( c o lfC e s y n n i n e tl c n e N n i o m l nv ri , ajn 2 0 9 . . h a 1 h o o h mi r a dE v o m na S i c, a j gN r a i s y N n i S t r e n U e t g 1 0 LJ R C i ; P n
但催化剂 中 p 。 d 的含量增加 , 催化剂性 能进一步提高 .
关键词 : 活性 炭; 炭载 P d催化剂; 硝酸处理; 氨水处理 ; 甲酸 氧化
中 图分 类 号 : 0 4 ; O 1 .1 63 6 37
Efe to r n M o ii a i n o e t o a a y i r o m a e o f c fCa bo d fc t o n El c r c t l tc Pe f r nc f Ca bo ppo t d Pd Ca a y t r n Su re t lss
摘要 : 研究 了硝酸和氨水改性处理对活性 炭表 面基 团 、 炭载 P d纳米粒 子的形态及其对 甲酸氧化 电催化性 能的 影响. 傅里叶变换红外(T I ) 、 F — 光谱 x射线光电子能谱 ( s及 B e m滴定结果表 明, R XP ) oh 硝酸和氨水处理分别增加 了活性炭表面含氧基 团和含氮基 团的含量 . 透射 电镜( E 及 电化学测试显 示, T M) 活性炭经硝 酸处 理后 , 表面负载 的 P 粒子粒径降低, d 催化剂对 甲酸氧化活性和稳定性提高. 进一步用氨水处理后, d粒子 的粒径没有明显变化, P
炭 载体 改性 对炭 载 P d催 化 剂 电催 化 性 能 的影 响
丁 良鑫 王 士瑞 郑 小龙 陈 煜
10 0 ) 50 1
第25卷第2期分子科学学报Vol.25No.2 2009年4月JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCE April2009[文章编号]1000-9035(2009)02-0099-04炭载体的表面处理对Pd/C催化剂电催化活性的影响许伟锋,高颖,邬冰*(哈尔滨师范大学化学与化工学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150080)[摘要]采用处理与未处理的活性炭制备Pd/C催化剂,运用循环伏安法(C V)和计时电流法检测两种Pd/C催化剂对甲酸的电催化氧化活性和稳定性.通过透射电镜(TE M)对催化剂进行了表征.结果表明,用硝酸处理的活性炭所制备的Pd/C催化剂中Pd粒子的分散更均匀,对甲酸的电催化氧化活性和稳定性都有不同程度的提高.[关键词]表面处理;阳极电催化;Pd;甲酸[中图分类号]O640[学科代码]150#30[文献标识码]A近年来,与直接甲醇燃料(DMFCs)电池相比,直接甲酸燃料电池(DFAFCs)得到了广泛的认可[1-2].与甲醇相比甲酸具有很多优点,例如:甲酸无毒,不易燃,易于存储和运输,其理论的开路电位可达到1.45V,并且对Pt基电催化剂的毒性小于甲醇[3-4].文献上广泛被人接受的甲酸氧化是通过以下平行反应进行的:1)在直接途径中,甲酸不形成中间产物CO,直接生成CO2;2)在C O途径中,甲酸先是生成中间产物CO,然后再被氧化成CO2[4-8].经研究发现,甲酸在Pd催化剂上主要是通过直接途径氧化,因此Pd是一种很好的甲酸电氧化的催化剂[9-10].由于活性炭具有较大的比表面积(500~1200m2/g),并且其价格较低,所以活性炭是一种最常见的吸附剂和催化剂的载体[11].贵金属Pt等分散到活性炭载体上,可以大大提高贵金属的分散度和贵金属的利用率,进而提高催化剂的电催化活性[12-13].本文用硝酸处理的活性炭与未用经硝酸处理的活性炭分别制备Pd/C催化剂.用循环伏安法(CV)对所制备的两种催化剂甲酸电氧化的催化活性进行了考察,通过计时电流曲线来检测两种Pd/C催化剂对甲酸的稳定性,用透射电镜(TEM)对所制备的两种催化剂进行了表面形貌观察.1实验部分1.1仪器和试剂Vulcan XC-72活性炭为美国E-TEK公司产品,所用的化学试剂均为分析纯,洗涤和配制溶液用水均为三次蒸馏水.KQ2200DB型数控超声波清洗器(昆山市超声仪器有限公司),氮气为纯度为99.99% (哈尔滨卿华气体有限公司),微波炉(佛山市顺德区格兰仕微波炉电器有限公司型号:WP700(21)),用CHI-650型电化学分析仪(上海辰光仪器公司)和常规的三电极电化学电解池进行电化学测试.收稿日期:2008-10-27基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(20573029);黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目(B200505);黑龙江省教育厅基金资助项目(11531243);哈尔滨市青年基金资助项目(2007RFQXG059).联系人简介:邬冰(1962-),女,教授,主要从事燃料电池阳极催化剂方面的研究.E-mail:E-mail:bettywu709@1.2 催化剂及电极的制备1.2.1 催化剂的制备采用间歇式微波法制备Pd/C 催化剂.用未经处理的活性炭载体制备Pd/C 催化剂:将0.08g 活性炭倒入盛有20mL 乙醇溶液的烧杯中,超声振荡30min,加入8.4mL 浓度为4g/L 的PdCl 2溶液,室温磁力搅拌下用NaOH 溶液调节pH 值为8~9,然后加入过量的HC OOH 溶液做还原剂,二次超声振荡15min,冷却到室温后微波炉中进行间歇式加热:前两次为加热15s 停40s,后6次加热10s 停止90s;用三次蒸馏水洗涤至无Cl -,100e 真空干燥10h.制得的催化剂记作Pd/C -1.用经过表面处理的活性炭载体制备Pd/C 催化剂:先将活性炭进行表面处理,方法为在60e 下,质量分数为30%硝酸溶液中,水浴回流4h,然后用蒸馏水反复冲洗至中性[14].其余步骤与上述方法相同.所制得的催化剂记作Pd/C -2.两种催化剂中Pd 的质量分数均为20%.1.2.2 Pd/C 电极的制备分别取2.5m g 所制备的两种催化剂,加入11.5L L 全氟磺酸树脂溶液(Na fion),10L L 聚四氟乙烯乳液(P TFE)及少量乙醇混合,超声振荡5min.将得到的/油墨0状混合液均匀的涂在碳纸上,室温干燥后得到Pd/C 电极.电极表观面积为0.5c m 2,Pd 载量为1mg #cm -2,PTFE 含量约为25%,Nafion 质量分数约为13%.1.3 催化剂的物理性能测试采用美国Phillip 公司的Tecnai G2S -TWI N 型透射电子显微镜进行样品的TEM 测试.加速电压200kV,点分辨率为0.24nm.高分辨STE M 分辨率为0.19nm.取少量Pd/C 样品分散于无水乙醇中,超声震荡15min 形成油墨状液体后,吸取少量滴到铜微栅上,室温干燥至乙醇挥发完全后待测.1.4 电化学测量电化学测量采用常规的三电极体系,工作电极为自制的Pd/C 电极,辅助电极为铂网,参比电极为银-氯化银(Ag -AgCl)电极.在进行所有上述电化学测量之前,先向电解液中通10min 氮气以除去溶液及整个电解池中的氧气.实验是在(25?1)e 温度下进行的.2 结果与讨论2.1 催化剂中活性组分的电化学比表面积(SESA)图1 Pd/C 催化剂在0.5mol #L -1H 2SO 4溶液中循环伏安曲线,25e (图中插图为氢脱附峰)图1为25e 下,两种催化剂在0.5mol #L -1H 2SO 4溶液中循环伏安曲线.图1中的插图为25e 下,两种催化剂在0.5mol #L -1H 2SO 4溶液中循环伏安曲线的氢脱附峰的放大图,可以通过曲线的氢脱附峰所产生的积分电量(峰面积),利用下式计算催化剂电极的电化学比表面积(S ESA ).S =011@Q/k W #L(m 2#g -1).其中W 是催化剂的质量(g),L 为样品中贵金属的质量分数,Q 为通过图1中氢的吸脱附峰部分积分的得到的电量(mC),k 为经验常数,此处为210L C #cm -2,通过上述公式计算出催化剂Pd/C -1和Pd/C -2的比表面积(S ESA )如表1.从表1中Pd/C -1和Pd/C -2的电化学比表面积的数据可以看出,通过对炭载体的表面处理可以提高催化剂的电化学比表面积.表1 Pd/C 催化剂的电化学比表面积S ESA 催化剂S ESA /(m 2-g -1)Pd/C -17.97100分子科学学报第25卷2.2 TEM 分析图2(a)和(b)分别为Pd/C -1和Pd/C -2催化剂的TEM 照片.从图2中可以非常明显的看出,经硝酸处理的活性炭所制备的Pd/C -2催化剂中Pd 粒子的粒径小,而且催化剂中Pd 粒子分布表较均匀.而未用经硝酸处理的活性炭所制备Pd/C -1催化剂中Pd 粒子分散的不够均匀,有团聚的现象.这说明经硝酸处理后催化剂载体表面可能生成的含氧官能团将有利于催化活性组分钯的前驱体PdCl 2与载体表面的键合程度,防止反应过程中钯粒子的聚集,从而防止大的钯晶粒的形成,有利于提高钯金属的分散度[12].(a)Pd/C -1的TEM 图 (b):Pd/C -2的TEM 图图2 样品的TEM 图2.3 甲酸在Pd/C 催化剂上的电化学氧化图3为25e 下,不同Pd/C 催化剂在0.5mol #L -1H 2SO 4+1.0mol #L -1HC OOH 溶液中的的循环伏安曲线.可见,Pd/C -1催化剂对甲酸的起始电位为0.09V,氧化峰电位为0.40V,峰电流密度为114mA #c m -2.Pd/C -2催化剂对甲酸的起始氧化电位也为0.09V,氧化峰电位为0.53V,峰电流密度为162mA #c m -2.虽然Pd/C -2催化剂对甲酸氧化的峰电位有所正移,但Pd/C -2对甲酸氧化的峰电流密度由较大幅度的提高,约是Pd/C -1的1.42倍.这表明,甲酸在经过表面处理的活性炭所制备的催化剂Pd/C -2上氧化能力更强.图3 Pd/C 催化剂在0.5m ol #L -1H 2SO 4+1.0m ol #L -1 图4 Pd/C 催化剂在0.5mol #L -1H 2SO 4+2.0mol #L -1HCOOH 溶液中循环伏安曲线(25e )HCOOH 溶液中0.3V 时的计时电流曲线(25e )101第2期许伟锋,等:炭载体的表面处理对Pd/C 催化剂电催化活性的影响102分子科学学报第25卷图4为25e下,不同Pd/C催化剂在0.5mol#L-1H2SO4+2.0mol#L-1HC OOH溶液中电位恒定在0.3V时的计时电流曲线.由图4可见,在Pd/C-2催化剂电极上,在7200s时的电流密度为16.3 mA#c m-2,而Pd/C-1催化剂电极上相应电位下的电流密度仅为3.0mA#cm-2.上述结果进一步说明Pd/C-2催化剂比Pd/C-1催化剂对甲酸氧化具有更好的电催化活性和稳定性.3结论用表面处理的活性炭载体制备催化剂Pd/C-2对甲酸的电催化氧化活性及稳定性比用未经表面处理的活性炭载体制备的催化剂Pd/C-1都有相应的提高.这主要是由于Pd/C-2催化剂中Pd粒子的平均粒径小,分散度高引起的.[参考文献][1]Y 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supportX U We-i feng,GAO Ying,W U Bing*(College of Chemistry and Che mical Engi neering,Harbi n Normal Universi ty,Harbin150080,China)Abstract:Two Pd/C catalysts were prepared by two kinds of activated carbon.One carbon is treated by HNO3and the other without the treatment.The catalysts prepared have been characterized by cyclic voltammetry,chronoamper-ometry techniques,and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The results showed that Pd/C with the treated car-bon support had higher electrocatalytic oxidation activity and stability.Keywords:surface-treatment;anodic electrocatalyst;Pd;HCOOH。
首先,制备该催化剂的方法包括以下几个步骤:1. 制备氮掺杂多级孔炭:将适量的碳源和氮源混合,通过碳化或热解的方式制备氮掺杂多级孔炭材料。
2. 负载纳米Pd颗粒:将制备好的氮掺杂多级孔炭与Pd前驱体溶液混合搅拌,经过还原或沉积的方式将纳米Pd颗粒负载在多级孔炭上。
3. 热处理和活化:将负载了纳米Pd的氮掺杂多级孔炭催化剂进行热处理和活化,以确保催化剂的稳定性和活性。
该催化剂的产品具有以下特点:1. 高活性:纳米Pd颗粒的负载和多级孔炭的结构优势使得催化剂具有高活性,可在各种化学反应中高效催化。
2. 高稳定性:氮掺杂多级孔炭的稳定性和Pd颗粒的均匀负载保证了催化剂的长期稳定性,延长了使用寿命。
3. 可控性:通过调控多级孔炭的孔径和Pd颗粒的尺寸,可以实现催化剂的可控性,满足不同化学反应的需求。
该催化剂的应用范围广泛,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 环境保护:氮掺杂多级孔炭负载的纳米Pd催化剂可用于废水处理、废气净化等环境保护领域,高效降解有机污染物。
2. 能源领域:催化剂可用于氢气生成、氧化还原反应等能源转化领域,提高反应效率和产物纯度。
3. 有机合成:催化剂在有机合成领域具有重要的应用,如催化加氢反应、催化偶联反应等,促进化学反应的进行。
一种氮掺杂多级孔炭负载的纳米pd催化剂的制备方法及其产品和应用 -回复
1. 制备方法1.1 原料的选择首先,选择适当的碳源、氮源和Pd前体作为制备该催化剂的原料。
1.2 制备过程首先,将碳源和氮源加入适量的溶剂中,并进行混合搅拌,使其均匀溶解。
2. 产品特点2.1 多级孔结构氮掺杂多级孔炭负载的纳米Pd催化剂具有多级孔结构,包括微孔、介孔和大孔。
2.2 氮掺杂氮掺杂是本催化剂的另一个显著特点。
氮原子能够与Pd形成氮掺杂Pd 物种,并提供更多的催化活性位点。
2.3 纳米Pd颗粒该催化剂所负载的纳米Pd颗粒具有较高的比表面积和更好的分散性。
纳米尺寸的Pd颗粒有助于提高催化剂的催化活性和选择性,同时减小Pd 颗粒之间的界面阻碍效应。
3. 应用3.1 应用于有机合成反应氮掺杂多级孔炭负载的纳米Pd催化剂在有机合成反应中广泛应用。
电催化氧化方 面的研究。 导 师简介 : 高 颖 (9 3 )汉 , , 16 一 , 女 博士 , 教授 , 研究 方 向: 直接 甲酸
燃 料 电池 。
2 1 年第 O 期 01 l
李 旺等 : 载体处理对 P 催化氧化 甲酸的影响 碳 d
1 9
取 1 0mL乙二 醇 ,在分 散剂 中加 人 0 4 碳 黑 .g 0 混合 超 声 振荡 1 , 力 搅拌 器 下搅 拌 1 , h磁 h 然后 用 分
限公 司 ) 。
电化学测试使用 C I5 H 60电化学 工作 站 ,常规三 电极系统 ,辅助 电极是铂丝 ,参 比电极是 A /g 1 g C 电 A 极, 工作 电极为 1. .2中制备的 P/B和 P /C催化剂 1 dC d T 电极 。循环 伏安测试 扫速为 1 S,电解 液为 0 0 mV・ 一 . 5
从 图 2中可 以看 出 ,dC P/B的 X D谱 图上只 能 R
看到 2 为 3 .。, 63 角 99 4 .。和 6 .。 P ( 1 ) P 75 的 d 1 1 , d
为 1 o・ C O 0 mo・— S 4甲酸在不 同电 l 『H O H+ . l H2 ; m I 5 L O 极上 的电氧化 陛能测试 ,实验之前均先通 N 1 mn以 0 i 除溶液 中的溶解氧 , 实验温度均为 2 ±1C 5 。 o 催 化 剂 的组 成 采 用 日本 日立 公 司能 谱 仪 测 量 ( D ;- 80 HtciJpn ; R E SS 4 0 , i h,aa )X D测 试使 用 ( a 日本 Rgk ) KMa—I iau ( / x IBx)射 线衍 射仪 ;E I B T比表面及 孔体 积使用 Mirm ris r tr0 0比表面测定仪 。 co eic i a 0 t TS 3
一种氮掺杂多级孔炭负载的纳米pd催化剂的制备方法及其产品和应用 -回复
一、制备方法1. 原料准备:首先,准备所需的原料,包括有机前体(如蔗糖,葡萄糖等),钯盐(如PdCl2)和适当的氮源(如氨气)。
2. 前体处理:将有机前体溶解在适当的溶剂中,并加入适量的钯盐溶液。
3. 氮掺杂过程:在反应温度逐渐升高的条件下,引入氨气来实现氮掺杂。
4. 形态调控:通过调节反应条件,如温度、反应时间和气氛等参数,可以控制所得到的纳米Pd的形态和尺寸。
5. 载体制备:将制备好的氮掺杂多级孔炭与纳米Pd颗粒进行混合,并通过适当的处理方法,如旋转蒸发、干燥和高温热处理等,制备成所需的载体。
