K100 troubleshooting Starting
IPS-1000系列VoIP综合接入系统用户手册版本:V1.05目录1.前言 (1)2.概述 (2)3.系统指标 (3)3.1功能、性能 (3)3.2工作条件 (3)3.3配置 (4)4.结构 (5)4.1VIP板面板图 (5)4.2面板 (5)4.3出线 (6)4.4系列结构标准 (6)5.安装和操作 (7)5.1IPS设置简介 (7)5.2产品安装和呼叫 (7)5.3呼叫 (7)5.4IPS系列编程 (7)6.VIP设置命令(Telnet 远程配置) (8)6.1操作系统登录命令Telnet (8)6.2帮助命令Help (8)6.3显示配置命令Show (9)6.4设置配置命令Set (10)6.5存盘命令Save (10)6.6恢复前次配置命令Load (10)6.7恢复初始配置命令LoadDefault (10)6.8系统重起动命令Reboot (10)6.9退出命令配置Quit (11)7.配置数据 (12)7.1NetWork部分 (12)7.1.1广域网IP (12)7.1.2广域网IP子网掩码 (12)7.1.3广域网MAC值 (12)7.1.4广域网口DHCP模式 (12)7.1.5局域网IP (13)7.1.6局域网IP子网掩码 (13)7.1.7局域网MAC值 (13)7.1.8DNS状态 (13)7.1.9DNS IP (13)7.1.10默认网关IP (14)7.1.11NAT功能 (14)7.1.12NAT端口映射表 (14)7.1.13PPPoE (14)7.1.14PPPoE 用户名 ......................................... 147.1.15PPPoE 用户密码. (15)7.2GateWay部分 (15)7.2.1网关别名 (15)7.2.2网关IP (15)7.2.3网关区号 (15)7.2.4呼入前缀匹配值 (15)7.2.5呼入前缀删除状态 (16)7.2.6设备最大允许话音通道数 (16)7.2.7启用快速呼叫功能 (16)7.2.8Q.931协议端口值 (16)7.2.9RTP起始端口值 (16)7.2.10TCP起始端口值 (17)7.2.11MCC通信定时器 (17)7.2.12网守定时器 (17)7.2.13TCP定时器 (17)7.2.14ALERTING定时器 (17)7.2.15CONNECING定时器 (17)7.2.16RAS重发次数 (18)7.2.17网守状态 (18)7.2.18网守IP (18)7.2.19TUNNEL状态 (18)7.2.20网关路由表 (18)7.3CDR IP部分 (19)7.3.1中央维护台的IP (19)7.3.2普通维护台IP (19)7.3.3设置SNMP 管理站IP (19)7.4GateKeeper部分 (19)7.4.1网守最大支持呼叫数基本属性 (19)7.4.2内部网守状态 (20)7.4.3IRR消息频率 (20)7.4.4RRQ消息频率 (20)7.4.5RRQ消息超时次数 (20)7.4.6IRR消息超时次数 (20)7.4.7GKID (20)7.4.8网守信息表 (21)7.4.9DSP状态 (21)7.4.10语音编码类型 (21)7.4.11传真模式 (21)7.4.12语音包允许延迟时长 (22)7.4.13回声抵消状态 (22)7.4.14静音检测状态 (22)7.5SYSTEM部分 (22)7.5.1系统软件版本 (22)7.5.2T35国家码 (22)7.5.3T35扩展码 (22)7.5.4终端类别 (23)7.5.5产品ID号 (23)7.5.6设备厂家号 (23)7.5.7H.323协议栈版本 (23)7.5.8H.225协议栈版本 (23)7.5.9H.245协议栈版本 (23)7.6Dialedlen部分 (23)7.7IP ECHO部分 (24)7.7.1IPECHO客户端 (24)7.7.2客户机定时发送消息时间 (24)7.7.3服务器所在地址 (24)7.7.4服务器所在端口 (25)7.7.5是否作为服务器 (25)8.关于配置文件的存取 (26)8.1下载VIP配置文件至PC (26)8.2上传PC的配置文件至VIP中: (26)8.3用TFTP升级VIP系统软件 (26)9.维护注意事项 (27)9.1VIP板RUN灯长亮 (27)9.2IPS电话无法呼出 (27)图图5-1面板指示图 (5)表表5-1面板LED定义 (5)1.前言●本手册详细地介绍了IPS-1000系列V oIP综合接入系统(IPS-1016/1160/1240)的结构、工程安装说明、软件设置等,您也可以根据目录及页眉的标题进行选择性地阅读此手册。
【最新推荐】启动失败解决方法详解-精选word文档 (2页)
【最新推荐】启动失败解决方法详解-精选word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==启动失败解决方法详解因为把Ubuntu从13.04升级到13.10后,鼠标出现了问题,一打开网页就不停的闪,而且好多东西都不一样了,又不好用,所以选择重装系统,重装的时候偏偏又重新分了区,然后装完了,一重启,悲剧了,进入修复grubrescue模式下了,一时间就不知道怎么办好了,好在还有个平板可以上网,马上上网搜。
很快就搜到不少,点开第一个,“用U盘启动进入Windows系统重写mbr”?那我的Ubuntu不就没了!!!直接PASS!!!“直接在grub rescue”下修复,嗯,这个好。
1、输入set查看当前的设置(原来这个是查看当前设置的,先前搜到的都不说清楚)2、输入set root=(hd0,msdos11),难怪刚才我的没有变化,选择前搜到的根本没有set,直接就root=(hd0,msdos11)了。
(msdos11是我Ubuntu安装的位置,每个人不同的,可以用ls (hd0,x)/root/grub 查看安装到哪个分区了,运行命令后出现很多文件的就是了)3、输入insmod /grub/normal.mod,我靠,没有这个文件,什么情况!!!难道我的不是Ubuntu!!这不科学!!!冷静,要冷静!检查Ubuntu安装在哪个盘时还有几个文件夹,会不会是文件的路径不一样,嗯,查看一个其它文件路径看看,输入ls (hd0,msdos11)/root/grub/i386-pc,一个回国,出来一大串的文件名,大部分是.mod和.img的,应该就是这个了,把命令换成insmod(hd0,msdos11)/root/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod,成功!!!!4、输入normal,回车的,熟悉的启动菜单出来了。
破坏mbr方法:[ root@newrhel5:~]#ddif=/dev/zeroof=/dev/sdabs=446count=11+0recordsin1+0recordsout446bytes(446b)copied,0.000557676seconds,800kb/s修复方法:(2种:① 光盘引导;② U盘启动)①用光盘引导启动,进入rescue修复模式→chroot重新挂载/根分区→grub-install/dev/sda重装sba,修复mbr。
方法1:⑴破坏mbr:[ root@newrhel5:~]#ddif=/dev/zeroof=/dev/sdabs=446count=11+0recordsin1+0recordsout已复制446字节(446B),0.000557676秒,800KB/s⑵ CD引导:光盘rescue修复模式已经init了,有udev(在内核中,加设备文件)进入linuxrescue修复模式。
推荐 Win8系统下载
4、如上述都无效,建议重新安装win8.1后升级Win10或直接安装Windows10,止前已经有Win10 ISO安装包下载。
以上是Win8安装升级过程中遇到modern setup host停止工作的问题的全部解决办法,希望可以帮到大家!。
H3C S3100系列以太网交换机 安装手册(V1.07)
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《H3C S3100 系列以太网交换机 安装手册》主要介绍了 H3C S3100 系列以太网交换机的硬件特 性及交换机的安装、配置和维护。在安装交换机前及安装过程中,为避免可能出现的设备损坏和人 身伤害,请仔细阅读本手册。本手册包含如下章节:
您可以通过 H3C 网站()获取最新的产品资料: H3C 网站与产品资料相关的主要栏目介绍如下: z [产品技术]:可以获取产品介绍和技术介绍的文档。 z [解决方案]:可以获取解决方案类资料。 z [服务支持/文档中心]:可以获取安装类、配置类或维护类等产品资料。 z [服务支持/软件下载]:可以获取与软件版本配套的资料。
NeoVTL、SecPro、SecPoint、SecEngine、SecPath、Comware、Secware、Storware、NQA、 VVG、V2G、VnG、PSPT、XGbus、N-Bus、TiGem、InnoVision、HUASAN、华三均为杭州华三
H3C S3100 系列以太网交换机 安装手册
Copyright © 2007-2009 杭州华三通信技术有限公司及其许可者 版权所有,保留一切权利。
