



中国移动通信企业标准QB-╳╳-╳╳╳-╳╳╳╳T D-L T E无线子系统射频测试规范T D-L T E R A N S u b-s y s t e m T e s tS p e c i f i c a t i o n f o r R F d i v i s i o n版本号:1.1.0╳╳╳╳-╳╳-╳╳发布╳╳╳╳-╳╳-╳╳实施中国移动通信集团公司发布<测试规范定义>测试规范是对网络设备/网络接口协议/设备性能进行的测试的依据,力图对该设备的功能,接口,协议,性能等各方面进行全面的测试。
















2021移动LTE认证考试题库及答案13考号姓名分数一、单选题(每题1分,共100分)1、BCH的最小变化周期是( )A.10msB.20msC.40msD.80ms答案:C2、在Normal情况下,一个RB包含()子载波A.3个B.6个C.12个D.24个答案:C3、非MIMO情形下,不论上行和下行,在每个TTI(1ms)产生几个传输块?A.一个B.两个C.三个D.四个答案:A4、若在一个上行子帧中,给PUCCH预留了6个PRB,同时该子帧中还包含PRACH信道,则一个UE的PUSCH信道最多能使用()个PRBA.88B.94C.81D.80答案:A5、PBCH共占用()个RB资源。

()A.6B.7C.8D.9答案:A6、UTPRc单板-TDL不能支持()无线制式A.GSMB.TDC.LTED.CDMA答案:D7、S1接口的用户面终止在什么上?A.SGWB.MMEC.MMHD.SAW答案:A8、RSSI单位是什么A.dBmB.dBC.dBiD.dBd答案:A9、下载截图时需要A.不做要求B.要保证Radio Parameters和HooNetMeter的完整C.要保证Radio Parameters完整D.保证HooNetMeter完整答案:B10、双通道室分单极化天线布放在狭长走廊场景,建议布放天线间距小于()个波长(65cm),且尽量使天线的排列方向与走廊方向垂直,以降低天线相关性。




• 采用19小区六边形 宏蜂窝扇区化模型, 每小区分3个扇区, 小区半径R=ISD/3 (ISD为站间距), 采用Wrap-around技 术消除边缘效应
γ PL P = Pmax × min 1, max Rmin , t PLx−ile
SINRi = P ,i ⋅ Gk ,i ⋅ PLk ,i k
m≠k m=1
⋅ Gm,i,k ⋅ PLintra + ∑∑ P , j ⋅ Gn, j ,k ⋅ PLinter ⋅ ACIR + N0 m,i n m,i ,k n , j ,k
n=1 j =1
• SINRi表示基站k在信道i上的接收信噪比; • Pk, i表示占用信道i的用户的发射功率; • Pm, i表示本系统扇区m中占用信道i的用户的发射功率; • Pn, j表示外系统扇区n内用户j的发射功率; • Gm, i, k表示本系统扇区m中占用信道i的用户与基站k之间的收发天线增 益之和; • Gn, j, k表示外系统扇区n中用户j与基站k之间的收发天线增益之和; • Nu表示干扰系统每扇区上行用户数。
• 综合方法
– 综合利用确定性分析和系统仿真方法最终得出系统共存所需的隔 离度
• 对基站和移动台的发射功率、基站的负载等情况进行仿真,将整个系统的运 转区间划分为若干个间隔,每两个间隔之间为一个快照(Snap-Shot)取样 时刻,将所有快照时刻的取样结果进行记录,用统计方法加以分析,产生所 需要的结果。 • 每个快照中,在整个系统覆盖范围内随机均匀分布移动台,使得每个小区内 用户数相同。 • 对所有小区进行性能仿真。对于每个小区,首先根据调度准则选择一个被调 度的UE,从未被调度的RB中取出10个RB(以10MHz带宽为例)分配给该 UE,并将这10个RB标记为“已调度”。然后,根据相应的功率控制算法设 置UE的发射功率。重复上述过程,直到所有RB都标记为“已调度”。 • 对每一个UE计算实际的系统内/系统间干扰,以得到实际的C/(I+N)和比特率。 在计算系统内干扰时,只考虑与该UE占用相同RB编号的外小区UE;在计算 系统间干扰时,要考虑将接收到的外系统干扰信号进行邻频衰减。 • 收集每个小区的数据,并进行统计平均。

LTE band 1 发射功率指标要求

LTE band 1 发射功率指标要求

LTE band 1 发射功率指标要求LTE 终端射频指标总体要求是:对于发射机,一方面要求能够精确产生符合标准要求的LTE 有用信号,另一方面要求把无用发射和干扰电平控制在一定水平之内。


