Game Theory in Cooperative Communications
譬如, 2000年我国几家生产彩电的大厂 商合谋将彩电价格维持高位,他们搞了一 个“彩电厂家价格自律联盟”,并在深圳 举行了由多家彩电厂商首脑参加的“彩电 厂商自律联盟高峰会议”。当时,国家有 关部门还未出台相关的反垄断法律,对于 这种在发达国家明显属于违法行为的所谓 “自律联盟”,国家在法律上暂时还是无 能为力的。寡头厂商在光天化日之下进行 价格合谋,并且还通过媒体大肆炒作,这 在发达国家是不可思议的。
他的故事被好莱坞拍成了电影《美丽心灵》,该影片获 得了2002年奥斯卡金像奖的四项大奖
1. 囚犯困境(Prisoners’ dilemma 囚犯困境是图克(Tucker)1950年提出的 该博弈是博弈论最经典、著名的博弈 该博弈本身讲的是一个法律刑侦或犯罪学方 面的问题,但可以扩展到许多经济问题,以 及各种社会问题,可以揭示市场经济的根本 缺陷
第七章 博弈论 (Game Theory)
基本概念 二人有限非零和博弈
§1 基本概念
又称对策论,是研究决策主体的行为发生直 接相互作用时的决策以及这种决策的均衡问 题的学科。 是研究具有竞争、对抗、冲突性质的现象的 数学理论和方法。
• •
我国春秋战国时期的“孙子兵法” ;
围棋,发明于我国殷代; 博弈作为一种数学理论开始于1944年。
由美国数学家冯· 诺依曼(Von. Neumann)和经济学家 摩根斯坦(Morgenstern))发表了题为“博弈论与经济行 为”的著作 • 1950年,纳什完成博士论文“非合作博弈”,
• 九十年代以来博弈理论在金融、管理和经济领域 中得到广泛应用
抵赖 0,-10 -1,-1
第三节博弈论(Game Theory)在国际关系的研究过程中,我们时常会运用到博弈论这样一个工具。
博弈论在英语中称之为“Game Theory”。
很多人会认为这是一种所谓的游戏理论,其实不然,我们不能把Games 与Fun 同论,而应该将博弈论称之为是一种“Strategic interaction”(策略性互动)。
在iChange创设的危机联动体系中,博弈论将得到充分利用,代表也将有机会运用博弈论的知识来解决iChange 核心学术委员会设计的危机。
)3.1 从“叙利亚局势”到“零和博弈”在先前关于现实主义理论的讨论中,我们对国家间博弈已经有了初步的了解,那就是国家是有目的的行为体,他们总为了实现自己利益的最大化而选择对自己最有利的战略,其次,政治结果不仅仅只取决于一个国家的战略选择还取决于其他国家的战略选择,多种选择的互相作用,或者策略性互动会产生不同的结果。
Cooperative Game Theory
Cooperative Game Theory:Characteristic Functions,Allocations,Marginal ContributionAdam BrandenburgerVersion01/04/071IntroductionGame theory is divided into two branches,called the non-cooperative and co-operative branches.The payo¤matrices we have been looking at so far belong to the non-cooperative branch.Now,we are going to look at the cooperative branch.The two branches of game theory di¤er in how they formalize interdepen-dence among the players.In the non-cooperative theory,a game is a detailed model of all the moves available to the players.By contrast,the cooperative theory abstracts away from this level of detail,and describes only the outcomes that result when the players come together in di¤erent combinations.Though standard,the terms non-cooperative and cooperative game theory are perhaps unfortunate.They might suggest that there is no place for cooper-ation in the former and no place for con‡ict,competition the latter.In fact,neither is the case.One part of the non-cooperative theory(the theory of repeated games)studies the possibility of cooperation in ongoing relationships. And the cooperative theory embodies not just cooperation among players,but also competition in a particularly strong,unfettered form.The non-cooperative theory might be better termed procedural game the-ory,the cooperative theory combinatorial game theory.This would indicate the real distinction between the two branches of the subject,namely that the …rst speci…es various actions that are available to the players while the second describes the outcomes that result when the players come together in di¤erent combinations.This is an important analytical distinction which should become clear as we proceed.The idea behind cooperative game theory has been expressed this way: With the assistance of Amanda Friedenberg.c o o p-01-04-07“Cooperative theory starts with a formalization of games that abstracts away altogether from procedures and...concentrates,instead,on the possibilities for agreement....There are sev-eral reasons that explain why cooperative games came to be treatedseparately.One is that when one does build negotiation and en-forcement procedures explicitly into the model,then the results of anon-cooperative analysis depend very strongly on the precise form ofthe procedures,on the order of making o¤ers and counter-o¤ers andso on.This may be appropriate in voting situations in which preciserules of parliamentary order prevail,where a good strategist can in-deed carry the day.But problems of negotiation are usually moreamorphous;it is di¢cult to pin down just what the procedures are.More fundamentally,there is a feeling that procedures are not re-ally all that relevant;that it is the possibilities for coalition forming,promising and threatening that are decisive,rather than whose turnit is to speak....Detail distracts attention from essentials.Somethings are seen better from a distance;the Roman camps aroundMetzada are indiscernible when one is in them,but easily visiblefrom the top of the mountain.”(Aumann,R.,“Game Theory,”in Eatwell,J.,Milgate,M.,and P.Newman,The New Palgrave,New York,Norton,1989,pp.8-9.)2De…nition of a Cooperative GameA cooperative game consists of two elements:(i)a set of players,and(ii)a characteristic function specifying the value created by di¤erent subsets of the players in the game.Formally,let N=f1;2;:::;n g be the(…nite)set of players, and let i,where i runs from1through n,index the di¤erent members of N. The characteristic function is a function,denoted v,that associates with every subset S of N,a number,denoted v(S).The number v(S)is interpreted as the value created when the members of S come together and interact.In sum,a cooperative game is a pair(N;v),where N is a…nite set and v is a function mapping subsets of N to numbers.Example1As a simple example of a cooperative game,consider the following set-up.There are three players,so N=f1;2;3g.Think of player1as a seller, and players2and3as two potential buyers.Player1has a single unit to sell, at a cost of$4.Each buyer is interested in buying at most one unit.Player 2has a willingness-to-pay of$9for player1’s product,while player3has a willingness-to-pay of$11for player1’s product.The game is depicted in Figure 1below.2$4$11$4$9WtP Cost Cost WtP Figure 1We de…ne the characteristic function v for this game as follows:v (f 1;2g )=$9 $4=$5;v (f 1;3g )=$11 $4=$7;v (f 2;3g )=$0;v (f 1g )=v (f 2g )=v (f 3g )=$0;v (f 1;2;3g )=$7:This de…nition of the function v is pretty intuitive.If players 1and 2come together and transact,their total gain is the di¤erence between the buyer’s willingness-to-pay and the seller’s cost,namely $5.Likewise,if players 1and 3come together,their total gain is the again the di¤erence between willingness-to-pay and cost,which is now $7.Players 2and 3cannot create any value by coming together;each is looking for the seller,not another buyer.Next,no player can create value on his or her own,since no transaction can then take place.Finally,note that v (f 1;2;3g )is set equal to $7,not $5+$7=$12.The reason is that the player 1has only one unit to sell and so,even though there are two buyers in the set f 1;2;3g ,player 1can transact with only one of them.It is a modeling choice–but the natural one–to suppose that in this situation player 1transacts with the buyer with the higher willingness-to-pay,namely player 3.That is the reason for setting v (f 1;2;3g )equal to $7rather than $5.13Marginal ContributionGiven a cooperative game (N;v ),the quantity v (N )speci…es the overall amount of value created.(In the example above,this quantity was v (f 1;2;3g )=$7.)1Formore discussion of this last,somewhat subtle point,see “Value-Based Business Strat-egy,”by Adam Brandenburger and Harborne Stuart,Journal of Economics &Management Strategy ,Spring 1996,Section 7.1(“Unrestricted Bargaining”),pp.18-19.3An important question is then:How is this overall value divided up among the various players?