3 C语言C 语言本身的重要性不能说是很大,但是对于初入大学的大部分学生来说,第一次接触的编程语言应该就是C语言了,所以学好C语言的作用应该在于认识编程语言的共性,总结编程语言的思想和方法,打好学习编程语言的基础是更重要的。
国际会计第七版英文版课后答案(第七章)预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制Chapter 7Financial Reporting and Changing PricesDiscussion Questions Solutions1.Historical-based financial statements may be misleading during periods of significant inflation.Many resources may have been acquired in periods when the purchasing power of the monetary unit was much higher. These expenses then typically are deducted from revenues that reflect current purchasing power. The resulting income number is unintelligible. Another problem for statement readers is that the value of assets recorded at their historical acquisition cost is typically understated as a result of inflation. Understated asset values produce understated expenses and overstated earnings.Financial trends are also difficult to interpret, as trend statistics generally include monetary units of different purchasing power. A positive trend in sales may be due to price changes, not real increases in sales.2. A price index is a cost ratio, that is, the ratio of a representative “basket” of goods and servicesconsumed by an average family, compared to the price of that same basket in a benchmark (“base”) year. The price index is invaluable in enabling a statement reader to translate sums of money paid in the past to their current purchasing power equivalents.3.This statement is partly true and shows the confusion thatsurrounds inflation accounting. Inaccounting for changing prices, users must distinguish between general price changes and specific price changes. General prices refer to the prices of all goods and services in the economy. The object of accounting for general price level changes is to preserve the general purchasing power of a company’s money capital. Specific price changes refer to changes in the prices of specific commodities. The object of accounting for specific price changes is to preserve a company’s productive capacity or operating capability.4.The congressman is wrong. The object of inflation accounting is to clarify the distinction betweencapital and income, not to minimize corporate taxes. Inflation accounting shows how much money the company can pay in expenses, taxes, and dividends, while keeping enough resources to maintain its capital.5.Although it is generally conceded in principle that price level-adjusted financial statements are moreuseful than conventional accounting statements during periods of significant inflation, it is a judgment call to identify exactly when price level-adjusted statements become more meaningful. Asa rule of thumb, executives in Brazil use an inflation rate greater than 10 % per month. Investors inGermany or Switzerland may believe that 5 % inflation per year is alarming. Unfortunately, no one has yet developed a formal, rigorous, easy-to-apply definition of meaningfulness.How does one determine whether the benefits of price level-adjusted accounting information exceed the costs? While the costs to generate such information can be measured, it is muchharder to quantify the benefits. Financial accounting deals with information produced by business enterprises for use by external decision makers. Consequently, measurement of the benefits of price level-adjusted information must cover all user groups in an economy. Multiple user groups, uneven distributions of benefits (both within and between groups), and favorable economy-wide spillover effects of price level information complicate the task. Adding international dimensions makes the problem even worse.6.The U.S. approach resembles the price-level adjusted current cost model, whereas the U.K.approach embraces the current cost model. While both require disclosure of the impact ofchanging prices on monetary items, the U.S. approach basically uses the general price level index to compute monetary gains and losses, whereas the U.K. employs specific prices changes by way of its gearing adjustment.1.The International Accounting Standards Board sanctions use of the general price level model orthe current cost framework. Whichever method is employed, these inflation adjustments must be expressed in terms of constant purchasing power as of the balance sheet date. Purchasing powergains or losses are to be included in current income. Firms adjusting their accounts for changingprices must disclose, at a minimum: a) the fact that end-of-period purchasing power adjustmentshave been made, b) the asset valuation framework employed in the primary financial statements,c) the type of inflation index or indexes employed and theirlevel at the end of the period as wellas their movements during the period, and d) the net purchasing power gain or loss on netmonetary items held during the period. Given the options that are available, analysts mustunderstand the differences between the approved inflation accounting methods to be able tocompare companies choosing one option over the other and to assure proper interpretation ofinflation adjusted amounts.2.The historical cost-constant dollar model measures the impact of general price level changes on afirm's reported performance and financial position. The current cost model examines the impact of specific price changes on enterprise income and wealth.The two measurement frameworks are similar in that both attempt to clarify the distinction between capital and income. They differ in reporting objectives. Whereas the historical cost/constant dollar model attempts to preserve the general purchasing power of a firm's original money capital, the current cost model attempts to preserve an entity's physical capital or productive capacity.3.Your authors think that restating foreign and domestic accounts to their current cost equivalentsproduces information that is far more helpful to investor decisions than historical cost methods, whether or not adjusted for changes in general price levels. Such information provides a performance measure that signals the maximum amount of resources that enterprises can distribute without reducing their productive capacity. It also facilitates comparisons ofconsolidated data.10. The gearing adjustment is an inflation adjustment that partially offsets the additional charges toincome associated with assets whose values are restated for inflation (e.g., higher depreciation and cost of sales). This adjustment recognizes that borrowers generally gain from inflation because they can repay their debts with currency of reduced purchasing power. Hence, it is unnecessary to recognize the higher replacement cost of inventory and plant and equipment in the income statement so far as they are financed by debt.11. Accounting for foreign inflation differs from accounting for domestic inflation in two major ways.First, foreign rates of inflation often are higher than domestic rates, which increases potential distortions in an entity's reported results from changing prices. Second, as foreign exchange rates and differential national rates of inflation are seldom perfectly negatively correlated, care must be taken to avoid double-dipping when consolidating the results of foreign operations.12.Double-dipping refers to methods that count the effects of foreign inflation twice in reportedearnings. Earnings are reduced once when cost of sales is adjusted upwards for inflation, andagain when inventories are translated to domestic currency using a current exchange rate, whichyields a translation loss. Since the change in the exchange rate itself was caused by inflation, the result is a double charge for inflation.Exercise Solutions1.This exercise is a good way to test students’ understanding of the various approaches toaccounting for changin g prices. Vestel’s earnings numbers are based on the general price levelmodel whereas Infosys is measuring its performance based on a current cost framework. Modello goes a step further and adjusts its current cost statements for changes in the general price level.Some may feel that current cost data, which is based on the notion of replacement costs, is toosubjective a notion to be reliable. Since general price level data are based on general price level indices, the numbers appearing in Vestel’s income statement are much more objective andfacilitates comparisons among companies using a similar methodology. Moreover, Vestel’sstatements do not violate the historical cost doctrine. Others will argue that the value of stockinvestments are based on discounted future cash flows. Accordingly, the current cost framework provided by Infosys is more germane to investor decisions as it measures the amount of earnings that could be distributed as dividends without reducing the firm’s future dividend gen eratingpotential. Moreover, current cost earnings, including the gearing adjustment , reflects how thefirm is impacted by prices that are more germane to the firm, as opposed to the general public.Some will argue that Modello’s income statement combin es the best of both worlds. However,there is merit to the argument that the income statementshould measure the performance of thefirm and that this is best accomplished with the current cost framework. Since individualinvestors are affected by the g eneral price level, they should adjust their share of a firm’s current cost earnings distributions for general inflation.2. a.Income Statement Historical Price Level Historical Cost-Cost Adjustment Constant Dollar Revenue MXP 144,000,000 420/340 MXP 177,882,353 Operating expenses (86,400,000) 420/340 (106,729,412) Depreciation (36,000,000) 420/263 (57,490,494)Operating income MXP 21,600,000 MXP 13,662,447a Monetary gains(losses) - (73,248,759)Net income MXP 53,280,000 MXP(59,586,312)Balance SheetCash MX(P 157,600,000 420/420 MXP 157,600,000Land 180,000,000 420/263 287,452,471Building 720,000,000 420/263 1,149,809,885Acc. Depreciation (36,000,000) 420/263 (57,490,494)Total MXP 1,021,600,000 MXP 1,537,371,862Owners' equity(beg.) MXP1,000,000,000 rolled forward b MXP 1,596,958,174Net income (loss) 21,600,000 (59,586,312)Owner's equity MXP 1,021,600,000 MXP 1,537,371,862(end)a Monetary loss:CashBeginning balance 1,000,000,000 420/263 1,596,958,174 Purchase ofreal estate ( 900,000,000) 420/263 (1,437,262,356)Rental revenues 144,000,000 420/340 177,882,353Operating expenses (86,400,000) 420/340 106,729,412)157,600,000 230,848,759-157,600,000 Monetary loss (73,248,759)b Beginning equity x price level adjustment = adjusted amount= P 1,000,000,000 x 420/263 = P 1,596,958,1742.b.Cost HC/Constant DollarReturn on Assets 21,600,000 (59,586,312)1,021,600,000 1,537,371,862= 2.1% = -3.9%Cost-based profitability