

第二讲 常用逻辑用语复习题(解析版)

第二讲 常用逻辑用语复习题(解析版)

第2讲常用逻辑用语复习题I本章知识思维导图 2 II典型例题 3题型一:充分条件、必要条件与充要条件的判断及应用 3题型二:全称量词命题与存在量词命题 4题型三:应用充分条件、必要条件、充要条件求参数值(范围) 6题型四:充要条件的证明或探求 9题型五:命题的否定 11题型六:与全称(存在)量词命题有关的参数问题 12 III模块三:数学思想方法 15①分类讨论思想 15②转化与化归思想 17③方程思想 181本章知识思维导图I23II 典型例题题型一:充分条件、必要条件与充要条件的判断及应用【例1】(天津市和平区2023-2024学年高二期末质量调查数学试卷)已知a ∈R ,则“1a≥1”是“0≤a ≤1”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A 【解析】不等式1a≥1⇔0<a ≤1,显然(0,1]Ü[0,1],所以“1a ≥1”是“0≤a ≤1”的充分不必要条件.故选:A【例2】(重庆市主城四区2023-2024学年高二期末高中学生学业质量调研测试数学试题)若xy ≠0,则“x +2y =0”是“x y +y x =-52”的()A.充要条件B.充分不必要条件C.必要不充分条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】B【解析】当x +2y =0时,x y +y x =-2y y +y -2y =-2-12=-52,当x y +y x =-52时,即2x 2+5xy +2y 2=0,即x +2y 2x +y =0,则有x +2y =0或2x +y =0,故“x +2y =0”是“x y +y x =-52”的充分不必要条件.故选:B .【例3】(2024·江苏扬州·模拟预测)已知集合A =0,a 2 ,B =1,a +1,a -1 ,则“a =1”是“A ⊆B ”的()A.必要不充分条件B.充分不必要条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】B【解析】当a =1时,A ={0,1},B ={0,1,2},则A ⊆B ;反之,当A ⊆B 时,a +1=0或a -1=0,解得a =-1或a =1,若a =-1,A ={0,1},B ={0,1,-2},满足A ⊆B ,若a =1,显然满足A ⊆B ,因此a =-1或a =1,所以“a =1”是“A ⊆B ”的充分不必要条件.故选:B【例4】(2024·天津河北·二模)设x ∈R ,则“1<x <2”是“x -2 <1”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】由x-2<1可得-1<x-2<1,解得1<x<3,所以由1<x<2推得出x-2<1,故充分性成立;由x-2<1推不出1<x<2,故必要性不成立,所以“1<x<2”是“x-2<1”的充分不必要条件.故选:A【例5】(2024·高一·江苏连云港·开学考试)若不等式x <a的一个充分条件为0<x<1,则实数a的取值范围是()A.0,1B.0,1C.1,+∞D.1,+∞【答案】C【解析】由x <a,得到-a<x<a,又不等式x <a的一个充分条件为0<x<1,所以a≥1,故选:C.【例6】(2024·高一·江苏无锡·阶段练习)不等式x2-x-m>0在x∈R上恒成立的一个必要不充分条件是()A.m≤-14 B.m<-14 C.m<-12 D.-1<m<-12【答案】A【解析】不等式x2-x-m>0在R上恒成立,即一元二次方程x2-x-m=0在R上无实数解∴Δ=-12-4×-m<0,解得:m<-1 4,易见B选项是充要条件,不成立;A选项中,m<-14可推导m≤-14,且m≤-14不可推导m<-14,故m≤-14是m<-14的必要不充分条件,A正确;C选项中,m<-14不可推导出m<-12,C错误;D选项中,m<-14不可推导-1<m<-12,D错误,故选:A.题型二:全称量词命题与存在量词命题【例7】(2024·高一·河南安阳·阶段练习)下列命题是真命题的是()A.∀x∈R,x2=xB.∃x∈Q,x2=3C.∀x∈Z,|x|∈ND.∃x∈R,x2-2x+3=0【答案】C【解析】当x=-1时,x2≠x.故选项A判断错误;由x2=3可得,x=± 3.故选项B判断错误;∀x∈Z,|x|∈N.故选项C判断正确;由x2-2x+3>0,可得选项D判断错误.故选:C4【例8】(2024·高一·广东广州·阶段练习)下列命题中真命题的个数是()①∃x∈R,x2≤0;②至少有一个整数,它既不是合数,也不是素数;③∀x∈{x|x是无理数},x是无理数.A.0B.1C.2D.3【答案】D【解析】对于①,当x=0时,x2=0≤0,故①正确;对于②,由1是整数,且它既不是合数,也不是素数,故②正确;对于③,假设∀x∈{x|x是无理数},x是有理数,则可设x=pq,p,q∈Z,则x=p2q2,p2,q2∈Z,故x为有理数,而与题设矛盾,故③正确,故选:D.【例9】(2024·高一·北京通州·期中)给出下面四个命题:①∀x∈R,x +1≥1;②∀x∈R,x +x≥0;③∃x∈R,x2的个位数字等于3;④∃x∈R,x2-x+1=0.其中真命题的个数是()A.1B.2C.3D.4【答案】B【解析】对于①,因为x ≥0,所以∀x∈R,x +1≥1,所以①对;对于②,当x≥0时,x +x=2x≥0,当x<0时,x +x=0≥0,所以∀x∈R,x +x≥0成立,所以②对;对于③,设x=10a+b,b∈0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,x2=1010a2+2ab+b2,x2的个位数字等于b2的个位数字,所以x2的个位数字都不等于3,所以③错;对于④,因数Δ=-12-4×1×1=-3<0,所以方程x2-x+1=0无实数解,所以④错.故选:B.【例10】(2024·高一·全国·课后作业)以下四个命题中,既是存在量词命题又是真命题的是A.锐角三角形的内角是锐角或钝角B.至少有一个实数x,使x2≤0C.两个无理数的和必是无理数D.存在一个负数x,使x2≤0【答案】B【解析】逐一考查所给的命题:A选项为全称量词命题,且所给的命题为假命题;B选项为存在量词命题,且所给的命题为真命题;C选项为全称量词命题,取x1=2+3,x2=2-3,则x1+x2=4为有理数,所给的命题为假命题;D选项为存在量词命题,若x<0,则x2>0,所给的命题为假命题.故选B.【例11】(2024·高一·湖南长沙·阶段练习)下列命题中,既是真命题又是全称量词命题的是()A.至少有一个x∈Z,使得x2<3成立B.菱形的两条对角线长度相等56C.∃x ∈R ,x 2=xD.对任意a ,b ∈R ,都有a 2+b 2≥2(a +b -1)【答案】D【解析】AC 为存在量词命题,BD 为全称量词命题,菱形的两条对角线长度不一定相等,B 选项错误,对任意a ,b ∈R ,都有a 2+b 2-2(a +b -1)=a 2-2a +1+b 2-2b +1=(a -1)2+(b -1)2≥0,即a 2+b 2≥2(a +b -1),D 选项正确.故选:D【例12】(2024·高一·河北·阶段练习)下列命题中,既是全称量词命题又是真命题的是()A.每一个命题都能判断真假B.存在一条直线与两条相交直线都平行C.对任意实数a ,b ,若a <b ,则a 2<b 2D.存在x ∈R ,使x 2-x +1=0【答案】A【解析】对于A ,“每一个命题都能判断真假”是全称量词命题,命题都能判断真假,A 是真命题,符合题意;对于B ,“存在一条直线与两条相交直线都平行”是存在量词命题,不符合题意;对于C ,该命题是全称量词命题,当a =-2,b =-1时,a 2>b 2,C 中命题是假命题,不符合题意;对于D ,该命题是存在量词命题,不符合题意,故选:A .题型三:应用充分条件、必要条件、充要条件求参数值(范围)【例13】(2024·高一·海南海口·阶段练习)若“|x |>2”是“x <a ”的必要不充分条件,则a 的最大值为.【答案】-2【解析】x >2,得x >2或x <-2,若“|x |>2”是“x <a ”的必要不充分条件,得x x <a Ü{x x >2 或x <-2},所以a ≤-2,即a 的最大值为-2.故答案为:-2【例14】(2024·高一·河北石家庄·阶段练习)已知p :4x -m ≤0,q :1≤3-x ≤4,若p 是q 的一个必要不充分条件,则实数m 的取值范围为.【答案】m ≥8【解析】由p :4x -m ≤0,q :1≤3-x ≤4,得p :x ≤m4,q :-1≤x ≤2,因为p 是q 的一个必要不充分条件,则p 不能推出q ,但q 能推出p ,则2≤m4,即m ≥8.故答案为:m ≥8【例15】(2024·高一·江西南昌·期末)在①A ∩B =B ;②“x ∈A ”是“x ∈B ”的必要条件;③B ∩∁R A =∅这三个条件中任选一个,补充到下面的问题中,并解答.间题:已知集合A ={x ∈R ∣(x -1)(x +2)>0},B ={x ∈R ∣y =x +a ,y ∈R }.(1)当a =1时,求A ∩∁R B ;(2)若,求实数a 的取值范围.【解析】(1)由不等式(x -1)(x +2)>0,解得x <-2或x >1,可得A ={x |x <-2或x >1},当a =1时,可得B ={x ∈R ∣y =x +1,y ∈R }={x |x ≥-1},7则∁R B ={x ∣x <-1},所以A ∩∁R B ={x ∣x <-2}.(2)由集合A ={x |x <-2或x >1}和B ={x |x ≥-a },若选择①:由A ∩B =B ,即B ⊆A ,可得-a >1,解得a <-1,所以实数a 的取值范围为(-∞,-1);若选择②:由“x ∈A ”是“x ∈B ”的必要条件,可得B ⊆A ,可得-a >1,解得a <-1,所以实数a 的取值范围为(-∞,-1);若选择③:由A ={x |x <-2或x >1},可得∁R A ={x |-2≤x ≤1},要使得B ∩∁R A =∅,则-a >1,解得a <-1,所以实数a 的取值范围为(-∞,-1).【例16】(2024·高一·山东菏泽·期中)设全集U =R ,集合A =x -2<x ≤3 ,B =x m -1≤x ≤2m .(1)若m =3,求集合∁U A ∩B ;(2)若“x ∈A ”是“x ∈B ”必要条件,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)当m =3时,B =x 2≤x ≤6 ,又∁U A =x x ≤-2 或x >3 ,所以∁U A ∩B =x 3<x ≤6 .(2)“x ∈A ”是“x ∈B ”必要条件,故B ⊆A .当B =∅时,m -1>2m ,所以m <-1,符合题意;当B ≠∅时,需满足m -1≤2m-2<m -12m ≤3,解得-1<m ≤32,综上所述,m 的取值范围为m <-1或-1<m ≤32.【例17】(2024·高一·福建莆田·期中)已知p :关于x 的方程x 2-2ax +a 2+a -1=0有实数根,q :2m -1≤a≤m +2.(1)若命题¬p 是真命题,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若p 是q 的必要不充分条件,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)因为命题是¬p 真命题,则命题p 是假命题,即关于的方程x 2-2ax +a 2+a -1=0无实数根,因此,Δ=4a 2-4a 2+a -1 <0,解得a >1,所以实数的取值范围是1,+∞ ,(2)由(1)知,命题p 是真命题,即p :a ≤1,因为命题p 是q 的必要不充分条件,则a 2m -1≤a ≤m +2 Üa a ≤1 ,当2m -1>m +2即m >3时,a 2m -1≤a ≤m +2 =∅,满足题意,当2m -1≤m +2即m ≤3时,则m ≤3m +2≤1⇒m ≤-1,所以实数m 的取值范围是{m m ≤-1或m >3}.【例18】(2024·高一·河北保定·期中)已知集合A =x 2m -1≤x ≤m +1 ,B =x 12≤x <2 .(1)若m =12,求A ∩∁R B ;(2)若x ∈B 是x ∈A 的必要条件,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)由B=x12≤x<2,则∁R B={x|x<12或x≥2},若m=12,则A=x0≤x≤32,所以A∩∁R B=x0≤x<1 2.(2)若x∈B是x∈A的必要条件,则A⊆B.当2m-1>m+1时,即m>2时,A=∅,符合题意;当2m-1≤m+1时,即m≤2时,A≠∅,要满足A⊆B,可得12≤2m-1≤m+1<2,解得34≤m<1;综上,实数m的取值范围为34≤m<1或m>2.【例19】(2024·高一·湖北襄阳·期中)已知集合A=x|-2≤x≤5,B=x|m+1≤x≤2m-1.(1)若A∩B=∅,求实数m的取值范围;(2)若x∈A是x∈B的必要条件,且集合B不为空集,求实数m的取值范围.【解析】(1)当B=∅时,由m+1>2m-1,得m<2,符合题意;当B≠∅时,可得2m-1≥m+12m-1<-2或2m-1≥m+1m+1>5,解得m>4.综上,实数m的取值范围是{m|m<2或m>4}.(2)由题意可知B⊆A且B≠∅.可得2m-1≥m+1,m+1≥-2,2m-1≤5,解得2≤m≤3,综上,实数m的取值范围是{m|2≤m≤3}..【例20】(2024·高一·云南红河·阶段练习)已知命题p:方程x2+tx+t=0没有实数根,若p是真命题,实数t 的取值集合为A.(1)求实数t的取值集合A;(2)集合B=t1-a<t<2a-1,若t∈B是t∈A的必要条件,求a的取值范围.【解析】(1)若p是真命题,则t2-4t<0,解得0<t<4,所以A=t|0<t<4;(2)若t∈B是t∈A的必要条件,则A⊆B,又A=t|0<t<4,所以B≠∅,所以2a-1≥41-a≤02a-1>1-a,解得a≥52.【例21】(2024·高一·辽宁·阶段练习)已知集合A=x|-2≤x-1≤5,B=x|m+1≤x≤2m-1.(1)若A∩B=∅,求实数m的取值范围;(2)设p:x∈A;q:x∈B,若p是q的必要不充分条件,求实数m的取值范围.【解析】(1)因为A={x∣-2≤x-1≤5},所以A={x∣-1≤x≤6},又A∩B=∅,分类讨论如下:①当B=∅时,m+1>2m-1解得m<2;8②当B=∅时,m+1≤2m-1 m+1>6或m+1≤2m-12m-1<-1,解得m>5;综上所述:实数m的取值范围为{m∣m<2或m>5}.(2)因为p是q的必要不充分条件,所以B是A的真子集,①当B=Æ时,m+1>2m-1,解得m<2;②当B¹Æ时,m+1≤2m-1 m+1≥-12m-1≤6(等号不能同时成立),解得2≤m≤7 2;综上所述:实数m的取值范围为m∣m≤7 2.题型四:充要条件的证明或探求【例22】(2024·高二·全国·专题练习)已知两个关于x的一元二次方程mx2-4x+4=0和x2-4mx+4m2-4m-5=0,两方程的根都是整数的充要条件为.【答案】m=1【解析】因为mx2-4x+4=0是一元二次方程,所以m≠0.又另一方程为x2-4mx+4m2-4m-5=0,且两方程都要有实根,所以Δ1=16-16m≥0,Δ2=16m2-44m2-4m-5≥0,解得m∈-54,1.因为两方程的根都是整数,故其根的和与积也为整数,所以4m∈Z4m∈Z4m2-4m-5∈Z,所以m为4的约数.又m∈-54,1,所以m=-1或1.当m=-1时,第一个方程x2+4x-4=0的根为非整数;而当m=1时,两方程的根均为整数,所以两方程的根都是整数的充要条件是m=1.【例23】设n∈N+,一元二次方程x2-4x+n=0有整数根的充要条件是n=【答案】3或4【解析】直接利用求根公式进行计算,然后用完全平方数、整除等进行判断计算.x=4±16-4n2=2±4-n,因为x是整数,即2±4-n为整数,所以4-n为整数,且n≤4,又因为n∈N+,取n=1,2,3,4,验证可知n=3,4符合题意;反之n=3,4时,可推出一元二次方程有整数根.【例24】(2024·高一·广东珠海·阶段练习)设a,b,c∈R,求证:关于x的方程ax2+bx+c=0有一个根为-1的充要条件是a-b+c=0.【解析】证明:①充分性:即证明关于x的方程ax2+bx+c=0的系数满足a-b+c=0⇒方程有一个根为-1;由a-b+c=0,得b=a+c,代入方程得ax2+a+cx+c=0,得ax+cx+1=0,所以,x=-1是方程ax2+bx+c=0的一个根.②必要性:即证明若x=-1是方程ax2+bx+c=0的根⇒a-b+c=0;910将x =-1代入方程ax 2+bx +c =0,即有a -b +c =0.综上由①②可知,故关于x 的方程ax 2+bx +c =0有一个根为-1的充要条件是a -b +c =0.【例25】(2024·高一·全国·专题练习)当m ,n ∈Z 时,定义运算⊗:当m ,n >0时,m ⊗n =m +n ;当m ,n <0时,m ⊗n =m ⋅n ;当m >0,n <0或m <0,n >0时,m ⊗n =m +n ;当m =0时,m ⊗n =n ;当n =0时,m ⊗n =m .(1)计算-2 ⊗-3 ⊗-7 ;(2)证明,“a =0,b =-2或a =-2,b =0”是“a ⊗b =-2”的充要条件.【解析】(1)-2 ⊗-3 ⊗-7 =6⊗-7 =6-7 =1.(2)先证充分性:当a =0,b =-2或a =-2,b =0时,则a ⊗b =-2,即a =0,b =-2或a =-2,b =0是a ⊗b =-2的充分条件;再证必要性:当a ⊗b =-2时,显然当ab >0时,a ⊗b >0,当ab <0时,a ⊗b ≥0,即ab >0与ab <0均不合题意,当a =0时,由a ⊗b =-2,则b =-2,当b =0时,由a ⊗b =-2,则a =-2,即“a =0,b =-2或a =-2,b =0”是“a ⊗b =-2”的必要条件,综上,命题得证.【例26】(2024·高一·江苏苏州·阶段练习)求证:方程mx 2-2x +3=0m ≠0 有两个同号且不相等的实根的充要条件是0<m <13.【解析】先证明充分性:若0<m <13,设方程的两个实根为x 1,x 2,则x 1+x 2=2m >0,x 1⋅x 2=3m>0,Δ=4-12m >0,故方程mx 2-2x +3=0(m ≠0)有两个同号且不相等的实根;再证明必要性:若方程mx 2-2x +3=0(m ≠0)有两个同号且不相等的实根,令y =mx 2-2x +3(m ≠0),当m >0时,其图象是开口方向朝上,且以x =1m为对称轴的抛物线若关于x 的方程mx 2-2x +3=0有两个同号且不相等的实根则必有两个不等的正根,则函数f (x )=mx 2-2x +3,有两个正零点,则2m >03m >0Δ=4-12m >0,解得0<m <13;当m <0时,其图象是开口方向朝下,且以x =1m为对称轴的抛物线若关于x 的方程mx 2-2x +3=0有两个同号且不相等的实根则必有两个不等的负根,则函数y =mx 2-2x +3,有两个负零点,则2m <03m >0Δ=4-12m >0,无解;故关于x 的方程mx 2-2x +3=0有两个同号且不相等的实根,则m 的取值范围是0<m <13;∴方程mx2-2x+3=0(m≠0)有两个同号且不相等的实根的充要条件是0<m<13.