阶梯英语Level 10-lesson 2




广州版七年级下册英语单词表序号 英文词性 中文序号 英文词性 中文1gallery/ˈɡæləri/画廊,美术馆25roundabout/ˈraʊndəbaʊt/环形交叉路2ride/raɪd/骑(自行车、马车等);搭乘(车)26petrol station加油站3look forward to期待,盼望27bookshop/ˈbʊkʃɒp/书店4think about想,思考28kilometre/kɪˈlɒmɪtə(r)/公里5barbecue/ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/烧烤29theatre/ˈθɪətə(r)/剧院6excited/ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/激动的30straight/streɪt/笔直地7coming/ˈkʌmɪŋ/将来的,下一个的31ahead/əˈhed/向前;在前面8heavy/ˈhevi/厚实的32direction/dəˈrekʃn/指示;说明9boot/buːt/长筒靴(通常作boots)33tube/tjuːb/地铁10outside/ˌaʊtˈsaɪd/在外面,向外面34crossroad/ˈkrɒsˌrəʊd/十字路口11baseball/ˈbeɪsbɔːl/棒球35path/pɑːθ/路径,小路12catch/kætʃ/抓,捕捉;及时赶上36wood/wʊd/树林13centre/ˈsentə(r)/中心37pass/pɑːs/经过14art/ɑːt/艺术38signpost/ˈsaɪnpəʊst/路标15craft/krɑːft/工艺;手艺39stream/striːm/小河,小溪16fair/feə(r)/展览会40lawn/lɔːn/草坪17hotdog/ˈhɒtˌdɒɡ/热狗41at the end of在……尽头18candyfloss/ˈkændiflɒs/棉花糖42flight/flaɪt/一段阶梯19roller coaster环滑车43step/step/(楼梯)梯级,台阶20certainly/ˈsɜːtnli/肯定的;当然44collect/kəˈlekt/收集21avenue/ˈævənjuː/街道,大道45discount store折扣店22downtown/ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/(往)闹市区46factory outlet工厂直销店23stranger/ˈstreɪndʒə(r)/陌生人;异乡人47botanic garden植物园24swimming pool游泳池48landscape/ˈlændskeɪp/风景,景观49impressive/ɪmˈpresɪv/给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的74carry/ˈkæri/携带,运送50tram/træm/有轨电车75enough/ɪˈnʌf/足够地51 a stone's throw一箭之遥,一石之距76suburb/ˈsʌbɜːb/近郊住宅区52seaport/ˈsiːpɔːt/海港77the suburbs郊区53beachside/ˈbiːtʃˌsaɪd/海滩边78trade/treɪd/交换54resort/rɪˈzɔːt/(游览)胜地79plain/pleɪn/平淡的55attraction/əˈtrækʃn/景点80bungalow/ˈbʌŋɡələʊ/平房56scenic spot风景胜地81garage/ˈɡærɑːʒ/车库57Great Wall长城82trunk/trʌŋk/汽车后部行李箱58dragon/ˈdræɡən/龙83couple/ˈkʌpl/一对夫妇59Sydney/ˈsɪdni/悉尼84decide/dɪˈsaɪd/决定60opera/ˈɒprə/歌剧85had better最好61opera house歌剧院86care/keə(r)/关心;计较62shell/ʃel/贝亮87offer/ˈɒfə(r)/提供63sail/seɪl/帆88housing estate住宅区64twin/twɪn/双胞胎(之一)89advantage/ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/优点,长处65dressing table梳妆台90disadvantage/ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/不利(条件);弱点66wardrobe/ˈwɔːdrəʊb/衣柜91opinion/əˈpɪnjən/意见67length/leŋkθ/长度92reason/ˈriːzn/原因;理由68width/wɪdθ/宽度93environment/ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/环境69habit/ˈhæbɪt/习惯94education/ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/教育70carefully/ˈkeəfəli/仔细地95leisure/ˈleʒə(r)/空闲,闲暇71happily/ˈhæpɪli/高兴地96driveway/ˈdraɪvweɪ/车行道;私人车道72hate/heɪt/恨97chimney/ˈtʃɪmni/烟囱73lift/lɪft/抬、举98shutter/ˈʃʌtə(r)/百叶窗99roof/ruːf/屋顶124purpose/ˈpɜːpəs/目的100pipe/paɪp/管子125paragraph/ˈpærəɡrɑːf/段落101ceiling/ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板126jacket/ˈdʒækɪt/夹克衫,短上衣102electricity/ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/电127pants/pænts/[复]长裤103builder/ˈbɪldə(r)/建造者;建筑工人128sweater/ˈswetə(r)/毛衣104design/dɪˈzaɪn/图案;设计129blouse/blaʊz/女式衬衫105on top of...在……上面130vest/vest/背心106foundation/faʊnˈdeɪʃn/地基131sneaker/ˈsniːkə(r)/运动鞋107frame/freɪm/框架132tie/taɪ/领带108gas/ɡæs/气体133scarf/skɑːf/围巾109furnace/ˈfɜːnɪs/火炉134size/saɪz/尺寸110stove/stəʊv/炉子135T-shirt/ˈtiː ʃɜːt/T恤衫111steam/stiːm/蒸汽136skirt/skɜːt/女裙112heater/ˈhiːtə(r)/暖气设备137jeans/dʒiːnz/牛仔裤113protect/prəˈtekt/保护;防止138leather/ˈleðə(r)/皮革114cozy/ˈkəʊzi/温暖而舒适的139pyjamas/pəˈdʒɑːməz/[复]睡衣115snail/sneɪl/蜗牛140fashionable/ˈfæʃnəbl/时髦的116enclose/ɪnˈkləʊz/围起来141pretty/ˈprɪti/漂亮的117produce/prəˈdjuːs/生产;产生142feel/fiːl/摸上去给人感觉118structure/ˈstrʌktʃə(r)/结构143soft/sɒft/柔软的119refrigerator/rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r)/冰箱144madam/ˈmædəm/女士120furniture/ˈfɜːnɪtʃə(r)/家具145price/praɪs/价格121easily/ˈiːzəli/容易地146tag/tæɡ/标签122wire/ˈwaɪə(r)/电线147right/raɪt/恰好的123correct/kəˈrekt/正确的148credit/ˈkredɪt/信用149cash/kæʃ/现金174market/ˈmɑːkɪt/市场150sign/saɪn/签(名)175endangered/ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/濒临灭绝的;遭到危险的151receipt/rɪˈsiːt/收据176dolphin/ˈdɒlfɪn/海豚152cloth/klɒθ/布177gorilla/ɡəˈrɪlə/大猩猩153waist/weɪst/腰部178leopard/ˈlepəd/猎豹154wreath/riːθ/花环179roar/rɔː(r)/吼叫155performance/pəˈfɔːməns/表演180fiercely/ˈfɪəsli/凶猛地156miniskirt/ˈmɪniskɜːt/迷你短裙181giraffe/dʒəˈrɑːf/长颈鹿157classic/ˈklæsɪk/古典的182bark/bɑːk/狗吠158clothing/ˈkləʊðɪŋ/衣着;衣服(总称)183hound/haʊnd/警犬159vivid/ˈvɪvɪd/活泼的;生动的184kangaroo/ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/袋鼠160metallic/məˈtælɪk/金属的185hop/hɒp/跳跃161silver/ˈsɪlvə(r)/银186creep/kriːp/爬162exciting/ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/令人兴奋的187frog/frɒɡ/蛙163movie/ˈmuːvi/电影188sticky/ˈstɪki/粘的164in general总的来说189pad/pæd/垫子165informal/ɪnˈfɔːml/非正式的190toe/təʊ/脚趾166cotton/ˈkɒtn/棉191whale/weɪl/鲸鱼167comfortable/ˈkʌmftəbl/舒适的192mammal/ˈmæml/哺乳动物168yarn/jɑːn/棉线193sponge/spʌndʒ/海绵169quality/ˈkwɒləti/质量194breathe/briːð/呼吸170smooth/smuːð/光滑的195feed/fiːd/喂食171material/məˈtɪəriəl/原料196chimpanzee/ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː/黑猩猩172comfort/ˈkʌmfət/舒适(度)197well-known/ˌwel ˈnəʊn/有名的,众所周知的173room/ruːm/空间198scientist/ˈsaɪəntɪst/科学家199feed on以……为食物224herd/hɜːd/兽群200insect/ˈɪnsekt/昆虫225swallow/ˈswɒləʊ/吞咽201tool/tuːl/工具226breed/briːd/(动物)生育,繁殖202hunt/hʌnt/猎取,猎食227separate/ˈseprət/使分开203lesson/ˈlesn/授课;教训228lay/leɪ/下(蛋)204ostrich/ˈɒstrɪtʃ/鸵鸟229shadow/ˈʃædəʊ/影子205feather/ˈfeðə(r)/羽毛230hatch/hætʃ/孵化206down/daʊn/绒毛231footballer/ˈfʊtbɔːlə(r)/足球运动员207cock/kɒk/雄(当形容词);公鸡;雄鸟232dramatist/ˈdræmətɪst/剧作家208wing/wɪŋ/翅膀233biologist/baɪˈɒlədʒɪst/生物学家209tail/teɪl/尾巴234pop/pɒp/现代流行音乐210handsome/ˈhænsəm/英俊的235artist/ˈɑːtɪst/艺术家211slightly/ˈslaɪtli/一点点;些微236best-selling/zed/畅销的212foot/fʊt/脚;英尺237technique/tekˈniːk/技巧213useless/ˈjuːsləs/无用的238robot/ˈrəʊbɒt/机器人214claw/klɔː/爪子239moonwalk/ˈmuːnwɔːk/月球行走215danger/ˈdeɪndʒə(r)/危险240physician/fɪˈzɪʃn/内科医生216corner/ˈkɔːnə(r)/围困;将……逼入困境241guilty/ˈɡɪlti/有罪的217kick/kɪk/踢242terracotta/ˌterəˈkɒtə/赤陶土(的)218powerful/ˈpaʊəfl/有力的,强大的243warrior/ˈwɒriə(r)/勇士,武士219slash/slæʃ/猛砍244magnificent/mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt/华丽的220enemy/ˈenəmi/敌人245armour/ˈɑːmə(r)/盔甲221sharp/ʃɑːp/尖锐的246weapon/ˈwepən/武器222raise/reɪz/饲养;种植;举起247spear/spɪə(r)/矛,枪223dozen/ˈdʌzn/(一)打248ax/æks/斧249sword/sɔːd/剑269lecture/ˈlektʃə(r)/讲座250seriously/ˈsɪəriəsli/严重地;严肃地270plant/plɑːnt/工厂251blind/blaɪnd/瞎的,盲目的271boldly/ˈbəʊldli/勇敢地252deaf/def/聋的272president/ˈprezɪdənt/总裁;总统253circus/ˈsɜːkəs/马戏团273complete/kəmˈpliːt/完成254factory/ˈfæktri/工厂274project/ˈprɒdʒekt/项目255explain/ɪkˈspleɪn/解释275internship/ˈɪntɜːnʃɪp/实习期;实习生256touch/tʌtʃ/接触276shy/ʃaɪ/腼腆的257finger/ˈfɪŋɡə(r)/手指277awkward/ˈɔːkwəd/笨拙的258row/rəʊ/划(船)278nickname/ˈnɪkneɪm/绰号259boat/bəʊt/小船,艇279toothpick/ˈtuːθpɪk/牙签260adopt/əˈdɒpt/收养,领养280teens/tiːnz/少年时期(十三至十九岁)261machinist/məˈʃiːnɪst/机械工;机械师281contest/ˈkɒntest/论争,竞赛262fix/fɪks/修理282prize/praɪz/奖品263electronics/ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪks/电子学283Hollywood/ˈhɒliwʊd/好莱坞;美国影坛(或电影业)264refer/rɪˈfɜː(r)/提到,谈及284honour/ˈɒnə(r)/荣誉;尊敬265enroll/ɪnˈrəʊl/(使)注册;(使)入学285autobiography/ˌɔːtəbaɪˈɒɡrəfi/自传266demonstrate/ˈdemənstreɪt/演示;显示286jail/dʒeɪl/监狱267impress/ɪmˈpres/给……深刻印象287underpay/ˌʌndəˈpeɪ/过少支付;付得比(应得数额)少268right away立刻,马上288广州版七年级下册英语单词表序号 英文词性 中文序号 英文词性 中文1watch/wɒtʃ/观看;注视25meet/miːt/遇见2Internet/ˈɪntənet/互联网26abroad/əˈbrɔːd/往国外3soccer/ˈsɒkə(r)/英式足球27unfortunately/ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/不幸地4sound lab语音室28bore/bɔː(r)/使厌烦5post/pəʊst/邮寄29wallet/ˈwɒlɪt/钱夹6call/kɔːl/呼叫30passport/ˈpɑːspɔːt/护照7review/rɪˈvjuː/回顾;复习31cupboard/ˈkʌbəd/食橱8type/taɪp/打字32fan/fæn/扇子9allow/əˈlaʊ/允许,承认33knee/niː/膝盖10appointment/əˈpɔɪntmənt/约会34surprised/səˈpraɪzd/惊奇的,感到意外的11seldom/ˈseldəm/很少35laugh/lɑːf/大笑,发笑12gliding/ˈɡlaɪdɪŋ/滑翔的36enjoy/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/享受13instructor/ɪnˈstrʌktə(r)/教练37primary/ˈpraɪməri/小学的14control/kənˈtrəʊl/操纵器;控制38arithmetic/əˈrɪθmətɪk/算术15happen/ˈhæpən/发生39another/əˈnʌðə(r)/另一个16nervous/ˈnɜːvəs/不安的40secondary/ˈsekəndri/中等的17shake/ʃeɪk/(使)颤动,(使)抖动41scary/ˈskeəri/引起恐慌的18moment/ˈməʊmənt/瞬间42wonderful/ˈwʌndəfl/令人惊奇的;了不起的19panic/ˈpænɪk/惊慌43secure/sɪˈkjʊə(r)/安全的20rush/rʌʃ/冲44encouragement/ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt/鼓励21frightening/ˈfraɪtnɪŋ/令人恐惧的45effort/ˈefət/努力22biography/baɪˈɒɡrəfi/传记46quite/kwaɪt/相当23Tennessee/ˌtenəˈsiː/田纳西州47push/pʊʃ/催促;推24St.Louis圣路易48minimum/ˈmɪnɪməm/最小的49amount/əˈmaʊnt/数量74fireworks/ˈfaɪəwɜːks/[复]焰火50necessary/ˈnesəsəri/必要的,必需的75famous/ˈfeɪməs/著名的51GCSE/ˌdʒiː siː es ˈiː/中学毕业证书76Venice/ˈvenɪs/威尼斯(意大利东北部港市)52poor/pɔː(r)/质量差的,差的77journey/ˈdʒɜːni/旅行,旅程53lazy/ˈleɪzi/懒惰的78cross/krɒs/横过54go over温习79gobi/ˈɡəʊbi/戈壁,戈壁滩55Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国加利福尼亚州西南部港市)80desert/ˈdezət/沙漠56Houston/ˈhjuːstən/休斯敦(美国得克萨斯州东南部港市)81Kublai Khan忽必烈57Seattle/sɪˈæt(ə)l/西雅图(美国华盛顿州西部港市)82Persia/ˈpɜːʃə/波斯(伊朗古称,西南亚国家)58Pittsburgh/ˈpɪtsbɜːɡ/匹兹堡(美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部城市)83cover/ˈkʌvə(r)/覆盖59Detroit/dɪˈtrɔɪt/底特律(美国密歇根州东南部港市)84facility/fəˈsɪləti/[常作facilities]设备,设施60pm/ˌpiː ˈem/下午85surgeon/ˈsɜːdʒən/外科医生61match/mætʃ/比赛;火柴86cottage/ˈkɒtɪdʒ/单幢小楼;村舍;小别墅62am/əm/上午87bridge/brɪdʒ/桥63stay up不睡觉88erect/ɪˈrekt/盖;建造64forest/ˈfɒrɪst/森林,林木89replace/rɪˈpleɪs/取代,替换65few/fjuː/很少的,少数的90ferry/ˈferi/摆渡;渡船;渡口66Chile/ˈtʃɪli/智利(南美洲西南部国家)91courthouse/ˈkɔːthaʊs/法院67Venezuela/ˌvenəˈzweɪlə/委内瑞拉(南美洲北部国家)92railway/ˈreɪlweɪ/铁路68waterfall/ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/瀑布93station/ˈsteɪʃn/……站69Florida/ˈflɒrɪdə/佛罗里达州(美国州名)94district/ˈdɪstrɪkt/区域,地方70crowded/ˈkraʊdɪd/被挤满人群(或东西)的95refreshment/rɪˈfreʃmənt/点心,饮料71friendly/ˈfrendli/友好的96lieutenant/lefˈtenənt/陆军中尉;海军上尉72polite/pəˈlaɪt/有礼貌的,客气的97then/ðen/那时73Cinderella/ˌsɪndəˈrelə/灰姑娘98lobby/ˈlɒbi/(旅馆)大堂99spare/speə(r)/多余的;空闲的124feel like (doing)想要100model/ˈmɒdl/模型125hocky/ˈhɒki/曲混球101pottery/ˈpɒtəri/陶艺;陶器126rugby/ˈrʌɡbi/橄榄球102science/ˈsaɪəns/科学;理学127seasonal/ˈsiːzənl/季节(性)的103literature/ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/文学128indoor/ˈɪndɔː(r)/室内的104violin/ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/小提琴129mainly/ˈmeɪnli/主要地105revision/rɪˈvɪʒn/复习130typically/ˈtɪpɪkli/典型地106quiz/kwɪz/小测试131hurl/hɜːl/用力投掷107quiz show智力竞赛节目132score/skɔː(r)/得(分);进(球)108talk show脱口秀133equipment/ɪˈkwɪpmənt/设备109nature/ˈneɪtʃə(r)/大自然134stomachache/ˈstʌməkeɪk/胃痛110cartoon/kɑːˈtuːn/动画片135fever/ˈfiːvə(r)/发烧,发热111documentary/ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/纪录片136horrible/ˈhɒrəbl/可怕的,恐怖的112court/kɔːt/场137awful/ˈɔːfl/可怕的,糟糕的113fantastic/fænˈtæstɪk/极好的138pain/peɪn/疼痛114beach/biːtʃ/海滩139medicine/ˈmedsn/药115disco/ˈdɪskəʊ/迪斯科140hurt/hɜːt/引起疼痛116relative/ˈrelətɪv/亲属141sleep like a log睡得很熟117alien/ˈeɪliən/奇异的(世界);外国的142log/lɒɡ/木头118puzzle/ˈpʌzl/谜;测验(智力、技巧、耐心等)的问题(或游戏);难题143at once立刻,马上119particularly/pəˈtɪkjələli/尤其,特别地144give sb a ring给某人打电话120actually/ˈæktʃuəli/实际上145advance/ədˈvɑːns/前进;提前121organize/ˈɔːɡənaɪz/组织146in advance提前122annoyed/əˈnɔɪd/烦恼的147problem/ˈprɒbləm/问题,难题123helpful/ˈhelpfl/乐于帮忙的;有用的148chest/tʃest/胸149all the time一直163caution/ˈkɔːʃn/警告;小心,谨慎150pizza/ˈpiːtsə/匹萨164overdose/ˈəʊvədəʊs/过量用药151French fries薯条165contact/ˈkɒntækt/联络152drugstore/ˈdrʌɡstɔː(r)/药房166immediately/ɪˈmiːdiətli/立刻153remedy/ˈremədi/药品;治疗法167certain/ˈsɜːtn/某些,某种154rub/rʌb/摩擦168in order (to)为了155vinegar/ˈvɪnɪɡə(r)/酷169regularly/ˈreɡjələli/规律地,定期地156teaspoon/ˈtiːspuːn/茶匙170now and then间或,偶尔157insomnia/ɪnˈsɒmniə/失眠,失眠症171overdo/ˌəʊvəˈduː/把(某事)做得过分158burn/bɜːn/烫伤(处)172bend/bend/弯腰,倾身159handkerchief/ˈhæŋkətʃɪf/手绢173lift/lɪft/电梯160pharmacy/ˈfɑːməsi/药店174in the long run长远来看,终究161cough/kɒf/咳嗽175breathless/ˈbreθləs/气喘吁吁的162dosage/ˈdəʊsɪdʒ/剂量;配药;用量176exhausted/ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/精疲力竭的。



