CH11 Controversies in Trade Policy(国际经济学-厦门大学 陈涛)
国际经济学之贸易政策工具(英文版)(ppt 45页)
▪ This chapter is focused on the following questions:
• What are the effects of various trade policy
–Who will benefit and who will lose from these trade policy instruments?
Classification of Commercial Policy Instruments
Commercial Policy Instruments
Trade Contraction
Tariff Export tax
Import quota Voluntary Export Restraint (VER)
–Thus, the volume of wheat traded declines due to the imposition of the tariff.
Basic Tariff Analysis
• The increase in the domestic Home price is less than
trade (Qw), two curves are defined:
• Home import demand curve
–Shows the maximum quantity of imports the Home country would like to consume at each price of the imported good.
国际经济学之贸易 政策工具(英文 版)(ppt 45页)
《关税与贸易总协定》(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,GATT)是国际贸易领域最重要的多边协定之一,旨在规范全球贸易和关税政策。
1. 最惠国待遇原则(Most-Favored Nation Treatment,MFN):根据该原则,缔约国应当将任何优惠待遇或优惠条件应用于一国的产品时,同样地应当对其他缔约国的产品采取相同的待遇或条件。
2. 关税及贸易总规则(General Rules and disciplines on Tariffs and Trade):该条文规定了关于关税和非关税壁垒的一般规则,包括关税调整、优惠税率、数量限制等。
3. 限制性措施(Restrictive Measures):该条文规定了限制性
4. 消费税与内部税收措施(Excise Taxes and Internal Taxation Measures):该条文规定了国内税收措施对进口产品的应用条
5. 技术壁垒措施(Technical Barriers to Trade,TBT):该条文规定了国际贸易中的技术壁垒的管理和规范。
6. 农业贸易(Agricultural Trade):该条文规定了关于农产品
服务贸易规则在英语中通常被称为“Trade in Services Rules”或“Services Trade Regulations”。
1. 关税(Tariff)关税是政府对进口和出口商品征收的一种税收。
Tariff is a type of tax imposed by the government on imported and exported goods. It is used as a tool to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Tariffs can be set based on the type and quantity of goods. Common types of tariffs include import tariffs and export tariffs.2. 自由贸易协定(Free Trade Agreement)自由贸易协定是两个或多个国家之间就贸易条件和关税等问题达成的协议。
Free Trade Agreement is an agreement reached between two or more countries on trade conditions, tariffs, and other issues. Free Trade Agreements aim to reduce or eliminate various trade restrictions, including tariffs and non-tariff barriers, in order to promote free trade and economic cooperation.3. 关税壁垒(Tariff Barrier)关税壁垒指的是通过设定高额关税或其他限制措施,以限制或阻碍他国商品进入本国市场的手段。
国际贸易+国际结算第三讲 国际贸易政策
4、进口配额对资源的浪费更严重,更容易引 起低效率,对本国国民福利的损害也更大。
5、进口配额容易导致寻租活动,从而滋生政 府部门的腐败。
6、进口配额限制了竞争,因而是被禁止使用 的,除非发生国际收支严重不平衡的时候。
• 纺织品和服装产品进口配额将于原定的 2005年1月1日取消。
• 进口许可证(Import Licence)是指进口 商在进口商品前,要向国家主管部门提出 申请,经审查批准发给进口许可证后,才 可以进口;没有许可证,一律不准进口。
• 进口许可证目的: • 一是掌握进口的数量和性质; • 二是限制进口。
• 从进口许可证与进口配额的关系看 1、有定额的进口许可证,即国家有关部门预先规定
(一) 根据征收的目的不同分类
1. 财政关税(Revenue Tariff) • 财政关税又称收入关税,是指以增加国家的财政收
入为主要目的而征收的关税。 • 必须具备以下几个条件:(1)征收的进口货物必
须是国内不能生产或无代用品而必须从国外进口的 商品;(2)征收的进口货物,在国内必须有大量 的消费;(3)关税率要适中或较低,如税率过高, 将阻碍进口,从而达不到增加财政收入的目的。 2.保护关税(Protective Tariff) • 保护关税是指一国以保护本国工业和农业为目的而 征收的关税。
1.从价税是指以贸易产品的价值额为标准,按其价 值的百分比来征收的关税。
• 优点:(1)适用范围广泛,能以物质单位分割的和 不能以物质单位分割的都适用;(2)税率明确,便 于比较各国税率;(3)优质优价,税收负担较为公 平;(4)商品价格高时关税的保护作用加强。
表1 x、y的单位产出所需的劳动投入x y表2 x、y的单位产出所需的劳动投入ab 5 5a 6 2b 15 12x 10 y4答案提示:首先将劳动投入转化为劳动生产率,然后应用与本章正文中一样的方法进行比较。
(表2-2(a)和表2-2(b)部分的内容) 2.假设a、b两国的生产技术条件如下所示,那么两国还有进行贸易的动机吗?解释原因。
表3 x、y的单位产出所需的劳动投入x ya 4 2b 8 4答案提示:从绝对优势来看,两国当中a国在两种产品中都有绝对优势;从比较优势来看,两国不存在相对技术差异。
International Trade Policy(国际贸易条款)
• (5) Trade barriers 贸易壁垒 • 外国(或地区)政府实施或支持实施的 阻碍进口的措施。主要有:违反承诺的关 税措施;缺乏依据的进口管理限制(包括 潼关限制、进口许可、进口禁令等);缺 乏科学依据的产品标准、卫生措施等;不 合理的反倾销、反补贴等贸易救济措施等; 出口限制;不合理的与贸易有关的知识产 权措施等。
• (3) Doha trade talks 多哈贸易谈判; • “多哈回合”是指目前正在进行的新一 伦多边贸易谈判,也是WTO成立以来首轮 多边贸易谈判。其目的是进一步消除在产 品和服务行业的贸易壁垒(特别是对农产 品的贸易壁垒),通过扩大贸易来消除贫 困。
• (4) Acquisition 收购 • 是指一个企业以购买全部或部分股票 (股份收购)的方式购买另一企业的全部 或部分所有权,或以购买全部或部分资产 (资产收购)的方式购买另一企业的全部 或部分所有权。
• (2) Emerging market 新兴市场 • (3) free trade 自由贸易 • It refers to international trade which is free of government interference. Unlike Protectionism, the importing countries don’t impose extra duties or quotas on imports.
• Domestic content requirements can create import protection at two levels, firstly, they can be a barrier to imports of the products that do not meet the content rules; secondly, they can limit their import of material and components that otherwise would have been used in domestic production of the products.
