

山西省晋城市第一中学2014-2015学年高二10月月考英语试题 Word版含答案

山西省晋城市第一中学2014-2015学年高二10月月考英语试题 Word版含答案




第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.——The weather is too cold ____ March this year.——It was still ____ when I came here years ago.A.for; colderB.in; coldC.in; hotD.for; hotter2. He is only too ready to help others, seldom, ____, refusing them when they turn to him.A.if neverB.if everC.if notD.if any3. I‟d like to live somewhere _ __ the sun shines all year long.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.in which4. I __ __ to go for a walk, but someone called and I couldn‟t get away.A.was planningB.plannedC.had plannedD.would plan5. ——Your book, Tommy?——No, Mom, it‟s my friend‟s.——Remember to return it to _ __ name is on it.A.whatB.whichC.whoseD.whosever6. Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.A.the; theB.a; 不填C.不填;不填D.不填;the7. I have no one ____ me, for I am a new comer here.A.helpB.helpingC.to helpD.to have helped8. As time went by, the plan ____ fairly practical.A.to provedB.to provingC.provedD.to be proved9. We should know that we can only reach the top if we are ready to ____ and learn from failure.A.deal withB.depend onC.carry onD.go with10. ——You didn‟t wait for Mr. Black last night, did you?——No, but we ____. He didn‟t return home at all.A.couldn‟t haveB.needn‟t haveC.didn‟ t need toD.should wait have11. The young lady prefers dressing up for a party to ____ by others.A.be noticedB.being noticedC.having been noticedD.have been noticed12. ____ the pressure from work, teachers have to deal with psychological problems caused by the relationship between students.A.As far asB.As long asC.As well asD.As soon as13. If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but____an even greater challenge.A.meetsB.meetingC.meetD.to meet14. ——Did you know any French before you arrived in Washington?——Never ____ it, actually.A.had I learnedB.have I learnedC.I learnedD.was I learning15. ——Why was our foreign teacher unhappy yesterday?——News about the tsunami striking her country ____ an attack of homesickness.A.set forB.set outC.set aboutD.set off16. I spent the whole day repairing the motorbike. The work was ____ simple.A.nothing butB.anything butC.something ofD.all except17. ——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I‟d like you and Jane to come.——I‟m not sure if she ____ free.A.will be; isB.is going to; isC.is; isD.is; will be18. Shanghai is the first city in the world ____a high-speed maglev train, from the city to Pudong Airport.A.to buildB.to be builtC.to have builtD.to have been built19. Babara is easy to recognize as she‟s the only one of women who ____evening dress.A.wearB.wearsC.has wornD.have worn20. All the task ____ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.A.had been finishedB.were finishedC.having been finishedD.been finished第二部分完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后给出的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入文中空白处的最佳选项。



合阳中学2014--2015年度高二年级第一次月考试题第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共60分)一、单项选择题(每小题只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项填涂在答题卡上。

每小题4分,共40分)1.两个放在绝缘架上的相同金属球,相距r ,球的半径比r 小得多,带电荷量大小分别为q和3q ,相互作用的斥力为3F . 现让这两个金属球相接触,然后分开,仍放回原处,则它们之间的相互作用力将变为A .F B.4F 3C .4FD .以上三个选项之外的一个值 2.如图所示,P 、Q 是两个电荷量相等的异种电荷,在其电场中有a 、b 、c 三点在一条直线上,平行于P 、Q 的连线,b 在P 、Q 连线的中垂线上,ab=bc,下列说法正确的是A.ϕa>ϕb>ϕcB. ϕa>ϕc>ϕbC.Ea>Eb>EcD.Eb>Ea>Ec3.如图所示,实线表示电场线,虚线表示只受电场力作用的带电粒子的运动轨迹.粒子先经过M 点,再经过N 点.可以判定A .粒子在M 点受到的电场力大于在N 点受到的电场力B .M 点的电势高于N 点的电势C .粒子带负电D .粒子在M 点的动能大于在N 点的动能4.a 、b 、c 、d 是匀强电场中的四个点,它们正好是一个矩形的四个顶点.电场线与矩形所在平面平行.已知a 点的电势为20 V ,b 点的电势为24V ,d 点的电势为4 V ,所示.由此可知c 点的电势为A.4 VB.8 VC.12 VD.24 V5.如图所示,一带电小球A,用绝缘细线拴住系在O 点,在O 点正下方固定一个带电小球B,A 球被排开.当细线与竖直方向夹角为α时系统静止,由于支持B 球的绝缘柄漏电,在B 球电荷量缓慢减少的过程中,发现α逐渐减小,那么该过程中细线的拉力应该如何变化(A 、B 看作点电荷)A.不变B.变大C.变小D.无法判断6. 在点电荷 Q 形成的电场中有一点A ,当一个-q 的检验电荷从电场的无限远处被移到电场中的A 点时,电场力做的功为W ,则检验电荷在A 点的电势能及电场中A 点的电势分别为A.q W W A A =-=ϕ,E B.q W W A A -==ϕ,E C.q W W A A ==ϕ,E D.q W W A A -=-=ϕ,E7.用控制变量法,可以研究影响平行板电容器电容的因素(如图所示).设两极板正对面积为S ,极板间的距离为d ,静电计指针偏角为θ.实验中,极板所带电荷量不变,若 A .保持S 不变,增大d ,则θ变大B .保持S 不变,增大d ,则θ变小C .保持d 不变,减小S ,则θ变小D .保持d 不变,减小S ,则θ不变8.如图所示,a 、b 是两个带有同种电荷的小球,现用两根绝缘细线将它们悬挂于真空中同一点.已知两球静止时,它们离水平地面的高度相等,线与竖直方向的夹角分别为α、β,且α<β.现有以下判断,其中正确的是A.a 球的质量一定大于b 球的质量B.a 球的电荷量一定大于b 球的电荷量C.a 球对b 球的库伦力一定大于b 球对a 球的库伦力D.以上说法均不正确9.空间有平行于纸面的匀强电场.一电荷量为-q 的质点(重力不计),在恒定拉力F 的作用下沿虚线由M 匀速运动到N ,如右图所示,已知力F 和MN 间夹角为θ,MN 间距离为d ,则( )A .MN 两点的电势差为Fdcos θqB .匀强电场的电场强度大小为Fdcos θqC .带电小球由M 运动到N 的过程中,电势能减少了Fdcos θD .若要使带电小球由N 向M 做匀速直线运动,则F 必须反向10.两块大小、形状完全相同的金属平板平行放置,构成一平行板电容器,与它相连接的电路如图所示,接通开关K ,电源即给电容器充电( )A .保持K 接通,减小两极板间的距离,则两极板间电场的电场强度减小B .保持K 接通,在两极板间插入一块介质,则极板上的电荷量减小C .断开K ,减小两极板间的距离,则两极板间的电势差减小D .断开K ,在两极板间插入一块介质,则两极板间的电势差增大二、多项选择题(每题给出的四个选项中,有多个选项正确,选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错或不选的得0分)11.关于静电场,下列结论普遍成立的是A .电场强度大的地方电势不一定高B .电场中任意两点之间的电势差只与这两点的场强有关C .在正电荷或负电荷产生的静电场中,场强方向都指向电势降低最快的方向D .将正点电荷从场强为零的点移动到场强为零的另一点,电场力做功为零12.以下说法正确的是:A 、q F E =是电场中某点的电场强度的定义式,是用比值法定义的物理量,场强由电场本身决定,与F 和q 无关B 、由q E p =ϕ可知, 电场中某点的电势ϕ与q 成反比 C 、由d E U ab ⋅=可知匀强电场中任意两点a 、b 间距离越大,则两点间电势差也一定越大 D 、2r kQE =是真空中点电荷场强的计算式,E 与Q 成正比,与r 的平方成反比13.如右图所示,用电池对电容器充电,电路a 、b 之间接有一灵敏电流表,两极板之间有一个电荷q 处于静止状态,现将两极板的间距变大,则( )A .电荷将向上加速运动B .电荷将向下加速运动C .电流表中将有从a 到b 的电流D .电流表中将有从b 到a 的电流14.如图所示为空间某一电场的电场线,a 、b 两点为其中一条竖直向下的电场线上的两点,该两点的高度差为h ,一个质量为m 、带电荷量为+q的小球从a 点静止释放后沿电场线运动到b 点时速度大小为3gh ,则下列说法中正确的是( )A .质量为m 、带电荷量为+q 的小球从a 点静止释放后沿电场线运动到b 点的过程中动能增加量等于电势能减少量B .a 、b 两点的电势差U =mgh 2qC .质量为m 、带电荷量为+2q 的小球从a 点静止释放后沿电场线运动到b 点时速度大小为ghD .质量为m 、带电荷量为-q 的小球从a 点静止释放后沿电场线运动到b 点时速度大小为gh15.如图甲所示,两平行金属板竖直放置,左极板接地,中间有小孔,右极板电势随时间变化的规律如图乙所示,电子原来静止在左极板小孔处(不计电子的重力).下列说法正确的是A .从t =0时刻释放电子,电子始终向右运动,直到打到右极板上B .从t =0时刻释放电子,电子可能在两板间来回振动C .从t =T/4时刻释放电子,电子可能在两板间来回振动,也可能打到右极板上D .从t =3T/8时刻释放电子,电子必将打到左极板上第II 卷(非选择题,共40分)三.计算题(本题共3小题,共40分。

2014-2015学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题word版 含答案

2014-2015学年高二上学期第二次月考英语试题word版 含答案

2014~2015学年度第一学期第二次阶段检测高二英语试题本试卷分第Ⅰ卷 (选择题) 和第II卷 (非选择题) 两部分共120分。






1.Where does the conversation probably take place ?A. At a hairdresser’s.B. At a dress shop.C. A t a grocery.2.What can we learn from the man ?A. The man hurried through the exam.B. The man was late for the exam.C. The man didn’t wear his sweater in a right way.3. What does the man mean?A. The teachers and the students enjoyed themselves.B. They didn’t have a good time because of the rain.C. They made some preparations for the trip.4. When will Vivien most probably meet Mike?A. At 8:45B. At 11:00C. At 9:155. What’s the woman’s impression about the lecture ?A. Interesting and easy to follow.B. More difficult than she expected.C. As easy as she thought.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。



晋城一中14-15学年高二年级四月月考试题第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.——He must be busy doing his homework right now.——I imagine ____.A. thatB. toC. soD. it2. We need a(n) ____ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder.A. considerableB. cautiousC. dynamicD. conventional3. When chatting with him on the mobile phone, the battery _____ dead suddenly.A. wentB. cameC. remainedD. changed4. We had really a bad time about six months ago, but now things are _____ .A. looking upB. coming upC. making upD. turning up5. ——Why did you put the wood near the fire? It is dangerous.——Don’t worry. Wet wood won’t ____.A. burntB. be burntC. be burningD. burn6. Fish have eyes and ____ appears to be a nose, and they can hear, too.A. thatB. whichC. itD. what7. David got well-prepared for the university interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity ____.A. to loseB. losingC. to be lostD. being lost8. What if you ____ to send an essay with your application? Would you have been rejected?A. forgetB. would forgetC. had forgottenD. should forget9. One is to make every effort ____ he can achieve something.A. whenB. unlessC. sinceD. before10. ——Is there any hope of saving his life?——His injuries are extremely serious, but he is expected to ____.A. pull inB. pull throughC. pull upD. pull over11. His wife urged ____ the family somewhere and have a good holiday.A. he would takeB. on him takeC. for him to takeD. he take12. ____ that he found it difficult to stop at the busy crossing.A. So fast he was drivingB. So fast was he drivingC. So fast drove heD. So fast he drove13. A lecture ____, a lively question-and-answer session followed.A. being givenB. having givenC. to be givenD. having been given14. Passenger: Look out! There’s a kangaroo wandering on the road!Driver: ____ it! That was lucky. It can damage my car really badly.A. MissingB. MissedC. To missD. Miss15. ——“Dear Frank, when will our wedding be?——“Ah, when? God knows.” He said, and ____ away from her, walked rapidly away.A. turningB. turnedC. turnD. to turn16. The factory produced many cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.A. themB. whichC. itD. what17. ——The T-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online.——____ ? But I promise you we’ll look into it right away.A. Who saysB. How comeC. What forD. Why worry18. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and ____to ruins, the city took on a new look.A. reducingB. reducedC. being reducedD. having reduced19. Experts say ____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.A. exposedB. being exposedC. having exposedD. exposing20. The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ____ a good impression is a must.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. as第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。