ratios tend to provide a distorted (overstated) picture of a company's operating performance during a period of inflation.3.20X7 20X8Cash MJR 2,500 MJR 5,100Current liabilities (1,000) (1,200)LT-Debt (3,000) (4,000)Net monetary liabilities MJR (1,500) MJR (100)Zonolia Enterprise’s net monetary liability position changed by MJR1,400 during the year (MJR100) –(MJR1,500).4.Nominal Restate for ConstantMJR’s Majikstan GPL MJR’sNet monetary liab.'s MJR 1,500 x 32,900/30,000 = MJR1,645 12/31/X7Decrease during year (1,400) = (1,400)Net monetary liab.'s MJR 100 x 32,900/36,000 = MJR 9112/31/X8Monetary (general purchasing power) gain MJR 1545. Historical Current Cost Current Income Statement Cost Adjustment Cost Revenues MXP 144,000,000 - MXP 144,000,000 Operating expenses 86,400,000 - 86,400,000 Depreciation (36,000.000) 1.8 64,800,000 Net Income (loss) MXP 21,600,000 MXP (7,200,000)Balance SheetCash MXP 157,600,000 - P 157,600,000 Land 180,000,000 1.9 342,000,000 Building 720,000,000 1.8 1,296,000,000 Acc. Depreciation (36,000,000) 1.8 (64,800,000) Total MXP1,021,600,000 MXP 1,730,800,000 Owners' Equity Beg. Balance MXP1,000,000,000 MXP 1,000,000,000 OE revaluation a - 738,000,000Net income (loss) 21,600,000 (7,200,000) Total MXP1,021,600,000 MXP 1,730,800,000a Revaluation of land MXP 162,000,000Revaluation of building 576,000,000MXP 738,000,0006. Solution in 000,000's:MJR8,000 X 137.5/100.0 = MJR11,00020X7 20X8Current cost MJR8,000 MJR11,000Acc. depreciation (1,600) (3,300)aNet current cost MJR6,400 MJR7,700a Current cost depreciation = MJR800 X 137.5/100.0 = 1,100per year for 3 years.7. As no new assets were acquired during the year, we must determine to what extent the MJR3,000 increase in the current cost of Zonolia's equipment exceeded the change in the general price level during the year. The appropriate calculation follows: MJR11,000 - [MJR8,000 X 36,000/30,000]= MJR11,000 - MJR9,600= MJR1,400Alternatively, if we follow the FASB’s sug gested methodology, where calculations are expressed in average (20X8) dollars, current cost depreciation would be computed by reference to the average current cost of the related assets. Thus, Current cost, 12/31/X7 MJR8,000,000Current cost, 12/31/X8 11,000,000MJR19,000,000Average current cost MJR19,000,000/2 = MJR9,500,000Current cost depreciation at 10% = MJR950,000Increase in current cost of equipment, net of inflation (000's): Current Restate for Current cost/Cost Inflation Constant Zonos Current cost, net12/31/X7 MJR6,400 X 32,900/30,000 MJR7,019Depreciation (950) (950)Current cost, net12/31/X8 7,700 X 32,900/36,000 7,037MJR 2,250 MJR968The increase in the current cost of equipment, net of inflation is MJR968. The difference between the nominal renge amount (MJR2,250) and constant renges (MJR968) is the inflation component of the equipment's current cost increase.8. Restate-translate method:Constant Translate $ Equivalentsrenges of constantrengesIncrease in currentcost of equip., netof inflation MJR968,000 X 1/4,800 = $202Translate-restate method:CC (MJR) Translate CC ($) Restate CC/ Constant $U.S. GPLCC, net MJR 6,400,000 x 1/4,800 = $1,333 x 292.5/281.5 = $1,38512/31/X7Dep. (950,000) x 1/4,800 = (198) = (198)CC, net 7,700,000 x 1/4,800 = 1,604 x 292.5/303.5 = 1,54612/31/X8MJR 2,250,000 $ 469 $ 3599.20X7 20X8£m £mTrade receivables 242 270-Trade payables (170) (160)Net monetary working capital 72 110Change in monetary working capital = £38 (£110 - £72) Nominal Restate for Constant£British PPI £Net monetary W/C 72 X 110/100 = 79.212/31/20X7Increase during year 38 = 38.0Net monetary W/C 110 X 110/120 = 100.812/31/20X8Monetary working capital adjustment = (16.4)aa This amount is added to the current cost adjustments for depreciation and cost of sales because trade receivables exceeded trade payables, thus tying up working capital in an asset that lost purchasing power.Gearing adjustment:[(TL – CA)/(FA + I + MWC)] [CC Dep. Adj. + CC Sales Adj. + MWCA]where TL = total liabilities other than trade payablesCA = current assets other than trade receivables and inventoryFA = fixed assets including investmentsI = inventoryMWC = monetary working capitalCC Dep. Adj. = current cost depreciation adjustmentCC Sales adj. = current cost of sales adjustmentMWCA = monetary working capital adjustment= [(128 – 75)/(479 + 220 + 110] [£m 216]= [.066 ] [216]= £14.3The only number I could readily identify in problem 9 is inventory of 220. The next number I could come close on is fixed assets. Looks like the solution above says 479, the text for 08 indicates 473. I could not see where the 110 (MWC) came from. Neither is it clear where the other 3 items in brackets came from. The solution needs to be clearer before I can check the numbers.This gearing adjustment of £14.3 million is subtracted from the current cost of sales and depreciation adjustments. It represents the purchasing power gain from using debt to finance part of the firm's operating assets.a.Nominal Thai Historical Translation U.S.baht inflation c ost/constant rate dollaradjustment baht equivalentInven-tory BHT500,000 x 100/200 = BHT250,000 x .02 = $5,000b.Nominal Translation U.S. U.S. Historicalbaht rate dollar inflation c ost/constantequivalent adjustment dollarsInven-tory BHT500,000 x .02 = 10,000 x 180/198 = $9,090Sorry this seems confusing compared to number 2 where the year end index was in the numerator and either the beginning or average index was in the denominator (e.g. 420/340 or 420/263). It is not clear why we do the opposite here where the Thai price level doubles and we put the 200 in the denominator and 100 in the numerator.c. Most students will prefer the restate-translate method. This approach has merit if general and specific pricelevels move in tandem. If not, neither approach is satisfactory as both are based on a historical cost valuation framework that is generally irrelevant for investment decisions.d. For reasons enumerated in this chapter, we favor restating local currency assets for specific price changesand then translating these current cost equivalents to dollars using the current exchange rate.11. We assume that Doosan Enterprises translates its inventory at the current rate and adjusts its cost ofsales for inflation by simulating what it would have been ona LIFO basis. Two adjustments are necessarybecause local inflation impacts exchange rates used to translate foreign currency inventory balances to dollars.With FIFO inventories, a translation loss is recorded in "as reported" earnings when it is originally translatedto U.S. dollars by a current exchange rate that changed (devalued) during the period. This translation loss isan indirect charge for local inflation. The inflation adjustment (simulated LIFO charge) to increase "as reported" cost of sales to a current cost basis is an additional charge for inflation. Absent some offsettingentry, consolidated results would be charged twice for inflation. To avoid this double charge, the translation loss embodied in reported earnings is deducted from the simulated LIFO charge to arrive at a net U.S. dollarcurrent cost of sales adjustment. Steps in the adjustment process are as follows:1. FIFO inventory subject to simulated LIFO charge KRW10,920,0002. Restate line 1 to January 1 currency units(KRW10,920,000 x 100/120). The result is anapproximation of December 31 LIFO inventory KRW9,100,0003. Difference between FIFO and LIFO inventorybalances (line 1 minus line 2) is the additionallira LIFO expense (current cost adjustment)for the current year. KRW1,820,0004. Translate line 3 to dollars at the January 1exchange rate (KRW1,820,000 ÷ 900). The resultis the additional dollar LIFO expense for thecurrent year $ 2,0225. Calculate the translation loss on FIFO inventory(line 1) that has already been reflected in "asreported" results:a. Translate line 1 at Januaryexchange rate (KRW10,920,000 ÷ KRW900) $ 12,133b. Translate line 1 at December 31exchange rate (L 10,920,000 ÷ KRW1,170) $ 9,333c. The difference is the translationloss in “as reported” results $ (2,800)6. The difference between lines 4 and 5c isthe cost of sales adjustment in dollars:a. Additional dollar LIFO expense fromline 4. $ 2,022b. Less: Inventory translation loss alreadyreflected in "as reported” results (fromline 5c) $ (2,800)c. The difference is the net dollar currentcost of sales adjustment $ (778)Here, the current cost of sales adjustment is negative (i.e., reduces the dollar cost of sales adjustment). This is because the won devalued by more than the differential inflation rate (assuming a U.S. inflation rate close to zero). If the lira devalued by less than the differential inflation rate, the cost of sales adjustment would have been positive.12.1. Cost of fixed assets at 12/31 EUR20,0002. FIFO inventory at 12/31 EUR 8,0003. Total EUR28,0004. Less: Owners' equity at 12/31 EUR 2,0005. Liabilities used to financefixed assets and inventory EUR26,0006. Restate liabilities to beginningof period markka (EUR26,000 X300/390) EUR20,0007. Purchasing power gain EUR 6,0008. Purchasing power gain inpounds (EUR 6,000/EUR 1.5) £4,0009. Translation gain on appliedliabilities(EUR 26,000/EUR 1.5 -EUR26,000/EUR1.95) £4,00010. Net purchasing power gain £ -0-In this case the translation gain on liabilities used to finance nonmonetary assets equals the purchasing power gain because the currency devaluation matched the differential inflation of 30%. Hence, no purchasing power gains would be recognized.Case 7-1 SolutionCase 7.1 Kashmir Enterprises1.a–cHistorical Price Level HistoricalCost Adjustment Cost ConstantIncome Statement RupeesRevenues INR6,000,000 160/144 I NR6,666,667Cost of Sales 2,560,000 160/128 3,200,000Selling & Admin. 