Chapter 11: Controversies in Trade Theory1.The existence of positive externalities due to the impossibility of fullappropriabilityA.Supports the conclusions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model.B.Rejects the usefulness of government protectionism.C.Supports the concept that the government should support only high techindustries.D.Provides support for government protectionism.E.None of the above.Answer: D2.The United StatesA.Does not provide more support for R&D as compared to other forms ofinvestment.B.Provides support for R&D by imposing high tariffs on R&D intensiveproducts.C.Provides support for R&D by providing direct subsidies for such activities.D.Provides support for R&D through tax legislation.E.None of the above.Answer: D3.The Brander-Spencer model identified market failure in certain industries due toA.Unfair competition.B.Wildcat destructive competition.C.Environmental negative externalities associated with pollution.D.Limited competition.E.None of the above.Answer: D4.In the Brander-Spencer model the subsidy raises profits by more than the subsidybecause ofA.The "multiplier" effect of government expenditures.B.The military-industrial complex.C.The forward and backward linkage effects of certain industries.D.The deterrent effect of the subsidy on foreign competition.E.None of the above.Answer: D5.Criticisms of the Brander-Spencer model include all except which of thefollowing?A.The problem of insufficient information.B.The problem of likely foreign retaliation.C.The problem of harm to interests of consumers.D.The problem of adverse effects of trade policy politics.E.None of the above.Answer: C6.Japan's protection of its semiconductor (RAM) producers is today seen as anobject lesson inA.How strategic planning may backfire and cause a large waste of resources.B.How externalities may be successfully exploited by protectionist policies.C.How excess returns may be successfully exploited by protectionist policies.D.How government intervention may create a meaningful comparativeadvantage.E.None of the above.Answer: A7.In today's world markets, poor developing countries tend to rely primarily onexports ofA.Agricultural products.B.Primary products.C.Mineral products.D.Manufactured products.E.None of the above.Answer: D8.In the second half of the 1990s a rapidly growing movement focused on the harmcaused by international trade tond owners in poor countries.B.Capital owners in rich industrialized countries.nd owners in rich industrialized countries.D.Production workers in both rich and poor countries.E.None of the above.Answer: D9.The Ricardian model of comparative advantage lends support to the argument thatA.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of unskilled labor in rich countries.B.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of owners of capital in rich countries.C.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of workers in poor countries.D.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of workers in rich countries.E.None of the above.Answer: E10.The Heckscher-Ohlin, factor-proportions model lends support to the argumentthatA.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of unskilled labor in rich countries.B.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of owners of capital in rich countries.C.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of workers in poor countries.D.Trade tends to worsen the conditions of workers in rich countries.E.None of the above.Answer: A11.Most developing countries oppose including labor standards in trade agreementsbecauseA.They believe this would involve a loss of their national sovereignty.B.They believe this would limit their ability to export to rich markets.C.They believe this would create an uneven playing field.D.Multinational corporations control them.E.None of the above.Answer: A12.Free trade and globalization is generally arguedA.To cause a degradation in the world's environment.B.To improve the environment by correcting for distortions caused byimport competing policies.C.To help spread the best of each country's culture, so as to uplift globalcultural standards.D.To help each country safeguard the best of its own culture.E.None of the above.Answer: A13. If firms in an industry are generating knowledge that other firms can use withpaying for it, this industry is characterized byA.Social costs that exceed private costs.B.Social benefits that exceed private benefits.C.Social costs that exceed social benefits.D.Private benefits that exceed social benefits.E.None of the above.Answer: B14. It is argued that high-tech industries typically generate new technologies butcannot fully appropriate the commercial benefits associated with their inventions or discoveries. If this is true then in order to maximize a countries real income, the government shouldA.Tax the high-tech firms.B.Subsidize the high-tech firms.C.Protect the high-tech firms.D.Both B and CE.None of the above.Answer: B15.In effect, the U.S. does subsidize high-tech firms by subsidizing R&D. This isdone throughA.The budget of the Department of Education.B.Systematic protection through the levying of tariffs.C.Systematic protection through the establishment of NTBs.D.Relatively accelerated "deprec iation” of