Controlled Releases of FGF-2 and Paclitaxel from Chitosan Hydrogels and their Subsequent Effects
现代医学Modern Medical Journal2020,Aug ;48(8):966-970[收稿日期]2020-03-23[修回日期]2020-08-11[作者简介]尹其舵(1982-),男,安徽巢湖人,主治医师。
E -mail[通信作者]吴清阳E -mail[引文格式]尹其舵,李正侠,耿万杰,等.替罗非班在急性进展性脑梗死中应用[J ].现代医学,2020,48(8):966-970.·论著·替罗非班在急性进展性脑梗死中应用尹其舵1,李正侠1,耿万杰1,吴清阳2(1.安徽省阜阳市太和县人民医院神经内科,安徽阜阳236600;2.南京医科大学附属无锡市人民医院影像科,江苏无锡214023)[摘要]目的:探讨替罗非班联合阿司匹林、氯吡格雷对急性进展性脑梗死患者的临床疗效、生活质量ADL 评分、神经功能缺损NIHSS 评分的影响。
对照组给予服用阿司匹林、氯吡格雷治疗,观察组在经替罗非班联合治疗(24 72)h 后贯续服用阿司匹林及氯吡格雷。
比较2组患者治疗后临床疗效、NIHSS 评分(24h 、72h 、7d 及14d )、ADL 评分及不良反应发生率。
结果:观察组总有效率为88.99%,高于对照组的71.11%(P <0.05);观察组治疗后NIHSS 评分低于对照组,且观察组治疗后与治疗前ADL 评分差值高于对照组(P <0.05);不良反应发生率:观察组为13.85%,对照组为7.69%(P >0.05)。
[关键词]急性进展性脑梗死;替罗非班;NIHSS 评分;生活质量[中图分类号]R743.3[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1671-7562(2020)08-0966-05doi :10.3969/j.issn.1671-7562.2020.08.006Effect of tirofiban in patients with acute cerebral infarctionYIN Qiduo 1,LI Zhengxia 1,GENG Wanjie 1,WU Qingyang 2(1.Department of Neurology ,Taihe County People 's Hospital ,Fuyang 236600,China ;2.Department of Radiology ,the Affiliated Wuxi People 's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University ,Wuxi 214023,China )[Abstract ]Objective :To study the clinical efficacy of tirofiban combined with aspirin and clopidogrel on scores ofDaily Living Ability Scale (ADL )and National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS )in patients with acute pro-gressive cerebral infarction.Methods :90patients with acute progressive cerebral infarction admitted to our hospi-tal from July 2018to July 2019were randomly divided into observation group and control group (45cases ).The control group was treated with aspirin and clopidogrel ,on top of which the observation group was given tirofiban.The clinical efficacy ,ADL ,NIHSS and adverse reactions between the two groups were statistically analyzed.Results :The total effective rate was 88.89%in the observation group ,71.11%in the control group (P <0.05).In the observation group ,the NIHSS were lower than those during the time of 24h ,72h ,7d and 14d ,respectively (P <0.05)and meanwhile ,the differentials of ADL between post treatment and prior treatment were high than those in the control group (P <0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions was 13.85%in the observation group ,7.69%in the control group (P >0.05).Conclusion :Tirofiban combined with aspirin and clopidogrel has a cura-tive effect in acute progressive cerebral infarction ,improving the brain microcirculation blood flow and nerve func-tion ,enhancing life quality of patients ,and ensuring the safety of the therapy.[Key words ]acute progressive stroke ;tirofiban ;score of NIHSS ;quality of life·669·急性脑梗死是临床常见的一种脑血管疾病,病理生理学基础为脑血供突然中断,可导致脑组织坏死,神经元细胞、星形胶质细胞、胶质细胞不同程度损伤,是出现致残、致死的严重脑血管疾病之一。
结果治疗前,两组患者空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖、糖化血红蛋白水平比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
[关键词] 糖尿病;慢阻肺稳定期;二甲双胍缓释片;达格列净[中图分类号] R587.1;R563.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)06(a)-0091-04Effect Analysis of Dapagliflozin Combined with Metformin Extended-release Tablets in the Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Com⁃bined with Stable Stage of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseQIN Huijuan1, HOU Chenghao2, ZHANG Maojie21.Department of Endocrinology, Zoucheng People´s Hospital, Jining, Shandong Province, 273500 China;2.Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Zoucheng People´s Hospital, Jining, Shandong Province, 273500 China[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of dapagliflozin combined with metformin extended-release tablets in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus combined with stable stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Methods Eighty two patients with diabetes complicated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in stable stage who were admitted to Zoucheng People´s Hospital from August 2020 to August 2022 were selected as the re‐search objects. They were randomly divided into the control group (41 cases) and the observation group (41 cases) by black and white ball touching method. All patients received respiratory rehabilitation training. The control group was treated with Metformin sustained-release tablets, and the observation group was treated with Dapagliflozin on the ba‐sis of the control group. Compare the treatment effects between the two groups. Results Before treatment, there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the levels of fasting blood glucose, blood glucose 2 hours after meal, and glycated hemoglobin (P>0.05). After treatment, the blood glucose levels of the two groups were signifi‐cantly lower than those before treatment, and the observation group was significantly lower than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no significant difference in FINs, HOMA-β[作者简介]秦会娟(1986-),女,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为内分泌及代谢性疾病。
·研究论文·Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases中国动物传染病学报摘 要:为探究紫茎泽兰对钉螺活性的影响,采用超高效液相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱联用技术(UPLC-Q-TOF/MS ),分别检测紫茎泽兰处理钉螺组、氯硝柳胺处理钉螺对照组和空白对照组的钉螺情况,用主成分分析(PCA )、偏最小二乘法判别分析(PLS-DA )及正交偏最小二乘法判别分析(OPLS-DA )进行联合统计分析,筛选差异代谢物。
关键词:紫茎泽兰;钉螺;色质联用;差异代谢物;灭螺剂中图分类号:S853.74文献标志码:A文章编号:1674-6422(2024)01-0062-11Eff ect of Eupatorium adenophorum on Metabolic Activity of Oncomelania hupensis收稿日期:2021-12-06基金项目:云南农业大学兽医公共卫生省创新团队(202105AE160014);云南省朱兴全专家工作站(202005AF150041)作者简介:程文杰,男,硕士研究生,兽医公共卫生学专业;李红霞,女,硕士,主要从事动物性食品卫生安全研究通信作者:邹丰才,E-mail:***************.com紫茎泽兰对钉螺代谢活性影响程文杰,李红霞,晏云涛,项 勋,董 路,杨建发,邹丰才(云南农业大学动物医学院,昆明650201)2024,32(1):62-72Abstract: In order to explore the effect of Eupatorium adenophorum on snail activity, snail tissues collected from Eupatoriumadenophorum treated group, niclosamide-positive control group and blank control group were detected by ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometer (UPLC-Q-TOF/MS). Differential metabolites were screened by using principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis of supervised partial least squares method (PLS-DA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). The results showed that the active ingredients of Eupatorium adenophorum interfered with the growth and metabolism of Oncomelania hupensis . A total of 79 different metabolites were screened, of which 31 metabolites such as glycine were signifi cantly up-regulated and 48 metabolites such as l-threonine were signifi cantly down-regulated. In addition, 18 metabolic pathways were revealed to clarify the intervening mechanisms of Eupatorium adenophorum for snail activity. These results laid a theoretical foundation for research and development of Eupatorium adenophorum and screening of molluscicides and molluscicidal drugs.Key words: Eupatorium adenophorum ; Oncomelania hupensis ; chromatography-mass spectrometry; differential metabolites; molluscicidesCHENG Wenjie, LI Hongxia, YAN Yuntao, XIANG Xun, DONG Lu, YANG Jianfa, ZOU Fengcai(College of Veterinary Medicine, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, China)日本血吸虫病是一种严重危害我国居民健康安危,阻碍疫区经济发展的重大传染病。
