Chapter 2 商务英语翻译技巧
3. The articles of our immediate interest are your “CHON-HOI兴”趣 brand
b.The exporter may take the accepted bill to a discount bank before the maturity if he is in urgent need of the amount of money.
出口商如果急需用这笔钱,他可以把这个承兑了的汇票 拿去贴现银行贴现。
美元对几个国家的货币保持坚挺。加拿大是 美国最大的贸易伙伴,占了美国进出口总额 的20%。目前加元对美元比价处于历史最低 点。
普通词汇,特殊意义 In order to market our new product, we
have printed fine literature. literature 普通英语中,"文学"; 商 务 英 语 中 , "printed matters, including
上述报价的商品均为畅销货物,它们已在世界各 地市场上赢得很高的声誉。
b.The articles in this agreement must not be modified and ended without the agreement by both parties.
本协议中所列条款未经双方一致同意不得变动和 修改。
商 务 英 语 中 , dishonor 指 银 行 “ 退 票 、 拒 付”。
如果信用证的条款不一致,出口商的汇票有可 能遭到银行拒付。
专业词汇 lot Labels: labels attached to each piece of
雅思口语知识点解析chapter 2
Chapter 2 Talking about studyWhat’s your major? 你的专业是什么?Introduction:在雅思考试中,,作为考官对你个人背景了解之一的常问问题就是“专业”,其中包括最基本的个人专业的英文表达,选择专业的原因,是否喜爱自己的专业。
如果是高中在读的同学虽然还没有专业,不过也可以说说自己是文科生arts students还是理科生science students。
Task 1: you are going to hear two conversations, while listening, underline some useful phrases about Study.Conversation 1:Ann:Steve, who are the two women over there?Steve:Oh, their names are Shirley and Linda. Hi, Shirley. This is Ann. She is from Canada. Ann:Hello. Shirley, nice to meet you.Shirley:Hi, Ann. Nice to meet you, too. What do you study here?Ann:I’m studying Biology. And what’s your subject?Shirley:It’s engineering.Ann:Hi, Linda. What are you studying here?Linda:I’m studying Arts.Ann:Oh, that sounds interesting.Steve:Shirley. And Linda are from the UK.Ann:Oh, where are you from in the UK?Shirley:I’m from Edinburgh.Linda:And I come from Leeds.Conversation 2:Lily: What’s your major?Mike: I come to China just to study Chinese.Lily: Where are you studying now?Mike: At the Beijing Language and Culture University.Lily: How many years have you studied?Mike: I've already studied for three years. One year left for graduation.Lily: Are you going back to your country after graduation?Mike: Yes, I'll return to my country and look for a job.Lily: Is it difficult to find a job?Mike: Not very difficult, because there is not many people in my country who know Chinese.Lily: Mike, tell me why you chose to study Chinese?Mike: well, to be honest, I chose it based on my personal interest. You know, since I was a boy I have always been interested in language. And I reckon Chinese is a very interesting language to study.Lily: Good. Wish you good luck.Mike: Thanks.Task 2: Pair Work. Now, role-play the conversations in Task 1 with your partner. Then it is required for you to remember these phrases and expressions below. Inquiring about study:What are you studying? / What’s your major? / What’s your subject? 你的专业是什么What subjects do you like most and what subjects do you dislike most?你最喜欢/最不喜欢的专业是什么Why did you choose this major? 你为什么选择这个专业?What do you think of your major? 你觉得你的专业怎么样?Answering:I major in Finance. I am studying Finance. My subject is Finance. 我是金融专业的。
新英汉翻译课件教程 chapter 2 翻译的过程
例1:Having discovered an unknown island, they wintered upon it. (G.A.Lensen: Russian’s Eastward Expansion) 【译文】他们发现了一个无名小岛后,便住了下 来,在那里过冬。 【解析】这是个“主-谓”结构的简单句,译文的 靓点是“wintered upon it”,“winter”用作名词是 “冬天”,用作动词译为“过冬”。“过冬”肯定 是住下来过,因此增加了“住下来”使句子顿时鲜 活。 比如“shadow”我们对它的认识就是“阴影、影 子”,但“Shadow him and see what is going to happen.”却是“跟踪他看看会发生什么”,它用 作动词时意思却变为“如影随形地跟踪”。
1.无论是中国还是美国,都不会缩小贸易的重要性。 2. 几乎是毫无意识地,我用手指抚摸着我所熟悉的 叶片和花朵,这新长的叶子和新开的花朵迎来了南 方美好的春天。 3. 话说,人生幸福只需三条:有所爱,有所为,有 所盼。 4. 爱丽丝无所事事,跟姐姐一起闲坐岸边,开始感 到厌倦了。姐姐正在看书,她瞥了一两眼,但是那 书上并没有图画或对话。爱丽丝想,一本书中如果 没有图画或是对话,那它又有什么用呢?
