

european planning studies 投稿经验

european planning studies 投稿经验

european planning studies 投稿经验英文版European Planning Studies Submission ExperienceSubmitting an article to "European Planning Studies" (EPS) can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. As a highly regarded journal in the field of urban and regional planning, EPS demands rigorous research, clear writing, and adherence to strict submission guidelines. Here, I share my personal experience and tips for successfully submitting a manuscript to EPS.1. Understanding the Journal's Scope and FocusBefore even starting your research, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with EPS's scope and focus. The journal welcomes original research articles that contribute to the advancement of planning theory and practice. It's important to ensure that your research aligns with these objectives.2. Preparing Your ManuscriptPreparing a manuscript for EPS requires meticulous attention to detail. Ensure that your article is well-structured, with clear introduction, methodology, results, and discussion sections. Also, pay close attention to the journal's formatting requirements, including font size, spacing, and references style.3. Conducting Rigorous ResearchEPS expects high-quality research that is both original and relevant. Ensure that your research design is sound, data collection is rigorous, and analysis is thorough. Additionally, it's important to contribute new knowledge or insights to the field.4. Writing Clearly and ConciselyClear and concise writing is essential for EPS submissions. Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be unfamiliar to a general readership. Strive to communicate your research findings in a way that is accessible and engaging.5. Adhering to Submission GuidelinesStrictly following EPS's submission guidelines is crucial. This includes adhering to deadlines, submitting all requireddocuments, and ensuring that your manuscript adheres to the journal's formatting requirements. Failure to do so may result in delays or even rejection of your submission.6. Revising and RefiningAfter submitting your manuscript, be prepared for a rigorous review process. EPS editors and reviewers may provide feedback on your research, methodology, and writing. Be open to suggestions and use this feedback to revise and refine your work.In conclusion, submitting to European Planning Studies requires meticulous planning, rigorous research, and clear writing. By understanding the journal's scope and focus, preparing your manuscript, conducting rigorous research, writing clearly and concisely, adhering to submission guidelines, and revising and refining your work, you can increase your chances of successfully publishing in this esteemed journal.中文版欧洲规划研究投稿经验向“欧洲规划研究”(EPS)投稿可以是一次令人兴奋但也具有挑战性的尝试。

运筹与管理 审稿流程

运筹与管理 审稿流程


Authors are requested to submit their papers to the editorial office for initial review.2.编辑部将对论文进行初步筛选,排除不符合期刊要求的稿件。

The editorial office will conduct preliminary screeningof the papers to exclude those that do not meet the journal's requirements.3.符合要求的稿件将交由编委会成员进行同行评审。

Papers that meet the requirements will be sent to the editorial board members for peer review.4.编委会成员将对稿件的学术质量、逻辑严谨性等方面进行评估。

Editorial board members will evaluate the academicquality, logical rigor, and other aspects of the papers.5.同行评审意见将反馈给编辑部,编辑部将通知投稿者进行修改。

Peer review comments will be fed back to the editorial office, which will then notify the authors to make revisions.6.投稿者应根据同行评审意见进行修改,并将修改后的稿件重新提交给编辑部。

Authors should revise their papers according to the peer review comments and resubmit the revised papers to theeditorial office.7.编辑部将再次对修改后的稿件进行审查,确定是否符合期刊发表标准。