DOI:10.16658/ki.1672-4062.2024.01.019司美格鲁肽联合达格列净、二甲双胍在肥胖型2型糖尿病合并非酒精性脂肪肝患者中的疗效分析叶娟,陈冬,邱振汉,吴盛钊安徽省淮南市寿县人民医院内分泌科,安徽寿县232200[摘要]目的研究司美格鲁肽联合达格列净、二甲双胍在肥胖型2型糖尿病(Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, T2DM)合并非酒精性脂肪肝(Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, NAFLD)患者中的疗效。
[关键词] 司美格鲁肽;达格列净;二甲双胍;肥胖;2型糖尿病;非酒精性脂肪肝[中图分类号] R587.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2024)01(a)-0019-04Efficacy of Smaglutide Combined with Dapagliflozin and Metformin in Pa⁃tients with Obese Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseYE Juan, CHEN Dong, QIU Zhenhan, WU ShengzhaoDepartment of Endocrinology, Huainan Shouxian People's Hospital, Shouxian, Anhui Province, 232200 China[Abstract] Objective To study the efficacy of semiglutide combined with dapagliflozin and metformin in patients with obese type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Methods A total of 80 obese patients with T2DM combined with NAFLD were selected from the department of endocrinology of Shouxian People's Hospital from June 2021 to June 2023. They were divided into control group and observation group according to ran⁃dom number table method, 40 cases each. The control group received metformin with dagagliflozin, and the observa⁃tion group was treated with semegallutide on the basis of the control group. Comparing the efficacy and the incidence of adverse drug reactions after 12 weeks of treatment. Results The homa-ir insulin resistance index, blood glucose in⁃dex, blood lipid index and liver function index were significantly lower than that of the control group, and the differ⁃ences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). The body mass index in the observation group was (28.19±0.92) kg/m2, which was lower than (30.12±1.47) kg/m2in the control group , and the difference was statistically significant (P< 0.05). The incidence of adverse reactions was not significant (P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion In the treatment of obese T2DM [作者简介]叶娟(1990-),女,硕士,主治医师,研究方向为内分泌科与代谢病。
苏格兰 围术期预防的抗菌药物使用
LEVELS OF EVIDENCE 1++ 1+ 12++ 2+ 23 4 High quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a very low risk of bias Well conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews, or RCTs with a low risk of bias Meta-analyses, systematic reviews, or RCTs with a high risk of bias High quality systematic reviews of case control or cohort studies High quality case control or cohort studies with a very low risk of confounding or bias and a high probability that the relationship is causal Well conducted case control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding or bias and a moderate probability that the relationship is causal Case control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias and a significant risk that the relationship is not causal Non-analytic studies, eg case reports, case series Expert opinion
结果阿卡波糖组的糖化血红蛋白、空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖优于格列吡嗪组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[关键词] 阿卡波糖;格列吡嗪;2型糖尿病;血糖;效果分析[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)05(b)-0112-04 Comparsion of Acarbose and Glipizide in Reducing Blood Glucose in Pa⁃tients with Type 2 Diabetes MellitusZHU Weiguo, LIANG Ming, JIA QiangqiangDepartment of Pharmacy, Guanyun County People´s Hospital, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, 222200 China [Abstract] Objective To study the therapeutic effect and pharmacological value of acarbose and glipizide in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods A total of 120 patients with type 2 diabetes who received medical treatment in Guanyun County People´s Hospital of Lianyungang City from January to December 2022 were selected as the research objects and divided into two groups with 60 patients in each group by random number table method. Glipizide group was treated with glipizide group, and acarbose group was treated with acarbose group. Blood glucose level, therapeutic effect and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results The glycated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose of the acarbose group were better than those of glipizide group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The total effective rate of the acarbose group was 96.67%, which was higher than 88.33% of the glipizide group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2= 5.689, P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion When acarbose is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, it can better stabi⁃lize blood glucose and other related test values, and also meet the needs of patients in terms of drug safety.[Key words] Acarbose; Glipizide; Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Blood glucose; Effect analysis在中老年人群中,2型糖尿病的发病率极高[1],临床症状非常典型,极易诱发肾病、视网膜病等多种并发症[2]。
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-2591.2020.06.009-综述.肿瘤性骨软化症的致病机制及治疗方法倪晓琳,夏维波[摘要]肿瘤性骨软化症(tumor-induced osteomalacia,TIO)是一种由于肿瘤分泌过量成纤维细胞生长因子23(fibroblast growth factor23,FGF23)引起肾脏排磷增多的罕见代谢性骨病,以进行性发展的骨痛、肌肉无力、骨折等为临床表现。
TIO肿瘤多来源于软组织及骨组织,大多数肿瘤病理类型为磷酸盐尿性间叶组织肿瘤混合结缔组织亚型(phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors mixed connective tissue variants,PMTMCT)。
研究报道将近一半的PMTMCT中发现融合基因FN1-FGFR1或FN1-FGF1阳性,推测其为促进肿瘤发生及FGF23分泌的重要机制;Klotho的过表达则可能促进融合基因阴性的PMTMCT的发生及FGF23分泌;缺氧诱导因子-1a(hypoxia-inducible factor-1a,HIF-1a)的过度激活促进肿瘤FGF23转录及血管形成。
