



药品英文名称中只有一部分显示化学 基团者采用音意合译。
如:medemycin ; Indobufen; coumadin(coumarrin 香豆素); codein phosphas;
4.中文译名的转化现象: vitamin ; penicillin; hormone; atropine
1)药物与酸形成的盐 中文名是酸在前药名在后,英文相反。
2)药物与碱金属形成的盐 中文药名在前而碱金属在后,英文相同 3)考虑化学名称重点字头,又考虑同类药名的名称的系列 化(即相同的词头、词干或词尾) 如:Ceforanide ceforxadine cefotazidime Cefotetan Pefloxacin Norfloxacin Ofloxacin 4)记住一些药品英文名称的常用词首和词尾
tablets 片剂;
solubility 溶解度 injection 注射剂
• solution 溶液; • sterile 无菌的;
• molecular formular 分子式 molecular weight 分子量 • structure 结构; derivative 衍生物;
Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder; odourless or almost odourless.
例3. Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.
例4. Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.



电视机产品说明书英语作文精选英文电视机产品说明书英语作文:Product Manual: XYZ Smart TVIntroductionThank you for purchasing the XYZ Smart TV. This innovative television set offers a superior viewing experience with its high-definition display, smart features, and user-friendly interface. This manual will guide you through the setup process, basic operations, and advanced features of your new XYZ Smart TV.Unpacking and Setup1. Unpacking: Carefully remove the television from the packaging. Ensure all accessories, such as the remote control, power cord, and any included HDMI cables, are present.2. Placement: Place the television on a stable, flat surface or mount it on a suitable wall mount. Ensure the television is in a well-ventilated area and away from direct sunlight or heat sources.3. Connecting Power: Connect the power cord to the television and an electrical outlet.4. Connecting to a Signal Source: Connect an HDMI cable or other suitable cable from your signal source (e.g., cable box, satellite receiver, or streaming device) to the corresponding port on the television.5. Initial Power On: Press the power button on the television or the remote control to turn on the television.Basic Operations1. Remote Control: Familiarize yourself with the buttons on the remote control. The most commonly used buttons are for navigation (e.g., arrow keys), volume control, channel selection, and menu access.2. Menu Navigation: Use the remote control to navigate through the on-screen menu. The menu typically includes settings for picture, sound, network, and other options.3. Input Selection: Select the appropriate input source (e.g., HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc.) from the input menu to view content from your connected devices.4. V olume Control: Use the volume buttons on the remote control or the television itself to adjust the volume level.Advanced Features1. Smart Functions: The XYZ Smart TV offers a range of smart functions, including access to streaming services, built-in apps, and voice control. Connect to the internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet to access these features.2. V oice Control: Use the voice control feature to search for content, change settings, or perform other tasks hands-free. Enable voice control in the settings menu and follow the on-screen prompts.3. Content Sharing: Share content from your smartphone or tablet directly to the television using wireless display or mirroring technologies.4. Parental Control: Set up parental controls to restrict access to certain channels, apps, or content based on age or rating.TroubleshootingIf you encounter any issues with your XYZ Smart TV, please refer to the troubleshooting section in the manual or contact our customer support team for assistance.ConclusionWe hope you enjoy your new XYZ Smart TV and all the features it offers. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.中文对照翻译:产品说明书:XYZ智能电视介绍感谢您购maiXYZ智能电视。

4 产品说明书翻译

4 产品说明书翻译

Lecture FourInstruction Manual TranslationI. A Survey to Instruction ManualII.Linguistic Characters of Instruction ManualIII.E xamples1. 工作时请注意不要经常把脚放在踏板上,以免不慎踏动,引起事故。

When operating the machine, don’t put your foot on the pedal switch board constantly in case that you might accidentally step on the switch, resulting in an accident.2、安装指南:(1)将您的电脑关闭,并将电源线拔掉。





Installation Guide: (1) Turn off your computer and unplug its power cable.(2) Connect the blue connector of the video cable to the blue video connector on the back of your computer. (3) Connect your monitor’s power cable to the power port on the back of the monitor. (4) Plug your computer’s power cord and your monitor into a nearby outlet. (5) Turn on your computer and monitor. If the monitor displays an image, installation is completed.3. 如在使用本产品的过程中,有强烈刺激感、红肿或灼痛现象发生,请立即用温水冲洗干净。





