



(二)、国际营销与 国内营销的不同之处 •所面临的营销环境不同 •市场营销组合策略有区 别 •国际营销战略及营销管 理过程更复杂
(一)共同之处: 1、国际贸易与国际市场营销都是以获取利润 为目的而进行的跨国界的经营活动; 2、二者都是以商品与劳务作为交换对象; 3、二者都面临着相同的国际环境,如人口环 境、经济环境、政治法律环境、社会文化环境 及竞争环境; 4、二者的理论基础都是早期的“比较利益学 说”及“国际产品生命周期理论”。
国际市场 营销学
第一章 导论
第一节 国际市场营销概 论
一、国际市场营销的内涵 二、国际市场营销与国内市场营销 三、国际市场营销与国际贸易
一、国际市场营销 的内涵
有三种市场解释 : 一是指出售或交易商品或服务的场所。 二是经济学上关于市场的概念:市场是 商品内在矛盾的表现,是供求关系,是 商品交换关系的总和,是通过交换反映 出来的人与人之间的关系。 三是营销学中的市场:是指“由一切具有 特定欲望和需求并且愿意和能够以交换 来满足这些需求的潜在顾客”(科特 勒)。
国际市场营销学是关于生产企业 如何从顾客的需求和欲望出发,有 计划、有组织、有目的地将产品、 技术、资本、劳务迅速转移到用户 或消费者手中,并使其满意,以实 现企业的长期盈利目标的科学。
二、国际营销与国内营销 (一)、国际营销与国内 营销的相同之处
1、国际营销与国内营销最大的 相同点就是两者的理论基础和营 销技巧都是相同的。 2、两者使用的营销调研方法、 市场预测方法等营销技巧也相同。 3、两者的最终目的和使用的手 段也基本相同。
市场营销,是指个人或组织通过创造 并同他人交换产品以满足他们需求的一 种社会性经营管理活动(科特勒)。其 要点有三: • 市场营销的最终目标是“满足需求和欲 望”; • “交换”是市场营销的核心,交换过程 是一个主动、积极寻找机会,满足双方 需求和欲望的社会过程和管理过程; • 交换过程能否顺利进行,取决于营销者 创造的产品和价值满足顾客需求的程度 和交换过程管理的水平。


❖ 国际营销VS国际贸易
– 产品转移的差异性
• 在国际营销活动中产品不一定进行跨越国界的转移 • 在国际营销活动中,即使是跨越国界的商品交换活动也可在一个企
第一章 国际营销学导论
1 第一节 国际市场学及其研究对象 2 第二节 国际市场营销的内涵和特点 3 第三节 国际市场营销的动因
• 所谓内部化,就是把市场建立在公司内部的过程,以内部 市场替代原来的外部市场。
❖ 1.避开竞争锋芒 ❖ 2.追逐竞争对手 ❖ 3.锻炼竞争能力 ❖ 4.发挥竞争优势
• 寡占反应论一一防御性投资动因
• 寡占反应是指在由少数几家大企业构成的行业中,由于每 一企业的任何行动都会影响到其他几家企业,因此任何一 个大企业都对其他几家企业的行动高度敏感,并针对某一 企业率先采取的行动而随后纷纷采取类似的行动。
• 国家市场营销(international marketing)是指企业向 一国以上的市场提供产品或劳务,在满足市场需求的基础 上实现更大的经济利益的跨越国界的经济活动。
• 理解国际营销的含义
– (1)商品和服务 – (2)销往(流入)——形式 – (3)一个以上国家—范围 – (4)消费者或用户—对象 – (5)进行计划、定价、促销和引导—内容 – (6)获取利润——目的
• 中国企业开展国际市场营销的动机是什么? • 在全球化的浪潮中,中国企业该如何生存和发展?



HND国际市场营销OUTCOMEContentsI.Introduction (2)II.Discussion (2)1 Why is the company comsidering entering internationalmarkets (2)2 Secondary sources of information (3)3 The key opportunities and threats (4)4 The process of Spain market assessment (5)5 The modes of market (10)6 Why select this mode (11)III.Conclusion (11)IV.References (11)Report on PK ElectricsI.IntroductionPK Electrics was set up in 1987 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, China. The company products cables, sockets, switches and light fittings and currently operating three factories all based in Zhejiang province. Over the years the organisation has developed a good reputation for quality and customer service. But over the last two years the rate of growth has begun to decline with sales rising 5% and profits by 2% last year. The management team are aware of big changes in international trading that have occurred over the last 10-15 years with the Chinese economy becoming more market-based and the more recent impact of China joining the World Trade Organisation in December 2001.II.Discussion1 Why is the company comsidering entering international marketsMarket saturationMarket-related factorsProduction-related factorsPersonnel-related factorsRisk-related factorsCost-related factorsProduct life cycleIn the case, PK Electrics is part of market saturation. With rising economic growthand the rising disposable incomes, especially of the urban population PK Electrics has seen demand for its products grow as people seek improvements to their homes and living standards.2 Secondary sources of informationPK Electrics enter Spain market. But the company need to consult information about Spain market. The company could consult from the following professional organization:The World Trade OrganisationPK Electrics could get commercial information about Spain:Goods schedules and tariff dataServices schedules and MFN exemptionsTrade Policy Reviews of SpainDispute cases involving SpainDDA negotiating documents from or mentioning Spain(WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION, 06/18/2011)The World BankPK Electrics could get commercial information about Spain:Income levelEconomic policy and external debtInfrastructureLabor & social protectionPrivate sector – merchandise trade(THE WORLD BANK, 06/18/2011)3 The key opportunities and threatsPK Electrics has to understand PEST if it enter Spain market.Political:Spain is a higher score signifies a less violent and politically more stable society.the government introduced austerity reforms aimed at reducing the fiscal deficit to sustainable levels that reduced government employees' salaries,froze pension funds, and suspended public works.Economic:interest rate stands at 1.00 percentSpain Gross Domestic Product is worth 1460 billion dollars or 2.35% of the world economy, according to the World Bank. From 1960 until 2009,Spain's average Gross Domestic Product was 402.19 billion dollars reachingan historical high of 1604.24 billion dollars in December of 2008 and arecord low of 12.07 billion dollars in December of 1960.Sociocultural:There are few elderlyies and they have small pensions in Sapin.In daily consumption, Spanish larger demand.Technological:Spain has defines its scientific and technological priorities focusing on not only its domestic needs but also the Community's ones.Spain's technology enters the information age.(TRADING ECONOMIC, 06/19/2011)Then, PK Electrics may meet opportunity and threaten.Opportunity:In daily consumption, Spanish larger demand. PK Electrics product all kinds of electrical items. The company can meetSpanish larger demand.Spain is a higher score signifies a less violent and politically more stable society. It could offer PK Electrics a stable market. Threaten:In the Spain, there are a lot of such PK Electrics. There are many competitors.Spainish life habits have different from Chinese. PK Electrics spend much time on marketing research.4 The process of Spain market assessmentThis is PK Electrics the process of Spain market assessment:(Source: Mulbacher et al, International Marketing1999 International Thomson Business Press, London.)Stage 1: Corporate policyThe organisation had focused predominantly on the trade market. The management team are aware of big changes in international trading that have occurred over the last 10-15 years with the Chinese economy becoming more market-based and the more recent impact of China joining the World Trade Organisation in December 2001. They have recently met with Trade delegations from several different countries and are now looking outside China for new markets to enhance their growth and business performance.Stage 2: Market assessment criteriaThe measure of the market with customers and national policy related. Market criterias:Income levelGDPPopulationPoverty headcount ratio at national poverty lineStage 3: Potential country marketsIn the beginning, there are two countries market: Spain and South Africa. In the Question 3, Spain PEST have been analysed. Next, South Africa PEST analysis:Political:The political arena has a huge influence upon the regulation of health care, the money available, the priorities for disease management. The market is not stable. PK Electrics consider issues such as:ecological/environmental issuescurrent legislation home marketfuture legislationSADC/international legislationregulatory bodies and processesEconomic:Marketers need to consider the state of a trading economy in the short and long-terms. This is especially true when planning for international marketing. PK Electrics need to look at:home economy situationhome economy trendsoverseas economies and trendsgeneral taxation issuestaxation specific to product/servicesmarket and trade cyclesSociocultural:The social and cultural influences on business vary from country to country. It is very important that such factors are considered. Factors include:lifestyle trendsdemographicsconsumer attitudes and opinionsmedia viewslaw changes affecting social factorsbrand, company, technology imageTechnological:Technology is vital for competitive advantage, and is a major driver of globalization. Consider the following points: competing technology developmentresearch fundingassociated/dependent technologiesreplacement technology/solutionsmaturity of technologymanufacturing maturity and capacity(Wiki dot, 06/19/2011)Market criterias:Income level: High income(Spain), Upper middle income(South Africa)GDP: $1,460,250,360,148 in 2009(Spain), $285,365,879,676 in 2009(South Africa)Population: 45,957,671 in 2009(Spain), 49,320,150 in 2009(South Africa)(THE WORLD BANK, 06/19/2011)Stage 4: Conditions (not) fulfilledThrough market criterias and PEST analyse, Spain’s conditions are fulfilled because Spain could offer a stable market. South Africa could not.Stage 5: Local products and Stop assessmentsAt first, stop South Africa assessments. The company must know local products. Local products has FAGOR, BERONOR, MATHIUS, ect.Stage 6: Success factorsTechnologyThe company want to take in Spain market, and it have the strong technical support.Customer CareCustomers are god. The organisation have to develop a good reputation for customer service. This way of the enterprise for a long time.PromotionBecause the company is a foreign enterprise, it must increase the strength of promotion. Although initial cost greatly, it could bring long-term interests to the company.Stage 7: Distinctive competenciesPK’s products are selectively distributed using specialist electrical retailers, department stores and more recently DIY outlets.5 The modes of market(SQA, August 2005, International Marketing: An Introduction)PK Electrics should entry the mode is direct exports.6 Why select this modeTotal controlDirect export of its products offers a company greater control over the entire export transaction and entitles them to greater benefits.Direct contact with customersDirect export could face to face customers. PK Electrics can better understand the needs of customers.A sales representative plays the role of the manufacturer's representativeHe works on a commission basis. He uses the product manual and samples of the product, which he presents to the prospective buyers and entices them to purchase it. However, unlike an agent, who is entitled to take decisions on behalf of his company, a representative has no authority, and he takes no risk or responsibility of the product.III.C onclusionPK Electrics entry Spain market, which could increase profit.IV.References“Spain and the WTO”, (11/30/2009), (WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION), Available:/doc/3a106a0979563c1ec5da71aa.html /english/thewto_e/countries_e/spain_e.htm(Accessed:06/18/2011).“Data of Spain”, (12/31/2009), (THE WORLD BANK), Available:/doc/3a106a0979563c1ec5da71aa.html /country/Spain (Accessed: 06/18/2011).“SPAIN GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT”, (12/31/2010), (THE WORLD BANK), Available:/doc/3a106a0979563c1ec5da71aa.html /spain/gdp (Accessed: 06/19/2011).“PEST Analysis”, (05/12/2007 at 20:19), (Wiki dot), Available: /doc/3a106a0979563c1ec5da71aa.html /pest-analysis (Accessed: 06/19/2011).“Data of South Africa”, (12/31/2009), (THE WORLD BANK), Available:/doc/3a106a0979563c1ec5da71aa.html /country/Spain (Accessed: 06/19/2011).Scottish Qualifications Authority (August 2005), International Marketing: An Introduction, China Modern Economic Publishing House, Beijing.。