[关键词]肿瘤性骨软化症;致病机制;融合基因;治疗中图分类号:R681;R738文献标志码:APathogenic mechanism and treatments of tumor-induced osteomalaciaNI Xiao-Un,XIA Wei-boDepartment of Endocrinology,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences& Peking Union Medical College,Key Laboratory of Endocrinology of National Health Commission ofthe People's Republic of China,Beijing100730,China[Abstract]Tumor-induced osteomalacia(TIO)is a rare metabolic bone disease caused by renal phosphate wasting due to overexpression of fibroblast growth factor23(FGF23)by tumors.Clinical manifestations include progressive bone pain,muscle weakness,fracture,and so on.Tumors mainly stem from osseous tissue or soft tissue,being considered pathologically as phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors mixed connective tissue variants(PMTMCT).The mechanism of genesis of PMTMCT and excessive production of FGF23has not been clear yet.It was reported that FN1-FGFR1or FN1-FGF1 fusion gene was positive in nearly half of PMTMCT,indicating an important mechanism to promote tumor development and FGF23secretion.Overexpression of klotho may promote the tumor development and FGF23secretion in PMTMCT without fusion gene.Stimulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a(HIF-1a)leads to increased transcription of FGF23and angiogenesis in plete tumor resection is the definitive therapy of TIO.Novel treatments including monoclonal antibody against FGF23and inhibitors of FGFR are expected to become effective treatment for unresectable,recurrent and ma-基金项目:国家“十三五”重大新药创制专项子课题(2019ZX09734001-002);国家自然科学基金面上项目(81670714,81970757);中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程协同创新团队项目(2016-12M-3-003)作者单位:100370北京,中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院内分泌科国家卫生健康委员会内分泌重点实验室通信作者:夏维波,E-mail:xiaweibo8301@lignant tumors.[Key words]tumor-induced osteomalacia;pathogenic mechanism;fusion gene;treatment肿瘤性骨软化症(tumor-induced osteomalacia, TIO)是一种因肿瘤组织分泌过量成纤维细胞生长因子23(fibroblast growth factor23,FGF23)引起肾脏排磷增多的代谢性骨病,是获得性低血磷骨软化症的最常见形式[1]。
微创经皮空心螺钉闭合复位与切开复位内固定治疗踝关节骨折的临床比较发布时间:2023-02-15T09:13:37.226Z 来源:《医师在线》2022年3月6期作者:余斌[导读]余斌1,赵建国2,王成2,谢平2,祝春雷2,卢彬3(1.张家港澳洋医院有限公司港城康复医院骨关节康复科,江苏张家港 215600;2.张家港澳洋医院骨科,江苏张家港 215600;3.张家港澳洋医院手足外科,江苏张家港 215600)摘要:目的:探讨对踝关节骨折采用微创经皮空心螺钉闭合复位与切开复位内固定治疗的临床效果。
方法:选择张家港澳洋医院2015年1月至2020年12月收治踝关节骨折患者66例,以随机数表法将患者分为2组,对照组(n=33)予切开复位内固定术治疗,观察组(n=33)采用微创经皮空心螺钉闭合复位治疗,对比两组手术及预后指标,随访3月以AOFAS踝-后足评分评估患者关节功能,检测术前术后血清骨碱性磷酸酶(bone alkaline phosphatase,BALP)、骨钙素(bone γ-carboxyglutamic acid-containing protein,BGP)、I型前胶原氨基端延长肽(N-terminal?peptide?of?Type I procollagen,PINP)水平评估骨代谢状态,并统计两组并发症情况进行分析。
药物涂层球囊治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症短期效果分析*蔡瑶① 余朝文① 官泽宇① 【摘要】 目的:观察紫杉醇药物涂层球囊治疗下肢动脉硬化闭塞症的短期效果。
【关键词】 下肢动脉硬化闭塞症 药物涂层球囊 短期疗效 doi:10.14033/ki.cfmr.2022.30.003 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2022)30-0010-05 Analysis of Short-term Efficacy of Drug-coated Balloon in the Treatment of Lower Extremity Arteriosclerosis Obliterans/ CAI Yao, YU Chaowen, GUAN Zeyu. //Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2022, 20(30): 10-14 [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the short-term efficacy of Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon in the treatment of lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans. Method: A total of 104 patients with initial symptomatic lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans in the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College from January 2018 to September 2020 were selected and divided into the experimental group and the control group according to treatment method, 52 cases in each group. The experimental group was given Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon dilatation and the control group was given vascular bare-metal stent implantation. The Rutherford grade, ankle-humeral index (ABI), intermittent claudication distance, primary patency rate, restenosis rate and incidence of adverse events were compared between two groups in different stages before and after surgery. Result: The differences between two groups in Rutherford grading before and 6 months after surgery were not statistically significant (P>0.05); however, the Rutherford grading of two groups at 6 months after surgery were improved compared with those before surgery, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The differences between two groups in intermittent claudication distance before, 1 week and 1 month after surgery were not statistically significant (P>0.05); there were statistically significant differences in the distance of intermittent claudication between the two groups at different time points before and after operation (P<0.05). The differences between two groups in ABI before, 1 week and 1 month after surgery were not statistically significant (P>0.05); but ABI in the experiment group at 6 months after surgery was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05); there were statistically significant differences in ABI between the two groups at different time points before and after operation (P<0.05). The difference between two groups in first-stage patency at 6 months after surgery was not statistically significant (P>0.05); the difference between two groups in restenosis rate at 6 months after surgery were statistically significant (P<0.05). During follow-up, 1 patient died in each group, and the direct cause was acute cardio-cerebrovascular accident, no amputation occurred in two group. Conclusion: The short-term effect of Paclitaxel drug-coated balloon dilatation is comparable to that of bare-metal stent, but ABI is higher and restenosis rate is lower after 6 months. [Key words] Lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans Drug-coated balloon Short-term efficacy First-author’s address: The First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu 233004, China*基金项目:安徽省蚌埠医学院自然重点项目(2020byzd088)①蚌埠医学院第一附属医院 安徽 蚌埠 233004 下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(lower extremity arteriosclerosis obliterans,LEASO)是动脉泛血管疾病在下肢动脉中的表现,是由于动脉自发形成斑块,使得该处管腔狭窄直至闭塞[1]。
什么是T2DM缓解?近期美国糖尿病协会(ADA)发布的《2021共识报告:缓解2型糖尿病的定义和解释》,将停用降糖药物至少3个月后,糖化血红蛋白<6.5%作为T2DM缓解的诊断标准;当HbA1c不能反映真实血糖水平,可以用空腹血糖<7.0 mmol/L或通过动态葡萄糖监测计算估计的糖化血红蛋白<6.5%作为诊断T2DM 缓解的替代标准。
缓解2型糖尿病中国专家共识【摘要】 2型糖尿病(T2DM)是一种以高血糖为特征的进展性疾病,一直被认为需要长期使用降糖药物治疗。
【关键词】 糖尿病,2型;缓解;肥胖症;临床路径;专家共识Committee of Consensus of Chinese Experts on the Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Consensus of Chinese experts on the remission of type 2 diabetes mellitus[J]. Chinese General Practice,2021,24(32【Abstract】 Type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) is a progressive disease characterized by hyperglycemia,which is generally considered as a disease requiring chronic hypoglycaemic agents therapy. In recent years,a large number of research results have shown that lifestyle intervention,drug therapy,and metabolic surgery can promote the remission of T2DM combined with overweight and obesity,so that patients can avoid the use of hypoglycemic drugs for a long time. T2DM relief can help reduce the psychological burden of patients,enhance patients' confidence in complying with healthy lifestyles,and improve patients' quality of life. In the long term,it can also delay disease progression and reduce the risk of life-long complications. In order to help Chinese clinicians to standardize the clinical diagnosis and treatment related to the alleviation of T2DM in overweight and obese T2DM patients,promote the development of related research,and enable patients to obtain safe and effective intervention measures,the Consensus of Chinese Experts on the Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus was formulated.【Key words】 Diabetes mellitus,type 2;Remission;Obesity;Critical pathways;Expert consensus2型糖尿病(T2DM)一直被认为是一种遗传因素与环境因素相互作用所导致的以高血糖为特征的进展性疾病,需要长期使用降糖药物治疗。
