《投资学》试题AB卷 答案
2.资本配置线答:资本配置线(CAL)描述引入无风险借贷后,将一定量的资本在某一特定的风险资产组合m 与无风险资产之间分配,从而得到所有可能的新组合的预期收益与风险之间的关系。
市盈率=股票市价÷每股净盈利,股票发行价格=市盈率×每股净盈利8.风险溢价答:风险溢价(Risk premium),是一个人在面对不同风险的高低、且清楚高风险高报酬、低风险低报酬的情况下,个人对风险的承受度影响其是否要冒风险获得较高的报酬,或是只接受已经确定的收入。
B. 600
C. 2400
D. 1000
A. 16%
B. 8%
C. 10%
D. 6%
A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0
A.开盘价 B.收盘价 C.最高价 D.最低价
、基本概念1、 资本资产定价模型的前提假设是什么?2、 什么是资本配置线?其斜率是多少?3、 存在无风险资产的情况下, n 种资产的组合的可行集是怎样的?(画图说明) ;什么是有效边界?风险厌恶的投资者如何选择最有效的资产组合?(画图说明) 4、 什么是分离定理? 5、什么是市场组合?6、 什么是资本市场线?写出资本市场线的方程。
7、 什么是证券市场线?写出资本资产定价公式。
8 P 的含义二、单选1、根据 CAPM ,一个充分分散化的资产组合的收益率和哪个因素相关( AA •市场风险B •非系统风险C .个别风险D •再投资风险 2、在资本资产定价模型中,风险的测度是通过(A •个别风险B •贝塔系数3、市场组合的贝塔系数为( BA 、0B 、1C 、-14、无风险收益率和市场期望收益率分别是 0.06 和 0.12。
根据 CAPM 模型,贝塔值为 1.2 的证券 X 的期望收益率为( D )。
A . 0.06B . 0.144C . 0.12 美元D . 0.132 5、对于市场投资组合,下列哪种说法不正确( D ) A .它包括所有证券 B •它在有效边界上C 市场投资组合中所有证券所占比重与它们的市值成正比D •它是资本市场线和无差异曲线的切点6、关于资本市场线,哪种说法不正确( C ) A .资本市场线通过无风险利率和市场资产组合两个点 B •资本市场线是可达到的最好的市场配置线 C .资本市场线也叫证券市场线 D •资本市场线斜率总为正7、证券市场线是( D )。
A 、充分分散化的资产组合,描述期望收益与贝塔的关系作业 1资产组合理论& CAPM)。
B )进行的。
C .收益的标准差D .收益的方差)。
D 、0.5B 、 也叫资本市场线C 、 与所有风险资产有效边界相切的线D 、 描述了单个证券(或任意组合)的期望收益与贝塔关系的线根据 CAPM 模型,进取型证券的贝塔系数( D ) B 、等于0 C 、等于1 D 、大于19、 A 、 美国“ 911” 系统性风险 事件发生后引起的全球股市下跌的风险属于( B 、非系统性风险C 、信用风险 A ) D 、流动性风险10 、下列说法正确的是( C ) A 、 分散化投资使系统风险减少 B 、 分散化投资使因素风险减少 C 、 分散化投资使非系统风险减少 D 、 .分散化投资既降低风险又提高收益 11、现代投资组合理论的创始者是( A ) A.哈里.马科威茨 B.威廉.夏普 C.斯蒂芬.罗斯 D.尤金.珐玛 12、反映投资者收益与风险偏好有曲线是( D ) A.证券市场线方程 B.证券特征线方程 C.资本市场线方程 D.无差异曲线 13 、不知足且厌恶风险的投资者的偏好无差异曲线具有的特征是( A. 无差异曲线向左上方倾斜B. 收益增加的速度快于风险增加的速度C. 无差异曲线之间可能相交D.无差异曲线位置与该曲线上的组合给投资者带来的满意程度无关 B ) 14、反映证券组合期望收益水平和单个因素风险水平之间均衡关系的模型是( A.单因素模型 B.特征线模型C.资本市场线模型 D.套利定价模型 A )三、多项选择题1、关于资本市场线,下列说法正确的是( ABD )。
《投资学》习题及答案题1- 4考察的是“均值-方差分析”1.(1) 股票K 和L 的预期收益分别是多少? (2) 股票K 和L 的标准差分别是多少? (3) 股票K 和L 的协方差是多少? (4) 股票K 和L 的相关系数是多少?(5) 如果投资人在股票K 和L 上的投资分别是35%和65%,那么其投资组合的预期收益是多少?(6) 如果投资人在股票K 和L 上的投资分别是35%和65%,那么其投资组合的标准差是多少?源自博迪习题集P31 (1)r̅=∑r i p i n i=1E (r K )=0.1×10% +0.2×11% +0.4×12% +0.2×13% +0.1×14% =12% E (r L )=0.1×9% +0.2×8% +0.4×7% +0.2×6% +0.1×9% =7.4%(2)σi =[ ∑p i (r i −r̅)2n i=1 ]12⁄ σK =[0.1×(10%-12%)2 +0.2×(11%-12%)2 +0.4×(12%-12%)2 +0.2×(13%-12%)2 +0.1×(14%-12%)2 ]1/2 =1.0954%σL =[0.1×(9%-7.4%)2 +0.2×(8%-7.4%)2 +0.4×(7%-7.4%)2 +0.2×(6%-7.4%)2 +0.1×(9%-7.4%)2 ]1/2 =1.0198%(3)cov ij =∑p n (r i,n −r̅i )(rj,n −r̅j )m n=1 cov (r K ,r L )=0.1×(10%-12%)×(9%-7.4%)+0.2×(11%-12%)×(8%-7.4%)+0.4×(12%-12%)×(7%-7.4%)+0.2×(13%-12%)×(6%-7.4%)+0.1×(14%-12%)×(9%-7.4%)=-0.00004(4)ρij =σij σi σj ⁄ρK,L = -0.00004 / (0.010954×0.010198) = -0.3581 (5)E(R p )=R ̅p =∑w i n i r̅i E(R p )=0.35×12% +0.65×7.4% =9.01%(6)σp =[w A 2σA 2+w B 2σB 2+2w A w B σA,B ]1/2σp = [0.352×0.0109542 +0.652×0.0101982 +2×0.35×0.65×(-0.00004)]1/2 =0.6359% 由于负的协方差或相关系数,组合标准差比组合中任意一个证券的标准差都小。
《投资学》练习题及答案一、单项选择题1、下列行为不属于投资得就是( C )。
A、购买汽车作为出租车使用B、农民购买化肥C、购买商品房自己居住D、政府出资修筑高速公路2、投资得收益与风险往往( A )。
A、同方向变化B、反方向变化C、先同方向变化,后反方向变化D、先反方向变化,后同方向变化3、购买一家企业20%得股权就是( B )。
A、直接投资B、间接投资C、实业投资D、金融投资4、对下列问题得回答属于规范分析得就是( C )。
A、中央银行再贷款利率上调,股票价格可能发生怎样得变化?B、上市公司得审批制与注册制有何差异,会对上市公司得行为以及证券投资产生哪些不同得影响?C、企业得投资应该追求利润得最大化还就是企业价值得最大化?D、实行最低工资制度对企业会产生怎样得影响?5、市场经济制度与计划经济制度得最大区别在于( B )。
A、两种经济制度所属社会制度不一样B、两种经济制度得基础性资源配置方式不一样C、两种经济制度得生产方式不一样D、两种经济制度得生产资料所有制不一样6、市场经济配置资源得主要手段就是( D )。
A、分配机制B、再分配机制C、生产机制D、价格机制7、以下不就是导致市场失灵得原因得就是( A ) 。
上海金融学院2009--2010 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、证券持有人面临预期收益不能实现,是证券的( )特征。
A、期限性B、收益性C、流通性D、风险性2、证券交易所内证券交易的竞价原则是( )。
A、市场收益率B、零收益率C、负收益率D、无风险收益率7、收益率曲线向右下方倾斜意味着在同一时点上,长期债券收益率( )短期债券收益率。
A、高于B、等于C、低于D、不能判断是否高于8、一张5年期零息票债券的久期是( )。
那么这只股票的贝塔值是多少?()A、0.67B、0.75C、1.0D、1.3310、已知一张3年期零息票债券的收益率是7.2%,第一年、第二年的远期利率分别为6.1%和6.9%,那么第三年的远期利率应为多少?( )A、7.2%B、8.6%C、6.1%D、6.9%二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、( )是金融资产。
2012 ~2013 学年度第 一 学期《证券投资学》试卷( A 卷)适用年级专业: 考 试 形 式:( )开卷、( V )闭卷二级学院: 行政班级: 学 号: 教 学 班: 任课教师: 姓 名: 注:学生在答题前,请将以上内容完整、准确填写,填写不清者,成绩不计。
A 支出 B 储蓄 C 投资 D 消费 答案:C2.直接投融资的中介机构是______。
A 商业银行B 信托投资公司C 投资咨询公司D 证券经营机构 答案:D3.金融资产是一种虚拟资产,属于_________范畴。
A 实物活动B 信用活动C 社会活动D 产业活动 答案:B4.以下属于证券经营机构传统业务的是______。
A 证券承销业务B 私募发行C 基金管理D 风险基金 答案:A5.专门为证券发行与证券交易办理登记、存管、过户和资金结算交收业务的中介机构是备______。
A 信用评级机构 B 证券登记结算公司C 证券信息公司D 按揭证券公司……………………………………………线………………………………………订………………………………………装………………答案:B6.我国发展证券市场的八字方针中______是核心。
A 法制B 监管C 自律D 规范答案:D7.我国对证券经营机构的管理实行________。