未经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何 形式传播。
的问题及对应的检查方法。 z 附录 A 交换机的防雷。介绍交换机交流电源避雷器、网口避雷器的安装。
下面小编就提供从网络上收集到的黑莓BlackBerry 手持设备所有软/硬件在使用过程中出现的错误提示代码的翻译参考资料及部分问题的解决办法。
下列表格将列出在BlackBerry手持设备上java虚拟机可能出现的错误代码和详细信息!101 Previous startup failed当jvm启动过程中,前一个启动的项目失败了,设备已经被重置。
这个错误表明jvm在启动时找到“启动进行中”这个标志位已经设置了,当前屏幕信息为:有意停止“系统继续重置”这个死循环,来纠正系统当前不正确的启动操作102 Invalid code in filesystem在文件系统中发现无效的代码。
103 Cannot find starting address找不到启动的地址,用于启动系统的引导cod文件找不到。
104 Uncaught:非预期:《java模块名》jvm诊断出一个非预期的java代码异常错误抛出,程序可以继续执行,或者手持设备可以用桌面管理器连是USB线安装一个程序调试器来查看这些错误信息。
事件日志里应该包含了异常错误的信息105 Example, DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d举例,DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d文件系统API已经为一种特定的操作返回一种错误状态码,他可能表明在jvm上存在一个无效的或者错误的文件系统106 Graphics system error图形系统错误,在设备的图形系统里一个错误发生并被检测到107 operator new() called在jvm里,操作new()回调一个c++类,该函数代码没有被正确的从VMRamObject 对象来继承,新操作符需要被正确的继承。
-机构控制Production Control 生产主画面Machine Status参考资料ManagementInformation软件关闭Shut Down LoadProduct生产片数设定ChangeCircuitCount长归零(ZEROAXIS)轨道功能控制BoardHandlingSetup系统设定SYSTEM SETUP2. 异常处理2-1 Reject Station 异常处理当有零件拋在Reject Station上时,此时机台停止生产,并显示下列讯息。
处理程序:将Bear Reject 上的零件移除按下Reject Station RESET 按钮按下画面中的OK。
2-2Fiducial Mark 异常处理当PCB进板不顺,导致PCB未到达定位,或PCB MARK反光度不足,此时PEC CAMERA 无法辨识,则画面出现下列讯息。
选择调整距离Mark Point处理程序:点选Increment决定想要调整的距离,并按下微调坐标轴按钮将坐标轴调整到Mark 点中心位置点选Alignment Done 确定坐标轴调整到Mark 点中心位置点选OK 此时机台开始生产,当此片生产完毕时,请务必确认零件座位置是否偏移。
2-3 卡板异常处理 (Board Handling Errors)讯息:Transfer error in zone <zone #> with no automatic recovery possible当一PCB进板不顺时(可能板弯或轨道过宽),导致PCB无法到达Main Table定点位置,而发生卡板讯息。
ZONE 2ZONE 1ZONE 0处理程序:确认PCB是卡在轨道的那一区(ZONE 0 ,ZONE 1 或ZONE 2)以手动放式将PCB移除鼠标点选Continue 按下机台控制钮start 按钮. 此时机台将重新执行进板动作,并继续生产。
2-4 恢复Feeder生产状态以Track2 Feeder为例,当此Feeder Track 1零件吸完时,机台自动去吸取Track 2上的零件,当补料员完成Track 1上的补料动作时,必须去执行Repair Feeders,以告知机台在此Track Feeder 中的Track 1已有零件可供机台吸取。
troubleshooting 中文
troubleshooting 中文
- 1 -。
⼀、管理员忘记密码(1)、重启计算机,进⼊单⽤户模式1 2 3 4 5[root@CentOS5 grub]# rebootBroadcast message from root (pts/2) (Wed Dec 2 18:45:32 2015): The system is going down for reboot NOW!(2)、grub显⽰界⾯,敲⼀下p键(3)、输⼊密码之后按回车键(4)、此时可以看到下⽅编辑菜单已经解锁,⽤户可以⾃⾏编辑了,此时我们敲e键(5)、将光标挪⾄第⼆⾏,也就是kernel这⼀⾏,再敲⼀下e键(6)、此时就进⼊kernel的编辑菜单⾥,我们只需要在⾏尾加⼀个数字1之后按回车(7)、此时敲⼀下b键,即可重新启动系统(8)、此时系统已重新启动,启动完成之后,就是单⽤户模式,直接修改root密码(9)、此时是root⽤户直接登录,输⼊passwd修改root密码,再重启进⼊级别3即可注:以上步骤就是进⼊单⽤户模式的⽅法,下⾯出现单⽤户模式则不再重复此步骤⼆、系统⽆法启动1、grub的stage1损坏(MBR前446字节损坏)(1)、当重启系统就是如下画⾯(2)、此时需要挂载光盘再重启进⼊rescue模式,提⽰符下输⼊linux rescue即可(3)、选择语⾔类型,我们这⾥选择英⽂(4)、选择键盘类型,我们这⾥选择美式键盘(5)、是否启⽤⽹络,根据⾃⼰的需要选择,我这⾥没使⽤⽹络(6)、如果后⾯需要修改⽂件,则选择Continue,否则就选择Read-Only,skip直接进⼊命令⾏(7)、指定当前根分区,如果有多块硬盘的话(8)、提⽰根⽂件系统被挂载⾄/mnt/sysimage下,如果想切换,执⾏chroot /mnt/sysimage(9)、进⼊命令⾏界⾯之后,输⼊grub进⼊提⽰符界⾯(10)、先指定内核所在分区,再安装grub,安装完成退出再重启即可(11)、注意卸载光盘或者调整启动次序,启动之后显⽰如下画⾯即修复成功2、grub的stage2损坏(stage1.5和stage2⽂件丢失)(1)、当grub的stage2损坏时,重启系统时就会是这样(2)、此时我们只需要指定/所在的磁盘及分区、内核⽂件路径、initrd⽂件路径即可(3)、启动完成之后显⽰如下,再直接登录系统(4)、复制/usr/share/grub/x86_64-redhat下所有⽂件⾄/boot/grub⽬录下就⾏1 2 3 4[root@CentOS5 ~]# ls /usr/share/grub/x86_64-redhat/e2fs_stage1_5 ffs_stage1_5 jfs_stage1_5 reiserfs_stage1_5 stage2 ufs2_stage1_5 xfs_stage1_5 fat_stage1_5 iso9660_stage1_5 minix_stage1_5 stage1 stage2_eltorito vstafs_stage1_5[root@CentOS5 ~]# cp /usr/share/grub/x86_64-redhat/* /boot/grub/ -a3、grub.conf配置⽂件丢失(1)、当grub.conf配置⽂件丢失时,重启系统时就会是这样(2)、此时我们只需要指定/所在的磁盘及分区、内核⽂件路径、initrd⽂件路径即可(3)、启动完成之后显⽰如下,进⼊系统我们再⾃⾏创建grub.conf即可注:此处find命令⼗分好⽤,指定root、kernel、initrd即可启动三、⽤户⽆法登录系统(migetty、bash损坏)1、bash损坏进⼊rescue模式,然后重装bash即可注:许多故障都可以通过但⽤户模式或救援模式可以解决。
lvcreate –L <LV sizes> -n <LV name> <vgname>
mke2fs –j /dev/vg/lv
umount /xxx
lvextend –L +<LV sizes> /dev/vg/lv
14.autofs 配置
hosts allow 是主机访问控制,用法同/etc/hosts.allow文件
smbpasswd –a tom 添加帐户,设置用户密码
3./etc/inittab 文件丢失
inittab file found
Inittab 文件属于initscripts-7.31.6.EL-1
path = /home/group 指明在文件系统中的路径
valid users 列出允许使用的用户名,每个用户名空格格开
read list 列出只读用户
一般来说可能忘了加上initrd /initrd-2.4.21-4.EL.img(大多情况发生在使用scsi硬盘)
A.(雨林木风U盘启动盘)在桌面“win+R键”,然后输入“gpedit.msc”打开策略组后依次展开“计算机配置--管理模板--系统--关机”,然后(雨林木风U盘启动盘)双击右侧的“要求使用快速启动”,(雨林木风U 盘启动盘)设置为“已启用”。
win10开机出现关键错误开始菜单和Cortana无法工作的解决方法2 按Ctrl+Alt+Delete组合键,进入任务管理器。