(Referring again to the example above,the question becomes: How does the$7of value get split among the three players?)The intuitive answer is that bargaining among the players in the game de-termines the division of overall value v(N).This bargaining in typically‘many-on-many.’Sellers can try to play one buyer o¤against another,buyers can try to do the same with sellers.Intuitively,a player’s‘power’in this bargaining will depend on the extent to which that player needs other players as compared with the extent to which they need him or her.Brie‡y put,the issue is:Who needs whom more?The analytical challenge is to formalize this intuitive line of reasoning.This is what the concept of marginal contribution does.To de…ne marginal contribution,a piece of notation is needed:Given the set of players N and a particular player i,let N nf i g denote the subset of N consisting of all the players except player i.De…nition1The marginal contribution of player i is v(N) v(N nf i g),to be denoted by MC i.In words,the marginal contribution of a particular player is the amount by which the overall value created would shrink if the player in question were to leave the game.Example1Contd.To practice this de…nition,let us calculate the marginal contributions of the players in the example above:MC1=v(f1;2;3g) v(f2;3g)=$7 $0=$7;MC2=v(f1;2;3g) v(f1;3g)=$7 $7=$0;MC3=v(f1;2;3g) v(f1;2g)=$7 $5=$2:We will return to this example once more below,to use these marginal-contribution numbers to deduce something about the division of the overall value created in this particular game.Before that,we need to state and justify a principle about the division of value in a cooperative game.(Later on,we will examine a stricter principle than this one.)De…nition2Fix a cooperative game(N;v).An allocation is a collection (x1;x2;:::;x n)of numbers.4The interpretation is easy:An allocation is simply a division of the overall value created,and the quantity x i denotes the value received by player i. De…nition3An allocation(x1;x2;:::;x n)is individually rational if x i v(f i g)for all i.De…nition4An allocation(x1;x2;:::;x n)is e¢cient if P n i=1x i=v(N).These two de…nitions are quite intuitive.Individual rationality says that a division of the overall value( allocation)must give each player as much value as that player receives without interacting with the other players.E¢-ciency says that all the value that can be created,i.e.the quantity v(N),is in fact created.Unless otherwise noted,all allocations from now on will be assumed to be individually rational and e¢cient.De…nition5An(individually rational and e¢cient)allocation(x1;x2;:::;x n) satis…es the Marginal-Contribution Principle if x i MC i for all i.The argument behind the Marginal-Contribution Principle is simple,almost tautological sounding.First observe that the total value captured by all the players is v(N).It therefore follows from the de…nition of MC i that if some player i were to capture more than MC i,the total value captured by all the players except i would be less than v(N nf i g).But v(N nf i g)is the amount of value that these latter players can create among themselves,without player i. So,they could do better by coming together without player i,creating v(N nf i g) of value,and dividing this up among themselves.The putative division of value in which player i captured more than MC i would not hold up.The Marginal-Contribution Principle,while indeed almost obvious at some level,turns out to o¤er a single,far-reaching method of analyzing the division of value in bargaining situations.The power of the principle should become apparent as we explore some applications.Example1Contd.As a…rst application,return one more time to Exam-ple1above.The overall value created was$7.Let us now use the marginal-contribution calculations above to deduce something about the division of this value among players1,2,and3.Since player2has zero marginal contribution, the Marginal-Contribution Principle implies that player2won’t capture any value.Player3has a marginal contribution of$2,and so can capture no more5than this.This implies that player1will capture a minimum of$7 $2=$5. The remaining$2of value will be split somehow between players1and3.The Marginal-Contribution Principle does not specify how this‘residual’bargaining between the two players will go.This answer is very intuitive.In this game,the buyers(players2and3)are in competition for the single unit that the seller(player1)has on o¤er.The competition is unequal,however,in that player3has a higher willingness-to-pay than player2,and is therefore sure to win.The operative question is:On what terms will player3win?The answer is that player2will be willing to pay up to$9for player1’s product,so player3will have to pay at least that to secure the product.The e¤ect of competition,then,is to ensure that player1receives a price of at least$9(hence captures at least$9 $4=$5of value);player3 pays a price of at least$9(hence captures at most$11 $9=$2of value);and player2captures no value.Will the price at which players1and3transact be exactly$9?Not necessarily.At this point,the game is e¤ectively a bilateral negotiation between players1and3,in which player1won’t accept less than $9and player3won’t pay more than$11.The Marginal-Contribution Principle doesn’t specify how this residual$2of value will be divided.It allows that player3might pay as little as$9,or as much as$11,or any amount in-between.A reasonable answer is that the residual$2will be split evenly,with player1 capturing a total of$5+$1=$6of value,and player3capturing$1of value (but other answers within the permissible range are equally acceptable).We see that the cooperative game-theoretic analysis captures in an exact fashion the e¤ect of competition among the players in a bargaining situation. It makes precise the idea that the division of value should somehow re‡ect who needs whom more.But the analysis is(sensibly)agnostic on where the bar-gaining over residual value–what remains after competition has been accounted for–will end up.After all,where this leads would seem to depend on‘intan-gibles’such as how skilled di¤erent players are at persuasion,blu¢ng,holding out,and so on.These are factors external to the game as described in coopera-tive theory.Thus,an indeterminacy in the theory at this point is a virtue,not a vice.6。
英语第一章阅读 game theory 原文及翻译
The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. There are two distinct types of strategic interdependence: sequential and simultaneous. In the former the players move in sequence, each aware of the others’ previous actions. In the latter the players act at the same time, each ignorant of the others’ actions.
Game theory was pioneered by Princeton mathematician john von Neumann. In the early years the emphasis was on games of pure conflict (zero-sum games). Other games were considered in a cooperative form. That is, the participants were supposed to choose and implement their actions jointly. Recent research has focused on games that are neither zero sum nor purely cooperative. In these games the players choose their actions separately, but their links to others involve elements of both competition and cooperation.
game theory 教材
Game Theory 教材一、介绍Game Theory是一种研究决策问题的数学理论,它关注的是理性行为体在面临复杂互动环境时的选择和行动。
Game Theory可以广泛应用于经济学、政治学、社会学等领域,帮助人们理解和解释现实世界的各种互动现象。
本教材旨在介绍Game Theory的基本概念、方法和应用,为读者提供一种理解和分析现实世界中复杂问题的工具。
二、内容第一章:Game Theory概述本章将介绍Game Theory的基本概念、发展历程和应用领域。
我们将探讨理性行为体的假设、互动决策的基本模式以及Game Theory 的主要研究问题。
第五章:应用案例本章将介绍Game Theory在经济学、政治学和社会学等领域的应用案例,包括市场交易、政治选举和社会规范等。
我们将通过案例分析和讨论来深入理解和应用Game Theory的概念和方法。
三、结论本教材旨在介绍Game Theory的基本概念、方法和应用,帮助读者理解和分析现实世界中各种复杂的互动现象。
通过阅读和实践,读者可以更好地理解和掌握Game Theory,并应用于解决现实问题中。
以乔丹来说, 他只要出稍高于7000元 一点的金额就可得到A, 而不必出 10000元, 因为拍卖到7005元的时候, 就只有他能买了. 同样, 设迈克尔为拍卖物品D需支付 1005元, 玛丽则分别为B和C支付 2005元和1505元, 这样全部拍卖金额 为11520元. 三人平分, 各得3840元.