SUPAC-IR指导原则:速释口服固体制剂放大生产和批准后变更(Site change....)
Guidance for IndustryImmediate Release Solid Oral Dosage FormsScale-Up and Postapproval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls, In Vitro DissolutionTesting, and In Vivo Bioequivalence DocumentationSUPAC-IR指导原则:速释口服固体制剂放大生产和批准后变更:化学、生产和控制,体外溶出试验、体内生物等效性文件Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)November 1995CMC 5药品评价与研究中心1995年11月CMC 5TABLE OF CONTENTS目录I. PURPOSE OF GUIDANCE (本指导原则的目的). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. DEFINITION OF TERMS(术语定义). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 PONENTS AND COMPOSITION(辅料成分或组成的变更). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 IV. SITE CHANGES(地点变更). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 V. CHANGES IN BATCH SIZE (SCALE-UP/SCALE-DOWN)(批量大小(放大/缩小)的变更). .. . . . 16 VI. MANUFACTURING(生产变更). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 VII. IN VITRO DISSOLUTION (体外溶出试验). . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 VIII. IN VIVO BIOEQUIVALENCE STUDIES (体内生物等效性). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 IX. REFERENCES(参考文献). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 APPENDIX A: NARROW THERAPEUTIC RANGE DRUGS(附录A:治疗窗狭窄药物). . . . . . . . . A-1GUIDANCE FOR INDUSTRY 1IMMEDIATE RELEASE SOLID ORAL DOSAGE FORMS SCALE-UP AND POSTAPPROVAL CHANGES: CHEMISTRY, MANUFACTURING, AND CONTROLS, IN VITRO DISSOLUTION TESTING, AND IN VIVO BIOEQUIVALENCE DOCUMENTATION速释口服固体制剂放大生产和批准后变更:化学、生产和控制,体外溶出试验、体内生物等效性文件I. PURPOSE OF GUIDANCE(本指导原则的目的)This guidance provides recommendations to sponsors of new drug applications (NDA's), abbreviated new drug applications (ANDA's), and abbreviated antibiotic applications (AADA's) who intend, during the postapproval period, to change: 1) the components or composition; 2) the site of manufacture; 3) the scale-up/scale-down of manufacture; and/or 4) the manufacturing (process and equipment) of an immediate release oral formulation.本指导原则所提供的的建议适用于新药申请(NDA's)、仿制药申请(ANDA's)和抗生素仿制药申请(AANA’S)的企业的批准后变更,内容包括:1)成分或组分的变更;2)生产地点的变更;3)放大/缩小生产规模的变更;和/或4)生产过程(工艺和设备)的变更This guidance is the result of: 1) a workshop on the scale-up of immediate release drug products conducted by the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists in conjunction with the United States Pharmacopoeial Convention and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); 2) research conducted by the University of Maryland at Baltimore on the chemistry, manufacturing and controls of immediate release drug products under the FDA/University of Maryland Manufacturing Research Contract; 3) the drug categorization research conducted at the University of Michigan and the University of Uppsala on the permeability of drug substances; and 4) the Scale-Up and Post Approval Changes (SUPAC) Task Force which was established by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Coordinating Committee to develop guidance on scale-up and other postapproval changes.本指导原则是以下工作的成果:1)在美国药学科学家协会与美国药典委员会和FDA的指导下,进行速释药品放大生产的车间;2)在位于巴尔的摩的马里兰大学指导下,并在FDA/马里兰大学生产研究合同下的速释药品的化学、生产和控制的研究;3)在密歇根大学和乌普萨拉大学指导下的药品分类学研究中关于药物渗透性的研究;4)由药品评价和研究中心(CDER)化学、生产和控制协调委员会成立的放大生产和批准后变更(SUPAC)特别小组,来制定关于放大生产和其它的批准后变更的指导原则。
Abstract:Human TfR1 was universally expressed in different tissues. The major function of TfR1 was to facilitate delivery of transferrin across cells and blood-brain barrier(BBB). As a result, iron homo-stasis was maintained. TfR1 was recognised as a critical target for tumor and brain disease therapy due to its over expression in tumor cells and BBB. In recent years, drug carriers based on TfR1 recognition were developed such as Transferrin (Tf), anti-TfR1 antibody and TfR1 binding peptide. These carriers bind to TfR1 specifically and enter into cell or BBB through receptor mediated endocytosis. Chemicals conjugated with these carriers can be facilitated to enter into tumor cells and brain tissue. Therapeutic proteins can be engineered to fused with anti-TfR1 antibody and transported across BBB.Key words:TfR1; Tumor target therapy;Brain directed delivery1轉铁蛋白受体(TfR1)简介转铁蛋白受体(TfR1)是一种在不同组织和细胞系中普遍表达的糖蛋白。
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Current Drug Delivery, 2006, 3, 351-3583511567-2018/06 $50.00+.00© 2006 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.Controlled Releases of FGF-2 and Paclitaxel from Chitosan Hydrogels and their Subsequent Effects on Wound Repair, Angiogenesis, and Tumor GrowthMasayuki Ishihara *, Masanori Fujita 1, Kiyohaya Obara 1, Hidemi Hattori, Shingo Nakamura 1,Masaki Nambu 2, Tomoharu Kiyosawa 2, Yasuhiro Kanatani, Bonpei Takase, Makoto Kikuchi and Tadaaki Maehara 1Research Institute, 1Dept. of Surgery II, and 2Dept. of Plastic Surgery, National Defense Medical Collage, 3-2 Namiki,Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513, JapanAbstract: A photocrosslinkable chitosan (Az-CH-LA) aqueous solution resulted in an insoluble hydrogel like a soft rub-ber within 30 sec of ultraviolet light (UV)-irradiation. The photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel showed strong sealing strength and potential use as a new tissue adhesive in surgical application. Paclitaxel, which is an anti-tumor reagent and a vascularization-inhibitor, retained in the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel, and were gradually released from the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel in vivo upon the degradation of the hydrogel. The paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels effectively inhibited tumor growth and angiogenesis in mice. On the other hand, the fi-broblast growth factor (FGF)-2 molecules also retained in both the photocrosslinked chitosan and an injectable chito-san/IO 4-heparin hydrogels, and were gradually released from the hydrogels upon their in vivo biodegradations. The activ-ity of FGF-2 in the hydrogels was stable for long time (more than 14 days). The controlled release of biologically active FGF-2 molecules from the hydrogels caused an induction of the angiogenesis and, possibly, collateral circulation occurred in the healing-impaired diabetic (db/db) mice and the ischemic limbs of rats. The purpose of this review is to describe the effectiveness of the chitosan hydrogels (photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel and chitosan/IO 4-heparin hydrogel) as a lo-cal drug delivery carrier for FGF-2 and paclitaxel to control wound repair, tumor growth, and angiogenesis. It is thus pro-posed that the chitosan hydrogels may be a promising new local carrier for drugs such as FGF-2 and paclitaxel.Keywords: Photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel, Chitosan/IO 4-heparin hydrogel, Angiogenesis, Drug delivery