win10开机出现关键错误开始菜单和Cortana无法工作的解决方法3 在“这台电脑”图标上点击右键,选择“管理”(如果你的桌面上没有该图标,可通过右击桌面,选择个性化→主题→桌面图标设置,勾选“计算机”图标后,点击“确定”调出;如果开始按钮右键菜单还没失效,在该菜单中选择“计算机管理”也可进入)。
2、在服务窗口列表找到“Windows Update”,双击打开。
6、最后进入服务重新启动Windows Update。
“Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS”翻译成中文就是:选定的磁盘柱面数超过BIOS所支持的最大值。
难道是我的磁盘坏了?光标一直停在这,XP系统进不去了,换成Ubuntu系统(我装的是 XP和Ubuntu的双系统)也一样。
开机,提示B IOS错误,按Del后重新设置了下,正常进入XP系统。
5、等待再次重启后会来到启动设置,这时候只需要按 4 数字键即可进⼊win10的安全模式。
安装Windows 2000时出现“Error Loading Operation System”错误提示一台电脑在安装Windows 2000操作系统时,重新启动计算机后,屏幕上出现“Error Loading Operation System”错误提示信息,。
Error Loading Operation System信息的含义是加载操作系统时出现错误,
《安装Windows 2000时出现“Error Loading Operation System”》(https://www.)。
故障修理8.1 报警信号以及应对措施2000 输入/输出警报原因: 输出传动器过载或过热措施: 对照下面的数据,检查异常的坐标位置.对于异常的坐标,检查接地故障的线路.报警位输出坐标报警位输入坐标2001 线路保护器(电源主盘)跳闸原因: 电源主盘(QS4至QS8)上的电源保护器跳闸.(正常情况下, PMCDGN X008位应该为1) 措施:QS4跳闸检查电流控制箱的热交换器(风扇3至风扇4)或者滑动润滑泵是否出错。
QS7 跳闸检查长亮的照明灯(FL2)或者液压螺线型导线管的电磁阀(YV1至YV4)是否跳闸。
QS8 跳闸检查风扇或者锭子形状的冷却装置(M8)是否跳闸。
2003 MOTOR THERMAL (FR1,FR2,FR3,FR4,FR5,FR6,FR7) 电动机过热跳闸原因:电动机超载,导致上升暖气流(FR1,FR2)和开关(QS11)跳闸(正常情况下PMCDGN X008位应该为1)。
FR1跳闸液压泵过载或者液压泵电路短路.检查液压泵末端是否有污染物以及过载的原因(比如泵发生堵塞).FR2跳闸冷却液泵过载或者其电路短路.检查冷却液泵末端是否有污染物以及过载的原因(比如泵发生堵塞)FR3跳闸纺锤形冷却装置过载或者其电路短路.检查其末端是否有污染物以及过载的原因(比如泵发生堵塞).重调程序(1)热继电器跳闸重置(电磁开关)[跳闸的表现]跳闸控制杆将会缩回装置内,如果热继电器跳闸.正常状态下,控制杆是外露的.[重置]消除报警故障(超载或者其他)后按下重启键(2)电路保护器跳闸重置(电磁开关)[跳闸的表现]当电路保护器跳闸时,装置指向OFF.正常状态下,应指向ON.[重置]消除报警故障(超载或者其他)后向上推控制杆,确保指示ON.(3)断路器跳闸重置[跳闸的表现]跳闸时,控制杆滑到中间位置[重置]消除报警故障(超载或者其他)后,先将控制杆拉到OFF,然后再推到ON2007 RIGID TAP(M29)COMMAND ERROR(Option)原因:没有通过主轴操作键指令M03或者M04指示刚性螺丝攻(M29)措施:按下重启键后,修改程序。
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EFI/Electronic ignition K100 2vtroubleshootingDisclaimer:This page is a guide but not a reference. I am not a professional but only a K100 enthusiast with good knowledge of the bike.Most of the information contained is this document was not available anywhere on the Internet at the time this guide was written. After a couple of month of research, I finally compiled this printable version. The HTML version posted on the K100 forum has been viewed 5,000 times in 5 months. From all the feedback received, the information published has been confirmed to be accurate.Please use your own judgement when testing the electronic as I CANNOT be responsible if you short or fry an electronic component. This is an on going project and this file will be upgraded when new information will be available. Please check it regularly.Bertrand Vogel (Crazy frog)This document should help you to understand how the LE-Jetronic and the electronicignition are working.I would happily add your comments and experience to this page if they are relevant.Click here to email me additional informationYou don't need electronic knowledge but basic electrical knowledgein order to test both units following the information on this page.The following explanations and schematics are specific to the early K100 2 valves.The 4 valves RS is different (Motronic) but the same principle applies to it.The K75 shares the same technology and the principle is similar at the exception of an extracoil.First, you have done all the basic troubleshooting such as: checking the fuses, ignition switch, kill switch, side stand switch (not applicable on early K100), transmission in neutral, clutch in, starter connection, Fuel pump connector on the fuel tank, and batteryconnections.The ground connections are critical for the electrical system. The ground connection between the battery (-) and the side of the transmission should be cleaned and tested. the connection #9 on the frame should also be checked. (Remove the screw and cleanall the connectors)Most of the starting failures are related to a corroded ground connector!First, here are a couple of schematics showing the location ofthe electrical components:Under tank connectors and groundFuse box layoutLayout of electrical components (in the tray under the tank).Now, let’s start the troubleshooting…..Is the starter turning?Here is a simplify schematic of the starter