【译文】让我们回到密西西比去,回到亚拉巴马去, 回到南卡罗来纳去,回到佐治亚去,回到路易斯安 娜去,回到我们北方城市中的贫民区和少数民族居 住区去。要牢记,这种状况是能够,也必将改变的。 我们不要陷入绝望而不可自拔。 朋友们,今天我对你们说,在此时此刻,我们 虽然遭受种种困难和挫折,我仍然有一个梦想。这 个梦想是深深扎根于美国的梦想中的。 我梦想有一天,这个国家会站起来,真正实现 其信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的: 人人生而平等。” 【解析】译文再现原文交际情景,选词组句紧扣原 文,给读者描述了一件发生在异国他乡的事件。译 者运用直译手法,刻意保留原文的语言和文化差异, 文化色彩,使译文“洋气”一点。直译可以缩短民 族文化交流的差距。
王关富商务英语阅读 第二版chapter 2 详解
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Given that the scale of the downturn was so epochal, it should not be surprising that the nature of the recovery would likewise be the stuff of history. And it has been. As they make their way to Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) by helicopter, bus, car or train (which is the right way to do it), the members of the global economic and political elite will find themselves coming to terms with something they have never known before. Given –considering 鉴于 考虑到 Epochal 新纪元的;划时代的;有重大意义的 epoch 时代纪元 Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill. 罗斯福和邱吉尔做出的有重大意义的决定 epochal stupidity. 无与伦比的愚蠢 Make one‘s way to 前往某处 He looked around , then made his way to the lavatory. DAVOS Davos 瑞士达沃斯 是“世界经济论坛”the World Economic Forum (WEF) 的主办 地. Come to terms with 勉强接受 妥协 安于 It took a long time for him to come to terms with his disability. Buyers can‘t come to terms with the car‘s styling, and its high price proved a bitter pill.不得不接受的现实 考虑到经济衰退幅度如此的跨时代,经济复苏进程会很慢也是理所当然的,对此我们 不应该感到吃惊。事实也正如我们所料,复苏进程确实很慢。全球经济政治精英乘直 升飞机、大巴、小汽车或是火车前往达沃斯参加一年一度的世界经济论坛会议,此次 会议上,全球经济政治精英会发现自己开始接受一些闻所未闻的事情。
Chapter 2 构词法(词缀法)
Chapter 2 Word Formation Methods:Affixation(derivation) (30-40) compounding(28-30) conversion(26)shortening(clipping, acronym) 8-10blending 1-5AffixationDefinitionis generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases.Process: Derivation; words: derivativesAffixes may be derivational (-ness, pre-), or inflectional (plural –s, past tense –ed)is, thus, a word formation process by adding morphemes at the beginning (prefixation), or at the end (suffixation) of words.词缀的特点1.词缀来源的多样性GreekPrefix: amphi-, anti-, arch-, auto-, cata-, di-, dia-, enne-, hector-, hemi-, hexa-, hyper-, hypo-, kilo-, mono-, neo-, octa-, pan-, penta-, poly-, proto-, pseudo- LatinPrefix: bi-, centi-, counter-, deci-, demi-, en-, ex-, in-, infra-, inter-, mal-, milli-, mini-, multi-, nona-, post-, pre-, pro-, re-, sept-, sub-, super-, sur-, trans-, tri-, ultra-, uni-, vice-Suffix : -age, -al, -ant, -ate, -ible, -iveRomanic :Prefix: de-, dis-, non-Suffix: -able, -ary, -eer, -ery, -esque, -ess, -ette, -ic, -ify, -iron, -ity, -let, -ment, -or, -ous, -sion, -tionOld EnglishPrefix: a-, be-, for-, fore-, mis-, off-, out-, over-, to-, under-, with-Suffix: -dom, -ed, -er, -fold, -ful, -hood, -ing, -ish, -less, -like, -ling, -ly, -ness, -ship, -some, -ster, -ward, -wise, -y2. 词缀的多义性in-: 不,入dis-: 分离,除去解除,解散取消,否定-ish: ……似的有点……的民族的,……语言的近乎于……的(口) 表示年龄或时间:大约,左右-ly: 构成的形容词:相似的,具有某种性质的时间的反复构成的副词:以……方式,程度,顺序,在……时候,在……方面,在……方向同一词缀,不同意思,不同翻译e.g. –er-ism: 主义,制度不同领域里,多种汉译barbarism Buddhism Darwinism euphemism fanaticismmagnetismmaterialismpatriotismrelativismtourism3. 词缀的同义性表示否定:a-dis-in(im-, il, ir)non-un-Prefix“不良的,假的”等贬义mal-, mis-, pseudo-时间先后ante-, ex-, fore-, post-, pre-人们看法或态度anti-, counter-, pro-消除de-, dis-, un-大小,程度arch-, be-, infra-, macro-, maxi-, micro-, midi-, mini-, out-, over-, re-, retro-, with-周围、外层、靠近inter-, intra-, peri-, sub-, super-, trans-全部be-, omni-, pan-, panto-, per-使……成为be-, en-Suffix:学科–ics phiysics; -logy biology; -ry chemistry身份–age, -dom致使、变成–ate, -en, -fy, -ize性质、状态–acious, -al, -an, -aneous, -ar, -ary, -astic, -ate, -atic, -eous, -etic, -fic, -ful, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ical, -icular, -id, -ile, -ine, -ious, -itous, -ive, -lent, -less, -ory, -ous, -some, -tic, -tious, -ual, -uous, -y地点,场所–age, -ern, -ery, -arium, -itory, -ry小–c(u)le, -el, -(e)rel, -et, -ette, -ie, -kin, -let, -ling, -ock, -y抽象–asm, -ery, -hood, -ition, -ity, -osity, -our, -ry, -ship, -sion行为,动作-age, -ation, -ing, -ism, -sion事物,器皿–ant, -er, -or“家,元,者”等“人”-ain, -aire, -an, -ant, -ar, -ard, -arian, -ary, -ast, -ate, -ee, -eer, -ician, -ist, -ive, -ling, -or表示阴性的名词后缀–enne, -ess, -line, -trix形状、特性-form, -ish, -like, -ly, -oid, -ose, -ous, -ular事物、方式、状态、方向–erly, -ly, -s, -wards, -ways, -wise疾病–ia, -ism, -itis, -oma, -osis可以改变词性的前缀:en-(在p, b, m前一般用em-), be-, a-en-: +n. →v. to make…endanger, enslave, enthrone+a. →v. enable, enfeeble, enlarge, enrich+v. →v. enfold, enlightenbe-: +n. or a. →v. becloud, befriend, becalm, belittlebe-: +n.+ed →a. 有“轻蔑,戏谑”等意思benighted, bespectacleda-: +n. or v. →a. (做表语) afire, afoot, asleep, astir5. 构词能力的差异性6. 变化的时代性electronic equipment, electronic computer, electronic surveillance, electronic music, electronic bulletin board, electronic data interchange, electronic highway/superhighway新的前缀e-: e-mail, e-journals, e-groups, e-business, e-leaning, e-finance, e-book, e-card, e-cash, e-shopper, e-tailing, e-zinecybercybercafé(网络咖啡馆,网吧), cybercrime, cyberculture(电脑化社会,电脑化文明),cybernaut(网络用户),cyberphobia(计算机恐惧症),cyberpunk(计算机高手,黑客),cybersex(网络色情),cyberspace(计算机空间,网络空间,虚拟现实), cyberspeak (网络用语),cyberstalking(网上的骚扰行为),cybersurfing(网络漫游),cyberworld(网络世界)Bio-, eco-, nano- originally: combining form now: prefixBio-Bioactivity, biochip, bioclimatology, biodiesel, biodiversity, bioeffect, bioethic, biogenetics, biography, biomagnetics, biometrics, bioreactor, bioremediation, biospherics, biotech, bioterrorismEco-Eco-car, eco-catastrophe/eco-disaster, ecoclimate, eco-efficiency, ecofallow, eco-friendly, ecogeographic, ecospecies, ecosphere, ecosystem, eco-terrorism, eco-tourismNano-Nanosecond,略作:nsNanocomputer, nanotube, nanotechnology, nanobiology, nanochemistry, nanoelectronicsSuffix originally: combining form; now: suffix-gate derived from Watergate “类似水门事件的丑闻”Irangate, hurricanegate……-ed: for 描写服装,面容和和性格等当代新的前缀和后缀all-, audio-, crypto-, mock-, near-, part-, radio-, techno-, tele-, uber-, -aholic, -buster, -busting, -friendly, -impaired, -intensive, -ista, -mad, -mania, -meister, -phile, -seeking, -ville时代性较强的后缀-mindeda conservation-minded society, an innovation-minded nation-friendlyenvironment-friendly automobile, environment-friendly societycomputer-friendly, consumer-friendly, family-friendly, reader-friendly, user-friendlyTwo types of affixation: prefixation and suffixationPrefixationTwo types of Prefixes: lexical prefix & grammatical prefix●Lexical prefix 实义前缀1. Prefix denoting time and sequence 表示时间和顺序的前缀ante-(before) “在……之前”ex-(time-out, former) “过期”,“从前的”post-(after) “……之后”(before, in advance) “预先,前”inter-(between, among, mutual) “在……中”,“在……之间”,“相互”per-(through, completely, [chemistry] maximum