指南解读通讯作者:刘文励,E -mail :liuw enli 1945@sina .co m基于循证医学的血小板输注指南———2007年美国A S H 血小板输注指南介绍华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院 王芳 贺冠强译 孙汉英 刘文励审校,武汉 430030 关键词 血小板 输注 指南中图分类号 R 457.1 文献标识码 A 用于临床输注的血小板制剂有2种,多名随机供者血小板制剂的混合物,或是单供者机采血小板制剂,临床保存5d 内有效。
经研究,预防性血小板输注的阈值为患者血小板计数低于10×109/L ,这样不仅能减低出血风险,且能够降低血小板输注所需的费用。
在进行脑部手术时要求血小板计数不低于100×109/L ,在其他侵入性操作或是创伤手术时要求血小板计数在50~100×109/L 水平。
对于同种异体免疫引起的血小板无效输注来说,通过H LA 配型、交叉实验和鉴别患者特异性抗体以避免与错配供体的抗原发生反应,这些都有利于减少无效输注。
引起血小板无效输注的其他原因还包括:脾大、ABO 配型错误、男性患者或有2次以上妊娠史的女性患者、治疗过程中使用过肝素或两性霉素B 、出血、发热、移植物抗宿主病(GVH D )和血管闭塞性疾病(VOD )。
从全血中获得的血小板浓缩物 血小板浓缩物可通过两种不同的方法制备。
这两种方法为:在美国专用的富含血小板血浆法(PRP )和主要在欧洲使用的白膜法(BC )(加拿大目前也逐渐转用该方法)。
NICE 输血指南本指南覆盖了成人以及1 岁以上儿童的输血评估与管理,包括基本的输血原则,但不包含特殊情况下的治疗推荐。
静脉或口服补充电解质1. 手术病人伴有离子缺乏的在术前术后口服补充。
2. 在以下情况时考虑静脉输注:不能耐受口服或无法坚持;诊断为功能性电解质缺乏;口服补充难以及时见效的。
3. CKD(慢性肾脏病)伴贫血的管理需参见NICE 的另一份指南(点击进入)。
自体输血与TXA(氨甲环酸)1. 对预计术中至少为中等失血(大于500 ml)的成人患者预防性使用TXA。
2. 对预计术中至少为中等失血(大于10% 总血量)的儿童患者考虑TXA。
3. 无TXA 不常规使用自体输血。
4. 对预计产生大量失血的手术(例如复杂的心血管手术、大的产科手术、骨盆重建以及脊柱侧弯手术)考虑术中回收式自体输血和TXA。
红细胞1. 指征和目标(1)以下患者不宜采用限制性的红细胞输注指征:大失血(Major haemorrhage)者;ACS 急性冠脉综合征;慢性贫血需要常规输血者。
* 本文中大出血(Major haemorrhage)定义为:24 小时失血量超过70 ml/kg 或70 kg 成人超过5L;3 小时内丢失总血量的50%;成人失血超过150 ml/ 分钟;失血导致:收缩压低于90 mm/Hg 或成人心率超过110 次/ 分钟。
(1)限制性的红细胞输注要求血红蛋白浓度低于70 g/L、输注后达到目标值70-90 g/L。
(2)对伴有ACS(急性冠脉综合征)则要求低于80 g/L、输注后达到目标值80-100 g/L。
2. 剂量(1)对无活动性出血的成人考虑采用单个治疗量的红细胞输注(儿童以及低体重者以体重计算相应的输注量)。
1. 血红蛋白>100g/L,可以不输。
2. 血红蛋白<70g/L,应考虑输。
3. 血红蛋白在70∽100g/L之间,根据患者的贫血程度、心肺代偿功能、有无代谢率增高以及年龄因素决定。
1. 血小板计数>100×109/L,可以不输。
2. 血小板计数<50×109/L,应考虑输。
3. 血小板计数在50~100×109/L之间,应根据是否有自发性出血或伤口渗血决定。
4. 如术中出现不可控渗血,确定血小板功能低下,输血小板不受上述限制。
1. PT或APTT>正常1.5倍,创面弥漫性渗血。
2. 患者急性大出血输入大量库存全血或红细胞后(出血量或输血量相当于患者自身血容量)3. 病史或临床过程表现有先天性或获得性凝血功能障碍。
4. 手术、外伤、烧伤、肠梗阻等大出血或血浆大量丢失。
PT>1.5x正常值 TEG: R >9mins.
