Software Development lect1
40 •电子技术与软件工程 Electronic Technology & Software Engineering软件开发• Software Development【关键词】软件测试 质量管理 风险应对分析软件测试是为了对软件质量情况加以探究,质量问题会导致不良后果的出现,无论是企业还是用户都开始意识到软件测试的重要性,这也作为软件开发中的一部分,存在的风险显而易见,软件测试风险管理是整个项目风险管理的特殊形式,展开风险管理的同时重视风险评估,制定相应的风险应对计划,有效规避风险,降低风险给软件运行带来的经济损失。
1 软件测试过程中的质量管理软件测试贯穿于软件开发流程的各个角落,能够让工作人员及时在软件工程阶段中发现漏洞所在,确保最终交付的产品无论是功能还是性能,都能得到客户对品质的需求,软件测试需要在软件开发各个阶段进行,工作人员在进行软件测试的时候需要作出相应的软件测试文档。
32 •电子技术与软件工程 Electronic Technology & Software Engineering软件开发• Software Development【关键词】软件开发模型 瀑布模型 原型模型 增量模型1 瀑布模型、快速原型模型和增量模型的发展瀑布模型是最早出现的软件开发模型,同时也是人们最易理解和掌握的开发模型,它将软件生命周期的各个阶段线性相连,简洁易懂,有利于对软件开发过程中人员的组织和管理,也极大地提高了软件开发效率。
2 三种模型的对比瀑布模型是将软件生命周期分为:系统工程、需求分析与规约、设计与规约、编码与单元测试、集成测试系统测试、运行与维护等六个阶段,它的核心思想是将各项功能的实现与设计分开,自顶向下进行。
集成电路设计自动化 讲义 Lect01_Course_Overview
lHale Waihona Puke cture 1slide 5
Structural Approach
• “Structural thinking” is considered an effective approach to addressing “complexity”.
Write a 2D plotter in C++ (must be C++) Use a graphical toolkit compatible to C++ (like Qt) Will provide reference code (with student assistance)
• Teaching Software Engineering Principles
• In terms of programming, probably the C++ programming language can best serve us “structural thinking”.
• “Structural thinking” means the following abilities:
software skills
• Such skills are indispensible to do PhD research,
• they are also useful for those working in related areas.
36软件开发与应用Software Development And Application电子技术与软件工程Electronic Technology & Software Engineering随着军网综合性能的稳步提升,基于军网的军事训练教育逐步普及完善,在近年来逐步发展形成为一种新的教育训练与评估模式,其优势在于可以利用网络摆脱传统课堂式教育的局限,进一步扩大教育训练范围,最大化利用与共享教育资源;同时也可以利用网络信息系统实现对教育训练单位和个人的能力综合评估,简化评估工作量、提升评估效率。
1 系统功能分析根据功能和用户权限设置需要,将教育训练与评估系统分为三级,其中:一级模块三个,如图1所示,分别是训练模块、评估模块和管理模块。
定义类 设计类
需求分析及定义阶段完成后得到的工 作产品 设计阶段结束后得到的工作产品
编码类 测试类
编码及单元测试后得到的工作产品 系统测试完成后得到的工作产品
2011年7月2日 SEI of ECNU 版权所有©
各个阶段里程碑结束前 产品交付或产品正式发行前 在产品维护工作中定期地进行
功能配置审计:验证配置项是否符合需求(原始需求,变更需求)的定义,评估 测试方法、开发过程、报告、其他工程和设计文档是否完成 物理配置审计:确保所有的变更版本都在,所有要求的软件项都在。即验证配置 项的物理特性(命名、变更、模板等)与期望的一致性 基线审计:构成基线的配置项是否符合规格标准和需求,基线完整性检查
2. 3.
2011年7月2日 SEI of ECNU 版权所有©
1. 2. 3. 4.
SEI的CMMI原则 可能被两个或者更多小组共享的工作产品 会随着时间而变更的工作产品,其变更原因可能是发生错误或者变更需求 多个相互依赖的工作产品,其中一个发生改变将会影响到其它的工作产品 对项目重要性极高的工作产品
已经正式通过复核与批准的规约或工作产品 是一种“冻结”状态 交付给客户的基线成为一个Release,内部开发用的基线为一个Build 属性 通过正式评审过程建立; 存在于基线库,对基线的变更接受更高权限的控制; 基线是进一步开发和修改的基准和出发点; 进入基线前,不对变化进行管理; 进入基线后,对变化进行有效管理; 不会变化的内容不纳入基线,变化对其它无影响的也不纳入基线
1、Chapter 11.1 What is Software Engineering? Software engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to the development, operation, and maintenance of software systems. It is a discipline that involves the application of scientific and mathematical principles to the design, development, and maintenance of software products. Software engineering focuses on the development of efficient, reliable, and maintainable software systems thatmeet the needs of their users.1.2 What is the Software Life Cycle? The software life cycle is the set of stages that a software product goes through from its conception to its retirement. It typically consists of the following stages: Requirements Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, Maintenance, and Retirement. Requirements Analysis involves gathering information from stakeholders and users to determine the needs of the software. Design involves creating a plan for the software thatmeets the requirements identified during Requirements Analysis. Implementation involves coding the software according to the plan created during Design. Testing involves verifying that the software works as expected. Deployment involves making the software available to its users. Maintenance involves making changes to the software to fix any bugs or to add new features. Retirement involves removing the software from use and archiving any important data or documents associated with it.1.3 What is the Difference Between Software Engineering and Computer Science?Software engineering and computer science are related disciplines, but they are not the same. Software engineering focuses on the development of software products, while computer science focuses on the study of computers and computing. Software engineering involves the design, development, and maintenance of software systems, while computer science involves the study of algorithms, data structures, and programming languages. Softwareengineering focuses on the practical application of engineering principles and techniques to the development of software products, while computer science focuses on the theoretical aspects of computing.2、Chapter 22.1 What is the System Development Life Cycle?The system development life cycle (SDLC) is a process used by software engineers to develop software products. The SDLC consists of six stages: planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing, andmaintenance. During the planning stage, the software engineer collects information from stakeholders and users to determine the scope and requirements of the software product. During the analysis stage, the software engineer analyzes the gathered information to determine the user’s needs and the software’s requirements. During the design stage, the software engineer creates a plan for the software product. During the implementation stage, the software engineer codes the software according to the plan created during the design stage. During thetesting stage, the software engineer verifies that the software works as expected. During the maintenance stage, the software engineer makes changes to the software to fix any bugs or to add new features.2.2 What is the Waterfall Model?The waterfall model is a software development process that follows a linear approach. It is a sequential process where each stage must be completed before the next stage can begin. The stages of the waterfall model are: requirements analysis, design,implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. During the requirements analysis stage, the software engineer collects information from stakeholders and users to determine the scope and requirements of the software product. During the design stage, the software engineer creates a plan for the software product. During the implementation stage, the software engineer codes the software according to the plan created during the design stage. During the testing stage, the software engineer verifies that the software works as expected. During thedeployment stage, the software engineer makes the software available to its users. During the maintenance stage, the software engineer makes changes to the software to fix any bugs or to add new features.2.3 What is the Spiral Model?The spiral model is a software development process that follows a cyclical approach. It is an iterative process where each stage is repeated multiple times until the desired result is achieved. The stages of the spiral model are: requirements analysis, design,implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. During the requirements analysis stage, the software engineer collects information from stakeholders and users to determine the scope and requirements of the software product. During the design stage, the software engineer creates a plan for the software product. During the implementation stage, the software engineer codes the software according to the plan created during the design stage. During the testing stage, the software engineer verifies that the software works as expected. During the软件工程第四版齐治昌课后答案deployment stage, the software engineer makes the software available to its users. During the maintenance stage, the software engineer makes changes to the software to fix any bugs or to add new features. The spiral model allows the software engineer to quickly make changes and adjustments to the software product as needed.。