proportion) “穿过”,“穿透”“[化] 高……,过……”trans-(across, through, change) “横跨”,“跨越”,“穿过”,“转化”2. Prefix denoting degrees and levels 表示程度和级别的前缀ex-(out of, excessive) “超过”,“向外”extra-(outside, beyond) “在……之外”,“超出”hyper-(over, beyond, above) “超出”,“过于”,“极度”(to the point of surpassing or exceeding) “超过”,“超出”over-(excessively, outer) “过度的”,“过多的”,“外部的”para-(beyond, near, abnormal, assistant) “超过”,“近乎”,“异常”,“辅助的”semi-(half, partly) “半”,“一定程度上”sub-(secondary, under) “次等”,“下级”,“下面”under-(less, below, beneath) “在……之下”,“低于”ultra-(to an extreme degree) “超”,“超越”3. Prefix denoting conditions and positions 表示状态和方位的前缀ab-, abs-, a-(away from) “离开”,“走开”,“离去”,“分离”circum-(around)“环绕”contra-(against, opposite) “反对”,“相反”,“相对”counter-(in the opposite direction) “反”,“反向”(away, from, down) “离去”,“除去”,“分离”,“降低”,“解除”e-,ex-(outward, out) “向外的”,“外出的”in-, im-, il-, ir-(inside, into) “入内”,“进入”intra-(within) “在内的”,“内部的”,“里面的”intro-(inward, into) “向内”,“入内”out-(from outside, outward) “向外”,“远离中心”,“出”pro-(forward, substitute, favoring) “向前”,“代替”,“亲善”re-(in return, backward) “退还”,“复原”,“返回”,“向后”,“反向”sur-(above, additional) “在……表面”,“附加的”,“额外的”up-(up, upward, upper) “向上”,“朝上”,“上部的”4. prefix denoting negative or opposite meanings 表示否定和相反意义的前缀dis-(negative, apart from) “不”,“非”,“相反”,“除去”,“分离”in-, il-, im-, ir-(not) “不”,“没”non-(not) “无”,“非”,“不”,常用在形容词和名词前表示否定un-(not)“无”,“难以”,“不”,常用在名词前表示否定5. prefix denoting modes and manner 表示形式和方式的前缀ad-(toward, near, add) “方向”,“接近”,“添加”variants: ac-, af-, ag-, al, ap-, as-, at-anti-(opposed to, against) “反”,“抗”,“阻碍”co-, col-, com-, con-, cor-(jointly, together) “一起”,“共同”,“联合”e-(electron, electronics) “电子”,“网上”mis-(wrong, bad) “错”,“坏”,“误”ob-(toward, against) “倾向”,“阻止”re-(again, once more, anew) “再次”,“重新”●grammatical prefixes 语法前缀a-(indicating a state) “使……处于……状态”。
商务英语Chapter 2参考译文及答案
商务英语Chapter 2参考译文及答案In this chapter, we will provide a reference translation and answers for the exercises in Chapter 2 of your business English textbook. The translation and answers are presented in a clear and organized manner, ensuring a smooth reading experience. Please note that the following text does not contain any links or headings, as per your request.Translation:Text 1:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is John Smith, and I am the sales manager of XYZ Corporation. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new product line to all of you. Our company has been working tirelessly to develop innovative products that meet the needs of our customers, and I am proud to say that this new line is a result of those efforts. We believe that these products will greatly benefit your businesses, and we are excited to showcase them today. Thank you for your attention.Answer to exercise 1:John Smith introduces the new product line of XYZ Corporation and expresses his belief that the products will be beneficial for all attendees.Answer to exercise 2:The purpose of this talk is to provide information about the new product line of XYZ Corporation and generate interest among the audience.Text 2:Dear Mr. Johnson, I am writing to confirm the details of our upcoming meeting on Friday, September 15 at 2:00 PM. The meeting will be held in Conference Room A on the 9th floor of our office building. The agenda for the meeting includes a discussion on the new marketing strategy for our product launch and an update on the current sales figures. I kindly request that you come prepared with any relevant materials or data for these discussions. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, and I look forward to meeting with you.Answer to exercise 1:The email confirms the date, time, and location of the upcoming meeting, as well as the agenda topics.Answer to exercise 2:The purpose of this email is to provide the necessary information about the meeting and request the recipient to come prepared with relevant materials.Text 3:To whom it may concern, I am writing to inquire about the availabilityof your products for wholesale purchase. I represent a retail company that specializes in home appliances, and we are interested in carrying your brand. Could you please provide me with information on the minimum order quantity, pricing, and any applicable discounts? Additionally, I would like to know if there are any exclusive distributorship opportunities in our area. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your prompt response. Best regards, Emily JohnsonAnswer to exercise 1:The email inquires about the availability of the products for wholesale purchase and asks for information on pricing, order quantity, and distributorship opportunities.Answer to exercise 2:The purpose of this email is to gather information about the availability of products for wholesale purchase and explore potential business opportunities with the company.。
朗文5A Chapter Two复习提要Part A and BNew words and phrases (要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写。
)competition 名词,竞争,比赛,竞赛 (注意发音)。
mark 名词,(考试的)分数,可数。
course 名词,1.科目,课程; 2.一道菜 the main course 主菜(4B)。
weight 名词,重量。
hard 它是个多义词,在本课中是个副词,意为“努力地”;比较级harder,更加努力地。
turn over a new leaf 它是英文中的习惯表达,类似汉语中的成语,意为“重新开始,改过自新,翻开新的一页”。
wishing tree 许愿树make plans for...为...制定计划the new school year 新学年want to do sth. 想要做某事win the swimming competition赢得游泳比赛get high marks 取得高分 put on weight发胖,增重practise swimming harder更加努力地练习游泳take a Japanese course 攻读一个日语课程join the Cubs加入幼童军Sentences (要求:会读,知道其中文意思,会拼,会写,会运用。
)本部分学习so作为连词的用法,在句中意为“所以,因此”What do you want to do? 你想要做什么?I want to win the swimming competition so I’m going to practise swimming harder. 我想要赢得游泳比赛,因此我计划更加努力地练习游泳。
句中用一般现在时描述目标,运用短语want to do sth. so后面连接计划、打算,用be going to一般现在将来时表达。
2. What do you want to do? I want to improve my English so I’m going to read more English books. 我想要提高英语,所以我计划读更多英文书。
三年级上册朗文2B Chapter2 知识点总结
Chapter2 Our favourite food.● Words 单词加粗的词要求能听、说、读、写;不加粗的要求能听、说、读,并且能英汉互译● Sentences 句型 要求能深入理解并熟练运用 ● Grammar 语法 要求能深入理解并且熟练运用1. 语法点:怎么问怎么答。
Is 问is 答, Are 问are 答。
Is there any butter(不可数)? 因为butter 不可数,所以前面用is.grapes oranges a mango 葡萄 橘子/橙子 一只芒果 an egg sugar flour butter a cake一个鸡蛋 糖 面粉 黄油一只蛋糕people人;人类these thosejoinpartypasspolitenamesandsame game这些那些加入派对递给有礼貌的名字沙子一样的 游戏ham 火腿a tomato a potato a carrot 一个西红柿 一个土豆 一个胡萝卜salad dressing cheese a sandwich 沙拉酱奶酪 一只三明治1. --Is there any butter? --Yes, there is. --No, there isn ’t.2. --Are there any eggs? --Yes, there are. --No, there aren ’t.Yes, there is.No, there is n’t.Are there any egg s(复数)? 因为s结尾是复数,所以前面用are. Yes, there are.No, there are n’t.。