彩盒: retail box/color carton 礼盒:gift box说明书:manual/booklet 贴纸: label商标:brand ⽊盒:wood box卡牌:tag/card 海报:poster杂志:magazine1、纸质:paper stock /(raw) material书纸:WFUC(wood free uncoated)/ Woodfree铜板:WFC(wood free coated) / Art paper /Gloss Artpaper/ C2S ---Coated two sides哑粉: Matte coated paper / Matte/ Matt单粉: SBS C1S双⾯⽩或者单粉:WBB(White back board)?粉灰:CCNB / grey back (灰底)/ FBB(folding box board)(微软的称法)⽜⽪纸:Craft paper 坑纸:Corrugated Paper Flute A(A坑)纸板::pasteboard 双灰板: grey board再⽣纸:recycled(循环) paper 合成纸:synthetic paper格拉⾟底:glassine paper 胶底纸:adhesive label可移胶底纸:Removable label ⾮可移胶底纸:Permanent label彩纸:printed paper 卡纸:Paperboard,board , card board⾯纸:Top sheet 底纸:Liner sheet2、印刷颜⾊ink information/printing单⿊:black ink only, 专⾊:PMS,special color四⾊:4 colors CMYK----- Cyan 青, Magenta 品红, Yellow 黄, black ⿊3、尺⼨ size /dimension :长:length 宽width ⾼ Height 深 Depth 厚度:thickness展开尺⼨:open size/flat size 成型尺⼨:close size/finished size内尺⼨:inner size 外尺⼨:outer size 压线:score line4、说明书装订和页数page and bindery单张说明书:leaf let /leafManual booklet: 此⼀般为单⿊说明书Brochure:⼩册⼦⼀般此彩⾊说明书页数:page count 页码:page number(NO.)页 page 版panel;单张single sheet,切边 trim to size对折 fold in half 3折 3 fold风琴折:concertina fold accordion fold骑马钉saddle stitch,staple 胶装perfect bound /bindingWire 钉 Wire-O binding YO圈锁线:scwing 规格:specification 简称specs车中线:single sewing精装书:case(hard) bound book cloth book空⽩页:unprint page blank page 未切页:uncut pages封⾯:Cover 内⽂:Text/content⾃封:self cover 信封:envelope前封⾯(封⼀):front cover 后封⾯:back cover封⼆:inside front cover左右⾃反:work and tumble 天地翻:work and turn5 表⾯处理: coating/finish光油gloss varnish, 哑油: matte varnish⽔油aqueous, Water-base varnish 磨光:polish /calendering吸塑油:blister varnish. 过局部UV: spot UV丝印: silk screen. 光胶:OPP,PP laminating烫⾦:gold/golden hot stamp 烫银:silver hot stamp击凸:embossing embossed模具:mould Plate(版) 烫⾦版:foil gold 烫银版: foil silver6、后序加⼯裱纸:laminating 对裱:mounting啤切:die cut 粘贴:Glue (Joint)裁切:trim 切:cut /cutting驳盒:multi joints gluing⾃动扣底:automatic bottom auto-lock bottom扣底:lock bottom tuck top盖: Lid 底: Base 硬盖: Rigid Top7、外购件:丝带: ribbion 塑料:plastic (PVC PET PETG)热收缩:shrink wrap CD套:CD(wrap)sleeve泡沫:foam ⾦属:metallic双⾯胶:double-side tape ⾃粘性的:self-adhesive真空包装:Vacume packing V形状:V-shape防⽔:water proof ⾊稿:color proof数码稿:digital proof8、运输散货:bulk ⼤货⽣产:mass production lot货柜:(集装箱):container纸箱:carton 卡板:pallet护⾓:corner protect 包装:packing packaging最⼤:Maximum (max) 最⼩:Minimum(Min)净重:Net weight (NW) ⽑重:Gross Weight(GW)体积:CBM 出⼚价:Ex-work⼀般常⽤的:买主:buyer 卖主:vendor/suppier 客户:client/customer 兰图:blue draft 看附件:see attachedCTF----computer to firm(计算机直接出菲林)CTP---computer to plate(计算机直接出版)FTP---file transfer protocol(⽂件传送协议)FYI---for your information(仅供参考)Confirm return?(确定退回)Notification of accepted quotation(通知已被确认的报价单) Purchasing(manager)采购(经理)拼版:make up 校板纸:makeready sheet样板:sample 实地:solid。