( )1. Where did the boy go on vacation?A. He went to the mountains.B. He went to the beach.C. He stadyed at home.( )2. What place did the boy visit? A. A school. B. A museum. C. A zoo.( )3. How was the food in Qingdao?A. Delicious but expensive.B. Delicious and cheapC. Terrible and cheap( )4. What does Tom do in the evening? A. He swims. B. He runs. C. He plays soccer.( )5. Where did John spend his vacation? A. In Shanghai. B. In Beijing. C. In Tianjin.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。




()6. Who did John go to Beijing with? A. His classmates. B. His parents. C. His friends.( )7. What did John do in Beijing?A. He visited the Great Wall.B. He ate a Beijing duck.C. He visited museums.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。




第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共50分)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题,每题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


AThe most frigh tening words in the English language are, “Our computer is down.” You hear it more and more when you are on business. The other day I was at the airport waiting for a ticket to Washington and the girl in the ticket office said, “I’m sorry, I can’t sell you a ticket. Our computer is down.”“If your computer is down, just write me out a ticket.”“I can’t write you out a ticket. The computer is the only one allowed to do so.”I looked down on the computer and every passenger was just standing there drinking coffee and staring at the black screen. Then I asked her, “What do all you people do?”“We give the computer the information about your trip, and then it tells us whether you can fly with us or not.”“So when it goes down, you go down with it.”“That’s good, sir.”“How long will the computer be down?” I wanted to know.“I have no idea. Sometimes it’s down for 10 minutes, sometimes for two hours. There’s no way we can find out without asking the computer, and since it’s down it won’t answer us.”After the girl told me they had no backup(备用) computer, I said. “Let’s forget the computer. What about your planes? They’re still flying, aren’t they?”“I couldn’t tell without asking the computer.”“Maybe I could just go to the gate and ask the pilot if he’s flying to Washington, ” I suggested.“I wouldn’t know what gate to send you to. Even if the pilot was going to Washington, he couldn’t take you if you didn’t have a ticket.”“Is there any other airline flying to Washington within the next few hours?”“I wouldn’t know, ” she said, pointing at the dark screen. “Only ‘IT’ knows. ‘It’ can’t tell me.”By this time there were quite a few people standing in lines. The word soon spread to other travelers that the computer was down. Some people went white, some people started to cry and still others kicked their luggage.1. The best title for the article is _______.A. When the Computer Is DownB. The Most Frightening WordsC. The Computer of the AirportD. Asking the Computer2. What could the girl in the ticket office do for the passengers without asking the computer?A. She could sell a ticket.B. She could write out a ticket.C. She could answer the passengers’ questions.D. She could do nothing.3. Why do you think they had not a backup computer?A. Because it was easy downB. Because it was very expensive.C. Because it was not advanced enough.D. Because it was not as big as the main computer.4. The last paragraph suggests that _______.A. a modern computer won’t be down.B. computers can take the place of humansC. sometimes a computer may bring suffering to peopleD. there will be great changes in computersBThis column is part of a series on websites that are useful for English language learning.Activities for ESL StudentsIncludes various types of tests, exercises and puzzles designed to help people studying English as a second language (ESL).The activities include grammar, vocabulary and idiom tests at easy, medium and difficult levels.The specially designed Chinese-English vocabulary tests can help Chinese memorize English words.http://a4esl.org/Interesting Things for ESL StudentsContains a comprehensive list of audio clips (听力剪辑)from the Special English programs of Voice of America (VOA).The list covers news of all kinds on VOA.The listening and vocabulary exercises and the word list designed with the clips will help English learners improve listening ability and increase vocabulary.http://www.manythings.org/voa/World-EnglishThis site provides a list of radio or TV channels offering English news clips.It includes the BBC radio program clips from England, CNN and ABC news clips from the US, and other news clips from other English-speaking countries.Click on the links and you will be taken to channels where you can listen to clips.This is a good way to practice listening.http://www.world-english.org/listening.htmlListen to EnglishOffers a large number of materials for English learners to practice listening.The materials include business English, English literature, history, movies, and politics.Students can improve their English while enjoying the beauty of the English of literature, songs, movies, and news in different countries.http://eleaston.corn/listen, html5.If you want to test how well you are learning English, which website can you enter?A.http://a4esl.org/B.http://www.manythings.org/voa/C.http://www.world-english.org/listening.htmlD.http://eleaston.com/listen, html6.According to this passage, you had better listen to clips of _______ programs to learn more English words.A.VOA B.BBC C.CNN D.ABC7.How many of the four websites can you use to improve your English as well as to learn about recent news?A.One.B.Two.C.Three. D.Four.CA federal agency on Tuesday called for a ban on all cellphone use by drivers --- the mostfar-reaching recommendation up to now — saying its decision was based on a decade of investigations into distraction-related (与分散注意力有关的) accidents, as well as growing concerns that powerful mobile devices are giving drivers even more reasons to look away from the road.As part of its recommendation, the National Transportation Safety Board is urging states to ban drivers from using hands-free devices, including wireless headsets. No state now has made laws to ban such activity, but the Board said that drivers faced serious risks from talking on wireless headsets, just as they do by taking a hand off the wheel to hold a phone to their ears.However, the concern was heightened by increasingly powerful phones that people can use to send e-mails, watch movies and play games.“Every year, new devices are being on sale.” she said. “People are attracted to update their Facebook page, to play music with cellphone, as if sitting at a desk. But they are driving a car.”The agency based its recommendation on evidence from its investigation of numerous crashes in which electronic distraction was a major contributing factor.Ms. Hersman said she understood that this recommendation would be unwelcome in some circles, given the number of drivers who talk and text. But she compared distracted driving to drunken driving and even smoking, which required wholesale cultural shifts to change behavior.“It’s going to be very unpopular with some people.” she said. “We’re not here to win a popularity contest. We’re here to do the right thing. This is a difficult recommendation, but it’s the right recommendation and it is time.”The agency’s recommendation is not required for states to adopt such a ban. And it won’t likely be agreed upon by state lawmakers who are unwillingly to anger those who have grown accustomed to using their device behind the wheel.The ban also deserves attention because it is the first call by a federal agency to end the practice completely, rather than the partial ban that some lawmakers have put in place by allowing hands-free talking.8. The ban on all cellphone use by drivers was put forward ______.A. after a long discussion and recommendationB. after about ten years’ investigation in itC. because of the most powerful mobile devicesD. for the reason of heading away from the road9. We can know from the passage that ______.A. electronic distraction resulted in numerous crashesB. numerous crashes were caused by drunk drivingC. electronic distraction contributed much to the banD. the recommendation was based on electronic distraction10. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Cellphone Ban in CarsB. Valuable Ban for CellphonesC. Drivers Ban CellphonesD. Cellphone Ban while Driving第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。









例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18.答案是B。

1. How much will the man pay for the tickets?A. £7.5.B. £15.C. £50.2. Which is the right gate for the man’s flight?A. Gate 16.B. Gate 22.C.Gate 25.3.How does the man feel about going to school by bike?A. Happy.B. Tired.C. Worried.4.When can the woman get the computers?A. On Tuesday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Thursday.5.What does the woman think of the shirt for the party?A. The size is not large enough.B. The material is not good.C. The color is not suitable.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话。






AThe time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life, a new study has suggested. Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the possibility of what job a person will end up with, the study by the Office for National Statistics found.Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything from intelligence to length of life. A child born in December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January will tend to a debt collector, they found.A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots. Meanwhile, April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions, births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player, doctor or dentist. The study was gained by researchers who analyzed the birth months of people in 19 separate occupations using information from the last census (人口普查), the Daily Mail reported. Although these trends may be difficult to explain, relations between birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia(精神分裂症), Alzheimer’s disease(早老性痴呆病), asthma(哮喘) and autism(自闭症). They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year.1. What does th e underlined phrase ―embark on‖ refer to?A. land onB. keep in touch withC. be engaged inD. break from2. According to the researchers, a child born in March is likely to become_______.A. a debt collectorB. a pilotC. a dentistD. an artist3. We can learn from the text that______.A. the month babies are born could only affect his intelligence and length of lifeB. People born in the summer months are more likely to get highly paidC. Spring babies may have the bigger chance to get illD. the choice of profession for April and May is very narrow4. What can be included from the passage?A. There exist connections between birth date and occupationsB. The fate has been already decided when people are bornC. People born in Autumn would be more successful than those born in SpringD. The time of year one is born decides which specific health problems one has5. The least likely choice for 5-year-old Jack to make among the museums is __________.A. QMAB. NYHSC. MMID. QCFM6. According to the text, which of the following is NOT true ?A. All the museums mentioned above lie in New York City.B. No other museum in New York City is better than MMI.C. NYHS has the most hands-on activities in America.D. Lucky visitors can see grapes in one of the museums.7. In which museum can you enjoy outdoor fun?A. MMI.B. QCFM.C. NYHS.D. QMA.CTHERE is an old saying: ―Don’t judge a book by its cover.‖ It means that you shouldn’t build your first impression of someone on his or her looks alone. But according to a new study, the famous saying might not be correct after all. A group of US scientists have found that the first impression we have of someone else is actually right most of the time.In the study, scientists asked participants to look at a photograph of a person and make a quick judgment about him or her. A month later, the participant and the person in the photo were introduced, and scientists were shocked to find that their judgments often match those that they had made originally.It’s true that simply looking at someone won’t provide you with as much information. But, according to scientists, when making a first impression, people rely more on their instincts (直觉) than on logic (逻辑). ―They focus on how that person makes them feel,‖ Paul Eastwick of the University of Texas told Live Science. ―It is very hard to get a sense of this information when simply viewing a profile(简介). As soon as one sees another person, an impression is formed and what we see can sometimes dominate what we know.‖Of course, no one can be right about everything and your instincts can go wrong sometimes. But even if it is proven to be wrong, once people form an opinion about someone, they have a hard time getting over that opinion later on.The findings help explain why people always tidy themselves up before meeting guests or doing job interviews.―Their face constant ly reminds us of that first impression,‖ said Rule. People may learn more about anotherperson over time once they get close to each other, but first impressions remain very important and seem difficult to forget.8.What did the US scientists of the University of Texas find out in their recent study?A. It’s unwise to judge a book by its cover.B. It’s better to judge by logic than by instincts.C. First impressions tend to last more often than not.D. Profiles provide more information than you have imagined.9 . The underlined word ―dominate‖ is closest in meaning to .A. determineB. changeC. coverD. acquire10. We can conclude from the article that ______.A. first impressions never go wrongB. it’s difficult to change a wrong first impressionC. it takes a long time to form a first impressionD. first impressions are easy to change after people know each other better第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