英语词汇学课件Chapter2CHAPTER 21. It is assumed that the world has about ___________ languages.A. 3000B. 2000C. 1000D.40002. It is assumed that the world has approximately 3000 (some put it 5000) languages, which can be grouped into roughly ___________ language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.A. 500B. 4000C. 300D.20003. The Indo-European Language Family accordingly fall into ___________ principle groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set and Western set.A. eightB. sixC. fiveD. several4. In the Eastern set, ___________ and ___________ are each the only modern language respectively.A. Italic; GermanicB. Armenian; AlbanianC. Celtic; HellenicD. Balto-Slavic; Indo-Iranian5. The following words are derived from the dead language Sanskrit except ___________.A. PersianB. BengaliC. HindiD. Romany6. All these languages have some influence on English to a greater or lesser extent because each has ___________ the English vocabulary.A. borrowed words fromB. enlarged words toC. decreased words toD. lent words into7. We find the following languages in the Celtic except ___________.A. ScottishB. IrishC. DanishD. Breton8. The Balto-Slavic comprises such modern languages as Prussian, Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Slovenian and ___________.A. GreekB. RomanC. IndianD. Russian9. Indo-Iranian comprises the modern language except ___________.A. PersianB. BengaliC. Hindi, RomanyD. Polish10. The five Romance languages, namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called ___________.A. SanskritB. LatinC. CelticD. Anglo-Saxon11. The first peoples known to inhabit England were ___________.A. CeltsB. RomansC. Anglo-SaxonsD. Jutes12. Which of the following is not included in the Germanic tribes?A. Angles.B. Celtic.C. Saxons.D. Jutes.13. Some foreign languages have impact on old English except ___________.A. FrenchB. LatinC. NorwegianD. Danish14. After the ___________, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons, and Jutes came in great numbers.A. GreeksB. IndiansC. RomansD. French15. As a result, Celtic made only a ___________ contribution to the English vocabulary.A. smallB. bigC. greatD. smaller16. The introduction of ___________ at the end of the 6th century had a great impact on the English vocabulary.A. printingB. ChristianityC. French wordsD. all the above17. After the invading Germanic tribes settled down in Britain, their language almost totally blotted out the ___________.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Anglo-SaxonD. Celtic18. Old English has a vocabulary of about ___________ words.A. 30000 to 40000B. 40000 to 50000C. 50000 to 60000D. 60000 to 7000019. It is estimated that at least ___________ words of Scandinavian origin have survived in modern English.A. 1200B. 800C. 900D. 100020. Which of the following is not Scandinavian origin?A. Skirt.B. Alter.C. Their.D. Birth.21. The ___________ family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as Scandinavian languages.A. GermanicB. Indo-EuropeanC. AlbanianD. Hellenic22. Old English vocabulary was essentially ___________ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.A. ItalicB. GermanicC. CelticD. Hellenic23. The Norman Conquest in 1066 introduced a large number of words into the English vocabulary.A. FrenchB. GreekC. DanishD. Latin24. In the 9th century the land was invaded again by Norwegian and Danish Vikings. With the invaders, many ___________ words came into the English language.A. GreekB. RomanC. CelticD. Scandinavian25. Which of the following is NOT true about Old English?A. Users of Old English borrowed heavily from Latin and other languages.B. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50000 to 60000.C. Old English refers to the English language used from 450 to 1150.D. Old English was a highly inflected language.26. Identify the word that ___________ is of Scandinavian origin among the following.A. skirtB. dressC. modelD. status27. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English ___________ of them are still in use today.A. Eighty-five percentB. Fifty-six percentC. Seventy-two percentD. Seventy-five percent28. By the end of the ___________ century, virtually all of the people who held political or social power and many of those in powerful Church positions were of Norman French origin.A. 10thB. 11thC. 12thD. 13th29. Modern English began with the establishment of___________ in England.A. printingB. Bourgeois RevolutionC. Industrial RevolutionD. the Renaissance30. Considering the changes in ___________, we regard the year of ___________ as the divison line of Early and Late Modern English.A. grammar; 1600B. grammar; 1700C. vocabulary; 1600D. vocabulary; 170031. Since the beginning of the 20th century, ___________ has become even more important for the expansion of English vocabulary.A. word-formationB. borrowingC. semantic changeD. both B and C32. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of new words?A. The rapid development of modern science and technology.B. Geographical and political changes.C. The influence of other cultures and languages.D. Social and economic changes.33. Social, economic and political changes bring about such new words as the followings EXCEPT ___________.A. kungfuB. TV dinnerC. fast foodD. Watergate34. The modes of modern English vocabulary grow through three major channels: ___________, semantic change, ___________.A. exchange; lendingB. derivation; borrowingC. creation; borrowingD. affixation; creation35. In modern times, ___________ is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.A. creationB. semantic changeC. borrowingD. reviving archaic or obsolete words36. ___________ has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary, particularly in earlier times.A. creationB. semantic changeC. borrowingD. obsolete words37. Which of the following is one of the three channels through which modern English vocabularydevelops?A. Acronym.B. Blending.C. Elevation.D. Borrowing.38. ___________ means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.A. CreationB. Semantic changeC. BorrowingD. Derivation39. The word of "recollection" is formed by ___________.A. creationB. semantic changeC. borrowingD. collocation40. It is assumed that the world has 3 000 languages, which can be grouped into roughly ___________ language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar. A. 200B. 300C. 400D. 50041. The following languages all belong to the Eastern set except___________.A. Balto-SlavicB. Indo-IranianC. ArmenianD. Italic42. In the Eastern set, Armenian and___________ are the sole modern languages in two respective families.A. AlbanianB. RussianC. SlovenianD. Lithuanian43. Which language does not belong to the Italic?A. Portuguese.B. Spanish.C. Welsh.D. French.44. The early inhabitants of the British Isles spoke___________.A. EnglishB. CelticC. ScandinavianD. Hellenic45. The Germanic speakers took permanent control of the land that was later called___________ (the land of Angles).A. GermanB. GreeceC. EnglandD. American46. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50 000 to 60 000words, which is entirely Germanic with only a few borrowings from___________ and Scandinavian.A. LatinB. GreekC. CelticD. French47. The influx of French words into English did not occur until after___________.A. 1200B. 1300C. 1400D. 150048. In the Middle English period, the three main dialects of the land were Northern, ___________ and Midland.A. EasternB. WesternC. SouthernD. Oriental49. ___________ is the chief ancestor of Modern English, not Southern.A. EasternB. WesternC. NorthernD. Midland50. The Norman Conquest started a continual flow of___________ words into English.A. LatinB. GreekC. DanishD. French51. Midland is an ___________ dialect, as its name implies, and intelligible to Northerners and Southerners alike.A. middleB. intermediateC. interchangeableD. internal52. The number of ___________ words that poured into English was unbelievably great and covered every realm of culture and society in the Middle English period.A. FrenchB. GermanC. LatinD. Russian53. Before English regained social status in Middle English period, those in power spoke French; those who were literate read and wrote ___________; those who could educate their children taught them in ___________; and any young man who sought to earn his living as a scribe learned ___________or___________.A. Latin; French; Latin; FrenchB. French; French; French; EnglishC. French; French; Latin; FrenchD. Greek; French; Greek; French54. In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge in learning ancient Greek and Roman classics, which is known in history as the ___________.A. RenewalB. RevivalC. ReboundD. Renaissance55. Since the beginning of the 20th century, particularly after World War II, although borrowing remains a channel of English vocabulary expansion, more words are created by ___________.A. analogyB. word-formationC. transferD. conversion56. The Anglo-Saxon in the Old English period was almost a "___________" language, which created new words from its own compound elements with few foreign words.A. uniqueB. fashionC. pureD. old57. As one scholar notes, old English was characterized by " ___________ endings", Middle English by "leveled endings", and Modern English by " ___________ endings".A. full; lostB. lost; fullC. full; pureD. pure; lost58. Old English which was a ___________ language has evolved to the present language.A. analytic; syntheticB. synthetic; analyticC. agglutinative; analyticD. isolating; synthetic59. Of all the foreign languages from which we have borrowed words, Latin, Greek, French, and ___________ stand out as the major contributors.A. ItalianB. GermanC. DutchD. Scandinavian60. In the Pre-Anglo-Saxon period, the words borrowed naturally from Latin reflected the new conceptions and experience in ___________ and ___________.A. war; economyB. economy; agricultureC. war; place namesD. war; agriculture61. In the Old English period, borrowings from Latin came in because of the introduction of Christianity, such as, ___________ and ___________.A. cook; candleB. shrine; sackC. candle; shrineD. mass; circle62. The ___________ centuries were especially prolific in Latin borrowings under the influence of Renaissance.A. 12th and 13thB. 13th and 14thC. 14th and 15thD. 15th and 16th63. Some late borrowings from Latin still retain their Latin forms. Which of the following was borrowed in the Modern English period?A. Frustrate.B. Focus.C. Logic.D. Trade.64. Which of the following does not come from Greek?A. Piano.B. Synonym.C. Philosophy.D. Lexicology.65. Typhoon is from ___________ and tatami is from ___________.A. Chinese; AfricanB. Chinese; JapaneseC. Arabic; TurkishD. Malay; Japanese66. Modern English vocabulary develops through ___________.A. terminology, analogy and borrowingB. creation* semantic change and borrowingC. creation, archaisms and semantic changeD. semantic change, denizens and argot67. Which of the following contemporary English vocabulary is from the rapid growth of science and technology?A. Fallout.B. Pant suit.C. Black belt.D. Mao jackets.68. The Scandinavian languages: Norwegian* Swedish, Danish and Icelandic, constitute the ___________ branch of the Germanic group.A. easternB. westernC. northernD. southern69. Reviving archaic or ___________ words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary though insignificant.A. obsoleteB. oldC. usedD. ancient70. It is assumed that the world has about ___________ languages.A. 3,000B. 2,000C. 1,000D. 4,00071. All languages can be grouped into roughly ___________ language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar.A. 200B. 300C. 400D. 50072. The Indo-European language family is made up of most of the languages in the following places except ___________.A. EuropeB. the Near EastC. IndiaD. Africa73. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly ___________ language.A. developedB. advancedC. inflectedD. complicated74. In the western set of the Indo-European language family, Greek is the modern language derived from ___________.A. HellenicB. CelticC. SpanishD. Dutch75. We find the following languages in the Celtic except ___________.A. ScottishB. IrishC. DanishD. Breton76. The first peoples known to inhabit on British Isles were ___________.A. RomansB. GermansC. CeltsD. Saxons77. Now people generally refer to ___________ as old English.A. Anglo-SaxonB. CelticC. LatinD. Armenian78. Which of the following is not included in the Germanic tribes?A. AnglesB. CelticC. SaxonsD. Jutes79. Old English has a vocabulary of about ___________ words.A. 40,000 to 50,000B. 50,000 to 60,000C. 60,000 to 70,000D. 30,000 to 40,00080. Old English refers to the language used between ___________ and ___________.A. 410, 1150B.450, 1150C. 410, 1100D.450, 110081. Some foreign languages have impact on old English except ___________.A. FrenchB. LatinC. NorwegianD. Danish82. It is estimated that at least ___________ words of Scandinavian origin have survived in Modern English.A. 1,200B. 800C. 900D. 1,00083. Which of the following is not Scandinavian origin?A. skirtB. alterC. theirD. birth84. Until 1066, the influence on English was mainly ___________.A. LatinB. FrenchC. GermanicD. Celtic85. After