LTE 终端射频测试项目分为4 大部分,即发射机指标、接收机指标、性能要求、信道状态信息上报。

虽然LTE 信号结构与UMTS 不同,但是LTE 终端射频测试需求基本上来自于UMTS 已定义好的射频需求,只有少部分新增测试项。

在接收机和性能统计上,UMTS 系统是通过BER 和BLER 衡量接收性能,而LTE 系统是通过吞吐量来衡量的。


另外,对于LTE 终端射频测试,需要对终端所支持的多种带宽、多种RB 配置以及多种调制方式都要进行测试,测试量也是非常巨大的。

下面对这4 大部分的测试项目进行简单的描述。

(1)在发射机指标里,包含如下几类测试项目:1、发射功率相关的项目如UE 最大输出功率,最大功率回退(MPR),UE配置输出功率等。












Keysight TechnologiesMeasuring ACLR Performancein LTE TransmittersApplication NoteIntroductionAs wireless service providers push for more bandwidth to deliver IP services to more users, LTE hasemerged as a next-generation cellular technology with great potential to enhance current deployments of 3GPP networks and to enable signiicant new service opportunities. However, LTE’s complex, evolved archi-tecture introduces new challenges in designing and testing network and user equipment. The commercial success of LTE will depend in part on the ability of all devices to work as speciied. One of the particular challenges at the air interface will be power management during signal transmission.In a digital communication system such as LTE, the power that leaks from a transmitted signal into adjacent channels can interfere with transmissions in the neighboring channels and impair system performance. The adjacent channel leakage-power ratio (ACLR) test veriies that system transmitters are performing within speciied limits. This critical yet complex transmitter test can be made quickly and accurately using modern signal analyzers such as the Keysight Technologies, Inc. X-Series (PXA/MXA/EXA) signal analyzers with LTE measurement software and signal generators such as the Keysight MXG signal generator with LTEsignal creation software.Challenges of LTE transmitter designLTE product development is underway, and RF engineers are tackling the many design and measurement challenges this complex technology presents. LTE requires support for six channel bandwidths (from 1.4 to 20 MHz), different transmission schemes for the downlink and the uplink (OFDMA and SC-FDMA), two transmission modes (FDD and TDD), and multiple antenna techniques (MIMO spatial multiplexing, diversity, beamsteering). As a result of LTE’s lexible transmission schemes, the physical channel coniguration has a large impact on RF performance—much greater than in current CDMA-based systems. With performance targets set exceptionally high for LTE, engineers have to make careful design tradeoffs to cover each criti-cal part of the radio transmitter chain.One important aspect of transmitter design is the need to minimize unwanted emissions. Because LTE will be deployed in the same frequency bands as W-CDMA and other legacy cellular technologies, the 3GPP speciications regulate emissions to minimize interference and ensure compatibility between the different radio systems. The primary concern is control of spurious emissions, which can occur at any frequency. In this respect LTE is similar to other radio systems. However, new challenges arise at the band edges, where the transmitted signal must comply with rigorous power leakage requirements. With LTE supporting chan-nel bandwidths up to 20 MHz, and with many bands too narrow to support more than a few channels, a large proportion of the LTE channels will be at the edge of the band.Controlling transmitter performance at the edge of the band requires a design with iltering to attenuate out-of-band emissions without affecting in-channel performance. Factors such as cost, power eficiencies, physical size, and location in the transmitter block diagram are also important considerations. Ultimately the LTE transmitter must meet all speciied limits for unwanted emissions, including limits on the amount of power that leaks into adjacent channels, as deined by ACLR.ACLR test requirements ACLR is a key transmitter characteristic included in the LTE RF transmitterconformance tests (Table 1). These tests verify that minimum requirements arebeing met in the base station (eNB) and user equipment (UE). Most of the LTEconformance tests for out-of-band emissions are similar in scope and purposeto those for W-CDMA and should look familiar. However, while W-CDMA speci-fies a root-raised cosine (RRC) filter for making transmitter measurements, noequivalent filter is defined for LTE. Thus different filter implementations canbe used for LTE transmitter testing to optimize either in-channel performance,resulting in improved error vector magnitude, or out-of-channel performance,resulting in better adjacent channel power characteristics.Table 1. Conformance tests for RF transmitters (from 3GPP TS 36.141 [1] and 36.521-1 [2]) Array ArrayGiven the extensive number of complex transmitter configurations that canbe used to test transmitter performance, LTE specifies a series of downlinksignal configurations known as E-UTRA test models (E-TM) for testing theeNB. These test models are grouped into three classes: E-TM1, E-TM2, andE-TM3. The first and third classes are further subdivided into E-TM1.1, E-TM1.2,E-TM3.1, E-TM3.2, and E-TM3.3 (Table 2). Note that the “E” in E-UTRA stands for“enhanced” and designates LTE UMTS terrestrial radio access, whereas UTRAwithout the “E” refers to W-CDMA.ACLR test requirements (continued)For UE testing, transmitter tests are carried out using the reference measurement channels (RMC) specified for eNB receiver testing. The ACLR requirement for the UE is not as stringent as it is for the eNB, so our focus will be on the latter.Table 2. E-UTRA test models (from 3GPP TS 36.141 [1])The 3GPP specifications for LTE define ACLR as the ratio of the filtered mean power centered on the assigned channel frequency to the filtered mean power centered on an adjacent channel frequency. Minimum ACLR conformance requirements for the eNB are given for two scenarios: for adjacent E-UTRA (LTE) channel carriers of the same bandwidth, E-UTRAACLR1, and for the UTRA (W-CDMA) adjacent and alternate channel carriers, UTRAACLR1and UTRAACLR2, respectively.Different limits and measurement filters are specified for E-UTRA and UTRA adja-cent channels, and are provided for both paired spectrum (FDD) operation and unpaired spectrum (TDD) operation. The E-UTRA channels are measured using a square measurement filter, while UTRA channels are measured using an RRC filter with a roll-off factor of = 0.22 and a bandwidth equal to the chip rate, whichis 3.84 MHz in the example of paired spectrum operation shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Measurement filters forACLR measurements ACLR limits definedfor adjacent E-UTRA carriers ACLR limits definedfor adjacentUTRA carriersACLR test requirements (continued)ACLR test requirements for the eNB including paired and unpaired spectrum operation are summarized in Table 3. As of the September 2009 specification release, the ACLR test cases for the UE were not fully complete. However, the UE test procedure is essentially the same as that used for the base station.Table 3. ACLR base station conformance test requirements (from 3GPP TS 36.141 6.2 [1]). Note that the specification defines the minimum requirement plus the test tolerance (TT)). * Relative limits are 44.2 dB = 45 dB min requirement + 0.8 dB TT. Both Absolute and Relative limitsare provided. Whichever is less stringent is to be used for the conformance requirement. Sophisticated signal evaluation tools are available for making complex LTE measure-ments quickly and accurately. Power measurements including ACLR generally are made using a spectrum or signal analyzer, and the required test signals are built using a signal generator. In the following examples, Keysight’s PC-based Signal Studio application connected to an MXG signal generator is used to build the standards-compliant E-TM signal required for transmitter testing. The output signal is connected to the RF input of an Keysight X-Series signal analyzer running N9080A LTE measure-ment application, which is used for signal analysis. This equipment setup follows the simple block diagram provided in the 3GPP LTE specifications (Figure 2). Although the measurement process described here is for FDD operation, the process for TDD operation is similar.According to the specifications, the carrier frequency must be set within a frequency band supported by the base station under test, and ACLR must be measured for frequency offsets on both sides of the channel frequency, as specified for paired or unpaired spectrum operation (T able 3). The test is performed first using a transmitted signal of type E-TM1.1, in which all of the PDSCH resource blocks have the same power, and then again using E-TM1.2, in which power boosting and deboosting are used. The E-TM1.2 configuration is useful because it simulates multiple users whose devices are operating at different power levels. This scenario results in a higher crest factor, which makes it more difficult to amplify the signal without creating additional,unwanted spectral content—i.e., ACLR.Spectrum Bands Adjacent Carrier Limits (Min req + TT) *PairedSpectrumCategory AE-UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHzUTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz PairedSpectrumCategory BE-UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHzUTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHzUnpairedspectrumCategory AE-UTRA (LTE) 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz1.28 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz3.84 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz7.82 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHzUnpairedspectrumCategory BE-UTRA (LTE) 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHz1.28 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHz3.84 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHz7.82 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHzSetting up the ACLR testFigure 2. Measurement equipment setup (3GPP TS 36.141 [1] Annex I, Figure I.1-1)Setting up the ACLR test (continued)In this ACLR measurement example, Signal Studio is set up to generate a standards-compliant E-TM1.2 test signal. The frequency is set to 2.11 GHz, a frequency that is in several of the major downlink operating bands specified for LTE. The output