A 特许制B 注册制C 登记制D 审批制答案:D8.以下关于自律组织的表述不正确的是______。
A 一般实行会员制B 对会员公司每年进行一次例行检查C 对会员的日常业务活动进行监管D 一般实行注册制答案:D9.假设某一个投资组合由两种股票组成,以下说法正确的是_____。
上海金融学院2010 ~2011 学年度第二学期代码:23330295 《投资学》课程期末考试试卷本试卷系A卷,采用闭卷方式,集中考试考试时不能使用计算工具、只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)。
(请将横线上不需要的文字用红笔划去)交教务处时间: 年月日送印时间: 年月日试题内容分布命题教师:殷林森室主任签章:__________ 系(部)主任签章________上海金融学院2010--2011 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、按照风险从小到大排序,下列排序正确的是()。
A、储蓄存款,国库券,普通股,公司债券B、国库券,优先股,公司债券,商业票据C、国库券,储蓄存款,商业票据,普通股D、储蓄存款,优先股,商业票据,公司债券2、封闭式基金价格的主要决定因素是( )。
A、市场供求关系B、基金资产净值C、单位基金资产净值D、基金单位面值3、美联储在公开市场上抛售美国国债的行为将会导致货币供给量( )。
你的持有期收益率是( )。
A、45%B、50%C、5%D、40%5、套利定价理论中,一个充分分散风险的资产组合,组成证券数目越多,非系统风险就越接近( )。
A、1B、无穷大C、0D、-16、风险资产组合的有效边界( )。
A、处于全局最小方差边界的下半部分B、处于全局最小方差边界的上半部分C、处于全局最小方差边界上D、处于全局最小方差边界的内侧7、单指数模型用以代替市场风险因素的是( )。
A、市场指数,例如标准普尔500指数B、经常账户的赤字C、GNP的增长率D、失业率8、资本资产定价模型是在( )的预测模型。
CHAPTER 5: RISK, RETURN, AND THE HISTORICALRECORDPROBLEM SETS1. The Fisher equation predicts that the nominal rate will equal the equilibriumreal rate plus the expected inflation rate. Hence, if the inflation rate increasesfrom 3% to 5% while there is no change in the real rate, then the nominal ratewill increase by 2%. On the other hand, it is possible that an increase in theexpected inflation rate would be accompanied by a change in the real rate ofinterest. While it is conceivable that the nominal interest rate could remainconstant as the inflation rate increased, implying that the real rate decreasedas inflation increased, this is not a likely scenario.2. If we assume that the distribution of returns remains reasonably stable overthe entire history, then a longer sample period (i.e., a larger sample) increasesthe precision of the estimate of the expected rate of return; this is aconsequence of the fact that the standard error decreases as the sample sizeincreases. However, if we assume that the mean of the distribution of returnsis changing over time but we are not in a position to determine the nature ofthis change, then the expected return must be estimated from a more recentpart of the historical period. In this scenario, we must determine how far back,historically, to go in selecting the relevant sample. Here, it is likely to bedisadvantageous to use the entire data set back to 1880.3. The true statements are (c) and (e). The explanations follow.Statement (c): Let σ = the annual standard deviation of the risky investmentsand 1σ= the standard deviation of the first investment alternative over the two-year period. Then:σσ⨯=21Therefore, the annualized standard deviation for the first investment alternative is equal to:σσσ<=221Statement (e): The first investment alternative is more attractive to investors with lower degrees of risk aversion. The first alternative (entailing a sequence of two identically distributed and uncorrelated risky investments) is riskierthan the second alternative (the risky investment followed by a risk-freeinvestment). Therefore, the first alternative is more attractive to investors with lower degrees of risk aversion. Notice, however, that if you mistakenlybelieved that time diversification can reduce the total risk of a sequence ofrisky investments, you would have been tempted to conclude that the firstalternative is less risky and therefore more attractive to more risk-averseinvestors. This is clearly not the case; the two-year standard deviation of thefirst alternative is greater than the two-year standard deviation of the secondalternative.4. For the money market fund, your holding-period return for the next yeardepends on the level of 30-day interest rates each month when the fund rolls over maturing securities. The one-year savings deposit offers a 7.5% holding period return for the year. If you forecast that the rate on money marketinstruments will increase significantly above the current 6% yield, then themoney market fund might result in a higher HPR than the savings deposit.The 20-year Treasury bond offers a yield to maturity of 9% per year, which is 150 basis points higher than the rate on the one-year savings deposit; however, you could earn a one-year HPR much less than 7.5% on the bond if long-term interest rates increase during the year. If Treasury bond yields