A survey of inter-vehicle communication


------Lateral Dynamics of Commercial Vehicle Combinations-A Literature Survey(Vehicle System Dynami

------Lateral Dynamics of Commercial Vehicle Combinations-A Literature Survey(Vehicle System Dynami

As compared with single vehicle units, the road vehicle trains are characterized by some specific features among which particularly the following should be noted (Fig. 2): a ) jackknifing b) trailer swing c ) trailer lateral oscillations Under conditions of high vehicle velocities the articulated vehicles tend to yaw oscillations causing large amplitudes of lateral trailer oscillations. The combinations truck-trailer are more prone to lateral oscillations than the tractorsemitrailer sets. Under braking conditions on wet slippery roads the blocking of one or more wheels causes jackknifing or a swing of the semitrailer or trailer. The combination TS (tractor-semitrailer) appears to be more sensitive to these effects. The tractor has to transmit a part of the mass of the semitrailer and, consequently, also a part of the braking power indispensable for braking the semitrailer, and thus considerable forces are exerted at the kingpin connecting the tractor and the trailer. When the tractor rear wheels are blocked, the tractor swings around the kingpin. In case the semitrailer wheels get blocked, the semitrailer starts to yaw by skidding around the axis of the connecting mechanism (i.e. the fifth wheel). The lateral stability and braking performance of articulated vehicles are problematic, in particular for the following reason: owing to forces in the connection



IEEE 802.11p Operation modes
Operation modes
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009
Without WAVE Basic Service Set (WBSS)
IEEE 802.11p Frequency band
U.S. FCC allocated 75 MHz band in 1999 for ITS
Shared Public Safety/Private
Control Medium Rng Short Rng
Dedicated Public Safety
Required to use a SCH
Requires initiation on CCH
In contrast to the Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS), WBSS does not require authentication and association procedures
Lecture Vehicle Networks, Thomas Strang and Matthias Röckl, WS 2008/2009
IEEE 802.11p Requirements
Changes in baseline 802.11 standards are required to: support longer ranges of operation (up to ~1000 meters), the high speed of the vehicles (up ~500 km/h relative velocities), the extreme multipath environment (many reflections with long delays (up to ~5 μs max excess)), the need for multiple overlapping ad-hoc networks to operate with extremely high quality of service, and the nature of the automotive applications (e.g. reliable broadcast) to be supported.

An Overview of Internet of Vehicles 车联网综述

An Overview of Internet of Vehicles 车联网综述

signal range and drop out of the network, oth-er vehicles can join in, connecting vehicles to one another to create a mobile Internet. We de-termine that V ANET only covers a very small mobile network that is subject to mobility con-straints and the number of connected vehicles. Several characteristics of large cities, such as traffic jams, tall buildings, bad driver behav-iors, and complex road networks, further hin-der its use. Therefore, for V ANET, the objects involved are temporary, random and unstable, and the range of usage is local and discrete, i.e., VANET cannot provide whole (global) and sustainable services/applications for cus-tomers. Over the past several decades, there has not been any classic or popular implemen-tation of VANET. The desired commercial interests have not emerged either. Therefore, V ANET’s usage has begun to stagnate.In contrast to VANET, IoV has two main technology directions: vehicles’ neworking and vehicles’ intelligentialize. Vehicles’ net-working is consisting of V ANET (also called vehicles’ interconnection), Vehicle Telematics (also called connected vehicles) and Mobile Internet (vehicle is as a wheeled mobile termi-nal). Vehicles’ intelligence is that the integra-tion of driver and vehicle as a unity is more intelligent by using network technologies, which refers to the deep learning, cognitive computing, swarm computing, uncertainty artificial intelligence, etc. So, IoV focuses on the intelligent integration of humans, vehi-cles, things and environments and is a largerAbstract: The new era of the Internet of Things is driving the evolution of conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). With the rapid development of computation and communication technologies, IoV promises huge commercial interest and research value, thereby attracting a large number of companies and researchers. This paper proposes an abstract network model of the IoV , discusses the technologies required to create the IoV , presents different applications b a s e d o n c e r t a i n c u r r e n t l y e x i s t i n g technologies, provides several open research challenges and describes essential future research in the area of IoV .Keywords: internet of vehicles; VANET; vehicle telematics; network modelI. I NTRODUCTIONAccording to recent predictions 1, 25 billion “things” will be connected to the Internet by 2020, of which vehicles will constitute a significant portion. With increasing numbers of vehicles being connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), the conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are changing into the Internet of Vehicle (IoV). We explore the reasons for this evolution below.As is well-known, V ANET [1] turns every participating vehicle into a wireless router or mobile node, enabling vehicles to connect to each other and, in turn, create a network with a wide range. Next, as vehicles fall out of theAn Overview of Internet of VehiclesYANG Fangchun, WANG Shangguang, LI Jinglin, LIU Zhihan, SUN QiboState Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, ChinaV EHICULAR N ETWORKING1/7037738/The_Inter-net_of_Things_A_Study_in_Hype_Reality_Disrup-tion_and_Growtthe conventional Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (V ANETs), Vehicle Telematics, and other con-nected vehicle networks have to evolve into the Internet of Vehicle (IoV). The question accordingly arises as to why such systems did not evolve into IoT, Internet or wireless mo-bile networks.The main reason is that some characteris-tics of IoV are different from IoT, Internet or wireless mobile networks. Firstly, in wireless mobile networks, most end-users’ trajectories follow a random walk model. However, in IoV , the trajectory of vehicles is subject to the road distributions in the city. Secondly, IoT focuses on things and provides data-aware-ness for connected things, while the Internet focuses on humans and provides information services for humans. However, IoV focuses on the integration of humans and vehicles, in which, vehicles are an extension of a human’s abilities, and humans are an extension of a vehicle’s intelligence. The network model, the service model, and the behavior model of human-vehicle systems are highly different from IoT, Internet or wireless mobile network. Finally, IoV interconnects humans within and around vehicles, intelligent systems on board vehicles, and various cyber-physical systems in urban environments, by integrating vehi-cles, sensors, and mobile devices into a global network, thus enabling various services to be delivered to vehicles and humans on board and around vehicles. Several researchers have referred to the vehicle as a manned computer with four wheels or a manned large phone in IoV. Thus, in contrast to other networks, ex-isting multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing and multi-network systems need multi-level collaboration in IoV .In this paper, we first provide a network model of IoV using the swarm model and an individual model. We introduce existing re-search work focusing on activation and main-tenance of IoV. Then, we survey the various applications based on some currently existing technologies. Finally, we give several open re-search challenges for both the network model and the service model of human-vehicle sys-network that provides services for large cities or even a whole country. IoV is an open and integrated network system with high manage-ability, controllability, operationalization and credibility and is composed of multiple users, multiple vehicles, multiple things and multiple networks. Based on the cooperation between computation and communication, e.g., col-laborative awareness of humans and vehicles, or swarm intelligence computation and cog-nition, IoV can obtain, manage and compute the large scale complex and dynamic data of humans, vehicles, things, and environments to improve the computability, extensibility and sustainability of complex network systems and information services. An ideal goal for IoV is to finally realize in-depth integration of human-vehicle-thing-environment, reduce social cost, promote the efficiency of trans-portation, improve the service level of cities, and ensure that humans are satisfied with and enjoy their vehicles. With this definition, it is clear that V ANET is only a sub network of IoV. Moreover, IoV also contains Vehicle Telematics [2], which is a term used to define a connected vehicle interchanging electronic data and providing such information services as location-based information services, remote diagnostics, on-demand navigation, and au-dio-visual entertainment content. For IoV , Ve-hicle Telematics is simply a vehicle with more complex communication technologies, and the intelligent transportation system is an applica-tion of IoV , but vehicle electronic systems do not belong to IoV .In the last several years, the emergence of IoT, cloud computing, and Big Data has driven demand from a large number of users. Individ-ual developers and IT enterprises have pub-lished various services/applications. However, because V ANET and Vehicle Telematics lack the processing capacity for handling global (whole) information, they can only be used in short term applications or for small scale ser-vices, which limits the development and popu-lar demand for these applications on consumer vehicles. There is a desperate need for an openand integrated network system. Therefore,people who consume or provide services/ap-plications of IoV . Human do not only contain the people in vehicles such as drivers and pas-sengers but also the people in environment of IoV such as pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers’ family members. Vehicle in IoV terminology refers to all vehicles that consume or provide services/applications of IoV . Thing in IoV ter-minology refers to any element other than hu-man and vehicle. Things can be inside vehicles or outside, such as AP or road. Environment refers to the combination of human, vehicle and thing.The individual model focuses on one vehi-cle. Through the interactions between human and environment, vehicle and environment, and thing and environment, IoV can provide services for the vehicles, the people and the things in the vehicles. In the model, the in-tra-vehicle network is used to support the interaction between human and vehicle, and the interaction between vehicle and thing in that vehicle. The inter-vehicle network is usedtems, i.e., enhanced communication through computation and sustainability of service pro-viding, and outline essential future research work in the area of IoV .The rest of this paper is organized as fol-lows. Section 2 describes o ur proposed net-work model of IoV. The overview of IoV is presented from three different perspectives in Section 3. In Section 4, several open research challenges and essential future research work related to IoV are outlined. Finally, we present this paper’s conclusions in Section 5.II. N ETWORK M ODEL OF IOVAs shown in Fig. 1, we propose a network model of IoV based on our previous work [3], in which the model is composed of a swarm model and an individual model. The key as-pect of the network model is the integration between human, vehicle, thing, and environ-ment.Human in IoV terminology refers to all theFig.1Network model of IoVsignificantly improve the quality of vehicle service, while a bad wireless access may often lead to the breakdown of services. As is well-known, routing technology is the research core of traditional networks. For IoV , while routing is still the core of the inter-vehicle network, it is also essential for delivering the control message. Finally, IoV has the two most im-portant elements, i.e., users and network. For a simple IoV, wireless access is its user, and routing is its network. With the development of IoV , however, these elements might be less important, and other technologies may play a vital role, such as collaboration technology and swarm intelligence computing. However, due to page limitations, a detailed discussion is beyond this paper.Note that the technologies introduced in this section cannot cover the technologies of IoV , and most of them belong to V ANET [4] or Ve-hicle Telematics. The reason is that IoV is an open and integrated network system composed of multiple users, multiple vehicles, multiple things and multiple networks, and an integrat-ed IoV is not described. Hence, this section mainly focuses on existing technologies and applications, even if they do not represent the technologies and applications of IoV .3.1 Activation of IoVThere are many steps in the activation of IoV , but the most important step is to take the vehi-cles into the integrated network of IoV using wireless access technologies. At present, there are many existing wireless access technologies such as WLANs, WiMAX, Cellular Wireless, and satellite communications [5]. As shown in Fig. 1, most of these technologies are used to connect vehicles to each other in IoV .WLAN contains IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/p standards. IEEE 802.11-based WLAN, which has achieved great acceptance in the market, supports short-range, relatively high-speed data transmission. The maximum achievable data rate in the latest version (802.11n) is ap-proximately 100 Mbps. IEEE 802.11p is a new communication standard in the IEEE 802.11 family which is based on the IEEE 802.11a.to support the interaction between human and environment, vehicle and environment, and thing and environment. Swarm model focus-es on multi-user, multi-vehicle, multi-thing and multi-network scenarios. Through swarm intelligence, crowd sensing and crowd sourc-ing, and social computing, IoV can provide services/applications. Moreover, in this model, the interaction between human and human, ve-hicle and vehicle, and thing and thing, all need an integrated network to collaborate with each other and with the environment. Note that IoV has a computation platform for providing vari-ous decisions for whole network, and there are many virtual vehicles with drivers correspond-ing to physica vehicles and drivers. Then we call the virtual vehicle with driver as Autobot. In the IoV, Autobot can interact with each other by using swarm computing technologies and provide decision-making information for IoV in the computation platform.III. T ECHNOLOGY AND A PPLICATION OF IOVOver a decade ago, both industrial and aca-demic researchers proposed many advanced technologies for the application layer, the mo-bile model & the channel model, the physical layer & the data link layer, the network layer & the transport layer, and security & privacy; these technologies are all used in IoV . In this section, we only focus on giving an overview of the technologies and their applications in IoV, and do not describe the details of the technologies. The overview describes the acti-vation of the IoV , maintenance of the IoV , and IoV applications.For the activation and maintenance of the IoV, we only summarize the wireless access technology and the routing technology. There are several reasons for focusing on these two technologies. Firstly, most researchers working on IoV focus on wireless access and routing, for which the number of proposed re-search works are the highest. Secondly, wire-less access technologies play an important role in IoV . A good wireless access technology canquality of service, even for non-line-of-sight transmissions. The key advantage of WiMAX compared to WLAN is that the channel access method in WiMAX uses a scheduling algo-rithm in which the subscriber station needs to compete only once for initial entry into the network.Cellular wireless comprises of 3G, 4G and LTE. Current 3G networks deliver data at a rate of 384 kbps to moving vehicles, and can go up to 2 Mbps for fi xed nodes. 3G sys-tems deliver smoother handoffs compared to WLAN and WiMAX systems, and many nota-ble works have been proposed. For example, Chao et al. [8] modeled the 3G downloading and sharing problem in integration networks. Qingwen et al. [9] made the first attempt in exploring the problem of 3G-assisted data delivery in V ANETs. However, due to central-ized switching at the mobile switching center (MSC) or the serving GPRS support node (SGSN), 3G latency may become an issue for many applications. Vinel [3] provided an an-IEEE 802.11p is designed for wireless access in the vehicular environment to support intel-ligent transport system applications. The use of wireless LANs in V ANETs requires further research. For example, Wellens et al. [6] pre-sented the results of an extensive measure-ment campaign evaluating the performance of IEEE 802.11a, b, and g in car communication scenarios, and showed that the velocity has a negligible impact, up to the maximum tested speed of 180 km/h. Yuan et al. [7] evaluated the performance of the IEEE 802.11p MAC protocol applied to V2V safety communica-tions in a typical highway environment. Wi-MAX contains IEEE 802.16 a/e/m standards. IEEE 802.16 standard-based WiMAX are able to cover a large geographical area, up to 50 km, and can deliver significant bandwidth to end-users - up to 72 Mbps theoretically. While IEEE 802.16 standard only supports fixed broadband wireless communications, IEEE 802.16e/mobile WiMAX standard supports speeds up to 160 km/h and different classes of Fig.2 Wireless access technologies in IoVAPManagement and Control on the APIEEE 802.16WiMax DatabaseAP Management and Control on the APAPManagement and Control on the APCellular NetworkCellular NetworkDatabaseSatellite NetworkSatellite Network DatabaseAPManagement and Control on the APIEEE 802.11WLAN DatabaseVehicleVehicleVehicleVehicleCentralized Management and Control Unitand Control Unit (CMCU)NetworkDatabaseCMCUIoV3.2 Maintenance of IoVThere are also many aspects to the mainte-nance of IoVs, such as data-awareness, virtual networks, and encoding, but the most im-portant aspect is the switching of the control message for IoV. Routing technology is the suitable solution, and in IoV , is dependent on a number of factors such as velocity, density, and direction of motion of the vehicles. As shown in Fig. 1, vehicles can either be the source or the destination during the process of routing, and various standards have been built to accomplish the task of routing. With the growing needs of the users to access various resources during mobility, efficient techniques are required to support their needs and keep them satisfied.Topology based maintenance: Because of the large overhead incurred for route discovery and route maintenance for highly mobile unco-ordinated vehicles, only a few of the existing routing protocols for inter-vehicle networks are able to handle the requirements of safety applications [10,11]. An important group of routing protocols for ad-hoc networks is based on topology, and needs the establishment of an end-to-end path between the source and the destination before sending any data packet. Due to rapid changes in the network topology and highly varying communication channel conditions, the end-to-end paths determined by regular ad-hoc topology-based routing pro-tocols are easily broken. To solve this prob-lem, several routing protocols have been pro-posed [12,13] [14,15] [16] [17]. For example, Namboodiri and Gao [12] proposed a predic-tion-based routing for V ANETs. The PBR is a reactive routing protocol, which is specifically tailored to the highway mobility scenario, to improve upon routing capabilities without us-ing the overhead of a proactive protocol. The PBR exploits the deterministic motion pat-tern and speeds, to predict roughly how long an existing route between a “node” vehicle and a “gateway” vehicle will last. Using this prediction, the authors pre-emptively create new routes before the existing route lifetimealytical framework which allows comparing 802.11p/WA VE and LTE protocols in terms of the probability of delivering the beacon before the expiration of the deadline. Lei et al. [4] studied the potential use cases and technical design considerations in the operator con-trolled device-to-device communications. The potential use cases were analyzed and classi-fied into four categories. Each use case had its own marketing challenges and the design of related techniques should take these fac-tors into consideration. Gerla and Kleinrock [5] discussed LTE cellular service in a future urban scenario with very high bandwidth and broad range. The so-called cognitive radios will allow the user to be “best connected” all the time. For instance, in a shopping mall or in an airport lounge, LTE will become congested, and the user’s cognitive radio will disconnect from LTE. For vehicles, due to large costs, sat-ellite communications are barely used, except for GPS. It is only a supplement for temporary and emergency uses, when other communica-tion technologies are invalid or unavailable. Looking at the wireless access technologies described above, we think that the 4G or LTE should be the most efficient technology to launch the inter-vehicle network and to acti-vate the IoV . The reasons are as follows. First-ly, 4G or LTE is the most used communication standard, and has been deployed by most countries to provide access services. Obvious-ly, any vehicle can use it to connect to the IoV . Secondly, in the context of high buildings and a complex city environment, the performance of 4G or LTE is the best among all wireless access technologies. Finally, in the past ten years, the development of VANET has been very slow, and can barely be used in the real world. The main reason is that the connected vehicles cannot maintain V ANET in city roads because the goals of drivers are random and different. To maintain the V ANET, all vehicles must access the integrated network of IoV, after which IoV can be activated to provide services for users.which combines store-carry-and-forward tech-nique with routing decisions based on geo-graphic location. These geographic locations are provided by GPS devices. In GeoSpray, authors proposed a hybrid approach, mak-ing use of a multiple copy and a single copy routing scheme. To exploit alternate paths, GeoSpray starts with multiple copy schemes which spread a limited number of bundle cop-ies. Afterwards, it switches to a single copy scheme, which takes advantage of additional opportunities. It improves delivery success and reduces delivery delay. The protocol ap-plies active receipts to clear the delivered bun-dles across the network nodes. Compared with other geographic location-based schemes, and single copy and non-location based multiple copy routing protocols, it was found that Geo-Spray improves delivery probability and re-duces delivery delay. In contrast to the above work, Bernsen and Manivannan proposed [20] a routing protocol for V ANETs that utilizes an undirected graph representing the surrounding street layout, where the vertices of the graph are points at which streets curve or intersect, and the graph edges represent the street seg-ments between those vertices. Unlike existing protocols, it performs real-time, active traffic monitoring and uses these data and other data gathered through passive mechanisms to as-sign a reliability rating to each street edge. Then, considering the different environments, a qualitative survey of position-based rout-ing protocols was made in [21], in which the major goal was to check if there was a good candidate for both environments or not. An-other perspective was offered by Liu et al. [22], who proposed a relative position based message dissemination protocol to guarantee high delivery ratio with acceptable latency and limited overhead. Campolo et al. [23] used the time, space and channel diversity to improve the efficiency and robustness of network ad-vertisement procedures in urban scenarios. Clustering based maintenance: In this type of routing scheme, one of the nodes among the vehicles in the cluster area becomes a clusterhead (CH), and manages the rest ofexpires. Toutouh et al. [13] proposed a well-known mobile ad hoc network routing proto-col for V ANETs to optimize parameter settings for link state routing by using an automatic optimization tool. Nzounta et al.[15] proposed a class of road-based VANET routing proto-cols. These protocols leverage real-time ve-hicular traffic information to create paths. Fur -thermore, geographical forwarding allows the use of any node on a road segment to transfer packets between two consecutive intersections on the path, reducing the path’s sensitivity to individual node movements. Huang et al. [16] examined the efficiency of node-disjoint path routing subject to different degrees of path coupling, with and without packet redundancy. An Adaptive approach for Information Dis-semination (AID) in VANETs was presented in [14], in which each node gathered the in-formation on neighbor nodes such as distance measurements, fixed upper/lower bounds and the number of neighboring nodes. Using this information, each node dynamically adjusts the values of local parameters. The authors of this approach also proposed a rebroadcast-ing algorithm to obtain the threshold value. The results obtained show that AID is better than other conventional schemes in its cate-gory. Fathy et al. [17] proposed a QoS Aware protocol for improving QoS in VANET. The protocol uses Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), which runs over any Layer 2 technol-ogies; and routers forward packets by looking at the label of the packet without searching the routing table for the next hop.Geographic based maintaining. The geo-graphic routing based protocols rely mainly on the position information of the destination, which is known either through the GPS sys-tem or through periodic beacon messages. By knowing their own position and the destination position, the messages can be routed directly, without knowing the topology of the network or prior route discovery. V . Naumov et al. [18] specifically designed a position-based routing protocol for inter-vehicle communication in a city and/or highway environment. Soares et al. [19] proposed the GeoSpray routing protocol,dynamic transmission range, the direction of vehicles, the entropy, and the distrust value parameters. Wang et al. [26] refined the orig -inal PC mechanism and proposed a passive clustering aided mechanism, the main goal of which is to construct a reliable and stable clus-ter structure for enhancing the routing perfor-mance in V ANETs. The proposed mechanism includes route discovery, route establishment, and data transmission phases. The main idea is to select suitable nodes to become cluster-heads or gateways, which then forward route request packets during the route discovery phase. Each clusterhead or gateway candidate self-evaluates its qualification for clusterhead or gateway based on a priority derived from athe nodes, which are called cluster members. If a node falls in the communication range of two or more clusters, it is called a border node. Different protocols have been proposed for this scheme, and they differ in terms of how the CH is selected and the way the routing is done. R. S. Schwartz et al. [24] proposed a dissemination protocol suitable for both sparse and dense vehicular networks. Suppression techniques were employed in dense networks, while the store-carry-forward communication model was used in sparse networks. A. Daein-abi [25] proposed a novel clustering algorithm - vehicular clustering - based on a weighted clustering algorithm that takes into consider-ation the number of neighbors based on theavoidance. At present, collision avoidance technologies are largely vehicle-based systems offered by original equipment manufacturers as autonomous packages which broadly serve two functions, collision warning and driver assistance. The former warns the driver when a collision seems imminent, while the latter partially controls the vehicle either for steady-state or as an emergency intervention [41]. To be specific, collision warning includes notifi -cations about a chain car accident, warnings about road conditions such as slippery road, and approaching emergency vehicle warning [5]. On the one hand, collision warnings could be used to warn cars of an accident that oc-curred further along the road, thus presenting a pile-up from occurring. On the other hand, they could also be used to provide drivers with early warnings and prevent an accident from happening in the first place. Note that driving near and through intersections is one of the most complex challenges that drivers face be-cause two or more traffic flows intersect, and the possibility of collision is high [42]. The intelligent intersection, where such conven-tional traffic control devices as stop signs and traffic signals are removed, has been a hot area of research for recent years. Vehicles coordi-nate their movement across the intersection through a combination of centralized and dis-tributed real-time decision making, utilizing global positioning, wireless communications and in-vehicle sensing and computation 1. A number of solutions for collision avoidance of multiple vehicles at an intersection have been proposed. A computationally efficient control law [43-45] has been derived from ex-ploitation of the monotonicity of the vehicles’ dynamics, but it has not been applied to more than two vehicles. An algorithm that addresses multi-vehicle collisions, based on abstraction, has been proposed in [46]. An algorithmic ap-proach to enforcing safety based on a time slot assignment, which can handle a larger number of vehicles, is found in [41]. Colombo et al. [47] designed a supervisor for collision avoid-ance, which is based on a hybrid algorithm that employs a dynamic model of the vehiclesweighted combination of the proposed metrics. P. Miao [27] proposed a cooperative commu-nication aware link scheduling scheme, with the objective of maximizing the throughput for a session in C-V ANETs. They let the RSU schedule the multi-hop data transmissions among vehicles on highways by sending small sized control messages.Based on the above overview, we provide a relative comparison of all routing protocols in Tab 1. In this table, Route length is the total distance between source and destination. PDR is the packet delivery ratio. Latency is the in-terval of time between the first broadcast and the end of the last host’s broadcast. Latency includes buffering, queuing, transmission and propagation delays.3.3 IoV applicationsWith the rapid development of numeric infor-mation technology and network technology, it is brought forward that theautomatization and intelligentization of vehicle.This gives birth to lots of applications which combine safe driving with service provision. For example, Apple CarPlay, originally introduced as iOS in vehicles, offer full-on automobile integration for Apple’s Maps and turn-by-turn navigation, phone, iMeessage, and music service 5. Similar to CarPlay, Google Android Auto provides a distraction-free interface that allows drivers enjoy the services by connecting Android de-vices to the vehicle. Chinese Tecent recently launched its homegrown navigation app Lu-bao that features user generated contents and social functions 7. For demonstration purposes, in this paper, IoV applications can be divided into two major categories: Safety applications and User applications. Applications that in-crease vehicle safety and improve the safety of the passengers on the roads by notifying the vehicles about any dangerous situation in their neighborhood are called safety applications. Applications that provide value-added services are called User applications.Technologies to enhance vehicular and passenger safety are of great interest, and one of the important applications is collision。