食用指导:厨邦鸡粉味道鲜美,适用于上汤、粥品、炒菜 及各种肉类的调味。用厨邦鸡粉腌制肉类特别入味。厨邦 鸡粉是炒菜调味的好帮手。 Application Suggestions: the taste of Chubang Chicken Powder is delicious and suitable for soup, congee, fried vegetables and meat. It’s also good to marinate meat; Chubang Chicken Powder is a good helper of cooking.
• • • •
汤、粥、面条 火锅 炒青菜和肉类 腌制肉类
• • • •
Stock base (基本原料)for soup, congee and noodles Soup base(锅底、汤底、底料) for hot-pot Flavor enhancer(增味剂) for stir-fry & stew Marinade(腌制)for meat
(四)借助各种词典、百科全书、网络资源,对即将动手的翻 译文本作彻底的研究,解决翻译难点。 配料 ingredients 增味剂 flavor enhancer 食用香料 flavoring agent 香辛料 spices 柠檬黄 tartrazine 抗氧化剂 antioxidants 味道鲜美 delicious 粥品 congee/ gruel 腌制 marinate 产品标准号 Product Standard Code 保质期 quality guarantee (proof) period/ shelf life/ storage life 注意 caution
2. 句法特点 (1)大量使用祈使句 产品说明书的指示说明部分经常使用祈使句,而且大多省 略主语。因为祈使句常用来表强调、命令、警告等,在给予指 示时直截了当,简洁有力。常用祈使句包括句首为动词原形、 情 态 动 词 , 如 : may, can, should, must, can’t, shouldn’t, mustn’t, do not, please (do), Never (do)等 。 如: Please provide: your name, address, and telephone numbers and proof of purchase. Turn off the power. Do not remove tabs. Pull black lever towards you. NEVER use insect repellents on wounds or irritated skin.




‎‎1. p‎a kage‎inse‎r t (i‎n sert‎)说明书2‎. dru‎g nam‎e (me‎d icin‎e) 药品‎名称 3.‎desc‎r ipti‎o n 性状‎4. a‎c tion‎作用 5‎. ind‎i cati‎o n适应症‎6. co‎n trai‎n dica‎t ions‎禁忌症‎7. pr‎e caut‎i on注意‎事项 8.‎side‎effe‎c ts副作‎用 9. ‎d osag‎e and‎admi‎n istr‎a tion‎剂量和用‎法 10.‎dack‎i ng 包‎装 11.‎e xpir‎y 失效期‎12. ‎m anuf‎a ctri‎n g da‎t e (m‎a nu.d‎a te)出‎厂日期 1‎3.ref‎e renc‎e参考文‎献药品‎名称‎‎一、英语‎药品说明书‎一般用商品‎名,由生产‎厂家向该国‎政府有关部‎门申请注册‎正式名称,‎受该国政府‎法律保护,‎在药品名称‎的右上角有‎个○r的符‎号,意思是‎已经申请注‎册的法定名‎称,不可随‎意改变名称‎。

○r=r‎e cive‎在药品之‎后有时is‎s ued ‎t o(fo‎r) th‎e med‎i cal ‎p rofe‎s sion‎only‎短语,意:‎仅‎供医界参考‎。

‎r例:‎ mo‎b ic ○‎issu‎e d to‎(for)‎the ‎m edic‎a l pr‎f essi‎o n.‎二、译‎法:‎分四种译‎法‎1. 音译‎:‎按英语读音‎用相应的汉‎字译出例‎:‎mobi‎c莫比可‎r ifam‎p icin‎利福平 2‎.意译:‎按‎药品名称各‎组成部份的‎英语意义译‎成汉语例‎:‎stre‎p tomy‎c ine是‎由stre‎p to和m‎y cine‎组成,其中‎s trep‎t o(链球‎状),my‎c ine(‎霉素),则‎按英语意思‎,译成:‎链霉‎素。


B 检测bait表达
要确定bait是否在酵母中表达,pGBKT7-bait质粒 p53 57 kD Western blot
C 自激活活性检测
BD-bait质粒转化Y2Hgold感受态细胞,SD/-Trp/X and SD/-Trp/X/A
这种分裂表示2个单倍体的亲本细胞和发育的二倍体细胞,有的像三叶草,clover leaf 有的像米老鼠
8.8 1000 g 离心10 min,收集细胞
8.9 50 ml 0.5*YPDA(50 ug/ml kan)清洗烧瓶2次,用这个悬浮收集的细胞。
8.10 1000 g 离心10 min,弃上清。
This system uses SMART cDNA synthesis technology, which allows you to construct cDNA libraries from any tissue source starting with as little as 100 ng of total RNA.
10.1 材料
10.2 小规模转化Y2Hgold感受态细胞:pGBKT7/Bait + Prey(pGADT7,
Empty pGBKT7 +Prey
10.3 100μl 10倍,100倍稀释液涂板(DDO/X,QDO/X/A),30℃培养3~5 d,
混合,2L 烧瓶;c 加45 ml 2*YPDA液体培养基(50 ug/ml kan);d 用1 ml 2*YPDA 清洗的离心管两次,在加到2 L烧瓶中;

说明书 英文怎么说

说明书 英文怎么说



一、常用表达下面给出了几种常用的表达方式,均可以用作“说明书”的英文翻译:•Instruction manual•User guide•User manual•Operating instructions•Product manual以上这些表达方式在不同的场景中都被广泛使用,具有较高的通用性和易被理解性,能够准确地表达“说明书”的意思。