carrier, Con-trolled release, Paclitaxel, Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2).INTRODUCTIONSystemic and regional chemotherapies to inhibit tumor growth and angiogenesis are used in the management of can-cer patients. Drug delivery to the tumor core following a systemic intravenous injection involves three processes, i.e.distribution through vascular space, transport across mi-crovessel walls, and diffusion through interstitial space within the tumor tissue [1, 2]. Anti-tumor activity of che-motherapeutic agents may be enhanced by an alteration of the drug administration, particularly focusing on delivery to the tumor site [1, 2]. When the drug is directly injected into a tumor such as by intratumoral injection or by direct instilla-tion into peritumoral space in intravesical therapy of superfi-cial bladder cancer [2] and in intraperitoneal dialysis of ovarian cancer [2, 3], the delivery is primarily occurred by diffusion through interstitial space. Moreover, regional de-livery of anti-tumor drugs is also expected to provide high local concentration and to decrease the incidences of side effects commonly observed with systemic therapy [4], and such regional delivery has been achieved with the use of biodegradable polymeric carrier [5] such as chitosan hydro-gel.*Address correspondence to this author at the Research Institute, National Defense Medical Collage, 3-2 Namiki, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-8513,Japan; Tel: +81-429-95-1211; Fax: +81-429-91-1611;E-mail: the other hand, preclinical studies have demonstrated that angiogenic growth factors can stimulate the develop-ment of collateral arteries in animal models of peripheral and myocardial ischemia, a concept called therapeutic angio-genesis [6, 7]. Although many studies using growth factors have been carried out in the field of angiogenesis, their use has not always been successful in vivo [8]. One of the rea-sons for this difficulty is the high diffusibility and very short half-life during which growth factors retain their biological activity in vivo . Thus, it is necessary to enhance their in vivo activities of growth factors using biodegradable polymeric carrier for angiogenic therapy.Polymeric carrier should be biocompatible and biode-gradable, and the degradation product should be non-toxic.Polymeric carrier can be developed using a variety of mate-rials including synthetic or natural polymers [9]. Among these materials, chiotsan, the deacetylated derivative of chi-tin, is promising candidate; it is biodegradable in the pres-ence of lysozyme, an enzyme present in the body and also produced by macrophages during wound healing. However,chitosan has low mechanical integrity and degrades rapidly.Glutaraldehyde is widely used to improve the structural properties of chitosan and other polymers such as collagen and gelatin by crosslinking the amino groups [10]. However,glutaraldehyde is generally considered to be toxic [11] and alternative crosslinkers are sought. Dimethyl 3, 3, dithio bis352 Current Drug Delivery, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 4Ishihara et al.propionimidate (DTBP) is a potential alternative crosslinking agent, that was successfully used to crosslink collagen [12,13] and chitosan [9].We have previously reported the preparation and charac-terization of a novel photocrosslinkable chitosan (Az-CH-LA) hydrogel [14, 15]. The material is a viscous solution and is easily crosslinked upon ultraviolet light (UV-) irradiation,resulting in an insoluble hydrogel within 30 sec. The pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel is a strong tissue-adhesive and, when compared with a fibrin glue, is more effective in sealing air leakage from pinholes on isolated small intestines and aorta, as well as from incisions on isolated trachea [14,15]. On the other hand, additions of non-anticoagulant hepa-rin (periodate-oxidized (IO 4-) heparin) to the viscous water-soluble chitosan (CH-LA) aqueous solution produces an in-soluble and injectable chitosan/IO 4-heparin hydrogel [16,17].Controlled release of paclitaxel from the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel in vitro was described, and its anti-angiogenesis and anti-tumor effects in vivo were shown to evaluate the paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel as a regional delivery for tumor treatment [18]. In contrast, when FGF-2 was added to each hydrogel, almost all of the FGF-2 molecules retained in the hydrogels (photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel and chito-san/IO 4-heparin hydrogel), and were gradually released from each hydrogel upon the in vivo biodegradation of the hydro-gels [16, 19]. The present studies have shown that the con-trolled release of biologically active FGF-2 molecules from either FGF-2-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydro-gel or chitosan/IO 4-heparin hydrogel causes an induction ofangiogenesis in the healing-impaired diabetic (db/db) mice [20, 21] and the ischemic limbs of rats [17]. Thus, the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel and the injectable chito-san/IO 4-heparin hydrogel may be excellent carriers for con-trolled release of the drug reagents such as FGF-2 and pacli-taxel.PHOTOCROSSLINKED CHITOSAN HYDROGEL AS A BIOLOGICAL ADHESIVEIn situ-formed hydrogel prepared from its aqueous solu-tion can be used to fabricate injectable hybrid matrix. The materials, which are induced to form a hydrogel by a physiologically permitted stimulus such as temperature or pH change and light irradiation, have been utilized for artifi-cial three-dimensional matrix and drug delivery vehicles. We have previously reported on a photocrosslinkable chitosan molecule (Az-CH-LA) that contains both lactose moieties (lactobionic acid) and photoreactive azide groups (p-azidebenzoic acid) (Fig. 1) [14]. Lactose (lactobionic acid)moieties have been introduced through a condensation reac-tion with amino groups of the chitosan. The chitosan to which 2% lactobionate was introduced (CH-LA) exhibited a good aqueous solubility at neutral pH. Furthermore, applica-tion of ultraviolet light (UV-) irradiation at a lamp distance of 2 cm to photocrosslinkable chitosan (Az-CH-LA) aqueous solution to which 2.5% p-azidebenzoic acid was introduced produced an insoluble hydrogel like soft rubber within 30sec. The hydrogel firmly adhered two pieces of ham with each other, depending upon the Az-CH-LA concentration (Fig. 1).Fig. (1).Photocrosslinkable chitosan hydrogel.Controlled Releases of FGF-2 and Paclitaxel Current Drug Delivery, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 4 353The binding strength and sealing strength of the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel prepared from 2 - 4 w% Az-CH-LA aqueous solution