Part A
Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.
她用尽全力把他பைடு நூலகம்向她,想从他的内心深处了解他,渴望在他身上迷失自我。
6. Many Americans have misunderstandingsabout China, believing it's a close country and that the peoples thinking isshackled.
A recent survey of women in 20 large and medium-sized cities across the country revealed that about half of the respondents were happy with their marriages and relationships, while nearly 30 percent said they wereboredand3.4 percent they were in agony. 3 percent said they were worried about their relationships and 12 percent said they did not know how to describe their mixed feelings. The Huakun Women Survey Center, anaffiliateof the All-China Women's Federation,conductedthe survey of 2,000 women aged between 20 and 60 at the end of last year.最近的一项调查显示女性在全国20个大中城市发现,大约一半的受访者满意他们的婚姻和关系,而近30%的人说他们很无聊and3.4百分比痛苦。3%的人说他们担心他们的关系,12%的人说他们不知道如何描述他们的复杂的感情。去年年底,全国妇联下属的华坤妇女调查中心对2000名年龄在20岁至60岁之间的女性进行了调查。Altogether 1, 955validquestionnaires were collected. The average age of the surveyed women was 35, and 70 percent were married. About 57 percent of the respondents had monthly incomesrangingfrom 1,000 yuanto 3,000 yuan. Women in Shanghai seemed to have the mostfulfillinglove lives, with more than 70 percent saying they felt happy. They were followed by women in Beijing, Qingdao, Ningbo and Tianjin in terms of fulfillment. The survey alsorevealedthat marriagestendedto get less happy the longer they lasted.Pressurefrom work, problems with their children's education andtoughpersonal relationships were the main causes of tension, according to the results of the survey.共收集有效问卷1,955份,受访女性平均年龄35岁,其中70%已婚。大约57%的受访者的月收入在1000元到3000元之间。上海女性的爱情生活最为充实,超过70%的女性称自己感到幸福,其次是北京、青岛、宁波和天津的女性。调查还显示,婚姻持续的时间越长,幸福感越低。调查结果显示,工作压力、子女教育问题和个人关系不融洽是造成家庭关系紧张的主要原因。



《跨境电商基础》(英)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码: 16060702课程名称: 跨境电商基础(英)英文名称: Fundamentals to Cross-border Ecommerce课程类别: 专业选修课学时: 32学分: 2适用对象: 商务英语专业、英语专业(国际商务管理方向)考核方式: 考查、开卷案例分析或产品调研报告先修课程: 国际商法(英)、当代商学概论(英)二、课程简介跨境电商作为推动经济一体化, 贸易全球化的重要途径具有非常重要的战略意义。