the Norman Conquest a continual flow of ___________ words into English.A. LatinB. FrenchC. GermanicD. Celtic86. Between 1250 and 1500, about ___________ words of French origin poured into English.A. 7,000B. 6,000C. 9,000D. 10,00087. ___________ of the words of French origin are still in use today.A. Eighty-five percentB. Fifty-six percentC. Seventy-two percentD. Seventy-five percent88. As many as 2, 500 words of ___________ origin found their way into Middle English.A. DutchB. FrenchC. LatinD. Celtic89. Modern English began with the establishment of ___________ in England.A. printingB. Bourgeois RevolutionC. Industrial RevolutionD. Renaissance Time90. Modern English began in ___________.A. 1700B. 1066C. 1500D. 190091. Considering the changes in ___________ Early and Late Modem English.A. grammar, 1600B. grammar, 1700C. vocabulary, 1600D. vocabulary, 170092. Modern English is considered to be a/an ___________ language.A. inflectedB. analyticC. syntheticD. new93. Generally, the number of the present day English vocabulary is about ___________.A. two millionB. three millionC. one millionD. four million94. Modern English vocabulary develops through ___________.A. creationB. semantic changeC. borrowingD. all the above95. ___________ is not the reason of growth of present-day English vocabulary.A. The rapid development of modern science and technologyB. Social, economic and political changesC. The efforts of linguistsD. The influence of other cultures and languages96. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ___________, semantic change and ___________.A. exchange, conversionB. compounding, borrowingC. creation, borrowingD. suffixation, creation97. ___________ is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.A. CreationB. Semantic changeC. BorrowingD. Meaning change98. ___________ means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.A. CreationB. Semantic changeC. BorrowingD. Derivation99. The word of "recollection" is formed by ___________.A. creationB. semantic changeC. borrowingD. collocation100. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ___________.A. creation, conversion and borrowingB. creation, borrowing and back-formationC. creation, semantic change and borrowingD. semantic change, borrowing and back-formation101. The Norman Conquest in 1066 introduced a large number of ___________ words into the English vocabulary.A. FrenchB. GreekC. DanishD. Latin102. The introduction of ___________ had a great impact on the English vocabulary.A. HinduismB. ChristianityC. BuddhismD. Islam103. After the ___________, the Germanic tribes called Angles,Saxons, and Jutes came in great numbers.A. GreeksB. IndiansC. RomansD. French104. After the invading Germanic tribes settled down in Britain, their language almost totally blotted out the ___________.A. Old EnglishB. Middle EnglishC. Anglo-SaxonD. Celtic105. Between 1250 and 1500 about ___________ words of French origin poured into English.A. 9,000B. 900C. 10,000D. 20,000106. Since the beginning of the 20th century, ___________ has become even more important for the expansion of English vocabulary.A. word-formationB. creationC. semantic changeD. both B and C107. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly language.A. inflectedB. derivedC. developedD. analyzed108. The five Romance languages, namely, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian all belong to the Italic through an intermediate language called ___________.A. SanskritB. LatinC. CelticD. Anglo-Saxon109. By the end of the ___________ century, English gradually came back into the schools, the law courts, and government and regained social status.A. 12thB. 13thC. 14thD. 15th1. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly ___________ language.2. As the invading tribes took over and settled in Britain, the Celtic languages gradually ___________.3. The surviving languages show various degrees of ___________ to one another.4. The surviving languages accordingly fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set: Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Armenian and Albanian; a Western set: Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, ___________.5. Scandinavian language refers to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and ___________.6. After the Romans, the Germanic tribes came in great numbers. Soon they took___________ control of the land, which was to be called England.7. Augustine came to spread ___________ in Britain at the endof the 6th century.8. Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as ___________.9. In the 9th century the land was ___________ again by Norwegian and Danish Vikings.10. Middle English lasted for more than three hundred years from ___________ to ___________.11. The four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin, French, Scandinavian and ___________.12. By the end of the eleventh century, ___________ all of the people who held political or social power and many of those in powerful church positions were of Norman French origin.13. The English words "power", "crime" are derived from ___________.14. Modern English began with the ___________ of printing in England.15. In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient and Roman classics. This is known in history as the ___________.16. It is necessary to subdivide Modern English into Early (1500 -1700) and ___________ Modem English.17. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings, Middle English was one of ___________.18. It can be concluded that English has evoked from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present ___________ language.19. The rapid development of ___________ and ___________ contributes a lot to the vocabulary development.20. ___________ refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, ___________ and other elements.21. There're three modes of vocabulary development; creation, ___________ and borrowing.22. World languages can be grouped into roughly ___________ language families on the basis of similarities in the basic word stock and grammar.23. The surviving languages accordingly fall into ___________ principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set and a Western set.24. Scandinavian language refers to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and ___________.25. Old English was the combination of three ___________ dialects which were used between ___________ and 1150.26. Old English was a highly ___________ language just like modern German.27. Old English has a vocabulary of about ___________ to ___________ words.28. Middle English lasted for more than three hundred years from ___________ to ___________.29. The four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin, French, Scandinavian and ___________.30. The English words "power”, "crime" are derived from ___________.31. The introduction of ___________ into England marked the beginning of modem English period.32. Modern English began with the establishment of printing in England, and it can be subdivided into stages.33. Modern English is a ___________ language.34. The rapid development of ___________ and ___________ contributes a lot to the vocabulary development.35. ___________ refers to the formation of new words by usingthe existing materials, namely roots, ___________ and other elements.36. There’re three modes of vocabulary development: creation, ___________ and borrowing.37. It is necessary to subdivide Modern English into Early (1500 - 1700) and ___________ Modern English.38. The language used in England between 450 and 1150 is called ___________.39. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings, Middle English was one of ___________.40. The surviving languages accordingly fall into eight principal groups, which can be grouped into an Eastern set: Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Armenian and Albanian; a Western set: Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, ___________.41. It can be concluded that English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present ___________ language.42. Now people generally refer to ___________ as Old English.43. The language used between 450 and ___________ is called ___________, which has a vocabulary of ___________. Middle English refers to the language spoken from 1150 to ___________. Followed by the ___________ period, subdivided as early modern English (___________) and late ___________ (1700-up to now).( ) 1. English is more closely related to German than French.( ) 2. Scandinavian languages refer to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.( ) 3. Old English was a highly inflected language.( ) 4. In early Middle English period, English, Latin and Celtic existed side by side.( ) 5.The introduction of printing into England marked thebeginning of Modern English period. ( ) 6. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.( ) 7. The four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin, French, Scandinavian and Italian.( ) 8. In modern times, borrowing brings less than ten percent of modern English vocabulary. ( ) 9. The three major factors that promote the growth of modern English vocabulary are advances in science and technology* influence of foreign cultures and languages.( ) 10. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is creation of new words by means of word-formation.( ) 11. Old English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.( ) 12. Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings.( ) 13. Old English refers to the language used between 100 and 450.( ) 14. We refer to Celtic as old English.( ) 15. Words of old English had full endings.( ) 16. In 55 B. C. -54 B. C., the Romans invaded the British Isles and were to occupy the land until about 410.( ) 17. Celtic made only a small contribution to the English vocabulary.( ) 18. Many religious terms such as abbot, candle, alter, amen were brought into English by Latin-speaking Roman missionaries.( ) 19. Middle English lasted for more than four hundred years.( ) 20. During the Middle English period, Celtic, Latin and English existed side by side.( ) 21. During early Middle English period, Norman French became the polite speech while native tongue was a despised language.( ) 22. Middle English was a language of full endings.( ) 23. Modern English is a synthetic language.( ) 24. After World War II, thousands of new words have been created to express new ideas, inventions and scientific achievements.( ) 25. The influence of other cultures and languages is one of the main sources of new words. ( ) 26. Semantic change is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.( ) 27. In the vocabulary development, some old words fell out of use.( ) 28. The introduction of printing into England by William Caxton marked the beginning of Middle English period.( ) 29. Historically speaking, American English is older than British English.( ) 30. The Norman Conquest virtually introduced French-English bilingualism into Britain. ( ) 31. The late Modern English period is characterized by the complete loss of endings.1.What are the main sources of new words?2. What are the features of Old English, Middle English and Modern English? What changes has English undergone as far as inflection is concerned?3. What are the reasons for the growth of contemporary English vocabulary?。
深圳牛津九年级chapter 2 课文翻译与词组
A new hairdressing salon has opened near your home.Read this leaflet from the salon.一个新的发廊在你的家附近开业了。
Connie’s 康妮的发廊191 Fanhua Road 繁华路191号Open 9 a.m to 10 p.m daily 每天上午9点到晚上10点开门For a wonderful hairstyle,come to Connie’s! You will be excited by our exciting hairstyles.We promise our hairstyles will make you feel on top of the world.Choose the one that is right for you.Get free advice from our experts.为了一个精彩的发型,来康妮的店吧!你将被我们令人激动的发型而激动的。
What sort of hairstyle is best for me? 什么样的发型最适合我?Is your face round,square,long or heart-shaped? Short hairstyles usually suit round faces.They make the face look longer.Longer hairstyles suit square faces.They hide the angles of the face.Your hairstyle depends on your lifestyle,too.If you are a busy person,it is easier for you to look after a short hairstyle.你的脸形是圆的、方形的、长的或是心形的?短发型通常适合圆脸。
Chapter2 知识组织系统_分类法
2.2.1 分类法概述
按分类法编制的结构形式: 列举式分类法 组配式分类法 体系-组配式分类法
2.2.1 分类法概述
编制说明 基本大类表 基本类目表
索引 附表 使用手册
2.2.1 分类法概述
分类法是指将类或组按照其相互间的关系,组成的系统化 结构,并体现为许多类目按照一定的原则和关系组织起来的 体系表,是分类工作的依据和工具。
类(Class 或Category )或组(Group):符合同一标准的事物 构成一个类或组。
分类系统(Classification System) 分类表、类目表
CC类表,包括大类、惯用类、分面公式中各分面的焦点号码表,以及 四种附表(共同点、时间点、空间点、语言点)
特点:篇幅较小,按分面公式进行组配,并且要遵照分类规则进行。 将所有分类特征归纳为五种基本范畴:
本体(Personality) :事物本身的各种体现 物质(Matter) :构成事物的材料 能量(Energy) :事物的各种活动、影响、状态和问题 空间(Space) :事物存在或发生的地点 时间(Time) :事物存在或发生的时期
简称《中图法》 ( Chinese Library Classification,简称CLC ) 目前我国应用最广泛的综合型分类法 它是由国家图书馆等单位组织全国力量,以学科 分类为基础,并结合图书的特性所编制的分类法。
1957年《中小型图书馆分类表草案》(简称《中小型表》) 1964年《中国图书馆图书分类法草案》(下册) 1971年 在北京图书馆倡导下着手编辑 1973年 完成试用本 1975年《中国图书馆图书分类法》第1版 1980年《中国图书馆图书分类法》第2版 1990年《中国图书馆图书分类法》第3版 1999年《中国图书馆图书分类法》第4版起改名为《中国图书馆分类法》 2000年 建立《中图法》网站 / 2001年6月 《中图法》(第四版)电子版 ……搜索引擎版,满足互联网信息分类组织和检索 2010年3月 网络版 2010年9月 第五版
02朗文国际英语教程 第1册备课课件_Chapter 2
We are from Canada.