signal amplitude—an important consideration in determining ACLR performance—is set to -10 dBm. A 5 MHz channel bandwidth is selected from the range that extends from 1.4 to 20 MHz.Figure 3 shows the eNB setup with Transport Channel selected. A graph of the resource allocation blocks for the test signal appears at the bottom. The Y axis indicates frequency or resource blocks, while the X axis indicates slots or time. The different colors correspond to different channels, with the white areas representing Channel 1 and the pink areas Channel 2. Both are downlink shared channels, of interest in this measurement. The other colors represent synchroni-zation channels, reference signals, etc.Figure 3. Resource allocation blocks (at bottom) for E-TM1.2 test signalSelecting Channel 1 shows the output power level to be at -4.3 dB, so the channel power has been deboosted. The output power of Channel 2 has been boosted and is set at 3 dB (Figure 4). A complex array of power boosting and deboosting options can be set for the different resource blocks from resource block allocation graph. The resulting composite signal will have a higher peak-to-average ratio than a single channel in which all blocks are at the same power level. Amplifying a boosted signal such as this can be difficult, as noted earlier. Without sufficient back-off in the power amplifier, clipping may result.Figure 4. Boosted output power in Channel 2Setting up the ACLR test(continued)The test signal is now generated using the Signal Studio software. Because Signal Studio is PC-based, it can be run from the PC-based X-Series signal ana-lyzer. The waveform in this case is created on the desktop of the signal analyzer and then downloaded to the signal generator via LAN or GPIB. The RF output of the signal generator is connected to the RF input of the signal analyzer, where the ACLR performance is measured using swept spectrum analysis. In this example, the signal analyzer is in LTE mode with a center frequency of 2.11 GHz and the ACP measurement selected. At this point it is possible to make a quick, one-button ACLR measurement according to the LTE standard by recalling the appropriate parameters and test limits from a list of available choices in the LTE application. These choices include options for paired and unpaired spectrum, Category A or Category B limits (as defined in ITU-R SM.329), and type of carrier in the adjacent and alternate channels—E-UTRA (LTE), UTRA (W-CDMA), or TD-SCDMA.Recall that for FDD operation, LTE defines two different methods of making ACLR measurements. In Figure 5, the upper graph shows the case in which E-UTRA (LTE) is used at the center and offset frequencies. The lower graph shows LTE at the center frequency and UTRA (W-CDMA) at the adjacent and alternate offsets.Figure 5. Two specified methods of ACLR measurementIn Figure 6 the measurement result shows the E-UTRA adjacent and alternate offset channels. For this measurement a 5 MHz carrier is selected; however, the measure-ment noise bandwidth is 4.515 MHz, because the downlink contains 301 subcarriers. The first offset (A) is at 5 MHz, with an integration bandwidth of 4.515 MHz. The second offset (B) is at 10 MHz with the same integration bandwidth.Figure 6. ACLR measurement result using Keysight X-Series analyzer before optimization This one-button measurement gives a very quick, usable ACLR measurementaccording to the LTE standard. While the result in Figure 6 of about -62 dBc is good, the analyzer settings can be optimized to get even better performance. Four ways to further improve the measurement results are (1) optimize the signal level at the mixer; (2) change the resolution bandwidth filter; (3) turn on noise correction; and (4) use a different measurement methodology called filtered integration bandwidth.To optimize the signal level at the input mixer, the attenuator is adjusted for minimal clipping. The X-Series signal analyzer will automatically select an attenuation value based on the current measured signal value. This automated technique provides a good starting point for achieving optimal measurement range. Signal analyzers such as the X-Series, which have both electronic and mechanical attenuators, can use the two in combination to optimize performance. In such cases the mechanical attenuator can be adjusted slightly to get even better results of about 1 or 2 dB.Next the resolution bandwidth can be lowered by pressing the bandwidth filter key. Note that sweep time increases as the resolution bandwidth is lowered. For example, with the MXA signal analyzer, sweep time at 30 kHz is 676.3 ms. At a lower 10 kHz RBW, the sweep time is about 6 seconds. The slower sweep time reduces variance in the measurement, but reduces measurement speed.Another step is to turn on noise correction. The analyzer then takes one sweep to measure its internal noise floor at the current center frequency, and in subse-quent sweeps subtracts that internal noise floor from the measurement result. This technique substantially improves ACLR, in some cases by up to 5 dB.Setting up the ACLR test(continued)Optimizing theanalyzer settingsOptimizing the analyzer settings (continued)Changing the measurement method is a fourth way to optimize the analyzer. In this case the default measurement method (integration bandwidth or IBW) is changed to the filtered IBW method. Filtered IBW uses a sharp, steep cutoff filter. This technique does degrade the absolute accuracy of the power measurement result, but it does not degrade the relative power accuracy, and ACLR is a relative power measurement. Therefore, filtered IBW does not degrade the ACLR result. Using these techniques in combination, an Keysight’s X-series analyzer can optimize the ACLR measurement automatically for performance versus speed via the analyzer’s embedded LTE application. The result for a typical ACLR mea-surement is improved by up to 10 dB or more. Figure 7 shows an 11 dB ACLR improvement after optimization (compared to Figure 6) using the embedded LTE application. For measurement scenarios requiring the maximum performance, the analyzer settings can be further adjusted.Figure 7. ACLR measurement result using Keysight X-series analyzer after optimization Standards-compliant spectrum measurements such as ACLR are invaluable for RF engineers developing the next generation radio systems. With LTE, however, these measurements are complicated by factors such as variations in the band-width of adjacent channels, choice of transmission filter, and interaction of RF variables between channels of different bandwidth and different susceptibility to interference. A practical solution is to use a spectrum or signal analyzer with a standards-specific measurement application. This combination can reduce error in complex measurements, automatically configuring limit tables and specifiedtest setups and ensuring measurement repeatability.ConclusionAcronyms3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership ProjectACLR Adjacent channel leakage-power ratioA-MPR Additional maximum power reductionCDMA Code division multiple accesseNB Evolved node BE-TM E-UTRA test modelE-UTRA Evolved universal terrestrial radio accessEVM Error vector magnitudeFDD Frequency division duplexGPIB General purpose interface busIBW Integration bandwidthLAN Local area networkLTE Long term evolutionMPR Maximum power reductionMIMO Multiple input multiple outputOFDMA Orthogonal frequency division multiple accessPRACH Physical random access channelQAM Quadrature amplitude modulationQPSK Quadrature phase-shift keyingRB Resource blockRBW Resolution bandwidthRE Resource elementRF Radio frequencyRRC Root-raised cosineSC-FDMA Single carrier frequency division multiple accessSRS Sounding reference signalTDD Time division duplexTD-SCDMA Time domain synchronous code division multiple accessUE User equipmentUMTS Universal mobile telecommunications systemUTRA Universal terrestrial radio accessW-CDMA Wideband code division multiple access11ReferencesMore Information[1] 3GPP TS 36.141 V8.4.0 (2009-09) Base Station (BS) Conformance Testing [2] 3GPP TS 36.521-1 V8.3.1 (2009-09) User Equipment (UE) Conformance Specification; Radio Transmission and Reception Part 1: Conformance T estingFor more information about the 3GPP, visit the 3GPP home page /3GPP specifications home page/specs/specs.htm 3GPP Series 36 (LTE) specifications/ftp/Specs/archive/36_seriesFor more information about Keysight design and test products for LTE visit /find/lteKeysight LTE application notes and technical overviews:3GPP Long T erm Evolution: System Overview, Product Development, and Test Challenges: 5989-8139EN LTE Component T est: 5990-5149ENMIMO in LTE Operation and Measurement—Excerpts on LTE T est: 5990-4760EN MIMO Performance and Condition Number in LTE T est: 5990-4759ENN9080A & N9082A LTE Modulation Analysis Measurement Application Technical Overview: 5989-6537ENLearn more about LTE and its measurements in the new book written by 30 LTE experts:LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless Design and Measurement Challenges/find/ltebookFor more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414Brazil 55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States (800) 829 4444Asia Paciic Australia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 1 800 375 8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle East Austria 0800 001122Belgium 0800 58580Finland 0800 523252France 0805 980333Germany 0800 6270999Ireland 1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg +32 800 58580Netherlands 0800 0233200Russia 8800 5009286Spain 0800 000154Sweden 0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-07-10-14)This information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2009-2014Published in USA, July 31, 20145990-5089EN12 | Keysight | Measuring ACLR Performance in LTE Transmitters - Application NoteLAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Keysight is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to five years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specification so you can rely on accurate measurements.Keysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/lte。



