西方礼仪Chapter 1 Greeting etiquette
问候礼仪Greeting Etiquette
4. French people don't kiss when they meet others.
Greeting Customs
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
拱手礼 Details: Opposite Ways of Saluting
left palm covers the right hand which is clasping(抱拳).
right hand covers the left hand
General greeting. The elder's return of courtesy(还礼) to the younger.
Formal occasion. Meeting clients(客户).
Giving a speech, meeting superior, showing gratitude(感 谢), seeing off the guest.
In Europe and Latin America 3. Close your lips and
4. Repeat to the right.
亲吻礼 Details: How do people kiss?
亲吻礼 Details: How many times?
Kiss once (right). Kiss twice (left, right). Swiss, Poland, Belgium: Kiss three times.
Greeting Etiquette会面礼仪
Greetings are common and the main purpose of these greetings is to establish or maintain social contact,not only to transfer information,so formulaic expressions are often used.2.1 Greeting manners Compared with Americans,when meeting someone for the first time,it is customary to shake hands,both for men and women in China.Huge are only exchanged between close friends.Kissing is not common,and men never kiss other men.Americans will usually introduce themselves by their first name and last name,such as“Hello,I’ m John Smith”,or,if the setting is very casual,by their first name only,“Hi,I’m John” .The common response when someone is introduced to you is“Pleased to meet you.”Americans normally address everyone they meet in a social address your college professors by their title and last name,such as Professor Jones,unless they ask you to do otherwise.[1]While Chinese always introduce themselves by their full name.There is also an very representative and common example.An American studying in China had an appointment at noon.As he was getting on his bicycle,Chinese friend passed by.“Have you eaten?”the young Chinese asked.This,of course,is a common Chinese greeting around meal time and the American merely nodded with a smile,waved goodbye and went off.He realized that his friend’ s remake was nothing more than a Chinese way of saying“Hello”or“Hi” .If the greeting had been put literally into English by“Have you eaten yet?”Or“Have you hadyourlunch?”It would have sound rather unusual.To Americans,this greeting might mean,“I haven’ t eat either.Come on,let’ s go together and get something to eat.”Or“If you haven’ t,I was just going to invite you to my place.”In other words,it could indicate an invitation to a meal.2.2 Conversation topic Westerners ides of privacy are somewhat different from those of theChinese,Chinese often irritate Westerners by the way in which they try to start conversations.Generally speaking,it is regarded as impolite in Western culture to ask a person his or her age.This is particularly true of woman when she is over thirty.So a direct question like“How old are you?”should be avoided.One’ s salary is regarded as extremely personal and private in the West.Even within families,people often do not know the exact salary of other family members.This dose not means that the family is not close.It is better to avoid questions like“How much do you earn?”It is also very common in china to ask someone how much they paid for a particular item.In other West,although people may discuss prices in general,it is not normally acceptable to ask someone directly how much they paid for something.The issue can only be approached indirectly.[1]It is unwise for Chinese to assume that everyone over 25 to 30 is married with children.Some Westerners never marry at all,others marry late,and some marry but don’ t ever have children.So questions like“Is your husband or wife with you?”or“How many children do you have?”can cause some embarrassment to unmarried people because the wording of the question assumes that the person is married and has children.This embarrassment can be made even worse if the Chinese responds“I’m so sorry”on hearing that the person is not married.While there are many topics that are acceptable to both Americans and Chinese,such as the following: hobbies,a local or national vent,holidays,jobs,the weather,films or books.。
Western Etiquette
Tipping Abroad, tipping is a necessity in daily life. 15 to 20% of the bill is common tip to westerns.
Privacy Westeners have strong sense of privacy.Don't ask or comment about their age and health unless they start the topic first.
Mobile Phone There are circumstances that mobile phone should not be used at all like in a movie, concert or church service.Ensure your mobile phone is on silent or off. Don' talk loudly in public places.
Good Evening!
当你第一次与别人见面时, 通常要握手。此外,久违的 朋友相见时,通常也要握手。 然而,相遇时不握手也行,微 微鞠一个躬,也是很有礼貌的。
Hand- shaking
Exchange Gift Giving and receiving gifts is a common practice.It helps establish and maintains relationship.