●IntroductionThe report is analysis some information about the PK Electrics. The PK Electrics was established in 1987 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, China. And PK Electrics was a national supplier of a wide range of electrical supplies. And increased their sales volume. Distributed using specialist retailers, department stores and outlets. Or has used price-based promotions and set up a good image for quality and service. PK Electrics has a young dynamic team of managers, and with rising economic growth. But over the last two years. The rate of growth decrease with sales. So, the PK Electrics will into the international market and broaden new market. Improve their growth and business performance.●Reason that PK ElectricsLess competitionIn the international markets, PK Electrics faces to less competition (PPT P6). Therefore, PK Electrics obtain and expand the new market in the international markets. And increase their sales. In the China market, more and more companies into the electrical market, the electrical market is competitive and PK Electrics face to more trouble in it. The sales of PK Electrics began to decrease.No prospects in domestic marketNo prospects for significant growth in domestic market (PPT P6). In the PK Electrics, over the last two years, the rate of growth has decrease with sales rising 5% and profits by 2% last year.An opportunity for PK ElectricsIt is an opportunity for PK Electrics to extend the life cycle of its products (PPT P6). The PK Electrics expand the new market in the international markets. And China joining the World Trade Organization in December 2001. This is a great opportunity about PK Electrics into the international market.Sources of information that PK ElectricsPrimary data- QuestionnaireQuestionnaire is use formal system of questions record the investigation content (). Though the questionnaire, PK Electrics obtain the information of the customers in abroad. The time and expenses are saving, and the labor power saving in the questionnaire. The result of questionnaire is quantification easily.The questionnaire convenient for processing and analysis the statistics.And the questionnaire convenient for to implement and adjustment.The questionnaire can be to conduct large-scale investigation.Primary data- Observational methodObservational method is according to the respondents, the investigator to use their eyes or ears to survey firsthand, research and collect the material (). PK Electrics should mission investigator to competitors in international market, observe the brand of goods, commodities packaging and sales volume. The use of observational method is more wide and handy. It is a basic investigation method in primary data. The observational method is an observation in the natural conditions, can be to obtain vivid information. And the observational method is doing not need to conversation. The expense of observational method is cheap. The data of observational method is more objective, true and reliable. The observation is timeliness. And the observation can be collecting some unspeakable data.Secondary data- World Trade Organization (WTO)WTO is an organization that intends to supervise and liberalize international trade (). PK Electrics could understand some information of international market and to know the needs of customers in the world in WTO. Because WTO has Reciprocity, Transparency, Market Access, Binding and Enforceable Commitments, Safety Valves and Non-Discrimination.Secondary data- GovernmentGovernment is the means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the state (). PK Electrics could understand the policy of the country in government. Because government can be issue useful information, PK Electrics should according to the information to change their marketing methods.Opportunities and threats that PK ElectricsThe PLEST Analysis helps PK Electrics obtain some opportunities, but the analysis has some threats too.OpportunitiesThe political is important for PK Electrics. Because the PK Electrics entry into the international market must consider to the local polity. Some polities could give more opportunities to PK Electrics in local market. Increase their new customers and sales volume.In the technological, PK Electrics has some advantages and characteristics in technological. For example, the price of products is low and has developed a good reputation for quality and service. The advantages would help PK Electrics develop a new market in international market.ThreatsThe legal influence PK Electrics. The tariffs and non-tariff are one of the legal. The tariffs could affect PK Electrics import, and the non-tariff could affect export. But the import quotas will limit the cost and total number, so the PK Electrics export was limited.In socio-cultural, the language is a universal trouble. Because in every country, the language is different. The PK Electrics should have more difficulty with local customers or retail trader to communication.PK Electrics to select market in the processStep 1The Sources of information have two sources, primary data and secondary data.Step 2The PLEST Analysis helps PK Electrics something in market.In the politics, PK Electrics must consider the local political situation is stable or not, and the local polity require to the new company of PK Electrics.In the legal, the legal is some protectionist policies in country. And PK Electrics should understand the economic constitution in local country.In the economic, PK Electrics should consider the size and growth of population and the urbanization.In the social, PK Electrics should consider the religious culture and language culture in local country.In the technology, PK Electrics should has a good reputation and has a low price, or technique improvement in electric.Step 3The Michael Porter's Five Forces has five types. Suppliers Bargaining power, Buyer bargaining power, Potential entrants, Threat of substitute and Competitive rivalry (Book P66).Suppliers bargaining power: PK Electrics through its ability about increases the factor price and decreases the quality of unit value, to influence the profits of PK Electrics. Buyer bargaining power: Customers through their ability about demand a low price and require PK Electrics to supply upper quality of products or services, to influence the profits of PK Electrics.Potential entrants: The new companies carry the new production capacity and new resources into the electrical market. The new companies probable happen thecompetition about starting material and market share with PK Electrics. It influence the profits have a decrease in PK Electrics.Threat of substitute: PK Electrics and the company of other industry, probable due to its products is succedaneum in both sides, so PK Electrics and the company to come into being a competitive practice. It influence the profits have a decline in PK Electrics.Competitive rivalry: PK Electrics and other companies have competition in the electrical market. So companies would like its own products and services batter than other companies. In the process, must to come into being conflict. It declines the profits of PK Electrics.Step 4Product is a good or service produced by human or mechanical effort by a natural process.In product, PK Electrics should has a good quality of products and services. The design is new and unique. PK Electrics has all kinds of products, not monotonic electric products.Price a value that customers will purchase a good or service by money.In price, PK Electrics should appropriate to give some discounts when customers expend.Promotion is the companies in order to deliver information of products, to persuade or attract buyers purchase goods of the company and run up to the purpose that to enlarge sales volume.In promotion, PK Electrics could advertise or personal selling, and direct marketing. Place is a location of the market and methods of distribution used in reaching it.In place, the factory of PK Electrics should has a building in outskirts. And company should has more retail trader. PK Electrics is wide in overlay area of the local city.The modes of market entry available to PK ElectricsThere are two international market entry modes available to PK Electrics.ExportingExporting is perhaps the most commonly used entry mode and the initial stage in the internationalization process for a majority of companies. But there are many different. These different modes are indirect exports, direct exports and service exports. In indirect exporting, PK Electrics is not involved in the actual export process. Have an export agent. For example, an export management company or an export trading company. The export intermediary can help PK Electrics decrease risk in international markets. In direct exporting, PK Electrics is firsthand find a foreign buyer for its products and make all arrangements to deliver these products to the buyer. In service exporting, all services rendered by residents to non-residents. Therefore all expenditure by foreign buyers buy the products of PK Electrics is regarded as part of the exports of services of that PK Electrics.Overseas productionOverseas production is include producing goods in the host country, that the location of PK Electrics. These modes are licensing, franchising and contract. The licensing is a agreement that the sale of knowledge, and make use of it. The licensing includes all kinds of arrangements in the contract where by PK Electrics make use of their invisible assets to foreign companies in come back for royalties and payment. Franchising is a form of market approach in which a company, the franchisor is grants PK Electrics the right to do business in a particular way. Contract manufacture is PK Electrics agreement with a low-cost manufacturer in a high-cost country reaches to provide the products.Evaluate the methods of market entry available to PK Electrics According to the definition and methods of exporting and overseas production, the franchising is better than other methods.In the Cost, the franchising is low. In the Commitment, the franchising is high. In theControl, the franchising is high. In the Speed, the franchising is slow. In the Risks, the franchising is low (Book P110).The advantages of franchising are the franchising has a high level of control. In the cost and risks of franchising are low. Has highly knowledge of business contact with market. The franchising protects the patents. The disadvantages of franchising are the franchising has some problems with local legislation. In the marketing packages has high cost to support franchisees. The cost and time involved in finding good franchisees. The franchising has a shortage of total control and quality control (Book P128).ConclusionThrough the report, we can know reason of PK Electrics considering entering international markets. We can learn some knowledge about international markets, for example, the sources of information in international markets and the opportunities and threats of international markets. And the modes entering international markets.ReferencePower Point of ‘International Marketing: An Introduction’ P6‘International Marketing: An Introduction’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications Authority and published by China Modern Economic Publishing House P66‘International Marketing: An Introduction’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications Authority and published by China Modern Economic Publishing House P110‘International Marketing: An Introduction’ wrote by Scottish Qualifications Authority and published by China Modern Economic Publishing House P128。