确立合作剩余的一个最根本的问题就是如何分配 参加博弈的各方的利益。 在许多情况下, 一方收益的增加必定是另一方收 益的减少,这种情况在博弈中被称为 “零和博 弈”。它的特定是各方的利益是相互对立的。 现代谈判观念认为: 谈判不是将一块蛋糕拿来后, 商量怎么分, 而是要想法把蛋糕做大, 让每一方 都能多分, 这就叫变和博弈, 或非零和博弈.
㈠. 公平理论的基本内涵(1)
美国行为学家亚当斯在20世纪60年代提出了公平理论。 他确定的人们分配公平感公式为: Op/Ip=Or/Ir 式中: O__结果(产出),即分配中的所获 I___投入, 即人们所付出的贡献 P__感受公平或不公平的当事者 r___比较中的参照对象。 这可以是具体的他人或群体的平均状态,也可以是 当事者自身过去经历过的或未来所设想的状态.
㈢. 公平的判定标准(B)
显然,公正是有多重标准的。 同样是200美元的例子,人深浅等作为标准,制定出各种形式的 “公正”分配比率。 所以在具体的谈判中用何种标准也是一个 重要的问题。
小案例:穷人和富人如何“公正”分配200美 元 1. 以心理承受的公平为标准:150:50 2. 以实际需要的补偿原则为标准:让穷人多 拿一份 3. 以平均分配为标准:100:100 4. 以实际所得平等为标准:142:58(富人 在拿到142美元之后需纳税84美元,最后 实际所得58美元。)
Game Theory Introduction
In this course we focus on Non-cooperative games:
◦ These games relate to situations where the players compete with each other and can neither enter into binding agreements (contracts) nor negotiate ◦ Players make decisions independently
In this lecture we focus on one-short games
◦ These games relate to situations where the players interact with each other only once
E.g. Two firms make a one-short decision about their prices in a particular market
A firm has a dominant strategy when
it has one action that WORKS BEST
(that maximises its payoff) NO MATTER what its rival does.
Firm B Advertise
• Game theory is used to study how individuals and firms make their decisions when they need to take into account the actions of others. • The theory retains the assumptions of traditional microeconomics (of self interest and maximising behaviour).
game theory博弈论
game theory博弈论
- 1 -。
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
那么在第一天,红头发的人会看到1红1黑,他会考虑如果自己头发颜色是黑的, 那么为情况(1),他所见的红发人会在第一天黄昏自杀,如果他头发为红, 为情况(2),他所见的红发人不会自杀。黑头发人看到2红,那么可排除情况 (1),如果他头发为黑,则为情况(2),否则为情况(3)。到了第二天, 没有人自杀。那么两个红发人都认定此为情况(2),知道自己头发为红,于 第二天晚自杀。黑发人第三天发现这是情况(2),知道自己头发为黑,于当 晚自杀。
我们从1个海盗的情况开始讨论。 (1)如果只有1个海盗,那么他显然会把 10个金币都分给自己。此时最佳方案为{10}。
(2)如果有2个海盗,那么2号来制定方案。 但是他无论怎么制定,1号海盗都投反对票, 根据规则2号海盗会被丢入大海,并且金币 被1号海盗独享。最佳方案为{死,10}。
2 1
(3)如果有3个海盗,那么3号无论怎么制定方 案,2号必同意(因为如果只剩2人了那么2号必 死,他保命要紧),而1号必反对(因为如果只剩 2人,他将独享10金币并搞死2号)。所以3号可 以给自己分10个,依然能通过。最佳方案为{10, 0,0}。 3 2 1
(4)如果有4个海盗,那么4号除自己需要2票,此时3号必反 对提议(因为如果到3海盗情况他将得10金币,就算现在给他 10金币他也反对因为他还想搞死4号),那么此时需要1、2号 各一票。如果到3海盗情况,那么1、2号会颗粒无收。若不给 他们金币让他们同样颗粒无收,他们将反对(同样都一无所获 那为什么不让你死),但若给他们1人1金币,他们就会同意。 所以最佳方案为{8,0,1,1}。
风险值确定后,会形成双方合作的剩余,就是我们上面所 说的1000元,但是,这里如何分配?却是最关键的问题,双 方的讨价还价、斗智斗勇就是为了确定双方的剩余。关于剩 余的分配,从来没有统一的标准,一般取决于双方实力的对 比和谈判策略与技巧的运用。实际上,对于许多谈判项目来 讲,合作的剩余是多少?也是一个难以确定的未知数,因为 合作剩余还应该包括一些附加的利益。
将复杂的、不确定的谈判行为通过简洁 明确的博弈分析使研究进一步科学化、规 范化、系统化,寻找出某些规律性的东西 。
谈判的本质特征,也都与一般游戏一样, 是在一定规则之下,参加方的决策较量, 这就是博弈现象。 ? 博弈有多种形式,这里我们主要借助于经 典博弈问题分析,建立谈判合作的基本模式 。
达成协议,是谈判各方分享合作剩余的保证,也是维系各 方合作的纽带。
的5000 元,王二的风险值为3000 元,李五的为
4000 元,所以,不合作解的总值为
3000+4000=7000 元。从合作解来看,如果王二
将车买给了李五,对李五来说,这辆车值4000 元,
另外,双方还有一个分享的利益。如3500 是交易
价格,王二赚得了500 元,李五会节余500 元,合作
? 获益结果的不平等
–当合作给另一方带来的利益大于己方时,合作 的愿望会逐渐消失
? 与另一方的关系
–在朋友之间采取C 回应策略的要比相互讨厌的 人之间可能性更大
–在得知目标相同的两方之间,其合作的可能性 要高于双方目标不同的人
博弈论 Game Theory
• •
信息是博弈论中重要的内容。 完全博弈是指在博弈过程中,每一位博弈 者对其他博弈者的特征、策略空间及收益函数 有准确的信息。严格地讲,完全信息博弈是指 博弈者的策略空间及策略组合下的支付,是博 弈中所有博弈者的“公共知识”(Commom Knowledge)的博弈。 • 完美信息是指博弈者完全清楚到他决策时 为止时, 所有其他博弈者的所有决策信息,或者 说,了解博弈已进行过程的所有信息。
• 2 . 猜硬币游戏
猜方 正面 盖 正面 方 反面 -1,1 1,-1 反面 1,-1 -1,1
• 3. “田忌赛马” • “田忌赛马”是我国古代一个非常有名的故 事,讲的是发生在齐威王与大将田忌之间的赛 马的故事。田忌在谋士孙膑的帮助下,运用谋 略帮助田忌以弱胜强战胜了齐威王。这个故事 讲的其实是一个很典型的博弈问题。
田 上 中 下 上中下 上下中 齐 中上下 威 中下上 王 下上中 下中上 3,-3 1,-1 1,-1 -1,1 1,-1 1,-1 上 下 中 1,-1 3,-3 -1,1 1,-1 1,-1 1,-1 中 上 下 1,-1 1,-1 3,-3 1,-1 1,-1 -1,1
忌 中 下 上 1,-1 1,-1 1,-1 3,-3 -1,1 1,-1 下 上 中 -1,1 1,-1 1,-1 1,-1 3,-3 1,-1 下 中 上 1,-1 -1,1 1,-1 1,-1 1,-1 3,-3
动态博弈是指在博弈中,博弈者的行动有 先后顺序(Sequential-Move),且后行动者能 够观察到先行动者所选择的行动或策略,因此, 动态博弈又叫做序贯博弈。
2.如果按照博弈者对其他博弈者所掌握的 信息的完全与完备程度进行分类,博弈可以划 分为完全信息博弈(Game with Complete Information)与不完全信息的博弈(Game with Incomplete Information),以及完美信息的博弈 (Game with Perfect Information)与不完美信息 的博弈(Game with Imperfect Information),确定 的博弈(Game of Certainty)与不确定的博弈 (Game of Uncertainty),对称信息的博弈(Game of Symmetric Information)与非对称信息的博弈 (Game of Asymmetric Information)等。
• •
再说 三个 • 枪手 •
们相互不是敌人。 们相互不是敌人。 这不难理解, 这不难理解,毕竟人总要优先考虑对付最大的威 同时这个威胁还为他们找到了共同利益, 胁,同时这个威胁还为他们找到了共同利益,联手打 倒这个人,他们的生存机会都上升。而且,从悲观的 倒这个人,他们的生存机会都上升。而且, 角度看, 角度看,他们恐怕也活不到需要相互拼个你死我活的 时候。 时候。 但这个“同盟”也是很不牢固的, 但这个“同盟”也是很不牢固的,两个人都在时 时权衡利弊,一旦背叛的好处大于默契的好处, 时权衡利弊,一旦背叛的好处大于默契的好处,他们 马上就会翻脸。 马上就会翻脸。 在这个“同盟” 最忠诚的是B 只要C 在这个“同盟”里,最忠诚的是B ——只要C不 只要 他就不会背叛; 就要滑头多了, 死,他就不会背叛;A就要滑头多了,在前面轮流开 枪的例子中,他不朝C开枪,从同盟者的角度说,就 枪的例子中,他不朝C开枪,从同盟者的角度说, 是没有履行义务,而把盟友送上危险的境地, 是没有履行义务,而把盟友送上危险的境地,这不是 因为道德水平不同,而是处境不同。 因为道德水平不同,而是处境不同。 的头号目标,这个敌人一定要向他开枪的, B是C的头号目标,这个敌人一定要向他开枪的, 完全没有回旋的余地; 不同,他随时愿意牺牲B 完全没有回旋的余地;而A不同,他随时愿意牺牲B 换取下次自己的先手之利。 换取下次自己的先手之利。 除了压力较小之外,而且还有一个动力驱使A 除了压力较小之外,而且还有一个动力驱使A背 那就是一旦干掉C ,B的机会比他要大 的机会比他要大, 叛,那就是一旦干掉C后,B的机会比他要大,他至 少要保持先下手,才可能一争高下。 少要保持先下手,才可能一争高下。
• 竞争的技巧不能保证一个人所向披靡,但 是却可以改善一个人在竞争中的处境,使 其不至于大糟糕。即使是失败,一败涂地 和损兵折将其严重但确实可以增强你对某些局势的洞察力。
1.2.2 重复剔除的占优均衡
Definition:In a normal-form game, if for each player i , si" is i‟s dominant strategy, than we call the strategies profile (s1″, …, sn" ) the „dominantstrategy equilibrium‟.
定义2:一个博弈G,若对博弈方i及所用s-i都有 ui (si*,s-i) > ui (si ‟,s-i),则称si*是si ‟的严格上 策, si ‟是si*的严格下策。 定义3:若在博弈G中对每个博弈方i都存在策 略si*是其它所有策略的严格上策,则称策略组 合s*=(s1*,s2*, … ,sn*)是G的上策均衡。
In the normal-form representation of a game ,each
player simultaneously chooses a strategy, and the combination of strategies chosen by the players determines a payoff for each player. Definition: The normal-form representation of an-n-player game specifies the players‟ strategy spaces S1 , … , Sn and their payoff functions u1 ,…, un. We denote this game
第12章 博弈论
博弈矩阵 B坦白 B抵赖
囚徒1:坦白 囚徒2:坦白