Instructions for the preparation of a manuscript for OSA express journalsA UTHOR O NE,1A UTHOR T WO,2,* AND A UTHOR T HREE2,31Peer Review, Publications Department, The Optical Society, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA2Publications Department, The Optical Society, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA3Currently with the Department of Electronic Journals, The Optical Society, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA*Abstract:Updated 20 July 2016. Explicit and detailed rules are given for preparing a manuscript for OSA express journals. After a general introduction and a summary of the basic requirements, specific guidelines are given for all major manuscript elements (such as abstract, headings, figures, tables, and references) to achieve optimal typographic quality. The use of complete and properly formatted references is particularly important. Adherence to these guidelines will significantly expedite the production of your paper.© 2016 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes: (000.0000) General; (000.2700) General Science.References and links (see Section 4)1.P. J. Harshman, T. K. Gustafson, and P. Kelley, “Title of paper,” J. Chem. Phys. 3, (to be published).2.K. Gallo and G. Assanto, “All-optical diode based on second-harmonic generation in an asymmetricwaveguide,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16(2), 267–269 (1999).3. B. R. Masters, “Three-dimensional microscopic tomographic imagings of the cataract in a human lens in vivo,”Opt. Express 3(9), 332–338 (1998).4. D. Yelin, D. Oron, S. Thiberge, E. Moses, and Y. Silberberg, “Multiphoton plasmon-resonance microscopy,”Opt. Express 11(12), 1385–1391 (2003).1. IntroductionAdherence to the specifications listed in this style guide is essential for efficient review and publication of submissions.OSA accepts Word and LaTeX submissions. OSA will not publish the same Word authors submit for their final revisions, so it is imperative that authors carefully check the final version of their paper before paying the publication fee. OSA uses a Word plug-in to normalize, format, tag, update citations, and parse the full-text XML.Except for numbering and titling of sections, which may not be desirable for short articles, the express journal style and layout rules have been followed in this guide. There is a checklist available in Section 8 that summarizes the style specifications.2. Page layout and lengthPaper size should be U.S. Letter, 21.505 cm x 27.83 cm (8.5 in. x 11 in.). The printing area should be set to 13.28 cm x 21.54 cm (5.25 in. x 8.5 in.); margins should be set for a 3.3-cm (1.3 in.) top and bottom and 4.11-cm (1.625 in.) left and right.To maintain a rapid publication cycle, the recommended page length for an express journal article is 6 pages. Higher publication fees apply to articles 7–15 pages in length. There is an additional per-page fee for manuscripts longer than 15 pages.3. Typographical styleThe title, author listing and all headers should be in Arial font. The rest of the text and body of the article should be Times New Roman. Please see the checklist in Section 8 that summarizes all of the style specifications.3.1 TitleLeft align the title. The title should be in 16-pt. bold Arial font. Kerning should be set to 16-pt. and spacing expanded by 0.5 in. Use initial cap for first word in title or for proper nouns. Use lowercase following colon. Title should not begin with an article or contain the words "first," "new" or "novel."3.2 Author nameLeft align author names in 12-pt. bold Arial font using small caps. Each express journal has its own color for the author names. Author names should appear as used for conventional publication, with first and middle names or initials followed by surname. Every effort should be made to keep author names consistent from one paper to the next as they appear within OSA publications.3.3 Author affiliationAll authors and affiliations should be styled in 9-pt. italic Times New Roman font. If all authors share one affiliation, superscript numbers are not needed. The corresponding author will have an asterisk correlating to an email address. All authors must be grouped together using superscripts to callout each affiliation. Hard returns (Enter key) must be used to separate each individual affiliation. Abbreviations should not be used. Please include the country at the end of the affiliation.A UTHOR O NE1 AND A UTHOR T WO2,*1Peer Review, Publications Department, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036, USA2Publications Department, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036, USA*Option 1 for affiliation line with two email addresses (only one for the corresponding author):A UTHOR O NE1,3 AND A UTHOR T WO2,*1Peer Review, Publications Department, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036, USA2Publications Department, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036, USA3*Option 2 for affiliation line with two email addresses (no asterisk used to denote corresponding authorship, implying that the two email addresses share corresponding authorship equally):A UTHOR O NE1,3 AND A UTHOR T WO2,41Peer Review, Publications Department, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036, USA2Publications Department, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 20036, USA344.4 AbstractBegin the section with the word “Abstract:” in bold print followed by a colon. Font size should be 10-pt. and alignment double (left and right) justified.The abstract should be limited to approximately 100 words. It should be an explicit summary of the paper that states the problem, the methods used, and the major results and conclusions. It also should contain the relevant key words that would allow it to be found in a cursory computerized search. If the work of another author is cited in the abstract, that citation should be written out without a number, [e.g., journal, volume, first page, and year (Opt. Express 22, 1234 (2014).)], and a separate citation should be included in the body of the text. The first reference cited in the main text must be [1]. Do not include numbers, bullets, or lists inside the abstract.3.4 CopyrightThe line immediately following the abstract should be in 8-pt. type.