TD-L TE基站射频测试操作说明第一部分TX测试一、TX测试连接图RRH衰减器频谱分析仪BBUTrigger ReferenceNote: 衰减为输出功率2.5倍以上,此处选择30dB。

10MH 参考线时钟线reference接BBU针孔,10毫秒trigger接B板最右边网口。

二、仪表等附件内容频谱分析仪(Agilent MXA Signal Analyzer N9020A,10Hz~13.6GHz), 30dB衰减,System DC Power 7Supply (Agilent N5747A/60V/12.5A/750W),VGA信号源。


三、NEM操作系统配置四、频谱仪选键设置Step 1. 选择LTE模式,Press Mode, LTE TDD.Step 2. 频点设置FREQ ChannelStep 3. 频点补偿设置Input/Output, External Gain, BTSStep 4. 下行模式设置Mode Setup, Radio, Direction to be Downlink.Step 5. 链路配置设Mode Setup, Radio, ULDLAlloc, Config 3;DW/GP/Up Len, More, Config 8.Step 6. 时间门限设置Sweep/control, Gate, Gate Delay=5ms, Gate Length=6.8msStep 7. 带宽设置Mode setup, Prest To Standard=10/20MHzStep 8. 触发方式设置Trigger, External 1/2配置完后频谱分析仪显示如下:五、下行发射项测试操作步骤1. 输出功率Output Power测试项选择Meas---Channel power测试模式E-TM1.1Note: 查看Channel Power值,(10W标准值40dBm)。




其中,优先级说明如下:●必达标项:有一项不支持则判定为设备技术不通过;●累计必达标项:累计达到任何3项(及以上)不支持则判定为设备技术不通过;一、TD-LTE无线功能要求1.1系统带宽和配置(1)系统带宽支持20MHz带宽的灵活配置优先级:必达标项(2)系统带宽支持10MHz带宽的灵活配置优先级:必达标项(3)子载波间隔15kHz除eMBMS业务外,TD-LTE系统子载波间隔设置为15kHz优先级:必达标项1.2子帧配置(1)帧结构支持上下行时隙配比5ms 2DL:2UL、3DL:1UL,其他配置可软件升级实现优先级:必达标项(2)帧结构支持特殊时隙配比10:2:2,3:9:2,其他配置可软件升级实现优先级:必达标项(3)帧结构支持Normal CP,用于规避多径引起的干扰(Normal CP可规避最大4.6us内的符号间干扰)优先级:必达标项(4)特殊时隙的应用支持在DwPTS上传送物理层控制信道(PDCCH/ PCFICH/PHICH);当DwPTS上符号数不小于6时,支持同时发送数据信道优先级:必达标项(5)特殊时隙的应用支持配置终端在特殊时隙UpPTS上发送Sounding参考信号,并能正确接收优先级:必达标项1.3随机接入(1)随机接入系统支持随机接入PRACH format 0优先级:必达标项(2)随机接入随机接入支持发送密度为10ms 1次和20ms一次优先级:必达标项(3)随机接入支持基于竞争和非竞争的随机接入,并且运营商可配置基于竞争和非竞争随机接入码数量(每个小区可分配的随机接入码数量为64个)优先级:必达标项1.4上行功控(1)上行功控支持运营商配置PRACH功率初始值和功率调整步长(powerRampingStep)优先级:必达标项(2)上行功控支持PRACH 消息3(msg3)的闭环功控,提高接入成功率优先级:必达标项(3)上行功控支持PUSCH、PUCCH、Sounding参考信号闭环功控优先级:必达标项(4)上行功控支持功率余量power headroom的事件触发性和周期性两种反馈触发机制,且支持触发周期和门限的设置优先级:必达标项(5)上行功控支持单个功控命令用于承载多个UE的功率调整信息(DCI format 3)以提高传输效率优先级:必达标项(6)上行功控支持PUSCH根据上行接收信号强度或质量、Power Head Room、接收机性能、MCS解调门限等因素来调整终端的发射功率优先级:必达标项(7)上行功控支持PUSCH绝对式和累积式的功率控制优先级:必达标项1.5空口同步(1)空口同步在启动阶段,皮站通过监听其他基站PSS/SSS获得其他基站的同步信息,并通过侦听宏基站CRS跟踪和保持同步情况。

LTE 射频测试操作指南

LTE 射频测试操作指南

8. 测量结果示例见图5.
图5 单次测量的OFDM SYMBOL的平均功率
7.1.4 发射关断功率(选项) 1. 配置载波频点,信道带宽20MHz; 2. 启动发射机工作在E-TM1.1模式以最大功率发射 3. 进 入 LTE 测 试 选 件 , 点 击 FILE---LOAD DEMOD SETTING, 在 弹 出 的 菜 单 中 选 择 E-TM 1_1_20MHz.ALLOCATION, 点 击 MEAS---GENERAL SETTING, 在 弹 出 的 菜 单 中 设 置 双 工 方 式 (DUPLEXING):TDD; 链路方向(LINK DIRECTION):DOWNLINK;频率(FREQUENCY):发射机载波 频率;被分析信号来源(INPUT SOURCE):RF;自动幅度电平(AUTO LEVEL):YES;触发设置中触 发模式(TRIGGER MODE)设为:外触发(EXTERNAL);触发延时(TRIGGER OFFSET)设为: 0s。点击MEAS--PVT,然后点击主界面的调整时间(ADJUST TIMING),时间调整完毕后, 点击主界面的单次测量 (RUN SGL),得到测量结果。 4. 测量结果示例见图6。
图6 发射关断功率结果示图 7.1.5 发射开关时间模板(选项) 1. 配置载波频点,信道带宽20MHz; 2. 启动发射机工作在E-TM1.1模式以最大功率发射 3. 进 入 LTE 测 试 选 件 , 点 击 FILE---LOAD DEMOD SETTING, 在 弹 出 的 菜 单 中 选 择 E-TM 1_1_20MHz.ALLOCATION, 点 击 MEAS---GENERAL SETTING, 在 弹 出 的 菜 单 中 设 置 双 工 方 式 (DUPLEXING):TDD; 链路方向(LINK DIRECTION):DOWNLINK;频率(FREQUENCY):发射机载波 频率;被分析信号来源(INPUT SOURCE):RF;自动幅度电平(AUTO LEVEL):YES;触发设置中触 发模式(TRIGGER MODE)设为:外触发(EXTERNAL);触发延时(TRIGGER OFFSET)设为: 0s。点击MEAS-