典范英语2B.doc.典范英语 2B目录Lesson 1 Poor Old Rabbit! (3) Lesson 2 Super Dad (3)Lesson 3 I Can Trick a Tiger (4) Lesson 4 The Monster Hunt (5) Lesson 5 Floppy and the Bone (6) Lesson 6 Ouch! (6)Lesson 7 A Cat in the Tree (7) Lesson 8 The Egg Hunt (8)Lesson 9 Nobody wanted to play (8) Lesson 10 The rope swing (9) Lesson 11On the sand (10)Lesson 12 By the stream (10) Lesson 13 The Duck Race (11) Lesson 14 The Ice Rink (12) Lesson 15 The Mud Bath (12) Lesson 16 Pond Dipping (13) Lesson 17 Sniff (13)Lesson 18 The Steel Band (14) Lesson 19 Adam goes shopping (15) .Lesson 20 Adam's Car (15)Lesson 21 Mosque School (16) Lesson 22 Lucky the Goat (17) Lesson 23 Yasmin and the Flood (17) Lesson 24Yasmin's Dress (18)Lesson 25 Midge in Hospital (19)Lesson 26 Roy and the Budgie (19)Lesson 27 Pip at the Zoo (20)Lesson 28 Joe and the Bike (20)Lesson 29 Midge and the Eggs (21)Lesson 30 Pip and the Little Monkey (22).Lesson 1 Poor Old Rabbit!Floppy saw a toy rabbit.‘ Poor old rabbit,’ said Floppy.‘ Nobody wants it.’Floppy took it to Kipper.‘ Poor old rabbit,’ said Kipper. Kipper took it to Mum.‘ Look at this rabbit,’ said Kipper.‘ Nobody wants it.’‘ Poor old rabbit,’ said Mum. Dad washed it.Kipper brushed it. Chip and Wilma wended it.Everybody wanted it now. Oh no!‘ Poor old rabbit,’ said Kipper.Lesson 2 Super Dad‘ Look at Dad,’ said Mum.‘ Dad looks silly,’ said Wilma.‘ No, he looks good,’ said Wilf. Dad put on a red nose.‘ Oh!’said Wilma.‘ Dad looks so silly.’Dad had a bucket.‘ Put your money in here,’ he said.Oh no! A man took Dad’ s money.‘ Stop!’ called Mum.‘ Come back.’But the man didn’ t stop.Dad got on a bike.The man ran fast?but Dad went faster.‘ Got you,’ said Dad.‘ Help!’ said the man.‘ Super Dad!’ said Wilma.Lesson 3 I Can Trick a TigerFloppy was dreaming that he was in the jungle.A tiger jumped out.‘ Got you!’ he said.‘ I can trick a tiger,’ said Floppy.‘ Look out!’ said Floppy.‘ There’ s a bee on your nose.‘O h no! said the tiger, and he let Floppy go.A Crocodile jumped out.‘ Got you!’ she said.‘ I can trick a crocodile,’ said Floppy.‘ Look out!’ said Floppy.‘ There’ s a bee on your nose.‘ Oh no! ’ said the crocodile, and she let Floppy go. Asnake slid o u t. ‘ Got you! ’ she said.‘ I can trick a snake,’ said Floppy.‘ Look out! Said Floppy.‘There’ s a bee on your nose.’‘Oh no! said the snake, and she let Floppy go.A rabbit jumped out.‘ Got your!’ said Floppy.‘ Look out!’ said the rabbit.‘ There’ s a bee on your nose. Buzzzzzzz!‘ Oh no!’ said Floppy.Lesson 4 The Monster HuntGran took the children on a monster hunt.Biff saw some monster footprints.Chip saw a monster gloves, and ?Kipper saw the monster!‘ Come on, ’ said Gran. ‘ Let ’ s get that monster! ’The monster ran. It ran up the hill.It ran into the mill ? and hid.‘ Come on, ’ said chip. ‘ Let ’ s get that monster! ”They went into the mill.‘ Sssh! ’ said Gran. ‘ I can see the monster ’ s tail. ’‘ Gran pulled the monster ’ s tail. ‘ Got you! ’ she said. ‘ AARGH! ’ said the monster.Crash! went a sack. Crash! went the monster.The monster looked at the children.‘ Help!’ he said.‘ Monsters!’.Lesson 5 Floppy and the BoneFloppy saw a big bone.‘ I want that bone,’ said Floppy.So he took it!‘ Stop! Stop!’’ Biffsaid.‘ Drop the bone!’ said Chip. But Floppy didn’ t stop, and he didn’ t drop the bone! He ran up the hill.He ran into a wood?and onto a bridge?and stopped! Floppy looked down. He saw a dog in the water.The dog had a big bone.Floppy wanted that bone, too.Grrrrrrrr! Went Floppy.Splash! went the bone. Splash! went Floppy.‘ Oh no! said Floppy.‘ the dog I saw was me!’Lesson 6 Ouch!Floppy was dreaming that he was in the desert.It was hot in the desert. The sand was hot. ‘ Ouch! ’s aid Floppy.Floppy saw a girl on a horse. The girl was Biff!‘ Quick! Come with me,’ said Biff.‘ A sandstorm is coming.The wind blew the sand. Biff put Floppy on the horse.The horse went fast.‘ Go faster!’ said Biff.‘ The sandsto is coming!’The horse went faster.‘ saidOuch!Floppy’.The horse stopped. Oh no!Floppy flew off the horse.‘ Ouch! Said Floppy.‘ Oh! There’ s my cactus,’ said Biff.Lesson 7 A Cat in the TreeFloppy barked at a cat.The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy.Wilma climbed on the wall.Wilma climbed up the tree.She couldn't get the cat.Wilma couldn't get down.Wilma's dad was cross.He put the ladder up.Wilma climbed down.Wilma's dad climbed the tree.He couldn't get the cat.Wilma's dad was stuck.The cat jumped down.The fireman put a ladder up.Wilma's dad climbed down.Oh no! said everyone.Lesson 8 The Egg HuntKate came to stay.Mum and Kate made a cake. Kate put little eggs on it.Wilma looked at the little eggs. She had an idea.Wilma went to the park. She wanted to hide some eggs.She put them in the trees. She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to the park.‘ You can look for eggs, Wilma.Kate looked for the eggs.‘ Where are they?’ she said.The squirrels had them.‘ Squirrels like eggs,’ said Kate. ‘ So do I,’ shed.saiLesson9 Nobody wanted to playWilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play. He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket. “ I am a spaceman, ” he said. He played on the see- saw. “ I am a juggler, ” he said.He played on the hors e. “ I am a cowboy, ” he said.He pl ayed on his bicycle. “ I am a stuntman, ” he said. He climbed up the ladder. “ I am a fireman, ” he said. He climbed on the wall. “ I am a spiderman, ” he said. Whoops!1.juggler[ 英] [ ?d ??gl ?] n. 玩杂耍的人;杂耍,把戏2.cowboy[ 英] [ ?ka ? ?b??] n. 牛仔;牧童;富有冒险精神的英雄3. stuntman[英] [ ?st?nt ?m?n] n.特技替身演员Lesson 10 The rope swingThe children went to the stream.They looked at the swing. Wilf climbed on the swing.Chip pushed Wilf. Floppy looked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked and barked.Kipper went on the swing.“ What a silly dog!er. ” said kipp Wilma went on too.“ What a silly dog!” said Wilma.The children went home. Floppy looked at the rope.Splash! Oh no!50. silly[ 英] [ ?sili] adj.蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的Lesson 11On the sandBiff and Chip played on the sand.Dad went to sleep. Biff and Chip put sand on Dad.They made a sandcastle. They put Dad’ s hat on top.They went to get an ice cream. Dad was still asleep.Chip looked at the donkeys. Biff looked at the boat.They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad’ s hat.“ Oh no!” said Biff.Dad was hiding. Biff was cross.The hat was on a stick.49. d onkey[ 英] [ ?d ??ki] n.驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;Lesson 12 By the streamMum and Dad sat on the rug.The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge.They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn’ t see. Kipper climbed up. He dropped Teddy in the water.“ Get Teddy,” said Kipper. Biff couldn’ t get Teddy.“ Get Teddy,” said Kipper. Mum couldn’ t get Teddy.“ I want Teddy,” said Kipper. Dad couldn’ t get Teddy.Dad fell in .Splash!“ I am a frogman,” said Dad.Lesson 13 The Duck RaceWilma had an idea.The children made six ducks. ‘ let’ s have a duck race, ’Wilma.Mum began the race. ‘ Drop the ducks in, Mum’. saidThe ducks went down the stream. Oh no! Wilma ’ s duck sank. Chip ’ s duck got stuck in the reeds. Biff ’ s duck got stuck in the weeds.Wilf ’ s duck got stuck on a log. ‘ G et it off with a stick,Chip.Kipper ’ s duck went fast. It went past Dad ’ s duck.Two swans flew down. They landed on the ducks!‘ Six soggy ducks,’ said Kipper..Lesson 14 The Ice RinkWilf and Dad went to the ice rink. They put skates on.They went on the ice.‘ Hold my hand.’ Said Dad.Wilf held Dad’ s hand.‘ This is fun.’ Said Wilf.Wil f let go of his Dad’ s hand. He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump.‘ This ice is cold,’Wilf.Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.‘ Look at me spin!’ said Dad.‘ Look at me jump!’Dad got some cold drinks.‘ Look out, Dad, f. ’ said WilOh no! a banana skin.Lesson 15 The Mud BathDad was playing football.He ran with the ball.‘ Go on Dad!’ called Chip.‘ Kick it! Dad fell over in the mud. Splat!‘ Bad luck, Dad!’ said Biff ‘ Oh Dad,’ said Mum.‘ What a mess.’‘ I want a bath,’said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath.Dad came down. There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football.‘ Go on!’ he called.‘ Kick it! Dad forgot the bath. Drip! Drop! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat!‘ What was that?’ said Dad.Splash!‘ Oh no,’ said Dad.Lesson 16 Pond DippingWilf and Wilma were at the pond.The net got stuck.‘ Help me pull,’ said Wilf.They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk.Wilma got a big stic k.‘ Let’ s pull it out,’ she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn’ t pulloutthe. junkMum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram.Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump.Splash! a fish jumped up.‘ A pram full of fish,’ said Dad. ‘ Pram dipping!’ said Wilma.Lesson 17 Sniff‘ Will you look after Sniff today?’ said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy. They wanted to look after thepuppy.They took Sniff to the park. The puppy was excited.Sniff liked to roll on her back?jump up for a stick?ru a ball?and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud. She ran after a duck. She jumped in the pond, and she barked at a dog.‘ I am hot,’ said Wilf.‘ I want a rest.’‘ I am hot, too,’ said Wilma. Mum couldn’ t find Sniff. She couldn Mum and Dad looked a nd looked. Mum. ‘ I want a drink.’’ t find Wilf and Wilma.‘ They must be lost,’saidThe y were fast asleep.‘ They are worn out,’ said Dad. Lesson 18 The Steel BandA band came to play.‘ My name is Stan,’ said a man.‘ I want you to help us.‘ I want you to clap,’ he said.‘ Clap your hands and tap your feet.’‘ I want you to sing a song.’‘ sing it with us!’The children sang with the band.‘ Now clap as you sing, Stan.‘ Who wants to play in the band?’ the children put up their hands.Everyone wanted to pla y.‘ You can all play,’ said Stan. Wilf hit the drum.‘ Tap it,’ said Stan.‘ Don’ t bang it. What a grand band!Lesson 19 Adam goes shoppingMum and Dad went shopping.They took Adam and Yasmin.Mum wanted a kettle. Adam wanted to go home.Yasmin wanted some shoes. Adam was bored.Dad wanted a track suit. Adam was fed up.Adam was tired. He went into a tent.Mum and Dad looked for Adam. They couldn’ t find him. Everyone looked for Adam.Adam was fast asleep.1.kettle[ 英] [ ?ketl] n. (烧水用的)壶;小汽锅2.track suit[ 英 ] [tr?k sju:t] n. 径赛服Lesson 20 Adam's Car.Adam had a new car.He saw a car on television. It looked like his car.Adam had an idea.He went to the flour bin. He put flour on the car.He dropped the car.“ Oh no!” said Adam.He looked in the flour. He co uldn’ t find the car. The bin fell over. The flour went everywhere.Mum was cross.Adam was sorry.37.flour[ 英] [ ?flau ?] n. 面粉38.bin[ 英] [bin] n. 箱子,容器;Lesson 21 Mosque School.Yasmin went to a mosque school.Adam wanted to go. But he was too little.He wanted to look inside.Adam couldn’ t see. He climbed on the lamp post.Adam got stuck.“no!Oh” said his Mum.“ Help! ” called Adam. Everyone ran to help.The firemen came. They got Adam out.“ You can go to mosque school,” said Grandad. “ Horray! ” said Adam.41.m osque[ 英] [m ?sk] n. 清真寺,伊斯兰教寺院42.stuck[ 英] [st ?k] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词 )Lesson 22 Lucky the Goat.Adam and yasmin went on holiday.They stayed with Grandmother.Grandmother had a party. Everyone wanted to come.Grandmother had a kid goat. The kid was called Lucky.Yasmin looked after Lucky. She gave her a bottle.She gave her a cuddle. She played with her every day.The holiday was over. Yasmin was sad.Adam had spots. They couldn’ t go onareophanethe.“ Chicken pox,” said the doctor.“ Come b ack in two weeks. “ Lucky! ” said Yasmin.37.cuddle[ 英] [ ?k?dl] n. 搂抱,拥抱38.chickenpox[ 英] [ ?t??k?np ?ks] n. 水痘Lesson 23 Yasmin and the Flood.Yasmin had a new dress. Her mum had made it. Yasmin put iton.Yasmin looked pretty.t “a prettyWha dress!” sai d Dad.Yasmin went to Gran ’ s. “ What a pretty dress! ”said everyone.Yasmin and Adam went to play. Adam got paint on his hands.Adam got paint on Yasmin’ s dress.“ Oh no!” said Yasmin. Yasmin was cross. Adam was upset.Grandfather got the paint off. Everyone was happy.Lesson 24Yasmin's Dress.Yasmin couldn’ t sleep. The rain woke her up.Yasmin went down stairs.“ Oh help!” she said.Mum and Dad came downstairs.“ Oh help!” said Dad.The shop was flooded. Everything was wet.“ What a mess!” said Yasmin. The cloth was wet.They took the clothe outside.“ Hang it up to dry,” said Y Everyone helped. The sun came out.“ It looks lovely,” said everyone.“ Let’ s have a party, Yasmin.Everyone was happy.39. flood[ 英] [fl ?d] vi.涌出;为水淹没.Lesson 25 Midge in HospitalMidge fell off his bike.The ambulance came. The man looked at Midge’ s foot.They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened. He didn’ t want to go to hospital.A doctor looked at Midge ’ s foot. A doctor gave Midge asweet.Midge ’ s mum came to se e him. She gave him a toy.Midge ’ s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit.Midge ’ s friends came to s ee him. They gave him some books.‘ It’ s not so bad in hospital,’ said Midge.‘ It’ s good to be home.’Lesson 26 Roy and the BudgieRoy had a budgie. He called a Joey.Joey flew outside.‘ Oh no!’ said Roy.Roy couldn’ t get Joey. Joey flew away.Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.Roy couldn’ t see Joey. An ostrich was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich. The ostrich looked at Roy.。



