紫丽殿자려전艳日辉 Aeonium decorum f variegata 까라솔/일월금爱染锦 Aeonium domesticum fa Variegata 애염금日本小松 Aeonium sedifolius 소인제唐扇 Aloinopsis schooneesii 알로이놉시스吹雪之松锦 Anacampseros rufescens Sunrise 취설송乒乓福娘 Cotyledon orbiculata cv 방울복랑达摩福娘 Cotyledon pendens 펜덴스熊童子 Cotyledon tomentosa 웅동자黄熊 Cotyledon tomentosa ssptomentosa 웅동자금玉稚儿 Crassula arta 옥치아火星兔子 Crassula ausensis v titanopsis 티타놉시스半球乙女心 Crassula Brevifolia 브레비폴리아半球星乙女 Crassula brevifolia 브래비폴리아克拉夫 Crassula clavata 크라바타纪之川 Crassula cvMoonglow 기천白鹭 Crassula deltoidea 백로Crassula elegans 엘레강스绒针 Crassula mesembryanthoides 은전小天狗 Crassula nudicaulis 애성筒叶花月 Crassula obliqua Gollum 우주목新花月锦 Crassula obliqua f variegata 신화월금红缘心水晶 Crassula pellucida ssp marginalis f rubra 홍연심수정十字星锦 Crassula perforate var 남십자성钱串 Crassula perforata 고주성/루페스트리梦椿 Crassula pubescens 푸베센스/파브센스若歌诗 Crassula rogersii 로게르시小米星 Crassula rupestris TOM THUMB 희성彩色蜡笔 Crassula Rupestris variegata "pastel" 희성금雨心 Crassula volkensii 볼켄시某类似小米星 Crassula rupestris 원종애성妖玉 Dintheranthus puberulus仙女杯 DUDLEYA pulverulenta 두둘레야黑紫色东云 Echeveria agavoides Rubra 루브라昂斯洛 Echeveria cv Onslow 온슬로우乙女梦 Echeveria gibbiflora v carunculata 을녀몽鸡冠花 Echeveria Lamillette f cristata 라밀레떼철화利比亚 Echeveria Liberia 리베리아酸橙辣椒 Echeveria Lime & Chili 라임앤칠리 /라임엔칠리三色堇 Echeveria Pansy 팬지舞会红裙 Echeveria Party Dress 파티드레스몬스터蜜糖 EcheveriaGraessnerisyn/Nivalis 니바리스五十铃玉 Fenestraria aurantiaca 오십령옥月美人 Graptopetalum amethystinum 아메치스\월미인听觉美人청성미인紫雾 Graptopetalum Purple Haze 홍용월姬秋丽 Graptopetalummendozae 멘도사蓝豆 Graptopetalum pachyphyllum "Bluebean" 블루빈银天女 Graptopetalum rusbyi 드워프格林 Graptoveria A GrimmOne 에그린원红葡萄 GraptoveriaAmetum 홍포도厚叶旭鹤 GraptoveriaBAINESII 연봉紫梦 Graptoveria cv Purple Dream 퍼플드림紫梦 Graptoveria cv Purple Dream 퍼플드림黛比 Graptoveria Debbie 데비姬胧月 Graptoveria Gilva 프리티奥普琳娜 Graptoveria Opalina 오팔리나奥朴 Graptoveria opalina 오팔리나山地玫瑰 Greenoviadiplocycla-Agando데로사日高 Hylotelephium siboldii 골든글로우福兔耳 Kalanchoe eriophylla 백토이白银之舞 Kalanchoe pumila 백은무扇雀 Kalanchoe rhombopilosa黑兔耳 Kalanchoe tomentosaf nigromarginatas 흑토이瑞典摩南群生 Monanthes polyphylla 모난데스弗雷费尔 Pachyphtum cv Frevel 후레뉴球美人 Pachyphy Amazoness 아마조네스粉球美人 Pachyphy Amazoness 아마조네스糖美人 Pachyphytum Oviride 오비리데千代田之松 Pachyphytum compactum 천대전송철화稻田姬 Pachyphytumglutinicaule 도전희郡雀 Pachyphytum hookeri 군작京美人 Pachyphytumlongifolium 경미인东美人 Pachyphytumpachyphtooides 동미인桃美人 Pachyphytumcv mombuin 아마조네스千代田之松 Pachypodium compactum 천대전송蓝黛莲 Pachyveria glauca 그리니Pachyveria Elaine Reinelt. 'FREVEL 일레인三日月美人 Pchyphytum oviferum mikadukibijin보라미인华丽风车 pentandrum - v superbum 펜탄드럼红背椒草 Peperomia claveolens 레드페페密叶莲 Sedeveria Darley Dale 달리데일达利 Sedeveria Darley Dale 데일리데일柳叶莲华 Sedeveria Hummellii 스노우제이드蒂亚 Sedeveria Letizia 레티지아马库斯 Sedeveria Markus 마커스红宝石 Sedeveria pink rubby 핑클루비黄丽 Sedum adolphii 황려春萌 Sedum Alice Evans 춘맹新玉坠 Sedum burrito 청옥/세둠부리토凝脂莲 Sedum clavatum 라울劳尔/天使之霖 Sedum Clavatum 라울大姬星美人 Sedum dasyphyllum cv Lilac Mound 희성미인绿龟之卵 Sedum hernandezii 녹귀란丸叶松绿 Sedum lucidum Obesum 환엽송록丸叶松绿 Sedum lucidum Obesum 환엽송록球松 Sedum multiceps 소송록虹之玉 Sedum rubrotinctum 오로라红霜 Sedum spathulifolium 은설白霜 sedum spathulifolium 백설珊瑚珠 Sedum stahlii 스탈리天使之泪 Sedum torereasei 부사春之奇迹 Sedum versadense 스프링윈더蛛丝卷绢 SempervivumArachnoideum 거미줄바위솔蓝月亮 Senecio antandroi 미공모银月 Senecio haworthii 은월蓝松 Senecio serpens 만보立田凤 Sinocrassula densirosulata 입전봉因地卡 Sinocrassula indica 인디카滇石莲 Sinocrassula yunnanensis 사마로立田锦 X Pachyveria Albocarinata 입전금舞会红裙 Echeveria Party Dress 파티드레스몬스터杜里万 Echeveria tolimanensis 토리마넨시스纸风车 Echeveria tuxpan 턱시판胜者骑兵 Echeveria Victor Reiter 빅터레이터晚霞 Echeveria afterglow 에프터글로우魅惑之宵 Echeveria agavoides 블랙마리아罗密欧 Echeveria agavoides Romeo 로미오圣路易斯 Echeveria agavoides santa lewis圣诞 Echeveria Agavoides Christmas 크리스마스圣诞东云 Echeveria agavoides Christmas 크리스마스이브红洛 Echeveria agavoides hyb 톰스텝玉点 Echeveria agavoides Jade Point 제이드포인트玛利亚 Echeveria agavoides Maria 블랙마리아东云赤星 Echeveria agavoides Martins Hybrid 긴잎적성紫乌木 Echeveria agavoides purple ebony 퍼플에보니月影杂交 Echeveria agavoides sp 라즈아가玉杯 Echeveria agavoides sp Gilva 길바白蜡 Echeveria agavoides Wax 왁스星影 Echeveria albicans 성영红边月影 Echeveria albicans阿米西达 Echeveria amistar 아미스타花乃井 Echeveria amoena 원종아모에나亚特兰蒂斯 Echeveria Atlantis 피치스앤크림狂野男爵 Echeveria Baron Bold 바론볼드苯巴蒂斯 Echeveria Ben Badis 벤바디스夏娃이브大红 Echeveria Big Red 빅레드黑王子 Echeveria black prince 블랙프린스蓝精灵 Echeveria blue apple 크리시엔라이언미스테리日本蓝鸟 Echeveria blue bird 파랑새蓝云 Echeveria blue cloud 블루크라우드蓝之天使 Echeveria blue elf 블루엘프蓝灵 Echeveria Blue Fairy 문페어리蓝色苍鹭 Echeveria Blue heron 블루헤론若桃 Echeveria blue minima 블루미니마Echeveria Blue Sky 블루스카이红糖 Echeveria BROWN SUGAR 라벤다힐织锦 Echeveria Californica Queen 정야금广寒宫 Echeveria cante 칸테银明色 Echeveria carnicolor 고사옹철화灰姑娘 Echeveria Cinderella 신데렐라克拉拉 Echeveria clara 클라라蒙恰卡/魔爪 Echeveria cuspidate Menchaca 멘챠카绿爪 Echeveria cuspidate var zaragozae 흑자라고사白冠闪 Echeveria cv Bombycina 백섬관白凤 Echeveria cv HAKUHOU 백봉初恋 Echeveria cv Huthspinke 초연丹尼尔 Echeveria cv Joan Daniel 조안다니엘芙蓉雪莲 Echeveria cv Laulindsayana 먼로女雏 Echeveria cv Mebina 메비나桃太郎 Echeveria cv Momotarou 모모타로紫珍珠 Echeveria cv Peale von Nurnberg 뉴헨의진주紫心/粉色回忆 Echeveria cv Rezry 원종프리티高砂之翁 Echeveria cv Takasagono-okina 홍공작红化妆 Echeveria cv Victor 홍화장玫瑰莲 Echeveria cv Derosa 데로사女王花笠 Echeveria cv Meridian 여왕화립静夜 Echeveria Derenbergii 정야戴伦 Echeveria Deren-Oliver 데렌올리버多罗莎 Echeveria Derosa 워필드원더蒂凡尼 Echeveria diffractens 파르메소라多明戈 Echeveria domingo 도밍고多多 Echeveria Dondo 돈도月影 Echeveria elegans 월영法比奥拉 Echeveria Fabiola 파비올라菲奥娜 Echeveria Fiona 피오나/피어리스飞云 Echeveria flying cloud 플라잉클라우드范女王 Echeveria fun queen 펀퀸德克拉 Echeveria gibbiflora Decora 데코라银武源 Echeveria GINBUGEN 은무원银红莲 cheveria GINKOUREN 은홍련红豆 Echeveria globuliflora 빅토리아小红衣 Echeveria globulosa 글로블로사熊童子白锦웅동자금金辉 Echeveria GOLDEN GLOW 골든글로우蓝色天使 Echeveria Graptoveria Fanfare 팡빠레绿翡翠 Echeveria Green Emerald 그린에메랄드群月冠 Echeveria GUNGEKKAN 군월관月影系 Echeveria Hanatsukiyo 화월야花车锦 Echeveria holwayi 호베이花车 cheveria hoveyi 호베이月影之宵 Echeveria hughmillus 휴밀러스冰河世纪 Echeveria Ice Age 아이스에이지伊利亚 Echeveria Iria 이리아乔斯林的喜悦 cheveria Jocelyns Joy조슬린조이卡托斯 Echeveria kaltose迈达斯国王 Echeveria King Midas 킹마이더스雪莲 Echeveria laui 라우이薰衣草 Echeveria lavender hill 라벤더힐白兔耳 Echeveria leucotricha 백토이丽娜 Echeveria lilacina 릴리시나露娜 Echeveria lola 로라罗西马 Echeveria longissima 롱기시마罗西马杂交 Echeveria longissima var aztatlensis 롱기시마교배종露西 Echeveria Lucy 루시红稚莲 Echeveria macdougallii 홍치아巧克力方砖 Echeveria Melaco 멜라코记忆 Echeveria Memory 론에반스野玫瑰之精 Echeveria mexensis ZALAGOSA 애기들红爪 Echeveria mexensis ZALAGOSA 검은가시자라고사黑爪 Echeveria Mexensis Zaragosa 흑자라고사墨西哥巨人 Echeveria Mexican Giant 자이언트墨西哥雪球 Echeveria Mexican Snowball 크리스탈米纳斯 Echeveria minas 미나스美尼月迫 Echeveria Minima hyb 미니케세르minima/姬莲 Echeveria Minima 블루미니마/미니마麒麟座 Echeveria Monocerotis 모노케로티스梦露 Echeveria Monroe 먼로月亮仙精灵 Echeveria moon fairy 문페어리月光女神 Echeveria Moon Goddess 카르포르니카퀸摩氏石莲花 Echeveria moranii 모라니妮可莎娜 Echeveria nicksana 니크셔나红司 cheveria nodulosa 환엽홍사蜡牡丹 Echeveria nuda 누다군생猎户座 Echeveria Orion 오리온紫焰 Echeveria painted frills 샤비홍皮氏蓝石莲 cheveria peacockii desmetiana 데스메치墨西哥蓝鸟 Echeveria Pecockii 블루피코키彼得 Echeveria Peter 피터红粉佳人 cheveria Pretty in Pink 핑크프리티子持白莲 Echeveria prolifica 리틀장미Pachyphytodies群 cheveria Pulidonis 폴덴시스花月夜 Echeveria pulidonis 황홀한연꽃泊松와송雪锦星 Echeveria pulvinataFrosty 프로스티大和锦 cheveria purpusorum 대화금彩虹 Echeveria rainbow 레인보우彩虹 Echeveria rainbow 웨스트레인보우拉姆雷特 Echeveria ramillete 라밀레트철화冰莓群 Echeveria Rasberry Ice 라즈베리아이스里加 Echeveria Riga 리가如贝拉 Echeveria Rubella 루벨라红粉台阁 Echeveria runyonii cv 카시즈特玉莲 Echeveria runyonii Topsy Turvy 흡엽옥접桑彻斯(月影) Echeveria anchez-mejoradae 산체스메조라데祝之松 Echeveria scaphophylla 축송玉蝶 Echeveria secunda 칠복수维纳斯 Echeveria secunda forma vyrnesii 세쿤다바이네시锦司晃 Echeveria setosa Hybrid 금사황小蓝衣 Echeveria setosa v deminuta 룬데리青渚莲 Echeveria setosa ar minor 세토사抵园之舞 Echeveria shaviana 샤비아나沙维娜 Echeveria shaviana 핑크프릴沙漠之星 Echeveria shaviana Desert Star 사막의晚霞之舞 Echeveria shaviana Madre del Sur 마드레델슈雪莱 cheveria Shelley 쉘리爱斯诺 Echeveria Sierra 씨에라银后 Echeveria Silver Queen 실버恩西诺 Echeveria sp El Encino 엔시노霜之朝 Echeveria sp SIMONOASA 서리의아침Echeveria sp El Encino Hidalgo 엘엔시노贝飞达 Echeveria sp Vista Hermosa,bifida 비피다依然 Echeveria still剑司诺瓦 Echeveria strictiflora v nova 스트릭티플로라蓝宝石 Echeveria subcorymbosa 섭코림보사/에쿠스钢叶莲 Echeveria subrigida 서브리기다蜜糖 Echeveria sugared 슈가드酥皮鸭 Echeveria supia 구미리TP cheveria Tippy 티피艾格尼斯玫瑰 Echeveria tramuntana 트라문타나大和峰 cheveria turgida 투루기다紫罗兰皇后 Echeveria Violet Queen 바이올렛퀸白线 Echeveria White Line 화이트라인白王子 Echeveria White Prince 화이트프린스白玫瑰 Echeveria white rose 화이트로즈大合美尼 Echeveria yamatomini 대화련杨金 Echeveria yangjin 양진摩莎 Echeveria Racemosa 라세모사纯乌木 Echeveria agavoides ebony red 레드에보니卡罗拉 Echeveria colorata 콜로라타芙蓉雪莲 Echeveria cv. 'Laulindsayana' 먼로Pinky Echeveria cv. Pinky 핑키Echeveria decairn 디케인船长甘草 cheveria derenbergii Captain Hay 캡틴헤이月影 Echeveria elegans Potosina 포토시나星影(月影某种) Echeveria elegans potosina 크리스탈Echeveria puli-lindsayana 프리린제蜜糖 EcheveriaGraessnerisyn/Nivalis 니바리스五十铃玉 Fenestraria aurantiaca 오십령옥月美人 Graptopetalum amethystinum 아메치스\월미인紫雾 Graptopetalum Purple Haze 홍용월姬秋丽 Graptopetalum mendozae 멘도사蓝豆 Graptopetalum pachyphyllum "Bluebean" 블루빈水泡천금장。
夏商朝代发展 英语版
Allan, Sarah (ed.).The Formation of Chinese Civilization: An Archaeological Perspective.New London, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2005. [An excellent up-to-date reference of the newest discoveries. This text is used for EAS411 – Art and Archaeology of Ancient China, taught by Professor Chen Shen.]
Chang, K. C.Art, Myth, and Ritual: The Path to Political Authority in Ancient China.Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1983. [Dated material, but he was a professor of Archaeology at Harvard and an expert in the field.]
Symbol of power and wealth (9 bronze vessels)
Examples of Extremely Advanced Technology
Record Achievements of leader (Zhou dynasty)
oRuling élite (in ancestral temples, burial sites)
Bronze Age: 2,220 – 500 BCE. Cast bronze into pottery molds to make weapons & wine, meat and grain containers for religious rituals.
