

Able was I ere I saw Elba.
许渊冲译文:不见棺材不掉泪。 / 不到俄 岛我不倒。
马红军译文:落败孤岛孤败落。 / 若非孤 岛孤非弱。
Better late than the late.
晚了总比完了好。 宁迟一时,不迟一世。 慢行回家, 快行回老家。
You reckon your Dodge would help you up to all these dodges again?
Begot by butchers, but by butchers bred, / How high his highness holds his haughty head.
译文一:屠夫所生,屠夫所养;如此高贵, 这般高尚。
君居屠户屋,君属屠户后;俯仰何佼佼, 倨傲俨倬倬。
你以为坐上你的道奇跑车就可以再 次跑掉么?
The output of the U.N. has not been commensurate with the input.
联合国所起的作用与其所耗的费用已不 相称了。
The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
马红军译文:Monastical men make monks, / But become Buddhas barely; / Miserable maidens make maids, / Styled slaves so squarely.
三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined,
Equal Zhu Geliang the mastermind.



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Cytokine signaling modules in inflammatory responses

Cytokine signaling modules in inflammatory responses

Cytokine Signaling Modulesin Inflammatory ResponsesJohn J.O’Shea1,*and Peter J.Murray2,*1Molecular Immunology and Inflammation Branch,National Institute of Arthritis,Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases,National Institutes of Health,Bethesda,MD20852,USA2Departments of Infectious Diseases and Immunology,St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital,Memphis,TN38105,USA*Correspondence:osheajo@(J.J.O.),peter.murray@(P.J.M.)DOI10.1016/j.immuni.2008.03.002Cytokine signaling via a restricted number of Jak-Stat pathways positively and negatively regulates all cell types involved in the initiation,propagation,and resolution of inflammation.Here,we focus on Jak-Stat sig-naling in three major cell types involved in inflammatory responses:T cells,neutrophils,and macrophages. We summarize how the Jak-Stat pathways in these cells are negatively regulated by the Suppressor of cytokine signaling(Socs)proteins.We emphasize that common Jak-Stat-Socs signaling modules can have diverse developmental,pro-and anti-inflammatory outcomes depending on the cytokine receptor activated and which genes are accessible at a given time in a cell’s life.Because multiple components of Jak-Stat-Socs pathways are mutated or closely associated with human inflammatory diseases,and cytokine-based thera-pies are increasingly deployed to treat inflammation,understanding cytokine signaling will continue to ad-vance our ability to manipulate chronic and acute inflammatory diseases.IntroductionThe importance of inflammation as a driver of pathology is no longer confined to autoimmune and infectious diseases.Rather, inflammation is increasingly linked to chronic diseases such as coronary artery disease,obesity,and cancer(Lin and Karin, 2007).The role of cytokines in immunoregulation and inflamma-tion is well established,and multiple genome-wide association studies have documented that polymorphisms and mutations of cytokine receptors and their signaling components contribute to autoimmune disorders such as diabetes,inflammatory bowel disease,multiple sclerosis,and the spondyloarthropathies. Moreover,anticytokine therapies such as antitumor necrosis factor-a neutralizing agents are now commonplace in the treat-ment of chronic inflammatory diseases(Feldmann and Maini, 2003).However,for understanding underlying disease mecha-nisms and generating new therapies,it is necessary to define how cytokines work to program gene expression and how their signaling pathways are regulated in different types of immune cells.For the type I and type II cytokine superfamilies,we know a great deal about the mechanisms of signal transduction. Investigation of the signaling pathways emanating from these receptors led to the discovery of the Janus kinase(Jak)-signal transducer and activator of transcription(Stat)pathway.This field has been reviewed many times,but a number of recent advances have provided important new insights into how the Jak-Stat pathway contributes to inflammation in terms of regu-lating the differentiation and pro-and anti-inflammatory activity of immune cells that will be the focus of this review.The develop-mental fates for differentiating T cell subsets such as T helper17 (Th17)and Treg cells have uncovered new paradigms for inflam-matory diseases:Stat family transcription factors and their cor-rect quantitative and temporal regulation are critical for the de-velopment of these T cell subsets.Paradoxically,some factors, such as Stat3,have both pro-and anti-inflammatory actions,depending upon the cell-and stimulus-specific context.By focusing on the use of Stat transcription factors and their regu-lation in the differentiation and function of T cells,granulocytes, and macrophages in the context of inflammation,we will attempt to deconvolute the seemingly ubiquitous use of Stat pathways (especially Stat1,Stat3,Stat5a,and Stat5b)for developmental and functional uses,often in the same cell type.Overview of a Stat Signaling ModuleType I and II cytokine receptors are a conserved family,consist-ing of$40members,that includes the receptors for interleukins, interferons,and hormones such as growth hormone,leptin,and erythropoietin and colony stimulating factors(CSF)such as gran-ulocyte-CSF and granulocyte-macrophage CSF(Boulay et al., 2003).Unlike other receptors with intrinsic enzyme activity (e.g.,kinase or phosphatase),cytokine receptors are associated with a tethered kinase.These cytoplasmic kinases comprise the four members of the Jak family:Jak1,Jak2,and Tyk2bind to an array of receptors,whereas Jak3binds to only one receptor,the common gamma chain,or g c.Mutations of JAK3or TYK2in humans lead to specific primary immunodeficiency syndromes designated severe combined immunodeficiency(SCID)and au-tosomal-recessive hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome(AR-HIES) (Minegishi et al.,2007;Notarangelo et al.,2001;Watford and O’Shea,2006).Additionally,the roles of the four Jak proteins have been elucidated through the generation of genetically defi-cient mice,and specific functions of each Jak member have been assigned(Murray,2007).Because of their kinase activity, Jak proteins are potential targets for small molecule inhibition. For Jak3,its restricted association with g c has