46软件开发与应用Software Development And Application电子技术与软件工程Electronic Technology & Software Engineering从软件测试的目的来看,其能够有效检测出软件在应用过程中所出现的各种不合理问题,从而有效提升软件质量和可靠性。
1 软件测试过程管理的研究分析根据相关调查和研究可以发现:在我国现阶段所使用的软件系统中,多是在分布式计算环境基础之上所形成的。
在计算模式方面,主要利用到了客户机/服务器的积极作用,还有效结合了UNIX 和Windows 操作系统和ORACLE 数据库系统内容。
在国内外已经有许多厂家进行了软件测试管理产品研发工作,比如:在Mercury Interactive 公司中便研究出了Test —Director 产品;IBM 公司研究出了SQA Manager 产品;Compuware 公司研究处理Director 产品。
Rapid software development
businesses have to respond to new opportunities and competition. Rapid development and delivery is often the most critical requirement for software systems. Businesses may be willing to accept lower quality software if rapid delivery of essential functionality is possible.
Rapid software development
To explain how an iterative, incremental development
process leads to faster delivery of more useful software To discuss the essence of agile development methods To explain the principles and practices of extreme programming To explain the roles of prototyping in the software process
Because of the changing environment, it is often
impossible to arrive at a stable, consistent set of system requirements. Therefore a waterfall model of development is impractical and an approach to development based on iterative specification and delivery is the only way to deliver software quickly.
软件工程_东北大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1._______ is a discipline whose aim is the production of fault-free software,delivered on time and within budget, that satisfies the client's needs._______是一个学科,其目标是生产出满足客户的需求的、未超出预算的、按时交付的、没有错误的软件。
答案:2.The relationship between whole-class and part-classes is called ______.整体和部分类之间的关系被称为______。
答案:aggregation3.The relationship between super-class and subclasses is called ______.超类和子类之间的关系称为______。
答案:inheritance4.The strategy of inheritance is to use inheritance wherever _______.继承的策略是在_______的情况下使用继承。
答案:appropriate5._____is to encapsulate the attributes and operations in an object, and hides theinternal details of an object as possible. _____是为了在一个对象中封装属性和操作,并尽可能隐藏对象的内部细节。
Data encapsulation6.Two modules are ________ coupled if they have write access to global data.如果两个模块对全局数据具有写访问权限,则是________耦合。
1.PURPOSE:1.1. This procedure provides an overall view of the activities of the software development life-cycle and the processes associated with them. These software activities and processes support the development of software within the company framework. If a subcontractor participates inthe development process or is outsourced, the subcontractor shall work according to thissoftware development life-cycle procedure or according to an equivalent process. Thisdocument maps the various software development and support processes onto the softwaredevelopment life cycle2.RESPONSIBILITIES:2.1.The R&D Manager has overall responsibility for all software development activities and forimplementation of this procedure.2.2.The Software Manager is responsible for on-going development activities anddocumentation of the software under development.2.3.The Quality Assurance manager is responsible for validation activities and the archive ofsoftware products, controlled documents and Design History File (DHF).3.DEFINITIONS:3.1.List of abbreviations……3.2.PROCEDURE:3.3.Software Life Cycle Activities:4.3.1Management may request development or a substantial modification of a product. Thesoftware of this product is developed in accordance with the requirements defined. Thesoftware development procedure is based upon the software life cycle.4.3.2The software life cycle typically covers all phases and activities from concept,development and product release, through updates following marketing, up untilretirement.4.3.3Activities in the software life cycle shall include seven phases: Concept, Requirements,Design, Implementation, Validation, Production and Maintenance.4.3.4Each phase produce specific output. This output can consist of the creation, definition orupdate of specific products. The output of each phase may serve as the input of the nextphase. The output may cause return to previous phase. For example, a failure detected in the verification testing of the Design phase may result in requirement updates.4.3.5Each phase ends with a review to assess compliance with the requirements.3.4.Software Development Products:The software development can be in the form of a:a.New productb.Major modifications (re-engineering) of an existing productc.New features added to an existing productd.Bug fixesThe software can be developed for a desktop computer, embedded microprocessor, DSP (Digital Signal Processor) or a micro-controller. The size and complexity of the softwaredeveloped determines the amount of development documentation produced to verify and validate the software developed.3.5.Software Development Activities:4.5.1The major software activities for a software development product include the following:a.Hazard and risk analysisb.Software requirementsc.Top level designd.Detailed designe.Codingf.Unit testingg.Integration testingh.Validation testingIn addition, the following activities are performed:a.Software configuration management (all phases)b.Software reviews, walkthroughs and code reviewsc.Algorithm development (when required)d.OTS validation (when required)e.Software archiving (after validation)f.Software process audits (all phases)3.6.Software Development Phases:The outputs of the different activities during the software life cycle for all phases are shown in the following table:Phase Major Activities Output MajorMilestonesConcept Product DefinitionIdentification of main productrequirementsMaster scheduleFeasibility StudyInitial ProjectrequirementsDevelopment PlanProject ApprovalRequirements Identification of softwarerequirementsPreliminary hazard analysisDetermination o f “Level ofConcern”Updated master scheduleSRS document**Risk AnalysisPrimary TraceabilityAnalysis**for small embeddedprojects and for Feature seespecial sectionSRS approvalDesign Definition of the systemarchitecture (top-level)&detailed designUpdated hazard analysisTest definitionUpdated master scheduleSDD documentIDD documentTest Plan-System levelUpdated Risk AnalysisUpdated SRSUpdated TraceabilityAnalysisImplementation Detailed design (comments insource code)CodingCoding VerificationTest