中 国 国 际 收 支 平 衡 表2009-2013




关于2016年我国国际收支平衡表的分析表1-1 2016年中国国际收支平衡表中国国际收支平衡表(年度表)单位:亿美元项目20161. 经常账户1,964贷方24,546借方-22,5831.A 货物和服务2,499贷方21,979借方-19,4801.A.a 货物4,941贷方19,895借方-14,9541.A.b 服务-2,442贷方2,084借方-4,5261.A.b.1 加工服务184贷方185借方-21.A.b.2 维护和维修服务32贷方52借方-201.A.b.3 运输-468贷方338借方-8061.A.b.4 旅行-2,167贷方444借方-2,6111.A.b.5 建设42贷方127借方-851.A.b.6 保险和养老金服务-88贷方41借方-1291.A.b.7 金融服务11贷方32借方-201.A.b.8 知识产权使用费-228贷方12借方-2401.A.b.9 电信、计算机和信息服务127贷方254借方-1271.A.b.10 其他商业服务147贷方580借方-4321.A.b.11 个人、文化和娱乐服务-14贷方7借方-211.A.b.12 别处未提及的政府服务-20贷方12借方-321.B 初次收入-440贷方2,258 借方-2,6981.B.1 雇员报酬207贷方269借方-621.B.2 投资收益-650贷方1,984借方-2,6341.B.3 其他初次收入 3贷方 6借方-21.C 二次收入-95贷方309借方-404 2. 资本和金融账户263 2.1 资本账户-3贷方 3借方-72.2 金融账户267资产-2,174 负债2,4412.2.1 非储备性质的金融账户-4,170资产-6,611负债2,4412.2.1.1 直接投资-4662. 资产-2,1722. 股权-1,4842. 关联企业债务-6882.负债1,7062. 股权1,6422. 关联企业债务 642.2.1.2 证券投资-6222. 资产-1,0342. 股权-3852. 债券-6492. 负债4122. 股权1892. 债券2232.2.1.3 金融衍生工具-472. 资产-692. 负债222.2.1.4 其他投资-3,0352. 资产-3,3362. 其他股权02. 货币和存款-4352. 贷款-1,1472. 保险和养老金- 贸易信贷-1,0082. 其他-7432. 负债3012. 其他股权02. 货币和存款1022. 贷款-1962. 保险和养老金- 贸易信贷1622. 其他2392. 特别提款权02.2.2 储备资产4,4372.2.2.1 货币黄金02.2.2.2 特别提款权 在国际货币基金组织的储备头寸-532.2.2.4 外汇储备4,4872.2.2.5 其他储备资产03.净误差与遗漏-2,227表1 2007-2016年国际收支顺差结构部图1 2007-2016年中国国际收支情况走势图一、2016总体国际收支运行环境2016年,国际局势错综复杂,作为国际金融危机爆发后的第8个年头,世界经济继续呈现温和复苏态势,国际贸易依然低迷,贸易增速缓慢且贸易保护主义抬头。






根据中国海关的最新统计数据显示,2013 年前11 个月我国对外贸易的进出口金额分别为17682 亿美元和20023 亿美元,其中进口金额累计同比增长7.1%,出口金额累计同比增长8.3%.随着我国进出口规模的不断扩大,经常项目和资本项目组成的双顺差的国际收支失衡也在继续扩张,继而带来的是外汇储备的不断增多,越来越多的外汇储备在促进我国经济积极发展的同时,也对货币供给和宏观经济的运行带来了一些消极影响。





国内学者在理论上(陈岱孙,2011;田华臣,张宗成,2005)从货币均衡模型、国际收支对货币政策传导机制的影响、IS- LM 模型与不可能三角等不同角度对国际收支对货币供给的影响进行了研究,基本的结论是我国国际收支的变动对货币供给的影响较大,从而增强了我国货币供给的内生性。






1.中国国际收支平衡表分析图1:2001-2009年中国国际收支平衡表结构(单位:百万美元)(数据来源:2010, International Monetary Fund: International Financial Statistics Yearbook, pp.230)由图1看出,(1)中国在2001年加入世界贸易组织后,经常账户余额呈逐年递增趋势。








图2:2001-2009年中国国际收支经常账户结构(单位:百万美元)(数据来源:根据2010, International Monetary Fund: International Financial Statistics Yearbook, pp.230计算)由图2可知,国际货物贸易净额变化与经常账户余额变化正相关,货物贸易的巨大顺差是中国经常账户发生变化的根本原因。



毕业设计(报告)题目近五年世界主要国家的GDP资料系(部)经济管理系专业电子商务教师黄戎学生蒋银军学号 3 62008-2013 世界GDP排行榜一:2009年世界前十国家的GDP排行根据数据分析:美国2009年14.42万亿美元,继续居世界首位。







转自铁血社区 http://bb二:2010年世界前十国家的GDP排行根据数据分析:美国和中国、日本的差距还是很大,但是中国和日本的差距却是很小的。




































2013 年上半年,国际收支总顺差重新反弹。

经常工程顺差984亿美元,同比增长27%;资本和金融工程顺差1187 亿美元,增长7.0倍;国际收支总顺差2171 亿美元,增长1.4 倍。


2012 年底以来,在主要兴旺经济体相继加码量化宽松货币政策、国内经济缓中企稳等因素共同作用下,我国跨境资金流入压力显著增加。



通过以上截取数据可以看出,2015年全年澳大利亚商品货物贸易呈现逆差。2015年全年商品货物出 口250957$ Millions,进口276737 $ Millions,与2014年全年相比,出口减少了5.93%,进口增长了 3.91%。商品货物从2014年的顺差431 $ Millions到2015年的逆差25780 $ Millions。 而服务方面,2015年继续呈现逆差。全年服务贸易出口66166 $ Millions,进口73899 $ Millions,与 2014年同比增长了9.95%和4.96%。
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国际收支平衡表 分析
澳大利亚1959-2016 季度国际收支平衡表
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国际收支平衡表 分析
澳大利亚1959-2016 季度国际收支平衡表
➢2013年经常账户亏损5326亿美元,其中货物和服务项目逆差1050亿美元,贸易项目中货物实 现顺差456亿美元,服务项目逆差1507亿美元。从国际收支的结构来看,澳大利亚经常项目收 支顺差的主要来源是货物,而货物和服务项目中,货物收支为顺差,服务收支逆差,这表明澳 大利亚经济发展水平相对较低,主要依靠实际货物出口来获取顺差。
2015年,我国经常 账户顺差18272亿元 人民币,资本和金融 账户逆差8258亿元 人民币。 按美元计价,我国经 常账户顺差2932亿 美元,资本和金融账 户逆差1611亿美元。
2015年,我国非储 备性质的金融账户 逆差29814亿元人 民币,储备资产减 少21537亿元人民 币。 按美元价,非储备 性质的金融账户逆 差5044亿美元,储 备资产减少3429亿 美元。




关键词:财政支出变化原因趋势合理性不合理性Abstract: this article an alyzes the cha nges of the fiscal spe nding of China in the last ten yearsa nd finds the causes and predicts the tren ds, in the same time, discuss ing the rati on ality and irrati on ality of the major cha nges.财政政策的实施,促进了经济和社会的稳定。