高校担负着培养跨境电商人才的责任, 高校培养的人才不仅应当具备知识和技能, 还应当具备良好的思想, 品德和社会公德和职业道德, 应当具备与全世界交流的大国自信。

《跨境电商基础(英)》这门课程是基于互联网和电子商务背景, 涉及到外贸必须的外语和外贸技巧和能力, 同时这些专业能力和技巧采用讲述辅以典型实战案例, 采用案例分析、情景演练和互动模式, 学生在教师引导下进行网上操作和亲身体验, 力求学习课堂与工作岗位实现无缝对接。

本课程开办的目的是使即将进入外贸职业岗位的毕业生了解跨境电商的基本概念、趋势, 针对岗位的能力和素质需求, 切实掌握跨境电商找客户、让客户找上门、将客户询盘最大限度地转化为订单, 同时通过主流商务平台了解收费平台的使用, 学会在网商外贸过程中进行国际在线支付, 以及提高风险意义和风险控制能力等跨境电商方法和技巧, 缩短毕业生进入相关职业岗位的“不适期”。

As an important way to promote economic integration and trade globalization, the course of Cross-Border E-Commerce has strategic significance.Colleges and universities bear the responsibility of cultivating cross-border e-commerce talents.The talents should not only obtain knowledge and skills, but also empower themselves with morals, social ethics, professional ethics, and possess the confidence of a big country to communicate with the world.This course, Fundamentals to Cross-border Ecommerce (English) is based on the Internet and e-commerce background.It involves the foreign language and foreign trade skills and abilities necessary for foreign trade.At the same time, these professional abilities and skills are supplemented by typical practical cases and case studies.Situational exercises and interactive modes, students conduct online operations and personal experience under the guidance, and strive to achieve seamless integration between classrooms and future jobs.The purpose of this course is to enable the seniors who are about to enter foreign trade careers to understand the basic concepts and trends of cross-border e-commerce, to meet the ability and quality needs of the relative posts, to effectively grasp the concept and process of cross-border e-commerce to find customers actively, to be found by the potential business partners by some passive marketing, mainly via the mainstream cross-border electronic commercial platforms.Then to maximize the possibility to transform customers’inquiries and requirements into real orders is another vital concern.The use of toll platforms is understood through the mainstream business platform.International online payment is taught in the process of foreign trade of online merchants, and cross-border e-commerce methods and techniques such as improving risk significance and risk control capabilities are shortened.Graduates enter the “discomfort period”of relevant professional positions. Course assessment is based on the weighted average of class participation 40% and final term case analysis 60%.Marks for class participation will be determined by five parts --- students’in-class group presentation, group case discussion, and individual in-class question-answering, written assignment and class attendance.三、课程性质与教学目的《跨境电商基础(英)》是外国语学院为商务英语专业以及英语专业(国际商务管理方向)学生开设的专业选修课。



2011届英语专业毕业生论文跨文化方向选题汇总1.Culture Awareness in English Learning英语学习中的文化意识2.Features of Tourism English and Its Translation旅游英语的特点及其翻译3.Making Use of Resources on the Internet in English Study英语学习中网络资源的利用4.Body Language in English Teaching英语教学中的肢体语言5.On Translation of English Idioms英语习语的翻译6.Body Language and Nonverbal Communication肢体语言与非言语交际7.Interaction in Oral English Teaching and Learning英语口语教学中的互动8.On Developing English Reading Skills论英语阅读技能的培养9.Extracurricular Activities and English Learning课外活动与英语学习10.C ommunicative Approach and English Grammar Teaching交际法与英语语法教学11.C ulture Lead-in in Middle School English Teaching中学英语教学中的文化导入12.P sychological Factors in English Teaching at Middle School中学英语教学中的心理因素13.T he Differences of Family Values Between Chinese and Western Cultures中西文化间家庭价值观的差异14.T he Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系的比较15.A View on the Differences Between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard toTaboos (or Etiquette)中英文化中关于禁忌语(或礼节)方面的差异之我见16.O n Bilingual Teaching in College Classroom试论大学课堂上的双语教学17.A Survey on Students’ Motivation of English Learning学生英语学习动机的调查报告18.C omparison of Euphemism in Wording of Sino-Western letters中西书信用语的委婉语比较19.中英电视广告中的非言语文化对比A Comparison of the Nonverbal Languagein English and Chinese Television Advertisement20.中英平面广告中的非言语文化对比A Comparison of the Nonverbal Languagein English and Chinese Print Advertisement21.非言语交际在中英商务谈判中的体现The Application of Nonverbal Languagein Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation22.中美价值观对商务谈判方式的影响The Influence of Different Values onSino-U.S. Business Negotiation23.浅析中英问候语的差异A Study on the Difference of Greeting Words in Englishand Chinese24.英文服饰广告在中国全球本土化可行性研究Feasibility of Glocalizing EnglishClothing and Accessories Advertisement in China25.英文奢侈品广告在中国全球本土化可行性研究Feasibility of GlocalizingEnglish Luxury Goods Advertisement in China26.英文化妆品广告在中国全球本土化可行性研究Feasibility of GlocalizingEnglish Cosmetics Advertisement in China27.从情景喜剧看中西青少年价值观的异同之处A Study on the Similarities andDifferences between Western and Chinese Teenagers from Sitcoms28.英文情景喜剧中幽默方式研究A Study on the Humor Style in English Sitcom29.从英文综艺节目看美国人的价值观A Study on the American Values in EnglishVariety Shows30.中英成语中的不同动物形象研究Similarities and differences in the CulturalConnotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese Idioms31.中英习语中的数字文化对比研究Similarities and Differences in the CulturalConnotation of Numbers in English and Chinese Idioms32.浅谈思维定势对英语学习的影响The Impact of Stereotype on English Learning33.中国学生在英语课堂上的小组活动的表现研究A Study on the Group WorkPerformance of Chinese Student in English class34.浅谈如何在英语课堂上提高中国学生的跨文化交际能力The Improvement ofChinese S tudents’ Cross-Cultural Communication Ability in English Class35.全球化背景下对中国大学生价值观取向的探讨The Value Orientation ofChinese College Student Under the Circumstances of Globalization36.从饮食文化看中西价值观的异同之处Similarities and Differences in theCultural Connotation of English and Chinese Food Culture37.从中国食物的英译看中国文化对英语国家的影响The Influence of ChineseCulture on English-speaking Countries from the Translation of Chinese Food38.文化差异与英语写作Cultural Difference and English Writing39.英语习语中的人名浅探Tentative analysis on names from English Idioms40.汉英回应赞美语策略差异及原因分析An Analysis on the Different ResponsiveStrategies Used by the Chinese and Westerners and the Reasons Concerned41.从文化差异看合作原则与礼貌原则On Cooperative Principle and PolitenessPrinciple on the Basis of Cultural Difference42.称赞语及其应答语的跨文化对比研究Contrastive Cross-Cultural Study ofCompliments and Compliment Responses43.谈跨文化交际中的文化现象Cultural Phenomena in Inter-cultureCommunications44.中西体态语差异的文化透析An analysis on body language conflict betweenChina and Western countries45.跨文化商务沟通中身势语的文化解读On Body Language in InterculturalBusiness Communication from a Cultural Perspective46.跨文化交际的有效策略Effective strategies for intercultural communication47.跨文化交际障碍产生的主要原因及对策On the Cause of InterculturalCommunicative Obstacles and Counter Measures48.跨文化交际中的中美价值观比较——小议集体主义与个人主义Comparison of Values between China and American in Cross-cultural Communication: Discussion on Collectivism and Individualism49.中英婚俗文化及差异Comparative Study of the Marriage Custom Differencebetween Chinese and British Culture50.身份和跨文化交际Identity in Cross-cultural Communication51.口译与跨文化意识Cross-cultural Awareness in Interpretation52.中西节日文化之比较The Comparison of Festival Cultures between China andWestern Countries53.论李安电影的中西文化认同On the Cultural Identity between Chinese andWestern in Ang Lee’s movies54.A Study on Culture Inputs in Integrated English Class 综合英语课堂上文化信息植入研究55.A Study on Culture Input in Listening Class for English Majors英语专业听力课上文化信息植入研究56.T he Fostering of Intercultural Awareness in Integrated English Class 综合英语教学中跨文化意识的培养57.T he Fostering of Intercultural Awareness in Oral Class for English Majors英语专业口语教学中跨文化意识的培养58.A n Analysis on the Presentation and Usage of Culture-related Information inIntegrated English Textbooks 综合英语课本文化信息表现方式与使用探讨59.A n Analysis on the Presentation and Usage of Culture-related Information inBusiness Textbooks商业类型课本文化信息表现方式与使用探讨60.A n Analysis on the Opening Paragraph of English Compositions Written byChinese Students 中国学生英语作文开篇手段分析61.A n Analysis on the Concluding Paragraph of English Compositions Written byChinese Students中国学生英语作文结尾手段分析62.A n Analysis on the Cultural Value Orientation Concerning Textbooks for EnglishMajors 英语专业课程教材中的文化价值取向63.A n Analysis on the Cultural Value Orientation Concerning TEM8 ReadingComprehension 英语专业八级考试中阅读理解题目的文化价值取向64.A n Exploration on English Majors Interpretation of Culture Presentation inEnglish Poems 英语专业学生对英语诗歌文化表象的解读探讨65.A n Exploration on English Majors Interpretation of Culture Presentation inEnglish Texts英语专业学生对英语课文中文化表象的解读探讨66.T he Comparison between the Reporting Strategies in Chinese Media and EnglishMedia中西新闻报道策略的比较67.T he Comparison on the Diction in Chinese News Repots and English NewsReport---A Case Study中英新闻中措词方式的个案研究68.T he Comparison on the Diction in Chinese News Headlines and EnglishHeadlines中英新闻中标题措词方式的研究69.A Discussion on the Presentation and Function of Chinese Elements in HollyFilms 好莱坞电影中的中国元素呈现与功能探讨70.A Discussion on the Presentation and Function of Chinese Characters in AmericanMovies 美国电影中的中国角色的呈现与功能探讨71.论中美日商务谈判中的跨文化交际因素A Study on the Intercultural FactorsAmong Chinese, American and Japanese Negotiation72.论跨文化广告翻译On Cross-cultural communication on AdvertisementTranslation73.从跨文化角度看中西广告特征及翻译Features and Translation of Western andChinese Ads from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Theory74.中英商务信函格式对比A comparative study on the format of Chinese andEnglish business letters75.中美广告的价值观对比A comparison on Ads between China and America values76.从《刮痧》看中西价值观差异On the Difference between Chinese and WesternValues in Guasha77.从《刮痧》看中西文化中的孝顺On the Cultural Difference about Filial Piety inGuasha78.论身势语在跨国企业的语用功能On the Pragmatic Function of Body Languagein Multinational Companies79.空间语言在商务谈判中的应用On the Application of Spatial Language inBusiness Negotiation80.英汉文化差异与误译Chinese and English Cultural Difference and Mistranslation81.英汉数字“一”的文化对比与翻译The Comparison and Translation of “One” inChinese and Western Culture82.中英文化差异对国际商务礼仪的影响The Influences of Chinese-BritishCultural Differences on International Business Protocol83.从集体主义和个人主义看国际商务谈判的文化差异Cultural Differences inInternational Business Negotiations: from the perspective of Collectivism and Individualism84.国际商务交流的文化障碍Cultural Barriers in International BusinessCommunication85.商务沟通中的文化休克现象:问题与对策Cultural Shock in BusinessCommunications and Its Countermeasures86.汉英称谓语中的文化差异Cultural Differences in Chinese and EnglishAddress Forms87.从跨文化角度谈汉英思维及表达方式的差异 A Cross-cultural Study onThinking Patterns and Expressing Modes of Chinese and English88.跨文化交际中英汉礼貌与面子 A Study On Politeness and “Face”inCross-cultural Communications89.商务信函中委婉语的跨文化研究 A Cross-cultural Study of Euphemisms inEnglish and Chinese Business Correspondence90.商务沟通中非言语交际的跨文化研究 A Cross-cultural Study of NonverbalCommunication in Business Context91.从广告用语看中西文化价值观的差异Chinese and Western Culture Values inAdvertising Language92.中美商务谈判中的文化冲突现象与应对策略Cultural Conflicts in Sino-U.S.Business Negotiation and Countermeasures93.英汉姓名的跨文化研究A Cross-cultural Study of English and Chinese Names94.中美商务谈判中的时空观的差异分析A Cross-cultural Study on Views of Timeand Space in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiations95.中西广告文化内涵比较分析A Comparison of Cultural Connotations in Chineseand English Advertisements96.从中英谚语看中西方的文化差异On Chinese and English Proverbs: from aCross-cultural Perspective。



vets实用英语交际职业技能等级考试中级模拟题二VETS Practical English Communication Skills Level Examination Intermediate Mock Test 21. IntroductionThe VETS Practical English Communication Skills Level Examination is designed to assess an individual's English language proficiency for effective communication in various professional contexts. In this article, we will explore a mock test for the intermediate level of the examination. The test will cover a range of communication skills necessary for success in a veterinary setting.2. Veterinary TerminologyOne of the essential aspects of communication in the veterinary field is the use of accurate and appropriate terminology. Veterinary professionals need to be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders. It is important to understand the correct terminology to describe different animal species, conditions, and treatments. Additionally, the ability to explain complex medical concepts in simple and understandable terms is crucial.3. Communicating with ColleaguesCollaboration and teamwork are essential in a veterinary practice. Effective communication with colleagues is vital for the smooth functioning of the workplace. In the VETS examination, candidates will be tested on their ability to engage in discussions, express opinions, and provide constructive feedback to their peers. They will be evaluated on their ability to listen actively, ask relevant questions, and contribute to the resolution of problems and conflicts.4. Communicating with ClientsVeterinary professionals often need to communicate with clients who may be worried, emotional, or confused about their pets' health. In this section of the examination, candidates will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate empathy, active listening, and clear communication. They should be able to provide information about diagnoses, treatment options, and preventative care, using language that is easily understood by clients with various levels of medical knowledge.5. Written CommunicationWritten communication skills are equally important in the veterinary field. Professionals need to be able to write clear and concise medical records, emails, reports, and other forms of written communication. Candidates in the VETS examination will be evaluated on their ability to convey information accurately, organize their thoughts logically, and use appropriate language and tone. They will also be assessed on their ability to effectively communicate through written instructions and guidelines.6. Handling Difficult SituationsIn the veterinary profession, professionals often encounter difficult and emotionally charged situations. The ability to handle such situations with professionalism and empathy is crucial. In this section of the examination, candidates will be tested on their ability to de-escalate conflicts, deliver bad news sensitively, and manage client expectations. They should be able to maintain composure, show empathy, and provide appropriate support and guidance to clients during challenging times.7. Cross-Cultural CommunicationIn today's globalized world, veterinary professionals may work with clients and colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds. The ability to communicate effectively across cultures is a valuable skill. Candidates in the VETS examination will be assessed on their ability to adapt their communication style, show respect for cultural differences, and avoid miscommunication due to cultural misunderstandings. They should be able to navigate cultural nuances, customs, and expectations to build effective relationships.8. ConclusionThe VETS Practical English Communication Skills Level Examination at the intermediate level is designed to assess a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in a veterinary setting. The examination covers various aspects of communication, including veterinary terminology, collaboration with colleagues, interaction with clients, written communication, handling difficult situations, and cross-cultural communication. By demonstrating proficiency in these areas, candidates can showcase their ability to excel in the veterinary profession and provide high-quality care to animals and their owners.。