这两个人都会有这样一个盘算过程: 假如他坦白,我抵赖,得坐10年监狱, 坦白最多才8年;他要是抵赖,我就可以 被释放,而他会坐10年牢。综合以上几 种情况考虑,不管他坦白与否,对我而 言都是坦白了划算。两个人都会动这样 的脑筋,最终,两个人都选择了坦白, 结果都被判8年刑期。 这样两人都选择坦白的策略以及因此 被判8年的结局被称为“纳什均衡”,也 叫非合作均衡。
博弈论是人们深刻理解诸如经济行为和社 会问题的基础。现在人们所说的博弈论,一般 指非合作博弈论。非合作博弈强调的是个人理 性、个人最优决策, 其结果可能是有效率的,也 可能是无效率的。它的特征是:人们行为相互 作用时,行为人不能达成一个有约束力的协议。 或者说,行为人之间的合约对于签约人没有实 质性约束力。然而,在各种生活行为中,人与 人之间除了竞争关系,还存在合作关系,常常 是两种关系并存,合理的合作能够给双方带来 共同利益。这是合作型博弈论研究的范畴。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
根据博弈者支付的情况,有以下分类: 5.零和博弈(Zero-Sum Game)和非零和博弈 (Non-Zero-Sum Game)。如果一个博弈在所有对 局情况下全体参与人的得益之和总为0,这个博 弈就叫做零和博弈; 如果一个博弈在所有对局 情况下全体参与人的得益之和不为0,这个博弈 就叫做非零和博弈。 6.常和博弈(Constant-Sum Game)和变和博 弈(Variable-Sum Game)。如果一个博弈在所有 对局情况下全体参与人的得益之和总为一个常 数,这个博弈就叫做常和博弈; 如果一个博弈在 所有对局情况下全体参与人的得益之和不总是 一个常数,这个博弈就叫做变和博弈。
合作博弈论 Cooperative Game Theory
Cooperative Game TheoryR.Chandrasekaran,Most of this follows Owen and Shubik and Wooldridge et al.When we extend two person game theory to consider n person games for n≥3,there is little difference from non-cooperative game theory point of view.Existence of Nash equilibrium follows from similar arguments and all the difficulties we had with two person nonzero sum games show up here as well.But there is a new phenomenon here that must be taken into account:—that of coalition formation.Subsets of players could form a"cartel"and act in unison to gain more than they could if they acted independently.This forms one essential aspect of the game here.And this requires having binding contracts,using correlated mixed strategies,and transferable utility(so that the gain could be shared between the colluders in some way that all agree to). The main study here is to model the coalition formation,and gain sharing process.So we abstract away details and concentrate on important parts of the game.Game Representation:Characteristic Function Forms Let N= {1,2,...,n}be the set of players.Any nonempty subset S of N is called a coalition.Definition1By a characteristic function of an n-person game we mean a function v that assigns a value to each subset of players;i.e v:2N→R. We think of v(S)as the payoffto the subset S of N if it acts in unison;some times it is also assumed that this is maximin payoffin that we also think all of N−S act in unison(against S).v(S)is called the value of the coalition S.When we go from games in extensive forms to normal forms,we abstract some details and only look at strategies to obtain a(mixed)equilibrium(for which we do not need the details that have been abstracted away).Similarly,1in n person cooperative games where the study focuses on stable coalition formations,we abstract away even further and look only at the characteristic function form.It is implicitly assumed that a coalition S can distribute its value v(S)to its members in any way they choose.Hence these are also called transferable utility games(TU games for short).How the distribution takes place is the main interest in these games.It is generally assume that v({φ})=0;v(S)≥0∀S⊆N.Outcomes/Solutions An outcome of a game in characteristic form con-sists of:(i)A partition of N into coalitions,called a coalition structure,and(ii)a payoffvector,whic distributes the value of each coalition to its members.A coalition structure CS over N is a nonempty collection of nonempty subsets CS={S1,S2,...,S k}satisfying the relations:∪k i=1S i=N;S i∩S j=φif i=jThe set of all coalition structures for a given set N of players is denoted by CS N.v(CS)denotes the sum k j=1v(S j).A vector x=(x1,x2,...,x n)is payoffvector for a coalition structure CS={S1,S2,...,S k},over N={1,2,...,n}ifx i≥0∀i∈Nx i≤v(S j)1≤j≤ki∈S jAn outcome is a apir[CS,x].x(S)= i∈S x i is called the payofffor the coalition S under x.x is said to be efficient in the outcome[CS,x]ifx i=v(S j)1≤j≤ki∈S jA payoffvector x for a coalition structure CS N is called an imputation if it is efficent and individually rational.x i≥v({i})∀i∈Nx i=v(S j)1≤j≤ki∈S j2The set of all imputations for a coalition structure CS∈CS N is denoted by E(CS).If CS={N},then this is denoted by E(N)or E(v).If a payoffvector is an imputation,then each player prefers this to being alone.Howver, a group of players may want to deviate since it might be better for them and this would result in unstable conditions.Subclasses of games in characteristic form:Monotone Games:A game[N,v]in characteristic form is monotone if[S⊆T]⇒v(S)≤v(T)Most games are montone;nonmonotonicuty may arise because some players intesely dislike each other or becuase of the overhead charges for communi-cation increase nonlinearly with size of the coaltion.Superadditive Games:A game[N,v]in characteristic form is said to be superadditive if[S∩T=φ]⇒v(S∪T)≥v(S)+v(T)It comes from the fact that S can assure itself v(S)without help from any one and so also T can assure itself v(T),then S∪T can assure itself the sum.Since we have assumed that characteristic function is nonnengative,it follows that superadditivity implies monotonicity.Most games are superadditive;indeed older books did not consider any others.Non-superadditive games arise from anit-trust or anti-monopoly regualtions.In superadditive games,there is no compelling reason for players to form any coalition structure except CS={N}called the"grand"coalition.Hence the outcome for such a game is of the form[N,x]wherex i=v(N)A non-superaddtive game cna be transformed into a superadditive game by the following process:Let T⊆N be any coalition.Let CS T denote all coalition structures over T.Given a game[N,v]we define a new game [N∗,v∗]byv∗(T)=maxv(CS)CS∈CS T3G∗is called the superadditive cover