TARGET国际翻译研究杂志目录Target 1:1(1989) (2)Target 1:2(1989) (3)Target 2:1(1990) (3)Target 2:2(1990) (4)Target 3:1(1991) (5)Target 3:2(1991) (6)Target 4:1(1992) (7)Target 4:2(1992) (9)Target 5:1(1993) (10)Target 5:2(1993) (11)Target 6:1(1994) (12)Target 6:2(1994) (14)Target 7:1(1995) (15)Target 7:2(1995) (16)Target 8:1(1996) (18)Target 8:2(1996) (19)Target 9:1(1997) (20)Target 9:2(1997) (21)Target 10:1(1998) (23)Target 10:2(1998) (25)Target 11:1(1999) (26)Target 11:2(1999) (28)Target 12:1(2000) (29)Target 12:2(2000) (30)Target 13:1(2001) (31)Target 13:2(2001) (32)Target 14:1(2002) (34)Target 14:2(2002) (35)Target 15:1 (2003) (37)Target 15:2(2003) (38)Target 16:1 (2004) (40)Target 16:2(2004) (41)Target 17:1 (2005) (42)Target 17:2(2005) (44)Target 18:1 (2006) (45)Target 18:2 (2006) (46)Target 19:1(2007) (47)Target 19:2(2007) (49)Target 20:1(2008) (50)Target 20:2(2008) (51)Target 21:1(2009) (53)Target 21:2(2009) (54)Target 1:1(1989)On Target's Targets 1 Articles9 In Search of a Target Language: The Politics of Theatre Translation inQuebecAnnie Brisset29 Genre Analysis and the TranslatorCarl James43 Models of the Translation Process: Claim and RealityWolfgang Lörscher69 Wittgenstein, Translation, and SemioticsDinda L. GorléePlato, Bacon and the Puritan Apothecary: The Case of Nicholas95 CulpeperL.G. KellyForum111 Extending the Theory of Translation to Interpretation: Norms as aCase in PointMiriam ShlesingerReview Article117 Bibliographie: Traductions et CulturesJoséLambertReview 123 Paul Chavy. Traducteurs d'autrefois: Moyen âge et RenaissanceReviewed by Theo HermansMary Snell-Hornby (ed.) ZüriLEX '86 ProceedingsReviewed by R.R.K. HartmannTarget 1:2(1989)Articles129 Towards a Multi-facet Concept of Translation BehaviorWolfram WilssTranslation and Original: Similarities and Dissimilarities, I151 Kitty van Leuven-Zwart183 On Aboriginal Sufferance: A Process Model of Poetic TranslatingFrancis R. Jones201 Assessing Acceptability in Translated Children' BooksTiina Puurtinen215 La traduction, les langues et la communication de masse: Lesambiguïtés du discours internationalJoséLambertReview Article239 Verb Metaphors under TranslationGideon TouryReviews 249 James S. Holmes. Translated!: Papers on Literary Translation andTranslation StudiesReviewed by Hendrik van GorpYishai Tobin and Edna Aphek. Word Systems in Modern Hebrew:Implications and ApplicationsReviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviPaul Nekemann (ed.). Actes du XIe Congrès mondial de la FIT: LaTraduction, notre avenirReviewed by Lieven D’hulstAlan Duff. TranslationReviewed by Francis R. JonesRevue de littérature comparée, numéro spécial: Le Texte étranger.L‘œuvre littéraire en traductionReviewed by Clem RobynsTarget 2:1(1990)Articles1 Typological Aspects of Translating Literary Japanese into German, I:Lexicon and MorphologyGötz WienoldThe Normative Model of Twentieth Century Belles Infidèles:23 Detective Novels in French TranslationClem RobynsA Statistical Method for Translation Quality Assessment43 Shouyi Fan69 Translation and Original: Similarities and Dissimilarities, IIKitty van Leuven-Zwart‗Die Seefahrt an den Nagel hängen‘? Metaphern beim Übersetzen und97 in der ÜbersetzungswissenschaftFrank G. KönigsForumNorms in Interpretation115 Brian HarrisReviews 121 Albrecht Neubert. Text and TranslationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerErika Fischer-Lichte, Fritz Paul Brigitte Schultze Horst Turk, eds.Soziale und theatralische Konventioinen als Problem derDramenübersetzungReviewed by Frank PeetersMary Snell-Hornby Translation Studies: An Integrated ApproachReviewed by Lieven D’hulstTarget 2:2(1990)ArticlesA Theoretical Account of Translation: Without a Translation Theory135 Ernst-August Gutt165 Linguistic Interference in Literary Translations from English intoHebrew of the 1960s and 1970sRachel Weissbrod183 Typological Aspects of Translating Literary Japanese into German, II:Syntax and Narrative TechniqueGötz Wienold199 Surely There Must Exist a Polish Equivalent: On the Inadequacy ofDictionary ExplicationsElżbieta TabakowskaTexttheorie und Translatorisches Handeln 219Hans J. VermeerReviews 243 Harald Kittel, ed. Die literarische Übersetzung: Stand undPerspektiven ihrer ErforschungReviewed by Dirk De GeestReiner Arntz, ed. Textlinguistik und Fachsprache: Akten desInternationalen übersetzungswissenschaftlichen AILA-SymposionsHildesheim, 13.-16 April 1987Reviewed by Wolfgang LörscherValerie Worth. Practising Translation in Renaissance France: TheExample of Étienne DoletReviewed by Paul ChavySherry Simon. L'inscription sociale de la traduction au QuébecReviewed by Clem RobynsNew Books at a Glance 255 Henry G. Schogt. Linguistics, Literary Analysis, and LiteraryTranslationLieven D’hulstMaarten Steenmeijier. De Spaanse en Spaans-Amerikaanse literatuurin Nederland (1946-1985)Ilse LogieTarget 3:1(1991)Articles1 World Knowledge in the Process of TranslationChristina SchäffnerCoincidence in Translation: Glory and Misery Again17 Robert de Beaugrande55 Computer-aided Translation: Where are the Problems?Albrecht Neubert65 Translation Anthologies: An Invitation to the Curious and a CaseStudyHelga Essman and Armin Paul Frank91 Scopos, Loyalty, and Translational ConventionsChristiane NordReviews 111 Candace Séguinot ed. The Translation ProcessReviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviSusan Bassnett and André Lefevere, eds. Translation, History andCultureReviewed by Theo d’HaenHenri Van Hoof. Traduire l'anglais: Théorie et PratiqueReviewed by Michel BallardDanica Seleskovitch et Marianne Lederer. Pédagogie raisonnée del'interprétationReviewed by Jean DelisleBrian T. Fitch. Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status ofthe Bilingual WorkReviewed by Rainier GrutmanNew Books at a Glance 129 La traduction plurielle. Textes réunis et présentés par Michel BallardLieven D’hulstDaniel Göske. Herman Melville in deutscher SpracheNorbert GreinerKlaus Martens. Die ausgewanderte ―Evangeline‖: Longfellowsepische Idylle im übersetzerischen TransferNorbert GreinerJean Delisle. The Language Alchemists: Société des traducteurs duQuébec (1940-1990)Rainier GrutmanAmparo Hurtado Albir. La notion de fidélité en traductionTarget 3:2(1991)ArticlesA False Opposition in Translation Studies: Theoretical versus/and137 Historical ApproachesDirk Delabastita153 Methodological Aspects of Interpretation (and Translation) ResearchDaniel Gile175 Names and Their Substitutes: Onomastic Observations on Astérix andIts TranslationsSheila Embleton207 Two Traditions of Translating Early Irish LiteratureMaria TymoczkoInstitutional Transmission and Literary Translation: A Sample Case225 Klaus MartensReviews 243 Christiane Nord. Textanalyse und Übersetzen: TheoretischeGrundlagen, Methode und didaktische Anwendung einerübersetzungsrelevanten TextanalyseReviewed by Werner KollerFrederick M. Rener. Interpretatio: Language and Translation fromCicero to TytlerReviewed by Antoine BermanPeter W. Krawutschke, ed. Translator and Interpreter Training andForeign Language PedagogyJean Delisle. Translation: An Interpretive ApproachSonja Tirkkonen-Condit and Stephen Condit, eds. Empirical Studiesin Translation and LinguisticsReviewed by Miriam ShlesingerMary Snell-Hornby and Esther Pöhl, eds. Translation andLexicography: Papers read at the EURALEX Colloquium held atInnsbruck 2-5 July 1987Reviewed by Guy A.J. TopsNew Books at a Glance 261 Bert Westerweel and Theo D'haen, eds. Something Understood:Studies in Anglo-Dutch TranslationDirk DelabastitaMyriam Salama-Carr. La traduction à l'époque abbasside: L'école deHunayn Ibn Ishāq et son importance pour la traductionMichel Ballard261 Andrzej Kątny, Hrsg. Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik undliterarischen ÜbersetzungGerd FreidhofTarget 4:1(1992)Articles1 The Concept of Function of Translation and Its Application toLiterary TextsRoda P. Roberts17 On Constructing a Transfer Dictionary for Man and MachineJohn Laffling33 Sur le rôle des métaphores en traductologie contemporaineLieven D’hulstFilm (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals 53Patrick Cattrysse71 Zum Aussagewert motivgeschichtlicher ÜbersetzungsstudienBärbel CzenniaForumNatural Translation: A Reply to Hans P. Krings97 Brian Harris105 Bilinguismus and Übersetzen: Eine Antwort an Brian HarrisHans P. KringsReview ArticleTranslation Theory Revisited111 Raymond van den BroeckReviews 121 Reiner Arntz and Gisela Thome, eds. Übersetzungswissenschaft.Ergebnisse und Perspektiven: Festschrift für Wolfram Wilss zum 65.GeburtstagReviewed by Dirk DelabastitaBasil Hatim and Ian Mason. Discourse and the TranslatorReviewed by Nils Erik EnkvistWolfgang Lörscher. Translation Performance, Translation Process,and Translation StrategiesReviewed by Donald C. KiralyArmin Paul Frank, Hrsg. Die literarische Übersetzung. Der langeSchatten kurzer Geschichten: Amerikanische Kurzprosa in deutschenÜbersetzungenReviewed by Jörn Albrecht and Johannes VolmertPeter Braun, Burkhard Schaeder and Johannes Volmert, eds. Internationalismen: Studien zur interlingualen Lexikologie undLexikographieReviewed by Frank PeetersNew Books at a Glance 139 Jerzy Tomaszczyk and Barbara Lwandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds.Meaning and LexicographyR.R.K. HartmannEija Ventola and Anna Mauranen. Tutkijat ja englanniksikirjoittaminenNils Erik EnkvistMaría Antonia Álvarez Calleja. Estudios de traducción(Inglés-Español): Teoría. Práctica. ApplicationesIlse LogieHenri Van Hoof. Histoire de la traduction en Occident: France,Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Russie, Pays-BasLieven D’hulstTarget 4:2(1992)ArticlesGood-bye, Lingua Teutonica? Language, Culture and Science in145 Europe on the Threshold of the 21st CenturyRoland PosnerThe Relations Between Translation and Material Text Transfer171 Anthony Pym191 Translation Policy and Literary/Cultural Changes in Early ModernKorea (1895-1921)Theresa Hyun209 On Two Style Markers of Modern Arabic-Hebrew Prose TranslationsLea Sarig223 The Cloze Technique as a Pedagogical Tool for the Training ofTranslators and InterpretersSylvie LambertReview ArticleA Theoretical Account of Translation: Without Translation Theory?237 Sonja Tirkkonen-ConditReviews 247 J.A. Henderson. Personality and the Linguist: A Comparison of thePersonality Profiles of Professional Translators and ConferenceInterpretersReviewed by Gideon TourySonja Tirkkonen-Condit, ed. Empirical Research in Translation andIntercultural Studies: Selected Papers of the TRANSIF Seminar,Savonlinna 1988Reviewed by Daniel GileAnnie Brisset. Sociocritique de la traduction: Théâtre et altérité auQuébec (1968-1988)Reviewed by Clem RobynsWilliam Luis and Julio Rodríguez-Luis, eds. Translating LatinAmerica: Culture as TextReviewed by Nadia LieNew Books at a Glance 261 Dan Maxwell and Klaus Schubert, eds. Metataxis in Practice:Dependency Syntax for Multilingual Machine TranslationJan DingsPatrice Pavis. Theatre at the Crossroads of Culture261 Sirkku AaltonenTarget 5:1(1993)ArticlesFrom ‗Is‘ to ‗Ought‘: Laws, Norms and Strategies in T ranslation1 StudiesAndrew ChestermanIs There a Special Kind of ―Reading‖ for Translation? An Empirical21 Investigation of Reading in the Translation ProcessGregory M. Shreve, Christina Schäffner,Joseph H. Danks and Jennifer GriffinArab Fatalism and Translation from Arabic into English43 Mohammed Farghal55 Rhetoric and Dutch Translation Theory (1750–1820)Luc Korpel71 Mixed Translation Patterns: The Ladino Translation of Biblical andMishnaic Hebrew VerbsOra (Rodrigue) SchwarzwaldReview Article89 Anthologies et HistoriographeJoséLambertReviews 97 Daniel Gouadec. Le traducteur, la traduction et l'entrepriseReviewed by JoséLambertSusan Bassnett-McGuire. Translation Studies (Revised Edition)Reviewed by John S. DixonGabriele Harhoff. Grenzen der Skopostheorie von Translation undihrer praktischen AnwendbarkeitReviewed by Christiane NordChristian Schmitt, Hrsg. Neue Methoden der SprachmittlungReviewed by Paul KussmaulBarbara Folkart. Le conflit des énonciations: traduction et discoursrapportéReviewed by Reine MaylaertsJelle Stegeman. Übersetzung und Leser: Übersetzung und LeserUntersuchungen zur Übersetzungsäquivalenz dargestellt an derRezeption von Multatulis ‗Max Havelaar‘ und seinen deutschenÜbersetzungenReviewed by Cees KosterSandor Hervey Ian Higgins. Thinking Translation. A Course inTranslation method: French to EnglishReviewed by Hans G. HönigMildred L. Larson, ed. Translation: Theory and Practice. Tension and InterdependenceReviewed by Anthony PymNew Books at a Glance 127 Kitty M. van Leuven Zwart Ton Naaijkens, eds. Translation Studies:The State of the Art. Proceedings of the First James S HolmesSymposium on Translation StudiesMichael SchreiberRainer Schulte John Biguenet, eds. Theories of Translation: AnAnthology of Essays from Dryden to DerridaLieven D’hulstIsabel Pascua Febles and Ana Luisa Peñate Soares. Introducción a losestudios de traducciónAnthony PymTarget 5:2(1993)Articles133 Underpinning Translation TheoryKirsten MalmkjærThe Distinctive Nature of Interpreting Studies149 Heidemarie Salevsky169 The Question of French Dubbing: Towards a Frame for SystematicInvestigationOlivier Goris191 The Grimm Tales in 19th Century DenmarkCay Dollerup215 Das Ende deutscher Romanübersetzungen aus zweiter HandWilhelm GraeberReview ArticleDiscourses on Translation: Recent, Less Recent, and to Come229 AndréLefevereReviews 243 Cay Dollerup and Anne Loddegaard, eds. Teaching Translation andInterpreting: Training, Talent and ExperienceReviewed by Rachel WeissbrodPeter Newmark: About TranslationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerLance Hewson and Jacky Martin. Redefining Translation: TheVariational ApproachReviewed by Michel BallardMarianne Lederer, éd.Études traductologiques en hommage à DanicaSéleskovitchReviewed by Annie BrissetJohn Laffling. Towards High-Precision Machine Translation : Basedon Contrastive TextologyReviewed by Anne-Marie Loffler-LaurianMichel Ballard. De Cicéron à Benjamin: Traducteurs, traductions,réflexionsReviewed by Jean DelisleMats Larsson Från tjeckiska till svenska: Översättningsstrategier förlitterärt talspråkReviewed by Werner KollerJames Hardin, ed. Translation and Translation Theory inSeventeenth-Century GermanyReviewed by Frederick M. RenerNew Books at a Glance 273 Werner Koller. Einführung in die Übersetzungswissenschaft, 4.,Völlig neu bearbeitete AuflageWolfram WilssBrigitte Schultze, Erika Fischer-Lichte, Fritz Paul and Horst Turk,eds.Literatur und Theater. Traditionen und Konventionen als Problem derDramen übersetzungFrank PeetersPhilip C. Stine, ed. Bible Translation and the Spread of the Church:The Last 200 YearsTheo HermansRosa Rabadán. Equivalencia y traducción: Problemática de laequivalencia translémica inglés-españolIlse LogieTarget 6:1(1994)ArticlesSemantic Models and Translating 1Paul KussmaulDid Adapa Indeed Lose His Chance for Eternal Life? A Rationale for15 Translating Ancient Texts into a Modern LanguageShlomo Izre'el43 Twelfth-Century Toledo and Strategies of the Literalist Trojan HorseAnthony PymForum67 Übersetzung * Translation * Traduction: An InternationalEncyclopedia of Translation StudiesReview Article81 Ideological Purity: Machine Translation's Pride or Pitfall?John LafflingReviews 95 Anthony Pym. Translation and Text Transfer: An Essay on thePrinciples of Intercultural CommunicationReviewed by Andrew ChestermanMarcel Thelen and Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, eds.Translation and Meaning: Proceedings of the 1990 Maastricht-ŁódźDuo Colloquium I-IIReviewed by Franz PöchhackerHeidemarie Salevsky, Hrsg. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen derSprachmittlungReviewed by Andreas PoltermannRadegundis Stolze. Hermeneutisches Übersetzen: LinguistischeKategorien des Verstehens und Formulierens beim ÜbersetzenReviewed by Frank G. KönigsRita Copeland. Rhetoric, Hermeneutics and Translation in the MiddleAges: Academic Traditions and Vernacular TextsReviewed by Douglas A. KibbeeCarmela Nocera Avila. Studi sulla traduzione nell'Inghilterra delSeicento e del SettecentoReviewed by Holger KleinChristiane Nord. Einführung in das funktionale Übersetzen: AmBeispiel von Titeln und ÜberschriftenReviewed by Katharina ReissPatrick De Rynck et Andries Welkenhuysen. De Oudheid in hetNederlands: Repertorium en bibliografische gidsReviewed by Arnoud WilsNew Books at a Glance 121 Cecilia Wadensjö. Interpreting as Interaction: OnDialogue-interpreting in Immigration Hearings and MedicalEncountersRuth MorrisCees W. Schoneveld, ed. ‗t Word grooter plas: maar niet zo ‗t was.Nederlandse beschouwingen over vertalen (1670-1760)Patrick De RynckChristiane Beerbom. Modalpartikeln als Übersetzungsproblem: Einekontrastive Studie zum Sprachenpaar Deutsch-SpanischReiner ArntzOther Books Received 127Target 6:2(1994)ArticlesA Framework for Decision-Making in Translation131 Wolfram WilssTranslation Studies in China: Retrospect and Prospect151 Fan ShouyiTranslating Allusions: When Minimum Change Is Not Enough177 Ritva Leppihalme195 Translating Literary Dialogue: A Problem and Its Implications forTranslation into HebrewRina Ben-ShaharReview Article223 Focus on the Pun: Wordplay as a Special Problem in TranslationStudiesDirk DelabastitaReviews 245 Wolfram Wilss. Übersetzungsfertigkeit: Annäherungen an einenkomplexen übersetzungspraktischen BegriffReviewed by John LafflingJean Delisle. La traduction raisonnéeReviewed by Robert LaroseJusta Holz-Mänttäri und Christiane Nord, Hrsg. TRADUCERENAVEM: Festschrift für Katharina Reiβ zum 70. GeburtstagReviewed by Luise Lieflander-KoistinenJohn Newton, ed. Computers in Translation: A Practical AppraisalReviewed by Frank Van EyndeAndré Lefevere, ed. Translation/History/Culture: A SourcebookReviewed by Luc KorpelLuc G. Korpel. Over het nut en de wijze der vertalingen: Nederlandse vertaalreflectie (1750-1820) in een Westeuropees kaderReviewed by Patrick De RynckNew Books at a Glance265 Tejaswini Niranjana. Siting Translation: History, Post-Structuralismand the Colonial ContextGurbhagat SinghWilliam A. Smalley.Translation as Mission: Bible Translation in theModern Missionary MovementAnneke de VriesMichael Hann. The Key to Technical Translation, 1-2Bruce W. Irwin and Erhard EydamClem Robyns, ed. Translation and the (Re)production of Culture:Selected Papers of the CERA Research Seminars in TranslationStudies 1989-1991John S. DixonOther Books Received 273Target 7:1(1995)Mirror Mirror on the Wall: An Introduction1 Daniel GilleArticles7 Stranger in Paradigms: What Lies Ahead for SimultaneousInterpreting Research?Miriam ShlesingerInterpreting Research and the ‗Manipulation School‘ of Translation29 StudiesAnne Schjoldager―Those Who Do…‖: A Profile of Research(ers) in Interpreting47 Franz PöchhackerUne approche asymptotique de la recherche sur l‘interprétation65 Birgit StrolzLa recherche en interprétation dans les pays d‘Europe de l‘Est: un e75 perspective personnelleIvana Čeňková91 Interpretation Research in JapanMasaomi Kondo and Akira Mizuno107 Development of Research Work at SSLM, Trieste (Italy)Laura Gran and Maurizio ViezziA Review of Conference Interpretation: Practice and Training119 Jennifer MackintoshOn The Relevance of Signed Languages to Research in Interpretation135 William P. IshamFidelity Assessment in Consecutive Interpretation: An Experiment151 Daniel Gille165 Interdisciplinary Research — Difficulties and BenefitsIngrid KurzReviews181 Sylvie Lambert and Barbara Moser-Mercer, eds. Bridging the Gap:Emperical Research in Simultaneous InterpretationFranz Pöchhacker181 Franz Pöchhacker. Simultandolmetschen als komplexes HandelnDaniel GilleOther Books Received 189Target 7:2(1995)Articles191 The Concept of Equivalence and the Object of Translation StudiesWerner KollerCorpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Suggestions for223 Future ResearchMona Baker245 Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Corpus Selection inTranslation StudiesLuc van Doorslaer261 Text-Functions in Translation: Titles and Headings as a Case in PointChristiane Nord285 Headlining in Translation: English vs. Greek PressMaria SidiropoulouA Pragmatic Classification of LSP Texts in Science and Technology305 Susanne Göpferich327 Retranslation of Children's Books as Evidence of Changes of NormsMyriam Du-NourForumIntuition in Translation347 Vilen N. KomissarovReviews 355Dinda L. Gorlée. Semiotics and the Problem of TranslationReviewed by Elda WeizmanYves Gambier Jorma Tommola, eds. Translation and Knowledge:SSOTT IV — Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (Turku,4–6.6.1992)Reviewed by Kirsten MalmkjærMary Snell-Hornby, Franz Pöchhacker and Klaus Kaindl, eds.Translation Studies: An InterdisciplineReviewed by Anthony PymRomy Heylen .Translation, Poetics, and the StageReviewed by Sirkku AaltonenCandace Whitman-Linsen. Through the Dubbing Glass: TheSynchronization of American Motion Pictures into German, Frenchand SpanishReviewed by Aline RemaelThomas O. Beebee. Clarissa on the Continent: Translation andSeductionReviewed by Wilhelm GraeberHelga Essmann. Übersetzungsanthologien: Eine Typologie und eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der amerikanischen Versdichtung indeutsch-sprachigen Anthologien, 1920–1960Reviewed by Hannah Amit-KochaviHans J. Vermeer. Skizzen zu einer Geschichte der Translation, Bd:1:Anfäange:von Mesopotamien bis GriechenlandRom und das frühe Christentum bis HieronymusReviewed by Heidemarie SalevskyKitty M. van Leuven-Zwart. Vertaalwetenschap: Ontwikkelingen en perspectievenReviewed by Theo HermansNew Books at a Glance 389 André Lefevere. Translation, Rewriting & the Manipulation ofLiterary FameHannah Amit-KochaviChristine Pagnoulle, éd. Les gens du passageMichel BallardPalma Zlateva Translation as Social Action: Russian and BulgarianPerspectivesAnikóSohárSiegfried Meurer, Hrsg. Die vergessenen Schwestern: FrauengerechteSprache in der BibelübersetzungAnneke de VriesTarget 8:1(1996)Articles1 There Is Always a Teller in a TaleGiuliana SchiaviThe Translator‘s Voice in Translated Narrative23 Theo Hermans49 Directionality in Translation Processes and PracticesSophia S.A. Marmaridou75 Some Thoughts About Think-Aloud ProtocolsCandace SéguinotThe Translation of English Passives into Arabic: An Empirical97 PerspectiveMohammed Farghal and Mohammed O. Al-Shorafat119 Translations, Paratextual Mediation, and Ideological ClosureUrpo KovalaForum149 A Case for Linguistics in Translation TheoryVladimir IvirOn Similarity159 Andrew ChestermanReview Article165 Venuti's VisibilityAnthony PymReviews 179 Elżbieta Tabakowska. Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics ofTranslationReviewed by Vladimir IvirMichel Ballard, dir. La traduction à l‘université: Recherches etpropositions didactiquesReviewed by Robert LaroseHeidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast. ÜbersetzungswissenschaftlichesPropädeutikumReviewed by Hans G. HönigJuan C. Sager. Language Engineering and Translation: Consequencesof AutomationReviewed by Christina SchäffnerGideon Toury. Descriptive Translation Studies and beyondReviewed by Andrew ChestermanSherry Simon. Le Trafic des langues: Traduction et culture dans lalittérature québécoiseReviewed by Reine MeylaertsRadegundis Stolze. Übersetzungstheorien: Eine EinführungReviewed by Nelleke de Jong-van den BergTarget 8:2(1996)ArticlesLanguage, Translation and the Promotion of National Identity: Two211 Test CasesJudith Woodsworth239 Implicit Information in Literary Translation: A Relevance-TheoreticPerspectiveErnst-August Gutt257 Affective and Attitudinal Factors in Translation ProcessesJohanna LaukkanenA Translator' Reference Needs: Dictionaries or Parallel Texts?275 Ian A. Williams301 Translation of Modifications: About Information, Intention and EffectChunshen ZhuTowards a Model of Translation Proficiency325 Deborah CaoWhat Translators of Plays Think About Their Work341 Marja JänisForum365 Assumed Translation: Continuing the DiscussionVilen N. KomissarovReviews 375 Daniel Gile. Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter andTranslator TrainingReviewed by Donald C. Kiraly and David B. SawyerJeanne Dancette. Parcours de traduction: étude expérimentale duprocessus de compréhensionReviewed by Wolfgang LörscherGeorges Mounin. Les Belles InfidèlesReviewed by Yves GambierPaul Kussmaul. Training the TranslatorReviewed by Jeanne DancetteHans G. Hönig Konstruktives ÜbersetzenReviewed by Luc van DoorslaerAntoine Berman. Pour une critique des traductions: John DonneReviewed by Reine MeylaertsNew Books at a Glance 395 Deanna L. Hammond, ed. Professional Issues for Translators andInterpretersPeter JansenMichael Schreiber. Übersetzung und Bearbeitung: ZurDifferenzierung und Abgrenzung des ÜbersetzungsbegriffsJuliane HouseAnneke de Vries. Zuiver en onvervalscht?: Een beschrijving voor bijbelvertalingen, ontwikkeld en gedemonstreerd aan de PetrusCanisius VertalingPaul GillaertsOther Books Received 403Target 9:1(1997)ARTICLES‗Acceptability‘ and Language-Specific Preference in the Distribution1 of InformationMonika Doherty25 Translating a Poem, from a Linguistic PerspectiveElżbieta Tabakowska43 Translat ing the Untranslatable: The Translator‘s Aesthetic,Ideological and Political ResponsibilityGillian Lane-Mercier69 Who Verbalises What: A Linguistic Analysis of TAP TextsSonja Tirkkonen-ConditCréativité et traduction85 Michel Ballard111 Cultural Agents and Cultural Interference: The Function of J.H.Campe in an Emerging Jewish CultureZohar ShavitLanguage and Translation in an International Business Context:131 Beyond an Instrumental ApproachChris Steyaert and Maddy JanssensFORUM。
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Silver has a similar status to gold in Chinese culture, often used in similar ways.