6. 催化剂测试:将制备好的纳米Pd催化剂应用于不同的催化反应中进行测试。
二、产品和应用1. 产品特性:所制备的氮掺杂多级孔炭负载的纳米Pd催化剂具有以下特性:- 纳米级尺寸:优化的制备方法使得所得到的纳米Pd颗粒具有较小的尺寸,通常在2-10纳米之间。
- 多级孔结构:氮掺杂多级孔炭具有丰富的孔结构,包括微孔、介孔和大孔,提高了催化剂的活性和稳定性。
1.炭沉积温度对改性活性炭吸附剂吸附性能的影响 [J], 徐君;张剑锋
2.改性球形活性炭对氨气吸附性能的研究 [J], 金青青;梁晓怿;张佳楠;周晓龙
3.改性活性炭对含汞废气吸附机理及性能研究 [J], 李剑;严启团;李新;庾小芳;卢良
4.超临界氨水改性活性炭及其对CO2的吸附性能 [J], 陈艺兰;钟琴华;曾炜鹏;刘亚敏;刘敏毅;林小英
5.聚乙烯亚胺改性竹质活性炭对六价铬的吸附性能研究 [J], 仲美娟;刘杏娥;代琳心;尚莉莉;马建锋
碳纳米管负载钯基催化剂催化氧化2,5-呋喃二甲醇合成2,5-呋喃二甲酸李振宇;淮丽媛;郝盼盼;赵玺;王永钊;张炳森;谌春林;张建【期刊名称】《催化学报》【年(卷),期】2022(43)3【摘要】为积极应对化石能源枯竭和生态环境日益严峻等问题,可再生生物质资源的深度开发并进一步替代传统能源或石化原料被广泛认可.利用高效催化技术将生物质资源转化为高附加值的平台化合物,有望衍生出大量具备新颖结构与功能的绿色化学品.2,5-呋喃二甲酸(FDCA)作为重要的生物质基平台化合物之一,具有巨大的市场应用价值,其中因其与化石基对苯二甲酸(PTA)有着极其相似的化学结构,以FDCA替代PTA作为合成单体制备大宗聚合物备受关注.以5-羟甲基糠醛(HMF)为原料,采用多相催化体系(主要是贵金属催化剂)选择氧化制备FDCA是目前广泛采用的方法.但“HMF路线”面临一些基础性的难题,如HMF熔点较低,需低温存储,增加了实际应用中的运输成本;HMF在碱性溶液中易降解,导致反应过程中碳平衡损失;HMF结构中含有的不对称的羟基和醛基官能团在氧化反应中会发生竞争反应,致使反应副产物较多;此外,碱性反应介质中通常会得到醛基优先氧化的中间体5-羟甲基-2-呋喃甲酸(HMFCA),但由于HMFCA结构中羧基官能团的存在使得羟基进一步氧化较为困难,通常需要增加碱浓度、提升温度或压力,使反应条件变得苛刻.因此,寻求新的原料替代HMF,实现温和条件下高效合成FDCA具有重要意义.本文采用改性后的碳纳米管负载Pd催化剂(Pd/o-CNT),从具有独特对称结构的2,5-二羟甲基呋喃(BHMF)出发,提出一种新颖、高效催化合成FDCA的“BHMF路线”.反应在60°C常压下进行,BHMF在20 min内即可完全转化,60 min后FDCA的产率最高可达93.0%,优于相同条件下HMF为原料时的性能(FDCA产率仅为35.7%).相比于未作处理的碳纳米管负载钯催化剂(Pd/CNT),Pd/o-CNT催化剂具有更高含量的氢化钯(PdH_(x))物种,显著促进了FDCA产率的提升.Pd/o-CNT在循环使用10次后,BHMF仍能完全转化,FDCA产率维持在75%.稳定性下降可能与活性物种流失、团聚及价态变化有关.基于对照试验,本文提出了可能的反应路径,即BHMF 主要是通过2,5-二甲酰基呋喃和5-甲酰基-2-呋喃甲酸作为过程中间体,有效转化为FDCA,从而规避并减少生成HMF和活性较低的HMFCA.本文通过以新原料BHMF作底物,实现了高效制备生物基平台化合物FDCA,为生物质的产业化应用提供了新的研究思路.【总页数】9页(P793-801)【作者】李振宇;淮丽媛;郝盼盼;赵玺;王永钊;张炳森;谌春林;张建【作者单位】中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所;中国科学院金属研究所【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ2【相关文献】1.石墨烯负载钯纳米颗粒催化5-羟甲基糠醛选择氧化制2,5-呋喃二甲酸2.磁性MnO2-Fe3O4复合氧化物催化5-羟甲基糠醛氧化合成2,5-呋喃二甲酸研究3.非贵金属催化剂催化氧化5-羟甲基糠醛合成2,5-呋喃二甲酸的研究进展4.5-羟甲基糠醛无碱有氧氧化合成2,5-呋喃二甲酸负载型贵金属催化剂的研究进展5.过渡金属基催化剂催化5-羟甲基糠醛合成2,5-呋喃二甲醛研究进展因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
第28卷第2期应用化学V o.l28Iss.2 2011年2月 C H I NESE J OURNAL OF A PPL I ED C HE M IS TRY Feb.2011炭载Pd Pt催化剂中Pd和Pt原子比对直接甲醇燃料电池阴极催化性能的影响贾羽洁 唐亚文 陈 煜 周益明 陆天虹*(江苏省生物功能材料重点实验室,南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院 南京210097)摘 要 研究了不同Pd和P t原子比的炭载Pd Pt(P d P t/C)催化剂对氧还原的电催化性能和抗甲醇性能。
发现当Pd和P t原子比从20 0增加至17 3时,Pd P t/C催化剂对氧还原的电催化活性逐步增加,而对甲醇氧化均元电催化活性,表明有很好的抗甲醇能力。
但当P d和P t原子比增加至16 4时,虽然对氧还原的电催化活性还在增加,但抗甲醇能力下降。
所以当P d P t原子比为17 3时,P d P t/C有很好的对氧还原的电催化性能和抗甲醇能力,可以用作直接甲醇燃料电池(D M FC)的阴极催化剂。
关键词 直接甲醇燃料电池,碳载Pd P t催化剂,抗甲醇能力,氧还原,原子比中图分类号:O613.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 0518(2011)02 0224 05DO I:10.3724/SP.J.1095.2011.00169虽然以H2气为燃料的质子交换膜燃料电池(PE M FC)已经研究了很长时间,但由于PE MFC价格高、没有合适的氢源和零度以下要结冰等问题而一直没有产业化[1 2]。
因此,后来提出研究以液体燃料甲醇代替H2气作燃料的直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC),但在研究过程中,逐步发现DM FC也有一些问题,特别是甲醇易透过Nafi o n膜到达阴极,在阴极上氧化而使电池性能下降,使DMFC的研发进展受到限制[3 4]。
解决这个问题的方法之一是研究对氧还原有高电催化性能和对甲醇氧化没有电催化活性的阴极催化剂,这样透过N afi o n膜的甲醇不会在阴极氧化而对电池性能的影响较小[5]。
地址:400044 重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号
生物炭负载Pd-Co 催化剂的电催化氧还原性能摘要:采用自制玉米秸秆生物炭(CSB)为载体,以PdCl 2和CoCl 2·6H 2O 为前驱体,利用溶剂热法在乙二醇溶剂中制备了PdCo x /CSB(x=0、1、2、3)催化剂。
PdCo x /CSB 样品具有面心立方结构,Co 原子进入Pd 晶格形成单相Pd-Co 合金。
在0.5mol/L H 2SO 4电解液中,PdCo x /CSB 催化剂对氧还原反应(ORR)表现出良好催化性能,且PdCo 1/CSB 催化活性最高。
根据Koutecky-Levich 方程得出PdCo x /CSB 催化剂氧还原转移电子数接近2,氧分子还原反应可能遵循二电子机理。
关键词:玉米秸秆生物炭;Pd 基催化剂;氧还原反应;催化性能中图分类号:O646文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-0438(2021)12-0141-04(绥化学院食品与制药工程学院黑龙江绥化152061)在聚合物电解质膜燃料电池(PEMFCs )中,阴极氧还原反应(ORR)是高过电位和动力学缓慢过程,成为PEMFCs 能量效率的重要限制因素[1],目前,普遍采用铂基材料作为高活性的氧还原催化剂。
在非铂氧还原催化剂中,钯基催化剂具有良好的电催化氧还原性能,作为PEMFCs 铂基催化剂潜在替代材料受到越来越多的关注[3]。
然而,商品Pd/C 催化剂的ORR 催化活性低于商品Pt/C 催化剂,因此,提高Pd/C 催化剂的催化活性成为研究重点[4]。
利用钯与过渡金属合金化是提高钯基催化剂活性的常用方法,比如,Pd-W [5]、Pd-Cu [6]、Pd-M (M=Fe 、Co 、Ni )[7-9]等二元钯合金,为了进一步改善催化剂的氧还原催化性能,添加两种过渡金属的三元钯合金也有报道,比如,Pd-Fe-Co [10]等合金纳米粒子。
对于质量浓度为10 mg/L的Pb2+溶液,Fe-GAC的最佳投加量为2.0 g/L,此条件下Pb2+去除率可达到98.73%,比采用GAC提高了30.15%。
【总页数】4页(P76-79)【作者】丁春生;王冬;王卫文;贡飞【作者单位】浙江工业大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310014;浙江工业大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310014;煤科集团杭州环保研究院,浙江杭州311201;浙江工业大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X703.1【相关文献】1.硝酸铁改性活性炭的制备及其对Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附性能研究 [J], 王卫文2.PBAT增韧改性交联PBS的性能研究 [J], 刘亚丽;揣成智3.硝酸铁改性活性炭对六价铬离子吸附性能研究 [J], 郭璇;赵昊星4.白庙子斜发沸石的化学改性及重金属离子交换性能的研究──Ⅱ化学改性与Pb^(2+)、Cd^(2+)交换性能 [J], 李曼尼;江雅新;新民5.HNO3和γ-Fe2O3改性椰壳活性炭吸附性能研究 [J], 赵思孟;黄帮福;刘兰鹏;赵宏伟;刘维赛;刘弘伟;潘春雷因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
对苯醌修饰碳负载Pd催化剂的制备、表征及电催化氧化甲酸性能田琦峰;江师月;李建定【摘要】制备了对苯醌(C6H4O2)修饰Vulcan XC-72碳载体负载Pd催化剂(Pd/C-b),通过X-射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱(Raman)、X-射线光电子能谱(XPS)和透射电镜(TEM)对碳载体及催化剂进行了表征,并用循环伏安法(CV)和计时电流法(CA)对其电催化氧化甲酸性能进行了测试.结果表明,对苯醌修饰没有改变碳载体结构及其石墨化程度;相对于未修饰的碳载体,修饰后的碳载体表面含氧量增加,其表面负载的Pd金属粒子粒径更小,分布更均匀;Pd/C-b催化剂的电催化氧化甲酸性能明显改善,抗CO中毒能力也有所增强.%In this paper,1,4-benzoquinone(C6H4O2) modified Vulcan XC-72 carbon supported Pd catalyst(Pd/C-b) was prepared.The carbon supporter and catalyst were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),Raman spectrum,X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy(XPS),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The electrocatalytic oxidation performance for formic acid was tested by cyclic voltammetry(CV) and chronoamperometry(CA).Results showedthat,modification of 1,4-benzoquinone did not change the structure of carbon supporter as well as the degree of pared with the unmodified carbon supporter,the oxygen content of the surface of the modified carbon supporter increased,and Pd metal particles loaded on the surface of the modified carbon supporter was smaller and distributed more uniform.The catalyst Pd/C-b demonstrated better electrocatalyticoxidation performance for formic acid,and had an excellent tolerance to CO poisoning.【期刊名称】《化学与生物工程》【年(卷),期】2017(034)004【总页数】7页(P21-27)【关键词】对苯醌;Pd金属粒子;修饰;甲酸;电催化氧化【作者】田琦峰;江师月;李建定【作者单位】武汉工程大学化工与制药学院绿色化工过程教育部重点实验室湖北省新型反应器与绿色化学工艺重点实验室,湖北武汉 430205;武汉工程大学化工与制药学院绿色化工过程教育部重点实验室湖北省新型反应器与绿色化学工艺重点实验室,湖北武汉 430205;武汉工程大学化工与制药学院绿色化工过程教育部重点实验室湖北省新型反应器与绿色化学工艺重点实验室,湖北武汉 430205【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ150.1;O657.1直接甲酸燃料电池(DFAFC)作为一种新型的能源装置受到人们的广泛关注[1],Pd 基阳极催化剂[2]因相对廉价及更高的催化效率而逐渐取代了Pt基催化剂[3-4]。
使用Cyclic Voltammetry(CV)等电化学测试方法,研究Pt催化剂的电催化性能,并探究其与载体材料和制备工艺的相关性。
复合碳载体负载Pd催化剂的r乙醇电氧化性能陈维民;朱振玉【摘要】以石墨烯纳米片(GNP)和XC-72炭黑组成复合碳载体,制备了Pd/C-GNP 催化剂,并考察了其乙醇电氧化性能.透射电子显微镜和X射线衍射分析结果表明,复合载体的采用改善了催化剂的结构,促进了Pd纳米粒子的分散.电化学测试结果表明,Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较大的电化学活性表面积;在碱性介质中,Pd/C-GNP催化剂的乙醇氧化活性显著高于Pd/GNP和Pd/C催化剂;Pd/C-GNP催化剂还表现出优良的抗中毒能力,这可能得益于Pd/C-GNP催化剂中金属-载体的相互作用.%A novel Pd / C-GNP catalyst was prepared using a hybrid carbon support composed of graphene nanoplatelets(GNP) and carbon black, and the performances of the catalyst for ethanol electrooxidation in alkaline media were evaluated. Transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) measurements showed that the structure of the catalyst was improved and the dispersion of the Pd nanoparticles was facilitated by using the hybrid carbon support. Electrochemical measurements showed that the Pd / C-GNP catalyst had a high electrochemical active surface area. The ethanol-oxidation activity of Pd / C-GNP was remarkably higher than that of Pd / GNP and Pd / C in alkaline media. In addition, Pd / C-GNP exhibited an improved poison resistance and a high electrochemical stability, which could be attributed to the interaction between Pd nanoparticles and the carbon support.