rise above 9%, then the price of the bond will fall, and the resulting capital loss will wipe out some or all of the 9% return you would have earned if bond yields hadremained unchanged over the course of the year.5. a. If businesses reduce their capital spending, then they are likely todecrease their demand for funds. This will shift the demand curve inFigure 5.1 to the left and reduce the equilibrium real rate of interest.b. Increased household saving will shift the supply of funds curve to theright and cause real interest rates to fall.c. Open market purchases of U.S. Treasury securities by the FederalReserve Board are equivalent to an increase in the supply of funds (ashift of the supply curve to the right). The FED buys treasuries withcash from its own account or it issues certificates which trade likecash. As a result, there is an increase in the money supply, and theequilibrium real rate of interest will fall.6. a. The “Inflation-Plus” CD is the safer investment because it guarantees thepurchasing power of the investment. Using the approximation that the realrate equals the nominal rate minus the inflation rate, the CD provides a realrate of 1.5% regardless of the inflation rate.b. The expected return depends on the expected rate of inflation over the nextyear. If the expected rate of inflation is less than 3.5% then the conventionalCD offers a higher real return than the inflation-plus CD; if the expected rateof inflation is greater than 3.5%, then the opposite is true.c. If you expect the rate of inflation to be 3% over the next year, then theconventional CD offers you an expected real rate of return of 2%, which is0.5% higher than the real rate on the inflation-protected CD. But unless youknow that inflation will be 3% with certainty, the conventional CD is alsoriskier. The question of which is the better investment then depends on yourattitude towards risk versus return. You might choose to diversify and investpart of your funds in each.d. No. We cannot assume that the entire difference between the risk-freenominal rate (on conventional CDs) of 5% and the real risk-free rate (oninflation-protected CDs) of 1.5% is the expected rate of inflation. Part of thedifference is probably a risk premium associated with the uncertaintysurrounding the real rate of return on the conventional CDs. This impliesthat the expected rate of inflation is less than 3.5% per year.7. E(r) = [0.35 × 44.5%] + [0.30 × 14.0%] + [0.35 × (–16.5%)] = 14%σ2 = [0.35 × (44.5 – 14)2] + [0.30 × (14 – 14)2] + [0.35 × (–16.5 – 14)2] = 651.175 σ = 25.52%The mean is unchanged, but the standard deviation has increased, as theprobabilities of the high and low returns have increased.8. Probability distribution of price and one-year holding period return for a 30-year U.S. Treasury bond (which will have 29 years to maturity at year-end):Economy Probability YTM Price CapitalGainCouponInterest HPRBoom 0.20 11.0% $ 74.05 -$25.95 $8.00 -17.95% Normal growth 0.50 8.0 100.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 Recession 0.30 7.0 112.28 12.28 8.00 20.289. E(q) = (0 × 0.25) + (1 × 0.25) + (2 × 0.50) = 1.25σq = [0.25 × (0 – 1.25)2 + 0.25 × (1 – 1.25)2 + 0.50 × (2 – 1.25)2]1/2 = 0.8292 10. (a) With probability 0.9544, the value of a normally distributedvariable will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean; that is,between –40% and 80%. Simply add and subtract 2 standarddeviations to and from the mean.11. From Table 5.4, the average risk premium for the period 7/1926-9/2012 was:12.34% per year.Adding 12.34% to the 3% risk-free interest rate, the expected annual HPR for the Big/Value portfolio is: 3.00% + 12.34% = 15.34%.No. The distributions from (01/1928–06/1970) and (07/1970–12/2012) periods have distinct characteristics due to systematic shocks to the economy and subsequent government intervention. While the returns from the two periods do not differ greatly, their respective distributions tell a different story. The standard deviation for all six portfolios is larger in the first period. Skew is also positive, but negative in the second, showing a greater likelihood of higher-than-normal returns in the right tail. Kurtosis is also markedly larger in the first period.13. a%88.5,0588. i i rn i rn rr =-=+-=-++=b. rr ≈ rn - i = 80% - 70% = 10%Clearly, the approximation gives a real HPR that is too high.14. From Table 5.2, the average real rate on T-bills has been 0.52%.a. T-bills: 0.52% real rate + 3% inflation = 3.52%b. Expected return on Big/Value:3.52% T-bill rate + 12.34% historical risk premium = 15.86%c. The risk premium on stocks remains unchanged. A premium, thedifference between two rates, is a real value, unaffected by inflation.15. Real interest rates are expected to rise. The investment activity will shiftthe demand for funds curve (in Figure 5.1) to the right. Therefore theequilibrium real interest rate will increase.16. a. Probability distribution of the HPR on the stock market and put:STOCK PUT State of theEconomyProbability Ending Price + Dividend HPR Ending Value HPR Excellent0.25 $ 131.00 31.00% $ 0.00 -100% Good0.45 114.00 14.00 $ 0.00 -100 Poor0.25 93.25 −6.75 $ 20.25 68.75 Crash 0.05 48.00 -52.00 $ 64.00 433.33Remember that the cost of the index fund is $100 per share, and the costof the put option is $12.b. The cost of one share of the index fund plus a put option is $112. Theprobability distribution of the HPR on the portfolio is:State of the Economy Probability Ending Price + Put + DividendHPRExcellent 0.25 $ 131.00 17.0%= (131 - 112)/112 Good 0.45 114.00 1.8= (114 - 112)/112 Poor 0.25 113.50 1.3= (113.50 - 112)/112 Crash0.05 112.00 0.0 = (112 - 112)/112 c. Buying the put option guarantees the investor a minimum HPR of 0.0%regardless of what happens to the stock's price. Thus, it offers insuranceagainst a price decline.17. The probability distribution of the dollar return on CD plus call option is:State of theEconomy Probability Ending Valueof CDEnding Valueof CallCombinedValueExcellent 0.25 $ 114.00 $16.50 $130.50Good 0.45 114.00 0.00 114.00Poor 0.25 114.00 0.00 114.00Crash 0.05 114.00 0.00 114.0018.a.Total return of the bond is (100/84.49)-1 = 0.1836. With t = 10, the annualrate on the real bond is (1 + EAR) = = 1.69%.b.With a per quarter yield of 2%, the annual yield is = 1.0824, or8.24%. The equivalent continuously compounding (cc) rate is ln(1+.0824)= .0792, or 7.92%. The risk-free rate is 3.55% with a cc rate of ln(1+.0355)= .0349, or 3.49%. The cc risk premium will equal .0792 - .0349 = .0443, or4.433%.c.The appropriate formula is ,where . Using solver or goal seek, setting thetarget cell to the known effective cc rate by changing the unknown variance(cc) rate, the equivalent standard deviation (cc) is 18.03% (excel mayyield slightly different solutions).d.The expected value of the excess return will grow by 120 months (12months over a 10-year horizon). Therefore the excess return will be 120 ×4.433% = 531.9%. The expected SD grows by the square root of timeresulting in 18.03% × = 197.5%. The resulting Sharpe ratio is531.9/197.5 = 2.6929. Normsdist (-2.6929) = .0035, or a .35% probabilityof shortfall over a 10-year horizon.CFA PROBLEMS1. The expected dollar return on the investment in equities is $18,000 (0.6 × $50,000 + 0.4×−$30,000) compared to the $5,000 expected return for T-bills. Therefore, theexpected risk premium is $13,000.2. E(r) = [0.2 × (−25%)] + [0.3 × 10%] + [0.5 × 24%] =10%3. E(r X) = [0.2 × (−20%)] + [0.5 × 18%] + [0.3 × 50%] =20%E(r Y) = [0.2 × (−15%)] + [0.5 × 20%] + [0.3 × 10%] =10%4. σX2 = [0.2 × (– 20 – 20)2] + [0.5 × (18 – 20)2] + [0.3 × (50 – 20)2] = 592σX = 24.33%σY2 = [0.2 × (– 15 – 10)2] + [0.5 × (20 – 10)2] + [0.3 × (10 – 10)2] = 175σY = 13.23%5. E(r) = (0.9 × 20%) + (0.1 × 10%) =19% $1,900 in returns6. The probability that the economy will be neutral is 0.50, or 50%. Given aneutral economy, the stock will experience poor performance 30% of thetime. The probability of both poor stock performance and a neutral economy is therefore:0.30 × 0.50 = 0.15 = 15%7. E(r) = (0.1 × 15%) + (0.6 × 13%) + (0.3 × 7%) = 11.4%。
37 以下哪项不是产业的特点?(
A 规模性
B 专业性
C 职业化
D 社会功能性
38 以下关于经济周期的说法中,不正确的是(
A 防守型行业主要依靠技术的进步、新产品推出及更优质的服务 使其经常呈现出增长形态
B 防守型行业的产品需求相对稳定,需求弹性小,经济周期处于衰退阶段对这种行业的影响也比较
A 标的物不同,且一般而言,金融期权的标的物多于金融期货的标的物
B 投资者权利与义务的对称性不同,金融期货交易的双方权利与义务对称,而金融期权交易双方的
C 履约保证不同,金融期货交易双方均需开立保证金账户,并按规定缴纳履约保证金,而金融期权
C 该组合具有正的期望收益率,即 xlE(rl)+x2E(r2)+…xnE(rn >0
D 如果市场上不存在(即找不到 套利组合,那么市场就不存在套利机会
29 著名的有效市场假说理论是由(
A 沃伦•巴菲特
B 尤金•法玛
C 凯恩斯
D 本杰明•格雷厄姆