1,200,000 160/144 1,333,333Depreciation 160,000 160/128 200,000Interest 240,000 160/160 240,000Monetary gains (losses)a - 741,666Net Income INR1,840,000 INR2,435,000Balance SheetCash INR2,480,000 160/160 I NR2,480,000 Inventory 480,000 160/128 600,000Building 3,200,000 160/128 4,000,000Accu. depreciation (160,000) 160/128 (200,000) Total INR6,000,000 INR6,880,000Accounts payable INR 620,000 160/160 I NR 620,000 Notes payable 2,400,000 160/160 2,400,000 Owners' equity 2,980,000 3,860,000INR 6,000,000 INR6,880,000a Monetary gains/(losses):CashBeg. balance INR 720,000 160/128 INR1,150,000 Down payment (800,000) 160/128 (1,000,000) Sales 6,000,000 160/144 6,666,667Selling & Adm. exp. (1,200,000) 160/144 (1,333,333) Payment on account (2,200,000) 160/144 (2,444,444) Interest (240,000) 160/160 (240,000)INR 2,480,000 INR2,798,890-2,480,000Monetary loss INR (318,890)a Monetary gains and losses:Accounts PayableBeg. balance INR 420,000 160/128 INR525,000 Purchases 2,400,000 160/128 3,000,000Payments on account (2,200,000) 160/144 (2,444,444) INR 620,000 INR1,080,556- 620,000Monetary gain INR 460,556a Monetary gains/(losses):Notes PayablePurchase warehouse INR 2,400,000 160/128 INR 3,000,000 - 2,400,000Monetary gain INR 600,000Net monetary loss: INR(318,890) + INR460,556 + INR600,000 = INR741,666.Current Cost Financial StatementsHistorical Adjustment Current Cost Income Statement Cost F actor EquivalentsRevenues INR6,000,000 - INR 6,000,000Cost of Sales 2,560,000 1.3 3,328,000Selling and adm. 1,200,000 - 1,200,000Depreciation 160,000 1.4 224,000Interest 240,000 - 240,000Net Income INR 1,840,000 INR1,008,000Balance SheetCash INR 2,480,000 - INR 2,480,000Inventory 480,000 1.3 624,000Building 3,200,000 1.4 4,480,000Acc. depreciation 160,000 1.4 224,000Total INR 6,000,000 INR 7,360,000Accounts payable INR 620,000 - INR 620,000Notes payable 2,400,000 - 2,400,000Owners' equity 2,980,000 4,340,000INR 6,000,000 INR 7,360,0002. Your authors favor current cost over historical or historical cost/constant dollar financial statements. Finance theory states that investors are interested in a firm's dividend-generating potential, as the value of their investment depends on future cash flows. A firm's dividend-generating potential, in turn, is directly related to its productive capacity. Unless a firm preserves itsproductive capacity or physical capital(e.g.,plant, equipment, inventories), dividends can’t be sustained over time. Under these circumstances, current cost financial statements give investors information important to their decisions. They show the maximum resources that a firm can distribute to investors without impairing its operating capability.3.Translate-Restate MethodBalance Sheet, Jan. 1Local Currency Trans. Dollar Inflation Historical costRate Equivalents Adjustment Constant $Cash INR 920,000 .025 $23,000 - $23,000Inventory 640,000 .025 16,000 - 16,000 Total INR1,560,000 $39,000 $39,000A/P INR 420,000 .025 $10,500 - $10,500 Owners' equity 1,140,000 .025 28,500 - 28,500 Total INR 1,560,000 $39,000 $ 39,000Income StatementDec. 31Revenues INR 6,000,000 .022 $ 132,000 108/104 $ 137,077 Cost of sales 2,560,000 .022 56,320 108/100 60,825Selling & Adm. 1,200,000 .022 26,400 108/104 27,415 Depreciation 160,000 .022 3,520 108/100 3,802 Interest 240,000 .022 5,280 108/108 5,280Net Income INR 1,840,000 $ 40,480 $ 39,755 Monetary gains (losses)a - - 4,468$44,223a Monetary gains/(losses):CashBeg. Bal INR 920,000 .02 $ 18,400 108/100 $ 19,872Downpayment (800,000) .02 (16,000) 108/100 (17,280) Sales 6,000,000 .02 120,000 108/104 124,615Selling & Adm. (1,200,000) .02 (24,000) 108/104 (24,923)Payments on Acc. (2,200,000) .02 (44,000) 108/104 (45,692) Interest (240,000) .02 (4,800) 108/108 (4,800)INR 2,480,000 $ 49,600 51,792-49,600Monetary loss $ (2,192) Accounts PayableBeg. Bal. INR 420,000 .02 $ 8,400 108/100 $ 9,072Purchases 2,400,000 .02 48,000 108/100 51,840Pmt. on acc. (2,200,000) .02 (44,000) 108/104 45,692INR 620,000 $ 12,400 $ 15,592- 12,400Monetary gain $ 2,820Notes payablePur. W/house Rpe 2,400,000 .02 $ 48,000 108/100 $ 51,840 48,000Monetary gain $ 3,840Netmonetary gain: $(2,192) + $2,820 + $3,840 = $4,468.Balance Sheet Local Trans. Dollar Inflation Historical cost- Dec. 31 Currency Rate Equiv. Adjustment Constant $Cash INR 2,480,000 .02 48,600 108/108 $ 48,600 Inventory 480,000 .02 9,600 108/100 10,368 Building 3,200,000 .02 64,000 108/100 69,120Acc. Dep. 160,000 .02 3,200 108/100 3,456Total INR 6,000,000 $120,000 $ 124,632Acc. payable 620,000 .02 12,400 108/108 $ 12,400Notes payable 2,400,000 .02 48,000 108/108 48,000Trans. adj.b - (9,380) (9,978)Owners' equity c 2,980,000 68,980 74,210Total INR 6,000,000 $120,000 $124,632________________________________________________________________ __b Translation adjustment:Beginning net assets Rpe 1,140,000 (.02 - .025) = $ (5,700) X 108/100 = $(6,156)Increase in net assets Rpe 1,840,000 (.02 - .022) = (3,680) X 108/104 = $(3,822)$(9,380) $(9,978) c Balancing residualRestate - Translate MethodBalance Sheet Local Inflation Historical Cost- Trans. D ollar Jan 1. Currency Adjustment Constant rupee Rate equivalents Cash INR 920,000 128/128 INR 920,000 .025 $ 23,000 Inventory d 640,000 128/128 640,000 .025 16,000Total INR1,560,000 INR1,560,000 $ 39,000Acct. payable INR 420,000 128/128 INR 420,000 .025 $ 10,500Owner's equity 1,140,000 1,140,000 28,500Total INR 1,560,000 INR 1,560,000 $ 39,000d Assumes inventory acquired near year-end.Income StatementYear ended Dec. 31Revenues INR 6,000,000 160/144 INR 6,666,666 .022 $ 146,667Cost of Sales 2,560,000 160/128 3,200,000 .022 70,400 Selling & Adm. 1,200,000 160/144 1,333,333 .022 29,333 Depreciation 160,000 160/128 200,000 .022 4,400Interest 240,000 160/160 240,000 .022 5,280Net Income INR1,840,000 INR1,693,334 $ 37,254 Monetary gains(losses)a- 741,666 .022 16,317INR2,435,000 $ 53,571Balance SheetDec. 31Cash INR 2,480,000 160/160 INR 2,480,000 .02 $ 49,600Inventory 480,000 160/128 600,000 .02 12,000Building 3,200,000 160/128 4,000,000 .02 80,000Acc. deprec. 160,000 160/128 200,000 .02 4,000Total INR 6,000,000 INR 6,880,000 $137,600Acc. payable INR620,000 160/160 INR 620,000 .02 $ 12,400 Notes payable 2,400,000 160/160 2,400,000 .02 48,000Owner's equity 2,980,000 3,860,000 87,770 Translation adj.b - (10,570)Total INR 6,000,000 INR 6,880,000 $137,600________________________________________b Beginning net assets INR1,140,000 (.02 - .025) = $ (5,700)Change in net assets 2,435,000 ).02 - .022) = $(4,870)$(10,570)Both methods are inadequate for American investors because they are based on the historical cost valuation framework. A better reporting procedure is to restate local accounts to their current cost equivalents, then translate these amounts to the reporting currency using the year-end (current) foreign exchange rate. This is illustrated here.Restate (current cost)/Translate (current rate)Cash INR 920,000 - INR 920,000 .025 $ 23,000Inventory 640,000 - 640,000 .025 16,000Total INR 1,560,000 INR1,560,000 $ 39,000Acc. payable INR 420,000 - INR 420,000 .025 $ 10,500Owner's equity 1,140,000 - 1,140,000 28,500。
Accounting and Financial managementPPT课件
January 31, 2009
Accounts receivable
Prepaid insurance
240 000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
1 750
9 000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
• Statement of a firm’s financial position- what it owns and the claims against its assets- at a particular point in tlance Sheet
Accounts payable Owner’s equity:
Li, Capital Total liabilities & Owner’s equity
40 000
1 015 150 1 055 150
The Income Statement
• Financial record of a company’s revenues, expenses, and profits over a period of time
360 000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
1 000
Total assets
444 450 1 300 3 300
238 250
8 850
359 000 1 055 150
Accountants’ Responsibility
Financial and Managerial Accounting English Version Photocopy Tenth Edition Exercise Questions withAnswersIntroductionThe Financial and Managerial Accounting English Version Photocopy Tenth Edition Exercise Questions with Answers is a comprehensive guide for accounting students to practice and sharpen their skills infinancial and managerial accounting. This guide includes a wide range of exercise questions with detled answers to help students better understand complex accounting concepts. The guide is designed to be an essential study tool for accounting students and professionals who are preparing for certification exams or looking to improve their accounting skills.FeaturesThe guide contns the following features:prehensive coverage of financial and managerialaccounting topics.2.A wide range of exercise questions with detled answers.3.Clear and concise explanations of complex accountingconcepts.4.Easy-to-use format.5.All questions are organized by chapter and topic for easyreference.ContentsThe guide includes the following chapters:1.Accounting in Action2.The Recording Process3.Adjusting the Accountspleting the Accounting Cycle5.Accounting for Merchandising Operations6.Inventories7.Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash8.Accounting for Receivables9.Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets10.Liabilities11.Corporations: Organization, Stock Transactions, andDividends12.Long-Term Liabilities: Bonds and Notes13.Investments and Fr Value Accounting14.Statement of Cash Flows15.Financial Statement Analysis16.Managerial Accounting Concepts and Principles17.Job Order Costing18.Process Costing19.Cost Behavior and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis20.Budgeting21.Performance Evaluation Using Variances from StandardCosts22.Performance Evaluation for Decentralized Operations23.Differential Analysis and Product PricingEach chapter includes a series of exercise questions with answers.How to Use the GuideThe guide is designed to be an essential study tool for accounting students and professionals who are preparing for certification exams or looking to improve their accounting skills. Students can use the guide to practice and sharpen their accounting skills. The guide can be used in conjunction with textbooks, lectures, and other study materials. Students are encouraged to work through e ach chapter’s exercises in order, starting with the easier exercises and progressing to the more difficult exercises.ConclusionThe Financial and Managerial Accounting English Version Photocopy Tenth Edition Exercise Questions with Answers is a comprehensive guide for accounting students to practice and sharpen their skills infinancial and managerial accounting. This guide includes a wide range of exercise questions with detled answers to help students better understand complex accounting concepts. The guide is an essential study tool for accounting students and professionals who are preparing for certification exams or looking to improve their accounting skills.。
financial accounting第七章课件
Bank reconciliation
A bank reconciliation is a listing of the items and amounts that cause the cash balance reported in the bank statement to differ from the balance of the cash account in the ledger. A bank reconciliation is usually divided into two setions.(表 )
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Financial accounting
Chapter 7 Cash
Cash coins,currency(papermoney),checks,money orders,and money on deposit that is available for unrestricted withdrawal from banks and other financial institutions. The Controls Over Cash First,because of the ease with which money can be transferred ,cash is the asset most likely to be diverted and used improperly by employees;second, many transactions either directly or indirectly affect the receipt or the payment of cash.