中考英语交通工具改进单选题50题1. We need to improve the ____ of our cars to reduce fuel consumption.A. speedB. performanceC. sizeD. color答案:B。



2. The new technology can greatly enhance the ____ of the buses.A. safetyB. comfortC. beautyD. cost答案:A。



3. To make the trains more efficient, we should focus on improving their ____.A. enginesC. seatsD. lights答案:A。



4. The improvement of the ____ can make the planes fly longer distances.A. wingsB. cabinsC. enginesD. pilots答案:C。





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• Western Perspective of communication • In western cultures, communication is studied as the means of transmitting ideas. • Western cultures emphasize the instrumental function of communication; that is, effectiveness is evaluated in terms of success in the manipulation of others to achieve one’s personal goal. (persuade into) • Eastern perspective of communication • Definitions of communication from many Asian countries stress harmony, which is most notable in cultures with a Confucian tradition. (identify with)
• Communication is irreversible.
• Once we have said something and someone else has received and decoded the message, the original sender cannot take it back.
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• Message • The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object. • Channel • The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. • The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.




陆军Army一级上将General First上将General中将Lieutenant General少将Major General大校Senior Colonel上校Colonel中校Lieutenant Colonel少校Major上尉Captain中尉First Lieutenant少尉Second Lieutenant军事长Master Sergeant专业军士Specialist Sergeant上士Sergeant, First Class中士Sergeant下士Corporal上等兵Private, First Class列兵Private海军Navy一级上将Admiral, First Class上将Admiral中将Vice Admiral少将Rear Admiral大校Senior Captain上校Captain中校Commander少校Lieutenant Commander上尉Lieutenant中尉Lieutenant, Junior Grade少尉Ensign军事长Chief Petty Officer专业军士Specialist Petty Officer 上士Petty Officer, First Class中士Petty Officer, Second Class 下士Petty Officer, Third Class上等兵Seaman, First Class列兵Seaman, Second Class空军Air Force一级上将General, First Class上将General中将Lieutenant General少将Major General大校Senior Colonel上校Colonel中校Lieutenant Colonel少校Major上尉Captain中尉First Lieutenant少尉Second Lieutenant军事长Master Sergeant专业军士Specialist Sergeant上士Technical Sergeant中士Staff Sergeant下士Corporal上等兵Airman, First Class列兵Airman, Second Class军棋military chess工兵sapper排长platoon commander(中尉lieutenant)连长company commander ( 上尉captain )营长battalion commander (少校major)团长colonel(上校)旅长brigadier (准将)师长division commander军长army commander司令chief commander军旗army flag/ensign地雷landmine炸弹bomb行营field headquarter大本营supreme headquarter和平使命-2009: Peace Mission 2009联合军事演习: joint military drill, joint military exercise, joint military manoeuvre海军海上封锁: naval blockade,maritime blockade隔离作战演练: isolation drill两栖登陆: amphibious landing装备: hardware战舰: military vessel驱逐舰: destroyer护卫舰: frigate登陆艇: landing ship, landing craft潜艇: submarine猎潜艇: submarine hunter反潜舰: anti-submarine vessel海军舰队: naval fleet"沙波什尼科夫海军元帅"号大型反潜舰: submarine-hunting ship Marshall Shaposhnikov武装直升机: armed helicopter战斗机: battle plane轰炸机: bomber, cargo jets运输机: freighter远程预警机: long-range early warning aircraft反潜鱼雷: anti-sub torpedo深水炸弹: depth charge海陆空军: amphibious force水陆坦克: amphibious tank海军陆战队: marine corp炮兵: artillery空降部队: paratroop, airborne troop地面进攻: ground attack特种部队: special taskforce实弹: live ammunition滩头阵地: beachhead潜望镜periscope鱼雷torpedoes电动机鱼雷electric torpedo航空鱼雷aerial torpedo火箭助飞鱼雷rocket-assisted torpedo线导鱼雷wire-guided torpedo发射机transmitter自导控制组件self-directing unit装药和电子组件charge and electron unit待发装置actuator指令控制组件command control unit陀螺控制组件gyro-control unit电源控制组件power-supply control unit燃烧室combustor舵rudder推进器propeller潜艇submarine鱼雷舱torpedo room鱼雷发射管firing tube声纳sonar操纵线control wire 水雷submarine mine自航式水雷mobile mine锚雷mooring mine触发锚雷moored contact mine触角antenna雷索mine-mooring cable沉底水雷ground mine漂雷floating mine深水炸弹depth charge; depth bomb航空母舰aircraft carrier核动力航空母舰nuclear-powered aircraft 阻拦装置arrester飞行甲板flight deck雷达天线radar antenna导航室island舰桥bridge机库hangar升降机口aircraft lifts; elevators舰载机起飞弹射装置catapults油料舱fuel bunker弹药舱ammunition store贮存舱storage hold通信中心室communication center核反应堆nuclear reactor生活舱accommodation巡洋舰cruiser护卫舰escort vessel; frigate导弹护卫舰missile frigate战列舰battleship护卫艇corvette供应舰tender ship; depot ship舰队补给舰fleet depot ship海上补给船sea depot ship运输舰transport ship汽油运输船gasoline transport ship扫雷舰mine sweeping vessel扫雷艇minesweeper鱼雷艇torpedo boat导弹快艇missile speedboat导弹潜艇guided-missile submarine核动力潜艇nuclear-powered submarine 潜艇救护舰submarine lifeguard ship猎潜艇submarine chaser登陆舰landing ship坞式登陆舰dock landing ship电子侦察船electronic reconnaissance ship 情报收集船information-collecting ship测量船survey vessel调查船research ship打捞回收船salvage vessel核动力破冰船nuclear-powered icebreaker 气垫巡逻船patrol hovercraft导弹军导弹missiles洲际导弹intercontinental missile中程导弹mediurn-range missile巡航导弹cruise missile核弹头nuclearwerhead地对地导弹surface to-surface missile地对空导弹surface-to-air missile战略导弹: strategic missile舰对空导弹ship-to-air missile空对空导弹air-to-air missile空对地导弹air-to-surface missile反幅射导弹anti-radiation missile反舰导弹anti-ship missile反潜导弹anti-submarine missile自导鱼雷homing torpado弹翼missile wing减速伞drag parachute制导装置guidance device弹体guided missile doby固体火箭发动机solid propellant rocket尾翼tail fin飞行弹道trajectory发射制导装置launching guidance device 发射管launching tube反弹道导弹anti-ballistic missile集束炸弹bomb-cluster地下井missile silo移动式井盖sliding silo door火箭发射场rocket launching site发射塔launching tower勤务塔service tower陆军核武器nuclear weapons燃料库fuel depot; fuel reservoir指挥室command post通气道air vent; ventilation shaft多级火箭multistage rocket再入大气层飞行器re-entry vehicle原子弹atomic bomb氢弹hydrogen bomb引爆装置igniter 热核燃料fusionable material蘑菇状烟云mushroom cloud冲击波shock wave; blast wave放射性落下灰尘radioactive fallout核爆炸观测仪nuclear explosion observation device 辐射仪radiation gauge辐射级仪radiation level indicator钢珠弹bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit 化学炸弹chemical bomb主战坦克capital tank重型坦克heavy tank中型坦克medium tank轻型坦克light tank水陆两用坦克amphibious tank喷火坦克flame-throwing tank架桥坦克bridge tank扫雷坦克mine-sweeping tank坦克推土机tankdozer侦察坦克reconnaissance tank无炮塔坦克turretless tank坦克牵引车recovery tank坦克修理后送车repair-service tank反坦克障碍物anti-tank obstacle桩寨pile stockade鹿寨abatis反坦克断崖anti-tank ditch反坦克崖壁anti-tank precipice反坦克三角锥anti-tank pyramids炮手gunner坦克兵tank soldier炮口muzzle炮管barrel清烟器fume extractor炮塔turret瞄准镜gun sight发动机散热窗radiator grille备用油箱reserve fuel tank主动轮driving wheel遮护板shield负重轮loading wheel烟幕弹发射筒smoke bomb discharger诱导轮inducer空军low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天管理局nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步人造卫星hatch 舱口Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星launch pad 发射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭rocket launcher 火箭发射装置;火箭发射器CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology) 中国空间技术研究院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱,指挥舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星second stage 第二级service module 服务舱Shenzhou VI spacecraft 神舟六号solar cell 太阳电池solar panel 太阳能电池板space elevator 太空升降舱space food 太空食物space outfits(space suits, gloves, boots, helmet etc.)太空服space physics exploration 空间物理探测space shuttle 航天飞机spacecraft 航天器Telstar 通讯卫星third stage 第三级unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船weather satellite 气象卫星launch a satellite 发射卫星artificial satellite 人造卫星airliner 班机monoplane 单翼飞机glider 滑翔机trainer aircraft 教练机passenger plane 客机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机amphibian 水陆两用飞机seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机transport plane 运输机helicopter 直升机supersonic 超音速hypersonic 高超音速transonic 跨音速subsonic 亚音速Airbus 空中客车Boeing 波音Concord 协和Ilyusin 依柳辛McDonald-Douglas 麦道Trident 三叉戟Tupolev 图波列夫军事卫星military satellite侦察卫星reconnaissance satellite预警卫星early warning satellite电子侦察卫星electronic reconnaissance satellite导航卫星navigation satellite测地卫星geodesic satellite军用通讯卫星military communications satellite军用气象卫星military meteorological satellite卫星通信车satellite communications vehicle宇宙空间站space station警戒雷达warning radar引导雷达director radar制导雷达guidance radar目标指示雷达target radar测高雷达height finding radar三坐标雷达three-dimensional radar弹道导弹预警相控阵雷达ballistic missile early-warning phased-array radar导航雷达navigation radar机载截击雷达airborne intercept radar炮瞄雷达gun-pointing radar对空警戒雷达aircraft-warning radar航海雷达marine radar对海管戒雷达naval warning radar侦察雷达reconnaissance radar卫星通信天线satellite communication antena驱逐舰destroyer歼击机fighter plane; fighter空速管airspeed head; pilot tube陀螺gyroscope无线电罗盘radio compass平视显示机head-up display火箭弹射座椅ejector seat副翼aileron襟翼flap燃油箱fuel tank垂直尾翼tail fin; vertical stabilizer阻力伞舱drag parachute housing水平尾翼horizontal stabilizer液压油箱hydraulic oil container副油箱auxiliary fuel tank主起落架main landing gear机翼整体油箱integral wing tank机炮machine gun; cnnon进气道系统air-inlet system前起落架front landing gear空气数据计算机air-data computer迎角传感器angle of attack sensor进气口头锥air-inlet nose cone 战斗机combat aircraft截击机interceptor强击机attacker歼击轰炸机fighter-bomber轻型轰炸机light bomber战略轰炸机strategic bomber电子战机electronic fighter高速侦察机high-speed reconnaissance plane空中加油机tanker aircraft运输机transport plane; air-freighter水上飞机seaplane; hydroplane反潜巡逻机anti-submarine patrol aircraft教练机trainer aircraft; trainer垂直起落飞机vertical take-off and landing无尾飞机tailless aircraft隐形轰炸机stealth bomber可变翼机adjustable wing plane动力滑翔机power glider扫雷直升机mine-sweeping helicopter旋翼rotor机身fuselage抗扭螺旋桨anti-torque tail rotor航空炸弹aerobomblight water 轻水light water reactor (LWR) 轻水反应堆limited nuclear option 有限的核被选方案Long March 2E rocket with strap-on boosters [PRC] 长征二E捆绑火箭[中国]long-range ballistic missile (LRBM) 远程弹道导弹low earth orbit (LEO) 卫星低轨道;近地卫星low frequency (LF) 低频low level missile target drone 低空导弹目标声low-enriched uranium 低浓缩铀maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) 可操纵返航运载工具marine corps 登陆队;陆战队maritime rights 海洋权materials test reactor 物质试验反应堆material unaccounted-for (MUF) 材料损失Maverick air-to-surface missile [US] 小牛空对地导弹[美国] maximum range 最大射程measurement and control 测控mechanized 机械化mediate 调停medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) 中程弹道导弹mid-course guidance 飞行中段制导military bloc 军事集团military hardware 武器装备military spending 军事开支; 军费military use 军用military-industrial complex (MIC) 军事工业复合体mine detector 探雷器minelaying machine; minelayer 布雷器mini-nuke 小型核武器missile fast attack craft 导弹快艇missile silo 导弹地下发射井mixed-oxide fuel 混氧燃料mobile formation 机动编队mobile missile 机动导弹moderator 减速器moon craft 月球探测机multilateral disarmament 多边裁军multinational technical means 多国技术手段multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicle (MIRV) 多弹头分导再入飞行器multiple protective shelter (MPS) 多重保护壳multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) 多弹头返航运载工具multiple rocket launcher (MRL) 多管火箭炮multiple-launcher rocket system 多管火箭系统multiple-tube rocket gun 多管火箭炮multiple-warhead missile 多弹头导弹multipolarity 多级化mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯mutual non-interference 互不干涉national defense 国防national security 国家安全national sovereignty 国家主权national technical means 国家技术手段natural uranium 天然铀naval aviation corps 海军航空兵部队naval space surveillance (NA VSPASUR) 海军空间监测NBC protective clothing 三防服near-site verification 近场核查negative security assurance 消极安全保证neutron 中子neutron bomb 中子弹no first use 不首先使用nominal weapon 低威力核武器(2万吨级以下)non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS) 非核武器国家non-proliferation 不扩散non-proliferation policy 不扩散政策non-use assurance 不使用核武器保证nuclear air-burst 空中核爆炸nuclear attack submarine 核动力攻击潜艇nuclear deterrent 核威慑力量nuclear device 核装置nuclear doctrine 核条令nuclear fuel 核燃料nuclear fuel cycle capacities 核燃料循环容量nuclear proliferation 核扩散nuclear radiation 核辐射nuclear reactor 核反应堆nuclear stockpile 核武器储备nuclear testing 核试验nuclear weapon states (NWS) 核武器国nuclear weapon-free zone 无核区nuclear yield 核当量nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons/warfare (NBC) 核,生物和化学武器/战争off-line refueling 线外式加燃料off-site monitoring 远距离监视once-through fuel cycle (核)燃料单一循环on-line refueling 线内式加燃料on-site inspection (OSI) 实地核查;现场核查optimum height 最佳高度optimum security threshold 最适当安全门槛orbit 轨道outguessing regress (核打击决策)猜测循环over pressure 超压力over-the-horizon missile attack 超视距导弹攻击pace of proliferation 扩散步幅parameter 参数parity 均势pathfinder 航向指示器Patriot missile 爱国者导弹payload 有效荷载peaceful coexistence 和平共处peaceful nuclear explosion (PNE) 和平用途核爆炸peaceful use 和平利用penetration aids 突防用具perigee 近地点perimeter acquisition radar (PAR) 环形搜索雷达perimeter portal monitoring 进出口周边监视permissive action link 允许行动联系Perry-class guided missile frigate [US] 派里级导弹巡航舰[美国]phased-array radar 相位阵列雷达physical protection (of nuclear materials) 核物质保护pilotless target aircraft 无引行目标飞行器pin-point bombing; precision bombing 定点轰炸planned aggregate yield 计划总当量plutonium fuel cycle 钚燃料循环plutonium production reactor 钚生产反应堆plutonium-239 钚239plutonium-240 钚240point of impact 弹着点polar orbiting geophysical observatory (POGO) 极地轨道地球物理观测卫星polar space launch vehicle (PSLV) 极地空间发射器Polaris missile 北极星导弹Polaris submarine 北极星潜艇positive security assurance 积极安全保证; 肯定句安全保障power politics 强权政治power reactor 动力反应堆precision guided munitions (PGM) 精确导向武器Prithvi guided missile [India] 蟮氐嫉?[印度]production reactor 生产反应堆projectile 射弹propellant 火箭推进剂propelled rocket ascent mine (PRAM) 动力式火箭助生水雷proton 质子pursuit 追击radar cross-section 雷达有效区radar intelligence (RADINT) 雷达情报radar ocean reconnaissance satellite 雷达海洋侦察卫星radioisotope 放射性同位素radius of action 活动半径Rafale fighter[France] 飚风战斗机[法国]ramjet 冲压式喷气发动机range 距离; 射程range finder 测距仪rapprochement 解冻ratification 批准; 认可reactor core 反应堆芯reactor-grade plutonium 反应堆级钚reconnaissance 侦察recycled nuclear fuel 再生核燃料; 回收核燃料red fuming nitric acid (RFNA) 浓硝酸(发红烟硝酸)reduced blast (enhanced radiation) 弱冲击波(强辐射)reentry vehicle (RV) 重返大气层飞行器reflective particle tag (R&D by Sandia Lab) 发射粒子标签(Sandia 实验室研制)refueling (再) 加燃料regime 政体regional disarmament 区域裁军reliability (e.g., of nuclear weapons) 可靠性remotely-piloted vehicle 遥控飞行器remote sensing technology 遥感技术render-safe experiments 原始核装置拆卸的安全reprocessing (of plutonium) (钚)再处理research and development (R&D) 研究与发展research reactor 研究反应堆residual radiation 剩余(原子核) 辐射retaliation 报复ricin (WA) 蓖麻毒素rocket 火箭rocket engine 火箭发动机roll and yaw departure 侧滚脱离外加偏航脱离routine inspection 例行视察safeguarded facility 受保障监督的设施safeguards 保障监督satellite (space) launch vehicle 卫星发射器(空间运载火箭) satellite data system 卫星数据系统satellite defense 卫星防御satellite inspector system 卫星监视器系统sea cobra helicopter 海眼镜蛇直升飞机sea knight helicopter 海武士直升飞机sea stallion helicopter 海种马直升飞机second strike 核反击security dilemma 安全困境;安全两难security guarantees 安全保证self-defense 自卫semi-synchronous orbit 卫星半同步轨道sense and destroy armor (SADARM) 反装甲弹sensitive materials 敏感物质short-range attack missile 近程攻击导弹short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) 短程弹道导弹Shrike antiradar air-to-surface missile [USA] 百舌鸟空对地反雷达导弹[美国]Sidewinder air-to-air missile [US] 响尾蛇空对空导弹[美国] sighting device 瞄准器signals intelligence (SIGINT) 信号情报Silkworm missile series (short/medium-range coastal defense missile) 蚕式飞弹系列(近/中程海防飞弹)silo 发射井simulation (e.g., nuclear test) 模拟single integrated operational plan (SIOP) 统一攻击目标计划single-role mine hunter (SRMH) 单一任务猎雷舰smooth-bore gun 滑堂炮sortie 飞机架次sound surveillance system (SOSUS) 声响监测系统space-based 天基space-based interceptor 太空截击体space detection and tracking system (SPADATS) 空间探测与跟踪系统space mine 天雷special inspections 特别视察;专门视察spent fuel 乏燃料spent fuel rods 乏燃料棒spent fuel storage 乏燃料储存splash down ?q辅staphylococcal entotoxin 葡萄球菌毒素Sting missile [USA] 刺针飞弹[美国]stockpile 储存; 储备strategic forces 战略部队strategic nuclear weapon 战略核武器strategic offense 战略进攻strategy 战略Styx missile 冥河式导弹sub-kiloton weapon 亚千吨兵器submarine reactor 海底反应堆submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) 潜艇发射的弹道导弹submarine-launched cruise missile (SLCM) 潜艇发射的巡航导弹super high frequency (SHF) 超高频superpowers 超级大国supersonic anti-ship missile 超音速反舰导弹supplier countries 供应国surface-to-air missile (SAM) 地对空导弹surface-to-surface missile (SSM) 地对地导弹synthetic aperture radar (SAR) 合成口径雷达tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) 战术核武器tactical operations center (TOC) 战术作战中心telemetry intelligence (TELINT) 遥测信息temper (原子弹)惰层terminal guidance 末端制导terrain contour matching (TERCOM) 地形轮廓匹配theater 战区theater nuclear forces 战区核武器部队thermal reactor 热核反应堆thermonuclear weapon 热核武器thorium 钍three principles of nuclear export 核出口三项原则throw-weight 发射重量Tbilisi aircraft carrier [USSR] 第比利斯号航空母舰[苏联] time-over-target (TOT) 抵达目标时间trajectory ?u?Dtransatmospheric vehicle 空中交通工具transceiver 透明度transparency 透明度transporter-erector-launcher (TEL) 运输-竖起-发射装置triad 三合一战略报复力量Trinitrotoluene (TNT) 三硝基甲苯tritium 氚turbojet engine 涡轮式喷气发动机ultra high frequency (UHF) 超高频ultralong wave 超长波ultrashort wave 超短波underground nuclear test 地下核试验unilateral disarmament 单边裁军universal multiple launcher (A V-LMU) 通用多重发射器unsymmetrical dimethyl-hydrazine (rocket fuel) 不对称二甲基肼(火箭燃料)upper-tier 高层uranium dioxide 二氧化铀uranium enrichment 铀浓缩uranium hexafluoride (UF6) 六氟化铀uranium mining and milling 铀矿开采与选矿uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) 四氟化铀uranium-233 铀233uranium-235 铀235uranium-238 四氟化铀user operational uation system (UOES) 铀233verification 铀235verification regime 铀238军事英语之枪械篇.38 Special revolver 三八左轮枪9 mm pistol 九0手枪AA T (Arme Automatique Transformable) 通用机枪Accelerator 枪机加速器Accuracy 准确度Accuralize 准确化Accurize: 精准化. 使枪械更精确.ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) 先进光学战斗瞄准具ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) 柯尔特自动手枪弹ACP: Automatic Colt Pistol, 柯尔特自动手枪子弹.Action shooting 战斗射击Action 枪机Action: 枪机。



