总的来说,Primer设计引物的经验为: 1、引物取分值高的; 2、两个引物的Tm值比较接近为好,温度为五六十度,不要 高于七十度; 3、引物之间的距离200-1000比较常见; 4、Tm减去5度为退火温度; 5、引物和产物的Tm 值不要相差太大,20摄氏度范围内较好。 6、最好能跨内含子,因为这样可以与基因组的序列分开来 (适用于RT-PCR)
Fasta格式的序列。或是上传。可以是核酸序列或蛋白 序列,也可以单个或多个,如果是多个序列的话,会多 一个多序列比对的步骤。
多序列比对的程序 有两种,ClustalW 和 DIALIGN
在结果窗口中给出了程序给该对引物 的打分(rating)和上下游引物的起 始位置和长度以及产物的长度。通过 直接点击各对引物在相应引物搜寻界 面中相应的显示引物的各种信息。包 括其各种参数和各种可能存在的不利 结构。
利用引物编辑窗口对程序自动找 到的或手工找到的引物序列进行 编辑,以便用户能在引物引入突 变及加入特定的酶切位点,并对 修改后的序列的二聚体结构、发 卡结构和错配进一步评估。
引物设计有3 条基本原则: 首先引物与模板的序列要紧密互补; 其次引物与引物之间避免形成稳定的 二聚体或发夹结构; 再次引物不能在模板的非目的位点引 发DNA 聚合反应(即错配)。
• •
• •
引物的长度一般为15-30 bp,常用的是18-27 bp,但不应大于38,因为过长会导 致其延伸温度大于74℃,不适于Taq DNA 聚合酶进行反应。 引物序列在模板内应当没有相似性较高,尤其是3’端相似性较高的序列,否则容 易导致错配。引物3’端出现3 个以上的连续碱基,如GGG 或CCC,也会使错误引发 机率增加。 引物3’端的末位碱基对Taq 酶的DNA 合成效率有较大的影响。不同的末位碱基在 错配位置导致不同的扩增效率,末位碱基为A 的错配效率明显高于其他3 个碱基, 因此应当避免在引物的3’端使用碱基A。另外,引物二聚体或发夹结构也可能导致 PCR 反应失败。5’端序列对PCR 影响不太大,因此常用来引进修饰位点或标记物。 引物序列的GC 含量一般为40-60%,过高或过低都不利于引发反应。上下游引物的 GC含量不能相差太大。 引物所对应模板位置序列的Tm 值在72℃左右可使复性条件最佳。Tm 值的计算有 多种方法,如按公式Tm=4(G+C)+2(A+T),在Oligo 软件中使用的是最邻近法(th e nearest neighbor method)。 ∆G 值是指DNA 双链形成所需的自由能,该值反映了双链结构内部碱基对的相对稳 定性。应当选用3’端∆G 值较低(绝对值不超过9),而5’端和中间∆G 值相对较高 的引物。引物的3’端的∆G 值过高,容易在错配位点形成双链结构并引发DNA 聚合 反应[6]。 引物二聚体及发夹结构的能值过高(超过4.5kcal/mol)易导致产生引物二聚体带, 并且降低引物有效浓度而使PCR 反应不能正常进行[8]。 对引物的修饰一般是在5’端增加酶切位点,应根据下一步实验中要插入PCR 产物 的载体的相应序列而确定。
RELAP5 SUMMARIZATION1.Development History AB811148157BL.EM376772762CSRELAP5 is a general system program for transient behavior analysis developed by Idaho national laboratory. The program has experienced for the following process: 1966 RELAPSE; 1968 RELAP2; 1971 RELAP3 and 1975 RELAP4. The two phase flow processing of these programs are all based on homogeneous model. The program’s final version is RELAP4/MOD7, which is promulgated by US National Energy Software Center in 1980. After that, the researchers used two-fluid, non-homogeneous and non-equilibrium two-phase model, and overcame the limitation of single fluid model to develop the RELAP5 program. By 1995, RELAP5/MOD2 version came out. On this basis, through improving and outspread, RELAP5/MOD3 program was developed successfully. RELAP5 has many special functions for PWR thermal hydraulic analysis. It is a program bases on one-dimensional transient, two fluid, six equation hydraulics, one-dimensional heat conduction and point pile kinetics model. Furthermore, it apply mass, momentum and energy equations for water and steam respectively. In addition to general component model of pump, catheter, injection pump, turbine, separator, and control system, RELAP5 also includes special process models of reflooding heat transfer, gas gap thermal conductivity, choked flow, noncondensible gas.RELAP5 is a general transient analysis program for thermal hydraulic system, and its application scope includes: coolant loss accidents, running transient state, power supply lose, flow loss and sub-cooling transient state. After a certain development work, now RELAP5 has already been suitable for ordinary microcomputer completely, and had corresponding graphics post-processing software for supporting use.2.RELAP5—3DRELAP5-3D, the latest in the RELAP5 series of codes, is a highly generic code, that in addition to calculating the behavior of a reactor coolant system during a transient, can be used for simulating of a wide variety of hydraulic and thermal transients in both nuclear and nonnuclear systems involving mixtures of vapor, liquid, non-condensable gases, and nonvolatile solute[1].The mission of the RELAP5-3D development program was to develop a code version suitable for the analysis of all transients and postulated accidents in LWR systems, including both large and small-break loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCAs) as well as the full range of operational transients.The RELAP5-3D code contains several important enhancements over previous versions of the code. The most prominent attribute that distinguishes the RELAP5-3D code from the previous versions is the fully integrated, multi-dimensional thermal- hydraulic and kinetic modeling capability. This removes any restrictions on the applicability of the code to the full range of postulated reactor accidents.Enhancements include a new matrix solver for 3D problems, new thermodynamic properties for water, and improved time advancement for greater robustness. The multi-dimensional component in RELAP5-3D was developed to allow the user to more accurately model the multi-dimensional flow behavior that can be exhibited in any component or region of a LWR system. Typically, this will be the lower plenum, core, upper plenum and downcomer regions of an LWR. However, the model is general, and is not restricted to use in the reactor vessel. The component defines a one, two, or three- dimensional array of volumes and the internal junctions connecting them. The geometry can be either Cartesian (x, y, z) or cylindrical (r, θ, z).An orthogonal, three-dimensional grid is defined by mesh interval input data in each of the three coordinate directions. The multi-dimensional neutron kinetics model in RELAP5-3D is based on the NESTLE code, which solves the two or four group neutron diffusion equations in either Cartesian or hexagonal geometry using the nodal expansion method and the non-linear iteration technique. Three, two, or one-dimensional models may be used. Several different core symmetry options are available including quarter, half, and full core options for Cartesian geometry and 1/6, 1/3, and full core options for hexagonal geometry. Zero flux, non-reentrant current, reflective, and cyclic boundary conditions are available. The steady-state eigenvalue and time dependent neutron flux problems can be solved by the NESTLE code as implemented in RELAP5-3D.Therefore, some scholars use RELAP5-3D and ANSYS to simulate a same heat exchanger[2], the results of temperature and power distribution ate basically same. Thecomponents represented in RELAP5 match the performance predicted by ANSYS, and then it is possible to accurately represent component performance in a broader system analysis, which may consist of a combination of many components developed with multi-physics tools. This will permit system analysis to be performed using more appropriate transient system analysis tools with control volumes representative of the detail designs.3.RELAP5 and Natural CirculationRELAP5’s original design is used for calculation and analysis of PWR transient accidents, and then for assessment of facilities safety under normal, abnormal and accident conditions. But with the expansion of its application, the applicable field of RELAP5 has extended continuously.Natural circulation phenomenon is very important for the safety and design of nuclear reactors. Advanced reactors have been designed using passive safety systems based on natural circulation. There are also some conceptual design using the natural circulation where the components and systems have been simplified by eliminating pumped recirculation systems and pumped emergency core cooling systems [3].As a kind of circulation state, natural circulation exist some particularity. It relies on the density difference between its cold and heat source to achieve circulation flow without any external driving force. At the same time its influencing factors are quite complicated. But now many scholars have already utilized RELAP5 to analyze the natural circulation system, which confirmed its applicability for natural circulation. The RELAP5 program series for natural circulation system analysis and calculation have gained wide acceptance[4]. Reference[5] used AC-600 passive heat removal system to evaluate the applicability of RELAP5 in natural circulation system, and then compared calculated data by RELAP5 with experimental data. The results are basically the same. Reference[6] also made an experimental validation for RELAP5, which confirmed that RELAP5 code can be used to estimate the running characteristics of natural circulation system. Reference[7] applied RELAP5 code to make a evaluation and calculation for AP1000 passive heat removal system, and confirmed the feasibility of this program. At the same it also analyzed the influence of height difference between cold and heat source to natural circulation ability. Throughthe establishment of natural circulation system, and the comparison of temperature and flow between RELAP5 code and experiment, reference[8] also confirm the applicability of RELAP5 to natural circulation system. And reference[9] also proved that.4.RELAP5 ImprovementAlthough RELAP5 code has good applicability, when aimed at actual device, the calculation results of RELAP5 code may not coincide with the actual data. So, it needs to improve part of RELAP5 model on that point. Reference[10] used steady state experimental data of a 1:10 size passive heat removal system to test RELAP5/MOD3.2 code. The results show that when faced with some types of passive heat removal systems, the steam condensation heat exchange model in vertical tube of RELAP5/MOD3.2 need to be modified.Currently, RELAP5 code is considered as the best calculation program for thermal hydraulic of nuclear power plant. But its modeling utilize input file in text form by hand. This kind of programming forms not only work trivially, is not intuitive, have high error rate, but also have more difficulty with debugging. So if the visualized modeling method was used for RELAP5, it can both save labor and be modified easily. Meanwhile, at present parameter collection method of RELAP5 is the single collection method and the collection number is limited. So it can consider that all the data at each node should be collected according to the node number, and show them in real-time visualization model, which can facilitate debugging and analysis of the system[11].Simulink program with the graphic modules programming, makes the man-machine interface of final simulation program consistent with the logical graphic forms of control system. So the logicality of it is very intuitive. So the coupled program of RELAP5 and Simulink can both be the best thermal hydraulic analysis code and the graphical control system. Through overcoming the problem of data exchange and computation time synchronicity, reference[13] coupled MATLAB/Simulink with RELAP5. At the same time it chose DAYA BAY control system as the research object. By the parameter change comparison with single RELAP5, the coupled program’s feasibility was verified. And this coupled program isvery effective for precise design and verification of the control instrument system in nuclear power station.RELAP5 calculation results for one-dimensional flow are very good. But in the accident as reactor internal main steam pipe burst, the coolant in reactor vessel is mixed fiercely. At this time, it is difficult to obtain the precise results by RELAP5. That’s because the calculation for this working case needs simulation for 3D state. Although, at present RELAP5-3D has already had the capability for 3D calculation, it still utilizes the approximation model based on lumped-parameter method. So its calculation ability is still very limited. But in 3D calculations, CFX program has obtained the field's wide recognition. Therefore some scholars[14]coupled two programs, getting the coupled code RELAP/CFX, which has been validated by experiment. CFX can simulate 3D mixing phenomenon perfectly, but it could not simulate the whole transient process. However, the coupled program RELAP/CFX can integrate the advantages of each other. In addition, some scholars have also coupled RELAP-3D with CFD[15], and the results can get better effect.As a large thermal hydraulic analysis program, RELAP5 has various physical models and a good user interface. In order to expand its analysis ability and improve the calculation accuracy, many research institutes have made secondary development of it to couple with other programs[16]. And after the coupled interface was established, it would be tested by experiment.RELAP5 is written by FORTRON languages, and use the modular programming ways. The model and process in every subroutine of RELAP5 are independent, and the organization of program structure is relatively strict. But RELAP5 has some shortcomings in the respect of core physics. Because its selection of neutron kinetics model with lumped-parameter method, so RELAP5 can not reflect the dynamic effects of the core physical parameters in simulation. In order to solve this problem, reference [17] introduces the two groups and three dimensional space-time neutron kinetics models in RELAP5 core physical calculation. After that, the reference validated the models by VVER-440 reactor benchmark problem. And the improved RELAP5 has a better calculation function and a higher precision. Reference[18] also adopted three dimensional space-time neutron kinetics model for reactor core toimprove RELAP5. And then, a system calculation program with the physical analysis ability of 3-D reactor core was formed. At the same time, reference[19] improved RELAP5 with hexagonal neutron kinetics model provided by PARCS.In addition, RELAP5 has defects and insufficiency in modal boiling heat transfer calculation and critical heat flux(CHF) calculation[20]. At present, the evaluation and improvement for RELAP5 program have made great progress. But because the thermal hydraulic process in reactor accidents is very complex, especially for the two phase flow. Thus, the improvement for RELAP5 is still an arduous and necessary task.Although, RELAP5 has certain disadvantages in some ways. but for thermal hydraulic system itself, it is very suitable for the correlative research.5.RELAP5 basisRELAP5 is the program used to analyze interaction between system components. It can not simulate the fluid details in the components. Thus, its simulation ability for multi-dimensional fluid flow, heat transfer and the reactor core kinetics is limited. So the flow in system path must be defined as one-dimension.Main steps used by RELAP5 to analyze and simulate are as follows:(1)Gather and Organize System Information(2)Define Problem and Nodalizethe System(3)Input Preparation(4)Input Quality Assurance(5)Running and Analyzing the ProblemA complete RELAP5 input cards should include the following aspects: overall control card, time step length control card, TRIP card, hydraulics components card, heat component card, heat materiel property card, plot card and general form card, etc. And its basic calculation models include fluid dynamics model, heat transfer model, control system model and neutron kinetics model, etc. And the description of functions and calculation models of each RELAP5 card all can be consulted from RELAP5 manuals. At present RELAP5 program is widely used in rule-making, licensing audit calculations, evaluation of operator guide-lines, and as a basis for a nuclear plant analyzer[21]. Specific applications have included simulations of transientsin LWR systems such as loss of coolant, anticipated transients with-out scram, and operational transients such as loss of feed-water, loss of offsite power, station blackout and turbine trip. Now RELAP5 has become more and more popular among the scholars.This paper made a brief introduction for RELAP5, Including the development process of RELAP programs, RELAP5-3D introduction and its improvement, the calculation achievements of RELAP5 in natural circulation system, the basic knowledge of RELAP5 and its application insufficiency.REFERENCE[1]RELAP5-3D manual volume.[2]Juan J.Carbajor, Joel McDuffee, et al COMPARISON OF RELAP5-3D/ATHENA AND ANSYS/FLOTRAN THERMAL-HYDRAULIC RESULTS[J].Oak Ridge, 2008,TN37831-6167.[3]H.J.Bruschi, P.R.Vijuk. Safety Evolving Technologies for Tomorrow Power Reactor[J].Nuclear Technology, 1990, 95-111.[4] 白楠, 臧希年. 用AC-600非能动余热排出系统实验评估RELAP5程序[J].核科学与工程,2004,24(2) :125-128.[5] 白楠, 臧希年. 用AC-600非能动余热排出系统实验评估RELAP5程序[J].核科学与工程,2004,24(2) :125-128.[6] 阎义洲, 臧希年. 用RELAP5 对非能动余热排出系统的瞬态分析[J]. 清华大学学报,2002,42(8) :1005-1007.[7] 严春, 阎昌琪. 非能动余热排出系统瞬态特性分析[J].应用科技,2009,36(10) :61-64.[8]Gaiane Sabundjian, Delvonei Alves de Andrade, et al. RELAP5 SIMULATION FOR ONE AND TWO-PHASE NA TURAL CIRCULATION PHENOMENON[J].INAC-2007, 2007, 978-85-99141-02-1.[9] 彭云康, 童明伟, 郑华,等. RELAP5分析非能动堆芯应急冷却系统实验结果[J]. 重庆大学学报,2003,26(3) :85-87.[10] 于雷, 谢海燕, 桂学文. 采用非能动余热排出系统实验数据对RELAP5程序的评价[J]. 原子能科学技术,2008,42(8) :678-683.[11] 林萌, 苏云, 胡锐,等. 核电站工程模拟器中的RELAP5建模[J]. 原子能科学技术,2005,39(5) :429-432.[12] 侯东,林萌, 许志红,等. 用Simulink扩展RELAP5的控制与保护系统仿真功能[J]. 原子能科学技术,2005,39(5) :429-432.[13]ICONE14. SYSTEM SIMULATION OF NUCLEAR POWER BY COUPLING RELAP5 AND MA TLAB/SIMULINK, ICONE14-89333[R]. Miami, ICONE14, 2006.[14] 刘余,张虹, 贾宝山. RELAP5与CFX程序耦合研究[J]. 原子能科学技术,2010,44(3) :304-308.[15]D.L. Aumiller, E.T. Tomlinson, R.C. Bauer. A coupled RELAP5/CFD methodology with a proof-of-principle calculation[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2001, 205(2001):83-90.[16] 刘余,张虹. RELAP5程序耦合接口的开发[J]. 核动力工程,2009,30(6) :38-40.[17] 桂学文,骆邦其,蔡琪. RELAP5程序与三维时空中子动力学模型的耦合以及改进研究[J]. 核动力工程,2007,28(1) :49-52.[18] 陈玉宇,杨春生,邹凌. 基于CIAE实验对RELAP5程序的评价[J]. 核动力工程,2003,24(6)增刊65-68.[19]Sanchez Espinoza, Victor Hugo, Michael Bottcher. Investigation of the VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark phase 1 with the coupled system code RELAP5/PARCS[J]. Progress in Nuclear Energy 2006, 48(2006):865-879.[20] 陈玉清,蔡琪,于雷. 三维瞬态物理分析模型与RELAP5/mod3.2程序的耦合研究[J]. 核动力工程,2010,31(3):9-13.[21]Patricia A.L Reis, Antonella L.Costa. et al. Assessment of a RELAP5 model for the IPR-R1 TRIGA research reactor[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2010, 37(2010):1341-1350.。
premier 5.0使用
设 计
引 物
设 计
引 物
设 计
引 物
引物分值 100分为满分
设 计
引 物
是否出现 hairpin,dimer,false priming and cross dimer
设 计
引 物
设 计
引 物
设 计
引 物
“Edit”-“Copy”-“Sense Primer
or Anti-sense Primer”
分 析
酶 切 位 点
分 析
酶 切 位 点
分 析
酶 切 位 点
谢谢 期待给位同学与老师的 宝贵意见
4、引物自身及引物之间不应存在互补序列 引物自身不应存在互补序列,否则引物自身会折叠成发夹结构 (Hairpin)使引物本身复性。这种二级结构会因空间位阻而影响引 物与模板的复性结合。
5、碱基要随机分布 引物序列在模板内应当没有相似性较高,尤其是3’ 端相似性较高
设 计
引 物
6、ΔG值 ΔG 值 ( 自由能 ) 反映了引物与模板结合的强弱程度。一般 情况下,5’端和中间ΔG值较高,而3’端ΔG值相对较低,且 不要超过 9( ΔG值为负值,这里取绝对值),如此则有利 于正确引发反应而可防止错误引发。
Use these two button to translate the DNA seq to a protein seq or a protein seq to a DAN seq
生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w .b b i o o .c o m物秀-专心做生物.b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生物w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做生w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心w w w .b b i o o .c生物秀-专心做w w w .b b i o o .c o m生物秀-专心做w w w .b b i o o .c o m①代表这些序列与引物匹配的得分值小于40分②代表这些序列与引物匹配的得分值位于40~50分③代表这些序列与引物匹配的得分值位于50-80分,④代表这些序列与引物匹配的得分值位于80-120分生物秀-专心做生物w w .b b i o o .c o m秀-专心做生物b b i o o .c o m。
NanoBridge M5 介绍
Installation GuideNanoBridge M5WelcomeThank you for purchasing your Ubiquiti NanoBridge.This installation guide is for model NB-5G22Tools Required for Mounting 10mm wrench (Qty. 1)SupportInternet: Internet Support Forum: Ubiquiti support engineers are located in the U.S. and in Europe and are dedicated to helping customers resolve software, hardware compatibility,or eld issues as quickly as possible.A DCB F G H I JB C DE F GM6 U-BoltM6X12 Carriage BoltBushing14I J1M6 Bolt-Springlock-Washer Assembly H 4M6 Serrated Flange Nut 6E A Contents Qty.Parabolic Re ector/Dish Pole Bracket Clamp 11111Dish BracketAntenna Feed Feed Support General Warranty:UBIQUITI NETWORKS, Inc (“UBIQUITI NETWORKS”) represents and warrants that the Products furnished hereunder shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment by UBIQUITI NETWORKS under normal use and operation. UBIQUITI NETWORKS sole and exclusive obligation under the foregoing warranty shall be to repair or replace, at its option, any defective Product that fails during the warranty period. The expense of removal and reinstallation of any item is not included in this warranty.and performance of the Products. UBIQUITI NETWORKS reserves the right to inspect all defective Products (which must be returned by Buyer to UBIQUITI NETWORKS factory freight prepaid).No Products will be accepted for replacement or repair without obtaining a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number from UBIQUITI NETWORKS. Products returned without an RMA number will not be processed and will be returned to Buyer freight collect. UBIQUITI NETWORKS shall have no obligation to make repairs or replacement necessitated by catastrophe, fault, negligence, misuse, abuse, or accident by Buyer, Buyer’s customers or any other parties. The warranty period of any repaired or replaced. Product shall not extend beyond its original term. Warranty ConditionsThe foregoing warranty shall apply only if: (I) The Product has not been subjected to misuse, neglect or unusual physical, electrical or electromagnetic stress, or some other type of accident.(II) No modi cation, alteration or addition has been made to the Product by persons other than UBIQUITI NETWORKS or UBIQUITI NETWORKS’s authorized representatives or otherwise approved by UBIQUITI NETWORKS. (III) The Product has been properly installed and used at all times in accordance, and in all material respects, with the applicable Product documentation.Disclaimer. UBIQUITI NETWORKS does not warrant that the operation of the products is error-free or that operation will be uninterrupted. In no event shall UBIQUITI NETWORKS be responsible for damages or claims of any nature or description relating to system performance, including coverage, buyer’s selection of products for buyer’s application and/or failure of products to meet government or regulatory requirements.ReturnsIn the unlikely event a defect occurs in this product, please work through the dealer or distributor from which this product was purchased.* Products may be different from pictures and are subject to change without prior notice5CHD IJCCFE I。
Primer PremierPrimer Premier4.0是由加拿大的Premier公司开发的专业用于PCR或测序引物以及杂交探针的设计,评估的软件,和Plasmid Premier2.02一起是该公司推出的最新的软件产品。
其主要界面同样也是分为序列编辑窗口(Genetank),引物设计窗口(Primer Design),酶切分析窗口(Restriction Sites)和纹基分析窗口(Motif)。
这里我们主要介绍其引物设计功能,其他功能的介绍请参看Plasmid Premier2.02。
打开程序首先进入的是序列编辑参看,与Plasmid Premier相比,其多了一个语音校正的功能,即在输入序列的时候,程序自动将碱基读出,以便用户进行校正,保证输入的正确和快速。
1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料取该院肝癌组织标本80例,肝癌组织远端相对正常肝组织20例。
Edit Codon Table 窗口...........………………………………………………………...............12
z PRIMER 引物设计 .........................…….............................….....14
Search Results 搜索结果 窗口...........……………........................................20
Multiplex/Nested Primer 复式及巢式PCR反应引物 窗口...………………...21
Database 引物数据库 窗口..............................…….....................................21
Primer Premier 引物设计 窗口........................…….....................................14
Direct Select 即点即选 框.....................................................................….......... 14 在序列比较中应用即点即选功能..........………………………….............................…........14 性状列表 ....................................……………........................................15 二级结构........................................................................…………..15
84 ・ 5
临床与 实验病理 学杂志
JCi x ahl 0 2A g2 ( ) l EpP to n 2 1 u ; 8 8
胰腺 癌组 织 中 S R I B E PN 5的表 达 及 意 义
刘清 华 , 陈 颖 , 晨 燕 , 赵 张 晶 , 高 莉 , 倪灿 荣 , 明华 朱
Ab t a t u p s T v s g t h x r si n o ER I 5 i u n p n r ai a cn maa d i l i a in f a c .M e h d s r c :P r o e o i e t aet e e p e so fS P NB n h ma a c e t c r io n t c i c l g i c n e n i c s n s i to s
pes no E PN 5adgn e, g ,u o l ai ,u o ie ni i n e ei lai P> .5 .C n ls n T e x rs o f R I B n e dr ae tm ro t n tm r fr t t nadnr ft t n( 0 0 ) o c i h — i S c o dfe ao v n r o i uo e
Th x r s in o e e p e so fSERPI NB5 i a c e tcc r i ma n p n r ai a cno s,pa a a eo o tm o n r ai is e n h o c p nce ttswa x r c nc rusn n—u rpa c e t ts u s a d c r ni a r a i s e — c i
pr sin fSERPI e so o NB5 i e ae o pa c e tc c ri o awhc u g sst tS sr l td t n ra i a cn m ih s g e t ha ERPI NB5 m a a n i p ra trl n t e p t o e e i y ply a m o tn oe i h a h g n ss o a r a i a cn ma. fp nce tc c r io Ke y wor ds: pa c e tc ne pls ;i n ra i o a m mmun h so he sr o itc mity;ts u iro ra is e m c r ar y; S ERPI NB5
• 2005年RELAP5-3D(Revision2.3)
• 至今: 大型计算程序间的耦合研究
2.功能 功能
• RELAP5是Idaho国家 工程实验室(INEL) 规 为核管会(NRC)开 程 发的轻水堆瞬态分析 制 程序, 现已经成为核 定 电厂分析器的基础。
1 A
p A
守 恒
Qwf Qif igh*f whf DISS f
3.1.1 水力学模型——状态关系式
•在上面三大守恒方程中采用 五个独立变量,它们是P 、ag 、Ug 、Uf, 和xn 。其余的热 力学变量(温度、密度、局部 压力、含汽量等)则 可用这几 个独立变量的函数来表示。 为使方程线性化,除这些变 量外, 还需要一些状态变量, 表现为状态关系式,用以确 定状态参数。例如:
1 2
2 f
p x
守 恒
g A(Vfi
Vf ) ( f f A)FIG(Vf
f t
V f x
Vg ] x
(g gUg )
1 A
PR5基因,全称为Pathogenesis-related protein 5 gene,是植物病原相关蛋白基因家族的一员。
MLP-5Laser Perforation for Single Bobbinof Cigarette Tipping PaperPicture shows the turnkey MLP-5 system includingthe Micro Perforator, the Rewinder, the CO2 –Laser Source and control cabinet.The MLP-5 System is a turnkey Laser Perforator Systems which offers highly attractive state-of-the-art technology for offline perforation of single bobbin of cigarette tipping paper.The MLP-5 System perforates a maximum of 4 rows (max. 2 rows per perforation zone) and up to 40.000 holes/second at a maximum web speed of 300 m/min. The maximum web width is 80 mm. The MLP-5 System perforates an extremely consistent hole-to-hole quality which results into a minimum standard deviation giving the MLP-5 System the highest reliability.MLT Micro Laser Technology GmbH Benzstr. 5b Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 90 11 96 – 700 D – 85551 Kirchheim bei München / Germany Fax: +49 (0) 89 – 90 11 96 – 710**************************Technical details of the MLP-5 System:Rewinder:• Max. bobbin diameter: 400 mm • Paper length unwind: max. 3500 m • Max. bobbin / paper width: max. 80 mm • Ramp up time: 0 – 300 m/min below 5 sec. • Max. winding speed: 300 m/min • Printed and un-printed paper: 35 to 45 gr./sqm. • Web guide: 1 optical edge sensor • Slitter: no slitting operations for single bobbin • Base plate: solid steel base plate for perfect long term stabilityMicro Perforator:• Based on patented Vario-Polygon System • Rotating speed: up to 12.000 RPM / others on request • Max. optical pulse frequenz: up to 40.000 holes/sec, 10.000 Hz per row • Hole density: range from 5 - 30 holes/cm • Typ. Porosity: 50 to over 1000 Coresta Units/row • Hole diameter: adjustable from 50 – 120 µmFocusing Heads:• Max. 4 perforation heads• All heads can be moved across the whole web• Each focusing lens is adjustable with 0,01 mm resolution • Each head with individual shutterCO 2 – Laser source with 10,6 µm wavelength:• Laser power 100 Watt or 200 Watt, others on request • Optimised power stabilisationChiller:• “Water-to-Air” or “Water-to-Water” cooling • +/- 0,5°C temperatur regulationExhaust dust Filter system:• Removes and filters debris of the perforation process。
第二章 RELAP5介绍2.1 RELAP5功能简介RELAP5是Idaho 国家工程实验室(INEL )为核管会(NRC )开发的轻水堆瞬态分析程序,现已经成为核电厂分析器的基础。
例如:LOCA(失水事故)、LOFT (失流事故)、给水丧失、意外失去厂外电源、以及汽轮机跳闸等等。
图2.1.1 RELAP5的功能图RELAP5的部件模型包括管道、阀、泵、安注箱、汽轮机、环路、应急堆芯冷却器、蓄压箱、分支和控制系统部件等(见图2.1.2)。
RELAP5还对截面突变、交叉流、壅塞流(choke flow )、混合水位跟踪、不凝气体迁移等现象建立了特殊分析模型(见图2.1.3)[16]。
RELAP5功能破口(LOCAs )失流(LOFT )Transient ScenariosATWS 给水丧失失去厂外电源全厂断电汽轮机跳闸……图2.1.2 RELAP5的组件模型图图2.1.3 RELAP5的特殊过程模型图RELAP5程序里还包括了一些简单的模型:热力平衡态模型、均相流模型以及无摩擦流动模型等。
RNAStructure 3.5
RNA Structure 根据最小自由能原理,将 Zuker的根据RNA一级序列预测RNA二级 结构的算法在软件上实现。预测所用的 热力学数据是最近由Turner实验室获得。 提供了一些模块以扩展Zuker算法的能力, 使之为一个界面友好的RNA折叠程序。
Primer Premier5.0
顾名思义,该软件就是 用来进行引物设计的。
可简单地通过手动拖动 鼠标以扩增出相应片段 所需的引物,而在手动 的任何时候,显示各种 参数的改变和可能的二 聚体、异二聚体、发夹 结构等。
也可以给定条件,让软 件自动搜索引物,并将 引物分析结果显示出来。
是一个在线专业资料查找系统,可以保存 查找资料,并在文章中对引用格式化.
二、 实验实施阶段
随着实验的进行,就必须对实验过程 中的DNA、RNA和蛋白质的信息进行各 种处理,包括限制酶分析、引物设计、 同源序列比较、质粒作图、结构域(motif) 查找、RNA二级结构预测、蛋白二级结 构分析、三维结构显示等方面的内容。
cNNNNN…NNNgaatt环状的序列就找不到 EcoR I的位点。 DNAssist 1.0能很容易把这个EcoR I位点找出来。 另外DNAssist在输出上非常完美,除了图形、 线性显示外,还有类似DNASIS的列表方式, 列出有的位点(按酶排列,按碱基顺序排列)。
3、 引物设计
Primer Premier5.0 是由加拿大Premier公司 开发的专业用于PCR或 测序引物以及杂交探针 的设计和评估的软件, 和Plasmid Premier2.02一 起是该公司推出的最新 的软件产品。其主要界 面同样也是分为序列编 辑窗口(Genetank), 引物设计窗口(Primer Design),酶切分析窗 口(Restriction Sites)和 Motif分析窗口。
pr5合成方法PR5 啊,这可不是随随便便就能合成出来的东西呀!就好像做饭一样,得有合适的食材、精确的步骤和恰到好处的火候。
PR5 的合成,那可是个技术活。
而且合成 PR5 还得特别细心,不能有一丝马虎。
还有啊,不同的方法可能会得到不同品质的 PR5 呢。
合成 PR5 真的不是一件容易的事啊,但一旦成功了,那可真是很有成就感呢!就好像自己精心培育的花朵终于绽放了一样。
总之呢,PR5 的合成可不是随随便便就能搞定的,需要我们用心去钻研、去实践,不断积累经验,才能最终得到我们想要的结果。
这真的不是一件容易的事儿呀,但只要我们有决心,有毅力,就一定能攻克这个难关,让 PR5 为我们所用!你说是不是呢?。
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BIRRP: bounded influence, RemoteReference Processing基于对时间序列分段平均,来计算MT和地磁测深的响应函数。
其中使用到了bounded influence, remote reference method, 也用到了jackknife方法去评价结果的误差;还用到了去leverage点的方法和two stage processing方法处理电场和磁场记录中的局部飞点;可以使用多个远参考台。
Revision HistoryRevision 1 Oct 2001 添加robust ar 滤波器as defaultRevision 2 Nov 2001 添加基本和高级输入选项:从一个ascii文件读取所有分量;在输入输出中使用dimensional period 代替Nyquists;可以输视电阻率和相位Revision 3 Mar 2002 修正输出部分的bug; 增加周期和频率输出选项,采样频率和采样间隔均可;change to scale estimate for Thomson weights(为适应Thomson权重修改成了scale 估计)Revision 3.1 修正了rarfilt中的几个小错误Revision 3.2 将收敛的flag修改成了整型Revision 3.3 增加了立即结束选项以防止所有权重为0的情况Revision 4 Dec 2002 对robust ar 滤波器进行了优化;增加了可以对数据进行预白化(prewhiten)处理和前置白化滤波器(prewhitening)的输入选项Revision 5 2005 对整个代码都进行了改进Revision 5.1 2005 修改了一些bug; (1)在滤波器中修改了频率的输入单位可以使用标准量纲(dimensional units),而非原来的Nyquists;(2)增加j格式输出;(3)集成了删除一个文件时询问的选项;(4)在输出时增加了排序的选项;(5)修改了当nfil小于0时的输入:dimensional frequency、滤波器的实部和虚部作为输入,用taut 三次样条拟合;(6)输入数据开始时间和窗口的起止时间,而不是跳过多少个点去读取,使程序自动对齐时间序列;(7)增加了qq(quantile-quantile)绘图输出,以及在两部处理流程中第一步处理的诊断结果输出到文件;(8)去除了L1范数作为初始解的选项;(9)减少内存使用率达50%; (10)在第一步增加了transfer function的输出,以及带jarckknife误差bounds的coherences输出。
当分段的大概超出所需频点的一倍时,运用bonded influence方法可以有效地检测出飞点,因此可以修改分段长度以取得最好transfer function。
步骤是:读数据(用自相关滤波器进行预白化)–> 在一个合适的数据长度内进行tapering之后再进行FFT。
响应函数和associated prediction coherences通过传统方法和bounded influence远参考道方法计算得到。
用户可以根据自己的需求使用传统远参考道方法或者two stage bounded influence方法。
这包括选定频点的quantile-quantile图(包括原始回归和bounded influence回归)、normalized数据图,残差功率和hat matrix diagonal.每一个分量都有最终的响应函数文件,而且也有prediction coherences. 这些文件的名字由用户在程序开始时的输入提供。
它们可以在GBDECOMP程序中用作galvanic distortion张量分解。
BIRRP用标准Fortran77写的,不过也用到了几个未被收录到F77标准中的特性,比如变量名的长度超过了6个字符长度,美元符号$用于格式输入(光标停留在输入提示字符之后,不是像标准F77那样另起一行)从系统Sun Sparcstation 2 - Sun OS 4移植到Ultrabook Iii-Solaris 7, Hewlett Packard工作站以及SunBlade 1000-Solaris 8系统上没有问题,不用修改。
也可以在Mac OSX Absoft Fortran 编译器上,以及各种windows版本上运行。
BIRRP文件包括makefile, pdf版本文档和代码。
使用make 或者make all编译。
如果parameters.h 文件里的参数有所变化,使用make newparameters重新编译。
去掉所有二进制文件,使用make clean.===================================Parameters.h里经常需要的改动的参数:===================================INTER: logical 变量,.true.是交互操作,.false.是runfile操作。
NPTSM: 每个时间序列的所有片段中数据点的最大个数,即最大数据点数。
NPTSSM: 每一个FFT片段中的最大的数据个数。
Maximum number of values per fft section。
NOUTM: 时间序列的最大输出个数。
如果处理电场和垂直磁场的话,通常是3,也可以是1,2或者3.NINPM: 输入的时间序列的最大个数(即磁场),通常为2,也可能是3NREFM: 参考时间序列的最大个数,必须大于或者等于NINPM,可以比NINPM大很多。
NRSITEM: 参考台站的最大个数NSECTM: 最大片段数,应该比NPTSM∗NSCTINC(NSCTMAX−1)NPTSM∗OFFS=======================================较少需要改动的参数,它们在主程序中定义:=======================================NBLK: coherence thresholding(相干阈值)的块的大小,设定的是10NFSM: 每段最大的频点个数,设定为2NFM: 输出的最大频点个数,设定为100NFILM: 最大滤波系数的个数,设定为100NARM: 自相关预白化滤波器的最大长度,设定为100NRECL: 二进制输入的块的最大尺寸,设定为30000====================================需要根据不同电脑系统设定的参数:====================================I1MACH, R1MACH, D1MACH这些参数规定了数在不同计算机系统的表示方式:IEEE-big 或者little-endian。
BIRRP 的第二个版本及后续版本使用BINPUT从单个的ascii文件读入一个或多个台站的某个分量。
在BIRRPR 的第二个版本中,程序可以使用基本模式和高级模式。
基本模式要求用户至少要输入远参考bounded inluence方法所需要的参数,且不能进行two stage 处理方法或者其它高级模式的选项。
只有用户非常熟悉bounded influence处理方法时,才建议使用高级模式,高级模式下可以修改代码。
程序会检查输入参数的维度兼容性(compatibility with the dimensions),如果有错误或者警告会输出到屏幕(INTER=.true.)或者文件里(INTER=.false.)。
x 是一个整数,对应于输入(1阶段)或者输出(2阶段)变量的标号。
从左到右,分别是周期、频率、prediction coherence的平方、prediction coherence 的相位(当使用远参考道时,不为0)、置信区间为95%时的理论零coherence值、95%的下限coherence、95%的上限coherence、与自由度等价的度数、通过coherence阈值(stage 1)或者coherence阈值和第一阶段处理(stage2)剩下的原始数据。