LY30>7.5% R > 4mins MA< 74mm
纤维蛋白原 < 1 g/l < 0.5 g/l
如果病人正在 出血,考虑适 当的抗纤溶治 疗 新鲜冷冻血浆4U 冷沉淀 10U
新鲜冷冻血浆 鱼精蛋白50 mg. 一个成人剂量的血小板 二个成人剂量的血小板 10-15mls/kg
TEG: MA <50 mm MA <42 mm 血小板计数 <50,000 血小板计数 <20.000 7 天内服用过抗 血小板药物
TEG:R >9 mins APTT > 1.5 控制 PT > 1.5 控制
原发性纤溶 亢进 R > 4mins MA< 74mm LY30>7.5%
继发性纤溶 亢进 R短 MA高 LY30>7.5%
DP/RJP V.2 01/06
成人 ITU 成分血治疗指南
输入红细胞,维持Hb >7.5 g/dl
异常凝血,不出血,未 来即将进行介入治疗
治疗 治疗
如果没有进行抗血小板治疗, 则出血由手术原因造成
继续观察,如果有进一步 出血可进行治疗
TEG:普通检测 R >9mins,肝素 酶检测正常
前 4 个小时>1000 mls / h
TEG: 普通杯检测R值>9mins, 肝素酶检测正常 ACT > 135. APTT > 1.5x正常值 NB ACT和APTT可能由 于其他原因而延长
血小板计数< 80,000. MA < 50 mm. MA < 42 mm. MA/血小板正常 如果手术前服用过氯比 格雷和/或阿斯匹林,应 做血小板图检测
血小板输注操作流程Platelet transfusion is a crucial medical procedure in which platelets are transfused into a patient to help with blood clotting. 血小板输注是一种关键的医疗程序,是将血小板输注到患者体内,以帮助血液凝固。
Platelets are tiny blood cells that help the body form clots to stop bleeding. 血小板是帮助人体形成凝血块以停止出血的微小血细胞。
The process of platelet transfusion involves several steps, including donor screening, collection, testing, and transfusion. 血小板输注过程涉及多个步骤,包括捐赠者筛选、采集、检测和输注。
It is essential to understand the entire process of platelet transfusion to ensure the safety and efficacy of the procedure. 了解血小板输注的整个过程对于确保手术的安全性和有效性至关重要。
The first step in the platelet transfusion process is donor screening. 血小板输注过程的第一步是捐赠者筛选。
Donors must undergo a thorough screening process to ensure that they are healthy and do not carry any infectious diseases. 捐赠者必须接受全面的筛选过程,以确保他们身体健康,并且没有携带任何传染性疾病。
When the platelet value is low, patients are at risk of bleeding. Bleeding in vital organs is life-threatening.According to Giuseppe Lippi and other professors, there is no universal agreement on the definition of platelet transfusion thresholds.[1] However, the degree of accuracy and imprecision of the vast majority of fully automated hematological analyz-ers appears unsatisfactory, especially in the lower thrombocytopenic range, i.e.,<50× 109/L .The current guidelines and recommendations show that there is no consensus on the low PLT infusion threshold in several specific clinical situations, as shown in the following table. [1]Abbreviations: SIMTI, Italian Society of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology; GMA, German Medical Association; AABB, American Association of Blood Banks; BCSH, British Committee for Standards in Haematology; TMAG, British Columbia Transfusion Medicine Advisory Group; WHO, World Health Organization; ARC, American Red Cross; N/A, not available.*Only in case of perioperative bleeding.Low value? High risk?Resolve your concerns about the risk oflow-value platelet measurementsSubcutaneous bleeding Intracranial hemorrhage Mucosal bleeding Fundus bleeding Visceral bleedingLow-value platelet counts also play an important role in evaluating the effectiveness of platelet transfusion. In the most common platelet transfusion formulas, including the post-transfusion platelet increment (PPI), the percentage platelet recovery (PPR), and the corrected count increment (CCI), the absolute count of platelet is one of the key calculation factors.[2] Among them, most clinicians use an estimate of transfused platelet content and average body surface area to calculate the CCI, and an absolute platelet increment of greater than 10 × 109/L at 1 or 24 hours is considered a successful transfusion, which is consistent with the previous formula.