Cooperative Adaptive Cruise ControlGerrit Naus,Ren´e v.d.Molengraft Dept.of Mechanical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology P.O.box 513,5600MB,Eindhoven,The Netherlands.Email:*****************Jeroen PloegBusiness Unit Automotive Advanced Driver Assistance (ADA)TNO Helmond,The Netherlands1IntroductionAdaptive Cruise Control (ACC)enables automatic follow-ing of a preceding vehicle,based on measurements of the inter-vehicle distance x r ,i and the relative velocity ˙x r ,i .Com-monly,a radar is used for these measurements,see Figure 1.Decreasing the inter-vehicle distance to a small value of only several meters is expected to yield an increase in traf-fic throughput [1].To enable this for a string of vehicles,a platoon,inter-vehicle communication is required besides the radar data [2].This is called Cooperative ACC (CACC).x r ,3,˙x r ,3vehicle 3vehicle 2vehicle 1¨x 2¨x 1x r ,2,˙x r ,2radar beamwireless nicationFigure 1:Schematic representation of a platoon of vehicles.2CACC problem setupConsider a string of three vehicles.For more vehicles,the analysis is analogous to that of the third mu-nication with the directly preceding vehicle only is consid-ered,see Figure 1.The primary control objective is to follow the preceding vehicle.A constant time-gap policy is used,which is translated into a desired distance x r ,d ,i =r i +h d ,i ˙x r ,i ,where h d ,i the desired time gap or so-called time headway and r i the desired distance at standstill.The CACC con-troller consists of a feedback and a feedforward part;the ’standard’ACC controller K i is implemented as a feedback controller,and the communicated acceleration of the preced-ing vehicle is used as a feedforward signal.This yields the control output u i =K i e i +F i ¨x i −1,where e i =x r ,d ,i −x r ,i and F i a feedforward filter.The resulting control setup for the i th vehicle in the platoon is depicted schematically in Figure 2.3String stability analysisFocusing on heterogeneous traffic,i.e.G i =G i −1,K i =K i −1,etc.,the so-called string stability of a platoon indicates whether velocity or acceleration oscillations are amplified downstream the platoon,i.e.from vehicle one to three [2].i −1i −1Figure 2:Setup of the CACC control structure for the i th vehicle,where G i the vehicle dynamics,K i the ACC feedbackcontroller,F i the feedforward controller,D i communi-cation delay and H i =1+h d ,i s the spacing policy dy-namics.Using the setup shown in Figure 2,the corresponding string-stability transfer SS X equalsSS X (s )=X iX i −1=G i S i F i D i s 2+K i 1+K i G i ,for i ≥2(1)where X i (−1)the Laplace transform of x i (−1).String stabilityis defined as |SS X (j ω)|≤1,∀ω.4Research objectiveThis research considers the design of a CACC system,fo-cusing on the feasibility of implementation in actual traffic.Hence,communication with the preceding vehicle only and heterogeneous traffic are considered,communication delay is accounted for,and the communicated signal is used in a feedforward setting.A frequency-domain analysis of the string of vehicles regarding string stability and the sensi-tivity for parameter variations is employed.The presented setup and analysis could be used as a basis for a robust con-troller synthesis.References[1] B.Van Arem,C.J.G.Van Driel and R.Visser,The impact of co-operative adaptive cruise control on traffic flow characteristics,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Trans-portation Systems ,V ol.7,No.4,pp.429–436,Dec.2006.[2] D.Swaroop and J.K.Hedrick,String stability of inter-connected systems,IEEE Transactions on Automatic Con-trol ,V ol.41,No.3,pp.349–357,March 1996.Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe inyourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。