Individual ReportInternational Marketing: An introductionOutcome 1 and 2Candidate Name:Candidate Class:Candidate SCN:Table of contents1 Introduction (3)2 Findings (3)2.1 Explain Wildhorse Automobile entering international markets reasons (3)2.2 Two sources of information that Wildhorse Automobile (4)2.3 Key opportunities and threats associated with entry international market (5)2.4 Wildhorse Automobile would use to select which markets to enter (7)2.5 The modes of market entry available to Wildhores Automobile (8)2.6 The most appropriate method for Wildhorse Automobile to entry market错误!未定义书签。

3 Conclusion (12)4 Reference (13)1 IntroductionThis report describes the Wildhorse Automobile to enter the overseas market. This report consists of six parts. Reported the contents of the package wild horse why enter the international market. Wild horse company identified two markets to enter the source of information. Of the wild horses. What methods of automobile companies to enter the overseas market. Select the appropriate methods to enter the overseas market and evaluate the criteria you use in marketing. Wild horse car companies choose the right way to enter the overseas market. The wild horse of the car to assess the standard of your marketing in the market.2 Findings2.1 Explain Wildhorse Automobile entering international markets reasonsInternational marketing is the application of marketing principles in more than one country, by companies overseas or across national borders. International marketing is based on an extension of a company’s local marketing strategy, with special attention paid to marketing identification, targeting, and decisions internationally.China's production costs rise, the price of the Wildhorse Automobile’s car prices will lead to a decline in sales. Therefore, the wild horse car companies should look for the production of low-cost overseas countries.National policy restrictions on the country's resources. Company responds to the government's policy. So Wildhorse Automobile company to build factories in overseas countries.The Wildhorse Automobile company products due to ecological causes of poor sales.Ecological factors influence the production efficiency of the company. So company's products are sold overseas.The Wildhorse Automobile Company in order to compete with rivals. Wildhorse Automobile Company to increase the share of overseas markets and enhance the company's influence. Wildhorse Automobile Company to expand overseas markets.2.2 Two sources of information that Wildhorse AutomobileCompany research methods include primary research and secondary research. Companies can use secondary research ways to gather information. The advantages of secondary research includes convenient save money and research staff do not need to have too much experience. But secondly research information with uncertainty.Companies can be used through two international organizations to do secondary research.The European Union was founded in November 1, 1993. EU to set up Brussels. EU official website: The EU's aim is the establishment of internal borders by a space, strengthen coordination to develop and establish the eventual introduction of a unified currency Economic and Monetary Union economic, social, and promote balanced economic and social development of Member States through the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. EU car emissions has strict criteria. European Emissions Directive certification stands for non-road mobile machinery emissions certification, the English translation of "Emissions From Non-road Mobile Machinery", referred to as "NRMM". China's auto exports to Europe need to reduce automobile exhaust emissions. China's auto exports emissions must comply with EU vehicle emission standardsInternational Organization for Standardization be called for short is ISO. ISO was founded in 1946. ISO official website: /iso/home.html. ISO's purpose is: to promote worldwide development of standardization to facilitate international exchange of goods and mutual assistance and to expand cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological and economic aspects. ISO's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO / TS16949-2002 the International Automotive Task Group (IATF) in ISO9001: 2000 quality management system based on the combination of the requirements of the international automotive industry, automotive production, enacted in 2002, the service member organization of international quality system requirements standard. China's automobile companies supporting plant requirements more stringent, requiring high quality, but also requires the supplier to strictly control costs and improve efficiency. TS16949 provides a unified can develop quality management system model for the automotive industry. Chinese auto companies continue to deepen the implementation of continuous improvement, strengthen defect prevention, reduction of variation and waste, will make the management system more optimized, so that auto companies in the market competition continued to maintain a competitive advantage.The overseas car website includes . The overseas magazines includes <Auto motor and sport> is from Germany and <Automotive News> is from America. Wildhorse Automobile Company can include information from foreign website and magazines.2.3 Key opportunities and threats associated with entry international market Primary research should pay attention includes:Primary research includes local policy local economy and local culture, Companies should be familiar with the culture of the target country is conducive to the acquisition of the target country information. It is convenient for the company to understand the local culture and communicate with the local people. The government policy of thetarget country can affect the development of the enterprise. To understand local policies can avoid the loss of enterprises. The target country's economy will directly affect the income of the residents of the target country. The company produces the car that is suitable for the target country through the local economic level. The company's cars go more smoothly into the target country.The wildhorse automobile company can obtain the information in these 3 public places. For example, the office of the parking lot, car wash shops, toll stations. Companies from the office of the parking lot to get information, the company can understand the popular car models and the use of. Get information from the car wash shop, the company can get the popular car price information to record. Companies produce the most attractive cars through the acquisition of information. Companies can collect information from the toll station, the company can know the different car charges, speed and performance of a car running, you can find a long-distance car running models, which is conducive to the company's car sales.External environment includes six factors, divide into political, legal, social, natural, technological and economic.Politics, including the government's energy conservation and emission reduction policies, foreign policy and vehicle control policy.Economy includes per capita income, unemployment, consumption level.Society, including population, local education level and the proportion of local population age.Technology includes technical workers, technical optimization and updating of traditional technologies.Nature, including air pollution, natural disasters and waste of resources.The law includes local laws to protect local car companies.The opportunity of Wildhorse Automobile Company in the overseas market includes:Technological: Target country’s government requires imported cars meet the standards of energy conservation. So target country has high demand for new energy vehicles. Chinese auto companies have great development in the new energy. China's auto can exports to target countries. Technology can help Wildhorse Automobile company increase sales.Economy: the target country's economic recovery, the target country's employment rate rises, the target country's public demand for the car increases. So the public demand for cars is working in the target country. Chinese cars have price advantage, which is conducive to the sale of the target country.The technical threat of Wildhorse Automobile Company to enter the overseas market includes:Social: Developed countries car brand is good in target country public’s heart. But, Chinese car brand has bad impression in target country public’s heart. Bad impression of brand can influence Chinese automobile efficiency in target country. "Made in China" in a part of the foreign market impression is inferior, China needs to change the impression of the brand. Promotion of brand image can promote the sales of Chinese automobile brand.2.4 Wildhorse Automobile would use to select which markets to enter1.When a company to overseas market need do market research. The researchincludes primary research and secondary research. Secondary research’s way includes collect information from a variety of reliable sources. At this stage such techniques can be used.2.Screen the collected information using set criteria, e.g. as in the BusinessEnvironmental Risk Intelligence (BERI) index.3.Select top-scoring countries or region4.Apply secondary screening criteria using data from markets and the business, attractiveness/competitive advantage(GE matrix)5.Select best country (ies) and region(s) to enter.6.Prepare an international marketing plan/strategy6.1 The selection of the most appropriate entry mode6.2 The selection of the most appropriate target markets6.3 The selection of an appropriate marketing mix suited to the country and targetmarket.2.5 The modes of market entry available to Wildhores Automobile1)The InternetThe popularity of Internet computers and mobile phones has shortened the distance between people and improve people's working efficiency, which is good for international marketing. Internet makes international payments more convenient. The advantages of the international network of the buyer and the seller including security and fast. The Internet can monitor logistics, make logistics more secure, and promote trade between countries.2)Exporting (Direct and Indirect)Direct exports can enable enterprises to quickly sell their products in the international market at a very small start-up cost, in terms of fixed assets does not require or requires only a small amount of investment, so there is little risk. In the initial exploratory export, on the basis of previous success, the enterprise by increasing the export volume of export lines and enter the new international market, so as to gradually increase the export volume. Direct export can enable enterprises to accumulate a lot of international experience, so that enterprises in the process of internationalization of the more far away.Indirect export may be a good way for enterprises to enter the international market for the first time. Manufacturers need only a little knowledge of foreign or foreign markets, but also because of this, it has separated the manufacturers from foreign markets. Indirect exports reduce the risk.3)Contractual AgreementContract mode is a non-equity contract signed between the enterprise and the target country, the former patent, technology, experience, management, human resources and other intangible assets for the latter to use, and from the latter to obtain economic benefits to share. Contract is a way to enter the foreign market through the output of knowledge and technology. Contract mode mainly includes: license mode, franchise mode and project contracting mode, etc.Entry modes of international marketingWays to enter the international market include international agent, licensing, franchising, joint venture, turnkey projects, and strategic alliance. Detailed three ways to enter the overseas market. Three ways includes international agent, licensing, and franchising.International agent: International export agency is a method for a company to employoverseas agents to promote international sales. Agents have no title to the goods. Agents only charge a commission. International agent take less investment and get less money.The advantages of international agent includes international agent have expensive knowledge and experience of market. Little investment required and low political risk. The disadvantage of international agent includes international agent may lack commitment and motivation. International agent may be too small to exploit the whole market. And this method may be inefficient for large markets.Franchising: Franchising is the owner of the franchise is in the form of contractual agreement, which allows the franchisee to use its name, trademark, proprietary technology, product and operation management experience to engage in business activities. Franchising Take less capital investment, and get the amount of money earned moderate.The advantages of franchising includes high level of control, highly motivated business contact with market knowledge, money. And franchising can give protection of patents. The disadvantage of franchising includes problems with local legislation, high cost of marketing package to support franchisees. Cost and time involved in finding good franchisees.Licensing: Licensing is authorized to operate, charge to allow others to use their own brand of commercial operation mode in the specified time. Licensing in international market take less investment and get less return.The advantages of licensing includes a prolonged depreciation of a target country’s currency may also swing a manufacturer from export to licensing. Licensing overcomes the problem of high transportation cost, which make the export of some products non-competitive in target markets. Political risk is lower than with equity investments. Many host government favour licensing over foreign investment as a way to get technology.The disadvantage of licensing includes lack of control by the licensor over the marketing plan and programme in the target country. Risk of creating a competitor in third markets or even in the manfacturer’s home market. Armed with the licensors technology, the licenses may become a formidable competitor in world markets. Absolute size of income from a licensing arrangement as compared to that from exporting to, or investing in, the target country.2.6 The most appropriate method for Wildhorse Automobile to entry market Wildhorse Automobile Company have chosen the Malaysian market. Wildhorse can chose India market. India's political stability leads to social stability. India is Asia's anchor economy. India's economy is developing very fast. India's per capita income increased. Indian employment is rising, and the demand for cars is increasing. Due to the economic development of India, the road becomes better. More Indians are willing to drive.Wildhorse Automobile Company can choose an international agent in India. India's automotive industry has a great degree of development. Wildhorse Automobile Company can choose an international agent in India. India's automotive industry has a great degree of development. Wildhorse Automobile Company looking for international agents to sell the car is relatively low cost. Agents have shop facilities and sales of car service personnel so wild horse car companies can save costs. Wildhorse Company's human involvement is low in India market. The company needs to pay for the international agent to sell cars. The company has limited control for international agent. India local agents to understand the political economy and culture of India. Wild horse car companies through the agents can accelerate the sales of cars, agents to help the wild horse car companies to improve the speed of the occupation of overseas markets. So India agents can help companies reduce risk. But the Wildhorse Automobile Company's profits are low. Wildhorse Automobile Company need to bear the costs including agency fees, customs duties, transportation costs, and production and management costs. Wildhorse Automobile Company can reduce the profit toincrease sales. Increase in profits by increasing sales.3 ConclusionIn addition to the overseas market in Malaysia, I suggest the Wildhorse company to enter the overseas market in India by international dealers. Wildhorse automobile company through the investigation into the more successful entry into the overseas market, I hopes Wildhorse Company have a better future.4 Reference。



Individual ReportInternational Marketing: An introductionOutcome 1 and 2Candidate Name:Candidate Class:Candidate SCN:Table of contents1 Introduction (3)2 Findings (3)2.1 Explain Wildhorse Automobile entering international markets reasons (3)2.2 Two sources of information that Wildhorse Automobile (4)2.3 Key opportunities and threats associated with entry international market (5)2.4 Wildhorse Automobile would use to select which markets to enter (7)2.5 The modes of market entry available to Wildhores Automobile (8)2.6 The most appropriate method for Wildhorse Automobile to entry market错误!未定义书签。