circuitIf the engine is cranking, continue with this chart.You reached the orange box and the result of your investigationpoints to the EFI system.How does it works?You may not be an electronic engineer, but after reading the remaining of this document you should have a pretty goodknowledge of the system.2 major factors influence the EFI computer: Air flow detected by the air flowmeter and engine rpm detected by the HALL sensor.Other data collected by the EFI computer are: Air temperature, Watertemperature, Throttle switch position and Battery voltage.Following is a listing of the basic components and functions of the EFI system:Fuel pump:Fuel pressure regulator:Fuel pressure is sent from the pump to the Fuel injector rail. The fuel pressure regulator will keep a constant pressure into the fuel injector rail. The fuel pressure regulator is located on the back of the fuel injection rail (not easy to access) and its depression is collected at the intake manifold for cylinder #4. The fuel pump is delivering 65 PSI of pressure, and the pressure regulator drops it to 36PSI.Idle switchThe idle switch (Also called butterfly switch or throttle switch) is located at the end of the fuel injector rail. It wills cut-off the fuel injector when releasing the throttle. With this system, when decelerating (switch 1 close), the fuel injection is disabled until the rpm goes down to 2000rpm. If the engine is still decelerating and the rpm is lower than 2000, the EFI is re-enabled and the injection is controlled again by the FI computer. As an example, when riding at 5000rpm and cutting the throttle, the injection will be cut off between 5000 and 2000rpm. (This is one of the reason why the K100 really slow down when you shut down the throttle.)This switch assembly only signals idle or full throttle to the EFI. Mid throttle signal to the EFI was controlled by the vacuum switch. This switch has been removed in the late 1985)A good indication of a bad setup is when the engine backfires when decelerating. When you twist the throttle, the same switch (contact # 2) will tell the EFI computer that the engine is on full load and the mixture air/fuel will be enrichedFuel injectors:The 4 injectors all open and close at the same time when commanded to do so by the ECU. It's important to understand that the injectors do not really spray fuel, they are just valves that open and close. They are needle valves that plug a small hole when closed. They are opened by a tiny electromagnet in each injector that pulls the needle away from its hole enabling fuel to pass into the intake system. When they are open fuel sprays in as a result of fuel pressure, so it's really the pump and fuel pressure regulator that control how much fuel sprays in for a given amount of time when injectors are open. The ECU regulates how much fuel is sprayed in by controlling the time the injectors are open. The ECU assumes the fuel pump and regulator supply the correct fuel pressure. If the fuel pressure is incorrect, it will affect the ECU's calculations. An injector can go bad in a number of ways. They can have external leaks, internal leaks, fail to open, or fail to close or be clogged with combustion debris. Symptoms of a bad injector or injectors can include difficult or impossible cold or warm starting, irregular idle, lack of power, poor fuel economy, missing, high emissions and external fuel leakage.It's important to check the injector internal electrical coil. Remove the injector's electrical connector and check the re sistance between the injector coil’s terminals. ItIf your injector is leaking internally or failing to close fully the bike might run OK depending on just how bad the problem is. The way to check for this problem is simple. When you change spark plugs inspect them. If one or two are a lot blacker then the others you probably have a leaking injector on those cylinders. If the leak is bad or the injector never closes, the bike will run poorly at low RPM but improve at high RPM when the engine is sucking in enough air