© 2016 Optical Society of AmericaPlease be sure to update this line with the appropriate publication year if needed. Insert a 4-pt. space above and below the copyright line.3.5 OCIS subject classificationOptics Classification and Indexing Scheme (OCIS) subject classifications should be included at the end of the abstract. OCIS codes should be provided to help with indexing. List the OCIS code in parenthesis, followed by the term spelled out; separate OCIS terms with semicolons. Each paper must contain two to six OCIS codes. Use 8-pt. type for this line. Please avoid using OCIS codes (000.0000) General or (000.2700) General science, and instead customize these codes to best represent the topics of your manuscript.OCIS codes can be selected during upload. Follow the link for a complete listing.OCIS codes: (260.1440) Birefringence; (050.1950) Diffraction gratings3.6 Main textThe first line of the first paragraph of a section or subsection should start flush left. The first line of subsequent paragraphs within the section or subsection should be indented 0.62 cm (0.2 in.). All main text should be alignment double (left and right) justified.Section headings may be numbered consecutively and consistently throughout the paper in Arabic numbers and typed in bold. Use an initial capital letter followed by lowercase, except for proper names, abbreviations, etc. Always start headings flush left. Do not include references to the literature, illustrations, or tables in headings. Insert a 6-pt. space above and below each section heading as shown in this paper.Subsection headings may be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers to the right of the decimal point, with the section number to the left of the decimal point as shown in this paper. Subsection headings should be in italics, with an initial capital letter followed by lowercase, except for proper names, abbreviations, etc. Start subsection headings flush left. Do not include references to the literature, illustrations, or tables in headings. Create a 6-pt. space above and below each subsection heading as shown in this paper.Numbering of section headings and subsection headings is optional but must be used consistently throughout papers in which it is applied.3.7 EquationsThe express journals do not accept equations built using the Word 2007 or 2010 Equation Builder. All display equations should be created in MathType (or the Microsoft Equation editor from Design Science). Inline equations can be created with these tools or by using keyboard and Unicode characters where needed for the best quality line spacing. We stronglyencourage authors to use MathType 6.7. Note that LaTeX users can type LaTeX code directly into MathType for rendering in Word.Equations should be centered, unless they are so long that less than 1 cm will be left between the end of the equation and the equation number, in which case they may run on to the next line. Equations should have a 6-pt. space above and below the text. Equation numbers should appear at the right-hand margin, in parenthesis. For long equations, the equation number may appear on the next line. For very long equations, the right side of the equation should be broken into approximately equal parts and aligned to the right of the equal sign. The equation number should appear only at the right hand margin of the last line of the equation:(1) All equations should be numbered in the order in which they appear and should be referenced from within the main text as Eq. (1).In-line math of simple fractions should use parentheses when necessary to avoid ambiguity; for example, to distinguish between 1/(n - 1) and 1/n - 1. Exceptions to this are the proper fractions such as ½, which are better left in this form. Summations and integrals that appear within text such as ()-1211-22n n n n =∞=∑ should have limits placed to the right of the symbol to reduce white space. Use MathType, Design Science Equation Editor, or Unicode character sets for in-text and display notation wherever possible.4. References and linksReferences should appear at the top of the article, below the abstract, in the order in which they are referenced in the body of the paper (see below). The font should be 8-pt. aligned left. Lines should be single-spaced. The words “References and links ” should head the section (no number) in bold print followed by one blank line, directly above the first reference. Insert a 6-pt. space above the “References and links ” line. All references should be indented 0.5 cm (0.2 in), with succeeding lines indented sufficiently to preserve alignment. The references section should be delimited by horizontal rules above and below the section, separated by at least 6-pts. of white space from the text.OSA express journals use numerical notation in brackets for bibliographic citations. At the point of citation within the main text, designate the reference by typing the number in after the last corresponding word [1]. Reference numbers should precede a comma or period[2]. Two references [3,4], should be included together, separated by a comma, while three or more consecutive references should be indicated by the bounding numbers and a dash [1–4]. The express journals follow the following citation style:Journal paperFor journal articles, authors are listed first, followed by the article’s full title in quotes, the journal’s title abbreviation, the volume nu mber in bold, the issue number in Roman and parenthesis, inclusive page numbers, and the year in parentheses. Journal titles are required. Do not include DOIs in published journal citations —these will be added post-publication. 