At the ATM/Bank Do not stand too close to someone who's using an ATM machine, unless they're your friends.
西方见面礼仪作文英文Western Meeting Etiquette。
Meeting etiquette is an essential part of professional communication. It involves the use of proper manners, language, and behavior to create a positive impression on others. In the Western world, meeting etiquette is especially important as it reflect s the culture’s values and beliefs. In this article, we will discuss some of the essential elements of Western meeting etiquette.1. Dress Code。
The way you dress for a meeting is crucial as it creates the first impression. In Western culture, formal attire is expected for professional meetings. Men should wear a suit or a blazer with dress pants and a tie. Women should wear a suit or a dress with appropriate length and style. Avoid wearing anything too revealing or casual.2. Punctuality。
Being on time is a sign of respect and professionalism. Arrive at the meeting venue at least ten minutes early to allow time for any unexpected delays. If you are running late, inform the other party as soon as possible.3. Greetings。
西方吃饭礼仪作文英语English:In Western dining etiquette, there are several important rules to follow when sitting down for a meal. Firstly, it is considered polite to wait for everyone to be seated before starting to eat. Once seated, the napkin should be placed on the lap and never tucked into the collar. When using utensils, they should be held properly - the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. Food should be cut with the knife in the right hand and then transferred to the fork to be eaten. It is also important to chew with your mouth closed and to not speak with food in your mouth. Additionally, it is customary to wait until everyone has been served before beginning to eat. Throughout the meal, it is polite to engage in conversation and to avoid using electronic devices. When finished, the fork and knife should be placed together on the plate, with the fork facing up to signal that you are done. Overall, Western dining etiquette emphasizes respect for others, proper table manners, and enjoying good food in good company.中文翻译:在西方的就餐礼仪中,坐下来吃饭时有几个重要的规则需要遵循。
关键词:社交礼仪文化差异跨文化交际融合Cultural Differences and Fusion in Chinese and Western Social EtiquettesAbstractEtiquette culture is a relatively general concept. It almost permeates all aspects of social life and plays an important role to realize the harmony in society。
With the influx of western culture, Chinese traditional etiquette is influenced by western etiquette culture unceasingly. Therefore,the thesisaims to find out the differences of Chinese and western etiquette on the aspect of daily expression,dining, wedding,and business, and then to analyze the main factors which influence the differences. Based on the predecessors' experience,the thesis throws out strategies of social etiquettes so that we can communicate effectively with westerners through improving our social etiquettes. The thesis also explore the reasonable fusion between Chinese and western etiquettes with the purpose of helping people avoid misunderstandings which are caused by their respective cultural collision and realizing valid cross-cultural communication。
Chapter 1 Introduction1. The contents of etiquette1) The origin of etiquette它源于原始时代,随着人类文化的诞生,与礼仪相关的内容就出现了。
如:忠、孝、仁、义等)2) Why to study etiquette?孔子:“不学礼,无以立。
3) What is etiquette?礼仪是人们日常生活、交往中逐渐形成的一种约定俗成的生活规范,礼仪本身包含了人们在社会生活中应当遵守的原则以及公德。
2. Characteristics of Etiquette1)礼仪的民族性(nationalist, local character)不同国家、不同民族的礼仪文化有着巨大的差异,中西方礼仪差异在历史上就发生过许多冲突。
I am … 我是 My name is … 我的名字是
(I am) pleased to meet you; Nice to meet you; Nice meeting you 幸会
I would like you to meet my … 这位是我的 …
Seniority / Rank / Title 长辈 / 身份 From left to right or vice versa
Don’t 不要
Point a finger at people 用手指指向人 Yell 大声说话 / 惊叫 Eat chewing gum 咬口香糖 Giggle / cover your mouth with your hand
Watch your dandruff, teeth, mouth breath, nose hair, nails
注意你的头皮屑, 牙齿, 口气, 鼻毛, 手指甲
Dress Code 衣着规定
British 英式
Casual Informal / Lounge Suit Formal / Black Tie White Tie
Scratch your head, your body 抓头,身体
Pick your ear, your nose 挖耳, 鼻孔 Keep on yarning 不断的打坷欠 If you really need to cough / sneeze, cover your
mouth and nose with your left hand
Hand Shake 握手
Western Social Etiquette
In the West, social etiquette is essential for harmonious interactions. Greetings are warm and direct, often with a handshake. Eye contact is maintained, showing respect and attention. Conversations are kept light and avoid controversial topics. Dining etiquette involves waiting for the host to begin eating before others, and not speaking with one's mouth full. These customs foster positive social interactions.