to burn the fuel.The most common injector problem and the most difficult to detect is the partially clogged or "dirty" injector. Unfortunately there is no practical way to check for this problem without pulling out the injectors so we need to use the process of elimination. If you have checked everything else out and your bike still has some running problem then it's probably one or more dirty injectors. Putting injector cleaner in the fuel tank will not clean the injectors. To clean them they need to be pulled out and sent to an injection shop. Most injection shops have a service that will include ultrasonic cleaning, new tips and intake screens for about $25-$35 dollars for each injector. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A REBUILT LE-JETRONIC INJECTOR! . That's it! The life limiting component is the internal O ring and it can't be replaced.Air flow meter:Air traverses the air filter and goes to the air flow sensor. When you open the throttle, the depression is moving the internal vane of the air flow meter and a bigger amount of air is sucked in by the engine. The movement of the vanes will turn a variable resistance. This variable resistance will tell the EFI computer how much gas it has to send to the injectors to balance the mixture air/fuel.The volume of air drawn in by the engine reflects the condition of the load. The precise measurement of this parameter is essential to determine the exact volume of fuel to inject.The sensor plate adopts an angular position in relation to the force applied to it by the air drawn in by the enginePositioned in the damper chamber, the compensator flap (with the same effective area as the sensor plate) reduces pulsations due to any back pressure in the inlet manifold.A temperature sensor is connected in parallel in the air flow sensor electrical circuit. This is a thermi-resistor and its resistance reduces as the temperature rises. It modifies the output signal from the air flow sensor in relation to the intake air temperature. Some air, not taken into account by the sensor plate, pass through the by-pass. By altering the section of the by-pass, the idling mixture can be altered.The potentiometer, directly attached to the sensor plate, transmits to the electronic control unit the voltage corresponding to the angular position of the sensor plate. It is assembled in dry conditions in a sealed casing. The potentiometer consists of ceramic plate supporting a contact strip and several resistors whose values have been adjusted by laser beam. These resistors have the special quality of not varying with the sharp changes of temperature which occur in the engine compartment. A cursor directly attached to the sensor plate makes contact with the contact strip.The battery voltage doesn’t influence the signal from the potentiometer, it is the relationship between the potentiometer signal and the battery voltage which is taken into account by the electronic control unit.The intake air temperature, measured by the temperature sensor, has a direct effect on the voltage of the potentiometer signal.Here is what you will find when opening an airflow meter. This one is defective and the problem comes from pin #5(The connection with the board is broken and doesn't make contact with the circuit.)This airflow meter is factory sealed. I f you don’t experience problems avoid breaking the seal on the cover. Dirt on the circuit board will affect the value of the resistance.The EFI computer is pre-programmed to get maximum optimization during startup. As long as the starter switch is depressed, the EFI computer will enrich the mixture air/fuel.When the engine reaches 900rpm, the air vane position is fed to the EFI computer.Now, let's get practical....EFI and Electronic ignition components:The following graphic shows the different components and their connection to the EFI computer.You can try to follow the full wiring diagram, but this is very confusing.To help you, I have detailed the wiring related to the EFI /Electronic ignition:Or if you