This is an instruction manual for an electrical appliance.2.确保在使用产品之前阅读用户手册。

Make sure to read the user guide before using the product.3.请按照使用说明书中的步骤操作。

Please follow the steps in the operating instructions.4.车辆的用户手册应该放在手套箱里。

The vehicle’s user manual should be kept in the glove box.通过以上例子可以看出,根据不同的语境和需要,选择对应的翻译方式是非常重要的。

三、其他表达方式除了上述常用表达方式,还有一些其他的表达方式可以用作“说明书”的英文翻译,具体如下:•Guidebook•Handbook•Reference manual•Operation manual这些表达方式在某些特定情境中可能更为合适,比如“Guidebook”通常指的是为旅行提供指导的书籍,与“说明书”有一定的差异。






1. 引言部分•Introduction:简介•Purpose:目的•Scope:范围•Background:背景•Overview:概述•Key Features:主要特点•Specifications:规格•Requirements:要求2. 使用和操作部分•Installation:安装•Setup:设置•Assembly Instructions:组装说明•User Instructions:使用说明•Operating Instructions:操作说明•Maintenance:维护保养•Troubleshooting:故障排除•Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):常见问题解答•Safety Precautions:安全注意事项•Warranty:保修条款3. 技术规范部分•Technical Specifications:技术规范•Performance:性能•Capacity:容量•Dimensions:尺寸•Weight:重量•Power Requirements:电源要求•Environmental Conditions:环境条件•Certifications:认证•Compliance:符合性•Compatibility:兼容性4. 质量管理部分•Quality Control:质量控制•Testing Procedures:测试程序•Quality Standards:质量标准•Quality Assurance:质量保证•Inspection:检查•Defects:缺陷•Returns and Exchanges:退货和换货5. 配件和附件部分•Accessories:配件•Included Items:附带物品•Optional Accessories:可选配件•Product Components:产品组成部分•Assembly Parts:组装部件6. 联系和技术支持部分•Contact Information:联系信息•Customer Support:客户支持•Technical Support:技术支持•Service Centers:服务中心•Online Help:在线帮助7. 其他部分•Glossary:词汇表•Index:索引•Appendix:附录•Terms and Conditions:条款和条件•Legal Disclaimer:法律声明•Copyright Information:版权信息以上是说明书常用的英文表达,可以根据具体的产品或服务进行调整和增减。


准确性 1)贮存 ) 简洁性
Keep airtight in a dry and cool place. Away from light.
密封避光,置于干燥阴凉处保存 密封避光, 2)禁忌症 )
It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug
Free of sugars, starch, yeast, wax, and preservatives 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂,脂肪 不含糖,淀粉,发硣剂, 油和防腐剂。 油和防腐剂。 Each soft gel is certified to contain no artificial preservatives, artificial coloring, sugar, starch, yeast or wax. 本品不含任何人工防腐剂,人工 本品不含任何人工防腐剂, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 色素,香料, 无糖, 无淀粉, 无发硣剂和防腐剂。 无发硣剂和防腐剂。
生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编, 生产单位或经销单位的名称,地址,邮编,电 传真, 话,传真,电子邮件等便于客户联系的有关信 息资料。 息资料。
产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见, 产品的附近清单,电路图,用户反馈意见,保修 维修记录卡, 卡,维修记录卡,维修点一览表等与产品使用及 保养维修相关资料。 保养维修相关资料。
过去分词+名词 过去分词 名词
(说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求) 说明维修或操作程序及说明有关技术要求
All cable shall be type SEOW-A or better SEOWand U.L. listed for the intended submersible service.




(参考教材P202-210)1 概述电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括:前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。




2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点特点概括起来包括:准确性(accuracy)、简明性(conciseness)、客观性(objectivity)等。

2.1 准确性电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。


一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语:镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、三角架(tripod)、数码变焦(digital zoom)、快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。

2.2 简明性简明性特点表现为:(1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。


例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display)常缩写成LCD;发光二极管 (Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED;中央处理器 (Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成 CPU;自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF;手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF2.3 客观性电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。

说明书 英语怎么说

说明书 英语怎么说



下面是一些常用的翻译和表达方式:er Manual:这是最常用的表达方式,通常用于电子产品、机械设备等使用说明书。

2.Instruction Manual:与User Manual的意思相同,用于指导产品的正确使用方法。


4.Operating Manual:也可以用作“说明书”,强调指导使用者正确操作设备或执行任务。


6.Reference Manual:用于提供必要的参考信息,通常辅助于其他类型的说明书。

7.Owner’s Manual:主要用于指导消费者正确使用产品、维护和保养的手册。

8.Service Manual:主要用于指导技术人员进行维修或服务。

9.Installation Guide:主要指引用户如何正确安装产品或设备。

10.Quick Start Guide:提供简明的指导,让用户快速了解产品的基本操作。









➢ 谐音译意:以音译为原则,选用谐音的汉字,既表音,又表意,音意结 合。
Reserpine(利血平); Webilin(胃必灵) ; Legalon(利肝隆 )