accounting and finance专业介绍-概述说明以及解释
accounting and finance专业介绍-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以包括对accounting and finance专业的定义和简要介绍。
概述:accounting and finance是一门研究财务管理和会计原理的学科,其目的是培养学生具备在财务和会计领域工作所需的技能和知识。
因此,accounting and finance专业对于那些想要在商业领域取得成功的学生来说是非常有吸引力的选择。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以描述整篇文章的组织结构和各个章节的主要内容。
可以按照以下方式编写:在本文中,将介绍accounting and finance专业的相关知识和领域。
引言部分将为读者提供一个概述,简单介绍accounting and finance 专业的背景和重要性。
发表accounting and finance
发表accounting and finance全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:财务与会计学是现代商业社会中不可或缺的重要学科,它们通过对财务数据进行分析和解释,帮助企业制定决策、评估绩效和规划未来。
内容第1章介绍 (1)第二章会计..........................................................在理想的条件7第三章财务报告的决策有用法 (68)第四章......................................................................有效的证券市场129第五章会计信息的价值相关性 (153)第六章决策有用性................................测量方法194第七章........................................................................测量应用237第8章有效的决策有用的契约方法 (285)第九章的分析冲突 (321)第十章高管薪酬 (371)第十一章盈余管理 (425)第十二章标准设置:经济问题 (487)第十三章标准设置:政治问题 (527)版权©2015年皮尔森加拿大公司。
第一章介绍1.1 这本书的目的1.2 一些历史的角度来看1.3 2007-2008年的市场崩盘1.4 有效的合同1.5 关于道德行为的说明1.6 基于规则的与基于原则的会计准则1.7 财务会计和报告信息的复杂性1.8 会计研究的作用1.9 信息不对称的重要性1.10财务会计理论的基本问题1.11监管作为对根本问题的反应1.12本书的组织结构1.12.1理想条件1.12.2逆向选择1.12.3道德风险1.12.4标准设定1.12.5标准设定过程1.13财务会计理论与会计实务的相关性学习目标及建议教学方法1. 这本书的概要我使用图1.1作为模板来描述这本书的大致轮廓。
背会了以下这些单词,学Financial Accounting的小伙伴们就再也不用蛋疼了~!Part 1 会计与会计理论会计 accounting决策人 Decision Maker 投资人Investor股东Shareholder债权人Creditor财务会计Financial Accounting管理会计 Management Accounting成本会计Cost Accounting私业会计Private Accounting公众会计Public Accounting注册会计师 CPA Certified Public Accountant国际会计准则委员会IASC美国注册会计师协会AICPA财务会计准则委员会FASB管理会计协会 IMA美国会计学会 AAA税务稽核署 IRS独资企业Proprietorship合伙人企业Partnership公司Corporation会计目标Accounting Objectives会计假设 Accounting Assumptions会计要素 Accounting Elements会计原则 Accounting Principles会计实务过程 Accounting Procedures财务报表 Financial Statements财务分析Financial Analysis会计主体假设 Separate-entity Assumption货币计量假设Unit-of-measure Assumption持续经营假设Continuity(Going-concern) Assumption会计分期假设Time-period Assumption资产Asset负债Liability业主权益Owner's Equity收入 Revenue费用 Expense收益 Income亏损 Loss历史成本原则Cost Principle收入实现原则Revenue Principle配比原则Matching Principle全面披露原则Full-disclosure (Reporting) Principle客观性原则Objective Principle一致性原则Consistent Principle可比性原则Comparability Principle重大性原则Materiality Principle稳健性原则Conservatism Principle权责发生制 Accrual Basis现金收付制 Cash Basis财务报告 Financial Report 流动资产 Current assets流动负债 Current Liabilities长期负债 Long-term Liabilities投入资本Contributed Capital留存收益Retained EarningPart 2 会计循环会计循环 Accounting Procedure/Cycle会计信息系统Accounting information System帐户Ledger会计科目Account会计分录Journal entry原始凭证Source Document日记帐 Journal总分类帐 General Ledger明细分类帐 Subsidiary Ledger 试算平衡 Trial Balance现金收款日记帐 Cash receipt journal现金付款日记帐 Cash disbursements journal销售日记帐 Sales Journal购货日记帐Purchase Journal普通日记帐General Journal工作底稿Worksheet调整分录 Adjusting entries结帐 Closing entriesPart 3 现金与应收帐款现金 Cash银行存款 Cash in bank库存现金 Cash in hand流动资产Current assets偿债基金Sinking fund定额备用金Imprest petty cash支票 Check(cheque)银行对帐单 Bank statement 银行存款调节表Bank reconciliation statement在途存款Outstanding deposit在途支票Outstanding check应付凭单Vouchers payable应收帐款Account receivable应收票据Note receivable起运点交货价F.O.B shipping pointnt商业折扣Trade discount现金折扣 Cash discount销售退回及折让 Sales return and allowance坏帐费用 Bad debt expense备抵法 Allowance method 备抵坏帐Bad debt allowance损益表法Income statement approach资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach帐龄分析法 Aging analysis method直接冲销法Direct write-off method带息票据Interest bearing note不带息票据 Non-interest bearing note出票人Maker受款人Payee本金Principal利息率Interest rate到期日Maturity date本票Promissory note贴现Discount背书Endorse 拒付费 Protest fee comPart 4 存货存货 Inventory商品存货 Merchandise inventory产成品存货Finished goods inventory在产品存货Work in process inventory原材料存货Raw materials inventory起运地离岸价格F.O.B shipping point目的地抵岸价格 F.O.B destination寄销Consignment寄销人Consignor承销人Consignee定期盘存Periodic inventory永续盘存 Perpetual inventory购货 Purchase购货折让和折扣Purchase allowance and discounts存货盈余或短缺Inventory overages and shortages分批认定法Specific identification加权平均法Weighted average先进先出法First-in, first-out or FIFO后进先出法Lost-in, first-out or LIFO移动平均法Moving average成本或市价孰低法 Lower of cost or market or LCM 市价Market value重置成本Replacement cost可变现净值Net realizable value上限Upper limit下限Lower limit毛利法Gross margin method零售价格法 Retail method成本率 Cost ratioPart 5 长期投资长期投资 Long-term investment长期股票投资 Investment on stocks长期债券投资 Investment on bonds成本法 Cost method 权益法Equity method合并法Consolidation method股利宣布日Declaration date股权登记日Date of record除息日Ex-dividend date付息日 Payment date债券面值 Face value, Par value债券折价Discount on bonds债券溢价 Premium on bonds票面利率 Contract interest rate, stated rate市场利率 Market interest ratio, Effective rate普通股 Common Stock优先股 Preferred Stock现金股利 Cash dividends股票股利Stock dividends清算股利Liquidating dividends到期日 Maturity date到期值 Maturity value直线摊销法Straight-Line method of amortization实际利息摊销法Effective-interest method of amortizationpart 6 固定资产固定资产Plant assets or Fixed assets原值Original value预计使用年限Expected useful life预计残值Estimated residual value折旧费用 Depreciation expense累计折旧Accumulated depreciation帐面价值Carrying value应提折旧成本Depreciation cost净值Net value在建工程Construction-in-process磨损Wear and tear过时Obsolescence直线法Straight-line method (SL)工作量法 Units-of-production method (UOP)加速折旧法 Accelerated depreciation method双倍余额递减法 Double-declining balance method (DDB)年数总和法Sum-of-the-years-digits method (SYD)以旧换新 Trade in经营租赁 Operating lease融资租赁 Capital lease廉价购买权 Bargain purchase option (BPO)资产负债表外筹资Off-balance-sheet financing最低租赁付款额Minimum lease paymentsPart 7 无形资产无形资产Intangible assets专利权Patents商标权Trademarks, Trade names著作权Copyrights特许权或专营权Franchises商誉Goodwill开办费Organization cost租赁权 Leasehold摊销 AmortizationPart 8 流动负债负债Liability流动负债Current liability应付帐款Account payable应付票据Notes payable贴现票据Discount notes长期负债一年内到期部分 Current maturities of long-term liabilities应付股利 Dividends payable预收收益 Prepayments by customers存入保证金Refundable deposits应付费用Accrual expense增值税value added tax营业税Business tax应付所得税Income tax payable应付奖金Bonuses payable产品质量担保负债Estimated liabilities under product warranties赠品和兑换券Premiums, coupons and trading stamps或有事项Contingency或有负债Contingent或有损失Loss contingencies或有利得Gain contingencies永久性差异Permanent difference时间性差异Timing difference应付税款法 Taxes payable method纳税影响会计法Tax effect accounting method递延所得税负债法Deferred income tax liability methodPart 9 长期负债长期负债Long-termLiabilities应付公司债券Bonds payable有担保品的公司债券Secured Bonds抵押公司债券Mortgage Bonds保证公司债券Guaranteed Bonds信用公司债券 Debenture Bonds一次还本公司债券Term Bonds分期还本公司债券Serial Bonds可转换公司债券Convertible Bonds可赎回公司债券 Callable Bonds可要求公司债券Redeemable Bonds记名公司债券Registered Bonds无记名公司债券Coupon Bonds普通公司债券Ordinary Bonds收益公司债券Income Bonds名义利率,票面利率Nominal rate实际利率Actual rate有效利率 Effective rate溢价 Premium折价 Discount面值 Par value直线法Straight-line method实际利率法Effective interest method到期直接偿付 Repayment at maturity提前偿付 Repayment at advance偿债基金 Sinking fund长期应付票据 Long-term notes payable抵押借款 Mortgage loanPart 10 业主权益权益 Equity业主权益Owner's equity股东权益Stockholder's equity投入资本Contributed capital缴入资本 Paid-in capital股本 Capital stock资本公积Capital surplus留存收益Retained earnings核定股本Authorized capital stock实收资本 Issued capital stock发行在外股本Outstanding capital stock库藏股Treasury stock普通股Common stock优先股Preferred stock累积优先股Cumulative preferred stock非累积优先股 Noncumulative preferred stock完全参加优先股Fully participating preferred stock部分参加优先股Partially participating preferred stock非部分参加优先股Nonpartially participating preferred stock现金发行Issuance for cash非现金发行 Issuance for noncash consideration股票的合并发行Lump-sum sales of stock发行成本Issuance cost成本法Cost method面值法 Par value method捐赠资本 Donated capital盈余分配 Distribution of earnings股利 Dividend股利政策 Dividend policy 宣布日 Date of declaration股权登记日 Date of record除息日 Ex-dividend date股利支付日 Date of payment现金股利 Cash dividend 股票股利 Stock dividend拨款 appropriationPart 11 财务报表财务报表 Financial Statement资产负债表 Balance Sheet收益表 Income Statement帐户式 Account Form报告式 Report Form编制(报表)Prepare工作底稿Worksheet多步式Multi-step单步式Single-stepPart 12 财务状况变动表财务状况变动表中的现金基础 SCFP.Cash Basis(现金流量表)财务状况变动表中的营运资金基础SCFP.Working Capital Basis(资金来源与运用表)营运资金Working Capital全部资源概念 All-resources concept直接交换业务Direct exchanges正常营业活动 Normal operating activities财务活动 Financing activities投资活动 Investing activitiesPart 13 财务报表分析财务报表分析 Analysis of financial statements比较财务报表Comparative financial statements趋势百分比 Trend percentage比率 Ratios普通股每股收益 Earnings per share of common stock股利收益率 Dividend yield ratio价益比 Price-earnings ratio普通股每股帐面价值Book value per share of common stock资本报酬率Return on investment总资产报酬率 Return on total asset债券收益率Yield rate on bonds已获利息倍数Number of times interest earned债券比率 Debt ratio优先股收益率 Yield rate on preferred stock营运资本Working Capital周转Turnover存货周转率Inventory turnover应收帐款周转率 Accounts receivable turnover 流动比率 Current ratio速动比率 Quick ratio酸性试验比率 Acid test ratioPart 14 合并财务报表合并财务报表Consolidated financial statements吸收合并Merger创立合并Consolidation控股公司Parent company附属公司 Subsidiary company少数股权 Minority interest权益联营合并 Pooling of interest购买合并 Combination by purchase权益法 Equity method成本法 Cost methodPart 15 物价变动中的会计计量物价变动之会计Price-level changes accounting 一般物价水平会计General price-level accounting货币购买力会计Purchasing-power accounting统一币值会计Constant dollar accounting历史成本Historical cost现行价值会计Current value accounting现行成本 Current cost重置成本 Replacement cost物价指数Price-level index国民生产总值物价指数Gross national product implicit price deflator (or GNP deflator)消费物价指数Consumer price index (or CPI)批发物价指数 Wholesale price index 货币性资产Monetary assets货币性负债Monetary liabilities货币购买力损益Purchasing-power gains or losses资产持有损益Holding gains or losses未实现的资产持有损益 Unrealized holding gains or losses。
Financial and Managerial Accounting (6)
Principles of Internal Control
Internal control principles common to all companies:
1. 2. 3. 4. Establish responsibilities. Maintain adequate records. Insure assets and bond key employees. Separate recordkeeping from custody of assets.
b) Principles of internal controls b) Principles of internal controls a) Purpose of internal controls b) Principles of internal controls a) Purpose of internal controls
6. 7.