【例27】(2024·高一·湖北武汉·阶段练习)设a,b,c分别是三角形ABC的三条边长,且a≤b≤c,请利用边长a,b,c给出△ABC为锐角三角形的一个充要条件,并证明之.【解析】a2+b2>c2.证明如下:充分性:∵a2+b2>c2,∴ △ABC不是直角三角形,假设△ABC是钝角三角形,∵a≤b≤c,∴ ∠C最大,即∠B<90°,∠C>90°,过点A作BC的垂线,交BC的延长线于点D,由勾股定理,得c2=AD2+BD2=AD2+(CD+a)2=AD2+CD2+a2+2⋅CD⋅a=AC2+a2+2⋅CD⋅a=b2+a2+2⋅CD⋅a>a2+b2,与已知a2+b2>c2矛盾,∴△ABC为锐角三角形.必要性:∵△ABC为锐角三角形,∴∠B<90°,∠C<90°°,过点A作BC的垂线,垂足为D,由勾股定理知,得c2=AD2+BD2=AD2+(a-CD)2=AD2+CD2+a2-2⋅CD⋅a=b2+a2-2⋅CD⋅a<a2+b2.综上,△ABC为锐角三角形的一个充要条件为a2+b2>c2.题型五:命题的否定【例28】(2024·高一·云南昆明·期末)命题p:∀x∈Z,x2+x>0的否定是()A.∀x∈Z,x2+x≤0B.∃x0∈Z,x02+x0>0C.∀x∈Z,x2+x=0D.∃x0∈Z,x02+x0≤0【答案】D【解析】命题p:∀x∈Z,x2+x>0的否定是“∃x0∈Z,x20+x0≤0”.故选:D.【例29】(2024·高一·江苏·假期作业)命题“∃x0∈R,2x0≤0”的否定是()A.不存在x0∈R,2x>0B.∃x0∈R,2x0≥0C.∀x∈R,2x≤0D.∀x∈R,2x>0【答案】D【解析】命题“∃x 0∈R ,2x 0≤0”为存在量词命题,其否定为“∀x ∈R ,2x >0”.故选:D .【例30】(2024·高一·安徽马鞍山·阶段练习)命题“∃x ≤0,2x 2<5x -1”的否定是()A.∀x >0,2x 2<5x -1B.∃x >0,2x 2≥5x -1C.∀x ≤0,2x 2≥5x -1D.∃x ≤0,2x 2>5x -1【答案】C【解析】命题“∃x ≤0,2x 2<5x -1”的否定是“∀x ≤0,2x 2≥5x -1”.故选:C【例31】(2024·高一·四川成都·阶段练习)命题“∀x ∈0,1 ,x 3<x 2”的否定是()A.∀x ∈0,1 ,x 3>x 2B.∀x ∉0,1 ,x 3≥x 2C.∃x 0∈0,1 ,x 30≥x 20D.∃x 0∉0,1 ,x 30≥x 20【答案】C【解析】命题“∀x ∈0,1 ,x 3<x 2”的否定是∃x 0∈0,1 ,x 30≥x 20.故选:C .【例32】(2024·高三·湖北黄冈·期末)若p :所有实数的平方都是正数,则¬p 为()A.所有实数的平方都不是正数B.至少有一个实数的平方不是正数C.至少有一个实数的平方是正数D.有的实数的平方是正数【答案】B【解析】由全称量词命题的否定是存在量词命题可知,“所有实数的平方都是正数”的否定为:“至少有一个实数的平方不是正数”.故选:B题型六:与全称(存在)量词命题有关的参数问题【例33】(2024·高一·湖北·期中)已知集合A =x -2≤x ≤5 ,B =x m +1≤x ≤2m -1 .(1)若B ⊆A ,求实数m 的取值范围;(2)命题q :∃x ∈A ,x ∈B 是真命题,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)当B =∅时,m +1>2m -1,解得m <2;当B ≠∅时,m +1≤2m -1m +1≥-22m -1≤5,解得2≤m ≤3.综上,实数m 的取值范围为-∞,3(2)由题意A ∩B ≠∅,所以B ≠∅即m ≥2,此时m +1≥3.为使A ∩B ≠∅,需有m +1≤5,即m ≤4.故实数m 的取值范围为2,4【例34】(2024·高一·山东淄博·阶段练习)设全集U =R ,集合A =x 1≤x ≤5 ,集合B =x -1-2a ≤x ≤a -2 .(1)若A ∩B =A ,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若命题“∀x ∈B ,则x ∈A ”是真命题,求实数a 的取值范围.【解析】(1)因为A ∩B =A ,所以A ⊆B ,所以a -2≥-1-2a a -2≥5-1-2a ≤1,即a ≥7,所以实数a 的取值范围是a |a ≥7 .(2)命题“∀x ∈B ,则x ∈A ”是真命题,所以B ⊆A .当B =∅时,-1-2a >a -2,解得a <13;当B ≠∅时,-1-2a ≥1a -2≤5-1-2a ≤a -2,解得a ≤-1a ≤7a ≥13,所以a ∈∅.综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是a a <13.【例35】(2024·高一·河北石家庄·阶段练习)已知集合A =x -2≤x ≤5 ,B =x m +1≤x ≤2m -1 .(1)若“命题p :∀x ∈B ,x ∈A ”是真命题,求m 的取值范围.(2)“命题q :∃x ∈A ,x ∈B ”是假命题,求m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)因为命题p :∀x ∈B ,x ∈A 是真命题,所以B ⊆A ,当B =∅时,m +1>2m -1,解得m <2,当B ≠∅时,则m +1≤2m -1m +1≥-22m -1≤5,解得2≤m ≤3,综上m 的取值范围为-∞,3 ;(2)因为“命题q :∃x ∈A ,x ∈B ”是假命题,所以A ∩B =∅,当B =∅时,m +1>2m -1,解得m <2,当B ≠∅时,则m +1≤2m -1m +1>5或m +1≤2m -12m -1<-2 ,解得m >4,综上m 的取值范围为-∞,2 ∪4,+∞ .【例36】(2024·高一·山东菏泽·阶段练习)已知命题p :∀x ∈R ,ax 2-4x -4≠0,若p 为假命题,求a 的取值范围.【解析】由题意p 为假命题,即∃x ∈R ,ax 2-4x -4=0,即方程ax 2-4x -4=0有解,(1)当a =0时,-4x -4=0有解x =-1成立;(2)当a ≠0时,Δ=16+16a ≥0,即a ≥-1且a ≠0;综上a ≥-1.【例37】(2024·高一·黑龙江牡丹江·阶段练习)已知集合A =x -2≤x ≤5 ,B =x m -1≤x ≤2m -3 .(1)若命题p :∀x ∈B ,x ∈A 是真命题,求实数m 的取值范围;(2)若命题q :∃x ∈A ,x ∈B 是真命题,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)因为命题p :∀x ∈B ,x ∈A 是真命题,所以B ⊆A .当B =∅时,满足B ⊆A ,此时m -1>2m -3,解得m <2;当B ≠∅时,由B ⊆A ,可得m -1≤2m -3m -1≥-22m -3≤5,解得2≤m ≤4.综上,实数m 的取值范围为(-∞,4].(2)因为q :∃x ∈A ,x ∈B 是真命题,所以A ∩B ≠∅,所以B ≠∅,则m -1≤2m -3即m ≥2,所以m -1≥1,要使A ∩B ≠∅,仍需满足m -1≤5,即m ≤6.综上,实数m 的取值范围为[2,6].【例38】(2024·高一·湖南长沙·阶段练习)已知集合A =x -3≤x <1 ,B =x 2m -1≤x ≤m +1 .(1)命题p :x ∈A ,命题q :x ∈B ,若p 是q 的必要不充分条件,求实数m 的取值范围.(2)命题“r :∃x ∈A ,使得x ∈B ”是真命题,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】(1)①当B 为空集时,m +1<2m -1,即m >2,原命题成立;②当B 不是空集时,∵B 是A 的真子集,所以2m -1≥-3m +1<1m ≤2,解得-1≤m <0;综上①②,m 的取值范围为-1≤m <0或m >2.(2)∃x ∈A ,使得x ∈B ,∴B 为非空集合且A ∩B ≠∅,所以m +1≥2m -1,即m ≤2,当A ∩B =∅时2m -1≥1m ≤2 或m +1<-3m ≤2,所以1≤m ≤2或m <-4,∴m 的取值范围为[-4,1).【例39】(2024·高一·吉林长春·阶段练习)已知集合A ={x ∣2≤x ≤7},B ={x ∣-3m +4≤x ≤2m -1},且B ≠∅.(1)若q :“∃x ∈B ,x ∈A ”是真命题,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】B ≠∅,则-3m +4≤2m -1,解得m ≥1,“∃x ∈B ,x ∈A ”是真命题,则A ∩B ≠∅,若A ∩B =∅,则2m -1<2或-3m +4>7,解得m <32,因为m ≥1,所以1≤m <32,所以当A ∩B ≠∅,m ≥32,综上所述m ≥32.III 数学思想方法①分类讨论思想【例40】(2024·高一·江苏南通·期中)已知集合A =x x 2-4= 0 ,B =x ax -2=0 ,若x ∈A 是x ∈B 的必要不充分条件,则实数a 的所有可能取值构成的集合为.【答案】-1,0,1【解析】依题意,A =x |x 2-4=0 =2,-2 ,若a =0,则B =∅,满足x ∈A 是x ∈B 的必要不充分条件.当a ≠0时,B =x x =2a,由于x ∈A 是x ∈B 的必要不充分条件,所以2a =2或2a=-2,解得a =1或a =-1,综上所述,a 的所有可能取值构成的集合为-1,0,1 .故答案为:-1,0,1【例41】(2024·高一·江西南昌·期中)已知集合A =x |x 2-ax -2a 2<0 ,集合B =x x -3 ≤1 .(1)若a =1,求∁R A ∪B ;(2)若“x ∈A ”是“x ∈B ”的必要不充分条件,求a 的取值范围.【解析】(1)A =x |x 2-ax -2a 2<0 ,可得x -2a x +a <0,当a =1时x -2 x +1 <0解得-1<x <2,则A =-1,2 ,可得∁R A =-∞,-1 ∪2,+∞ ,又B =x x -3 ≤1 ,x -3 ≤1可得-1≤x -3≤1,即2≤x ≤4,可得B =2,4 ,所以∁R A ∪B =-∞,-1 ∪2,+∞ ,(2)因为“x ∈A ”是“x ∈B ”的必要不充分条件所以B ⊂≠A ,集合A 中x -2a x +a <0,当a >0时解为-a <x <2a ,又B ÜA ,可得-a <22a >4 解得a >2,当a <0时解为2a <x <-a ,又B ÜA ,可得-a >42a <2解得a <-4,当a =0时无解,集合A 为空集,又B ÜA ,所以不合题意舍去,综上可得:a <-4或a >2.【例42】已知集合A ={x |a 2-1≤x ≤2a +6},B ={x |0≤x ≤4},全集U =R .(1)当a =1时,求A ∩(∁U B ):(2)若“x ∈B ”是“x ∈A ”的充分不必要条件,求实数a 的取值范围.【解析】(1)当a =1时,集合A ={x |0≤x ≤8},∁U B ={x |x <0或x >4},故A ∩(∁U B )={x |4<x ≤8};(2)由题知:B⊊A,即B⊆A且B≠A,当B⊆A时,a2-1≤0 2a+6≥4,解得-1≤a≤1;当B=A时,a2-1=0 2a+6=4,解得a=-1,由B≠A得,a≠-1,综上所述:实数a的取值范围为(-1,1].【例43】设集合A=x|x2+4x=0,B={x|x2+2(a+1)x+a2-1=0}.(1)若-1∈B,求a的值;(2)设条件p:x∈A,条件q:x∈B,若q是p的充分条件,求a的取值范围.【解析】(1)∵-1∈B,∴1-2a-2+a2-1=0,解得a=1±3;(2)∵A=0,-4,依题意B⊆A,①若B=∅,∴Δ=4(a+1)2-4(a2-1)<0,∴a<-1;②若B=0 或B=-4时,∴Δ=4(a+1)2-4(a2-1)=0,∴a=-1,此时B=0 ,B≠-4;③若B=0,-4Δ>00+(-4)=-2a-20×(-4)=a2-1,解得a=1,综上:a的取值范围是(-∞,-1]∪1 .【例44】已知集合A={x|a-1≤x≤2a+1},B={x|-2≤x≤4}.在①A∪B=B;②"x∈A”是“x∈B”的充分不必要条件;③A∩B=∅这三个条件中任选一个,补充到本题第(2)问的横线处,求解下列问题.(1)当a=3时,求∁R(A∩B);(2)若,求实数a的取值范围.【解析】(1)当a=3时,A={x|2≤x≤7},而B={x|-2≤x≤4},所以A∩B={x|2≤x≤4},∁R(A∩B)={x|x<2或x>4}(2)选①,由A∪B=B可知:A⊆B,当A=∅时,则a-1>2a+1,即a<-2,满足A⊆B,则a<-2,当A≠∅时,a≥-2,由A⊆B得:a-1≥-2 2a+1≤4,解得-1≤a≤32,综上所述,实数a的取值范围为a<-2或-1≤a≤3 2选②,因“x∈A”是“x∈B”的充分不必要条件,则A⊊B,当A=∅时,则a-1>2a+1,即a<-2,满足A⊊B,则a<-2,当A≠∅时,a≥-2,由A⊊B得:a-1≥-2 2a+1≤4,且不能同时取等号,解得-1≤a≤32.综上所述,实数a的取值范围为a<-2或-1≤a≤3 2选③,当A=∅时,则a-1>2a+1,即a<-2,满足A∩B=∅,则a<-2,当A≠∅时,a≥-2由A∩B=∅得:2a+1<-2或a-1>4,解得a<-32或a>5,又a≥-2,所以-2≤a<-32或a>5.综上所述,实数a 的取值范围为a <-32或a >5②转化与化归思想【例45】(2024·高三·全国·竞赛)设a ,b ∈R ,集合A =a ,a 2+1 ,B =b ,b 2+1 .则“A =B ”是“a =b ”的()A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【解析】因为A =a ,a 2+1 ,B =b ,b 2+1 ,当A =B 时,则有a =b a 2+1=b 2+1 ,或a =b 2+1a 2+1=b ,若a =ba 2+1=b 2+1,显然解得a =b ;若a =b 2+1a 2+1=b ,则b 2+1 2+1=b ,整理得b 2-b +1 b 2+b +2 =0,因为b 2-b +1=b -12 2+34>0,b 2+b +2=b +12 2+74>0,所以b 2-b +1 b 2+b +2 =0无解;综上,a =b ,即充分性成立;当a =b 时,显然A =B ,即必要性成立;所以“A =B ”是“a =b ”的充分必要条件.故选:C .【例46】(2024·高一·江西景德镇·期中)已知p :3x -1>512<x <8 ,q :x ≥3k +1或x ≤3k -3.(1)若p 是q 的充分不必要条件,求实数k 的取值范围;(2)若p 是¬q 的必要不充分条件,求实数k 的最大值.【解析】(1)∵p :3x -1>512<x <8 ,故p :2<x <8,又因为p 是q 的充分不必要条件,所以3k +1≤2或3k -3≥8,解得k ≤13或k ≥113,故实数k 的取值范围为k k ≤13 或k ≥113.(2)¬q :3k -3<x <3k +1,又p 是¬q 的必要不充分条件,因为3k -3<3k +1,所以¬q 对应的集合不是空集,所以3k -3≥23k +1≤8,解得53≤k ≤73,故实数k 的最大值为73.【例47】(2024·高一·全国·课后作业)已知M =x ,y y 2=2x ,N =x ,y x -a 2+y 2=9 ,求M ∩N ≠∅的充要条件.【解析】M ∩N ≠∅的充要条件是方程组y 2=2xx -a 2+y 2=9 至少有一组实数解,即方程x 2+21-a x +a 2-9=0至少有一个非负根,方程有根则Δ=41-a 2-4a 2-9 ≥0,解得a ≤5.上述方程有两个负根的充要条件是x 1+x 2<0且x 1x 2>0,即-21-a <0a 2-9>0 ,∴a <-3.于是这个方程至少有一个非负根的a 的取值范围是-3≤a ≤5.故M ∩N ≠∅的充要条件为-3≤a ≤5.③方程思想【例48】已知p :∀x ∈R ,m <x 2-1,q :∃x ∈R ,x 2+2x -m -1=0,若p ,q 都是真命题,求实数m 的取值范围.【解析】p :∀x ∈R ,m <x 2-1,若p 真,可得m <(x 2-1)min ,而y =x 2-1≥-1,x =0时,取得最小值-1,则m <-1;q :∃x ∈R ,x 2+2x -m -1=0,若q 真,可得Δ=4+4(m +1)≥0,解得m ≥-2.若p ,q 都是真命题,可得m <-1m ≥-2,则-2≤m <-1.故实数m 的取值范围是-2≤m <-1.【例49】已知,命题p :∀x ∈R ,2x +a +2≥0,命题q :∃x ∈-3,-12,x 2-a +1=0.(1)若命题p 为真命题,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若命题q 为真命题,求实数a 的取值范围.【解析】(1)∵命题为真命题,即a ≥-2x -2,又-2x -2≤-2,∴实数a 的取值范围为a ≥-2;(2)∵命题q :∃x ∈-3,-12,x 2-a +1=0为真命题,即x 2-a +1=0亦即x 2+1=a 在-3,-12上有解,又当x ∈-3,-12 求得二次函数的范围54≤x 2+1≤10,即二次函数y =x 2+1最大值为10,最小值是54,∴实数a 的取值范围为:54,10 .【例50】已知m ∈Z ,关于x 的一元二次方程①mx 2-4x +4=0和②x 2-4mx +4m 2-4m -5=0,求方程①和②的根都是整数的充要条件.【解析】解∵mx 2-4x +4=0是一元二次方程,∴m ≠0.另一方程为x 2-4mx +4m 2-4m -5=0,两方程都要有实根,∴Δ1=16(1-m )≥0,Δ2=16m 2-4(4m 2-4m -5)≥0,解得m ∈-54,1.∵两根为整数,故和与积也为整数,∴4m∈Z4m∈Z4m2-4m-5∈Z,∴m为4的约数,∴m=-1或1,当m=-1时,第一个方程x2+4x-4=0的根为非整数,不符合题意;而当m=1时,两方程均为整数根,∴两方程的根均为整数的充要条件是m=1.【例51】已知m∈R,命题p:存在x∈[0,1],不等式2x-2≥m2-3m成立,若p为真命题,求m的取值范围.【解析】∵存在x∈[0,1],不等式2x-2≥m2-3m成立,∴(2x-2)max≥m2-3m,又函数y=2x-2在x∈[0,1]时的最大值为0,即m2-3m≤0.解得0≤m≤3.因此,若p为真命题时,m的取值范围是0,3.。