plan – Unit (module)Updated master scheduleProgram Code(Executable + sourcecode)Software testing report(module Levelverification)**for Features see specialsectionPhase Major Activities Output MajorMilestonesValidation Integration Level testingSystem Level testingUpdated master scheduleSoftware TestingReport- IntegrationLevel VerificationSoftware TestingReport - System levelValidationBug ListUpdated SRSUpdated SDDUpdated Risk AnalysisTraceability AnalysisApprovalRelease meetingProductionDesign freezeTransfer to productionSoftware release form Software releaseMaintenance Version change due to bugs,Customer complaint, marketingconsiderations, etc.Revision change could initiateanother cycle of software lifeECOModification testreportUpdated Risk AnalysisTraceability AnalysisChange approvalEach phase is described in its corresponding section.3.7.Concept Phase:During the concept phase product feasibility is being evaluated. Usually, the productmain frame is also being established. The output of this phase supplies the general inputs (requirements, intended use, preliminary risk assessment, planning and resourcesallocation) to the entire development process, with no specific implications on the SWlife cycle. As a preliminary assessment this stage performance is not obligated to thedesign control procedure, but it is recommended to perform a formal design review at the end of this phase in order to approve project initiation.3.8.Requirement Phase:4.8.1After Company Management has agreed on the general design of the new product,including its features and the services provided, the R&D Manager will appoint aSoftware Manager and a SW development team or decide if a subcontractor will beinvolved in the process.4.8.2The software requirement determination will be prepared after input is obtained from thefollowing activities:a.Design Input: main product requirements, including all regulatory requirements,according to the product planned markets.b.MRD - Marketing Requirements Determinationc.Interfaces: definition of requirements for interfacing hardware and/or softwarecomponents including required inputs, outputs, and constraints.d.Initial Risk analysis: a preliminary hazard analysis of the software is conduct aspart of the general risk analysis for the product according to the Risk AnalysisProcedure. This shall be done to define safety hazard requirements and maintaintraceability of safety requirements. Analysis is prepared to determine if any newpotential hazards shall be introduced during the requirements specificationprocess. Attendees shall include the QA, R&D, Clinical and MarketingManagers. Other attendees/reviewers, including external consultant shall beinvited according to project scope.The project team shall prepare the Hazard analysis document and theSoftware Manager shall approve the sections that are related to software.In case this document reveals risks of an unacceptable level, design modificationsshall be performed and documented to mitigate those risks.4.8.3The Software Manager shall define the software requirements and prepare the SRS(Software Requirements Specifications) document, definitions and analysis of software requirements shall include functions, interfaces, and design constraints.4.8.4The format and content of the SRS document is found in the SRS template. Thistemplate contains general information how to prepare the document. The SRS is acontrolled document and all changes to this document are managed according to theChange Control Procedure. The SRS shall be filed it in the Design History File (DHF)under the QA responsibility. The requirement specifications shall be provided to allmembers of the software development team and shall serve as the basis for systemanalysis. After any updated of this document the old version shall be filed in the obsolete design documents section of the DHF.4.8.5The SRS document shall be reviewed by the appropriate parties including R&D team,marketing representatives, QA and RA. Attempt shall be made to identify incomplete,ambiguous or conflicting requirements. In case of such requirements, the SoftwareManager shall be informed and shall be asked to reconcile such conflicts.4.8.6Phase Output:a.Software Requirements Specification (SRS) approved document.b.Risk Analysis Document.c.Primary Traceability Analysis.d.Product schedule / Project plan verified and updated.4.8.7Reviews:The SRS shall be reviewed in the Software Requirements Design review meeting, whereall relevant parties (as applicable: R&D team, Software team, Regulatory, QA andMarketing representatives, external consultant or a representative on their behalf) cancontribute their input.The purpose of the review is to finalize software requirements, to evaluate softwarerequirements for completeness, correctness, consistency, testability and traceability tothe marketing and system requirements, and to initiate software design phase. TheSoftware Manager is responsible for holding and summarizing the review, and trackingaction items to conclusion.3.9.Design Phase:4.9.1Following the approval of the requirement specifications, review of the requirements andanalysis of the system, the software development team shall initialize the design phase.4.9.2The software design is comprised of top-level design and detailed design. The top-leveldesign determines the software architecture, behavior, interfaces and the logical structureof the database. The detailed design defines the internal structures and interfaces of andbetween the modules/classes/objects/packages/databases/algorithms/etc. The detaileddesign is handled as part of the software implementation and is shown as high levelcomments in the source code.4.9.3This phase describes the software’s logical structure, parameters to be measured,information flow, logical processing steps, control logic, data structures, error messagesand security measures, also any supporting software and special drivers. The softwaredesign specification shall be complete in an adequate matter so programmer is notrequired to make ad hoc design decisions.4.9.4Phase Output:a.The interfaces with external systems are written by the Software Manager in theInterface Design Document (IDD). The format for the IDD is found in the IDDtemplate, which contains the general information how to prepare the document.b.The top-level design is recorded by the Software Manager in the Software DesignDocument (SDD). The format for the SDD is found in the SDD template. Thistemplate contains general information how to prepare the document.。
Unit4-Software Development解读
Unit 4 Software Development
A programmer uses another type of program called a text editor to write the new program in a special notation called a programming language. text editor文本编辑程序,文本编辑器 notation[nəʊ’teɪʃn] n.记号,符号,标记法 程序员还使用另一种称为文本编辑器的程序来编写新程 序,新程序是用称为程序设计语言的特殊符号来编写的。
Unit 4 Software Development 6
Ⅱ. Program Development (程序开发) Software designers create new programs by using special applications, often called utility programs or development programs.