1 艳日辉Aeonium decorum f variegata까라솔/일월금2 爱染锦Aeonium domesticum fa Variegata애염금3 日本小松Aeonium sedifolius소인제4 唐扇Aloinopsis schooneesii알로이놉시스5 吹雪之松锦Anacampseros rufescens Sunrise 취설송6 乒乓福娘Cotyledon orbiculata cv방울복랑7 达摩福娘Cotyledon pendens펜덴스8 熊童子Cotyledon tomentosa웅동자9 黄熊Cotyledon tomentosa ssptomentosa웅동자금10 玉稚儿Crassula arta 옥치아11 火星兔子Crassula ausensis v titanopsis티타놉시스12 半球乙女心Crassula Brevifolia브레비폴리아13 克拉夫Crassula clavata 크라바타14 纪之川Crassula cvMoonglow기천15 白鹭Crassula deltoidea백로16 "精灵豆" Crassula elegans엘레강스17 绒针Crassula mesembryanthoides은전18 小天狗Crassula nudicaulis애성19 筒叶花月Crassula obliqua Gollum우주목20 新花月锦Crassula obliqua f variegata신화월금21 红缘心水晶Crassula pellucida ssp marginalis f rubra 홍연심수정22 十字星锦Crassula perforata var23 钱串Crassula perforata고주성/루페스트리24 梦椿Crassula pubescens푸베센스/파브센스25 若歌诗Crassula rogersii로게르시26 小米星Crassula rupestris TOM THUMB 희성27 彩色蜡笔Crassula Rupestris variegata "pastel" 희성금28 雨心Crassula volkensii볼켄시29Crassula rupestris 원종애성30 妖玉Dintheranthus puberulus31 仙女杯DUDLEYA pulverulenta두둘레야32 黑紫色东云Echeveria agavoides Rubra 루브라33 昂斯洛Echeveria cv Onslow34 乙女梦Echeveria gibbiflora v carunculata 을녀몽35Echeveria Lamillette f cristata 라밀레떼철화36 利比亚Echeveria Liberia리베리아37Echeveria Lime & Chili 라임앤칠리38Echeveria Pansy 팬지39 舞会红裙Echeveria Party Dress파티드레스몬스터40 杜里万Echeveria tolimanensis토리마넨시스41 纸风车Echeveria tuxpan 턱시판42 胜者骑兵Echeveria Victor Reiter빅터레이터43 晚霞Echeveria afterglow에프터글로우44 魅惑之宵Echeveria agavoides45 罗密欧Echeveria agavoides Romeo로미오46 圣路易斯Echeveria agavoides santa lewis47 圣诞Echeveria Agavoides Christmas크리스마스48 圣诞东云Echeveria agavoides Christmas크리스마스이브49 红洛Echeveria agavoides hyb톰스텝50 玉点Echeveria agavoides Jade Point제이드포인트51 玛利亚Echeveria agavoides Maria블랙마리아52 东云赤星Echeveria agavoides Martins Hybrid 긴잎적성53 紫乌木Echeveria agavoides purple ebony퍼플에보니54 月影杂交Echeveria agavoides sp라즈아가55 玉杯Echeveria agavoides sp Gilva56 白蜡Echeveria agavoides Wax왁스57 星影Echeveria albicans성영58 阿米西达Echeveria amistar아미스타59 花乃井Echeveria amoena 원종아모에나60 亚特兰蒂斯Echeveria Atlantis피치스앤크림61 狂野男爵Echeveria Baron Bold바론볼드62 苯巴蒂斯Echeveria Ben Badis벤바디스63 大红Echeveria Big Red빅레드64 黑王子Echeveria black prince블랙프린스65 蓝精灵Echeveria blue apple크리시엔라이언미스테리66 日本蓝鸟Echeveria blue bird67 蓝云Echeveria blue cloud블루크라우드68 蓝之天使Echeveria blue elf블루엘프69 蓝灵Echeveria Blue Fairy문페어리70 蓝色苍鹭Echeveria Blue heron 블루헤론71 若桃Echeveria blue minima블루미니마72 天空蓝蓝Echeveria Blue Sky블루스카이73 红糖Echeveria BROWN SUGAR 라벤다힐74 织锦Echeveria Californica Queen 정야금75 广寒宫Echeveria cante 칸테76 银明色Echeveria carnicolor고사옹철화77 灰姑娘Echeveria Cinderella78 克拉拉Echeveria clara 클라라79 蒙恰卡/魔爪Echeveriacuspidata Menchaca 멘챠카80 绿爪Echeveria cuspidata var zaragozae 흑자라고사81 白冠闪Echeveria cv Bombycina백섬관82 白凤Echeveria cv HAKUHOU백봉83 初恋Echeveria cv Huthspinke초연84 丹尼尔Echeveria cv Joan Daniel조안다니엘85 芙蓉雪莲Echeveria cv Laulindsayana먼로86 女雏Echeveria cv Mebina메비나87 桃太郎Echeveria cv Momotarou모모타로88 紫珍珠Echeveria cv Peale von Nurnberg 뉴헨의진주89 紫心/粉色回忆Echeveriacv Rezry 원종프리티90 高砂之翁Echeveria cv Takasagono-okina 홍공작91 红化妆Echeveria cv Victor홍화장92 玫瑰莲Echeveria cv Derosa데로사93 女王花笠Echeveria cv Meridian여왕화립94 静夜Echeveria Derenbergii정야95 戴伦Echeveria Deren-Oliver데렌올리버96 多罗莎Echeveria Derosa 워필드원더97 蒂凡尼Echeveria diffractens파르메소라98 多明戈Echeveria domingo도밍고99 多多Echeveria Dondo 돈도100 月影Echeveria elegans월영编号图片中文名称拉丁学名韩文名称101 法比奥拉Echeveria Fabiola파비올라102 菲奥娜Echeveria Fiona 피오나/피어리스103 飞云Echeveria flying cloud플라잉클라우드104 范女王Echeveria fun queen펀퀸105 德克拉Echeveria gibbiflora Decora데코라106 银武源Echeveria GINBUGEN은무원107 银红莲Echeveria GINKOUREN은홍련108 红豆Echeveria globuliflora빅토리아109 小红衣Echeveria globulosa글로블로사110 金辉Echeveria GOLDEN GLOW111 蓝色天使Echeveria Graptoveria Fanfare 팡빠레112 绿翡翠Echeveria Green Emerald그린에메랄드113 群月冠Echeveria GUNGEKKAN군월관114 月影系Echeveria Hanatsukiyo화월야115 花车锦Echeveria holwayi호베이116 花车Echeveria hoveyi 호베이117 月影之宵Echeveria hughmillus휴밀러스118 冰河世纪Echeveria Ice Age아이스에이지119 伊利亚Echeveria Iria 이리아120 乔斯林的喜悦Echeveria Jocelyns Joy 조슬린조이121 卡托斯Echeveria kaltose122 迈达斯国王Echeveria King Midas123 雪莲Echeveria laui 라우이124 薰衣草Echeveria lavender hill라벤더힐125 白兔耳Echeveria leucotricha백토이126 丽娜莲Echeveria lilacina릴리시나127 露娜莲Echeveria lola 로라128 罗西马Echeveria longissima롱기시마129 罗西马杂交Echeveria longissima롱기시마교배종130 露西Echeveria Lucy 루시131 红稚莲Echeveria macdougallii홍치아132 巧克力方砖Echeveria Melaco 멜라코133 记忆Echeveria Memory 론에반스134 野玫瑰之精Echeveria mexensis ZALAGOSA애기들135 红爪Echeveria mexensis ZALAGOSA 검은가시자라고사136 黑爪Echeveria Mexensis Zaragosa흑자라고사137 墨西哥巨人Echeveria Mexican Giant자이언트138 墨西哥雪球Echeveria Mexican Snowball 크리스탈139 米纳斯Echeveria minas 미나스140 美尼月迫Echeveria Minima hyb미니케세르141minima/姬莲EcheveriaMinima 블루미니마/미니마142 麒麟座Echeveria Monocerotis모노케로티스143 梦露EcheveriaMonroe144 月亮仙精灵Echeveria moonfairy 문페어리145 月光女神Echeveria MoonGoddess 카르포르니카퀸146 摩氏石莲花Echeveria moranii 모라니147 妮可莎娜Echeverianicksana 니크셔나148 红司Echeverianodulosa 환엽홍사149 蜡牡丹Echeveria nuda누다군생150 猎户座EcheveriaOrion 오리온151 紫焰Echeveria paintedfrills 샤비홍152 皮氏蓝石莲Echeveria peacockii desmetiana 데스메치153 墨西哥蓝鸟Echeveria Pecockii 블루피코키154 彼得EcheveriaPeter 피터155 红粉佳人Echeveria Pretty in Pink 핑크프리티156 子持白莲Echeveriaprolifica 리틀장미157 Pachyphytodies群Echeveria Pulidonis 폴덴시스158 花月夜Echeveria pulidonis 황홀한연꽃159 雪锦星Echeveria pulvinataFrosty 프로스티160 大和锦Echeveria purpusorum 대화금161 彩虹Echeveriarainbow 레인보우162 彩虹锦Echeveriarainbow 웨스트레인보우163 拉姆雷特Echeveria ramillete 라밀레트철화164 冰莓群Echeveria Rasberry Ice 라즈베리아이스165 里加Echeveria Riga리가166 如贝拉EcheveriaRubella 루벨라167 红粉台阁Echeveria runyonii cv 카시즈168 特玉莲Echeveria runyoniiTopsy Turvy 흡엽옥접169 桑彻斯(月影) Echeveria Sanchez-mejoradae 산체스메조라데170 祝之松Echeveria scaphophylla축송171 玉蝶Echeveriasecunda 칠복수172 维纳斯Echeveria secundaforma vyrnesii 세쿤다바이네시173 锦司晃Echeveria setosaHybrid 금사황174 小蓝衣Echeveria setosa vdeminuta 룬데리175 青渚莲Echeveria setosa varminor 세토사176 抵园之舞Echeveriashaviana 샤비아나177 沙维娜Echeveriashaviana 핑크프릴178 沙漠之星Echeveria shavianaDesert Star 사막의179 晚霞之舞Echeveria shaviana Madre del Sur 마드레델슈180 雪莱EcheveriaShelley 쉘리181 爱斯诺EcheveriaSierra 씨에라182 银后Echeveria SilverQueen 실버183 恩西诺Echeveria sp ElEncino 엔시노184 霜之朝Echeveria sp SIMONOASA 서리의아침185Echeveria sp El Encino Hidalgo 엘엔시노186 贝飞达Echeveria sp Vista Hermosa,bifida 비피다187 立田锦X PachyveriaAlbocarinata 입전금188 剑司诺瓦스트릭티플로라189 蓝宝石섭코림보사/에쿠스190 钢叶莲서브리기다191 蜜糖슈가드192 酥皮鸭구미리193 TP티피194 艾格尼斯玫瑰트라문타나195 大和峰투루기다196 紫罗兰皇后바이올렛퀸197 白线화이트라인198 白王子화이트프린스199 白玫瑰화이트로즈200 大合美尼대화련201 杨金Echeveria yangjin 양진202 摩莎Echeveria Racemosa 라세모사203 纯乌木Echeveria agavoides ebony red 레드에보니204 卡罗拉Echeveria colorata 콜로라타205 芙蓉雪莲Echeveria cv. 'Laulindsayana' 먼로206 Pinky Echeveria cv. Pinky 핑키207 Echeveria decairn 디케인208 船长甘草Echeveria derenbergii Captain Hay 캡틴헤이209月影Echeveria elegans Potosina포토시나210星影(月影某种)Echeveria elegans potosina크리스탈211Echeveria puli-lindsayana프리린제212蜜糖EcheveriaGraessnerisyn/Nivalis니바리스213五十铃玉Fenestraria aurantiaca오십령옥214月美人Graptopetalum amethystinum아메치스\월미인215紫雾Graptopetalum Purple Haze홍용월216姬秋丽Graptopetalum mendozae멘도사217蓝豆Graptopetalum pachyphyllum"Bluebean"블루빈218银天女Graptopetalum rusbyi드워프219格林Graptoveria A GrimmOne에그린원220红葡萄GraptoveriaAmetum홍포도221厚叶旭鹤GraptoveriaBAINESII연봉222紫梦Graptoveria cv Purple Dream퍼플드림223黛比Graptoveria Debbie데비224姬胧月Graptoveria Gilva프리티225奥普琳娜Graptoveria Opalina오팔리나226山地玫瑰Greenoviadiplocycla-Agando그라노비아227日高Hylotelephium siboldii골든글로우228福兔耳Kalanchoe eriophylla백토이229白银之舞백은무230扇雀Kalanchoe rhombopilosa231黑兔耳Kalanchoe tomentosaf nigromarginatas흑토이232瑞典摩南群生Monanthes polyphylla모난데스233弗雷费尔Pachyphtum cv Frevel후레뉴234球美人Pachyphy Amazoness아마조네스235粉球美人Pachyphy Amazoness아마조네스236糖美人Pachyphytum Oviride오비리데237千代田之松Pachyphytum compactum천대전송철화238稻田姬Pachyphytumglutinicaule도전희239郡雀Pachyphytum hookeri군작240京美人Pachyphytumlongifolium경미인241东美人Pachyphytumpachyphtooides동미인242桃美人Pachyphytumcv mombuin아마조네스243千代田之松Pachypodium compactum천대전송244蓝黛莲Pachyveria glauca그리니245Pachyveria Elaine Reinelt.'FREVEL일레인246三日月美人Pchyphytum oviferum mikadukibijin247华丽风车pentandrum - v superbum펜탄드럼248红背椒草Peperomia claveolens레드페페249密叶莲Sedeveria Darley Dale달리데일250达利Sedeveria Darley Dale데일리데일251柳叶莲华Sedeveria Hummellii스노우제이드252蒂亚Sedeveria Letizia레티지아253马库斯Sedeveria Markus마커스254红宝石Sedeveria pink rubby핑클루비255黄丽Sedum adolphii황려256春萌Sedum Alice Evans춘맹257新玉坠Sedum burrito청옥/세둠부리토258凝脂莲Sedum clavatum라울259劳尔/天使之霖Sedum Clavatum라울260大姬星美人Sedum dasyphyllum cv Lilac Mound희성미인261绿龟之卵Sedum hernandezii녹귀란262丸叶松绿Sedum lucidum Obesum환엽송록263球松Sedum multiceps소송록264虹之玉Sedum rubrotinctum오로라265红霜Sedum spathulifolium은설266白霜sedum spathulifolium백설267珊瑚珠Sedum stahlii스탈리268天使之泪Sedum torereasei부사269春之奇迹Sedum versadense스프링윈더270蛛丝卷绢SempervivumArachnoideum거미줄바위솔271蓝月亮Senecio antandroi미공모272银月Senecio haworthii은월273蓝松Senecio serpens만보274立田凤Sinocrassula densirosulata입전봉275因地卡Sinocrassula indica인디카276滇石莲Sinocrassula yunnanensis사마로277立田锦X Pachyveria Albocarinata입전금278锦晃星Echeveria pulvinata279金钱木Portulaca molokiniensis280银星Graptoveria‘Silver Star’。
Peridot 橄欖石 (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 orthorhombic system 斜方晶系 misnomers as evening emerald, 一般而言,綠中帶黃,綠色之飽和度不足,但巴基斯坦卻有濃綠之橄欖石產出,有時寶石內有 鉻鐵礦所形成之應力裂紋,如睡蓮葉一般,叫:lillypads. 橄欖石是八月生日石.