物 ➢ 2 g per day in 2 equally divided doses

学 • 每日2克,分为二等份

➢ 100 units twice daily
• 每日2次,每次100 单位
➢ 100 to 200 units per kg body weight in 6 divided doses

农 业

学 动
➢ Toxicity
物 医

院 ➢ Tolerance
➢ contraindication
包 装 Package
➢ Tablets(糖衣片,sugar-coated tablets), dragees(糖衣丸),
Administration and dosage(用法和剂量)
湖 南
adults; 1tablet 3-4 time daily.
农 业
Small children; ½ tablet 2-3 time daily.
大 学
The tablets should be taken during meals and



药品说明书旧称description,instruction,direction.今称insert,package insert美国FDA规定其应包括十项。

一.drug names(药物名称)1.通常每种药物有三个名字(1)proprietary name(商品名称)(2)popular name(俗名)(3)chemical name(化学名)2.说明书标题多用商品名其右上角标有R者,表示registered trademark(注册商标)二.description(性状)(常用description,introduction,composition)包括药品的chemical structure(化学结构)、chemical composition(化学成分)、physical and chemical properties (物理和化学性质)三.clinical pharmacology(临床药理学)常用的还有:clinical data(临床数据)、clinical experience(临床经验)、clinical use(临床应用)、clinical observation(临床观察)、clinical effect(临床疗效)、clinical discussion(临床讨论)、mode of mechanism of action(临床机理及途径)、pharmacological actions(药理作用)、therapeutical actions(治疗作用)、bacteriology(细菌学)、microbiology (微生物学)、physiology(生理学)、toxicology(毒理学)四.indications and usage(适应症和用法)常用标题:indications,major indications,clinical indications,principal indications,condications,uses,treatment五.contraindications(禁忌症)1.常用标题contraindications,restriction on use(限制使用)2.常用词(组)pregnant women孕妇women of childbeating age育龄妇女be hypersensitive to 对......过敏者allergic reaction变态反应lactation,early infancy乳期heart,cardiac,myocardial心脏,心脏的,心肌的kidney,renal肾,肾脏的liver,hepatic肝,肝脏的insufficiency,impairment机能不全damage,danger,failure损伤,危险,衰弱六.precautions(注意事项)常用标题:causions,remark,note,notice,attention,awakening, N.B.七.warnings(警告)常用标题:additional warnings(告戒事项)八.adverse reactions(不良反应)常用标题:side reaction(副反应)、untoward reaction(不良反应)、toxicity reaction(毒性反应)、anaphylactic reaction(过敏反应)、side effects,by-effects,after effects,undesirable effects(副作用)、double infection(双重感染)九.overdosage(用药过量)常用标题:treatment of overdosage(用药过量的治疗)十.dosage and administration(剂量用法)1.常用标题:administration procedure,method for administration,method of use,direction for use,how touse,recommendation,reconstitution(用法)posology,dosage(剂量)application and dosage,usage and dosage(用法与剂量)clinical application(临床应用)2.mode of administration(给药方式)intramuscularly肌肉注射intragluteally臀肌注射intraarterially动脉注射intravenously静脉注射intrathecally鞘内注射intracerebeospinally脑脊髓腔注射orally口服parentarally肠道外给药locally局部给药subconjunctivally结膜下给药sublingually舌下给药submucously黏膜下给药现各大药厂的说明书,项目远远超过十项,如:1.animal pharmacology and animal toxicology(动物药理学和动物毒理学)2.absorption and excretion(吸收和排泄)3.tolerance(耐受性)4.drug interactions(药物相互作用)5.storage and duration of efficacy(贮藏与失效期)6.packages(包装)7.advantages(优点)8.references(参考文献)9.further information(补充说明)10.manufacturer(生产者)英文药品说明书的翻译(1)人吃五谷杂粮没有不生病的。