was superior to that of fibrin glue (Beriplast P: Hoechst-Marion-Roussel, Tokyo, Japan) [15]. The bursting pressures of the photocrosslinked chitosan hy-drogel were more than that of the fibrin glue on lung, small intestine, trachea, and thoracic aorta as shown in Table 1 [14, 15]. These results suggest that the sealing strength of the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel may be sufficient to stop arterial bleeding and air leakage from the lung or trachea in surgical applications.Table 1.Air-Sealing Strength of Photocrosslinked Chitosan Hydrogel and Fibrin GlueSealing strength (mmHg)Chitosan hydrogel Fibrin glue Lung51±11 (n=4)12±2 (n=4) Small intestine65±5 (n=6)48±7 (n=6) Trachea77±29 (n=6)44±16 (n=6) Thoracic aorta225±25 (n=6)65±15 (n=6)The data represent the mean ± SDAlthough most bleeding in surgical procedures can be controlled by appropriate sutures, hemostasis is uncontrolla-ble under certain conditions, such as coagulopathy, medica-tion of anticoagulants, inflammation, infection, and severe adhesion [15]. In addition, intractable air leakage in lung surgery has often been found, especially in emphysematous lung disease [15]. In many cases of such uncontrollable bleedings and intractable air leakages, a number of adhesives have been utilized in hemostasis and air sealing, i.e. chemi-cally crosslinkable gelatins [22], cyanoacrylate polymers [23, 24], and fibrin glues [25, 26].Requirements for such adhesives are non-irritating locally and non-toxic systemati-cally, an appropriate flexibility, and bio-degradability. How-ever, cytotoxicity and severe tissue irritability have been found when using resorcinol, formaldehyde, or carbodi-imides for the crosslink-reaction of gelatins[22] or due to the formation of formaldehyde by degradation of cyanoacrylate [23, 24]. Fibrin glue, which contains fibrinogen, thrombin, factor XIII, and a protease inhibitor, utilizes the blood co-agulation system for sealing tissues and currently is the most widely used surgical adhesive. Its effective hemostatic and air sealing abilities have been reported by many investigators [25, 26]. However, fibrin glue has a disadvantage in its in-dustrial production, since human blood is used as its source. Furthermore, when using the biological materials, it is diffi-cult to fully prevent infectious contaminations. Thus, poly-saccharides, such as chitosan, having a hydrogel-forming property are considered to be more advantageous in their application as adhesive materials [15].PACLITAXEL-INCORPORATED PHOTOCROSS-LINKED CHITOSAN HYDROGEL FOR TUMOR TREATMENTTo prepare a paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel, 1 ml of Taxol® (Bristol Pharmaceuticals K. K.) containing paclitaxel (6 mg/ml) in a vehicle composed of Cremophor® EL and ethanol at 50:50 (v/v) ratio was mixed into 1 ml of 40 mg/ml Az-CH-LA aqueous solution (finally 20 mg/ml Az-CH-LA solution) with vortex. UV-laser irradiation for 30 sec was able to convert to the same insoluble hydrogel by inserting optical crystal fiber con-nected with He-Cd laser into the injected viscous Az-CH-LA aqueous solution (0.2 ml). While about 35 - 40% of both the paclitaxel and the vehicle were released from the pho-tocrosslinked hydrogel within 1 day, and the releases were observed over a period of 4 days with half-releasing time of 45 h [18].Paclitaxel is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis, cell mi-gration, and collagenase production in addition to its anti-proliferative effect for tumor cells [27-29]. Paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel was found to be able to inhibit Lewis lung cancer cells (3LL), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), and human der-mal microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) growth with low concentrations (>15 ng/ml). The washings of the pacli-taxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels with the culture medium for longer than 15 days resulted in a loss of ability to inhibit those cell growth except HMVEC growth. HMVEC growth could be inhibited in the presence of the washed paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chi-tosan hydrogel for longer than 21 days. On the other hand, the paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydro-gel had significantly lower inhibitory effect on the fibroblast (human dermal fibroblast) growth [18].A measurable tumor volume (about 100 mm3) was formed at 12 days after subcutaneous implantation of 3LL cells. Paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hy-drogel and the controls was subcutaneously administered beneath the tumor using 18G needle and disposable (1 ml) syringe and UV laser irradiated for 30 sec. As shown in (Fig.2), administrations of paclitaxel alone and photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels alone reduced subcutaneous induced tu-mor growth of 3LL cells to various extents during 7 days. The paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hy-drogel more strongly inhibited tumor growth to less than 5% of the control group than paclitaxel alone and pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel alone [18]. The inhibitory effect on tumor growth by the paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel last during 14 days and sub-sequently the tumor in almost all mice grew again. However, second application of the paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel on 10 days after first appli-cation could have an additional anti-tumour effect.To evaluate the effect of paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel on anti-angiogenesis, im-muno-histochemical staining of murine CD34 of paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel-treated, photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel-treated, paclitaxel-treated, and control tumors of 3LL cells were carried out [18]. In paclitaxel-treated and control mice on day 8, many CD34 positive stained vessels were diffusely located and clearly formed tube-like structures in the tumor. On the other hand, CD34 positive stained vessels were significantly less in the paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hy-drogel-treated tumors. As shown in Fig. 3, paclitaxel-354 Current Drug Delivery, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 4Ishihara et al.Fig. (2). Inhibitory effect of paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel on 3LL-tumor growth. Tumor cells were implanted into the dorsal subcutis of mice. After tumors reached a measurable size (about 100 mm3), 200µl of paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel were administered beneath the tumor. Data were compared with the average tumor volume of the PBS treated group on day 12, defined as 100%. Fig. (3). Effect of paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel on 3LL-tumor vascularization. Vascularization of the 3LL-tumor, evaluated immuno-histochemically with anti-murine CD34, markedly decreased in paclitaxel-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel-treated and photocrosslinked chito-san hydrogel-treated 3LL-tumors when compared with peclitaxel-treated and PBS-treated 3LL-tumors.incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel signifi-cantly reduced the number of CD34 positive vessels com-pared with other treatments, suggesting that paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel signifi-cantly inhibited angiogenesis in tumors. Application of pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel showed intermediate effect of anti-angiogenesis. It is thus proposed that the paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel may be a promising new biomaterial to strongly inhibit vascularization and tumor growth.It should also be noted that application of the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel alone significantly inhibited tumor growth, although the inhibitory activity was lower than the paclitaxel-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel. Chitosan has been observed to accelerate wound healing[30, 31] by inducing infiltration of inflammatory cells into a wound area[32], activation of macrophages[33], production of cytokines[34], as well as possessing an anti-infection activity[35]. In addition, it has also shown a growth-inhibition effect on tumor cells[36], inhibition of tumor-induced angiogenesis and tumor metastasis [37], and chitosan directly inhibits tumor cell proliferation by inducing apoptosis [38].FGF-2-INCORPORATED PHOTOCROSSLINKED CHITOSAN HYDROGEL FOR A WOUND MANA-GEMENTWound dressings before the 1960s were considered to be only the so-called passive products having a minimal role in healing process [39]. The pioneering research of Winter[40] initiated the concept of an active involvement of a wound dressing in establishing and maintaining an optimal envi-ronment for wound repair. This awareness resulted in the development of wound dressings from traditional passive materials to functional active dressings which, through the interaction with the wounds they cover, create and maintain a moist and healing environment. An ideal wound dressing should protect the wound from bacterial infection, provide a moist and healing environment, and be biocompatible [39].Among the fibroblast growth factors, FGF-2 is well char-acterized[41]. It is a potent modulator of cell proliferation, motility, differentiation, and survival, as well as plays an important role in normal regeneration processes in vivo, i.e. embryonic development[42, 43], angiogenesis[44], os-teogenesis[45, 46], and wound repair[30, 31]. FGF-2 is known to be stored in various sites of the body, interacting with glycosaminoglycans such as heparin and heparan sul-fate of the extracellular matrix [47-49]. FGF-2 specifically binds to heparin and heparan sulfate with a high affinity, and both its mitogenic activity and biological stability are modulated by heparin[49, 50] and chitosan [51]. Heparin enhances the mitogenic activity of FGF-1 and FGF-2[52, 53]. Heparin and chitosan also protect FGF-2 from inactiva-tion by acid and heat, as well as from degradation by prote-ases[49-51]. Other studies have shown evidence that heparin and heparan sulfate serve as a co-factor to promote binding of FGF-2 to high-affinity receptors, enhancing its activity [52, 53].Biodegradable polymer macromolecules are classified as either synthetic or natural. Polyactic acid and polyglycolic acid belong to the former group, whereas collagen, gelatin, alginate, and chitosan belong to the latter. Based on the in vivo storage mechanism, controlled release of the heparin-binding growth factors has been described from heparin-Controlled Releases of FGF-2 and Paclitaxel Current Drug Delivery, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 4 355carrying polystyrene-bound collagen substrata[54], acidic gelatin hydrogels[55], alginate gels containing heparin[56], and photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels [19-21]. Lopez et al. reported the sustained release of FGF-2 using alginate gel containing heparin [57]. Because alginate is a poorly biode-gradable polysaccharide, it may difficult to control the car-rier degradation and the subsequent FGF-2 release. Further-more, collagen and gelatin have a disadvantage in its indus-trial production, since animal tissues are used as its source. When using the biological materials, it is difficult to fully prevent infectious contaminations. Polysaccharides, e.g. chitosan, have been considered to be advantageous in their application as a wound dressing material [19, 20, 58]. In contrast, chitosan with FGF-2 has many useful and advanta-geous biological properties in the application as a biosafty as well as a wound dressing, namely biocompatibility, biode-gradability, hemostatic activity, anti-infectional activity and property to accelerate wound-healing [19, 20, 58].To prepare a FGF-2-incorporated photocrosslinkable chitosan (Az-CH-LA), 1 ml of 50µg human recombinant FGF-2 in PBS was mixed into 1 ml of 40 mg/ml Az-CH-LA aqueous solution (finally 20 mg/ml Az-CH-LA solution) with vortex [19, 20]. Approximately 20% of the incorporated FGF-2 molecules was found to be released to the washing medium in vitro from the photocrosslinked chitosan hydro-gels within the first day, followed by no substantial further release after that [19, 20]. Initial small release of FGF-2 (about 20%) from the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels may be explained in terms of this molecular diffusion.It has been shown that the application of the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel into open wounds induces a significant wound contraction, thereby accelerating the wound closure and healing process in a normal mouse model for wound repair [30, 31]. In addition, the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel showed the ability of controlled release of various growth factors serving as a novel carrier and induc-ing neovascularization in vivo [19-21]. FGF-2 interacted with Az-CH-LA molecules and the FGF-2 molecules incor-porated into the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel were gradually released upon in vivo biodegradation of the hydro-gel itself. We also evaluated the effect of FGF-2-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel on the wound healing process using healing impaired diabetic db/db mice (Fig. 4) [20, 21]. The FGF-2-incorporated pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogels show a substantial effect to induce vascularization and granulation tissue formation and