【解析】20 世纪 60 年代,美国芝加哥大学财务学家尤金•法玛提出了著名的有效市场假说理论。
D 从保值角度来说,金融期权通常比金融期货更为有效
27 避税型证券组合通常投资于(
这种债券免缴联邦税 也常常免缴州税和地方税。
A 市政债券
B 对冲基金
C 共同基金
D 股票
28 关于套利组合,下列说法中,不正确的是(
A 该组合中各种证券的权数满足 x1+x2+…+xn=1
上海金融学院2009--2010 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、证券持有人面临预期收益不能实现,是证券的( )特征。
A、期限性B、收益性C、流通性D、风险性2、证券交易所内证券交易的竞价原则是( )。
A、市场收益率B、零收益率C、负收益率D、无风险收益率7、收益率曲线向右下方倾斜意味着在同一时点上,长期债券收益率( )短期债券收益率。
A、高于B、等于C、低于D、不能判断是否高于8、一张5年期零息票债券的久期是( )。
那么这只股票的贝塔值是多少()A、 B、 C、 D、10、已知一张3年期零息票债券的收益率是%,第一年、第二年的远期利率分别为%和%,那么第三年的远期利率应为多少( )A、%B、%C、%D、%二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、( )是金融资产。
A、建筑物B、土地C、衍生证券D、债券2、金融期货的功能主要有( )。
二.单选1.C2.C3.B4.C5.B6.D7.A8.A9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D三.解:(1)从t=1开始每年的股息为:8.5/100=0.085 美元/股由于每年的股息固定不变,由股票的红利折现模型,知股价P0=0.085/8.5% =1美元/股(2)知t=1时发放的股息为(8.5-5)/100=0.035美元/股由于新投资,从t=2时每年的股息为(8.5+0.9)/100=0.094美元/股且从t=2时股息固定不变,由红利折现模型知:股价P0'=D1/(1+K)+D2/(1+K)2+D2/(1+K)3+...+D2/(1+K)n+...=D1/(1+K)+D2/K(1+K)=0.035/(1+8.5%)+0.094/8.5%(1+8.5%)=1.051美元/股则新的投资项目对公司股票现时(t=0)均衡价值的影响为:(P0'-P0)/P0=5.1%四.解:可知一年即期利率为7%,两年的即期利率为8%(1)该两年期的附息票债券在第一年末支付股息9元,在第二年支付股息与面值共109元。
风险资产组合回报率= 1 2%×0 . 4 + 2%×0 . 6 = 6%(没有风险溢价)2、B解析:市场风险、系统风险和可分散化的风险含义相同,是指不能通过分散化资产组合消除掉的风险。
6、A解析:对一个充分分散化的资产组合,唯一剩余的风险就是系统风险,根据C A P M模型,这也是唯一影响收益的因素。
7、D解析:E(R) = 6%+ 1.2 ( 12-6 )%= 13.2%8、B解析:在有效市场的强式条件下,股价及时反映全部市场信息,包括内部信息。
二、计算题(每小题15分,共45分)1、 如果r f =6%,E(r M )=1 4%,E(r P )=1 8%的资产组合的β 值等于多少? 答案:E(r P ) =r f +β [E(r M )- r f ]18 =6 + β (14-6 )β= 1 2 / 8 = 1 .52、 近日,计算机类股票的期望收益率是1 6%,M B I 这一大型计算机公司即将支付年末每股2美元的分红。
如果M B I 公司的股票每股售价为5 0美元,求其红利的市场期望增长率。
如果预计M B I 公司的红利年增长率下降到每年5%,其股价如何变化?定性分析该公司的市盈率。
答案:(1)k=D 1/P 0+g0.1 6 = 2 / 5 0 +g g= 0。
或多项A.结构性失业B.隐蔽性失业C.摩擦性失业D.周期性失业The correct answers are:摩擦性失业,结构性失业,周期性失业题目8若初期国民收入为1000,自发消费为100,边际消费倾向为0.6,自发投资为500,加速数为2,引致投资为100,则利用乘数-加速数模型计算下一期国民收入为()。
A. 1400B. 600C. 2400D. 1000正确答案是1400题目9假如资本存量的利用程度高,那么消费与投资成()变化。
或多项A.银行XXXC.投资基金XXXXXXThe correct answers are:银行,证券公司,保险公司,投资基金,政府题目12投资的特性有()。
或多项A.安全性B.时间性C.风险性D.收益性E.经济性The correct answers are:经济性,时间性,收益性,风险性题目13短期投资和长期投资相比,具有()特性。
(完整版)投资学第10版习题答案05CHAPTER 5: RISK, RETURN, AND THE HISTORICALRECORDPROBLEM SETS1. The Fisher equation predicts that the nominal rate will equal the equilibriumreal rate plus the expected inflation rate. Hence, if the inflation rate increasesfrom 3% to 5% while there is no change in the real rate, then the nominal ratewill increase by 2%. On the other hand, it is possible that an increase in theexpected inflation rate would be accompanied by a change in the real rate ofinterest. While it is conceivable that the nominal interest rate could remainconstant as the inflation rate increased, implying that the real rate decreasedas inflation increased, this is not a likely scenario.2. If we assume that the distribution of returns remains reasonably stable overthe entire history, then a longer sample period (i.e., a larger sample) increasesthe precision of the estimate of the expected rate of return; this is aconsequence of the fact that the standard error decreases as the sample sizeincreases. However, if we assume that the mean of the distribution of returnsis changing over time but we are not in a position to determine the nature ofthis change, then the expected return must be estimated from a more recentpart of the historical period. In this scenario, we must determine how far back,historically, to go in selecting the relevant sample. Here, it is likely to bedisadvantageous to use the entire data set back to 1880.3. The true statements are (c) and (e). The explanations follow.Statement (c): Let σ = the annual standard deviation of the risky investmentsand 1σ= the standard deviation of the first investment alternative over the two-year period. Then:σσ?