made Jak3an at-tractive therapeutic target as an immunosuppressive drug that can primarily target activated T cells(O’Shea et al.,2004b). Upon cytokine binding to their cognate receptor,the receptor-associated Jaks are activated and in turn phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the receptor cytoplasmic domain.This eventImmunity28,April2008ª2008Elsevier Inc.477provides a docking site for proteins with Src homology 2do-mains,one important class of which is the Stat family of tran-scription factors.With seven members in all (Stat1,Stat2,Stat3,Stat4,Stat5a,Stat5b,and Stat6),these DNA-binding pro-teins provide a rapid membrane to nucleus mechanism for regu-lation of gene expression (Shuai and Liu,2003).Role of Stats in T Cell Development and Differentiation Given the importance of cytokines in T cell development,differ-entiation,and function,it is no surprise that Stat proteins contrib-ute critically to each of these processes (Figure 1).As an example of the overall importance of cytokine-cytokine receptor-Jak-Stat pathway signaling in thymic T cell development,IL-7signaling ensures development of appropriate lymphocyte numbers.Mu-tation of either IL-7R subunit,IL-7Ra or g c (encoded by IL2RG ),or its cognate Jak,JAK3,lead to SCID manifested by severely reduced numbers of thymocytes (O’Shea et al.,2004a ).IL-7activates Stat5a and Stat5b,and deletion of the locus encoding Stat5a and Stat5b also results in a severe SCID phenotype (Yao et al.,2006).Indeed,Stat5activity is required for the normal de-velopment of all normal lymphoid lineages.However,the abso-lute role of Stat5in permitting normal T cell development is only part of Stat5’s contribution to T cell subset development discussed below.Differentiating CD4+T cells were thought to have two fates—Th1and Th2cells.These fates are driven by the cytokine milieu with IL-12driving Th1cell differentiation and IL-4promoting Th2cell differentiation.IL-12activates Stat4,whereas IL-4activates Stat6.Stat4-and Stat6-deficient mice have impaired Th1and Th2cell responses,respectively (O’Garra and Arai,2000).The products of Th1and Th2T cells,IFN-g and IL-4,respectively,promote commitment to their respective lineages and inhibit development of the opposing lineage.Surprisingly,a recent ge-nome-wide association study has revealed that polymorphisms in STAT4confer risk of developing autoimmune diseases includ-ing rheumatoid arthritis (RA)and systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)(Remmers et al.,2007).Although RA has typically been viewed as having elements consistent with Th1-cell-mediated pathology,SLE would not be considered a prototypic Th1cell disease.In this regard,it is important to note that type I IFNs also activate Stat4.Depending upon the circumstance,type I IFN signaling may enhance or inhibit Th1cell responses (Nguyen et al.,2002).Although the pathogenesis of SLE is very poorly understood,recent advances have documented that SLE and related autoimmune disorders are characterized by a transcrip-tional ‘‘interferon signature.’’Exactly how Stat4and IFNs contribute to the pathogenesis of SLE is unknown,but this will be an important area to follow.As important as the Th1-Th2paradigm was in advancing our understanding of T cell biology,CD4+T cells are now known to have additional fates regulated by Stat3and Stat5.One subset of CD4+T cells is termed regulatory T (Treg)cells,which express the transcription factor Foxp3(Figure 1B).Treg cells have essen-tial immunosuppressive functions as illustrated by the fact that deletion or mutation of Foxp3leads to fatal autoimmune disease in mice and humans.CD4+Treg cells can be generated in the thy-mus (‘‘natural’’Treg cells)or can be induced in the periphery (iTreg cells).In both cases,cytokines that use g c are important drivers of Treg cell development.Deficiency of g c or Jak3causes a failure to produce Foxp3-positive regulatory T cells (Mayack and Berg,2006).Accordingly,deficiency of both Stat5a and Stat5b also leads to loss of Treg cells and inability to induce Treg cells in vitro (Yao et al.,2007),whereas constitutive activation of Stat5b enforces Foxp3-positive Treg cell development,bypassing the requirements for upstream cytokine or costimulatory signals (Burchill et al.,2008).Stat5appears to have very direct effects on Treg cells in that these transcription factors bind directly to the Foxp3gene.Thus,even though Stat5is absolutely required for T cell development,once T cells have developed and exited the thymus,additional Stat5-dependent signals are needed to en-sure correct subset development and function.One way to think about the requirement for Stat5to have such diverse functionsinFigure 1.Cytokine Signaling in T Cell Development and Function(A)Stat5signaling from cytokines that use g c is essential for T cell development.Mice or humans lacking key components of this pathway (g c,Jak3,and Stat5)fail to develop T cells.(B)Stat5signaling controls the development of FoxP3-positive Treg cells in part through the direct activation of Foxp3gene expression.(C)Stat3is crucial to the development and function of Th17cells.IL-23and IL-6enforce Th17cell development via the direct or indirect induction of Rorc and Rora expression.Stat3also regulates the expression of IL-17-encoding genes and Il21,which acts in an autocrine-paracrine way to regulate Th17cells.Socs3is an important inhibitor of cytokines that use gp130(IL-23R and IL-6R),whereas Socs1is anticipated to inhibit any cytokines that use g c (IL-7,IL-21as shown).478Immunity 28,April 2008ª2008Elsevier Inc.T cell development is to consider that cytokine signaling via Stat5, and gene accessibility to Stat5,is partitioned throughout the life of the T cell:Whereas IL-7-Jak3-Stat5signaling is predominant for thymic development,other Stat5-activating receptors stimulate T cells and activate different combinations of Stat5-dependent genes after maturation and exit from the thymus.Another recently recognized fate for CD4+T cells is the Th17 cell(also discussed by the other reviews in this issue of Immunity by McGeachy and Cua[2008]and Ouyang et al.