Unit 4 Software Development
For the instructions to be carried out, a computer must execute a program, that is, the computer reads a program, and then follows the steps encoded in the program in a precise order until completion. carry out执行;进行;完成 encode[ɪn'kəʊd] vt.(将文字材料)译成密码;编码,编 制成计算机语言 要使程序中的指令得到执行,计算机必须执行该程序, 也就是说,计算机要读取该程序,然后按确切的顺序执 行程序中编码的步骤,直至程序结束。
pc行业常用名词及缩写定义pc行业常用名词及缩写定义- 什么是 UI :UI的本意是用户界面,是英文User和interface的缩写。
- 什么是 GUIGraphics User Interface 图形用户界面有时也称为WIMP=Window/Icon/Menu/Pointing Device 窗口、图标、菜单、指点设备- 什么是 HUIHandset User Interface 手持设备用户界面- 什么是WUIWeb User Interface 网页风格用户界面- 什么是用户界面设计:在人和机器的互动过程(Human Machine Interaction)中,有一个层面,即我们所说的界面(interface)。
- 什么是IA:information Architect 信息架构- 什么是UE:user experience用户体验- 什么是HCI:human computer interaction人机交互- 什么是CHI:computer-human interaction人机交互- 什么是UCD:user -centered design用户中心设计- 什么是UPA:usability professionals' association 可用性专家协会IA在指一项工作的时候是 Information Architecture,指从事这项工作的人的时候是 Information Architect- 什么是IDIndustry Design 工业设计哦,不是Identity(身份证明)ID 就是identification Proof or evidence of identity, 确认身份的证据或证明- 什么是MMIMan Machine Interface人机接口,MMI是进行移动通信的人与提供移动通信服务的手机之间交往的界面。
Lect文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译(大学)校长President/Chancellor(大学)副校长Vice President(大学)代理校长Acting President(中学)校长Principal(小学)校长Head /Master学院院长Dean of College/Head of College教务长Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs总务长Director in Charge of General Affairs系主任Department Chairman /Department Head教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section 实验室主任Laboratory Chief教导主任Director of Teaching and班主任Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher教授Professor副教授Associate Professor客座教授Visiting Professor/Guest Professor兼职教授Part-time Professor名誉教授Honorary Professor终身教授Lifetime Professor外籍教授Foreign Professor研究生指导教师Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor 讲师Lecturer/Instructor助教Teaching Assistant (T.A.)实验员Laboratory Technician图书馆员Librarian研究所所长Institute Director研究员Research Fellow/Researcher副研究员Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研Research Assistant资料员Data Processor总工程师Chief Engineer副总工程师Assistant Chief Engineer高级工程师Senior Engineer工程师Engineer助工Assistant Engineer技术员Technician技师Skilled Technician董事长Chairman of the Board /Chairman董事/理事Director副董事Associate Director高级会计师Senior Accountant注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)助理会计师Assistant Accountant主任会计Chief Accountant高级经济师Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist经济师Economic Manager /Economist建筑师Architect规划师Planner设计师Designer农艺师Agronomist律师Lawyer/ Attorney主任记者Chief Reporter记者Reporter总编辑Editor in Chief编辑Editor助理编辑Assistant Editor内科主任Head of the Medical Department外科主任Head of the Surgical Department主治大夫Attending Doctor/Physician-in-Charge护士长Head Nurse药剂师Pharmacist麻醉师Anaesthetist——————————————————————————————————办公室职务职称中英文对照计算机/互联网/通讯Technology/Internet首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理IT Manager信息技术主管IT Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员System Analyst高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software Engineer系统工程师System Engineer高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer通信技术工程师Communications EngineerERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师Database Engineer技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer品质经理QA Manager信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer测试员Test Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant销售Sales销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager客户经理Sales Account Manager渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道主管Channel Supervisor销售主管Sales Supervisor销售代表Sales Representative / Executive销售工程师Sales Engineer医药代表Pharmaceutical Sales Representative保险代理Insurance Agent销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee商务经理Business Manager商务专员/助理Business Executive/Assistant销售行政经理Sales Admin. Manager销售行政主管Sales Admin. Supervisor售前/售后技术服务经理Technical Service Manager售前/售后技术服务主管Technical Service Supervisor售前/售后技术服务工程师Technical Service Engineer售后/客户服务(非技术)经理Customer Service Manager售后/客户服务(非技术)主管Customer Service Supervisor售后/客户服务(非技术)专员Customer Service Executive经销商Distributor——————————————————————————————————职称中英文对照^最新职能分类计算机硬件Computer, Hardware高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer其他Others计算机软件Computer, Software高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software EngineerERP技术/开发应用ERP Application R&D/Implementation系统集成工程师System Integration Engineer系统分析员System Analyst系统工程师System Engineer数据库工程师/管理员Database Engineer/Administrator计算机辅助设计工程师Computer Aided Design Engineer其他Others互联网开发及应用Internet互联网软件开发工程师Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer多媒体/游戏开发工程师Multimedia/Game Development Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网络管理员System Manager/Webmaster网站策划Web Producer网站编辑Web Editor网页设计/制作/美工Web Designer/Production/Creative网络信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer智能大厦/综合布线Intelligent Building/Structure Cabling其他OthersIT-管理IT-Management首席技术执行官CTO/首席信息官CIO Chief Technology Officer CTO/Chief Information Officer CIO技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理/主管IT Manager/Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目总监Project Director项目经理Project Manager项目主管Project Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator其他OthersIT-品管、技术支持及其它IT-QA, Technical Support...