论语中的“礼”与西方礼仪 (1)
“Etiquette”in The Analects of Confucius and Western Culture论语中的礼与西方礼仪Unit One Greeting Etiquette见面礼仪1.1The Form of Addressing称呼Structure of the Chaptermon Knowledge of Addressing in China中国人称呼基本常识2.Excerpts from“The Analects of Confucius”and"The Book of Rites”《论语》中相关内容的引用和解释3.Two Ways of Addressing people in China两种中国人称呼人的方法4.The Western Way of Addressing People西方人称呼人的方法parison and Analysis of Western and Chinese ways of Addressing中西方称呼方式比较分析mon Knowledge of Addressing in China中国人称呼基本常识For senior people in China,especially those at the retiring age,they don’t mind being called“grandpa”or“grandma”becausethey think it is a way to show rich life experiences,good mannersand being respected and taken good care of by the whole society.对于中国的老年人,尤其是退休年龄的老年人,他们不介意被称为“爷爷”或“奶奶”,他们不介意被称为“爷爷”或“奶奶”,因为他们认为这是历尽沧桑后,德高望重,受到全社会尊重的表现。
一、西方称呼礼仪 西方人的姓名排序与我国相反,名在前,姓
在后。一般称男士为先生,称女士为小姐,称已 婚女士为太太,或统称女性为女士。
对一些特殊身份的人,则将其职业放在姓名 之前一同称呼,也可能只称呼其职业,如将军
❖ 西方餐具主要包括刀、叉、 匙、盘、杯等。
❖ 刀又分为食用刀、鱼刀、 肉刀、奶油刀、水果刀; 叉又分为食用叉、鱼叉、 龙虾叉;公用刀叉的规格 一般大于使用刀叉。匙又 分汤匙、茶匙等;
❖ 杯的种类更多,茶杯、咖 啡杯为 瓷器,并配小碟; 水杯,酒杯多为玻璃制品。
(General)、上尉(Captain)、医生 (Doctor)等。
介绍,但一般不先伸手与对方握手或直接问对方姓名,而是等在 社交场合结识朋友,一般需有第三方介绍人,也可以作自 我待对方的回应。如果对方没有回应或介绍他自己,则应该礼貌地道
——餐巾篇 •暂时离席餐巾放哪里?
——餐巾篇 • 用餐完毕准备离席,餐巾应该放在哪里?
• 吃西餐时右手拿刀,左手拿叉。使用 刀叉时,左手用叉用力固定食物,同 时移动右手的刀切割食物。
• 请客人、长者动筷子。夹菜时每次少一些,离自己远的菜就少吃一些。 吃饭时不要出声音;喝汤时不要出声响,用汤匙一小口一小口地喝,不宜 把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时不要一边吹一边喝,等凉了以后再喝。有的人 吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.特别是使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清晰的声音来.这种做 法是不合礼仪要求的,特别是和众人一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种 现象。 • 进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音。如果出现打喷嚏、肠鸣等不由 自主的声响时,就要说一声“真不好意思”、“对不起”、“请原谅”之 类的话,以示歉意。
efficient B. send a handwritten note C. call within 72 hours D. a verbal thank you is enough 7. If you meet someone whose body language is much more outgoing and expressive than yours, you should:
Course structure: (in Chapters)
1. Overview and Greeting Etiquette 2. Professional Appearance and Dress code 3. Dining Etiquette 4. Tele-communication Etiquette 5. Wedding and Funeral Etiquette 6. Business Etiquette 7. Interview Etiquette 8. International Etiquette
1. Keep it short: name, type of work 2. Tailor it to the event:
‘I’m Barbara Pachter, the speaker for tonight’s program. / I’m Barba Pachter, the editor of Daily Telegram.’