of the game G.v∗(T)is the maximum that the players in set T cna achive by forming their own coalition structure in G.Convex(Supermodualr)Games:A game is said to be convex or supermodular ifv(S∪T)+v(s∩T)≥v(S0+v(T)∀S,T⊆NTheorem2A game G=[N,v]is convex iff[T⊂S;i/∈S]⇒[v(S∪{i})−v(S)≥v(T∪{i})−v(T)]A convex game is superadditive.Definition3A game v in characteristic function form is called a constant sum game ifv(S)+v(N−S)=v(N)∀S⊆NIt is clear from the super-additivity condition that the maximum the entire set of players can get is v(N).Now we look into the questions of how to divide this total—it what does each player get—in a stable situation.Let (x1,x2,...,x n)denote the payoffto the players.Clearly no player will accept less than what he can get for himself with no help from others.Hence one condition that this vector must satisfy(called individual rationality)isx i≥v({i})∀iThe second condition that is normally imposed(known as pareto-optimality) is to requireni=1x i=v(N)Any vector that satisfies these two conditions is called an imputation.The main question now is which of these in the setE(v)={x:x i≥v({i});1≤i≤n;ni=1x i=v(N)}should the predicted outcome of this game be?The answer is easy in one case(this is the most uninteresting case!)4Definition4A game is said to be inessential if v(N)= n i=1v({i}). By superadditivity,we have v(N)≥ n i=1v({i}).If equality holds,E(v) contains only one point—x i=v({i})∀iHence this the outcome of such games.From now on,we are interested only in essential games where v(N)> n i=1v({i}).Definition5Let x,y∈E(v).We say that x dominates y via the coalition S[denoted by x≻S y]ifx i>y i∀i∈Sx i≤v(S)i∈SEach player in S gets more under x than in y and the coalition S has enough to give its members the amount specified in x.Definition6We say x dominates y if the above is true for some S.If x dominates y then y is not stable.Games with same domination structure are in some sense equivalent and we make this precise by:Definition7Two n-person games u and v are said to be isomorphic if there is a function f:E(u)→E(v)such that[x,y∈E(u);x≻S y]⇔[f(x)≻S f(y)]We are preserving the domination structure.Definition8Two n−person games u and v are S−equivalent if there exists numbers(a1,a2,...,a n)andβ>0such thatv(S)=βu(S)+ i∈S a i∀S⊆NTheorem9If u and v are S-equivalent,then they are isomorphic.The converse is true for all constant sum games.5e the function f(x)=βx+a.Since S-equivalence is indeed an equivalence relations,it is sufficient to study one member of each of its equivalence classes.Such representatives are called normalized games.Definition10An essential(characteristic function)game is said to be(0,1)-normalized ifv({i)}=0∀iv(N)=1Lemma11A game is S−equivalent to exactly one game in(0,1)normalized form.Another normalization used in the literature is the(−1,0)normalization wherev({i})=−1∀iv(N)=0We use the(0,1)normalization.Thus,the set of all(0,1)normalized games consist of v∈2N that satisfyv(φ)=0v({i})=0∀iv(N)=1[S∩T=φ]⇒v(S∪T)≥v(S)+v(T)If the game is also a constant sum game it satisfies the relationv(S)+v(N−S)=v(N)Any(n−1)−person game u in(0,1)normalization can be converted to an equivalent n-person constant sum game v in(0,1)normalization as follows:v(S)=u(S)1−u(N−S)if n/∈Sif n∈SHere N={1,2,...,n}.6Definition12A game v is symmetric if v(S)depends only on|S|.Definition13A game v in(0,1)normalization is called a simple game ifv(S)∈{0,1}∀SCoalitions S with v(S)=1are called winning coalitions and those with v(S)=0are called losing coalitions.Definition14Let(p1,p2,..,p n)be a nonnegative vector and let q satisfy therelation0<q<n i=1p iThe weighted majority game(q;p1,p2,...,p n)is defined as a simple game v in(0,1)normalization wherev(S)=1if i∈S p i≥qelseDefinition15The set of undominated imputations C(v)of a game v is called the core of a game.Theorem16C(v)is the set of n-vectors x satisfying the relations;i∈Sx i≥v(S)∀S⊆Nni=1x i=v(N)Proof.Clearly,thefirst condition implies the result thatx i≥v({i})∀iHence any vector that satisfies both relations above is an imputation.Suppose x satisfies both relations.Let y be an n-vector satisfying the relationy i>x i∀i∈S7for some S⊆N.Theni∈Sy i> i∈S x i≥v(S)Hence there is no vector y that dominates x.Hence vectors that satisfy both relations are undominated.Conversely,suppose we have an n-vector y that does not satisfy both re-lations.Ifni=1y i=v(N)then y is not an imputation and hence not in the core.Supposeni=1y i=v(N)i∈Sy i=v(S)−ǫfor someǫ>0and some nonempty set S⊂N.By superadditivity it follows thatα=v(N)−v(S)− i∈N−S v({i})≥0Let|S|=s;[note that0<s<n].Consider an n-vector z defined as follows:z i=y i+ǫv({i})+αn−sIt is easy to verify that z is an imputation and that z≻S y and hence y can not be in the core.This result shows that the core is a closed convex polyhedral set. Example1Player1(seller)has a horse which is of no value to him.There are two buyers#2,#3who want to buy the horse.#2has a value of$90 and#3has value of100for the horse.The characteristic function form for this game isv({i})=0∀iv({2,3})=0v({1,2})=90v({1,3})=v({1,2,3})=1008Hence the core consists of vectors x satisfying the relations:x1+x2≥90x1+x3≥100x1+x2+x3=100x i≥0∀iThe core for this game is given byC(v)={(t,0,100−t):90≤t≤100} Exercise17What is the non-cooperative solution to this game?9。
答(1)博弈论,英文为game theory,是研究决策主体的行为发生解析
答:(1)博弈论,英文为“game theory”,是研究决策主体的行为发生直接相互作用时候的决策以及这种决策的均衡问题的,也就是说,当一个主体,好比说一个人或一个企业的选择受到其他人、其他企业选择的影响,而且反过来影响到其他人、其他企业选择时的决策问题和均衡问题。
加入WTO组织之后,由于可借助WTO 的仲裁机制,类似针对中国的单方面的制裁将会多了一个申诉的渠道,不会光吃哑巴亏。
他招供还是不招 供?