【期刊名称】《高等学校化学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(039)002【总页数】6页(P337-342)【关键词】电催化剂;钯;乙醇氧化;碳载体【作者】陈维民;朱振玉【作者单位】沈阳理工大学环境与化学工程学院,沈阳 110159;沈阳理工大学环境与化学工程学院,沈阳 110159;山东新龙集团研发中心,寿光 262709【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643.32;O646直接醇类燃料电池因具有能量转化效率高、清洁及携带方便等优点而受到了广泛关注[1~6]. 燃料电池所采用的纳米电催化剂主要由负载于碳载体上的金属纳米粒子构成. 碳载体的结构和表面特性对金属纳米粒子的分散和负载具有重要影响. 长期以来, 电催化剂的碳载体主要采用炭黑、碳纳米管、纳米碳纤维以及合成介孔碳等材料[1].近年来, 石墨烯(Graphene)材料以其高比表面积和良好的导电导热性能而受到重视, 并在电催化领域取得了应用[7~16]. 但由于石墨烯的片状结构和其表面sp2杂化电子所形成共轭结构, 用作单一载体时往往会发生由π-π相互作用导致的堆叠和团聚, 致使其可利用表面积大幅降低, 影响金属粒子的负载[17].为充分利用碳载体的表面积, 改善金属纳米粒子的负载和分散状况, 本文将石墨烯纳米片与XC-72炭黑混合, 利用不同尺度碳材料的空间组合效应增大碳载体的可利用表面积. 以这种复合载体制备了Pd/C-GNP催化剂, 并用于碱性介质中的乙醇电氧化反应, 取得了显著的效果.1 实验部分1.1 试剂与仪器氯化钯、乙二醇、无水乙醇、氢氧化钠和氢氧化钾均为分析纯, 购自国药集团化学试剂有限公司; 实验用水为去离子水; 石墨烯纳米片(直径5 μm, 厚1~5 nm, 比表面积~110 m2/g), 购于南京先丰纳米材料科技有限公司; XC-72炭黑购于美国Cabot公司; 5%(质量分数)Nafion©溶液购于美国DuPont公司.JEM-2000EX透射电子显微镜(TEM), 日本电子株式会社; ESCALAB250多功能表面分析系统, 美国Thermo VG公司; X’Pert PRO X射线衍射仪(XRD), 荷兰帕纳科公司; Reference 3000型电化学工作站, 美国Gamry公司.1.2 实验过程用电子天平准确称取30 mg石墨烯纳米片和120 mg XC-72炭黑并置于烧杯中, 加入适量乙醇和蒸馏水, 超声分散30 min. 过滤、洗涤后, 在烘箱中于110 ℃下干燥2 h, 即得到复合载体, 标记为C-GNP.准确称取120 mg C-GNP复合载体, 并置于烧杯中, 加入一定量的PdCl2乙二醇溶液(金属Pd与C-GNP复合载体的质量比为1∶4), 再加入适量乙二醇, 充分搅拌. 用NaOH水溶液调节上述悬浊液的pH值至8.5, 超声分散20 min. 将上述碱性悬浊液置于微波炉(700 W, 2450 MHz)中加热60 s后, 静置. 过滤, 用去离子水洗涤, 直至将残留的Cl-除去. 在真空烘箱中于70 ℃下干燥24 h, 即制得Pd/C-GNP催化剂. Pd/GNP和Pd/C催化剂以相同的方法制得.电化学测试以Hg/HgO电极为参比电极, 以铂片为辅助电极. 准确称取5 mg催化剂, 加入到1 mL无水乙醇和25 μL 5% Nafion©溶液中, 超声振荡15 min. 用微量进样器吸取25 μL混合液滴涂在直径4 mm玻碳电极表面, 于红外灯下干燥后, 用作工作电极. 电化学实验在25 ℃下进行.2 结果与讨论2.1 催化剂的形貌图1为催化剂的TEM照片. 可见, 在Pd/C催化剂中, Pd纳米粒子的分布相对均匀, 但仍存在少量粒子团聚现象[图1(A)]; 而在Pd/GNP催化剂中, Pd纳米粒子在石墨烯纳米片表面的分布很不均匀, 有相当部分的石墨烯纳米片表面未被覆盖, 且存在粒子聚集[图1(B)]; 在Pd/C-GNP催化剂中, 炭黑与石墨烯纳米片2种载体结合紧密, 负载的Pd纳米粒子的分散比较均匀[图1(C)]. 这表明复合载体的采用有助于金属纳米粒子的负载与分散.Fig.1 TEM images of catalysts Pd/C(A), Pd/GNP(B) and Pd/C-GNP(C)Fig.2 XRD patterns of catalysts Pd/C(a), Pd/GNP(b) and Pd/C-GNP(c)图2为Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP催化剂的X射线衍射谱图. Pd/GNP催化剂的C(002)尖峰显示了GNP载体的高度石墨化结构. 选取Pd(220)衍射峰来计算Pd 纳米粒子的平均粒径. 根据Scherrer公式求得Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP 3种催化剂的平均粒径分别为2.7, 3.0和2.6 nm. 可以看出, Pd/C-GNP催化剂的平均粒径小于Pd/C和Pd/GNP催化剂, 这与TEM的观察结果相符. 可能的原因如下: 采用复合载体后, Pd纳米粒子的分散性能得到了有效改善. GNP载体具有石墨化的片状结构, 而炭黑载体则由多孔的无定形碳构成; 当2种不同形状和尺寸的碳载体混合后, 其空间结构和孔分布发生了变化: 炭黑颗粒嵌入石墨烯纳米片的间隙, 使其表面积得以充分的利用. 这种复合载体结构有利于金属粒子的负载.2.2 催化剂的电化学表面积图3为催化剂在1.0 mol/L KOH溶液中的循环伏安(CV)曲线, 扫描速率为20mV/s. 图中出现在高电位区间的反向扫描峰归属于催化剂表面Pd氧化物的还原峰, 可用于估算Pd纳米催化剂的电化学表面积(ECSA)[18~20]:ECSA=Q/Sl(1)Fig.3 CV curves of catalysts in 1.0 mol/L KOH solution式中: Q(C)为电量; S(4.05 C/m2)为单位面积PdO还原所需电量; l(g)为催化剂载量. 计算得到Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP 3种催化剂的电化学表面积分别为26.3, 14.1和36.6 m2/g. 可见, 采用复合载体的Pd/C-GNP催化剂的电化学表面积显著大于Pd/C和Pd/GNP催化剂. 当采用石墨烯纳米片作为单一载体时, 由于其表面存在由sp2杂化电子形成的离域π键, 石墨烯纳米片之间通过π-π相互作用而发生堆叠和聚集, 致使其表面积得不到充分利用, 不利于金属粒子的负载和分散[21].当采用C-GNP复合载体时, 2种具有不同尺寸和形状的碳载体混合, 炭黑颗粒分散于石墨烯纳米片之间, 阻止了堆叠和聚集的发生, 从而增大了其可利用的表面积, 改善了金属纳米粒子的负载和分散状况(图4). Wang等[22]采用石墨烯-碳纳米管复合载体构建了具有“三明治”结构的三维碳载体, 并发现在石墨烯纳米片之间插入碳纳米管可以阻止相邻片层的堆积, 从而增大载体的有效表面积. 本文中炭黑所起的作用与文献[22]中碳纳米管所起的作用相似, 均是使载体由堆积的二维平面结构转为三维立体结构. 另外, 石墨烯纳米片与炭黑颗粒密切接触, 使碳载体的导电网络得以有效延伸, 强化了电流的传导, 减少了电化学反应惰性区域. 这些因素共同促成了催化剂电化学活性表面积的增加. 测试结果也证实了上述假定: 首先, 由TEM照片(图1)可见, 与Pd/GNP的堆叠结构不同, 在Pd/C-GNP中, 石墨烯纳米片之间的缝隙已被炭黑填充. 这种结构使碳载体的有效表面积增大, 其中Pd纳米粒子的负载比在Pd/C和Pd/GNP催化剂中都更均匀. 其次, X射线衍射分析(图2)表明, Pd/C-GNP催化剂的平均粒径较小, 这意味着Pd纳米粒子的团聚较少, 分散效果好, 这与载体有效表面积的增加有关. 最后, 根据循环伏安曲线(图3)求得Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较大的电化学表面积, 这意味着表面活性位的增多, 亦得益于Pd纳米粒子负载条件的改善.Fig.4 Schematic illustration of the Pd/C-GNP catalyst2.3 催化剂的乙醇氧化活性图5为催化剂在1.0 mol/L KOH+1.0 mol/L C2H5OH溶液中的循环伏安曲线. Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP 3种催化剂的乙醇氧化峰电流密度分别为104.2, 93.2和124.1 mA/cm2. 可见, Pd/C-GNP催化剂的乙醇氧化活性显著高于Pd/C 和Pd/GNP催化剂. 结合电化学表面积数据可以看出, 催化剂的乙醇氧化活性随着其电化学活性表面积的增加而增大. 复合载体的采用促进了Pd纳米粒子的分散, 使催化剂的电化学表面积增加, 催化剂表面活性中心的数目增多, 乙醇电氧化反应的速率加快.图6为催化剂在1.0 mol/L KOH+1.0 mol/L C2H5OH溶液中的电化学阻抗谱(EIS), 频率范围105~0.1 Hz,电位为-0.25 V. 可以看出, Nyquist谱图由较小的高频弧和较大的中频弧组成. 高频弧对应于催化剂的表面特性, 而中频弧则对应于催化剂的电荷传递阻抗(Rct)[23]. 这部分谱图的等效电路如图6插图所示. Rs对应于溶液电阻, CPE为常相位角元件[24]. 测得Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP 3种催化剂的电荷传递阻抗分别为2.96, 4.52和2.37 Ω\5cm2. 显然, Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较小的电荷传递阻抗, 电极反应易于发生. 这进一步证实了Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较高的乙醇电氧化活性.Fig.5 Cyclic voltammetry curves in 1.0 mol/L C2H5OH+1.0 mol/L KOH solutiona. Pd/C; b. Pd/GNP; c. Pd/C-GNP.Fig.6 EIS spectra in 1.0 mol/L C2H5OH+1.0 mol/L KOH solution Inset: equivalent circuit. a. Pd/C; b. Pd/GNP; c. Pd/C-GNP.Fig.7 LSV curves of catalysts in 1.0 mol/L C2H5OH+1.0 mol/L KOH solutiona. Pd/C; b. Pd/GNP; c. Pd/C-GNP.Fig.8 Pd3d XPS spectra of catalysts(A) Pd/C; (B) Pd/GNP; (C) Pd/C-GNP. 图7为催化剂在1.0 mol/L C2H5OH+1.0 mol/L KOH溶液中的线性扫描伏安(LSV)曲线, 扫描速率为1 mV/s. 由图7中曲线测得Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP 3种催化剂的乙醇氧化起始电位分别为-0.469, -0.474和-0.493 V. 可见, 采用复合碳载体后, 催化剂的乙醇氧化起始电位发生了负移, 即Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较低的乙醇氧化过电位. 这可能与石墨烯表面的离域π键与金属Pd的d轨道间的相互作用有关. 在复合载体中, 由于炭黑颗粒的分隔作用, 提高了石墨烯表面的利用率, 使催化剂中的载体-金属相互作用得以加强.为进一步探究催化剂中的载体-金属间相互作用, 对催化剂进行了X射线光电子能谱分析. 图8为催化剂的Pd3d XPS谱图. 可见, Pd3d5/2衍射峰由结合能位于335.6和337.1 eV附近的2个峰组成, 分别对应于Pd(0)和Pd(Ⅱ). 拟合数据表明, Pd/C-GNP中Pd(0)的含量为67.5%, 高于Pd/C(63.6%)和Pd/GNP(40.1%). 这表明在Pd/C-GNP催化剂中Pd具有较低的氧化态. 这可能由于在复合载体中炭黑颗粒的存在起到了分隔作用, 有效地阻止了石墨烯纳米片的堆叠和聚集, 使石墨烯纳米片的表面充分暴露出来. 石墨烯表面sp2杂化电子所形成的离域π键与金属Pd d轨道间的相互作用抑制了Pd纳米粒子的氧化[25].2.4 催化剂的性能衰减Fig.9 Chronoamperometric curves of catalysts in 1.0 mol/L C2H5OH+1.0 mol/L KOH solutiona. Pd/C; b. Pd/GNP; c. Pd/C-GNP.图9为催化剂在1.0 mol/L KOH+1.0 mol/L C2H5OH溶液中的计时电流曲线. 在实验过程中, Pd/C, Pd/GNP和Pd/C-GNP 3种催化剂的催化活性衰减比率分别为71.6%, 77.4%和58.1%. Pd/C-GNP催化剂的活性衰减比率最低, 这表明Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较强的抗中毒能力和较高的电化学稳定性. 催化剂的抗中毒能力还反映在乙醇氧化循环伏安曲线(图5)中的正向扫描电流密度峰值(if)和反向扫描电流密度峰值(ib)的比值if/ib上. 该比值越大, 意味着电极反应中间产物的氧化越完全, 毒物越不易积累. 测得Pd/C-GNP的if/ib比值为1.20, 显著高于Pd/C(1.06)和Pd/GNP(0.94), 这进一步证实C-GNP复合载体的采用改善了负载Pd催化剂的抗中毒能力.由X射线光电子能谱的测试结果可知, 在Pd/C-GNP催化剂中, 复合载体所具有的空间结构强化了纳米金属粒子与碳载体之间的相互作用, 从而抑制了Pd纳米粒子表面氧化物的生成, 这可能是其电化学稳定性得以改进的重要原因. 与其它催化剂相比, 在Pd/C-GNP中, 碳载体的表面得到了更加充分的利用, Pd纳米粒子与碳载体表面的接触更加紧密, 相互作用更强. 因此, 具有更强的抗中毒能力和电化学稳定性.3 结论以石墨烯纳米片和炭黑组成复合载体, 制备了Pd/C-GNP催化剂. 结果表明, 复合碳载体的采用使Pd纳米粒子的分散性能得到改善, 催化剂的电化学表面积和乙醇电氧化活性均得到了提升. 这是由于复合碳载体的空间结构使碳载体的表面得以充分利用, 同时载体的混合强化了催化剂的电流传导. 计时电流实验结果表明, Pd/C-GNP催化剂具有较强的抗中毒能力和较高的电化学稳定性. 催化剂性能的改善得益于复合碳载体所具有的独特空间结构以及金属-载体相互作用. 复合碳载体的使用有效提高了乙醇电氧化催化剂的性能, 具有广阔的应用前景.参考文献【相关文献】[1] Bianchini C., Shen P. K., Chem. Rev., 2009, 109(9), 4183—4206[2] Antolini E., Gonzalez E. R., J. Power Sources, 2010, 195(11), 3431—3450[3] Brouzgou A., Podias A., Tsiakaras P., J. Appl. Electrochem., 2013, 43(2), 119—136[4] Kamarudin M. Z. F., Kamarudin S. 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载体材料对单Pd三效催化剂性能及催化活性的影响崔亚娟;方瑞梅;尚鸿燕;史忠华;龚茂初;陈耀强【摘要】采用共沉淀法制备了耐高温高比表面的La2O3-Al2O3(LA)以及铈含量分别为15%、33%和47%的储氧材料CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3-Al2O3(CZLA)、CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3+La2O3-Al2O3 (CZL+LA)和CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3(CZL)4类载体材料,并用浸渍法制备了整体式Pd/LA、Pd/CZLA 、Pd/CZL+LA和Pd/CZL汽油车尾气净化三效催化剂,考察了载体材料对单Pd三效催化剂的影响.采用低温N2吸附-脱附、H2-程序升温还原(H2-TPR)以及X射线光电子能谱(xPS)对载体材料及催化剂进行了表征,并考察了催化剂的空燃比性能和三效催化性能.结果表明,CZLA 有效地结合了铈基和铝基载体材料的优点,表现出了优异的织构性能、热稳定性及还原性能.老化前后,其负载的单Pd三效催化剂在低温还原率、表面元素含量及Pd 的电子结合能等性能方面表现出了最小的差异.催化剂活性测试结果表明,Pd/CZLA 的三效窗口明显较宽,且拥有最低的起燃温度,尤其经1 000℃老化处理后,其催化活性最高,C3H8、NOx和CO的起燃温度分别为370、257和223℃.可见,相较于其他3种载体材料,CZLA更适合于负载单Pd三效催化剂,从而满足更高标准的三效催化剂的性能要求.