一、我国近十年来财政支出变化情况1、财政支出相关数据图1 : 1980-2009年财政各项主要支出所占比重的变化趋势T-经汾建讼费TB-社会文製费一*-国防费—行政宜理费-------- 技他主出图2:2001-2012中国经济GDP增长速度走势图47 2^WB7T -*• JKJOJJ 甜巴丿一 WT 一2001200Q 2003 冷M 20C62006 £CO7 2 畑 200«SOU ^012表3:社会保障支出占全国财政总支出比重一览表年伪财政总支出社会保障支出社会保障支出占财政总支出的上匕重2000 1588^^0 1922.37 12.10% 2C01 18002.581387.40 10.51%2002 22053.152636.2211.95%2003 24S49.95 2S55.91 10. 2001 23436.69 3116.0510.94% 2005 33030.23 逅日& S510.90% 2006 40422. V3 4961. 78 10.79% 2007 49731.356447.1& 10.94%2006 e2E92.es6804. 29 10.87%20007S299.937606.689.57%进料来源|根据相关国家統计年鉴国家统计局相黄数据整理得出. 2、财政数据分析回顾中国2003-2013年,经济增长速度稳定在百分之十左右, 国家的财政支出增长速度则达到百分之十到百分之二十之间,2007、2008、2009、2011四年均超过百分之二十,2007-2008年,财政支出增长幅度加大(表 1、图1)。


建立和完善适应社会主义市场经济的卫生投入和补偿机制; 研究卫生发展的调控机制,正确引导医疗卫生服务的竞争行为。
当前老百姓反映强烈的“看病难、看病贵”的问题是多种原因长期的积累造成的,造成这种 现象的主要原因有以下几点:
今年参与改革试点的公立医院都要实行药品零差率销售,由此减少的收入,将通过理顺医 药价格、增加政府投入、医院挖潜节约等途径予以补偿,确保公立医院良性发展、基本医 保持续运行、群众医药费用负担不增加。
财政部副部长王保安介绍,2009年—2013年,全国财政医疗卫生支出累计达30682亿元,年 均增长24.4%,医疗卫生支出占财政的比重从2008年的4.4%提高到2013年的5.9%。2014年全 国财政医疗卫生支出预算安排10071亿元,比2013年执行数增长10.5%。
国家财政医 疗卫生支出 (亿元
4804.18 6429.51
7245.11 8279.90
比重 (医疗 支出占当年 总支出的比 重 亿元)
4.40%Байду номын сангаас
12 百 分 10 比
美国医疗支出占国内生产总值的比重( %) 巴西医疗支出占国内生产总值的比重( %)













