from agricultural burning.In conclusion, addressing the challenge of haze requires concerted efforts at local, national, and global levels. By understanding its origins, recognizing its consequences, and implementing effective solutions, we can mitigate the harmful effects of haze and safeguard public health and environmental well-being. Through collective action and innovation, we can strive towards a future where clean air is a fundamental right for all.。



1.依法治霾挽回“天高云淡”美好苍穹——《雾霾之城——洛杉矶雾霾史》读后感 [J], 学文
2.如今雾霾肆虐,你居住的地方有雾霾吗,你和你的家人如何应对雾霾? [J], 夏凡;肖立娟;
3.如今雾霾肆虐,你居住的地方有雾霾吗,你和你的家人如何应对雾霾? [J], 刘一诺;罗豫;
4.雾霾凶猛十面突击——2016“雾霾季”全民抗霾实战手册 [J], ;
5."雾""霾""雾霾""灰霾"辨析与使用 [J], 李林

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