【名师测控】2016八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter Period 4教学案
Unit 1. what’s the matter?Period4 SectionB 2a-selfcheck【教学目标】知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇:risk accident situation kilo rock knife blood importance decision control spirit death(2)熟练掌握下列短语:be used to doing take risks cut off use sth to do sth the importance of make a good decision have the same spirit be in control of(3)掌握下列句型:文中出现的定语从句,时间状语从句等1、an American man who is interested in mountain climbing2、As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.3、Aron’s arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.4、When his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do some thing to save his own life.5、After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to getout of.6、With his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lo se toomuch blood.7、His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on cli mbing mountainseven after this experience.8、Do we have the same spirit as Aron?9.Let's think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock anda hardplace”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death过程与方法阅读理解,写作练习情感、态度与价值观培养学生敢于面对生活中出现的挫折的精神,拥有坚强的意志力。
2016名师测控人教版八年级英语下册(课件)Unit2 Period4
Review: Sentences
1. 我的妈妈总会让我妹妹兴奋起来。 My mother can often cheer my sister up. 2. 布朗先生是一个优秀的聋人。 Mr. Brown is an excellent deaf man. 3. 非常感谢你对我帮助。 Thanks for your help. 4. 我奶奶对我的生活影响很大。 My grandma makes a big difference in my life. 5. 我们班已经成立了一个图书馆。 Our class has set up a class library. 6. 我们每天都花费两小时做运动。 We spend two hours doing sports every day.
1.Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why?
2.What did Miss Li do?
Read in detail. (Paragraph 1) 1.What is “Animal Helpers”?
It is an organization set up to help disabled people. 2. Does Lucky make a big difference in the writer’s life? Yes, he does.
Review: Phrases
1. My bike is broken. Could you help me to____________? fix it up 2. My uncle is repairing some old bikes these them away to charity. days. He plans to give _______________ 3. He has ____________ run out of money and now he has no money for lunch. 4. You are as smart and brave as your father. 5. You ____________ take after him. 6. I can ________________ come up with an idea to solve this math problem.
What is the biggest desert in the world?
The Sahara.
Now let’s come back to our motherland --- China
1. The Yangtze River is _____the Yellow River. A A. longer than B. as long as C. shorter than A 2. The population of China is ____that of the US. A. bigger than B. as big as C. smaller than C in the world 3. China is _____ A. the oldest country B. the youngest country C. one of the oldest countries B the US. 4. China has _____ A. a shorter history than B. a much longer history than C. the same history as
• Look at some numbers and read them. 6,300 six thousand three hundred 5,000 five thoudsand 5,464 five thousand four hundred and 300
sixty-four three hundred
Who read more loudly, the girls or the boys?
Now let’s look at the title of Unit 7 and talk about geography and nature in the world. Look at some pictures.
Section A(1a-2d)
Yard sale庭院旧货出售 这是国外的一种风俗,也是一种独特的售货方式。人 们利用周末,将家中搁置不用的物件,放在自家庭院 中廉价出售,因而被称作yard sale,也可译作“家庭 拍卖会”。 庭院售卖的物品种类繁多,大到家具,电器,小到玩 具,衣物和鞋帽。这些物品虽多数为二手家什,但也 有全新的物品,且价格合理公道, 甚至还可讨价还价。正是这种低廉, 公道的价格及买家淘宝和碰大运的心 理,使得yard sale广受欢迎,逐渐演 变成一种独特的文化现象。
6. The stories inside may be a bit old, but they’re still interesting. a bit 意为“一点儿, 稍微”, 修饰形容 词 或副词, 相当于a little; a bit of +不可 数名词, a little直接加不可数名词。 e.g. There is a bit of/a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有点儿水。
since其后接表示“时间点”的短语或从句(过 去时),也可以接“一段时间+ago”,常用于完 成时态;还用于句型:“It is +时间段+since+ 一般过去时的句子”, 表示过去某个时间发生 并持续到说话时的动作或状态。 e.g. It is two years since I came to China. 自从我到中国以来已经两年了。 She has worked here for five years.=She has worked here since five years ago. 她在这儿工作5年了。
3. Amy thinks it’s hard to sell her old things. 艾米认为卖掉她的旧东西很难。 It’s +adj. (+for sb.) to do sth.意为“(对某 人来说)做某事是……的”,it 是形式主 语,真正主语是后面的动词不定式。 e.g. It’s important for us to learn English well. 学好英语对于我们来说是很重要的。
量体温 n. 头痛 发烧 n. 间歇;休息 休息 v. (hurt) (使)疼痛;受伤 (she的反身代词)她自己; 自己
Let’s learn the parts of the body.