SYN. CUBIC ZIRCONIA ( C Z ) . 合成二氧化鋯,又名蘇聯鑽 ZrO2, cubic system 立方晶系,CZ是 完全的人造成品,自然界並沒有這種對應物,CZ製造用冷坩鍋法,需要2750度C 之高溫,才可以製 造,因為加入之微量元素之不同,可以製造各種顏色,以仿造各種高級寶石,特別是無色之鑽石, CZ之亮光, 光澤都很好,火光更勝天然無色鑽石,因為CZ比重比鑽石大很多,導熱效應卻比鑽石低, 在鑑定上沒有困難.
Emerald 祖母綠 Be3Al2Si6O18,hexagonal system 六方晶系, grass-green beryl.俗稱綠寶,乃 綠色透明寶石中,顏色及價值能與翡翠相匹配者 . 哥倫比亞祖母綠,含有水,食鹽,和氣泡所形成 之三相物.其他產地為:巴西,尚比亞,印度.....祖母綠因內含物較多,故有"花園"之稱,又因多裂 紋,常有填油,或膠之處理. 祖母綠是五月生日石.
Байду номын сангаас
Chrysoberyl 金綠玉.BeAl2O4 orthorhombic 斜方晶系 chatoyancy and change of color phenomenon,金綠玉中如有細纖維平行排列,則成貓眼金綠玉(cat eye),貓眼銳利整齊為上品,一 半蜂蜜,一半牛乳最佳.亞力山大石(Alexandrite) 則白天像祖母綠,晚上變色成紅寶,以變色明顯者 最好. 金綠玉在光譜區444 nm有診斷線. 亞力山大石也是六月生日石.
【了解】宝玉石中英词汇翻译Abadia dos Dourados Diamond 阿巴迪亚.道斯.都拉道斯钻石Abaete Diamond 阿贝蒂钻石abalone 鲍贝abend-smaragd 西方祖母绿abrad 低硬度宝石accarbar 黑珊湖accidental pearl 天然珍珠acentela 水晶achate 玛瑙achirite 透视石achroite 无色碧玺(又称电气石) acicular crystal 金红石发晶aconteta 优质水晶actinolite 阳起石actinozoa 珊瑚类adamant 硬石(金刚石或刚玉) adamantine luster(lustre) 金刚光泽adamantine spar 黑褐色的刚玉adamas 阿达摩斯,金刚石,钻石adamas of Araia 阿拉伯钻石同钻石adamite 人造刚玉粉Adelaide ruby 阿德莱德红宝石adularescence 游彩蛋白光,冰长石晕彩adularia 冰长石adularia moonston 冰长月光石aeroides 淡天蓝色海蓝宝石Afghanistan lapis 阿富汗青金石Afghanistan ruby 阿富汗红宝石African emerald 非洲祖母绿African jade 非洲绿玉African pearl 非洲珍珠African tourmaline 非洲碧玺africita 阿非利西达碧玺agalmatolite 蜡石agaphite 波斯绿松石:甸子agate 玛瑙agate arborisee 苔玛瑙agate jasper 玛瑙碧石agate mousseuse 苔纹玛瑙agate opal 玛瑙蛋白石agatised wood 玛瑙硅化木agrite 褐色斑花石灰岩ahkan (缅甸红宝石和蓝宝石)ahlamah 胸甲第九石Ahmedabad 阿默达巴德钻石ajour setting 镂花底座akabar 黑珊瑚Akbar Shah 阿克巴尔.沙赫钻石alabandicus 贵榴石alabandine ruby 贵榴石红宝石alabaster 雪花石膏alabatre oriental 缟状大理石alajites 着色石alalite 绿透辉石alaqueca 血石Alaska diamond 阿拉斯加钻石Alaskan black diamond 阿拉斯加黑钻石albandine 铁铝榴石(贵榴石)albite 钠长石albite moonstone 钠长月光石Alencon diamond 阿朗松石Aleppo stone 阿勒颇石Alexandrian turquoise 亚历山大绿松石Alexandria shell 亚历山大贝alexandrine 合成蓝宝石变石alexandrite 变石alexandrite cat's eye 变石猫眼Algerian coral 阿尔及利亚珊瑚Algerian onyx 阿尔及利亚缟状大理石allanite 褐石allochroite 普通石榴石,粒榴石, 钙铁榴石allochromatic color 他色,假色alluvial deposit 冲积砂矿alluvial diamond 金刚石砂矿almandine 贵榴石,铁铝榴石almandine sapphire 贵榴石蓝宝石almandite 贵榴石almashite(almaschite) 绿琥珀,黑琥珀almond stone 杏仁石alomite 蓝方钠石aloxite 人造刚玉,铝砂alphabet of stone 宝石字母表Alpine diamond 阿尔卑斯钻石altered stone(Altered gem) 着色宝石,染色宝石alumina 氧化铝alundum 合成氧化铝amaryl 弧挺花石amatista 紫晶amatista mosqu 含针铁矿紫晶amatrice 绿磷铝石amatrix 绿磷铝石amause 铅玻璃Amazon jade 亚马孙玉Amazon stone 亚马孙石amazonite 天河石amber 琥珀amber opal 琥珀蛋白石ambrite 树脂化石,灰黄琥珀ambroid(ambreid,amberoid) 压塑琥珀American cut 美国琢型American emerald 美国祖母绿American goods 美国货(钻石)American green jade 美国碧玉American jet 美国煤精American matrix 磷铝石American ruby 美国红宝石American turquoise 紫色绿松石amethiste basaltine 紫水绿宝石amethyst 紫水晶amethyst sapphire 紫晶蓝宝石amethyst oriental 东方紫晶amethystine quartz 紫晶色的石英amorphous 非晶质amphibole à闪石族矿物ampullar pearl 囊珍珠Amsterdam diamond 阿姆斯特丹钻石anaglyph 浮雕Anakie sapphire 阿那基蓝宝石anatase 锐钛矿anatherie(anatari) 阿ê泰利.珍珠Ancona ruby 安科纳红宝石andalusite 红柱石Andamooka opal 安达莫卡欧泊andesine 中长石andesite 中长石andradite 钙铁榴石anhydrite 硬石膏ani 阿尼珍珠anisotropic 非单折射性anitary(anatherie,anatari)pearl 阿尼塔利珍珠ankerite 铁白云石anklet 脚镯Anodonta 淡水珍珠贝anorthite 钙长石Antero aquamarine 安特洛海蓝宝石Anthozoa 珊瑚虫anthracitis 安斯来石anthrax(anthraces) 红宝石antigorite 叶蛇纹石,板温石Antilles pearl 安的列斯珍珠antipathes 白珊瑚antique 古型Antwerp rose 安特卫普玫瑰花型anygyi 阿尼基anyum 阿纽姆apatite 磷灰石apatite cat's eye 磷灰石猫眼石aphrizite 黑碧玺aplome 橙黄色石榴石apophyllite 鱼眼石Appalachian unakite 阿巴拉契亚绿花岗岩apya 阿比阿(红宝石)apyrite 碧玺apyroti 红宝石aquagem 天蓝色宝石aquamarine 海蓝宝石aquamarine cat's eye 海蓝宝石猫眼石aquamarine chrysolite 海蓝宝石aquamarine emerald 海蓝宝石祖母绿aquamarine sapphire 海蓝宝石蓝宝石aquamarine tourmaline 海蓝宝石碧玺Arabian majic diamond 阿拉伯魔法钻石arabica 阿拉伯卡aragonite(arragonite) 文石(霰石) Arc Diamond 阿克钻石arendalite 暗绿石,玫瑰红绿石argenon 蛋白石Argentine 阿根廷Arizona peridot 亚利桑那橄榄石Arizona pyrope 亚利桑那镁铝榴石Arizona ruby 亚利桑那红宝石Arizona -spinel 亚利桑那尖晶石Arkansas diamond 阿肯色钻石Arkansas pearl 阿肯色珍珠arkansite 黑板钛矿,阿肯色石arlequines 阿尔金纳Armenian stone 亚美尼亚石,石青,蓝铜矿art and craft 工艺品artificial stones 人造宝石Aru pearl(Aroe pearl,Aroo pearl)asah 阿沙红宝石aschentrecker (拉丁语)吸灰石ash tracker(drawers) 吸灰石asparagolite 黄绿磷灰石asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石assembled stone 复合宝石asteria 星彩宝石,星光宝石asteriated quartz 星彩水晶asteriated topaz 星彩黄宝石asterism 星彩,星光asteroid 星彩宝石astralite glass 金星玻璃astrapia 电光石astrion 星彩宝石astrite 星彩宝石astrobolos 石英猫眼石astroies 珊瑚化石astroite 星彩宝石astrophyllite 星彩宝石,星叶石athaibonk 阿泰ü克atlas ore 阿特拉斯矿Atlas pearl 阿特拉斯珍珠Atlas spar 阿特拉斯晶石Atrina japonica,Reeve 日本羽帚贝attic smaragdi 菱锌矿Auckland shell 奥克兰贝augite 辉石Australian opal 澳大利亚欧泊Australian ruby 澳大利亚红宝石Australian sapphire 澳大利亚蓝宝石Australian zircon 澳大利亚锆石australite 澳洲玻陨石Austrian Y ellow 奥地利黄automolite 锌尖晶石,铁锌尖晶石aventurine 金星玻璃,砂金石aventurine feldspar 耀长石aventurine glass 金星玻璃,砂金玻璃avicula 阿维求拉珍珠贝awabi 阿和比贝,珍珠贝,鲍贝axinite 斧石azorite 锆石Aztec stone 阿兹台克石azulite 淡青色菱锌矿azure quartz 蓝石英Babel quartz(Babylonian quartz)贝泊水晶bacalite 淡黄琥珀Bacchus stone 巴克斯石,酒bacon stone 冻石Badakhshan lapis 巴达赫尚青金Baffa diamond 巴伐钻石Baguette 长阶梯型宝石baguette cut 长阶梯形琢型Bahia amethyst 巴伊亚紫晶Bahia emerald 巴伊亚祖母绿bahias 巴伊亚钻石Bahrein Island 巴林岛baikalite 透辉石balas(balass ruby) 巴拉斯红宝石balias ruby 巴利阿斯红宝石同巴拉斯红宝石(balas ruby)ball jasper 球形碧石ball pearl 球形淡水珍珠ballas 工业钻石Baltic amber 波罗的海琥珀baltimorite 巴尔的摩石,硬叶蛇纹石banded agate 缟玛瑙banded obsidian 带黑曜岩bandjaspis 缟碧石bangle 手镯,脚镯Baraketh(Bereketh) 胸甲第叁石Barbara beryl 巴巴拉绿宝石barite 重晶石barium glass 钡玻璃Barkly Breakwater diamond 巴克利.伯利克瓦特钻石barklyite 刚玉宝石Baroda gem 巴罗达宝石baroque(stone) 原形宝石baroque pearl 异形珍珠barytine(barytes) 重晶石basanite 试金石base 下面,背面bastard amber 劣质琥珀,不纯琥珀bastard cut 非正式形状的琢型bastard emerald 巴斯塔德祖母绿bastard jet 巴斯塔德煤精bastard quartz 白玻璃石英,块状白石英bastite 绢石batata roxa 碧玺bati xaga 箭根石baton 棒型同baguetteBavarian quartz cat*s eye 巴伐利亚石英猫眼石bayate 褐铁碧石Bazaruto pearl 巴扎鲁托珍珠Bazu 巴祖钻石Bdellium (Bedola 圣经中的宝石ch)bead cut 念珠琢型beccarite 绿锆石beckerite 伯克树脂石beckite(beekite) 玉髓,燧石Beilby layer 热熔层,伯尔比层belgite 硅锌矿beli oculas 缟玛瑙bell pearl 钟形珍珠belomorite 月光石bemiscite 比米斯长石bengal amethyst 孟加拉紫晶benitoite 蓝锥矿berigem 贝利石berkeyite 天蓝石bernstein 琥珀Berquem,Ludwig V an 比尔凯姆beryl 绿宝石,绿柱石beryl glass 绿宝石玻璃berylite "绿柱石" beryllonite 磷钠铍石beryloscope 绿宝石镜betrothal ring 订婚戒指bevel cut 倾料翻光面型bezel 嵌宝石沟缘bezel facet 上侧斜面bezels 斜垫面bezel setting 镶嵌爪脚bicycle tires ?轮型billitonite 勿里洞玻陨石binarite 白铁矿bird's eye 鸟眼珍珠bird's eye quartz 鸟眼石英bird wing pearl 鸟翼珍珠birdfringence 重折射,双折射birth stones 诞生石biseau cut 倾斜翻光面型bishop's stone 基督主教石bitellos 大钻石bitumen 土沥青bivalve 双壳贝bixbite 红色绿宝石,红绿柱石bizel facet 上侧饰面,斜垫面同bezel facetbizet 上侧饰部,冠部black amber 黑琥珀black andradite garnet 黑色钙铁榴石black coral 黑珊瑚black diamond 黑钻石同carbonadoblack garnet 黑榴石black jasper 黑碧石;试金石同basaniteblack lava glass 黑熔岩玻璃black lip shell 黑蝶贝black moonstone 黑月长石black opal 黑欧泊,黑蛋白石black prince's Ruby 黑太子红宝石black spinel 黑尖晶石Black Star Sapphire 黑星蓝宝石bleached pearl 漂白珍珠blebby 圆形包裹体,气泡blende 闪锌矿blister pearl 贝附珍珠bloc(block) 一堆,一批block amber 天然块状琥珀blood agate 血玛瑙,血点玛瑙blood coral 血珊瑚blood drop 血坠blood ironstone 血铁石blood jasper 血玉髓,血石bloodshot iolite 血光董青石bloodstone 血石,血玉髓,血星石blue agate 蓝玛瑙blue copper 蓝铜矿blue chrysoprase 蓝绿玉髓blue earth 蓝色土blue ground 蓝地blue jasper 蓝玉髓blue John 蓝约翰,萤石(氟石) blue malachite 蓝孔雀石,蓝铜矿blue moonstone 蓝月光石blue opal 蓝欧泊,天蓝石blue pearl 蓝珍珠blue point pearl 蓝点珍珠blue river diamond 蓝色河水钻blue rock 青金石blue schorl 锐钛矿blue spar 天蓝石Blue Wesseltons 蓝色维谢尔顿blue white 蓝白钻blue zircon(blued) 蓝锆石(处理蓝色)boart(bort,bortz,boort,bowr) 圆粒金刚石,劣质钻石bobrowska garnet 铁镍石榴石bocco de fogo 碧玺Bohemian chrysolite 波希米亚橄榄Bohemian diamond 波希米亚钻石Bohemian garnet 镁铝榴石bohemian ruby 啬薇石英Bohemian topaz 波希米亚黄宝石,黄水晶bolivarite 博利瓦尔石,隐磷铝石bolivian jasper 玻利维亚碧石,红碧石Bombay pearl 孟买珠bonamite 绿菱锌矿,苹果绿宝石bone amber(bony amber) 骨琥珀bone turquoise 齿松石,骨绿松石boria 蓝玉髓bort(boort,bort 圆粒金刚石botch 劣等蛋白石bottle stone 瓶石,贵橄榄石boulder opal 砾石欧,蛋白石漂砾boule 梨形晶bourguignon pearl 充蜡假珍珠bowenite 鲍温玉,包文石Bowr 劣质金刚石Brabant rose 伯雷斑玫瑰花型bracelet 手镯Brady Diamond 布雷迪钻石Braganza 布雷冈扎Brahma 布拉马钻石Brazil 巴西Brazilian amethyst 巴西紫晶Brazilian aquamarine 巴西海蓝宝石Brazilian cut 巴西琢型Brazilian diamond 巴西钻石Brazilian emerald 巴西祖母绿,绿碧玺Brazilian onyx 巴西缟玛瑙同缟状大理石(onyx marble) Brazilian pebble 巴西石英(水晶)Brazilian peridot 巴西橄榄石Brazilian ruby 巴西红宝石Brazilian sapphire 巴西蓝宝石Brazilian topaz 巴西黄宝石brazilianite(brasilianite) 磷铝钠石break facets 叁à形翻光面break plate 胸甲宝石breithauptite 红锑镍矿bridal ring 结婚戒指Brighton agate 布赖顿玛瑙Brighton diamond 布赖顿钻石Brighton emerald 布赖顿祖母brilliancy 光泽,光辉;宝石光brilliant 多面型,钻石型,新批工, 理想型brilliant step cut 多面阶梯琢型brillianteering 多面型工艺brillonette 半多面型briolette 坠形翻光面型Bristol diamond 布利斯托尔钻石british amber 英国琥珀brittle amber 脆琥珀bronze pearls 青铜珍珠bronzite 古铜辉石brooch 胸针,别针brookite 板钛矿Broome pearl 布鲁姆珍珠brown coal 褐煤,褐炭brown diamond 褐钻brown hematite 褐铁矿brown hyacinth 符山石brown jacith 符山石brown peridot 褐色橄榄石brown spar 白云石brown tourmaline 褐色电气石, 褐碧玺brownie 褐色钻石,褐色金刚石同褐钻(brown diamond) browns 褐钻级bruch 断口bruting 粗磨bubble 气泡buckhorn pearl 鹿à珍珠buffed top(buff top) 面包型bulb opal 状蛋白石bullet cut 炮弹型bullhead pearl 布尔希德珍珠bull's eye 牛眼石Bultfontein 布尔丰坦(矿区) Burgess Diamond 伯格斯钻石Burma Mining Co. 缅甸矿业公司Burma ruby 缅甸红宝石burmite 缅甸硬琥珀butnt amethyst 烧紫晶burnt Brazilian topaz 火烧巴西黄宝石burnt coral 烧珊瑚,深褐色珊瑚burnt stone 火烧石burnt topaz 黄宝石同burntbrazilian topazbusma 翡翠同jedeitebustamite 锰硅灰石(钙蔷薇辉右)butterfly pearl 巴达弗利珍珠button onyx(button opal) 缟状蛋白玛瑙button pearl 纽扣珍珠Buxton diamond 巴克斯顿钻石byes 黄色钻石byssolite 石棉,绿石棉,纤闪石byssus ?丝bytownite 倍长石By water(Bye,Byewater) 黄钻Cabochon 弧面型cabocle 水磷钙铝石圆砾Cabra stone 卡伯拉石,萤石cachalong(cachelong,cacholong) (德语) 美蛋白石,珠蛋白石cacholong opal 美蛋白石caeruleum 石青,蓝铜矿caesium beryl 铯绿柱石cailloux du Rhin 莱茵河水晶cairngorm 烟晶,黑水晶Cairo star cut 开罗星形琢型同star cutcalaite(kalaite) 绿松石calamine 异极矿calcedoine (法语) 玉髓calcedoine bleue 蓝色玉髓calcedoine noir 黑玉髓calcedoine nuageuse 云纹状玉calcite 方解石calcium aluminium garnet 钙铝榴石同grossularite,essonite,hessonite calcium chromium garnet 钙铬榴石同uvarovitecalcium glass 钙玻璃calcium iron garnet 钙铁榴石calcomalachite 钙孔雀石calf's head cut 牛头琢型calibre,caliber 小型à石California cat's eye 加利福尼亚猫眼石California hyacinth 加利福尼亚红锆石California iris 加利福尼亚虹彩石California jade 加利福尼亚玉California lapis 加利福尼亚青金石California moonstone 加利福尼亚月光石California morganite 加利福尼亚绝绿柱石California onyx 加利福尼亚缟玛瑙California pearl 加利福尼亚珍珠California ruby 加利福尼亚红宝石California tiger eye 加利福尼亚虎睛石California topaz 加利福尼亚黄宝石California turquoise 加利福尼亚绿松石californite 加利福尼亚石,玉符山石callaica(callaina) 杂银星绿松石callainite 绿磷铝石callais(callaina,callaica) 绿松石callais(callaite,calaite) 绿磷铝石calmazul 含铜宝石同Chrysocarmencamahutum(camaut,camah,chama h) 浮雕Cambay stone 坎贝石cameo 浮雕Campeche pearl 坎佩切珍珠camphor jade 樟脑玉Canada moonstone 加拿大月光石canadian blue stone 加拿大蓝色石canary 鲜黄钻石canary beryl 绿黄色绿宝石canary stone 黄玉髓canavieiras 卡ê维也拉斯钻石cancrinite 钙霞石cand(cann) 萤石candite 蓝色尖晶石candle box opal 普通蛋白石,半蛋白石candy spinel 康蒂尖晶石cannel coal 烛煤cantharias 昆虫琥珀cap cut 冠型cap jewel 轴承宝石Cape(garnet) 好望à石榴石Cape chrysolite 好望à橄榄石Cape emerald 好望à祖母绿Cape May diamond 梅à钻石Cape Robijn 巴西红宝石Cape ruby 好望à红宝石Capes 开普钻,好望à钻capnias 褐色碧石carat 克拉carbon 黑钻石,工业钻石亦称carbon spot,carbonado,borts carbon spot 黑钻石,工业钻石carbonado 黑钻石,工业钻石carborundum 碳化硅(金刚砂) carbuncle 红色宝石carbunculus garamanticux 石榴石carbunculus Indicus 红宝石carbunculus(the female) 尖晶石carcanet 宝石项链carchedonia 石榴石Carlota Pearl 卡罗塔珍珠carmazul 不纯孔雀石carmen bracelet 表带手镯Carmo do Paranaiba Diamond 卡莫.多.帕拉奈巴钻石carnelian 光玉髓,红玉髓carnelian onyx 红缟玛瑙carneliane(cornaline) 红玉髓同carneliancarneol 光玉髓,肉红玉髓Carns diamond 坎斯钻石carving 雕刻,雕刻术Cashmere sapphire 克什米尔蓝宝石cassinite 青绿色砂金长石cassiterite 锡石Catalina sardonyx 圣卡塔利岛缠丝玛瑙catalinite 圣卡塔利岛缠丝玛瑙catlinite 烟斗泥cateye 贝口盖猫眼石cat sapphire 暗蓝色蓝宝石cat's eye 猫眼石,猫睛石,猫儿眼cat's eye opal 猫眼蛋白石catty 斤cave pearl 洞穴珍珠cedarite 塞达琥珀脂,雪松石脂celestial precious stone 天宝石celestial stone 天石,天蓝色石celestine(celestite) 天青石cellular-pyrite 白铁矿cer-agate 铬黄玛瑙ceregat 黄玛瑙cerkonier 白锆石cerulene 赛留林ceylanite 铁尖晶石,黑色尖晶石Ceylon alexandrite 锡兰变石Ceylon cat'eye 锡兰猫眼石Ceylon chrysolite 锡兰橄榄石Ceylon cut 锡兰琢型,印度型Ceylon diamond 锡兰钻石Ceylon garnet 锡兰石榴石Ceylon hyacinth 锡兰锆石Ceylon moonstone 锡兰月光石Ceylon opal 锡兰蛋白石ceylonpearl 锡兰珍珠Ceylon Pearl Co. 锡兰珍珠公司Ceylon peridot 锡兰黄绿色橄榄石Ceylon ruby 锡兰红宝石Ceylon sapphire 锡兰蓝宝石Ceylon shell 锡兰贝Ceylon zircon 锡兰锆石同Ceylonese zirconCeylonese chrysolite 锡兰橄榄石同Ceylon chrysolite Ceylonese opal 锡兰蛋白石同Ceylon opalCeylonese peridot 锡兰黄绿色橄榄石同Ceylon peridotCeylonese ruby 锡兰红宝石同Ceylon ruby Ceylonese zircon 锡兰锆石同Ceylon zircon ceylonite 锡兰石chalazie 水晶砂chalcedony 玉髓chalcedony moonstone 玉髓月光石chalcedony onyx 缟玛瑙chalcedonyx 缟玉髓chalchihuitl 绿色宝石chalcocite(chalcosite) 辉铜矿chalcosiderite 铁绿松石chalk jade 白翡翠,亦称whitejadeitechameleonite 变色碧玺chameleon stone 透蛋白石changeant 拉长石同labradoriteChanglin Diamond 常林钻石Chank pearl 察恩克珍珠Channel ring 察耐尔戒指Chanson ring 察恩森戒指Chantabun ruby 钱塔蓬红宝石CharlesΠ's Pearl 查理二世珍珠CharlesΠ's S apphire 查理二世蓝宝石charoite 紫硅硷钙石(查罗石)Chatham emerald 查塔姆祖母绿chaton foil 查顿箔chatoyancy 游彩chatoyant malachit 游彩孔雀石Chedra 塞德拉钻Chelsea 开尔西滤色器chemawinite 琥珀脂Chenpu 陈埠一号钻chernites 雪花石膏同alabaster cherry opal 樱桃红欧泊chert 燧石,黑硅石chessy copper 蓝铜矿同azurite chesterlite 微斜纹长石chestnut jade 栗子玉chevee(chevet) 阴刻,凹雕chiastoline(chiastolite) 空晶石chicken bone jade(jigu jade) 鸡骨玉chi ku pai(jigubai)jade 鸡骨白玉同鸡骨玉Chilean jade 智利玉Chilean lapis 智利青金石chilimbar 契里姆巴琥珀chinarump 硅化木China cat's eye 中国猫眼石China pearl(Chinese pearl) 中国珍珠Chinese amber 中国琥珀,人造琥珀Chinese jade 中国玉chiolite(chionite) 锥冰晶石chips 碎面,碎钻Chivor emerald 契沃尔祖母绿Chivor Mine 契沃尔矿山chlorastrolite 绿星石chloromelane(chloromelanite) 浓绿玉chloropal 绿蛋白石chlorophane 绿光蛋石chlorospinel 绿尖晶石chlorutahlite 致密状磷铝石同utahlitechocker(choker) 短项链chondrodite 粒硅镁石christianite 钙十字沸石chrome diopside 铬透辉石chrome garnet 钙铬榴石chromepidote 铬绿石chrome spinel 铬尖晶石chromic iron 铬铁矿同chromitechromite 铬铁矿chromo jadeite 铬翠同chromepidote,tawmowitechryselectrum 金绿宝石chrysoberyl 金绿宝石chrysoberyl cat's eye 金绿宝石猫眼石同Ceyloncat's-eye,oriental cat's-eyechrysoberylli 金黄色绿宝石chrysoberyllus 黄色绿宝石chrysocolla 硅孔雀石chrysodor 似大理石chrysojasper 天蓝色碧石chrysolite 橄榄石,贵橄榄石,绿黄色橄榄石chrysolite aquamarine 橄榄石海蓝宝石chrysolite beryl 橄榄石绿宝石chrysolite cat's eye 橄榄石猫眼石chrysolite chrysoberyl 橄榄石金绿宝石chrysolite sapphire 橄榄石蓝宝石chrysolite spinel 橄榄石尖晶石chrysolite topaz 橄榄石黄宝石同saxon ,saxony topaz chrysolithos(chrysolithus) 黄色宝石chrysopal 绿蛋白石chrysophrase 色绿玉髓chrysoprase 绿玉髓cinnabar(cinnabarite) í砂,朱砂cinnabar matrix í砂脉石cinnamite 钙铁铝榴石(绿榴石,肉桂石,黄榴石) 同cinnamon stone cinnamon stone 绿榴石,肉桂石同essonite garnetcircle agate 环带玛瑙circular agate 同心环状玛瑙citrine 黄水晶city of gems 宝石城clamp 爪脚亦称Claw,Cramp clam pearl 蛤珠clsrified amber 油光琥珀clarity 透明度clasp 扣环classification of diamond 钻石分绿,钻石分类clatersal 钻石屑,钻石粉,金刚砂claw(setting) 爪脚,细工嵌脚同clampclean(goods) 微瑕钻cleavage 劈开,分裂,劈开片cleavage 解理cleaving 劈开Cleopatra Emerald Mine 克娄巴特拉祖母绿矿山Cleopatra pearl 克娄巴特拉珍珠cloras 雪花石膏close goods 钻石好货closed set 密封镶嵌clouds 云状物cloudy amber 云状琥珀cloudy chalcedouy 云状玉髓cluster setting 群镶,成组镶嵌coal 煤,石炭coated stone 带皮钻石,带壳钻石coated stone 镀层宝石,涂层宝石cobalt 钴,钴类原料cobaltite(cobaltine,Cobalt glance) 辉钴矿Coberpedy opal 科贝佩迪欧泊cobra stone 蛇宝石,蛇眼石,眼镜蛇石,夜明珠,绿光萤石cobweb matrix 珠网绿松石coccolite 粒辉石cocoanut pearl 椰子珍珠Colenso Diamond 科伦索钻石collet 底面,底托collet 框,架,底托Colombian emerald 哥伦比亚祖母绿colophonite 褐石榴石Colorado aquamarine 科罗拉多海蓝宝石Colorado diamond 科罗拉多钻石Colorado goldstone 科罗拉多砂金石同aventurineColorado jade 科罗拉多玉Colorado jet 科罗拉多煤精Colorado ruby 科罗拉多红宝石同Arizona rubyColorado topaz 科罗拉多黄宝石Colorado turquoise 科罗拉多绿松石colo(u)r names 颜色名称colored diamond 色钻colored stone 色石,彩石color filter 滤色器,滤色镜color play 变彩colors of diamond 钻石的颜色commercially perfect 完美无瑕的商品钻石commercial silver 商业银commercial white 商品白同Capescommon bort 普通工业钻,下等金刚石common garnet 普通石榴石common opal 普通蛋白石composite stone 复合石,亦称assembled stone comptonite 杆沸石同thomsoniteconamara 康纳马拉玉concave 凹面,凹雕物conchiolin 珍珠à质conchoidal fracture 贝壳状断口conch pearl 贝珍珠conoscope 锥光偏振仪convex cutting 弧面型琢磨亦称cabochon cuttingcopalin(copaline,Copalite) 琥珀同ambercopal regin(Copal resin) 树脂同Kauri-gumcopper emerald 铜祖母绿copper-ore gem 铜矿物宝石copper pitch ore 杂铁硅孔雀石copper pryite 黄铜矿coral 珊瑚coral agate 珊瑚玛瑙同Beckitecoralline 人工着色红玛瑙corallium 珊瑚cordierite 董青石corean jade 朝鲜玉cornelian 红玉髓同carneliancorner facets 底侧饰面同quoinfacetsCornish diamond 康沃尔钻石corn tongs 鸡眼镊子Coromandel 科罗曼德尔coronet 小王冠coronet setting 冠式镶嵌corpse pearls 体珍珠Corsican green 科西嘉绿Corundite 不透明合成刚玉corundolite 刚玉岩,无色合成刚玉corundum 刚玉,刚玉石corundam cat's eye 刚玉猫眼石同oriental cat's-eyeCoscuez(Cosquez)emerald 科斯凯茨祖母绿costume jewelry 低档珠宝首饰coticula 试金石同basanite cotterite 珠光石英cowdie gum 琥珀树脂同kaurigumcrack 裂纹,龟裂纹cracked ice 冰裂纹crackled quartz(Crackled stone) 冰纹石cradle 淘金槽,淘沙盘,淘洗木盆cramp 爪脚同clamp craterites 黄水晶creoline 绿石化玄武岩,紫色绿石化暗色岩creolite 带状碧石,硅化流纹岩crimson night stone 深红夜光石,紫萤石crinkles 皱纹层,卷曲层crispite 网金红石,针状物同sagenitecristaria plicata(leach) 扇状淡水贝crocidolite 青石棉crocidolite opal 青石棉蛋白石crop pearl 畸形珍珠同baroque pearlcross facet 交叉面cross rose 十字玫瑰花型cross stone 十字石cross work 十字活crown 冠面,顶侧饰面,上面crown 王冠croxn glass 铅玻璃Crown of the Andes 安第斯王冠Crown of the Moon Diamond 月冠钻石crown rose 冠式玫瑰花型同roses couronnescrucite 红柱石同andalusitecrushing boarts(borts) 碎粉钻crystal 结晶,晶体crystal 晶钻crystal system 结晶系同crystal cryptocrystalline 隐晶质crystalline 结晶质crystalline emerald 晶质祖母绿, 垫层祖母绿crystalline glass 晶质玻璃crystallography 结晶学crystallus 水晶cube spar 硬石膏同anhydrite cubic system 等轴晶系cubic zirconia 立方氧化锆Cuiaba Diamond 库亚巴钻石culasse 下侧面,背面同pavillon facetsculet(cullet) 底面亦称collet Cullinan 库里南钻石cultured pearl 养珠,养殖珍珠Cumberland 坎伯兰钻石cupid's darts 针铁矿发晶curio stone 廉价宝石,古玩石curvette(cuvette) 雕刻cushion antique cut 长à古型cushion cut 长à阶梯型custom jewelry 服装首饰cut 琢型,琢磨cut corner triangle 猗型cutting 琢磨cyanos 蓝铜矿cyanus 天蓝石cyclops agate 独眼玛瑙cyclotron-colored diamond 辐射着色玛瑙cylinder 管玉,管状宝石cymophane 波光玉,波光宝石cyprian(cyprian adamas) 塞浦路斯石cyprine 绿色符山石cyst pearl 囊珍珠亦称true pearl,ampullar pearldallasite 达加斯碧石dalyite 硅钾锆石(钾锆石) damascene 波形花纹镶嵌damborite 橙绿色合成刚玉dammar(dammer,damara) 松脂琥珀damourite 变白云母,细鳞白云母danburite 赛黄晶Dan Campbell Diamond 丹.