1.C. van Trigt, “Visual system -response functions and estimating reflectance,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 14(4), 741–755 (1997). 2. S. Yerolatsitis, I. Gris-Sánches, and T. A. Birks, “Adiabatically -tapered fiber mode multiplexers,” Opt. Express22(1), 608–617 (2014).Journal paper identified by paper numberDo not provide the number of pages; the paper number is sufficient.3.L. Rippe, B. Julsgaard, A. Walther, Y. Ying, and S. Kröll, “Experimental quantum-state tomography of a solid-state qubit,” Phys. Rev. A 77, 022307 (2008).BookFor citation of a book as a whole or book chapter, authors or editors are listed first, followed by title in italics, and publisher and year in parenthesis. Chapter number may be added if applicable.4.T. Masters, Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++ (Academic, 1993).5. F. Ladouceur and J. D. Love, Silica-Based Buried Channel Waveguides and Devices (Chapman & Hall, 1995),Chap. 8.Article in a bookFor monographs in books, authors are listed first, followed by article’s full title in quotes, the word “in,” followed by the book title in italics, the editors of the book, and the publisher and publication year in parenthesis.6. D. F. Edwards, “Silicon (Si),” in Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, E. D. Palik, ed. (Academic, 1985). Paper in published conference proceedings7.R. E. Kalman, “Algebraic aspects of the generalized inverse of a rectangular matrix,” in Proceedings ofAdvanced Seminar on Generalized Inverse and Applications, M. Z. Nashed, ed. (Academic, 1976), pp. 111–124. Paper published in OSA conference proceedings8.R. Craig and B. Gignac, “High-power 980-nm pump lasers,” in Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Vol.2 of 1996 OSA Technical Digest Series (Optical Society of America, 1996), paper ThG1.Paper in unpublished conference proceedings9. D. Steup and J. Weinz ierl, “Resonant THz-meshes,” presented at the Fourth International Workshop on THzElectronics, Erlangen-Tennenlohe, Germany, 5–6 Sept. 1996.SPIE proceedingsFor later SPIE proceedings with a paper number, cite just the paper number and not any page information.10.S. K. Griebel, M. Richardson, K. E. Devenport, and H. S. Hinton, “Experimental performance of an ATM-based buffered hyperplane CMOS-SEED smart pixel array,” Proc. SPIE 3005, 254–256 (1997).11.S. Gu, F. Shao, G. Jiang, F. Li, and M. Yu, “An objective visibility threshold measurement method forasymmetric stereoscopic images,” Proc. SPIE 8205, 820505 (2011).IEEE proceedings12.T. Darrel and K. Wohn, “Pyramid based depth from focus,” in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on ComputerVision and Pattern Recognition (IEEE, 1988), pp. 504–509.Paper accepted for publication13. D. Piao, “Cancelation of coherent artifacts in optical coherence tomography imaging,” Appl. Opt. (to bepublished).14. D. W. Diehl and T. D. Visser, “Phase singularities of the longitudinal field c omponents in the focal region of ahigh-aperture optical system,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, doc. ID 56789 (posted 11 November 2005, in press). Manuscript in preparation15.J. Q. Smith, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester, 250 East River Road, Rochester, N.Y.14623, and K. Marshall are preparing a manuscript to be called “Optical effects in liquid crystals.”Personal communication16.T. Miller, Publications Department, Optical Society of America, 2010 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.,Washington, D.C., 20036 (personal communication, 2010).Electronic citationsInternet links may be included as references. Internet links should list the author, title (substitute , if needed), and the full URL (universal resource locator). Include the date of access, if relevant.17.Extreme Networks white paper, “Virtual metropolitan area networks,” (Extreme Networks, 2001), .18. A. G. Ramm, “Invisible obstacles,” .5. Figures, supplementary materials, and tables5.1 FiguresFigures should be included directly in the document. All photographs must be in digital form and placed appropriately in the electronic document. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively (i.e., not by section) with Arabic numbers. The size of a figure should be commensurate with the amount and value of the information conveyed by the figure.Authors must use one image figure. Figures must be inserted as objects that are fixed and move with the text, not as floating objects. Figures should never be placed in a table environment, embedded inside the text, or included within a list. All the figures should be centered. No part of a figure should go beyond the typing area. Place figures as closely as possible to where they are mentioned in the text. Figures should be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance and citation in the text. Be sure to cite every figure.All figure captions should be centered beneath the figure. Longer figure captions should be centered beneath the figure and alignment double (left and right) justified, but are not to exceed the left and right edge of the figure by more than 0.5 in. The abbreviation “Fig.” for figure should appear first followed by the figure number