Let’s say the parts of the body.
What’s the matter with him/her…? He/She has a toothache.
使用说明:点击对应 课时,就会跳转到相 应章节内容,方便使
Unit 1
What’s the matter?
Section A 1a-2d
➢ Objectives
To let students talk about health problems and accidents.
What’s the matter with him/her…? He/She has a fever.
What’s the matter with him/her? He/She has a sore throat.
What’s the matter with him/her? He hurt himself. She hurt herself.
unit 1
What’s the matter?
Section A 1a-2d
Section A 3a-3c Section A Grammar
Section B 1a-1d
Section B 2a-2e
Section B 3a-Self Check
n. 问题;事 怎么了?出什么事了?
adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的 感冒
例子:What’s wrong with you? I have a sore eye. There is something wrong with my eye.
Watch and say the illness. have a sore throat
have a sore back
What’s wrong with her?
She has a stomachache.
问:What’s the matter with sb/sth.? =What’s wrong with sb/sth?病症 There is something wrong with
你很轻易找到。他是我们三年级二班一个男生,晨会、做操、放学排路队时总是站在第一排,教室里最脏抽屉一定是他。对了,他书包通常不是放在课桌抽屉里,而是扔在地上。几乎 每节课我都要提醒他或是帮他捡起,但下节课再来看,他书包又咧着大嘴躺在了地上,书本散落一地,他双脚,正无情地踩在一个练习本上……每每此时,我都无语凝噎,不忍直视那 么,他抽屉里不放书包放什么?课外书、牛奶盒、瓜皮果壳、小玩具、蚂蚁、毛毛虫、小树枝、黑乎乎樟树籽、金灿灿棕榈树籽……总之,五花八门,应有尽有。老师刚收缴了一批, 立马他又塞进另一批……其更新换代速度堪比火箭发射,让人叹为观止……因为小Z不讲卫生,每到周一换座位时,轮到坐他座位同学总是叫苦连天、自认倒霉,皱着眉头、捂着口鼻 一遍一遍地擦,先用抹布蘸着水擦,再用纸巾擦,直到完全闻不到异味才勉勉强强坐下。尽管如此,小Z同学却有很多好朋友。每次分组活动,大家都抢着要他。为何?第一,他是个 小书迷,知识渊博;第二,他表示能力强,说话幽默幽默有条理;第三,他为人大方,乐于分享。从小Z优点来看,你是不是认为他应该是个学霸?这……怎么说呢,当前算不上,但 未来极有可能……看看作文课上他即兴画思维导图吧,有条理,有创意,让小搭档们佩服得五体投地,怎么看都不像是一个熊孩子,一个“学渣”作品。可是,我天天给孩子们听写十 个词语,他天天正确率只有百分之六十左右,很多字不会写。他是一个不折不扣“君子”,光读光看不动手写,哪怕就是新学几个词语,他也不愿意写一写抄一抄。不论课上课下,凡 是要动笔写时,他不是钻到桌子底下东找找西摸摸,就是在书包里左翻翻右抖抖,总之就是老半天下不了笔。他人已经写完了拿给老师批改,他可能才开始写第一题………那磨磨蹭蹭 样子,活活要把老师气死。他妈妈认为他从小握笔姿势错误怎么也纠正不了,造成写字速度很慢,所以不愿意写字。我却不这么认为,我以为没这么简单,一定另有原因,只不过我现 在还没弄明白而已。上周四早晨第三、四节课,语文单元测试。两节课考试时间过去,试卷一张张收了上来,最终一个交卷是小我快速扫了一下卷面。哦买噶第一页基础题几乎一片空 白!作文也没写完,只写了三四行!这么子,批改出来总分顶多也就二三十分!怎么会这么!再差也不会如此啊!考试时不务正业偷玩蚂蚁去了?还是有意不做?身为语文老师兼班主 任我气得跳脚,一阵胸闷。怎么办?把他叫到办公室狠批一顿?或者请他家长来学校?此时,脑海里突然闪出一幕幕画面:他在班级读书分享会上侃侃而谈,他在课堂上回答下列问题 时妙语如珠,他把自己零食和玩具大方地给同学们分享,他羞涩地笑着把他饼干递到我手中……即使在完成作业方面他确实做得不好,尽管在上课时经常偷看课外书,但不可否定是, 他绝对是个好学上进好孩子!试卷答成这么,可能另有原因吧?不不不,不能那么简单粗暴!我应该先了解一下真实原因。要知道,“刑讯逼供”最轻易“屈打成招”……午餐后自习 时间。我笑眯眯地对小Z说:“小Z,我们教室好脏啊,你愿不愿意为大家服务一下,清扫一下教室?“愿意!”他二话没说,跑着去拿扫把。不要做作业,预计他心里乐开了花。他一 手拿扫把,一把持簸箕,认真地扫着。看到谁脚下有纸屑,他就轻声提醒他抬起脚来,再把纸扫出来,态度友好,而且不影响他人。扫地动作也很是娴熟、麻利不一会儿功夫,他就把 教室清扫得干洁净净,我当众狠狠地表彰了他一番,然后把他叫到我身边,拿了把椅子让他坐下他顺从地坐下了,刚才还因为受了表彰而神采飞扬,此时却目光黯淡,低着头不敢看我, 像是在担心暴风雨降临。我摊开他早晨考那张试卷,和颜悦色地柔声问道:“这么多题没做,我想了半天也想不出原因,你能告诉我为何么?换句话说,我很想知道你是怎么答题,因