【期刊名称】《无机化学学报》【年(卷),期】2015(031)005【总页数】14页(P989-1002)【关键词】钯;催化剂;多相催化;载体材料;织构性能;热稳定性;单Pd三效催化剂;催化性能【作者】崔亚娟;方瑞梅;尚鸿燕;史忠华;龚茂初;陈耀强【作者单位】四川大学建筑与环境学院,成都610065;四川大学化学工程学院,成都610065;四川大学化学工程学院,成都610065;四川大学绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室,成都610064;四川省机动车尾气净化工程技术研究中心,成都610064;四川省环境保护环境催化材料工程技术中心,成都610064;四川大学绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室,成都610064;四川省机动车尾气净化工程技术研究中心,成都610064;四川省环境保护环境催化材料工程技术中心,成都610064;四川大学建筑与环境学院,成都610065;四川大学化学工程学院,成都610065;四川大学绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室,成都610064;四川省机动车尾气净化工程技术研究中心,成都610064;四川省环境保护环境催化材料工程技术中心,成都610064【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O643.36;O614.82+3;O614.33+2;O614.41+20 IntroductionEnvironmental protection has attracted worldwide attention in the past decades.The pollutant emissions mainly composed ofhydrocarbons(HC),CO and NOx from gasoline engine powered vehicles is a major cause of air pollution[1].Further work should be done to purify the aforementioned contaminations simultaneously and to meet emission limits in the future.Three-way catalysts(TWCs)commercialized in the USA and Japan since 1977 have been the most satisfactory and efficient techniques to convert the emissions of HC,CO and NOxto harmlessproducts CO2,N2and H2O[1-2].Clearly,there has been a continuous evolution of TWCs technology in the last 30 years,leading to more and more efficient TWCs[3-4].The combined requirements of compactness,high volumetric ow rates and low back pressure lead to the universal adoption of monolithic catalysts for automotive catalysts[3].Conventional monolithic threeway catalysts are mainly made up by catalyst matrix,support materials,active components including noble metals Pt,Pd,Rh,etc and/or catalyst additives[5-6].Pdonly/Pd-rich TWCs have received considerable attention because of its noticeable advantages,such as the comparatively low cost,rich abundance,excellent low-temperature oxidation activity for CO and hydrocarbons,etc[7].Additionally,the stability and NO selective reduction of Pd-only can be enhanced by improving the support material.By studying different mixing strategies of Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 (CZ)and Al2O3,Lan and coworkers[8]have concluded that the modied coprecipitation method can improves the textural,structural and reduction properties of the support Ce0.5Zr0.5O2-Al2O3,leading to enhance the thermal stability of Pd-only catalyst.According to the work reported by Talo et al.[9],the promoters of Zr,Si,La,and Ba can influence the anti-aging performance of Pd-only catalysts.Cai et al.[10]have reported that the doping of less than 10%BaO in the Ce-Zr system can form the stable CZB solid solution,and this support helps the Pd-only catalyst hold high thermal stability and NO selective reduction.Also,Iwamoto et al.[11]have reported that catalysts containing Mg,Ba and Ca can obviously improve the reduction conversion of NO to N2.For final TWCs,the support material greatly affects the performance of the catalyst,because it can providesurroundingswheretheactivecompound remains in the form of small particles and increases thermal stability of the active compound[12].At present,theTWCssupportmaterialsmainly includethe following types:(i)γ-Al2O3stabilized by alkaline earth metals and rare earth elements[13-14];(ii)CeO2-based oxygen storage material (OSM)[15-16].However,the significant loss of the OSM property due to aging at high temperatures is still a major drawback of OSM;(iii)ACZ-type material(Al2O3-CeO2-ZrO2)which was practically applied in TWCs as OSM in 2001[17].The material exhibits high thermal stability and superior redox propertiesincorporating the advantages of alumina-based and ceria-based materials.As described above,various support materials possess differentproperties.Consequently,active components should be loaded on corresponding supports,which depends on intended application,emissions and technical requirements.In the present work,four kinds of support materials,LA,CZLA,CZL+LA and CZL prepared by co-precipitation were used as the support material for Pd-only catalysts.Then,the performance of the supports and catalysts was investigated and discussed.At last,the optimal support material for Pd-only catalyst was obtained.1 Experimental1.1 Synthesis of support materialsThe support materials of La2O3-Al2O3(weight ratio 3∶97),CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3-Al2O3(weight rati o 15∶15∶5∶65)and CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3(weightratio 47 ∶47 ∶6)were prepared by co-precipitation from the corresponding chemicals (Chengdu KelongChemical):Ce(NO3)3·6H2O,ZrO(CO3) (dissolved with HNO3with mass fraction of 65%~68%),La(NO3)3·6H2O,Al(NO3)3·9H2O at th e appropriate ratios.The precursors were mixed in an aqueoussolution,separately.Then,the aqueous solutions were precipitated with ammonia solution(25wt%)under vigorous stirring and the pH value was kept at around 9.0 during the process.Afterwards the precipitates were filtered,washed with distilled water,dried at 120℃overnight,and calcined at 600℃in air for 3 h to get the final support materials.CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3(weight ratio 47∶47∶6)+La2O3-Al2O3(weight ratio 3 ∶97) was synthesized by simultaneous coprecipitation.Ce-Zr-La(70wt%)mixed solution and La-Al (30wt%)mixed solution were obtained,separately.Then the two solutions were simultaneously precipitated with ammonia solution (25wt%),at the same time,the precursors were mixed thoroughly through vigorous stirring.The obtained precipitate was treated in the same way as described above.The final support materials La2O3-Al2O3,CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3-Al2O3,CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3+La2O3-Al2O3and CeO2-ZrO2-La2O3 were marked as LA,CZLA,CZL+LA and CZL,respectively.The materials calcine d at 600 ℃ for 3 h are designated as the fresh supports in this work,while the aged supports are those by thermal treating the fresh supports at 1 000℃ for 5 h.1.2 Preparation of TWCsThe corresponding Pd-only TWCs were prepared by impregnating thefresh support material powders with aqueous solution of Pd(NO3)2(the mass fraction of Pd is 17.0%),and the theoretical loading of Pd was 1.0wt% forallcatalysts.Then the impregnated powders were calcined at 550 ℃ for 3 h.Thereafter the powders were mixed with distilled water to obtain slurries which were spread to a honeycomb cordierite(Corning,USA,400 cells·in.