[2008])whose development and function is critically dependent on Stat3. Named for their ability to produce the inflammatory cytokine IL-17,Th17cells recruit and activate neutrophils and other in-flammatory cells to sites of tissue inflammation(Korn et al., 2007).Th17cells can be generated from naive CD4+T cells by IL-6and TGF-b but can also produce another cytokine IL-21, which promotes IL-17production in an autocrine-paracrine manner(Nurieva et al.,2007;Zhou et al.,2007).Finally,a third cy-tokine,IL-23,acts on memory cells to expand and maintain Th17 cells.The importance of IL-23signaling in inflammation is exem-plified by recent discoveries that polymorphisms in IL23R are associated with increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease, ankylosing spondylitis,and psoriasis(Burton et al.,2007;Cargill et al.,2007;Duerr et al.,2006;Tremelling et al.,2007).IL-6,IL-21,and IL-23all activate Stat3via their cognate recep-tors(Figure1C).Accordingly,selective deletion of Stat3in T cells abrogates Th17cell differentiation in part because the expres-sion of ROR g t and ROR a,two nuclear hormone receptors es-sential for Th17cell development,is also abrogated(Yang et al.,2008).However,Stat3also directly regulates the expres-sion of Il21and Il17(Chen et al.,2006;Wei et al.,2007).Therefore Th17cell fate,peripheral maintenance by IL-21,and effector functions are all regulated by Stat3signaling from different cyto-kine receptors.The importance of Stat3in Th17cell develop-ment and function is exemplified by the fact that patients with Job’s syndrome,an autosomal-dominant disorder due to Stat3 mutations,fail to make Th17cells(Milner et al.,2008).Parenthet-ically,it is interesting to note that IL-2acting through Stat5in-hibits Th17cell differentiation(Laurence et al.,2007).Thus,the balance of Treg and Th17cell differentiation appears to be reg-ulated by Stat5and Stat3.Clearly,the use of one transcription factor to perform all these functions indicates that Stat3activity is under tight control throughout the life of a Th17cell,a task performed in part by Socs3(discussed below).An additional complexity of Th17T cells in inflammation con-cerns the Stat3-activating cytokine IL-22(IL-22signaling is dis-cussed below.).Th17cells preferentially produce IL-22,but its regulation is subtly different from IL-17;whereas IL-6and TGF-b-1are important for the differentiation of Th17cells,IL-6alone so far appears to be capable of inducing IL-22.The pathways for generating IL-22are discussed in accompanying reviews in this issue by Ouyang et al.(2008),Li and Flavell(2008),and McGeachy and Cua(2008).However,Th17cells are not the only cells capable of producing IL-22,and the extent to which this cytokine expression is dependent upon which Stat proteins remains to be determined.Perhaps more important are the up-stream cytokine signals that drive IL-22production from Th17 cells at sites of tissue inflammation.In summary,even though Stat5is absolutely required for nor-mal T cell development,once T cells have developed and exited the thymus,additional Stat5and Stat3signals are needed to en-sure correct subset development and function.Stats have direct and essential roles in helper T cell development,lineage commit-ment,and function as they bind and presumably regulate genes such as Foxp3,Il17a,and Il21.The actions of these Stats may be direct or indirect but clearly warrant further investigation in defin-ing direct Stat targets in T cells and the mechanisms by which the induce transcriptional programs.SOCS Proteins Control Inflammatory Responsesby Regulating Stat SignalingUpon cytokine stimulation,a family of cytokine-induced inhibi-tors termed suppressors of cytokine signaling(Socs proteins) is rapidly induced.The predominant function of Socs proteins is to block the generation of the Stat signal from a cytokine receptor(Alexander and Hilton,2004;Yoshimura et al.,2007). Importantly,the genes encoding the Socs proteins are direct targets of Stat proteins;the Jak-Stat cascades thereby control their own signaling output by feedback inhibition.Although there are eight Socs proteins,genetic evidence from mice and cells lacking Socs1and Socs3unequivocally shows that these two Socs proteins are necessary to reduce the overall signaling output from their target receptors(Alexander and Hilton,2004; Yoshimura et al.,2007).The Socs1-and Socs3-mediated mod-ulation in signaling from cytokine receptors therefore has pro-found effects on the regulation of immunity and inflammation by affecting the activation,development,and homeostatic func-tions of all lineages involved in immune and inflammatory responses.A major question in understanding the activities of Stat-Socs modules concerns the biochemical mechanism of how Socs proteins block cytokine-receptor signaling.Each of the eight Socs proteins have two major domains,an SH2domain and a Socs box that complexes with elonginsB and C,a cullin and Rbx2,to form a E3ubiquitin ligase(Kile et al.,2002;Zhang et al.,1999).The Socs SH2domains bind phosphorylated tyro-sine residues in their substrates.The best characterized Socs substrates are specific tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tails of cytokine receptors.In addition,the Socs SH2domain has the potential to bind other phosphotyrosine residues and thereby regulate the activity of a wide range of proteins.The current model of Socs function postulates that the E3activity of a Socs protein will target the substrate to be ubiquitinated and then directed to the proteosome for degradation.However, genetic studies using mice that lack the Socs box of Socs1or Socs3,but that are engineered to retain the SH2domains of each protein,indicate that the SH2and Socs box domains don’t always function in concert because the phenotypes of mice lacking the Socs box of Socs1or Socs3are dramatically less severe than the corresponding conventional knockouts (Boyle et al.,2007;Zhang et al.,2001).These data suggest that the SH2domain of Socs1and Socs3alone can block cytokine-receptor signaling.Thus,the mechanistic relationship between the SH2and Socs box domains remains unresolved, as does the contribution of E3ligase activity to Socs function.A second outstanding