and a period. Captions should be in 8- pt. font. At least one line of space should be left before the figure and after the caption.Fig. 1. Sample figure.5.2 Supplementary materials in OSA express journalsMost OSA journals allow authors to include supplementary materials as integral parts of a manuscript. Such materials are subject to the same editorial standards and peer review procedures along with the rest of the paper and should be uploaded and described using OSA’s Prism manuscript system.Authors can submit appropriate visualizations or small data files (see details below) for OSA to host. Large datasets and code or simulation files can be included but must be placed in an appropriate archival repository and cited as described here.Table 1. Supplementary Materials Supported in OSA Journals aa Optica allows authors to include a supplemental document that can contain additional text, equations, citations, etc. (see Supplementary Materials in Optica for details). For all other OSA journals, supplemental text must be included as appendices within the primary manuscript.Video visualizations (formerly media files) are the most commonly submitted type of supplementary materials for the express journals. They typically illustrate a synopsis of research results. They are integral and as such should be included only when they convey essential information beyond what can be presented within the article's PDF representation. Video visualizations should be uploaded upon submission and peer-reviewed along with the manuscript. Video files must use open compression standards for display on broadly available applications such as VLC or Windows Media Player. MOV, AVI, MPG, and MP4 video containers are accepted. The following video guidelines will help with the submission process:1.15 MB is the recommended maximum video .2.720 x 480 pixels (width by height) is the recommended screen size.3.If appropriate, insert a representative frame from the video in the manuscript asa figure.4.Minimize by using an acceptable codec such as x264 or XviD. HandBrake is anopen source tool for converting video to common codecs.5.Videos must be playable on all platforms using VLC.6.Animations must be formatted into a standard video container.Visualizations must be associated with a figure, table, or equation OR be referenced in the results section of the manuscript. Use the label "Visualization" and the item number to identify the visualization.Fig. 5. Three traps create three rings of magnetic nanoparticles. The rings interact with oneanother (see Visualization 3). [From Masajada et al., Opt. Lett. 38, 3910 (2013).]Please refer to the Author Guidelines for Supplementary Materials for more detailed instructions and other acceptable supplementary material types.5.3 TablesTables should be centered and numbered consecutively. Authors must use Word’s Table editor to insert tables. Authors must not import tables from Excel. All content for each table should be in a single Word table (do not split content for a single table across multiple Word tables). Tables should use horizontal lines to delimit the top and bottom of the table and column headings. Detailed explanations or table footnotes should be typed directly beneath the table, but not in a table cell. Table footnote labels should be text; numbers or specialcharacters are not permitted. Position tables as closely as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text.Table 2. Optical Constants of Thin Films of Materials a83.4 nm 121.6 nmMaterial n K n kIr 1.182 0.865 1.450 1.040MgF2 1.584 0.487 1.682 0.0627Al 0.09874 0.1915 0.0424 1.137Mo 0.98 1.08 0.78 1.03C 1.16 1.29 1.85 1.10a From Appl. Opt. 40, 1128 (2001).6. Article thumbnail uploadAuthors have the option to upload a thumbnail image that will appear next to the published article on the Issue in Progress, Current Issue, and Abstract pages. Please note that if authors do not choose a file, OSA Production Staff will choose an image from the submission. For precise representation of an article, we recommend that authors choose and upload the thumbnail image.Authors must submit a .JPG file. The image will be resized automatically to 100 x 100 pixels. For best results, authors should upload an image this size or an image with square dimensions.Fig. 3. Preview of thumbnail image display on the author submission page.7. Funding and AcknowledgmentsFunding information should be listed in a separate block preceding any acknowledgments. The section title should read “Funding” in 10-pt. bold Arial font. List just the funding agencies and any associated grants or project numbers, as shown in the example below: National Science Foundation (NSF) (1253236, 0868895, 1222301); Program 973 (2014AA014402); Natural National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (123456).OSA participates in Crossr ef’s Funding Data, a service that provides a standard way to report funding sources for published scholarly research. To ensure consistency, please enter any funding agencies and contract numbers from the Funding section in Prism during submission. Update any changes to your funding information in Prism during any revision stages.Acknowledgments should be included at the end of the document. The section title should read “Acknowledgments” in 10-pt. bold Arial font. The section title should not follow the numbering scheme of the body of the paper. Please do not include any funding sources in the Acknowledgment section.8. SummaryConforming to the specifications listed above is of critical importance to the speedy publication of a manuscript. Authors should use the following style guide checklist before submitting an article.Table 3. Style guide checklist。