7、以下哪个不是电子商务的基本模式?A. B2BB. B2CC. C2CD. O2O8、以下哪个不是电子商务的优势?A. 降低成本B. 提高效率C. 促进国际贸易D. 增加环境污染9、电子商务的“EC”代表什么意思?A、电子邮箱B、电子交流C、电子交易D、电子拐角 10、在电子商务中,买家在购买商品后通常需要等待多长时间收货?A、立即B、数分钟C、数小时D、数天至数周11、以下关于电子商务网站设计的要求,不正确的是:A. 网站结构清晰,用户体验良好B. 页面设计华丽精美,应使用流行的视觉元素C. 设计内容简洁易懂,方便用户理解D. 网站内容要及时更新,保持网站活力12、以下关于电子商务网站SEO的描述,正确的是:A. SEO是指通过某种黑帽手段快速提升网站排名B. SEO的核心是优化网站内容,使其符合用户的搜索意图C. SEO只与网站内容无关,与网站技术结构没有关系D. 网站排名高代表网站排名自然,不需要进行任何优化13.电子商务的基本组成包括以下哪些内容?A. 电子商务平台B. 电子商务安全C. 电子支付D. 物流配送14.在电子商务中,以下哪个不是常见的支付方式?A. 网上银行支付B. 信用卡支付C. 移动支付D. 电话支付15、在电子商务应用技术中,哪一项技术主要负责确保交易的安全性和隐私保护?A. P2P网络B. SSL/TLS协议C. HTTPD. FTP16、电子商务应用中,哪一个标准化的数据格式被广泛用于描述和交换商品信息?A. JSONB. XMLC. HTTPD. SMTP17、以下关于电子商务支付流程的说法,错误的是:A.支付流程涉及支付渠道选择、资金清算、交易安全保障等环节B.支付宝、微信支付等第三方支付平台简化了电子商务交易流程C.支付流程必须经过在线银行系统的验证D.支付流程常见阻塞点包括用户体验、资金安全、支付方式多18、以下关于电子商务网站设计的原则,不属于专业性原则的是:A.易用性B.效率性C.美观性D.导购性19.在电子商务网站中,搜索功能通常被认为非常重要。