坎伯尔钻石daourite(daurite) 红碧玺,红电气石同rubelliteDarwin glass 达尔文玻璃Darya-i-nor 光之河date stone jade 枣玉datholite(datolite) 硅硼钙石dauphine diamond 道芬钻石同crystaldavidsonite 戴维森石,绿宝石同Beryldead pearl 无光珠De Beers 德比尔斯De Beers Diamond 德比尔斯钻石deer-horn 鹿àdeer-horn pearl 鹿à珍珠delatynite(delatinite) 特拉提琥珀,含碳琥珀delawarite 日长石,德拉瓦石delphinite 黄绿色绿石亦称thallite,oisanitedemantoid 翠榴石demidovite 特米道夫石,青硅孔雀石dendrite 树枝石,假化石dendritic agate 枝状玛瑙同moss agate,mocha stone dendritic opal 枝状蛋白石densiscope 珍珠比重计dentelle 丁德尔derbyshire spar 萤石同blue Johnderby-stone 萤石同blue John Derya-i-nur(Darya-i-nur) 光之川desert amethyst 丢弃紫晶desert glass 沙漠玻璃同obsidian,moldavite detectoscope 观测镜Deutscher Diamond 德国钻石Devonshire emerald 德文西亚祖母绿diakon 聚二-甲基丙烯酸甲脂diadem 简式王冠diallage(diallagite) 异剥石,异剥辉石diamante 廉价仿造宝石首饰diamantiferous 含金刚石的diamantine 金刚砂diamaunde 钻石diamolite 钻石色度计亦称diamond colorimeterdiamond 钻石,金刚石diamond(classification of) 钻石原石分类diamond(colored) 色钻diamond(colors of) 钻石的颜色diamond(faws of) 钻石的瑕diamond(greened) 绿色钻石diamond colorimeter 钻石色度计diamond Corporation 钻石有限公司diamond dust 钻石粉,金刚石粉diamond point 钻石磅音,钻石分diamond powder 钻石粉末,金刚石粉末diamond saw 钻石圆刀片,金刚石圆刀片diamondscope 钻石显微镜diamond spar 毛褐色刚diamond substitute 钻石代用品Diamond Syndicate 钻石辛迪加diamond(synthetic) 人造钻石,合成金刚石diaspore 硬水铝石,硬羟铝石diasporite 硬水铝石,硬羟铝石同diasporediasterism 星彩效应diatomaceus earth 板状硅藻土同tripolitedichroism 二色性dichroite 董青石同iolitedichroscope 二色镜diffusion column 比重试管diopside 透辉石diopside cat's eye 透辉石猫眼石diopside-jadeite 透辉石硬玉同mayaitedioptase 翠铜矿dipyre 针柱石,钙钠柱石同dipyritedipsas plicatus 佛像珍珠dirigem 德莱宝石disc(disk) 磨盘dispersion disthe 光的色散distrene 蓝晶石ditroite 聚苯乙烯djevahirdjian 方钠石同sodalite djevalite 捷瓦尔石亦称djevalitedoctored pearl 捷瓦尔石同cubic zirconiadog-gooth pearl 人造彩色珍珠dog-tooth pearl 犬齿珍珠dolomite 白云石同brown spar domeykite 砷铜矿dot agate 水点玛瑙double brillant cut 相似多面型亦称Lisbon cut(里斯本琢型) double cabochon 双弧面型double cut brillant 相似琢型多面型double Dutchrose(double)Holland rose 相似荷兰玫瑰花型double pearl 双子珍亦称Twin pearldouble refraction 重折射,双折射double rose 双玫瑰花型doublet 垫层宝石,双层宝石dragomite 德拉高姆石dragonite 龙头石,魔石英Dragon Lord 天龙君主dravite 褐碧玺Dresden 德累斯顿钻石Dresden White Diamond 德累斯顿白钻石Dresden Y ellow Diamond 德累斯顿黄钻石drilled pearl 有孔珍珠drop of water 水砾黄宝石drop pearl 长形珍珠druggists' pearl 贻贝珍珠同mytilus pearlduck bone jade 鸭骨玉Dudley Diamond 达德莱钻石Duke of Devonshire's Emerald 德丰西亚公爵祖母绿Duke of Devonshire's Sapphire 德丰西亚公爵蓝宝石dumortierite 蓝线石dumortierite quartz 含蓝线石水晶dupa xage 箭根石dust 金刚粉,钻石粉dust diamond 金刚粉,金刚砂,金刚屑dust pearl 小珍珠亦称seedpearlDutch bort 荷兰圆粒金刚石Cutch metal(Dutch gold) 荷兰金Dutch rose 荷兰玫瑰花型Du Toit Diamond 杜托伊特钻石dutoitspan 杜托伊斯宾(杜托伊斯潘)dyed pear 染色珍珠dysluite 锌尖晶石同gahnite Eacret Benitoite 伊克赖特蓝锥矿eagle stone 鹰石ear of V enus 维纳斯之耳,鲍贝(阿瓦比贝)earring 耳饰,耳环,耳坠ear shell 耳贝同ear of V enus earth amber 泥琥珀,土琥珀ecaille 龟甲品eclogite 榴辉岩edinite 绿石英同prase edisonite 斑点绿松石Edith Haggin of Long Ruby 埃地思.哈京长命红宝石Edomites 胸甲第一石同Odem Edwardes Ruby 爱德华红宝石edwardite 爱德华石同monaziteegeran 埃格尔石,符山石egg jude 蛋黄玉egg pearls 卵形珍珠egg shell turquoise 蛋壳绿松石egrisee 金刚粉,金刚砂同dust Egyptian alabaster 埃及纹带大理石同onyx marbleEgyptian emerald 埃及祖母绿Egyptian jasper 埃及碧石Egyptian pearl 埃及珍珠亦称Red Sea pearlEgyptian pebble 埃及碧石同Egyptian jasperEgyptian peridot 埃及橄榄石Egyptian shell 埃及贝Egyptian turquoise 埃及绿松石eight cut(eight side dut diamond) 一般多面型,八倾斜面琢型同single cut brillantEilat stone 埃拉特石ekanite 埃卡石,硅钙铁铀钍矿,硅钙铀钍矿El Aguila Azteca Opal 太阳神欧泊elaeolite 脂光石eldoradoite 晕彩石英electric calamine 电异极矿同hemimorphite,calamiteelectric emerald 电祖母绿,玻璃母绿ecectric shorl 黑碧玺electrum 银金矿elektron 琥珀element stone 蛋白石同opalelenchi 坠形珍珠eleolite 脂光石同elaeoliteeleolite syenite 脂光石正长岩elephant jasper 藻形碧石Elie ruby(Ely ruby) 爱丽红宝石Elster pearl 埃尔斯特珍珠emaldin(emildine) 钇锰榴石emerada 爱美拉达石,人造尖晶石emerald 祖母绿emerald copper 翠铜矿同dioptaseemerald cut 祖母绿型emerald filter 祖母绿滤光器emerald glass 祖母绿玻璃emerald jade 翠玉,祖母绿色玉emerald malachite 翠铜矿同dioptaseemerald matrix 绿色萤石ermerald saude 祖母绿垫层石emerald spodumene 祖母绿色锂辉石亦称lithiaemerald ,hiddenite emeraldine 仿造祖母绿emeralite(emeraldite) 绿碧玺emerandine 翠铜矿emeraude 祖母绿emery 黑砂状刚玉emildine(emilite) 钇锰榴石同emaldineEmpress Eugenie 皇后之宝钻石endoscope 珠孔鉴定镜endula emerald 玻璃祖母绿同emerald glass,glass ererald engagement 订婚戒指,结婚戒指同betrothal ring,wedding ring English brilliant 英国多面型English double cut 英国相似琢型English Dresden 英国德累斯顿钻石English round cut brilliant 英国圆多面型亦称triple cut brillian English square cut 英国四à多面型琢型English star cut brilliant 英国星形多面型enhydros 水胆玉髓enstatite 顽火辉石enstatite cat's eye 顽火辉石猫眼石eosite 钒钼铅矿E. P.(Electro-Plate) 电镀E.P.B.M.(Electro Plate Britania metal) 电镀不列颠金E.P.C.(Electro-Plate copper) 电镀铜E.P.N.S.(Electro-Plate nickel silver) 电镀镍银合金E. P.W.M.(Electro-Plate white metal) 电镀白金epaulet cut 肩章形琢型epidosite 绿岩epidote 绿石epithelial sac 珍珠袋同pearl sacerinite(erinide) 蓝绿色人造尖晶石erinoide 合成树脂espinelle 尖晶石essence d'orient 珍珠箔essential color 自色essonite 黄榴石同hessonite Estrellada 埃斯特拉达层Estrella of Minas Diamond 米ê斯的埃斯特莱拉钻石eternity ring 无窃戒指euclase(euclasite) 蓝柱石Eugenie 皇后宝钻European cut diamond 欧洲琢型钻石euxenite 黑稀金矿evening emerald 夜祖母绿亦称night emerald Excelsior "高贵无比"钻石eye agate 眼玛瑙Eye clean 微微丝钻eye diamond 眼钻石同fish eye diamond eyestone 眼石fabulite 锶钛矿facet(facette) 面,翻光面,琢面facet cut 翻光面琢型facet cut stone 观光面型宝石,棱石,番石fairy stone 魔石,怪石,箭形石falcon's eye 鹰眼石, 睛石fales 异色纹带宝石false amethyst 假紫晶false chrysolite 假橄榄石false cleavage 假解理false color(of diamond) 钻石假色false diamond 假钻石false doublet 假垫层钻石false emerald 假祖母绿false hyacinth 假红锆石false lapis 假青金石,假天蓝石false lapis lazuli 假青金石false nephire 假软玉false ruby 假宝石false sapphire 假蓝宝石false topaz 假黄宝石同cairngormfalse brilliants 假多面型宝石fancy(stone) 奇珍宝石fancy agate 奇珍玛瑙,奇特玛瑙fancy cut 特级琢型fancy sapphire 奇色蓝宝石fancy diamond 奇色钻石同colored diamond fancy pearl 奇色珍珠fandy star 变星型fashioning 造型Fashoda garnet 法绍达榴石Fashoda ruby 法绍达红宝石同Fashoda garnefassaite 浓绿辉石,深绿辉石fat amber 黄脂琥珀fat stone 霞石同nephelitefatty amber 油脂状琥珀fault 缺点,瑕疵同flawfayalite 铁橄榄石feather 羽毛状瑕疵,蝉翼状瑕疵feather gypsum 纤维石膏,丝光石膏同satin sparfederweiss 滑石同talcfeitsui 硬玉(翡翠)feldspar 长石,长石类feldspar ovoids 卵形长石feldspar sunstone 日长石同sunstonefeldspath 长石同feldsparfeldspath apyre 红柱石同andalusitefeldspath nacre 冰长石(月长石)同Moonstonefelspar 长石,长石类同feldsparfemale sapphire 女性蓝宝石feminine 女性宝石feminine ruby 女性红宝石fergusonite 褐钇铌矿fer oligiste 结晶ì铁矿ferrichromspinel 铁铬尖晶石ferrichrysocolle 铁硅孔雀石ferric iron sarcolite 铁肉色柱石ferriepidote 铁绿石ferri turquoise 铁绿松石ferrolite 铁岩,闪光ferropicotite 铁尖晶石同ferrospinelferruginous opal 铁蛋白石fer sulfre blanc 白铁矿feuoropal 透橙蛋白石fibre fascicles (珊瑚类)羽簇fibrolite 矽线石(硅线石) 同sillimanitefibrolite cat's eye 矽线石猫眼石fibrous barite 纤重晶石fibrous gypsum 纤维石膏figure stone 叶蜡石同agalmatolitefiligree(work) 花丝制品findings 首饰用具fine light brown 优质亮褐钻fine pique 少瑕钻fine silver Cape 优质银白开普钻finish 完成,竣工fiorite 硅华同siliceoussinter,geyseritefire 火色,出火fire agate 火玛瑙fire marble 火大理石亦称lumachele,lumachelfire opal 火欧泊,火蛋白石同girasolfire stons 火烧石,温石fired stones 热处理宝石同heated stonefired zircon 热处理锆石firmament stone 贵蛋白石同precious opal,noble opal first bye 优褐钻first cape 优开普钻first pique 少瑕钻同fine pique first water 优质水钻fish belly jade 鱼肚玉fish eye 鱼眼同moonstone fish eye diamond 鱼眼钻石亦称wellfish eye stone 鱼眼石同apophyllitefish pearl 鱼鳞珍珠fish silver 鱼鳞箔fish tail 鱼尾爪脚five Great Gems 印度五大宝石flag 羽毛状瑕疵同feather flame opal 火焰欧泊,火焰蛋白石flash opal 闪光欧泊,闪光蛋白石亦称fladh fire opalflash fire opal 闪光火欧泊,闪光火蛋白石同flash opalflats 钻石薄片flat ware 扁平器皿,扁平餐具flaws 瑕疵fleches d'amour 网状金红石,金红石发晶同sagenitefleurus diamond 弗留拉斯钻石flinders diamond 破碎钻石,假钻石flint 燧石flint glass 铅玻璃floating light 脂光玉,波光玉同cymophaneflohming amber 油脂状琥珀同fatty amberFlorentine 佛罗伦萨钻石flos ferri 霰石华(铁华) 亦称folwers of ironflower agate 花状玛瑙同moss agateflowers of iron 霰石华(铁华) 同flos ferrifluor 萤石同fluorite fluorescence 荧光fluorite 萤石fluorspar 萤石同fluoritefoam stone 泡沫石foamy amber 泡沫琥珀亦称frothy amberfob 表带foiled ston 镀水银的假宝石e fool's gold 黄铁矿同pyrite foreign silver ware 进口银制品forsterite 镁橄榄石fortification agate 波纹玛瑙亦称Scotch pebblefossil 化石fossil coral 化石珊瑚同beckite fossil pineapple 化石菠萝foul 小瑕疵fowlerite 锌蔷薇辉石fracture 断口fragments(diamond) 碎片(钻石的)。
Jade Culture
Jade Stories
Wan Bi Gui Zhao is a follow-up story of the famous jade. The king of the Qin State, the most powerful state during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), tempted引诱 to exchange the jade from the Zhao State using his 15 cities, but he failed. The jade was returned to the Zhao State safely. Thus jade is not only invaluable, but also the symbol of power in the ancient time.
Jade Culture
Jade (Yu in Chinese pinyin) was defined(定义)as beautiful stones by Xu Zhen (about 58-147) in Shuo Wen Jie Zi, the first Chinese dictionary. Jade is generally classified into soft jade (nephrite) and hard jade (jadeite). Since China only had the soft jade until jadeite was imported from Burma(缅甸) during the Qing dynasty (1271-1368), jade traditionally refers to the soft jade so it is also called traditional jade. Jadeite is called Feicui(翡翠)in Chinese. Feicui is now more popular and valuable than the soft jade in China.
肉锥种子中英文对照Mesa Garden 2018肉锥编号对照表(葫芦)Conophytum achabense SB1600 Achab, tiniest of all, snail paced(雪茄)Conophytum acutum e. Bitterfontein, tiny flowering cigars(雪茄)Conophytum acutum hort Wiese, shrinks underground(雪茄)Conophytum acutum Steenkampskraal, tiny cylinders(赤耳少将)Conophytum aequale = bilobum Numees (Rawe), red edged bilobe(紫毛球/毛蛋)Conophytum albipilosum Blesberg, +truncate, vigorous(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae lovely big form ex hort.(大型烧麦)Conophytum angelicae Aggeneys, living caramels(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum SB1376 Cone Peak, RV, square gems(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum near Klipbok, square brown bodies(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum Oemsberg, lovely green convolutions(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum Rosyntjieberg, rough traits(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae ssp tetragonum mostly green, often spectacular (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae Pofadder, putty colored, very nice(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae SB2152 nw Kotzeshoop, Namibia, grey buttons (烧麦)Conophytum angelicae SH480 Witsand, near TL, beautiful ochre(烧麦)Conophytum angelicae GM183 Umdaus, red orange violet petals(少将)Conophytum bilobum SB1345 Remhoogte, hugeplump, full to bursting(紫鸟哈尼)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB628 Deurdrif, half opaque, striking(红鸟哈尼)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii n. Silverfontein, best form(猪皮)Conophytum armianum SH462 TL, Umdaus, tiny warted plants(巧克力流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides ssp arturolfago RR964 Brakfontein, fine mottles(红线元宝)Conophytum bicarinatum PB3251 Nuwerus, Cedarbergs, red lined lobes (红线元宝)Conophytum bicarinatum Skitterykloof, irregular red angles(少将)Conophytum bilobum SH670 n Komaggas, multi lined, nice(少将)Conophytum bilobum RR1157 6 m e Kleinzee, well rounded lobes(少将)Conophytum bilobum nr Klipbok, classic bilobum(少将)Conophytum bilobum Narraberg, green spots red keel(少将)Conophytum bilobum Japanese hybrid, screwed purple flowers(毛纽扣)Conophytum bolusii ssp primavernum Uitspanpoort, flat top cylinders 1411(小红嘴B嘴)Conophytum breve Koornhuis, tiny, yellowish green(B嘴)Conophytum breve SB1136 Kuboos, pouting fissure(少将)Conophytum brevisectum RR1136 Nakanas, Port Nolloth, = bilobum(葡萄)Conophytum brunneum SH2592 Nuwerus, many spotted pale bodies, purple fl1412(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri RR1265 /10/ Aggeneys (Fujiyamopsis), wonderberg(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri SH 409 Aggeneys, giant hersey kiss(灯泡)Conophytum burgeri Aggeneys, MBB 3337 glass paperweight(鸽子蛋)Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop light green,??yellow evening flower (鸽子蛋)Conophytum calculus Quaggaskop orange flowered form Conophytu m carolii /16/ n Kliprand, flat dark green windows(长安玉)Conophytum carpianum SB1029 Doringpoort, neat grey bodies(密纹安贞)Conophytum ceresianum Ceres Karoo, flat bodies tinged red(安贞)Conophytum ceresianum SB1025 Skitterykloof, delicate green tracings (安贞)Conophytum ceresianum SB1050 Karoopoort, white pink peach purple fl1414(赤耳少将)Conophytum christiansenianum s Springbok, tall fuzzy bilobum(空卡佛)Conophytum concavum LAV22112 Riethuis, sweet white flowers(红边少将)Conophytum concordans SH2067 Brakfontein, ripply green windows(红边少将)Conophytum conradii SB1363 Eenriet, bold red edged lobes(红边少将)Conophytum coriaceum Helskloof, Richtersveld, leathery skins1415(方碗)Conophytum cubicum Eksteenfontein, cubic bowls, super long white fl (勋章)Conophytum cupreatum ex IVT; lovely coppery bodies(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum SH1322 Aasvoelkop, darkly marbled heads(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Boonstevlei, highly varied dark orange body (勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Dooddrink, Kliprand, tiny, deep brown(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum Jakkalskoppie, Dauws, dark, coppery(勋章)Conophytum cupreatum RR896 4 m S Kliprand, convex bodies(荧光玉)Conophytum cupreatum SB888 Kliprand, murky green windows(红边猪蹄)Conophytum danielii Platbakkies, compressed wedge, red edged(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum LAV 28650 Garies??> Studers Pass, bold red lines(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum Studers Pass, shiny round bodies(荧光玉变紫)Conophytum decoratum SB1189 Ottaspoort, Springbok(D毛肉锥)Conophytum depressum SB1612 Silverfontein, very robust form(佛肚风铃)Conophytum devium LAV27214 Doringwater, tiny body, flared clear lobes(风铃)Conophytum devium SB De Riet, Platbakkies, tiny rough body(佛肚风铃)Conophytum devium SB2275 Vanwyksbank, Concordia, rough angled top(冰风铃)Conophytum devium ssp stiriiferum B+H2298 Geelberg, very tiny icy body(深红神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae RR1213 Doringrivier, flaring lobes, dark red lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum 'Mabel's Fire', F2; great range of colors(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum RR557 Breekpoort, smallish(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum brownii SB2336 Narapberg(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii heavy lines, pink purple fl(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii Ratelpoort, pink flower, yellow eye(流水铜壶) Conophytum ectypum v brownii SB785 Ratelpoort, deep throat(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii w Ratelpoort, very dark(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii LAV28553 4 k s Kosies Jct, delicate ridges(流水铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v brownii PV1036 Ratelpoort, waxy, raised lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v limbatum Anenous Pass, keeled bodies(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v limbatum w Anenous, flowers with large white eye(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum??limbatum SB2300 s Anenous(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum v tischleri RR1140 Aribes, TL, strange green(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum SB2299 Geelvlei summit, odd shapes(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum SH466 Umdaus, very interesting form, no lines (铜壶)Conophytum ectypum Geelvlei, variable flowers, waxy green body(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum s Umdaus, very dark green!