译林版七年级上册英语全册教案通用5篇译林版七年级上册英语全册教案(精选篇1)一学生情况分析(学生62人,其中男生:36人,女生:26 人)1.学习水平不均有的学生对小学英语比较重视,学得很好;但有的学生或学校不重视,学得很不好,还有几个甚至完全没有学过。






教学措施和辅助二课时总安排总共100课时:授课课时复习课时测试课时机动课时三.教材总体目标、单元要求及重难点The goal:The goal of Go for it is to make language a step-by-step progression that builds confidence and leads to open-ended activities where students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.Go For It! 是以《英语课程标准》为依据,以学生的英语语言综合运用能力为目标。




公共英语第三学期阶梯英语(二)复习要点交际用语复习练习一1. —I’m afraid I must be off now.—Oh?B. I’m very sorry.C. No, don’t go now.D. That’s OK.2. —Hello, Bob, haven’t seen you for ages, you look fine.—B. Hello, where have you been?C. I’m not fine these days.D.I met you just last week.3. —Would you be able to make a phone call for me?—,sir.A. I’m glad toC. That’ll be fineD. Yes, I would be4. —Thanks for the present. It’s really nice.—A. Yes, I think so.B. Never Mind.C. I’d love to.5. —Let’s go for a flower show. What do you say?—A. No, I wouldn’t.B. I didn’t say anything.C. Yes, I would.6. —Happy New Year!—B. Oh, no, thanks.C. Wish you, too.D. It’s the same to you.7. —I got a D in the math test.—’s too bad. B. It is not bad.C. Good for you.D. You shouldn’t have worked hard.8. — Can you turn down the radio, please?—.A. Oh, I knowC. I’ll keep it down next tim eD. Please forgive me9. — Hi, is Mary there, please?—_________B. No, she isn’t here.C. Yes, she lives here.D. Yes, what do you want?10.—Doctor, I don’t feel well.—_________A. You are f ine.B. It doesn’t matter.D. Don’t take it seriously.11. — Let me help you with your luggage.—A. Yes, please.B. I know you’ll help me.D. Yes, of course.12. ——I want to buy two 50fenstamps.B. What do you want to buy?C. Do you want to buy stamps or envelopes?D. What are you looking for?13. —Can you win the match?—A. I’m sure you will.I’m afraid not.C. No one knows.D. I don’t hope so.14. —I’m sorry I can’t follow you. Would you mind saying that slowly?—B. No, I wouldn’t.C. I’ve no idea.D. No, I would.15. ——I’ve just asked where you are from.B. Repeat.C. Excuse me!D. What’s wrong?答案:1.A。


It points out that the differences between Chinese and Western cultures lead to different ways of understanding and solving problems, which requires people to respect and understand each other's culture.
Sentence completion: Complete the given sentence with the appropriate grammar structure.
Sentence rearrangement: Rearrange the given words to form a grammatically correct sentence.
Synopsis of the text content
Vocabulary and grammar points
Vocabulary list
New vocabulary
New vocabulary
The text also mentions that English proficiency can enhance personal and professional development, allowing individuals to reach their full potential.



Lesson 1 A private conversationLesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?Lesson 3 Please send me a cardLesson 4 An exciting tripLesson 5 No wrong numbersLesson 6 Percy ButtonsLesson 7 Too lateLesson 8 The best and the worstLesson 9 A cold welcomeLesson 10 Not for jazzLesson 11 One good turn deserves another Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck Lesson 13 The Greenwood BoysLesson 14 Do you speak English?Lesson 15 Good newsLesson 16 A polite requestLesson 17 Always youngLesson 18 He often does this!Lesson 19 Sold outLesson 20 One man in a boatLesson 21 Mad or not?Lesson 22 A glass envelopeLesson 23 A new houseLesson 24 It could be worseLesson 25 Do the English speak English? Lesson 26 The best art criticsLesson 27 A wet nightLesson 28 No parkingLesson 29 Taxi!Lesson 30 Football or polo?Lesson 31 Success storyLesson 32 Shopping made easyLesson 33 Out of the darknessLesson 34 Quick workLesson 35 Stop thief!Lesson 36 Across the ChannelLesson 37 The Olympic GamesLesson 38 Everything except the weather Lesson 39 Am I all right?Lesson 40 Food and talkLesson 41 Do you call that a hat?Lesson 42 Not very musicalLesson 43 Over the South PoleLesson 44 Through the forestLesson 45 A clear conscienceLesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable Lesson 47 A thirsty ghostLesson 48 Did you want to tell me something? Lesson 49 The end of a dreamLesson 50 Taken for a rideLesson 51 Reward for virtueLesson 52 A pretty carpetLesson 53 Hot snakeLesson 54 Sticky fingersLesson 55 Not a gold mineLesson 56 Faster than sound!Lesson 57 Can I help you, madam?Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise?Lesson 59 In or out?Lesson 60 The futureLesson 61 Trouble with the HubbleLesson 62 After the fireLesson 63 She was not amusedLesson 64 The Channel TunnelLesson 65 Jumbo versus the policeLesson 66 Sweet as honey! Lesson 67 VolcanoesLesson 68 PersistentLesson 69 But not murder! Lesson 70 Red for danger Lesson 71 A famous clock Lesson 72 A car called bluebird Lesson 73 The record-holder Lesson 74 Out of the limelight Lesson 75 SOSLesson 76 April Fools' Day Lesson 77 A successful operation Lesson 78 The last one? Lesson 79 By airLesson 80 The Crystal Palace Lesson 81 EscapeLesson 82 Monster or fish? Lesson 83 After the elections Lesson 84 On strikeLesson 85 Never too old to learn Lesson 86 Out of control Lesson 87 A perfect alibi Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine Lesson 89 A slip of the tongue Lesson 90 What's for supper? Lesson 91Three men in a basket Lesson 92 Asking for trouble Lesson 93 A noble giftLesson 94 Future champions Lesson 95 A fantasyLesson 96 The dead return简单陈述句的语序一般现在时,现在完成时;感叹句一般过去时现在完成时一般过去时与现在完成时冠词过去进行时比较级和最高级时间介词的用法各种时态的被动语态复习Lesson2-Lesson10一般将来时将来进行时过去完成时陈述句的直接引语变间接引语if引导的真实条件句情态动词musthave的用法can & may动名词双宾语结构的被动语态介词of & from & in & on的用法There is 和 it is的用法复习Lesson1-Lesson24课难点并列句中的语序宾语从句一般过去时定语从句(关系代词)现在完成时表动作的延续性定冠词the的用法; some 与any的区别used to的用法比较状语从句用于表示目的和方向的介词不定式的被动语态so & such句型will与be going to 的用法及区分将来完成时no sooner…than… 和 hardly… when… 句型疑问句直接引语变间接引语if 引导的虚拟条件句(对现在情况的虚拟)must,have to 和need的用法have加名词与相应动词的替换can & be able to动名词被动语态的复习同位语从句;与to,at, for和with连用的动词复习Lesson36-Lesson45课关键句型定语从句(关系副词);复习Lesson25-Lesson48课难点复合句的语序现在分词作伴随状语一般过去时现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区分一般过去时,现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区分定冠词、不定冠词的用法总结used to和would的用法表示比较关系的句型介词in,with, at, off的用法被动语态;强调句表示目的的结构与句型一般将来时的总复习将来完成时,将来进行时和将来完成进行时的区分过去完成时和过去完成进行时的区分祈使句的直接引语变间接引语if引导的非真实条件句(与过去事实相反)表示“应该”和“必须”的情态动词使役动词have的用法can.be able to和manage to 的用法区分动词和动名词被动语态形容词后的介词复习Lesson60-Lesson69课关键句型复习Lesson50-Lesson71课难点简单句,并列句和复合句非限定性定语从句;现在进行时和一般现在时一般过去时现在完成时 & 现在完成进行时一般过去时,现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区分冠词的用法复习双重否定句;倒装句比较状语从句介词at, in, to, with的用法被动语态总复习状语从句的省略一般将来时一般将来时,将来进行时和将来完成进行时过去完成时总复习直接引语变间接引语总复习if条件句总复习情态动词总复习;同位语从句have的用法总结can.be able to和manage to 的用法复习否定转移;So do I句型被动语态总复习;同形不同音的词介词与形容词的搭配过去完成时在虚拟语气中的运用复习Lesson74-Lesson91课的难点。