R&D investment in the Federaltax codes.E.None of the above.Answer: D16.The best economic case one can make for an active industrial policy involvesA.The national security argument.B.The technological spillover argument.C.The environment preservation argument.D.The high value added argument.E.None of the above.Answer: E17.Spencer and Brander's model highlights the existence ofA.Aircraft industries.B.Excess returns present in highly competitive markets.C.Excess returns, or rents, available in non-competitive markets.D.The futility of government bureaucrats' attempts to build an airplane.E.None of the above.Answer: C18.Spencer and Brander's model highlights the conventional assumption thaternment involvement in business or in the economy tends to fail.ernment subsidies tend to waste taxpayer's money.ernment subsidies cannot create a successfully competing export.ernment tends to distort when it displaces Adam Smith's InvisibleHand.E.None of the above.Answer: E19.The reason Airbus succeeded in the Brander Spencer example is thatA.Boeing made the first move in this strategic game.B.Europeans tend to be better strategists than corn-fed Americans.C.The airbus actually was a better plane than the Boeing 747.D.U.S. laws actually prohibit U.S. exporters from bribing foreign officials.E.None of the above.Answer: E20.The reason Airbus succeeded in the Brander Spencer example is thatA.The European government made an explicit subsidy offer, but the U.S.government did not.B.Airbus' prices were better when adjusted for quality and warranty services.C.Boeing traditionally refused to undertake any exchange rate risk in itstransactions.D.The U.S. acted in accordance with its ideological reliance on marketsolutions, whereas the Europeans ignored market and technological factors.E.None of the above.Answer: A21.The argument that strategic planning is not likely to be practical due toinsufficient information means thatA.Because of trade secrets, the government does not know true costrelationships in any given industry.B.If the government had all the relevant information in a given industry thenit could decide whether a subsidy would enhance the public's welfare.C.Even if the government had all the relevant information in a given industry,it still could not decide whether a subsidy would enhance the public'swelfare.D.Due to recent cuts in the Department of the Census' sampling budgets,industry surveys are no longer reliable, so that there is no way todetermine if a subsidy is in the public's interest.E.None of the above.Answer: C22.The invocation of beggar-thy-neighbor arguments with respect to industrialpoliciesA.Strengthens the argument for subsidies.B.Makes sense if the international Keynesian multipliers exceed unity.C.Applies only to rich countries most of whose trade partners are very poorcountries.D.Weakens the argument for subsidies.E.None of the above.Answer: D23.The belief that U.S. subsidies will evoke foreign repercussions is called the________ argument.A.Technological spilloverB.Foreign multiplierC.Beggar-thy-neighborD.Positive externalityE.None of the above.Answer: C24.When Japan's MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) focusedresources on the semiconductor industry, this was seen as a typically successfulJapanese foray into a new dynamic strategic sector. The results, as viewed by the late 1990sA.Justified this view.B.Led to similar structuring of industrial policy in the U.S.C.Lent support to the Brander - Spencer model.D.Helped shift the focus of economists away from Japanese-style industrialpolicy.E.None of the above.Answer: D25. Low wages and poor working conditions in many of the U.S.' trade partnersA.Prove that the gains-from-trade arguments of the Ricardian model arefalse.B.May be a fact of life, but economists don't care.C.Are facts emphasized by U.S. labor in its contract negotiations.D.Prove that the gains-from-trade arguments of the Ricardian model are true.E.None of the above.Answer: C26.The fact that clothing sold in Wal-Mart are produced by very poorly paid workersin Honduras, is a fact that if taken into accountA.Would prove to economists that the Ricardian model of comparativeadvantage is false.B.Would prove to economists that the equal-value in trade concept summedup in the trade triangles is incorrect.C.Proves to economists that trade is a negative sum game.D.Proves to the Anti-Globalization Movement that trade is a negative sumgame.E.None of the above.Answer: D27.When the WTO met in Seattle to initiate a further move towards free internationaltrade, thousands of activists metA.In order to promote the WTO's goals of "Trade - not Aid".B.In order to laud the WTO