⾸先声明:这份MS/OR国际期刊排名是完全根据2011年JCR(Journal Citation Reports)的Article Influence Score(AIS)⽽给出的。

所以,这份榜单仅仅是转载JCR的MS/OR ranking⽽已。


根据JCR的官⽅说明,Article Influence Score作如下解释:The Article Influence determines the average influence of a journal's articles over the first five years after publication。


另外,AIS⽐5-year impact factor更具说服⼒;例如,Operations Research 的5-year impact factor不见得能排进前5,但是AIS仍然是超⾼的,这代表Operations Research 是个极具影响⼒的期刊(这当然是废话)。

废话不说了,MS/OR国际期刊最新权威排名:A+期刊/超⼀流期刊(博主按:有些期刊难说孰强孰劣)1. Management Science (AIS=2.508)众望所归的⽼⼤--MS,毫⽆争议。

UTdallas24排名期刊之⼀(博主改)2. Mathematical Programming (1.997)数学优化领域的顶级期刊,能发表的话,绝对是A+的⽔平。

3. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (1.895)这个期刊可以视为Management Science 的妹妹或弟弟,⽂章的深度与MS差不多。



运筹与管理(Operations Research and Management Science,简称ORMS)是指运用科学技术与方法,通过分析、建模和优化等手段,解决管












chemistry-a european journal投稿经验

chemistry-a european journal投稿经验


以下是投稿经验的几个步骤:1. 仔细阅读期刊的投稿指南。



2. 确保论文的质量和内容符合期刊的要求。



3. 了解期刊的审稿流程。



4. 提交高质量的论文。




5. 等待审稿结果。




6. 按照审稿人的建议进行修改和完善。




7. 再次提交论文并进行回应。




8. 接受或拒绝审稿结果。





asia-pacific journal of operational research投稿经验

asia-pacific journal of operational research投稿经验

asia-pacific journal of operational research投稿经验1. 引言1.1 概述本篇长文旨在分享我向ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH投稿的经验。


1.2 文章结构本文包含五个主要部分。






1.3 目的撰写这篇长文有两个目的。

首先是为了分享我向ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH投稿的经验,希望可以给其他准备投稿的研究人员提供一些参考和指导。




希望通过这篇文章,读者可以了解到ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH这一期刊,并从中获得有益的启示和经验。

2. 正文:2.1 投稿前准备:在准备投稿之前,我们需要做一些准备工作。

首先,我们应该仔细阅读Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research的投稿指南和要求。
















european journal of operational research 介绍

european journal of operational research 介绍

european journal of operational research 介绍《European Journal of Operational Research》是欧洲运营研究领域的顶级学术期刊,该期刊于1977年创刊,由Elsevier出版社出版。