人教版八年级英语下册unit 1-2 What’s the matter课件
Julie thirsty
Should go to bed early listen to some music have a drink
eat an apple
Shouldn't go to the party
study tonight
eat any more dumplings
She shouldn’t go to the party .
the Chinese way to be healthy a balance of yin and yang
yin food
yang herbs
take some medicine
traditional Chinese medicine western medicine
Free Talk
What food do you like to eat? What is the healthy food? What food is good for you?
A: What’s the matter? B: I’m not feeling well. I have a _c_o_ld__. A: You should_g_e_t ___s_o_m_e__re_s_t_.
You shouldn't _d_r_in_k__w_in_e__.
Dangshen Huangqi
Read and fill in the chart.
yin yang
quiet and often tired
too stressed out and angry
2a Listen. Peter asks his
A: Could I use your …? B: Sorry. I'm going to … . A: Well, could I …? B: Yes, you can. But … / No, you can't…
2d Role-play the conversation.
(Pay attention to the colorful words.)
√ Yes
No √ Yes No Yes √ No Yes √ No
Listen again. Why does 2b Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons.
Peter wants to… go out for dinner. go to the movies. stay out late. get a ride. Peter’s father His father’s reasons says… √ Yes No I have to do some work.
The guests are arriving any time now but we’re still not ready. 客人即刻就到,但我们还没有准备好。 We’re expecting them any moment now. 我们期待他们随时到来。
What did we learn today?
7. Most of the children in my time liked to play together under that big tree , especially during the summer holidays. especially副词,意为“尤其;特别;格 外”,在句中作状语,用于列举某个特 例或某事物的特殊性。形容词 especial“特别的,特殊的”。 e.g. Flowers are always welcomed, especially in winter. 鲜花总是受到欢迎,尤其是冬天。
Think of changes that happening in your town or city today. Which changes are generally good? Whad?
1. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities. search作不及物动词时,意为“搜索;搜 查”。短语search for意为“搜寻,找 寻”。 e.g. He is searching for his sunglasses. 他正在找他的太阳镜。
4. Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. regard及物动词,意为“将· · · · · · 认为; 把· · · · · · 视为”。常用短语 regard…as…意为“将· · · · · · 视为· · · · · · ; 把· · · · · · 当做······”,as为介词,其后接 名词或代词。
2016名师测控人教版八年级英语下册Unit13课件 (1)
think • Ken:I________(think) more than 1,000 people __________(come) to help out. came • Interviewer: That’s fantastic! I guess trying everyone in this city is_______(try) to improve the environment. play • Ken:Yes, everyone should________(play) a part in keeping the city clean.
Do you know?