Divide responsibility for related transactions.
Apply technological controls. Perform regular and independent reviews.
Technology and Internal Control
Section 404 of SOX requires that managers document and assess the effectiveness of all internal control processes that can impact financial reporting.
Financial and Managerial Accounting (3)
Recognizing Expenses
The expense recognition (or matching) principle aims to record expenses in the same accounting period as the revenues that are earned as a result of those expenses. This matching of expenses with the revenue benefits is a major part of the adjusting process.
03-P1: Prepare and explain adjusting entries
Framework for Adjustments
An adjusting entry is made at the end of an accounting period to reflect a transaction or event that is not yet recorded.
FastForward purchased equipment on Dec 1 for $26,000. It has an estimated useful live of 60 months. The equipment is expected to be worth about $8,000 at the end of five years. They purchased the equipment on Dec 1 but it is now Dec 31.
financial and managerial accounting (6)
Increasing NOPAT
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
The End
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Learning Objective 2
Describe and apply the discounted free cash flow model to value equity securities.
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Residual Operating Income (ROPI) Valuation Model
The ROPI model estimates firm value equal to the current book value of net operating assets plus the present value of expected ROPI. The computation is similar to that for DCF and involves 5 steps:
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Application of Discounted Cash Flow Model
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Analysts’ Forecasts
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
1. Forecast and discount ROPI for the horizon period. 2. Forecast and discount ROPI for the terminal period. 3. Sum the present values from both the horizon and terminal periods; then add this sum to current NOA to get firm (enterprise) value. 4. Subtract net nonoperating obligations (NNO), along with any noncontrolling interest, from firm value to yield firm equity value. 5. Divide firm equity value by the number of shares outstanding to yield stock value per share.
financial and managerial accounting (7)
Not timely enough for managing daily activities
Reports are prepared as needed for making timely decisions
© Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Differences in External Standards
The Benefit
Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.*
*Source: Google, Inc. Corporate Information. /about/company/ 2014
Managerial Accounting
Detail is based on management needs Reports oriented to future costs and decisions Reporting periods based on need
The Focus of Financial Acust adhere to external reporting standards
Managerial Accounting
No external standards imposed
Emphasis on objective data – measured in financial terms
Statement of Cash Flows
A summary of resource inflows and outflows stated in terms of cash Summarizes cash from
financial and managerial accounting (3)
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Preparation of the Financial Statements
Income Statement:
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Preparation of the Financial Statements
Prepaid expenses reflect advance cash payments that will ultimately become expenses. Unearned revenues reflect cash received from customers before any services or goods are provided.
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Accrued Expenses (Liabilities)
Assume that Apple’s sales staff earns $100 of sales commissions this period that will not be paid until next period. When paid, the liability is reduced as is cash.
©Cambridge Business Publishers, 2015
Accrued Revenues (Assets)
Assume that Apple delivers iPods to a customer in Germany who will pay next quarter. The sales price for those units is $500 and the cost is $400.
Unit_11 Financial and Management Accounting
Unit 11 Cash Flow AnalysisStructure:11.1 IntroductionObjectives11.2 MeaningSelf Assessment Questions 111.3 ObjectiveSelf Assessment Questions 211.4 UsesSelf Assessment Questions 311.5 Steps in preparationSelf Assessment Questions 411.6 Difference between CFS and FFSSelf Assessment Questions 511.7 ComputationSelf Assessment Questions 6Terminal QuestionsAnswer to SAQs and TQs11.1 IntroductionThe funds flow analysis deal with the flow of funds within and outside the organization. The main focus of funds flow statement is to explain the changes which have taken place in net working capital during the period under consideration. Funds flow statement normally fails to explain the changes in cash balance. The movement of cash is of vital importance to the management. The organization may become directionless if the cash inflows are not sufficient to meet the cash outflows. Many a time, a management is posed with the paradox of huge profits and yet impossible to pay dividends or even taxes. This is due to the ground realities that cash is either not received or the cash received is drained out in other items. Hence, it has become a necessity to have a cash flow analysis on a day to day basis. The statement shows the items resulting in cash inflows and cash outflows.Learning Objectives:After studying this unit, you should be able to understand the following1. Understand the meaning of cash flow statement.2. Appreciate the uses of cash flow statement.3. Acquaint with steps in preparation of CFS.4. Distinguish between FFS and CFS.5. Compute the CFS.11.2 Meaning of Cash Flow StatementCash flow statement, also known as “Statement Accounting for variations in cash” shows the movement of cash and their causes during the period under consideration. The statement is mainly prepared to show the impact of financial policies and procedures on the cash position. It takes into account all the transactions that have a direct impact upon cash.Self Assessment Questions 11. CFS is also known as __________________.2. CFS is prepared to Know ______________.11.3 ObjectivesThe main objective of cash flow analysis is to show the causes of changes in cash balances during the period under consideration. The necessary information required to keep the management of the real cash position, this statement is comes handy. It bring in the liquidity position of the firm. It is of particular importance in short range planning. It enables a management to take a strong short term financial decision relating to liquidity and ways and means to achieve it.Self Assessment Questions 21. Main objective of CFS is _______________.2. CFS brings in ___________________ position.3. CFS is ________________ of importance in ________ planning.11.4 Uses of Cash Flow StatementThe cash flow statement, being one of the important financial documents a firm has to possess , reveals the effective uses. First of all, it explains in depth the reasons for the low cash balance available at a particular time. Based on this, it is possible to find the reasons for such a situation.It also shows the major sources and uses of cash. By effectively maintaining the cash and controlling the outflow of cash, it is possible to set in motion the smooth functioning of the organization. It helps the financial decisions more effectively with regard to short term liquidity position of an organization. Projections of cash inflows and outflows can be regulated based on the records available in the past. Proper projections can be made once the reasons are analyzed. Based on this, it is possible to liquidate the short term obligations without much fun fare. Short term obligations need to be serviced so that the credit worthiness of an organization can be carried on unabated.Self Assessment Questions 31. CFS explain _______________ low cash balance.2. CFS shows _________ flows.3. CFS helps ________decision ______________ position.11.5 Steps In Preparation Of Cash Flow StatementThe Cash Flow Statement (CFS) is prepared with the help of Balance Sheet. , income statement. The measurement of cash flow is primarily based on income statement. Under the CFS, the cash basis technique is adopted. The measurement of cash flow is not measurement of net income. The CFS depends primarily on determining cash receipts and disbursements over a given period. The CFS is concerned with cash inflows sources of cash_ and cash outflows (application of cash).The sources and application of cash are computed separately.The various sources for cash inflows are :Cash Sales : When a concern is doing its business on cash basis, the cash flows in out of sales effected. When the cash sales are in vogue, it is quite natural that the business also effects its purchases on cash basis. In addition, the operating expenses should be payable in cash. Therefore the cash inflow should be as follows :Cash inflow from cash sales = Cash sales – cash purchases – operating expenses.In addition, if the business is conducted both on cash and credit basis, then from the total sales effected, deduct the credit sales. Therefore the cash sales is :Total sales – credit salesORTotal sales – increase in debtors and Bills receivable.So also, the cash purchases are also dealt with in the same manner as discussed with cash sales.Net Profit method : Cash from operations can be determined with