3 Conclusion (12)4 Reference (13)1 IntroductionThis report describes the Wildhorse Automobile to enter the overseas market. This report consists of six parts. Reported the contents of the package wild horse why enter the international market. Wild horse company identified two markets to enter the source of information. Of the wild horses. What methods of automobile companies to enter the overseas market. Select the appropriate methods to enter the overseas market and evaluate the criteria you use in marketing. Wild horse car companies choose the right way to enter the overseas market. The wild horse of the car to assess the standard of your marketing in the market.2 Findings2.1 Explain Wildhorse Automobile entering international markets reasonsInternational marketing is the application of marketing principles in more than one country, by companies overseas or across national borders. International marketing is based on an extension of a company’s local marketing strategy, with special attention paid to marketing identification, targeting, and decisions internationally.China's production costs rise, the price of the Wildhorse Automobile’s car prices will lead to a decline in sales. Therefore, the wild horse car companies should look for the production of low-cost overseas countries.National policy restrictions on the country's resources. Company responds to the government's policy. So Wildhorse Automobile company to build factories in overseas countries.The Wildhorse Automobile company products due to ecological causes of poor sales.Ecological factors influence the production efficiency of the company. So company's products are sold overseas.The Wildhorse Automobile Company in order to compete with rivals. Wildhorse Automobile Company to increase the share of overseas markets and enhance the company's influence. Wildhorse Automobile Company to expand overseas markets.2.2 Two sources of information that Wildhorse AutomobileCompany research methods include primary research and secondary research. Companies can use secondary research ways to gather information. The advantages of secondary research includes convenient save money and research staff do not need to have too much experience. But secondly research information with uncertainty.Companies can be used through two international organizations to do secondary research.The European Union was founded in November 1, 1993. EU to set up Brussels. EU official website: The EU's aim is the establishment of internal borders by a space, strengthen coordination to develop and establish the eventual introduction of a unified currency Economic and Monetary Union economic, social, and promote balanced economic and social development of Member States through the implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. EU car emissions has strict criteria. European Emissions Directive certification stands for non-road mobile machinery emissions certification, the English translation of "Emissions From Non-road Mobile Machinery", referred to as "NRMM". China's auto exports to Europe need to reduce automobile exhaust emissions. China's auto exports emissions must comply with EU vehicle emission standardsInternational Organization for Standardization be called for short is ISO. ISO was founded in 1946. ISO official website: /iso/home.html. ISO's purpose is: to promote worldwide development of standardization to facilitate international exchange of goods and mutual assistance and to expand cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological and economic aspects. ISO's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO / TS16949-2002 the International Automotive Task Group (IATF) in ISO9001: 2000 quality management system based on the combination of the requirements of the international automotive industry, automotive production, enacted in 2002, the service member organization of international quality system requirements standard. China's automobile companies supporting plant requirements more stringent, requiring high quality, but also requires the supplier to strictly control costs and improve efficiency. TS16949 provides a unified can develop quality management system model for the automotive industry. Chinese auto companies continue to deepen the implementation of continuous improvement, strengthen defect prevention, reduction of variation and waste, will make the management system more optimized, so that auto companies in the market competition continued to maintain a competitive advantage.The overseas car website includes . The overseas magazines includes <Auto motor and sport> is from Germany and <Automotive News> is from America. Wildhorse Automobile Company can include information from foreign website and magazines.2.3 Key opportunities and threats associated with entry international market Primary research should pay attention includes:Primary research includes local policy local economy and local culture, Companies should be familiar with the culture of the target country is conducive to the acquisition of the target country information. It is convenient for the company to understand the local culture and communicate with the local people. The government policy of thetarget country can affect the development of the enterprise. To understand local policies can avoid the loss of enterprises. The target country's economy will directly affect the income of the residents of the target country. The company produces the car that is suitable for the target country through the local economic level. The company's cars go more smoothly into the target country.The wildhorse automobile company can obtain the information in these 3 public places. For example, the office of the parking lot, car wash shops, toll stations. Companies from the office of the parking lot to get information, the company can understand the popular car models and the use of. Get information from the car wash shop, the company can get the popular car price information to record. Companies produce the most attractive cars through the acquisition of information. Companies can collect information from the toll station, the company can know the different car charges, speed and performance of a car running, you can find a long-distance car running models, which is conducive to the company's car sales.External environment includes six factors, divide into political, legal, social, natural, technological and economic.Politics, including the government's energy conservation and emission reduction policies, foreign policy and vehicle control policy.Economy includes per capita income, unemployment, consumption level.Society, including population, local education level and the proportion of local population age.Technology includes technical workers, technical optimization and updating of traditional technologies.Nature, including air pollution, natural disasters and waste of resources.The law includes local laws to protect local car companies.The opportunity of Wildhorse Automobile Company in the overseas market includes:Technological: Target country’s government requires imported cars meet the standards of energy conservation. So target country has high demand for new energy vehicles. Chinese auto companies have great development in the new energy. China's auto can exports to target countries. Technology can help Wildhorse Automobile company increase sales.Economy: the target country's economic recovery, the target country's employment rate rises, the target country's public demand for the car increases. So the public demand for cars is working in the target country. Chinese cars have price advantage, which is conducive to the sale of the target country.The technical threat of Wildhorse Automobile Company to enter the overseas market includes:Social: Developed countries car brand is good in target country public’s heart. But, Chinese car brand has bad impression in target country public’s heart. Bad impression of brand can influence Chinese automobile efficiency in target country. "Made in China" in a part of the foreign market impression is inferior, China needs to change the impression of the brand. Promotion of brand image can promote the sales of Chinese automobile brand.2.4 Wildhorse Automobile would use to select which markets to enter1.When a company to overseas market need do market research. The researchincludes primary research and secondary research. Secondary research’s way includes collect information from a variety of reliable sources. At this stage such techniques can be used.2.Screen the collected information using set criteria, e.g. as in the BusinessEnvironmental Risk Intelligence (BERI) index.3.Select top-scoring countries or region4.Apply secondary screening criteria using data from markets and the business, attractiveness/competitive advantage(GE matrix)5.Select best country (ies) and region(s) to enter.6.Prepare an international marketing plan/strategy6.1 The selection of the most appropriate entry mode6.2 The selection of the most appropriate target markets6.3 The selection of an appropriate marketing mix suited to the country and targetmarket.2.5 The modes of market entry available to Wildhores Automobile1)The InternetThe popularity of Internet computers and mobile phones has shortened the distance between people and improve people's working efficiency, which is good for international marketing. Internet makes international payments more convenient. The advantages of the international network of the buyer and the seller including security and fast. The Internet can monitor logistics, make logistics more secure, and promote trade between countries.2)Exporting (Direct and Indirect)Direct exports can enable enterprises to quickly sell their products in the international market at a very small start-up cost, in terms of fixed assets does not require or requires only a small amount of investment, so there is little risk. In the initial exploratory export, on the basis of previous success, the enterprise by increasing the export volume of export lines and enter the new international market, so as to gradually increase the export volume. Direct export can enable enterprises to accumulate a lot of international experience, so that enterprises in the process of internationalization of the more far away.Indirect export may be a good way for enterprises to enter the international market for the first time. Manufacturers need only a little knowledge of foreign or foreign markets, but also because of this, it has separated the manufacturers from foreign markets. Indirect exports reduce the risk.3)Contractual AgreementContract mode is a non-equity contract signed between the enterprise and the target country, the former patent, technology, experience, management, human resources and other intangible assets for the latter to use, and from the latter to obtain economic benefits to share. Contract is a way to enter the foreign market through the output of knowledge and technology. Contract mode mainly includes: license mode, franchise mode and project contracting mode, etc.Entry modes of international marketingWays to enter the international market include international agent, licensing, franchising, joint venture, turnkey projects, and strategic alliance. Detailed three ways to enter the overseas market. Three ways includes international agent, licensing, and franchising.International agent: International export agency is a method for a company to employoverseas agents to promote international sales. Agents have no title to the goods. Agents only charge a commission. International agent take less investment and get less money.The advantages of international agent includes international agent have expensive knowledge and experience of market. Little investment required and low political risk. The disadvantage of international agent includes international agent may lack commitment and motivation. International agent may be too small to exploit the whole market. And this method may be inefficient for large markets.Franchising: Franchising is the owner of the franchise is in the form of contractual agreement, which allows the franchisee to use its name, trademark, proprietary technology, product and operation management experience to engage in business activities. Franchising Take less capital investment, and get the amount of money earned moderate.The advantages of franchising includes high level of control, highly motivated business contact with market knowledge, money. And franchising can give protection of patents. The disadvantage of franchising includes problems with local legislation, high cost of marketing package to support franchisees. Cost and time involved in finding good franchisees.Licensing: Licensing is authorized to operate, charge to allow others to use their own brand of commercial operation mode in the specified time. Licensing in international market take less investment and get less return.The advantages of licensing includes a prolonged depreciation of a target country’s currency may also swing a manufacturer from export to licensing. Licensing overcomes the problem of high transportation cost, which make the export of some products non-competitive in target markets. Political risk is lower than with equity investments. Many host government favour licensing over foreign investment as a way to get technology.The disadvantage of licensing includes lack of control by the licensor over the marketing plan and programme in the target country. Risk of creating a competitor in third markets or even in the manfacturer’s home market. Armed with the licensors technology, the licenses may become a formidable competitor in world markets. Absolute size of income from a licensing arrangement as compared to that from exporting to, or investing in, the target country.2.6 The most appropriate method for Wildhorse Automobile to entry market Wildhorse Automobile Company have chosen the Malaysian market. Wildhorse can chose India market. India's political stability leads to social stability. India is Asia's anchor economy. India's economy is developing very fast. India's per capita income increased. Indian employment is rising, and the demand for cars is increasing. Due to the economic development of India, the road becomes better. More Indians are willing to drive.Wildhorse Automobile Company can choose an international agent in India. India's automotive industry has a great degree of development. Wildhorse Automobile Company can choose an international agent in India. India's automotive industry has a great degree of development. Wildhorse Automobile Company looking for international agents to sell the car is relatively low cost. Agents have shop facilities and sales of car service personnel so wild horse car companies can save costs. Wildhorse Company's human involvement is low in India market. The company needs to pay for the international agent to sell cars. The company has limited control for international agent. India local agents to understand the political economy and culture of India. Wild horse car companies through the agents can accelerate the sales of cars, agents to help the wild horse car companies to improve the speed of the occupation of overseas markets. So India agents can help companies reduce risk. But the Wildhorse Automobile Company's profits are low. Wildhorse Automobile Company need to bear the costs including agency fees, customs duties, transportation costs, and production and management costs. Wildhorse Automobile Company can reduce the profit toincrease sales. Increase in profits by increasing sales.3 ConclusionIn addition to the overseas market in Malaysia, I suggest the Wildhorse company to enter the overseas market in India by international dealers. Wildhorse automobile company through the investigation into the more successful entry into the overseas market, I hopes Wildhorse Company have a better future.4 Reference。