policy orientation which would bust localmonopolies and therefore help ordinary relatively poor consumerseverywhere.C.In order to laud the WTO policy of disallowing government sweetheartdeals, which typically meant that corrupt governments subsidized their in-laws' conglomerates on the backs of poor taxpayers.D.In order to support the WTO efforts of bringing about a universal shift ofresources in poor countries to higher efficiency and productivity uses,which would raise the real incomes of everyone.E.None of the above.Answer: E28.When one applies the Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade to the issue of trade-relatedincome redistributions, one must conclude that North South trade, such as US.-Mexico trade,A.Must help low skill workers on both sides of the border.B.Is likely to hurt high-skilled workers in the U.S.C.Is likely to hurt low-skilled workers in the U.S.D.Is likely to hurt low-skilled workers in Mexico.E.None of the above.Answer: C29.The evidence usually cited to prove that globalization hurts workers in developingcountriesA.Is inconclusive due to poor statistical design of the underlying samples.B.Is inconclusive due to the poorly funded Central Statistical Office ofMexico.C.Is inconclusive due to the ambiguous theoretical implications of thefindings.D.Is conclusive.E.None of the above.Answer: C30.Faced with the evidence of poor working conditions and low wages in the bordermaquiladoras, EconomistsA.Shrug their shoulders and ignore the issue.B.Agree that trade theory is thus proven hollow and internally inconsistent.C.Argue that U.S. consumers should not consume lettuce.D.Argue that the poor conditions and low wages are actually improvementsfor the Mexican workers, and may be cited as gains-from-trade.E.None of the above.Answer: D31.The proposal that trade agreements should include a system which monitorsworker conditions and make the results available to consumers in the richimporting countryA. Is consistent with the Invisible Hand paradigm.B.Is consistent with the market failure approach.C.Is consistent with the Ricardian theory of comparative advantage.D.Is consistent with the scale economies approach to trade theory.E.None of the above.Answer: Bbor standards in trade are typically opposed by most developing countries whobelieve that they will be usedA.To further neo-imperialist colonial exploitation.B.To charge these countries with crimes against child-labor standards at theHague.C.As a protectionist tool by import-competing producers in industrialcountries.D.As a means of spreading U.S. Corporate Values and destroying localcultures.E.None of the above.Answer: C33.The WTO seems at times to be interfering in domestic policy sinceA.The line between domestic policies and de factor protectionism is oftenfuzzy.B.It is a supra-national organization with the power to overturn governments.C.It determines which nations may trade what with whom.D.It punishes naughty nations.E.None of the above.Answer: A34.The Shipbreakers of Alang areA. A metaphysical representation of the WTO, deriving from Edgar RiceBurroughs' Princess of Mars.B.An early version of the Russian Ice-breaker of the Dnieper-Alang class.C. A capital-intensive industry.peting with capital-intensive industries in countries outside of India.E.None of the above.Answer: D35.The Shipbreakers of Alang utilize much labor and little capital, therebysupporting the applicability of theA.Factor proportions explanation of the sources of comparative advantage.B.Specific factor theory of comparative advantage.C.Monopolistic competition theory of comparative advantage.D.Scale economies theory of comparative advantage.E.None of the above.Answer: A36.The Shipbreakers of Alang arouse the ire of Greenpeace because ofA.India's non-repentant nuclear stance.B.India's import-competing industrialization policies.C.The difficulty of avoiding ship accidents between Greenpeace's sailboatand the reconstructed Container ships of Alang.D.The large amount of pollution associated with the operations at Alang.E.None of the above.Answer: D37.The Shipbreakers of Alang represent a perfect example of how a developingcountry can apply the principles of the Heckscher-Ohlin model, sinceA.Shipbreaking is generally considered to be a capital-intensive operationand India, being a large country has much capital.B.Shipbreaking is a labor-intensive operation in India, and India has manyworkers since it is such a large country.C.Shipbreaking is a labor-intensive operation in India, and India'savailability of capital per worker is less than that of its trade partners.D.Shipbreaking is a capital-intensive operation elsewhere in the world, andtherefore