-2,2.5 cm3)and excessive slurry was blown away with compressed air.The obtained catalysts were labeled as Pd/LA,Pd/CZLA,Pd/CZL+LA andPd/CZL.The fresh catalysts were obtained by calcining the prepared catalysts at 550℃for 3 h,and the aged catalysts were obtained by thermal treating the fresh catalysts at 1 000℃for 5 h.1.3 Activity tests of TWCsThe catalytic performance of TWCs was evaluated in a multiple fixed-bed continuous flow microreactor by passing a feed stream similar to that of an exhaust from a gasoline engine.The feed stream was regulated with mass-flow controllers before entering the blender.The simulated exhaust gases were composedofCO(0.42%),C3H8(0.05%),NO(0.06%),CO2(12%),H2O(10%),O2(adjustable)a nd balanced with N2at a gas hourly space velocity of 34 000 h-1.The concentrations of the effluent C3H8,NOx and CO were analyzed by a five-component analyzer(FGA-4100,Foshan).Before each measurement the catalyst was pretreated under the reactive gas mixture at 550℃ for 1 h.1.4 Characterization techniquesThe textural properties were analyzed by N2 adsorption-desorption at 77 K using a Quantachrome automated surface area&pore sizeanalyzer(Autosorb SI).The specific surface area and pore size distribution were calculated by BET and BJH models.All supports were degassed at 300℃for 3 h under vacuum prior to the measurement.Hydrogen-temperature programmed reduction(H2-TPR)for all supports and catalysts were carried out on a self-assembled device equipped with a gas chromatograph.Before the H2-TPR experiment,100 mg sample in granules of 841~420 μm (20~40 mesh)was pretreated with a flow ofN2(25 mL·min-1)at 400℃for 1 h,after cooling down to room temperature,the sample was heated under a flowing N2-H2gas mixture of 5vol%H2(20 mL·min-1)at a heating rate of 8 ℃·min-1.The consumption of H2was monitored by a thermal conductivity detector(TCD).The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)experimentswere carried outon aspectrometer(XSAM-800,KRATOS Co)with Mg Kα radiation(hν=1 253.6 eV)under ultra-high vacuum condition.The XPS data related toCe3d,Zr3d,La3d,Al2p,O1s and Pd3d core levels were recorded for all catalysts.The surface charging effect was corrected by fixing the C1s peak at a binding energy of 284.6 eV.The metal dispersion of palladium was determined by CO chemisorption.Approximately 300 mg sample was placed in a U-shaped quartz tube.Prior to chemisorption,the catalyst was reduced in a flow of H2 (20 cm3·min-1)a t 400 ℃ for 1 h,then purged with pure Ar (30 mL·min-1).After cooling down to room temperature,carbon monoxide was pulsed and detected by TCD.2 Results and discussion2.1 Three-way catalytic activityThe results of air/fuel(S=(2CO2+CNO)/(10C3H8+CCO)over fresh and aged catalysts are shown in Fig.1,and S>1 is lean (less fuel and more air)while S <1 is rich(more fuel and less air).Observing Fig.1(a),for fresh catalystsPd/CZLA and Pd/CZL+LA,the conversion of C3H8achieves 100%,but there is slight decrease under rich condition for Pd/CZL+LA.The conversion of C3H8for Pd/CZL increases with the increase of S value until achieving 100%,while for Pd/LA,it presents a trend ofincreasing firstand then decreasing.This behavior indicates that Pd/CZLA and Pd/CZL+LA facilitate the reaction of steam reforming of C3H8,which makes the conversion of C3H8achieve 100%under lean condition.The NOxconversion is 100%under S≤1 condition but decreases obviously with increasing S value under S>1 condition for all the fresh catalysts.The NOxoperation windows forPd/CZLA and Pd/CZL+LA are the widest while it is the narrowest forPd/LA.With regard to CO conversion,it increases with increase of S value until the conversion is higher than 90%,and all fresh catalysts show similar catalytic activity for CO oxidation except for Pd/LA which exhibits slightly worse conversion under lean oxygen condition.Fig.1 Variations of the conversion of C3H8,CO and NOxin the simulated automobile exhaust with the air to fuel ratios(S value)over fresh(a)and aged(b)catalystsIn the case of aged catalysts,the widths of the C3H8,NOxand CO operation windows all become narrower than those of fresh catalysts due to sintering,but the law of catalytic activity on different catalysts is similar tothat of fresh catalysts.As shown in Fig.1(b),for C3H8oxidation the catalytic activity still follows the sequence of Pd/CZLA >Pd/CZL+LA>Pd/CZL>Pd/LA in the whole S value range.With regard to NOxconversion,the width of operation window for Pd/CZLA is wider than that of Pd/CAL+LA.The widths of NOxoperation window on Pd/LA and Pd/CZL are similar but the narrowest among all these catalysts.As for the CO oxidation,the catalytic activity for Pd/CZLA is obviously more superior to that of the other three catalysts.The observation presented above shows that Pd/CZLA exhibits wider air/fuel operation window than the others especially for aged catalysts.The catalytic performance of fresh and aged catalysts is investigated at S value=1 and the results are shown in Fig.2.Obviously,the conversion temperatures of the three pollutants increase in the order of C3H8>NOx>CO.For fresh catalysts,Pd/LA exhibits the worst catalytic activity,implying the inferiority of the LA as the support for palladium.According to previous study[18-19],the addition of suitable cerium to the catalytic support can enhance the conversion of C3H8and NOx,but excess cerium can inhibit the adsorption of C3H8pollutant which will affect the oxidation activity ofC3H8.In our work,for the three ceria-containing catalysts,the catalytic activities of C3H8and NOxare in the sequence of Pd/CZLA >Pd/CZL+LA >Pd/CZL,indicatingthatthe material CZLA (cerium content of 15%)is the best support of palladium for C3H8and NOxconversion.As forCO conversion,Pd/CZL+LA exhibits slightly higher catalytic activity thanPd/CZLA.The third is Pd/CZL and the worst is Pd-LA.For aged catalysts,alarge drop of activity is observed compared with fresh ones,attributing to the deteriorated structure and the sintering of activecomponent[1].Observing Fig.2(b),the catalytic behaviors of the aged catalysts are slightly differentfrom their corresponding fresh comparatives.The catalytic activities of C3H8are in the sequence ofPd/CZLA>Pd/CZL+LA>Pd/CZL>Pd/LA,while for the conversion of NOxand CO,it increases in the order of Pd/CZLA>Pd/CZL+LA>Pd/LA>Pd/CZL.It is worth noting that Pd/CZLA exhibits the best catalytic activity for all the three pollutants elimination.Fig.2 Conversion curves of C3H8,NOxand CO as a function of temperature over the fresh(a,c,e)and aged(b,d,f)catalystsWith regard to the light-off temperatures(T50,the temperature required to attain 50%conversion)for C3H8,NOxand CO over the four catalysts in Fig.3,the change trend is similar to that of the catalytic activity.For the fresh catalyst Pd/LA in Fig.3(a),the light-off temperatures for C3H8,NOxand CO are 303,190 and 184℃,respectively,which are the highest among the fourfresh catalysts.Asforthe ceria-containing catalysts,the light-off temperatures of C3H8and NOx over Pd/CZLA are 286 and173℃,respectively,which a re the lowest.While for CO,they follow the sequence of Pd/CZL(174 ℃)>Pd/CZLA(166 ℃)>Pd/CZL+LA(163℃).In the case of aged catalysts,the light-off temperatures ofthe three pollutants are higher than that of fresh catalysts.But for aged Pd/CZLA,the light-offt emperatures of C3H8,NOxand CO are 370,257,223℃,respectively,which still are the lowest than the three others.2.2 Textural properties of support materialsFig.3 Light-off temperatures for C3H8,NOxand CO over the fresh(a)and aged(b)catalystsTable 1 Textural properties of fresh and aged supportsF r e s h A v e r a g e p o r e r a d i u s/n m L A 2 9 2 0.7 3 1 3 8 0.5 7 8.8 C Z L A 2 5 4 0.6 0 1 0 8 0.4 3 8.0 C Z L+L A 1 6 8 0.4 4 5 7 0.2 2 8.6 C Z L 9 4 0.2 3 2 6 0.0 8 8.4 S a m p l e A g e d S BET/(m 2·g-1)P o r e v o l u m e/(c m 3·g-1)A v e r a g e p o r e r a d i u s/n m S BET/(m 2·g-1)P o r e v o l u m e/(c m 3·g-1)5.7 5.8 5.2 4.1As shown in Table 1,the values of BET surface area(SBET)and cumulative pore volume of the fresh supports increase with the increasing of aluminum content.And the supports LA and CZLA exhibit the biggest value of average pore radius about 5.8nm.Afteragingtreatment,allsupportsexperiencea reduction of SBETand total pore volume due to severe sintering when the supports are exposed to high temperature.However,LA and CZLA still maintain high SBETvalues which are 138 and 108 m2·g-1 respectively.While CZL remains only 26m2·g-1and the