城市公共交通和汽车运输管理城市公共交通urban public transport公共交通方式public transport mode城市公共交通系统urban public transport system大运量客运系统mass transit system快速轨道交通rail rapid transit (RRT)地铁subway单轨运输系统monorail transit system垂直运输系统vertical transit system应急公共交通系统emergency pulbic transport system 公共交通优先public transport priority公共汽车优先通行系统bus priority sytem城市公共交通标志urban public transport sign公共交通工具public transport means公共交通线路public transport line公共交通线路设施public transport line facilities公共交通线路网public transport network公共交通车站public transport stop(station )公共交通停车场public transport parking place公共交通枢纽public transport junction城市公共交通规划urban public transport planning公共交通线路布局public transport network distribution 公共交通站场布局public transport yard and station arr angement城市公共交通客流预测urban public transport passenger fo w forecast城市公共交通客流调查urban public transport passenger fo w survey城市公共交通票价制urban public transport fare structure 城市公共交通运行调度urban public transport scheduling公共交通工具及设备public transportation means and devi ce公共汽车bus priority sytem小公共汽车minibus长途公共汽车long-distance bus旅游车touring bus单车single bus通道式公共汽车articulated bus双层公共汽车double-deck bus低地板式公共汽车low-floor bus出租汽车taxi无轨电车trolley bus通道式无轨电车articulated trolly bus有轨电车tram快速有轨电车light rail rapid transit car轨道车rail car车列car row列车train地下铁道列车subway train单轨车monorail car磁垫车magnetic levitated vehicle 行人传送带passenger belt车厢carriage客舱cabin车门service door安全门emergency exit车窗window车顶通风窗ventilator安全监视窗curb window地板floor踏板step车内通道passage铰接装置articulated equipment司机座椅driver seat乘务员座椅attendant seat乘客座椅passenger seat扶手handrail车厢顶灯roof light 门灯door light服务台service table废票箱invalidated ticket box路牌Iine number plate前路牌front number plate后路牌rear number plate侧路牌side number plate出租汽车标志taxi sign车厢空调设备air-conditioning equipment车用直流电度表vehicle D.C kilowatt-hour meter 车用扩音机vehicle microphone车用播音机vehicle broadcaster车用计费器taxi meter乘客计数器passenger counter自动售票器passimeter自动检票机automatic ticket checker集电装置power collector接地链grounding chanin车内净高interior height车厢通道宽度passage width车门开度door opening degree车厢地板高度floor height一级踏板高度first step height踏板级间高度step spacing座位间距seat spacing车厢站立面积standing area座位数seating capacity定员rated passenger capacity最大载客量maximum passenger capacity 运营管理operation management市区线路urban line郊区线路suburban line长途线路intercity line地面线路ground line地下线路underground line高峰线路peak-hour line昼夜线路day and night line夜间线路night line快车线路express line固定线路fixed line临时线路temporary line游览线路touring line环形线路loop line高架线路elevated line 干线artery支线branch折返线turn line正线main line站线siding段管线section line岔线branch line特别用途线special line单向行驶线段one-way section轨距gauge调度站control station调度中心control center中途调度站intermediate control office 起点站origin station终点站terminal中途站stop(station )始发站origin stop快车站express bus stop招呼站request stop定时车站timed stop换乘站transfer stop枢扭站junction station港湾式车站bus bay长途公共汽车站long distance bus sto出租汽车站taxi statio站名sto name站号stop number站牌stop board夜班车站牌night-bus stop board路别line number候车亭bus shelter售票厅waiting room检票口ticket entrance验票口ticket exit站台platform岛式站台island platform侧式站台side platform自动扶梯escalator换乘停车场park-and-ride place多层停车场parking lot牵引供电系统tractive power supply system 直流牵引变电站D.C traction substation馈线feeder馈线网feeder network 触线网trolly wire network供电方式power supply mode供电分区power supply zone供电臂supply arm分线器frog并线器trailing frog交叉器crossover客源passenger origin客流流向passenger flow direction客流passenger flow客流量passenger flow volume城市客流urban passenger flow市区客流city passenger flow郊区客流suburban passenger flow高峰时间peak time非高峰时间off-peak time早高峰morning peak晚高峰evenign peak高峰小时peak hour高峰主流向main flow during the peak period 乘客passenger普通乘客revenue passenger月票乘客commuter持证乘客passholder留候乘客remainder换乘乘客transfer passenger包车乘客passenger chartered违章乘客violated passenger调车idpatching vehicle线路车regular vehicle备用车reserved vehicle专线车special vehicle包车chartered vehicle行车方式running mode快车express bus慢车local bus直达车through vehicle区间车inter-zone vehicle跨线车trans-line bus高峰车vehicle during the peak period 加班车extra vehicle夜班车night bus昼夜车day and night vehicle出场车pull-over vehicle 回场车pull-in vehicle下线车off-line vehicle 首班车first -run vehicle 末班车final run vehicle 运行running正点on schedule正点率on schedule rate 早点running hot晚点behind schedule 压点decelerated run 赶点accelerated run 行车时刻表timetable运行图running chart票务ticket business 票价fare全程票价full fare计程票制metered fare分段票制sectional fare计时票制time fare system 单一票制flat fare票类fare ticket type 票价里程fare-kilometre车票ticket普通票cash fare月票monthly ticket市区月票city monthly ticket郊区月票suburban monthly ticket专线月票one-line monthly ticket学生月票student monthly ticket通用月票general monthly ticket公用月票service monthly ticket本票ticket book往返票round-trip ticket磁性月票magnetic tickeet代用币token废票invalid ticket查票ticket checking查票补票compensation fare罚票penalty fare车票有效期ticket validity time免费乘车zero fare汽车运输管理transportation management 运输系统transportation system 运输业transport service(carrying trade)汽车运输企业automobile transportation enterprise 运输网络transportation network网络单元network element建树法(网络分析法应用例)tree building method最优路线optimization of route汽车运输车辆vehicle of auto-transportation运输基地transportation base运行方案operation plan车辆完好率coefficient of availability of vehicle出车率coefficient of utilization of automobil e拖运率rate of utilization of trailer平均吨(客)位average tonnage (passenger seat) 车吨(客)位产量vehicle ton(seat )production运输量transportation volume运输里程transport mileage货物运输freight transportation集中运输centralized transportation分散运输decentralized transportation集装箱运输container transport联合运输inter-mode transport定时运输transportation on schedule整车运输transportation of truck-load零担运输sporadic freight transportation包车运输rent automobile transportation迂回运输round about transportation相向运输inter-transportation of freight in opp osite direction重复运输repeated transportation甩挂运输transportation with dumping trailers 旅客运输passenger transportation货物运输goods transportation市区运输city transposrtation郊区运输suburban transportatiojn区间运输inter-region transportatin长途运输long distance transportation干线汽车运输truck-road transportation货流flow of freight货流图freight flow diagram运次transportatin cycle车次(单程)trip(one way)运程段journey运程voyage周转circulation 载货行程loading mileage不载货行程no-loading mileage调空行程switching mileage货物周围量goods-circulating quantity吨公里利用系数coefficient of utilization of ton-kilome ters运输费用transportation cost装卸费用loading and unloading charge运费率freight rate运费表freight tariff运费单freight bill(freight notes)路单route-list货卡card of goods计件货物packing goods散装货物bulk goods普通货物common goods长型货物long goods轻泡货物light cargo过境货物transit goods货物发送点dispatch point for goods货物接收点receiving point for goods。


Pagano和Schivardi研究了欧洲的中小企业,提出了企业规模和创新速率是紧密关联的关系。规模较大的企业能通过要发收获收益,进而扩大规模促进企业成长,研发和增长之间是相辅相成的关系。学者Evenson Robert研究了一些发展中国家;例如撒哈拉以南非洲地区认为这些经济体很少进行科技的创新,他们主要从国外引入科技,适应本地市场。因此从这点看来规模和创新之间缺乏直接关系。[]
第1章 绪论
第2章 企业经营理论概述
第3章 我国中小物流企业经营存在的问题



1.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time isperceived as a linear structure just like a ribbon stretching from the past into the future.2.polychronic time (P Time) :schedules several activities at the same time. In theseculture people emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them.3.intercultural communication :is a face-to-face communication between peoplefrom different cultural backgrounds4.host culture is the mainstream culture of anyone particular country.5.minority culture is the cultural groups that are smaller in numerical terms in relationto the host culture.6.subculture is a smaller, possibly nonconformist, subgroup within the host culture.7.multiculturalism is the official recognition of a country’s cultural and ethnic diversity.8.cross-cultural communication is a face-to-face communication between reprentativesof business,government and professional groups from different cultures.9.high-context culture :a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained inwords. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence. 10.low-context culture :a culture in which the majority of the information is vested inthe explicit code.11.perception: in its simplest sense,perception is ,as Marshall singer tells us,”the processby which an individual selects, evaluates,and organizes stimuli from the external world”In other words, perception is an internal process whereby we convert the physical energies of the world into meaningful internal experiences.Non-verbal communicationIt refers to communication through a whole variety of different types f signal come into play, including the way we more, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we wear, the direction of our gaze, to the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand from each other.. IndividualismIndividualism refers to the doctrine that the interests of the individual are or ought to be paramount, and that all values, right, and duties originate in individuals. It emphasizes individual initiative, independence,individual expression, and even privacy.13. ParalanguageThe set of nonphonemic properties of speech, such as speaking tempo, vocal pitch, and intonational contours, that can be used to communicate attitudes or other shades of meaning.12.人际交际interpersonal communication: a small number of individuals who are interactingexclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretaions from them.指少数人之间的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。



选择填空第一册Unite11obese fat2obsolete outdated3devastation destruction4merge combine5infertile sterile6cling to hold on to7fall apart split up8destined for fated to be9counter to contrary to 10brought on resulted in Unite2 1paucity scarcity 2flush well-supplied 3flurry burst 4periodic occasional 5hinder obstruct 6dissipated wasted 7prudent sensible 8foray attempt 9allocation assignment 10hazardous riskyUnite4 1superiority advantage 2idol favorite 3scoff scream 4bent on fixed on 5reactionary unprogressive 6obstinate stubborn 7snag obstacle 8serene peaceful 9autochthonous native 10vulgar rudeUnite8 1allay relieve 2cordial warm 3commune with talk with 4sham falsity 5pious religious 6folly stupidity 7crave desire 8outship become better than 9consternation shock 10anthentication verification第二册Unite1 1threadbare ragged 2top-drawer highest 3compliments praises 4bleak dismal 5enchanted gladdened6despise scorn 7draped hung 8reverrnce admiration 9intersection crossway 10grit courageUnite21motivation willingness 2downside disadvantage3self-conscious embarrassed4amassed collected 5shower party 6laid-back relaxed 7dawned on occurred to 8nurtures cultivates 9chemistry attraction 10camarderie friendship Unite6 1giddy dizzy 2thwarted obstructed 3contemplative reflective 4transcend surpass 5affiliation association6trail fall behind 7stems originates 8grumbled complained 9vanquish defeat 10affable amiableUnite8 1stalled stopped 2unhinged confused 3lethal deadly 4dazzling brilliant 5harrowing painful 6zest enthusiasm 7terminate stop 8tangled twisted 9detachment disconnection 10prolong lengthen完形填空第一册Unite1A recent survey of women in 20 large and medium-sized cities across……(1) bored (2)affiliate (3)conducted (4) valid (5)ranging (6) fulfilling (7) reveal (8)tended (9)pressure (10)toughUnite2 As 2009 shapes up to be the most challenging year in more……1、loyal 2、hinder 3、recession4、disproportionally5、spending6、eliminate7、slightly8、integrity9、accessible 10、lureUnite4“Indeed,” says Woodring,” the whole system of education with its eight years…… (1) require (2) adolescent (3) reform (4) eliminating (5) science (6) individual (7) restoring (8) doctrine (9) function (10) heritage Unite5 Our cultural vocabulary indicates that marriages move one way …….(1) confirms (2) steady (3) chores (4) stem (5) biological (6) marital (7) stepchildren (8) grievance (9) strain (10) exertUnite6 The great evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin wrote a book about ……(1) observations (2) universal(3) contract (4) regardless of (5) identify (6) by and large (7) set (8) interpret (9) imitate (10) spontaneous Unite8 Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others….. (1) deem (2) Cling (3) slip(4) daydreaming (5) over (6) fragile (7) encounter (8) tightly (9) dismiss (10) journey第二册Unite1The goal of today’s and future workplaces will be employability …..(1) generalist (2) Flexibility (3)switching (4) count on (5) mentor (6) occupational (7) on-going (8) resumé(9) cutting (10) qualifications Unite2 Few Americans stay put for a lifetime. We move from town……(1) move (2) forming (3) sights(4) produce (5) value (6) appreciation (7) expectations (8) constitutes (9) being (10) distinguished Unite6Barack Obama’s been compared to Jackie Robinson, who ……(1) executive (2) acclaimed (3) campaigning (4) run (5) candidate (6) comparison (7) presidency (8) decorated (9) terms (10) nominationUnite8 When Nadya Suleman,33,had her eight children at a …….(1) implanted (2) expose (3) ethical (4) issues (5) existing (6) conceived (7) unidentified (8) ruled (9) treatment (10) left翻译Unite1 1. 对一些人来说For some, marriage is the grave of love, while for others, marriage is an effective salvation for those who lead a solitary life.2. 此次会议Blessed with a great historical responsibility, the Conference is destined to have far-reaching impact on the development of the organization.3. 所有这些都All of these show people’s yearning for a better life, so they have been carried forward generation after generation.4. 总统警告说If Congress approved the bill now, the president warned, the fragile peace process that he is trying to keep could fall apart.5. 夫妻之间必须The couple must be tolerant of the little imperfections in each other’s character, otherwise their marriage may end up in divorce.Love is爱情是一部电话机,当你渴望它响起时,它却总是悄无声息;不经心留意时,它又丁零零地响起。



五年级英语交通工具发展历程词汇单选题50题1.There was a man riding on a/an _____.A.carriageB.bicycleC.planeD.train答案:A。

carriage 是马车;bicycle 是自行车;plane 是飞机;train 是火车。

题干中说古代交通工具,只有carriage 马车是古代的交通工具。

2.In ancient times, people traveled long distances by _____.A.subwayB.shipC.motorbikeD.helicopter答案:B。

subway 是地铁;ship 是船;motorbike 是摩托车;helicopter 是直升机。


3.The nobleman went to the palace in a _____.A.truckB.sedan chairC.busD.taxi答案:B。

truck 是卡车;sedan chair 是轿子;bus 是公共汽车;taxi 是出租车。


4.The soldiers marched on foot and some were on _____.A.horsesB.mopedsC.scootersD.electric bikes答案:A。

horses 是马;mopeds 是助力车;scooters 是小型摩托车;electric bikes 是电动自行车。


5.People carried goods using _____.A.dronesB.wagonsC.carsD.motorcycles答案:B。

drones 是无人机;wagons 是四轮马车;cars 是汽车;motorcycles 是摩托车。


6.People in the past could travel long distances by train. The train is a kind of _______ transportation.A.modernB.ancientC.old-fashionedD.modern and ancientE.modern and old-fashioned答案:E。