=21Therefore, the annualized standard deviation for the first investment alternative is equal to:σσσ<=221Statement (e): The first investment alternative is more attractive to investors with lower degrees of risk aversion. The first alternative (entailing a sequence of two identically distributed and uncorrelated risky investments) is riskierthan the second alternative (the risky investment followed by a risk-freeinvestment). Therefore, the first alternative is more attractive to investors with lower degrees of risk aversion. Notice, however, that if you mistakenlybelieved that time diversification can reduce the total risk of a sequence ofrisky investments, you would have been tempted to conclude that the firstalternative is less risky and therefore more attractive to more risk-averseinvestors. This is clearly not the case; the two-year standard deviation of thefirst alternative is greater than the two-year standard deviation of the secondalternative.4. For the money market fund, your holding-period return for the next yeardepends on the level of 30-day interest rates each month when the fund rolls over maturing securities. The one-year savings deposit offers a 7.5% holding period return for the year. If you forecast that the rate on money marketinstruments will increase significantly above the current 6% yield, then themoney market fund might result in a higher HPR than the savings deposit.The 20-year Treasury bond offers a yield to maturity of 9% per year, which is 150 basis points higher than the rate on the one-year savings deposit; however, you could earn a one-year HPR much less than 7.5% on the bond if long-term interest rates increase during the year. If Treasury bond yields rise above 9%, then the price of the bond will fall, and the resulting capital loss will wipe out some or all of the 9% return you would have earned if bond yields hadremained unchanged over the course of the year.5. a. If businesses reduce their capital spending, then they are likely todecrease their demand for funds. This will shift the demand curve inFigure 5.1 to the left and reduce the equilibrium real rate of interest.b. Increased household saving will shift the supply of funds curve to theright and cause real interest rates to fall.c. Open market purchases of U.S. Treasury securities by the FederalReserve Board are equivalent to an increase in the supply of funds (ashift of the supply curve to the right). The FED buys treasuries withcash from its own account or it issues certificates which trade likecash. As a result, there is an increase in the money supply, and theequilibrium real rate of interest will fall.6. a. The “Inflation-Plus” CD is the safer investment because it guarantees thepurchasing power of the investment. Using the approximation that the realrate equals the nominal rate minus the inflation rate, the CD provides a realrate of 1.5% regardless of the inflation rate.b. The expected return depends on the expected rate of inflation over the nextyear. If the expected rate of inflation is less than 3.5% then the conventionalCD offers a higher real return than the inflation-plus CD; if the expected rateof inflation is greater than 3.5%, then the opposite is true.c. If you expect the rate of inflation to be 3% over the next year, then theconventional CD offers you an expected real rate of return of 2%, which is0.5% higher than the real rate on the inflation-protected CD. But unless youknow that inflation will be 3% with certainty, the conventional CD is alsoriskier. The question of which is the better investment then depends on yourattitude towards risk versus return. You might choose to diversify and investpart of your funds in each.d. No. We cannot assume that the entire difference between the risk-freenominal rate (on conventional CDs) of 5% and the real risk-free rate (oninflation-protected CDs) of 1.5% is the expected rate of inflation. Part of thedifference is probably a risk premium associated with the uncertaintysurrounding the real rate of return on the conventional CDs. This impliesthat the expected rate of inflation is less than 3.5% per year.7. E(r) = [0.35 × 44.5%] + [0.30 × 14.0%] + [0.35 × (–16.5%)] = 14%σ2 = [0.35 × (44.5 – 14)2] + [0.30 × (14 – 14)2] + [0.35 × (–16.5 – 14)2] = 651.175 σ = 25.52%The mean is unchanged, but the standard deviation has increased, as theprobabilities of the high and low returns have increased.8. Probability distribution of price and one-year holding period return for a 30-year U.S. Treasury bond (which will have 29 years to maturity at year-end):Economy Probability YTM Price CapitalGainCouponInterest HPRBoom 0.20 11.0% $ 74.05 -$25.95 $8.00 -17.95% Normal growth 0.50 8.0 100.