value of pore volume is only 0.08 cm3·g-1which is far less than that of LA and CZLA.Additionally,compared with the fresh state,the percentage area loss upon heat treatment at 1 000℃for LA,CZLA,CZL+LA and CZL are 53%,57%,66%and 72%,respectively.The loss of SBETis disadvantageous for the dispersion of precious metals.The average pore radiiofaged supportsincrease to some extent compared with those of fresh supports and the values are in the range of 8~9 nm.This can be attributedto the coagulation of nanoparticles leading to particle growth and thus to elimination of small radii pores and formation of bigger ones[20].Fig.4 displays the representative N2adsorptiondesorption isotherms of fresh and aged supports.All the isotherms belong to typeⅣ (IUPAC classication)with a hysteretic loop characteristic of mesoporous solids.For fresh supports,the hysteretic loop of CZL can be ascribed to H2-type,implying the present of typical conterminous mesopores[21].The other three supports which contain variant amounts of alumina show H1-type hysteretic loop,indicating the formation of large interparticle mesopores both at the external surface and in the inner region of the agglomerate[22].After calcination at 1 000℃for 5 h,all the relative pressure values for the closing of hysteretic loop shift to highervaluescompared with those offresh supports,indicating the formation of bigger pore radius because of sintering at high temperature,which is in accordance with the textural property results.Moreover,the type of hysteretic loop for CZL shifts from H2 to H1 while other three supports maintain previoustypes,implying that the thermal stability of alumina-containing materials is more superior to that of material free from alumina.Fig.5 shows the pore size distributions(PSDs)for the fresh and aged supports.For fresh supports,LA,CZLA and CZL+LA show similar pore structure presenting a PSD characterized by a first peak at 2.5 nm and a second peak at 5.5 nm,while for CZL,there are first weak peak at 2.5 nm and second peak at 3.9 nm.Clearly,the width of PSDs increases with the increase of aluminum content.Upon thermal treatment,all pore structuresare wrecked to some extent especially for CZL.And all PSDs exhibit a shift of the pore radius to higher values,resulting from elimination of small radii pores and formation of bigger ones.Moreover,the PSDs of aged supports become one broad peak,which is mainly in the range of 4~20 nm.Similar to fresh samples,the PSDs of alumina-containing supports are wider than that of support free of alumina.Fig.4 N2adsorption-desorption isotherms of(a)fresh and(b)aged supports Fig.5 Pore size distributions of(a)fresh and(b)aged supports Accordingly,the excellent catalytic activity for Pd/CZLA partly attributes to the high surface area,high pore volume and wide pore size distribution of CZLA support which is beneficial to the adsorption/desorption of target pollutant[23-24].Additionally,the superior thermal stability of CZLA is an important factor to maintain the aged catalyst Pd/CZLA with high catalytic activity.2.3 Reduction features of support materials and TWCsThe reduction features of fresh and aged supports are determined by H2-TPR measurement and the results are shown in Fig.6.Obviously,there is no reduction peak forLA before and afteraging treatment because both the La2O3and Al2O3supports are difficult to reduce under this condition and no reduction species can be detected.The other three supports with various ceria show the similar reduction profiles,and a strong reduction peak with a shoulder on the low temperature side can beobserved.Typically,pure ceria gives the dual-peak TPR signal attributed to sur face (peak near 500℃)and bulk(peak near 800 ℃)reduction[25-26].However,the reduction of the bulk lattice oxygen in cerium-zirconium solid solution becomes easier because of the distortion of the structure,which makes it occur simultaneously with the reduction of surface oxygen[27].This indicates thatallCZLA,CZL+LA and CZL are form homogeneous CZ solid solutions regardless of ceria content.The shoulder peak may be attributed to the reduction of subsurface Ce4+species,or perhaps some crystalline CeO2is highly dispersed on the surface particles,leading to enhanced low-temperature reducibility[28].As shown in Fig.6(a),the amount of H2 consumption increases with the increases in cerium content,nevertheless the reduction temperature of the strong reduction peak in creases in theorderof CZL(593 ℃)>CZL+LA(579 ℃)>CZLA(571 ℃).The sequence of the reduction temperature is the same as that of surface area and pore volume,i.e.the larger surface area and pore volume of CZLA will promote the reduction ability at low temperature[29]. Fig.6 H2-TPR profiles of the(a)fresh and(b)aged supportsAs shown in Fig.6(b),slight change can be observed after aging treatment.The total peak area of TPR proles decreases because of textural structure destruction.Especially for CZL+LA and CZL,the shoulder peaks almost disappear,while the CZLA still maintains a large shoulderpeak.Additionally,the reduction temperatures of the strong reduction peak for CZL,CZL+LA and CZLA are 605,603 and 575℃respectively.The peaks of CZL and CZL+LA shift towards higher temperature,while the peak of CZLA is nearly unaltered,implying the excellent reduction propertyofCZLA benefited from theprominent thermos-stability as confirmed by texturalproperty results.The TPR proles of fresh and aged catalysts are shown in Fig.7.In contrast to blank supports,the reduction peak in the temperature range of 400~700℃ disappears(this part is not included in the gure)and a new feature below 200 ℃ appears.According to previous studies[30-31],the reduction peaks below 200℃are assigned to the reduction of PdO species.And the amount of H2consumption increases in the order of Pd/CZL >Pd/CZL+LA >Pd/CZLA >Pd/LA,which is similar to that of fresh supports.Furthermore,for the catalysts Pd/CZLA,Pd/CZL+LA and Pd/CZL,the amount ofH2consumption is more than the sum of the theoretical value attributed to reduction of PdO alone,due to the greater contribution of oxygen from the supports[25].The shift to lower temperature for the reduction of CeO2-ZrO2is attributed to the presence of Pd which promotes the back-spillover process of oxygen from the support to PdO surface[32-33].After aging treatment,there are remarkable changes in the reduction features for all catalysts.Two reduction peaks(α and β)can be seen below 200 ℃ forPd/CZLA,Pd/CZL+LA and Pd/CZ L.The α peak can be assigned PdO species nely dispersed on the support and the β peak is attributed to stable PdO particles formed on the interaction between PdO and thesupport[1,34].Moreover,the catalytic activity for HC and NO might be related to the re ducibility of the α peak[1].The higher reducibility of nely dispersed PdO species would lead to the higher catalytic activity for HC and NO.In the case of aged catalysts,Pd/CZLA with the lowest reduction temperature of α peak exhibits the best reducibility.Consistent with thisresult,the aged Pd/CZLA shows the highest catalytic activity.2.4 XPS studiesTable 2 shows the surface elemental contents calculated fromCe3d,Zr3d,Al2p,La3d and O1s core level spectra,while Fig.8,Fig.9 and Fig.10 show the Ce3d,Pd3d and O1s XPS spectra for fresh and aged catalysts,respectively.Fig.7 H2-TPR profiles of the(a)fresh and(b)aged catalystsTable 2 Data derived from XPS analyses of fresh and aged catalystsCatalyst Surface composition/at% Ce3+in