3 : When you receive someone else’s business card you should:
D A. immediately put it into your back pocket
西方礼仪文化unit 1 The Etiquette of Daily Personal Communication
4. What’s the relationship between etiquette and culture
It goes without saying that etiquette is heavily dependent on culture; what is excellent etiquette in one society may be a shock in another. Etiquette evolves within culture. Etiquette can vary widely between different cultures and nations.
3. How did etiquette come into being?
Brief Introduction to Etiquette
originated in the French royal court during the 1600-1700's. deal with a serious problem. dissuade their unwanted behavior by posting signs called etiquets which warned them to "Keep off the Grass" . issue an official decree that no one could go beyond the bounds of the signs. the name "etiquette" was given to a ticket for court functions that included rules regarding where to stand and what to do.
西式礼仪英语作文模板范文Title: Western Etiquette English Essay Template and Sample。
In today's globalized world, understanding and practicing Western etiquette is essential for individuals who interact with people from Western cultures. Whetherit's for business, social events, or travel, having a grasp of Western etiquette can make a significant difference in how one is perceived and how smoothly interactions go. In this essay, we will explore the key aspects of Western etiquette and provide a sample of how to write an essay on this topic.Body。
1. Greetings and Introductions。
In Western culture, greetings and introductions are crucial for establishing a positive first impression. When meeting someone for the first time, a firm handshake,direct eye contact, and a genuine smile are essential. It's also common to use titles such as "Mr." or "Ms." followed by the person's last name unless invited to use their first name. In a formal setting, it's important to wait for the host or the most senior person to initiate introductions.2. Dining Etiquette。
Bowing etiquette
1.You should take off your hat and stand at attention. 2.You should look at the recipient(接受者) and bend forward . 3.Men’s hands should be posted on the sides at his trousers and women’s hands should be placed down before stomach 4.When you attend a funeral ,in order to show your respect .you should bow three times.
The kinds of meeting 1.Hand shaking etiquette. etiquette
2.ette. 4.Hand kissing etiquette.
Handshaking etiquette
1.The senior or the person who is in the high position hand first. 2.Woman hand first. 3.Superior hand first. 4.The teacher hand first. 5.The host hand first.
西方见面礼仪(英文) meetingetiquette 1.the kinds meetingetiquette. 2.the details meetingetiquette. 3.the differences between our country westerncountries meetingetiquette 1.hand shaking etiquette. 2.bowing etiquette. 3.hugging etiquette. 4.hand kissing etiquette. handshaking etiquette standards: 1.the senior personwho highposition hand first. 2.woman hand first. 3.superior hand first. 4.the teacher hand first. 5.the host hand first. you must use right hand shakehands, especially shaking hands singaporean,malaysian, thai,arab,indian. righthand doingunclean things. attention bowing etiquette 1.you should take off your hat attention.2.you should look bendforward 3.men'shands should histrousers women'shands should placeddown before stomach 4.when you attend showyour respect .you should bow three times. hug etiquette hug usedwhen people others.when you hug someone,pay attention yourright hand should youshouldn?t hug too tight makeothers feel uncomfortable hand kissing etiquette traditionaletiquette westerncountries, when g
GreetingEtiquette会⾯礼仪Greetings are common and the main purpose of these greetings is to establish or maintain social contact,not only to transfer information,so formulaic expressions are often used.2.1 Greeting manners Compared with Americans,when meeting someone for the first time,it is customary to shake hands,both for men and women in China.Huge are only exchanged between close friends.Kissing is not common,and men never kiss other men.Americans will usually introduce themselves by their first name and last name,such as“Hello,I’ m John Smith”,or,if the setting is very casual,by their first name only,“Hi,I’m John” .The common response when someone is introduced to you is“Pleased to meetyou.”Americans normally address everyone they meet in a social address your college professors by their title and last name,such as Professor Jones,unless they ask you to do otherwise.[1]While Chinese always introduce themselves by their full name.There is also an very representative and common example.An American studying in China had an appointment at noon.As he was getting on his bicycle,Chinese friend passed by.