question concerns the mechanism by which a Socs protein,tethered to a specific residue of a cytokine receptor,inhibits the generation of activated Stats.An obvious possibility is that a Socs protein directs its receptor substrateImmunity28,April2008ª2008Elsevier Inc.479to be degraded.At least for gp130,a substrate of Socs3,this does not seem to be the case(Lang et al.,2003).Another possi-bility is that Socs proteins promote ubiquitination of Stat proteins in the vicinity of the receptor;however,this does not agree with the restricted requirement for the Socs box of Socs1or Socs3 compared to the absolute requirement for the intact proteins and their SH2domains.A third possibility is that a tethered Socs protein inhibits the activity of tethered JAK proteins through effective concentration-type effects that remain uncharacterized (Kamizono et al.,2001;Stross et al.,2006;Yoshimura et al., 2007).At this stage,the biochemical mechanism(s)of Socs-mediated inhibition of Stat signaling remains unknown.Stat3-Socs3Regulates Homeostatic and Emergency GranulopoiesisNeutrophils are made in prodigious numbers every day of our lives to patrol tissue surfaces,especially the lung and skin,for invading microorganisms,which they then target for eliminationby a variety of mechanisms including the oxidative burst(Eyles et al.,2006).The role of neutrophils can be seen in the conse-quences of ablative chemotherapy and in people with severe congenital neutropenias.In chemotherapy,depletion of bone-marrow precursors by ablative drugs causes a precipitous drop in numbers of short-lived,mature,circulating neutrophils. Many patients undergoing ablative chemotherapy have infec-tions caused by fungi and bacteria normally innocuous for the immune competent.A similar situation is found in people with genetic deficiencies in neutrophil number or function.However, G-CSF administration can rescue,in part,the devastating drop in neutrophils numbers by stimulating maturation and exit of neutrophils from the bone marrow(Eyles et al.,2006).G-CSF has become a standard of care in clinical settings where deple-tion of neutrophil numbers can be anticipated and is therefore a triumph of directed cytokine therapy.G-CSF therapy is also highly effective in treating some cases of congenital neutrope-nias in which bone-marrow precursors remain responsive to G-CSF.By contrast to the protective functions of neutrophils, excessive neutrophil numbers are found in a plethora of inflam-matory diseases,especially those involving tissue surfaces colonized by bacteria and fungi,including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,asthma,cysticfibrosis,and different forms of colitis(Eyles et al.,2006).Therefore,neutrophils numbers and function require precise control so that tissue homeostasis can be maintained without causing destructive inflammation.This process is controlled to a large extent by Stat3and Socs3(Fig-ure2).The G-CSFR is responsible for transducing the signals from G-CSF via four tyrosine residues located in the cytoplasmic tail of the receptor.G-CSFR signaling via the cytoplasmic tyrosines activates numerous signaling molecules including Stat5,Stat3, and MAP kinases.Deletion of all cytoplasmic tyrosines yields a receptor that does not elicit detectable Stat3or Stat5(but can probably activate low levels of Stat activation)(McLemore et al.,2001).Mice bearing knockin mutations of the G-CSFR with all tyrosines eliminated have very low(but not entirely ab-sent)circulating neutrophil numbers and severe defects in the emergency mobilization of neutrophils after G-CSF administra-tion(McLemore et al.,2001).A surprising complication of the analysis of Stat3in neutrophil development and function was ob-served when Stat3or Socs3was conditionally ablated in early hematopoetic development(Croker et al.,2004;Kimura et al., 2004;Lee et al.,2002).In both cases,excessive numbers of late-stage neutrophils accumulate in the bone marrow and pe-ripheral blood.A conclusion of these studies was that Stat3 and Socs3are negative regulators of granulopoiesis(Lee et al., 2002).Indeed,Socs3binds to one of the tyrosine residues in the G-CSFR(Y729)and restricts the amplitude of Stat3signaling (Hortner et al.,2002).Thus,loss of Socs3causes increased G-CSFR signaling leading to increased neutrophil numbers, whereas loss of Stat3(and failure to induce Socs3expression) also leads to increased neutrophil numbers.How can we recon-cile these data?The logical conclusion is that Socs3negatively regulates neutrophil numbers by regulating G-CSFR signaling generally and not via specific inhibitory effects on Stat3.In the absence of Socs3,there is likely to be elevated signaling from the G-CSFR,perhaps excessive Stat5or MAP kinase signaling, because Stat3is no longer present to induce Socs3to feedback inhibit the signal from the G-CSFR.Therefore,a more detailed in-vestigation of Stat and MAP kinase activation during neutrophil development is warranted.The function of the Stat3-Socs3module in neutrophils is,how-ever,more complex than outlined above.Deletion of either Stat3 or Socs3at a later stage of neutrophil development with the lysMcre deleter strain(where cre activity is predominantly at the committed myeloid progenitor stage)does not lead to the phenotypes described above.By contrast,the studies noted above that demonstrated an essential requirement for Stat3 and Socs3in regulating neutrophil numbers used deleter strains for which Cre is active at the earliest stages of hematopoiesis (Panopoulos et al.,2006).Thus,the Stat3-Socs3module is re-quired to regulate neutrophil numbers at a specific developmen-tal stage.This restriction probably reflects the need for precision in circulating neutrophil numbers because too many neutrophils will drive inflammation.Finally,it is notable that Stat3has addi-tional Socs3-independent functions that control chemotaxis and neutrophil migration in vivo(Panopoulos et al.,2006; Semerad et al.,2002;Semerad et al.,1999).Therefore,the Stat3-Socs3signaling module has a restricted but critical role in determining the quantity of neutrophils that mature in the bone marrow and migrate to the