(铜壶)Conophytum ectypum Kosies junction, exquisite dwarf(小T)Conophytum eenkokerense SB1191 Konkyp, white or pink fl.(类似口迪)Conophytum elishae LAV 27947 Komaggas Pass, plump bilobe(类似口迪)Conophytum elishae SH585 Springbok, orange flowering parents(神铃)Conophytum elishae SB1334 Springbok, shiny spotted lobes(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum SB2035 Spitskop, densely spotted wedge(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum SB2232 n Rosh Pinah, broad squat wedge, pink fl1420(猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme EA108 Brandwacht, curved lines, many spots(猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme Worcester, rich pink scented flowers(红纹猴脸)Conophytum ficiforme 'fossulatum' s Worcester, usually well lined(玉彦)Conophytum flavum Blesberg, big ornatum type(玉彦)Conophytum flavum LAV 26294A Doringwater, n Steinkopf, fat and shinyConophytum fragile SB2294 e Eksteenfontein(麻饼)Conophytum fragile Rooiberg II, long white tubes1422(类似少将)Conophytum frutescens SB2151 Komaggas, long stemmed in age, unique1423(青团)Conophytum fulleri Namies (Rawe), small viridescent warts(青团)Conophytum fulleri Agter Pella, big form, yellow sheath(青团)Conophytum fulleri SB1543 Samoep, pink red blush(青团)Conophytum fulleri Matthew se gat, smallish form, big green spots(安贞)Conophytum giftbergense HH5142 near Vredendal, sweet flowers(安贞)Conophytum giftbergense SB623 Liebendal, fine red lines(大饼)Conophytum globosum ARM 1155A Dikdoring, big "deflated" form Conophytum globosum Perdekop, large with dark flowers Conophytu m chauviniae Hoedkop, often very minutem gracilistylum Meulsteen, very slender Conophytum chauviniae SB1921 Ottaspoort, thick red lines, nice(雨月)Conophytum gratum 'geyeri' RR1222 n. Numees, large body, bold spots (雨月)Conophytum gratum SB1129 s Remhoogte, dotted body, green smilem gratum SB1123 Lorelei, Namibia, spotted cushions(雨月)Conophytum gratum obscurum Hogsback, like ricardianum!(雨月)Conophytum gratum Jenkinskop, boldly spotted(雨月)Conophytum gratum SB2034 flats by Lorelei, variable spottedness Conophytum gratum SB2231 Anniskop, fat round spotted body(青光玉)Conophytum halenbergense Haalenberge, curved lines of green dots Conophytum halenbergense Tschaukaib, orange or wine red flowers(哈默灯泡)Conophytum hammeri SH2108 Nababiepseberge, thick conical dumpling(海伦小T)Conophytum helenae RR1635 Kosies, tiny bodies, purple fl Conophytu m helenae SB789 Kosies, faceted minature(小米雏)Conophytum hians tiny wedge shaped bodies, fuzzy(小米雏)Conophytum hians SB951 Kleinzee, pubescent bodies(小米雏)Conophytum hians SB2028 Skimmelberg, short fat wedges(小米雏)Conophytum hians Lekkersing, reddish bodies and flowers(赤耳小迪)Conophytum klinghardtense ssp baradii Rooiberg, Namib, robust, oddm irmae B+H2318 Anenous Pass, lumpy face, yellow flowers (伊尔马)Conophytum aff irmae MRO45 Rietkloof(P嘴中型)Conophytum johannis winkleri Namus Kloof, very pale bluishm karamoepense Gamsberg, big and tiny spots(斑马)Conophytum karamoepense Koerries, tall spotted body(斑马)Conophytum karamoepense SB788 Naip, E Springbok, tapered1426(肯尼迪)Conophytum kennedyi SB631 Smorenskadu, pure green colony(赤耳小迪)Conophytum klinghardtense ISI1135 Heioab, Namibia, reddish fl.(巧克力流苏玉)Conophytum koubergense RR1077 Kouberg, Gamoep, chocolate colored(红纹安贞)Conophytum lamb. v conspicuum Gt Holbak, fine gloss, intense red lines (少将)Conophytum lavisianum Soebatsfontein, southern bilobum, bare(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, various body colors, dense spots(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ne Sargdeckel, curved spotted pink lobes(勋章)Conophytum lilianum SB1175 Garies, red throated flowers(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum flat like angel fish!(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum Harras, long sleek body, waxy skin(赤耳少将)Conophytum linearilucidum e Kleinzee, translucent stripes(流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides Bok, Kangnas SH426 small, dark brown form (流苏玉)Conophytum lithopsoides Vioolskraalberg, pale flowers, very fine1429(安贞)Conophytum lambertense SB626 Strandfontein, "litorale" in past lists Conophytum loeschianum SB1362 Remhoogte, tiny wedged bodies Conophytum loeschianum SB1138 Lorelei, bright green bodies, orange fl(流水红纹)Conophytum longibracteatum TS749 Komaggas, bright yellow flowers (红边小飞)Conophytum luckhoffii SB1028 Nieuwoudtville, turreted lobes, red lines Conophytum luckhoffiiGrasberg(斑马)Conophytum marginatum Areb, abundant spots(斑马)Conophytum marginatum SB2239 Concordia, long lobed form1430(斑马)Conophytum marginatum SB632 Smorenskadu, bright red lines(丹空)Conophytum X marnierianum fine mix of colors(水蜜桃)Conophytum maughanii ex Japan, beet red when old, cold helps Conophytum maughanii Achab orange green, fairly small(毛汉尼粉红色)Conophytum maughanii 3 k e Pofadder, translucent pink red balls(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii 8 km e Concordia, pale green eyes, very soft (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Nous se poort, +well lobed, red and green (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Naip road, ghostly pale(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Vioolskraalberg, large nocturnal fl, green lobes (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Kouberg, reddish bodies(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Hester Malan, oddly thin and keeled apricot lobe(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii Platberg, s Pofadder, translucent milky green (毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii SB2327 Namiesberg, red green bodies, large lobes(水蜜桃)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum Maerpoort, red plums(橙色毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum SB2236 Nardegas Berg, orange blob(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii ssp armeniacum SH365 Augrabies(毛汉尼)Conophytum maughanii latum??small and glassy(红耳神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae Kosies, very long red lobes, yellow fl(红边神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae Lekkersing, upright woody trunk, red lined lobes (紫边神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae 'pole evansii' Eenriet, sharp purplish lobe tips(神灵玉)Conophytum meyeri SB1106 Augrabies, fuzzy, globose Conophytum meyeri sw Komaggas SB2288 dense clusters(神灵玉)Conophytum meyerae SB787 Swartpoort, huge yellow flowers(麻饼)Conophytum middelmostii Klipbok, long tubular flowers(红线墨小锥)Conophytum minimum Witteberg, bodies with red lines(大花墨小锥)Conophytum minimum > ceresianum Touwsfontein, big pink flowers! Conophytum minutum tiny bodies, masses of bright pink flowers(群碧玉)Conophytum minutum SB1227 Meulsteen, tiny; paler pink fl.(矮赤耳少将)Conophytum bilobum Sandberge "muscosipapillatum", fuzzy thick bilobe Conophytum novicium Tafelberg, Umdaus, densely spotted(玉彦)Conophytum novicium SB1128 Breekriet, bright yellow fl, big spots1433(红小丁)Conophytum nudum HH5141 Holrivier, polished purple bodies in winter 1435 Conophytum obcordellum 'declinatum'Conophytum obcordellum??Botterkloof, flat spotted top, purple sides (红纹安贞)Conophytum obcord 'multicolor' SB1193 Heerenlogementsberg, red lines(安贞)Conophytum obcordellum 'mundum' BM 7923 Pakhuis Pass, bright spots(霓虹安贞)Conophytum obcordellum 'picturatum' SB622 w Clanwilliam, bold spots (OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum Klipbok, dark flowers(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum SB2238 ne Kleinsee(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurumNababiep Res.(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum ssp sponsaliorum Rietkloof, waxy pale body(OB纽扣)Conophytum obscurum ssp sponsaliorum s Skimmelberg, brilliant little fl(少将)Conophytum vlakmynense Vlakmyn, Rv., obese body1438(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum big yellow flowers with scarlet stigmas(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum 'percrassum' SH456 Umdaus, classic fat form(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum Jakkalswater, pale bodies, yellow red fl(上蜡大饼)Conophytum ornatum SB1117 Animub, stigmas red or not(P嘴)Conophytum pageae Spektakel Mine, raised smiling fissure1439(P嘴红嘴)Conophytum pageae BM7964 Bowesdorp, beautiful red sides and fissures(P嘴)Conophytum pageae SB2171 Rosh Pinah, fat and flat bodies(P嘴)Conophytum pageae, Springbokkop SB2334, some with pink fl(皮尔森)Conophytum pearsonii Quaggaskop, flat grey green bodies, magenta fl. Conophytum pearsonii Moedgewin, Nuwerus(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum earthy colors, intricate lines(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2274 Bailey's Pass, olive brown, flattish(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB790 Bowesdorp, irregular dark shapes Conophytum pellucidum from Leliefontein CR1388(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum Saalberg, black and white(鱼子酱)Conophytum pellucidum 10 km n. of Concordia, nice tan linesm pellucidum n Concordia, classic terricolor(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum w Tweefontein, intense brick red(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum s. Rietfontein, wonderful red form(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum Garies, charcoal grey, small(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum w Garies, tiny form(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum ssp cupreatum PV1005 Papkuils River, shiny orange(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum v terricolor Rietberg, hourglass figures(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum RCL950/61 Steyerkraal, bold dark windows(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum RR1061 20 m s Kamieskroon, contractile form 1444(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2023 Ottaspoort, dark red brown windows (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB2210 Pedroskloof, shiny dark olive pink(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SB1059 e Soebatsfontein, dark hour glass window(紫鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii SB1187 Silverfontein, lovely speckles Conophytum pellucidum neohallii??SB2337 Bleskopm pellucidum v neohallii SH1977 Krymekaar(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum SH1956 Nuweputs, the one in the book!(鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum v neohallii Windhoek, Springbok, shining dots (鸟哈利)Conophytum pellucidum SB2291 s Concordia, shiny black body, white fl (勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' stained glass windows(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' ex De Boer, very nice(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Kweekfontein, rich orange form(勋章)Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Leeupoort, clear green body Conophytum pellucidum 'pardicolor' Goegap, near TL, very fine colony (青光玉)Conophytum pictum Matjiesfontein (Rawe), thin lines, robust1446 Conophytum subfenestratum Knersvlakte, windowed, many dots Conophytum subfenestratum Soutrivier Bridge, pink to white flowers(翠星)Conophytum subfenestratum SB624 Grootgraafwater jct., windowedConophytum piluliforme Poortjieskloofdam, scented nocturnal fl(云母会)Conophytum piriforme SB1107 Kuboos, very fat(P毛)Conophytum pubicalyx SB2024 Banke, Platbakkies, tiny grey hairy heads (P毛)Conophytum pubicalyx ARM1248 Witkoppie, incredibly tiny Conophytu m pulchellum Nutabooi, tiny spotted body, dark pink fl Conophytum quaesitum SB2153 Namusberge, very thick pale bodies(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum 14 km se Rooiberg, Nam, huge green spotted form Conophytum quaesitum SB1115 Lorelei, straw to rose pink fl.(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum SB2030 Skorpion Mine, conical wedge, bumpy keel(鹿角)Conophytum quaesitum SB2150 Mt Stewart, cream to yellow flowers(鹿角)Conophytum ramosum RR937 4 m N Kourkam, clumps, shiny body, yellow fl(荧光玉)Conophytum rauhii Messelpad, shiny bronze body(火柴头)Conophytum reconditum Boonste Matjiesfontein, warty windowed tips Conophytum reconditum SB2170 Banke, cold winter, tiny pointy lobes 1450(大眼睛)Conophytum regale SB793 Ratelpoort, soft bodies, large windows on sides(恐龙蛋)Conophytumsmorenskaduense ssp hermarium Smorenskadu, TL, extremelytiny(河马)Conophytum hermarium Areb, large body, long green or purple stigmas (路飞)Conophytum rolfii RR1003 Elandsbay, pubescent, reddish(鲁提辖)Conophytum roodiae SB2292 ne Silverfontein, violet grey tendencies(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum SB1100 Remhoogte, beaked lobes(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum EVJ 8841 W Stink/Orange confluence, thick form(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum PB5154 Gamkab, bold, very nice form(鹿角)Conophytum rostratum SB1101 Cone Peak, long irregular lobes Conophytum rubrolineatum RR1398 Oorlogsfontein, red lines on tiny bodies(麻饼)Conophytum ruschii SB1114 Cone Peak, fat dumplings, many spots Conophytum ruschii Black Face Mts, early flowering(小糖豆)Conophytum saxetanum H4706 Chamais Gate, ivory white flowers(小糖豆)Conophytum saxetanum PB3261 e Aurus, fantastic red Conophytum saxetanum Grootmis, grows like moss on rocks Conophytum saxetanum Rooiberg, Namib, very large form, pastel fl. Conophytum schlechteri SB1197 Farquharsonskop, concave top Conophytum simplum SB1121 Soebatsfontein, rounded bilobum(类似恐龙蛋/玉米)Conophytum smorenskaduense SB633 ex TL, winter flowers last for weeks!(白底安贞)Conophytum spectabile Kaaimans Gat, exquisite markings(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum LAV28279 10 k s Garies, small and metallic(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum SB884 Garies, flat metallic disks(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum SB1986 Ottospoort, boldly spotted(安贞)Conophytum stenandrum 40 k N of Bitterfontein, pale and robust Conophytum stephanii ssp abductum SB1119 Augrabies, miniature hairshirts(斯蒂芬妮毛球)Conophytum stephanii 'helmutii' Eenrietberge, very hairy(大型斯蒂芬妮毛球)Conophytum stephanii Rosyntjieberg, largest form, great red flowers(奶油嘴)Conophytum stevens jonesianum Cornelsberg, tiny heads1453(红线红斑点)Conophytum stipitatum tiny dark heads, red lines & dots(翠绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum ARM 50 Volstruishoek, jade green eyes(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum EVJ7908 Pella, cherry scented fl.