Lesson10Not for Jazz不适于演奏爵士乐What happened to the clavichord?We have an old musical instrument.It is called a clavichord.It was made in Germany in1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room.It has belonged to our family for a long time.The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.Recently it was damaged by a visitor.She tried to play jazz on it!She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.My father was shocked.Now we are not allowed to touch it.It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.参考译文我家有件古乐器,被称作古钢琴,是1681年德国造的。







【New words and expressions】(11)1jazz[d??z]n.爵士音乐2musical['mju:zik?l] a.音乐的3instrument['instrum?nt]n.乐器4clavichord['kl?vik?:d]n.古钢琴5recently['ri:s?ntli]ad.最近6damage['d?mid?]v.损坏7key[ki:]n.琴键8string[stri?]n.(乐器的)弦9shock[??k,?ɑk]v.使不悦或生气,震惊10allow[?'lau]v.允许,让11touch[t?t?]v.触摸一、单词讲解jazz n.爵士音乐classical music古典音乐folk music民族音乐country music乡村音乐pop(popular)music流行音乐jazz爵士音乐play jazz演奏爵士乐eg.They tried to play jazz on the piano.他们试图在钢琴上演奏爵士音乐。



同等学力申硕英语词汇带音标、释义完美整理版〔3〕L*label ['leib*labo(u)r ['leib] n.劳动;工人 v.劳动;费力地前进laboratory/lab[][] n. 实验室lace*lack [læk] v./n.缺乏,缺少,短缺lad[læd]n.少年,小伙子;(口)伙伴,老朋友;(英)管赛马房马夫;(俚)情人*ladder ['læd] n.梯子,阶梯lady ['leidi] n.夫人,女士;(pl.)女盥洗室*lag [læg] n.落后,滞后 vi.落后,走得慢lake [leik] n.湖,湖泊lamb [læm] n.小羊,羔羊;羔羊肉lame[] a. 跛,瘸 ,残废*land [lænd] n.陆地;土地;国家 v.使…着陆landlord ['lændl:d] n.地主,房东landmark ['lænd mɑ:k]n.[航]陆标;界标;里程碑;纪念碑a.有重大意义或影响landmine['lændmain] n.地雷,投伞水雷landscape ['lændskeip] n.风景,风光;风景画,风景照片lane [lein] n.小路,小巷;车道,跑道language[]lantern ['læntlap [læp] n.膝部;(跑道)一圈laptop['læp t p] n.便携式电脑*large [l ɑ:d] a.大 n.大[只用于短语]laser ['leizlash[l]v.系牢;鞭打;猛烈抨击 n.鞭打;眼睫毛*late [leit] a.迟;晚期;最近 ad.迟,晚*lately ['leitli] ad.最近,近来,不久前later ['leit] ad.后来,过一会儿Latin['lætn] n.拉丁文;拉丁语,拉丁文学;拉丁美洲人;拉丁姆人第 1 页a.拉丁,拉丁语;古罗马;拉丁姆;拉丁美洲latitude['l titju:d]n.纬度[ pl.]纬度地区;盘旋余地,自由*latter ['læt*laugh [lɑ:f] v.笑 n.笑(声)laughable ['læf b l, 'lɑ:f-] a.有趣,逗人笑;好笑;可笑laughter ['l ɑ:ft] n.笑,笑声*launch[]laundry ['l:ndri] n.洗衣店;洗好衣服,洗涤lavatory ['læv t ri] n.盥洗室,厕所*law [l:] n.法律;法规,法制;定律,规律lawful ['l :f l] a.合法,法定lawn [l:n] n.草地,草坪lawsuit ['l :su:t] n.诉讼;诉讼案件lawyer ['l :j*lay [lei] v.放置;覆盖;安置;产卵layer ['lei] n.层(次)layman['leim n]n.门外汉,外行layoff['lei f]n.(尤指临时)辞退layout ['leiaut] n.布局,安排,设计*lazy ['leizi] a.懒惰,懒散leader ['li:d] n.领袖,领导者leadership ['li:dleading ['li:di] a.最重要,首位;领导leaf [li:f] n.叶(子);张,页;薄金属片league [li:g] n.同盟,联盟;协会,社团leak [li:k] vi.漏;泄露出去 n.漏洞;泄露*lean [li:n] vi.倾斜;屈身;靠 a.无油脂,瘦leap [li:p] v.跳,跃;跃过 n.跳跃;飞跃*learn [l:n] v.学习,学会;得知,得悉;记住learned ['l:nid] a.博学,有学问learning['l :ni] n.学问,学术,知识;v.学习〔learn现在分词〕lease [li:s] n.租约,契约leather ['leð*lecture []n./v.演讲,讲课*left [left] a.左边 ad.向左 n.左面;(L-)左派left-handed[] a. 惯用左手leftist ['leftist] n.左派人;急进派;左撇子a.左派;左撇子;激进第 2 页leg [leg] n.腿(部)*legal ['li:gl] a.法律(上);法定,合法legalization [li:gəlai'zei n] n.合法化,认可legend['led nd]n.传说,传奇;传奇文学;传奇性人物或事件legislation [led is'lei n] n.立法;法规,法律legislative [led i'sleitiv] adj.〔关于〕立法;立法决定;有权立法,用以立法;立法机构;n.立法权;立法机关legislator [led i'sleitə] n.立法委员;立法者legitimate [li'dleisure ['le] n.空闲时间,闲暇;悠闲,安逸lemon[] n.柠檬;柠檬汁*lend [lend] vt.把…借给,贷给,出借*length [] n.长(度),距离;一段,一节lengthy[']adj.长,漫长;冗长;啰唆〔演说,文章等〕lens [lenz] n.透镜,镜头lesbian['lezbi n] a.女同性恋;莱斯博斯岛;n.女同性恋者;莱斯博斯岛人*less [les] a./ad.更少(地);较次(劣)(地)*lesson ['lesn] n.课业,功课,课程;教训,经历lest [lest] conj.唯恐,免得*let [let] vt.让,允许;设,使;出租letter ['let] n.字母,文字;信,函件*level ['lev l] n.水平面;等级 a.平,水平lever ['li:v]n.杠杆;控制杆,推杆levy['levi]vt.征收(税等) n.征税,税款liability [lai'biliti]n.责任,义务;(pl.)债务;倾向liable ['lai b患…;有…倾向;有偿付责任liaison ['li:ei z n, li:'ei-] n.联络,联络人;[语]连音;(尤指一方或双方已婚)私通;[烹]加浓料liar ['lailiberal ['lib r l] a.自由主义;大方;心胸开阔liberate ['lib reit] v.解放,使获得自由;释出,第 3 页放出*liberty ['lib ti] n.自由,释放;(pl.)准许(权),许可librarian [] n.图书馆馆长(或管理员)library ['laibr ri] n.图书馆,图书室;藏书license/-ence ['lais ns] n.执照;许可 vt.批准,发给…执照lick [lik] n./vt.舔lid [lid] n.盖(子)*lie [lai] vi.躺,平放;位于,在于 v.说谎 n.谎话lieutenant [lef'ten nt]n.陆军中尉;海军上尉*life [laif] n.生命;生物;寿命;生活lifetime ['laiftaim] n.终生, 一生*lift [lift] v.提升;(尤指云、雾)消散 n.举起;电梯*light [lait] n.光 v.点燃;照亮 a.轻;不费力lightning ['laitni] n.闪电lightweight['lait weit] a.轻量;不重要;n.轻量级选手;不重要人*like [laik] a.相像 prep.像,与…一样 v.喜欢,希望*likelihood[]n.可能, 可能性*likewise ['laikwaiz] ad.同样地,也*limb [lim] n.肢,臂,翼*limit ['limit] n.界限 vt.限制,限定limitation [limi'tei n] n.限制,限度;局限,弱点limited ['limitid] a.小,有限line [lain] n.线;电线;路线 vt.(使)排成行linear ['lini]a.线,直线,线状;长度;线性linen['linin]n.日用织品,亚麻织品;亚麻布liner ['lain] n.班船,班机linger['li g]vi.逗留,留恋徘徊;继续存留,缓慢消失linguistic[li'gwistik]a.语言,语言学*link [li k] n.环,联系 vi.连接,联系lion ['lailipstick['lip stik]n.唇膏,口红liquid ['likwid] n.液体 a.液体,液态liquor ['lik*list[]n.目录,名单,表 v.列表,排列*listen ['lis n] vi.听;听信,听从liter/tre ['li:t] n.升第 4 页literacy['lit r si]n.识字,有文化,读写能力literal['lit r l]a.照字面,原义;逐字literally ['lit r li]n.逐字地,照字面地;真正地;简直literary []a.文学,从事写作literature[] n.文学(作品);文献,图书资料litter['lit*little ['litl] a.小;不多 n.几乎没有 ad.毫不*live [liv] v.居住;生存 a.有生命 ad.实况地livelihood ['laivlihud] n.生计,谋生之道lively ['laivli] a.活泼;逼真liver ['liv] n.肝(脏)living ['livi] a.活着 n.生活,生计living-room ['livi'ru:m]n.客厅,起居室*load [] v.装载 n.装载量;负荷loaf [l uf] n.一条(面包)*loan [l un] n.贷款,暂借 v.借出,贷于lobby ['l bi] n.门厅,(饭店等)接待厅*local []a.当地,地方,本地;局部locality[l u'k liti]n.地区,地点*locate[]vt.把…设置在;探明location[] n.位置,场所*lock [l k] n.锁 v.(被)锁上locomotive[l uk 'm utiv]n.机车,火车头 a.运动;运载locust[]n. 蝗虫lodge [l d] vt.供…以临时住宿 vi.寄宿lofty['l fti]a.傲慢;崇高;高耸log [l g] n.原木,圆木;航海(飞行)日志*logic []n.逻辑(学);逻辑性*logical []a.逻辑,符合逻辑logo['l g] n.〔某公司或机构〕标识,标志,徽标;logotype缩略形式;[计算机] LOGO 教学语言;儿童教学语言*lonely []a.孤独,寂寞;荒凉,人迹稀少*long[]a.长();长时间 ad.长期地 vi.渴望longitude['l nd itju:d]n.经度*look [luk] vi.看;看起来 n.看;外表,脸色*loom[]vi.阴森地逼近,隐现;即将降临;n.织布机第 5 页loop[lu:p] n.圈,环;[医]宫内避孕环;回路;弯曲局部vt.& vi.〔使〕成环,〔使〕成圈;以环连结;使翻筋斗*loose [lu:s] a.松,宽松 v.释放,解开loosen ['lu:s n] v.解开,放松,松驰lord [l:d] n.贵族,老爷;领主,君主;(L-)上帝lorry ['l ri] n.卡车,货运汽车*lose [lu:z] vt.丧失;迷路;输掉 vi.赔本;失败*loss [l s] n.遗失;亏损;失败*lot [l t] n.许多,大量;签,抽签*loud [laud] a./ad.大声(地),响亮(地)lounge[laund] n.休息厅;客厅;〔机场等〕等候室vi.闲逛;懒洋洋地躺vt.懒洋洋地打发〔时间〕;虚度光阴*love [l v] vt.爱;爱好 n.爱,爱情,喜欢lovely ['l vli] a.美丽,得意;有趣,令人愉快lover ['l v] n.爱好者;情人*low [l u] a.低,矮;低下,低等*lower [] a.较低,下等 vt.放下,放低*loyal []a.忠诚,忠实*loyalty[] n.忠诚,忠心lubricate ['lu:brikeit] vt.润滑,加润滑油*luck[] n.运气;幸运,好运*lucky ['l ki] a.幸运,桔祥,幸运luggage[]n.行李luminous['lu:min s]a.发光,发亮,光明lump [l mp] n.块;肿块 vt.把…归并到一起lunar ['lu:n] a.月球,按月球运转而测定lunch [l nt] n.午餐,便饭luncheon['l nt n] n.午餐;午餐会;午宴;两餐之间吃一点食物lung []n.肺lure [lju, lu] n.吸引人东西,诱惑物 vt.引诱,吸引luxury ['l k ri] n.奢侈(品),豪华Mmachine [] n.机器,机械machinery [m 'i:n ri] n.(总称)机械,机器;机构*mad [mæd] a.疯;恼火;狂热,着迷第 6 页madam ['mæd m] n.(对妇女尊称)女士,夫人magazine [mæg'zi:n] n.杂志, 期刊*magic ['mæd ik] n.魔力;魔术 a.有魔力,不可思议magistrate['m d istreit, -strit]n.行政长官;治安法官magnet ['mægnit] n.磁体,磁铁magnetic [mæg'netik] a.磁性;有吸引力magnificent [mæg'nifis nt] a.壮丽,宏伟magnify ['mægnifai] vt.放大,扩大;夸大magnitude ['mægnitju:d] n.巨大,重大;大小,数量maid [meid] n.少女,未婚女子;女仆mailbox ['meilb ks] n.邮筒,邮箱mainland ['meinl nd] n.大陆,外乡mainstream ['meinstri:m]n.主流*maintain [mein'tein] vt.维持保持;保养维修;坚持,主张majesty ['m d isti]n.[M-]陛下;雄伟,壮丽,庄严major [] a.较重要n.主修课程;少校vi.(in)主修*majority []n.多数,大多数*make [meik] v.制造;使;迫使;获得;等于makeup ['meik*male [meil] n./a.男性(),雄性()malicious[]a.恶意,心毒mall [m :l, m l]n.(由许多商店组成)购物中心malpractice [m l'pr iman [mæn] n.男人;人,人类*manage ['mænid] v.管理,经营;设法(做到、完成);处理management ['mænid m nt] n.管理,经营;管理人员manager ['mænid] n.经理,主管人managerial [mæn 'd i]a.经理maneuver/manoeuvre[m 'nu:v]n.策略[ pl.]演习v.(巧妙)控制;用策略*manifest[]a.明显,明了;vt.显示,证明,说明;使显现,使显露*manipulate [m'nipjuleit] vt.操纵,利用,操作,巧妙地处理mankind [manly ['mænli] a.有男子气概 ad.男子般地,果断地man-made[]a. 人造,人工*manner ['mæn] n.方式;态度,举止;(pl.)礼貌第 7 页mansion['m n n]n.大厦,(豪华)宅邸*manual ['mænju l] a.手工;体力 n.手册,指南*manufacture []v.(大量)制造杜撰n.制造(pl.)制品manufacturer [mænju'fækt] n.生产厂商,制造公司,厂主manuscript ['mænjuskript] n.手稿,原稿*many ['meni] a.许多,多 pron.许多人或物,许多map [mæp] n.图,地图March [m ɑ:t*march [m ɑ:t] v./n.行进,进军*margin ['m ɑ:d in] n.页边,边缘;余地marginal ['mɑ:d in l]a.微小;仅以微弱多数获胜;有旁注marine [m'ri:n] a.海;航海 n.水兵;船舶,海运业*mark [mɑ:k] n.痕迹;记号;(考试)分数 v.弄污;标志*marriage ['mærid] n.结婚,婚姻;婚礼*married[]a.已婚, 婚姻*marry ['mæri] vt.同…结婚marsh [mɑ:] n.沼泽,湿地marshal ['mɑ:l]n.元帅;总指挥;(美)执法官 vt.整理,集结martyr['mɑ:]n.烈士,牺牲者;殉道者,殉教者;vt.牺牲,为信仰而受难或殉难marvel(l)ous ['m ɑ:v l s] a.