雅思词汇-6 媒体类

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Media and crime 媒体类

1.Media: n

Eg. Mass media 大众传媒



3.Sensational: adj (of an event, a person, or a piece of information) causing great public interest and excitement (事件,人,消息)轰动性的

Eg. Sensational news/ a sensational murder trial

4.Distort: v (1) to change the shape or sound of sth so that it seems strange or is not clear 扭歪,扭曲; 使(电信号,声波)畸变,使失真

Eg. His face was distorted with rage.

(2)[figurative] give a mis leading or false account or impression of [喻] 歪曲,误报,曲解

Eg. Many factors can distort the results.

[as adj distorted] eg. his report gives a distorted view of the meeting.

Foreigners are often given a distorted view of this country.

A distorted account of what happened.

5.Fabric ate(fabric ation): v (often passive) to invent false information, a false story, etc, on purpose, to make people

believe sth that is not true 编造,捏造,伪造

Eg. The evidence was totally fabricated.

6.Reveal/disclose/expose: 揭露

Expose: v (1) expose sth ( to sb)/ expose sb/sth (as sth): to show sth that is usually hidden, to tell sth that has been kept secret 暴露,披露,揭露

Eg. She didn’t want to expose her true feelings to her family.

The politician was exposed as a liar on TV.

(2)expose sb/sth to sth: to put sb/sth or yourself in a situation that could be difficult or dangerous


Eg. To be exposed to radiation/danger

(3)expose sb to sth: to give sb the chance to experience sth 使有机会经历(某事物)

Eg. He likes jazz because he was exposed to it as a child. Reveal: v [with obj] make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others (先前未知或秘密信息)透露,暴露,泄露,揭露

Eg. He was forced to reveal Robbie’s whereabouts.

[with clause]he revealed that he and his children had received death threats.

Disclose: v [with obj] make( secret or new information) known


Eg. They disclosed her name to the press.

[with clause] the magazine disclosed that he had served a prison sentence for fraud.

7.Cover/disguise: v 掩盖

Disguise: v (1) give someone or oneself a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity 假扮,化妆

Eg. He disguised himself as a girl.

Byron was disguised as a priest.

(2)conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation) 掩饰,掩盖

Eg. He made no effort to disguise his contempt.


8.Be addicted to…沉溺于

Be obsessed with…

Be indulged in…

9. Be attracted by…被…吸引

Be fascinated by…

构词法:v使…怎么样adj: -ing(sth) -ed(sb)n (v)Fascinate (adj)fascinating (adj)fascinated (n)fascination Disappoint disappointin disappointed disappointment Interest interesting interested interest