Ce/%Ce3d Zr3d Al2p La3d O1s FreshPd/LA - - 35.70 0.77 63.53 -Pd/CZLA 0.88 2.66 30.68 0.95 64.83 21.28Pd/CZL+LA 2.50 5.47 26.11 1.37 64.55 19.33 Pd/CZL 6.79 13.54 - 2.52 77.15 14.55 Aged Pd/LA - - 36.07 0.65 63.28 -Pd/CZLA 1.01 2.60 31.87 0.83 63.70 20.37 Pd/CZL+LA 1.57 4.81 25.26 2.12 66.24 14.62 Pd/CZL 5.14 15.19 - 4.12 75.54 8.47 BE/eV Pd3d5/2 336.4 337.0 336.8 336.5 335.6 336.4 336.1 335.8 For fresh ceria-containing catalysts,the surface cerium content increases with the increase of cerium content in supports.After aging treatment,the surface cerium content for the aged catalysts Pd/CZL+LA and Pd/CZL decreases compared with thatoffresh catalysts,while it increases forPd/CZLA.This result indicates that the CZLA exhibits excellent reduction property after aging treatment.Additionally,before and after aging,the surface zirconium contents of CZLA are nearly unchanged.Asshown in Fig.8,the Ce3d spectra are composed of eight peaks no matter in fresh or aged catalysts.The peaks u arise from Ce3d3/2,while the others peaks v represent Ce3d5/2.The bands labeled as v1and u1represent the3d104f1initial electronic state corresponding to Ce3+,while the peaks labeled as u3 and v3represent the 3d104f0state of Ce4+ions[35-36].Table 2 shows the relative concentrations of Ce3+in Ce obtained from the ratio of the sum of peak areas of Ce3+(v1and u1)to the total peak areas of all cerium species.For fresh catalysts,the relative concentrations of Ce3+in Ce increase in the order of Pd/CZLA>Pd/CZL+LA>Pd/CZL.The relative concentration of Ce3+in Ce decrease for aged catalysts,which is mostly related to the sintering of the supports and the reduction of noble metal by the cerium [37],but aged Pd/CZLA still shows the biggestvalue.Generally,the presence of Ce3+is associated with the formation of oxygen vacancies[38].Furthermore,the oxygen vacancies associated with Ce3+ions adjacent to the noble metal particles are generally consider as the active sites for NO activation[39].Although the surface Ce concentration is relatively low,the highest relative concentration of Ce3+is obtained for Pd/CZLA,which coincides with the best reduction activity of NOx.Fig.8 Ce3d XPS spectra for the(a)fresh and(b)aged catalystsFig.9 Pd3d XPS spectra for the(a)fresh and(b)aged catalystsFig.9 shows the Pd3d XPS spectra for fresh and agedcatalysts.Apparently,the pronounced Zr2p1/2and Zr2p3/2signals (345.9 eV and 332.5 eV)partially overlap with the Pd signals,which makes it difficult to quantify the surface palladium concentration.The values of the binding energies for Pd3d5/2are listed in Table 2.The values are in the order of Pd/CZLA>Pd/CZL+LA>Pd/CZL>Pd/LA,indicating that the chemical stateof palladium shifts from oxidic to metallic[40].This is disadvantageous for catalytic property,because PdO is the active site of TWC[10].In case of the fresh catalysts Pd/CZLA,the binding energy (BE)value for Pd3d5/2is higher than that of PdO (336.8 eV)[30],implying that Pd2+ions in the present catalysts are much more cationic than PdO.This is helpful to enhance the catalytic activity of TWCs.After aging treatment,palladium signals shift to lower binding energy.For aged Pd/LA,the binding energy(335.6 eV)forPd3d5/2is almost close to that of reduced Pd0 signal (335.4 eV)[41],while it is 336.36 eV for Pd/CZLA which still maintains the oxidic state.The transfer of oxygen from the support to the metal can help maintain the Pd in active cationic state[42].Furthermore,thereduction ofPd oxide can be retarded through a strong metal-support interaction(Pd-O-Ce)effect which takes place easily between highly dispersed PdO particles andCeO2[43].Accordingly,the high PdO dispersion of Pd/CZLA (discussed in section 2.5)is easier to form the Pd-O-Ce,which is in favor of keeping the Pd in oxidic state.Owing to this result,the aged Pd/CZLA still keep higher catalytic activity.The XPS peaks of O1s and their peak fittings are displayed in Fig.10.TheO1s lines of all catalysts can be fitted into three peaks.The first peaks at 529.4~530.0 eV are assigned to the lattice oxygen,denoted as OI[44].The second peaks at 530.9~531.3 eV can be attributed to adsorbed oxygen and weakly bonded oxygen species,labeled as OII.And the other peaks at 532.3~532.8 eV are belonged to the surface oxygen by hydroxyl species and adsorbed water species,labeled as OⅢ[36].Usually,adsorbedoxygen(OⅡ)is considered to be more reactive than others due to the former has higher mobility[45].It is often known that more active oxygen is beneficial for catalytic activity of TWCs.The OIIratios,calculated byOⅡ/(OⅠ+OⅡ+OⅢ)are shown in Fig.10.For fresh catalysts,Pd/CZLA is provided with the most active oxygen among all catalysts,while the Pd/CZL exhibits the lowest amount of active oxygen.Although catalyst Pd/LA is provided with relatively more active oxygen,the absence of oxygen storage property for LA leads to the poor catalytic activity of Pd/LA.As for aged catalysts,the amount of active oxygen decrease for all catalysts due to sintering,but Pd/CZLA still remains more active oxygen than others.This result is in line with catalytic activity discussed above and provides a reason for the excellent catalytic activity of Pd/CZLA.Fig.10 O1s XPS spectra for the(a)fresh and(b)aged catalysts2.5 CO chemisorptionThe dispersion of active metal component is an important parameter of supported metal catalysts and the dispersions of active PdOxin fresh and aged catalysts are determined by CO chemisorption.The average particle size according to D is obtained by d(nm)≈1.1/D[46],where D is the dispersion of Pd.The D is calculated using the formula V0·MPd·10-3/(22.4w·p),where V0is the consumption of CO(mL),w is the mass of catalyst,p is the mass fraction of Pd,and MPd is molecular weight of Pd (106.4 g·mol-1)[47].The results are listed in Table 3.It is obvious thatPd/CZLA exhibits higher Pd dispersion and smaller particle size than other three catalysts no matter fresh and aged catalyst.As reported in previous。
结果表明:CSH为大孔结构,其对AFB1的等温吸附符合Freundlich方程;在固定化时间16 h、固定化转速和吸附转速160 r/min、固定化温度和吸附温度35℃、吸附pH 8、振荡时间48 h条件下,FCSH对AFB1脱除率为97.45%;通过FTIR及扫描电镜证实了FCSH对AFB1的吸附作用,且FCSH对AFB1的吸附效果强于CSH。
【总页数】7页(P63-69)【作者】丁梓雪;常程程;杨帆;王彦钦;孟宪刚【作者单位】兰州交通大学生物与制药工程学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS201.6;O647.33【相关文献】1.磁性酶联免疫吸附法检测玉米中黄曲霉毒素B12.紫玉米中黄曲霉毒素B1和富马毒素B1的脱毒研究3.玉米油中黄曲霉毒素B1的吸附脱除效果研究4.啤酒酿造原料中黄曲霉毒素B1、玉米赤霉烯酮和赭曲霉毒素A同时检测分析方法研究5.猪胃肠道食糜中黄曲霉毒素 B1和玉米赤霉烯酮检测方法的改进及其在霉菌毒素吸附剂吸附效果评价中的应用因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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活性炭具有较高的比表面积和丰富的孔结构,是一类重要的催化剂载体.许多研究表明[1-4],活性炭表面含氧基团能够有效减弱其表面疏水性并作为活性沉积中心,使金属前驱体溶液更易接近其表面,从而有效提高金属纳米粒子的分散度.另外,活性炭表面基团与负载金属之间存在着明显的相互作用,这[Article]物理化学学报(Wuli Huaxue Xuebao )Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin .,2010,26(5):1311-1316May Received:October 9,2009;Revised:January 4,2010;Published on Web:April 1,2010.*Corresponding authors.Email:tangyawen@,nsdchenyu@;Tel:+86-25-85891651.The project was supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863)(2006AA05Z137,2007AA05Z143,2007AA05Z159)and National Natural Science Foundation of China (20873065).国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(2006AA05Z137,2007AA05Z143,2007AA05Z159)和国家自然科学基金(20873065)资助项目鬁Editorial office of Acta Physico -Chimica Sinica炭载体改性对炭载Pd 催化剂电催化性能的影响丁良鑫1王士瑞2郑小龙1陈煜1,*陆天虹1曹殿学2唐亚文1,*(1南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院,南京210097;2哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与化学工程学院,哈尔滨150001)摘要:研究了硝酸和氨水改性处理对活性炭表面基团、炭载Pd 纳米粒子的形态及其对甲酸氧化电催化性能的影响.