奇异;了不起masculine['m skjulin]a.男性,男子;男子气mask [mɑ:sk] n.面具,面罩*mass [mæs] n.(大)团,块;大量,众多;(pl.)群众massacre ['m s k]massive ['mæsiv] a.巨大;大量;魁伟*master ['m ɑ:st] n.主人;能手;(M-)硕士 vt.掌握;控制masterful['m ɑ:st]a.好支配别人,专横mastermind['mɑ:st]masterpiece ['m st pi:s , 'mɑ:st pi:s]n. 杰作mat [mæt] n.席子,垫子*match [mæt] n.火柴;比赛;对手 v.(与…)相配mate [meit] n.伙伴;配偶 v.使…配对material []maternity[]n.母性,母道;怀孕mathematical[]a.数学,数学上;准确;可能性极小mathematics [mæθ第 8 页*matte r ['mæt] n.事情,问题;毛病,麻烦;物质,物品*mature[]maturity [m 'tju riti] n.成熟;完成;(支票、债券等)到期maximize []vt.使达最大或最高限度,增加(扩大)到最大值;非常重视,完全运用;求…最大值;vi.广义阐述;到达最大值,最大化maximum []n.最大量最高值 a.最大,最高*may [mei] aux.v.可能,也许;可以,被允许;祝,愿*maybe ['meibi:] ad.可能,也许mayor ['mme [mi:, mi] pron.[I宾格]我meadow ['medmeal [mi:l] n.一餐,膳食*mean [mi:n] v.表…意思;意为,意欲;意味着meaning ['mi:ni] n.意义,意思;重要性,目*means [mi:nz] n.手段,方法;财产,收入*meantime ['mi:ntaim] n.其时,在此期间 ad.同时,当时*meanwhile ['mi:n'wail] ad.当时,与此同时measurable[,可度量;重要,不容无视*measure[]n.量度;措施 vt.量 vi.有…长measurement ['me m nt] n.测量,衡量;尺寸,大小*mechanic [mi'kænik] n.技工,机械工人mechanical [mi'kænikmechanics [mi'kænik]n.力学;机械制造学;制造方法,构成法mechanism ['mek nizm] n.机械装置;机构,构造medal ['medl] n.奖章,勋章,纪念章*media[]*mediate[]v.仲裁,调停,作为引起…媒介,居中调停mediator['midieit]n.调解人,中间人;垂直中线*medical ['medik l] a.医学,医疗Medicare [medi'k]medicine [] n.药;医学,医术medieval [medi'i:v l]a.中世纪,中古(时代) medium []a.中等 n.媒介物;中间,第 9 页适中meeting ['mi:ti] n.会议,聚会melody ['mel di]n.曲调,旋律*melt [melt] v.(使)融化,(使)熔化;消散,消失member ['memb] n.成员,会员membership ['memb ip] n.成员资格,会员资格memorandum [mem 'rændmemorial [] a.纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆;纪念仪式*memorize/-ise[]v.记忆,熟记,背熟*memory ['mem ri] n.记忆,记忆力;回忆,思念;存储(器)menace ['men s]vt./ n.有危险性人(或物);威胁,威吓*mend [mend] vt.修理,修补,补缀;纠正 n.修补,补钉*mental ['mentl] a.心智,精神;神经不正常*mention [] v.提到,谈到 n.提述,提及merchant [] n.商人mercury ['m:kjuri]n.水银(柱),汞;(the M-)水星*mercy []n.怜悯,宽恕,仁慈*mere[]a.仅仅,只不过merge [m :d]v.合并,结合,融合merger ['m :d] n.(企业等)合并merit ['merit] n.优点;功绩;价值 v.应得;值得*merry ['meri] a.愉快,欢乐mess [mes] n.混乱,混杂,脏乱*message ['mesid] n.消息,信息,口信;启示,要旨messenger ['mesind] n.送信人,使者*metal ['metl] n.金属,合金meter/-tre ['mi:t] n.米,公尺;仪表,计量器*method []n.方法,方法methodology [mi 'd l d i]n.(研究某一学科)一套方法metric ['metrik] a.公制,米制metropolitan[metr 'p lit n] n./a.大城市() microcomputer[] microphone ['maikr f un] n.麦克风,扩音器microscope[]microwave ['maikrmidday ['middei] n.正午,中午第 10 页*middle ['midl] n.中间;中等物 a.中间;中等midnight ['midnait] n.午夜,子夜midst['midst]n.中部,中间,当中Midwestmidwife*might [mait] aux.v.[may过去式] n.力量,威力migrant['maigr nt]n.移居者,移民;留鸟,迁移动物*migrate [mai'greit] v.迁移,迁居;定期移栖*mild [maild] a.温柔文雅;轻微;(烟、酒)味淡milestone ['mailstmilitant['milit nt]a.激进,好斗 n.激进分子,斗士*military[]militia [mi'limilky ['milki] a.牛奶,多奶;乳白色mill [mil] n.磨坊,面粉厂;工厂,车间miller ['milmillimeter/-tre ['mili mi:tmillion ['milj n] num.百万,百万个;n.(pl.)无数millionaire [milj 'ne]n.百分富翁*mind [maind] n.头脑;记忆;注意 v.注意;介意;照料mine [main] pron.[I物主代词]我 n.矿 v.开矿mineral [] n./a.矿物()mingle['mi g l]vt.使混合,使相混 vi.混合起来;相交往miniature ['mini t] n./a.缩小(),缩微minibus[mini b s] n. 小型公共汽车minimal ['minim l]a.最小,最低限度*minimize /-ise['minimaiz] vt.将减到最少,使降到最低*minimum ['minim m] n.最小量,最低限度minister ['minist] n.部长,大臣ministry ['ministri] n.(政府)部*minor ['mainminority [mai'n riti] n.少数;少数民族mint[mint]n.薄荷;铸币厂 vt.铸造(硬币);创造(词等)minus ['main s] a.减,负 prep.减去 n.减号,负号*miracle ['mir kl] n.奇迹,令人惊奇人或事*mirror ['mir] n.镜子;反映,反射 vt.反映,反射miserable ['miz r bl] a.悲惨,痛苦;可怜,糟糕第 11 页misery ['miz ri] n.痛苦,悲惨misfortune[mis'f :t n]n.不幸,厄运,逆境;不幸事故,灾难misguidemislead[mis'li:d]vt.误导,引入歧途*miss [mis] n.(M-)小姐 v.错过,未赶上;惦念,想念missing ['misi] a.失踪,欠缺,不在mission ['mi n] n.使命,任务;代表团missionary['mi n ri]n.传教士mist[] n. 雾mister['mist…为先生mistress ['mistris] n.女主人,主妇;情妇misunderstand(misunderstood)[] [] vt.误解,误会,曲解*mix [miks] v.混合;交往 n.混合物;迷糊;混合*mixture[]n.混合物;混合,混杂mo(u)ld[m ud]n.模子,铸模;性格,气质,脾气;霉菌;活土,壤土;vi.塑成;塑造,形成(性格,行为等)moan[m un]n.呻吟声,悲叹声,抱怨声 v.呻吟;抱怨mob [m b]n.暴民,乌合之众 vt.成群围住,聚众袭击mobile ['mmobilize/-ise ['mmock [m k] n.嘲弄,嘲笑*mode [m ud] n.方式,方法;样式,型*model ['m dl] n.模型,原型;模特儿;模范,典范;样式modem ['m udem]*moderate[]moderator[]n.调解人,仲裁人;调制器*modern[]a.现代,近代;新式,时新*modernize/-ise[]*modest[] a.谦虚,客气;适度modesty ['m**modify []vt.修改,变更;缓与,减轻module ['m dju:l] n.模数,模距;太空舱moist [m ist] a.潮湿,微湿moisture ['m ist] n.潮湿,湿度molecule ['m*moment []n.片刻,瞬间;某一个特第 12 页定时刻momentary['m um nt]a.刹那间,顷刻,短暂momentum[m u'ment m] n.气势,冲力;动量Monday ['mmonetary['m nit ri]a.钱,货币,金融*money ['m ni] n.货币;财富,金钱*monitor[] n.班长;监视器,监护仪 v.监听,监控monkey []monopoly [m 'n p li]n.垄断,独占;垄断商品monster ['m nst] n.怪物,妖怪*monthly[]a.每月 ad.每月一次 n.月刊monument ['m njum nt] n.纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆;遗迹*mood [mu:d] n.情绪,心境;心境不佳moon [mu:n] n.月亮,月球;月光;卫星moon-cake月饼*moral[]a.道德上 n.道德,伦理;寓意morality [m'ræliti] n.道德,品行*more[]a.更多;另外 n.更多数量 ad.更;另外*moreover[]ad.此外,而且morning ['m :ni] n.早晨,上午mortal ['m:tl] a.致命;终有一死;人世间mortgage ['m :gid n.抵押;抵押契据 vt.抵押mosquito []n.蚊子most [m ust] a.最多;大局部 pron.最大量 ad.最mostly ['m ustli] ad.主要地,多半,通常motel [m u'tel] n.(附有停车场)汽车旅馆mother ['m ð] n.妈妈,母亲motherhood[]n.母性,母亲身份*motion [] n.移动;手势;(会上)提议 v.打手势,示意*motivate[]vt.鼓励,鼓励;作为…动机,促动motive ['m utiv] n.动机,目;(作品)主题motor [] n.电动机,马达;机动车,汽车motorbike[]n. 摩托车motorway ['wei] n.高速公路,快车道*mount [maunt] vi.增长 vt.登上;扶上马(车) n.…山峰mountain ['mauntin] n.山,高山;(pl.)山脉;大量mountainous[]a. 多山mourn[m:n]v.哀悼;(对…)感到痛心(或遗憾)mouse [maus] n.老鼠;胆小怕事人;鼠标第 13 页moustache[m'stɑ:]n.髭,八字须*move [mu:v] vt.移动;感动 vi.移动;运行n.走棋;步骤movement ['mu:vm nt] n.运动;举动;(群众性)运动movie ['mu:vi] n.影片,电影院*much[]a.许多 pron.许多 ad.很;几乎,大概mud [m d] n.泥,泥浆muddy ['m di]a.多泥;混浊;糊涂mug [m g] n.(有柄)大杯multicultural [m lti'k lt rl] a.多种文化,融有多种文化multilateral [m lti'l t rl] a.多边,多国参加multinational[m lti'n nl] a.多国,跨国,多民族multiple ['m*multiply []v.乘;做乘法;增加*multitude ['m ltitju:d]n.众多,大量;大群,群众municipal[mju:'nisip l]a.市,市政*murder []n.谋杀;谋杀罪 vt.谋杀,屠杀;破坏murmur['m :m]v./ n.小声说(话);小声抱怨,咕哝muscle ['m sl] n.肌肉;体力,力量muscular['m skjul]a.肌肉兴旺,强壮;(有关)肌(肉)museum [mju:'zimushroom []music ['mju:zik] n.音乐,乐曲musical ['mju:zikmusician [mju:'zi n] n.音乐家,乐师,作曲家*must [m st] aux.v.必须,应当;必定会;很可能簗mute [mju:t] a.哑,沉默 n.哑巴;弱音器mutter ['m t*mutual [] a.相互,彼此;共同my [mai] pron.[I所有格]我myself [mai'self] pron.[反身代词]我自己;我亲自*mysterious[]a.神秘;难理解*mystery []n.神秘,奥秘;神秘事物第 14 页Nnail[]n. 钉,钉子naive[na:'i:v]a.幼稚,轻信;天真*naked[]a.裸体,裸露;无掩饰,未遮盖name[]n.名,名字,名称,姓名;名声,名誉;名人namely[]ad.即,就是,换句话说napkin ['nnarrative ['n r tiv]n.表达文,故事;表达,讲述*narrow[]a.狭窄;范围小;眼光短浅,有偏见*nasty[]a.极令人不快;很脏;危险nation[]n. 民族,国家*national[]n.国民(指侨居国外);a.全国性;国内;民族;国有nationalism[]n.民族自尊心,爱国心,国家主义,民族主义,国家独立主义nationalist[]n.国家主义者,民族主义者;a. 国家主义,民族主义nationality[]n. 国籍*native[]a.出生地;外乡;天生;n.本地人,本国人;土著*natural[]a.自然界,天然;正常,惯常;天赋,天生*nature[]n.自然界,大自然;性质,本性naval[]a. 海军,军舰navigation[]n.航行,航海,航空;领航,导航,指引行车路线;航运,水上运输navy[]n. 海军*near[]a.近;亲密 ad.接近,靠近;差不多,大约nearby[] a. 附近*nearly[]ad.几乎,差不多*neat[]a.整洁;匀称;纯洁necessarily[] ad. 必定地,必然地第 15 页*necessary[]a.必要;必然n.(pl.)必需品necessitate [ni'sesiteit]vt.使成为必要,需要*necessity[]n.需要;必然(性);必需品neck[]n. 颈,脖子*need[]n./v.需要,缺少 aux.v.需要,必需needle[]n. 针*negative[]a.否认;拒绝;反面,消极;阴性;负;n.底片;负数*neglect[]vt.疏忽,无视,忽略neglectful[]a. 疏忽,不留心negligible ['neglid b l]a.可忽略不计,微缺乏道negotiable[]a.可谈判,可商量;可通行,可应付,可兑现(支票等)negotiate[]vt.谈判,协商,商谈;商定,达成协议;negotiation[]n.谈判,协商,商谈Negro[]n.黑人,黑人后裔neighbo(u)r[] n. 邻居,邻人neighbo(u)rhood[d]n. 四邻;邻近地区*neither[]nerve[] a. 紧张不安*nervous[]a.紧张不安,害怕;神经(方面)nest[] n. 巢; 窝net[]n. 网network[] n. 网络,网状系统neutral[]a.中间有;浅色,无色,非彩色;中性,中与;n.中立国. neutralize[]vt.使中立,使无效,使抵销;使中与;压制*never[]ad.永不,从不,决不,从来没有*nevertheless []conj.然而,不过 ad.仍然,不过第 16 页*new []a.新,新近;新来;不熟悉*news []*newspaper []*next []*nice []a.美好,令人愉快;友好,亲切nickel['nik l]n.镍;(美国与加拿大)五分钱nickname['nik…起绰号,叫…绰号niece[] n. 侄女,甥女night[] n.夜晚,夜,晚上;睡得好night-club['] n.夜总会nightmare['] n.梦魇,可怕事件nil[nil]n.无,零nine []num. 九nineteen[] num. 十九ninety[] num. 九十ninth[] num. 第九nitrogen[]n.氮no[]ad.不,不是;毫不*noble []a.nobody[] n.渺小人物; pron. 没有人,nod[] vi.点头*noise []n.噪声,喧闹声noisy[]a. 喧闹,嘈杂nominal['n minl]a.名义上;象征性;名词性nominate ['n mineit]vt.提名,任命nominee[n mi'ni:] n.被提名者,被推荐者*none []*nonetheless []adv.虽然如此, 但是nonprofit[]a.非赢利性,无利可图nonsense[]n.无意义话,胡扯;愚蠢行为noodle[]n.面条noon[n]n.中午,正午;全盛期,顶点*nor []conj.也不*norm[]n.标准,标准;平均数*normal[]a.正常,标准;精神健全normalize l[]vt.使标准化,使正常化第 17 页north[] a. ad & n.北(); 在/朝/从/向北northeast[]n.东北(部) northern[]a.北方,北部northwest[]n. 西北nose[n uz]n.鼻子;干预;嗅觉not[]ad.不,一个也不,没有notable ['n ut b l]a.