移动终端中LTE 和WIFI 共存干扰研究□郭红艳中国移动通信集团天津有限公司张泽中国联合网络通信有限公司天津市分公司一、前言随着通讯技术的发展,人们对通讯媒体的要求越来越高,3G 通讯的速度已经落后于人们的通讯需求,人们渴望有更高的传输速度和更快的接入。

LTE 和WIFI 技术将是未来一段时间内无线通讯和无线网络发展的主力。


二、LTE 和WIFI 的干扰问题随着3G 时代向4G 时代的发展,通讯业和互联网业不断应用新的技术,使得射频资源越来越少,各种干扰问题也日益突出。



由于LTE 和WIFI 信号的频率不相同,所以他们之间不可能有同频干扰,所以分析时要排除这种情况。

另外,在实际操作过程中,工程师们可以根据实际情况尽可能的减少LTE 和WIFI 的互调干扰,如利用电路来改良频率和信号的强度,从而使它们不能产生互调干扰。

最后,LTE 和WIFI 之间剩下的主要是邻频干扰。

三、干扰的优化研究LTE 和WIFI 的干扰时,首先要从它们两者的特点和射频指标分析。






实用标准文案TD-LTE基站射频测试操作说明第一部分 TX测试一、TX测试连接图RRH衰减器频谱分析仪BBUTrigger ReferenceNote: 衰减为输出功率2.5倍以上,此处选择30dB。

10MH 参考线时钟线reference接BBU针孔,10毫秒trigger接B板最右边网口。

二、仪表等附件内容频谱分析仪(Agilent MXA Signal Analyzer N9020A,10Hz~13.6GHz), 30dB衰减,System DC Power 7Supply (Agilent N5747A/60V/12.5A/750W),VGA信号源。


三、NEM操作系统配置四、频谱仪选键设置Step 1. 选择LTE模式,Press Mode, LTE TDD.Step 2. 频点设置FREQ ChannelStep 3. 频点补偿设置Input/Output, External Gain, BTSStep 4. 下行模式设置Mode Setup, Radio, Direction to be Downlink.Step 5. 链路配置设Mode Setup, Radio, ULDLAlloc, Config 3;DW/GP/Up Len, More, Config 8.Step 6. 时间门限设置Sweep/control, Gate, Gate Delay=5ms, Gate Length=6.8msStep 7. 带宽设置Mode setup, Prest To Standard=10/20MHzStep 8. 触发方式设置Trigger, External 1/2配置完后频谱分析仪显示如下:五、下行发射项测试操作步骤1. 输出功率Output Power测试项选择 Meas---Channel power测试模式 E-TM1.1Note: 查看Channel Power值,(10W标准值40dBm)。