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 Recession 0.30 7.0 112.28 12.28 8.00 20.289. E(q) = (0 × 0.25) + (1 × 0.25) + (2 × 0.50) = 1.25σq = [0.25 × (0 – 1.25)2 + 0.25 × (1 – 1.25)2 + 0.50 × (2 – 1.25)2]1/2 = 0.8292 10. (a) With probability 0.9544, the value of a normally distributedvariable will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean; that is,between –40% and 80%. Simply add and subtract 2 standarddeviations to and from the mean.11. From Table 5.4, the average risk premium for the period 7/1926-9/2012 was:12.34% per year.Adding 12.34% to the 3% risk-free interest rate, the expected annual HPR for the Big/Value portfolio is: 3.00% + 12.34% = 15.34%.No. The distributions from (01/1928–06/1970) and (07/1970–12/2012) periods have distinct characteristics due to systematic shocks to the economy and subsequent government intervention. While the returns from the two periods do not differ greatly, their respective distributions tell a different story. The standard deviation for all six portfolios is larger in the first period. Skew is also positive, but negative in the second, showing a greater likelihood of higher-than-normal returns in the right tail.Kurtosis is also markedly larger in the first period.13. a%88.5,0588. i i rn i rn rr =-=+-=-++=b. rr ≈ rn - i = 80% - 70% = 10%Clearly, the approximation gives a real HPR that is too high.14. From Table 5.2, the average real rate on T-bills has been 0.52%.a. T-bills: 0.52% real rate + 3% inflation = 3.52%b. Expected return on Big/Value:3.52% T-bill rate + 12.34% historical risk premium = 15.86%c. The risk premium on stocks remains unchanged. A premium, thedifference between two rates, is a real value, unaffected by inflation.15. Real interest rates are expected to rise. The investment activity will shiftthe demand for funds curve (in Figure 5.1) to the right. Therefore theequilibrium real interest rate will increase.16. a. Probability distribution of the HPR on the stock market and put:STOCK PUT State of theEconomyProbability Ending Price + Dividend HPR Ending Value HPR Excellent0.25 $ 131.00 31.00% $ 0.00 -100% Good0.45 114.00 14.00 $ 0.00 -100 Poor0.25 93.25 ?6.75 $ 20.25 68.75 Crash 0.05 48.00 -52.00 $ 64.00 433.33Remember that the cost of the index fund is $100 per share, and the costof the put option is $12.b. The cost of one share of the index fund plus a put option is $112. Theprobability distribution of the HPR on the portfolio is:State of the Economy Probability Ending Price + Put + DividendHPRExcellent 0.25 $ 131.00 17.0%= (131 - 112)/112 Good 0.45 114.00 1.8= (114 - 112)/112 Poor 0.25 113.50 1.3= (113.50 - 112)/112 Crash0.05 112.00 0.0 = (112 - 112)/112 c. Buying the put option guarantees the investor a minimum HPR of 0.0% regardless of what happens to the stock's price. Thus, it offers insuranceagainst a price decline.17. The probability distribution of the dollar return on CD plus call option is:State of theEconomy Probability Ending Valueof CDEnding Valueof CallCombinedValueExcellent 0.25 $ 114.00 $16.50 $130.50Good 0.45 114.00 0.00 114.00Poor 0.25 114.00 0.00 114.00Crash 0.05 114.00 0.00 114.0018.a.Total return of the bond is (100/84.49)-1 = 0.1836. With t = 10, the annualrate on the real bond is (1 + EAR) = = 1.69%.b.With a per quarter yield of 2%, the annual yield is = 1.0824, or8.24%. The equivalent continuously compounding (cc) rate is ln(1+.0824)= .0792, or 7.92%. The risk-free rate is 3.55% with a cc rate of ln(1+.0355)= .0349, or 3.49%. The cc risk premium will equal .0792 - .0349 = .0443, or4.433%.c.The appropriate formula is ,where . Using solver or goal seek, setting thetarget cell to the known effective cc rate by changing the unknown variance(cc) rate, the equivalent standard deviation (cc) is 18.03% (excel mayyield slightly different solutions).d.The expected value of the excess return will grow by 120 months (12months over a 10-year horizon). Therefore the excess return will be 120 ×4.433% = 531.9%. The expected SD grows by the square root of timeresulting in 18.03% × = 197.5%. The resulting Sharpe ratio is531.9/197.5 = 2.6929. Normsdist (-2.6929) = .0035, or a .35% probabilityof shortfall over a 10-year horizon.CFA PROBLEMS1. The expected dollar return on the investment in equities is $18,000 (0.6 × $50,000 + 0.4×?