技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer计量工程师Measure Engineer标准化工程师Standardization Engineer品质经理Quality Assurance QA Manager系统测试Systems Testing QA软件测试Software Testing QA硬件测试Hardware Testing QA测试员Test Engineer /Tester技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant其他Others通信技术Communication Technology通信技术工程师Communication Engineer有线传输工程师Wired Transmission Engineer无线通信工程师Wireless Communication Engineer电信交换工程师Telecommunication Exchange Engineer数据通信工程师Data Communication Engineer移动通信工程师Mobile Communication Engineer电信网络工程师Telecommunication Network Engineer通信电源工程师Communication Power Supply Engineer其他Others电子/电器/半导体/仪器仪表Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry集成电路IC设计/应用工程师IC Design/Application EngineerIC验证工程师IC Verification Engineer电子工程师/技术员Electronics Engineer电气工程师/技术员Electrical Engineer电路工程师/技术员Electronic Circuit Engineer电声/音响工程师/技术员Electroacoustics Engineer半导体技术Semiconductor Technology自动控制工程师/技术员Autocontrol Engineer/Technician电子软件开发(ARM/MCU...) Electronics Software (ARM/MCU…)嵌入式软件开发(Linux/单片机/DLC/DSP…) Embedded Software Engineer (Linux/SCM/DLC/DSP…)电池/电源开发Battery/Power EngineerFAE 现场应用工程师Field Application Engineer (FAE)家用电器/数码产品研发Household Electronics/Digital Products Development仪器/仪表/计量Instrument/Measurement测试工程师Quality Testing Engineer其他Others销售管理Sales Management销售总监Sales Director销售经理Sales Manager销售主管Sales Supervisor渠道/分销经理Channel/Distribution Manager渠道/分销主管Channel/Distribution Supervisor客户经理Sales Account Manager区域销售总监Regional Sales Director区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager其他Others销售人员Salespersons销售代表Sales Representative / Executive渠道/分销专员Channel/Distribution Representative客户代表Sales Account Representative销售工程师Sales Engineer电话销售Telesales经销商Distributor其他Others销售行政及商务Sales Administration销售行政经理/主管Sales Admin. Manager/Supervisor销售行政专员/助理Sales Admin. Executive/Assistant商务经理Business Manager商务主管/专员Business Supervisor/Executive商务助理Business Assistant销售助理Sales Assistant / Trainee其他Others客服及技术支持Customer Service and Technical Support客服总监(非技术)Customer Service Director客服经理(非技术)Customer Service Manager客服主管(非技术)Customer Service Supervisor客服专员/助理(非技术)Customer Service Executive/Assistant 售前/售后技术支持经理Technical Support Manager售前/售后技术支持主管Technical Support Supervisor售前/售后技术支持工程师Technical Support Engineer咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff 其他Others财务/审计/税务Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax首席财务官CFO Chief Financial Officer CFO财务总监Finance Director财务经理Finance Manager财务顾问Finance Consultant财务主管/总帐主管Finance Supervisor会计经理/会计主管Accounting Manager/Supervisor会计Accountant / Accounting Trainee出纳员Cashier财务/会计助理Finance/Accounting Assistant财务分析经理/主管Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析员Financial Analyst成本经理/成本主管Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor成本管理员Cost Accounting Specialist审计经理/主管Audit Manager/Supervisor审计专员/助理Audit Executive/Assistant税务经理/税务主管Tax Manager/Supervisor税务专员/助理Tax Executive/Assistant统计员Statistician其他Others证券/金融/投资Securities/Finance/Investment证券/期货/外汇经纪人Securities Broker证券分析师Securities Analyst股票/期货操盘手Stocks/Futures Operator金融/经济研究员Financial Analyst/Economist投资/基金项目经理Investment Manager/Fund Manager投资/理财顾问Investment/Financial Management Advisor投资银幸滴?Investment Banking Specialist融资经理/融资主管Treasury Manager/Supervisor融资专员Treasury Specialist拍卖师Auction其他Others银行Banks行长/副行长President/Vice-President/Branch Manager资产评估/分析Assets Valuation/Analyst风险控制Risk Management信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员Loan/Credit Officer进出口/信用证结算Trading / LC Officer外汇交易Foreign Exchange清算人员Settlement Officer高级客户经理/客户经理Senior Relationship Manager客户主管/专员Relationship Supervisor/Executive银行柜员Bank Teller银行卡、电子银行业务推广Credit Card/E-banking business Develop 其他Others保险Insurance保险精算师Actuary保险产品开发/项目策划Product Development/Planner保险业务经理/主管Business Manager/Supervisor保险代理/经纪人/客户经理Agent/Broker/Account Manager理财顾问/财务规划师Financial Advisor/Financial Planner储备经理人Agency Management Associate保险核保Underwriting保险理赔Claim Management保险客户服务/续期管理Customer Service保险培训师Trainer保险内勤Staff其他Others生产/营运Manufacturing/Operation工厂经理/厂长Plant/Factory Manager总工程师/副总工程师Chief Engineer项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目工程师Project Engineer营运经理Operations Manager营运主管Operations Supervisor生产经理/车间主任Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor生产计划协调员Production Planning Executive/Officer生产主管/督导/领班Production Supervisor/Team Leader化验员Laboratory Technician其他Others质量/安全管理Quality/Safety Management质量管理/测试经理(QA/QC经理) QA/QC Manager质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管) QA/QC Supervisor质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师) QA/QC Engineer质量检验员/测试员Quality Inspector/Tester可靠度工程师Reliability Engineer故障分析工程师Failure Analysis Engineer认证工程师/审核员Certification Engineer/Auditor体系工程师/审核员Systems Engineer/Auditor安全/健康/环境经理/主管Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer供应商管理Supplier/Vendor Management采购材料、设备质量管理Supplies & Equipment Quality Management其他Others工程/机械/能源Engineering/Mechanical/Energy技术研发经理/主管Technical Des ign Mgr./Spvr.技术研发工程师Technical Design Engineer产品工艺/制程工程师Process Engineer产品规划工程师Product Planing Engineer实验室负责人/工程师Lab Manager/Engineer工程/设备经理Engineering/Facility Manager工程/设备主管Engineering/Facility Supervisor工程/设备工程师Engineering/Facility Engineer工程/机械绘图员Project Drafting Specialist/Mechanical Drawing工业工程师Industrial Engineer机械工程师Mechanical Engineer结构工程师Structrual Engineer模具工程师Tooling Engineer机电工程师Electrical & Mechanical Engineer维修工程师Maintenance Engineer铸造/锻造工程师Casting/Forging Engineer注塑工程师Injection Engineer焊接工程师Welding Engineer夹具工程师Clamp EngineerCNC工程师CNC Engineer冲压工程师Punch Engineer锅炉工程师Boiler Engineer电力工程师/技术员Electric Power Engineer光源与照明工程Lighting Engineer汽车/摩托车工程师Automotive Engineer船舶工程师Shipping Engineer飞行器设计与制造Aircraft Design & Manufacture其他Others技工Technician / Engineer Trainee技工Technician / Engineer Trainee钳工/机修工/钣金工Locksmith/Mechanic/Repairer电焊工/铆焊工Electric Welding Worker车工/磨工/铣工/冲压工/锣工Latheman/Grinder/Miller/Puncher/Turner模具工Mould Worker电工Electrician叉车工Forklift Worker空调工/电梯工/锅炉工Air-Condition Worker/Lift Worker/Steam Worker 水工/木工/油漆工Plumber/Carpenter/Painter普工General Worker裁剪车缝熨烫Tailor汽车修理工Auto Repairing其他Others服装/纺织/皮革Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods服装/纺织设计Fashion/Textiles Designer面料辅料开发Fabric/Accessories Development面料辅料采购Fabric/Accessories Purchasing服装/纺织/皮革跟单Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods Merchandiser质量管理/验货员(QA/QC) Quality Management QA/QC板房/楦头/底格出格师Shoe Tree Design服装打样/制版Apparels Sample Production纸样师/车板工Paper Sample裁床Cut Bed其他Others采购Purchasing采购总监Purchasing Director采购经理Purchasing Manager采购主管Purchasing Supervisor采购员Purchasing Specialist/Staff采购助理Purchasing Assistant选址拓展Location Development其他Others。