the net profits figure also. This method is handy when the amount of sales is not known In this case, non cash and non trading expenses and losses are added back to net profit. From this, the income from investments, increase in Accounts Receivable, increase in prepaid expenses, decrease in outstanding expenses are deducted.In addition to the above, operating profits are also considered as cash from operations, such as increase in share capital, debentures, loans, other receipts such as dividends, interest on investment, and reduction in or sale in assets.Cash outflows : These refers to uses or application of cash. These arises due to operating loss, redemption or repayment of redeemable preference shares or debentures, repayment of loans, purchase of assets, other revenue payments such as dividend, income tax , interest, compensation.Self Assessment Questions 41. CFS is prepared with the help of ____________.2. CFS is based on _________ technique.3. CFS is ____________________.4. Cash sales refers_________________.5. Cash flow _______________________.6. For credit transaction the equation is cash flow = total sales______________.7. Cash outflow = total purchase ____________________.8. Net profit method is used when __________ not known.9. ______ and ______ added back to net profit.10. Cash outflow refers to________________.11.6 Difference Between Cash Flow And Funds Flow StatementThe major differences between the two are :1. FFS is related with accrual basis whereas CFS is on cash basis. For this the, it isnecessary to convert the accrual to cash basis.2. In FFS, a Schedule of changes in working capital delinking the current assets and currentliabilities are made. But in FFS, no schedule is prepared.3. FFS shows the causes of the changes in net working capital. CFS shows the causes forthe change in cash4. In FFS, no opening or closing balances are recorded. But in CFS both are incorporated5. FFS is not based on the Ledger mode. But CFS is prepared on the basis of Ledgerprinciples.6. In FFS, “To” and “By” are indicated. In CFS, these are indicated.7. In FFS, net effect of receipts and disbursements are recorded. In CFS only cash receiptsand payments are recorded.8. FFS is concerned with the total provision of funds. CFS is concerned with only cash.9. FFS is flexible but CFS is rigid10. FFS is more relevant for long range financial strategy. CFS concentrates on short termaspects mostly affecting the liquidity of the business.Self Assessment Questions 51. FFS is __________ basis CFS is __________.2. Statement of working capital is the _____________. And not the ______________.3. In FFS __________ balance not recorded but CFS _____________.4. CFS is ____________ mode but FFS_______5. FFS ________ receipts are recorded in CFS________6. FFS is _________ CFS ___________.11.7 Computation Of Cash From OperationsThe Cash Flow Statement should be prepared as per the revised Accounting Standard issued by the ICAI . Accounting Standards 3 specifies : “The cash flow statement should report cash flows during the period classified by operating, investing and financing activities”. As per the revised standard, there are two methods of preparing cash flow statement namely Direct method and Indirect method. In this Study material, indirect method is adopted throughout.FormatCASH FLOW STATEMENT AS PER AS 3For the year ended ………..A Cash flow from operating activities :Net profit before taxes and extraordinary itemsADJUSTMENTS FOR ;1, Depreciation2. Miscellaneous expenses written off3. Loss on sale of fixed assets4. interest expenses5. Dividend incomeOperating profit before working capital changesADD : Decrease in current assetsIncrease in current liabilitiesDeduct : Increase in current assetsDecrease in current liabilitiesCash Generated from operating activitiesB. CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIESPurchase of fixed assetsSale of fixed assetsPurchase of long term investmentSale of long term investmentInterest receivedDividend receivedCapital gain tax on income from sale of long term investment Net cash from investing activitiesC. CASH FLOWOS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIESProceeds from issue of share capitalProceeds from long term borrowingRepayment of long term borrowingsInterest paidDividend paidTax on distributed profitNet cash from Financing ActivitiesTotal of A + B +CNet Increase or Decrease in cash and cash equivalentsAdd : Cash and cash equivalents opening balanceCash and cash equivalents : closing balanceClassification of cash flows :Cash flow statement has been divided into three parts namely:1. Cash flows from Operating Activities2. Cash flows from Investing Activities3. Cash flows from Financing ActivitiesCASH FLOWS FROM OPEPRATING ACTIVITIESMeaning : Operating activities are the principal revenue producing activities of the enterprise and other activities that are not investing or financing activities.,. Therefore, they generally result from the transactions and other events that enter into the determination of net profit or loss. Object : The amount of cash flows arising from operating activities is a key indicator of the extent to which the operations of the enterprise have generated sufficient cash flows to maintain the operating capability of the enterprise, pay dividends, repay loans and make new investments without recourse to external source of financing. Information about the specific components of future operating cash flows is useful in conjunction with other information in forecasting future operating cash flows.Self Assessment Questions 61. CFS is prepared as a per _________.2. CFS deals with ____, __________, _____________activities .3. CFS is based on 2 methods _____________ and _______________.4. Operating Activity is based on __________.Problem 1: Compute the cash flow from operating activitiesProfit and Loss AccountTo ByCost of goods sold 4,00,000 Sales including cash sales 5,00,0001,00,000Office expenses 12,000 Profit on sale of land 30,000 Selling expenses 8,000 Interest on investment 20,000 Depreciation 6,000Loss on sale of plant 4,000Goodwill written off 3,000Income tax 7,000Net Profit 1,10,000__________ _________5,50,000 5,50,000Position of current assets and current liabilities are as follows :MARCH 312006 2007 Stock 30,000 28,000 Debtors 15,000 12,000 Bills Receivable 6,000 8,000 Creditors 10,000 12,000 Bills Payable 8,000 5,000 Outstanding expenses 4,000 5,000SolutionStatement showing cash flows from operating activitiesNet Profit before tax and extraordinary items 1,10,000ADD : income tax 7,000 Adjustments for Depreciation 6,000Goodwill written off 3,000:Loss on sale of plant 4,0001,30,000 Less: Profit on sale of land 30,000 Interest received 20,000( 50,000 ) Operating profit before working capital changes 80,000 ADD : Decrease in current assetsStock 2,000Debtors 3,000 Increase in current liabilities : Creditors 2,000 Outstanding expenses 1,0008,00088,000 Less Increase in current assets : Bills Receivable 2,000 Decrease in current liabilities : Bills payable 3,000( 5,000) Cash generated from operating activities 83,000 Less : Payment of income tax ( 7,000 )Net Cash from operating Activities 76,000 As per AS – 3, Net profit before taxation must be shown here.Problem 2 : Calculate cash flow from operating activitiesMARCH 312006 2007 Debtors 1,00,000 80,000 Bills Receivable 25,000 30,000 Bills payable 30,000 22,000 Creditors 30,000 40,000 Outstanding expenses 10,000 8,000 Income received in advance 1,000 800Prepaid expenses 600 500 Accrued income 300 450 Operating profit before working capital changes Rs.3,80,000SolutionStatement showing cash flow from operating activities Operating profit before working capital changes 3,80,000 ADD : Decrease in current assetsDebtors 20,000Prepaid expenses 100 Increase in current liabilitiesCreditors 10,000Outstanding expenses 2,00032,1004,12,100 Less : Increase in current assetsBills receivable 5,000Accrued income 150Decrease in current liabilitiesBills payable 8,000Income receivable in advance 200(13,350) Net cash from operating activities 3,98,750Problem 3: The following is the position of current assets and current liabilitiesMarch 312006 2007 Short term loan 15,000 18,000 Creditors 30,000 8,000 Provision for Doubtful debts 1,200 Bills Payable 18,000 20,000 Stock in trade 15,000 13,000Bills Receivable 10,000 22,000 Prepaid expenses 800 600 Outstanding expenses 300 500 Current year net loss is Rs.38,000. Calculate the cash flowsSolutionStatement showing cash flows from operating activitiesNet Loss ( 38,000 ) ADD: Decrease in Current AssetsProvision for doubtful debts 1,200Stock 2,000Prepaid expenses 200Increase in current liabilitiesOutstanding expenses 200Bills payable 2,000+ 5,600__________32,400 ) DEDUCT ; Increase in current assetsShort term loan 3,000Bills receivable 10,000Creditors 22,000+ 35,000 Net cash loan in operating activities ( 67,400 )Problem 4:Following extracts are in respect of a company.MARCH2006 2007 Debtors 30,000 10,000 Stock 25,000 28,000 B.R. 40,000 8,000 Short term loan 10,000 11,000 Prepaid expenses 8,000 8,100Creditors 10,000 20,000 B.P. 6,000 2,000 Outstanding expenses 600 300 The current year net loss is Rs.50,000. Calculate the cash flows.Solution :Statement showing cash flows from operating activitiesNet Loss ( 50,000 ) Add: Decrease in current assetsDebtors 20,000B.R. 32,000Increase in