• Establishing the proper measures within an organisation enhances continuous
Linking strategy to action
Assigning accountability to take action when needed
– High level benchmarking framework for supply chain performance (H .Cook): • Shop Study (March 1997) accessing information from available experts and past projects.
• NAPM (US):
• Kaiser Associates:
Benchmark Specialist Consultant.
• US University Research: New global initiative (investigating entry opportunities—Bob Ackerman).
• Discussions with supply chain CoE:
– Graham Colclough. – Andrew Morgan. – Lee Sherman. – Deborah Huff (Cap McKinsey).
Possible data sources
• CIPS (UK):
Making their client specific warrants attention
• Respect all sources of data:

Language and Intercultural communication

Language and Intercultural communication

Language and Intercultural communication Student Number: 0111132003Name: JaneClass: 1, International PoliticsHuman communication---that is, the ability to use language and exchange ideas with people around us in different cultures. Obviously, communication, which is necessary to our humans, is the vehicle by which people initiate, maintain, and terminate their relationships with others. If we want to begain a friendly communication, the first we need to learn is adverse culture.Culture is prevalence and has a direct influence on the physical, relational and perceptual environment. As we go about our daily lives, we do not have a great sense of our culture’s influence. In addition, most of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are profoundly affected by different cultures.In the background of Intercural Communication, the biggest barrier is from the difference of culture.Then, what brings us Intercultural Communication? Language, different languages.Without languages, it is too hard for us to express what we want to express. Language, one of cultural essential factors, is the cultural carrier. As we know, the language and the culture both belongs to the social phenomenon.It is not difficult to know that the so-called human relation process is that people utilize the language knowledge and social culture knowledge and transmit it into information process. When we need to learn a language, we are sure to study to understand the cultural background reflected by the language, for these two have close relationship.It’s fun that different countries have their own greeting ways. In English,when people meet acquaintances or friends, people often employ the following expressions”Good morning/ evening/ afternoon.” “Fine day, isn’t it?”“How’s everything going?”And usually, westerners treat them as real question. While in Chinese, we always say“吃了吗?”“干什么去?”to show our consideration. Sometimes, a conversation may get into embarrassment. I remember that the British will talk about weather to continue the conversation, while in China people will say “最近忙不忙?” to restart one.There is one interesting example. A person planned to swim, but he returned. His two friends asked him why. The person said “There is so many people in the swimming pool that the water is very dirty, and it is like that we cook dumplings in sesame paste.” When heard the answer, the Chinese person laughed at once, but the foreign one didn’t, because he knew nothing about sesame paste and of course, he couldn’t understand Chinese metaphor well.There is another reason. Diane, a friend of mine, who is now studying in the U.S. told me that in America, women may often talk about their husbands and children, they show their pride in them apparently, but in China, if a woman always says how successful her husband or child is, we may consider her a person with poor taste.As different ideologies developed and combated each other, the basic framework of Chinese civilization was established.Intercultural communication occurs whenever a minimum of 2 persons form different cultures or countries come together and exchange verbal and nonverbalsymbols. With the rapid growth of the modern society, the benefits of the Intercultural Communication are even greater.What connect the whole world? Intercultural Communication. Only through Intercultural Communication can we ever get to know people as an individual.What can Intercultural Communication brings to us? Increased international, national, and local commerce; reduced conflict; and personal growth through increased tolerance. Linguistic behavior is part of human behavior that differs from cultural to cultural. We will know more about westen and Chinese cultures if we look hard at the ways in which everyday conversation and try to find out the cultural differences underlying them. In everyday conversations the exchange of phatic communication is particularly revealing. Intercultural Communication nowadays play an important role in our life, and in the near future, it will still add a brilliant touch to us.。



交通行业术语(中英文对照)Stop-line ----- 停车线A con gested link ---- 阻塞路段Weighti ng factor ----- 权重因子Con troller --- 控制器Emissio ns Model ---- 排气仿真the traffic pattern ----- 交通方式Con troller --- 信号机Amber ----- 黄灯Start-up delay ---- 启动延误Lost time ----- 损失时间Off-peak——非高峰期The morni ng peak -- 早高峰Pedestria n crossin ——人行横道Coord in ated con trol systems——协调控制系统On-I ine ---- 实时Two-way ----- 双向交通Absolute Offset ----- 绝对相位差Overlapp ing Phase——搭接相位Critical Phase ----- 关键相位Cha nge Interval --- 绿灯间隔时间Arterial In tersection Con trol 干线信号协调控制Fixed-time Con trol ----- 固定式信号控制Real-time Adaptive Traffic Con trol ---- 实时自适应信号控制Green Ratio ---- 绿信比Through movemen ----- 直行车流Congestion ----- 阻塞,拥挤The perce ntage congestion——阻塞率The degree of saturation——饱和度The effective gree n time --- 有效绿灯时间The maximum queue value——最大排队长度Flow Profiles ------ 车流图示Double cycli ng ----- 双周期Si ngle cycli ng --- 单周期Peak高峰期The eve ning peak periods——晚高峰Siemens --- 西门子Pelican ---- 人行横道Fixed time plans ---- 固定配时方案On e-way traffic ---- 单向交通Green Ratio ---- 绿信比Relative Offset ----- 相对相位差Non-o verlapp ing Phase——非搭接相位Saturatio n Flow Rate -- 饱和流率Isolated In tersecti on Contro -- 单点信号控制(点控)Area-wide Con trol ---- 区域信号协调控制Vehicle Actuated (\A)-- 感应式信号控制The Mi nimum Green Time ---- 最小绿灯时间Unit Exte nsion Time --- 单位绿灯延长时间The Maximum Green Time ---- 最大绿灯时间Oppos ing traffic --- 对向交通(车流)Actuati on ---- Con trol ----- 感应控制方式Pre-timed Control ------ 定周期控制方式Remote Contro ----- 有缆线控方式Self —I nductfa ns --- 环形线圈检测器Signal ----- s pacin -------- 信号间距Though-traffic lane ----- 直行车道Inbound ---- 正向Outbound ---- 反向第一章交通工程--- Traffic Engin eeri ng运输工程--- Tran sportati on Engin eeri ng航空交通--- Air Tran sportati on水上交通--- Water Tran sportati on管道交通--- Pipeli ne Tran sportati on交通系统--- Traffic System交通特性--- Traffic Characteristics人的特性--- Huma n Characteristics车辆特性--- Vehicular Characteristics交通流特性--- Traffic Flow Characteristics道路特性--- Roadway Characteristics交通调查--- Traffic Survey交通流理论--- Traffic Flow Theory交通管理--- Traffic Man ageme nt交通环境保护---- T raffic En vir onment Protecti on 交通设计--- Traffic Desig n交通统计学--- Traffic Statistics交通心理学--- Traffic Psychology汽车力学--- Automobile Mecha nics交通经济学--- Traffic Econo mics汽车工程--- Automobile Engin eeri ng人类工程--- Huma n Engin eeri ng环境工程--- En vir onment Engin eeri ng自动控制--- Automatic Con trol电子计算机Electric Computer第一章公共汽车一Bus无轨电车Trolley Bus有轨电车Tram Car大客车Coach小轿车Seda n载货卡车Truck拖挂车Trailer平板车Flat-bed Truck动力特性一Drivi ng Force Characteristics 牵引力Tractive Force空气阻力Air Resista nee滚动阻力Rolli ng Resista nee坡度阻力Grade Resista nee加速阻力Accelerati on Resista nee附着力一一 Adhesive Force汽车的制动力Braki ng of Motor Vehicle 自行车流特性Bicycle flow Characteristics驾驶员特性Driver Characteristics刺激Stimulation感觉--- Sense判断--- Judgme nt行动--- Action视觉--- Visual Sense听觉--- Heari ng Sense嗅觉--- Se nse of Smell味觉--- Sense of Touch视觉特性--- Visual Characteristics视力--- Visi on视野--- Field of Visio n色彩感觉--- Color Sense眩目时的视力--- Glare Visio n视力恢复--- Retur n Time of Visio n动视力--- Visual in Motion亮度--- Luminance照度--- Luminance反应特性--- Reactive Characteristics刺激信息--- Stimula nt In formati on驾驶员疲劳与兴奋---- Drivi ng Fati ng and Excitability交通量--- Traffic Volume地点车速Spot Speed瞬时车速In sta ntan eous Speed时间平均车速Time mean Speed空间平均车速Space mean speed车头时距Time headway车头间距一一Space headway。