peripheraltissues.Figure2.G-CSFR SignalingSimplified schematic of G-CSFR signaling to illustrate that Stat3and Stat5are regulated by the G-CSFR and that Socs3is a key downstream target of Stat3. Socs3is required to feedback-inhibit G-CSFR signaling.480Immunity28,April2008ª2008Elsevier Inc.The Stat3-Socs3Module in Anti-inflammatory Signaling Compared to the effects of the Stat3-Socs3module on T cell and neutrophil development and function described above,the output of the Stat3-Socs3pathway in IL-10R signaling is entirely different(Figure3).IL-10is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that is made by lymphocytes and myeloid lineage cells and that is responsible for tempering the output of pro-inflammatory cyto-kines from activated macrophages(Murray,2006).The anti-inflammatory functions of IL-10extend to virtually every type of acute and chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases.Unlike the partial redundancy observed in many cytokine signaling sys-tems,the anti-inflammatory functions of IL-10cannot be com-pensated by other factors because deletion of IL-10in all cells or only in T cells causes excessive inflammation,especially in the gut in which IL-10constitutively blocks inflammation driven by gutflora(Berg et al.,1996;Kuhn et al.,1993;Roers et al., 2004).Socs3is highly induced by IL-10but is not required to feedback-inhibit IL-10R signaling or mediate any significant anti-inflammatory effects of IL-10(Lang et al.,2003;Yasukawa et al.,2003).Instead,Socs3induction by IL-10is required to block signaling from other cytokine receptors.How does IL-10mediate the anti-inflammatory response? Stat3is solely responsible for all the effects of IL-10signaling as shown by both loss-of-function experiments and gain-of-function experiments using constitutively activated Stat3or cytokine receptors unrelated to the IL-10R engineered to acti-vate Stat3in a way similar to the IL-10R(El Kasmi et al.,2006; Takeda et al.,1999;Williams et al.,2007).Importantly,leuko-cytes isolated from humans bearing mutations in STAT3and suf-fering from Job’s syndrome,are characterized the overproduc-tion cytokines and chemokines following stimulation with TLR agonists,bacteria and interferons(Holland et al.,2007;Minegishi et al.,2007;Milner et al.,2008).This phenotype is indicative of a failure of IL-10R signaling.The obligate role of Stat3in anti-in-flammatory signaling suggests a conundrum:If Stat3is activated by the IL-10R to elicit the anti-inflammatory response,then why don’t other receptors that activate Stat3also activate anti-inflammatory signaling?The answer to this question centers on the highly specific inhibitory effects of Socs3on gp130,the sig-naling receptor of the IL-6family of cytokines.Gp130has multi-ple tyrosine residues in its cytoplasmic tail,all of which bar one, Y757,serve as docking sites for Stat proteins(especially Stat3). Y757docks the SH2domain of Socs3and is by far the best-characterized Socs-cytokine receptor interaction(Hirano and Murakami,2006;Kamimura et al.,2003).Deletion of Socs3 increases Stat3signaling from gp130and,surprisingly,also in-creases Stat1signaling leading to an ectopic interferon response (Croker et al.,2003;Lang et al.,2003).Therefore,Socs3controls the quality and quantity of Stat activation(either Stat3or Stat1) mediated by gp130.Yoshimura and colleagues also showed that when Socs3was absent,IL-6via gp130-mediated Stat3ac-tivation induces an anti-inflammatory response identical to the IL-10R,afinding that has since been confirmed with multiple ex-perimental approaches(El Kasmi et al.,2006;Yasukawa et al., 2003).Collectively,these data suggest that Stat3activation from one receptor,in this case gp130,can generate qualitatively distinct Stat3signals.Thus,Stat3signaling from gp130is con-vertible between different modes depending on the Socs3status of the cell.One mode is anti-inflammatory Stat3signaling like the IL-10R that is actively repressed by Socs3.The other mode is non-anti-inflammatory Stat3signaling.Because a wide range of stimuli regulates Socs3expression,repression of anti-inflam-matory signaling from gp130must be advantageous for reasons we do not yet appreciate.Thesefindings affect how we interpret signals the drive pro-and anti-inflammatory signaling from cells receptive to multiple cytokines for two reasons.First,the anti-inflammatory signal generated from the IL-10R is not unique to the IL-10R but is ac-tively suppressed from other receptors by Socs3.Second,Stat3 activation is not generic and the readout of tyrosine phosphory-lation as an activation marker is insufficient to tell us about the downstream consequences of Stat3activation from one recep-tor versus another(Murray,2007).Thus in macrophages,Stat3 tyrosine phosphorylation is activated by signaling through both the IL-10R and IL-6R but activates overlapping but distinct gene-expression profiles(Socs3is an example of a common gene.).ChIP-sequencing techniques will have thefinal say on this issue because it should be possible to determine what genes bind Stat3at a given time after IL-6or IL-10stimulation.Figure3.Mechanisms Associated with Socs3-Mediated Suppression of Anti-inflammatory Signaling by the IL-6RThe left side depicts IL-10signaling in a macrophage activated by the TLR pathway(or other similar inflammatory stimuli).Socs3expression is strongly induced by IL-10,along with the Stat3-dependent genes whose products reg-ulate the anti-inflammatory signaling system(‘‘anti-inflammatory response’’AIR gene whose identity has yet to be determined)illustrated as inhibiting the expression at the transcriptional level of classic pro-inflammatory genes. On the right side is shown IL-6signaling via gp130,which also activates Socs3expression along with other Stat3-dependent genes.Unlike the IL-10R,however,the IL-6R cannot activate the expression of the AIR gene(s)un-less Socs3is absent.Thus,IL-6and IL-10(and any other receptors that acti-vate Socs3expression in macrophages)enforce the inability of the IL-6R to produce the anti-inflammatory response.Note that Socs3(or any other Socs protein)does not inhibit the IL-10R.Immunity28,April2008ª2008Elsevier Inc.481。