current liabilitiesCreditors 10,000+ 62,000+ 12,000 DEDUCT : Increase in current assetsStock 3,000Short term loan 1,000Prepaid expenses 100B.P. 4,000Outstanding expenses 400(8,500)Net cash from operating activities + 3,500Terminal Questions1. What are the objectives of cash flow statements ?2. Mention the steps involved in the preparation of CFS ?3. Distinguish between cash flow and fund flow statements.4. Compute cash flows from operating activitiesMarch2006 2007 Profit and loss account 1,00,000 80,000 Debtors 90,000 72,000Bills receivable 50,000 48,000 Stock 60,000 42,000 Short term loan 10,000 Goodwill 20,000 8,000 Prepaid expenses 5,000 4,000 Creditors 26,000 38,000 Bills payable 30,000 26,0005. Cash transactions in respect of DR Ltd are as follows :Balance of cash on hand 70,000 Payment to creditors 25,00,000 Receipts from Debtors 30,00,000 Purchase of fixed assets 2,50,000 Issue of shares 8,00,000 Payment for overheads 1,50,000Sale of fixed assets 2,00,000 Salaries 70,000Income tax 1,00,000Dividend paid 80,000Repayment of loan 1,50,000Closing balance of cash 7,70,00040,70,000 40,70,000Prepare a cash flow statementAnswer Self Assessment Questions:Self Assessment Questions 11. Statement Accounting for variation in cash2. Financial polices and proceduresSelf Assessment Questions 21. show causes of changes.2. Liquidity3. short term.Self Assessment Questions 31. reasons.2. major3. financial, short term liquiditySelf Assessment Questions 41. B.S. income statement.2. cash basis3. measurement of net income4. sale through case only5. cash sales– cash purchase – operating expenses.6. credit sales7. minus credit purchases8. sales9. cash and non trading expenses and losses.10. application of cash.Self Assessment Questions 51. accrual, cash2. FFS , CFS3. opening and closing, recorded.4. ledger, not5. net effect, cash receipts.6. flexible, rigid.Self Assessment Questions 61. AS 32. operating, investing and financing.3. Direct, Indirect.4. profit and loss accountAnswer for Terminal Questions1. Refer to unit 11.2 and 11.32. Refer to unit 11.53. Refer to unit 11.64. Net cash from operating activities Rs 13,0005. Net cash from operating activities Rs 1,80,000Cash flows from investing activities Rs 50,000Cash flows from financing activities Rs 5,70,000。
1.《财务会计原理》(Financial Accounting Principles):这是一本经典的财务会计教科书,涵盖了财务报表、会计准则和会计原则等方面的内容。
2.《管理会计原理》(Managerial Accounting Principles):这本书介绍了管理会计的基本原理和技术,包括成本分析、预算编制和绩效评估等方面的内容。
3.《财务报表分析》(Financial Statement Analysis):这本书介绍了如何分析财务报表,包括利润表、资产负债表和现金流量表等方面的内容。
4.《投资组合管理》(Portfolio Management):这本书介绍了如何管理投资组合,包括资产配置、风险管理和投资策略等方面的内容。
5.《公司金融学》(Corporate Finance):这本书介绍了公司融资、投资和决策等方面的内容。
6.《国际财务管理》(International Financial Management):这本书介绍了国际财务管理的基本原理和技术,包括汇率风险管理、国际投资和跨国公司财务等方面的内容。
7.《金融市场与机构》(Financial Markets and Institutions):这本书介绍了金融市场和金融机构的基本原理和运作方式,包括股票市场、债券市场和银行等方面的内容。
{财务管理财务会计}常用会计词汇大全AccountingTerms常用会计词汇Accountingsystem会计系统AmericanAccountingAssociation美国会计协会AmericanInstituteofCPAs美国注册会计师协会Audit审计Balancesheet资产负债表Bookkeepking簿记Cashflowprospects现金流量预测CertificateinInternalAuditing内部审计证书CertificateinManagementAccounting管理会计证书CertificatePublicAccountant注册会计师Costaccounting成本会计Externalusers外部使用者Financialaccounting财务会计FinancialAccountingStandardsBoard财务会计准则委员会Financialforecast财务预测Generallyacceptedaccountingprinciples公认会计原则General-purposeinformation通用目的信息GovernmentAccountingOffice政府会计办公室Inestatement损益表InstituteofInternalAuditors内部审计师协会InstituteofManagementAccountants管理会计师协会Integrity整合性Internalauditing内部审计Internalcontrolstructure内部控制结构InternalRevenueService国内收入署Internalusers内部使用者Managementaccounting管理会计Returnofinvestment投资回报Returnoninvestment投资报酬SecuritiesandExchangeCommission证券交易委员会Statementofcashflow现金流量表Statementoffinancialposition财务状况表Taxaccounting税务会计Accountingequation会计等式Articulation勾稽关系Assets资产Businessentity企业个体Capitalstock股本Corporation公司Costprinciple成本原则Creditor债权人Deflation通货紧缩Disclosure批露Expenses费用Financialstatement财务报表Financialactivities筹资活动Going-concernassumption持续经营假设Inflation通货膨涨Investingactivities投资活动Liabilities负债Negativecashflow负现金流量Operatingactivities经营活动Owner'sequity所有者权益Partnership合伙企业Positivecashflow正现金流量Retainedearning留存利润Revenue收入Soleproprietorship独资企业Solvency清偿能力Stable-dollarassumption稳定货币假设Stockholders股东Stockholders'equity股东权益Windowdressing门面粉饰Account帐FinancialTerms(4)财务术语(汉英对照)股东权益equityinterest股东权益小组【证监会】ShareholdersGroup【SFC】股息率dividendyield股息单dividendwarrant股票出借人stocklender股票承押人stockpledgee股票非流动化immobilisationofsharecertificate股票非实物化dematerialisationofsharecertificate股票按贷财务活动sharemarginfinancing股票借贷stockborrowingandlending股票借贷数额资料页【大利市】stockborrowingandlendingpositioninformationpage【Teletext】股票期货stockfutures股票期权stockoption;equityoption股票期权系统TradedOPtionsSystem(TOPS)股票期权参考教育站StockOptionsReferenceEducator(SCORE)股票期权从业员专业课程ProfessionalCourseforEquityOptionsPractitioners 股票登记费scripfee股票贷出户口StockLendingAccount股票归还stockreturn股价不动时回报standstillreturn股价敏感资料price-sensitiveinformation股权equityinterest;shareholding芝加哥交易所ChicagoBoardofTrade(CBOT)芝加哥商品交易所ChicagoMercantileExchange(CME)芝加哥期权交易所ChicagoBoardOptionsExchange(CBOE)近价盘aboutorder金银业贸易场ChineseGoldandSilverExchangeSociety金银证券交易所TheKamNganStockExchange金融大改革【英国】BigBang【UK】金融工具financialinstrument金融中介现象financialintermediation金融中介机构/团体financialintermediary金融市场financialmarket《金融市场检讨报告》ReportonFinancialMarketReview金融行动专责委员会FinancialActionTaskForce(FATF)《金融服务法令》【英国】FinancialServicesAct【UK】金融服务网络FinNet金融租赁*financiallease金融基建督导委员会TheSteeringCommitteeontheEnhancementofFinancialInfrastructure金融期货financialfutures金融机构financialinstitution金边证券gilt-edgedsecurities长仓longposition;bullposition附加自动对盘终端机用家additionalAMSterminaluser附寄结单服务的股份独立户口【中央结算系统】StockSegregatedAccountwithStatementService[CCASS]附带执行买卖盘【伦敦交易所】contingentorder【LSE】附属公司subsidiary附属贷款subordinatedloan「非上市可交易」股份"tradingonly"stocks非中介化disintermediation非市场庄家的交易non-market-makingtransaction非正常项目abnormalitem非成立为有限公司的注册人士unincorporatedregisteredperson非即日平仓交易overnighttrade非实时数据delayeddata非受监管发行人unregulatedissuer非所有者权益变动表statementof"non-ownermovementinequity"非金钱佣金softmission非金钱利益soft-dollarbenefits非执行董事non-executivedirector非常重大的收购事项verysubstantialacquisition非现货月恒生指数期货合约non-spotmonthHangSengIndexfuturescontract 非登记持有人non-registeredholder非结算的期权买卖参与者/非结算参与者/【期权买卖】Non-ClearingOptionsTradingParticipant;Non-ClearingParticipant(NCP)【optionstrading】非经常项目extraordinaryitem非认可负债non-rankingliabilities非整手买卖盘round-lot-plusorder保本信托基金guaranteedunittrust保本产品capitalpreservationproduct保本证CapitalProtectedInstrument(CPI)保值公债【中国内地】PublicDebt(Inflation-LinkedSubsidy)Treasury 【MainlandChina】保留意见qualifiedopinion保管人custodian保障安排securityarrangement《保障投资者条例》ProtectionofInvestorsOrdinance保险业监理专员CommissionerofInsurance保险业监理处OfficeoftheCommissionerofInsurance保荐人sponsor《保荐人标准守则》ModelCodeforSponsors《保荐人声明》Sponsor'sDeclaration保荐经纪sponsoringbroker保证warranty保证人guarantorFinancialTerms(5)财务术语(汉英对照)保证金margin保证金客户marginclient保证金保险范围比率margincoverageratio保证金借贷活动marginfinancing保证金价值marginvalue保证金证券交易户口MarginSecuritiesTradingAccount保证金融资marginfinancing保证基金GuaranteeFund「保护偿付」规则【期权】Payout-ProtectionRule【options】信心保证书fortletter信用评级creditrating信息交流exchangeofinformation信托人trustee信贷credit信贷风险creditrisk信贷评级creditrating信贷管制creditcontrol信贷紧缩creditsqueeze信贷额度*creditlimit前收市价previousclosingprice《宣誓及声明条例》OathsandDeclarationsOrdinance客户户口clientaccount客户身分规则【证监会】ClientIdentityRule【SFC】客户服务器结构clientserverarchitecture客户协议书/合约client'sagreement客户按金clientmargin待转名股份"streetname"sharecertificate后备资料复原软件filebackup-restoremacro后备联线通讯线路backupinteractiveline后进先出lastin,firstout(LIFO)后勤办公室backoffice恒生100HangSeng100(HS100)恒生中国内地流通指数HangSengMainlandFreefloatIndex(HSMLFI)恒生中国内地综合指数HangSengMainlandCompositeIndex(HSMLCI)恒生中国企业指数(恒生国企指数)HangSengChinaEnterprisesIndex(HSCEI) 恒生亚洲指数HangSengAsiaIndex(HSAI)恒生指数HangSengIndex(HSI)恒生香港大型股指数HangSengHKLargeCapIndex(HSHKLI)恒生香港小型股指数HangSengHKSmallCapIndex(HSHKSI)恒生香港中型股指数HangSengHKMidCapIndex(HSHKMI)恒生香港中资企业指数(中资企业指数)HangSengChina-AffiliatedCorporationsIndex(HSCCI)恒生香港流通指数HangSengHKFreefloatIndex(HSHKFI)恒生香港综合指数HangSengHongKongCompositeIndex(HSHKCI)恒生伦敦参考指数HangSengLondonReferenceIndex(HSLRI)恒生流通50HangSengFreefloat50恒生流通中国内地25HangSengFreefloatMainland25恒生流通香港25HangSengFreefloatHK25恒生流通综合指数HangSengFreefloatCompositeIndex(HSFCI)恒生信息科技指数HangSengITIndex(HSITI)恒生信息科技组合指数HangSengITPortfolioIndex(HSITP)恒生综合指数HangSengCompositeIndex(HSCI)恒生/富时亚洲大企业指数FTSE/HangSengAsiatopIndex恒生/富时亚洲分类指数FTSE/HangSengAsianSectorIndexes恒生/富时指数系列FTSE/HangSengIndexes恒指服务有限公司HSIServicesLimited恒指国际有限公司HSIInternationalLimited恒指期货HangSengIndexFutures恒指期权HangSengIndexOptions恢复买卖resumptionoftrading持有成本costofcarry持股人的分布情况spreadofholders持仓position持仓上限/限额positionlimit持仓比例positionratio《持仓限额及大额未平仓合约的申报规定指引》【证监会】GuidanceNoteonPositionLimitsandLargeOpenPositionReportingRequirements【SFC】持仓限额比率positionlimitratio持仓风险调整positionriskadjustment持仓净额netposition持仓类别【期权】tier【options】《持牌人胜任能力的指引》GuidanceNoteonCompetence《持牌人进行持续培训的指引》GuidanceNoteonContinuousProfessionalTraining持续专业培训课程ContinuousProfessionalTraining(CPT)持续净额交收continuousnetsettlement(CNS)持续责任continuingobligation;on-goingobligation持续发售机制tapfacility持续经营【会计】goingconcern【accounting】持续经营之业务continuingoperation持续关连交易continuingconnectedtransaction持权成本【期权】costofcarry指引摘要GuidanceNote指示价格indicativeprice指定分配【期权】assignment【options】指定百分比prescribedpercentage指定银行designatedbank指定证券designatedsecuritiesFinancialTerms(6)财务术语(汉英对照)指数加权移动平均方法exponentially-weightedmovingaverage 