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传统国内结构 进出口部
中国公司 上海大众(汽车) 宝洁中国(日用消费品) 联合利华中国(日用消费品) 家乐福(超市) 沃尔玛(超市) 菲利普(家用电器) 西门子(机械与通信) 可口可乐(饮料) 百事可乐(饮料) 诺基亚(通信)
Page 4
外国拥有者 法国 美国 英国、荷兰 法国 美国 荷兰 德国 美国 美国 芬兰
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第一章 国际市场营销导论
2 3 4
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国际市场营销概念和特点 国际市场营销发展阶段 国际市场营销任务
(一)市场的基本概念 市场是商品交换的场所 市场是由具有特定欲望和需求,愿意并且能够以交换来满 足这些的潜在顾客所组成。 市场的三要素 市场的“男人”(MAN)法则 M
Page 23
竞争营销观念 由加拿大产业市场营销协会主席兰· 戈登教授在1986年提 出。 企业要再竞争中处于有利地位,必须首先识别那些未 被竞争者所满足的市场需求,或是还未被充分提及的市场 需求,然后,在盈利或符合企业目标的前提下,使企业营 销活动积极参与市场竞争,采取合理合法的竞争手段,以 适销的产品、合理的价格、优良的服务、及时准确的信息、 有效的促销措施和良好的信誉,争夺消费者,争夺市场, 争得效益。
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(四)市场营销组合 (1)概念---市场营销组合是综合应用企业可以控制 的因素,实行最优化组合,以达到企业的营销目标。 ( 2)内容即4P’S:Product、Price、Place、 目标市场 Promotion



务实,奋斗,成就,成功。2020年1 2月3日 星期四 7时6 分42秒T hursd ay, December 03, 2020
抓住每一次机会不能轻易流失,这样 我们才 能真正 强大。 20.12. 32020 年12 月3日星 期四7 时6分4 2秒20. 12.3
杰罗姆·麦卡锡(Jerome McCarthy)于1960年在其第一版 《基础营销学》中,第一次提出了著名的“4P”营销组合经典模 型,即产品(Product)、价格(Price)、通路(Place)、促
安全象只弓,不拉它就松,要想保安 全,常 把弓弦 绷。20 .12.30 7:06: 4207: 06Dec -203- Dec-2 0
重于泰山,轻于鸿毛。07:06:4207: 06:42 07:06 Thurs day, December 03, 2020
不可麻痹大意,要防微杜渐。20.12. 320.1 2.307: 06:42 07:06 :42D ecemb er 3, 2020
推销观念——“我们推销什么,顾客就买什么 ”;
市场营销观念——“顾客需要什么,我们卖什 么”;
社会营销观念——营销导向必须兼顾社会整体 利益和顾客长远利益
以企业为中 心的观念
以消费者为 中心的观念
以社会长远利 益为中心的观