高二第二次月考英语试卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分)ADriving to a friend’s house on a recent evening, I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend’s rooftop. I stopped to watch it for a few moments, thinking about what a pity it is that most city people --- myself included --- usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.My friend had also seen it. He grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him then. It had touched much of his life.I know the feeling. Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle(丛林)of northern India with some friends. We stayed in a forest rest house with no electricity or running hot water. Our group had campfires outside every night, and indoors when it was too cold outside. The moon grew to its fullest during our trip. Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys. Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard. It was one of the quietest places I have ever known. And above me was the full moon, which struck me deeply.Today our lives are filled with glass, metal, plastic and fiber-glass. We have television, cell phones, electricity, heaters and air-conditioners, cars, computers.Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day, I thought, “Before long, I would like to live in a small cottage. There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains. And perhaps write, but not in anger. I may become an old man there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons. But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touched the moon.”21. The best title for the passage would be _________.A. Break away from the pastB. Touched by the MoonC. The happiness of city lifeD. The Pleasures of Modern Life22. The writer felt sorry for himself because __________.A. there was too much pollution.B. there were too many accidents on the road.C. he didn’t adapt to modern inventionsD. he failed to see the fullest moon.23. Modern things are mentioned mainly to ___________.A. show that the writer likes city life very much.B. explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature.C. tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life.D. show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them.24. The author wrote the passage to __________.A. show the love for the moonlight.B. express the feeling of returning to nature.C. advise modern people to learn to live.D. want to communicate longing for modern life.BWhen it comes to success in business and success in life, there are few qualities as important as confidence.People naturally have different levels of confidence.Some have a higher level of confidence than others do, but even those whose confidence is lacking can learn to build their level of confidence and reach their most important goals.Increasing self confidence is one of the most common reasons people give for seeking the help of psychologists (心理学家) and other professionals.One of the many places where a greater level of confidence is useful is in the workplace.We all know how difficult it can be, for instance, to ask the boss for a raise.This process can be extremely difficult for those who lack confidence in their own abilities.After all, if you are unsure about your own abilities, how will you ever convince your boss that you deserve more money for the work you do?Even if you are not asking for that big raise, having plenty of confidence in your abilities is important to success.If you are sure of your abilities, chances are that those around you, whether they are your coworkers, your colleagues or your superiors(上司), will see that confidence, and that will help to assure them that you are the best at what you do.Being thought of as the person to go to, and being seen as an expert in your chosen field, is naturally very important to success on the job.If you can make yourself the person people go to for advice, you will help to protect yourself from the ever present danger of downsizing(裁员). After all, if you are a recognized expert at the office, you will be regarded as an indispensable member of the team.Having a high level of confidence, after all, does not mean overlooking the places where you could improve. Knowing what you do well and where you need help will help you enjoy increased success and confidence.25.What is the passage mainly about?A.The influence of confidence on one's life.B.The difference of people's confidence..C.The importance of confidence to successD.The judgment on one's confidence.26.Psychologists and other professionals can offer help to those ______.A.who dream to be recognized expertsB.who expect to give guidance to othersC.who want to ask the boss for a raiseD.who think their goals are hard to reach27.What does the underlined word "indispensable" in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A.outgoing B.attractiveC.important D.energetic28.What message does the author want to convey(传递)in the last paragraph?A.To overlook one's disadvantages.B.To make full use of one's advantages.C.To have great confidence in one's abilities.D.To make objective evaluations of one's abilities.CMy son has poliomyelitis (小二麻痹症) and he suffered from it a lot. When he was young, my wife and I took him to see so many doctors and got different kind of treatments. But still, he couldn’t walk like a normal kid.So he was laughed at by his classmates for his walking style and he was very sad. Then he became afraid of going to school. He wouldn’t go anymore.One night, my wife had a breakdown and shouted at him, “I tell you, my kid, you might be like this forever. You are a freak in other’s eyes, and perhaps it would never change. But in my eyes, in your dad’s eyes, you are not a freak! You are not! Even if you are, we love you and will love you forever!” My son spoke nothing for two days. He didn’t eat or sleep. We co uld read he was hurt. We hoped something wonderful would fall in our family. On the third morning, he struggled to walk to my car, with his school bag in his hand of course. He raised his head high and hugged me, saying “I want to go to school. Nothing will beat me.”You know, from then on, he was never afraid of being laughed at any longer. If he couldn’t avoid these looks, he chose to look at them in the eyes. Later, something nice really happened and my son went to Harvard University. When he was asked how he managed to bear the pressure, he said, “Because of my parents.”My dear fellows, if you care too much about how other people look at you or what their opinions are, you will never become what you want to be.29. The author’s son was laughed at by h is classmates, because _____________.A. he didn’t do well in his lessonsB. he walked in a strange wayC. he was from a poor familyD. he often burst into tears30. After hearing what the mother said, the son ______________.A. quarreled with his mother and left home angrilyB. went to school unwillingly with speaking anythingC. burst out crying complaining about his bad experienceD. didn’t say anything without eating or sleeping for two days31. Which of the following is NOT right according to the passage?A. The boy was brave to face any difficulty after being encouraged by his mother.B. The boy achieve success and was admitted to a famous university.C. The boy finally could walk like a normal child after some treatments.D. The boy owed his success to his parents and was grateful to them32. From the passage we can say that the boy is _________________.A. confident and outgoingB. brave and hard-workingC. wise and easy-goingD. determined and braveDIf your mother wants to tell you something, she uses words. Birds cannot talk as we do. But some birds can make sounds to warn their young ones of danger. They have their own way to make the young birds do certain things.The jackdaw(寒鸦)is a kind of blackbirds that lives in Europe. Jackdaws live together in flocks. Young jackdaws do not know their enemies. When an older jackdaw sees a dog, it makes a loud rattling(格格响的)sound. The younger birds know this sound means an enemy is nearby. The sound warns them to know their enemies.If a young jackdaw is in a dangerous place, a jackdaw parent flies over him from behind. The parent bird flies low over the young bird’s back. The parent’s tail feathers(羽毛)move quickly from side to side. It is trying to say,“Follow me.”At the same time, the parent calls out,“Key-aw, key-aw.” The parent means, “Fly home with me.”The young bird then follows the older one home. Young jackdaws do not have to learn what certain sounds mean. They know the meaning of these sounds form the time they are hatch.33.The jackdaw lives in .A.Europe B.AustraliaC.America D.Africa34.Parent jackdaw can use their tail feathers to .A.ask their young to follow themB.play a game with the youngC.tell the meal timeD.give a warning of a fire35.This story tells much about .A.the danger of jackdawsB.ways in which mother can talk to their childrenC.the way jackdaws warn their young of dangerD.how the jackdaw are living第二节七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)What is a big dream ? (36) Or , is a big dream something that provides only entertainment? Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow.The SelfImmediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This inside voice is the ego(自我). It’s there for protecting and should be listened to. (37) Most people are influenced by the inside voice. That’s why only a handful of people make their dream come true.(38)Family and friends are a lot like the ego. They want to protect those they love, so they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams won’t come true. Sometimes, family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most, out of their own fear of being left behind.The WorldIf one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world. (39) In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at.The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action. When children have confidence and then take action, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamerwhose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well.(40)A.Family and FriendsB.How Big Dreams Die?C.Does a big dream show one’s future ?D.They simply fail until they succeed.E.It is the last and the most terrible barrier.F.Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrongG.And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)One morning, Ann found a lost dog wandering around the local elementary school. Ann took photos of the dog and 41 400 FOUND fliers(传单)everywhere. 42 , her husband went to a store and bought some pet 43 , warning their two sons not to fall in love with the dog. At the time, Ann’s son Thomas was 10 years old, and Jack, who was 44 from a heart operation, was 21 years old.Four days later Ann was still looking after the dog, 45 they had started to call Riley. When she arrived home from work, the dog threw itself 46 the screen door and barked 47 at her. She was puzzled. 48 she opened the door, Riley rushed into the boys’ room where Ann found Jack suffering from a heart 49 . Riley ran over to Jack, but the moment Ann bent 50 to help him the dog went 51 .“If it hadn’t come to get me, the doctor said Jack 52 have died,” Ann reported to a local newspaper. At this point, 53 had called to claim the dog, so Ann 54 to keep it.The next morning Ann got a call. A man named Peter 55 his lost dog and called the number on the 56 .Peter drove to Ann’s house to 57 his dog, and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window. After 58 the dog saved Jack, Peter 59 , “Maybe Odie was 60 to fin d you. Maybe you should keep it.”41. A. put off B. set out C. gave out D. gave off42. A. Meanwhile B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise43. A. supplies B. clothes C. chains D. houses44.A. discouraging B. recovering C. treating D. dying45. A. what B. that C. whom D. as46. A. in B. over C. against D. up47. A. quickly B. weakly C. hardly D. madly48. A. As long as B. Once C. If D. As soon as49. A. operation B. injury C. attack D. hurt50. A. on B. in C. back D. over51. A. silent B. crazy C. wild D. hungry52. A. must B. may C. would D. should53. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody54. A. afforded B. decided C. refused D. managed55. A. recognized B. remembered C. abandoned D. accepted56.A.advertisement B. flier C. poster D. newspaper57. A. put up B. give up C. pick up D. make up58. A. learning B. suggesting C. reminding D. seeing59. A. cried B. sighed C. answered D. laughed60. A. supposed B. ready C. willing D. ought第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Long before, there was a large mountainside, where rested an eagle’s nest(鹰巢) with four large eagle eggs. One day, 61 earthquake rocked the mountain, causing one of t he eggs to roll down the mountain to a chicken farm 62 (locate) in the valley below. The chicke ns were kind enough to care for the eagle’s egg, and an old hen volunteered to nurture (育) and rai se the large egg.One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, 63 , the eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more 64 a chicken. The eagle loved hi s present family, but his spirit cried out for more.While playing on the farm one day, the eagle happened to notice a group of eagles flying65 the sky. “Oh,” the eagle cried, “I wish I could soar like those birds.”The chickens roared with 66 (laugh), “You cannot fly with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar.The eagle continued staring at his real family up above, 67 (dream) that he could be with them.Each time the eagle would make his dreams 68 (know), he was told it couldn’t be done. Th at is 69the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, aftersome time, stopped dreaming and continued to live like a chicken. Finally, after a long life as a chicken, the eagle passed away.You become what you believe you are. So, if you ever dream of becoming an eagle,follow 70 dreams…not the words of a chicken.第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)I’ve learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for receptionist. I’m very interesting in the job and I’d like to apply to the position.First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I had just graduated from high school and taken the University Entrance Examination. I want to find out a part-time job this summ er. I’m 18 year old and have a good command of English, especial in terms of speaking and listening. In fact, I once won the first prize in the English speech competition hold in our school. Besides, I’m quite easy-going but therefore very popular among my classmates. I sincerely hope you can give us a chance. I’m looking forward to your early reply.第二节书面表达(满分25分)高三学生(Senior Three students或students of Senior Three)学习任务繁重。



山西省晋城市高级中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、选择题1. —Would you classify it as a hard drug or a soft drug?—________time,________I will finish my work.A. Take;andB. Some;/C. Give;orD. A little more;and参考答案:D考查固定句式。