如果他降价我也降 价吗? 降多少?
• 王二有一辆修理一新的旧车,假定对他 来讲此车的使用价值为3000元,假设有一个 李五的人渴望买一辆旧车,现在他手头上有 5000元现金,当他看到王二的车时,认为这 辆车价值4000
现在让我们在这里使用博弈论的假定,即把上 例中的结果假定成一个“合作解”和一个“不合作 解“。所谓合作解就是指王二和李五在成交价格上 达成了一致意见,从而使旧车交易顺利完成。不合 作解则是指两人在价格上讨价还价,相持不下,未 能达成一致协议。如果两人未能合作,王二仍保留 他的旧车,其利益仍为3000元,李五依旧拥有他的 5000元,王二的风险值为3000元,李五的为4000元, 所以,不合作解的总值为3000+4000=7000元。从合 作解来看,如果王二将车买给了李五,对李五来说, 这辆车值4000元,另外,双方还有一个分享的利益。 如3500是交易价格,王二赚得了500元,李五会节 余500元,合作解的总值是 4000+500+3000+500=8000元,显然,这比不合作增 加了1000元的价值。
• • • • C:合作响应 D:代表不合作(即坦白) R :代表双方进行合作时的回报 S:一方合作而另一方坦白的情况下受骗一
• T :代表坦白的诱惑 • P : 双方都坦白时的惩罚 • T>R>P>S , T’>R’>P’>S’
• 对个体来说是理性的行为而对双方来说却 是非理性的 • 从个体角度来看,D选择优于C选择 • 假如双方都选择D,双方则都落到DD格里, 这一结果显然比双方都落得CC格更糟糕 • 现实生活中的案例: 两个农民, 两个卖方
关于合作博弈和不合作博弈的作文题目Cooperative game theory is a branch of economics that deals with situations where players work together to achieve a common goal. 合作博弈理论是经济学的一个分支,处理玩家共同努力实现共同目标的情况。
In cooperative games, players form coalitions and make joint decisions to maximize their collective outcomes. 在合作博弈中,玩家组建联盟并共同决策,以最大化他们的集体成果。
On the other hand, non-cooperative game theory focuses on situations where players act independently without forming coalitions. 另一方面,不合作博弈理论关注玩家独立行动而不组建联盟的情况。
Cooperative game theory emphasizes how players can work together to achieve better outcomes than they could on their own. 合作博弈理论强调玩家如何共同努力实现比他们单独能够达到的更好的结果。
This can be seen in various real-life scenarios, such as business partnerships, where companies collaborate to create value and achieve mutual success. 这可以在各种现实生活场景中看到,例如商业合作伙伴关系,公司合作创造价值并实现共同成功。
古诺模型(Cournot) (1838)(两寡头通过 产量决策进行竞争的模型;
伯特兰德模型(Bertrand) (1883)(价格竞争) 《博弈论与经济行为》(1944)
兔子 0,3 3,3
3、聚点(Focal point)均衡(夫妻博弈) 谢林(Schelling ,1960)指出在现实生活中人
们可能通过一些被标准化的博弈模型所抽象 掉了的信息来达到一个特定的均衡。如夫妻 博弈中,借助生日等信息双方选定特定的均 衡;如当让两个博弈方同时报一个时间,所 报时间相同时会获奖,尽管可能存在无数的 纳什均衡,但是双方选择“中午12点”“0点” 等的可能性要大于“12点20”。
开业 +2,+4
G (S1,...,Sn ;1,..., n )中,如果策略组合
s* (s1*,...,sn* )满足对每一个参与人i,si*是 该参与人针对其他参与人所选择策略 s*i (s1*,...,si*1, si*1,...,sn* )的最优反应策略, 则称策略组合s* (s1*,...,sn* )是该博弈的一 个纳什均衡。即:
– 完全信息博弈(Complete information) 囚徒困境等 – 不完全信息(Incomplete information)或不对称信息
(Asymmetric Information) 暗标拍卖和招投标
按对博弈过程的信息 (针对动态博弈)
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Game Theory in Cooperative CommunicationsDejun Yang,Xi Fang,and Guoliang XueAbstractCooperative communication has great potential to improve the wireless channel capacity by exploiting the antennas on wireless devices for spatial diversity.However,applications of cooperativecommunication are barely seen in reality.A main obstacle blocking its wide applications is the lack ofincentives for wireless nodes to participate in cooperative communication.Wefirst survey the existinggame theoretic solutions for providing cooperation incentives in cooperative communications.We thendiscuss the challenges in applying game theory to cooperative communications.Keywords:I.I NTRODUCTIONCooperative communication has been proposed to improve the channel capacity in wireless networks.It takes advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless transmission and utilizes the antennas on wireless nodes to achieve spacial diversity.Depending on how the relay node processes the overheard signal,two primary cooperative communication modes are widely used:Amplify-and-Forward(AF)and Decode-and-Forward(DF).In the AF mode,the relay node amplifies the signal before forwarding it to the destination node.In the DF mode, the relay node decodes and encodes the signal before forwarding it to the destination node. Cooperative communication has potential applications in many different networks,including cellular networks,ad-hoc networks,and cognitive networks,as shown in Fig.1.To achieve cooperative communication,cooperation from other nodes is required.In network applications for military actions and disaster relief,cooperation among nodes can be assumed since the nodes belong to a single authority and thus voluntarily cooperate to achieve a common goal.However,in commercial applications,where nodes usually belong to different independent entities,there is no good reason to assume that the nodes will cooperate.In fact,nodes are selfish and consume their resources only when doing so can maximize their own benefits.Game theoryAll authors are affiliated with Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ85287.E-mail:{dejun.yang,xi.fang,xue}@.This research was supported in part by NSF grants0905603and1115129.The information reported here does not reflect the position or the policy of the federal government.2appropriate tool to model,analyze and solve the problems in cooperative communications.(a)Cellular network(b)Ad-hoc Network(c)Cognitive Radio Networkworks where cooperation communication can be appliedGame theory is the study that analyzes the strategic interactions among autonomous decision makers,whose actions have mutual,probably conflicting,consequences.Originally developed to model problems in thefield of economics,game theory has recently been applied to network problems,in most cases to solve the resource allocation problems in a competitive environment. The reason that game theory is an appropriate choice for studying cooperative communications is multifold.First,nodes in the network are autonomous agents,making decisions only for their own interests.Game theory provides us sufficient theoretical tools to analyze the network users’behaviors and actions.Second,game theory primarily deals with distributed optimization, which often requires local information only.Thus it enables us to design distributed algorithms. Finally,auction,a market game of incomplete information,allows us to design mechanisms where relay nodes can sell their resources to the source nodes for cooperative communications. Such approach is desirable when neither the source node nor the relay node knows each other’s private valuation on the resources to trade.In the following sections,wefirst introduce the basic concepts of cooperative communication and game theory.We then survey the existing game theoretic solutions to cooperative commu-nication problems,with the focus on cooperation incentive provisioning.Finally,we discuss the research challenges in applying game theory to the problems in cooperative communications.II.C OOPERATIVE C OMMUNICATIONDepending on the availability of nodes and the cooperative communication protocols,there are three different communication topologies:one-to-one,one-to-many,and many-to-one,as shown3the simplest topology,one-to-one,as an example to illustrate the basic idea of cooperative communication.In this example, is the source node that transmits information, is the destination node that receives information,and is the relay node that relays information to enhance the communication between the source and the destination.Let and denote the transmission power of and ,respectively.Let denote the bandwidth of the transmission channel.Assume that transmission proceeds in a frame-by-frame fashion,as shown in Fig.3. Each frame is divided into two phases.In thefirst phase,the source node transmits its data to the destination node .Due to the broadcast nature of wireless transmission,the relay node can overhear the data.In the second phase,the relay node forwards the data to the destination after processing,depending on the underlying cooperative communication mode.(a)One-to-one(b)One-to-many(c)Many-to-oneFig.2.Three cooperative communication topologiesFig.3.Illustration of cooperative communicationWe next compute the achievable capacity under cooperative communications[1].When node transmits a signal to node with power ,the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)at node ,denoted by ,is=0⋅∣∣ , ∣∣,where 0is the abient noise,∣∣ , ∣∣is the Euclidean distance between nodes and ,and is the path loss exponent which is between2and4in general,depending on the characteristics of the communication medium.4Amplify-and-Forward(AF):In the amplify-and-forward mode,the relay node amplifies the signal transmitted by the source node in thefirst time slot and then transmits the amplified signal to the destination node in the second time slot.The achievable capacity from to is( , , , )=2log2(1+ +⋅+ +1).Decode-and-Forward(DF):In the decode-and-forward mode,the relay node decodes and estimates the signal transmitted by the source node in thefirst time slot and then transmits the data to the destination node in the second time slot.The achievable capacity from to is( , , , )=2min{log2(1+ ),log2(1+ + )}.III.G AME T HEORY B ASICS IN A N UTSHELLGame theory[2]is a discipline aimed at modeling scenarios where individual decision-makers have to choose specific actions that have mutual or possibly conflict consequences.A game consists of three major components:∙players:The decision makers are called players,denoted by afinite set ={1,2,..., }.