国际经济学的国际金融部分的选择题练习C h a p t e r13:T h e B a l a n c e o f P a y m e n t sMultiple-choice Questions:1. Which of the following is false?A. A credit transaction leads to a payment from foreignersB. A debit transaction leads to a payment to foreigners*C. A credit transaction is entered with a negative signD. Double-entry bookkeeping refers to each transaction entered twice.2. Which of the following is a debit?A. The export of goodsB. The export of services*C. Unilateral transfers given to foreignersD. Capital inflows3. Capital inflows:A. refer to an increase in foreign assets in the nationB. refer to a reduction in the nation's assets abroadC. lead to a payment from foreigners*D. all of the above4. When a U.S. firm imports goods to be paid in three months the U.S. credits:A. the current accountB. unilateral transfers*C. capitalD. official reserves5. The receipt of an interest payment on a loan made by a U.S. commercial bank to a foreign resident is entered in the U.S. balance of payments as a:A. credit in the capital account*B. credit in the current accountC. credit in official reservesD. debit in unilateral transfers6. The payment of a dividend by an American company to a foreign stockholder represents:A. a debit in the U.S. capital accountB. a credit in the U.S. capital accountC. a credit in the U.S. official reserve account*D. a debit in the U.S. current account7. When a U.S. firm imports a good from England a pays for it by drawing on its poundsterling balances in a London Bank, the U.S. debits its current account and credits its:A. official reserve accountB. unilateral transfers accountC. services in its current account*D. capital account8. When the U.S. ships food aid to a developing nation, the U.S. debits:*A. unilateral transfersB. servicesC. capitalD. official reserves9. When the resident of a foreign nation (1) sells a U.S. stock and (2) deposits the proceeds in a U.S. bank, the U.S.:A. credits capital for (1) and debits capital for (2)B. credits the current account and debits capitalC. debits capital and credits official reserves*D. debits capital for (1) and credits capital for (2)10. When a U.S. resident (1) purchases foreign treasury billsand pays by (2) drawing down his bank balances abroad, the U.S.:A. debits short-term capital and credits official reserves*B. debits capital for (1) and credits capital for (2)C. debits official reserves and credits capitalD. credits short-term capital and debits official reserves11. From the U.S. point of view, drawing on (reducing) foreign bank balances in a New York bank represents a:A. capital inflow*B. capital outflowC. outflow of official reservesD. debit in the current account12. Which is not an official reserve asset of the U.S.?A. U.S. holdings of Special Drawing RightsB. The U.S. reserve position in the International Monetary Fund*C. Foreign official holdings of U.S. dollarsD. Official holdings of foreign currencies by U.S. monetary authorities13. The capital account of the U.S. includes:A. the change in U.S. assets abroad and foreign assets in the U.S.*B. the change in U.S. assets abroad and foreign assets in the U.S., other than official reserve assetsC. all financial assetsD. all but current account transactions14. Accommodating items are:A. transactions in official reserve assetsB. the items below the lineC. needed to balance international transactions*D. all of the above15. Which of the following is false?*A. a net debit balance in the current and capital accounts measures the surplus in the nation's balance of paymentsB. a balance of payments deficit must be settled by a net credit in the official reserve accountC. a deficit in the balance of payments can be measured by the excess of credits over debits in the official reserve accountD. a net debit balance in the official reserve account refers to a surplus思考题:以2009年中美两国国际收支平衡表为例,分析两国国际经济交易呈现出哪些不同特征?战后美国出现大的贸易失衡,其原因和影响是什么?中国的外汇储备量世界第一,其原因是?有何利弊?Chapter 14: Foreign Exchange Markets and Exchange Rates Multiple-choice Questions:1. Which is not a function of the foreign exchange market?A. to transfer funds from one nation to anotherB. to finance trade*C. to diversify risksD. to provide the facilities for hedging2. An increase in the pound price of the dollar represents:*A. an appreciation of the dollarB. a depreciation of the dollarC. an appreciation of the poundD. a devaluation of the dollar3. A change from $1=€1 to $2=€1 represents*A. depreciation of the dollarB. an appreciation of the dollarC. a depreciation of the poundD. none of the above4. A shortage of pounds under a flexible exchange rate system results in:A. a depreciation of the pound*B. a depreciation of the dollarC. an appreciation of the dollarD. no change in the exchange rate5. An effective exchange rate is a:A. spot rateB. forward rateC. flexible exchange rates*D. weighted average of the exchange rates between the domestic currency and the nation's most important trade partners6. The exchange rate is kept within narrow limits in different monetary centers by:A. hedging*B. exchange arbitrageC. interest arbitrageD. speculation7. If SR=$1/€1 and the three-month FR=$0.99/€1:*A. the euro is at a three-month forward discount of 1%B. the euro is at a forward discount of 1% per yearC. the euro is at a three-month forward premium of 1%D. the dollar is at a three-month forward discount of 1%8. Hedging refers to:A. the acceptance of a foreign exchange risk*B. the covering of a foreign exchange riskC. foreign exchange speculationD. foreign exchange arbitrage9. A U.S. importer scheduled to make a payment of €100,000 in three months can hedgehis foreign exchange risk by:A. purchasing $100,000 in the forward market for delivery in three monthsB. selling €100,000 in the spot market fo r delivery in three months*C. purchasing €100,000 in the forward market for delivery in three monthsD. selling €100,000 in the spot market for delivery in three months10. If the three-month FR=$1/€1 and a speculator anticipates that SR=$1.02/€1 in thre emonths, he can earn a profit by:A. selling euros forward*B. purchasing euros forwardC. selling dollars forwardD. purchasing dollars forward11. Destabilizing speculation refers to the:*A. sale of the foreign currency when the exchange rate falls or is lowB. purchase of the foreign currency when the exchange rate falls or is lowC. sale of the foreign currency when the exchange rate rises or is highD. all of the above12. A capital outflow from New York to Frankfurt under covered interest arbitrage can take place if the interest differential in favor of Frankfurt is:A. smaller than the forward discount on the euroB. equal to the forward discount on the euro*C. larger than the forward discount on the euroD. none of the above.13. According to the theory of covered interest arbitrage, if the interest differential in favor of the foreign country exceeds the forward discount on the foreign currency, there will be a:A. capital inflow under covered interest arbitrage*B. capital outflow under covered interest arbitrageC. no capital flow under a covered interest arbitrageD. any of the above14. When the interest differential in favor of the foreign country is equal to the forwardpremium on the foreign currency, we:A. are at covered interest arbitrage parity*B. are not at covered interest arbitrage parityC. may or may not be at covered interest arbitrage parityD. we cannot say without additional information15. The currency of the nation with the lower interest rate is usually at a*A. forward premiumB. forward discountC. covered interest arbitrage parityD. any of the above思考题:1. 我国外汇市场与美国等发达国家的外汇市场相比有什么不同?为什么?2. 为什么在浮动汇率之下国际收支逆差或顺差的测度并不是十分适当的?3. 如何看待以美国为首的国家要求人民币升值问题?4. 如何看待人民币国际化的前景?Chapter 15: Exchange Rate DeterminationMultiple-choice Questions:1. Which is correct with respect to the absolute PPP theory?A. It postulates that the exchange rate between two currencies is equal to the ratio of the price levels in the two nationsB. it does not take into consideration transportation costs or other obstructions to the flow of international tradeC. can be very misleading*D. all of the above2. The relative purchasing power-parity theory postulates that:A. The equilibrium exchange rate is equal to the ratio of the price level in the two nations*B. the change in the exchange rate over a period of time should be proportional to the relative change in the price level in the two nations over the same time periodC. the change in the exchange rate over a period of time should be proportional to the absolute change in the price level in the two nations over the same time periodD. the exchange rate at a period of time should be proportional to the relative prices in the two nations3. The relative PPP theory gives better results:*A. in the long run than in the short runB. when structural changes take placeC. the greater is the level of commodity aggregationD. in tests including developed and developing countries4. The monetary approach to the balance of payments:A. views the balance of payments as an essentially monetary phenomenonB. rests on the purchasing power-parity theoryC. postulates that money plays the crucial role in the long run both as a disturbance and adjustment in the nation's balance of payments*D. all of the above5. If a nation's money GDP is 100 and the velocity of circulation of money is 4, the quantity demanded of money in the nation is:A. 20*B. 25C. 50D. 1006. The monetary base of the nation refers to the:A. domestic credit created by the nation's monetary authorities or the domestic a ssets backing of the nation's money supplyB. international reserves of the nation*C. domestic credit created by the nation's monetary authorities or the domestic assets backing of the nation's money supply plus the international reserves of the nationD. legal reserve requirements in the nation7. If the legal reserve requirement of the nation is 25%, the money multiplier in the nation is:A. 2*B. 4C. 5D. 68. According to the monetary approach to the balance of payments, a deficit in the nation's balance of payments results from:*A. an excess in the nation's stock of money supply that is not eliminated or corrected by the nation's monetary authoritiesB. an excess in the stock of money demanded in the nation that is not satisfied by domestic monetary authoritiesC. an excess in the stock of money demanded in the other nation that is not satisfied by the other nation's monetary authoritiesD. an excess of imports over exports in the nation9. If the increase in a nation's money supply grows less rapidly than its GNP, the nation will face a:A. once-and-for-all balance of payments deficitB. once-and-for-all balance of payments surplusC. continuous balance of payments deficit*D. continuous balance of payments surplus10. According to the monetary approach to the balance of payments a non-reserve currency nation: *A. has no control over its money supply in the long-run under fixed exchange ratesB. has no control over its money supply in the short-run under fixed exchange ratesC. has no control over its money supply in the long-run under flexible exchange ratesD. retains complete control over its money supply in the long-run11. According to the monetary approach to the balance of payments, a surplus nation will have to give up in the long-run its goal of:A. price stabilityB. fixed exchange rate*C. price stability or fixed exchange rateD. price stability and fixed exchange rate12. Which of the following statements is true with respect to the monetary approach to the balance of payments:A. the interest differential in favor of the dollar equals the expected rate of appreciation of the euroB. the interest differential in favor of the dollar equals the expected rate of depreciation of the dollarC. the interest differential in favor of the pound equals the expected rate of depreciation of the pound*D. all of the above13. The monetary approach assumes that the following assumption holds:*A. domestic and foreign bonds are perfect substitutesB. covered interest arbitrage holdsC. expectations do not affect the future spot exchange rate.D. the risk premium is positive14. The portfolio balance approach:A. can be regarded as an extension of the monetary approachB. deals with money and other domestic and foreign financial assetsC. can more readily be extended than the monetary approach to deals with the real sector*D. all of the above15. According to the portfolio balance approach, an increase in the expected appreciation of the foreign currency leads domestic residents to increase:A. the demand for domestic moneyB. the demand for the domestic bond*C. the demand for the foreign bondD. the risk premium16. According to the portfolio balance approach, a reduction in the risk premium on the foreign bond leads domestic residents to increase the demand for the:A. domestic moneyB. domestic bond*C. foreign bondD. all of the above17. According to the portfolio balance approach, an increase in domestic real income or GDP leads domestic residents to increase the demand for the:*A. domestic moneyB. domestic bondC. foreign bondD. all of the above18. According to the portfolio balance approach, an increase in domestic wealth leads domestic residents to increase the demand for the:A. domestic moneyB. domestic bondC. foreign bond*D. all of the above19. Which of the following is false with regard to exchange rate dynamics:A. seeks to explain exchange rate fluctuations over time*B. results because the real sector adjusts instantaneously to disturbancesC. in the short run, the exchange rate overshoots its long-run equilibriumD. results from the stock adjustment in financial assets20. An unexpected increase in the U.S. money supply leadsto:A. an immediate reduction in the U.S. interest rateB. an immediate larger dollar depreciationC. a gradual appreciation of the dollar over time*D. all of the above思考题:现代汇率理论和传统汇率理论格式什么?