• 中国目前是世界第一大鱼翅进口国, 随着中国民众生活水平的提高,鱼翅 已不再是少数人特享,而鱼翅被水银 (mercury )污染的程度高达百分之七十, 而且食用鱼翅正使全球鲨鱼种群遭遇 绝灭之灾。渔民在捕捞上一条鲨鱼后 不论大小,都会在甲板上用电锯活生 生地把鲨鱼的背鳍(dorsal fin )、两个胸 鳍(pectoral fin )和一部分尾鳍(tail fin) 割掉,然后将全身血流不止的鲨鱼扔 回海中 .
4. 现在完成时
pack the towels pack the camera … water the plants
-- Have you packed … yet? -- Yes, I have packed …. No, I haven’t …
Period2 SectionA3a-4c
• 鲨鱼早在恐龙出现 前三亿年前就已经 存在地球上,至今 已超过四亿年,它 们在近一亿年来几 乎没有改变。鲨鱼 是海洋中的庞然大 物,所以号称“海 中霸王”。
2) I know表示说话人对所谈的观点、内容 已了解,无需多说,相当于汉语中“我 早知道了;我全都了解”这样的意思, 区别于许多日常交际场合中表示“我明 白了;我知道了;我懂了”的用法。
e.g. A: It’s already very late. You should get some rest. 已经很晚了,你应该休息了。 B: Well, I know. Thanks. 对,我是知道的。谢谢。
2b Listen again and write T for true and F for false. 1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures. (F) 2. Robinson Crusoe is a classic. ( T) 3. Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book. ( T) 4. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom. (F )
3. You should hurry up. 你需要加快速度。 hurry up 赶快;(急忙)做某事 e.g. Hurry up, or we cannot get to the railway station on time. 快些,否则我们不能按时赶到火车 站了。
4. Steve: …The book report is due in two weeks. Amy: Yes, I know… 是的,我知道…
___ Robinson Crusoe ___ Tom Sawyer
Section B(1a-1d)
Do you know who he is ? Do you like him ? And why?
Mozart Nie ‘er Chopin
Who is your favourite singer or musician?
He must be popular. Do you have a favourite song of him?
Because it will wake him up in the morning and make him happy for the rest of the day.
Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel? 1. What kind of music do you listen to?
2. Why do you listen to it? 3. How does it make you feel?
What kind Why do How does of music? they listen it make to it? them feel?
Friend 1
Friend 2 Parents
Who is your favorite singer or musician? Why do you like him or her?
He likes pop. He doesn’t care for rock music.
n. 流行音乐
n. 摇滚乐
Section A(3a-4c)
bedroom n. 卧室 railway n. 铁路;铁道
junior adj. 地位 (或职位、级别) 低下的
junior high school 初级中学
e.g. We could give the job to somebody
3. Why does the son want to keep his train and railway set? Because he has owned it since his fourth birthday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. 4. How can the old toys be useful again?
3. My son was quite sad at first.
4. My daughter felt happy to part with certain toys. 5. I want to give up my football shirts.
3b Read the article again and answer the
lose— part with kids—children _______ truthful—to __________ many— a ________ lot of be honest some time—a______ _______ while even though—although quickly— ______ older—bigger ______ fast
students. Then complete the chart.
1c. Pairwork
A: What happened? B: I overslept. And by the time I got outside, the bus had already left.
2a.Listen to Mary continue her story. Number the pictures in the correct order.
2. Do you like mornings? Why or why not?
Do you usually do this?
Do you get your quilt tidy?
Do you put on your school uniform?
What do you usually do in the morning before school?
Behind every successful man there's a lot of unsuccessful years. 每个成功者的后面 都有很多不成功的岁月.
Period1 SectionA1a-2d
Warm up
• What do you usually do in the morning before school? • Do you like mornings? Why or why not?
1. What do you usually do in the morning before school?
1. By the time I got up, my brother _____ had got already _______ in the shower. had 2. By the time I got outside, the bus ______ already ______. left had 3. When I got to school, I realized I ____ _____ left my backpack at home.
The Himalayas _______ runs along the ____________ southwestern border of china. Of all the peaks (tops), Qomolangma is the famous It’s _________ highest and most _________. _____________ the hardest to climb Qomolangma cover the top of because thick clouds _______ the mountain. Even more serious difficulties include the freezing ___________ ___________ weather conditions and the _______ heavy storms.