∙strategy:Each player ∈ has a non-empty strategy set .Let denote the selected strategy by player .A strategy profile consists of all players’strategies,i.e., =( 1, 2,..., ).Obviously,we have ∈ =× ∈ ,where×is the Cartesian product.∙utility/payoff:The utility of player is a measurement function,denoted by : →ℝ, on the possible outcome determined by the strategies of all players,whereℝis the set of real numbers.The mapping from the components in a game to the elements in cooperative communications is shown in Table I.The players of the game are assumed to be rational and selfish,which means each player is only interested in maximizing its own utility without respecting others’and the system’s performance. Let − denote the strategy profile excluding .As a notational convention,we have =( , − ). We say that player prefers to ′ if ( , − )> ( ′ , − ).When other players’strategies arefixed,player can select a strategy,denoted by ( − ),which maximizes its utility function. Such a strategy is called a best response of player .A strategy is called a dominant strategy of player if,regardless of what other players do,the strategy earns player a larger utility5TABLE IC OMPONENTS OF GAMES IN COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATIONSComponents in the Game Elements in Cooperative CommunicationsPlayers Source nodes and/or relay nodesStrategy Power control[3–7]Spectrum allocation[8]Relay node(s)or source node(s)selection[9]To cooperate or not[10]Price[3,9,11,12]Utility/Payoff Data rate[6,10]Profit,e.g.,revenue minus cost[3–5,7–9,11]than any other strategy.In order to study the interactions among players,the concept of Nash Equilibrium(NE)is introduced.A strategy profile constitutes an NE if none of the players can improve its utility by unilaterally deviating from its current strategy.To characterize and quantify the inefficiency of the system performance due to the lack of cooperation among the players, we use the concept of price of anarchy(POA).The POA of the game is the ratio of the systemperformance in the worst NE to the system performance in the social optimalsolution.Not Cooperate2, 53, 3Fig.4.Two-player cooperative communicationTo illustrate the basic concepts of game theory,we use a simple two-player example.This game is essentially equivalent to the well-studied game,Prisoners’Dilemma.There are two players in this game,player1and player2.Each player can choose from two strategies,Cooperate(C) and Not Cooperate(NC).If player1takes strategy C,it will act as a relay for player2for cooperative communication.Otherwise,player1only transmits its own data to the destination. Therefore there are totally four different strategy profiles.The utilities of different profiles are shown in the table in Fig.4.It is straightforward to see that(NC,NC)is an NE with socialperformance6.However,the social optima is the strategy profile(C,C),which gives the social.performance8.Thus the POA of this game is34Games can be classified into two categories,strategic form game(or static game)and extensive form game(or dynamic game).The strategic form game is a one-shot game.In this game, the players make their decisions simultaneously without knowing what others will do.On the contrary,the extensive form game represents the structure of interactions between players and defines possible orders of moves.The repeat game is a class of the extensive form game,in which each stage is a repetition of the same strategic game.At the beginning of each stage, players observe the past history of strategies before making decisions.The number of stages may befinite or infinite.The utility of each player is the accumulated utility through all the stages.Therefore,players care not only the current utility but also the future utilities.The Stackelberg game is an extensive form game,which is used to model the competition between one player,called the leader,and a set of players,called the followers.In this game, the leader takes actionfirst and then the followers take actions.The leader knows ex ante that the followers observe its action and take actions accordingly.The NE in the Stackelberg game is called Stackelberg Equilibrium.As game theory studies interactions between rational and intelligent players,it can be applied to the economic world where people interact with each other in the market.The marriage of game theory and economic models yields interesting games and fruitful theoretical results in microeconomics and auction theory.Auction is a decentralized market mechanism for allocating resources.The essence of auction is a game of incomplete information,where the players are the bidders,the strategies are the bids,and both allocations and payments are functions of the bids.In an auction mechanism,each bidder has some private information ,called its type, and its strategy is the bid .A mechanism then computes an output = ( 1, 2,..., )and a payment vector =( 1, 2,..., ),where = ( 1, 2,..., )is the money given to the participating agent .For each possible output ,bidder ’s valuation is ( , ).The utility of bidder is ( , )= ( , )+ .Based on the number of objects auctioned on the market,auctions can be categorized into single-object auction and multi-object auction.Two basic single-object auction schemes are the first-price auction and the second-price auction.In thefirst-price auction,the auctioneer grants the item to the highest bidder and charges the highest bid.In the second-price auction,alsoknown as Vickrey auction,the auctioneer grants the item to the highest bidder,but charges the second highest bid.Multi-object auction can be homogeneous auction or heterogeneous auction, depending on whether the objects are identical.There are three desirable economic properties while designing an auction scheme:∙Truthfulness:An auction is truthful if revealing true private valuation is the dominant strategy for each bidder.In other words,no bidder can improve its utility by submitting a bid different from its true valuation,no matter how others submit.∙Individual Rationality:each agent participating in the auction can expect a non-negative profit.∙System Efficiency:An auction is system-efficient if the sum of valuations of all bidders is maximized.IV.C OOPERATION I NCENTIVESCooperative communication has been proposed for years[1]and is gaining popularity since it has great potential to increase the capacity of wireless networks.Nevertheless,its applications are rarely seen in reality.A main obstacle blocking its wide applications is the lack of incentives for the wireless nodes to serve as relay nodes.There are three primary mechanisms designed to provide such incentives:reputation-based mechanism,resource-exchange-based mechanism,and pricing-based mechanism.We will inves-tigate these mechanisms in the following subsections.A.Reputation-based MechanismIn this mechanism,a centralized authority,e.g.base station,keeps records of the cooperative behavior and punish non-cooperating nodes.Consider a simple scenario,as shown in Fig.4, where two nodes wish to transmit data to a common destination.Each node is a player and its strategy is whether to cooperate with the other node.Based on the utility table in Fig.4,if player1chooses to cooperate,then player2will choose not to cooperate since player2’s utility is improved from4to5.If player1chooses not to cooperate,player2will also choose not to cooperate since player2’s utility is improved from2to3.Thus NC is player2’s dominant strategy.Similarly,NC is also player1’s dominant strategy.Therefore(NC,NC)is an NE of the static game.However,the(NC,NC)strategy profile is undesirable from the system perspective,as it does not efficiently utilize the system resource.Intuitively,even if a player is willing to cooperate,the other user’s utility drives it to not to cooperate but rather to free-ride.In fact,a selfish player will always take advantage of a cooperating player and free-ride to maximize its own utility.In addition,such free-riding behavior has no consequence,e.g.punishment,in the static game.For these reasons,a repeated game was modeled in[10].In this game,free-riders from the previous stage will be punished and forced to reduce their transmission power,while players taking advantage of cooperative communications will