如:The train is arriving in five minutes. 火车将在5分钟后到达。 What are you doing tomorrow? 你明天干什么?
期末复习 unit 4 语法:一般将来时 2、will和 be going to的区别 • will强调没有经过计划而临时出现的意图,常体现说话者的主观意愿;will还可以表示看法
期末复习 unit 2
课文重点语句: • How can I get to the hotel from the airport? 从机场到酒店怎么走? • Start from Terminal 1 station, Airport Express Line, change for Subway Line 2 at Zhuquemen station, get off at Zhonghua Square station and take Exit B. • It takes at least one hour, and costs about 80 yuan. 描述路线:Go along __________ Road and turn at __________ . You will see __________ (across the road / on your right / on your left). Don’t turn __________ at __________ , because __________ .
期末复习 unit 2
肯定句 动词原型+其他 Be +其他 Listen to me. Be a good boy!
Let + sb. +V原型+其他 Let me try again.



期末复习资料之一 必修1 复习题一、选择题1、 下列函数中,在区间()0,+∞不是增函数的是( ) A.xy 2= B. x y lg = C. 3x y = D. 1y x=2、函数y =log 2x +3(x≥1)的值域是( )A.[)+∞,2B.(3,+∞)C.[)+∞,3D.(-∞,+∞)3、若{|2},{|xM y y P y y ====,则M∩P ( )A.{|1}y y >B. {|1}y y ≥C. {|0}y y >D. {|0}y y ≥ 4、对数式2log (5)a b a -=-中,实数a 的取值范围是( )A.a>5,或a<2B.2<a<5C.2<a<3,或3<a<5D.3<a<45、 已知xax f -=)( )10(≠>a a 且,且)3()2(->-f f ,则a 的取值范围是( )A. 0>aB. 1>aC. 1<aD. 10<<a6、函数y =(a 2-1)x在(-∞,+∞)上是减函数,则a 的取值范围是( ) A.|a |>1 B.|a |>2C.a>2D.1<|a |<26、函数)1(log 221-=x y 的定义域为( )A 、[)(]2,11,2 -- B 、)2,1()1,2( -- C 、[)(]2,11,2 -- D 、)2,1()1,2( --8、值域是(0,+∞)的函数是( )A 、125xy -=B 、113xy -⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭C、yD9、函数|log |)(21x x f =的单调递增区间是A 、]21,0( B 、]1,0( C 、(0,+∞) D 、),1[+∞10、图中曲线分别表示l g a y o x =,l g b y o x =,l g c y o x =,l g d y o x =的图象,,,,a b c d 的关系是( )A 、0<a<b<1<d<cB 、0<b<a<1<c<dC 、0<d<c<1<a<bD 、0<c<d<1<a<b11、函数f(x)=log 31(5-4x-x 2)的单调减区间为( )A.(-∞,-2)B.[-2,+∞]C.(-5,-2)D.[-2,1]12、a=log 0.50.6,b=log 20.5,c=log 35,则( )A.a <b <cB.b <a <cC.a <c <bD.c <a <b13、已知)2(log ax y a -=在[0,1]上是x 的减函数,则a 的取值范围是( )A.(0,1)B.(1,2)C.(0,2)D.[2,+∞]14、设函数1lg )1()(+=x x f x f ,则f(10)值为( )A .1 B.-1 C.10 D.101 二、填空题 15、函数)1(log 21-=x y 的定义域为 16、.函数y =2||1x -的值域为________ 17、将(61)0,2,log 221,log 0.523由小到大排顺序:x18. 设函数()()()()4242xx f x x f x ⎧≥⎪=⎨<+⎪⎩,则()2log 3f =19、计算机的成本不断降低,如果每隔5年计算机的价格降低31,现在价格为8100元的计算机,15年后的价格可降为20、函数),2[log +∞=在x y a 上恒有|y|>1,则a 的取值范围是 。