“Have you eaten?”the young Chinese asked.This,of course,is a common Chinese greeting around meal time and the American merely nodded with a smile,waved goodbye and went off.He realized that his friend’ s remake was nothing more than a Chinese way of saying“Hello”or“Hi” .If the greeting had been put literally into English by“Have you eaten yet?”Or“Have you hadyourlunch?”It would have sound rather unusual.To Americans,this greeting might mean,“I haven’ t eat either.Come on,let’ s go together and get something to eat.”Or“If you haven’ t,I was just going to invite you to my place.”In other words,it could indicate an invitation to a meal.2.2 Conversation topic Westerners ides of privacy are somewhat different from those of theChinese,Chinese often irritate Westerners by the way in which they try to start conversations.Generally speaking,it is regarded as impolite in Western culture to ask a person his or her age.This is particularly true of woman when she is over thirty.So a direct question like“How old are you?”should be avoided.One’ s salary is regarded as extremely personal and private in the West.Even within families,people often do not know the exact salary of other family members.This dose not means that the family is not close.It is better to avoid questions like“How much do you earn?”It is also very common in china to ask someone how much they paid for a particular item.In other West,although people may discuss prices in general,it is not normally acceptable to ask someone directly how much they paid for something.The issue can only be approached indirectly.[1]It is unwise for Chinese to assume that everyone over 25 to 30 is married with children.Some Westerners never marry at all,others marry late,and some marry but don’ t ever have children.So questions like“Is your husband or wife with you?”or“How many children do you have?”can cause some embarrassment to unmarried people because the wording of the question assumes that the person is married and has children.This embarrassment can be made even worse if the Chinese responds“I’m so sorry”on hearing that the person is not married.While there are many topics that are acceptable to both Americans and Chinese,such as the following: hobbies,a local or nationalvent,holidays,jobs,the weather,films or books.。
Western etiquette is a set of social norms and customs that are deeply rooted in the cultures of Western societies.It is important to understand and respect these etiquettes when interacting with people from these cultures.Here are some key aspects of Western etiquette that are commonly observed:1.Greetings:In Western cultures,a handshake is the most common form of greeting.It is customary to make eye contact,smile,and say hello or nice to meet you when shaking hands.For close friends or family,a hug or a kiss on the cheek may be appropriate.2.Personal Space:Western etiquette emphasizes the importance of personal space.It is considered polite to maintain a comfortable distance from others when conversing, typically about an arms length.3.Table Manners:Dining etiquette is an integral part of Western culture.It is customary to wait for everyone to be seated and for the host to start eating before you ing the appropriate cutlery,placing the napkin on your lap,and not speaking with your mouth full are all part of good table manners.4.Gift Giving:When invited to someones home,it is polite to bring a small gift,such as flowers,wine,or chocolates.The gift should be presented upon arrival and should be in its original packaging.5.Punctuality:Being on time is highly valued in Western societies.Arriving late to a meeting or social event is generally considered disrespectful unless a prior notification is given.6.Dress Code:The appropriateness of attire depends on the occasion.For formal events,a suit or a dress is expected,while casual events may allow for more relaxed clothing.It is always better to err on the side of dressing more formally.munication:Direct eye contact and a firm handshake are signs of confidence and sincerity.It is also important to listen attentively when others are speaking and to avoid interrupting.8.Respecting Privacy:In Western cultures,personal privacy is highly respected.It is considered impolite to ask about someones age,income,or marital status unless the person has shared this information willingly.9.Public Behavior:It is customary to keep voices down in public places and to avoid behaviors that may disturb others,such as smoking in nonsmoking areas or playing loudmusic in public spaces.10.Thank You and Apologies:Saying please,thank you,and excuse me are common courtesies that show respect and consideration for others.Apologizing when necessary is also an important aspect of maintaining good relationships.Understanding and practicing these Western etiquettes can help foster positive interactions and demonstrate cultural sensitivity and respect.。
西方礼仪的英文作文Western Etiquette in Social and Business Settings。
Western etiquette encompasses the rules and conventions that govern behavior in social and business interactions. Understanding and adhering to these norms is crucial for building positive relationships, maintaining professionalism, and creating a respectful work environment.Social Etiquette。
1. Greetings:Begin interactions with a handshake (firm but not crushing) or a verbal greeting (e.g., "Hello," "Good afternoon").Maintain eye contact and smile.In formal settings, introduce yourself using your full name.2. Conversation:Be polite and respectful.Listen attentively and don't interrupt.Avoid sensitive or controversial topics.Use appropriate body language (e.g., sit or stand upright, avoid crossing your arms).3. Dining:Arrive on time for meals.Use proper utensils and table manners (e.g., don'ttalk with your mouth full).Wait for everyone to be served before eating.Avoid loud or disruptive behavior.4. Dress Code:Dress appropriately for the occasion (e.g., formal for business meetings, casual for social events).Avoid revealing or overly casual clothing.Be mindful of cultural differences in dress norms.Business Etiquette。
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What went wrong?