[3]The platelet count results are still regarded as the mainstay for driving platelet transfusion practices, but the hematology analyzers, as the method, show different analytical performance. The Italian Working Group on Diagnostic Hematology of the Italian Society of Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Molecular Biology (WGDH-SIBioC) has conducted a multicenter study based on international guidelines, to verify the analytical performance of nine different types of hematology analyzers (HAs) in the automated platelet analysis. Let’s take a look at the report below.Four hundred and eighty-six peripheral blood samples (PB), collected in K3EDTA tubes, were analyzed by ABX Pentra, ADVIA2120i, BC-6800, BC-6800Plus, Cell-DYN Sapphire, DxH800, XE-2100, XE-5000, and XN-20 with PLT-F App.TABLE 1 Hematology analyzers and methods of platelet countsThe carry-over (CO) rates of BC-6800 and BC-6800Plus both meet the requirements, the lowest in the group. The limit of quantification (LoQ) of PLT-O of BC-6800 and BC-6800Plus is lower than that of PLT-I, and the LoQ of PLT-O of BC-6800Plus is as low as 4x10 /L, which is lower than PLT-O of XN-20, which is equivalent to PLT-F of XN-20. Interestingly, LoQ of PLT-I of XN-20 is lower than that of PLT-O.Among the cells of peripheral blood, platelets are the smallest, but as a population, the concentration of platelets plays an important role in hemostasis. To account for the risk of bleeding caused by low platelets, Mindray has introduced multi-fold PLT-O platform (SF Cube) to provide the correct count for thrombocytopenia samples. PLT-O is available in Mindray BC-6000 Series Auto Hematology Analyzers and the CAL 8000/6000 Cellular Analysis Lines.Generally speaking, the imprecision (%CV) increases as the platelet count decreases. In the segment of chart B (PLT-O precision), BC-6800Plus shows the lowest CV at all concentration levels. In the abstract, it’s described as: No HAs showed desirable CV APS for PLT counts less than 50.0 × 10 /L, with the exception of Cell-DYN Sapphire (CV 3.0% with PLT-O mean value of 26.7 × 10 /L), XN-20 (CV 2.4% with PLT-F mean value of 21.5 × 10 /L), and BC-6800Plus (CV 1.9% with PLT-O mean value of 26.5 × 10 /L).References:[1] Platelet Transfusion Thresholds: How Low Can We Go in Respect to Platelet Counting? Lippi G, Favaloro EJ, Buoro S. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2019 Sep 28. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1696943. [Epub ahead of print][2] Rebulla P . Formulae for the definition of refractoriness to platelet transfusion. Transfus Med 1993;3(1):91–3.[3] Hod E, Schwartz J. Platelet transfusion refractoriness. Br J Haematol 2008;142(3): 348–60.P/N: ENG-HemaBook-PTCP-210285X4P-20201028©2020 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.。
殖道、 中枢神经系统等出血)时用; 2.输后的血小板生存期短,应适当多次输注; 3.其他治疗(如:甲强龙、静丙)应同时用。
推荐(C等,III级) :
• 降低血小板输注阈值至10x109/L;预防性
• 遵照血小板使用规程。 • 纠正伴发的凝血障碍。 • 尽可能术前停用阿司匹林或其它抗血小板
• 化疗或干细胞移植后,使用细胞生长因子;
• 外科出血尽早处理。
• 由骨髓中的巨核细胞产生。
• 生理作用:止血
维护血管内皮的完整性; 粘附、聚集、释放形成血小板血栓止血; 促凝功能。
• 方法:
手工法 机采法
浓缩血小板悬液(4.8 x 10 10) 单采血小板 (2.5x 10 11)
• 保存和保存期:
机采血小板允许在22 oC±2 oC 持续轻柔震荡下保存5天。
益处: 减少微小出血的发病率 降低大量出血的发病率/死亡率
风险: 同种异体免疫反应 输血感染 过敏反应 输血相关的移植物抗宿主病(transfusion-
associated graft-versus-host disease ,TAGVHD)
临床常用血液成分及各类输血指南英文回答:Blood transfusion is a common procedure in clinical practice that involves the transfer of blood or blood components from one individual to another. It is used to treat various medical conditions such as anemia, bleeding disorders, and surgical emergencies. In this article, we will discuss the commonly used blood components in transfusion and the guidelines for their administration.1. Red Blood Cells (RBCs):Red blood cells are the most frequently transfused blood component. They contain hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body's tissues. RBC transfusion is indicated for patients with severe anemia, acute blood loss, or chronic conditions that cause decreased RBC production. The guidelines for RBC transfusion vary depending on thepatient's clinical condition, hemoglobin level, andsymptoms.2. Platelets:Platelets are small cell fragments that help inclotting and preventing bleeding. Platelet transfusion is commonly done in patients with low platelet counts due to conditions such as chemotherapy, bone marrow disorders, or liver disease. The guidelines for platelet transfusion depend on the patient's platelet count, bleeding risk, and clinical condition.3. Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP):FFP is a blood component that contains various clotting factors and proteins. It is used to replace clottingfactors in patients with bleeding disorders or to reverse the effects of anticoagulant medications. The guidelinesfor FFP transfusion depend on the patient's coagulation profile, bleeding risk, and specific indications.4. Cryoprecipitate:Cryoprecipitate is a blood product derived from FFP. It contains high concentrations of clotting factors, including fibrinogen, factor VIII, and von Willebrand factor. Cryoprecipitate transfusion is indicated for patients with specific clotting factor deficiencies or to control bleeding during surgery or trauma. The guidelines for cryoprecipitate transfusion depend on the patient'sspecific clotting factor levels and clinical condition.5. Albumin:Albumin is a protein found in plasma that helps maintain blood volume and pressure. Albumin transfusion is indicated for patients with hypoalbuminemia, severe burns, or hypovolemic shock. The guidelines for albumin transfusion depend on the patient's albumin levels, fluid status, and clinical condition.In summary, blood transfusion involves the administration of various blood components to treatspecific medical conditions. The guidelines for transfusiondepend on the patient's clinical condition, laboratory values, and specific indications. It is important for healthcare professionals to follow these guidelines to ensure safe and effective transfusion therapy.中文回答:血液输血是临床实践中常见的一种治疗方法,涉及将血液或血液成分从一个个体转移到另一个个体。
血小板输注指南英国血液学标准委员会(BCSH),输血特别委员会(主席:Kelsey P)工作组成员:Murphy MF (会议召集人),Brown M,Carryington P,Hall G,Jeffrey RR,Machin S,Taylor C&Thomas D。
特别委员会委员:Boulton F, Bruce M, Cohen H, Duguid J, Knowles SM,Murphy M F, Poole G 和Williamson LM尽管此指南中的建议和相关信息在印刷出版时被认为是真实准确的,但是不论作者或发行机构都对任何可能的错误或遗漏没有任何法律责任或义务。
【亮.分享】血小板输注:美国血库学会临床实践指南血小板输注:美国血库联会(AABB)临床实践指南Platelet Transfusion: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the AABBRichard M. Kaufman, MD; Benjamin Djulbegovic, MD, PhD; Terry Gernsheimer, MD; Steven Kleinman, MD; Alan T. Tinmouth, MD; Kelley E. Capocelli, MD; Mark D. Cipolle, MD, PhD; Claudia S. Cohn, MD, PhD; Mark K. Fung, MD, PhD; Brenda J. Grossman, MD, MPH; Paul D. Mintz, MD; Barbara A. O’Malley, MD; Deborah A. Sesok-Pizzini, MD; Aryeh Shander, MD; Gary E. Stack, MD, PhD; Kathryn E. Webert, MD, MSc; Robert Weinstein, MD; Babu G. Welch, MD; Glenn J. Whitman, MD; Edward C. Wong, MD; and Aaron A.R. Tobian, MD, PhDBackground: Platelet transfusions are administered to prevent or treat bleeding in patients with quantitative or qualitative platelet disorders. The AABB (formerly, the American Association of Blood Banks) developed this guideline on appropriate use of platelet transfusion in adult patients.背景:对于血小板数量或质量异常的患者,常常通过输注血小板预防或治疗出血。
英国血小板输注指南血小板输注禁忌症 1、血栓性血小板减少性紫癜(TTP) BCSH正在准备血栓性微血管病溶血性贫血的诊断与治疗指南。
血小板输注短暂地与TTP加重有关,因此除非有威胁生命的出血,否则是禁忌使用的(Gordon 等,1987;Harkness 等,1981)。
2、肝素诱导血小板减少症(HIT) HIT是药物诱导的免疫性血小板减少症,常引起严重血栓(Warkentin 等,1998)。
由于会导致急性动脉血栓所以不应输注血小板(Babcock 等,1976; Cimo 等,1979)。
节约使用血小板输注的方法 1 降低血小板输注阈值从20x109/L至10x109/L。
2 遵照血小板使用规程(上述)。
3 局部审核血小板输注的使用。
4 急性白血病强化治疗中氨甲环酸可减少血小板使用,但在此研究中血小板输注是基于治疗性的而不是预防性(Shpilberg, 1995)。
5 化疗或干细胞移植后的血小板减少症,使用细胞生长因子在未来是可能的。
6 将单采血小板分装以减轻儿童患者(或成人)对于供者的暴露。
7 在血小板减少症患者出血时纠正伴发的凝血障碍。
8 尽可能术前停用阿司匹林或其他抗血小板药。
9 CPB患者中避免程式化或预防性使用血小板输注。
10 术中监测血小板计数和血栓弹力图(thromboelastogram),并根据工作步骤纠正异常。
11 术中使用抑肽酶及氨甲环酸。
12 外科出血尽早处置。
1、需求申请 血小板应由患者的主治医生或其指定助手申请。
申请单样式、血型测试样 本应包含患者全部身份细节:姓名、生日、性别、患者号码(根据情况可为住院号或急诊号)。
欧洲心脏协会-抗血小板治疗指南-译文摘译:ESC Expert Consensus EocumentExpert Consensus Document on the Use of Antiplatelet Agents本文主要阐述抗血小板药物作用机制,明确抗血小板治疗中获益远远大于出血风险的人群。