prefer, this simplified schematic of the wiring:Quick explanation of the principle:What's happening when you press the starter switch:The starter relay and Fuel Injection relay close, Hall sensors get power.The FI relay energizes (+) the fuel pump, the idle switch, the injectors and the air flow meter.The LE-Jetronic receives (pin #4) the signal that the engine is starting and it sets itself on starting mode (enriching the air/fuel mixture)Electronic ignition module pin # 9-10-14 send power to the ignition coil Electronic ignition module pin #8 send engine rpm info to pin #1 of FI computer Electronic ignition module pin #7 sends ground to the coil of the FI relay as soon as the starter switch is depressed. The ground will stay on after the starter switch is released as long as the Electronic ignition module receives a signal from the Hall sensors.Note: Under 1300rpm, the timing is set to 6 ̊. Then, the Electronic ignition module will modify the timing according to the engine rpm.At 8777rpm, the timing is reset back to 6 ̊.At 8905 rpm, the fuel injection is shutdown by cutting the signal from pin #8 (Electronic ignition module) to pin #1 (LE-Jetronic) and will resume when the rpm come back down to this value (This is to avoid over running the engine).When engine runs over 710rpm, the Electronic ignition module shuts off the ground to the coil of the starter relay (pin #11). (This is a higher rpm than what the starter is capable. and at this point the Electronic ignition module assumes that the engine is running).If the engine stalls (no more signal from the Hall sensor), the Electronic ignition module will shut off the ground to the FI relay and to the coils. (This is to protect the output transistors and coils).This is time to get your multimer (Ohm meter / Volt meter) and start to collect values from the system.Water temperature sensor:The bike will not start if the water temperature is above the normal range of operation. A bad temperature sensor will send the wrong signal to the EFI.The water temperature sensor contains 2 resistors: 1 feeding the EFI and one feeding the temperature switching unit. One resistor may be defective when the other one may be OK. If only the one feeding the EFI is bad, you won’t see the temperature light glowing. If the water temperature light stays on, and the engine doesn’t start, this is a good indication of a bad temperature sensor.If you suspect a problem with your water temperature sensor, here is what you should read when testing it.Take a pot of water, immerse a thermometer. Plug your ohmmeter to the sensor and have the tip of the sensor immersed in the water. Let the water slowly warm up and get the value for every increase of 10o Celsius. The following graphic shows you the expected values.Because the Electronic ignition module send data to the LE-Jetronic (EFI), it may benecessary to test both units.Electronic ignition module (female connector):Hall sensors:The Hall sensors are known to fail when hot. They are rated to operate at a temperature between -40 to +160 degrees Celsius. If the bike has a problem only when hot, warm up the sensors with a hair dryer and test them at differenttemperatures.Layout of the Hall sensors:Here is how to test the sensors.Any good sensor should light the LED until something metallic, like a feeler gauge, is introduced in to the sensors gap, the LED will then go out.Any sensor that doesn't light the LED or doesn't go out when the sensor gap isobstructed is defective.R bikes and K bikes share the same sensors. (HONEYWELL S&C - 2AV54) The sensors can be purchased for only $15.00. Just type 2AV54 in Google.Ignition coils, ignition wires and spark plugs: First, let’s get a little bit of boring theory about coils….An ignition coil is essentially an autotransformer with a high ratio of secondary to primary windings. The primary and secondary windings are not actually separated - they share a few of the windings.The ratio of secondary to primary turns in an ignition coil is somewhere around 100:1. The ignition coil