10. force n. 力;力量 e.g. The thief took the money from the old man by force. 窃贼用暴力抢了老人的钱。
What do you know about Qomolangma?
Talk about Qomolangma in pairs.
Qomolangma Mount Huang
8,848 1,864
Mount Tai
Mount Tai is high. Mount Huang is a little _______ higher than Mount Tai. Qomolangma is ____________ the highest of all. Mount Tai is not ___ as high ___ as Qomolangma. = Mount Tai is not _______ higher than Qomolangma.
2016名师测控人教版八年级英语下册课件 (3)
What happened next?
How did the day end?
How did you feel about this day?
3b Write a story about your lucky or unlucky day and tell your story to a partner or the class.
• • •
• • • •
My lucky/unlucky day I will always remember the date… . This was the luckiest/unluckiest day of my life. When I woke up that morning,… Later that day, I couldn’t believe Then/After that, Finally, I think What a lucky/an unlucky day!
market west officers above course pie blocking
The world is like a mirror: Frown at it and it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too. 世界犹 如一面镜子:朝它皱眉它就朝你皱眉,朝它微 笑它也朝你微笑。
He told the news in October rather than April in 1938.
5. Why did so many people believe Orson Welles?
Because he made it sound so real.
Fun time: WhTaatswk2il:l your life be like in
10 years?
Education (school, computer, exams, learning method) Family life (food, clothes, chores, entertainment) …
1a: 语法 Learn a Sentence Structure — will + do 1. The backpack will carry you. 2. Cars will always have to stop for stop
signs. 3. The computer will punish you. 4. You will be able to drive to another
人教版八年级下册英语第 一单元课件
Period 1
Section A—1a~1c
1a:导入 Brainstorm all kinds of predictions in 2 minutes.(There are 4 people in a group.)
school life
daily life
future world
Write down the predictions that most likely happen.
• There will / won’t be … • People will / won’t … • Kids …
Let’s predict our future! robot
There will be less pollution in the future.
2016名师测控人教版八年级英语下册课件 (1)
Rush out forget Send out go into show up Find out
1. By the time I arrived at the party, everyone else_____already___ showed up had 2 . When he put the noodles into a bowl, he realized he_____________to add the green beans. had forgotten 3 . By the time my mother came back from the market, I_______already________out the door to go , rushed for my pianohad lesson. 4 . Before she got to the airport, she__________about the earthquake. had found out 5 . When she_____the e-mail invitation, she remembered she had forgotten to invite Dale. sent 6 . Before she got a chance to say goodbye, he________________the building. had gone into
1. one is The 9.11 terrorist attacks in New York and the other is New Zealand big earthquake. 2. His bad luck had unexpectedly turned into good thing.
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2. stomachache 3.Cough and sore throat 4.toothache
What’s the matter?
She has a fever.
What’s the matter?
She has a cold and a cough.
What’s the matter?
He has a sore back.
He has a sore neck.
Sht myself
e. Put some medicine on it
I have a You should drink some sore throat. hot tea with honey.
I have a toothache.
You should see a dentist.
I have a headache.
two feet
1a (p1). Look at the picture. Write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body.
h arm
__back e
g i __ear __eye
b __foot
c a j l __hand __head __leg __mouth m __neck __nose d
例子:What’s wrong with you? I have a sore eye. There is something wrong with my eye.
Watch and say the illness. have a sore throat
have a sore back
have a cold have a cough have a fever
You should drink lots of water.
Discuss questions with partner, and finish the exercise.
Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知 识是珍宝,而实践是获取它的钥匙.
What’s the matter?
He has a headache.
He has a toothache.
He has a stomachache.
3 Nancy _____ 5 Ben ______
1 Sarah ______ David _______
4 Judy ______
Section A(1a-2d)
hair eyebrow ear tooth throat eye nose mouth
chin下巴 eyelash 睫毛 cheek脸颊 forehead额头 tongue舌头
head ear arm hand stomach leg foot eye nose tooth two teeth mouth
__stomach k
f __tooth
What’ the matter with her?
She has a headache.
What’s wrong with her?
She has a stomachache.
问:What’s the matter with sb/sth.? =What’s wrong with sb/sth? 答:Sb./Sth.+ have/has+病症 There is something wrong with one’s+部位