User Manual TranslationIn this document, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to translate a user manual from Chinese to English. The user manual translation process involves several key steps and considerations to ensure accurate and effective translation.Step 1: Understand the User ManualBefore starting the translation process, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the user manual’s content. Familiarize yourself with the product or service being described in the manual, as well as the target audience. This will help you to accurately translate technical terms and ensure the translated manual meets the needs of the English-speaking users.Step 2: Create a GlossaryTo maintain consistency throughout the translation, it is useful to create a glossary of terms specific to the product or service. Identify key technical terms and their translations. This will ensure that the same term is consistently used throughout the manual, allowing for clarity and understanding.Step 3: Consider Cultural DifferencesWhile translating the user manual, it is essential to consider cultural differences between the Chinese and English-speaking audiences. Certain phrases or idioms in Chinese may not have an equivalent translation in English. It is essential to find an appropriate alternative that conveys the same meaning without losing clarity or effectiveness.Step 4: Use Clear and Concise LanguageAn effective user manual should use clear and concise language to provide easy-to-understand instructions. Ensure that your translations accurately convey the meaning of the original content while using simple and straightforward language. Avoid using technical jargon or complex sentence structures that may confuse the reader.Step 5: Proofread and EditAfter completing the translation, it is crucial to proofread and edit the entire document. Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or formatting inconsistencies. Ensure that the translated manual adheres to the same structure and layout as the original, making it easy for users to follow.Step 6: Collaborate with a Native English SpeakerTo ensure the quality and accuracy of the translation, it is helpful to collaborate with a native English speaker. They can review the translated manual and provide valuable feedback on its clarity, tone, and overall readability. Their input can help improve the final version of the user manual.ConclusionTranslating a user manual from Chinese to English requires careful attention to detail and an understanding of both languages and cultures. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can produce an accurate and effective English translation of the user manual. Remember to maintain clarity, consistency, and simplicity in the language used to provide a user-friendly document.。



一、药品英文说明书的结构简介“药品说明书”的英文表达方式有Instructons,Directions,Descriiption 现在多用Package Insert,或简称Insert,也有用Leeflet或Data Sheets.Insert原意为“插入物,插页”。








大多数英文说明书都包括以下内容;①药品名称(Drug NameS),②性状(Descriiption),③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),④适应症(Indications),⑤禁忌证(Contraindications),⑥用量与用法(DOsage and Administration).⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。



二、药品名称英文药品说明书中常见的药品名称有商品名(Trade Name或Proprietary Name),通用名(Generic Name)和化学名(Chemical Name),其中最常见的是商品名。




1. Pakage Insert (Insert) 说明书2. Drug Name (Medicine) 药品名称3. Description 性状4. Action 作用5. Indication 适应症6. Contraindications 禁忌症7. Precaution 注意事项8. Side Effects 副作用9. Dosage and Administration 剂量和用法10. Dacking 包装11.Expiry 失效期12. Manufactring Date (Manu.date)出厂日期13.Reference 参考文献药品名称一、英语药品说明书一般用商品名,由生产厂家向该国政府有关部门申请注册正式名称,受该国政府法律保护,在药品名称的右上角有个○R的符号,意思是已经申请注册的法定名称,不可随意改变名称。

○R=Recive在药品之后有时Issued to(for) the Medical profession only短语,意:仅供医界参考。

例:Mobic ○R Issued to(for) the medical prfession.二、译法:分四种译法1. 音译:按英语读音用相应的汉字译出例:Mobic 莫比可Rifampicin 利福平2. 意译:按药品名称各组成部份的英语意义译成汉语例:Streptomycine 是由Strepto和mycine组成,其中Strepto(链球状),mycine(霉素),则按英语意思,译成:链霉素。


Nitroglycerine 由Nitro(硝基)+glycerin(甘油)组成,则意为硝酸甘油Aminophylline由Amino+phylline 译:氨茶碱3. 音意并译:按英语药名组成,前面部份按音译,后面部份按意译。