值得注意,著名 n.名人,要人notation[n u'tei n]n.记号,标记法*note []n.笔记,记录;注释,按语;便条;纸币;名望;vt.记下,摘录;注意到notebook[] n. 笔记簿noteworthy[nothing[]pron.没有什么,没有东西;n.无价值人(事);ad.绝不,并不,毫不*notice []n.noticeable[]a.显而易见,值得注意notify[]vi.正式通知(某人)*notion []n.概念,意念;想法,见解notorious[n u't :ri s]a.臭名昭著,声名狼藉notwithstanding [n twiθ'st ndi]prep./ad.尽管noun[nourish['n ri]vt.养育,喂养,滋养;怀有,增强novel[] n. (长篇)小说novelist[]n. 小说家novelty['n v lti]n.新奇事物;新奇(感);新颖廉价物品November[]n. 11月now[]ad.现在,目前;从现在起,到现在为止;n.现在,此刻nowadays[]ad. 当今,现在*nowhere []*nuclear []a.原子核;核心,中心nucleus[]n. 中心,原子核,细胞核nuisance[]n.讨厌人(事)第 18 页*number []n.数,数字;号码numerical[nju:'merik l]a.数字,用数字表示,数值*numerous []a.为数众多,许多nurse[]n. 护士;保育员nursery[] n. 托儿所*nurture []v.养育;训练,教育,开展nut[]n.坚果,坚果仁(胡桃,栗子等)nutrition[nju:'tri n]n.营养nylon[]n.尼龙;长筒尼龙丝袜Oo'clock[']n. 点钟oak [uk] n.橡树,橡木oath [uθ]n.誓言,誓约;咒骂,诅咒语obedience['bi:dj ns]n.服从,遵照*obedient[] a.服从, 孝顺obese[u'bi:s]obesity[u'bi:siti]*obey ['bei] vt.服从,顺从*object[]n.物体;目;对象 v.不赞成,反对*objection []n.反对,异议*objective []a.客观 n.目标,目*obligation []n.义务,职责;恩惠oblige ['blaid] vt.迫使;施恩于;使感谢obscene[]a.猥亵,淫秽obscure [b'skju]a.难懂;不著名,无名;vt.遮掩,使模糊,使朦胧*observation []n.观察,注意;观察力;评论,意见*observe []vt.注意到,观测;遵守;说;纪念observer [] n.观察者,观察员;评述者*obsession []n.沉溺于,〔贪婪〕占有*obstacle[]*obtain []*obvious []a.明显,显而易见*occasion[]n.时机,时刻;大事,节日第 19 页occasional ['kei n l] a.偶然;特殊场合occupation [kju'pei n] n.职业,工作;占用,占领;消遣occupational [kju'pei n l]adj.职业;军事占领*occupy[] vt.占,占用;占领;使忙碌*occur [] vi.发生;出现,存在occurrence['k r ns] n.发生,事件,出现ocean []October[]*odd[]*odds[]odour['ud*of []prep.…;…之中;…做*off[] ad./a.脱隔();离去 prep.从…离开*offend [] vt.冒犯,触怒;使不悦offense ['fens] n.过错;冒犯;引起反感东西*offensive []a.极讨厌,令人作呕;进攻*offer[] vt.提供;表示愿意做;奉献 n.提供;报价*office[] n.办公室;效劳处;官职officer ['fis] n.官员,办事员;军官*official[]a.官方;官员 n.官员,高级职员*offset[]v.抵消,抵抗,使…平衡offspring['f spri]n.子女,子孙,后代;(动物)崽*often [] ad.经常,常常oil [il] n.油,石油 vt.给…加油oily['ili] adj.油,油质;含油,油多;油腻;油滑,会奉承okey /okay/o.k./ok[ou'kei] a./ad.对,好,可以 n.同意,许可*old [;…岁;长时间;过去olive['liv]n.橄榄,橄榄树omission[]n.省略,删节;遗漏;疏忽;[法]不履行法律责任*omit [] v.省略,删去;忽略,忘记*on [n] prep.在…上;朝向;关于 ad.向前;穿着*once [wone [w n] num.一 pron.一个人 a.一个;同一第 20 页oneself[] pron.[反身代词]自己;亲自ongoing ['n g uionion ['njonline[] n.联机;在线*only []onset []n.攻击,袭击;开场,动手;[医]发病onto [] prep.到…上onward ['nw d] ad./a.向前()*open [] a.开(着);开阔 vt.开场 vi.裂开;开场opener []n.开…人;开启用工具opening []n.洞;最初;空地;(职位)空缺opera[]*operate []v.操作;起作用;动手术*operation [] n.操作;作用;手术;运算operational [l] a.操作,动作operator[] n.操作员;(总机)接线员;(外科)手术员*opinion [] n.意见,看法;舆论,评价opinionated[]a.<贬>固执己见,武断;自用;师心自用opium[]n.鸦片;麻醉剂*opponent []a.对立,反对 n.对手,敌手*opportunity []n.时机,时机*oppose []*opposite[]a.对面 ad.对立面 prep.在…对面opposition[]n.(强烈)反对,敌对;(政府)反对党,在野党;对抗,抵抗;相对,对照;a.反对,对抗第 21 页oppress []vt.使烦恼,使意气消沉,使气馁,使无精神;压迫,压制;v.虐待,欺侮;(古)压倒;给与沉重感觉optic['ptik] a.眼睛,视觉;光学;镜片optical ['ptikl] a.光学;视觉,视力optimism['ptimiz m] n.乐观,乐观主义optimistic [pti'mistik] a.乐观,乐观主义optimum ['ptim m]n.最适条件,最正确效果,最优化*option []n.选择,供选择事物*optional []a.可以任选,非强制*or []conj.或者,还是;不然,否那么;或者说,即oracle [':r k l, 'r-] n.神示所;神谕;圣贤;哲人oral[]a.口头,口语;口(部)orange ['rind] n.橙(树);橙色 a.橙;橙色orbit ['orchestra [':kistr*order []orderly [':d li] a.整齐,有条理*ordinary [':din ri] a.普通,平常;平凡ore [:] n.矿石,矿砂*organ[] n.器官;机构;风琴organic [:'gænik] a.有机物,有机体;器官organism [':g niz m] n.生物,有机体organization/-isation[]n.组织,安排;团体;有机体*organize /-ise ['] vt.组织,安排;筹办*orient []vi.向东 vt.使适应,确定方向oriental[:ri'entl]东方,东方人,东方文化orientation [:ri n'tei n]n.方向,目标;熟悉,适应,情况介绍*origin [] n.起源,开端;出身,血统original ['rid n l] a.最初;新颖 n.原作品;原型originality [rid'næliti] n.创造力,独创性;新颖originate['rid ineit] vi.起源,发生 vt.创造;首创,创始第 22 页ornament [':n m nt]orthodox [':θd ks]a.传统;正统,正宗*other[]*otherwise []ouch[aut] int.〔痛苦或惊讶时叫声〕哎哟*ought [] aux.v.应该,本应ounce[au] n.盎司;少量our ['au] pron.[we所有格]我们ours [] pron.[we物主代词]我们ourselves [] pron.[反身代词]我们自己;我们亲自oust[aust]vt.罢黜,罢免,把…撤职(以取而代之)outbreak ['autbreik]n.(战争等)爆发,(疾病等)突然发生*outcome []n.结果,后果,成果outdate[aut'deit]vt.使过时,使落伍,使过期,使被废弃*outdoor[]a.户外,露天,野外*outdoors [] ad.在户外,在野外outer ['aut] a.外部,外层outfit ['aut fit]n.(为特殊用途)全套装备;全套服装outflow['autfl u] n.流出(物);(感情)爆发outgoing['autg ui] a.出发,即将离职;开朗,好交际,友善;n.出发,开销*outlet ['autlet] n.出口,出路,通风口*outline ['autlain] n.轮廓;提纲 vt.画出轮廓;概括outlook ['autluk] n.风光,风光;观点,见解;前景,前途outpost['autp ust] n.前哨,前哨阵地*output ['autput] n.产量;输出功率;排出量outrage ['aut reid] n.暴行;失礼;震怒 v.使(某人)震怒outreach[aut'ri:t]outset ['autset] n.开端,开场outside [aut'said] n./a.外面() ad.在外面 prep.在…外outsider [aut'said] n.局外人,外人;第三者,生人*outstanding [aut'stændi] a.出色;未解决outwards ['autwoval ['uv第 23 页oven ['vn] n.烤箱,炉灶*over ['*overall[]a.全面 n.(家里穿)宽大罩衫overcoat []n.外衣,大衣*overcome[] vt.战胜,压倒overflow ['fl u] v.(使)溢出;涌出 n.泛滥;过剩;超出额overhead []overhear [uv 'hi]vt.无意中听到,偷听到*overlap[]v.(与…)局部重叠(一样);n.重叠,重叠局部*overlook [uv'luk] vt.眺望,俯瞰;忽略,漏掉;宽容overnight ['uv'nait] ad./a.通宵(),一夜() overpass['uv pɑ:s] n.天桥,立交桥*overseas ['uv'si:z] ad./a.到国外();到海外(去)oversee [uv'si:] vt.监视oversight ['uv sait] n.疏忽,忽略overstate[uv'steit] vt.把…说得过分overt [u'v:t]a.公开,不隐蔽*overtake []vt.追上,超过;突然袭击overthrow['uvθr u] n.推翻,打倒 vt.推翻,打倒overtime ['uvoverturn[uv 't:n]v.(使)翻转(倾覆,倒下);颠覆,推翻overwhelming [uv 'welmi]a.势不可挡,压倒*owe [u] vt.欠(钱、情意);感谢owing ['ui] a.欠着;应给予owl [aul]n.猫头鹰*own[] ;;owner[] n.所有人,物主ownership[] n.所有权,所有制ox [ks] n.牛;公牛oxide ['oxygen [] n.氧, 氧气ozone ['uz un]n.臭氧;(海岸等)新鲜空气P*pace [peis] n.一步;速度 v.踱步,用步子测量*pack [pæk] n.包;一群 v.包装;塞满package ['pækid] n.包裹;包装用品 vt.打包,包第 24 页装packet ['pækit] n.小包裹,小捆pact [pækt] n.协定,条约;契约page [peid] n.页,张*painful ['peinf l] a.疼,痛苦;费力,费心*paint [peint] v.绘;给…上油漆 n.绘画作品;油漆painter ['peint] n.油漆匠,画家painting ['peinti] n.绘画,油画*pair [pepalace ['pælis] n.宫殿,华美大厦*pale [peil] a.淡,暗淡;苍白,灰白palm [pɑ:m] n.手掌,手心;棕榈(树)pamphlet['pæmflet] n.pan da ['pændpanel ['pænl] n.方格;仪器板;讨论小组panic ['pænik] n./a.恐慌() v.(使)恐慌*paper ['peip] n.纸;报纸;文章;考卷;票据paperback ['peip b k]n.平装本,简装本paperwork[]n. 日常文书工作parachute ['pærparade [p'reid] n./v.游行;检阅paradise ['pærparagraph ['pær grɑ:f] n.段,节;(报刊)短讯*parallel ['pær lel] a.与…*paralyze/-yse[]vt.使麻痹,使瘫痪;使丧失作用;使惊愕,使呆假设木鸡parameter [p 'r mit]n.[常pl.]界限,范围;参数parasite ['pær*pardon ['pɑ:d n] n./vt.原谅,饶恕,赦免parent ['pe r nt] n.父亲,母亲;动(植)物母体;起源parental[p'rentl] a.父母;亲代;[生]〔杂种〕亲本;作为来源[渊源]*park [pɑ:k] n.公园;停车场 v.停放(车辆) parliament ['p ɑ:l m nt] n.议会,国会parliamentary [pɑ:l 'm nt]a .议会,国会,议会制度*part [pɑ:t] n.局部;一方;职责 vt.分 vi.分开;断裂partial ['p ɑ:l] a.局部;不公平;偏爱…第 25 页participant [p ɑ:'tisip nt] n.参加者,参与者*participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] vi.参与,参加;分享,分担participation [p ɑ:tisi'pei n] n.参加,参加particle ['pɑ:tikl] n.粒子,微粒;极小量*particular [p 'tikjul] a.特别;挑剔 n.(pl.)细节partition[pɑ:'ti n]n.分开;隔板,隔开 vt.分割,隔开*partly ['pɑ:tli] ad.局部地,在一定程度上*partner ['p ɑ:tn] n.合作者;配偶*party ['pɑ:ti] n.社交聚会;党;一组,一伙人*passa ge ['pæsid] n.通道;通过;段落;航行passenger ['pæsind] n.乘客,旅客passersby[] n. 过客,过路人passion ['pæn] n.激情,热情;爱好,热爱*passive ['pæsiv] a.被动;消极passport ['p ɑ:sppassword ['p ɑ:sw*paste [peist] n.糊,浆糊 v.粘,贴pastime ['pɑ:staim] n.消遣,娱乐pastry['peistri]n.油酥面团,酥皮糕点pasture ['pɑ:st]n.牧草地,牧场 vt.放牧pat [pæt] n./v.轻拍,轻打;抚摸patch [pæt] n.补钉;斑片;小块土地 vt.补,修补patent ['peitpath [pɑ:θ] n.小路,小径;路线,轨道,路程pathetic [p'θetik]a.差劲;可怜,可悲*patience ['pei ns] n.忍耐,耐心*patient ['pei nt] n.病人 a.有耐心,能忍耐patriot['p tri t]n.爱国者,爱国主义者*patriotic[p tri'tik]patriotism['p tri tiz m] n.爱国心,爱国主义,爱国精神patrol[p 'tr ul]n.巡逻,巡逻队 v.巡逻,巡查patron ['peitr n] n.保护人,赞助人*pattern ['pætn] n.图案;形式;模范 vt.仿制,模仿*pause [p:z] n./vi.中止,暂停pave [peiv] vt.铺,铺设paw [p*pay [pei] v.支付,缴纳;付清;给予 n.薪水,工钱第 26 页*payment ['peim nt] n.支付,支付款项*peace [pi:s] n.与平;安宁*peaceful ['pi:sf l] a.与平;安宁;与平时期peach [pi:t] n.桃(树)peak [pi:k] n.山顶;最高点 a.最高,顶峰peanut ['pi:npear [p] n.梨(树)pearl [ppeasant ['pez*peculiar [pi'kju:lj] a.特有,特别;奇怪peculiarity [pi kju:li'æriti] n .特性,特质,怪癖,奇特pedal ['ped l]n.踏板 vi.踩踏板,骑车 vt.脚蹬,踩动pedestrian[pi'destri n]n.步行者,行人peer [pi] v.偷看,窥探 n.同辈,伙伴penalty ['penlti] n.处分,罚款*pendulum[]n.钟摆, 摇锤penetrate ['penitreit] v.穿透,渗入,看穿penguin ['pe gwin]n.企鹅peninsula [pi'ninsjulpension ['pen n] n.抚恤金,养老金,津贴*people ['pi:pl] n.人,人们;人民;民族pepper ['pep] n.胡椒;辣椒*per [p:] prep.每,按照*perceive [p'si:v] vt.发觉,感知;领悟percent [p之…*percentage [] n.百分数,百分比,百分率perception [p 'sep n] n.知觉,知觉力;理解,认识*perfect ['p :fikt, pperfection [p 'fek n] n.完全,完美;完成,改善*perform [p 'f:m] v.履行,完成,做;演出,表演*performance [p 'f :m ns] n.履行,完成;演出,表演perfume['p:fju:m, p'fju:m]n.香水(料,气) vt.使充满芳香;洒香水第 27 页。