其实,前面的祈使句省略了“Give me”,只剩下宾语部分,且此处应用and连接两个句子。


2. ----You _______ part in the activity in time.----Sorry I got up late.A. are supposed to takeB. have supposed to takeC. are supposed to have takenD. supposed to take参考答案:C3. We only had $100 and that was ____ to buy a new computer.A.nowhere near enoughB.near enough nowhereC.enough near nowhereD.near nowhere enough参考答案:A4. No sooner had I come to the office _____ the boss told me that I was fired.A. whenB. afterC. thanD. before参考答案:C5. her family, the women couldn’t fall asleep last night.A. Worry aboutB. Worried aboutC. Be worry aboutD. Worries about参考答案:B6. It’s said that those kinds of clouds________an earthquake, but in fact, that’s not always true. A.predict B.advise C.forecast D.indicate参考答案:D7. ---Have you seen Bob recently?---No, but I was told he _______ for a new job all through the summer.A. has been lookingB. had been lookingC. is lookingD. was looking参考答案:B8. The reason ______ the she was admired is _______ she was perfect both in study and life.A. why; becauseB. that; thatC. that; becauseD. why; that参考答案:D9. The weather turned out to be very good, _____ was more than we could expect.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. it参考答案:B10. –Sorry, sir. I’m late again.– What excuse will you _______ for yourself this time?A. set upB. take upC. pick upD. make up参考答案:D略11. ________ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.A. UseB. UsingC. UsedD. To use参考答案:C略12. If you had told me in advance, I ___ him at the airport.A. would meetB. would had meetC. would have metD. would have meet参考答案:C13. --- Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?--- Of course, ______________, sir.A. take your timeB. enjoy yourselfC. it doesn’t matterD. make yourself at home参考答案:A14. The doctor _________ him of the pain by taking out the tooth.A. remindedB. ridC. robbedD. changed 参考答案:B15. By the time these books were published, he _____ addicted to them.A.had become B. becomes C. has become D.became参考答案:A略16. Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and _______ before you leave.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing参考答案:C 17. I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could ______ me a favour.A.make B.do C.find D.get参考答案:B略18. Julia is running into the church on such a windy day, with one hand raised to her hat.A. catch up withB. let go ofC. get rid ofD. hold on to参考答案:D二、短文改错19. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在下面写出该加的词。



晋城一中2015年十二月月考英语试题(考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)一.单项选择(15题,每题1分,共15分)1. He tried to escape taking_____________for the accident.A. possibilityB. responsibilityC. chargeD. duty2. ---How do you like the recorder?---It can’t help________my spoken English and I can’t help_______it away.A. improving; throwB. to improve; throwC. to improve; throwingD. improving; throwing3. The law requires equal treatment for all,________race,sex or origin.A. regardless ofB. instead ofC.in spite ofD. thanks to4. ---What do you think has made Tom feel down?---- ______ his seat in the election, I think.A. As he lostB. LostC. LosingD. Because of losing5. I feel really guilty because I _______some cruel remarks on my best friend.A. madeB. tookC. gotD. used6. ---Will he come to our dinner? ---He says that he will not come ________.A. unless being invitedB. if invitingC. unless invitedD. if invited7. Is this museum ________ you visited a few days ago?A. whereB. the oneC. thatD. on which8. Mr. Harris apologized for the children ______ the lady _____ what they had done.A. to; toB. to; forC. for; toD. for; for9. Little Tom admitted ______ in the examination, giving the teacher his word that he wouldn’t do that again.A. to cheatB. being cheatedC. having cheatedD. to have cheated10.The value of the teaching method ______ the interest it inspires in the students.A. consists ofB. is consisted ofC. consists withD. consists in11. I feel it is your husband who _________ for the spoiled child.A. is to blameB. is going to blameC. is to be blamedD. should blame12. --- The weather forecast says it’ll be fine tomorrow.--- ________, what about going hiking ?A. If possibleB. If necessaryC. If soD. If real13.The poster was revised _________the suggestions of other group members.A. based onB. to base onC. basing onD. which based on14.It ___________last night, for the ground is wet outside.A .would be raining B. would have rained C. must rain D. must have rained15.---Students should devote most of their time to studying rather than playing computer games.---________.No pains, no gains.A. ExtremelyB. ActuallyC. ObviouslyD. Exactly二.完形填空(20题,每题2分,共40分)Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they_16_.Yet, all living things still show the_17_of aging, which will eventually__18__death.Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity (成熟期), the cells of the body and the__19__they form do not function as well as they__20__in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less__21__against disease and is more__22__to have an accident.A number of related causes may__23__to aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not__24__when they die. As a person ages, 25 of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. 26 body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the 27 cells may not be as workable or as capable 28 growth as those of a young person.Another 29 in aging may be changes within the cells 30 . Some of the protein(蛋白质) chemicals in cells are known 31 with age and become less elastic (有弹性). This is why the skin of old people wrinkles(起皱纹)and 32 . This is also the reason why old people 33 in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and 34 information that the cells need. Aging may affect this 35 and change the information carrying molecules(分子) so that they do not transmit the information as well.16. A. would B. be used to C. used to D. used17.A. function B. effect C. affect D. sign18.A. lead in B. give in C. run into D. result in 19.A. hands B. feet C. heart D. organs 20.A. do B. has done C. did D. had done 21.A. energy B. protection C. prevention D. power 22.A. likely B. probable C. possible D. alike23.A. attend B. lead C. add D. devote 24.A. replaced B. rebuilt C. recovered D. rearranged 25.A. a number B. the amount C. the number D. a great deal 26.A. The others B. Others C. Another D. Other 27.A. old B. left C. new D. other28.A. to B. for C. of D. in29.A. factor B. effect C. reason D. element 30.A. for themselves B. of themselves C. themselves D. on their own 31.A. change B. to have changed C. to change D. to be changed 32.A. becomes loose B.is become loosely C. became loosely D. is becoming loose 33.A. increase B. shrink C. lengthen D. decrease 34.A. pass away B. pass by C. pass off D. pass on35. A. improvement B. possess C. approach D. process三、阅读理解(20题,共50分,每小题2.5分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分)ARight in the heart of America — in Smith Center, Kansas, to be exact — high school football coach Roger Barta glanced at his notes as he stood among the sea of players gathered before him.It was 6:30 a.m. on August 18, 2008, the first day of practice for this edition of the Redmen and the 31st opening day of the season for Barta, longtime coach and former math teacher at Smith Center High School. Barta wore a red T-shirt covering a ball-shaped belly(腹部).Barta began with basic instructions: Drink lots of water. Fine advice. But what Coach Bartalaid out next was the essential game plan — life lessons that many people consider his greatest strength. “Someone here is the best, and someone is the worst,” he said. “It’s time to forget about that. Let’s respect each other. Thus, we’ll like each other and then love each other. That’s when, together, we’ll become champions.”He paused for a moment. When he continued, he spoke with even more fervor (热诚) to the 56 young men sitting before him. “One more thing, guys. We don’t talk about winning and losing. We talk about getting a little better every day, about being the best we can be, about being a team. And when we do that, winning and losing take care of themselves.”Over the next four months, the Redman went on to beat each competitor, winning another perfect season. As their coach, Barta has created a 289-58 record, eight Kansas state championships, and 67 victories. In high school football, it’s the longest win in the nation. Through it all, Coach Barta kept his word: Not once did he ever say that a game was do-or-die.“None of this is really about football,” he had explained to me back in 2007, convincingly (令人信服地)enough to force me to move to Smith Center from New York City with my wife, Mary, and three-year-old son, Jack, so I could write about him for a year. “What I hope we’re doing is sending kids into life who know that every day means something.”36. According to the passage, we learn that Barta______.A. was once a teacherB. is a basketball coachC. works in the universityD. has been a coach for 40 years37. In the third paragraph, Barta stressed the importance of______.A. healthB. competitionC. combinationD. success38. In Barta’s opinion, which is important for a player?A. Winning the game.B. Learning from failure.C. Trying his or her best.D. Caring about the result.39. The fifth paragraph mainly talks about______.A. Barta’s mottoB. Barta’s training methodsC. Barta’s attitude towards lifeD. Barta and the Redmen’s achievementsBMost shoplifters (商店扒手)agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thief. With the shops so crowded and the staff so busy, it does not require anyextraordinary talent to help you to take one or two little things and escape unnoticed. It is known, in the business, as "hoisting".But the hoisting game is not what it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know if they are being watched by one of those evil little balls(摄像头)that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.As if that was not trouble enough for them, they can now be filmed at work and forced to attend a showing of their performance in court.Selfridges was the first big London store to install videotape equipment to watch its sales floors. In October last year the store won its first court case for shoplifting using a evidence a videotape clearly showing a couple stealing dresses. It was an important test case which encouraged other stores to install similar equipment.When the balls first make an appearance in shops, it was widely believed that their only function was to frighten shoplifters. Their somewhat ridiculous appearances, the curious holes and red lights going on and off, certainly make the theory believable.It did not take long, however, for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable respect. Soon after the equipment was in operation at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman secretly putting bottles of perfume(香水)into her bag."As she turned to go," Chadwick recalled, "she suddenly looked up at the 'balls' and stopped. She could not possibly have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden, but she must have had a feeling that I was looking at her.""For a moment she paused, but then she returned to counter and started putting everything back. When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store."40. January is a good month for shoplifters because ________.A they don't need to wait for staff to serve themB they don't need any previous experience as thievesC there are so many people in the storeD January sales offer wonderful opportunities for them41. The case last October was important because ________ .A. the store got the dresses backB .the equipment was able to frighten shopliftersC. other shops found out about the equipmentD. the kind of evidence supplied was accepted by court42. The woman stealing perfume ________.A. guessed that the detective had seen herB.was frightened by its shapeC.could see the camera filmingD. knew that the balls were for her43. The woman's action before leaving the store shows that she ________.A. was sorry for what she had doneB. was afraid she would be arrestedC. decided she didn't want what she had picked upD. wanted to prove she had not intended to steal anythingCChildren who are spanked (挨打) have lower IQs worldwide, including in the United States. All parents want smart children. Avoiding spanking and correcting misbehavior in other ways can help that happen.A new research by Professor Murray Straus found that children in the United States who were spanked had lower IQs four years later than those who weren’t spanked. Straus and Mallie Paschall, a senior research scientist, studied nationally examples of 806 children aged 2 to 4, and 704 aged 5 to 9. Both groups were retested four years later.The IQs of children IQs aged 2 to 4 who weren’t spanked were 5 points higher four year later than the IQs of those who were spanked. The IQs of children aged 5 to 9 who weren’t spanked were 2.8 points higher four years later than the IQs of children at the same age who were spanked. How often parents spanked made a difference. The more spanking, the slower the development of children’s mental ability. But even small amounts of spanking made a difference.Straus also found a lower national average IQ in nations in which spanking was more popular. His analysis shows the strongest link between physical punishment and IQ is for those whose parents continue to use physical punishment even when they are teenagers.Straus also found a lower national average IQ in nations in which spanking was more popular. His analysis shows the strongest link between physical punishment and IQ is for those whose parents continue to use physical punishment even when they are teenagers.Straus and colleagues in 32 nations used data on physical punishment experienced by 17,404university students when they were children. According to Stra us, there’re two explanations for the relation of physical punishment to lower IQ.First, physical punishment is extremely stressful and can become a long-lasting stressor for young children, who typically experience punishment three or more times a week. For many it continues for years. The stress of physical punishment often leads to being fearful that terrible things are about to happen and being easily shocked. They’re associated with lower IQ. Second, a higher national level of economic development leads to both fewer parents using physical punishment and a higher national IQ.The good news is that the use of physical punishment has been decreasing worldwide, which may signal future gains in IQ across the globe. The United Nations has called on all member nations to forbid physical punishment by parents. Nevertheless, there’s evidence that attitude favoring physical punishment and actual use of physical punishment have been declining even in nations which haven’t forbidden physical punishment.44. From the passage we can know that physical punishment will make______.A. no scientistB. a well-behaved childC. a bad parent-child relationshipD. a child feel nervous continuously45. It can be concluded from Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 that______.A. long-term spanking will cause children’s mental disorder.B. low national average IQ limits the mental development of childrenC. young children have more chances to suffer from physical punishment.D. high f requency of spanking results in slow development of children’s intelligence46. According to Straus’s research, children’s being spanked is probably related toparents’______.A. low incomeB. little educationC. long-lasting pressureD. passive personalities47. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.A. the improvement of global average IQ is out of the questionB. physical punishment becomes less popular in the worldC. most countries have realized the negative consequence of punishing in its member nations.D. the UN has succeeded in banning physical punishment in its member nationsDJust as the world’s most respected scientific bodies have confirmed that the world i s getting hotter, they have also stated that there is strong evidence that humans are driving the warming. Countless recent reports from the world’s leading scientific bodies have said the same thing. For example, a 2010 summary of climate science by the R oyal Society stated that: “There is strong evidence that the warming of the Earth over the last half-century has been caused largely by human activity.”The idea that humans could change the planet’s climate may be counter-intuitive(与直觉不符的), but the basic science is well understood.Each year, human activity causes billions of tons of greenhouse gases to be released(释放) into the atmosphere. As scientists have known for years, these gases hold heat that would otherwise escape to space, wrapping the planet in an invisible blanket.Of course, the planet’s climate has always been changing thanks to “natural” factors such as changes in solar or volcanic activity, or cycles relating the Earth’s going around the sun. According to the scientific literature, however, the warming recorded to date matches the pattern of warming we would expect from a build-up of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere –not the warming we would expect from other possible causes.Even if scientists did discover another reasonable explanation for the warming observed so far, that would beg a difficult question. As Robert Henson puts it in The Rough Guide to Climate Change: “If some newly discovered factor can account for the climate change, then why can’t carbon dioxide and the other greenhouse gases?The only way to prove with 100% certainty that humans are responsible for global warming would be to run an experiment with two identical Earths – one with human influence and one without. That obviously isn’t possible, and so most scientists are careful not to state human influence as an absolute certainty.48.In most scientists’ opinion, the global warming is mainly caused by ____ .A. solar activityB. volcanic activityC. the Earth’s going around the sunD. human activity49.The text is developed by ____ .A. giving typical examplesB. following the order of spaceC. analyzing a theory and arguing itD. comparing and finding differences50.The underline word “identical” means ____ .A. totally differentB. exactly the sameC. extremely importantD. relatively independent第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。