represents a case of a factor intensity reversal.E.None of the above.Answer: CEssay Questions1.It may be argued that Japan's explicit promotion of its microchip industry was anexcellent example of successful industrial policy. What criteria would you apply to determine whether such a policy is or is not successful? Judging from yourown stated criteria, was Japan's exercise sucessful? Why or why not? Whatinformation would a government require in order to increase the probability thatits industrial policy would promote long term self-generated economic growth? Answer: It is argued that Japan's subsidies to its nascient microchip industry was an important factor in putting Japan on the world map in this area. However, a minimal criteria for a successful industrial policy would be that the infant industry mature, and that it prove to be a profitable area of the country's comparative advantage. In this case, one might argue that the latter part of the above statement was not fulfilled, since the microchip industry was adopted by so many countries, that it became a "commodity". That is, it became a product with a very low profit margin, which was not really a good use of Japan's resources, given their alternative uses.2.In recent cases, the U.S. placed quotas or protectionist tariffs on imported steeland imported microchips. In both cases the damage to "downstream" industrieswas obvious to all and relatively easy to quantify and demonstrate. Assuming that the U.S. lawmakers are not plain dumb, why did they enact these protectionistpolicies?Answer: The system by which these protectionist policies are set into law is biased in favor of the producers of import competitive goods. Other sectors of the economy that may be affected are not parties in the petitions made to the ITC seeking redress.3.The U.S. is probably the most open international market among the industrializedcountries. What then does the U.S. have to gain by joining the WTO? Answer: There are two answers. First, the U.S. exporters stand to gain profitable markets if foreign protectionism in areas of U.S. comparative advantage ( e.g. soy) is removed due to WTO efforts. The second is that the WTO offers the U.S. government administration a counterweight to regional and sectoral interests demanding protection. It is always politically easier to bring about more efficient resource allocations of the complaints of the losers may be deflected by the presence of a binding treaty with an international organization ("out hands are tied").4.It has been claimed that the Chinese burst of modernization which has beenpropelling its manufactured exports throughout the world at an unprecedented rate, is made possible by the use of slave (penal) labor. If this is true should Chinahave been accepted as a full fledged member of the WTO? Why (or why not)? Answer: If the answer to Essay Question #3 is correct, then it follows that the answer here is Yes.5.It is still the conventional wisdom in the U.S. that compliance with NAFTArequirements is having a deleterious effect on U.S. highway safety standards, onU.S. pollution and other environmental standards, and on U.S. jobs. What factswould proponents of an expansion of NAFTA (e.g. to include all of Central andSouth American countries) need to marshall in order to convince you? Answer: The answer is subjective. Presumably the answer should include reasonable and objective counter-factual scenarios (what would be the job or pollution situation with and without NAFTA).Graphic/Numerical Problems1.Suppose Airbus is set to produce the aircraft before Boeing. Which company willenter the market?Answer: Airbus will produce and Boeing will not.2.Suppose both governments offer their respective company a subsidy of$4(million).Answer: Only Airbus will produce since it knows that the subsidy would not be sufficiently large to entice Boeing to also enter the market.3.Suppose both governments offer their respective company a $10 million subsidy. Answer: Both companies would enter the market, since each knows that regardless of the other's decision, it will make some profit here.4.Suppose the U.S. government (but not Europe) offers a $10 million subsidy? Answer: In this case Airbus would decide not to enter the market since it knows Boeing will, and that therefore its own production will entail a loss of $5 million.5.How could the U.S. government justify its decision to offer a subsidy to aprofitable and successful business?Answer: It could point out that this $10 million pump-priming expenditure results in a profit of $110 million. If Boeing paid a marginal income tax of 20%, this would net the gaovernment $55 million, which is more than 5 times the original subsidy, so that thedecision may be justified not only in terms of benefit/cost considerations, but even in terms of pure budgetary terms.。