给初学者:日语五十音图快速记忆法07-05-13 13:43 发表于:《角落》分类:123123123学五十音,花了我四个晚上的时间,我觉得,对于大多数初学者来说都是比较困难的,虽说熟能生巧,但是死记硬背要用去很多时间和精力,效果也不见得好。

我觉得比较好的方法就是联想记忆法,这篇文章参考了网上流传的《日语五十音图快速记忆法》,更多的是结合自己的经验,总结出一些记忆方法,给初学的朋友一些参考.あア a ‘あ’看上去像是一个武术高手施展了一个扫堂腿,敌人肯定被扫得冷落花流水,啊的一声倒下去啦,所以读a。

‘ア’片假名指示出了你发音的样子,嘴巴张开,舌头放到下面,a【 uFm!\u001F x++和风日语更多资源更好服务 ++\u001Cy:G+uki】いイ i ‘い’通汉字‘以’,也念i,所以很好记的。


うウ u ‘う’表示你发音时的样子,上嘴唇倾斜,下巴朝上撅,就发出了u。



えエ e ‘え’通汉字‘衣’,读音稍微改变了一些,成了e。


おオ o ‘お’是一个人帽子被风吹走了,他急了,嗷嗷叫着去追帽子,所以读o。



かカ ka ‘か’各位应该比较熟悉吧?在漫画中经常会出现这个字,表示卡卡的声音,这个假名应该记起来不难,再说,力量给人的感觉就是干净利索的,发ka 也让人感到有力。


きキ ki ‘き’是一把刀子在刻东西,已经刻了一点了,刻就是ki 了。


くク ku ‘く’很容易记,你把嘴的角度调整成‘く’的样子,是不是自然而然就发出了ku音呢?‘ク’是一只没有眼珠眼睛(是侧面图,片假名‘タ’是有眼珠的眼睛),为什么看不到眼珠呢?因为她在哭,念ku。























































关键词:认罪认罚具结书;量刑协商;契约属性;内容构建中图分类号:D925.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-3318(2021)01-0075-06 党的十八大以来,为了大力推进以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革,认罪认罚从宽制度在我国如火如荼地开展。






Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告合肥么阿麻餐饮管理有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:合肥么阿麻餐饮管理有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分合肥么阿麻餐饮管理有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业餐饮业-正餐服务资质空产品服务空1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



嘿,你知道 kusimama 吗?这可真是个有意思的词儿啊!就好像你



“哎呀,你说的 kusimama 到底是啥意思嘛?”“快告诉我们呀!”他却故意

还有啊,kusimama 也可以是一种态度。

就好像有些人总是特立独行,做着别人想不到的事情,别人问他为啥,他就说:“这就是我的kusimama!”多酷啊!这时候的 kusimama 不就像是一面个性的旗帜,

你想想看,生活中是不是有很多这样类似 kusimama 的存在?它们


所以啊,我觉得 kusimama 最简单的解释就是:它是生活中的小惊喜,小意外,小独特!它让我们对生活充满了好奇和探索的欲望,让我们不断地去发现新的东西,体验新的感觉。




Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告北京玛嘛商贸有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:北京玛嘛商贸有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分北京玛嘛商贸有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业批发业-纺织、服装及家庭用品批发资质空产品服务(不含电动自行车)、通用设备、专用设备、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。





