$30,000) compared to the $5,000 expected return for T-bills. Therefore, the expected risk premium is $13,000.2. E(r) = [0.2 × (?25%)] + [0.3 × 10%] + [0.5 × 24%] =10%3. E(r X) = [0.2 × (?20%)] + [0.5 × 18%] + [0.3 × 50%] =20%E(r Y) = [0.2 × (?15%)] + [0.5 × 20%] + [0.3 × 10%] =10%4. σX2 = [0.2 × (– 20 – 20)2] + [0.5 × (18 – 20)2] + [0.3 × (50 – 20)2] = 592σX = 24.33%σY2 = [0.2 × (– 15 – 10)2] + [0.5 × (20 – 10)2] + [0.3 × (10 – 10)2] = 175σY = 13.23%5. E(r) = (0.9 × 20%) + (0.1 × 10%) =19% $1,900 in returns6. The probability that the economy will be neutral is 0.50, or 50%. Given aneutral economy, the stock will experience poor performance 30% of thetime. The probability of both poor stock performance and a neutral economy is therefore: 0.30 × 0.50 = 0.15 = 15%7. E(r) = (0.1 × 15%) + (0.6 × 13%) + (0.3 × 7%) = 11.4%。
《投资学》-2010-2学期期终练习卷一、二、三含答案《投资学》期终练习卷(一)2010 学年第2 学期一、名词解释1、投资各个经济主体为了将来的收益而对目前现实资金进行运作的经济行为,其资金来源于延期消费或筹措所得及暂时闲置部分,手段是购置实体资产或金融资产及取得某些权利,目的是能在未来获得与风险相对的预期收益或资本的保值、升值。
(√)三、单项选择题1、下列不属于投资客体特点的是( D )。
A、预期收益性B、收益时点性C、收益风险性D、实施的间断性2、下列属于按投资对象存在形式的不同来划分的是( B )。
A、广义投资B、金融投资C、间接投资D、短期投资3、下列不属于实体性投资要素的是( D )。
A、劳动者B、劳动资料C、劳动对象D、技术4、下列不属于债券型金融工具的是( D )。
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上海金融学院2009--2010 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时: 90 分钟)考试时只能使用简单计算器(无存储功能)试题纸一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、证券持有人面临预期收益不能实现,是证券的( )特征。
A、期限性B、收益性C、流通性D、风险性2、证券交易所内证券交易的竞价原则是( )。
A、市场收益率B、零收益率C、负收益率D、无风险收益率7、收益率曲线向右下方倾斜意味着在同一时点上,长期债券收益率( )短期债券收益率。
A、高于B、等于C、低于D、不能判断是否高于8、一张5年期零息票债券的久期是( )。
那么这只股票的贝塔值是多少?()A、0.67B、0.75C、1.0D、1.3310、已知一张3年期零息票债券的收益率是7.2%,第一年、第二年的远期利率分别为6.1%和6.9%,那么第三年的远期利率应为多少?( )A、7.2%B、8.6%C、6.1%D、6.9%二、多项选择题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项前的英文字母):1、( )是金融资产。
A、建筑物B、土地C、衍生证券D、债券2、金融期货的功能主要有( )。
A、市场预期理论认为利率期限结构完全取决于对未来即期利率的市场预期B、流动性偏好理论的基本观点认为长期债券是短期债券的理想替代物C、市场分割理论假设贷款者和借款者并不能自由地在利率预期的基础上将证券从一个偿还期部分替换成另一个偿还期部分D、在市场分割理论中,利率期限结构取决于短期资金市场供求状况与长期资金市场供求状况的比较8、下列说法正确的有:( )。
A、消除违约风险B、创造一个净零的利率风险C、抵消价格和再投资风险D、消除信用风险10、以下策略不能锁定期权投资者的收益和损失于某一范围的是:( )A、对敲B、货币期权价差C、保护性看跌期权D、抛补的看涨期权三、判断题(每题1分,共10分;在答题纸上相应位置填入正确选项,正确的以√代表,错误的以×代表):1、投资基金中的开放式基金,可以在市场上通过买卖变现,存续期满后,投资人可按持有的基金份额分享相应的剩余资产。
()四、问答题(共20分):1、如何利用 系数判断资产或资产组合的价格误定及误定程度?(8分)2、影响期权价值的因素主要有哪些?如果这些变量发生变化,看涨期权、看跌期权的价值如何变化?(12分)五、计算题(共50分):1、投资者借得20000美元去买A公司的股票,每股现价为40美元,投资者的账户初始保证金要求是50%,维持保证金为35%,两天后,股价降至35美元。
(1)投资者会收到追交保证金通知吗?(5分)(2)股价降至多少,投资者会收到追交保证金通知?(5分)2、一位基金管理人正在考虑3种基金的投资组合:股票基金E ,债券基金D 以及无风险资产短期国库券,其中相关的参数如下:期望收益为20%E r =,10%D r =,标准差为40%E σ=,15%D σ=,股票基金、债券基金的协方差cov(,)4%D E r r =,无风险资产收益率为5%f r =。
假设该基金管理人是风险厌恶的投资者,其风险厌恶系数4A =。
请根据以上条件,回答下面的问题:(1)请说明确定一个完整的投资组合的基本步骤;(5分)(2)请构建由股票基金E ,债券基金D 组成的最优风险投资组合;(5分)2*22()()cov(,)()()()cov(,)D f E E f D E D D f E E f D D f E f D E r r r r r r W r r r r r r r r r r σσσ-⋅--⋅=-⋅+-⋅--+-⋅(3)请确定由股票基金E ,债券基金D 组成的最优资本配线下的报酬-波动比率;(5分)(4)请确定基金管理人在这三类资产上的最优资产配置。
问投资银行是否有套利机会?该套利行为的利润是多少?(10分)4、目前A 公司没有发放现金红利,并且在今后四年中也不打算发放。
从第五年开始,新投资的股权收益率预计每年下降到15%,A 公司的市场资本化率为每年15%。
(1)投资者估计A 公司股票的内在价值为多少?(5分)(2)假设现在它们的市场价格等于内在价值,投资者持有到明年,这一年间的持有期收益率为多少?(5分)上海金融学院2009--2010 学年度第二学期《投资学》课程A卷代码:23330295(集中考试考试形式:闭卷考试用时:90 分钟)注:本课程所用教材,教材名:《投资学》主编:茨维·博迪等出版社:机械工业出版社版次:2009年6月第一版答案及评分标准一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)。
四、问答题(共20分):1、如何利用 系数判断资产或资产组合的价格误定及误定程度?答:α系数等于零的资产或资产组合落在证券市场线上,其价格处于均衡位置,定价合理。
2、影响期权价值的因素主要有哪些?如果这些变量发生变化,看涨期权、看跌期权的价值如何变化?答:影响期权价值的因素主要有股票价格S、执行价格X、股票波动性σ、到期时间T、利率r f、及红利支付。
以下变量增加看涨价值价值的变化股票价格S 增加执行价格X 降低波动性σ增加到期时间T 增加利率rf 增加红利支付降低以下变量增加看跌期权价值的变化股票价格S 下降执行价格X 上升波动性σ增加到期时间T 增加利率rf 降低红利支付增加五、计算题(共50分):1、解答:(1)保证金账户金额=股票市值-负债=1000P-20000,保证金比率=(35x1000 -20000)/(35*lOOO) =42.9%〉35%,因此不会收到追加保证金的通知。
(5分)(2)当(1OOOP -20000)/1OOOP =35%,即当P= 30.77美元或更低时,投资者将收到追加保证金通知。
(2)最优风险投资组合为股票基金E ,债券基金D 的配置比例,设分别为*E W ,*D W 。
根据使报酬-波动比率的原则,得:2*22()()cov(,)()()()cov(,)D f E E f D E D D f E E f D D f E f D E r r r r r r W r r r r r r r r r r σσσ-⋅--⋅=-⋅+-⋅--+-⋅222(10%5%)(40%)(20%5%)4%(10%5%)(40%)(20%5%)(15%)(10%5%20%5%)4%-⨯--⨯=-⨯+-⨯+-+-⨯ 0.59=**10.41E D W W =-=(3)最优风险资产组合的期望收益P r :**0.141P D D E E r W r W r =⋅+⋅=2*22*22**2cov(,)0.054P D D E E D E D E W W W W r r σσσ=⋅+⋅+⋅⋅=报酬-波动比率为:0.39P fP P r r S σ-=== (4)根据效用最大化的原理,得出无风险资产与风险资产组合之间的配置比例:其中风险资产的权重为*20.1415%0.42140.054P fP r r y A σ--===⋅⨯ 则股票的权重为**0.410.4210.173E W y ⋅=⨯=债券的权重为**0.590.4210.248D W y ⋅=⨯=无风险资产国库券的权重为*10.579y -=3解答:显然存在套利机会。