Chapter 1 international trade policy流动性过剩Excess liquidity 直接投资Direct investment出口退税export tax rebate 东道国host country欧盟European Union 无形交易Invisible trade自给自足self-sufficient 国际收支balance of payments倾销dumping 贸易差额Balance of trade国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差balance of payments surplus / deficit货物贸易Trade in goods 经济资源Economic resources商品交换Commodity Exchange 易货贸易barter出口型经济增长Export-driven economic growth贸易顺差/贸易逆差 favorable /unfavorable balance of trade有形贸易Visible trade 服务贸易Trade in servicesChapter 2 international trade policy关税壁垒Tariff barriers 非关税壁垒Non-tariff barriers从量税Specific duties 配额quota保护性关税protective tariff 市场失灵m arket failure幼稚产业infant industry 许可证制度licensing system财政关税Revenue tariff 政府采购 government procurement最低限价floor price 贸易保护主义trade protectionism本地采购规则“buy local” rules 从价税ad valorem duties增加内需raise domestic demandDomestic content 国内含量Binding quota 绑定配额Tariff-rate quotas 关税配额Red-tape barries 进口环节壁垒Absolute quotas 绝对配额Zero quota零配额Export subsidies 出口补贴VER自愿出口限制Compound duty 复合关税Chapter 5 international trade terms装运港The port of shipment 卸货费discharge expense投保cover insurance 清关customs clearance船上交货FOB贸易术语指“船上交货(Free On Board):国际贸易FOB术语是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。
国际经济学第五版【PPT】第11章 发展中国家的贸易政策实践
7.5Βιβλιοθήκη 21.191.356.3
案例11-1 发展中国家的贸易条件
20世纪50年代,著名阿根廷经济学家劳尔·普雷 维什和德国经济学家汉斯·辛格发表的研究成果显示, 在第二次世界大战前50~100年间,英国的贸易条件大 幅度上升了,由此他们推断,发展中国家由于依赖廉 价的初级产品出口而使其长期贸易条件恶化了(即每 单位出口商品所换回的外国商品数量越来越少了), 也就是与大量出口制成品的先进工业国相比,发展中 国家因不公平的国际交换更容易陷入收入下降的困境, 这对于发展中国家经济增长来说是很不利的。这一有 关发展中国国家贸易条件长期恶化的观点被学界称为 “普雷维什-辛格假说”。
获得规模经济效应 促进国内上下游产业联系,加速形成国
内统一大市场 丰富消费品种类,满足不同层次消费者
需求 产品示范和技术溢出带动产业革新、技
术进步乃至制度发展 促进收入积累和比较优势的转换
C* Q
C 进口
国际贸易实用英文中英对照English:International trade refers to the exchange of goods, services, and capital across borders between countries or regions. It plays a crucial role in the global economy, fostering economic growth, providing consumers with a variety of choices, and enabling countries to specialize in producing goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. International trade is facilitated by a range of factors including comparative advantage, economies of scale, technological advancements, and trade agreements. Comparative advantage theory, proposed by economist David Ricardo, suggests that countries should specialize in producing goods and services where they have the lowest opportunity cost, leading to increased efficiency and overall welfare gains. Economies of scale allow firms to produce goods at lower average costs as they increase their production volume, making them more competitive in international markets. Technological advancements, particularly in transportation and communication, have significantly reduced the costs and time associated with conducting international trade, making it more accessible to a wider range of businesses. Additionally, tradeagreements such as free trade agreements and customs unions aim to reduce trade barriers, including tariffs and quotas, further promoting international trade and integration among participating countries. Overall, international trade is a complex but vital aspect of the global economy, driving economic development, fostering cooperation among nations, and improving living standards worldwide.中文翻译:国际贸易是指在国家或地区之间跨越边界进行的货物、服务和资本交流。
Ch11.International Trade and Economic Development
firms that needed to buy imported inputs for their products.
– They promoted inefficiently small industries.
slide 11
Trade Liberalization
There is some evidence that low and middle
trade policy adopted by many low and middle income countries before the 1980s.
The policy aimed to encourage domestic
industries by limiting competing imports.
2. With protection, infant industries may
never “grow up” or become competitive.
3. There is no justification for government
intervention unless there is a market failure that prevents the private sector from investing in the infant industry.
slide 13
Trade Liberalization (cont.)
slide 14
Trade Liberalization (cont.)
As with import substituting industrialization,
economic development was the ultimate goal of trade liberalization.
国际经济学第9章,贸易政策工具The Instruments of Trade Policy
本国对小麦的需求曲线为:D = 100 – 20P,供 给曲线为:S = 20 + 20P;外国小麦的需求曲 线为:D* = 80 – 20P,供给曲线为:S* = 40 + 20P。若本国对进口小麦征收0.5的从量关税 a.确定并绘出关税对以下几项的影响: (1)各国的小麦价格;(2)各国对小麦的需求 量与供给量;(3)贸易总量。 b.确定关税对本国各社会集团的福利影响: (1)与进口商品竞争的国内生产者;(2)本国 消费者;(3)本国政府。 c.画图说明并计算贸易条件改善所得,效率损 失和关税对社会福利的总影响。
如果本国对每单位小麦征收 t 美元的从量关税
消费者福利有何变化? 生产者福利有何变化? 政府的收入有何变化?