is operated directly off a 12 volt source. However, the ignition coil does not work like an ordinary transformer. An ordinary transformer will produce output current at the same time that input current is applied. An ignition coil actually does most of its work acting as an inductor. When the ignition coil is connected to the battery, the inductor is 'charged' with current. It takes a few milliseconds for the current to build up the magnetic field - this on account of reverse voltage caused by the increase in magnetic field. During this short charging period, maybe a thousandvolts are produced at the high voltage terminal, not enough to actually cause a spark. The actual spark is generated when the breaker contacts open.Much smaller coils are used and in the case of the K100. One coil is servicing two spark plugs (These coil s put off about 20kv). I t is called a wasted spark system. In this arrangement the coil generates two sparks per cycle to both cylinders. The fuel in the cylinder that is nearing the end of its compression stroke is ignited, whereas the spark in its companion that is nearing the end of its exhaust stroke has no effect. The wasted spark system is more reliable than a single coil system with a distributor.Coils contained in a single moulded block with multiple high-tension terminals are commonly called a coil-pack.On a K100 coil, the resistance measured between the 2 high voltage terminals is about 12.6KΩ and the primary coil should measure about 2.6Ω.What could go wrong with a coil?You may find a cut in the winding, burnt insulation, crack in the casing or corroded connections. Your best friend is the Ohmmeter and a visual inspection at night to locate a crack. A spark will travel along the crack and will be visible in the dark.Spark plugs and ignition wires:I have read on other forums people finding after market ignition wires and caps.This could be a big money saver, but it can also be a source of concern if you don’t pay attention to the following points:The K100 is originally fitted with Bosch X5DC (or can be fitted with the NGKD7EA). Both are non resistor spark plugs and here is the reason:The original BMW spark plug cap already integrates a resistance of 5KΩ. Similarly, the connector at the other end of the original ignition cable also includes a resistance of 1KΩ (The total resistance is 6KΩ).If you replace the wires with after market non resistor wires and caps and keep the original spark plugs, you will run into troubles and take a chance to damage the output transistors of the ignition module (resistance of the wire/spark plug will be close to 0).It is possible to fit a K100 with after market plugs and wires, but the spark plugs have to be replaced with a resistive type (Bosch XR5DC or NGK DR7EA). These spark plugs have a b uilt in 5kΩ resistor.The X(R)5DC has a thermal index of 5 the D(R)7EA has a thermal index of 7.Even if the thermal index is different, both are suited to be installed on a K100 engine.... Why is the Bosch having a thermal index of 5 and NGK has a 7?Each manufacturer uses its own designation for the heat range:On the Bosch plugs the higher the number (from 4 to 8 ) the hotter is the plug. NGK works on the opposite and goes from 8 to 4 (a lower number indicates a hotter plug) The term spark plug heat range refers to the speed with which the plug can transfer heat from the combustion chamber to the engine head. It has been found the optimum combustion chamber temperature for gasoline engines is between 500°C–850°C. When it is within that range it is cool enough to avoid pre-ignition and plug tip overheating (which can cause engine damage), while still hot enough to burn off combustion deposits which cause fouling.The spark plug can help maintain the optimum combustion chamber temperature. The primary method used to do this is by altering the internal length of the core nose, in addition, the alloy compositions in the electrodes can be changed. This means you may not be able to visually tell a difference between heat ranges. When