例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B.£9.15.C.£9.18.答案是B。

1. How much will the man pay for the tickets?A. £7.5.B. £15.C. £50.2. Which is the right gate for the man’s flight?A. Gate 16.B. Gate 22.C. Gate 25.3.How does the man feel about going to school by bike?A. Happy.B. Tired.C. Worried.4.When can the woman get the computers?A. On Tuesday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Thursday.5.What does the woman think of the shirt for the party?A. The size is not large enough.B. The material is not good.C. The color is not suitable.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话。









1. What do we know about the woman?A. She has her favorite airlineB. She is afraid of flyingC. She thinks flying is safe2. What is the man doing?A. Buying the train ticketB. Waiting for a trainC. Co nsulting information3. What are the speakers doing?A. Watching TVB. Talking about a TV sho wC. Visiting a zoo4. What did the man do on Saturday?A. He went to the moviesB. He had dinner with his frien dsC. He called on some friends5. How many times has the shop been robbed?A. FiveB. SixC. Seven第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。








在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)1. --Do you play ______ piano in your free time?--No, I like sports. I often play ______ soccer with my friends.A. 不填; theB. the; 不填C. the; theD. a; a2. --May I play computer games now, Mom? --No. You ____ finish your homework first.A. mustB. canC. couldD. may3. My parents often tell me ____ too much junk food because it’s bad for my health. A. not eating B. not to eat C. eating D. to eat4. --There was thick haze(雾霾) in our city this spring. What do you think of it?--I think ____ cars we drive, ___ pollution our city will have.A. the fewer; the fewerB. the fewer; the lessC. the more; the fewer;D. the more; the less5. Do you enjoy ____ TV or ____ story-books?A. watching; lookingB. seeing; readingC. watch; readD. watching ; reading6. ---Let’s stay at home, ____? --Good idea.A. will youB. wo n’t youC. shall weD. do you7. I had some medicine, __________ it hasn’t done much good up to now.A. forB. soC. butD. or8. --_____weather! It’s raining!--Bad luck! We can’t go climbing today.A. What badB. What a badC. How badD. What fine9. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _______for another hour.A. waitingB. to waitC. to be waitingD. wait10. The Spring Festival is a ________long holiday.A. seven-daysB. seven-dayC. seven dayD. seven days11. --What should I do, Mr. Green?--You should take more exercise _______healthy.A. stayB. stayingC. to stayD. stayed12. He advised me _____ TV too long.A. not to watchB. watchingC. not watchD. watched13. --- Are you free today? --- No, I have ______ to do.A. anything importantB. something importantC. important nothing C. important something14. Is there anything ______I can do for you?A. whichB. whatC. thatD. who15. --Do you know the boy________ is sitting next to Peter?--Yes. He is Peter's friend. They are celebrating his ________ birthday.A. who; ninthB. that; ninethC. /; ninethD. which; ninth16. You don’t like to go boating, __________.A. so do I.B. so I do.C. nor do ID. nor I do17. It _____ delicious. I would like to eat it.A. comesB. soundsC. looksD. tastes18. --How many years is it since you left home?--Ten years. I often ______ my hometown.A. dreamB. dream ofC. dreamingD. dreamed19. They are having the car ________.A. washB. washedC. washingD. washes20.--Do you know anything about the college?--Yes, but when and where to build it _____yet.A. hasn’t been decidedB. hasn’t decidedC. aren’t decidedD. doesn’t decide21. --Why do you like the novel so much?-- Because it is the best one _____ I have ever read.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. what22. Could you tell me ___ the post office?A. how can I get toB. how I can get toC. where can I getD. where I to get23. He telephoned the travel agency to _____ three air tickets to London.A. orderB. arrangeC. takeD. book24. He tried many times to pass the exam and _____ he succeeded.A. at the endB. in the endC. by the endD. an end25. Don’t cry any more. The baby ___________.A. was sleepingB. sleepC. is sleepingD. slept26. --Study hard, ________ you won't pass the exam. --I see, Mum.A. orB. andC. butD. unless27. We are looking forward to _____ the World Cup 2014.A. visitingB. watchingC. lookingD. seeing28. -- Excuse me. Sir. How far is Blue Sky Supermarket? walk.A. 20 minute'sB.20 minutes'C. 20 minutesD. 20 minute29. --Can you finish your work before dark? --_________ .A. No problemB. That's OKC. Never mindD. With pleasure30. -- Let’s go and have sports together. --__________.A. Yes, please.B. You’re welcome.C. That’s a good idea.D. It’s a ll right.31. The Spring Festival _____ by Chinese all over the world.A. celebrateB. will celebrateC. is celebratedD. celebrated32. ______ beautiful cards you made!A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a33. ---What can I do for you, madam?---____________.A. I can help myselfB. No, I don’t need.C. Yes, please help meD. I’d like to buy a pair of shoes.34. Please ______open the window. I feel a little cold.A. notB. not toC. don’tD. to not35. You should give up ________.A. in smokeB. smokeC. smokedD. smoking36. ---Where is your cat? I haven’t seen it for a long time.---Oh, it ________. It ________ about ten days ago.A. died; is deadB. has died; has diedC. was dead; has diedD. is dead; died37.______he finished his homework, he went out to play.A. As well asB. As wellC. As far asD. As soon as38. The group ____ of ten members.A. consistsB. consistC. consistingD. consisted39. He has ____little money that he can’t afford to buy this gift.A. suchB. such aC. soD. only a40. Those ____ are invited to the party come from America.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. which二.阅读理解(本大题共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分。







1.—Betty, why are you here? Don't you know the meeting has been cancelled?—No.I don't.Someone me.A.could tell B.might tellC.would have told D.should have told2. the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.A. ApproachingB. ApproachedC. To approachD. To be approached3. Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues with her stories.A. amusedB. amusingC. to amuseD. to be amused4. Thai is the only way we can imagine the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.A. reducingB. to reduceC. reducedD. reduce5.Graduation is a good time to thank those who have helped you ______ the tough years.A. throughB. upC. withD. from6.The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of ______ others actually understand.A. whyB. thatC. whichD. what7.You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station ______ you can hire to reach your host family.A. whichB. whereC. whenD. as8.Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing… but we seem ______ the art of communicating face-to-face.A. losingB. to be losingC. to be lostD. having lost9.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I'd rather he ________ more on its culture.A.focus B.focused C.would focus D.had focused10.No one ________ be more generous; he has a heart of gold.A.could B.mustC.dare D.need11. Both sides are determined to get what they want, and there seems to be no possibility of ________.A.competence B.compositionC.competition D.compromise12. This online game has been intended to improve children's ________. A.intelligence B.reputationC.responsibility D.impression13.The boss showed his________ of Tom's hard work in the company by raising his pay to $ 5,000 a month.A.distinction B.promotionC.appreciation D.reservation14.The Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman on Thursday urged Japan to stop making irresponsible ________ on the incident in waters off the Diaoyu Islands. A.comments B.explanationsC.arguments D.debates15.Sitting at the corner of the meeting room, he looked sad because there were so many problems ________.A.remaining to settle B.remained settlingC.remaining to be settled D.remained to be settled16.________ to a top high school, as many parents believe, will guarantee their children a good university.A.Admitted B.AdmittingC.Being admitted D.Having been admitted17.Misunderstandings ________ from lack of social communication, unless ________ properly, may lead to serious problems.A.arisen; handling B.arising; handledC.rising; handled D.risen; handling18. Studies show that students often ________ to too much pressure tend to develop mental problems.A.exposing B.being exposedC.to expose D.exposed19. ________ in the bank robbery, Tod was arrested by the local police early in the morning.A.Involving B.InvolvedC.To involve D.To be involved20. At the meeting the chairman appealed to us to take ______ full advantage of the chance of hosting the coming YOG to create ________ better Nanjing.A.a; a B.the; / C./; / D./; a第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。






1.Why is the woman growing sunflowers?A. To eat the seeds.B.To sell the seeds.C. To enjoy the flowers.2.Why will the woman go to the boxing match?A. To watch it live.B.To see her favorite singer.C. To get the boxer's photo.3.How does the woman find the movie?A.Horrible.B.Interesting.C. Attractive.4.When will the soccer game start?A. At 1:00 pm.B. At 2:00 pm.C. At 3:00 pm.5. Who dislikes dogs?A.The man.B.The woman.C.The woman's husband.第二节(共15题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。






6.What does the woman think of the match?A. Entertaining.B.Discouraging.C. Boring.7.What do the speakers plan to do on Tuesday afternoon?A.Watch a game.B.Play tennis.C.Go to the cinema.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10小题。







1. Where are the speakers?A. In a car.B. On a planeC. On a train.2. What did the man do?A. He got some moneyB. He checked on something.C. He stopped at a traffic light.3. What does the number refer to?A. A telephone number.B. A room number.C. A ticket number.4. What is the man doing?A. Painting the walls.B. Building a small house.C. Fixing the top of the house.5. What does the woman mean?A. She agrees with the man.B. She doesn’t know Kim.C. Kim doesn’t deserve to be on the committee.第二节(共15小题; 每小题.0.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




6. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Director and actor.7. How will the woman get home?A. She will drive herself.B. She will take the bus.C. She will get a ride from the man.听第7段材料.回答第8至9题。



山西省晋城市高级中学高一英语月考试卷含解析一、选择题1. Our monitor,as a student,is excellent,who does very well in sports and games,swimming,________.A.as B.like C.such as D.for example参考答案:D[for example主要用于举例说明,一般只列举同类人或事物中的一个,可以用于句首、句中或句末。


]2. Death is universal,but life is not.,everyone dies,but not everyone really lives.A.In other words B.As a resultC.What’s more D.In short参考答案:A3. – Has the doctor arrived yet?-- No, she ___________ an hour ago.A. has to comeB. should have comeC. should comeD. used to come参考答案:B4. -- Dorothy, would you like to join me in an outing?--- _____, but I am working on my paper all weekend.A. ThanksB. All rightC. It’s OKD. Not at all参考答案:A略5. We all had a good opinion of the important part he ________ in this match.参考答案:A略6. After that he didn’t feel hungry _____.A no moreB any moreC no longerD some longer参考答案:B7. _______ we all know, books are the source of knowledge.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. As参考答案:D【详解】考查固定短语。



高三英语试题注意事项:1. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号, 座位号填写在答题卡上.2. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑. 如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号. 回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上. 写在本试卷上无效.3. 考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上.第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话. 每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题. 每段对话仅读一遍.例: How much is the shirt?A. f19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是 C.1. What did the woman think the man was going to do?A. Wash clothes.B. Go to Sweden.C. Have supper.2. How many people will have dinner together?A. Three.B. Four.C. Five.3. When should the man make the call by his time?A. At2 pm.B. At 3 pm.C. At5pm.4. What does the woman mean?A. They need to make more efforts.B. Most of the work remains to be done.C. The work is not as much as the man thinks.5. Which T-shirt will the man buy?A. The black one with long sleeves.B. The lighter colored one with a V-neck.C. The round-necked one with short sleeves.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白. 每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间. 每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题.6. What does the teacher think of David ' s math?A. It's excellent.B. It's not very good.C. It's average.7. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Parent and teacher.C. Husband and wife.听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题.8. Why is the woman unwilling to play Juliet?A. She dislikes the role.B. She's afraid to play with mare.C. She doesn't want to memorize lines.9. Who may play the character Juliet in the end?A. Lisa.B. Marie.C. The woman.听第8段材料, 回答第10 至12 题.10. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At the woman's house.B. At the airport.C. At a hotel.11. What does the man plan to do in California?A. Relax himself.B. Buy a new house here.C. Practice speaking English.12. Why did Drew choose Mrs. McNamara?A. They come from the same place.B. Her house is near the school.C. She has a beautiful house.听第9段材料, 回答第13 至16 题.13. Which is the man's favorite at first?A. Reading books.B. Watching TV.C. Cleaning houses.14. What did the man ' mother ask him to do in his Grade Five?A. Read one book every week.B. Read two books every week.C. Write a report on the TV programme.15. What topic might the man's brother be interested in?A. AnimalsB. Science.C. Engineering.16. What made the man begin to love books?A. The reviews in the books.B. The rewards from his mother.C. The new experience gaining from reading. 听第10段材科, 回答第17至20题.17. Which bus did the speaker get on?A. The first bus that passed.B. The third bus that passed.C. The second bus that passed,18. What was the only word the speaker knew of the language?A. The name of the street in which he lived.B. The name of the hotel in which he lived.C. The name of the city in which he was.19. Who was the second person the speaker asked?A. A postman.B. A policeman.C. A newspaper seller.20. What can we learn about the speaker from the Text?A. He arrived in another city.B. He didn't reach the destination.C. He found the hotel with the help of someone. 第二部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.AIf you want free phone calls, here are some of the best free alps to meet your needs.XXchatXXchat is well known for its Text ing and picture sending capabilities, but you can also make free audio and video calls with your XXchat contacts. Enter the chat mode with one of your contacts by tapping the conversation once or opening a new chat window. Then, use the phone icon to instantly call them for free over Wi-Fi or your device's data connection.Since you can only call other XXchat users, you can't use the ape to call home phones or devices that aren't using the ape.TelescopeTelescope is another extremely popular ape for encrypted(加密的)Text messaging and calls. It's really easy to use, and the Text ing featured are available anywhere you log in(登录), whether on the web or through the desk top or mobile ape. A popular feature in this app is groups. You can have up to 200, 000 people in a single group!Sky worldSky world is a popular messaging service that works on desk top and mobile platforms. To create contacts required recipients to already have an account. It's easy to create a Sky world account in Windows or other platforms. Not only is Internet calling supported, but also video calls and Text messages to any other users. It's an easy-to-use ape that has proven itself worthy over the many years it ' been around.TextText is a mobile ape that can send and receive free phone calls from other users. You can also Text any phone because you're given an actual number to use. To make phone calls to non-users, like land line phones. You need to buy or earn redeem able(可兑换的)credits.Since you only need an email address to set up your account, it works with device that might not have a phone number.21. What is a downside of XXchat?A. It is complex to operate.B. Its connection is limited.C. It needs two chat windows.D. It can only be used to Text.22. What does Telescope feature?A. Group calls.B. One-on-one talk,C. No log in needed.D. Universal accounts.23. Which ape allows users to earn credits?A. XXchat.B. Telescope.C. Sky world.D. Text.BIn Cedars, Pennsylvania, a cafe is giving disabled people with different abilities and their families a safe and inclusive space to shine. Created in 2022, the cafe was a response to the need in the community for programs that would enable youth with special needs to develop social and professional skills in a safe environment.The cafe was the idea of Pennsylvania mom Maureen Stanko, a teacher, fitness instructor, and musician, who was concerned about her son Nick, who has autism (孤独症) and food allergies, and what he would be able to do after graduation. In Pennsylvania, students with disabilities can stay in school until age 22, but worrying about Nick's future is what keeps Stanko up at night.Stanko was so worried that she spoke to Nick's therapist, Tyler Kammerle, who had dreamed about opening arestaurant to employ people with disabilities. The two worked together to make this a reality. Two years later, the So Much To Give Inclusive Cafe was born. It employed 63 people and 80 percent of them have some form of disability.The cafe is more than just a space to work; it's also a place for people with disabilities and their families to dine. “We'd never even taken Nick to a restaurant before because we wouldn't spend all this money to eat out to be completely stressed out,” Stanko said. “This cafe has taught Nick how to sit in a restaurant. And now we have a place to go, where if he stands up and starts hopping or clapping, nobody cares.”The inclusive cafe has made a real difference in people's lives. One of the staff, Lauren Oppelts, who is hearing impaired, said, “If you told me two years ago that I would be a server, I wouldn't believe you. But now I have gained so much self-confidence. A lot of employees here have changed so much; it's just mind-blowing.”24. Why did Stanko and Tyler Kammerle establish the cafe?A. To serve people with various abilities.B. To provide a place for family occasions.C. To instruct graduates in professional skills.D. To offer employment to youth with special needs.25. What was Stanko's concern about taking Nick to a restaurant?A. The cost of dining out.B. The noisy customers in restaurants.C. The lack of an inclusive environment.D. The food allergies Nick is suffering from.26. How has working at the cafe affected Lauren Oppelts?A. She has grown more positive.B. She has taken to socializing.C. She has become experienced in cooking.D. She has recovered from her hearing disability.27. Which of the following best describes Stanko?A. Ambitious and devoted.B. Caring and responsible.C. Determined and sensitive.D. Tough and reliable.CAn artificial intelligence (AI) tool of street view could be used to predict the risk of coronary heart disease—a condition where the heart's arteries (动脉) are blocked, limiting blood f low to the heart by analysing neighbourhood environments, according to research.A study, published in the European Heart Journal, monitored everyday surroundings, including the quality of roads, buildings, and green spaces, and the role they play in determining heart health. Researchers were able to track the link between these environmental elements, including the presence or absence of pollution, and the risk of coronary heart disease. They found that these neighbourhood characteristics could account for 63% of the differences in heart disease risk from one community to another.The discovery stems from analysing more than half a million AI street view images across US cities, using computer vision to identify and interpret details that might go unnoticed by the human eye. The data provides urban planners and public health officials with information to design healthier living spaces and neighbourhoods.“Undoubtedly, there is a vast amount of social, economic and environmental data set,” said one of the study's authors, Prof Sanjay Rajagopalan. “However, there still remain significant gap s in our knowledge regarding unique environmental aspects of data that are currently beyond human comprehension. This is where the use of computer vision approaches may enable unique understanding of the physical and built environment.”By employing AI, researchers have been able to examine the details of neighbourhoods' environment. The studyemployed computer vision technology, including applications used in medical imaging and autonomous driving, to identify details and then interpret them to make predictions or decisions.“We are getting to a place in human civilization where traditional approaches that have been used are rather limited and the use of AI to enhance human understanding is going to be critically important at solving complex problems,” Prof Rajagopalan said.28. What is the finding of the study?A. How environments affect heart health.B. How people can prevent heart diseases.C. How AI can reduce heart disease risks.D. How the heart's arteries are blocked.29. What can the finding of the study help to do?A. Promote computer technology.B. Reduce air and water pollution.C. Design green neighbourhoods.D. Advertise for an AI company.30. Why was computer vision used in the study?A. The researchers had no environmental data.B. It had solved some environmental problems.C. People ignored the environment they live in.D. It helped people understand the environment.31. Which of the following is the best title for the Text?A. The development of AI for hospitalsB. The medical use of a street view toolC. The insight into healthy neighbourhoodsD. The link between the heart and environmentDForests have been embraced as a natural climate solution, due to their ability to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, locking it up in their trunks, branches, leaves, and roots. But a new study confirms widespread doubts about the potential for most forests in the Western US to help control climate change.Published in Earth's Future, the paper analyzed trends in carbon storage across the American West from 2005 to 2019. Led by Jazlynn Hall, a forest and landscape ecologist at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, the team found that throughout most of the region, climate change and fires may be causing forests to store less carbon, not more.“There's a growing trend to use forests as natural climate solutions,” said Hall. “Many climate mitigation(减轻)path ways rely in part on additional forest carbon storage to keep warming below 1.5℃this century. We wanted to provide a base line for how much carbon is currently stored in Western forests, how it ' changing, and how disturbance like fire and drought pose a threat to climate mitigation targets.”The authors warn that many Western forests could see a rapid acceleration of carbon loss in the coming years or decades. “These challenged have the potential to compromise carbon storage capacity and weaken our ability to mitigate climate change,” Hall cautions.By providing a fire new view of threats at landscape and regional levels, Hall and colleague provide a framework (框架)that could help forest managers adapt site-specific strategies to strengthen forest resilience(复原力). They also identify the remaining areas with the lowest risk and highest potential to store carbon, such as the Pacific Northwest.“Our study develops new methods to carefully estimate forest-carbon storage at a regional level, track it over time, and find out the causes of changes over time,” said Hall. He expects the methods will be useful in monitoring carbon storage levels going forward, as well as assessing the carbon impacts of management efforts such as forest thinning and planned burning.32. What does the underlined phrase “soak up” in paragraph l mean?A. Put down.B. Take in.C. Bring up.D. Give out.33. Why was the study conducted?A. To assess the current situation of forests.B. To promote forests' carbon storage capacity.C. To find the best forests for carbon storage.D. To measure the carbon released into forests.34. What can we say about the future trend of Western forests?A. They will store more carbon.B. They will become more resilient.C. Carbon loss will speed up.D. They will have no impact on climate.35. What is the primary function of Hall's framework for forest management?A. Predicting future forest growth races.B. Identifying high-risk areas for protection.C. Mapping all the forests in the Western US.D. Helping managers adapt strategies to forests.