外研版八年级上册英语Module 10 Unit2 第二课时 课件

外研版八年级上册英语Module 10 Unit2 第二课时 课件

It is the best time to visit … in …, because the weather is …, but … so it’s a good idea to …
Learn how to introduce the best time to visit a place and give advice and reasons in the text.
fall autumn
summer winter
How many months are there in February
3月 March
4月 April
5月 May
6月 June
7月 July
8月 August
9月 September 10月 October
14. from time to time 有时 15. any time you like 你想什么时候都可以
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
brown mile storm sweater umbrella
because you may/might…
spring summer autumn
warm fly kites …
sunny swim …
cool the leaves turn gold …
snowy make a snow man

When’s the best time to visit Jiashan?
autumn cool
dry …
the leaves turn gold



★ unique
adj. 独特的
★ environmentally-friendly adj. 对环境无害的
Old styles are fashionable again, so one way is to buy second-hand clothes — recycled3 clothes. Another way is to buy fair trade clothes. These clothes are either recycled or made in a way that protects the environment. They also protect the people who make the clothes.
who show promise and talent are accepted, and the course lasts two years.
Then the young actor or actress takes up work with a play company, usually as
Unit Three Fashion and Style
In this part, you are going to read two passages. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice according to the information given in the passage.
Environmentally-friendly clothes are practical but until now they were often dull. Now fashion-designers are working with these materials and the clothes are beautiful as well. So now we can buy fashionable clothes that are also environmentally-friendly. (287 words)

ishow中级 L1-L10

ishow中级 L1-L10

SEL ScriptLesson 1 Getting to know youPart ATed: Oh, I’m really sorry. Are you OK?Ana: I’m fine. But I’m not very good at this.Ted: Neither am I. Say, are you from South America?Ana: Yes, I am, originally. I was born in Argentina.Ted: Did you grow up there?Ana: Yes, I did, but my family moved here eight years ago, when I was in high school.Ted: And where did you learn to Rollerblade?Ana: Here in the park. This is only my second time.Ted: Well, it’s my first time. Can you give me some lessons?Ana: Sure. Just follow me.Ted: By the way, my name is Ted.Ana: And I’m Ana. Nice to meet you.Part BTed: Hey hey, that was fun. Thanks for the lesson.Ana: No problem. So tell me a little about yourself. What do you do?Ted: I work in a travel agency.Ana: Really? What do you do there?Ted: I’m in charge of their computers.Ana: Oh, so you’re a computer specialist.Ted: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so.Ana: That’s great. Then maybe you can give me some help with the computer course I’m taking.Ted: Oh, sure. But only if you promise to give me some more Rollerblading lessons. Ana: En, it’s a deal.Lesson 2 Immigration(Yu hong)H: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong?Y: I’m from China. From near Shanghai.H: And when did you move here?Y: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992.H: And what do you do now?Y: I’m a transportation engineer.H: I see. So, you’re an immigrant to the United States.Y: Yeah, that’s right.H: What are some of the difficulties of being an immigrant in the US?Y: Oh, that’s not an easy question to answer. There’re so many things, really. I guessone of the biggest difficulties is that I don’t have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends. But that’s not the same thing. In China, on holidays or the weekend, we visit relatives. It isn’t the same here.H: And what do you miss the most from home?Y: Oh, that’s easy –my mom’s soup. She makes great soup. I really miss my mother’s cooking.Lesson 3 ChildhoodPart AJeff: Hey! Are these pictures of you when you were a kid?Kim: Yeah. That’s me in front of my uncle’s beach house. When I was a kid, we used to spend two weeks there every summer.Jeff: Wow, I bet that was fun!Kim: Yeah. We always had a great time. Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach. I had a great shell collection. In fact, I think it’s still up in the attic! Jeff: Hey, I used to collect shells, too, when I was a kid. But my parents threw them out!Part BJeff: You know what I remember most about growing up?Kim: What?Jeff: Visiting my grandparents house. You know, on holidays and stuff, they lived way out in the country. And my granddad had a horse named Blakie. He taught me how to ride. I just love that horse. And she love me too. I used to really enjoy spending time at my grandparents’ house. But every time I came back, Blakie remembered me.Kim: Oh, memories.Lesson 4 Caught in the rush (waiting for the bus)Part ALynn: Why is there never a bus when you want one?Sam: Good question. There aren’t enough buses on this route.Lynn: Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper.Sam: Good idea. You should say that we need more subway lines, too.Lynn: Yeah. There should be more public transportation in general.Sam: And fewer cars! There’s t oo much traffic.Lynn: Say, is that our bus coming?Sam: Yes, it is. But look. It’s full!Lynn: Oh, no! Let’s go and get a cup of coffee. We can talk about this letter I’m going to write.Part BSam: Are you really going to write a letter to the paper?Lynn: Sure. I’m going to say something about the buses. They are too old. We need more modern buses. Nice air-conditioned ones.Sam: And they need to put more buses on the road.Lynn: Right. And there are too many cars downtown. And there isn’t enough parking. Sam: That’s for sure. It’s impossible to find a parking space downtown these days. Lynn: I think they should ban private cars downtown between nine and five.Sam: Oh, you mean, they shouldn’t allow any cars except taxies and buses during the regular workday. That sounds like a really good idea.Lesson 5 Transportation in SingaporeQuite a number of things have been done to help solve our traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorist must buy a special pass if they want to drive into the downtown business district. They can go into the business district only if they have their pass displayed on their wind-shield.Another thing Singapore has done is to make it more difficult to buy cars. People have to apply for a certificate if they want to buy a car. And the number of certificates is limited. Not everyone can get one.There’s also a high tax on cars. It costs three or four times as much to buy a car in Singapore as it does in, say, the United States or Canada.The other thing Singapore has done is to build an excellent public transportation system. And the subway system is one of the best in the world. And there is also a very good taxi and bus system.Lesson 6 Asking for help Part AErica: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is?Man: There’s one upstairs, across from the duty-free shop.Erica: Oh, thanks. Do you know what time it opens?Man: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00 A.M.Erica: Good. And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city?Man: You need to check at the transportation counter. It’s right down the hall. Erica: OK. And just one more thing. Do you know where the nearest restroom is? Man: Right behind you, ma’am. See that sign?Erica: Oh. Thanks a lot.Part BErica: Excuse me. It’s me again. I’m sorry I need some more information if you don’t mind.Man: Not at all.Erica: Thanks. Do you know how much a taxi costs to the city?Man: Well, it depends on the traffic of course. But it usually costs about 40 dollars. Erica: 40 dollars? I guess I’ll take the bus. That means I have almost an hour till the next one. Where could I find an inexpensive restaurant in the airport? Maybe a fast food place.Man: Go upstairs and turn right. You’ll see a snack bar on your left.Erica: Thanks very much. Have a nice day.Man: You too.Lesson 7 Apartment huntingPart AMr. Dean: What do you think?Mrs. Dean: Well, it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment. And the living room is huge.Jenny: But the bedrooms are too small. And there isn’t enough closet space for my clothes.Mr. Dean: And it’s not as cheap as the last apartment we saw.Mrs. Dean: But that apartment was dark and dingy. And it was in a dangerous neighborhood.Mr. Dean: Let’s see if the real estate agent has something else to show us.Part B Mr. Dean: Well, how do you like this place, then?Jenny: Oh, it’s much better t han that other one. The thing I like best is the bedrooms. They are huge!Mrs. Dean: Yes, they are nice and big.Jenny: And there are two bathrooms! I could have my own bathroom!Mrs. Dean: Yes, I guess you could.Jenny: The only problem is the color of the living room. I really don’t like those dark green walls.Mr. Dean: Oh, I’m sure we can change the color if we want to.Lesson 8 Apartment huntingPart AM: Creative Rentals. Good morning.W: Hello. I’m call ing about the apartment you have for rent.M: Yes. What can I tell you about it?W: Where is it exactly?M: It’s on King Street. Just off the freeway.W: Oh, near the freeway. Can you hear the traffic?M: Yes, I’m afraid you do hear some. But the apartment has lots of space. It has three bedrooms and a very large living room.W: I see. And is it in a new building?M: Well, the building is about 50 years old.W: Ah ha. Well, I’ll think about it.M: OK, thanks for calling.W: Thank you, bye.Part BW: Hello?M: Hello. Is the apartment you’re advertising still available?W: Yes, it is.M: Can you tell me a little about it?W: Well, it’s a perfect apartment for one person. It’s one room with a kit chen at one end.M: I see. And is it far away from the subway?W: There’s a subway station just down the street. Actually, the apartment is located right downtown, so you step out of the building and there are stores and restaurants everywhere. But it’s on a high floor, so you don’t hear any street or traffic noise.M: It sounds like just the kind of place I’m looking for. I’d like to come see it, please. W: Sure. Let me give you the address.Lesson 9 Making wishesPart ABrian: So where are you working now, Terry?Terry: Oh, I’m still at the bank. I don’t like it, though.Brian: That’s too bad. Why not?Terry: Well, it’s boring, and it doesn’t pay very well.Brian: I know what you mean. I don’t like my job either. I wish I could find a better job.Terry: Actually, I don’t want to work at all anymore. I wish I had a lot of money so I could retire now.Brian: Hmm, how old are you, Terry?Terry: Uh, twenty-six.Part BBrian: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry?Terry: Oh, you didn’t know? She and I broke up a couple of months ago. We decided we needed a break from each other for a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get back together again.Brian: I’m sure you will.Terry: I really hope so. So what kind of job would you like to look for?Brian: I’m not sure, but I’d love something that would involve travel. And I’d really like to move to another city. I’m sick of this place. I need to live somewhere more exciting.Terry: I know what you mean. It sure can get boring around here at times.Lesson 10 ChangePart AJody: Ugh! I feel awful. I really have to stop smoking.Luis: So why don’t you quit?Jody: Well, if I quit, I might gain weight!Luis: A lot of people do, but…Jody: And if I gain weight, I won’t be able to fit into any of my clothes!Luis: Well, you can always go on a diet.Jody: Oh, no. I’m terrible at losing weight on diets. So, if my clothes don’t fit, I’ll have to buy new ones. I’ll have to get a part-tim e job, and…Luis: Listen, it is hard to quit, but it’s not that hard. Do you want to know how I did it?Part BLuis: Well, giving up smoking isn’t really as hard as you think. I managed to do it, so it can’t be that difficult. You should try nicotine gum. You chew it just like regular chewing gum, and you don’t feel like smoking.Jody: Well, I guess it’s worth a try.Part CM: Yeah, I really need a change. I’ve been doing the same things for over five years now, and I’m just not learning anything new. It’s the same routine every day, and I am really sick of sitting in front of a computer. I think I need to try something totally different. I want to be in a profession that involves meeting people.。



★dole out
adj. 可能的
Why not for a change instead of splashing out17 at Marks and Spencer and the like; go into your local Oxfam18 shop or Help the Aged19 charity shops and pick up a few gifts there instead? Spread the word to your friends and make this year a charitable Christmas! Instead of lining the pockets of20 some fat cat21 or inflating the share prices22 of some big brand name, you will be spreading a bit of Christmas cheer to someone who really needs it. After all, that is what this is about, isn’t it? (375 words)
B) Parents.
C) Friends.
D) Teachers.
C 3.When do Mexican girls have a special birthday celebration?
A) At the age of eighteen.
B) At the age of seven.
C) At the age of fifteen.
Passage A
Word Bank