小学下册英语第二单元真题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.I am learning to play the ______ (钢琴). Music makes me feel ______ (放松) and happy.2. A __________ is a natural feature that can affect weather patterns.3.The chemical formula for lead(II) sulfate is __________.4.What do you use to cut paper?A. GlueB. ScissorsC. TapeD. Ruler5.The chemical symbol for nickel is _______.anic compounds always contain _____.7.What is the opposite of bitter?A. SweetB. SourC. SaltyD. All of the aboveA8.The chemical process of respiration is similar to ______.9.The sun sets in the ________ (西边).10.We should _______ our dreams and goals.11.What is your ___ (name)?12.The Earth's crust is divided into continental and ______ crust.13.What is the term for an animal that eats both plants and meat?A. HerbivoreB. CarnivoreC. OmnivoreD. ScavengerC14.How many days are there in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. EightC15.Galileo was one of the first to use a telescope to study the ______.16.Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. EasterC. ChristmasD. ThanksgivingC17.The bear's strength and power make it a formidable force in the ____.18.The boy is watching a ________.19.The stars are ___ (twinkling/shining).20.The arrangement of atoms in a molecule is known as its _____ structure.21.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 122.The element with atomic number is __________.23.I have a wonderful memory with my ____.24.Her brother is in ________ grade.25.I want to grow a ________ to make my room bright.26.The ancient civilization of ________ is known for its complex society.27. A ____(research study) investigates specific environmental challenges.28.The _____ (fireflies) light up the night.29.The weather is ________ today.30.I like to _______ (play) the drums.31.The Earth’s surface is mostly covered by ______.32.My uncle tells great __________. (笑话)33.What do you call the main character in a novel?A. ProtagonistB. AntagonistC. Supporting characterD. NarratorA34.The ant builds intricate _____.35.The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called _______.36.The Earth's surface is shaped by both ______ and natural forces.37.The ______ shares interesting facts about science.38.What do we call a person who writes stories?A. WriterB. ArtistC. TeacherD. Actor39.The ________ is a small animal.40.The capital of Saint Lucia is __________.41.Which insect makes honey?A. AntB. ButterflyC. BeeD. FlyC42.I have a special place for my toy ____. (玩具名称)43.The __________ (历史的综合面) reveals interconnectedness.44.What is the capital of Sri Lanka?A. ColomboB. KandyC. GalleD. Negombo45.I like to ___ (play) outside.46.What do we call a person who makes films?A. DirectorB. ProducerC. FilmmakerD. All of the above47.My favorite hobby is ______ (drawing).48.What is the capital city of Iceland?A. ReykjavikB. AkureyriC. KeflavikD. EgilsstadirA49.The _______ is essential for the ecosystem's balance.50.I have a plant that blooms _____.51.The rain is ___. (pouring)52.How many legs does an octopus have?A. SixB. EightC. TenD. TwelveB53.I can’t wait to try out my new __________ (玩具名).54.Which animal is known for its stripes?A. LionB. TigerC. BearD. ElephantB55.I like to plant ________ around my house.56.What is the capital city of Chile?A. SantiagoB. ValparaísoC. ConcepciónD. La Serena57.My sister's favorite animal is a _____.58.I saw a _______ in the tree.59.My school has a big ________ (图书馆) filled with many interesting ________ (书籍).60.The ______ (果汁) of some fruits is very refreshing.61. A ________ (峡谷) is a deep valley between mountains.62.The main component of enzymes is _____.63.My _____ (遥控飞机) flies high in the sky.64.The ______ shares useful tips on health.65.__________ are used in the production of biofuels.66.Many plants prefer ________ (阴凉) spots.67.How many days are in a week?A. FiveB. SevenC. TenD. TwelveB68.What is the fastest land animal?A. LionB. CheetahC. HorseD. GazelleB69.The chemical symbol for chlorine is ______.70.Many flowers bloom in _____ (春天) and attract bees.71.What is the capital of the Netherlands?A. AmsterdamB. RotterdamC. UtrechtD. The HagueA72.The ________ (生态系统服务评估方法) informs practices.73.What is the name of the famous artist known for his paintings of the American West?A. Georgia O'KeeffeB. Frederic RemingtonC. Thomas Hart BentonD. Grant Wood74.My ________ (玩具名称) comes with cool accessories.75.What are the two main types of telescopes?A. Reflecting and refractingB. Optical and radioC. Infrared and ultravioletD. Manual and digital76.The _____ (road/path) is narrow.77.The chemical symbol for gold is _____.78.What do you call a baby dragon?A. HatchlingB. CubC. KitD. Calf79. A thermos bottle reduces heat ______.80.The rainbow is _____ after the rain. (appearing)81.We have a ______ (快乐的) time during family gatherings.82.My brother often plays _______ (名词) with his friends. 他觉得这个游戏很_______ (形容词).83.My best friend is ______ years old.84.Who is known as the King of the Jungle?A. TigerB. ElephantC. LionD. Bear85.The equator divides the Earth into the __________ and southern hemispheres.86.The __________ (历史的对照) highlights contrasts between eras.87.The first successful use of anesthesia was in ________ (1846).88.中国的________ (artifacts) 让我们了解过去的文明。





3、增色效应:由于DNA变性引起的光吸收增加称增色效应,也就是变性后DNA 溶液的紫外吸收作用增强的效应。







12. P/O比:呼吸过程中无机磷酸(Pi)消耗量和原子氧(O)消耗量的比值称为磷氧比。






















一、选择题1.某溶液中可能含有Na +、K +、Mg 2+、Fe 2+、4NH +、Cl -、Br -、23CO -、24SO -、23SO -中的若干种离子。


某同学设计并完成如图实验:下列有关判断中正确的是A .该溶液焰色反应火焰呈黄色,说明溶液中一定存在Na +,不存在K +B .实验①后溶液呈黄色,说明原溶液中含Fe 2+C .原溶液中一定存在的离子是Na +、Cl -、Br -、23CO -、24SO -D .检测原溶液中是否含有4NH +,可取少量的原溶液,滴加足量的NaOH 浓溶液,加热,用湿润的红色石蕊试纸检验气体2.新教材实验,如图所示,在注射器里吸入20mLNO(标况),然后吸入5mL 水。

若再吸入30mL 空气(标况,O 2占15计算),夹住弹簧夹,让内外大气压相同,观察。

下列叙述不正确的是A .可观察到注射器内气体由无色变成红棕色,最后变成无色B .可观察到注射器的活塞缓缓向右移动C .最终剩余气体体积约为36mLD .所得硝酸溶液的浓度约为0.07mol/L3.下列有关NH 3两个实验说法中正确的是A .两个实验均表现了NH 3易溶于水B .两个实验均表现了NH 3易挥发C .两个实验均表现了NH 3是碱性气体D .两个实验均表现了NH 3是还原性气体 4.下列有关反应的颜色变化与氧化还原反应无关的是A .新制氯水久置后浅黄绿色消失B .将NH 3通入滴有酚酞的水中,溶液变红色,加热后又变无色C .往FeCl 2溶液中滴入NaOH 溶液,先出现白色沉淀,后转化为灰绿色,最后转化为红褐D .NO 2溶于水后变为无色,同时有气体放出,放出的气体遇到空气变为红棕色5.下列叙述正确的是A .CO 2、NO 2以及SO 2都会导致酸雨的形成B .用活性炭为糖浆脱色和用臭氧漂白纸浆的原理相同C .为防止压缩饼干类食品受潮变质,常在包装袋中放入铁粉D .黄河入海口沙洲的形成与用卤水点豆腐都体现了胶体聚沉的性质6.今有一混合物的水溶液,只可能含有以下离子中的若干种:K +、4NH +、Cl -、Mg 2+、Ba 2+、23CO -、24SO -,现取三份100mL 溶液进行如下实验:(1)第一份加入AgNO 3溶液有沉淀产生(2)第二份加足量NaOH 溶液加热后,收集到气体0.04mol(3)第三份加足量BaCl 2溶液后,得干燥沉淀6.27g ,经足量盐酸洗涤、干燥后,沉淀质量为2.33g 。



而 n=3 能级的氢原子能量为-1.51eV,因此处于 n=3 能级的氢原子可以吸收任意频率的紫外线,并发生电离,故 B
正确.根据光电效应产生条件,原子 n=4 向 n=1,n=3 向 n=1,n=2 向 n=1 跃迁所发生的光,能使其发生光电效
应,故 C 正确;由 C 选项分析,结合光电效应方程 Ekm=hν-W,可知,从能级 n=4 向 n=1 发出的光照射时,辐射能 量为 E=13.6eV-0.85eV=12.75eV,原子 n=2 向 n=1 跃迁所发出的光的能量为 E′=13.6eV-3.4eV=10.2eV,则产生
17. (12 分)一个静止的氮核174N 俘获了一个速度为 2.3×107m/s 的中子生成一个复核 A,A 又衰变成 B、C 两个新核,设 B、C 的速度方向与中子方向相同,B 的质量是中子的 11 倍,速度是 106m/s,B、C 在同一磁场中做圆周运动的半径之比 RB:RC =11:30,求: (1) C 核的速度大小; (2) 根据计算判断 C 核是什么; (3) 写出核反应方程.

逸出功 W/eV
1.9 2.7 3.7 4.1
15. (10 分)一个质子和两个中子聚变为一个氚核,已知质子质量 mH=1.007 3u,中子质量 mn=1.008 7u,氚核质量 m=3.018 0u. (1) 写出聚变方程; (2) 释放出的核能多大? (3) 平均每个核子释放的能量是多大?
材料产生光电效应ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ则这群氢原子发出的光谱中共有 3 条谱线能使该金属产生光电效应
D.有一群处于 n=4 能级的氢原子,如果原子 n=2 向 n=1 跃迁所发出的光正好使某种金属材料产生光电效应,从能



小学下册英语第五单元真题试卷[有答案]考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 填空题:My favorite animal is the ______ (大象). It is very ______ (聪明) and gentle.2. 听力题:The chemical formula for lithium phosphate is ______.3. 听力题:Chemical changes are often accompanied by observable _____ such as color change or gas production.4. 填空题:Did you spot a _______ (小鹤) flying in the sky?5. 填空题:The hedgehog has sharp ______ (刺) for protection.6. 填空题:My grandma loves her ______.7. 选择题:What do we breathe?A. WaterB. AirC. FoodD. Light答案: B. Air8. 听力题:I have _____ (one/two) pet cats.9. 选择题:What is the name of the popular board game where you try to take over the world? A. RiskB. MonopolyC. Settlers of CatanD. Clue答案: A10. 选择题:What do you call a large ship used for travel?A. VesselB. YachtC. Cruise shipD. Cargo ship答案:C11. 听力题:The _____ (商店) is open today.12. 选择题:What color do you get when you mix red and yellow?A. GreenB. OrangeC. PurpleD. Brown答案:B13. 选择题:What is the capital city of Indonesia?A. JakartaB. BaliC. BandungD. Surabaya答案: A14. 听力题:The chemical symbol for gallium is ______.15. 填空题:The ______ (触感) of leaves can vary widely.16. nature reserve) protects wildlife and habitats. 填空题:The ____17. 填空题:Gardening is a fun way to learn about ______ (自然).18. 听力题:A lizard can ______ its tail.19. 听力题:The chemical formula for ethyl alcohol is __________.20. 选择题:What do we call the branches of a tree?A. RootsB. TrunkC. LeavesD. Limbs答案:D21. 听力题:The Milky Way is a spiral-shaped ______.22. 填空题:A lobster's claws are powerful tools for catching ________________ (食物).23. 选择题:What do we celebrate on New Year’s Day?A. BirthdaysB. The start of a new yearC. ChristmasD. Halloween答案:B24. 选择题:Which planet is often called Earth's twin?A. MarsB. VenusC. SaturnD. Mercury25. 填空题:My family enjoys outdoor ____.26. 填空题:I like to collect ________.27. 听力题:I like to eat ________ during lunch.28. 选择题:What do we call the tool used to cut fabric?A. ScissorsB. KnifeC. CutterD. Blade29. (French Revolution) began in 1789. 填空题:The ____30. 听力题:The waves are _______ (crashing) on the shore.31. 听力题:The bear catches fish in the ____.32. 听力题:The _______ of a light wave can be affected by its color.33. 填空题:Plants need _____ (水分) to survive.34. 听力题:The storm is ___ (getting) stronger.35. 听力题:They are ___ the news. (watching)36. 填空题:The __________ was a period of political upheaval in France. (法国大革命)37. 选择题:Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. BroccoliC. AppleD. Potato38. 选择题:How many legs does an octopus have?A. 6B. 8C. 10D. 1239. 听力题:A solution with a low concentration is said to be ______.40. 填空题:The _____ (小海龟) bravely swims toward the ocean. 小海龟勇敢地游向大海。