《European Journal of Operational Research》的论文主要关注运营研究领域的方法和技术,以解决各种实际问题。

该期刊的论文内容涵盖了多个子领域,包括但不限于:1. 运筹学模型和优化方法:包括线性规划、整数规划、多目标规划、非线性规划、随机规划等。


2. 决策支持系统和信息系统:这些方法和技术旨在帮助决策者做出更明智的决策。


3. 运营研究在供应链管理和物流中的应用:供应链和物流管理是当今商业环境中非常重要的领域。


4. 决策科学和组织行为学的相互作用:这些方法和技术试图将决策科学与心理学、经济学和组织行为学等其他学科相结合,以更好地理解决策者的行为和决策过程。





“…大量 优秀的科技论文 来自中国。” 但是,“存在下述严重问题…
一稿多投 论文已经在中文期刊上发表 剽窃 (尤其是论文中某一部分存在剽窃)”
研究内容超出期刊范围 格式不符合期刊的要求 推荐不合适的(或不推荐)审稿人 对审稿人的意见没有(恰当的)反馈 英语写作水平不够 退稿后不加修改即再次投稿
View Submission浏 览文件确定生成的 PDF文档正确无误
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/ziyuan/22544.html国外数学杂志投稿指南大全1、510B0001 ISSN 0002-9939 IF: 0、369Proceedings of the American Mathematical Socity. 1950. 12/yr. Managing Editor: Clifford J. Earle, Jr., Correll University,Malott Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4201Email: cliff@《美国数学会会报》发表中等篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文,并设专栏发表短小精练的论文。

2、510B0003 ISSN 0002-9947 IF: 0、664Transactions of the American Mathematical Socity. 1900. 12/yr.Editor-in-Chief William Beckner, Department of Mathematics University Of Texas Austin TX 78712-1082.E-mail: beckner@《美国数学会汇刊》刊载较长篇幅的理论数学与应用数学研究论文。

3、510B0006 ISSN 0002-9327 IF: 0、883American Journal of Mathematics. 1878. 6/yr. Editor-in-Chief: Professor Bernard Shiffman Department of Mathematics, The Johns Hokins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.《美国数学杂志》发表应用和理论数学研究论文。

4、510B008 ISSN 0003-486X IF: 1、619Annals of Mathematics. 1884. 6/yr. Editorial office: Maureen Schupsky, Annals of Mathematics, Fine Hall- Washington Rd, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 085 44- 1000 USAE-mail: annals@《数学纪事》刊载理论数学研究论文。



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作者于2021年10月向European Journal of Plant Pathology投稿了一篇关于植物病理学的研究论文。












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ArticleLanguage. Articles must be written in good EnglishLength. Articles should be as concise as possible. Regular articles should not exceed 25 standard manuscript pages and short communications should not exceed 10 standard manuscript pages, including tables and figures. A standard manuscript page is A4 or letter size, text with 1.5 line spacing, 12 pt font and ample margins. In exceptional cases the Editors may waive this requirement. Supplementary material is allowed, which will be available in e-version only.Supplementary material.The authors of accepted papers can be allowed to have some supplementary material, such as large data tables, appendices, or long proofs of theorems, published online alongside the electronic version of the paper in Elsevier web products, including ScienceDirect: . These materials would not appear in the printed version.The supplementary material should be included in any reviewed version of the submission. In order to ensure that submitted material is directly usable, the data should be provided in one of the recommended file formats. Authors should submit the material in electronic format together with the article and supply a concise and descriptive caption for each file via EES. The main body of the paper should reference the supplementary material.Title. Concise and informative. Avoid abbreviations and formulae.Author names and affiliations. Where the family name may be ambiguous (e.g., a double name), please indicate this clearly using appropriate script (capital cases as first letter of authors' first and surnames followed by lower cases). Present the Authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the Author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name, and, if available, the e-mail address of each Author.Corresponding Author. Clearly indicate who is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Ensure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.Abstract. An abstract of between 50 and 250 words should state the purpose of the research and the main results. An abstract is often presented separate from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. Abstracts should not contain formulae.Keywords. Must be included and at least the first one should be selected from the list below. Some keywords from outside the list may be added but the total number of keywords should not exceed five. The letters before the keywords are those of the surnames of the three editors. The paper is submitted to the editor whose initial is given before the first keyword selected from the list.Illustrations.Graphics files can be uploaded via /ejor A guide onelectronic artwork is available on /artworkReferencesAll citations in the text should refer to:- Single Author: the Author's name (without initials, unless there is ambiguity) and the year of publication;- Two Authors: both Authors' names and the year of publication;- Three or more Authors: first Author's name followed by "et al." and the year of publication. Examples: "as demonstrated in (Allan, 1996a, 1996b, 1999; Allan and Jones, 1995). Lee et al. (2000) have recently shown"In the references list references should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. More than one reference from the same Author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication. Examples:Reference to a journal publication:-Griffiths W, Judge G. Testing and estimating location vectors when the error covariance matrix is unknown. Journal of Econometrics 1992;54; 121-138 (note that journal names are not to be abbreviated).Reference to a book:-Hawawini G, Swary I. Mergers and acquisitions in the U.S. banking industry: Evidence from the capital markets. North-Holland: Amsterdam; 1990.Reference to a chapter in an edited book:-Brunner K, Melzer AH 1990. Money Supply. In: Friedman BM, Hahn FH (Eds), Handbook of monetary economics, vol.1. North-Holland: Amsterdam; 1990. p. 357-396.Citing and listing of Web references. As a minimum, the full URL should be given. Any further information, if known (Author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references can be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under a different heading if desired, or can be included in the reference list.Submission checklist" One Author designated as corresponding Author:" E-mail address" Full postal address" Telephone and fax numbers" All necessary files have been uploaded" Keywords" All figure captions" All tables (including title, description, footnotes)" Manuscript has been "spellchecked"" References are in the correct format for this journal" All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa" Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web)List of keywords*" (A) Applied probability" (A) Artificial intelligence" (S) Assignment" (D) Auctions/bidding" (S) Branch and bound" (P) Business process reengineering" (S) Combinatorial optimization" (S) Complexity theory" (A) Computing science" (B) Conic programming" (B) Constraints satisfaction" (A) Control" (B) Convex programming" (P) Cost benefit analysis" (S) Cutting" (D) Data envelopment analysis" (A) Data mining" (A) Decision support systems" (D) Decision analysis" (P) Distributed decision making" (B) Distribution" (A) Dynamic programming" (D) E-commerce" (P) Economics" (D) Education" (D) Environment" (S) Evolutionary computations" (S) Expert systems" (B) Facilities planning and design" (P) Finance" (P) Flexible manufacturing systems" (A) Forecasting" (B) Fractional programming" (S) Fuzzy sets" (A) Game theory" (P) Gaming" (S) Genetic algorithms" (B) Geometric programming" (B) Global optimization" (B) Goal programming" (A) Graph theory" (S) Group decisions and negotiations " (S) Heuristics" (D) Human resources" (B) Integer programming" (B) Interior point methods" (B) Inventory" (P) Investment analysis" (S) Knowledge-based systems" (B) Large scale optimization" (A) Linear programming" (A) Location" (P) Logistics" (A) Maintenance" (P) Manufacturing" (D) Marketing" (A) Markov processes" (S) Metaheuristics" (P) Modelling systems and languages " (S) Multi-agent systems" (S) Multiple criteria analysis" (B) Multiple objective programming " (A) Multivariate statistics" (A) Network flows" (A) Neural networks" (B) Nonlinear programming" (P) Organization theory" (A) OR in agriculture" (A) OR in airlines" (P) OR in banking" (A) OR in biology" (A) OR in developing countries" (A) OR in energy" (D) OR in government" (B) OR in health services" (P) OR in manpower planning" (B) OR in medicine" (B) OR in military" (D) OR in natural resources" (D) OR in research and development " (D) OR in societal problem analysis " (D) OR in strategic planning" (A) OR in telecommunications" (S) Packing" (S) Parallel computing" (B) Parametric programming" (B) Penalty methods" (S) Petri nets" (S) Polyhedra" (P) Pricing" (D) Problem structuring" (P) Production" (D) Productivity and competitiveness " (P) Project management" (S) Project scheduling" (D) Psychology" (P) Purchasing" (B) Quadratic programming" (A) Quality control" (P) Quality management" (A) Queueing" (A) Regression" (A) Reliability" (A) Replacement" (P) Retailing" (D) Revenue management" (P) Risk analysis" (P) Risk management" (A) Robustness and sensitivity analysis " (S) Rough sets" (B) Routing" (P) Scenarios" (S) Scheduling" (S) Search theory" (B) Semi-infinite programming" (S) Simulated annealing" (A) Simulation" (A) Stochastic processes" (A) Stochastic programming" (D) Supply chain management" (P) Systems dynamics" (S) Tabu search" (A) Time series" (S) Timetabling" (B) Traffic" (B) Transportation" (B) Travelling salesman" (P) Uncertainty modelling" (P) Utility theory" (P) Visual interactive modelling*Codes of Editors: (A) - Jesus Artalejo, (B) - Jean-Charles Billaut, (D) - Robert Dyson, (P) - Lorenzo Peccati, (S) - Roman Slowinski。