Chapter1 the development of computer
Chapter1 the development of computer(计算机的发展)以课件及音频为主。
关于音频提问:1、2、3、4Chapter 1Computer Hardware FundamentalsIn this chapter, several topics on computer hardware fundamentals are discussed. Different hardware components of a computer are introduced in three sections: Central Processing Unit, RAM and ROM, and Input/Output systems.1 The Central Processing Unit:Learn about the central processing unit —one of the most important components of a computer’s hardware, which comprises the co ntrol unit and the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)参考文章内容软件开发与应用专业“计算机专业英语”课程网上教学师资培训研讨会记录资料2004-12-23[电大在线]的录入员17 : 42说:大家好![四川电大]的张华8 : 38说:穆老师好啊![四川电大]的张华8 : 38说:会还没有开始吧?[四川电大]的张华8 : 39说:我先提个问题吧[四川电大]的张华8 : 40说:计算机相关专业的教学计划中,既有―计算机英语‖课程,[四川电大]的张华8 : 41说:又有一门―计算机英语‖课程,请问两门课程有什么不同?[四川电大]的张华8 : 41说:可不可以用同样的教材?[四川电大]的张华8 : 42说:请问两门课有什么区别?可否用一样的教材?[哈尔滨广播电视大学]的汪晓红8 : 47说:大家好!我是哈尔滨电大的汪晓红。
前言目前《企业信息化技术规范》系列原则由如下6个部分构成:第1部分: 企业资源规划系统(ERP)规范;第2部分: 办公自动化规范;第3部分: 电子交易规范;第4部分: 呼喊中心规范;第5部分: CRM规范;第6部分: SCM规范。
本部分起草单位: 中国生产力增进中心协会、中国电子技术原则化研究所。
本部分主要起草人:企业信息化技术规范第1部分: 企业资源规划系统(ERP)规范1 范围本规范给出了企业资源规划系统(如下简称ERP)旳有关软件功能、开发管理、实施管理旳基本要求和措施、合用于企业ERP产品与服务选型工作。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中旳条款经过本原则旳引用而成为本原则旳条款。
但凡注日期旳引用不着文件, 其随即全部修改单(不涉及勘误旳内容)或修订版均不合用于本原则, 然而, 鼓励根据本标精确达成协成协议旳各方研究是否使用这些文件旳最新版本。
但凡不注日期旳引用文件, 其最新版本合用于本原则。
GB/T 8566-2023 中华人民共和国国标信息技术软件生存周期过程GB/T18491-2023 中华人民共和国国标信息技术软件测量功能规模测量第1部分: 概念定义GB/T 18492-2023 中华人民共和国国标信息技术系统及软件完整性级别GB/T 18493-2023 中华人民共和国国标化指导性技术文件信息技术软件生存周期过程指南SJ 20778-2023 中华人民共和国电子行业军用原则软件开发与文档编制企业会计制度财会(2023)25号3 定义本原则采用下列定义3. 1 验收acceptance需方授权代表一项活动, 经过该活动, 需方接受推行协议旳部分或全部旳软件产品旳全部权。
3. 2 需方acquirer为自已或为另一种组织采购软件产品旳组织。
3. 3 同意approval需方旳授权代表对开发方旳项目计划、设计或其他方面体现满意并可能作为一阶段工作基础而签订旳书面文件。
信18与电18China Computer & Communication软件打找与姦用2020年第18期安全技术在计算机软件开发中的价值和应用李晓琳(吉林经济贸易学校,吉林吉林132000 )摘 要:随着互联网的高速发展,计算机技术被广泛应用于社会各个领域.计算机软件开发是顺应经济科技发展的必然趋势,而安全技术是计算机软件技术得以有效应用的重要保障,对安全技术在计算机软件开发中的应用进行研究和 分析意义重大.本文通过对计算机软件开发中存在的问题进行分析,对安全技术在计算机软件开发中的应用进行阐述, 希望对计算机软件开发提供借鉴.关键词:计算机软件开发;安全技术;应用中图分类号:TP311.52; TP309 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9767 (2020) 18-088-02The Value and Application of Security Technology in Computer SoftwareDevelopmentLi Xiaolin(Jilin Economic and Trade School, Jilin Jilin 132000, China)Abstract: With the rapid development of the Internet, computer technology is widely used in various fields of society. Computersoftware development is the inevitable trend of economic and technological development, and security technology is an importantguarantee for the effective application of computer software technology. It is of great significance to study and analyze the applicationof security technology in computer software development. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of computer software, expounds the application of security technology in the development of computer software, hoping to help the development ofcomputer software.Key words : computer software development; security technology; application0引言计算机和互联网技术的不断融合和进步,促进了经济和社会的飞速发展。
软件工程师长期发展计划英文回答:As a software engineer, having a long-term development plan is crucial for my career growth and success. There are several key aspects that I need to consider in order to create an effective and sustainable plan for my future in this field.First and foremost, I need to continuously update my technical skills and knowledge. The field of software engineering is constantly evolving, with new technologies and programming languages emerging all the time. Therefore, I need to stay current with the latest industry trends and developments. This may involve taking online courses, attending workshops and conferences, or even pursuing advanced degrees in computer science or related fields.In addition to technical skills, I also need to focus on developing my soft skills. Effective communication,teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership abilities are all essential for a successful career in software engineering.I can improve these skills by seeking out opportunities to work on cross-functional teams, taking on leadership roles in projects, and seeking feedback from colleagues and mentors.Another important aspect of my long-term development plan is to build a strong professional network. Networking can open up new career opportunities, provide mentorship and guidance, and offer a support system in times of need.I can expand my network by attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with colleagues on professional networking platforms.Furthermore, I need to set clear and achievable career goals for myself. Whether it's aiming for a certain job title, working for a specific company, or contributing to a groundbreaking project, having clear goals can provide me with a sense of direction and motivation. I can break down these long-term goals into smaller, manageable steps and track my progress along the way.Lastly, I need to stay adaptable and open-minded in my approach to my career development. The software engineering industry is dynamic, and my long-term plan should beflexible enough to accommodate changes and unexpected opportunities. By being open to new experiences and challenges, I can continue to grow and evolve as a professional.中文回答:作为一名软件工程师,制定长期发展计划对于我的职业成长和成功至关重要。
Codesoft software interface and operation guide
Interface Layout and Function Introduction
Menu bar: Contains menus such as files, editing, views, tools, windows, and help, providing basic software functions and operating commands.