第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项.I am often struck by the thought that there is this huge life enhancing potential available to everyone on the planet that maybe we don't always take great advantage of. 36 Through it, we help ourselves and others by sharing the things we have learned.37 I have been teaching and preaching from the time when it occurred to me that I had some really great stuff to share. But, strangely, it took me a long time to really identify what it was that I was doing, at least enough to put it into words.So, I'd like to share with you my thoughts on why teaching and sharing your knowledge can be so important to you as well as to the people around you. 38 See whether it profoundly enhanced so many parts of your life, even in the areas you're already super successful in.Here is what makes teaching so great for the person doing the teaching. Any goal, habit, human quality, or desire that you start preaching, teaching, or pontificating about will automatically, and almost without effort, push you to do more of it yourself. 39 It pushes you to do what you are encouraging and teaching others to do. I am totally convinced this will, and does, work that way for everyone.What knowledge do you have, or have you learned that you want to be reminded and pushed to improve in your life? If you want to do better at it, there will be plenty of others that will want to do better at it too. 40A. It's our ability to teach other people.B. We just need to talk and teach others about it.C. Doing this has been changing and he! pang my life for years now.D. Please, think deeply about this and then put it into practice in any way you can.E. Be sure to write down your goals and objectives as well so you can stay on track.F. The knowledge you share, whether spoken or written, is like a truth drug for the mind.G. So, why not teach and share what you know and help yourself do better and better at these things?第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项.Five years ago, Anna Lee, a cultural worker from Washington, D. C., bought a vase for $3. 99 at a thrifty shop. She felt the vase was 41 to Mexico, a country she focuses on, and liked keeping it as a 42 In January, Anna Lee 43 a business trip to Mexico. While at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City, she was surprised to find vases that 44 resembled(像)the one she had bought for less thank. Struck by the 45 , she sought advice from a 46 worker on handling artifacts from that era.Unsure they were 47 May an(玛雅人的)artifacts, she discussed them with someone in the museum officer. Upon returning home, Anna Lee 48 the Mexican Embassy, sending then photos and measurements of the vase. Embassy anthropologists verified(证实)it as a nearly 2, 000- year-old ceremonial urn(瓮)from the 49 Mayan civilization.Having known the 50 about the artifact, Anna decided to help 51 the artifact to its country. She safely transported the vase to the embassy, where Mexico's Ambassador to the US eagerly waited to 52 it back to Mexico.Anna emphasized that returning the vase to Mexico held greater personal 53 than any potential financial gain. She stated that giving it back felt more fulfilling than 54 it for a significant sum. “It's really important to recognize that some of these things, especially with such historical and 55 value to an entire country and people — you can't really put a number on that,” she said.41. A. attached B. connected C. engaged D. exposed42. A. partner B. style C. case D. reminder43. A. went on B. got around C. set in D. picked up44. A. merely B. properly C. closely D. rarely45. A. generality B. popularity C. reality D. similarity46. A. museum B. library C. transport D. campus47. A. worthy B. authentic C. suitable D. advanced48. A. invited B. admired C. witnessed D. contacted49. A. unique B. powerful C. ancient D. independent50. A. truth B. opinion C. event D. reason51. A. show B. address C. sell D. return52. A. throw B. send C. hide D. relate53. A. clue B. interest C. value D. dream54. A. selling B. keeping C. enjoying D. sewing55. A. legal B. traditional C. digital D. cultural第二节(共10 小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.CGTN, Updated20: 58, 01- May -2024, WednesdayChina's Chang'e-6 lunar probe(探测器)is ready to be launched in two days after it completed a final systematic joint rehearsal(预演)on Wednesday. Different departments, 56 included the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in Hainan Province, the Beijing Aerospace Control Center, the Xi'an Satellite Control Center, and the Yuanwang space-tracking ship, 57 (participate)in the rehearsal.The flight is scheduled for launch on May 3, according to the China National Space Administration(CNSA)onWednesday. The rehearsal was conducted 58 (ensure)smooth cooperation between the different organizations during the launch of the probe.A Long March 5 carrier rocket, with the 8.2- metric-tonne Chang'e6probe on top, 59 (move)on Saturday morning to its launch tower at the Wenchang Space Launch Center. Before Wednesday's rehearsal, the launch site had already organized and completed a series of tests, including 60 (fuel)the rocket.The launch site also organized 61 pre-launch meteorological(气象学的)consultation for the mission as Wenchang is transitioning iron a dry to a rainy season. The meteorological system also has initiated stimulation exercises 62 advance and has strengthened the monitoring of data 63 (associate)with thunderstorms and heavy rain in the launch site area and its surroundings lately.64 (additional), they are closely monitoring small changes in the shallow wind field around important buildings in 65 (prepare)for the coming launch on May 3.第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40)第一节(满分15分)假定你是李华, 上周六, 你参加了校书法比赛. 请你给英国笔友Bruce 写一封邮件分享你的参赛经历, 内容包括:1. 你的参赛情况,2. 你的感想.注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.Dear Bruce,I am writing to share with you my experience of taking part in the calligraphy competition last Saturday.Yours,Li Hua 第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文.Liza was a young girl with bright c yes and a hopeful smile. She was sitting on her bed with her laptop. She scrolled through an online store, her eyes lighting up at the sight of a beautiful dress.It was a designer gown(女礼服), shining with sequins(亮片)But it was way out of her budget. She sighed and looked over at her mother, who was reading a book in the armchair by the window.“Mom, can I please get this dress for my prom(正式舞会)? It's perfect!” Liza pleaded, showing the screen to her mother.Her mother glanced at the price and shook her head. “Liza, that's too expensive. We can't afford to spend that much on a dress you'll wear once.”“But, Mom. Everyone at school is talking about their designer dresses. I don't want to be the only one without one,” Liz a argued, her voice rising with frustration.Her mother sighed, trying to stay calm. “Honey, I understand, but spending that much money on a dress isn't practical. Besides, someone has a surprise for you today. You might not need to buy a dress.”Liza lit up. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”Her mother smiled mysteriously. “You'll see. Just be patient.”Liza's grandmother, palm, entered the house, holding a package wrapped neatly in gift paper. Pam's eyes twinkled as she approached Liza.“Hello, dear! I brought you something special,” palm said warmly, handing the package to Liza.Liza's curiosity got the better of her, and she eagerly tore open the package. Inside was a beautiful dress, hand crafted with fine details and care.“Liza, try it on. It was made by your grandmother, though not a designer, but it is a sign of love from her,” her mother said.Liza put on the dress and stood in front of the mirror, with a happy smile on her face. “I will go to the prom in this! My classmate's will be envious of me!”注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.In the evening, Liza merrily walked into the hall with the dress, accompanied by her grandmother.Hearing what her classmate said, Liza proudly took her grandmother's hand and introduced her to them.高三英语试题参考答案听力部分录音材料听力部分. 该部分分为第一, 第二两节.注意: 做题时, 先将答案标在试卷上. 录音内容结束后, 你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上.停顿00'10 "现在是听力试音时间.M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I'd phone to find out a bit more.M: Yes, certainly. Well, we are a sort of social club for people from different countries. It's quite a new club — we have about 50 members at the moment, but we are growing all the time.W: That sounds interesting. I'm British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I'm looking for ways to meet people, Er, what kinds of events do you organize?M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports events, and we also have language evenings.W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings?M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practice their languages — you know, over a drink or something We have different languages on different evenings Monday — Spanish; Tuesday — Italian; Wednesday — German; and Friday— French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practice my French.M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I'll send you the form and some more information, If you join now, you can have the first month free.试音到此结束.听力考试正式开始.停顿00 '10 "请看听力部分第一节.第一节听下面5段对话. 每段对话后有一个小题∙从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每段对话后, 你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题. 每段对话仅读一遍.停顿00′02"例如: 现在你有5秒钟的时间看试卷上的例题.停顿00′ 05"你将听到以下内容:M: Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?W: Yes, it's nine fifteen.停顿00' 02 "你将有5秒钟的时间将正确答案标在试卷上.停顿00' 05"衬衫的价格为9镑15便士, 所以你选择 C 项, 并将其标在试卷上现在, 你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容.停顿00′ 05"(Text 1)W: So when are you going to Sweden, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?M: Neither. Don't you see I'm packing now? My train leaves in just five hours.W: I thought you were just going to do your laundry.(Text 2)W: I love it when all the family get back together. Who will be back for dinner?M: I'm not sure yet, Mom. Dad and Vicky will be back, but Amy can ' t make it. She has a meeting.(Text 3)M: I told Mr. Green that I would call him in the Sydney office at5pm by their time. Please find out the time difference for me so that I'll know when to make the call.W: It's three hours earlier than the local time in Sydney.(Text 4)M: Wow, there's a great deal of work for us to do.W. Oh, it isn't so bad as it looks. After all, the greater part of it has already been done.(Text 5)M: I'd like to buy a black T-shirt with short sleevesW: I'm afraid the black ones have long sleeves, but we've got short sleeves in the lighter colors, Do you want a round neck or a V-neck?M: It must be round neck. And I'll take one of the short-sleeved ones.第一节到此结束.第二节听下面5段对话或独白. 每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项. 听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟: 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间. 每段对话或独白读两遍.听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7两个小题. 现在, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题、(Text 6)M: David's mother! I'm pleased to meet you.W: Nice to meet you, too. Please tell me how David is doing in math this year?M: He's doing very well. He works very hard, and his grades are excellent. Though his English is not very good, he's already a top student in my class You should be very proud of him,W: I'm happy to hear that, Thank you.听下面一段对话. 回答第8和第9两个小题. 现在你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题.(Text 7)M: Now that you've read the play, do you think you want to play Juliet?W: Um, well, Juliet has a lot of lines to memorize.M: Of course. She's one of the main characters, along with RomeoW: Well, are there other girl characters I can play?M: Sure. But you know, we need a good actress to play Juliet.W: What about Marie or Lisa?M: I think they may be better for other roles. No one is more suitable to play Juliet than you.W: OK, I'll have a try.听下面一段对话, 回答第10 至第12 三个小题. 现在·你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题.(Text 8)M: Hello, are you Mrs. McNamara?W: Yes, I am. You must be Drew. We have been expecting you.M. I was supposed to arrive two days ago, but my flight out of Colombia was delayed.W: Well, I'm glad that you made it safely, which is the most important. Would you like some tea?M: I would love some, if it's not too much trouble. You have a beautiful home.W: Thank you. We bought this house five months ago. We absolutely love it. We moved to California five years ago. As you know, we are also from Colombia.M: That's why I chose you. I brought you a gift.W: Oh, you shouldn't have. This is a beautiful necklace. Thank you, How long will you be here?M: You're welcome. I plan to stay in California for five months to practice my oral English.W: Well, let me show you your room and you can relax. You must be tired from all of the traveling.听下面一段对话, 回答第13 至第16 四个小题. 现在, 你有20 秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题.(Text 9)W: We all know reading is important, but many parents don't know how to make their children love to read. So today we invite Mathew Brown to tell us his experience. Did you like reading, Mathew?M: Well, no, and watching TV was more interesting to me.W: You must be kidding.M: That's the truth My elder brother and I lived with my mom in a small apartment in Detroit and we watched TV every night. But one day when I was in Grade Five, my mom turned off the TV. She hoped that we could read two books every week and write a report on what we read.W: What made her make this decision?M: She did the cleaning in the suburban house where she noticed the booksW: So did you go to the house to borrow books?M: No, my mom took us to the public libraries. I loved animals and science, My brother loved engineering. When we saw some books on these topics, we started lifting through them We were lost in another world for the first time in our life.W: Then you began to love reading books?M: Yes, the experience was quite different from watching TV, There were images forming in my mind instead of before my eyes.W: Your mom is a great woman.。