傅里叶变换红外(FT -IR)光谱、X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)及Boehm 滴定结果表明,硝酸和氨水处理分别增加了活性炭表面含氧基团和含氮基团的含量.透射电镜(TEM)及电化学测试显示,活性炭经硝酸处理后,表面负载的Pd 粒子粒径降低,催化剂对甲酸氧化活性和稳定性提高.进一步用氨水处理后,Pd 粒子的粒径没有明显变化,但催化剂中Pd 0的含量增加,催化剂性能进一步提高.关键词:活性炭;炭载Pd 催化剂;硝酸处理;氨水处理;甲酸氧化中图分类号:O643;O613.71Effect of Carbon Modification on Electrocatalytic Performance of Carbon Supported Pd CatalystsDING Liang -Xin 1WANG Shi -Rui 2ZHENG Xiao -Long 1CHEN Yu 1,*LU Tian -Hong 1CAO Dian -Xue 2TANG Ya -Wen 1,*(1School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,P.R.China ;2College of Material Science and Chemical Engineering,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150001,P.R.China )Abstract :The effect of carbon modification on electrocatalytic performance of carbon supported Pd catalysts was investigated.Fourier transform infrared (FT -IR)spectrometer,X -ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)and Boehm titration measurements demonstrate that the contents of O -containing groups and N -containing groups on the activated carbon surface increase via HNO 3and NH 4OH treatment.Transmission electron microscope (TEM)and electrochemical measurements indicate that the treatment of activated carbon with HNO 3can decrease the size of the Pd particles.Thus,the electrocatalytic activity and stability of the carbon supported Pd catalyst for the oxidation of formic acid are enhanced.The treatment of activated carbon with NH 4OH has almost no effect on the Pd particles size,however,the content of Pd 0in the Pd/C catalyst enhances,which leads to the further increase in the electrocatalytic performance the Pd/C catalyst.Key Words :Activated carbon;Carbon supported Pd catalyst;Nitric acid treatment;Ammonia treatment;Formic acid oxidation1311Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2010Vol.26种作用能够改变金属纳米粒子的表面电子状态,直接影响着催化剂的活性及稳定性[5].所以,对活性炭表面进行改性处理非常有意义.目前对活性炭的表面修饰分为化学法和物理法[6-11].通常是将炭材料在强氧化剂,如H2SO4、HNO3、H2O2等液体介质中进行表面氧化处理或者表面修饰,在其表面形成许多含氧官能团.然而,含氧基团的引入也有一定问题,如含氧基团的增加也容易造成活性炭电导率的降低[12-13].因此,研究对含氧基团的优化及其对炭载贵金属催化剂催化性能的影响非常重要.本文通过对活性炭进行硝酸氧化处理后,进一步采用氨水处理以引进含氮基团,并将含有不同表面官能团的活性炭作为载体,制得炭载Pd 金属催化剂.并通过电化学方法研究了活性炭表面基团对催化剂电催化性能的影响.1实验部分1.1试剂和仪器Vulcan XC-72活性炭为美国Cabot公司产品, 5%(w)的Nafion溶液为美国Aldrich化学公司产品,其余试剂均为分析纯.所有溶液均用三次蒸馏水配制.FT-IR测量用Tensor27(德国布鲁克公司)红外光谱仪;元素分析及Pd金属价态分析采用Thermo ESCALAB250(美国)XPS光谱仪,X射线激发源为单色Al Kα(hν=1486.6eV),功率150W,X射线束斑500μm,能量分析器固定透过能为20eV,以C1s 结合能284.6eV作为内标;TEM测量用Tecnai G2205-TWTN(美国FET公司);X射线能量色散谱(EDS)测量用Vantage IV型X射线能谱仪(美国热电公司);电化学测试采用CHI600电化学分析仪(美国CHI仪器公司)和常规三电极体系的电化学池进行.1.2活性炭处理Vulcan XC-72活性炭的预处理:(a)将Vulcan XC-72活性炭在含30%(w)HNO3中,在80℃下处理2h,HNO3处理的活性炭标记为C-H;(b)将C-H在含25%(w)氨水中,在60℃下处理4h,所得的活性炭标记为C-HN.2种处理的炭在处理后都用去离子水充分洗涤至中性,然后在真空干燥箱中恒温80℃干燥12h;(c)作为对比,未经处理的Vulcan XC-72活性炭标记为C-U.1.3催化剂的制备分别取上述活性炭60mg,加6.0mL0.0471mol·L-1Pd(NO3)2溶液和10mL H2O,超声30min后,再继续搅拌4h后,用Na2CO3调节悬浮液的pH值到8-9,滴加10mL2.0mg·mL-1NaBH4溶液,超声20min,搅拌1h后,过滤、洗涤,60℃真空干燥12 h.即制得含Pd20%(w)的炭载钯催化剂,并分别标记为Pd/C-H、Pd/C-HN和Pd/C-U.EDS分析表明各催化剂样品中Pd载量均为19.2%左右,此值与理论计算值基本相同.1.4工作电极制备和性能测试工作电极的制备采用文献报道的方法进行[14].工作电极基体为直径4mm的玻碳电极,每次实验前,将玻碳电极依次用5#金相砂纸、0.3和0.05μm的Al2O3粉磨至镜面,超声波洗涤.将8mg催化剂与4mL无水乙醇配制成2mg·mL-1的悬浮液,超声分散30min,移取8.9μL悬浮液至电极表面,50℃干燥后,移取4.5μL Nafion溶液于催化剂表面,电极表面的Pd载量为28μg·cm-2.对电极为Pt片,参比电极为Ag/AgCl电极,本文所述电位均相对于Ag/AgCl电极.在电化学测试前,溶液通高纯N210 min以除去溶解的氧,测量时溶液上方通N2保护.循环伏安法测量时,电位扫描速率为50mV·s-1.实验在(30±1)℃下进行.2结果与讨论2.1改性对活性炭表面基团的影响图1为不同活性炭样品的FT-IR谱图.与未改性的活性炭相比,经HNO3处理后的样品在1750-1680cm-1之间及3600-3300cm-1之间的含氧基团的吸收峰[9]均明显增强,表明经过浓HNO3处理后,活性炭表面确实引进了含氧基团,这些含氧基团主要以酸性基团的形式存在.再经氨水处理后(曲线c),在3600-3300cm-1和1750-1680cm-1之间的吸收峰发生了分裂,这主要是由于活性炭表面含氧酸性基团与氨水作用,产生了N—H的伸缩振动[15].这证实了在活性炭表面的确引入了含氮基团.不同活性炭样品的C、N、O元素分析结果列于表1.与未改性的活性炭相比,经硝酸处理后的活性炭表面氧、氮两种元素含量均显著增加,表明硝酸氧化确实能在活性炭表面引进含氧基团,而氮元素的增加可能是由于硝酸根离子的吸附所致.再经氨水处理后,活性炭表面N元素含量增加,O元素含量则相对减少,这说明活性炭经氨水改性后其表面含氮基团含量增加,而含氧基团含量减少,这与潘红艳1312No.5丁良鑫等:炭载体改性对炭载Pd 催化剂电催化性能的影响等人[16]的研究结论一致.表2为不同活性炭的Boehm 滴定结果[17].由表2可见,活性炭经硝酸处理后,酸性基团含量增加,碱性基团则明显减少.Figueiredo 等[9]研究表明,硝酸处理引进的主要是羧基等酸性含氧基团,这与本实验的结果一致.经氨水进一步处理后,酸性基团含量减少,碱性基团含量增加.这证明氨水处理在活性炭表面引进了碱性含氮基团.2.2改性对Pd/C 催化剂组成和形态的影响图2为Pd/C -U 、Pd/C -H 和Pd/C -HN 催化剂的TEM 照片及对应的Pd 粒子粒径分布图.由图可见,Pd/C -U 、Pd/C -H 和Pd/C -HN 催化剂中Pd 粒子的平均粒径分别为4.62、2.35和2.70nm.同时,从TEM 照片可发现,经过表面改性处理后获得的催化剂中的Pd 金属粒子粒径大小更为均一.不同催化剂中Pd 粒子的表面平均分散度(D )能通过Borodzinski 和Bonarowska 模型[18]计算获得:d vs =iΣn i d3iiΣn i d2i(1)D =2.64(d vs /d at )0.81(2)式中,d vs 为Pd 粒子的体表面平均粒径;d i 为TEM粒子分布图中统计得到的Pd 粒子粒径;n i 为对应的Pd 粒子数目;d at 为原子直径.由于Borodzinski 和Bonarowska 模型考虑到了粒子大小分布的影响,因此比其它通常使用的模型更加准确.通过使用该模型计算获得的不同粒径Pd 粒子的D 值分别为26.3%、41.2%和39.0%,说明对活性炭载体进行表面处理,能够有效提高Pd 金属纳米粒子的分散度.图3为不同催化剂样品中Pd 3d 的XPS 谱,键合能位于336.5和341.3eV 左右处的峰分别属于Pd 3d 5/2和Pd 3d 3/2特征峰.Pd 3d 5/2峰能够被拆分成两个峰,键合能位于336.0和337.5eV 左右处的峰分别属于Pd 0和氧化态的Pd.Pd/C -U 、Pd/C -H 和Pd/C -HN 催化剂中Pd 0与氧化态Pd 的原子比依次为1.9、1.8和3.1,说明在Pd/C -H 催化剂中,Pd 0含量最少,这可能是活性炭表面含氧基团的增加导致的.而在Pd/C -HN 催化剂中,Pd 0的含量最多,说明含氮基团的引入有助于增加Pd 0的含量.这进一步说明活性炭的表面基团与负载的金属之间存在着明显的相互作用[5].2.3不同催化剂对甲酸氧化的电催化活性图4为不同催化剂电极在0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4溶液中的循环伏安曲线.由低电势区部分(-0.2-0.1V)氢的脱附峰面积可以计算得吸附氢所需的电量(Q d )和相对电化学活性面积(A ec ),所得结果列于表3中.很明显,Pd/C -HN 催化剂具有最大的电化学活性面积.图5为不同催化剂电极在0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4+0.5mol ·L -1HCOOH 溶液中的线性扫描伏安曲线.在每条曲线中,都可观察到位于0.23和0.60V 的两个氧化峰.前者表示甲酸是通过直接途径氧化,而后者是通过CO 途径氧化[19].在0.23V 处的峰电流密度远大于在0.60V 处的峰电流密度,表明甲酸在Pd 催化剂上的氧化主要是通过直接路径氧化.三个催化剂的氧化峰峰电位都基本相同,但峰电流密度却有明显区别.在Pd/C -HN 催化剂电极上的峰电流密图1不同活性炭的FT -IR 光谱Fig.1FT -IR spectra of different activated carbons(a)sample C -U (untreated);(b)sample C -H (HNO 3treated);(c)sample C -HN (HNO 3and NH 3·H 2O treated)表1不同活性炭的元素含量Table 1Elements contents of differentactivated carbonsSample Element content (atomic fraction,%)C N O C -U 86.620.2613.12C -H 82.810.7016.49C -HN83.510.8015.69Sample (mmol ·g -1)(mmol ·g -1)C -U 0.340.50C -H 0.770.14C -HN0.440.47表2不同活性炭的Boehm 滴定结果[17]Table 2Boehm titration result of differentactivated carbons [17]1313Acta Phys.-Chim.Sin.,2010Vol.26 1314aNo.5丁良鑫等:炭载体改性对炭载Pd 催化剂电催化性能的影响度为15.70mA ·cm -2,而在Pd/C -H 、Pd/C -U 催化剂电极上峰电流密度分别为13.44和7.60mA ·cm -2.Pd/C -H 催化剂电催化活性的增加可能是由于Pd 粒子的粒径较小,比表面积较大所致.而Pd/C -HN 催化剂活性的增加可能是由于含氮基团通过静电效应或配位作用改变了Pd 的表面电子状态,从而导致催化剂中Pd 0含量较高.Roy [20]和Schukla [21]等在研究活性炭表面基团对Pt 粒子对甲醇氧化电催化活性影响时,也有类似发现.图6为三种催化剂电极在0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4+0.5mol ·L -1HCOOH 溶液中,电位恒定在0.2V 时的计时电流曲线.由图可见,在达到相对稳定状态时(4000s),甲酸在Pd/C -U 、Pd/C -H 和Pd/C -HN 催化剂电极上氧化电流密度分别为0.11、0.43和1.0mA·cm -2,这证明不同催化剂对甲酸氧化的电催化稳定性依次为Pd/C -HN>Pd/C -H>Pd/C -U 催化剂,表明在活性炭中引入含氧和含氮官能团能提高Pd 催化剂对甲酸氧化的电催化稳定性.3结论活性炭经硝酸处理后,表面含氧官能团数量显著增加,制得的Pd/C -H 催化剂中的Pd 粒子粒径减小,电化学活性比表面积增加,催化剂对甲酸氧化的电催化活性和稳定性提高.将获得的活性炭进一步用氨水处理,活性炭表面的含氮基团增加,同时,催化剂中Pd 0的含量增大,催化剂性能进一步提高.因此,载体改性对于炭载贵金属催化剂的电催化性能影响较大.References1Aksoylu,A.E.;Madalena,M.;Freitas,A.;Fernando,M.;Pereira,R.;Figueiredo,J.L.Carbon ,2001,39:1752Han,W.F.;Huo,C.;Liu,H.Z.J.Chem.Eng.Chin.Univ.,2002,16:565[韩文锋,霍超,刘化章.高校化学工程学报,2002,16:565]图6不同炭载钯催化剂在0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4+0.5mol ·L -1HCOOH 溶液中,在30℃和0.2V 下的计时电流曲线Fig.6Chronoamperometric curves of different carbon supported Pd catalysts in 0.5mol ·L -1HCOOH+0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4solution at 0.2V and 30℃(a)Pd/C -U,(b)Pd/C -H,(c)Pd/C -HN图4不同炭载钯催化剂在0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4溶液中的循环伏安曲线Fig.4Cyclic voltammograms of different carbon supported Pd catalysts in 0.5mol ·L -1H 2SO 4solution(a)Pd/C -U ,(b)Pd/C -H,(c)Pd/C -HN;scan rate:50mV ·s -1,T =30℃Catalyst d (C ·cm -2)(atom ·cm -2)Utilization rate of Pd 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