Measuring ACLR Performance in LTE TransmittersApplication NoteIntroductionAs wireless service providers push for more bandwidth to deliver IP services to more users, LTE has emerged as a next-generation cellular technology with great potential to enhance current deployments of 3GPP networks and to enable sig-nificant new service opportunities. However, LTE’s complex, evolved architecture introduces new challenges in designing and testing network and user equipment. The commercial success of LTE will depend in part on the ability of all devices to work as specified. One of the particular challenges at the air interface will be power management during signal transmission. In a digital communication system such as LTE, the power that leaks from a transmitted signal into adjacent channels can interfere with transmissions in the neighboring channels and impair system performance. The adjacent channel leakage-power ratio (ACLR) test verifies that system transmitters are performing within specified limits. This critical yet complex transmitter test can be made quickly and accurately using modern signal analyzers such as the Agilent X-Series (PXA/MXA/EXA) signal analyzers with LTE measurement software and signal generators such as the Agilent MXG signal generator with LTE signal creation software.LTE product development is underway, and RF engineers are tackling the many design and measurement challenges this complex technology presents. LTErequires support for six channel bandwidths (from 1.4 to 20 MHz), different transmission schemes for the downlink and the uplink (OFDMA and SC-FDMA), two transmission modes (FDD and TDD), and multiple antenna techniques (MIMO spatial multiplexing, diversity, beamsteering). As a result of LTE’s flexible transmission schemes, the physical channel configuration has a large impact on RF performance—much greater than in current CDMA-based systems. With per-formance targets set exceptionally high for LTE, engineers have to make careful design tradeoffs to cover each critical part of the radio transmitter chain.One important aspect of transmitter design is the need to minimize unwanted emissions. Because LTE will be deployed in the same frequency bands as W-CDMA and other legacy cellular technologies, the 3GPP specifications regu-late emissions to minimize interference and ensure compatibility between the different radio systems. The primary concern is control of spurious emissions, which can occur at any frequency. In this respect LTE is similar to other radio systems. However, new challenges arise at the band edges, where the transmit-ted signal must comply with rigorous power leakage requirements. With LTE supporting channel bandwidths up to 20 MHz, and with many bands too narrow to support more than a few channels, a large proportion of the LTE channels will be at the edge of the band.Controlling transmitter performance at the edge of the band requires a design with filtering to attenuate out-of-band emissions without affecting in-channel performance. Factors such as cost, power efficiencies, physical size, and location in the transmitter block diagram are also important considerations. Ultimately the LTE transmitter must meet all specified limits for unwanted emissions, including limits on the amount of power that leaks into adjacent channels, as defined by ACLR.Challenges of LTE transmitterdesignACLR test requirements ACLR is a key transmitter characteristic included in the LTE RF transmitterconformance tests (Table 1). These tests verify that minimum requirements arebeing met in the base station (eNB) and user equipment (UE). Most of the LTEconformance tests for out-of-band emissions are similar in scope and purposeto those for W-CDMA and should look familiar. However, while W-CDMA speci-fies a root-raised cosine (RRC) filter for making transmitter measurements, noequivalent filter is defined for LTE. Thus different filter implementations canbe used for LTE transmitter testing to optimize either in-channel performance,resulting in improved error vector magnitude, or out-of-channel performance,resulting in better adjacent channel power characteristics.Table 1. Conformance tests for RF transmitters (from 3GPP TS 36.141 [1] and 36.521-1 [2]) ArrayGiven the extensive number of complex transmitter configurations that canbe used to test transmitter performance, LTE specifies a series of downlinksignal configurations known as E-UTRA test models (E-TM) for testing theeNB. These test models are grouped into three classes: E-TM1, E-TM2, andE-TM3. The first and third classes are further subdivided into E-TM1.1, E-TM1.2,E-TM3.1, E-TM3.2, and E-TM3.3 (Table 2). Note that the “E” in E-UTRA stands for“enhanced” and designates LTE UMTS terrestrial radio access, whereas UTRAwithout the “E” refers to W-CDMA.ACLR test requirements (continued)For UE testing, transmitter tests are carried out using the reference measurement channels (RMC) specified for eNB receiver testing. The ACLR requirement for the UE is not as stringent as it is for the eNB, so our focus will be on the latter. Table 2. E-UTRA test models (from 3GPP TS 36.141 [1])The 3GPP specifications for LTE define ACLR as the ratio of the filtered mean power centered on the assigned channel frequency to the filtered mean power centered on an adjacent channel frequency. Minimum ACLR conformancerequirements for the eNB are given for two scenarios: for adjacent E-UTRA (LTE) channel carriers of the same bandwidth, E-UTRAACLR1, and for the UTRA (W-CDMA) adjacent and alternate channel carriers, UTRAACLR1and UTRAACLR2, respectively.Different limits and measurement filters are specified for E-UTRA and UTRA adja-cent channels, and are provided for both paired spectrum (FDD) operation and unpaired spectrum (TDD) operation. The E-UTRA channels are measured using a square measurement filter, while UTRA channels are measured using an RRC filter with a roll-off factor of = 0.22 and a bandwidth equal to the chip rate, which is 3.84 MHz in the example of paired spectrum operation shown in Figure 1.E-TM1.1Maximum power testsOutput power, occupied bandwidth, ACLR,operating band unwanted emissions,transmitter spurious emissions, transmitterintermodulation, reference signal absoluteaccuracyE-TM1.2Includes power boosting andde-boostingACLR, operating band unwanted emissionsE-TM2Minimum power testsTotal power dynamic range (lower OFDMsymbol power limit at min power, EVMof single 64QAM PRB allocation (at minpower), frequency error (at min power)E-TM3.1Power testsTotal power dynamic range (upper OFDMsymbol power limit at max power with all64QAM PRBs allocated), frequency error,EVM for 64QAM (at max power)E-TM3.2Includes power boosting andde-boostingFrequency error, EVM for 16QAME-TM3.3Includes power boosting andde-boostingFrequency error, EVM for QPSKFigure 1. Measurement filters for ACLRmeasurementsACLR test requirements (continued)ACLR test requirements for the eNB including paired and unpaired spectrum operation are summarized in Table 3. As of the September 2009 specification release, the ACLR test cases for the UE were not fully complete. However, the UE test procedure is essentially the same as that used for the base station. Table 3. ACLR base station conformance test requirements (from 3GPP TS 36.141 6.2 [1]). Note that the specification defines the minimum requirement plus the test tolerance (TT)).* Relative limits are 44.2 dB = 45 dB min requirement + 0.8 dB TT. Both Absolute and Relative limits are provided. Whichever is less stringent is to be used for the conformance requirement. Sophisticated signal evaluation tools are available for making complex LTE measure-ments quickly and accurately. Power measurements including ACLR generally are made using a spectrum or signal analyzer, and the required test signals are built using a signal generator. In the following examples, Agilent’s PC-based Signal Studio application connected to an MXG signal generator is used to build the standards-compliant E-TM signal required for transmitter testing. The output signal is connected to the RF input of an Agilent X-Series signal analyzer running N9080A LTE measure-ment application, which is used for signal analysis. This equipment setup follows the simple block diagram provided in the 3GPP LTE specifications (Figure 2). Although the measurement process described here is for FDD operation, the process for TDD operation is similar.According to the specifications, the carrier frequency must be set within a frequency band supported by the base station under test, and ACLR must be measured for frequency offsets on both sides of the channel frequency, as specified for paired or unpaired spectrum operation (T able 3). The test is performed first using a transmitted signal of type E-TM1.1, in which all of the PDSCH resource blocks have the same power, and then again using E-TM1.2, in which power boosting and deboosting are used. The E-TM1.2 configuration is useful because it simulates multiple users whose devices are operating at different power levels. This scenario results in a higher crest factor, which makes it more difficult to amplify the signal without creating additional, unwanted spectral content—i.e., ACLR.PairedSpectrumCategory AE-UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHzUTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz PairedSpectrumCategory BE-UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHzUTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHzUnpairedspectrumCategory AE-UTRA (LTE) 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz1.28 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz3.84 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHz7.82 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -13 dBm/MHzUnpairedspectrumCategory BE-UTRA (LTE) 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHz1.28 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHz3.84 