他们有何区别?每一种理论的实质是什么?他们之间的关系如何?什么是购买力平价理论?它包括哪两种形式?各有何作用?如何对它们进行经验检验?结果如何?根据货币分析法,在辅导汇率替下下,什么决定了汇率的至极其变得?从货币分析法的观点出发,与浮动汇率体系和固定汇率体系相比,有管理的浮动汇率体系有何特点?资产市场分析法与货币分析法有何不同?两者是怎样解释在当今外汇市场中经常出现的汇率超调的?经验检验是支持还是拒绝者两种观点?我们还需要做哪些理论和经验的工作?在可预见的将来,这种工作的成果将是什么?PART FOUR:OPEN ECONOMY MACROECONOMICS AND THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEMChapter 16: The Price Adjustment Mechanisms with Flexible and Fixed Exchange RatesMultiple-choice Questions:1. The more elastic is a nation's demand and supply of foreign exchange the:A. larger is the devaluation or depreciation required to correct a deficit of a given size in the nation's balance of payments*B. smaller is the devaluation or depreciation required to correct a deficit of a given size in the nation's balance of paymentsC. less feasible is a flexible exchange rate systemD. less feasible is a devaluation as a policy to correct a deficit in the nation's balance of payments2. A nation's demand curve for foreign exchange is derived from the:A. foreign demand curve for the nations' exportsB. nation's supply curve of exports*C. domestic demand curve for imports and the foreign supply curve for the nation's importsD. foreign demand curve and the domestic supply curve for the nation's exports3. A depreciation of a nation's currency shifts:A. down its supply curve of imports in terms of the foreign currencyB. up its demand curve of imports in terms of the foreign currency*C. down its demand curve of imports in terms of the foreign currencyD. down its demand curve of imports in terms of the domestic currency4. When a nation's demand curve for imports in terms of the foreign currency is vertical: *A. the nation's demand curve for the foreign currency has zero elasticityB. the nation's demand for the currency is elasticC. the nation's supply of the currency is verticalD. the other nation's demand for the nation's currency has zero elasticity5. A depreciation of a nation's currency shifts:A. down its supply curve of exports in terms of the domestic currency*B. down its supply curve of exports in terms of the foreign currencyC. down its demand curve for exports in terms of the foreign currencyD. up its supply curve of imports in terms of the foreign currency6. When a nation's demand curve for exports in terms of the foreign currency is inelastic: *A. the nation's supply curve of the foreign currency is negatively inclinedB. the nation's supply curve of the foreign currency is verticalC. the nation's demand curve for the foreign currency is negatively inclinedD. the other nation's supply curve of the nation's currency is negatively inclined7. For a small nation:A. the foreign supply of exports is horizontalB. the domestic demand for imports is horizontal*C. the foreign demand for its exports is horizontalD. the foreign supply of exports is vertical8. A depreciation of the nation's currency causes its terms of trade to:A. deteriorateB. improveC. remain unchanged*D. any of the above9. A depreciation of a nation's currency is:*A. inflationary for the nationB. deflationary for the nationC. deflationary for the trade partnerD. any of the above10. The foreign exchange market is stable when:A. The demand curve of foreign exchange is negatively inclined and the supply curve of foreign exchange is positively inclinedB. the supply curve of foreign exchange is negatively inclined and less elastic than the demand curveC. the sum of the absolute values of the elasticity of the nation's demand of imports and the foreign demand for the nation's exports is greater than one*D. all of the above11. The United States has a trade problem with Japan because the U.S. trade deficit with Japan:A. is very largeB. has persisted for a long timeC. did not seem to decline when the dollar depreciated sharply with respect to the yen*D. all of the above12. The mint parity refers to the:A. gold export pointB. gold import pointC. equilibrium exchange rate*D. ratio of the price of a unit of gold in terms of the currency of two nations13. Under the gold standard:A. each nations defines the price of gold in terms of its currency and then stands ready to buy and sell any amount of gold at that priceB. there is a fixed relationship between any two currencies called the mint parityC. the exchange rate is determined by demand and supplybetween the gold points and is prevented from moving outside the gold points by gold shipmentsD. all of the above14. Which of the following statements is not true with regard to the price-specie-flow mechanism:A. relies on the quantity theory of moneyB. requires that nations allow their money supply to rise when the nation has a surplus in its balance of payments and to fall when the nation has a deficit*C. requires that the price elasticity of demand for imports and exports be equal to zeroD. it was introduced by David Hume to show the futility of the mercantilists' prescription that a nation should attempt to continuously accumulate gold15. A currency board refers to the case where:A. the central bank sterilizes changes in the money supply resulting from balance of payments disequilibria*B. the money supply of the nation is backed by 100 percent international reservesC. the nation operates under flexible exchange ratesD. the nation retains firm control over its money supply思考题:贬值为什么会带来通货膨胀趋势?为的外汇市场的马歇尔-勒纳条件是什么?贬值能否不改变国际收支状况?弹性悲观主义背着注意的含义是?它是怎么产生的?为什么不合理?针对外汇市场的稳定性以及外汇供求曲线的弹性,目前普遍的官邸时什么?什么是货币传递?它与国际竞争有什么关系?Chapter 17: The Income Adjustment Mechanism andSynthesis of Automatic AdjustmentsMultiple-choice Questions:1. In order to isolate the income adjustment mechanism, we assume that:A. the nation operates under a fixed exchange rate systemB. all prices, wages, and interest rates are constantC. the nation operates at less than full employment*D. all of the above2. The marginal propensity to consume measures:A. the ratio of imports to incomeB. the ratio of income to imports*C. the change in imports over the change in incomeD. the change in income over the change in imports3. The income elasticity of imports is given by:A. the percentage change in income over the percentage change in importsB. the change in imports over the change in income*C. the marginal propensity to import over the average propensity to importD. the average propensity to import over the marginal propensity to import4. The equilibrium level of national income in an open economy is given by:A. I + X = S + MB. X - M = S - IC. I + (X-M) = S*D. all of the above5. If MPS=0.2 and MPM=0.3, the foreign trade multiplier is:A. 5B. 3.3C. 3*D. 26. When S exceeds I, an open economy has a trade balance:*A. surplusB. deficitC. equilibriumD. any of the above7. The S-I function rises because:A. rising I are subtracted from constant S*B. constant I are subtracted from rising SC. rising I are subtracted from rising SD. constant I are added to falling S8. An autonomous fall in M from a condition of equilibrium in national income and in thetrade balance results in the nation's income:A. rising and its trade balance turning to deficitB. falling and its trade balance turning into surplus*C. rising and its trade balance turning into surplusD. rising and the trade balance remaining in equilibrium9. An autonomous increase in S from a condition of equilibrium in national income and in thetrade balance results in the nation's income:A. rising and its trade balance turning into surplus*B. falling and its trade balance turning into surplusC. falling and its trade balance turning into deficitD. rising and its trade balance turning into deficit10. The foreign trade multiplier of nation 1 is largest:A. when there are no foreign repercussionsB. with foreign repercussions for an autonomous increase in nation 1's X that replace domestic production in nation 2*C. with foreign repercussions for an autonomous increase in I in nation 1D. with foreign repercussions for an autonomous increase inI in nation 211. By itself, the automatic income adjustment mechanism is likely to bring about:*A. incomplete adjustmentB. complete adjustmentC. perverse adjustmentD. any of the above12. A depreciation of a deficit nation's currency from a condition of full employment:*A. may improve the nation's trade balanceB. will improve the nation's trade balanceC. will leave the nation's trade balance unchangedD. will cause a deterioration in the nation's trade balance13. The improvement in a nation's balance of trade and payments resulting from a depreciationof its currency is:A. reinforced by the induced fall in imports*B. partly neutralized by the induced rise in importsC. partly neutralized by the induced fall in importsD. any of the above.14. In the real world, the automatic income, price, and interest adjustment mechanisms, ifallowed to operate, are likely to:A. reinforce each other but still result in incomplete adjustment*B. reinforce each other and result in complete adjustmentC. work at cross purposes from each other and result inincomplete adjustmentD. work at cross purposes from each other and result in perverse adjustment15. A benefit of automatic adjustment mechanisms is that they:A. avoid the possibility of policy mistakesB. avoid the time lags associated with adjustment policiesC. begin to operate as soon as balance of payments disequilibria develop*D. all of the above思考题:自动收入调节机制怎样调节一国的国际收支?为单独分析该机制,我们假定哪些变量不变?怎样理解自动收入调节机制带来贸易差额的不完全调节?什么是弹性法与吸收法?吸收法如何把自动价格与收入调节机制综合起来?从充分就业开始,如果允许逆差国货币贬值,其贸易差额将会怎样?实际国内吸收如何才能减少?什么事自动货币调节?他们如何帮助调节国际收支失衡?在固定或有管理的汇率制度下,如果一国处于非充分就业,所有的自动调节机制如何共同调节其国际收支逆差?每种自动调节机制的缺点是什么?Chapter 18: Open Economy Macroeconomics: Adjustment PoliciesMultiple-choice Questions:1. The most important economic objective of industrial nations is:A. external balance*B. internal balanceC. a reasonable rate of growthD. an equitable distribution of income2. In order to achieve internal and external balance simultaneously, a nation must usually use at least:A. one policy*B. two policiesC. three policiesD. cannot say3. Points below internal balance line YY in the Swan diagram indicate:A. a balance of payments deficitB. a balance of payments surplus*C. unemploymentD. inflation4. To correct a balance of payments deficit and unemployment a nation requires a:A. devaluation and expansionary fiscal and monetary policiesB. devaluation and contractionary fiscal and monetary policies*C. devaluation and either expansionary or contractionary fiscal and monetary policiesD. revaluation and either expansionary or contractionary fiscal and monetary policies5. To correct a balance of payments deficit and inflation a nation requires a:A. devaluation and expansionary fiscal and monetary policiesB. devaluation and contractionary fiscal and monetary policies*C. devaluation or revaluation and contractionary fiscal and monetary policiesD. revaluation and either expansionary or contractionaryfiscal and monetary policies6. To correct a balance of payments surplus and unemployment a nation requires a:A. devaluation and expansionary fiscal and monetary policiesB. devaluation and contractionary fiscal and monetary policies*C. devaluation or revaluation and expansionary fiscal and monetary policiesD. revaluation and either expansionary or contractionary fiscal and monetary policies7. To correct a balance of payments surplus and inflation a nation requires a:A. devaluation and expansionary fiscal and monetary policiesB. devaluation and contractionary fiscal and monetary policies*C. devaluation and either expansionary or contractionary fiscal and monetary policiesD. revaluation and either expansionary or contractionary fiscal and monetary policies8. The IS curve is negatively inclined because:A. the higher is the rate of interest the smaller is the quantity of money demanded for speculative purposesB. higher rates of interest lead to greater capital flows*C. at lower interest rates the levels of investment and national income are higherD. at lower interest rates the level of national income is lower9. If the BP curve is above the point of intersection of the IS and LM curves, the nation will: *A. have a balance of payments deficit at that level of incomeB. have a balance of payments surplus at that level of income。