to improve wound healing in the db/db mice [20, 21].It is interesting to note that that the addition of FGF-2 to the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel had only a minor effect on the degree of healing in normal (db/+ : their normal littermates) mice (data not shown). Although the mechanism responsible for the minor effect of FGF-2 in normal (db/+) mice is not completely understood, it is likely that the pres-ence of macrophages has a significant effect on the forma-tion of wound granulation tissue[20, 21], and that macro-phage accumulation is enough in db/+ mice. Furthermore, a defect in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expres-sion is suggested to be associated with a wound-healing dis-Fig. (4). Wound closure of FGF-2-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel-treated db/db mice. Open wound areas of FGF-2-incorporated photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel-treated, photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel-treated, and control (none) wounds were de-termined every 2 day after initial wounding. The data represent the mean±SE of eight mice. *Student t test, p<0.001, n=8. The photographsof the wound at day 2, day 4, or day 16 are representative of eight mice in each group.356 Current Drug Delivery, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 4Ishihara et al.order[20, 21]. Thus, it is possible that db/+ mice have a suf-ficient amount of growth factors in the wound. INJECTABLE CHITOSAN/IO4-HEPARIN HYDRO-GELThe photocrosslinkable chitosan (Az-CH-LA) is viscous soluble solution and the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel with UV-irradiation is not injectable. In this study, we have prepared the injectable FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel. Water-soluble chitosan molecules (CH-LA) have been prepared as described above. The CH-LA aqueous solution is a viscous solution and is easily gelled upon mixing with a non-anticoagulant (IO4-) heparin solu-tion, resulting in an injectable hydrogel, probably due to ionic interaction of chitosan (plus charged) with non-anticoagulant (IO4-) heparin (minus charged). Non-anticoagulant (IO4-) heparin was prepared using native hepa-rin from porcine intestine, as has been reported previously [16, 17]. One ml of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) con-taining 50 _g/ml FGF-2 and 4 mg/ml IO4-heparin was mixed into 1 ml of 40 mg/ml CH-LA aqueous solution (finally 20 mg/ml CH-LA solution) using vortex. Only a minor amount of IO4-heparin released from the injectable FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel, and approxi-mately 20% of FGF-2 released within the first day, followed by no further substantial release after that [16, 17]. INJECTABLE FGF-2-INCORPORATED CHITOSAN/ IO4-HEPARIN HYDROGEL FOR THERAPEUTIC ANGIOGENESIS IN HIND LIMB ISCHEMIA Tissue hemoglobin in subcutaneous tissue in db/db mice around the injected sites of the FGF-2-incorporated chito-san/IO4-heparin hydrogels was measured in order to evaluate the controlled release of FGF-2 from the hydrogels and its neovascularization. The tissue hemoglobin amount increased until 4-8 days after injection of FGF-2-incorporated chito-san/IO4-heparin hydrogel and then slightly decreased from day 15. Since injections of FGF-2 solution, IO4-heparin so-lution, FGF-2/IO4-heparin solution, FGF-2/chitosan solution, and chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel did not show a significant neovascularizations in db/db mice, co-addition of FGF-2 into the chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel resulted in a significant enhanced vascularization effect [16, 17].The capillary number per microphotograph (X 100) in tissues near the injected sites in db/db mice was determined in Fig. 5. Numerous mature vessels containing erythrocytes were observed around the injected FGF-2-incorporated chi-tosan/IO4-heparin hydrogels at 1 and 2 weeks. The neovas-cularization was however not observed on day 2 after injec-tion of the FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydro-gel.The oxygen saturation (ankle) and limb blood flows (be-low knee and midportion of calf) were measured (Fig. 6) on day 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 after the ligation of femoral artery in rats [17]. The blood flows at below knee and midportion of calf decreased to 40 - 60% of normal tissues (without the ligation of femoral artery), respectively, just after the ligation of femoral artery and the reductions were almost constant until 4 weeks. The administrations of FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel recovered the blood flows at below knee and midportion of calf to normal level from 1 week after the injection and the recoveries were maintained until at least 4 weeks. The oxygen saturation of ankle was also decreased to 76 - 87% of normal tissues after the liga-tion of femoral artery and the injection of FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel gradually recov-ered the reduction [17]. Thus, the FGF-2-incorporated chi-tosa/IO4-heparin hydrogel has great potential as an angio-genic therapy in medical use.Fig. (5). Effect of FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydro-gel-injection on the vascularization in vivo. The number of capil-laries in FGF-2-incorporated chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel injected (black bars), chitosan/IO4-heparin hydrogel injected (gray bars), and chitosan (CH-LA) injected (white bars) db/db mice was counted using the microphotograph of each section (n=6) consid-ered to show the largest mature capillary density.SAFETY OF CHITOSAN HYDROGELNeither Az-CH-LA nor its photocrosslinked hydrogel showed any cytotoxicity in cell culture tests of human skin fibroblasts, endothelial cells, or smooth muscle cells. No reduced survival rate was observed in mice to which up to 1 ml of a 30 mg/ml Az-CH-LA aqueous solution was ad-minidtered intraperitoneally or implanted with the pho-tocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel prepared from 200 _l of 30 mg/ml Az-CH-LA aqueous solution. In addition, toxicity tests toward organisms including those for mutagenecity and cytotoxicity have shown the safety of both the Az-CH-LA solution and its photocrosslinked hydrogel (data not shown). These results suggest the safe use of the chitosan hydrogel in medical applications, although more detailed toxicity tests using appropriate animal models remain to be evaluated. Furthermore, detailed safety tests for the UV-irradiation to produce the photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel also remain to be evaluated.CONCLUSIONThe photocrosslinked chitosan hydrogel could effectivelystop bleeding from carotid artery and air leakage from lung。