(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum 12 mi sw Pofadder, green eyed monster(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum SH385 Achabseberg, small, intensely green eyes Conophytum limpidumne Katkop(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum /16/ e Namies, highly variable green eyes(绿眼睛)Conophytum limpidum SB2213 Windhoek Mtn, clear pale green, spotted(玛瑙玉)Conophytum subglobosum Uniondale, rounded truncatum(紫色荧光玉)Conophytum subincanum RR622 Wolwenes, tiny red grey bodies(紫色荧光玉)Conophytum subincanum SB885 Wolwenes, peculiar pale grey(大型S红嘴)Conophytum subrisum Vaalputz, Stofkloof, slightly rounded(大型S红嘴)Conophytum subrisum PV1014 w Aalwynsfontein, quite large Conophytum subrisum 'pageae' SB798 Witwater, the bigger the better! Conophytum subrisum SB1199 Booisberg, protruding red fissure(大葫芦)Conophytum 'subterraneum'Mt Stewart(饺子皮)Conophytum sulcatum SB1118 Animub, grey chiselled body(饺子皮)Conophytum sulcatum n Steinkopf, bright white flowers1455 Conophytum supremum Kliphoogte, Rv., supreme bilobum(小T)Conophytum tantillum v amicorum SB1988 s Steinkopf, fearless perches (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum H4638 Schlafkuppe, Klinghardts, twisted, odd (紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp nova Cornelsberg(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum bumpy pink keel1456(紫式部)Conophytum ernianum Namus Kloof, fine purple fl(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp ernianum Zebrafontein, sharp edged body(英仁玉)Conophytum ernianum peak s Witputz, jagged keels(勋章)Conophytum terrestre papillate convoluted ochre body(勋章)Conophytum terrestre SB1493 Burdensputs, white "scaley" sides Conophytum terrestre SB1989 Aalwynsfontein(勋章)Conophytum terrestre??> cupreatum GM128 s Gamoep, rough dark body1458(大翠饼)Conophytum truncatum the original dumpling, nocturnal fl.(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum Kruidfontein, flattish spotted body(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum e. Oudtshoorn, large bold spots1460(小麻团)Conophytum brevitubum Sevenweekspoort, pink or white fl(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum Uniondale poort, prominent spots(小麻团)Conophytum truncatum PV1073 n Ladismith, dark green bodies, bold spots(小海豚)Conophytum turbiniforme SH2324 Spektakel Pass, flat spotted bodies (奶油嘴)Conophytum udabibense SH902 Rooiberg, bodies like pink balls(少将)Conophytum umdausense SH458 Umdaus, mixed colored, long gaping lobes(白底安贞)Conophytum ursprungianum SB635 Lokenburg, superlative markings (白底安贞)Conophytum ursprungianum v stayneri RR992 40 m n Ceres, tiny streaks Conophytum uvaeforme e. Grasberg, huge white flowers(红色荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme 30 m N Vanrhynsdorp, small and reddish(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme sw Kliprand, bold red spots(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme SH520 foot of Vanrhynspas, curved spots(荧光玉)Conophytum uviforme Sterkstroom, very dotted(荧光玉)Conophytum uvaeforme v 'clarum' clusters of tiny colorful heads1468(荧光玉)Conophytum uviforme 'hillii' Vosfontein, grey red body(玉米)Conophytum vanheerdei SB794 Kangnas, oodles of tiny windows, pink fl1469(小型少将)Conophytum variabile smallish bilobum, yellow fl.1470 Conophytum velutinum Komaggas, heart shaped leaf pairs(红纹明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum shiny bodies, red lines(明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum SB2284 Springbok kop, vigorous(明窗玉)Conophytum violaciflorum RR1108 tapered lines lobes(玉彦)Conophytum viridicatum Viskull, s Laingsburg, dots and dashes Conophytum vitreopapillumRiethuis(小槌)Conophytum wettsteinii RR430 Anenous Pass, pale and flat, purple fls Conophytum wettsteinii se Koufontein, quite spottyConophytum wettsteinii SB795 Modderfontein, strange lumpy; pink fl (超大饼)Conophytum wettsteinii SB2205 Narraberg, flat round disks, pink fl Conophytum wiggettae Hazenjagt, green clumps with purple spots(墨小锥)Conophytum wittebergense PV913 Matjiesfontein, fantastic lines(墨小锥)Conophytum wittebergense Klein Spreeufontein, very lovely parents1473(方糖)Conophytum ectypum ssp cruciatum SB791 W Anenous, square!(小T)Conophytum tantillum ssp inexpectatum Umdaus, huge yellow (!) fl. Conophytum lindenianum w. Spektakel, chartreuse bodies(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum v rosynense PB3266 Rosyntjieberg, great flowers(紫式部)Conophytum taylorianum ssp rosynense Quachous, very odd, cf. viola.(水晶鞋)Conophytum phoeniceum SH1212 Umdaus, windowed fuzzy dumpling (拉登)Conophytum ratum SH1200 sw Namies, deflated burgeri(拉登)Conophytum ratum Japanese import model, ex Horn Conophytum wettsteinii x flavum F2, super colors(混合)Conophytum spp olla podrida, full mix of species。
Succulent plant
love warm and humid
Thank YouFra bibliotekSenecio rowleyanus(绿之铃)
Senecio rowleyanus, commonly called string-of-pearls or string-of-beads, is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to southwest Africa. The flowers are pale and brushlike. The fleshy leaves are poisonous and should not be consumed.
Sedum clavatum(凝脂莲)
They are great with rock gardens. The blooms are white with a star habit. This plant requires very porous soil. Water often when the soil is dry, but is better to underwater it then to overwater it. The bloom-time is mid-summer(仲夏), duration is annual, water use is average and the maintenance level is easy.
rosulated leaf
xerophilous plant
Japanese Shame Culture and American Guilt Culture
- 208-校园英语 / 语言文化Japanese Shame Culture and American Guilt Culture School of International Studies,Zhejiang University/Lu Weijie【Abstract】Culture is an important factor contributing to the success of intercultural communication. In the east and west, there are many different cultures, among which Japanese shame culture and American guilt culture are two typical ones. Influenced by different cultures, these two countries have different characteristics, which reminds us that in intercultural communication culture should be paid much attention to.【Key words】shame culture; guilt culture; Japan; America1. IntroductionWith the rapid development of economy, intercultural communication is becoming more and more frequent. Conflicts are inevitable, but understanding others’ cultures can help avoid unnecessary conflicts. The differences between Japanese shame culture and American guilt culture reflects the huge gap between eastern and western cultures. In cultural anthropology, a shame culture is a society in which the primary device for gaining control and maintaining social order is the inculcation of shame and the complementary threat of ostracism. In contrary, in a guilt culture, control is maintained by creating and continually reinforcing the feeling of guilt for certain condemned behaviors.2. Differences between shame and guilt cultureKluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1960) supply us with a taxonomy for analyzing cultural patterns. Human nature orientation has three divisions: evil, good and evil, and good. In America, its orientation, inherited form the Puritan ancestors, is based on the concept of original sin, and Christianity is the dominant world view. Christians believe human nature is evil, and all humans are born with original sin. Human life must continually repent, pray and forgive others and love others.Activity orientation has three modes: being, being-in-becoming, and doing. Doing orientation, which thrives on action, most characterizes the dominant American culture. American doing orientation can be found in the life of Jesus. Jesus is an active man and the Bible is full of how he traveled from place to place healing the sick. In this guilt culture, as people think they are born with original sin, they will follow Jesus and do things actively.While in Japan, people say shame is the root of virtue and a man who is sensitive to it will carry out all the rules of good behavior (Benedict, 2009). True guilt cultures rely on an internalized conviction of sin, while true shame cultures rely on external sanctions for good behavior.Individualism is one major characteristic of America, but Japan lacks individualism. Benedict (2009) mentions that under its shame culture, Japanese watches the judgment of the public upon his deeds. So unlike American who pursue individual desires freely, Japanese are more controlled, mainly by the external sanctions.Another Japanese value is that under the shame culture, everyone has a sense of one’s place in society so ingrained that all psychic life revolved around it (Hays, 1965). For example, in Japan, despite the high level of economy, most men still play the role as provider and most women as home maker. Hofstede (1981) has identified four value dimensions that have a significant impact on behavior, and masculinity and femininity is one of them. Masculinity is the extent to which the dominant values in a society are male oriented. Japan is a country that tends toward a masculine world view, while America has no obvious masculine or feminine world view.A specific example may give us direct feelings about Japan’s shame culture. In 2014, the “STAP cells scandal”attracted worldwide attention. On July 2, 2014, Nature retracted Obokata’s papers. But what’s more shocking is that later Obokata's mentor Yoshiki Sasai committed suicide. In this case, the shame culture is shown fully. In fact, it was quite unnecessary for Sasai to do so, for it was Obokata that should bear the chief responsibility. But overwhelmed by shame, Sasai chose this sad way.3. ImplicationsShame culture and guilt culture are very different. In intercultural communication, such difference may lead to communication failure, but as discussed above, theories of intercultural communication can help explain the difference. Such difference reminds us that it is quite necessary to understand and consider others’ cultures which surely influence one’s way of thinking and behaving, especially in intercultural communication. Reference:[1]Kluckhohn,F.R.& F.L.Strodtbeck.1960.Variations in Value Orientation.New York:Row & Peterson.[2]Benedict,R.2009.菊与刀 = The Chrysanthemum and The Sword:Patterns of Japanese Culture.北京:外语教学与研究出版社.[3]Hays,H.R.1965.From Ape to Angel:An Information History of Social Anthropology.New York:Knopf.[4]Hofstede,G.1991.Cultures and Organizations:Software of the Mind.London:McGraw-Hill.Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.。
例如,如果需要表达“君子如玉”的意思,那么可以使用“gentlemanly like jade”这样的表述,即将“玉”的文化内核通过比喻手法来表达出来。
在英语翻译中,这些修饰语可以相应地翻译为“jade stone”“jade belt”“jade pendant”等。
但在一些场合下,使用“jade”本身已经足够表达出“玉”的意义,因此可以省略它的修饰语,如“坐拥千万财富,心如明镜,格如玉石”可以翻译为“Withvast wealth, a heart clear as crystal, and manners like jade.”在这个例句中,“玉”的意义是美好善良的品德,能让人产生感受。
可以使用“heart as pure as jade”来翻译这个句子,传达出坦诚、纯洁和美好的内在品质。
NephriteJade is a name which is given to two different metamorphic stones, Nephrite and Jadeite. Each of these stones are composed of different silicate minerals. Nephrite jade is the original stone of heaven which has been revered by the Chinese for thousands of years.Nephrite is a variety of a calcium and magnesium-rich amphibole mineral actinolite (which also makes up a certain form of asbestos). The chemical formula of nephrite jade is Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2. Its crystal habitat is massive and it is of the monoclinic crystal system.Nephrite jade takes on a high polish which is vitreous to greasy. Its fracture is splintery to granular. Nephrite has a refractive index is 1.606 to 1.632.The Hardness and Toughness Of NephriteNephrite is more common than its harder counterpart, jadeite. Though it is softer (measuring a 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, compared to the 6.5-7 of jadeite) it is actually a much tougher stone. Hardness is an attribute measured by how easily it can be scratched. A diamond measures the hardest on this scale at a 10, it can scratch anything while it cant be scratched by anything other than another diamond. Both nephrite and jadeite are harder than steel, if you can scratch a stone with a knife it is not jade. Toughness measures the brittleness or the ability of a material (or in this case a mineral) to break. According to the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources of British Columbia the fracture strength of nephrite is about 200 MN/m2 whereas that of jadeite is about 100 MN/m2 which is an impressive quality of nephrite. It is commonly known as the toughest natural mineral on earth.Types of Nephrite and Their ColorsThe color of nephrite can vary depending on its source and quality. Commonly it is envisioned as an imperial green stone yet can hold almost any shade of green, blue, red, orange, black, white, violet, orange, brown and yellow.Various colors of nephrite jade are unique to their individual sources such as the rust colored vulcan Big Sur jade which can be various colors of brown, red, yellow and orange.Certain shades of green are also unique depending on the areas of the world it is found, one example of which is the gem quality polar jade of British Columbia (you can read an amazing article about Polar Jade over at Timeless Jade).As nephrite is found all over the world and in greater amounts than jadeite, it is less valuable and less expensive except for the finest of specimens. Some high quality nephrite jade does appear in some locations such as in Big Sur, California and in parts of British Columbia. Some specimens of nephrite jade from these areas are among the finest quality specimens in the world.One unique specimen of nephrite jade comes out of Big Sur and is known as botryoidal jade. This type of jade is commonly known as bubble jade and is formed in nodes within serpentine.History Of NephriteThroughout history nephrite jade has been utilized in a wide variety of ways. Some of these include as funeral ornaments, weapons, jewelry and as a ward against kidney ailments. It has been utilized for thousands of years by various cultures.One ancient legend from China states that in the beginning of time man was put on earth and was plagued by all of the wild animals of the world. The gods sympathized with man and cast jade axes from the heavens onto the earth for them to find. This stone was henceforth called the stone of heaven. Another legend surrounding nephrite comes from China. According to the tale a man named Bian He found a stone which he believed to be of high quality nephrite jade. He approached King Li of Chu with his find, who was unbelievi ng that the stone was actually jade and had one of Bian He’s legs cut off for playing him false. Once King Li passed Bian once again approached the ruler of Chu, King Wu, with his find. King Wu also believed that Bian He was playing him false and had his other leg cut off.Bian He was not deterred. King Wu soon passed on and the new ruler King Wen was approached by Bian He, who god only knows his reluctance to show off his find. King Wen, actually believing that the stone was true jade, immediately sent off the find to his royal sculptors. To the sculptors amazement the stone was of the highest quality white nephrite which rivaled the value of all other pieces of jade and was the envy of many. The piece was soon called the He Shi Bi or The Jade Disk of He.There are many legends revolving around this historical piece of jade. More can be found onour Chinese jade page. To paraphrase the rest of the legend the piece soon became the Imperial Seal of China and unfortunately due to a long history of wars and battles surrounding this singular piece of jade it has been lost to history.Another specimen of nephrite jade rivals all others, this is known as the Nephripod which was discovered by Donn Wobber off the coast of Big Sur. His memoir Jade Beneath the Sea: A Diving Adventure tell s of his discovery and excavation of a 9,000 pound bolder of nephrite in the 1970′s, which is now located in the Oakland Museum.Value of Nephrite JadeThe value of nephrite can be relatively modest depending on its quality. Some attributes that can affect its price are its color, translucency, natural patterns, the location from where it originates and sometimes by the artist which carves it. High quality nephrite can be relatively expensive though should only be purchased through trusted dealers.Though nephrite is a fairly common stone there are many fakes that are made out of various materials, as well as artificial colorings made by dyes and chemical treatments. Other stones are commonly mistaken for jade such as serpentine and soapstone. Care should be taken when purchasing jade to ensure that it is the actual stone.。
【介绍玉的内涵】Chinese Jade Culture(大部分是从中级英文导游书上整理出来的!)