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHz7.82 Mcps UTRA 44.2 dB or -15 dBm/MHzSetting up the ACLR testFigure 2. Measurement equipment setup (3GPP TS 36.141 [1] Annex I, Figure I.1-1)Setting up the ACLR test (continued)In this ACLR measurement example, Signal Studio is set up to generate a standards-compliant E-TM1.2 test signal. The frequency is set to 2.11 GHz, a frequency that is in several of the major downlink operating bands specified for LTE. The output signal amplitude—an important consideration in determining ACLR performance—is set to -10 dBm. A 5 MHz channel bandwidth is selected from the range that extends from 1.4 to 20 MHz.Figure 3 shows the eNB setup with Transport Channel selected. A graph of the resource allocation blocks for the test signal appears at the bottom. The Y axis indicates frequency or resource blocks, while the X axis indicates slots or time. The different colors correspond to different channels, with the white areas representing Channel 1 and the pink areas Channel 2. Both are downlink shared channels, of interest in this measurement. The other colors represent synchroni-zation channels, reference signals, etc.Figure 3. Resource allocation blocks (at bottom) for E-TM1.2 test signalSelecting Channel 1 shows the output power level to be at -4.3 dB, so the channel power has been deboosted. The output power of Channel 2 has been boosted and is set at 3 dB (Figure 4). A complex array of power boosting and deboosting options can be set for the different resource blocks from resource block allocation graph. The resulting composite signal will have a higher peak-to-average ratio than a single channel in which all blocks are at the same power level. Amplifying a boosted signal such as this can be difficult, as noted earlier. Without sufficient back-off in the power amplifier, clipping may result.Figure 4. Boosted output power in Channel 2Setting up the ACLR test (continued)The test signal is now generated using the Signal Studio software. Because Signal Studio is PC-based, it can be run from the PC-based X-Series signal ana-lyzer. The waveform in this case is created on the desktop of the signal analyzer and then downloaded to the signal generator via LAN or GPIB. The RF output of the signal generator is connected to the RF input of the signal analyzer, where the ACLR performance is measured using swept spectrum analysis. In this example, the signal analyzer is in LTE mode with a center frequency of 2.11 GHz and the ACP measurement selected. At this point it is possible to make a quick, one-button ACLR measurement according to the LTE standard by recalling the appropriate parameters and test limits from a list of available choices in the LTE application. These choices include options for paired and unpaired spectrum, Category A or Category B limits (as defined in ITU-R SM.329), and type of carrier in the adjacent and alternate channels—E-UTRA (LTE), UTRA (W-CDMA), or TD-SCDMA.Recall that for FDD operation, LTE defines two different methods of making ACLR measurements. In Figure 5, the upper graph shows the case in which E-UTRA (LTE) is used at the center and offset frequencies. The lower graph shows LTE at the center frequency and UTRA (W-CDMA) at the adjacent and alternate offsets.Figure 5. Two specified methods of ACLR measurementIn Figure 6 the measurement result shows the E-UTRA adjacent and alternate offset channels. For this measurement a 5 MHz carrier is selected; however, the measure-ment noise bandwidth is 4.515 MHz, because the downlink contains 301 subcarriers. The first offset (A) is at 5 MHz, with an integration bandwidth of 4.515 MHz. The second offset (B) is at 10 MHz with the same integration bandwidth.Figure 6. ACLR measurement result using Agilent X-Series analyzer before optimization This one-button measurement gives a very quick, usable ACLR measurementaccording to the LTE standard. While the result in Figure 6 of about -62 dBc is good, the analyzer settings can be optimized to get even better performance. Four ways to further improve the measurement results are (1) optimize the signal level at the mixer; (2) change the resolution bandwidth filter; (3) turn on noise correction; and (4) use a different measurement methodology called filtered integration bandwidth.To optimize the signal level at the input mixer, the attenuator is adjusted for minimal clipping. The X-Series signal analyzer will automatically select an attenuation value based on the current measured signal value. This automated technique provides a good starting point for achieving optimal measurement range. Signal analyzers such as the X-Series, which have both electronic and mechanical attenuators, can use the two in combination to optimize performance. In such cases the mechanical attenuator can be adjusted slightly to get even better results of about 1 or 2 dB.Next the resolution bandwidth can be lowered by pressing the bandwidth filter key. Note that sweep time increases as the resolution bandwidth is lowered. For example, with the MXA signal analyzer, sweep time at 30 kHz is 676.3 ms. At a lower 10 kHz RBW, the sweep time is about 6 seconds. The slower sweep time reduces variance in the measurement, but reduces measurement speed.Another step is to turn on noise correction. The analyzer then takes one sweep to measure its internal noise floor at the current center frequency, and in subse-quent sweeps subtracts that internal noise floor from the measurement result. This technique substantially improves ACLR, in some cases by up to 5 dB.Setting up the ACLR test(continued)Optimizing the analyzer settingsOptimizing the analyzer settings (continued)Changing the measurement method is a fourth way to optimize the analyzer. In this case the default measurement method (integration bandwidth or IBW) is changed to the filtered IBW method. Filtered IBW uses a sharp, steep cutoff filter. This technique does degrade the absolute accuracy of the power measurement result, but it does not degrade the relative power accuracy, and ACLR is a relative power measurement. Therefore, filtered IBW does not degrade the ACLR result. Using these techniques in combination, an Agilent’s X-series analyzer can optimize the ACLR measurement automatically for performance versus speed via the analyzer’s embedded LTE application. The result for a typical ACLR mea-surement is improved by up to 10 dB or more. Figure 7 shows an 11 dB ACLR improvement after optimization (compared to Figure 6) using the embedded LTE application. For measurement scenarios requiring the maximum performance, the analyzer settings can be further adjusted.Figure 7. ACLR measurement result using Agilent X-series analyzer after optimization Standards-compliant spectrum measurements such as ACLR are invaluable for RF engineers developing the next generation radio systems. With LTE, however, these measurements are complicated by factors such as variations in the band-width of adjacent channels, choice of transmission filter, and interaction of RF variables between channels of different bandwidth and different susceptibility to interference. A practical solution is to use a spectrum or signal analyzer with a standards-specific measurement application. This combination can reduce error in complex measurements, automatically configuring limit tables and specifiedtest setups and ensuring measurement repeatability.ConclusionAcronyms3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership ProjectACLR Adjacent channel leakage-power ratioA-MPR Additional maximum power reductionCDMA Code division multiple accesseNB Evolved node BE-TM E-UTRA test modelE-UTRA Evolved universal terrestrial radio accessEVM Error vector magnitudeFDD Frequency division duplexGPIB General purpose interface busI BW I ntegrationbandwidthLAN Local area networkLTE Long term evolutionMPR Maximum power reductionMIMO Multiple input multiple outputOFDMA Orthogonal frequency division multiple accessPRACH Physical random access channelQAM Quadrature amplitude modulationQPSK Quadrature phase-shift keyingblockRB ResourcebandwidthRBW ResolutionelementRE ResourcefrequencyRF RadiocosineRRC Root-raisedSC-FDMA Single carrier frequency division multiple accessSRS Sounding reference signalTDD Time division duplexTD-SCDMA Time domain synchronous code division multiple accessequipmentUE UserUMTS Universal mobile telecommunications systemUTRA Universal terrestrial radio accessW-CDMA Wideband code division multiple accessReferences More Information [1] 3GPP TS 36.141 V8.4.0 (2009-09) Base Station (BS) Conformance Testing[2] 3GPP TS 36.521-1 V8.3.1 (2009-09) User Equipment (UE) ConformanceSpecification; Radio Transmission and Reception Part 1: Conformance T estingFor more information about the 3GPP, visit the 3GPP home page/3GPP specifications home page/specs/specs.htm3GPP Series 36 (LTE) specifications/ftp/Specs/archive/36_seriesFor more information about Agilent design and test products for LTE visit/find/lteAgilent LTE application notes and technical overviews:3GPP Long T erm Evolution: System Overview, Product Development, and Test Challenges: 5989-8139ENLTE Component T est: 5990-5149ENMIMO in LTE Operation and Measurement—Excerpts on LTE T est: 5990-4760EN MIMO Performance and Condition Number in LTE T est: 5990-4759ENN9080A & N9082A LTE Modulation Analysis Measurement Application T echnical Overview: 5989-6537ENLearn more about LTE and its measurements in the new book written by 30 LTE experts:LTE and the Evolution to 4G Wireless Designand Measurement Challenges/find/ltebook11Remove all doubtOur repair and calibration services will get your equipment back to you, performing like new, when promised. 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LTE发射机ACLR性能测量技术作者: Jung-ik Suh安捷伦科技企业上网日期: 12月17日已经有[ 0 ]个评论打印版订阅关键字: LTE发射机ACLR性能LTE测量发射滤波器现代无线服务提供商正致力于不停扩大带宽, 为更多用户提供互联网协议(IP)服务。