生产 观念
产品 观念
推销 观念
对4P存在的问题提出了4Cs的营销理论。 Customer(顾客):忘掉产品,记住顾客的需求和

HND 国际营销导论 report

HND 国际营销导论 report

Contents1.0 IntroductionFindings2.1 Why is PK Electrics Entering International markets?2.2 Sources of Information2.3 Opportunities and ThreatsOpportunitiesThreatsOpportunities and threats PK Electrics faced2.4 the Process to Select a Market to Enter2.5 the Modes of Market Entry2.6 Why Select This Mode3.0 Conclusion4.0 Reference1.0 IntroductionPK Electrics has grown from a local supplier producing a limited range of electrical cabling and switches to national supplier. It is considering entering the international market. This report is aimed to show the reasons why it need to enter the market and how to select a mode which suitable to it.Findings2.1 Why is PK Electrics Entering International markets?International marketing is the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. According to the case, we could know that over last two years the rate of growth has begun to decline with sales rising 5% profits by 2% last year (). So entering international market is good way to improve the current situation.There are five reasons why the PK Electrics should enter the international market. The first is excess capacity and home market saturation. In an attempt to minimize its fixed costs per unit the firm may undertake foreign orders. And if the domestic market is fully occupied, there is no or little potential market, no or little profits, the international marketing seems to be the prior choice to make more profits.The next reason is the intense competition. Intense competition in price and market share may occur in home market, and may cause low growth and profits. PK Electrics, the firms may choose to be internationalized, to avoid such competition.The third one is there will be more opportunities in international market. In a highly flexible and changeable international market, new opportunities and chances will frequently occur. Normally, International marketing, with more risky, could also bring more chances. Therefore it will be a opportunity to realize the long term goal profit maximization for PK Electric again.The fourth one is competitive advantages. Some countries possess unique natural orhuman resources that could give them comparative advantages, such as price or quality when it comes to producing particular products. For example, PK Electric could enter the country with enough metal and plastics.The last reason is that entering international market could reward employees of PK Electrics experience International marketing is an opportunity to let both employees and managers learn different ways of thinking and looking at things. It increases problem solving skills as it forces you to look at a problem from different angles. This way would help PK Electrics develop better.2.2 Sources of InformationInternational marketing managers must pay great attention to the quality, quantity and relevance of the information that they seek. So does PK Electrics managers. They should collect sufficient information to help they decide which international market to enter. On the one hand we should collect the primary information. On the other hand, secondary information is needed.Primary information is information gathered first hand by the organization for a specific purpose, such as from the representative of the organization in person, commissioning research to be undertaken on behalf of the organization. PK Electrics shall get some effective information from the trade fairs. A trade fair is an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their new products and services. Generally speaking, a trade fair is not open to the public and can only be attended by company representatives and members of the press. If PK Electric could attend or even hold some trade fairs, they would get much information they wanted.Secondary information is information that already exists and should always be checked first as it is readily accessible and saves time and effort being used in collecting primary information. You could achieve this information from the world chambers network, regional trade organizations like APEC, EU and commercial organizations. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organization of 34 countries founded in 1961 tostimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries committed to democracy and the free-market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices, and co-ordinate domestic and international policies of its members. Thus PK Electric could know which country’s market deserves ente ring.2.3 Opportunities and ThreatsOpportunitiesPolitical FactorsIt has some significant influences to enterprise supervision, spending power and other relevant activities with enterprise produced. Political factors include tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, etc. The policy may help the organization avoid the bankruptcy in the competition. If governments support companies enter into international markets, it must provide a lot of opportunities. China is playing a significant role in world trade, which is also the opportunity for PK Electrics to enter international markets.Economic FactorsIt refers to the total national economy development, the form of international and domestic economy and Economic development tendency, the enterprise faces industry environment and competitive environment, etc. The weak currency could make PK’s export easier because price of goods can be reduced in the foreign markets.Social FactorsIt includes the cultural aspects and includes health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company's products and how that company operates. For example, the level is high of consumption in India, India have strong desire in buying so PK will be interested in those countries in Africa.Technological FactorsIt refers to the total level of the social technology and changing trends, technical change, Technological breakthroughs that influence the development of the enterprise.At present, the technology is growing at a high speed. Some new skills benefit for PK Electrics, for example, the Internet, multimedia and the commercial infrastructure. Environmental FactorsIt include ecological and environmental aspects such as weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance. Furthermore, growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change is affecting how companies operate and the products they offer, both creating new markets and diminishing or destroying existing ones. If the PK Electrics select the country that is vulnerable to natural disasters, it also isn’t helpful to the entering the international market.Legal FactorsIt includes some laws about discrimination, consumer, antitrust, employment, and health and safety. These factors can affect how the running of a company, its costs, and the demand for products. Some countries’ trading barrier i s low; it can attract PK much more. Developing countries’ barrier is lower than developed countries. Demographic FactorsIt also play important role in international trade. Large population can lead to more demand of the electric products. Residents of high income countries are another opportunities for PK to enter the international market.ThreatsThe policy may hinder the organization’s development if the organization has a strong power that may become a monopoly in the industry. And if some governments carried out protectionist measures, which limit foreign companies to enter their markets to protect national industry, it is difficult for PK Electrics to enter into international markets.The economic factor can influence the organization’s ben efit by the change of economic transition and the exchange rate. It is obvious that the tax rate now is very high and employees need higher wages and higher welfare. So this is a threat for PK’s entering.As for social threats, if do not understand their local culture and customers, it is hard to get into their markets without any rejection and disrespect.Also consumption habit will influence market demand, residents in some countries are used to saving money in bank, it will do harm to company’s market per formance.Refer to environment factors; the harsh climate of the area is not suitable for the development of foreign trade and economic. Like some countries with extreme weather. Legal threats mean some lows which prevent foreign investments.Opportunities and threats PK Electrics facedOn the political factor, if PK Electrics enter a developed country, the opportunities contain high political stability. Generally, developed countries have their complete law system, such as anti-trust laws, and these countries have perfect industrial safety regulations, also the intellectual property protection is mature, and their pricing is competitive and in the past the organization has used price-based promotions to attract new customers, thus there are probably many favored trading partners. In addition, if PK Electrics enter a developed countries, they can become the biggest electrics company in the country, this firm have not intensive competitor. And the markets possibly have been not developed; this firm can acquire enormous customers. Maybe the government gives some political awards to PK Electrics in order to developing their poor economy.On the economic factor, it mainly covers macro and micro 2 aspects. Macro economic factors mean a country's national income, GDP and the relevant changes, and all the information that could illustrate the speed and level of the economic development. The type of economic system in countries of operation is an opportunity for the firm, and the business cycle stage of a country is significant to PK Electrics, if a country are experience prosperity, it definitely an opportunity for the firm. The economic growth rate of a country is important