其中,货币黄金增加49亿美元,特别提款权增加111亿美元,外汇储备资产净增加3821亿美元 (不含汇率、价格等非交易价值变动影响),在基金组织的储备头寸增加4亿美元。

















其中,货币黄金增加49亿美元,特别提款权增加111亿美元,外汇储备资产净增加3821亿美元 (不含汇率、价格等非交易价值变动影响),在基金组织的储备头寸增加4亿美元。










第一节 全国有色金属矿采选业行业主营业务收入分析2013年全年,全国有色金属矿采选业行业实现主营业务收入61,588,564.80万元,主营业务同比增速6.98%。

图表 1:2009年-2013年全国有色金属矿采选业行业主营业务收入统计表(万元、%)报告期 销售收入 (万元)同比增速 (%)2013年 61,588,564.80 6.98% 2012年 57,569,120.30 14.62% 2011年 50,227,446.70 48.56% 2010年 33,810,630.10 44.43% 2009年23,409,763.90-0.42%数据来源:中国产业洞察网,2014年图表 2:2009年-2013年全国有色金属矿采选业行业主营业务收入及同比增速(万元、%)数据来源:中国产业洞察网,2014年34.64%60.06%44.45%7.56%-11.98%-20.00%-10.00%0.00%10.00%20.00%30.00%40.00%50.00%60.00%70.00%0.001,000,000.002,000,000.003,000,000.004,000,000.005,000,000.006,000,000.007,000,000.008,000,000.009,000,000.002009年2010年2011年2012年2013年销售收入(万元)同比增速(%)图表 4:2009年-2013年全国有色金属矿采选业行业成本和费用支出趋势分析(%)600.00%500.00%400.00%300.00%200.00%100.00%0.00%-100.00%-200.00%2009年2010年2011年2012年2013年主营业务成本同比增速(%)营业费用同比增速(% )管理费用同比增速(%)财务费用同比增速(% )数据来源:中国产业洞察网,2014年图表 5:2009年-2013年全国有色金属矿采选业行业成本及费用占主营业务收入比重统计表(%) 报告期 销售成本/主营业务收入总额营业费用/主营业务收入总额管理费用/主营业务收入总额财务费用/主营业务收入总额2013年 81.42% 1.23% 4.44% 0.94% 2012年 77.94% 1.28% 4.45% 0.89% 2011年 75.42% 1.35% 4.43% 0.86% 2010年 76.68% 1.46% 4.74% 0.97% 2009年78.40%1.47%5.06%0.87%数据来源:中国产业洞察网,2014年图表 6:2009年-2013年全国有色金属矿采选业行业成本占主营业务收入比重分析(%)数据来源:中国产业洞察网,2014年91.55%88.53%90.34%95.09%96.14%84.00%86.00%88.00%90.00%92.00%94.00%96.00%98.00%2009年2010年2011年2012年2013年销售成本/主营业务收入总额图表 7:2009年-2013年全国有色金属矿采选业行业三费占主营业务收入比重分析(%)数据来源:中国产业洞察网,2014年1.31%1.64%0.97%0.91%0.71%1.22%0.84%0.96%0.79%0.95%0.16%0.12%0.23%0.02%0.17%0.00%0.50%1.00%1.50%2.00%2009年2010年2011年2012年2013年营业费用/主营业务收入总额(%)管理费用/主营业务收入总额(%)财务费用/主营业务收入总额(%)第三节 全国有色金属矿采选业行业利润分析2013年全年,全国有色金属矿采选业行业利润总额为6,279,656.30万元,同比增速-17.85%;2013年全年,全国有色金属矿采选业行业亏损金额为295,141.10万元,亏损企业数量为266.00家。