IntroductionTranslating instruction manuals accurately and effectively is crucial for ensuring clear communication between manufacturers and users. In this document, we will explore a few key considerations and strategies for translating instruction manuals from Chinese to English.1. Contextual UnderstandingBefore embarking on the translation process, it is essential to have a good understanding of the product and its purpose. Familiarize yourself with the product’s features, functionality, and target audience. Knowi ng the context will enable you to select appropriate terminology and convey the instructions appropriately in the target language.2. Simplify and ClarifyWhen translating instruction manuals, it is important to simplify complex language and technical terms. Use straightforward and concise language that is easy for the reader to understand. Break down complex sentences into shorter, more digestible ones. Remember to clarify ambiguous terms or concepts, ensuring that the information is readily accessible to the user.3. Consistent TerminologyMaintain consistency in the use of technical terminology throughout the manual. Establish a glossary of key terms and phrases and adhere to it consistently. This ensures that the same term is always translated in the same way, preventing confusion or misunderstanding for the user. Consistency also helps to establish credibility and professionalism in the translated document.4. Visual Cues and FormattingIn addition to textual instructions, instruction manuals often include diagrams, illustrations, and formatting elements such as bullet points, numbering, and headings. These visual cues play a crucial role in conveying information effectively. When translating, ensure that the visual cues are accurately represented in the target language. The formatting should be consistent and visually appealing, aiding the user in understanding the instructions.5. User-Centric ApproachAlways keep the user’s perspective in mind during the translation process. Understand the target audien ce’s cultural background, language proficiency, and potential knowledge gaps. Adapt the language accordingly, avoiding jargon, colloquialisms, or cultural references that may not be familiar to the user. Byfocusing on the user’s needs, the translated manu al will be more accessible and user-friendly.6. Review and EditAfter completing the initial translation, it is crucial to review and edit the document. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Check for consistency in terminology, formatting, and style. Ensure that the instructions are logical, clear, and coherent. A thorough review will help catch any mistakes or areas that require improvement, resulting in a high-quality final translation.ConclusionTranslating instruction manuals from Chinese to English requires a careful balance between accuracy, clarity, and user-friendliness. By understanding the product and its context, simplifying the language, ensuring consistent terminology, incorporating visual cues, adopting a user-centric approach, and reviewing the translated document, you can create an effective and informative English version of the instruction manual. Following these guidelines will enhance communication and facilitate a smooth user experience.。



高考英语范文产品说明书1. 英语Computer is the most famous invention now. It has many advantages and disadvantages.For the good side, first of all, it's so convenient that we can use it to do our account. The second, as the developing of internet, computers made our world smaller and smaller. Third, we have a lot of fun with computers; it's really useful for us. For the disadvantages, first, we spend more time before computers and less time on communications with others, it makes our society colder. Then, within the inventing of online games, many children trapped in the games and give up their study. It'sa serious problem. The last, now scientists have found that computers are somewhat harmful to our health.Generally speaking, computer is very important to our life though it's not a perfect invention.2. 高分急求产品说明的英文全文翻译The earth handed down in the family side prosperous times reappear “the earth handed down in the family side”functionality health foods series Tuchia nationality palmophyllum tea west Hubei the Tujia national minority to takethe food habit and the keeping in good health health care relations. Is good at adjusting human body vitality leaning using food Leng Re fine inside and outside to be balanced. Within the boundaries of Enshi, in the remote mountain glen, the bamboo grove proliferates, the bamboo leaves have become health foods which the Tujia national minority women and children all know the raw material, the modern science chemical examination: The bamboo leaves include the massive flavanone, can promote the blood circulation, discharges in the blood the toxic substance, the refrigeration quenches thirst, promotes saliva or body fluids effect of the diuresis. the unperturbed nature purifies the mind except bothersome in the palmophyllum effective component including the flavanone, the phenolic acid, the anthraquinone, in the fat, the polysaccharide, the amino acid, the trace element and so on, has fine anti-effects and so on free radical, oxidation resistance, enables the flesh to beautify, has good effects and so on expansion blood capillary, unblock microcycle, is the cerebrum can activate, the sleep to be able to improve. --The second session of international natural oxidation resistance conference (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, international free radical Research society, Chinese freeradical biology and medicine specialized committee) the gold throat swallows the advantage throat including piece , to sing the sound dragon boat clear to adjust the history the perpetual flow static flow, in this side water and soil we hoped that will leave behind section of legends and glory the history and the present, the past and the future intense collision, some changes, however some nothing left , in the Wuling deep place, clear rivers and streams both banks, was livingCrowd of Tujia national minority children they breathed the forest fresh to taste the mountain spring glycol maintain rich original ecology diet culture resources at here, all had not changed。



冰箱英语说明书Title:Refrigerator User ManualIntroduction:Welcome to the world of modern convenience with your new refrigerator.This user manual is designed to guide you through the setup,operation,and maintenance of your refrigerator to ensure you get the most out of your appliance.Table of Contents:1.Safety Precautions2.Unpacking and Placement3.Controls and Settings4.Energy Saving Tips5.Troubleshooting6.Maintenance7.Warranty Information1.Safety Precautions:Always ensure the refrigerator is placed on a level surface.Keep the refrigerator away from heat sources and direct sunlight.Do not place flammable materials near the refrigerator.Ensure the refrigerator is properly grounded.2.Unpacking and Placement:Carefully remove all packaging materials.Check for any visible damage before plugging in the refrigerator.Position the refrigerator in a wellventilated area,avoiding corners where cold air circulation may be restricted.3.Controls and Settings:The temperature control knob allows you to adjust the internal temperature.The defrost timer can be set to automatically defrost the refrigerator.The door alarm will sound if the door is left open for an extended period.4.Energy Saving Tips:Avoid opening the refrigerator door frequently.Keep the refrigerator full to maintain a constant temperature.Regularly clean the condenser coils to improve efficiency.5.Troubleshooting:If the refrigerator is not cooling,check the door seal.If there is excessive noise,it may be due to the refrigerator settling on an uneven surface. For any other issues,refer to the troubleshooting guide provided.6.Maintenance:Clean the refrigerator regularly to prevent the buildup of frost and bacteria.Defrost the refrigerator manually or set the automatic defrost timer.Lubricate the door hinges with a small amount of oil if they become stiff.7.Warranty Information:Your refrigerator comes with a manufacturers warranty valid for one year from the date of purchase.For warranty claims,contact the customer service department with your purchase details. Conclusion:Your refrigerator is an essential part of your home,and with proper care and maintenance, it will serve you well for many years.Should you have any questions or require further assistance,do not hesitate to contact our customer support.标题:冰箱使用说明书引言:欢迎来到现代便利的世界,拥有您的新冰箱。