be awarded to transmit with higher power. Since players need to care about their future utility,an NE in which players mutually cooperate can be achieved.B.Resource-exchange-based MechanismIn this mechanism,the source node takes other nodes as relays for cooperative communication. In return,the source node provides its own resource to help the relay nodes achieve certain objectives.For the same network in Fig.4,a different game was modeled in[4].The strategy of each player is to determine the power for transmitting its own data and the power for relaying the other player’s data.The utility of each player is defined as the difference between the achieved data rate and the energy cost.This game was modeled as a Stackelberg game by taking one of the two players as the leader and the other as the follower.It was shown that there are more benefits when cooperation is done between node pairs who are closer to each other.In cognitive radio networks as shown in Fig.1,the primary user(PU)can involve secondary users(SUs)as the cooperative relays.In return,the SUs obtain the opportunity to access the wireless channel for their own transmissions.In[6],the authors formulated the problem as a Stackelberg game,where the PU is the leader and the SUs are the followers.The strategy of the PU is to decide the portion of time it allocates to SUs and select a set of SUs as relays,based on the cooperative transmission power from the SUs.The utility of the PU is the achieved data rate with SUs’help.The strategy of the SU is the cooperative transmission power dedicated to the PU,since the channel access time of each SU is proportional to the contribution it makes in the cooperative communication.The utility of each SU is defined as the difference between its achieved data rate and the energy cost for helping with PU’s transmission.The authors provedthe existence of a Stackelberg Equilibrium and obtained the corresponding strategies.C.Pricing-based MechanismIn this mechanism,virtual currency or tokens are assumed in the network.Relay nodes sell their resources,e.g.,power,bandwidth and time,for a certain price.Source nodes make payment to relay nodes for using their resources.Depending on the relationship between demand and supply,the game can be formulated as a buyer’s market or a seller’s market.When there is one source node and multiple relay nodes,the game is formulated as a buyer’s market[7].The source node selects a subset of relay nodes for relaying based on the channel condition between itself and each relay node and the price asked by the relay node.Each relay node determines its price according to the conditions of the channel between itself and source node,and the channel between itself and the destination node,as well as the other relay nodes’prices.Since the game is a buyer’s market,it is essentially a Stackelberg game with the source node as the leader and the relay nodes as the followers.When there is one relay node and multiple source nodes,the market becomes a seller’s market [8].The authors assumed that only the source nodes are players and the relay node has afixed cost function,which is known to all the source nodes.The strategy of each source node is the bandwidth it wants to buy.A distributed algorithm was developed to search the NE.In [3],the source nodes are bidders and submit bids to the relay node.The relay node allocates its transmission power proportional to the source nodes’bids.Two different payments were defined, of which one is a function of the extra SNR due to the cooperative communication and the other is a function of the power allocated to the source node.It was proved that the NE exists and is unique.The distributed best response bid updates converge globally to the unique NE in a completely asynchronous manner.The above works only consider the selfish behavior of players,but not the cheating behavior. It has been shown both theoretically and practically that a market could be vulnerable to market manipulation and produce very poor outcomes if players are dishonest on their prices.Therefore truthfulness is the most critical property of the mechanism design.In[11],the authors designed an auction scheme for cooperative communications,which satisfies not only truthfulness,but also individual rationality and budget balanced properties.In this auction,source nodes are buyers, relay nodes are sellers,and the base station is the auctioneer.Buyers bid for relaying service forcooperative communications,while sellers offer cooperative service at the cost of their resources,,and receive monetary payment in return.Each buyer has different valuations of the relay nodes as it can achieve different capacities by cooperating with different relay nodes.V.C HALLENGES IN A PPLYING G AME T HEORYWhile game theory has been extensively applied to model the problems in cooperative communications,there are still many challenging research issues unsolved.We list some of them below to inspire interested readers on future research directions.∙Selection of the utility function:utility function is undoubtedly a very important component in the game.It should precisely reflect the true valuation of the player on the outcome of the game.In the games modeling cooperative communications,data rate and profit are widely used as utility functions.In the design of pricing-based mechanism,most works choose the transmission power as the cost of cooperation,which appears in the utility function as a linear term.However,in reality,the cost of transmission power may depend on the specific device and the remaining power level,and thus is probably not linear in the transmission power.∙Existence and uniqueness of NE:The existence of NEs in a game is always one of the properties investigated by the researchers.The reason is that an NE is a solution concept that describes a steady state condition of the game.If the existence of NE is not guaranteed, it is possible that players oscillate their strategies to improve their utilities,generating a significant amount of communication overhead and wasting computing resources.Besides the existence,the uniqueness of NE is another desirable property,which has been largely neglected by the existing works.If there is only one NE,players will not be confused while selecting their NE strategies.In addition,we can predict the NE of the game and the resulting performance.∙Computation of NE:Once the existence of NE is proved,the next question would be how to compute an putationally heavy algorithms for computing an NE are not desirable in networks,like cellular networks and mobile networks,where devices are powered by batteries.In such networks,computing power is a valuable resource.Therefore designing efficient algorithms for NE computation is necessary.∙Efficiency of NE:It is known that NE is usually an inefficient solution from the system’s perspective.This inefficiency is captured by the concept of price of anarchy.Pricing has been adopted for steering players to converge to an equilibrium with better system performance.For example,in[9],the authors designed a payment scheme which induces the source nodes to select the relay nodes resulting in an optimal relay node assignment.However, the designed payment scheme is based on the condition that the optimal solution can be obtained.This condition does not hold in general.Therefore designing a pricing-based mechanism to influence players to converge to an efficient NE is still a challenging task for cooperative communications.∙Mechanism design:Most of the mechanism designs in the literature only consider single-side auction,where source nodes are buyers.The only work that studies the double auction for cooperative communications is presented in[11].The authors showed that it is desirable to design an auction satisfying truthfulness,individual rationality,budget balance,and system efficiency properties.Unfortunately,the impossibility theorem[13]shows that no double auction can simultaneously achieve all four economic properties.Thus they designed an auction scheme,which satisfies thefirst three properties while ignoring the last.It is still open and very challenging to design a double auction scheme,which satisfies thefirst three properties while approximately maximizing the system efficiency.VI.C ONCLUSIONIn this article,we have briefly surveyed the game theoretic solutions to the problems in cooperative communications,with the focus on designing cooperation incentive mechanisms. 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