消费者剩余: -(a + b + c + d) 生产者剩余: +a 政府的收入: + (c + e)
综合福利水平: -b -d + e
关税的净损失为: 消费者损失 - 生产者所得 - 政府收入 即: (a + b + c + d)- a -(c + e)= b + d - e
出口补贴 (export subsidy)
D 0 Q
消费者剩余: -(a + b) 生产者剩余: +(a + b + c) 政府的收入: -(b+c+d+e+f + g)
国际贸易13条条款1. 无歧视原则(Most-Favored Nation Principle)根据无歧视原则,世贸组织成员国在国际贸易中应当给予所有其他成员国最惠国待遇。
2. 国内优先原则(National Treatment Principle)根据国内优先原则,世贸组织成员国在对外国和本国产品、服务和知识产权的有关措施方面,一般应按与本国产品、服务和知识产权相等的标准对待外国产品、服务和知识产权。
3. 禁止进出口限制(Prohibition of Quantitative Restrictions)世贸组织成员国应尽量避免采取任何种类的进出口限制措施,如进口配额、出口禁令等限制措施。
4. 出口补贴限制(Limitation of Export Subsidies)世贸组织成员国对出口进行补贴时,应遵守相关规定,补贴的使用应符合国际贸易规则并不应对其他成员国造成不公平的竞争。
5. 贸易便利化(Trade Facilitation)贸易便利化旨在简化贸易程序并降低非关税壁垒,以促进国际贸易的顺利流通。
6. 知识产权保护(Protection of Intellectual Property Rights)世贸组织成员国应采取措施保护知识产权,并确保在国际贸易中知识产权不受侵犯。
7. 反倾销措施(Anti-Dumping Measures)世贸组织成员国可以采取反倾销措施来应对不公平贸易行为,如其他国家以低价倾销产品。
8. 争端解决(Dispute Settlement)世贸组织提供了有效的争端解决机制,成员国可以通过争端解决程序解决贸易争端。
国际贸易策略英语作文Title: International Trade Strategies: Promoting Global Prosperity。
In today's interconnected world, international trade plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth andfostering global prosperity. Countries worldwide formulate various trade strategies to capitalize on opportunities, mitigate challenges, and maximize benefits. This essay explores key components of effective international trade strategies and their significance in promoting economic development.Firstly, a robust international trade strategy involves fostering bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. These agreements facilitate the flow of goods and services across borders, reduce trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas, and create a conducive environment for businessesto thrive. For instance, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the European Union's Single Market are prime examplesof successful trade agreements that have enhanced economic integration and competitiveness among participating countries.Secondly, an effective trade strategy emphasizes the importance of diversification in export markets. Relying heavily on a single market exposes economies to vulnerabilities arising from geopolitical tensions, economic downturns, or policy changes in that particular market. By diversifying export destinations, countries can mitigate risks and ensure a more stable revenue stream. China's Belt and Road Initiative, aimed at enhancing connectivity and trade among Asia, Europe, and Africa, exemplifies the significance of diversification in promoting sustainable economic growth.Furthermore, a comprehensive trade strategy incorporates measures to address trade imbalances and promote fair trade practices. Persistent trade deficits can strain domestic industries and lead to job losses, undermining economic stability. Countries employ various tools such as currency manipulation monitoring, anti-dumping regulations, and trade remedy mechanisms to rectify imbalances and ensure a level playing field for domestic producers. The World Trade Organization (WTO) serves as a platform for resolving trade disputes and upholding the principles of free and fair trade among member states.Moreover, an effective trade strategy embraces innovation and technology as drivers of competitiveness in the global marketplace. Embracing digitalization, investing in research and development, and promoting technological advancements empower businesses to enhance productivity, streamline supply chains, and create high-value-added products and services. Silicon Valley in the United States and Shenzhen in China are exemplars of innovation hubs that have revolutionized industries and propelled economic growth through technological innovation.Additionally, sustainable development lies at the core of a forward-looking trade strategy. Environmental degradation, resource depletion, and climate change pose existential threats to humanity's future. Therefore, trade policies should prioritize sustainability by promoting eco-friendly practices, renewable energy sources, and green technologies. Initiatives like the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscore the importance of integrating environmental considerations into trade policies to ensure long-term prosperity for present and future generations.In conclusion, international trade strategies are indispensable tools for fostering economic growth, enhancing global cooperation, and addressing shared challenges. By embracing openness, diversification, fairness, innovation, and sustainability, countries can unlock the full potential of international trade and create a more prosperous and inclusive world. It is imperative for policymakers to adopt holistic approaches that prioritize the collective well-being of humanity while harnessing the opportunities presented by globalization.。