嘛嘛香的功能主治是什么1. 简介嘛嘛香是一种常见的中药材,具有丰富的药用价值。


2. 祛湿化痰嘛嘛香具有祛湿化痰的功效,可用于治疗湿气困扰引起的症状,如胸闷、咳嗽、痰多等。


3. 调理肠胃嘛嘛香对于肠胃问题也具有一定的调理作用。



4. 温中散寒嘛嘛香被广泛用于温中散寒的治疗中。



5. 补气养血作为一种补益药材,嘛嘛香也具有补气养血的功效。



6. 抗菌消炎嘛嘛香味道辛辣,有一定的抗菌消炎作用。



7. 改善睡眠质量嘛嘛香具有舒缓神经的作用,可用于改善睡眠质量,帮助入眠。


8. 缓解疼痛嘛嘛香还具有一定的镇痛效果,可以缓解一些轻度的疼痛症状。


9. 养肝护肝嘛嘛香也被用于养肝护肝的功效。



10. 注意事项在使用嘛嘛香时,需要注意以下几点:•孕妇、哺乳期妇女应避免使用;•定期跟医生咨询,避免超量使用。






小金麻的功能主治1. 提供细胞能量•小金麻是一种富含营养素的天然食材,可以有效提供细胞所需的能量。


2. 促进消化和排毒•小金麻中的纤维素可以增加肠道蠕动,促进消化和排便。



3. 改善免疫功能•小金麻中的多种营养素,如维生素C、维生素E和锌等,可以增强免疫功能,提高抵抗力。


4. 支持心脑健康•小金麻中的富含的不饱和脂肪酸,如欧米茄-3和欧米茄-6,有助于降低血脂和胆固醇水平,预防心脑血管疾病。


5. 维护肌肤健康•小金麻富含的脂肪酸和抗氧化物质可以保护皮肤免受自由基损伤。



6. 促进骨骼健康•小金麻中含有大量的矿物质,如钙、镁、锌等,对骨骼健康有益。


7. 缓解压力和焦虑•小金麻中的B族维生素可以缓解压力和焦虑,改善睡眠质量。


8. 助力运动表现•小金麻能够提供持久的能量,增加体力和耐力,提升运动表现。




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A.生产 B.分配C.交换 D.促销2.企业最显著、最独特的首要核心职能是___A______。

A.市场营销 B.生产功能C.财务功能 D.推销职能3.当买卖双方都表现积极时,我们就把双方都称为_A________,并将这种情况称为相互市场营销。

A.市场营销者 B.相互市场营销者C.生产者 D.推销者4.宏观市场营销是从_____D____层面研究营销问题,强调从整体经济、社会道德与法律角度把握营销活动,并由社会来控制和影响营销过程,以此实现社会供求平衡,保证社会经济的持续发展。

A.个人交换 B.企业之间交换C.区域交换 D.社会总体交换5.企业对其营销活动及管理的基本指导思想就是______C___。

A.市场营销观念 B.社会市场营销观念C.市场营销管理哲学 D.生产或销售观念()6.顾客总价值与顾客总成本之间的差额就是____C_____。

A.企业让渡价值 B.企业利润C.顾客让渡价值 D.顾客利益()7.服务价值是指伴随产品实体的出售,企业向顾客提供的_______A_。

A.附加服务 B.送货C.产品保证 D.技术培训()8.在企业的价值链中,真正创造价值的经营活动,就是企业价值链的____B_____。

A.供销环节 B.战略环节C.生产环节 D.技术开发环节()9.以“顾客需要什么,我们就生产供应什么”作为其座右铭的企业是______C___企业。

A.生产导向型 B.推销导向型C.市场营销导向型 D.社会营销导向型()10.顾客购买的总成本包括货币成本和____D_____。

A.时间成本 B.体力成本C.精神成本 D.非货币成本()11.制定实施市场营销计划,评估和控制市场营销活动,是________B_的重要任务。

A.市场主管部门 B.市场营销组织C.广告部门 D.销售部门(12._______D__是企业为了进占目标市场,满足顾客需求,加以整合、协调使用的可控制因素。

A.促销组合 B.市场定位C.市场选择 D.市场营销组合(二)思13.我国现存最早的市场营销学教材,是由丁馨伯教授编译、复旦大学1933年出版的__A______。

A.《市场学》 B.《市场营销方法》C.《市场营销原理》 D.《营销管理》14.职能研究法属于__A_______的范畴。

A.传统研究法 B.管理研究法C.历史研究法 D.系统研究法15.战后西方营销学者和企业界采用较多的一种研究方法是___B______。

A.传统研究法 B.管理研究法C.历史研究法 D.系统研究法16.市场营销学作为一门独立的经营管理学科诞生于20世纪初的_____C____。

A.欧洲 B.日本C.美国 D.中国17.从总体上看,质量改进方案(QIP)通常会增加企业的_____B____。

A.成本 B.盈利C.无形资产 D.以上答案都不对18.从企业价值链及其构成看,下游环节的中心是___B______。

A.创造产品价值 B.创造顾客价值C.技术创新 D.产品创新D.阻碍市场知识的积累及其在组织内部的广泛传播19.执行推销观念的企业,称为推销导向企业。


A.我们生产什么就卖什么 B.我们卖什么就让人们买什么C.市场需要什么就生产什么 D.好酒不怕巷子深20.企业的组织要素通常包括组织结构、政策和_____C____。

A.规章制度 B.体制C.文化 D.作业流程21.对于负需求市场,营销管理的任务是__A____。

A.改变市场营销 B.刺激市场营销C.反市场营销 D.维持市场营销22.对于潜在的需求应实施_____C____。

A.刺激性营销 B.再生性营销C.发展性营销 D.同步性营销23.一个战略经营单位是企业的一个_____B____。

A.部门 B.车间C.产品 D.环节24.区分战略经营单位的主要依据是多项业务之间是否存在共同的_____A____。

A.经营主线 B.经营目标C.经营方针25.具有较高增长率和较高市场占有率的经营单位是___B______。

A.问号类 B.明星类C.奶牛类 D.瘦狗类26.市场增长率和相对市场占有率都较低的经营单位是_____D____。

A.问号类 B.明星类C.奶牛类 D.瘦狗类27.成本领先的核心是争取最大的_____B____,以达到单位产品成本最低,从而以较低的售价赢得优势。

A.市场增长 B.市场份额C.市场盈利 D.市场机会28.战略经营单位是企业值得为其专门制定一种经营战略的_____B____经营单位。

A.最大 B.最小C.一般 D.盈利三、多项选择题(一)练习(ABC )1.国内市场按购买动机可分为_________。

A.消费者市场 B.生产者市场C.中间商市场 D.非营利组织市场E.国际市场()2.宏观市场营销__ABCD_______。

A.从社会总体交换层面研究市场营销问题B.以社会整体利益为目标C.是一种企业的社会经济活动过程D.目的是求得社会生产与社会需要的平衡E.考虑的是个别企业与消费者利益的增长()3.一般来说,市场营销管理哲学的发展演变历程可划分为以下哪几个阶段?_ABCDE________ A.生产观念 B.销售观念C.市场营销观念 D.产品观念E.社会营销观念()4.顾客总成本包括_____ABCE____。