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Practical Business English Translation
---Translation of goods specifications
1.翻译的标准 2.翻译的方法
1 资讯 3.说明书的种类 4.说明书的翻译策略 5.说明书(化妆品、药品、包装说明)翻译要点
组内互查法 小组互查法
评估:首先在小组之间进行评估,然后由老师评估 评估标准:信、达、雅;评估等级:优、良、及格。
小组互评法 教师评估
Step I references(资讯 )
Five skills of English learning
Translation Speaking Writing
1. Translation of cosmetics specifications
Pond's Block Cream (SPF10) It contains Vitamin E and unique protective ingredients which
from a breathing protective screen in your skin's surface, blocking out air pollutants, UV rays and color cosmetics, providing you with comprehensive protection for healthier skin all year round. 旁氏隔离霜 SPF10蕴含特效维他命E及物理性防护成分,在皮肤表面形成一层透气的 保护膜,有效隔离脏空气,避免污染物伤害肌肤;隔离彩妆,防止其 与肌肤直接接触。 配方全年抵御紫外线对肌肤的侵害。 润色配方,柔和润色,令肌肤均匀自然,即使不上妆也拥有动人光彩。 性质温和,清爽不油腻,使用之后,肌肤呼吸自如,倍感舒适。 旁氏隔离霜,适合各类肤质,为健康肌肤提供一年四季的完美呵护。 译文中加下划线的部分基本上是原文内容的逐词翻译,其他是按增词法 增加的部分,传达了原文内容的言外之意。
1. Translation of cosmetics specifications
1.2. 使用视角转移法翻译化妆品说明书
药品说 明
诱导型文体 文化差异
偏重移入语 诱导功能 信息功能
指导正确用药 性命攸关 专业知识 结构特点 语言特点
语言精炼 句式简洁 指示用语 警示用语 醒目位置
Step II arrangement(决策)
小组学习法(team-work): 养成良好的团队学习习惯,培养合作精神
1.小组(3人一组 )学习法:良好的团队学习习惯 2.技能演练:翻译技能训练
“六步法”教学:教师引导;学生自带产品说明书到课堂上进行翻 译技能训练(每四组选择同一个种类但是不同内容的商品说明
1.教师示范 1.1.化妆品说明书的翻译(教学重点和难点)
1.3.包装说明的翻译 (教学重点)
演示法 角色扮演法 练习法
2. 分组进行翻译练习(每组自带三份英文商品说明书)
示范练习及答案(方便时事先摄像翻译视频以作为课堂示范) 案例法
检查:以小组为单位,包括组内互查和小组互查 检查标准:信、达、雅和说明书翻译要点பைடு நூலகம்
技能训练(skills training):
掌握商品(化妆品、药品、包装)说明书英译汉技 能
相互检查与评价 (check and evaluate with each other):
Step III plan (计划)
引导文 示范、讲授、启发
分组翻译 练习
1. The Criteria (标准) for Translation

达 expressiveness “通顺”

elegance “文字优美”
2 . methods of translation
增词法 减词法
分译法 合译法
省略法 词序调整法
concise; easy to understand
intact; exact
scientific; professional
Imperative mood
信息完整准 确
5 说明书翻译要点(key points)
意译法 音译法
3. 说明书的种类 (kinds of specifications)
1 手册式说明书: 电视、空调、电话
2 插页式说明书:药品、化妆品
说明书 种类
3 标签式说明书:衣服
4. 说明书翻译策略 (translation strategy of specifications)
分组检查 与评价
Step IV practice (实施)
1. 化妆品说明书的翻译
1.1 使用增词法翻译化妆品说明书
Pond's Block Cream (SPF10)
It contains Vitamin E and unique protective ingredients which from a breathing protective screen in your skin's surface, blocking out air pollutants, UV rays and color cosmetics, providing you with comprehensive protection for healthier skin all year round.