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第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.——He must be busy doing his homework right now.——I imagine ____.A. thatB. toC. soD. it2. We need a(n) ____ team leader who can really motivate the members to work harder.A. considerableB. cautiousC. dynamicD. conventional3. When chatting with him on the mobile phone, the battery _____ dead suddenly.A. wentB. cameC. remainedD. changed4. We had really a bad time about six months ago, but now things are _____ .A. looking upB. coming upC. making upD. turning up5. ——Why did you put the wood near the fire? It is dangerous.——Don’t worry. Wet wood won’t ____.A. burntB. be burntC. be burningD. burn6. Fish have eyes and ____ appears to be a nose, and they can hear, too.A. thatB. whichC. itD. what7. David got well-prepared for the university interview, for he couldn’t risk the good opportunity ____.A. to loseB. losingC. to be lostD. being lost8. What if you ____ to send an essay with your application? Would you have been rejected?A. forgetB. would forgetC. had forgottenD. should forget9. One is to make every effort ____ he can achieve something.A. whenB. unlessC. sinceD. before10. ——Is there any hope of saving his life?——His injuries are extremely serious, but he is expected to ____.A. pull inB. pull throughC. pull upD. pull over11. His wife urged ____ the family somewhere and have a good holiday.A. he would takeB. on him takeC. for him to takeD. he take12. ____ that he found it difficult to stop at the busy crossing.A. So fast he was drivingB. So fast was he drivingC. So fast drove heD. So fast he drove13. A lecture ____, a lively question-and-answer session followed.A. being givenB. having givenC. to be givenD. having been given14. Passenger: Look out! There’s a kangaroo wandering on the road!Driver: ____ it! That was lucky. It can damage my car really badly.A. MissingB. MissedC. To missD. Miss15. ——“Dear Frank, when will our wedding be?——“Ah, when? God knows.” He said, and ____ away from her, walked rapidly away.A. turningB. turnedC. turnD. to turn16. The factory produced many cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.A. themB. whichC. itD. what17. ——The T-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online.—— ____ ? But I promise you we’ll look into it right away.A. Who saysB. How comeC. What forD. Why worry18. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and ____to ruins, the city took on a new look.A. reducingB. reducedC. being reducedD. having reduced19. Experts say ____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.A. exposedB. being exposedC. having exposedD. exposing20. The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication, especially at work ____ a good impression is a must.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. as第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给出的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。

AUrban grasshoppers change their tune for femalesgrasshopperGrasshoppers that live in noisy urban environments are having to change their song, a study has found.Researchers suggest that high levels of background noise may affect the grasshoppers’ mating process. They say the insects are forced to increase the volume of the low-frequency sections of their call. Results of the study, by scientists from the University of Bielefeld, Germany, are published in the journal Functional Ecology. The research, which shows traffic noise could upset bow-winged grasshoppers’ (Chorthippus biguttulus) mating system, is the first of its kind, according to lead researcher Ulrike Lampe."Effects of man-made noise on communication has only been studied with vertebrates(脊椎动物), so far," said Ms Lampe, a P hD student at the University of Bielefeld’s Department ofEvolutionary Biology. The scientists caught 188 male bow-winged grasshoppers from noisy roadsides and quiet rural locations.According to Ms Lampe: "Bow-winged grasshoppers are a good model organism to study sexual selection because females can respond to male loving songs with their own low-frequency signal, if they are attracted to a male song." The grasshoppers produce their mating call by rubbing a toothed file on their hind-legs against a vein t hat is located on their front wings. The male’s song consists of short phrases of two to three seconds. The first part of the call consists of slower ticking sounds that increase in speed, leading to a buzzing sound towards the end of the phrase.In order to stimulate the males to begin mating calls, scientists exposed the males to a female and recorded the results in the laboratory. The team then analysed the differences between the results of each group of grasshoppers. “Results showed that compared to ma les from rural locations, urban grasshoppers shift the frequency peak of the lower part of their spectrum(频谱) upwards," Ms Lampe explained. This would make sense to avoid low-frequency noise, as traffic noise could mask signals in that part of the frequenc y spectrum. The team’s findings demonstrate that traffic noise could be upsetting the grasshopper’s mating system. "Increased noise levels could affect grasshopper courtship in several ways," commented Ms Lampe. "It could prevent females from hearing male loving songs properly, prevent females from recognising males of their own species, or impair females’ ability to estimate how attractive a male is from his song."21. What is the usage of the grasshoppers’ songs?A. To make our urban hear better.B. To attract the mate grasshoppers.C. To fight against the urban noise.D. To attract the female grasshoppers.22. How did scientist prove their conclusion?A. By using statistics.B. By arguing a topic.C. By quoting person’s theory.D. By comparing the results.23. What does the underlined word “mask” mean?A. Cover.B. Affect.C. Prevent.D. Destroy.24. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Urban environment affects some animal lives.B. Urban grasshoppers have to change their tune.C. Grasshoppers shift the peak of spectrum.D. Grasshoppers don’t lik e living in noisy urban areas.BNearly every morning for more than half a century, 85-year-old Ruth Ziolkowski rises arounddawn and puts her feet on the ground. Since 1947, she's worked at the Crazy Horse monument to Native Americans in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where she's leading the effort to literally move a mountain.Declared as the world's largest sculpture, Crazy Horse is only a 20-mile drive from better-known Mount Rushmore, where faces of Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt are carved into granite (花岗岩). A few more miles down the road is Pine Ridge reservation, a mostly poor land.Pine Ridge is where many Sioux Indians were put after they were caught by the U.S. Army and lost their traditional lands. Unhappy that a monument to white leaders was carved into mountains the Sioux considered sacred (神圣的), Lakota Sioux elder Chief Henry Standing Bear invited Korczak Ziolkowski to Pine Ridge, who won the New York World's Fair sculpture prize in 1939. They decided to carve a rival (与之匹敌的) monument to Native Americans featuring Crazy Horse, a Sioux fighter who helped lead the Indians to one of the most famous Indian victories over the U.S. Army in 1876.Korczak Ziolkowski began working on the granite mountain along with volunteers including young Ruth Ross from Connecticut. Ruth and Korczak were married in 1950. Many people thought Korczak's plan was indeed crazy. Stubbornly independent, Korczak accepted only private donations. He designed a monument much larger than Mount Rushmore, with the fighter on horseback.Some Native Americans opposed the project. They said Henry Standing Bear had no authority to invite Korczak to carve the monument, and that it was desecrating (亵渎) the Black Hills. Korczak worked on the mountain for years and died in 1982, 16 years before the giant face of Crazy Horse was completed in 1998.The project has expanded, with a visitor center including a museum, restaurant and gift shop, and many other events. About a million people come to Crazy Horse every year.25.Henry Standing Bear decided to carve Crazy Horse to________.A.attract tourists to pay a visit to itB.compete against the sculptures in Mount RushmoreC.promote the development of the poor land Pine RidgeD.celebrate the Indian victory over the U.S. Army in 187626.According to the text, Korczak Ziolkowski ________.A.designed Crazy HorseB.completed Crazy Horse aloneC.refused to accept any donationsD.became famous because of Crazy Horse27.What do we know about the Crazy Horse monument?A.It was finished in 1982.B.It was opposed by Ruth.C.It was named after an Indian hero.D.It is smaller than Mount Rushmore.28.What would be the best title for the text?A.An Indian heroB.The history of Crazy HorseC.Mount Rushmore in AmericaD.A famous tourist attraction in AmericaCPublic speaking has been among the most important means of communication in human history.What the Greek leader Pericles said more than 2,500 years ago is sill true today: "One who forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject." It is not difficult to understand that public speaking, as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public.But what does public speaking have to do with me if I do not want to be a professional public speaker?" you may think to yourself.However,the need for public speaking will almost certainly touch you sometime in your life maybe tomorrow, maybe not for five years.Can you imagine how you would talk about some problems in front of a lot of people? The point is that public speaking is sure to be needed when some situations occur in your life.Can you be good at public speaking the moment you realize that it is important? The problem is that many people who express themselves easily in all kinds of everyday situations become frightened at the idea of standing up before a group to make a speech.If you are worried about “stage fright".you may feel better knowing that you are not alone.A survey made recently asked more than 2, 500 Americans to list their greatest fears.The researchers were very surprised to learn that the largest number of people ---41 percent ---listed speaking before a group among their greatest fears.29.What Pericles said over 2, 500 years ago actually means that _____.A.making your judgment clear and easy to understand is very importantB.explaining your judgment well is based on a clear mindC.an open mind helps to explain your judgment and makes it clearD.a good idea won't come until you first explain your judgment clearly30.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A.Public speaking about problems is hard to imagine.B.Public speaking is a key part of a public speaker's life.C.Public speakers help people settle difficult problems.D.Public speaking is what everyone may need to do.31.What does the underlined phrase "stage fright" in the third paragraph mean? A.Nervousness people have when acting for the first time.B.Nervousness that occurs to someone about to speak in public.C.A feeling of fear before one has to speak in public for the first time.D.A feeling of fear people have when meeting someone on a stage.DIn the new book The Education of Millionaires, Michael Ellsberg suggests that although “there are many wonderful things you can learn in college,” few of them are applied to real life. So Ellsberg has written the book to tell “the capabilities and attitudes that will get you improved outside the classroom.”I welcome the kind of debate about the value of higher education. It is necessary to remember, however, that Ellsberg also tells how important it is to make money. He mentions a number of college dropouts — such as Bill Gates and Michael Dell — to show how successful they have become without the benefit of a college degree. While Ellsberg stresses theachievements of dropouts, he includes degree holders who have become wealthy and famous. For example, of the current Fortune 500 CEOs, some 99% have a college degree. Similarly, of the Forbes 400 richest people in America, 81% hold postsecondary(高等)degrees.But in the discussion, what is forgotten about the value is that the purpose of education is not simply to enable one to earn a living but to prepare one for living over the course of life. What is also left out of the debate about higher education is that its purpose is not just to provide a pathway covered with gold for the nation’s elites(精英). If we have the discussion that way, we may look down upon the people who devote themselves to other ordinary jobs that form the basic structures(结构)of our society. Though these individuals may not be reaching for the kind of stars that Michael Ellsberg and others would have them grasp, most are doing something even more important: they are involved in the useful tasks of good citizens and contributing to the common welfare, including providing for their families.32. In the book The Education of Millionaires, Michael Ellsberg _______.A. approves of the value of educationB. explains the reasons for dropping outC. tells the way of getting out of collegeD. discusses the practical value of college degrees33. The second paragraph suggests a fact that _______.A. the value of higher education is never challengedB. higher education ensures people making more moneyC. most of the richest people received college educationD. success of dropouts proves the value of higher education34. From the last paragraph we can learn that the author _______.A. is keen on society charity workB. calls for the equality of all manC. speaks highly of the nation’s elitesD. shows respect to common people35. The passage is written mainly to_______.A. persuade people to go to universityB. make a comment on a new bookC. complain about the college educationD. praise Michael Ellsberg for his hard work第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