[推荐版]Chinese Jade Culture(大部分是中級英文导游那整理出來的)【介绍玉的内涵】Would you like to know some ancient Chinese culture about Jade?In the Forbidden City,there are30311pieces of jade articles,covering a history of over seven thousand years!The ancient Chinese dictionary,Explanation of Words and Phrases,published during the Eastern Han Dynasty two thousand years ago,defines the meaning of“yu”as“the most beautiful stone”.“Yu”means jade in mandarin. Today I would like to explain the jade culture from3aspects,jade’s attributes,myth and value.Firstly,the Attributes of JadeJade had been bless by nature with many fine attributes–jade is solid in texture, beautiful in color,comfortable to the touch and produces a pleasant sound when tapped.These qualities matched the ethical standards and codes of conduct of the ancient people and were hence personified.Confucius concluded that jade had eleven virtues,such as benevolence(being smooth and lustrous),fidelity(the feel never irritates the skin),polite etiquette(there was an order of wearing),and sincerity(a flaw in jade never hides itself),and etc.So the Confucian culture advocated that a gentleman should define his manners and conduct in accordance with the virtues of jade.Secondly,the Myths about JadeJade has not only been idealized and personified,but also mythologized, particularly in ancient times when jade vessels were dedicated to rituals and divination purposes.The ancients believed that jade was formed where phoenixes had landed and where there were accumulations of the essence of yang.Proper dredging was conducted during moon-lit nights by naked women.Can Guess why by naked women?Because it was believed that only by using yin(women were philosophized as yin)to absorb yang could purify jade,the essence of the earth and heaven,be obtained.This belief influenced the Chinese for many centuries.Tian Gong Kai Fu (Exploitation of the Works of Nature),a description of production techniques published in1637during the late Ming Dynasty,recorded that naked local young women dredged up jade from rivers during moon-lit nights.The book explained that “by attracting the vital energy of Yang,pure jade would easily be obtained”.The ancient Chinese also believed that jade staved off corrosion and evil sprits. Many jade burial objects have been found in tombs that date as far back as the Zhou Dynasty.The Zhou people began using flat pieces of jade to cover corpses.In the Han Dynasty this custom developed even further.Flat and square jade pieces were sewn by gold thread into burial suits for rulers so that their physical being would never vanish.In1971,the tombs of Prince Jing of the Western Han Dynasty and his wife were excavated,yielding two jade suits.Myths about jade faded with the passage of time.However,many people today still believe that wearing jade is good for one’s health.Face massagers made of jadehave been used since the Qing Dynasty.There are also jade pillows and seat mats. Modern tests show that jade contains trace elements needed by the human body.The ancient Chinese valued jade very much,as evidenced by the extensive use of the material.Even during the times of Yellow Emperor in about4600B.C.,the use of jade was regulated.Articles of state power,such as rulers’seals and tokens,and vessels for important rituals and ceremonies had to be made of jade.Jade was a symbol of social status,and nobles liked to wear jade ornaments.Thirdly,the Value of JadeThe earth’s crust contains over1,000kinds of stones,but only about a dozen belong to the jade family.Limited by undeveloped quarrying skills,ancient jade output was very small;therefore,the price of ancient jade was high.Some believe that the most valuable ancient jade ware is a flat,round jade ornament called He Shi Bi from the Spring and Autumn Period.It is well known and worshipped not only for its high quality jade,but also for the story behind it.Legend has it that a man named He from the State of Chu had obtained a piece of raw jade stone and presented it to King Li.The ruler was insulted and had the man’s left foot amputated.When King Wu succeeded the throne,the man presented the jade to the throne again.The same thing happened and this time he lost his right foot.When King Wen was enthroned,the man went back to the mountain with the jade,full of sorrow.He cried all day long holding his jade stone,because the kings mistook him and took his jade as the fake one.After he ran up his tears,he cried out blood from his eyes.When the blood fell down on the jade stone,the real pure jade exposed ter King Wen sent someone to tell the man that his jade was precious and was named after him He Shi Bi–He Family’s Jade.Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian wrote in his book,the Records of a Historian,that the jade was later obtained by the State of Zhou.When the ruler of Qin heard about it,he offered to trade15of his walled towns for the jade.The ruler of Zhou then sent a minister to take the jade over to Qin,which was stronger than the State of Zhou.When the minister found that the ruler of Qin was not really serious about the trade,he managed to take the jade back to Zhou.The idea that someone may have been willing to give away15towns in exchange for a piece of jade reflects the great value the Chinese place on jade.An old Chinese saying,“gold has a price,but jade does not,”is not exactly true, not technically,anyway.In traditional Chinese literature,gold and jade are often mentioned together and are seen as symbols of wealth.Even today the price of high quality jade is no less than a piece of gold of the same weight.For a long time,wearing jade ornaments was in vogue.Ornaments were either a piece of jade or comprised of as many as nine pieces strung together.People used the jade ornaments to show their social status.The ornaments were carved with auspicious animals and words that wished good luck and happy lives.Wearing jade ornaments was the most popular in the Qing dynasty.Those who did not wear them were considered improperly dressed,and houses without jade decoration were not considered homes.Even for poor and ordinary people,they would like to have several pieces of jade pendants or bracelets for their sons or daughters,which could be passeddown to children and grandchildren,as a kind of precious family jade.For women, jade bracelets took most space of their jewelry boxes.Jade bracelets received as engagement and wedding gifts were considered as precious as today’s diamond wedding rings.We Chinese described a good marriage as a“gold and jade marriage”.(Run-DeJu)Jade Factory Store is the registered jade shop by Beijing Tourism Bureau.The business is well controlled by China Technical Supervision Bureau.It is also one of the members of Chinese Jewelry Union.There were over50kinds of natural jade stone from all over the world.And the most beautiful jade stone,jadeite, is the source of our country.China-jade carving and manufacturing has a very long history,especially in Beijing.You would learn more about jade culture there.Thank you!。
001 翠花掌Aloe variegate002 鹰爪十二卷Haworthia reinwardtii var. reinwardtii 003 哨兵花Albuca humilis Baker004 七宝树Senecio articulates005 乙女心Sedum pachyphyllum006 紫米粒Portulaca grandiflora007 若绿Crassula.lycopodioides var.pseuddycodioides 008 金枝玉叶Portulacaria afra009 雅乐之舞Portulacaria afra var. variegata010 银星Graptoveria cv. ‘ sliver star '011 久米之舞Echeveria spectabilis012 初恋Echeveria cv. Huthspinke013 蓝松Senecio serpens014 弦月Senecio herreianus015 佛珠Senecio rowleyanus Jacobsen016 黄花新月Othonna Capensis017 三角琉璃莲Haworthia cooperi var. leightonii018 吉娃娃Echeveria chihuahuaensis019 吕千绘Crassula Morgans Beauty020 锦晃星Echeveria pulvinata021 玉吊钟Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi ‘ Rosy Dawn' 022 爪莲华Orostachys erubescens var.japonicus023 斧叶椒草Peperomia dolabriformis024 红稚儿Crassula pubescens subsp. radicans025 紫蛮刀Senecio crassissimus026 铭月Sedum adolphii027 落日之雁Crassula obliqua ‘ Tricolor Jade ' 028 江户紫Kalanchoemarmorala029 钱串Crassula marnieriana030 康氏十二卷?Haworthia comptoniana031 美丽莲Graptopetalum bellum032 虹之玉Sedum.rubrotinctum033 艳日辉Aeonium decorum fvariegata034 白牡丹Graptoveria Titubans035 黄丽Sedum adolphii036 胧月Graptopetalum paraguayense037 鹿角海棠Astridia velutina038 雷童Delosperma echinatum039 吹雪之松锦Anacampseros rufescens ‘ Sunrise ' 040 紫珍珠Echeveria cv. Peale von Nurnberg041 火祭Crassula cv.Himaturi042 大和锦Echeveria purpusorum043 快刀乱麻Rhombophyllum nelii044 锦铃殿Adromischus cooperi045 筒叶花月Crassulaoblique ‘ Gollum '046 姬星美人Sedum. anglicum047 霜之朝Echeveria sp. SIMONOASA048 琉璃殿Haworthia limifolia049 白花小松Villadia batesii050 黑王子Echeveia ‘ BlackPrince '051 赤鬼城Crassula fusca052 心叶日中花Mesembryanthemum cordifolium L. F.053 姬花月054 景天三七Sedum aizoon L.055 猿恋苇Hatiora salicornioides056 乙姬牡丹Sedum clavatum057 星王子Crassula conjuncta058 虎之卷Gasteria gracilis059 千兔耳Kalanchoe millotii060 光棍树Euphorbia tirucalli Linn061 森之蝶舞Bryophyllum Crenatodaigremontianum062 金钱木Portulaca molokiniensis063 铲叶花月Crassula ovata cv.064 茜之塔Crassula corymbulosa065 龙城Haworthia viscose066 十二卷Haworthia attenuata fa. caespitosa (BERGER) PILBEAM 067 小鹰爪Haworthia coarctata var. greenii068 千代田之松pachypodium compactum069 姬竹世Sedum lineare ‘ Variegatum ' ( 白佛甲)070 黄金佛甲草Sedum acre cv. robustum071 反曲景天Sedum reflexum072 佛甲草Sedum lineare Thunb073 垂盆草Sedum sarmentosum Bunge074 千佛手Sedum sediforme075 小和锦Echeveria Purpusorum cv.076 红覆轮Cotyledon macrantha Berger077 桃美人Pachyphytumcv.MOMOBIJIN078 绫娟Sempervivum tectorum ssp. Calacreum079 百惠Sempervivum.calcareum Jordan ‘ Oddifg'080 东美人Sedum Pachyphyllum081 熊童子Cotyledon ladismithen082 玉蝶Echeveria secunda var. glauca083 红叶祭Crassula 'Momiji Matsuri'084 特玉莲Echeveriarunyonii ‘ TopsyTurvy '085 珊瑚珠Sedum stahlii086 青星美人Pachyphytum ‘ Dr. Cornelius '087 月羽番杏科???088 皮氏石莲Echeveria peacockii sp.089 丽娜莲Echeveria lilacina090 玉树Crassula arborescens091 八宝景天Sedum spectabile Boreau092 艳酢浆草Oxalis carnosa093 青鸟寿Haworthia retusa094 月兔耳Kalanchoe tomentosa095 天章Adromischus cristatus096 宝草Haworthia cymbiformis var.triebnet poelln097 绫樱Sempervivum Tectorum098 花叶寒月夜Aeonium shbplanum f.variegata099 凝脂菊Haworthia cymbiformis fvariegata variegate100 京之华Haworthia cymbiformis fvariegata101 小谷草Sedum sieboldii102 小球玫瑰Sedum spurium cv.'Dragon's Blood'103 蓝月亮Senecio antandroi104 福娘Cotyledon orbiculata var.dinteri105 兰黛莲106 秋丽Graptosedum ‘ Francesco '107 红卷绢108 黑法师Aeonium arboreum WEBB et BERTH. var. atropurpureum BERGER 109 花月夜Echeveria pulidonis110 霜之鹤Echeveria pallid111 白波Faucaria albidens1112 芳香波Stomatium niveum113 露娜莲Echeveria lolaA01 某石莲A02 某石莲A03 某十二卷A04 某寿Haworthia ???。
1 五十铃玉Fenestraria aurantiaca 棒叶花属Aizoaceae2 碧光环属A Monilaria A 碧光环属Aizoaceae3 碧光环属B Monilaria B 碧光环属Aizoaceae4 碧光环属C Monilaria C 碧光环属Aizoaceae5 碧光环属D Monilaria D 碧光环属Aizoaceae6 碧光环属E Monilaria E 碧光环属Aizoaceae7 碧光环属F Monilaria F 碧光环属Aizoaceae8 碧光环属G Monilaria G 碧光环属Aizoaceae9 贵光玉Monilaria pisiformis 碧光环属Aizoaceae10 凌耀玉Dinteranthus vanzylii 春桃玉属Aizoaceae11 枝干番杏Dicrocaulon ramulosum 蒂克伦属Aizoaceae12 ‘沃文思’绘岛Cephalophyllum 'Wolwenes' 绘岛属Aizoaceae13 银鱼Cephalophyllum loreum 绘岛属Aizoaceae别名:大花快刀14 快刀乱麻Rhombophyllum nelii 快刀乱麻属Aizoaceae15 青崖Rhombophyllum rhomboideum 快刀乱麻属Aizoaceae别名:青岩16 刺叶露子花Delosperma echinatum 露子花属Aizoaceae别名:雷童,Mesembryanthemum echinatum Lam17 芳香波Stomatium niveum 楠舟属Aizoaceae18 奇鸟菊属A Mitrophyllum A 奇鸟菊属Aizoaceae19 奇鸟菊属B Mitrophyllum B 奇鸟菊属Aizoaceae20 奇鸟菊属Mitrophyllum sp。
奇鸟菊属Aizoaceae21 荒波Faucaria tuberculosa 肉黄菊属Aizoaceae22 银边片男波Faucaria bosscheana var. haagei 肉黄菊属Aizoaceae别名:银边四海波(误用),白边四海波(误用),鲸波(原种)23 口笛Conophytum bilobum subsp. altum ’Luisae' 肉锥花属Aizoaceae24 群碧玉Conophytum minutum var. pearsonii 肉锥花属Aizoaceae别名:Conophytum pearsonii25 翠光玉Conophytum pillansii 肉锥花属Aizoaceae别名:静明玉,不死鸟26 安珍Conophytum obcordellum 肉锥花属Aizoaceae别名:玉彦,白眉玉,安寿姬27 大叉叶草Glottiphyllum regium 舌叶花属Aizoaceae别名:凤翼28 ‘红窗’公爵玉Lithops kuinjasensis 'Top Red’生石花属Aizoaceae29 C158 招福玉Lithops schwantesii C158 生石花属Aizoaceae30 天女Titanopsis calcarea 天女属Aizoaceae别名:Mesembryanthemum calcareum31 慈晃锦Cheiridopsis candidissima 虾钳花属Aizoaceae 别名:翡翠音叉,虾钳花,虾的花32 姬红小松Trichodiadema bulbosum 仙宝属Aizoaceae33 人宝Trichodiadema mirabile 仙宝属Aizoaceae34 德氏金铃Argyroderma roseum f. delaetii 银叶花属Aizoaceae 别名:德式银石,Argyroderma delaetii35 银叶花属Argyroderma sp. 银叶花属Aizoaceae36 青珠子玉Gibbaeum geminum 藻铃玉属Aizoaceae37 银琥Gibbaeum shandii 藻铃玉属Aizoaceae 别名:苔藓玉,桃色花38 照波Bergeranthus multiceps 照波属Aizoaceae 别名:仙女花39 碧鱼莲Echinus maximiliani 刺番杏属Aizoaceae 别名:飞鸟花,Echinus maximilianus40 白罗汉Anacampseros namaquensis 回欢草属Anacampserotaceae 别名:白玉罗汉,Anacampseros baeseckei41 茶笠Anacampseros crinita 回欢草属Anacampserotaceae42 吹雪之松锦Anacampseros rufescens ’Sunrise’回欢草属Anacampserotaceae43 妖精之舞Avonia albissima 银蚕属Anacampserotaceae别名:群蚕,Anacampseros albissima,Anacampseros avasmontana,Anacampseros avasmontana var。
Night of the Whippoorwill
Night of the WhippoorwillBeverlyJ.Letchworth;艾嘉【期刊名称】《英语通:高一版》【年(卷),期】2005(000)005【摘要】Alex stared through the cabin window at the darkness. Soon his dad would call him. And he didn't want to go. He wished he hadn't come to the lake for the weekend.【总页数】3页(P55-56,34)【作者】BeverlyJ.Letchworth;艾嘉【作者单位】不详;山东济宁【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G633.41【相关文献】1.诗歌翻译中“音美”的转换——以Wild Nights——Wild Nights为例 [J], 钟凌2.Wild Nights-Wild Nights两个中译本的关联理论评析 [J], 李丹丹3."Wild nights,Wild nights"两种译文的比较 [J], 杨柳;杨彬4.Long-term analysis of clear nights using satellite data considering astronomical sites in western China [J], Zi-Huang Cao;Jing Xu;Ali Esamdin;Zhao-Xiang Qi;Jian-Rong Shi;Jian Li;Yuan Tian;Zheng Wang;Tai-Sheng Yan;Xia Wang;Jian-Ping Xiong;Li-Yong Liu;Si-Cheng Yu;Jun-Bo Zhang;Zhi-Xia Shen;Yun-Ying Jiang;Jia Yin;Guang-Xin Pu;Peng Wei;Chun-Hai Bai;Guo-Jie Feng;Lu Ma;Yong-Heng Zhao;Teng-Fei Song;Jian-Feng Wang;Jian-Feng Tian;Xian-Qun Zeng;Zhi-Gang Hou;Shi-Long Liao;Zhi-Song Cao;Dong-Wei Fan;Yun-Fei Xu;Chang-Hua Li;Lu Feng;Yi-Han Tao;Hugh R.A.Jones;Huang Shen;Jin-Xin Hao;Yan-Jie Xue;Yong-Qiang Yao 5.The Crayfish Craze on Summer Nights [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Ackefors & Enell(1994年)估计9.5公斤P和78公斤N /吨鱼被释放到水中,每年饲料中的主要成分是0.9%p, 7.2% N时,饲料的转化系数是1.5。
饲料中大约72%的 N 和70%的P不被鱼吸收。
水产养殖一直仅限于东太湖、一个主要是大型植物的湾湖的东南部面积131平方公里,其中2833 hm2用于水产养殖。
氮和磷的加载到这个湖是1634+ - N和磷负荷的这个面积增大分别为吨和166吨。
无水产养殖地区相比,NH4+ - n、磷和鳕鱼与1983年相比55%和46%。
在整个1993年的太湖之滨,氮、NH4分别增加为55% 180%、43%和91%。
然而,他们属于水质预处理和主要处理,其中只有温和的影响可溶有机质除去诸如N和p . 由挪威Hydrotechnical实验室进行了广泛的测试期间处理效率的一个60-mm孔径鼓屏幕差异很大范围内SS(67 - 97%)、TP(21 - 86%)和TN(4 - 89%)。