目录一、国际收支概况 (6)(一)国际收支运行环境 (6)(二)国际收支主要状况 (8)(三)国际收支运行评价 (15)二、国际收支主要项目分析 (19)(一)货物贸易 (19)(二)服务贸易 (22)(三)直接投资 (26)(四)证券投资 (30)(五)其他投资 (31)三、国际投资头寸状况 (34)四、外汇市场运行与人民币汇率 (42)(一)外汇市场发展 (42)(二)人民币汇率走势 (43)(三)外汇市场交易 (49)五、国际收支形势展望 (55)专栏1.促进国际收支基本平衡仍然是我国宏观调控的重要目标2.服务贸易项下旅游逆差持续扩大3.为什么对外净债权增加≠经常项目顺差4.2013年新兴市场货币走势分化5.美国量化宽松货币政策及其退出的影响图1-1 2007-2013年主要经济体经济增长率1-2 2011-2013年新兴市场股票指数和货币指数1-32008-2013年我国季度GDP和月度CPI增长率1-42001-2013年经常项目主要子项目的收支状况1-51994-2013年货物和服务贸易差额与GDP之比1-62001-2013年资本和金融项目主要子项目的收支状况1-72001-2013年外汇储备增加额与外汇储备余额1-81990-2013年经常项目差额与GDP之比及其结构1-92005-2013年我国资本和金融项目差额及外汇储备变动情况1-10 2004-2013年我国国际收支基础性差额和非直接投资差额2-1 2001-2013年我国进出口总额、差额与GDP之比2-2 2000-2013年海关进出口差额主要构成2-3 2000-2013年我国按外贸主体划分的进出口贸易比重2-4 2000-2013年我国按贸易方式划分的进出口贸易比重2-5 2001-2013年我国出口商品在发达经济体的市场份额变动2-6 2004-2013年我国货物和服务贸易比较2-7 2013年我国服务贸易分国别和地区的收支情况2-8 2000-2013年外国来华直接投资状况2-9 2000-2013年我国对外直接投资状况2-10 2000-2013年跨境证券投资净额2-11 2000-2013年其他投资净额3-1 2004-2013年末我国对外金融资产、负债及净资产状况3-2 2004-2013年末我国对外金融开放度以及对外净资产与GDP之比3-3 2012年末我国及主要发达经济体对外金融开放度比较3-4 2004-2013年末我国对外金融资产结构变化3-5 2004-2013年末我国对外负债结构变化3-6 2005-2013年末我国对外资产、负债及净资产增速4-1 2013年境内外人民币对美元即期汇率走势4-2 1994年1月-2013年12月人民币有效汇率走势4-3 2013年境内外人民币对美元远期市场1年期美元升贴水点数4-4 境内外人民币对美元汇率历史实际波动率4-5 2012-2013年境外人民币对美元期权市场6个月期限价格4-6 2006-2013年即期外汇市场交易量4-7 2013年银行对客户远期结售汇的交易期限结构4-8 中国与国际外汇市场的参与者结构比较4-9 全球人民币外汇交易量4-10 2005-2013年银行间外汇市场外币对即期交易的币种构成C1-1 经常项目、资本和金融项目差额以及储备资产变动与GDP之比C2-1 2001-2013年入境游客与内地居民出境人数C4-1 2012-2013年JP Morgan新兴市场货币和波动率走势C4-2 2013年新兴市场货币对美元汇率升贬值C5-1 实施QE以来美联储资产负债表大幅扩张表1-1 2007-2013年国际收支顺差结构1-2 2013年中国国际收支平衡表2-1 2013年外国来华直接投资资本金来源国情况表3-1 2013年末中国国际投资头寸表4-1 2013年人民币外汇市场交易概况一、国际收支概况(一)国际收支运行环境2013年,全球经济艰难复苏,分化趋势日益明显,发达国家经济好转,但新兴市场增长放缓。

















13.2 国际收支平衡表会计准则
国际收支平衡表(balance of payment statement )是根据复式记帐法编制的将 一国在一定时期内所发生的国际收支项 目进行分类统计的一览表。
13.2A 借方和贷方
1. 贷方交易是指从外国人那里收到付款的交易。 在收支平衡表中标 “+”号 2. 贷方交易是指向外国人付款的交易。在收支平
(四)经常转移 • “经常转移”是指发生在居民与非居民间无等值交 换物的实际资源或金融项目所有权的变更,而不 管这种所有权的变更是自愿的、还是被迫的。
目 (Capital and Financial Account)
“资本和金融项目” 有两大组成: • 资本项目 • 金融项目
(一)资本项目 (Capital Account) • 资本转移 • 非生产性非金融资产的获取或处置
2、 美国人出国旅游,在外消费$200(资金流出,借记-), • 外国人持有$200的现金资产(外国资产增加,贷记+)。
•贷方(+) •向国外购买的旅行服务 •资本流入 •200
•借方(-) •200
3、 美国政府对某发展中国家单方面转移支付$100(资金流出, 借记-) • 发展中国家政府持有$100的银行存款资产(外国资产增加, 贷记+)。
金融服务 计算机和信息服务 专有权利使用费和特许费 其他商业服务 个人、文化和娱乐服务 别处未提及到的政府服务
(3)其他投资 资产 负债 (4)储备资产 货币黄金 特别提款权 30
13.3 美国的国际交易
P374 table 13.1