• Codesoft Software Overview • Codesoft software installation and
configuration • Codesoft software interface and
operation guide • Detailed explanation of Codesoft
After completing the installation, restart the computer.
Installation steps and precautions
matters needing attention
Ensure that the computer meets the minimum system requirements.
Double click on the installation package and follow the prompts to install it.
Installation steps and precautions
slip bezel ring,滑动盖环slope error over 10%,10%段的斜率误差slope factor,斜率slope over 10%,10%段斜率slope/temperature factor adjustment of pH meter,pH计的斜率/温度系数校准器slurry packing,匀浆填充small focus X-ray tube,⼩焦点X射线管Smith-McIntyre mud sampler,史密斯—麦⾦太尔取泥器snaking motion value of specimen stage,样品台调节蛇⾏量snap ring,开⼝环snapper grab sampler,表层采样器snow density meter,积雪密度计snow measuring plate,积雪板snow-stake,测雪桩snow-storm,雪暴snow storm meter,雪暴测定仪snowfall,雪量snowfall totalizer,累计雪量计snowgauge,量雪器snowsampler,雪取样器;取雪器snubber,限制器soap-film burette,皂膜量管soft bearing balancing machine,软⽀承平衡机soft ionization,软电离soft keyboard,软键盘"soft" X-rays,软X射线software,软件software compatibility,软件兼容性software cost,软件成本software design procedure,软件设计过程software development library,软件开发库software development plan,软件开发计划software development process,软件开发过程software document.tion,软件⽂件software engineering,软件⼯程software environment,软件环境software library,软件库software maintenance,软件维护software monitor,软件监督程序software package,软件包software package of computer aided disign,计算机辅助设计软件包software portability,软件可移植性software product,软件产品software psychology,软件⼼理学software quality,软件质量software reliability,软件可靠性software testing plan,软件测试计划software testing,软件测试software tool,软件⼯具soil evaporimeter,⼟壤蒸发仪soil moisture,⼟壤⽔分soil moisture content analyser,⼟壤⽔份测定仪soil oven,烘⼟箱soil thermometer,直管地温表solar constant,太阳常数solar radiation,太阳辐射solarigraph,总⽇射计solarimeter,总⽇射表solenoid,螺线管solenoid coil,电磁线圈solenoid valve,电磁阀solenoid valve for freon,氟⾥昂⽤电磁阀solenoid valve for gas,煤⽓电磁阀solenoid valve for steam,蒸⽓电磁阀solenoid valve for water,⽔⽤电磁阀solid electrolyte oxygen analyzer,固体电解质氧分析器solid front case with pressure relief at back,后部带泄压装置的前封式外壳solid scanning length measuring instrument,固体扫描式测长仪solid scanning transducer,固体扫描传感器solid scanning width meter [gauge],固体扫描式宽度计solid-stage electrolyte gas transducer [sensor],固体电解质⽓体传感器solid-state electrolyte humidity transducer [sensor],固体电解质湿度传感器Solid-state electrolyte oin transducer [sensor],固体电解质离⼦传感器solid-state (X-ray) detector,固态(X射线)检测器solid-stem liquid-in-glass thermometer,棒式玻璃温度计solo,单独布置;单独检测solvent removable dye penetrant testing method,溶剂去除着⾊渗透探伤法solvent removable penetrant,溶剂去除性渗透液sonar,声纳sonar dome,声纳导流罩sone,宋(响度单位)sonic [critical] Venturi nozzle,⾳速[临界]⽂丘⾥喷嘴sonic logger,声速测井仪sonic nozzle,⾳速喷嘴sound daffle,声障板sound energy density,声能量密度sound field,声场sound intensity,声强sound intensity level,声强级sound level,声级sound level calibrator,声级校准器sound level meter,声级计sound power,声功率sound power level,声功率计sound pressure,声压sound pressure level,声压级sound pressure transducer [sensor],声压传感器sound radiation,声辐射sound ray tracking plotter,声线轨迹仪sound reflector,声反射器sound source,声源sound spectrum,声谱sounding,探测source language,源语⾔source of electron gun grid bias,电⼦枪栅偏压电源source of radiation,辐射源source program,源程序source slit,离⼦源狭缝space byte,空格字节space remote sensing,航天遥感space telemetry,航天遥测spacelab,太空实验库spacer,衬圈;垫⽚spaceship,宇宙飞船span,量程span calibration gas,量程校准⽓span drift,量程漂移span error,量程误差span of impact specimen supports,冲击试样⽀座跨距span shift,量程迁移[偏移]spark-proof instrument,安全⽕花型仪器spark source,⽕花电离源sparker,电⽕花震源spatial filter,空间滤波器spatial resolution,空间分辨率special simulation technique,特殊仿真技术specific acoustic impedance,声阻抗率specific gravity,⽐重specific humidity,⽐湿specific permeability,⽐渗透率specific resistance,电阻率specific retention volume,⽐保留体积specific service (pressure) gauge,特殊⽤途压⼒表specific viscosity,⽐粘specific weight,专⽤砝码specification,规格specified characteristic curve,规定特性曲线specified sensitivity,规定灵敏度specimen,试样;样品specimen chamber,样品室specimen cooling holder,致冷样品台specimen heating holder,加热样品台specimen holder,样品杯;样品杆;试样架specimen-holder assembly,样品(⽀持)器组件specimen rotating holder,旋转样品台specimen tensile holder,拉伸样品台spectral background,光谱背景spectral bandwidth,光谱带宽spectral characteristic curve,光谱特性曲线spectral density,谱密度spectral distribution curve,光谱分布曲线spectral distribution of energy,光谱能量分布spectral emissivity,光谱发射率spectral half width,光谱半宽度spectral line,光谱线spectral position,光谱位置spectral radiance,光谱辐射亮度spectral radiation exitance,光谱辐(射)出(射)度spectral range,光谱范围spectral resolution,光谱分辨率spectral slit width,光谱狭缝宽度spectro chemical analysis,光谱化学分析spectrofluorophotometer,荧光分光光度计。