长久演进技术(LTE)是新一代蜂窝技术, 能够增强目前布署3GPP网络并发明关键新业务机会, 从而满足上述需求。

LTE体系结构复杂而且还在不停演进, 这为网络和用户设备设计与测试带来了新挑战。

其中, 在空中接口上一个关键挑战就是怎样在信号传输过程中进行功率管理。

在LTE等数字通信系统中, 发射信号泄漏到邻近信道功率可能会对邻近信道中信号传输产生干扰, 进而影响系统性能。


鉴于LTE技术复杂性, 快速和正确地实施这种关键测试对于测试人员来说可能充满挑战性(见表1)。

装有LTE特定信号生成软件信号发生器、装有LTE特定测量软件现代化信号分析仪, 以及针对该分析仪优化方法, 能够帮助测试人员战胜这一挑战。




不过WCDMA指定了使用根余弦(RRC)滤波器进行发射机测量, 而标准并没有为LTE定义等效滤波器。

所以, LTE发射机测试能够使用不一样滤波器来优化信道带内性能, 改善误差矢量幅度; 或优化信道带外性能, 取得更出色邻近信道功率特征。

鉴于在测试发射机性能中能够使用复杂发射机配置有很多, LTE指定了一系列下行链路信号配置来测试eNB。


它们可分为三大类: E-TM1、E-TM2和E-TM3。



研究与探讨责任编辑:左永君*******************462011年第16期【摘 要】文章根据LTE基站发射机实际研发测试指标,对其本振信号测试的主要指标进行了简单的阐述,并介绍了所需要的测试设备,最后给出了相应的实际测试结果。

【关键词】LTE 基站发射机 本振 测试指标收稿日期:2011-05-12石高巍 上海交通大学LTE基站发射机本振信号的1 引言LTE作为4G时代的移动无线技术的主流标准,旨在增加系统的频谱利用率、提高数据的传输率和降低系统的传输延迟。





混频器对信号的恶化主要是混频杂波,所以本振信号的纯度是Context Setup Request通知基站终端的安全能力。

基站收到消息后,通过R R C 信令S e c u r i t y M o d e C o m m a n d 告知终端接入层选择的算法,终端以Security Mode Complete加以确认,然后激活无线数据承载。

5 总结通过多种安全机制的引入,LTE中从终端到基站的空口数据得到加密和完整性算法的保护,可以防止被窃听和篡改。



参考文献[1]3GPP TS 33.401. 3GPP System Architecture Evolution(SAE):Security architecture[S].[2]3GPP TS 35.206. Specification of the MILENAGE algorithm set[S]. ★【作者简介】许杨春:系统分析师,硕士毕业于北京邮电大学,现任职于诺基亚西门子通信,从事LTE相关工作。



关于3GPP标准中频谱发射模板和ACLR两个指标的考虑一.指标1.3GPP中频谱发射模板的指标要求:Table 6.14: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P ≥ 43 dBmTable 6.15: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 39 ≤ P < 43dBmTable 6.16: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 31 ≤ P < 39dBmTable 6.17: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output powerP < 31 dBm2. 3GPP 中ACLR 的指标要求:Table 6.22: BS ACLR二.问题的提出:在WCDMA高功放的测试中发现,在单载波满足ACLR指标要求时,频谱发射模板要求并不满足,必须将输出功率回退,使其临道ACLR指标达到-48dBc左右,才有可能能满足频谱发射模板要求。

为什么同为临近频带的线性指标要求,ACLR能满足指标甚至留有余量2dB左右,而频谱发射模板指标却过不去?三.分析●定义分析:1.共性:频谱发射模板和ACLR两个指标在3GPP中是同属于“带外发射(out of bandemission)”指标。


2.区别:A. 适用范围不同。





















LTE基本项的测试LTE基本项的测试CMW500测试的预设置⼀、LTE Signalling 界⾯设置1.signal gen →选LTE下⾯的⼦项signalling2.进⼊LTE signalling 界⾯。

按config 键,进⾏设置。

1)测试场景设置scenario : 若进⼊SISO测试选standard cell(基本项测试),若进⾏MIMO测试选Two RF out ports. 2)测试端⼝选择和线损设置RF settings→RF output (RF input), routing 为设置端⼝。

若进⾏SISO 测试RF output 和RF input 都选为RF1com.若进⾏分集测试RF output 选RF1out; RF input 选RF1COM.若进⾏单分集测试时RF output选RF1COM; RF input 选RF3COM若进⾏MIMO测试时RF output 选RF1COM和RF3COM;RF input 选RF1COMExternal Attenuation 为设置线损,根据实际情况设置。

3)设置期望功率模式RF setting →RF power uplink →Exp.Nominal Power Mode→According to UL Power Control setting4)设置上⾏功控Uplink Power Control →PUSCH→Tx Power Contronl→ActiveTPC setup .根据需要进⾏具体选择(注:Max allowed Power P-Max 需设置为24dbm,避免最⼤功率上不去)5)设置⽹络参数进⼊network 把鉴权设置的前三项打勾。

Network→Security将Authentication / NAS security/As security 都勾上进⼊connection →Additional Spectrum Emission 设置为NS-01 (默认)⼆LTE Multi Eval 界⾯设置1.按仪器右上⾓Measure 键,勾选LTE 下⼦项“Multi Evaluation”和“Extended BLER”。







在5G设备测试中,ACLR(Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio)测试是非常重要的一个环节,其目的是评估无线电系统的频谱利用率和信号质量。



1 基于5G宽带通信信号的ACLR测试方法设计与实现方法1.1基本原理基于5G宽带通信信号的ACLR测试方法的基本原理是利用5G宽带通信信号的高带宽特性和数字信号处理技术,将测试信号和干扰信号合并在一起,实现对ACLR的准确测试。







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作者: Jung-ik Suh安捷伦科技公司上网日期: 2012年12月17日已有[0 ]个评论打印版订阅
关键字:LTE发射机 ACLR性能 LTE测量发射滤波器

















注:E-UTRA中的“E”源自“enhanced(增强型)”,指LTE UMTS陆地无线接入;而单独的UTRA是指WCDMA。


在UE上进行的ACLR测试不像在eNB 上进行那样要求严格。


3GPP LTE规范关于ACLR的定义是,以指定信道频率为中心的滤波后平均功率与以邻近信道频率为中心的滤波后平均功率之比。












本例中,Agilent Signal Studio for LTE与Agilent MXG信号发生器相连,生成频率设为 2.11GHz且符合标准的E-TM1.2测试信号。


在从1.4扩展到20MHz 的带宽范围内选择5MHz信道带宽。

图1为已选定传输信道(Transport Channel)的eNB设置。












随后,可以使用在Agilent X系列信号分析仪上运行的Signal Studio软件生成测试信号。












* 优化混频器上的信号电平――优化输入混频器上的信号电平要求对衰减器进行调整,实现最小的限幅。





* 更改分辨带宽滤波器――按下分析仪的带宽滤波器键,可降低分辨率带宽。



* 启动噪声校正――一旦启动噪声校正功能,分析仪将会进行一次扫描,以测量当前中心频率的内部本底噪声,并将在以后进行的扫描中从测量结果中减去该内部本底噪声。


* 采用另一种测量方法。













与图2使用嵌入式N9080A LTE测量应用软件获得的结果相比,图3中的ACLR实现了11dB的改善。