由图一可分析出,2009年到2013年的经常账 户差额和净误差与 遗漏账户差额都平稳的 在一定范围内上下波动,表明这五年间经常 账户下的各国际间的经济交易都比较正常和 合理。相反,资本金融账户和储备资产变动 额账户在2012年的时候彼此呈反方向的大幅 度波动,而且差额都在借方,符号为负,特 别是资产金融账户的差额为-318亿美元。经 分析可知是因为东南亚金融危机而导致资产 金融账户首次出现逆差。
国际收支平衡表是记录一定时期内一 经济体的各项经济交易,它是分析一个经 济体对外交易规模、结构及其变化和制定 对外经济政策的重要工具。
对图二图三的总体分析: 经常项目与资本金融项目两项的数据表 明,自2009年开始,我国资本金融项目顺差 在“双顺差”中的比重突然加大,并持续下 去。2011年,资本金融项目顺差首次超过经 常项目顺差,成为外汇储备高速增长的主要 原因,可见其在金融危机期间也保持高速的 增长,并在后危机时期增速加快。再来看看 资本金融项目,外国直接投资在2009年受危 机影响有所下降,但随着中国经济的复苏, 投资机会的增加以及地方政府的积极吸引, 2010年、2011年连续两年大幅上涨,目前已 恢复到危机前期的高位水平。
措施: 1、各部门加强管理,认真执行国际收 支制度,通过多种手段和措施,有效 地遏制了资本外逃现象。
2、受经济、金融中多种有利因素的引 导,国内资本外逃的动机减弱,原先 外逃的资本也逐步回流。
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中国国际收支平衡表(以人民币计价)2013年单位:亿元人民币项目行次差额贷方借方一.经常项目 1 11,330 164,961 153,631A.货物和服务 2 14,552 150,163 135,611a.货物 3 22,262 137,408 115,146b.服务 4 -7,710 12,755 20,4651.运输 5 -3,509 2,332 5,8422.旅游 6 -4,765 3,198 7,9633.通讯服务7 2 103 1014.建筑服务8 419 660 2415.保险服务9 -1,121 247 1,3686.金融服务10 -31 197 2287.计算机和信息服务11 585 955 3708.专有权利使用费和特许费12 -1,246 55 1,3019.咨询13 1,049 2,509 1,46010.广告、宣传14 110 304 19411.电影、音像15 -39 9 4812.其它商业服务16 835 2,109 1,27413.别处未提及的政府服务17 2 76 74B.收益18 -2,682 11,506 14,1881.职工报酬19 996 1,102 1062.投资收益20 -3,678 10,404 14,082C.经常转移21 -540 3,292 3,8321.各级政府22 -193 70 2622.其它部门23 -347 3,223 3,570二.资本和金融项目24 20,182 106,909 86,727A.资本项目25 190 276 86B.金融项目26 19,992 106,632 86,6401.直接投资27 11,434 21,512 10,0791.1我国在外直接投资28 -4,539 2,250 6,7901.2外国在华直接投资29 15,973 19,262 3,2892.证券投资30 3,744 6,442 2,6982.1资产31 -335 1,592 1,9282.1.1股本证券32 -158 839 9972.1.2债务证券33 -177 754 9312.1.2.1 (中)长期债券34 -177 754 9312.1.2.2货币市场工具35 0 0 02.2负债36 4,079 4,849 7702.2.1股本证券37 2,015 2,516 5012.2.2债务证券38 2,064 2,334 2702.2.2.1 (中)长期债券39 991 1,261 2702.2.2.2货币市场工具40 1,073 1,073 03.其它投资41 4,815 78,678 73,8643.1资产42 -8,442 8,974 17,4163.1.1贸易信贷43 -3,707 407 4,114长期44 -74 8 82短期45 -3,633 399 4,0323.1.2贷款46 -1,982 2,317 4,299长期47 -2,595 628 3,223短期48 613 1,690 1,0773.1.3货币和存款49 -98 5,561 5,6593.1.4其它资产50 -2,656 689 3,345长期51 628 628 0短期52 -3,284 61 3,3453.2负债53 13,257 69,704 56,4473.2.1贸易信贷54 2,784 2,784 0长期55 49 49 0短期56 2,735 2,735 03.2.2贷款57 5,789 58,696 52,906长期58 1,203 3,525 2,322短期59 4,586 55,171 50,5843.2.3货币和存款60 4,686 7,492 2,8063.2.4其它负债61 -2 733 735长期62 49 132 83短期63 -50 601 652三.储备资产64 -26,749 82 26,8303.1货币黄金65 0 0 03.2特别提款权66 13 13 03.3在基金组织的储备头寸67 69 69 03.4外汇68 -26,830 0 26,8303.5其它债权69 0 0 0四.净误差与遗漏70 -4,764 0 4,764中国国际收支平衡表2012年单位:亿美元项目行次差额贷方借方一.经常项目 1 2,154 24,665 22,511A.货物和服务 2 2,318 22,483 20,165a.货物 3 3,216 20,569 17,353b.服务 4 -897 1,914 2,8121.运输 5 -469 389 8592.旅游 6 -519 500 1,0203.通讯服务7 1 18 164.建筑服务8 86 122 365.保险服务9 -173 33 2066.金融服务10 0 19 197.计算机和信息服务11 106 145 388.专有权利使用费和特许费12 -167 10 1779.咨询13 134 334 20010.广告、宣传14 20 48 2811.电影、音像15 -4 1 612.其它商业服务16 89 284 19613.别处未提及的政府服务17 -1 10 10B.收益18 -199 1,670 1,8691.职工报酬19 153 171 182.投资收益20 -352 1,500 1,851C.经常转移21 34 512 4771.各级政府22 -31 9 402.其它部门23 65 503 438二.资本和金融项目24 -318 13,520 13,838A.资本项目25 43 45 3B.金融项目26 -360 13,475 13,8351.直接投资27 1,763 2,956 1,1941.1我国在外直接投资28 -650 234 8831.2外国在华直接投资29 2,412 2,723 3112.证券投资30 478 829 3522.1资产31 -64 237 3012.1.1股本证券32 20 120 1002.1.2债务证券33 -84 117 2012.1.2.1 (中)长期债券34 -49 110 1592.1.2.2货币市场工具35 -35 7 422.2负债36 542 593 512.2.1股本证券37 299 348 492.2.2债务证券38 243 244 (中)长期债券39 173 175货币市场工具40 70 70 03.其它投资41 -2,601 9,689 12,2903.1资产42 -2,317 1,261 3,5783.1.1贸易信贷43 -618 4 622长期44 -12 0 12短期45 -606 4 6103.1.2贷款46 -653 244 897长期47 -568 0 568短期48 -85 243 3293.1.3货币和存款49 -1,048 886 1,9343.1.4其它资产50 3 127 125长期51 -100 0 100短期52 103 127 253.2负债53 -284 8,428 8,7123.2.1贸易信贷54 423 503 80长期55 7 9 1短期56 416 494 783.2.2贷款57 -168 6,480 6,648长期58 102 543 440短期59 -270 5,937 6,2073.2.3货币和存款60 -594 1,339 1,9333.2.4其它负债61 54 106 51长期62 47 47 1短期63 8 58 50三.储备资产64 -966 136 1,1013.1货币黄金65 0 0 03.2特别提款权66 5 7 23.3在基金组织的储备头寸67 16 16 03.4外汇68 -987 112 1,0993.5其它债权69 0 0 0四.净误差与遗漏70 -871 0 871中国国际收支平衡表2011年单位:亿美元项目行次差额贷方借方一.经常项目 1 1,361 22,897 21,536A.货物和服务 2 1,819 20,898 19,079a.货物 3 2,435 19,038 16,603b.服务 4 -616 1,860 2,4771.运输 5 -449 356 8042.旅游 6 -241 485 7263.通讯服务7 5 17 124.建筑服务8 110 147 375.保险服务9 -167 30 1976.金融服务10 1 8 77.计算机和信息服务11 83 122 388.专有权利使用费和特许费12 -140 7 1479.咨询13 98 284 18610.广告、宣传14 12 40 2811.电影、音像15 -3 1 412.其它商业服务16 76 354 27913.别处未提及的政府服务17 -3 8 11B.收益18 -703 1,443 2,1461.职工报酬19 150 166 162.投资收益20 -853 1,277 2,130C.经常转移21 245 556 3111.各级政府22 -33 0 342.其它部门23 278 556 277二.资本和金融项目24 2,655 14,495 11,840A.资本项目25 54 56 2B.金融项目26 2,600 14,439 11,8381.直接投资27 2,317 3,316 999 1.1我国在外直接投资28 -484 174 6581.2外国在华直接投资29 2,801 3,142 3412.证券投资30 196 519 323 2.1资产31 62 255 192 2.1.1股本证券32 11 112 101 2.1.2债务证券33 51 143 91 (中)长期债券34 50 137 88货币市场工具35 2 5 4 2.2负债36 134 265 131 2.2.1股本证券37 53 152 99 2.2.2债务证券38 81 113 32 (中)长期债券39 30 61 322.2.2.2货币市场工具40 51 51 03.其它投资41 87 10,603 10,516 3.1资产42 -1,836 1,001 2,837 3.1.1贸易信贷43 -710 0 710长期44 -14 0 14短期45 -695 0 695 3.1.2贷款46 -453 61 513长期47 -433 8 441短期48 -20 53 73 3.1.3货币和存款49 -1,155 414 1,570 3.1.4其它资产50 482 526 44长期51 0 0 0短期52 482 526 44 3.2负债53 1,923 9,602 7,679 3.2.1贸易信贷54 380 454 74长期55 6 8 1短期56 374 447 73 3.2.2贷款57 1,051 7,343 6,292长期58 130 538 408短期59 920 6,805 5,884 3.2.3货币和存款60 483 1,719 1,237 3.2.4其它负债61 10 86 76长期62 -15 24 39短期63 24 61 37 三.储备资产64 -3,878 10 3,8883.1货币黄金65 0 0 0 3.2特别提款权66 5 5 0 3.3在基金组织的储备头寸67 -34 6 40 3.4外汇68 -3,848 0 3,8483.5其它债权69 0 0 0四.净误差与遗漏70 -138 0 138中国国际收支平衡表2010年单位:亿美元项目行次差额贷方借方一.经常项目 1 3,054 19,468 16,414A.货物和服务 2 2,321 17,526 15,206a.货物 3 2,542 15,814 13,272b.服务 4 -221 1,712 1,9331.运输 5 -290 342 6332.旅游 6 -91 458 5493.通讯服务7 1 12 114.建筑服务8 94 145 515.保险服务9 -140 17 1586.金融服务10 -1 13 147.计算机和信息服务11 63 93 308.专有权利使用费和特许费12 -122 8 1309.咨询13 77 228 15110.广告、宣传14 8 29 2011.电影、音像15 -2 1 412.其它商业服务16 184 356 17213.别处未提及的政府服务17 -2 10 11B.收益18 304 1,446 1,1421.职工报酬19 122 136 152.投资收益20 182 1,310 1,128C.经常转移21 429 495 661.各级政府22 -3 0 32.其它部门23 432 495 63二.资本和金融项目24 2,260 11,080 8,820A.资本项目25 46 48 2B.金融项目26 2,214 11,032 8,8181.直接投资27 1,249 2,144 894 1.1我国在外直接投资28 -602 76 6781.2外国在华直接投资29 1,851 2,068 2172.证券投资30 240 636 395 2.1资产31 -76 268 345 2.1.1股本证券32 -84 115 199 2.1.2债务证券33 8 154 146中)长期债券34 19 128 110货币市场工具35 -11 25 36 2.2负债36 317 368 51 2.2.1股本证券37 314 345 32 2.2.2债务证券38 3 22 19中)长期债券39 3 22货币市场工具40 0 0 03.其它投资41 724 8,253 7,528 3.1资产42 -1,163 750 1,912 3.1.1贸易信贷43 -616 5 621 长期44 -43 0 43 短期45 -573 4 578 3.1.2贷款46 -210 197 407 长期47 -277 0 277 短期48 66 197 131 3.1.3货币和存款49 -580 303 883 3.1.4其它资产50 244 245 1 长期51 0 0 0 短期52 244 245 1 3.2负债53 1,887 7,503 5,616 3.2.1贸易信贷54 495 583 88 长期55 35 41 6 短期56 460 542 81 3.2.2贷款57 791 5,860 5,069 长期58 100 264 163短期59 691 5,596 4,906 3.2.3货币和存款60 603 1,038 435 3.2.4其它负债61 -3 22 25 长期62 -4 1 5 短期63 1 22 20三.储备资产64 -4,717 0 4,7173.1货币黄金65 0 0 0 3.2特别提款权66 -1 0 1 3.3在基金组织的储备头寸67 -21 0 21 3.4外汇68 -4,696 0 4,6963.5其它债权69 0 0 0四.净误差与遗漏70 -597 0 597中国国际收支平衡表2009年1-12月项目行次差额贷方借方一.经常项目 1 2,433 14,842 12,409A.货物和服务 2 2,201 13,333 11,131a.货物 3 2,495 12,038 9,543b.服务 4 -294 1,295 1,5891.运输 5 -230 236 4662.旅游 6 -40 397 4373.通讯服务7 0 12 124.建筑服务8 36 95 595.保险服务9 -97 16 1136.金融服务10 -3 4 67.计算机和信息服务11 33 65 328.专有权利使用费和特许费12 -106 4 1119.咨询13 52 186 13410.广告、宣传14 4 23 2011.电影、音像15 -2 1 312.其它商业服务16 59 247 18813. 别处未提及的政府服务17 1 9 8B.收益18 -85 1,083 1,1681.职工报酬19 72 92 212.投资收益20 -157 990 1,147C.经常转移21 317 426 1101.各级政府22 -18 9 272.其它部门23 334 417 83二.资本和金融项目24 1,985 8,634 6,649A.资本项目25 39 42 3B. 金融项目26 1,945 8,592 6,6471. 直接投资27 872 1,671 799 1.1 我国在外直接投资28 -439 42 4811.2 外国在华直接投资29 1,311 1,629 3182. 证券投资30 271 1,102 831 2.1 资产31 -25 781 807 2.1.1 股本证券32 -406 146 552 2.1.2 债务证券33 381 635 254 (中)长期债券34 347 529 181 货币市场工具35 34 107 73 2.2 负债36 296 320 24 2.2.1 股本证券37 291 298 7 2.2.2 债务证券38 5 22 17 (中)长期债券39 5 22 货币市场工具40 0 0 03. 其它投资41 803 5,820 5,017 3.1 资产42 184 1,601 1,417 3.1.1 贸易信贷43 -343 0 343长期44 -24 0 24 短期45 -319 0 319 3.1.2 贷款46 31 454 423长期47 -413 0 413 短期48 444 454 10 3.1.3 货币和存款49 20 582 562 3.1.4 其它资产50 476 566 90精品文档就在这里-------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------长期51 0 0 0 短期52 476 566 90 3.2 负债53 619 4,218 3,600 3.2.1 贸易信贷54 321 378 57长期55 22 26 4 短期56 298 352 53 3.2.2 贷款57 71 3,245 3,175长期58 -97 135 232 短期59 168 3,110 2,943 3.2.3 货币和存款60 116 465 349 3.2.4 其它负债61 111 130 19长期62 110 114 4 短期63 1 16 15三. 储备资产64 -4,003 1 4,0053.1 货币黄金65 -49 0 49 3.2 特别提款权66 -111 0 111 3.3 在基金组织的储备头寸67 -23 1 24 3.4 外汇68 -3,821 0 3,8213.5 其它债权69 0 0 0四.净误差与遗漏70 -414 0 414---------------------------------------------------------精品文档---------------------------------------------------------------------。