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– Both capability and utility are essential but are not sufficient for usefulness. 能力和实用性都是最基本的,但是还不够。 – It is more complicated matter than utility and capability because it is about systems in interaction with people. 可用性比实用性和能力更复杂,因为它涉及到系统 与人之间的交互。 – System must be usable to be most useful. 对于最有用的功能,系统必须是可用的。 – 技术发展会使技术产品的使用变得日益复杂,有时 还背离其初衷,走入为技术而技术的误区。
• Humans are tool users. 人类是工具的使用者。 • All software systems are tools, and software developers are tool builders. 所有的软件系统都是工具,所有的软件 开发者都是工具建造者。 • Avram Miller: “We are toolmakers, not artists.” “我们是工具制造者,不是艺术家。”
• 第一阶段(“生铁阶段”)
– 在原始阶段,一个产品只要能够完成某些有 用的任务就足以在市场上立足,而不管它如 何粗劣。 – 比如:第一个文字处理软件 37
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• The second phase
– The perfect product is something that has one more knob and is one dollar cheaper.
• Jakob Nielsen 著 • 刘正捷 译
• 机械工业出版社
• 出勤:30%
– 按时:满分 – 迟到&早退:减半 – 不到&请假:零分
• 考试:70%
– 闭卷
• 有多少学生在/曾在软件公司工作? • 有多少Байду номын сангаас生从事过实际软件项目开发? • 有多少学生参加过比较大型(>20人月) 软件项目开发? • 有多少学生了解UCD?
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• Utility 实用性
– A system does something worthwhile, something that is, in itself, of sufficient value to justify the investment in equipment and programming. 做值得做的事,即在设备和程序方面的投资 要有价值。
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• Capability 能力
– A system must be capable of doing what it is supposed to do. 系统必须能做应该做的事。
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• 第二阶段(“添加阶段”)
– 所谓好的产品就是比别的产品多一个按钮、 便宜一块钱
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• The third phase
– When improvements can no longer be achieved through additional features – Usability then assumes greater and greater salience in decisions regarding which piece of software to buy, which to build, and which to use.
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• The first phase (“raw iron”)
– There is a primitive stage where the mere capability for doing something useful, however crudely accomplished, is enough for success in the marketplace. – E.g. the first word processors software.
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• Tools help people accomplish things. 工具帮助人们完成各种任务。 • Good tools help people achieve what they want to or need to in less time or with less effort or more simply. 好用的工具可以使人们以较少的时间、 较少的努力或者以更简单的方式达到目 的。 •
• 银行排队系统?
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• Utility 实用性
– 银行排队系统
• 有用 • 好用?
– – – – 触摸屏? 无人管理? 视障者? 听障者?
– In other words, to make useful software, we have to choose appropriate problems to solve. 换句话说,开发有用的软件,就要选择解决 33 合适的问题。
• 很多软件都没有很好地考虑: – 用户将怎样使用软件 – 软件将怎样以最佳方式支持用户的工作
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• By focusing first on use and usability rather than on features or functionality, on users and usage more than on interfaces, system can be turned into better tools for the job that are smaller, simpler, and ultimately less expensive. • 通过优先考虑 使用和可用性,而不是功能; 用户和使用任务,而不是用户界面; 可以将系统变成更小、更简单、更便宜的好工 30 具。
– 使用用户中心设计(UCD)方法 – 遗憾的是很多公司并不了解UCD方法
UCD User-Centered Design 用户中心设计 Usage-Centered Design 使用中心设计
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
An Integrated Approach • Karel Vredenburg, Scott Isensee, Carol Righi • 高等教育出版社
• 用户中心设计
--集成化方法 • 冯博琴,薛亮,叶茂 译 • 高等教育出版社
• Software For Use
– A Practical Guide to the Models and Methods of Usage-Centered Design
User-Centered Design 用户中心设计
Taking Stock 审查
• 软件产品的目标
– Easy to use 容易使用 – Meet the requirements of their intended audience 满足目标用户需求
• 功能需求 • 性能需求
• 如何实现软件产品目标?
• 第三阶段(“成熟阶段”)
– 当增加功能再难以带来效率和生产力水平的 改进时 – 可用性成为非常重要的因素,无论是购买软 39 件、开发软件还是使用软件。
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• Past: • To succeed, software has to sell. 要想成功,就得将软件卖出去。
• Now: • To succeed, software must be easy to use.要想成功,软件必须好用。
既然是消息,为什么总是欲 言又止?
不协调 实例2:容易使用吗?3
30% 空白
作 用 是 什 么 ?
能看清楚内 容吗?
• 为什么设计成这个样子? • 为什么设计成这种大小? • 铁锨如何帮助人们劳动?
Usage, Usability, and User Interfaces 使用、可用性和用户界面
• Much software is not considered: