Determination of low chemical oxygen demand values in water by the dichromate semi-micro method



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黄酮类化合物是广泛存在于自然界的一大类化合物,已报道的黄酮类化合 物超过四千种。黄酮类化合物具有广泛的生理活性,在I|每床上的应用较为普遍。 随着黄酮类化合物在临床上的广泛应用及对黄酮类化合物的深入研究,发现部分 黄酮类化合物存在含量测定不准、临床应用引起毒副作用,以及生物利用度低等 问题。 在多年的试验研究和生产中发现部分黄酮类化合物存在含量测定不准的现 象。以黄芩苷和芦丁为例。黄芩苷和芦丁的母体结构2一苯色原酮,为交叉的共 轭体系,为了使共轭体系更稳定,部分黄芩苷分子发生电子转移与重排,使共轭

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化学分析计量CHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND METERAGE第30卷,第6期2021年6月V ol. 30,No. 6Jun. 202162doi :10.3969/j.issn.1008–6145.2021.06.014酸化吹气–重铬酸钾法测定高氯地表水中化学需氧量达莉芳,范丽华,施玉格,段小燕,李刚,李媛,贺承启(新疆维吾尔自治区生态环境监测总站,乌鲁木齐 830011)摘要 建立酸化吹气–重铬酸钾法测定高氯地表水化学需氧量(COD Cr )的方法。

通过在高氯水样中加入适宜浓度的硫酸,在加热及吹气条件下使干扰物氯离子以氯化氢的形式释放出,并用氢氧化钠溶液吸收,再采用重铬酸盐法对驱氯后的样品进行COD Cr 的测定。

结果表明,在优化条件下,当取样体积为10.0 mL 时,本方法的检出限为4 mg /L ,测定结果的相对标准偏差为5.2%~13.5%(n =6),与理论值的相对误差为–2.0%~4.3%。

该方法适用于氯离子质量浓度为1 000~100 000 mg /L 的地表水中化学需氧量的测定。

关键词 氯;地表水;化学需氧量;酸化吹气–重铬酸钾法中图分类号:O661.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008–6145(2021)06–0062–05Determination of chemical oxygen demand in high chlorine surface waterby blow–acidizing–dichromate methodDa Lifang, Fan Lihua, Shi Yuge, Duan Xiaoyan, Li Gang, Li Yuan, He Chengqi(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Ecological Environmental Monitoring Station, Urumqi 830011, China )Abstract A method was developed for determination of the chemical oxygen demand(CODCr) in high chlorine surface water by blow–acidizing–dichromate method. By adding sulfuric acid of speci fic concentration to the water sample with high concentration of chloride ion, the interfering chloride ion was released in the form of hydrogen chloride under heating and air blow conditions, and absorbed by sodium hydroxide solution. CODCr of the sample was determined by dichromate method after chloride removal. The results show that the detection limit of this method was 4 mg /L, the relative standard deviation of determination results was 5.2%–13.5%(n =6) and the relative error with the theoretical value was from –2.0% to 4.3% when the sample volume was 10.0 mL under optimized conditions. The method is suitable for the determination of COD Cr in surface water with the mass concentration of chloride ion between 1 000 mg /L and 100 000 mg /L.Keywords chlorine; surface water; chemical oxygen demand; blow–acidizing–dichromate method化学需氧量(COD Cr )是指在一定条件下,经重铬酸钾氧化处理时,与水样中的溶解性物质和悬浮物所消耗的重铬酸盐相对应的氧的质量浓度,以 mg /L 表示[1]。


KDB9013 高氯废水测定仪,青岛科迪博电子科技有限公司。 1.3 主要试剂
28.5 48.3 73.8 95.6 147 207 247 304 506 687
34.8 49.0 75.7 98.3 157 202 242 308 504 710
33.6 53.6 76.4 106 155 210 251 294 518 689
31.6 55.4 77.9 104 152 215 267 312 511 706
13.8 28.7 66.4 92.2 119 168 215 265 315 495 698
16.2 27.5 68.2 89.9 112 172 210 268 297 508 691
17.4 32.3 69.3 88.4 114 170 213 266 312 489 705
污染源监测质量保证和质量控制技术规范(试行 )》(HJ/T373-2007)中相对偏差≤15% (50mg/L≤COD≤100mg/L)和≤10%(COD>100mg/L)的要求,因此需要进行修订,即扣除 一个氯离子校正值[5]。氯离子校正值计算及验证结果见表 2.
COD 标准 值
50 75 100 150 200 250
COD 值 氯离子质量浓度
30 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 500 700

山东省地方标准3737 高氯水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法

山东省地方标准3737 高氯水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法

ICS13.060Z 16 DB37 山东省地方标准DB 37/T 3737—2019高氯水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法High chlorinated water quality—Determination of chemical oxygendemand—Dichromate method2019- 12 -05发布2020-01-05实施目次前言 (II)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (1)4 方法原理 (1)5 干扰和消除 (2)6 试剂和材料 (2)7 仪器和设备 (4)8 样品采集 (5)9 分析步骤 (5)10 计算结果与表示 (7)11 精密度和准确度 (7)12 质量保证和质量控制 (8)13 废物处理 (8)14 注意事项 (8)前言本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009给出的规则起草。







1 范围本标准规定了测定高氯水质中化学需氧量的重铬酸盐法。

本标准适用于氯离子质量浓度1 000 mg/L~30 000 mg/L的地表水、生活污水及工业废水等水质化学需氧量(COD)的测定。

取样量为20.0 ml时,方法的检出限为4 mg/L,方法的测定下限为16 mg/L。

2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。



GB 11896 水质氯化物的测定硝酸银滴定法HJ/T 91 地表水和污水监测技术规范HJ/T 195 水质氨氮的测定气相分子吸收光谱法HJ 535 水质氨氮的测定纳氏试剂分光光度法3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本文件。

《水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法》(HJ 828—2017)的实验室方法验证

《水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法》(HJ 828—2017)的实验室方法验证

《水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法》(HJ 828—2017)的实验室方法验证作者:张笑李文明来源:《河南科技》2019年第04期摘要:化学需氧量(COD)是我国实施排放总量控制的指标之一,反映了水中受还原性物质污染的程度。

本文主要对《水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法》(HJ 828—2017)的方法进行验证。


关键词:化学需氧量;方法验证;方法检查限中图分类号:X832 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-5168(2019)04-0146-03Method Verification in Laboratory of Water Quality-Determination ofthe Chemical Oxygen Demand-Dichromate Method (HJ828-2017)ZHANG Xiao LI Wenming(Xi’an Environmental Sanitation Scientific Research Institute,Xi’an Shaanxi 710000)Abstract: Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is one of the indicators of total emission control in our country. It reflects the degree of contamination by reducing substances in water. This paper mainly validated the method of "Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand of Water Quality by Dichromate Method" (HJ 828—2017). The results showed that the detection limit of the method was 4mg/L, which was equal to the detection limit given by the method. Six parallel samples of the self-control sample 2001117 (30.2+1.9mg/L) and the self-control sample 2001116(224+8mg/L) were determined. The relative standard deviations were 2.6% and 3.1% respectively, which were within 5% of the method requirements and met the method requirements. The relative errors were 1.2 and 2 respectively, which met the method requirements.Keywords: COD;method verification;method check limit水中化学需氧量(COD)是衡量水质污染程度的指标之一[1]。



马鞍泵站这三根管线氯离子浓度都较高,特别是滨海水务,两次测定氯离子平均值接近4 000 mg/L ,对化学需氧量COD 测定干扰非常大。

1.2 准确测定COD 的重要性COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量是指利用化学氧化剂将水中的还原性物质(如有机物)氧化分解所消耗的氧量。


由于有机物是水体中最常见的还原性物质,因此,COD 在一定程度上反映了水体受到有机物污染的程度。

COD 越高,表明水体中还原性物质越高,而还原性物质可降低水体中溶解氧的含量,导致水生生物缺氧以至死亡,水质腐败变臭。


对绍兴水处理而言,COD 是废水处理效果控制的重要指标之一。

COD 的去除效果反映生化系统运行的好坏,而生化系统又是整个污水处理工艺的核心部分,若COD 的去除出现异常,则系统恢复难度大、时间长,对出水达标带来严峻考验;其二,公司进出水COD 波动较大,尤其是高氯废水,更需提供准确的数据为生产做好指导作用。


2 研究目标与内容2.1 研究目标在运用国家标准HJ 828—2017重铬酸盐法测定COD 时,消除高氯废水对其COD 测定的结果的影响,提高测定准确度,降低成本,尽量避免二次污染。

2.2 研究内容考虑到高氯废水对测定COD 的影响,对遮蔽剂硫酸汞做1 概述随着我国工业化进程的不断发展,工业生产得到迅猛发展,高氯废水排放量也日益增加。

绍兴水处理发展有限公司(以下简称“绍兴水处理”)工业废水处理规模60万t/d ,进水以上游企业印染废水、化工废水为主。

化工废水接近1.3万t/d ,其中不乏大量高氯废水,而在对这些废水的处理中,测定化学需氧量COD 是了解水体受到有机物污染的程度,并进而消除有机污染物的重要环节之一。

目前,COD 值国家标准测定的方法是HJ 828—2017中规定的重铬酸盐法,该标准方法原理: 水样中还原性物质时所消耗氧化剂重铬酸钾的量,折算成每升水样全部被氧化后,需要的氧的毫克数。



水质化学需氧量测定全程质量控制郑昌军(雅安市雨城生态环境监测站 四川雅安 625000)摘要:在开展环境监测工作中,质量控制是必要手段,通过质量控制可提升环境监测数据的可靠性与准确性。



关键词:水质 化学需氧量 测定方法 全程质量控制中图分类号:X832文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2023)22-0187-04Quality Control of the Whole Process of the Chemical Oxygen Demand Determination of Water QualityZHENG Changjun(Yucheng Ecological Environment Monitoring Station, Ya'an, Sichuan Province, 625000 China) Abstract: In the development of environmental monitoring, quality control is a necessary means, and the reliability and accuracy of environmental monitoring data can be improved through quality control. At present, there are many methods used for the determination of the chemical oxygen demand of water quality, such as dichromate titration, permanganate titration and spectrophotometry. This paper first briefly introduces various determination methods, then, combined with the water quality of a river in a county in Sichuan Province, selects appropriate determination methods to determine the chemical oxygen demand of water quality in the river, and formulates the quality control method of the whole process of determination, so as to ensure the quality and effect of the chemical oxygen demand determination of water quality.Key Words: Water quality; Chemical oxygen demand; Determination method; Whole process quality control所谓化学需氧量主要是指在特定的条件下,被检测水体之中包含的还原性物质受到强氧化剂产生的氧化作用影响的情况下,所用氧化剂的使用量,通常将氧的质量浓度来对其进行表示。

化学需氧量 英语

化学需氧量 英语

化学需氧量英语Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)The concept of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a crucial parameter in the field of environmental science and water quality management. COD is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to oxidize all the organic and inorganic matter in a water sample, both biodegradable and non-biodegradable. This measurement is essential in understanding the overall pollution load of water bodies and the subsequent treatment required to meet environmental standards.The importance of COD lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of the water's quality. Unlike the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) test, which only measures the amount of oxygen required for the biological breakdown of organic matter, COD encompasses a wider range of organic and inorganic compounds. This includes substances that are resistant to biological degradation, such as certain industrial chemicals, pesticides, and even some types of organic matter.The COD test is performed by adding a strong oxidizing agent, suchas potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7), to a water sample. The oxidizing agent reacts with the organic and inorganic matter, converting them to carbon dioxide and water. The amount of oxygen consumed during this process is then measured and expressed as the COD value, typically in milligrams of oxygen per liter of water (mg/L).The COD test is widely used in various industries and applications, including municipal and industrial wastewater treatment, surface water quality monitoring, and groundwater assessment. In the wastewater treatment context, COD is a crucial parameter for determining the effectiveness of the treatment process and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. By monitoring the COD levels, operators can optimize treatment strategies, ensure efficient removal of pollutants, and minimize the impact of effluent discharge on receiving water bodies.Furthermore, COD measurements are essential in the management of industrial processes, where the disposal of high-strength waste streams can have significant environmental consequences. Industries such as food processing, pulp and paper, and chemical manufacturing rely on COD analysis to assess the pollution load of their wastewater and implement appropriate treatment methods.In addition to its practical applications, COD measurement also playsa vital role in scientific research and environmental monitoring. Researchers use COD data to study the sources, transport, and fateof organic and inorganic pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, as well as to assess the overall health and resilience of these systems. This information is crucial for the development of effective environmental policies, conservation strategies, and sustainable resource management practices.Despite its widespread use, the COD test is not without its challenges. The method can be influenced by the presence of certain inorganic compounds, such as chlorides and nitrites, which can interfere with the oxidation process. Additionally, the COD test does not provide information on the specific nature of the organic compounds present, which can limit its usefulness in certain applications.To address these challenges, researchers and practitioners have developed various modifications and alternative methods for COD determination, such as the use of specific oxidizing agents, microbial-based assays, and advanced analytical techniques like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).In conclusion, the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is a fundamental parameter in the field of water quality assessment and environmental management. It provides a comprehensive understanding of thepollution load in water bodies, enabling informed decision-making and the implementation of effective treatment strategies. As environmental concerns continue to be a global priority, the importance of COD monitoring and analysis will only increase, contributing to the sustainability and protection of our precious water resources.。





HJ 中华人民共和国环境保护行业标准HJ/T 399-2007水质 化学需氧量的测定快速消解分光光度法Water quality-Determination of the chemical oxygen demand -Fast digestion-Spectrophotometric method(发布稿)2007-12-07发布 2008-03-01 实施 国家环境保护总局发 布目 次前言 (Ⅱ)1适用范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4原理 (1)5试剂和材料 (2)6干扰及消除 (5)7仪器和设备 (5)8样品 (7)9测定条件的选择 (7)10步骤 (8)11结果的表示 (9)12准确度和精密度 (10)前言为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,规范国家环境污染物监测方法,制定本标准。









水质 化学需氧量的测定 快速消解分光光度法警告:硫酸汞属于剧毒化学品,硫酸也具有较强的化学腐蚀性,操作时应按规定要求佩带防护器具,避免接触皮肤和衣服,若含硫酸溶液溅出,应立即用大量清水清洗;在通风柜内进行操作;检测后的残渣残液应做妥善的安全处理。


本标准对未经稀释的水样,其COD测定下限为15 mg/L,测定上限为1000mg/L,其氯离子浓度不应大于1000mg/L。






HJ 中华人民共和国环境保护行业标准HJ/T 399-2007水质 化学需氧量的测定快速消解分光光度法Water quality-Determination of the chemical oxygen demand -Fast digestion-Spectrophotometric method(发布稿)2007-12-07发布 2008-03-01 实施 国家环境保护总局发 布目 次前言 (Ⅱ)1适用范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4原理 (1)5试剂和材料 (2)6干扰及消除 (5)7仪器和设备 (5)8样品 (7)9测定条件的选择 (7)10步骤 (8)11结果的表示 (9)12准确度和精密度 (10)前言为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,规范国家环境污染物监测方法,制定本标准。









水质 化学需氧量的测定 快速消解分光光度法警告:硫酸汞属于剧毒化学品,硫酸也具有较强的化学腐蚀性,操作时应按规定要求佩带防护器具,避免接触皮肤和衣服,若含硫酸溶液溅出,应立即用大量清水清洗;在通风柜内进行操作;检测后的残渣残液应做妥善的安全处理。


本标准对未经稀释的水样,其COD测定下限为15 mg/L,测定上限为1000mg/L,其氯离子浓度不应大于1000mg/L。




英语三级笔译综合能力2004年试卷Section 1 Vocabulary and Grammar (25 points)This section consists of three parts. Bead the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes.Part 1 Vocabulary SelectionIn this party there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Then blacken the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. Grover Cleveland was the first president ______ in the White House.A. got marriedB. to get marriedC. has got marriedD. was married2. If cauliflowers are not _____ from extreme temperatures, the heads get discolored.A. protectedB. shelterC. shadeD. saved3. The gas ______ from the tank is dangerous.A. given offB. giving outC. giving awayD. given up4. When it started to snow, we turned round and _____ the hotel.A. got byB. searched forC. made forD. cleared up5. Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived _____ hope.A. inB. forC. onD. through6. Rice is the ______ food of most Southeast Asians.A. commonB. generalC. stapleD. popular7. William Byrd was the owner of the largest library in colonial ______.A. periodB. timeC. timesD. periods8. Exobiology is the study of life ______ other planets.A. inB. atC. onD. to9. The Declaration of Independence, _______ the Constitution of the United States,was drawn up with the help of Benjamin Franklin.A. andB. alsoC. as well asD. so too10. It was from the Lowell Laboratory that the ninth ______, Pluto, was sighted in1930.A. planetB. constellationC. stardomD. satellite11 .The rodent, _______ the mouse, rat, guinea pig, and porcupine, are mammals withincisor-like teeth in both jaws.A. made upB. includingC. consistingD. constitute12. ______ into oceans and rivers is a serious form of pollution.A. Pouring sewageB. Emptying litterC. Throwing garbageD. Dumping sewage13. Products which are made from dirts and are _____ high temperatures are knownas ceramics.A. tempered inB. subjected toC. exposed toD. baked in14. A pigment called melanin protects the _____ layers of skin from sun rays.A. underB. belowC. underlyingD. underneath15. Oranges are a ______ source of vitamin C.A. wellB. betterC. goodD. very16. Even after having their grandchildren live with them for ten years, the couple feltthat ______ children these days was the most difficult of all family matters.A. risingB. raisingC. caringD. taking care17. The most important ______ of the farmers in Iraq is dates, of which Iraq is theworld's leading exporter.A. economic cropB. cash cropC. money cropD. staple18. More has been learned about the Moon than any other of the Earth's neighbors inspace because of the Apollo program, which enabled men to walk on the Moon and bring back hundreds of pounds of _____.A. rocksB. rockC. stoneD. stones19. _____ the variety that the average family has in beef, fish, poultry, and vegetarianrecipes, they find most meals unexciting.A. InspiteB. InspiteC. Despite ofD. Despite20. The speaker _____ have criticized the paraprofessionals, knowing full well thatthey were seated in the audience.A. should not toB. must notC. ought not toD. may notPart 2 Vocabulary ReplacementThis part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, By C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part without causing any grammatical error or changing the basic meaning of the sentence. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.21. Iceland has the oldest parliament, which goes as far back to 930 A. D. whenAlthing, the legislative organization, was established.A. officeB. adobeC. assemblyD. building22. The only problem with the debate last week was that the beginning sounded morelike a personal attack than a dispassionate, intellectual arguing.A. discussionB. argumentC. talkD. speech23. Susan Jones was at the bus stop well on time to take the 7:01 bus, but she had tomiss her breakfast to do it.A. catch up withB. catchC. run up toD. be catching24. Since her father could not drive her to the airport, she requested her uncle to driveher instead.A. takeB. bringC. dispatchD. deliver25. A famous collection of Persian, Indian, and Arabian folktales, the Arabian Nightswas supposedly told by the legendary queen Scheherazade to her husband every night for 1,001 days.A. imaginaryB. imageryC. fabledD. legend26. What may be the oldest fossil footprint yet found was discovered in June 1968 byWilliam J. Meister, a non-professional fossil collector.A. a part-timeB. a spare-timeC. an untrainedD. an amateur27. Most of us think of sharks as dangerous, owing to lack of information rather thanfear.A. due toB. becauseC. asD. for28. Double Eagle D, the first trans-Atlantic balloon, was greeted by avid crowds inFrance.A. eagerB. surgingC. appreciativeD. vigorous29. The discovery of the connection between aspirin and Reyessyndrome, a rare anddeadly ailment, is a recent example of the caution with which drugs must be used, even for medical purposes.A. diseaseB. sickC. illD. illness30. My parents moved out of their old home sometime last year after they hadcelebrated their 50th year there.A. anniversaryB. years oldC. ageD. wedding31. The library she worked in lent books, magazines, audio-cassettes and maps to itscustomers, who could keep them for four weeks.A. borrowersB. lendersC. patronsD. clients32. A common question that people ask a story writer is whether or not he hasexperienced what he has written about.A. fictionB. scienceC. imaginaryD. literary33. At the World literacy Center, an organization that works to help people read, thehelpers work hard, enabling them to successfully reach their goals.A. assistantsB. volunteersC. part-timersD. amateurs34. The officers made it clear that they were letting her go only because that she wasold and not because she was above suspicion.A. for reasonB. due toC. because ofD. on the grounds35. The book, which is a useful guide for today's young people, deals with manyquestions and problems that face them at school and at home as well as in society.A. are facedB. confrontC. in oppositionD. meetPart 3 Error CorrectionThis part consists of 75 sentences in which there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer. Blacken the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWERSHEET.36. All don't have a free ticket must pay the admission fee.A. Everyone who doesn't have a free ticketB. No one who doesn't have a free ticketC. No one who has free ticketsD. Anyone who has free tickets37. When I last saw them, the police had chased the robbers down Columbus Street.A. were chasingB. was chasingC. chasedD. were on a chase38. Erosion that is a slow process, but it constantly changes the features on the surfaceof the earth.A. which isB. althoughC. beingD. is39. When an organism is completely encapsulated and preserved, it becomes a fossil,therefore turning into evidence of things that once lived.A. therebyB. as a result ofC. soD. in the end40. The pictures of the Loch Ness Monster show a remarkable resemblance to aplesiosaur, a large water reptile of the Mesozoic era presuming extinct for more than 70 million years.A. supposedB. presumablyC. presumptuousD. is presumed41. In our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are perhaps 200 billion stars, a small partof them probably have planets on which life is feasible.A. a small fraction in whichB. a small fraction of whichC. a small fraction whichD. which a fraction of42. "But you'll be able to come, won’t you?" "Yes, I think such."A. thatB. itC. soD. this43. The professor is quite difficult pleased.A. to pleaseB. to be pleasedC. for pleasingD. pleasing44. Because everyone knows, facts speak louder than words.A. SinceB. ThatC. ItD. As45. The trapeze artist who ran away with the clown broke up the lion tamer's heart.A. broke awayB. broke downC. brokeD. broken down46. His heavy drinking and fond of gambling makes him a poor role model.A. and fact that he gamblesB. and that he gamblesC. and he gambles whichD. and gambling47. Depression that inflicts people who believe their lives lack content when the rushof the busy week stops referred to by a prominent psychiatrist as Sunday Neurosis.A. has been referred to by a prominent psychiatristB. has been referred to as by a prominent psychiatristC. a prominent psychiatrist has referred to itD. it has been referred to by a prominent psychiatrist48. Just as there are occupations that require college degrees also there areoccupations for which technical training is necessary.A. so to there areB. so too there areC. so there areD. so too are there49. Most of the older civilizations which flourished during the fifth century B. C. aredied out.A. they have died outB. has died outC. have died outD. they had died out50. The student asked her professor if he would have gone on the spaceship he didknow earlier.A. if he knewB. if he knowsC. he had knownD. had he known Section 2 Reading Comprehension (55 points)In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfin-ished statements about the passage, each with four (A, B, C and D) choices to com-plete the statement. You must choose the one which you think fits best. Then blacken the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneQuestions 51 - 56 are based on die following passage.Awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1918, German physicist Max Planck is best remembered as the originator of the quantum theory. His work helped usher in a new era in theoretical physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s understanding of atomic and subatomic processes.Planck introduced an idea that led to the quantum theory, which became the foundation of twentieth century physics. In December 1900, Planck worked out an equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low to high frequencies. He had developed a theory which depended on a model of matter that seemed very strange at the time. The model required the emission of electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or particles. These particles were later called quantums. The energy associated with each quantum is measured by multiplying the frequency of the radiation, v, by a universal constant, h. Thus, energy, or E, equals hv. The constant, h, is known as Planck's constant. It is now recognized as one of the fundamental constants of the world.Planck announced his findings in 1900, but it was years before the full consequences of his revolutionary quantum theory were recognized. Throughout his life, Planck made significant contributions to optics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, physical chemistry, among other fields.51. In which of the following fields did Max Planck NOT make a significantcontribution?A. Optics.B. Thermodynamics.C. Statistical mechanics.D. Biology.52. The word "revolutionary" as used in Line 15 means_.A. radicalB. extremistC. momentousD. militaristic53. It can be inferred from the passage that Planck’s work led to the development of________.A. The rocketB. The atomic bombC. The internal combustion engineD. The computer54. The particles of electromagnetic radiation given off by matter are known as ____.A. quantumsB. atomsC. electronsD. valences55. The implication in this passage is that ______.A. only a German physicist could discover such a theoryB. quantum theory, which led to the development of twentieth century physics, isbasically a mathematical formulaC. Planck's constant was not discernible before 1900D. radiation was hard to study56. ―An idea‖ as used in line 5, refers to _____.A. a model of matterB. emission of electromagnetic radiationC. quantumsD. the equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low to high frequenciesPassage TwoQuestions 57 ~ 62 are based on the following passage.There has been much speculation about the origin of baseball. In 1907 a special commission decided that the modern game was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839. One hundred years later the National Baseball Museum was opened to honor Doubleday. Historians, however, disagree about the origin of baseball. Some say that baseball comes from bat-and-ball games of ancient times. It is a matter of record that in the 1700s English boys played a game they called ―baseball‖. Americans have played a kind of baseball since about 1800. At first the American game had different rules and different names in various parts of the country —―town ball‖, ―rounders‖, or ―one old cat‖. Youngsters today still play some of these simplified forms of the game.Baseball did not receive a standard set of rules until 1845, when Alexander Cartwright organized the Knickerbocker Baseball Club of New York City. The rules Cartwright set up for his nine-player team were widely adopted by other clubs and formed the basis of modern baseball. The game was played on a "diamond" infield with the bases 90 feet apart. The first team to score 21 runs was declared the winner. By 1858 the National Association of Baseball Players was formed with 25 amateur teams. The Cincinnati Red Stockings began to pay players in 1869.57. Which of the following is true about the origins of baseball?A. Historians agree that baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday.B. Baseball, as played in the early 19th century, differed very little from today'sgame.C. As early as the 1700s, English boys played a game called "baseball".D. The first standard set of baseball rules was established at the turn of the century.58. What was the first professional baseball team called?A. New York Knickerbockers.B. Milwaukee Braves.C. Cincinnati Red Stockings.D. Brooklyn Dodgers.59. Who first gave baseball a standard set of rules?A. Abner Doubleday.B. Alexander Cartwright.C. Albert Spalding.D. Babe Ruth.60. Which of the followings was not a predecessor of baseball?A. Rounders.B. Town ball.C. Cricket.D. One old cat.61. The tone of the passage is ______.A. persuasiveB. informativeC. biasedD. argumentative62. The passage implies that until 1869, baseball was played for all of the followingreasons except _______.A. exerciseB. leisureC. profitD. socializingPassage ThreeQuestions 63-68 are based on the following passage.The blue of the sea is caused by the scattering of sunlight by tiny particles suspended in the water. Blue light, being of short wavelength, is scattered more efficiently than light of longer wavelengths. Although waters of the open ocean are commonly some shade of blue, green water is commonly seen near coasts, especially in tropical or subtropical regions. This is caused by yellow pigments being mixed with blue water. Phytoplankton are one source of the yellow pigment. Other microscopic plants may color the water brown or brownish-red. Near the shore, silt or sediment in suspension can give water a brownish hue. Outflow of large rivers can often be observed many miles offshore by the coloration of suspended soil particles.Marine phytoplankton (Greek for "plant wanderers") are microscopic single-celled plants that include diatoms, dinoflagellates, coccolithophorids, green algae, and blue-green algae, among others. The growth of these organisms, which photogynthesize light, depends on a delicate balance of nutrient enrichment via vertical mixing, which is often limited by the availability of nitrogen and light. Diatoms are one-celled plants with patterned glass coverings. Each glass, or silicon dioxide box, is ornamented with species-specific designs, pits, and perforations making them popular with microscopists and, more recently, electron scanning microscopists.63. Green water near coastlines is almost always caused by _____.A. sand colorB. red pigments in coastal watersC. blue pigmentD. reflected light and yellow pigment from plant life64. Phytoplankton are the source of which color pigment?A. Red.B. Green.C. Yellow.D. Blue.65. What can give waters a brownish hue near the shore?A. Sediment.B. Phytoplankton.C. Blue pigment.D. Diatoms.66. Which of the following is NOT a type of phytoplankton?A. Green algae.B. Diatoms.C. Blue-green algae.D. Amoeba.67. The growth of phytoplankton is often limited by the availability of _____.A. oxygenB. hydrogenC. nitrogenD. carbon dioxide68. The main idea of this passage is that _____.A. light causes sea colorB. sea coloration is varied because of a combination of length of light waves andmicroscopic plant life and siltC. microscopic plant life causes sea colorD. water composition causes sea colorPassage FourQuestions 69 - 75 are based on the following passage.The United States government publishes guidelines for appropriate nutrient intakes. These are known as the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and are updated regularly based on new research in nutrition. RDAs are suggested amounts of calories, protein, and some minerals and vitamins for an adequate diet. For other dietary substances, specific goals must await further research. However, for the U.S. population as a whole, increasing starch and fiber in one's diet and reducing calories (primarily from fats, sugar, and alcohol) is sensible. These suggestions are especially appropriate for people who have other factors for chronic diseases due to family history of obesity, premature heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol, or for those who use tobacco.Snacks can furnish about one-fourth of the calorie requirements among teenagers. Those snacks should also provide much of the day's allowances for protein, minerals, and vitamins. Sandwiches, fruit, and milk make good snacks for active teenagers. Food from the food pyramid may be part of any meal. A grilled cheese sandwich or a bowl of whole-grain cereal is just as nutritious in the morning as it is at noon. In addition, a good breakfast consists of any foods that supply about one-fourth of the necessary nutrients for the day.69. The passage directly states that most of the U. S. population should increase theirintake of ______.A. proteinB. fatsC. starch and fiberD. sandwiches70. A good breakfast should supply about what percentage of the necessary nutrientsfor the day?A. One-half.B. One-third.C. One-fourth.D. Less than one-fourth.71. The passage implies which of the following?A. The rime of day when food is consumed affects its nutritive value.B. Different foods can be combined to increase total nutrition value.C. It can be detrimental to your health to eat breakfast foods later in the day.D. When food is eaten has no bearing on its nutritive effects.72. Why are RDAs regularly updated?A. New discoveries in the science of nutrition are constantly being made.B. Americans' diets are constantly changing.C. As people age, their nutritional needs change.D. Very little is currently known about nutrition.73. In this passage RDAs refers to___.A. types of vitaminsB. types of proteinC. types of mineralsD. amounts of energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals74. One implication in this passage is that _____.A. all RDAs have been establishedB. not all RDAs have been established yetC. it's not important to know RDAsD. RDAs are necessary only for sick people75. The reduction of calories in the diet is particularly good for people who sufferfrom ________.A. obesityB. premature heart disease and diabetesC. high blood pressure and cholesterol levelsD. all of the abovePassage FiveQuestions 76 - 81 are based on the following passage.The most popular organic gem is the pearl. A pearl is the response of a marine mollusk to the presence of an irritating impurity accidentally introduced into its body;a cultured pearl is the result of the intentional insertion of a mother-of-pearl bead into a live mollusk. Whether introduced accidentally or intentionally, the pearl-making process is the same: the mollusk coats the irritant with a substance called nacre. Nacre is composed chiefly of calcium carbonate. Because very few natural pearls are now on the market, most pearls used in fine jewelry are cultured. These include "Biwa" pearls and most other freshwater pearls. Cultured pearls are not easily distinguished from natural pearls except by an expert.76. Which of the following people could tell the difference between a cultured pearland an organic pearl?A. Scuba diver.B. Fisherman.C. Jeweler.D. Clerk.77. What is the chief component of nacre?A. Sand.B. Bead.C. Calcium carbonate.D. Biwa.78. The difference between a pearl and a cultured pearl is the nature of the ____.A. colorB. introduction of the irritating impurityC. coating materialD. irritating impurity79. Nacre is a substance that is ______.A. mechanically manufacturedB. the result of laboratory testingC. organically secreted by the molluskD. present in the chemical composition of freshwater pounds80. The main idea of this passage is that ______.A. most marketable pearls are cultured because nature does not produce enough ofits own to satisfy the marketB. cultured pearls are of a higher quality than natural pearlsC. there are two major methods of pearl-makingD. a natural ―drought‖ of pearl production is taking place81. Cultured pearl is formed by ____.A. insertion of a pearl into a live molluskB. an oyster into which a piece of grit has been placedC. putting in a live molluskD. placing a bead into culturePassage SixQuestions 82-87 are based on the following passage.Stress is with us all the time. It comes from mental or emotional activity as well as physical activity. It is unique and personal to each of us. So personal, in fact, that what may be relaxing to one person may be stressful to another. For example, if you're a busy executive who likes to keep occupied all of the time, "taking it easy" at the beach on a beautiful day may be extremely frustrating, nonproductive, and upsetting. You may be emotionally distressed from "doing nothing." Too much emotional stress can cause physical illnesses such as high blood pressure, ulcers, or even heart disease. Physical stress from work or exercise is not likely to cause such ailments. The truth is that physical exercise can help you to relax and to better handle your mental or emotional stress.82. Which of the following people would find ―taking it easy‖ stressful?A. Construction workers.B. Business executives.C. Farm workers.D. Truck drivers.83. Which of the following would be a determinant as to what people find stressful?A. Personality.B. Education.C. Marital status.D. Shoe size.84. This article, published by the Department of Health and Human Services,probably came from the ______.A. Federal Bureau of InvestigationB. Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health AdministrationC. Education AdministrationD. Communicable Diseases Administration85. A source of stress NOT specifically mentioned in this passage is _____.A. educational activityB. physical activityC. mental activityD. emotional activity86. Physical problems caused by emotional stress can appear as all of the followingEXCEPT _____.A. ulcersB. pregnancyC. heart diseaseD. high blood pressure87. One method mentioned to help handle stress is ____.A. physical exerciseB. tranquilizersC. drugsD. taking it easy Passage SevenQuestions 88 ~ 92 are based on the following passage.With the sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms, the individual is said to be experiencing acute schizophrenia (精神分裂症) - "Psychotic" means out of touch with reality, or unable to separate real from unreal experiences. Some people have only one such psychotic episode. Others have many episodes during a lifetime but lead relatively normal lives during interim periods. The individual with chronic (continuous or recurring) schizophrenia often does not fully recover normal functioning and typically requires long-term treatment, generally including medication, to control the symptoms. These symptoms may include hallucinations (幻觉), incoherence, delusions, lack of judgment, deterioration of the abilities to reason and feel emotion, and a lack of interaction between the patient and his environment. The hallucinations may be a visual, auditory, or tactile. Some chronic schizophrenic patients may never be able to function without assistance of one sort or another.88. Which of the following is not a symptom of schizophrenia?A. Hallucinations.B. Delusions.C. Incoherence.D. Vertigo.89. It can be inferred from the passage that a person experiencing acute schizophreniamost likely ______.A. cannot live without medicationB. cannot go on livingC. can hold a full-time jobD. cannot distinguish real from unreal90. According to this passage, thinking that one can fly might be an example of ____.A. medicine overdoseB. being out of touch with realityC. recovering normal functioningD. symptom control91. The passage suggests that the beginning of severe psychotic symptoms of acuteschizophrenia may be any of the following EXCEPT_____.A. debilitatingB. sudden occurrenceC. occurring after a long period of normalcyD. drug-induced92. The passage implies that normal life may be possible for the chronicschizophrenic with the help of ______.A. medicinesB. neurotic episodesC. psychotic episodesD. time Passage EightQuestions 93 ~ 100 are based on the following passage.Aspirin is one of the safest and most effective drugs invented by man. The most popular medicine in the world today, it is an effective pain reliever. Its bad effects are relatively mild. It is also cheap.For millions of people suffering from arthritis, it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, in short, is truly the 20th-century wonder drug. It is also the second largest suicide drug and is the leading cause of poisoning among children. It has side effects that, although relatively mild, are largely unrecognized among users.Although aspirin was first sold by a German company in 1899, it has been around much longer than that. Hippocrates, in ancient Greece, understood the medical value of tree barks and leaves which today are known to contain a chemical found in aspirin. During the 19th century, there was a great deal of experimentation in Europe with this。



标准编号标准名称测定下限/检出限(mg/L)GB 11914-1989 水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法测定下限:30
HJ/T 399-2007 水质化学需氧量的测定快速消解分光光度

HJ/T 70-2001 高氯废水化学需氧量的测定氯气校正法检出限:30
HJ/T 132-2003 高氯废水化学需氧量的测定碘化钾碱性高
GB/T 22597-2008 再生水中化学需氧量的测定重铬酸钾法测定下限:1
GB/T 15456-2008 工业循环冷却水中化学需氧量的测定高锰酸
ISO 6060-1989
英文题名:Water quality:determination of the
chemical oxygen demand
EPA.Method 0410.4
英文名称:The determination of chemical
oxygen demand by semi-automated colorimetry
英文题名:Water quality-Determination of the
chemical oxygen demand
JJG975-2002 化学需氧量测定仪检定规程——
JJG1012-2006 化学需氧量在线自动监测仪测定下限:30。

HJ 水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法

HJ 水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法

中华人民共和国国家环境保护标准HJ828—2017代替GB11914-89水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法Water quality-Determination of the chemical oxygen demand-Dichromatemethod(发布稿)2017-03-30发布2017-05-01实施环境保护部发布目次前言 (ii)1适用范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4方法原理 (1)5干扰和消除 (2)6试剂和材料 (2)7仪器和设备 (3)8样品 (4)9分析步骤 (4)10结果计算与表示 (5)11精密度和准确度 (5)12质量保证和质量控制 (6)13废物处理 (6)14注意事项 (6)附录A(资料性附录)氯离子含量的粗判方法 (7)前言为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》和《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,规范水体中化学需氧量的监测方法,制定本标准。







13水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法(HJ 828—2017代替GB 11914-89)

13水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法(HJ 828—2017代替GB 11914-89)

警告:本方法所用试剂硫酸汞剧毒,实验人员应避免与其直接接触。样品前处理过程应 在通风橱中进行。 1 适用范围 本标准规定了测定水中化学需氧量的重铬酸盐法。 本标准适用于地表水、生活污水和工业废水中化学需氧量的测定。本标准不适用于含氯 化物浓度大于 1000 mg/L(稀释后)的水中化学需氧量的测定。 当取样体积为 10.0 ml 时,本方法的检出限为 4 mg/L,测定下限为 16 mg/L。未经稀释的 水样测定上限为 700 mg/L,超过此限时须稀释后测定。 2 规范性引用文件 本标准引用了下列文件中的条款。凡是未注明日期的引用文件,其有效版本适用于本标 准。 GB 11896 GB 17378.4 HJ 506 HJ/T 91 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 化学需氧量 Chemical Oxygen Demand (CODCr) 在一定条件下,经重铬酸钾氧化处理时,水样中的溶解性物质和悬浮物所消耗的重铬酸 盐相对应的氧的质量浓度,以 mg/L 表示。 4 方法原理 在水样中加入已知量的重铬酸钾溶液,并在强酸介质下以银盐作催化剂,经沸腾回流后, 以试亚铁灵为指示剂,用硫酸亚铁铵滴定水样中未被还原的重铬酸钾,由消耗的重铬酸钾的 量计算出消耗氧的质量浓度。

为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》和《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》 ,保护环境, 保障人体健康,规范水体中化学需氧量的监测方法,制定本标准。 本标准规定了水中化学需氧量的重铬酸盐法。 本标准适用于地表水、生活污水和工业废水中化学需氧量的测定。 本标准是对《水质 《水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法》 (GB 11914-89)的修订。
1 适用范围.............................................................................................................................................1 2 规范性引用文件.................................................................................................................................1 3 术语和定义.........................................................................................................................................1 4 方法原理.............................................................................................................................................1 5 干扰和消除.........................................................................................................................................2 6 试剂和材料.........................................................................................................................................2 7 仪器和设备.........................................................................................................................................3 8 样品.....................................................................................................................................................4 9 分析步骤.............................................................................................................................................4 10 结果计算与表示...............................................................................................................................5 11 精密度和准确度...............................................................................................................................5 12 质量保证和质量控制.......................................................................................................................6 13 废物处理...........................................................................................................................................6 14 注意事项...........................................................................................................................................6 附录 A(资料性附录)氯离子含量的粗判方法................................................................................ 7



Experiment V the determination ofchemical oxygen demandⅠ. The purpose and requirements of the experiment1.Grasp the principle of this test and operative skills of titration, know theimplication of COD.2.Find out the influence factors of this experiment and how to dislodge them.3.Understand the reasons for append oxidant, catalyst and masking agent in thismeasurement. Be able to eliminate the impacts of ferrous ion, nitrate ion, chloride ion, and sulfide ion when measuring COD in water sample4.Master the methods of determination COD and compare the advantages anddisadvantage of potassium dichromate method and spectrophotometry. Learn how to choose a suitable measurement method under various situations.5.Calculate the COD of the water sample according to the dosage of potassiumdichromate standard solution. Find out the treatment technologies for this water. Ⅱ. Experimental program1.Experimental reagents and instrumentsDrugs: potassium dichromate standard solution, Ferroin indicator solution, Ammonium ferrous sulfate standard solution, Sulfate- silver sulfate solution Instruments: 50mL glass return device, Electric furnace, Zeolite, 25ml or 50ml acid burette, conical flask, pipette, volumetric flask2.The experiment principleIn strong acid solution, add excessive potassium dichromate standard solution, and then reflux with heating, in order to oxidation the reductibility material which in the sample. Use Ferroin indicator solution as indicator for excessive potassium dichromate, use ferrous sulfate standard solution back to titration. then calculate the chemical oxygen demand of the sample according to the dosage of potassium dichromate standard solution.3.Experimental stepsDecant 20.00ml water sample into a 250ml conical flask, and then pour 10.00ml potassium dichromate standard solution into the flask and put 3 to 5 glass bead in it. Decant 30ml catalyst (sulfate- silver sulfate solution) into the conical flask throng the head of condenser tube after installing the reflux unit. Heat the liquid for 2 hours as soon as it boiling. wait until it cool down. Afterwards, use 90ml distilled water to wash the interior of condenser tube, letting the stream inflow to the flask. When the liquid’ temperature lower, add 3 drops ferroin indicator solution and titrate it using ammonium ferrous sulfate standard solution. End up immediately when the colour of solution turn red brown from bluish green.At the same time prepare the blank experiment. Decant 20.00ml distilled water into a 250ml conical flask, and then pour 10.00ml potassium dichromate standard solution into the flask and put 3 to 5 glass bead in it. Decant 30ml catalyst (sulfate-silver sulfate solution) into the conical flask throng the head of condenser tube after installing the reflux unit. Heat the liquid for 2 hours as soon as it boiling. wait until it cool down. Afterwards, use 90ml distilled water to wash the interior of condenser tube, letting the stream inflow to the flask. When the liquid’ temperature lower, add 3 drops ferroin indicator solution and titrate it using ammonium ferrous sulfate standard solution. End up immediately when the colour of the solution turned to red brown from bluish green.Ⅲ. Experimental data and data handlingUse the follow formula to calculate the COD36.24m )43.2428.24(210=+⨯=L VLmg Lmg V V V O COD 40.10120100080998.0)82.2136.24(10008c )()(102=⨯⨯⨯-=⨯⨯⨯-=V 0 refers to the dosage of potassium dichromate standard solution of blank experiment, V 1 refers to the dosage of potassium dichromate standard solution of water sample, V refers to the volume of water sample, c refers to concentration of ammonium ferrous sulfate standard solution.Conclusion1. Data reliability analysisThere no standard for this text data, so what I can do is to sum up the reasons for the difference of the data in this experiment from other teams.The way to save the sample is add H 2SO 4 until the pH ≦2.0, but we didn ’t do so. We only take the sample firsthand.The time, the place and the way we get the sample is different, it will lead to the different result.Operation errors also appear in this text.Compare with other teams, our data is familiar. We can draw a conclusion: the data is right.2. Some standard specifications of COD in GB list as follow:GB3838-2002times belong to the standard of surface watermore belongs to the secondary sewage treatment plants built in towns.In one word, the water we text is polluted seriously3.Treatment technologiesThe main mechanism of treatment technologies is physical, chemical and biological. There are several methods for examples: oxidation, coagulation, adsorption, membrane filtration and so on. The most popular method is microbial method. Aerobic biological treatment method is organic matter will oxidation into carbon dioxide, nitrate, water, sulfuric acid root and stable material in the aerobic condition, common aerobic method includes activated sludge method and biological membrane method.The anaerobic biological method: Wastewater anaerobic biological treatment is in no free oxygen conditions, microorganism in anaerobic respiration, macromolecular organic matter decomposition into a stable and molecule organic matter. Relative to the aerobic method, anaerobic wastewater treatment method of the application scope of the more wide, not only can be used for high concentration organic wastewater treatment, and can be used for low concentratio n organic wastewater treatment.Questions and discussionQuestion: there is a alkali factory which discharge 70000t/d wastewater. The wastewater included 60000mg/L Cl-and probably 20mg/L COD. How to measure its COD?Answer: Potassium iodide alkaline potassium permanganate method. This method can measure Tens to Several hundred thousand mg/L Cl-and its measuring range is from 0.20mg/L to 62.5mg/L COD. It fit this case.In alkaline condition, add a certain amount of potassium permanganate solution in water sample, reaction in a certain time in the boiling water bath heating, in order to oxidation reducing material in the water sample. Add excessive potassium iodide to reduction the rest of the potassium permanganate. Use sodium thiosulfate to titration released iodine, with starch as indicator. And then conversion into oxygen concentrationDiscussion:1.There some dangers in this experiment, especially the usage of concentratedsulfuric acid. So we should protect ourselves and others. We ought to wash the apparatus which use for concentrated sulfuric acid.2.From this experiment I know we should know the knowledge which can help us toprotect people in the laboratory3.Teacher should give us some standards of the experiment. So that we can knowthe result of this text is correctly or not.。

废水中 COD 的测定--高浓度氯及溴离子干扰的消除

废水中 COD 的测定--高浓度氯及溴离子干扰的消除

废水中 COD 的测定--高浓度氯及溴离子干扰的消除刘琳娟;邱燕;胡小玲【摘要】试验表明用重铬酸钾法测定废水的 COD 值时加入硫酸汞作掩蔽剂对废水中共存有高浓度氯离子和溴离子的干扰不能消除,特别是对溴离子几乎没有掩蔽作用。


COD 的回收率在102%~106%之间。

%It was found that elimination of interference of Cl- by masking with mercuric sulfate as stated in the titrimetric determination of COD in waste water with K2 Cr2 O7 solution as titrant was not very effective for high concentration of Cl- ion and that it was even invalid for masking the co-existing Br- ion.It was proposed to use silver nitrate instead of mercuric sulfate to mask both the Cl- and Br- simultaneously.It was shown that if an amount of AgNO3 calculated stoichiometrically on the base of the amount of Cl- and Br- ion present was added as masking agent,the interferences were eliminated effectively,giving values of recovery ranged from 102% to 106%.【期刊名称】《理化检验-化学分册》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】3页(P586-588)【关键词】COD 测定;废水;氯离子;溴离子;干扰及掩蔽【作者】刘琳娟;邱燕;胡小玲【作者单位】南通市环境监测中心站,南通 226006;南通市环境监测中心站,南通 226006;南通市环境监测中心站,南通 226006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.1化学需氧量(COD)是指在强酸加热条件下,用重铬酸钾作氧化剂处理水样时所消耗氧化剂的量。




















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For nearly 40 years,'.' the dichromate open reflux method for the determination of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) has been and is still used in water analysis3 although it has several shortcomings: it requires large amounts of reagents and sample, it is space demanding, tedious, time consuming, and, in particular, its sensitivity (about 5 mg 1-1 when using 0.0417 M K2Cr207),3 is too low for application to waters with low organic matter contents such as drinking, ground and nonpolluted surface waters. To reduce the consumption of chemicals and save space, alternative methods of C O D determination on a semi-micro scale, with a comparable sensitivity, have been introduced within the past 20 years.&-" The digestion conditions are largely identical with those used in the original method; i.e., 50% v/v (63.6% m/m) HZS04 in the digestion mixture and heating at 150 "C for 2 h. The boiling under a reflux condenser, however, is usually replaced by heating in thermostated blocks, and the quantification is often based on the spectrophotometric determination of Cr3+ ions4ys-7or on the amperometric titration of the unconsumed dichromate.8 Efforts have been made to reduce the time of the original procedure10-1'; however, for many compounds (e.g., aliphatic acids)" shortening the digestion period leads to a decrease in oxidation efficiency, unless the concentration of H2S04 and the temperature are increased. A solution to this problem, in many respects successful, has been offered by Wagner and Ruck,l3 who devised a rapid method applicable to the determination of C O D at levels encountered in drinking waters, i.e., in the range of about 1-10 mg 1-1. By increasing the concentration of H2S04to 83% m/m and the temperature to 170 "C, they were able to reduce the time of digestion to 45 min. Using perfectly purified reagents, they attained detection limits below 1 mg 1-1. The increased digestion temperature, however, brought about problems associated with the masking of chloride because at temperatures above 150 "C, H g S 0 4 alone failed to mask chloride effectively. This problem was circumvented by removing chloride as HCI in vapour form prior to the digestion,13,14 a procedure that is, however, tedious and time consuming. This paper describes an approach to the determination of low C O D values on a semi-micro scale, with digestion conditions optimised t o attain comparable efficiency to that of the standard method,3 and with a considerably reduced digestion time. The interfering effect of chloride is limited by the combined masking effects of HgS04 and Cr3+ ions.15 This semi-micro method is compared with the open reflux method using samples of various waters and chemical compounds. In
the open reflux method, which is used as a reference method, the digestion conditions of the standard method3 were maintained, however, the manner in which the sample and reagent were dispensed, was modified, in order to achieve improved accuracy and ensure comparable precision, so that both methods could be compared.
Published on 01 January 1990. Downloaded by Nankai University on 02/01/2014 10:28:29.
A semi-micro modification of the dichromate method for the determination of low concentrations (1-35 m g 1-1) of the chemical oxygen demand is described. It is based on the experimentally established dependencies of the oxidation efficiency on the concentrations of H2SO4, K2Cr207and Ag2S04, and o n the temperature and time of heating. The procedure involves increasing the concentration of H2SO4 and heating in closed test-tubes i n a heating block at 170 "C for 40 min and the spectrophotometric determination of dichromate at 455 nm. The interfering effect of chloride, u p to a concentration of 100 m g 1-1, is masked by using a combination of HgS04 and KCr(S04)2. The modification has been tested on 30 samples of ground, tap, precipitation and surface waters and on 16 chemical compounds, and gives results comparable to those from a standard reflux method. Keywords: Chemical oxygen demand; sealed test-tube digestion; chloride suppression; chromium(111) addition
Josef Hejzlar and JiFi KopaCek Section of Hydrobiolog y, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Czechoslovak Academ y of Sciences, Na sadkach 7, 370 05 ceske Budgjovice, Czechoslovakia
Chemicals All chemicals used were of analytical-reagent grade, supplied by Lachema (Brno, Czechoslovakia). The digestion solutions and sulphuric acid reagents were prepared from 96 o r 92% m/m sulphuric acid pre-treated by filtration and heated to boiling-point in an all-glass apparatus equipped with an air cooler. Sulphuric acid, 98.3% d m , was obtained by distillation of the 96% m/m acid in an all-glass apparatus. All filtrations were carried out through a sintered glass funnel [type S1, 0.094.15-mm porosity (Jena Glass, Jena, GDR)]. Water for sample dilution and for the preparation of standard and reagent solutions was obtained from distilled water by re-distilling with the addition of K M n 0 4 and H2S04. Reagents for the Semi-micro Method