to the company, These factors directly determine the market.2.4 the Process to Select a Market to EnterThere are 6 stages of the market selection process. The whole selection process will take into account number of other steps to ensure that the company considers, is prepared for and has a plan for the whole operation.The first stage is collecting information from a variety of reliable sources. At this stage such techniques as PEST analysis can be used. PK Electrics should know the information about the policies, risk assessment and terrors for which countries to enter.The second step is screening the collected information using set criteria. For example as in the Business Environmental Risk Intelligence (BERI) index. And a company should look for International organizations and identify the standards of international organization, such as GDP, tariff, customer groups and population.Next, select top-scoring countries.The forth step is applying secondary screening criteria by using data from markets and the business. And then PK Electrics should learn about market attractiveness and competitive advantage.Then select best countries to enter. Comparing with some standards, and analyze the data, choosing the best country for PK Electrics,Before entering the international market, PK Electrics should prepare an international marketing plan which is helpful to selecting a most appropriate entry mode, because PK Electric is a medium company, it doesn’t have much funds and can’t bear strong risk. So the indirect export is suitable for PK Electrics. At last, selecting the most appropriate target market and marketing mix which suits to the country and the target market.2.5 the Modes of Market EntryThere are several entry modes, including exporting, turnkey projects, and licensing, franchising and foreign direct investment. Typically, there are modes of market entry available to PK Electrics: exporting (direct and indirect), joint venture and foreign direct investment.Exporting is divided into direct exporting and indirect exporting. Direct exporting occurs where the producing organization itself performs the export tasks rather than using an intermediary. In direct exporting, PK Electrics can have a direct relationship with its overseas buyers. Mainly PK company will be pushed by core competencies and will improve their performance of value chain. Direct exporting is considered to be the most popular option for PK Electrics to develop its own international marketing capability.In indirect exporting, the market-entry technique that offers the lowest level of risk and the least market control is indirect export, in which products are carried abroad by others. The firm is not engaging in international marketing and no special activity is carried on within the firm; the sale is handled like domestic sales. Therefore, firms may not increase its understanding of the export market. In this case, PK Electrics just wants to expansion their market to abroad. It does not have enough power to establish a new company that can become a channel with oversea market. So if choice the indirect export, PK Electrics can buy offices in other countries, or piggyback which means using its own established international marketing channels to market the products of another producer as well as its own.Joint ventures entry takes place when an international company shares the ownership of an enterprise in a target country with local private or public interests. PK Electrics will have less control over a joint venture than over a sole venture, particularly when it has only a minority equity position. So if PK Electrics select this mode to enter into an foreign market, the profits it gains must be shared with others. ()Licensing the transference of knowledge between the parental company and the licensee is strongly present, the decision of making an international license agreement depend on the respect the host government show for intellectual property and on the ability of the licensor to choose the right partners and avoid them to compete in each other market. Licensing is a relatively flexible work agreement that can be customized to fit the needs and interests of both, licensor and licensee.Franchising agreements tends to be longer and the franchisor offers a broader package of rights and resources which usually includes: equipment, managerial systems,operation manual, initial trainings, site approval and all the support necessary for the franchisee to run its business in the same way it is done by the franchisor. The international licensing firm gives the licensee patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights or know-how on products and processes. In return, the licensee will p roduce the licensor’s products, market these products in his assigned territory and pay the licensor royalties related to the sales volume of the products.A turnkey project refers to a project in which clients pay contractors to design and construct new facilities and train personnel. A turnkey project is way for a foreign company to export its process and technology to other countries by building a plant in that country. Industrial companies that specialize in complex production technologies normally use turnkey projects as an entry strategy. ()Contract manufacturing business model is that hire firm approaches the contract manufacturer with a design or formula. The contract manufacturer will quote the parts based on processes, labor, tooling, and material costs. Typically a hiring firm will request quotes from multiple CM. After the bidding process is complete, the hiring firm will select a source, and then, for the agreed-upon price, the CM acts as the hiring firm's factory, producing and shipping units of the design on behalf of the hiring firm.Foreign direct investment can take a number of forms. It can take the form of joint ventures, international acquisitions or the establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary. If PK Electrics want to investment overseas directly, it can set up a local sales company with warehousing from which to attack a market from inside for the first time.A management contract is an arrangement under which operational control of an enterprise is vested by contract in a separate enterprise which performs the necessary managerial functions in return for a fee. Management contracts involve not just selling a method of doing things (as with franchising or licensing) but involve actually doing them. A management contract can involve a wide range of functions, such as technical operation of a production facility, management of personnel, accounting, marketing services and training. ()PK Electrics has little international influence, and the company scale is very small, so agent will be suitable. An overseas export agent is an overseas firm hired to facilitate a sales contract between the exporter and their customer. Agent do not take title to the goods, they work on commission. Agents have expensive knowledge and experience of market, and require little investment and low political risk. PK Electrics need international market experiences and foreign electric technology. So that is no doubt select agent enter mode.2.6 Why Select This ModeWhen PK Electrics enter the international market, some key factors need to consider in the selection process. As for the firm, over the two years the rate of growth has begun to decline with sales rising 5% and profits by 2% last year. Organization has limited financial resources, therefore the cost of any entry method must be carefully considered. The organization should think that how much effort is required to make the method work, allowing someone to help will reduce the level of commitment. The management of the company is now in the hands of a young dynamic team of managers who want to improve the performance of the organization, thus the management definitely needs high control. Then, the organization should consider that how long does the method take to organize and to get the products to the marketplace, some products require fast entry methods in order to gain competitive advantage because the organization building on its current success, so the speed must be fast. There are multiple risks associated with international market entry which include aspects of financial, political, legal and economic. PK Electrics also should consider the investment, it is the application of funds to hold assets over a longer term in the hope of achieving gains and/or receiving income from those assets.Absolutely, direct export is suitable to PK Electrics, and this can be achieved in the way of selecting local representatives or agent to prospect the market, to contact potential customers and to negotiate on behalf of the exporting firm. Agent is the most appropriate for small or medium competitive manufacturing firms with little identity in the worldbecause the low cost and risk, and high speed of entry by the help of local agents can make them easily entered. Although the control and investment are limited and sales and the proportion of profits are moderate, the method of agent is suitable to PK Electrics.3.0 ConclusionThis report has explained why PK Electrics enter into international market. Before entering into markets, companies should learn about Office of National statistics, Chamber of commerce and IMF concerned about data. And then analyze opportunities and threats affect company to enter into international markets. Later identify the process of selecting which markets to enter and which modes of market entry available to PK Electrics. Additionally, it evaluated the most appropriate method of market entry for PK Electrics by using criteria.4.0 Reference45361066f576.htmlScottish Qualifications Authority, International Marketing: An Introduction, China Modern Economics Publishing House, Beijing (2005).。