济南2024年05版小学5年级上册英语第5单元测验卷[有答案]考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:The __________ was a period of exploration and colonization. (大航海时代)2、听力题:The chemical formula for strontium carbonate is _____.3、听力题:The animal that is known for its shell is a ______.4、填空题:The ______ (生物多样性) of plants is essential for ecosystems.5、小蜥蜴) basks in the sun. 填空题:The ___6、听力题:The bear is known for its strength and ____.7、填空题:Every year, I participate in a ________ (艺术比赛) at school to showcase my creativity.8、What is the capital of Uruguay?A. MontevideoB. SaltoC. PaysanduD. Colonia del Sacramento答案:A9、听力题:I love to _____ in the snow. (play)10、填空题:The _______ (The Industrial Revolution) transformed industries and economies globally.11、听力题:He is a good ___. (friend)12、听力题:The puppy is ______ in the grass. (rolling)13、填空题:My brother is a great __________ (伙伴) in games.14、听力题:The fish is swimming in the ________.15、听力题:The dog is _____ (barking/sleeping) in the yard.16、What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. BreadD. Jam答案: B17、听力题:The chemical formula for calcium carbonate is ______.18、填空题:A dolphin is known for its friendly and playful ________________ (性格).19、What do we call the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly?A. MetamorphosisB. GrowthC. EvolutionD. Transformation答案: A20、填空题:A goldfish swims in its _______ happily.21、What do you call the event where people come together to celebrate a holiday?A. GatheringB. CelebrationC. PartyD. Event答案: B22、填空题:The ________ was a major event that shaped modern European history.23、选择题:What do we call a house made of ice?A. IglooB. CabinC. CottageD. Hut24、听力题:Solar panels convert sunlight into ______.25、What is the name of the famous river in the United States?A. MississippiB. AmazonC. NileD. Yangtze26、填空题:在历史上,________ (trade) 促进了不同文化之间的交流。



units3---5 单元综合试题第一部分:单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. The birthplace of Mark Twain, the author of Adventure of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finnhas been one of the major ______ to tourists in the country for many years.A. places of interestsB. attractionsC. scenesD. views2. Whenever she sees the ______ of bloody fighting on the screen, she will cover her eyes withher hands, ______at them.A. sights; not daring to lookB. scenes; daring not to lookC. views; dared not lookD. scenes; not daring to look3. When I was talking to her about her table manners, she stared at me as if listening to meattentively but I could see that her mind ______somewhere else.A. wonderingB. walkingC. wanderingD. thinking of4. The stranger ______ that he had walked into the reception room without anybody ______ him to.A. admitted; permittingB. recognized; allowingC. said; permissionD. admitted; admitting5. ---What shall we do with our project, stop or continue, sir?---________ and try to finish it _______.A.Go on to do it; ahead of timeB. Go on doing it; before timeC. Go ahead with it; ahead of timeD. Continue to do it; before the time.6. Totally _____ accident, the businessman got hold of a ten-pound fake banknote that wasbelieved to ______ two hundred years ago.A. by; have been issuedB. with; have come into useC. in; have come outD. at ; have come into being7. Her genuine love for you may _______ what she has sacrificed (牺牲)to make you succeed.A. stand forB. count forC. account forD. speak for8. I happened to be ______ when the gunman was shot dead the moment he was _______ by thepolice. I was disgusted to see his clothes covered with blood spotsA. on the spot; spottedB. on the spot; watchedC. in the spot; seenD. at the spot;noticed9. ______what many people thought, the graduate came here not to ______ fame or money butthe true value of life.A. On the contrary with; look forB. Contrary to; seekC. Opposite to; searchD. To thecontrary of; hunt for10. As for creative work, people who love to _______ have a higher ______ to succeed thanthose like to be secure.A. take a opportunity; chanceB. take chances; opportunityC. take a chance; opportunityD. take opportunity; chance11. –Mum, I failed again in today’s examination.--Oh, ________. The world is not _______.A. come up; at its endB. Cheer up; in the endC. Look up; at the endD. Take it easy; at an end12. If this problem is not solved at once, it will _______ many more _______.A. give birth to ; in timeB. multiply; on timeC. arise; in timeD. increase; on time13. It still p uzzles today’s scientists ______ some mammals produce their young ______others lay eggs to produce their offspring( 后代)A. that; whileB. why; whileC. how; whenD. what; as14. Some people feel easy and comfortable to be served by others but when they are asked toserve others ______, they are unwilling or even hate to do so.A. in turnB. in their turnsC. in their turnD. by their turn15. Believe in yourself and work hard and ______ your final goal will be achieved.A. thereforeB. soC. thusD. by this way16. ---“ Excuse me, sir? Would you mind moving a little bit to the left? You are ______ myview of the screen.”---Oh, sorry I ________ it.A. breaking out; didn’t realizeB. blocking out; haven’t realizedC. coming up; don’t realizeD. blocking out; didn’t realize17. Do you know what speed a rocket has to _______ in order to escape the pull or gravity of theearth ______ a man-made satellite to its orbit?A. get to; to sendB. reach; sendingC. arrive ; sendingD. reach; to send18. _______ you have masses of work to do, you don’t have to help me with the housework.A. So thatB. Now thatC. If thatD. in that19. Quarrels often _______ between the wife and husband but they both wish to take measuresto prevent them ______ happily.A. break out; from livingB. break up; to liveC. happen; to liveD. take place; from living20. We have to closely_______ any movements of the enemy troops along the border so that wewon’t be attacked without warningA. watch overB. watch out forC. look overD. watch for21. As parents, you should have _______ your daughter’s gift for dancing at her early age. If so,she would have become a famous dancer now.A. inventedB. appreciatedC. enjoyedD. sought22. Rather than ______ to a secure life, the young man prefers wandering about in big cities, enjoying himself.A. settle downB. to settle downC. settling downD. settled down23. Twenty out of the seventy passengers aboard the plane are reported _______the crash but thenews has not been _______ by the officials concerned.A. to have survived; confirmedB. to have died; provedC. having survived; confirmedD. having been killed; proved24. Though what she had been doing went against the tradition of the family, he ________to makethem change their minds.A. succeededB. persuaded B. managed D. tried25. My mother always _______ the importance of mixing well with my classmates in school.A. reminds of meB. impresses on meC. strikes meD. stresses me第二部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



烟台2024年11版小学五年级英语第5单元测验试卷考试时间:80分钟(总分:120)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、选择题:How many letters are in the English alphabet?A. 24B. 25C. 26D. 272、选择题:What do we call a small, round fruit that is red or green?A. OrangeB. AppleC. BananaD. Pear3、How many planets are there in our Solar System?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 104、选择题:What is the name of the vegetable that is orange and crunchy?A. PotatoB. CarrotC. CucumberD. Celery5、What is the name of the first successful Mars rover?A. SpiritB. OpportunityC. CuriosityD. Perseverance6、What is the phenomenon where the moon appears larger than usual?A. SupermoonB. Blood MoonC. Blue MoonD. New Moon7、选择题:What is the main language spoken in Spain?A. EnglishB. SpanishC. FrenchD. Italian8、选择题:What do we call a baby chicken?A. DucklingB. CalfC. ChickD. Lamb9、选择题:What is the capital of Belgium?A. AmsterdamB. BrusselsC. LuxembourgD. Paris10、选择题:What is 12 x 3?A. 36B. 24C. 48D. 3011、What do we call the tool used to measure weight?A. RulerB. ScaleC. ThermometerD. Stopwatch12、What do we call the process of converting food into energy?A. DigestionB. MetabolismC. AbsorptionD. Respiration13、选择题:What do you call a large animal that lives in the ocean?A. FishB. WhaleC. SharkD. Dolphin14、选择题:What is the name of the largest organ in the human body?A. HeartB. BrainC. SkinD. Liver15、What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. Tower BridgeC. London EyeD. The Shard16、选择题:What do we call the ancient art of writing on clay tablets?A. HieroglyphicsB. CuneiformC. CalligraphyD. Typography17、What type of animal is a dolphin?A. FishB. ReptileC. MammalD. Amphibian18、选择题:What is the capital of Egypt?A. CairoB. NairobiC. TunisD. Algiers19、选择题:What instrument is used to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. SpeedometerD. Altimeter20、What do you call the process of removing seeds from fruit?A. PittingB. PeelingC. SlicingD. Chopping二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:A solvent is a substance that dissolves a ______.2、听力题:The asteroid belt is located between Mars and _______.3、听力题:The _____ (cat/dog) is sleeping.4、听力题:Many _______ produce fruit in summer.5、听力题:A _______ can help to visualize the concept of mass and weight.6、听力题:A chemical reaction can change color, produce gas, or form _____.7、听力题:My grandma makes the best ____ (cookies) in the world.8、听力题:The smallest unit of an element is called an ______.9、听力题:A _______ is a group of stars that form a pattern.10、听力题:My brother is great at solving ____ (puzzles).11、听力题:The study of how rocks change over time is known as ______.12、听力题:I like to ___ (watch/play) sports on TV.We have a ________ at school.14、听力题:He is playing with his ___. (friends)15、听力题:The ability of metals to be drawn into wires is called _____.16、听力题:He is playing __________ with his friends.17、听力题:The process of breaking down a substance into its elements is called ______.18、听力题:The antelope's agility keeps it safe from predators, ensuring its ____.19、听力题:A chemical bond forms when atoms share or transfer ______.20、听力题:The symbol for thorium is _____.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The rooster crows in the _________. (早上)2、solves in water to form a _______. (溶液) 填空题:Sunflowe3、填空题:The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand sparked ________ (第一次世界大战).4、填空题:A ____(circular economy model) minimizes waste through reuse.5、填空题:The _____ (树木覆盖) provides numerous environmental benefits.6、填空题:My teacher told us to call her ______ in class. (我的老师告诉我们在课上称呼她为。