They are good students.
You are my friends.
I love my motherland.
He is a French teacher.
He is interested in the film.
1、This story is very_i_n_te__re_s_t_in__g. 2、I'm _i_n_t_e_re_s__te_d_ in your story. 3、She isi_n_te_r_e_s_t_e_d_ in the i_n_te__re_s_t_i_n_g news. 4、Tom is _in_t_e_r_e_s_te__d in playing basketball. 5、David is i_n_te__re_s_t_e_d_in the _in_t_e_re__s_ti_n_gbook。
3. This book is useful , I want to buy it
4. This gift is for ______. (you)
5. My parents love ______.(I)
宾格在句子中作宾语 (宾语表示动作行为的对象)
Oral Practice
above, over, on 在……上 above 指在……上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的 空间,不直接接触。 on表示某物体上面并与之接触。与 beneath [bɪˈni:θ]相 对; The bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He puts his watch on the desk.
国际商务英语Chapter 2 Business Negotiation
General Procedure in Business Negotiation
Generally, the business negotiation will usually go through five steps, namely, enquiry, offer, counter-offer, acceptance and conclusion of a contract.
Chapter 2
Business Negotiation
Overview of Negotiation
What is negotiation? A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.
reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation
reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance. However, an offer cannot be revoked: (a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or
new offer
A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.
《O·Henry's Short Stories 欧·亨利短篇小说集》 Chapter 2阅读笔记
而下班回家后的Jim看到短发的Della又将会说些什么?The shop took twenty-one dollars from her for it, and she hurried home7with the eighty-seven cents.商店收了她21块钱,她带着剩下的8毛7分钱匆匆地回家了。
When she arrived there,she looked at her very short hair in the glass.‘What can I do with it?’she thought.For the next half an hour she was very busy.回家以后,她从镜子里打量着自己的短头发。
Then she looked again in the glass.Her hair was now in very small curls8all over her head.‘Oh,dear.I look like a schoolgirl!’she said to herself.‘What’s Jim going to say when he sees me?’然后她又照了照镜子。
“哦,天哪!我看上去像个小女生!”她自言自语道,“Jim看到我会怎么说呢?”At seven o’clock the dinner was nearly ready and Della was waiting.‘Oh,I hope he thinks that I’m still beautiful!’she thought.7点钟,晚餐就快做好了,Della等着Jim回来。
商务英语Chapter 2参考译文及答案
Chapter 2
Learning Aims
Background Information
1. It is highlyappreciativethat you are willing to enter into business relations with our company.
2. We would be pleased to receive your catalogue and price list for the plastic toys you advertised inChina Dailyof July 16, 2012.
Letter 6
Chapter 2(中英完整版)
机会指那些能帮助企业获得竞争优势的总体环境条件。 机会指那些能帮助企业获得竞争优势的总体环境条件。 Threat
General environment condition that may hinder a company's efforts to achieve strategic competitiveness
Competitor Environment
Gives details about
A firm’s direct and indirect competitors The competitive dynamics expected to impact a firm's efforts to generate above-average returns
威胁指那些会妨碍企业获得竞争优势的环境条件。 威胁指那些会妨碍企业获得竞争优势的环境条件。
External Environment Analysis
Scanning 搜索——总体环境各方面的研究 总体环境各方面的研究 搜索 Monitoring
4 components of External Environment
The External Environment
政策 技术
External Environment: General, Industry and Competitor
Industry Environment
Set of factors directly influencing
External Environment Analysis
Black Beauty精读-chapter 2
Black Beauty精读-chapter 2Chapter 2 阅读理解1.According to the passage, where did Darkie's master send him?A :The field on the edge of a zoo.B :The field on the edge of a railway.C :The field on the edge of a park.文中提到:“My master sent me to another farmer’s field on the edge of the railway. ”因此选B。
2.How did Darkie feel when he saw the train at the beginning?A :He felt relaxed and peaceful.B :He felt surprised and peaceful.C :He felt surprised and fearful.文中提到:“I stood there, breathing heavily with surprise and fear.” “For the first few days, I could not feed in peace. ”因此选C。
3.What kind of horse was Darkie's mother?A :She was wild and kind.B :She was steady and wise.C :She was wild and wise.文中提到:“My master often drove me together with my mother, because she was steady and could teach me how to go better. ”以及接下来母亲对他说的话,由此可知母亲是匹沉稳又睿智的马。
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Table 2.11 Implicit GDP Price Deflators, Example
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Figure 2.2 Inflation Rate Calculated from the CPI (blue line), and Calculated from the Implicit GDP Price Deflator (black line)
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Table 2.8 GDP Using the Income Approach
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National Income Accounting Example
Fictional Island Economy Coconut Producer, Restaurant, Consumers, Government
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Table 2.1 Coconut Producer
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 Topics
Measuring GDP Nominal and real GDP and price indices Savings, wealth and capital Labor market measurement
Figure 2.1 Nominal GDP (black line) and Chain-Weighted Real GDP (colored line) for the Period 1947–2006
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Figure 2.3 The Price Level as Measured by the CPI and Implicit GDP Price Deflator, 1947–2006
Table 2.2 Restaurant
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Table 2.3 After-Tax Profits
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Table 2.4 Government
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Table 2.5 Consumers
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Table 2.9 Gross Domestic Product for 2005
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Nominal and Real GDP and Price Indices
Price Index: Weighted average of a set of observed prices that gives a measure of the price level. Price indices allow us to measure the inflation rate – the rate of change in the price level. A measure of the inflation rate allows us to determine how much of an increase in GDP is nominal and how much is real.
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Table 2.10 Data for Real GDP Example
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Table 2.6 GDP Using the Product Approach
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Table 2.7 GDP Using the Expenditure Approach
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Measuring GDP: The National Income and Product Accounts
GDP Measured Using: (i) the product approach; (ii) the expenditure approach; (iii) the income approach.