At a networking event, Sam, a salesman, gave a potential client his business card. A few moments later, the client returned the card, with the icy comment, ‘You probably want to keep this one,’ and walked away. Sam had given her a card he received earlier at a lunch meeting. On the back of it he had written some notes – fat, bald, small eyes, double chin – to remind him of the person.
Name (with titles or positions)
contact details (company address, postcode, tele., email,fax…)
How to require a card?
Principle: the lower-ranked give their cards to the higer-ranked
2. Say something about the person.
‘Bill Smith, this is Tom Jones. He just joined our company from ABC organisation. Bill is the head of the new marketing program.
4. When not sure about ranks of people, you should shake hands from near to far, or in the clockwise order.
Strength and time length of shaking hands
Types of information cards
Social cards: name, title Occupational(职业的) cards: name,
title, job, contact details…
Business cards: name, company, title, contact details…
places), but right hand only in the Middle East. 4. Accepting other people’s cards with two hands, read it (silently) and acknowledge it.
Company name Department name Company logo
Professional strength: 2 pounds Professional length: 3 to 5 seconds You don’t have to be that accurate(精确的)
as those are occupational requirements
Other body languages while shaking hands
4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1.No matter how high your position in a company is, greeting are crucial(重要的) first steps in establishing rapport(建立亲和 感).
2. Debbie was new to the company and wanted to make a good impression. John’s response said, ‘I don’t care about you or what you’ve done.’ John may have been rushed, but he could have said, ‘Welcome aboard. I was in a hurry for this report; thanks so much for delivering it personally.’
Chapter one Greeting Etiquette
Introducing others
Saying Hello
Greeting Etiquette
Shaking hands
Business Cards
Small Talk
What is etiquette?
Etiquette codes prescribe and restrict the way in which people interact with each other , based on respect for other people and the accepted customs of the society.
3. Speak clearly and slowly. 4. Prepare your introduction 5. Shake hand after introducing yourself.
2. When do you greet people?
10 to 5 rule: If you make eye contact with someone who is within 10 feet of you, you must acknowledge the person with a nod or a smile. At five feet you must say something: ‘Hello’, or ‘Good morning.’
What went wrong?
Debbie joined the accounting department of a big wholesaler. She reported to Tom, the accounts receivable manager. About a week into the job, Tom asked Debbie to prepare a report. Tom was so impressed with her work that he said, ‘This is a great time for you to get to know my boss, John, the head of the whole department. ‘She was pleased and excited that Tom trusted her with this important task. She set up an appointment and arrived promptly. On entering John’s office she said, ‘Hi, John. We only met briefly before, I’m__’ Before she had a chance to finish, he snapped, ‘I don’t need to greet you, just give me the report.’ She did, and quickly
Introduce other people:
1. Say the name of the less important person first. It is an honour to know others’ status first. the elder & the younger a teacher & a student a gentleman & a lady a guest & the host the unmarried & the married the arrived and the newly arrived
want to.
Some Don’ts in hands-shaking
Don’t shake hands with your gloves on, except ladies with thin dress gloves
Don’t shake hands crossly.
Speak: ‘Glad to see you’, ‘make yourself at home’, ‘Welcome to our party’
Smile: warmly, seriously (look at people’s eyes) Stand up: Even if you can’t, you must show you
What to say after you are introduced?
‘How do you do?’ ‘Pleased to meet you.’ ‘Nice meeting you.’
Handshake rules: higher-ranking person should extend his or her hand first. the elder & the younger a teacher & a student a gentleman & a lady a guest & the host the unmarried & the married the arrived and newly arrived