指数套戥indexarbitrage指数参与单位indexparticipationunit指数掉期indexswap指数期货indexfutures指数债券indexbond指数预托证券indexdepositoryreceipt;indexshare指数认购权证indexcallwarrant指数权证indexwarrant按市价计值marktomarket/mark-to-market按金margin按金比例marginratio按金交易margintrading按金减免marginrelief按金对销marginoffset按揭贷款基准组合benchmarkmortgagepool按揭贷款发放者mortgageloanoriginator按金间距margininterval按揭证券mortgage-backedsecurities按盘价nominalprice故障包容faulttolerance「柏力克-舒尔斯」期权定价模式Black-Scholesoptionpricingmodel查访inspectionvisit查询公布资料【中央结算系统】EnquireAnnouncementInformation【CCASS】查询交收指示未获配对原因【中央结算系统】EnquireUnmatchedSIReason 【CCASS】「查询报失股票资料」功能【中央结算系统】EnquireReportedLostCertificate 【CCASS】洗黑钱moneylaundering活跃业务纪录【创业板】activebusinesspursuits【GEM】派送股份/红股bonusissue界面联系interfacing盈利earnings;profit盈利对利息倍数interestcover;interestcoverage盈富基金TrackerFundofHongKong(TraHK)盈余储备surplusreserve相互上市crosslisting;duallisting相抵持仓offsettingposition相对回报率relativereturn相对强弱指数RelativeStrengthIndicator(RSI)相联人associatedperson相关/指定资产underlyingasset相关/指定证券underlyingsecurities「看跌」股票挂钩票据BearEquityLinkedInstrument(BearELI) 「看涨」股票挂钩票据BullEquityLinkedInstrument(BullELI) 约务更替novation约价*consideration纪律上诉委员会DisciplinaryAppealsCommittee纪律委员会DisciplinaryCommittee《纪律案例》DisciplinaryCasebook《纪律处分程序手册》HandbookonDisciplinaryProceedings 纪律处分权力disciplinarypower纪律程序disciplinaryprocedures红股bonusshare红股发行bonusissue红筹股redchip美元总会计长【美国】ComptrolleroftheCurrency【US】美式期权Americanstyleoption美国本土债券Yankeebond美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统/美国纳斯达克证券市场NationalAssociationofSecuritiesDealersAutomatedQuotations(NASDAQ) 美国存管信托公司DepositoryTrustCompany(DTC)【US】美国商会AmericanChamberofCommerce(AMCHAM)美国国家经济研究局NationalBureauofEconomicResearch【US】美国预托证券Americandepositoryreceipt(ADR)美国联邦公开市场委员会FederalOpenMarketCommittee(FOMC)美国联邦国家房屋贷款协会(房利美)FederalNationalMortgageAssociation(FannieMae)美国证券交易所AmericanStockExchange(AMEX)英伦银行BankofEngland英格兰及威尔斯特许会计师公会InstituteofCharteredAccountantsinEnglandandWales(ICAEngland&Wales )英国公认会计师公会CharteredAssociationofCertifiedAccountants(ACCA) 英国投资管理监管组织InvestmentManagementRegulatoryOrganisation(IMRO)英国金融业管理局FinancialServicesAuthority(FSA)【UK】衍生产品/衍生工具derivatives衍生产品及风险管理文凭课程DiplomaCourseinDerivativesandRiskManagement衍生产品市场/衍生工具市场derivativesmarket衍生产品市场咨询小组DerivativesMarketConsultativePanel衍生产品结算及交收系统DerivativesClearingandSettlementSystem(DCASS) 衍生权证derivativewarrant要约offer计算按金程序marginingprocess负债liabilities负债日indebtednessdate负债比率debt-to-equityratio重大交易majortransaction重估revaluationFinancialTerms(7)财务术语(汉英对照)重组reorganisation重置成本replacementcost重复认购multipleapplication重整账目restatementofaccounts限制通知书restrictionnotice限制买卖期"blackout"period限价盘limitorder限价卖空规则tickrule面值facevalue;nominalvalue风险披露riskdisclosure风险披露声明书【创业板】RiskDisclosureStatement【GEM】风险值value-at-risk风险容限risktolerance风险容量appetiteforrisk风险参数riskparameter风险控制riskcontrol风险排列方法riskarraymethod风险排列按金制度riskarraymarginingsystem风险排列算式riskarrayalgorithm风险评估riskevaluation风险管理riskmanagement;exposuremanagement风险管理委员会RiskManagementCommittee风险鉴别riskidentification食价pricecheating;scalping首次上市费initiallistingfee首次公开招股initialpublicoffering(IPO)首次公开招股之进度报告InitialPublicOfferingsProgressReport 首次认购费front-endload首席交易员chiefdealer香港上市公司商会ChamberofHongKongListedCompanies香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司HKSCCNomineesLimited香港中央结算有限公司(香港结算)HongKongSecuritiesClearingCompanyLimited(HKSCC) 香港中央证券登记有限公司ComputershareHongKongInvestorServicesLimited(CHIS)香港中国企业协会HongKongChineseEnterprisesAssociation《香港公司收购、合并及股份购回守则》【刊物】HongKongCodesonTakeoversandMergersandShareRepurchases【publication】香港公司秘书公会TheHongKongInstituteofCompanySecretaries香港交易及结算所有限公司(香港交易所)HongKongExchangesandClearingLimited(HKEx) 香港交易所(中国)有限公司HKEx(China)Limited香港交易所股份信息板HKExShareInformationBoard香港交易所信息服务有限公司HKExInformationServicesLimited香港投资分析员公会HongKongInstituteofInvestmentAnalysts香港投资者学会HongKongInstituteofInvestors(HKII)香港投资基金公会HongKongInvestmentFundsAssociation(HKIFA)香港股份商会(1921年)HongKongStockbrokers'Association(1921)香港股票经纪会(1891年)Stockbrokers'AssociationofHongKong(1891)香港金融研究中心HongKongInstituteforMonetaryResearch(HKIMR)香港金融管理局(金管局)HongKongMonetaryAuthority(HKMA)香港按揭证券有限公司TheHongKongMortgageCorporationLimited香港财务顾问学会HongKongAssociationofFinancialAdvisors香港财资市场公会HongKongFinancialMarketsAssociation香港国际仲裁中心HongKongInternationalArbitrationCentre香港货币及投资汇展MoneyWorldAsiaHongKong香港创业投资协会HongKongVentureCapitalAssociation香港期货交易所有限公司(期交所)HongKongFuturesExchangeLimited(HKFE)香港期货结算有限公司HKFEClearingCorporationLimited(HKCC)香港证券培训赞助基金HongKongSecuritiesTrainingSponsorshipFoundation香港会计师公会HongKongSocietyofAccountants香港经纪协会(1891年)AssociationofStockbrokersinHongKong(1891)香港经纪商会(1914年)TheHongKongStockExchange香港董事学会TheHongKongInstituteofDirectors香港资本市场公会HongKongCapitalMarketsAssociation香港管理专业协会HongKongManagementAssociation香港网上经纪协会TheHongKongAssociationofOnlineBrokers(HKAOB)香港银行公会HongKongAssociationofBanks香港银行同业拆息HongKongInterbankOfferedRate(HIBOR)香港银行同业结算有限公司HongKongInterbankClearingLimited香港总商会TheHongKongGeneralChamberofCommerce香港联合交易所月刊SEHKMonthlyBulletin香港联合交易所有限公司(联交所)TheStockExchangeofHongKongLimited(SEHK)《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》(《创业板上市规则》)RulesGoverningtheListingofSecuritiesontheGrowthEnterpriseMarketoftheStockExchang eofHongKongLimited(GEMListingRules)《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》(《证券上市规则》)RulesGoverningtheListingofSecuritiesontheStockExchangeofHongKongLimited(Exchang eListingRules)香港联合交易所期权结算所有限公司(联交所期权结算所)TheSEHKOptionsClearingHouseLimited(SEOCH)香港联合交易所信息服务有限公司StockExchangeInformationServicesLimited(SEIS)香港证券市场文献及文物征集计划HongKongSecuritiesMarketArchivesandArtifactsCollectionCampaign香港证券交易所(1947年)TheHongKongStockExchange香港证券专业学会HongKongSecuritiesInstitute香港证券业同学会HongKongSecuritiesProfessionalsAlumniAssociation《香港证券业参考手册》【刊物】TheHongKongSecuritiesIndustry【publication】香港证券经纪业工作小组WorkingGrouponStockbrokinginHongKong香港证券经纪业协会HongKongStockbrokersAssociationFinancialTerms(8)财务术语(汉英对照)香港证券学会HongKongSecuritiesProfessionalsAssociation并购活动*mergersandacquisitions仓position个人大股东具报书IndividualSubstantialShareholdersNotification个人投资者户口IndividualInvestorAccount个人客户individualclient个人交易所参与者IndividualExchangeParticipant个人计算机终端机用户PCterminaluser借方结余debitbalance借款股loanstock借壳上市backdoorlisting借贷资本loancapital借额debit伦敦国际金融期货及期权交易所LondonInternationalFinancialFuturesandOptionsExchange(LIFFE)伦敦期权市场LondonTradedOptionsMarket(LTOM)伦敦证券交易所LondonStockExchange(LSE)冻结lockedup冻结股份机制securities-on-holdmechanism原油期货crudeoilfutures套戥/套汇*/套利*arbitrage差价spread差额缴款marks/markspayment库存股份/股票treasurystock弱势货币softcurrency息股证EquityLinkedInstrument(ELI)挟仓cornering;squeeze;shortsqueeze时间值timevalue;timepremium时间戳记timestamp核心盈利coreearnings核准可赎回股份approvedredeemableshare核准借入人approvedborrower核准借出代理人approvedlendingagent核数委员会【证监会】AuditCommittee【SFC】核数师auditor核数师报告auditors'report核证附注verificationnotes浮息存款证floatingratecertificateofdeposit(FRCD)浮息按揭variable-ratemortgage浮息票据floatingratenote(FRN)海外发行人overseasissuer消耗性资产【期权】wastingasset【options】流动性不足/流通性不足illiquidity流动资金liquidcapital流动资金比率/幅度liquidityratio;liquiditymargin流动资金调节窗LiquidityAdjustmentWindow(LAW)流动资金调节机制【金管局】LiquidityAdjustmentFacility(LAF)【HKMA】流动资产liquidasset流通性liquidity流通风险liquidityrisk流通量提供者liquidityprovider特别限价盘speciallimitorder特别处理股【中国内地】SpecialTreatment【MainlandChina】特别征费SpecialLevy特别转让股【中国内地】ParticularTransfer【MainlandChina】特快登记/过户登记服务expeditedregistrationservice特殊项目exceptionalitem特许使用者privilegeduser特许财务分析员charteredfinancialanalyst特许财务分析员公会InstituteofCharteredFinancialAnalysts特许管理会计师公会CharteredInstituteofManagementAccountants(CIMA) 「特许证券商」制度【美国】SpecialistSystem【US】特种国债【中国内地】SpecialTreasury【MainlandChina】特种备兑证信息【大利市】exoticwarrantinformation【Teletext】留存股票treasurystock留存盈利/收益retainedearnings;retainedine「粉红价单」【美国】PinkSheets【US】留存溢利/盈利retainedprofits留成资金/保留资金retainedcapital「粉红价单」【美国】PinkSheets【US】纯交易板trading-onlyboard纸黄金papergold索偿通知claimnotice蚊型股pennystock被动受托人baretrustee讯框传送交易网络framerelaytradingnetwork托管人custodian托管商参与者【中央结算系统参与者】CustodianParticipant 【CCASSParticipants】记名证券registeredsecurities记名证书registeredcertificate记账式国库券【中国内地】RegisteredTreasury【MainlandChina】财政司司长FinancialSecretary财政年度financialyear财政股东financialshareholder财政健全financialintegrityFinancialTerms(9)财务术语(汉英对照)财政部【中国内地】MinistryofFinance【MainlandChina】《财政资源规则》FinancialResourcesRules财务申报financialreporting财务风险financialrisk;financialexposure财务租赁financiallease财务通融financialacodation财务业绩financialresults财务摘要报告summaryfinancialreport财务监管financialregulation财务顾问financialadviser财经市场发展专责小组TheFinancialMarketDevelopmentTaskForce《财经有道–––证券、期货及投资界专业道德实务指引》EthicsinPractice–APracticalGuideforFinancialPractitioners财经事务及库务局FinancialServicesandtheTreasuryBureau财经事务及库务局局长SecretaryforFinancialServicesandtheTreasury财经事务及库务局常任秘书长PermanentSecretaryforFinancialServicesandtheTreasury财资企业集团financialconglomerate追补按金margincall退市delisting退税taxrebate;taxrefund逃税taxevasion逆向投资者contrarian逆差deficit;unfavourabledifference;unfavourablevariance逆差额【中央结算系统】unfavourablemarks【CCASS】逆转交易【期权】tradereversals【options】逆转交易合约【期权】reversalcontract【options】酌情支付的花红discretionarybonuspayment酌情权discretionarypower配售placing配售代理placingagent配售指引placingguidelines配售新股rightsissue配售经办人bookrunner配发allotment除息基准ex-dividendbasis除净日ex-date除净日未经调整之收市价exunadjustedclose除牌delisting除权ex-rights马来西亚证券交易所交易及自动报价系统MalaysianExchangeofSecuritiesDealingandAutomatedQuotationBhd(ME SDAQ)马城条约MaastrichtTreaty马鞍式组合【期权】straddle【options】高水【期货】premium【futures】高于前成交价plustick;uptick高于面值abovepar高持股量股东【创业板】significantshareholder【GEM】高息票据equitylinkednote(ELN)高杠杆效应的投资highleveragedinvestment感谢阅读多年企业管理咨询经验,专注为企业和个人提供精品管理方案,企业诊断方案,制度参考模板等欢迎您下载,均可自由编辑。