A.货币成本 B.时间成本C.精神成本 D.固定成本E.体力成本()5.产品观念的主要特点是:( ABE )A.注重产品质量 B.注重生产数量C.注重产品销售 D.注重市场需求;E.注重企业自身的生产条件。

( ABD )6.以企业为中心的市场营销管理哲学包括_________。

A.生产观念 B.销售观念C.市场营销观念 D.产品观念E.社会营销观念( E )7.市场营销组合具有_ABCE________的特点。

A.可控性 B.动态性C.复合性 D.不变性E.整体性()8.市场营销组合因素包括__ACDE_______。

A.产品 B.竞争C.定价 D.分销E.促销(ABE )9。

市场营销战略主要有A.目标市场战略 B.市场营销组合战略C.市场营销控制 D.市场营销行为E.市场营销预算(二)思考()10.市场营销学的研究方法很多,主要有__A_______。

A.传统研究法 B.数量研究法C.管理研究法 D.历史研究法E.系统研究法()11.按照管理大师彼德·杜鲁克的说法,企业的基本职能是_________。

A.生产 B.组织C.市场营销 D.创新E.控制()12.为了向顾客提供优质服务并使其高度满意,企业必须加强对其核心业务流程的管理,使各有关职能部门尽力投入和合作。


A.新产品实现流程 B.生产管理流程C.存货管理流程 D.订单——付款流程E.顾客服务流程()13.创建知识型企业的核心是要正确处理好_________工作并使之有机结合。

A.技术创新 B.倾听C.知识创新 D.学习E.领先()14.市场增长率/市场占有率矩阵将经营单位划分为__ACDE_______几种类型。

A.明星类 B.金马类C.奶牛类 D.问号类E.瘦狗类()15.企业一体化成长战略包括ACE_________。

A.后向一体化 B.向上一体化C.水平一体化 D.向下一体化E.前向一体化()16.规划企业成长战略的方式有______BD___。

A.松散式成长战略 B.密集式成长战略C.统一式成长战略 D.一体化成长战略E.多角化成长战略()17.美国学者波特提出的竞争性战略是____ABD_____。

A.成本领先战略 B.差别化战略C.品牌战略 D.聚焦战略E.一体化战略四、判断题(一)练习( X ) 1.从营销理论的角度看,市场就是买卖商品的场所。

( X ) 2.市场营销就是推销和广告。

( X ) 3.就卖主而言,消费者市场是法人市场,组织市场是公家市场。

( Y ) 4.通过满足需求达到顾客满意,最终实现包括利润在内的企业目标,是现代市场营销的基本精神。

( Y ) 5.交换是一个过程。


( Y ) 6.营销管理的实质是需求管理。

( Y ) 7.顾客总价值是指顾客购买某一种产品或劳务时所期望获得的一组利益。

( Y ) 8.各方利益关系的协调本质上仍然是以顾客满意为核心的。

( X ) 9.由于追求顾客让渡价值最大化的结果往往会导致企业成本增加,利润减少。


( X ) 10.构成顾客总成本之一的非货币成本,包括时间成本、精神成本和体力成本。

( X ) 11.以企业为中心的观念包括生产观念和营销观念。

( Y ) 12.市场营销观念和社会市场营销观念的最大区别在于后者强调了社会和消费者的长远利益。

( X ) 13.从企业实际的营销经验看,维系老顾客要比吸引新顾客花费更高的成本。

( X ) 14.只要企业制定好营销组合策略,做好内部营销,企业的营销活动就一定能够取得很好的营销效益。

( Y ) 15.市场营销目标从属于企业总目标,是为总目标服务的次级目标。

(二)思考( X ) 16.针对过量需求,企业营销管理的任务是“反市场营销”。

( Y ) 17.除了物资短缺、产品供不应求的情况之外,某种具有良好市场前景的产品,因生产成本很高,必须通过提高生产率、降低成本来扩大市场时,也会导致企业奉行生产观念。

( X ) 18.企业战略具有全局性、长远性、抗争性、纲领性和可控性的特征。

( X ) 19.经营战略是多个战略经营单位或者有关的专业部、子公司的战略。

( Y ) 20.规划投资组合实质上是企业高层对各个经营单位及其业务进行评估和分类,确认它们的发展潜力,决定投资结构。

( X ) 21.市场增长率越高,经营单位的资金需要数量越少。

( Y ) 22.经营任务规定战略经营单位业务和发展方向。

( X ) 23.实行多角化经营的企业,其产品组合中各条产品线在最终用途、生产条件、分配渠道或其他方面相互关联的程度高。

( X ) 24.总体战略是由企业中层负责制定、落实的基本战略。

( X ) 25.战略经营单位通常没有自己的业务。

第五讲目标市场营销战略二、单项选择题( C )1._________差异的存在是市场细分的客观依据。

A.产品 B.价格C.需求偏好D.细分( D )2.属于产业市场细分标准的是_________。

A.职业 B.生活格调C.收入D.顾客能力( B)3.依据目前的资源状况能否通过适当的营销组合去占领目标市场,即企业所选择的目标市场是否易于进入,这是市场细分的_________原则。