烟台2024年05版小学六年级下册英语第5单元真题考试时间:80分钟(总分:100)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、选择题:What do you call a small electronic device used for communication?A. TabletB. SmartphoneC. LaptopD. Desktop2、What do you call a baby sheep?A. CalfB. KidC. LambD. Foal3、What do we call the process by which organisms maintain a stable internal environment?A. HomeostasisB. MetabolismC. AdaptationD. Evolution4、选择题:What is the name of the famous fairy tale character who had a long braid?A. Sleeping BeautyB. RapunzelC. CinderellaD. Snow White5、Which of these is not a vegetable?A. CarrotB. TomatoC. BananaD. Cucumber6、How many legs does an insect have?A. SixB. EightC. FourD. Ten7、选择题:What do you use to write?A. SpoonB. PencilC. ForkD. Plate8、选择题:Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. RectangleC. TriangleD. Circle9、What is the main ingredient in a chocolate cake?A. FlourB. SugarC. CocoaD. Eggs10、What is the longest river in the world?A. AmazonB. NileC. MississippiD. Yangtze11、选择题:What do we call the process of water turning into vapor?A. EvaporationB. CondensationC. PrecipitationD. Sublimation12、选择题:What do we call the smallest unit of life?A. CellB. AtomC. MoleculeD. Organ13、选择题:Which animal is known for its ability to climb trees?A. FishB. SquirrelC. SharkD. Whale14、What is the opposite of ‘near’?A. CloseB. FarC. TogetherD. Adjacent15、What do we call a group of whales?A. PodB. SchoolC. FlockD. Pack16、选择题:What color are strawberries?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Green17、What do we use to take photographs?A. CameraB. PhoneC. ComputerD. Tablet18、What is the first month of the year?A. JanuaryB. FebruaryC. MarchD. April19、What do you call a group of wolves?A. PackB. FlockC. HerdD. Gaggle20、Which of these is a vegetable?A. CarrotB. BananaC. PeachD. Grape二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)1、听力题:The cake is very ______ (sweet).2、听力题:The park has a big ______ (slide).3、听力题:The __________ is a large area of flat grassland.4、听力题:The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)5、听力题:A compound is made of two or more different ______.6、听力题:The ancient Incas built their empire in ________.7、听力题:We have a _____ (计划) for the weekend.8、听力题:The ________ (clock) shows the time.9、听力题:I see a _____ (bird/fish) flying.10、听力题:We will _____ (travel/stay) at home.11、听力填空题:I enjoy learning about history. Discovering how people lived in the past is fascinating. One historical event I found interesting was __________ because __________.12、听力题:My mom is cooking ________ for dinner.The ice cream is melting ___. (quickly)14、听力题:He is a good ___. (friend)15、听力题:A ______ is a small creature that can be very colorful.16、听力题:A mixture of metals is known as an _______.17、听力题:The ______ helps protect the skin.18、听力题:The __________ is known for its preserved wildlife.19、听力题:The tree is ___ (full) of leaves.20、听力题:A _______ is a type of reaction that breaks down compounds into simpler substances.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:The ________ is a special plant.2、填空题:For lunch, I usually have a ________ (三明治) and some ________ (水果).3、填空题:I enjoy exercising because it keeps me ______ (健康) and strong. It’s crucial for a good lifestyle.4、填空题:I can _______ my shoes by myself.5、填空题:At school, we learn many subjects like ________ (数学), ________ (英语), and________ (科学). I especially like ________ (英语) class.The capital of Barbados is ________ (布里奇敦).7、填空题:I like to explore with my toy ________ (玩具名称).8、填空题:The fall of the Roman Empire happened in ________ (公元476年).9、填空题:I can use my toy ________ (玩具名称) to make new friends.10、填空题:The ancient Romans built impressive ________ (竞技场).11、填空题:The tortoise is slow but very _______ (聪明).12、填空题:My mom loves to ________ (购物).13、填空题:The _____ (树皮) protects the tree from harm.14、ts can be dried for ______ (保存). 填空题:Some fru15、填空题:The invention of the radio changed the way we _____.16、填空题:I like to play with ________ (旋转木马) at the amusement park. It goes ________ (快).17、填空题:The ancient Romans used _______ for their plumbing. (水管)18、填空题:I enjoy doing ______ (实验) in science class. It helps me learn through hands-on activities.19、填空题:My brother is my adventurous _______ who loves to explore.20、填空题:A duck can swim in the ______.。





一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、What is the biggest ocean on Earth?A, Atlantic OceanB, Indian OceanC, Arctic OceanD, Pacific Ocean2、How many colors are there in a standard rainbow?A, FiveB, SixC, Seven3、What is the English meaning of "餐厅"?A, KitchenB, Dining roomC, RestaurantD, Café4、What do we call a plant that is cultivated for food production?我们称为食物生产而栽培的植物为?A, CropB, WeedC, Ornamental plantD, Flowering plant5、What does "邮局" mean in English?A, Post officeB, BankC, StoreD, Hospital6、找出下列每组中相同的字母,请将字母填在题前的括号内。

( )1.E T C E P( )2.0 A M Z M F( )3.S X G S J Y( )4.b g h b d( )5.e n r V n7、What do you call a group of stars?A, GalaxyB, PlanetariumC, UniverseD, Constellation8、She is my sister. 她是我的姐姐。




一、(选择题)总分:50分(2分/题)1、What is the name of the exercise that strengthens the heart?A, Strength trainingB, Aerobic exerciseC, Flexibility trainingD, Balance training2、What is the name of the person who drives a bus?A, PilotB, DriverC, CaptainD, Conductor3、Which word means "you are"?A, YourB, You’reC, YoursD, You4、What does "植物资源管理" mean in English?A, Plant resource managementB, Agricultural managementC, Environmental managementD, Ecological management5、What is the main role of chlorophyll?叶绿素的主要作用是什么?A, To absorb lightB, To store energyC, To produce flowersD, To transport water6、What is the main ingredient in salad?A, LettuceB, BreadC, Pasta7、What is the main purpose of roots?根的主要用途是什么?A, To absorb nutrients and waterB, To produce flowersC, To support the plantD, To make food8、What do we call plants that grow in the shade?中文解释:我们称在阴影中生长的植物为?A, Shade-loving plantsB, Sun-loving plantsC, Water-loving plants9、What do you call the person who runs a business? A, EmployeeB, EmployerC, ManagerD, Owner10、What do you call a person who bakes bread?中文解释:烤面包的人叫什么?A, BakerB, ChefC, Cook11、What is the opposite of "near"?A, CloseB, FarC, Next12、What is the name of the device used to call someone? A, RadioB, ComputerC, PhoneD, Television13、What is the smallest continent?A, AsiaB, AfricaC, AustraliaD, Europe14、Which type of plant is an apple tree?中文解释:苹果树属于哪种植物?A, DeciduousB, EvergreenC, Conifer15、How many wheels does a bicycle have?中文解释:自行车有多少个轮子?A, OneB, TwoC, Three16、Which plant is commonly associated with summer?哪种植物通常与夏天相关?A, PumpkinB, SunflowerC, PineD, Fir17、单项选择。






一、数学题1. 小明有5个苹果,他吃了2个,还剩下几个?答案:小明还剩下3个苹果。

2. 请计算:2 + 3 = ?答案:2 + 3 = 5。

3. 请将下列数字按从小到大的顺序排列:4、1、3、2。


4. 请计算:5 - 2 = ?答案:5 - 2 = 3。

5. 请计算:3 × 4 = ?答案:3 × 4 = 12。

二、语文题1. 请写出下列字的拼音:猫、狗、鸟、鱼。


2. 请将下列词语按照正确的词序排列:小明、喜欢、跑步。


3. 请写出下列字的正确读音:花(huā)、草(cǎo)、树(shù)。


4. 请写出下列字的正确笔画顺序:人、口、手、木。


5. 请写出下列字的正确部首:水、火、木、土。


三、英语题1. 请写出下列单词的中文意思:apple、cat、dog、bird。


2. 请将下列单词按字母顺序排列:dog、bird、apple、cat。


3. 请写出下列单词的正确拼写:table、book、chair、pen。


4. 请将下列句子翻译成英语:“我喜欢吃苹果。

”答案:I like to eat apples.5. 请将下列单词的过去式写出来:play、eat、run、drink。



烟台2024年07版小学五年级英语第3单元全练全测考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:The __________ (历史的启发) shapes our futures.2、填空题:I see a _______ climbing a tree (我看到一只_______爬树).3、填空题:She is a teacher, ______ (她是一名老师), helping students learn.4、听力题:My mom is learning to speak ____ (Spanish).5、填空题:My aunt loves __________ (花卉).6、听力题:The chemical formula for sodium nitrite is _______.7、听力题:The ____ is often seen resting in the sun on warm days.8、听力题:Many _______ have specific care requirements.9、听力题:A crab has a hard ______.10、填空题:My favorite character in a book is _______ (名字). 他/她的故事很 _______ (形容词).A _____ (果树) produces fruit every year.12、听力题:The first female prime minister of the UK was _______ Thatcher.13、What is the color of a typical goldfish?A. SilverB. BlueC. OrangeD. Yellow答案:C14、听力题:A chemical reaction can produce ______.15、填空题:The frog jumps from ______ (一块石头) to another.16、听力题:The capital of Costa Rica is __________.17、听力题:The ______ studies medicine.18、填空题:The _______ (Spanish Armada) was defeated by the English navy in 1588.19、听力题:The invention of the steam engine revolutionized _______ transportation.20、听力题:The train is _____ down the tracks. (going)21、听力题:The pizza is _____ (hot/cold).22、听力题:The __________ is a large area known for its volcanoes.23、填空题:A _____ (植物价值) encompasses economic and ecological aspects.24、听力题:My friend is a ______. He loves to play the guitar.We are _____ (waiting) for the bus.26、Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?A. GuitarB. DrumsC. PianoD. Flute27、填空题:A _____ is a natural barrier that separates areas.28、填空题:When you mix vinegar and baking soda, it creates _______. (气泡)29、填空题:My pet hamster enjoys running in its ______ (笼子).30、What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. BreadD. Butter答案:B31、听力题:The chemical symbol for bismuth is ______.32、What is 5 2?A. 3B. 4C. 2D. 1答案:A33、填空题:I have a pet ______ (兔子) named Fluffy. It is very soft and loves to be ______ (抚摸).34、填空题:The _____ (squash) plant is prolific in summer.35、听力题:She is a great ________.36、What do you call a large, slow-moving animal that lives in water?A. HippoB. CrocodileC. AlligatorD. Turtle答案:A37、听力题:They like to ________ outside.38、听力题:The baby is _____ in the crib. (sleeping)39、听力题:A chemical reaction can be catalyzed by a ______.40、选择题:What is the name of the famous children's book character who is a mouse?A. Stuart LittleB. BambiC. Peter RabbitD. The Tale of Despereaux41、听力题:I enjoy ______ (baking) cookies with my mom.42、填空题:My dog's fur is ______ (黑色) and shiny.43、选择题:What is the name of the popular children's book series about a young wizard?A. Chronicles of NarniaB. Harry PotterC. Percy JacksonD. The Hobbit44、听力题:The ______ shares useful tips on health.45、填空题:My cat enjoys watching the ______ (小鸟) outside.46、What do we call a large body of saltwater?A. LakeB. OceanC. RiverD. Stream答案:BA hydroxide ion is composed of one oxygen and _______ hydrogen atom(s).48、填空题:We are learning about _______ (动物) in school.49、What is the opposite of "big"?A. HugeB. SmallC. TallD. Long答案:B50、听力题:Electromagnetic radiation includes visible light and ______.51、听力题:Some plants can live for many _______.52、听力题:A chemical that can donate a proton is called a ______.53、听力题:The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is _______.54、填空题:Dogs bark to _______ (保护) their owners.55、听力题:The _______ of an object can be changed by applying force.56、听力题:The chemical formula for vanadium pentoxide is _____.57、填空题:My house has _______ bedrooms.58、What do you call the time of year when flowers bloom?A. WinterB. SummerC. SpringD. Fall答案:C59、听力题:The _______ of an object can be tested with a scale.The tortoise is much _________ than the hare. (慢)61、填空题:The _______ (Constitutional Convention) took place in 1787 to draft the US Constitution.62、听力题:In a reaction, the rate can be affected by the surface area of the _____.63、填空题:I can’t believe how cool my __________ (玩具名) is!64、填空题:The _____ (小鸟) chirps happily in the morning.65、填空题:I have _______ (三) brothers and sisters, and we love to _______ (一起玩).66、填空题:My favorite toy is a ________ (玩具名). It is very ________ (形容词) and I love to play with it. Every day, I spend hours ________ (动词) with my toy.67、填空题:I always brush my ______ before bed.68、听力题:I enjoy _____ (旅行) with my family.69、听力题:My mom enjoys making ____ (jams) from fruits.70、听力题:The Great Wall of China was built over several _______.71、听力题:A hypothesis is an educated _____ about a scientific question.72、What is the capital of Turkey?A. AnkaraB. IstanbulC. BursaD. Izmir答案:AThe _____ (太阳) is the main source of energy for plants.74、选择题:What is the name of the famous river in Russia?A. VolgaB. DanubeC. AmazonD. Nile75、填空题:The dolphin is a ______ (社交的) animal.76、What do you call a person who writes books?A. AuthorB. ArtistC. MusicianD. Painter答案:A77、选择题:What is the capital of the Philippines?A. ManilaB. CebuC. DavaoD. Iloilo78、听力题:The chemical formula for isopropyl alcohol is ______.79、听力题:The flowers are _______ (colorful) and pretty.80、听力题:The Kuiper Belt is located beyond the orbit of _______.81、听力题:The cake is very ___. (rich)82、Which planet is known for its great red spot?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. Saturn答案:CWe are learning about ______ (space) in class.84、选择题:What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered the New World?A. Christopher ColumbusB. Ferdinand MagellanC. Marco PoloD. Vasco da Gama85、填空题:I like to help my parents ________ (打扫) the house.86、填空题:A turtle hides in its _______ when it feels threatened.87、听力题:The dog is _____ (barking/sleeping) in the yard.88、填空题:The ________ can be a great friend.89、听力题:The __________ is a region known for its artistic community.90、填空题:The squirrel's diet consists mainly of ________________ (坚果) and seeds.91、What is the capital of Cambodia?A. Phnom PenhB. Siem ReapC. BattambangD. Sihanoukville92、听力题:We will _______ (explore) the city tomorrow.93、What do we call the study of animal behavior?A. EthologyB. ZoologyC. EcologyD. Anthropology94、填空题:My cousin is a __________ (舞蹈家).A ____ has soft fur and enjoys being petted.96、Which of these is used for cooking?A. RefrigeratorB. OvenC. MicrowaveD. All of the above97、填空题:The ______ (小鸟) chirps sweetly in the morning.98、填空题:The stars are _______ (在夜空中).99、填空题:Did you ever touch a _______ (小蜥蜴)?100、填空题:A ________ (海峡) connects two larger bodies of water.。