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二、需要、欲望和需求 人类的各种需要和欲望是市场营销的出发点。

需要(needs)是指人们感到缺乏的一种状态(没有得到某些 基本满足的感受状态)。当需要不能被满足时,一个人会 做下面两种事的其中一种: 1. 寻找一个可以满足的目标(东西),或者 2. 试图减少这个需要 欲望(wants)是由需要派生出来的一种形式, 是需要的表 现。它受社会文化和人类个性的限制。 需求(demands)是指对于有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个产 品的欲望。(并非每一种欲望都能获得满足,只有当举要 购买能力时,欲望才能转化为需求。)
T型车的成功使福特欣喜若狂,但是好景不久,市场便悄 悄地开始酝酿变革,消费者的偏好在逐渐发生变化:消费 者不再喜欢千篇一律的T型车。但是,被胜利冲昏头脑的福 特没有意识到这一点,没有及时因应消费者消费口味的变 化而采取对策。于是,在19世纪20年代末期,福特在独霸 廉价小汽车市场多年后,败给了通用汽车。通用汽车生产 低价位的雪佛莱与福特竞争,除了具备福特所没有的舒适 感外,雪佛莱产品质量更好,更加迎合消费者追求时髦和 口味的多样化的需求。但福特太心爱他的T型车了,他泥古 不化,还是不改变车型,后来售价下降到仅190美元。到 1926年,T型车销售量大幅下降,福特不得不承认T型车时 代的结束,1927年正式关闭了T型车生产线。

International Marketing : An Introduction
1. Unit purpose: This Unit is designed to provide candidates with a basic knowledge of the marketing techniques applicable to different international markets. 2. Recommended prior knowledge and skills: It would be beneficial if the candidate had prior knowledge in the basic concepts of marketing.
市场营销观念 的演进 生产观念 产品观念 环境背景 观念和态度 市场营销管理 导向
大量生产;标准化;降 低成本及价格。 创造最佳质量的产品, “质量第一”。
公司长期生存 和获利方式
由大量生产、大量消费 者和降低成本而获利。 通过提高产品质量和 取得消费者对该公司 优质产品得信誉而获 利。
市场营销观念内容: 企业实现目标的关 键在于确认目标市 场的需要,然后比 竞争对手更有效地 满足这种需要。 市场营销观念的原型最早 是在1957年由通用电气的约翰• 麦克金特立克提出的。他认为, 市场营销观念是企业提高效益 和保持长期盈利的关键,企业 经营成功的关键在于脚踏实地 地研究顾客的需要,然后通过 提供适当的产品或服务去满足 这种需要,这是组织实现自身 目标的最佳方式。
社会营销观念的 内容: 企业在 进行营销决策时, 不但要考虑消费者 的需要和企业目标 ,更要考虑消费者 和社会的长远利益 ,要在自身利益、 顾客利益和社会利 益之间达成平衡和 协调。社会营销观 念包括生态营销观 念和人道主义营销 观念。

市场营销学是研究企业营销活动及其规律的科学,即研究 企业如何从满足消费者的需求与欲望出发,有计划地组织 企业的整体活动,通过交换,将产品或服务及价值从生产 者传递到消费者,以实现企业的营销目标。
三、市场营销 市场营销学是从市场需求出发,以产品营销活动为研究对象 市场营销—— 是一个动态的概念。 _ “是引导商品和劳务从生产者手中到达消费者手中所实行 的一种商业活动”—— 美国市场营销协会定义委员会(1962) - 以市场调查和市场预测为基础,确定顾客的需求,并运用 产品、价格、分销、促销等技术,有效地满足顾客的需要 。(或,是在社会范围内,研究如何满足顾客的现实和潜 在需求,以及有效地满足这些需求的过程。 (现代市场营销的涵义已经不再单指流通领域中出售产品 的交换活动,而是外延到生产和消费领域)
社会营销观念产生的背 景: 70年代,社会和企业 开始反思传统的营销活动, 意识到企业的营销应担负 起一定的社会责任。因为 消费者有时是无知的,营 销不应该利用他们的弱点.
绿色营销观念的内容: 企业在进行营销决策时,要以绿色为中心,重 视节约能源、资源和保护生态环境,强调污 染防治、资源的充分利用,新能源的开发和 资源的再生利用。 对象不仅是顾客,而且是社会,包括动物界。
The Marketing Mix
一、市场——是商品经济的范畴,也是市场营销学的基本概 念之一。 市场 市场的涵义,根据市场发展状况不同,有三个层次的意思。 (1)市场是商品买卖和劳务转移的场所。 (2)市场是商品交换关系的总和。(是指商品交换全过程, 包括许多抽象和具体的交易活动和手段,即买卖行为关系 的总和。 (3)市场是商品的购买者,即用户。 从市场营销学观点看市场:市场“是具有需求、支付能力和 希望进行某种交易的个人或组织”,或是购买商品的顾客 或顾客群组。 市场=人口+购买力+购买动机
_ 就是企业为实现企业任务和目标而发现、分析、 选择和利用市场机会的管理过程。 (1)分析市场机会(市场上所存在的尚未满足或尚 未完全满足的需求) (2)研究与选择目标市场 (3)拟定营销组合 (4)营销工作的组织、执行与控制
20世纪初,汽车是由技术工人用手工制造而成的,因此,成本高,产 量低,售价昂贵。当时,拥有汽车是少数人的特权,是地位和身份的象 征。 年轻的福特意识到这是个商业机会。福特认为,高价位妨碍了汽车 市场的开拓,于是决定设法把汽车变成大众购买的普通商品。福特用大 规模生产实现了这一点,他创造了世界上第一条汽车装配流水线。输送 带系统的使用大大节省了工人时间,降低了成本与价格。 为了满足市场对汽车的大量需求,福特采用了当时颇具创新性的做 法:只生产一种车型,即T型车;只有一种颜色,即黑色。于是,黑色的 T型车几乎成了汽车的代名词。这样做的好处是福特能以最低成本生产, 用最低价格向消费者提供汽车。
Learning Resources

市场营销学 eg. 市场营销学, 张明立.科学出版社 https:///library/publications/the-worldfactbook (CIA World Factbook website )

The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. Our Reference tab includes: maps of the major world regions, as well as Flags of the World, a Physical Map of the World, a Political Map of the World, and a Standard Time Zones of the World map.
1900-1920年,产品供 不应求。 重叠于生产观念和推 销观念前期之间。
Attendance Policy

Attendance in lecture is EXPECTED and will be noted - this could influence me if grades are borderline. Announcements will be made, at the beginning of class, so promptness is important. If a student misses a lecture, notes must be obtained from another student. I do NOT make notes available to students. However, Power Point notes can be accessed if asked. Please note that they are not all-inclusive. I will supplement them through lecturing in class. Attendance at lectures and tutorials is not normally marked; however, participation in some courses may be part of the assessment component. Each absence of one class hour will result in a 2.5% deduction from the usual performance
产品观念内 容: 产品观念认 为,消费者 喜欢那些质 量高、功能 多、有特色 的产品,因 此,企业应 致力于生产 高档次的产 品,并不断 地加以改进 。 产品观念产生和流行的社会背景: