



选出2600词汇中的1000词汇,涵盖小学核心词汇和常用词汇Unit1 Lesson1 a.c.ta.c.tora.c.tress a.f.tera.f.ter.noon a.ma.ni.mal a.pplea.sa.s.ka.tpi.a.no Lesson2anan.tan.dan.g.ryan.s w erba.tba.gba.ckba.dba.d.min.tonba.s.ke.t.ballba.thba.th.roomban.kca.m.pca.mer.aCa.na.daLesson3ca.pca.rryca.rrotca.tca.t chcancan.dyda.dda.ddydan.cedan.cingfa.tfa.s.tfa.mi.lyLesson4be.ga.nha.tha.dha.sha.veha.l fha.ppenha.ppyha.m.bur.gerhan.dJa.ckja.mja.cketJa.nu.aryla.m.pla.s.tLesson5.ss.ss.mate .ss.room .g.ck.ck.board .d.ss.sses lan.ternnn.t ma.pma.tch ma.s.k ma.s.ter Lesson6ma.tma.thmanman.gopa.rrotpa.r.entpa.sspa.s.tpanpan.dapan.tsJa.panLesson7ra.bbitg.ra.ssp.ra.c.ticep.ra.c.tiserang.ran d.mag.ran d.pag.ran.d.song.ran.d.daughtersa.tsa.ddSa.tur.dayLesson8san d.wichta.xis.ta.m.ps.tan.de.xa.me.xa.m.plee.xa.c.t.lycha.n.cesha.lltra.ffictra.veldra.ggondra.matha.ttha.ntha.n.k能 动英语Unit2 Lesson1 e.gge.gg.plant e.le.phant e.verye.very.one* e.xer.cise* en.d* en.gine be.dbe.d.room be.ll* be.s.t be.tter Lesson2De.ce.m.bersu.c.ce.sssu.c.ce.ss.fulcen.terde.s.kde.co.rate*den.tistfe.llfe.llowfe.l.tfe.s.ti.valFe.b.ru.aryge.tto.ge.therfor.ge.tLesson3gue.ssgue.s.the.l.dhe.l.phe.li.co.p.tergen.tle.man*ke.p.tke.ttlele.gle.f.tle.monle.ssle.ssonle.tle.tterLesson4c.le.vere.le.venco.lle.c.tme.di.cineme.nume.rryme.ssageme.ts.me.lls.me.lly*A.me.ri.ca*A.me.ri.can*re.me.m.berLesson5 menne.ckne.ver ne.x.tpe.ts.pe.lls.pe.ci.al penpen.cil pen.cil-box s.pen.de.x.pen.sive que.s.tionLesson6re.dre.s.tre.s.tau.rantf.re.shf.re.cklep.re.ssp.re.sentdi.re.c.tionco.rre.c.tf.r i en.dF.ren.ch.friesse.condse.llse.l.fLesson7se.vense.ven.tyse.ver.althe.m.se.l.vessen.dsen.tsen.tencete.llte.le.phonete.le.vi.sionte.m.per.a.turete.rri.blete.s.tSe.p.te.m.bertenLesson8ve.ryve.s.tve.ge.ta.bleNo.ve.m.berwe.twe.llewe.s.tw h e.thert.we.l.vew h enwen.tWe d n e.s.dayt.wen.tyye.sye.s.ter.dayye.llowche.ssshe.l.fLesson9dre.ssa.ddre.ssthe.nthe.mthe.irthe.irsdea.dhea.dhea.l.thhea.vyhea.venmea.surerea.dyb.rea.db.rea.k.fastb.rea.thwea.thers.wea.terma.nya.nya.ny.thing 能动英语Unit3 Lesson1i.fi.lli.si.tinin.sidein.toin.ter.ne t in.ter.e.s.ted in.ter.e.s.ting bi.gbi.tbi.llbi.s.cuit ci.tyci.ne.ma sci.ssors Lesson2di.ddi.c.tion.arydi.ffer.ent di.ffi.cultdi.nnerdi.shfi.l.mfi.f.tyfi.shfi.nishfin.gergi.f.tgi.veLesson3be.ginhi.llhi.mhi.thi.ski.ckki.sski.t chens.kikingLesson4gy.mli.f.tli.s t enli.ttleli.veli.vingli.ving.roomde.li.ciouss.li.mvi.o.linmi.ssmi.l.kmi.ddlemi.rror*Lesson5pi.gpi.ckpi.c.nicpi.c.ture pi.zzapin.kqui.ckqui.l.ts.qui.rrel ri.chri.verw ri.tten Ch.ri.s.t.ma.s ringb.rings.p.ring Lesson6si.tsi.cksi.xsi.x.tysi.x.teensi.s.tera.ssi.s.tantsin.cesingsing.ersing.ingLesson7ti.cketun.ti.lvi.llagevi.sitvi.si.torwi.llwi.llingwi.shwi.thw h i.chw h i.s t les.wi.ms.wi.mmings.wi.mming.pools.wi.t chLesson8winwin.dywin.dowwin.terchi.ckchi.ckenchi.l.drenshi.ptri.pdrin.kthi.sthi.nthi.n.kthi.n.g能 动英语Unit4 Lesson1 o.fo.ffo.ffer o.ffice o.f.ten o.range h o.nest onon.to bo.x bo.dy* bo.rrow* bo.ttle bo.ttom co.mic Lesson2co.ffeeco.s.tcon.certdo.gdo.c.tordo.llfo.gfo.xfo.llowfo.rei g n.ergo.dgo.l.fgo.tfor.go.tho.tho.bbyho.li.dayho.s.pi.talLesson3jo.blo.cklo.tc.lo.cklongmo.pmo.delmo.ni.tormo.n.s.terto.mo.rrowno.tno.velk no.ckLesson4po.p.cornrro.cketc.ro.ssf.ro.mp.ro.b.le.mw rongso.ckso.f.t*so.rryLesson5songto.pics.to.ptesho.ps.tro.n.gdro.pw h a.twa.swa.shwa.t chwa.n.tUnit5 Lesson1 u.su.g.lyu.pu.p.stairs un.cle un.der un.der.stand bu.sbu.s.stop bu.tbu.tter.fly cu.tcu.pdi.s.cu.ss du.ckdu.m.p.lingLesson2funhu.rryhu.s.bandhun.g.ryhun.dredju.s.tju.m.pLesson3lu.ckc.lu.blun.chmu.chmu.s.tmu.sh.roomnu.m.berru.gLesson4b.ru.shrunsu.nnysu.mmersu.chsu.ppersunSun.daysun.glassess.tu.dy 能动英语Lesson5 shu.t tru.ck tru.s.t dru.m thu.n.der o.ven o.ni.on o.ther a.bo.ve co.lor co.lor.ful co.me be.co me Lesson6co.verlo.veg.lo.vemo.neymo.thermon.thMon.daymon.keyno.thingf.ro.n.tb.ro.therLesson7so.nso.m eso.m e.oneso.m e.timesso.m e.things.to.ma.ch.achewo.rri.edcou.n.trycou.n.try.sidee.nou.ghtou.chyou.n.gtrou.bleb.loo.dUnit6 Lesson1 a g eba k eba s e.ball ca k eca m e da t efa c ega m e ga t ega v eLesson2la k e c e n e t ema k ema l ena m es.na k epa g es.pa c e.shipra c eb.ra v eg.ra d eg.ra p eLesson3sa f esa m esa v eta k eta p eta.s.temi.s.ta k eva s ew h a l ewa k echa ng esha k es.tra.n.gerLesson4fai.la.gai.ni.npai.npai.n.tingrai.l.wayrai.nrai.n.bowrai.ny 能动英语Lesson5 p.rai.sea.f.rai.d sai.l.boat tai.lwai.t wai.ter wai.tress trai.ntrai.ning s.trai.ght dayto.dayyy.ground may may.be Lesson6payg.raysays.taywaya.wayeigh.teigh.tyeigh.teenweigh.ta.bleA.p.rilLesson7ba.byba.keryda.n.ger.ousfa.mousfa.vor.itela.dyla.zyna.tionna.turepa.perpa.ti.entra.di.oe.ra.serc.ra.yonta.bles.ta.tionpo.ta.totheyg.reyb.rea.kg.rea.tUnit7 Lesson1 ea.tea.sy ea.s.t Ea.s.ter bea.n bea.t bea.ch bea.u.ti.ful jea.n.s lea.d lea.vec.lea.n p.lea.seLesson2mea.tmea.lmea.ningpea.chs.pea.krea.drea.lrea.chrea.sonin.c.rea.seseasea.tsea.sonteatea.mtea.cherLesson3chea.pdrea.mbeebee.fdee.pfee.tfee.lfee.lingLesson4jee.pkee.ps.lee.ps.lee.pymee.tmee.tingk neenee.dquee nf.reeth.reeg.ree.na.g.ree 能动英语Lesson5 see see.m tee.th wee.k s.wee.t be.t.wee.n shee.p Lesson6trees.tree.tfie.l.dbe.lie.vepie.cecei.lingre.cei.vee-maili.de.afe.malefe.verLesson7pe o.plere.a.llyze.b.rabehemeshewekeye v e.ningthe s eChi.ne s eUnit8 Lesson1i c ei c e-cream bi k ee.x.ci t efi n efi v efi r efi r e.station ki t eli k eli f eli n emi n es.mi l e*Lesson2ni c eni n eni n e.tyk ni f eri d eri c ew ri t ep.ri c e*a.rri v esur.p.ri s esi z esi d e*ti m eti r e.dLesson3in.vi t ea.d.vi c ewi f ew h i l ew h i t et.wi c eshi.ningdri v ei ndbi.cy.cleLesson4s ci.encee.x.ci.teddi.no.saur*fi.n.dfi.na.lly*be.hi.n.dki.n.dli.b.raryc.li.m bpi.lotLesson5 qui.e.tw ri.ter w ri.ting* F.ri.day ti.ger chi.l.d Chi.naLesson6dri.verbycy.cles.kyf.lyJu.lyc.rymydrytrywhyLesson7highligh.tmigh.tnigh.tto.nigh.trigh.tb.righ.tbuy能动英语Unit 9Lesson 1co k e *pho n e ho m e ho m e .wor.k ho p e a.lo n e c.lo s e s.mo k e no s eLesson 2s.po k e ro l e *ro s e *ro p e *w ro t e b.ro k e s.to n e tho s e boa .t coa .t goa .t goa .lLesson 3roa .d th.roa.t ow .n*ow .ner*bow.l bow.ling low s.low k now s.now s.now .y s.now .manLesson 4row g.row *th.row show o .l.d o .n.ly o.pen o.ver bo .th co .l.d co .co.nut do.n’t pho .to*gogo .l.dgo .l.d.fisha.goLesson 5ho .l.d mo.s.t no no .body po .s.t.card po .s.t.man po .s.t.office ro .bot soso .fa to .l.d O.c.to .ber toeUnit 10Lesson 1u s e u s e .ful cu t e e.x.cu s e in.tro.du c e u .nit fu .ture hu .morLesson 2mu .sic pu .pilco.m.pu .ter s.tu .dent bui .l.d bui .l.ding sui .t fewnewnew .s.paper k new Tue .s.day能动  英 语Unit11 Lesson1 ar.m ar.tist car car.d s.car.f* dar.k* far far.m far.mer* har.d Lesson2lar.geMar.chmar.kets.mar.tpar.tpar.t.nerpar.typar.kpar.king*s.tars.tar.tg u i.taryar.dshar.kUnit12Lesson1oror.derbor.ing*cor.ners.cor eforfor.tyfor.kbe.for ehor.semor emor.ningnor.thLesson2s.por.tre.por.ti.m.por.tants.tor es.tor.yshor.tshor.tsa.l.soa.l.waysa.llca.llba.llba.ll.roomfa.llfa.l.seLesson3 s.ma.ll s.ma.ller sa.l.ty ta.ll wa.ll wa.ter ta.l k wa.l k cha.l k Au.gust Au.tum n be.cau.se dau gh.terLesson4nau gh.tylawsawsaw.dusts.traw.berrydrawdraw.ercour.t.yardfourLesson5youyou.ryou.r.sdoordoor.bellf.loorwar.mbough.tthough.tthough.t.fulUnit13Lesson1bur.nhur.tnur.sepur.pletur.ntur.tlere.tur.n 能动英语Lesson2 Thur.s.day bir.d bir.th.day cir.cle dir.ty fir.s.t gir.ls.kir.t shir.t thir.d thir.ty thir.s.ty Lesson3cer.tai.n.lyp.re.ferherher.sper.fectper.sonser.vicede.ser.tLesson4ter.mear.lyear.thear.th.quakehear.dlear.nlear.nerlear.ningsear.chwor.dwor.kwor.kerwor.l.dUnit14Lesson1cowdow.ndow.n.stairsa.llowf.low.ernowb.row.nc.row.dtow.nLesson2 howwow show.er ou.rou.t*h ou.ra.bou.t fou.n.d hou.se hou.se.work lou.dc.lou.dyLesson3mou.semou.throu.n.da.rou.n.dsou.thsou.n.dshou.ttrou.sersUnit15Lesson1boo.tboo.kboo.k.storeboo.k.shelfcoo.lcoo.kcoo.kies.choo.ls.choo.l.bagfoo.dfoo.tgoo.dloo.kba.lloo.nmoo.nnoo.dleafter.noo.nLesson2poo.rpoo.ls.poo.nroo.msoo.ntootoo.thtoo.th.achetoo.th.brushtoo.ks.too.dcar.too.nzoochoo.se 能动英语1000基础词汇11Lesson 3jui .ce f.rui .t g.rou .p cou l .d wou l .d shou l .d b.lueLesson 4pu .t ru .ler su .re*tru e tru .th ru l e mo.ve*mo.vie do to two who who .seUnit 16Lesson 1air air .port air .plane*hair pair s.tair chair care .ful*Lesson 2s.parep.re.pare s.quare s.tare s.tar .ing share bear pear wear their their .s there whereUnit 17Lesson 1ea .r bea .r.d dea .r fea .r hear c.lea .r neardi.s.a.ppea .r tea .r yea .r he r eUnit 18Lesson 1boyjoy en.joy toy joi.n noi .se poi.n.t toi .let choi .ce voi .ce能动  英 语。



高频词A1、abandon [ə'bændən] vt. 放弃,遗弃He abandoned a career that could have led to (lead to导致)his becoming one of the most influential people in the world. 他放弃了一份可以使他成为世界上最有影响力的人之一的工作。

2、ability[ə'biliti]n. 能力,智能,才能The ability to hear clearly is very important for any speaker.能听清楚对任何演说者都是非常重要的。

3、able [eibl] a. 有能力的,能干的You will not able to pass the examination unless you work harder than you do now.除非你比现在学得更刻苦,否则你通不过这次考试了。

4、above prep. 在…之上,高于ad. 在上面a. 上述的,上面的Above all,the real poet is a master of words. (world世界)真正的诗人首先是一位语言大师。

5、absolutely['æbsəlu:tli]ad. 完全地,绝对地The doctor will not perform [pə'fɔːm](做,运行)the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.除非迫不得已,这位医生是不会做这个手术的。

6、accept [ək'sept]v. 接受,认可;同意,承认I’ve received a gift from him,but I’m not going to accept it.我收到了他送的礼物,但是我不准备接受。



王惠:特训课核心英语1000词全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Wang Hui: Core English of Special Training ClassIn the bustling city of Shanghai, Wang Hui is a devoted English teacher known for her special training class called "Core English". With years of experience in the education field, Wang Hui has developed a unique teaching method that focuses on building a solid foundation in English for her students.The Core English class is designed for students who are looking to improve their English skills at a fast pace. The curriculum of the class covers a wide range of topics such as vocabulary building, grammar rules, listening and speaking exercises, and reading comprehension. Wang Hui believes that mastering the basics of English is essential for students to become fluent and confident in the language.One of the key features of the Core English class is the personalized attention that Wang Hui provides to each of her students. She understands that every student has different learning styles and paces, so she tailors her teaching methods tomeet the needs of each individual. Wang Hui takes the time to assess the strengths and weaknesses of her students and creates customized lesson plans to help them reach their full potential.In addition to in-class lessons, Wang Hui also incorporates various interactive activities and group projects to make learning English fun and engaging for her students. She believes that creating a positive and supportive learning environment is crucial for students to feel motivated and confident in their language abilities.Many of Wang Hui's students have seen significant improvements in their English skills after taking her Core English class. They have gone on to excel in their academic studies, standardized tests, and even in their professional careers. Wang Hui's dedication to her students and her passion for teaching have made her a highly sought-after English teacher in Shanghai.In conclusion, Wang Hui's Core English class is a testament to her commitment to providing high-quality education and helping her students succeed in English. With her innovative teaching methods and personalized approach, Wang Hui is empowering students to become fluent, confident, and competent English speakers. Her impact on the education field istruly inspiring, and she continues to be a role model for aspiring English teachers around the world.篇2Wang Hui: Core English Training CourseIn today's globalized world, having a strong command of the English language is essential for personal and professional success. Wang Hui, an experienced English teacher, has developed a special training course called Core English, designed to help students improve their English skills quickly and effectively.The Core English course focuses on building a solid foundation in grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Wang Hui believes that these core areas are essential for mastering the English language and becoming fluent in it. The course is structured in a way that allows students to progress from basic to advanced levels, continuously building on their knowledge and skills.One of the key features of the Core English course is its interactive and engaging teaching methods. Wang Hui incorporates a variety of activities, exercises, and games into the lessons to keep students motivated and interested in learning.This hands-on approach helps students to practice their English in real-life situations, improving their communication skills and confidence.Another highlight of the Core English course is its focus on practical applications. Wang Hui provides students with plenty of opportunities to practice their English in real-world contexts, such as role-plays, debates, presentations, and discussions. This not only enhances students' language skills but also prepares them for using English in various social and professional settings.Moreover, Wang Hui emphasizes the importance of cultural awareness in language learning. Through the Core English course, students not only learn the language but also gain insights into English-speaking cultures, traditions, and customs. This cultural understanding helps students to communicate effectively with native speakers and navigate cross-cultural situations with confidence.Overall, Wang Hui's Core English training course is a comprehensive and practical program that equips students with the necessary skills to excel in the English language. By focusing on core areas, employing interactive teaching methods, emphasizing practical applications, and promoting cultural awareness, the course enables students to make significantprogress in their English proficiency. Whether you are a student, a professional, or a language enthusiast, Core English is the perfect choice for taking your English skills to the next level.篇3Wang Hui: Core English Training 1000Wang Hui is a renowned English teacher who has developed a special training course called Core English 1000. This course is designed to help students improve their English language skills in a systematic and efficient manner. With years of experience in teaching English, Wang Hui has identified the key areas that students often struggle with and has developed a comprehensive program to target these weaknesses.The Core English 1000 course is divided into several modules, each focusing on a different aspect of the English language. These modules cover topics such as vocabulary building, grammar rules, pronunciation, and writing skills. By breaking down the language into these key components, students are able to focus on improving specific areas of weakness and see significant improvements in a short amount of time.One of the key features of the Core English 1000 course is its emphasis on practical application. Wang Hui believes thatstudents learn best through practice and application, so each module is filled with interactive exercises and activities to help reinforce the material covered in the lessons. This hands-on approach ensures that students not only understand the concepts being taught, but can also apply them in real-life situations.Another unique aspect of the Core English 1000 course is its focus on building confidence. Wang Hui understands that many students struggle with speaking English confidently, so he has included activities and exercises specifically designed to help students overcome their fears and develop the confidence to communicate effectively in English.Overall, the Core English 1000 course by Wang Hui is a comprehensive and effective program for improving English language skills. With its systematic approach, practical application, and focus on building confidence, students can expect to see significant improvements in their English proficiency after completing the course. Wang Hui's dedication to helping students succeed in learning English is evident in the quality and effectiveness of the Core English 1000 program.。




















中级特训课王惠核心英语1000词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Once upon a time, there was a super awesome English class called "Intermediate Training Class" taught by the amazing teacher Wang Hui. Let's call it the "Cool English Class" for short! In this class, we learned all sorts of cool stuff to help us become English masters.First off, Teacher Wang Hui taught us some really important grammar rules. She made it super fun by playing games and doing group activities. We learned about tenses, prepositions, and even adjectives! It was like learning a secret code to unlock the secrets of English.Next, we practiced our speaking and listening skills. We watched fun videos, listened to cool songs, and even acted out skits in English! Teacher Wang Hui always encouraged us to speak up and not be afraid to make mistakes. She said that's the best way to learn and improve.But the best part of the "Cool English Class" was when we got to read stories and write our own essays. We read aboutpirates, princesses, and even superheroes! Then we wrote our own stories and shared them with the class. It was so much fun to be creative and use our imaginations.In the end, we all became English stars thanks to Teacher Wang Hui and the "Cool English Class." We learned so much and had a blast doing it. I can't wait for the next level of special training with Teacher Wang Hui. She's the best!篇2Title: Super Fun Core English Training Class with Teacher Wang HuiHey guys! Today I want to tell you about this super awesome English class I’m taking with Teacher Wang Hui. It’s called the Intermediate Core English Training Class, and let me tell you, it’s super cool!First of all, Teacher Wang Hui is the best teacher ever. She’s really nice and funny, and she makes learning English so much fun. She always has these really cool games and activities for us to do in class, which makes learning English feel like playtime.In the class, we learn all sorts of cool stuff. We learn new words and phrases, grammar rules, and even practice speakingand listening to improve our English skills. Teacher Wang Hui always encourages us to speak up and participate, which makes us feel confident in using English.One of the best things about this class is that Teacher Wang Hui always gives us lots of praise and encouragement. She makes us feel like we can do anything if we just believe in ourselves and keep trying. It’s so motivating!I’ve been taking this class for a while now, and I can already see a big improvement in my English skills. I feel more confident speaking and writ ing in English, and I’m not afraid to make mistakes anymore.I’m so grateful to Teacher Wang Hui for all her hard work and dedication. I can’t wait to keep learning and improving my English with her. If you guys are looking for a fun and effective Engl ish class, I highly recommend Teacher Wang Hui’s Core English Training Class. It’s the best!篇3Hello everyone, my name is Lily and today I want to tell you all about the Intermediate Intensive English Course with Teacher Wang Hui. It is the best English class ever!In this class, Teacher Wang Hui teaches us lots of new words, phrases, and grammar rules. He makes sure we understand everything by explaining things in a fun and easy way. He also gives us lots of practice exercises to do, so we can remember everything well.One thing I really like about this class is the speaking practice. Teacher Wang Hui always encourages us to speak in English and he corrects our mistakes in a kind way. It helps us gain confidence in speaking English and improves our pronunciation.We also do a lot of fun activities in class, like playing English games, watching English videos, and doing group projects. It makes learning English more interesting and enjoyable. I feel like I am improving a lot every day!I would definitely recommend this Intermediate Intensive English Course with Teacher Wang Hui to all my friends. It has helped me become more confident in speaking English and my English grades have improved a lot. Thank you, Teacher Wang Hui, for being such a great teacher!篇4Hi everyone, I'm here to tell you all about the Intermediate Special Training Course with Teacher Wang Hui in Core English. It's super fun and you can learn a lot of cool stuff in this course.First off, Teacher Wang Hui is really nice and she makes learning English easy peasy. She explains everything in a way that we can all understand and she's always there to help us when we get stuck on something.In this course, we learn all about grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It may sound like a lot, but Teacher Wang Hui makes it fun with games, songs, and interactive activities. We get to practice speaking English with our classmates and play games that help us remember new words and phrases.One of the best things about this course is that we get to work on our own projects. We can choose a topic that interests us and create a presentation to share with the class. It's really cool to see what everyone comes up with and we learn a lot from each other.Overall, I would totally recommend the Intermediate Special Training Course with Teacher Wang Hui in Core English. It's a great way to improve your English skills and have fun whiledoing it. So if you want to become a pro at English, sign up for this course now!篇5Oh wow, the Core English training course with Teacher Wang Hui is so cool! I've learned so much in this class and I can't wait to share with you all about it.In this class, Teacher Wang Hui teaches us all about grammar, vocabulary, and even some fun English games. We get to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. It's so fun and exciting!One of my favorite things about this class is that Teacher Wang Hui makes learning English super easy. She explains everything in a way that's easy to understand and she's always there to help us when we have questions.I've also made new friends in this class who are also learning English. We practice together and help each other improve our skills. It's so much fun to learn with friends!I used to be a little nervous about speaking English, but now I feel more confident thanks to Teacher Wang Hui'sencouragement and support. I can't wait to show off my new English skills to my family and friends.I'm so grateful for the Core English training course with Teacher Wang Hui. It's helping me become a better English speaker and I'm having so much fun in the process. I can't wait to keep learning and improving my English skills even more!篇6Hey guys, it's time for another round of our special class - King Hui's Core English Training! Today, we are going to learn some really cool English stuff that will make us all super smart and confident in our English skills. So let's get started!First of all, we need to remember that English is a super important language that is used all around the world. It's not just for talking to people in other countries, but also for reading books, watching movies, and even using the internet. So it's really important for us to learn it well!In King Hui's class, we learn all kinds of fun ways to improve our English, like listening to English songs, watching English videos, and even playing games in English. We also practice speaking English with our friends and teachers, which helps us get better and better every day.One of the most important things we learn in King Hui's class is how to use English in real-life situations. This means learning how to have conversations with people, ask for help, and understand different accents and ways of speaking. It can be a bit tricky sometimes, but with practice and patience, we can do it!So, let's keep working hard in King Hui's class and keep improving our English skills. Remember, the more we practice, the better we will get. And who knows, maybe one day we will be fluent in English and able to talk to people from all over the world! Keep up the good work, everyone!篇7Hello everybody! Today I want to tell you all about my experience with the Intermediate Intensive Course of English with Teacher Wang Hui. It was soooooo much fun!So, this course was like super intense because we had classes every single day for two whole weeks. But you know what? It was totally worth it because I learned so much! Teacher Wang Hui was like the best teacher ever. She made learning English so easy and fun.We did a lot of different activities in class. We played games, watched videos, listened to songs, and even did some role plays. My favorite part was when we had to do group projects because I got to work with my friends and we had a blast coming up with creative ideas.But the best part of the course was when we had to give presentations at the end. I was so nervous at first, but Teacher Wang Hui helped me practice and gave me so much confidence. And you know what? I did great!I feel like my English has improved so much after taking this course. I can now speak more fluently, write better, and understand more when I watch English movies or read English books. I am so grateful to Teacher Wang Hui for all her help and support.If you want to improve your English skills, I totally recommend taking the Intermediate Intensive Course with Teacher Wang Hui. It's seriously the best!篇8Title: My Experience in the Intermediate Intensive English Class with Teacher Wang HuiHi everyone! I want to share with you my experience in the Intermediate Intensive English Class with Teacher Wang Hui. It's been such an amazing journey and I have learned so much from her.First of all, Teacher Wang Hui is super cool! She always has a big smile on her face and makes learning English fun and interesting. She uses a lot of games and interactive activities to help us remember new words and grammar rules. One of my favorite games is the vocabulary treasure hunt, where we have to find and match words with their meanings hidden around the classroom.Another thing I love about Teacher Wang Hui is that she is always encouraging us to speak English as much as possible. Even if we make mistakes, she is patient and helps us improve by giving us tips and corrections. I used to be shy about speaking English, but now I feel more confident thanks to her support.The best part of the class is the special projects we get to work on. Last month, we had to create a poster about our favorite holiday and present it to the class. It was so much fun designing the poster and practicing our presentation skills. Teacher Wang Hui gave us feedback on how to improve and I felt proud of my progress.In conclusion, the Intermediate Intensive English Class with Teacher Wang Hui has been a fantastic experience for me. I have learned a lot, made new friends, and improved my English skills. I can't wait to continue learning with her and see where this language journey takes me! Thank you, Teacher Wang Hui!篇9Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you about my experience with the Intermediate Intensive Training Course in Wang Hui Core English. It's been super fun and I've learned so much!First of all, let me tell you about our teacher, Mr. Wang Hui. He's really cool and always makes learning English fun and engaging. He uses a lot of games and activities to help us remember new words and grammar rules. Plus, he always has a big smile on his face which makes the class even more enjoyable.In the course, we've been learning a lot of new things like advanced grammar concepts, complex vocabulary, and even some challenging listening exercises. But don't worry, Mr. Wang Hui always breaks things down and explains them in a way that's easy to understand.One of my favorite activities in the course is when we get to do group presentations. We have to work together to create ashort skit or presentation using the English we've learned. It's a great way to practice speaking and listening skills, plus it's a lot of fun to see what everyone comes up with.Overall, I've really enjoyed taking the Intermediate Intensive Training Course in Wang Hui Core English. I feel like my English skills have improved a lot and I'm more confident in my abilities.I can't wait to keep learning and growing in my English journey. If you ever get the chance to take this course, I highly recommend it!篇10Hello everyone! I'm here to tell you all about the Intermediate Intensive English Course with Teacher Wang Hui. This class is super awesome and it's helping me improve my English skills a lot.In this class, we learn all about grammar, vocabulary, and speaking skills. Teacher Wang Hui is really nice and fun, and she makes learning English really exciting. She always has cool games and activities for us to do in class, which makes it way more interesting than just studying from a textbook.One of the things I love about this class is that Teacher Wang Hui always encourages us to speak in English. Even if we makemistakes, she always helps us correct them and gives us tips on how to improve. This has really boosted my confidence in speaking English, and now I'm not as nervous when I have to speak in front of the class.Another cool thing about this class is that we get to do a lot of group projects and presentations. It's a great way to practice speaking and working with others in English. Plus, it's a lot of fun to come up with creative ideas and present them to the class.Overall, I'm really grateful to be a part of this Intermediate Intensive English Course with Teacher Wang Hui. I've learned so much and I know my English skills have improved a lot. I can't wait to see how much more I'll learn in the future!。

鱼人语 从入门到放弃(1~6全)

鱼人语 从入门到放弃(1~6全)

语法: 1、分音节规则(2) 两个元音字母间出现一个辅音字母时,辅音字母与前面的字母组成音节。如:gar(gar);两个元音字母间出现两个辅音字母时,一个与前面的原音组成音节,一个与后面的原 音组成音节。如:gaar(ga-ar)。 2、重音规则(2) 以辅音开头的音节轻读。如 gaar 读作嘎弱。 练习: 一、拼读以下音节:
Grglrgl!Lrgl……grgrmrmlgr! Mlgmrmlgr!Mglrgrgrlm!
Glmrlmlmr!Grm!Lml!Lgmrmm! Ggggggmlr!Grm……Rmlg!!Rgmmlr!Grgrmlmlrl!
Rgmlrmg!Mlgrm! Grml!Glrm!
Rmlg!Grlmmrlm! ——Gmlrrlgm,《Mrlglrgm》
啊,多冷啊,苏拉玛的冬天,我和木噶木噶在外面玩泥巴,木噶木噶捏了一个小姐姐, 我说,你捏的不好,因为小姐姐没有胸。
单词 a lrgma Wlgrmgg wgr lga gwmlr wr
词性 语气助词 形容词 名词 动词 名词 名词 代词
释义 啊 冷 苏拉玛 玩 泥巴 冬天 我
gr magamaga ar wamlg mlg
mlwwrml mrlwga rrrlaamwwr malllrwg ragl marwl mawlgww mwlaawll mawlgwww wgrrlwmag gg mwmw
名词 介词 形容词 名词 副词 动词 副词 名词 副词 动词 量词 名词

























1000字的英语论文范文1基于文化要素的商务英语口译策略0 引言英语是世界上公认的最为通用的语言,在任何正式或是非正式场合都需要英语作为基本的交流沟通工具。





1 商务英语口译中的文化视角具有商务活动的特征是商务英语口译区别于其他英语口译工作者最主要的特点。


































今天,我们就来了解广西话的1000句日常用语,让我们更了解这个充满热情和活力的方言!1.您好,好久不见!- Nín háo,hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn!2.请问,这个是什么?- Qǐng wèn, zhè gè shì shén me?3.谢谢你的帮助!- Xièxiè nǐ de bāngzhù!4.我不太明白。

- Wǒ bù tài míngbái.5.请再说一遍。

- Qǐng zài shuō yí biàn.6.对不起,我不知道。

- Duìbùqǐ, wǒ bù zhīdào.7.没关系,不要紧。

- Méiguānxì,bù yàojǐn.8.你想吃什么?- Nǐ xiǎng chī shén me?9.我喜欢吃川菜。

- Wǒ xǐhuan chī chuāncài.10.请问这道菜是什么?- Qǐng wèn zhè dào cài shì shén me?11.我想喝咖啡。

- Wǒ xiǎng hē kāfēi.12.这是你的菜单。

- Zhè shì nǐ de càidān.13.你们有没有可乐?- Nǐmen yǒu méiyǒu kělè?14.我不能吃辣的东西。

- Wǒ bù néng chī là de dōngxi.15.请给我拿点儿面包。

1000词basic english s全部资源4级+音频+小达人点读包

1000词basic english s全部资源4级+音频+小达人点读包

1000词basic english s全部资源4级+音频+小达人点读包◎ 编辑推荐●《少儿英语基础1000词练习(全4册)》专为扩大英语初学者词汇量打造,通过系统性的练习逐步强化对单词的理解。

此系列原版书是指南针出版社(Compass Publishing)的畅销产品,毫不夸张地讲,此系列在世界范围内广受英语学习者信赖和喜爱;本次出版则是这套备受好评的单词学习书首次进入国内市场。

● 书中收录的所有单词均属简单、实用的高频词语,是英语学习者使用的各种课本、教材中最常见的词语,4册共同为英语学习者提供了掌握1000余个常用单词的机会。


● 简单明了的内容设置,旨在将学习单词、理解单词、掌握单词作为首要任务。


● 系统性的量化学习能使学习者时刻掌握自己的学习进度。


● 各单元搭配1篇阅读短文,其中囊括单元中出现的全部目标单词。


● 书中所有目标单词和阅读短文均配有地道的美音原版音频,以便增强语音记忆。


◎ 内容简介《少儿英语基础1000词练习(全4册)》为有基本英语知识的少儿设计,每册含240个目标单词和若干日常必备的高频词,以学习1000余个基础英语单词为目的、以单词的阅读和写练习作为基本方法,使学习者轻松掌握实用单词。





盖老师1000词看过盖老师书的宝妈应该对1000词和3000词印象非常深刻,有了1000词听力词汇的娃可以干什么了呢?上外教课,练输出;看动画片《Peppa pig》、《卡由》、《小公主》……基本都没什么问题;那初始的1000词有哪些词呢?其实他是一个数量级的概念,主要是涵盖日常认识,基本生活的英语。


第一级L1.1数字,食物,家庭生活,动物和植物,颜色one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, milk, bread, apple, cheese, lollipop, shirt, shoes, socks, pants, hat, cat, dog, fish, mouse, worm, red, yellow, blue, green, purpleL1.2人与自然,食物,游戏,家具和家庭用品,家人和亲友,家庭生活tree, grass, flower, bird, me, rice, meat,biscuits, egg, soup, blocks, ball, doll, car, train, house, door, window, table, chair, mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, family, book, tool, glasses, dinner, clothesL1.3动物和植物,个人卫生, 家庭生活,科普知识, 衣着与天气elephant, zebra, snake, tiger, loin, boy, boat, duck, bubble, bath, cup, towel, toothbrush, plate, comb, pink, orange, brown, black, angry, coat, mittens, sweater, boots, snow, white, seal, owl, panda, penguinL1.4学校生活,家庭生活宇宙,故事,情感build, paint, jump, play, eat, climb, dance, scratch, lick, bite, hello, bye-bye, earth, moon, sun, want, candy, cake, lamp, ice cream, tomato, onion, carrot, cabbage, cook, story, oh, no, what a mess, for you, giftL1.5食物,家具和家庭用品,家庭生活,情绪,感官pear, strawberry, grapes, like, fruit, salad, use, chopsticks, spoon, knife, fork, sweep, wash, mop, dust, tidy up, look for, sad, scared, happy, sleepy, smell, taste, see, hear, touch, bed time, wash your face, brush your teeth, take off, good nightL1.6家具和家庭用品,家人和亲友,家庭生活,游戏与休闲,身体部位sofa, TV, bed, cupboard, horrible, walking, cycling, swimming, running, skipping, driving, reading, fixing, playing, soccer, singing, paper, crayon, scissors, pencil, tape, rain, puddle, water gun, water slide, sea, arm, nose, head, foot, helpL1.7周末活动,家庭生活食物,交通运输方式社区,动物和植物bear, pajamas, slippers, parents, party, open, close, eyes, basket, cabinet, water, juice, soda, drink, have fun, plane, ship, bike, motorcycle, Merry Christmas, lake, road, bench, girl, willow, look at, giraffe, monkey, rhino, rideL1.8动物和植物、食物,合作与交流,社区,交通运输方式,家具和家庭用品seed, find, wait, own, now, get up, have breakfast, have lunch, have super, go to bed, friend, outing, river, push, cross, fire station, hospital, library, park, theater, subway, a lot of, people, bus, truck, get off, fridge, air-conditioner, microwave, washing machineL1.9动物和植物,情绪,科普知识,家人和亲友,学校生活,故事ladybug, bee, spider, move, hold, turn on, turn off, monster, cry, toy, story, gate, narrow, street, bridge, granny, talk, shop, clean, cow, rooster, horse, goat, roof, get on, school bus, down, slide, swingL1.10合作与交流,动物与植物,故事,食物balloon, sky, hill, rock, cloud, morning, afternoon, evening, superman, Lizard,kitten, hungry, food, bone, bamboo, shoot, phone call, dress up, fall, mud, forest, puppy, pony, pig, calf, chick cookies. hide-and-seek, jelly, jam, banana第二级L2.1科普知识,家庭生活,衣着与天气,游戏与休闲Big, small, foot print, swimming tube, burger, nice, roll, follow, line up, chips, warm, summer, T-shirt, brother, winter, tall, short, frog, kangaroo, rabbit, cold, hot, welcome, ice, sand, fun, clean, dirty, shower, home12.2 科普知识,爱好,合作与交流,节日和假日Long, ruler, dress, scarf, brother, take a picture, scooter, turn around, seesaw, cool, heavy, light, feather, watermelon, shrimp, bring, pail, jar, enough, wind, fast, slow, tortoise, rocket, motorboat, pumpkin, take care of, idea, Halloween, Jack-O-LanternL2.3衣着与天气,疾病,交通运输方式,节日与假日,居室,日常活动rain boots, raincoat, umbrella, rainbow, float, doctor, cold, cough, fever, mouth, fly, hen, high, way, sky lantern, summer, surf, shoot, goalkeeper, fly a kite, living room, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, asleep, try, catch, wet, dreamL2.4合作与交流,动物和植物,旅行,音乐与舞蹈饮食习惯many, a few, donut, cupcake, cherry, pineapple, dragon fruit, juicy, plant, sweet, join, wave, building, tower, clock, band, play, raise, leg, bend down, yoghourt, popcorn, nut, waffle, chocolate, geese, sheep, wool, farm, layL2.5意外,交通标志,家人家具和家庭用品,家庭生活hurt, plaster, break, put, cabinet, stop, vehicle, gas station, new, tow truck, uncle, aunt, cousin, baby, tail, flee, wing, piano, pack, giant, stroller, diaper, rattle, pacifier, shake, zip, button up, jacket. hurry, SaturdayL2.6身体部位,安全守则,爱好,合作与交流,使用地图finger, neck, knee, mosquito, human, garden, backyard, neighbor, dangerous, policeman, camera, press, cave, dark, flash, kick, tap, throw, pull, hole, drum, drum kit, sit, well, bookshelf, map, fisherman, treasure, fight, stormL2.7动物和植物,家具和家庭用品,旅行,家庭生活naughty, land, animal, zoo, toss, noise, rush, crawl, afraid, wardrobe, city, backpack, ferry, stay(verb), grab, wormy, beak, dive, right, smart, jigsaw, puzzle, puppet, boring, wake up, amusement park, leaf, branch, crown, nest, oldL2.8意外,家庭生活,家具和家庭用品,动物和植物人与自然,娱乐活动mole, motorbike, fox, woodpecker, helmet, collar. sleeve, bow, dotty, front, toilet, bathtub, mirror, shiny, satisfied, best, dragonfly, firefly, insect, grasshopper, jungle, wall, hare, photo, butterfly, show, excited, stamp, clap, capL2.9动物和植物,社会行为,节日和假日,人际交往,家庭生活turtle, crocodile, snail, carp, tasty, autumn, carefully, lift, wood, hedgehog, first, friendly, bossy, henhouse, leave, Easter Bunny, stone, carry, broken, hop, clown, circus, call out, top, drive, paint, wrong, bucket, beautiful, good jobL2.10 社会行为,情感,数字,人与自然,社会行为,安全守则tickle, tiny, buffalo, huge, fly, pond, squirrel, dry, safe, splash, eleven, twelve, count, thirteen, fourteen, field, barn, hug, feed, mild, make friends, lonely, grey, chameleon, stranger, lost, parrot第三级L3.1医疗,健康饮食,动物和植物,合作与交流科普知识,家庭生活shell, thorn, take your temperature, card, pill, begin, fairy, sweets, smile, broccoli, lettuce, peas, crab, shark,starfish, dolphin, whale, island, dragon, mountain, children, fire, fish, caterpillar, beetle, depressed, strong, laugh at, change, couch, flour, puff, sneeze, tug-of-war, blanketL3.2社会行为,商品,体育,人与自然,自我保护,游戏与休闲honey, hive, please, polite, rude, smell, sunglasses, glove, scarecrow, woman, stuff, jeans, watch( verb), wave(noun),back( noun), show, toe, beach shade, fireman, cut down, cut off, bookcase, firetruck, ant, march, lead, cheer, piece, hold up, wheel, pedal, handlebar, training, wheel, bell, ringL3.3个人情况,诗歌,情绪,家庭生活,交通运输方式,动物和植物wild, hairstyle, hairdresser, braids, curly, tidy, rat, wear, deer, wolf, tea, listen, think, sleep, return, embarrassed, puzzled, hesitated, thunder, lightning, candle, go out, shadow puppet, pigeon, seatbelt, get in, hold on, bounce, button, zoom, alligator, ostrich, camel, dinosaur, hump, disappointedL3.4动物和植物,合作与交流,游戏与休闲,健康饮食,故事maple tree, fall, river, sparrow, night, hamster, pick, blackberry, hazelnut, fetch, thick, upset, sandcastle, grand, watch out, lie, flag, seaweed, south, gull, sink, swan, pelican, hot air balloon, peanut butter, sandwich, chicken, noodle soup, empty, grocery, magic stone, witch, nasty, hate, the poor, hutL3.5节日与假日,交通运输方式,人与自然,庆祝活动,体育与赛事,故事robin, weak, chop, Christmas tree, feeder, star, airport, stewardess, pilot, fasten, screen, swallow, play house, sunshine, balcony, wilt, bud, water, mud pie, decorate, twig, pebble, worried, giggle, chase, squeal, bag, bump, struggle, escape, captain, king, bottle, chef, first, mate, bowL3.6安全守则,爱好,购物计划,社会行为,发明与技术,合作与交流crane, biggest, sunset, roar, blow, leader, football, queen, prince, princess, handstand, trousers, polish, pail, pork, nail, board, cork, giant, market, show off, win, ashamed, village, robot, inventor, test tube, tire, mayor, pump up, recess, shy, peek. point, team, mittL3.7环境保护,动物和植物合作与交流医疗,诗歌动物和植物plan, playground, woods, berry, ax, think, over, flap, whisper, frightened, edge, slip, starve, vegetable, eggplant, harvest, drop, beaver, green pepper, skate, town, moose, terrible, discouraged, surprise, spray, blood, suck, thirsty, ginger, cover, garden shed, wonder, mat, basement, dusk, get out of bedL3.8房屋与住所,合作与交流,健康饮食,食物学校生活,发明与技术through, log, dig freezing, perfect, armchair, trash can, stick, surprised, light pole, save, fat, rich food, ham, pizza, roast turkey, palace, porridge, planet, jellyfish, visit, awful, milkshake, lemonade, fan, note, blackboard, raindrop, seat, game, junk, frame, chain, gear, gang, pileL3.9家庭生活,家人和亲友,动物与植物,科普知识发明与技术,诗歌phone, sitting room, key, school bag, pocket, Monday, twins, model, airplane, can, share, alike, yell, go camping, air bed, flat, plug, bower bird, barbecue, warthog, aquarium, orca, tusk, walrus, T-Rex space museum, guide, keyboard, astronaut, spaceship, satellite, medicine, syrup, sore throat, swat, swamp, swarming beesL3.10写信,安全守则,旅行,诗歌,国家与民族write, letter, post, envelop, flu, receive, teacher, performer, Pop, bursts into tears, class, ring(noun),ocean, discover, group, dizzy, voice, move, alarm, radar examine, damage, a sheet of metal hammer, missing, go downstairs, crisp, rose, oak tree, colorful, hamburger, taco, sushi, French bread。





二、拼音的发音规律1.声母:b,p,m,f,d,t,n,l,g,k,h,j,q,x,zh,ch,sh,r,z,c,s,w,y2.韵母:a, o, e, i, u, ü, ai, ei, ao, ou, an, en, in, un, ün, ang, eng, ing, ong3.声、韵母的组合:a, o, e, i, u, ü, ai, ei, ao, ou, an, en, in, un, ün, ang, eng, ing, ong4.声调:平声、上声、去声、入声三、拼音的书写方式拼音的书写方式采用的是汉语拼音方案,它是一套汉字读音标注的字母文字,是第一音节字母拼写的基础。










这本书还包含了大量的词汇和语法练习,可以帮助学生巩固他们的知识。这些 练习不仅包括传统的选择题和填空题,还包括一些更具创新性的题目,如听写 和写作。这些题目可以帮助学生更好地理解和应用所学知识,提高他们的实际 操作能力。
在使用这本书的过程中,我深深感受到了它对提高我英语水平的帮助。通过观 看视频和听取音频,我可以更好地理解英语词汇和语法的应用。通过完成练习 题目,我可以更好地掌握所学知识,并将它们应用到实际生活中。
小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(一) 小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(二)
小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(三) 1小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(四)
11小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(五) 111小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(六)
1111小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(七) 小学英语考试真题解析与模拟练习(八)
《猿辅导英语1000词速记小学必备词汇语法专项练习配套视频音频默写》是一本为小学生编写的 英语词汇和语法练习书籍。本书旨在帮助学生掌握小学必备的1000个英语单词,并通过专项练习 提高他们的词汇和语法应用能力。 单词速记部分:本书将小学必备的1000个单词按照主题分类,每个主题下包含若干个相关单词。 每个单词都配有音标、释义和例句,方便学生记忆和理解。 语法专项练习部分:本书针对小学英语语法知识,设计了多个专项练习,包括名词、动词、形容 词、副词等语法知识点的应用。这些练习旨在帮助学生巩固所学的语法知识,提高他们的语言应 用能力。 配套视频和音频:本书附带了配套的视频和音频,学生可以通过观看视频和听音频来加强单词和 语法的记忆和理解。这些视频和音频内容丰富,包括单词发音、例句朗读等。
在我浏览这本书的过程中,我深深地被它的结构和内容所吸引。猿辅导英语 1000词速记小学必备词汇语法专项练习配套视频音频默写,是一本旨在帮助小 学生快速掌握英语词汇和语法的工具书。通过使用这本书,学生力。



stand up2. sit down3. walk4. stop5. turn left6. turn right7. turn around8. walk backwards9. jump10. hop11. bend over12. squat13. walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc.14. face ___ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.)15. lift up your right leg (left leg, right arm, etc.)16. lower your leg (left leg, right arm, etc.)17. shake my hand18. kiss me (on the cheek!)19. make a fist20. clap your hands21. snap your fingersfacial things23. smile24. cough25. laugh26. cry27. sneeze28. open your mouth29. close your mouth30. stick out your tongue31. put your tongue back in32. wink33. blink34. wiggle your noseGeneral verbs you can use with objects35. where is36. touch37. show me38. pick up39. put down40. put it back (return)41. drop43. give me (give him)44. take it back45. throw46. catch47. turn over (flip)48. put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______49. push50. pull51. liftkitchen table stuff52. cup53. plate54. bowl55. knife56. fork57. spoon58. napkin / tissue59. dish60. big round serving tray61. tray you'd serve tea or coffee on62. table63. chairkitchen stuff64. pan65. oven66. stove67. sink68. faucet69. counter70. cupboard71. refrigerator basic foods72. flour73. sugar74. bread75. tea leaves76. coffee grounds77. rice78. nuts79. yogurt80. candy, etc. drinks81. water82. milk83. juice84. soda85. yogurt (drinking)86. coffee87. teafruits/vegetables88. apple89. banana90. orange91. plum92. grapes93. fig94. dates95. raisons96. lemon97. pomegranate98. watermelon99. tomato100. cucumber 101. zucchini 102. onion103. carrot104. eggplant 105. small eggplant 106. potato107. garlic108. parsley 109. lettuce110. grape leaves 111. celery112. mint113. cabbage, etc.numbers (by using pens, for example) 114. one115. two116. three117. four118. five119. six120. seven121. eight122. nine123. ten124. eleven, etc.words having to do with a door 125. door126. key127. doorknob128. hinge129. peephole130. doorbell131. open the door132. close the door133. lock the door134. unlock the door135. look through the peephole 136. ring the doorbell137. knock on the doorwords having to do with money 138. coin139. bill140. 1 qirsh coin141. 5 qirsh coin142. 10 qirsh coin143. 25 qirsh coin144. 50 qirsh coin145. 1 dinar coin146. 1 dinar bill147. 5 dinar bill148. 10 dinar bill149. 20 dinar bill150. pay me 35 qirsh, etc.151. put 1 dinar in your pocket, etc.152. give me change for this 1 dinar billwords having to do with a cassette recorder/radio/etc. 153. cassette recorder154. button155. microphone 156. speaker157. headphones 158. volume control 159. DC adapter jack 160. DC adapter 161. handle162. front163. back164. side165. battery cover 166. battery167. play button 168. record button169. rewind button170. fast forward button171. pause button172. cassette173. put the cassette in the player174. take the cassette out of the player175. turn the cassette over (i.e., take it out, turn it over, and put it back in)176. push play (start the tape)177. turn up the volume178. turn down the volume179. push stop (stop the tape)180. push the pause button181. rewind the tape182. fast forward the tape183. record ___ onto the tape184. turn on the radio185. turn off the radio186. change the station187. find some music188. find some talking189. change the band (e.g., from AM to FM) 190. change it backwords that have to do with a book191. book192. title193. author194. cover195. table of contents196. index197. chapter198. page199. page number200. section201. paragraph202. sentence203. period204. comma205. quotation mark206. open the book207. close the book208. turn to page number ____ 209. turn the page210. turn forward 5 pages 211. turn back a page212. turn back three pagesThings you'll see outside in a city (you and your tutor will have to go outside for this list, but it's nice to have a change every once in a while anyway)213. car214. truck215. motorcycle216. bicycle217. bus218. pedestrian (walker)219. policeman220. office building221. restaurant222. house223. apartment building224. grocery store225. vegetable/fruit store226. butcher's shop227. bakery228. gas stationwords having to do with a car 229. car230. door231. front seat232. back seat233. driver's seat234. passenger seat235. steering wheel236. seat belt237. break pedal238. gas pedal239. clutch pedal240. speedometer 241. gas gauge 242. gear shift 243. emergency break 244. ignition switch 245. horn246. hood247. headlight 248. fender249. license plate 250. engine251. trunk252. tire253. fender254. exhaust pipe255. turn signal switch256. light switch257. put on/take off your seatbelt 258. turn on the car259. turn off the car260. drive forward261. go in revers262. turn right263. turn left264. do a U-turn265. turn on your left turn signal 266. turn on your right turn signal 267. use the horn268. stop269. speed up270. slow down271. turn on/off the headlights 272. turn on/off the highbeams 273. turn on/off the inside light 274. wind down the window275. wind up the window276. lock the door (from the inside) 277. lock the door (from the outside) 278. driver's license279.prepositions280. on281. in282. under283. above284. beside / next to 285. in front of 286. behind287. to the left of 288. to the right of living room289. sofa290. chair291. pillow292. coffee table 293. rug294. carpet295. cushion 296. window 297. curtain298. lamp299. ceiling light 300. light switch 301. electrical plug 302. phone plug 303. telephone304. telephone cord 305. television306. bookcasebedroom307. bed308. sheet309. pillow310. blanket311. dresser312. closet313. coat hanger 314. mirrorbathroom315. toilet316. bathtub317. toilet paper318. sink319. towel320. shower curtain321. toothbrush322. toothpaste323. comb324. plunger325. shampoo326. deodorantbasic adjectives327. big328. small329. medium (of three, for example) 330. long331. short332. new333. old334. thick335. thincolors336. color (the word for color) 337. white338. black339. red340. orange341. yellow342. green343. blue344. purple345. pink346. brown347. grayshapes348. square349. rectangle350. triangle351. circle352. oval353. pentagon354. hexagon355. cube356. box (rectangular solid)357. spherethings you can do with a pen358. cap359. take off the cap360. put the cap back on361. write362. sign your name363. draw a line, circle, square, etc.basic adverbs364. quickly365. slowly366. carefullyvoice things367. speak368. sing369. hum370. whisper371. shout/yell372. stop speaking (singing, humming, etc.) household items373. light bulb 374. hammer375. screwdriver 376. screw377. wrench378. pliers379. broom380. mop381. dustpan382. sweep the floor 383. mop the floor 384. trash can385. trash bag386. washing machine 387. dryer388. iron389. ironing board 390. clothes pin clothing391. shirt392. pants393. shoe395. coat 396. underwear 397. sock 398. socks 399. watch 400. sweater 401. hat402. belt403. dress shirt 404. tie405. dress 406. skirt 407. blouse parts of the body 408. hair409. forehead 410. eyebrow 411. eyelash 412. eye413. ear414. cheek416. lip/lips 417. mouth 418. moustache 419. beard 420. chin 421. throat 422. tooth / teeth 423. tongue 424. chest 425. back 426. shoulder 427. belly 428. arm429. leg430. thigh 431. shin 432. hand 433. finger 434. fingers 435. thumb 436. knuckle437. fingernail 438. elbow439. knee440. foot441. ankle442. toe / toes office443. office444. desk445. computer 446. keyboard 447. monitor 448. printer449. mouse450. printer cable 451. voltage regular 452. power cord 453. disk drive 454. floppy disk 455. paper456. modem 457. fax machine458. scanner459. shredderwords having to do with a wall calendar460. today461. yesterday462. tomorrow463. the day before yesterday464. the day after tomorrow465. week466. this week467. last week468. next week469. Sunday470. Monday471. Tuesday472. Wednesday473. Thursday474. Friday475. Saturday476. month (this month, last month, next month) 477. next Thursday478. last Monday479. a week from Wednesday 480. holidaywith a clock481. clock482. 1:00483. 2:00484. 3:00485. 4:00486. 5:00487. 6:00488. 7:00489. 8:00490. 9:00491. 10:00492. 11:00493. 12:00494. 1:15495. 2:30496. 3:45497. 4:20498. 9:40499. 8:55500. 8:05 501. AM 502. PM。






1.鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版的概念和背景
2.鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版的主要内容
3.鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版的意义和价值
4.鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版的使用建议
鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版是一种针对中文学习者的阅读材料,旨在帮助学习者通过阅读 1000 个常用词汇,掌握中文基础词汇和语法结构。


鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版的主要内容包括 1000 个常用词汇、实用的例句和有趣的故事。

这 1000 个词汇是经过精心挑选的,涵盖了日常生活、文化、科技等各个领域,让学习者在阅读的过程中不仅能够学习词汇,还能够了解中国的文化和社会。


鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版的意义和价值在于,它为中文学习者提供了一种轻松、有趣的学习方式。


此外,鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版还能够帮助学习者提高阅读速度和理解能力,为进一步学习中文打下坚实的基础。

在使用鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版时,建议学习者首先阅读故事,理解故事的内容和情节。



总之,鹏乔悦读 1000 词组合基础版是一种优秀的中文学习材料,能够帮助学习者轻松、有趣地学习中文。

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Acake take bake lake wake make made name game same ate late date hate gate base case sale male pale tape safe gave save eave Jane blame blade brave grade grape plane plate snake haveaim rain pain main gain mail tail fail nail sail rail wait waist paint plain snailat cat fat hat bat mat rat ad add bad dad had sad mad am ham jam Sam can fan man pan ran cap map gas mass pass bag back lack pack Jack jazz act fact camp lamp ant and band hand land sand ask mask last fast past cast clap class flag flat plat plan plant black glad glass grass gram crab smack grandwawas wash want watch swan whatastetaste waste pasteangechange strangeacheaucause pause sauce fault aunt laughEhe me we beevesee bee fee feed need seed seek week teen meet deep jeep keep beef feel been seem free green greet sleep sweep sweetsea tea lead read deal meal bean mean Jean eat beat heat meat seat leaf weak team leave east least clean cream steamyeah deaf head dead death health read bread spreadbreak great steakbed red Ted pen ten men hen Ben Ken get let net pet set wet yet leg egg yes less bell sell tell well yell Jeff neck end lend send tent rent went best nest rest test vest west desk belt help left self else sense next bless smell slept Fredeiveileigheight weight weigh sleighheightII hi skihide ride side wide like bike hike life wife five live mile pile fine nine line mine kite bite pipe size time rime prize slide smile give liveit sit hit fit in win pin ill bill Bill fill hill Gill kill till will kid did lid tip lip hip Miss miss kiss big pig dig kick sick lock pick six fix mix him Jim mid if lift gift list milk film wind slim swim brick print Climbpie tie lie dieniece piece thief chief priest fieldfriendsignildwild childindfind kind mind lbindighhigh night might sight fight right bright light flightOgo no so do to who twocoke joke hope rope note vote role hole rode home bone smokesome come done none love glove move lose whoseon Tom mom mop hop pop top not pot lot hot dot got ox box fox job rob Bob god nod fog jog wok cock lock sock rock doll pond frog from clock block solve off soft dog lost cost boss crossboth comb clothes son month front ton tongue one onceostmost post host ghostolold cold gold hold golf roll wolfoaboat coat goat goal loaf road soap coast toast broadoetoe Joe shoeoobook cook look took good hood wood woods foot wool blood floodzoo too tool cool fool pool noon soon spoon roof room root shoot goose choose tooth school food oioil boil join coin point noise voice choiceouout shout doubt loud cloud proud couch count mouth south house mouse blousesound round pound ground soul you youth soup group wound touch youngoughcough fought bought brought thought dough though throughouldcould should wouldUuse cute cube tube muleflu flute June rule rudeSue glue blue suit fruitnew news knew few dewblew flew grew threw drewup cup sun run fun gun but cut nut us bus bug hug rub tub sub mud duck must just pump hunt plus club drugtruthfull pull put bull bush pushYmy by fly fry cry shy shy dry try sky bye eyetype stylesay may play hay day gay lay pay way pray gray stayboy toy hoy soykeyhey they greybuy guyWsaw draw paw law dawn strawnew knew news few dewblew flew grew threw drewshow grow low blow slow snow own row bow bowl know thrownow how cow bow down town brown crowdAlwalk talk chalk stalksalt falsecalm halfallball call fall tall wall hall mall smallarcar fat star arm farm art part chart smart start park mark Mark bark dark shark card hard yard March sharp Clark scarf large chargewar war warn warmerHer hers term clerk serveirsir bird girl first shirt shirt thirdoror nor for fork pork form storm born corn sport short shorts horse northwor work word worm worldurhurt surf turn burn burst church nurse purse curveareshare care rare bare square scare scared are airair fair hair pair chair staireirtheir theirsereherethere wherewereearear dear hear near tear fear year clear beard bear pear tear wearearn earth learn searchhearteerbeer deer cheerirefire hire tire tiredoremore sore bore bored shore store scoreoarboard soarurecure puresureoorpoordoor floorourour hour sour ours flourfour court course your yoursbu+元gu+元qu+元buy buildguy guess guest guard guidequit quiz quick quite queensc c /s/face race lace place dance fence peace since prince ice nice rice price slice juice cell cent sceneg dgage page cage edge bridge judge dodges se /z/as has lens jeans is his gas yes us bus this /s/raise praise ease please pleased rise wise nose rose close use fuse goose /s/s /s/see same safe send side such some sure sugarse /s/house mouse blouse sense else nurse purse horse false chase case base (a,ou, 辅)动z 名形/s / house use close housengsing king ring bring wing swing hang sanglong song wrong strongnkink link pink sink drink bank tank blank frankshshe sheet sheep ship shine shake shape shop shut shelf shrimp fish dish wish cash flash fresh rush brushch tchcheese cheap cheat chess check chase chin chop chance each teach beach peach reach catch match branch bench french inch rich coach roach such much lunch brunchththin thing think thick thank three throat bath math path withthis these that than them then those with bathewhwhen which while white wheel whalewhole who whom whosephphonedrdress dream drive drop drumtrTrap trash trace trade train tree treat trip trick truck trust truesk scskate skill skin screen screamspspace spell spend speed speech speak spring spotststep steal steam stop stone stove state stand stamp stick still street strike straight twtwice twelve twotsits pantsmblamb bomb dumb climb thumbknknee knife knock knit know knewwrwrite wrote wrist。