下面是国际贸易中常见的13条条款:1. 最惠国待遇最惠国待遇是指一个国家给予另一个国家的最优惠的贸易条件。
2. 关税与非关税壁垒关税是指进出口商品需要缴纳的税款,非关税壁垒则是指其他不涉及税款的贸易限制措施,如配额、许可证等。
3. 投资保护投资保护是指保护外国投资者的权益和财产安全的措施。
4. 知识产权保护知识产权保护是指对发明、创作和商标等知识产权的保护措施。
5. 贸易平衡贸易平衡是指一个国家的进口和出口之间的平衡状态。
6. 非歧视原则非歧视原则指贸易中不应该对来自不同国家的商品和服务进行不同对待。
7. 准入到市场准入到市场是指允许外国商品和服务进入一个国家的市场的措施。
8. 反倾销反倾销是指针对倾销行为采取的贸易救济措施。
9. 贸易救济贸易救济是指对不公平贸易行为采取的临时性保护措施。
10. 争端解决机制争端解决机制是指解决国际贸易争端的机制和程序。
11. 贸易经济合作贸易经济合作是指通过合作机制促进国际贸易的发展和繁荣。
12. 安全保障安全保障是指为了保护国家安全而采取的贸易限制措施。
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Produce -5 100
Don’t produce 0 0
Equilibrium outcome is A= 0 and B=100: Airbus does not produce and Boeing produces.
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 11-9
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 11-7
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
• The Brander-Spencer Analysis: An Example
– There are only two firms (Boeing and Airbus) competing, each from a different country (United States and Europe). – There is a new product, 150-seat aircraft, that both firms are capable of making. – Each firm decides either to produce the new product or not.
Chapter 11
Controversies in Trade Policy
Chapter Organization
Introduction Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy Globalization and Low-Wage Labor Summary
• Technological externalities • The presence of monopoly profits in highly
concentrated oligopolistic industries
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
– Subsidize the activity with externalities, not all activities in an industry.
For instance, R&D (as opposed to manufacturing) should be subsidized.
• How Important Are Externalities?
• In high-tech industries firms face appropriability
– Example: In electronics, it is common for firms to “reverse engineer” their rivals’ designs.
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
There are two kinds of market failure that seem to be
present and relevant to the trade policies of advanced countries:
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
Table 11-4: Effects of a Subsidy to Airbus
Airbus Boeing Produce 5 Produce 5 125 Don’t produce 0
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Produce 5 125
Don’t produce 0 0
Equilibrium outcome is A=0 and B=125; Boeing produces and Airbus does not. Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 11-12
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 11-8
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
Table 11-1: Two-Firm Competition
Boeing Produce Don’t produce
Don’t produce 0 100 0 0
Slide 11-10
A subsidy of 25 to Airbus given by Europe results in A=125, B=0.
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
• Problems with the Brander-Spencer Analysis
• In the 1990s a dispute arose over the effects of
growing international trade on workers in developing countries.
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 11-3
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 11-5
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
• The Case for Government Support of HighTechnology Industries
countries is one of the major shifts in the world economy over the last generation.
• The workers who produce these goods are paid low
wages and work under poor conditions.
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
Table 11-2: Effects of a Subsidy to Airbus
Airbus Boeing Produce 20 Produce -5 125 Don’t produce 0
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 11-11
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
Table 11-3: Two-Firm Competition: An Alternative Case
Boeing Produce Don’t produce
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 11-14
Globalization and Low-Wage Labor
The Anti-Globalization Movement
– 1980s
Don’t produce 0 125 0 0
Slide 11-13
A subsidy of 25 to Airbus given by Europe results in A=5, B=5.
Globalization and Low-Wage Labor
The rise of manufactured exports from developing
Slide 11-4
Sophisticated Arguments for Activist Trade Policy
Technology and Externalities
• Externalities
– Firms in an industry generate knowledge that other firms can also use without paying for it.
– Foreign retaliation
– Strategic policies are beggar-thy-neighbor policies that increase our welfare at other countries’ expense.
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
government intervention in trade emerged in advanced countries.
– These arguments focused on the “high-technology” industries that came to prominence as a result of the rise of the silicon chip.
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 11-2
Two controversies over international trade arose in
the 1980s and 1990s.
• In the 1980s a new set of sophisticated arguments for