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A Survey of Inter-Vehicle CommunicationJun Luo Jean-Pierre HubauxSchool of Computer and Communication SciencesEPFL,CH-1015Lausanne,SwitzerlandTechnical Report IC/2004/24AbstractAs a component of the intelligent transportation system(ITS)and one of the concrete applications of mobile ad hoc networks,inter-vehicle communication(IVC)has attractedresearch attention from both the academia and industry of,notably,US,EU,and Japan.The most important feature of IVC is its ability to extend the horizon of drivers andon-board devices(e.g.,radar or sensors)and,thus,to improve road traffic safety andefficiency.This paper surveys IVC with respect to key enabling technologies rangingfrom physical radio frequency to group communication primitives and security issues.The mobility models used to evaluate the feasibility of these technologies are also brieflydescribed.We focus on the discussion of various MAC protocols that seem to be indis-pensable components in the network protocol stack of IVC.By analyzing the applicationrequirements and the protocols built upon the MAC layer to meet these requirements,wealso advocate our perspective that ad hoc routing protocols and group communicationprimitives migrated from wired networks might not be an efficient way to support theenvisioned applications,and that new coordination algorithms directly based on MACcould be designed for this purpose.1IntroductionInter-vehicle communication(IVC),on one hand,is an important component of the intelligent transportation system(ITS)architecture.It enables a driver(or its vehicle)to communicate with other drivers(or their vehicles)that locate out of the range of line of sight(LOS)(or even out of the radio range if a multihop network is built among several vehicles).As a result, information gathered through IVC can help improve the road traffic safety and efficiency. On the other hand,moving vehicles equipped with communication devices form exactly an instance of long envisioned mobile ad hoc networks[25].Benefiting from the large capacities (in terms of both space and power)of vehicles,the nodes of these networks can have long transmission ranges and virtually unlimited lifetimes.Also,many existing protocols designedfor ad hoc networks and experiences learned from related researches can be applied,such that results staying so far in academia are put into practice.One of the earliest studies on IVC was started by JSK(Association of Electronic Tech-nology for Automobile Traffic and Driving)of Japan in the ter,well-known research results on platooning1have been demonstrated by California PATH[13]and Chauf-feur of EU[12].The cooperative driving systems of Japan in the late1990s and2000(e.g., DEMO2000[33])exhibit another set of important applications of IVC.A related topic is adaptive cruise control(ACC).Traditional solutions to this issue involve mainly automatic control systems for individual vehicles[34],but IVC can help to make the coordination more efficient.Recently,the transmission of information about incidents,emergencies,or conges-tion from(a)preceding vehicle(s)to vehicles following behind also became an important application of IVC(e.g.,[24]).The newly initiated European Project CarTALK2000[26] tries to cover problems related to safe and comfortable driving based on IVC.It focuses on the design,test and evaluation of co-operative driver assistance systems by taking into account both IVC and road-to-vehicle communication(RVC),where RVC is used to provide vehicles with access tofixed networks[23].CarTALK2000also co-operates with other projects like German FleetNet[9]for the development of IVC.The main applications of IVC,as summarized by[26],can be roughly categorized into three classes:•Information and warning functions:Dissemination of road information(including incidents,congestion,surface condition,etc.)to vehicles distant from the subjected site.•Communication-based longitudinal control:Exploiting the“look-through”capa-bility of IVC to help avoiding accidents and platooning vehicles for improving road capacity.•Co-operative assistance systems:Coordinating vehicles at critical points such as blind crossings(a crossing without light control)and highway entries.There are also“added value”applications,such as location-based services and multiplayer games.Considering the tight coupling between a specific application and its supporting mech-anisms,we will not devote a section to describe applications,we rather mention applications when their enabling mechanisms are discussed instead.The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.Section2discusses the radio bands used in IVC physical layer.Section3details various proposals for IVC MAC.Section4 presents several routing protocols dedicated to IVC.Section5overviews application of group 1Platooning is by definition the technique of coupling two or more vehicles together electronically to form a train.This means that the total headway for vehicles going in the same direction could be reduced,and the capacity of the road would consequently be increased.communication in IVC.Section6discusses security issues.Section7briefly describes different mobility models used in IVC simulations.Finally,Section8concludes the paper.2Radio Frequency SpectrumIn this section,we discuss the frequency spectra used by different IVC systems rather than the technical issues such as the antenna and modulation in physical layer.As the media for the IVC,both infrared and radio waves have been studied and employed for experimental systems.The radio waves include VHF,micro,and millimeter waves.The communication with infrared and millimeter waves are within the range of LOS and usually directional,whereas those with VHF and microwaves are of broadcast type.Although VHF waves such as220MHz band have been used because of their long communication distance, the mainstream nowadays is microwaves.The dedicated short range communication(DSRC) in US,allocated by FCC,spans over75MHz of spectrum in the5.9GHz band.In Japan,5.8 GHz DSRC was used by DEMO2000and60GHz millimeter wave has been tested to evaluate its performance under the hidden terminal situation.In Europe,Chauffeur chose2.4GHz at the beginning;it changed also to5.8GHz later.CarTALK/FleetNet chose UTRA TDD because of the availability of an unlicensed frequency band at2010–2020MHz in Europe.It is worth to note that infrared,in spite of its various drawbacks,has been adopted by most projects including JSK,PATH,and CarTALK,typically for co-operative driving.3MAC/PHY Layer:(W)LAN vs.3GCurrently,there are two main approaches in developing wireless MAC for IVC.They differ in the adopted radio interface.One approach is based on existing wireless LAN physical layers,such as the one of IEEE802.11or Bluetooth.An alternative approach is to extend3G cellular technology,i.e.,CDMA,for decentralized access.The advantage of thefirst approach is its inherent support for distributed coordination in ad hoc mode,but theflexibility of radio resource assignment and of transmission rate control is low.On the contrary,3G extensions have the potential of high granularity for data transmission andflexible assignment of radio resources due to the CDMA component,but suffer from the complexity of designing coordination function in ad hoc mode.We now discuss these two approaches separately.3.1WLAN ExtensionAlthough it is possible to directly use WLAN standards for RVC[23],the outcome might not be satisfactory for IVC since,for example,these mechanisms are designed without having mo-bility in mind.Migrating a WLAN technology for vehicular applications requires development in the following areas:a.Resistance to potentially more severe multipath effectsb.Time synchronization between nodes susceptible to move rapidlyc.Distributed resource allocation in a network of highly dynamic topology.While a)and b)depend much on the development of hardware and proper physical layer, there are proposals that tried to solve c)and d)solely within the MAC layer.We hereafter discuss several proposals that inherit certain parts of the existing standards but try to solve some aforementioned aspect(s)by adding new features.Lee et al.[16]from PATH suggest the use of a token ring protocol similar to IEEE802.4 to solve the contention of radio resources.The protocol includes the mechanism to construct, recovery,join,and leave a ring,as well as the token circulation,recovery and multiple token resolution in the ring.Although this protocol is claimed to be adaptive to dynamic topology and rely only on the physical layer of IEEE802.11,the performance evaluations did not take mobility into account and the protocol evaluated is implemented on top of IEEE801.11DCF. Therefore,convincing proof would be necessary to show that this protocol is suitable for IVC.Katragadda et al.[15]propose a Location-based Channel Access(LCA)protocol.As-suming the availability of location-aware devices with each node,the LCA protocol divides a geographical area into cellular structure with each cell having a unique channel associated with it.Within a given cell,any multiple access schemes,including CSMA,CDMA,and TDMA,can be used.In this sense,LCA is not simply an extension of WLAN.Considering the similarity between LCA and the spatial division multiple access(SDMA)in traditional cellular networks,a doubt may be raised about the protocol’s adaptability to high mobility scenarios like in IVC.There are other proposals based on some traditional LAN technologies such as the non-or p-persistent CSMA used by DOLPHIN[32].The contribution of this work is to show that the non-persistent CSMA outperforms the p-persistent one regarding packet loss in those cases usually involved in IVC.As a result,the non-persistent CSMA is adopted as the IVC protocol of the DEMO2000co-operative driving[33].Numerous proposals are concerned with modifying IEEE802.11for some specific case(s). We do not discuss them here due to their minor significance to IVC.3.23G ExtensionIt is impossible to directly apply3G technologies,because they are designed for cellular networks,which are inherently centralized.The following problems have to be addressed in order to extend3G technologies for IVC:a.Distributed radio resource managementb.Power control algorithmsc.Time synchronizationAll these problems are due to the absence of centralized infrastructure.Therefore,the solution should rely on distributed media access control.Many proposals suggest to use Reservation ALOHA(R-ALOHA)for distributed chan-nel assignment.R-ALOHA has higher throughput than slotted-ALOHA,since a node that catches a slots can use it in subsequent frames as long as it has packets to send.However, there are two problems to be solved in order to make traditional R-ALOHA work for IVC. On one hand,R-ALOHA has a potential risk of instability in the case of many participating nodes and frequent reservation attempts due to short packet trains.Lott et al.[17]solve this problem by letting every node reserve a small part of transmit capacity permanently even if it has no packets to send.This results in a circuit-switched broadcast connection primarily used for signaling purposes.The time synchronization is built upon the information from GPS and additional synchronization sequence in parallel to data transmission.Further system evalua-tion under high node mobility can be found in[27].On the other hand,traditional R-ALOHA needs a broadcast environment for all nodes to receive all the transmitted signals and,most important,to get the status information of slots.Since IVC suffers from the hidden terminal problem,destructive interference with already established channels can occur and accessing nodes have no idea about the outcome of their transmission.To overcome these problems, Borgonovo et al.[4]are currently studying a new protocol,named Reliable R-ALOHA(or RR-ALOHA).This protocol transmits additional information to let all nodes be aware of the status of each slot,thus safely allows the same reservation procedure of R-ALOHA to happen in IVC.The two-hop relaying that propagates the status information is very similar to what is used in ad hoc routing to let a node know the neighbor information of its neighbors.However, since this work is very recent and is still under study,nofield test or simulation results are reported,leading to the question about its performance under high mobility networks.Both protocols are based on UTRA TDD,which is chosen by CarTALK/FleetNet as the target system.Several MAC protocols for ad hoc networks combine CDMA with random channel access (e.g.,[29]).These protocols usually start their transmission immediately,irrespectively of the state of the channel.Under appropriate code assignment and spreading-code schemes, primary collisions(i.e.,two nodes with the same code try to access the channel together)can be avoided.However,Muqattash and Krunz[21]pointed out that RA-CDMA(random access CDMA)suffers from multi-access interference(MAI),resulting in secondary collisions(also known as near-far problem in the literature)at a receiver.As a consequence,CA-CDMA[21] uses a modified RTS/CTS reservation mechanism.The channel is split into control and data channels.RTS/CTS is transferred over control channels to let all potentially interfering nodes be aware of the channel status.In contrast to IEEE802.11,interfering nodes may be allowed to transmit concurrently depending on some criteria.The protocol also exploits knowledge of the power levels of the overheard RTS/CTS to perform power control that intends toalleviate near-far problem.According to the simulation results(especially the comparison between CA-CDMA and IEEE802.11),this protocol is a quite promising MAC for ad hoc networks,but simulations(or evenfield tests)that take mobility into account are necessary to justify its deployment in IVC.Summary Although a number of MAC protocols have been proposed,more efforts will be needed to put them into practice.Currently,IEEE802.11b is still the one used for demonstration[10],and IEEE802.11a is chosen by ASTM(American Society for Testing and Materials)to be the basis for its standard of DSRC[1].However,the MAC protocol based on UTRA TDD,promoted by CarTALK,could be another promising solution for IVC(at least in the EU).4Network Layer:The Role of Location AwarenessAlmost all unicast routing protocols proposed for IVC are position-based.Basically,any existing position-based routing protocol for ad hoc networks[30]can be applied to IVC, but the protocols can be optimized by taking into account the special features of vehicles. For example,GPS,Geographic Information System(GIS),and digital map can help a node to be aware of its location and the surrounding,like road topology.Since the road topology somewhat implies the network topology in IVC,this knowledge does help to make the routing protocol more efficient[31,7].Furthermore,one of the most recent results on position-based routing[11]proposes a forwarding scheme avoiding the need of beacons for improved efficiency. One of the real implementations,demonstrated by FleetNet[10](or see[20]),has not exploited these special features of vehicles yet.Their protocol behaves like a reactive routing protocol by requesting the location of a destination when sending a packet.Then greedy geographical forwarding is used to forward packets.We also notice that most people try to solve the problem of unicast routing just because“it is challenging in ad hoc networks”.Actually,by looking at those applications mentioned in Section1(which involve almost group-oriented rather than pairwise communications),we are really wondering if unicast routing still has the same significance as in“general”ad hoc networks.The application of broadcast is usually to disseminate traffic information.Most literatures suggest scoped-flooding for broadcasting.Thanks to the peculiarity of this application,certain optimizations can be applied.For example,Wischhof et al.[35]adaptively change the inter-transmission interval according to the significance of the event conveyed by the message in transmission,while Briesemeister et al.[6]use a randomized interval.If the locations of vehicles are again taken into consideration,a multiresolution data structure can be used to express information in the message[19].The intuition here is that the further a vehicle is from the event,the less detail it needs.Summary Considering the application requirements for IVC,broadcast routing that dis-seminates information to a set of nodes that could be far from each other seems to be a necessary supporting mechanism;it could be optimized according the requirement of an ap-plication.On the contrary,unicast routing might be superfluous in most cases.5Group Communication:Promising but Unattended AreaAlthough two of the main applications of IVC,namely platooning and co-operative driving, imply the need of group communication,researchers seldom pay attention to this area.While broadcast protocols mentioned in the previous section perform group-oriented information dissemination,group communication primitives would still be welcome for IVC,because re-liability could be important in certain critical situations.We hereby overview a few related works and try to envision some potential research aspects.Briesemeister[5]suggests reducing the group membership service to the local environment of a node,due to the impossibility result of primary-component group membership in asyn-chronous systems with crash failures(which is the situation with IVC).The localized group membership service(LGMS)only tracks the membership of neighbors and installs a local view at each node.Obviously,the views of different nodes differ from each other.Although LGMS provides an interesting solution to the problem that the author aims at,i.e.,congestion area detection,its weak properties(e.g.,no agreement on the membership)make it hard to apply to a broad context.Actually,this service does not support any functions with a reliability requirement due to the lack of global view of the group.Gorman[22]raises a very interesting problem about coordinating vehicles at a blind cross-ing,which he terms4way stop(4WS)problem,and tries to apply group communication to perform coordination functions.While the problem itself is intriguing since it is an important aspect of co-operative driving,the proposed solution may not be adequate.It is not clear whether all the properties mentioned in the thesis,which are direct migrations from tradition group communication system,could work in IVC environment.People from the theoretical research area of distributed computing also notice the impor-tance of applying group communication in IVC.Meier and Cahill[18]proposed an event-based middleware to support group oriented applications.They focus on small groups that are ap-parently abstracted from scenarios in IVC2.However,the underlying membership service that attempts to locate all nodes in a given geographical area is a bit costly(in terms of commu-nication consumption),and it is not clear if applications really need this kind of membership service.Baehni et al.[2]consider the problem of sharing certain resources among a group of vehicles.They propose an algorithm that solves the problem in a synchronous model.Their another important contribution is to prove the impossibility of achieving fairness and concur-rency at the same time as well as the impossibility of solving the problem in an asynchronous 2Unfortunately,they implement their experiments only in a RVC scenario.model.Summary Group communication is definitely an important component of IVC,but it has seldom been touched.The experiences from existing proposals show that potential design considerations could include:(i)building the system directly upon the MAC layer and(ii) tracking membership in a more lightweight way than a global tracking.6Security:An Emerging Research TopicSecurity of IVC has been ignored so far by the research community.The only publication we couldfind is by El Zarki et al.[36].The paper proposes a system called DAHNI(Driver Ad Hoc Networking Infrastructure),to be mounted(in the long run)on each vehicle.DAHNI includes both processing and wireless communication facilities,allowing each car to constitute a local communication area around itself.In this way,each car can exchange vital signs with the neighboring vehicles.The authors discuss the security implications of such a solution.One of their conclusions is a bit surprising:they mention that no confidentiality is needed,thereby neglecting the tremendous privacy concerns that such a solution is likely to raise.They mention that no key distribution is necessary,which is true for the scenarios they consider;but if vehicles need to securely estimate the distance between them,the establishment of symmetric keys is required.Recently,we have shown that the wireless identification of vehicles is likely to rely more and more on electronic licence plates[14].We have identified the attacks against such a scheme, including those against the privacy of vehicle drivers;we have sketched appropriate techniques to thwart them.We have shown that this principle enables fundamental mechanisms such as location verification;it also supports secure distance estimation.Finally,we have explained how these mechanisms can support cooperative driving.7Mobility Model:Basis of Protocol SimulationThe mobility pattern underlying an inter-vehicle network is quite different from the“random waypoint”model that is intensively used for ad hoc network simulations.Fortunately,re-searchers of applied mathematics have already proposed many tools for traffic modeling(e.g., [3]provides a survey of these approaches),which can be used to extend network simulators such as ns-2and GloMoSim.Note that the simulations for MAC protocols of IVC should also take mobility into account[27],which is not necessarily the case for traditional MAC protocol(even wireless MAC like IEEE802.11).Usually,mathematical modeling for traffic can be classified into three categories[3],ac-cording to the phenomenological observation of the system:(i)microscopic modeling,(ii) statistical description,and(iii)macroscopic description.We are not going to give detailsabout each method,but rather provide examples where certain protocols are simulated.Mi-croscopic modeling is suitable for simulating group communications,because the applications of these protocols are often concerned with local behaviors of vehicles.For example,Briese-meister applies a microscopic model in her thesis[5],which describes the velocity and position of each vehicle at a given time.Many other papers discussing routing protocols use macro-scopic model where the mobility pattern is defined by four parameters:average vehicle speed v in m/s,traffic densityρin vehicles/km,trafficflow q in vehicles/s,and net time gapτin ually,assumptions are made on two of them since the other two can be calculated subsequently.For example,Rudack et al.[28]assume a v of normal distribution and aτof exponential distribution,while Briesemeister et al.[6]assign uniform distribution for both v andρ.All the aforementioned models deal with one-dimensional cases,but the real mobility pattern of vehicle is in a two(even three)dimensional space.To this purpose,the cellular automaton approach[8],combined with road patterns created based on certain maps,is adopted by FleetNet to simulate their Self-Organizing Traffic Information System(SOTIS) [35].This approach is based on Markov chain theory to emulate the vehicles’behavior at a cross road.Summary The application context has to be taken into account when choosing a mobility model to evaluate certain protocols.8ConclusionVarious aspects of IVC are surveyed in this paper.The paper shows that the design of communication protocols in the framework of IVC is extremely challenging due to the variety of application requirements and the tight coupling between an application and its supporting protocols.Most existing proposals are concerned with MAC and routing protocols.While MAC is definitely an important component of the IVC protocol stack,we are not convinced that routing protocols are necessary in most cases,as they are supposed to be in general ad hoc networks.In many situations,especially those related to co-operative driving,local but distributed coordination functions sitting directly upon MAC would be more efficient solutions.In addition,since vehicles will get more“smart”,partially due to the installation of IVC systems,security and privacy are becoming new concerns that both academia and industry should pay attention to.Finally,mathematical models for road traffic are important tools in developing IVC systems,because simulations are still necessary in testing large scale communication systems.References[1]ASTM E22123-02.Telecommunications and information exchange between roadside andvehicle systems.In ASTM International,2001..[2]S.Baehni,R.Baldoni,B.Pochon,and R.Guerraoui.The driving 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