重庆2024年05版小学5年级上册英语第三单元真题试卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题共100分)1. 选择题:What do you call the person who fixes cars?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. MechanicD. Chef答案:C2. 听力题:The _____ of a substance refers to its ability to conduct heat.3. 填空题:The ancient Romans created _______ to explain the world around them. (神话)4. 选择题:What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. The Statue of LibertyB. Christ the RedeemerC. The ThinkerD. The Great Sphinx5. 选择题:What is the capital of the Maldives?A. MaleB. Addu CityC. FuvahmulahD. Laamu Atoll答案:A. Male6. 填空题:The invention of the printing press was by ________ (古腾堡).What do we call the study of the structure of organisms?A. AnatomyB. PhysiologyC. HistologyD. Biology答案: A8. 填空题:I like to _______ my family photos.9. 听力题:The __________ is an important agricultural area.10. 填空题:My dog loves to play fetch with a _________ (球).11. 选择题:What is the name of the state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape?A. SolidB. LiquidC. GasD. Plasma答案: B12. 选择题:Which gas do we breathe in?A. OxygenB. Carbon DioxideC. NitrogenD. Hydrogen答案: A13. 选择题:What is the capital of Nigeria?A. AbujaB. LagosC. AccraD. Nairobi答案:A. Abuja14. 听力题:I enjoy ______ new places. (exploring)15. 填空题:He is a magician, ______ (他是一位魔术师), who performs tricks.A _______ is a reaction that involves bubbling.17. 填空题:I enjoy _______ (听音乐)在晚上.18. 填空题:A ______ (马) can be very strong and fast.19. 填空题:The antelope runs very _________ (快).20. 选择题:What do we call a large structure built to hold water?A. DamB. BridgeC. TunnelD. Wall21. 填空题:The ________ was a famous trade route connecting Europe and Asia.22. 填空题:I believe that laughter is the best _______ (良药). It makes every situation better.23. 填空题:I enjoy exploring new ______ (地方) during my travels.24. 听力题:A substance made up of two or more elements is known as a ________.25. 填空题:The __________ was so cold that I wore gloves. (空气)26. 听力题:I want to _____ (join/start) a club.27. 选择题:What is the name of the popular board game where you buy and sell properties?A. MonopolyB. ClueC. RiskD. Battleship答案: A28. 选择题:What is the name of the fairy tale character who had a magic mirror?A. CinderellaB. Snow WhiteC. RapunzelD. Belle29. 听力题:A solution that contains a small amount of solute is ______.30. 听力题:The capital of Tanzania is __________.31. 听力题:I need to ______ my shoes. (tie)32. 听力题:The ancient Romans spoke ________.33. 选择题:What is the opposite of "light"?A. BrightB. HeavyC. DarkD. Clear答案: C34. 选择题:Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"?A. TigerB. ElephantC. LionD. Bear答案:C35. 听力题:I want to ______ how to cook. (learn)36. 填空题:The pelican dives into the water to catch ______ (鱼).37. 听力题:The chemical symbol for dysprosium is _____.38. 选择题:What animal is known as the king of the jungle?A. TigerB. LionC. BearD. Elephant答案:B39. 填空题:I want to learn how to __________ (动词) my __________ (玩具名).40. 选择题:What do we call a person who studies ancient civilizations?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. AnthropologistD. Paleontologist答案: B. Archaeologist41. 选择题:Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?A. HalloweenB. ThanksgivingC. ChristmasD. New Year42. 填空题:A silverfish is a type of ________________ (昆虫).43. 选择题:What do you call the outer layer of the Earth?a. Coreb. Mantlec. Crustd. Surface答案:c44. 听力题:The capital of Montenegro is __________.45. 选择题:What do we call the tool we use to take pictures?A. CameraB. PhoneC. TabletD. Computer46. 填空题:The __________ (历史的文学作品) reflect societal values.47. 听力题:The __________ is a region known for its deserts.48. 填空题:I go shopping with my ______.49. 选择题:What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. RapunzelB. Snow WhiteC. CinderellaD. Belle50. 选择题:What do you call a young pelican?A. ChickB. CalfC. KitD. Pup51. 填空题:The __________ (历史的融合) creates understanding.52. 选择题:Which of these is a type of weather?A. HappyB. RainyC. TallD. Sweet答案: B53. 听力题:She is very ________ at drawing.54. 选择题:What is the capital of Romania?A. BucharestB. Cluj-NapocaC. TimișoaraD. Iași55. 选择题:What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?A. ColomboB. KandyC. GalleD. Jaffna56. 听力题:The bear is _____ (strong/weak).57. 填空题:A rabbit's large ears help it hear ______ (声音) from afar.58. 选择题:What color is a banana?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. Green答案:B59. 填空题:I love to make crafts with my old ____. (玩具名称)60. 听力题:The ocean is very ________.61. 听力题:The ____ hops quickly and loves to chase after things.62. 听力填空题:I love exploring different cuisines. My favorite dish is __________.63. 听力题:The capital of Argentina is __________.64. 选择题:What is 2 + 3?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 765. 听力题:The chemical symbol for phosphorus is _______.66. 填空题:The _____ (果园) is full of fruit-bearing trees.67. 填空题:The _______ (Magna Carta) was signed in 1215, limiting the power of the king.68. 选择题:How many planets are there in our solar system?A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 10答案: B69. 听力题:The children are ______ on the swings in the playground. (laughing)70. 填空题:A bumblebee helps ______ (授粉) flowers.71. 听力题:A __________ is a diagram that shows different layers of soil.72. 听力题:The chemical symbol for nickel is ______.73. 填空题:The peacock displays its feathers during ________________ (求偶).74. 听力题:The flowers are ________ in spring.75. 选择题:What is the name of the famous ancient structure in Greece?A. ColosseumB. ParthenonC. PyramidsD. Stonehenge答案:B76. 填空题:I tell my __________ about my day. (妈妈)77. 填空题:A ____(map) key explains the symbols used on the map.78. 选择题:Which bird is known for its colorful feathers?A. CrowB. PigeonC. PeacockD. Sparrow79. 选择题:What is the name of the famous mountain range in South America?A. AndesB. RockiesC. HimalayasD. Apennines答案: A80. 选择题:What animal says "moo"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. Sheep答案:C81. 选择题:What is 8 divided by 2?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5答案: C82. 填空题:My uncle is my funny _______ who tells great jokes.83. 填空题:_____ (温带) plants can survive seasonal changes.84. 听力题:The cat chases a _____ butterfly.85. 选择题:What is the opposite of weak?A. StrongB. PowerfulC. MightyD. All of the above答案:D86. 选择题:What is the capital of Mexico?A. GuadalajaraB. CancúnC. Mexico CityD. Tijuana87. 听力题:The capital of Turkmenistan is __________.88. 听力题:The girl is very ________.89. 选择题:What type of animal is a parrot?A. FishB. MammalC. BirdD. Reptile答案:C90. 选择题:What is the capital of Brunei?A. Bandar Seri BegawanB. Kuala BelaitC. TutongD. Seria答案:A91. 听力题:The _____ (花瓶) holds flowers.92. 填空题:The parakeet sings sweet _________. (歌曲)93. 选择题:Which fruit has a hard shell and is often eaten as a nut?A. AlmondB. BananaC. CherryD. Grapefruit94. 听力题:The chemical formula for ethylene glycol is ______.95. 听力题:My dad _____ dinner every Sunday. (cooks)96. 选择题:What is the main ingredient in salad?A. MeatB. VegetablesC. BreadD. Cheese97. 选择题:What is the name of the famous American landmark in New York?A. Statue of LibertyB. Eiffel TowerC. ColosseumD. Big Ben答案:A98. 听力题:The Earth's crust floats on the ______ below it.99. 填空题:The cake is _______ and delicious.100. 填空题:My ___ (小狗) loves to dig in the sand.。

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A.单向直流电动机 B.双向交流电动机
D.单向交流电动机 五、简答题
(1)操作车窗开关上升时,触点A接通,电源经点火开关至触点A至电 动机经过触点B经过电阻R接地形成回路。 (2)操作车窗开关下降时,触点B接通,电源经点火开关至触点B至电 动机经过触点A经过电阻R接地形成回路。 2、根据下图: (1)分析桑塔纳低速档、高速档、0档自动复位、间歇档、洗涤器电 路。 (2)分析雨刮器在所有档位都不工作的原因有哪些。
1、电动车窗升降器一般有三种形式,分别为 手动摇臂式、 电动钢丝式 、 和 电动塑料带式 。
锁止开关可对司机侧车窗进行控制,你认为( A )

关有故障。你认为(A )

6、电动车窗中的电动机一般为( C )
3、普通电动座椅包括 座椅开关和位置传感器 、 电子控制器ECU
加装一套 电子控制系统 。
4、现代汽车上使用的风窗刮水器,其工作的档位一般有 低速档 、
高速档 、 间歇档 、 点动档 。
5、当车速超过 15km/h
……… …………………………………………………………………………( × )
之间是互相独立的。( × )
………………( × )
定;乙认为,该电机为两级线圈,你认为( A )
C.甲乙都对 D.甲乙都不对
意位置停止而不复位,这说明(D )。
4、电动车窗的控制,甲认为,主开关能对系统进行集中控ຫໍສະໝຸດ ;乙认为……………( × )
…………………………( √ ) 四、选择题
1、在电动座椅中,一般一个电机可完成座椅的( B ) A.1个方向的调整 B.2个方向的调整 C.3个方向的调整 D.4个 方向的调整
…………………………………( × )
………………………………( × )