a spark plug is referred to as a “cold plug”, it is one that transfers heat rapidly from the firing tip into the engine head, which keeps the firing tip cooler. A “hot plug” has a much slower rate of heat transfer, which keeps the firing tip hotter.Electronic Fuel Injection .Here is a picture of the Electronic Fuel injection module female connector wherethe testing has to be done:Electronic Fuel Injection module (female connector)LE-Jetronic (EFI) test:Testing the airflow meter:Test can be done directly at the airflow meter. (Pin # 5-7-8-9)Test of the air temperature sensor in the air flow meter: You will notice that the resistance decreases when the temperature rises. The value of the resistance is decreasing by a very small value (1Ω to 2Ω) for each difference of 1degree.Here is how the thermi-resistor is tested:I placed the remote sensor of a digital thermometer in the mouth of the air flow meter. I then plugged my ohmmeter to pin #8 and #9 and started to warm-up the air with a hair dryer. My thermometer could not measure a temperature higher than 70o Celsius.Testing the electrical power at the fuel injectors: Because of the injection time varying from 1.5ms to 9ms.,it is best is to use an LED to test the EFI computer output. A cheap regular LED should work for this purpose but they are rated for 3.3v/20mA. A resistance would have to be installed in series with the LED in order to drop the voltage to 3.3 volts. At some hobby stores (Radio Shack, The Source..) you are able to buy 12V LED and with them, the resistor won't be needed. The following schematic shows the testing at the fuel injectors.(Red/Green and Yellow/Green are the 2 wires feeding each injector)Testing the coil of the fuel injector Testing if the Fuel injector relay provides a positive voltage to the injector:The positive should be permanent as long as the ignition is ON, the kill switch is on the "running" position and the starter button is pressed.The positive connection to the injectors is also feeding the airflow meter, the idle switch and the fuel pump. If you get a low voltage, disconnect these 3 devices and the FI computer. If one is bad it can drain the voltage. If you get the 12 volts, plugeverything back and check the voltage at the injectors after each device is pluggedback.Testing if the EFI computer is sending the "pulsing" negative to the fuel injectors: (The test of the EFI relay has to be conducted first)When you are pushing the starter button, you should get one pulse for each rotation of the engine. (The 4 injectors are working together).Here is where you test for power at the fuel injectors:We know that each fuel injector coil has a 16 ohms resistance. If we want to test the circuit in "real" condition, it is easy to disconnect the 4 fuel injectors and insert 4 x 16 ohms resistances on the circuit. Here is the way that I would test it (The 4 resistors could be replaced by 1x 4 Ohms):Testing the fuel pressureTo test the system fuel pressure, install a manometer in parallel with the fuel pressure hose. If the fuel pump and the external pressure regulator are workingcorrectly, you should read close to 36psi on the gaugeTesting the pump pressureTesting the pump and fuel pressureregulatorTo test the fuel pressure output of the pump, install the manometer right at the pressure port of the tank. You should read about 65 psi.The internal relief valve of the pump should keep the pressure to this value.A lower value reflects a bad fuel pump , bad fuel filter or bad relief valve.A higher value reflects a problem with the built in relief valve.This concludes the troubleshooting of the EFI/electronic ignition. If you are looking for extra information, the K100 forum is a great source of information. Very knowledgeable riders are registered here and will most certainly help you. A lot more K100 related documents are available off the forum for registered users.For other information on the K100, you also be interested to see my page on a K100 rebuilt (available from the forum).Bertrand Vogel (Crazy Frog)。