四年级上册英语第十单元第二模块In the bustling city of New York, a group of fourth graders from Sunflower Elementary School embarked on an exciting project for their English class. The task was to create a community garden, and each student was assigned a specific role. Emma, the class president, was in charge of coordinating the project, while Lucas, the science whiz, took on the responsibility of researching the best plants for the garden. Mia, the artist of the class, was tasked with designing the layout, and Noah, the sports enthusiast, volunteered to organize the physical labor.The project began with Emma organizing a meeting to discuss the plan. Lucas presented his findings, suggesting a mix of flowers and vegetables that would thrive in the local climate. Mia unveiled her colorful design, which included raised beds and a small pond. Noah had already enlisted the help of some fifth graders to prepare the soil.As the days passed, the garden took shape. The students worked together to plant seeds and saplings, carefully following Mia's design. They learned about the importance of sunlight, water, and nutrients for the plants. Emma kept a log of their progress, noting every milestone and challenge they encountered.The community garden became a source of pride for the students. They watched as the seeds sprouted into seedlings and the flowers began to bloom. The vegetables grew, and soon they were able to harvest fresh produce. The garden not only beautified the school but also provided a hands-on learning experience for the students.Through this project, the fourth graders learned valuable lessons about teamwork, responsibility, and the environment. They discovered that by working together, they could create something beautiful and beneficial for their community. The garden was a testament to their hard work and dedication, and it stood as a symbol of what young students could achieve when they put their minds and hearts into a project.This experience would stay with the students for years to come, reminding them of the time when they transformed a simple plot of land into a thriving garden full of lifeand color. It was a project that went beyond the confines of their English textbook, teaching them about life and the importance of caring for the world around them. The Sunflower Elementary School community garden was a small step towards a greener future, and the fourth graders were the pioneers leading the way. 。

你和我阶梯快乐儿童英语 学习课本10

你和我阶梯快乐儿童英语  学习课本10

你和我阶梯快乐儿童英语学习课本10Lesson 1 Do Y ou Know How Many Apples There Are on the Tree? Jack: Do you know how many apples there are on the tree?Apple tree: Guess! Guess!Lily: I think there are sixteen apples on the tree.Jack: What do you think, Tom?Tom: Eighteen. How about you, Jack?Jack: W ell, seventeen, I think.Lily: Let’s count. One, two, three…There are twenty apples on the tree. Apple tree: Y ou’re right.Tom: Ouch!Apple tree: Oh, I’ sorry.Lily: Are you all right?Tom: An apple hit in my head.Jack: There are nineteen apples on the tree now. Right, “Mr.Newton”? Lesson 2 Where’s the Remote Control?Jack: What are you doing, Lily?Lily: I’m watching TV.Jack: Where’s the remote control?Remote control: I’m here.Lily: Oh, there are you.Jack: Please give me the remote control. I want to switch Channel 4.Lily: No, Jack. I like this program.Jack: Lily, it’s for you.Lily: Thank you. Hello. Oh, wait a moment, please. Mom, there’s a phone call for you.Mom: All right!Remote control: Help, Lily! Help!Jack: Come on. Let me see my favorite TV program.Lesson 3 I Like HamburgersHamburgers: Hamburger. Hamburger.Sandwiches: Sandwich. Sandwich.Joe: Hamburgers! I like hamburgers.Jennifer: I like sandwiches. And orange juice.Joe: That’s a girl’s drink.Jennifer: Really? Is orange juice a girl’s drink, Mom?Aunt Sharon: No. Of course not. Dad likes orange juice. Right, Dad? Uncle Jerry: Right. I like orange juice.Jennifer: Y ou see, Joe. Y ou’re wrong.Orange juice: Y ou’re wrong.Joe: Orange juice is a girl’s drink.Aunt Sharon: Come on, Joe. It’s not a boy’s drink or girl’s drink. It’s just a drink.Uncle Jerry: Do you want anything else?Joe: I’d like a Coke.Uncle Jerry: How about you, Jennifer?Jennifer: Mmm…Is Coke a boy’s drink?Aunt & Uncle: Jennifer.Lesson 4 He’s Building a Sand CastleAunt Sharon: I like to lie on the beach.Uncle Jerry: Me too.Aunt Sharon: What’s Joe doing?Uncle Jerry: He’s building a sand castle.Joe: Mom, Dad. Come here. Look at my sand castle.Uncle Jerry: That’s great, Joe.Aunt Sharon: W ow! It’s wonderful.Joe: Its name is “Joe’s castle.”Aunt Sharon: Hi, Joe’s castle. It’s a nice name.Sand castle: Thank you.Aunt Sharon: Oh, the sun is bright. Where are my sunglasses?Uncle Jerry: Jennifer is wearing them.Aunt Sharon: Jennifer!Jennifer: Mom. Am I beautiful?Sunglasses: W e think we’re beautiful.Aunt Sharon: Y es, you are both beautiful. But my sunglasses are too big for you.Lesson 5 What Is the Elephant Doing?Alan: There are so many animals in the zoo. Look at that monkey. It’s peeling bananas.Monkey: I like bananas.Jack: Monkeys like bananas.Tom: Let’s see the tiger.Alan: W ow! How scary!Tom: It’s OK. He’s just saying hello.Alan: Hello, Mr. Tiger.Tiger: Hello.Jack: I don’t like tigers. But I like elephants.Alan: I like elephants, too.Tom: That on has a very long nose.Alan: Look! What’s the elephant doing?Jack: It’s eating. It gets food with its long nose.Alan: What does it eat?Jack: Ask him!Tom: Y eah. I’ll put a long nose on my face to ask him:“Hello, Mr. Elephant.What do you eat?”Elephant: Ha! Ha! Ha! Guess!。

Lesson2 Jenny’s House教案

Lesson2 Jenny’s House教案

Lesson2 Jenny’s House教案ursesLesson2: Jenny’s HouseTeaching aims知识与技能:1. Student can understand read and saxl2. Student can understand read and sags in our houudents can praxly.过程与方法: Intrdouce, demonstrate, practice.情感、态度与价值观:热爱家庭生活。

Teaching importantPraxw to describwn house.Teaching difficultFour skillguse.Prepalaures 2.vocabulary cards 3.audiotape and the taderClad1课时TeachingTeaching steps:ganizing the teaching1.Greetings2.Sing an English songStep 2.RevisionUse vocabulary cards and play “Spell It ” to reviewthe words “ house” “bathroom”“bed”:balivingIntroduce:a. Udemonstrate each word.b. Point out the word “room” in babedroom and living2.Student book :a. Play the audiotape audents followbooks.b. Tell the class “mine” “yours”. Alaguaningwo words.3.Practice:a.GivandudGive commands such as: P/Pbab. Use a picture-prompt drill. Hold up vocabulary cards for obund in particulaT: (Hold up the cardlet) Where dgo? It g…….S: ……baT: Very good. It gbaTV, couch and lamp go wBathtub, shower and toilet go with baDivide the claall groups. Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showingaround a new houudents’ activity:1. Sing an English song.2. Play “Spell It” to review wordw before. Discuudent bImitate the dialogue aader.4. Listen andPicture-prompt drill.6. Group wactice making up a dialogue aboutshowingaround a new house.Execises:1 。



区域联盟英语学科双基阶梯训练(三)命题人:南岗区2021年中考指导小组六十九中学:朱元华发布时间:2021年5月31日一、单项选择(本题共20 分,每小题 1 分)选择最佳答案( ) 1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?A. though warmthB. great breakC. lively living( ) 2. Which of the following words with the underlined letters has a different sound?A. countB. doubtC. country( ) 3. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?A. Event.B. Infer.C. Actual.( ) 4. Boys and girls! I think you will never give up whenever you meet difficulties. You’ll remember _____courage is the promise for achieving success.A. aB. theC. /( ) 5.—Which day will you be free this weekend? I would like to invite you to watch a movie.—I ’m afraid ___day is OK because of the heavy work. Maybe I can spare some time next week.A.neitherB. anyC. both( ) 6. In order not to make us too tired, our teacher had us do one half of the math problems in class and finish ____ half for our homework.A.anotherB. the otherC. others( ) 7. To improve my English, I bought lots of English magazines _____ my brother’s advice.A.instead ofB. according toC. in honor of( ) 8.—You don't know how difficult it was to manage _____ the two tickets.—But the film is really worth ______twice.A. to get, seeingB. getting, seeingC. to get, being seen( ) 9.—Could you tell me________?—Every four years. The 24th will take place in China in 2022.A. how long the Winter Olympic Games lastB. how long do the Winter Olympic Games lastC. how often the Winter Olympic Games are held( )10—I have a bad headache. I want to take some medicine.—Oh, please read the _____on the bottle carefully and take the right amount(量) of medicine.A. descriptionsB. instructionsC. instruments( )11. Since the exam is getting closer, we’d better ______to get good grades.A. go out of our wayB. make a differenceC. take risks( )12.—________did the rainstorm come, Mr. Liu?—While we ________ a chemistry lesson yesterday afternoon, it began to rain.A. When; have hadB. When; were havingC. While; are having( )13.We ________ each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.A. didn't see B.won't see C.haven't seen( )14.—Have you ever heard of Songhua River?—Of course. It is the river_____ through your hometown—Harbin.A.which runsB. runsC. that running( )15. —Mike, I’m looking forward to returning to school. I want to join in the basketball games.—So do I. Every year the basketball games between classes ____in June provides____ students with a stage(舞台) where we can put together to win teamwork.A. held, usB. holding, weC. is held, our( )16. The number of people invited to the party ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent for different reasons.A.were; wasB. was ; was C was; were( )17. —Which drink do you prefer, coffee or tea?—I prefer an American coffee ______ ice. It’s hot today.A. toB. thanC. with( )18. We Chinese usually eat traditional food on special holidays. We usually have ______ on the festival which falls in autumn and we have a big family get-together to admire the moon.A.turkeyB. zongziC. mooncakes( )19. We must make full use of our valuable time to review lessons in the following days. It is important to study in the right ways. We’d better not ______.①stay up studying②pay attention to correcting our mistakes in time③sleep in class④write down the important points and review them after class⑤do too many exercises again and againA. ①③⑤B. ②④⑤C. ①②③( )20. Ann got 1000 yuan from her parents during the Spring Festival this year. She spent one fifth of it buying books on the Internet. The rest was used to do the following things. From the table we know she spent _______yuan more on volunteer work than on school things.A. 100B. 80C. 280二、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)Some people volunteer to get experience. Some people volunteer to make themselves feel better. Some people volunteer to help those 21 are in trouble. However, I volunteer to thank my community.I am 22 for the help I received from others.When I was in high school, I took part in the Upward Bound Program(联邦政府资助的高中课程). Through Upward Bound, I was able to get skills and chances that 23 me become the man that I am today. So I now often help kids around me to have the same 24 that I had.V olunteering is the best way to give thanks to the people who helped me on the road to 25. I remember 26 a counselor(顾问)when I was in Upward Bound how I could thank him. He smiled and said, "Shawn, you can help me by helping others." A sentence so simple, yet so 27 in its meaning.When I got my first volunteer position as a junior counselor at my local Boys and Girls Club, I hoped be a great role model for kids. But things did not work out as I thought at first. I got so 28. By the time I was ready to 29 , the kids looked for me everywhere that day. They said they liked having me around. My dream of being a volunteer to the community came back. Now the feeling that I can shape someone’s life for the better is amazing.So it is a good idea for everyone to volunteer. 30, you will not only help others, but also make yourself a happy person.根据短文内容选择最佳答案:( )21. A. that B. which C. who( )22.A. ready B. sorry C. thankful( )23. A. have helped B. helping C. will help( )24. A. chance B. courage C. decision( )25. A. failure B. sadness C. happiness( )26. A. asked B. asking C. to ask( )27. A. strange B. deep C. different( )28.A. excited B. disappointed C. satisfied( )29. A. turn up B. wake up C. give up( )30. A. So far B. Once in a while C. In this way三、阅读理解(本题共20 分,每小题 1 分)(A)根据短文选择最佳答案( ) 31.What question might the teacher ask in class?A. What do you like to talk about with your friends?B. What's your plan for the coming vacation?C. What do you want to do in the future?( ) 32.What is Lily interested in?A. Playing computer gamesB. Doing businessC. Drawing and writing books ( ) 33. What does the underlined word "them" mean?A. Pets.B. Stories.C. Books.( ) 34. How will Anna keep strong?A. She will play tennis every day.B. She will stay as far away from a hospital as possible.C. She will join the national team and become another Lina.( ) 35. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?A. Lily is good at making clothes.B. One of Bill's parents is an animal doctor.C. Ryan enjoys making friends on the Internet.(B)It was a Christmas night. I was an unlucky nurse who had to work on such a beautiful festival. When I was complaining about it, three people appeared at my desk—a tired woman and her two children, a son and a daughter." Are you all sick?" I asked doubtfully because they seemed all right."Yes," the woman answered weakly and lowered her head. But when they started to show their problems, things became unclear. The daughter had a fever, but her temperature was OK. The son had an earache, but he couldn't tell me which ear hurt. It seemed that the mother was pretending (假装) to cough. Something was wrong. But I only explained that it might take a while before a doctor could meet them. "Take your time, please," said the mother. I checked their forms—no address. All of a sudden I knew they were homeless while the hospital was warm.The family huddled (蜷缩) together under the Christmas tree, smiling and talking with each other sweetly. Quietly, I went back to the nurses' station and told them what happened in the waiting room. It was just like God sending us a gift on this Christmas night. The nurses' station suddenly came back to life. All the nurses went into action for "a Christmas emergency (急诊)".We took out our meals for our Christmas "patients". We also put together oranges and apples as presents. We tried to give them more than the needs of the family --only a warm place on Christmas night. Later, the little girl kissed me and said, "Thanks for being our angel."(天使)根据短文内容判断正误,正确的涂“A”,错误的涂“B”。

高级英语第二册第10课 the sad young men

高级英语第二册第10课 the sad young men

Features of Victoria Times
• yle
1. Architects. Gothic style, Greek style
2. Clothes.
3. Afternoon tea was very popular for the noble. They had nutritious breakfast, a simple lunch and late supper.
美国工业的蓬勃发展,加上它强大喧闹 的工厂,公司的冷漠无情和它大规模的 侵略性,再也没有为这个多平静,少竞 争的年代里的政治行为的准则和良好的 教养留下任何余地。
War or no war, as the generations passed, it became increasingly difficult for our young people to accept standards of behavior that bore no relationship to the bustling business medium in which they were expected to battle for success.
The booming of American industry with its gigantic, After WWI ,America became a highly industrialized country . roaring factories , There were big successful factories operating everywhere . its corporate impersonality , Huge business corporations devoid of any human feelings came into being.



阶梯英语重点知识1-11、I am … = I'm... 我是...2、This is … 这是...3、My 我的Your 你的4、be 动词是am 、is 、are1-21、This is = This'sThat is = That'sIt is = It's2、Here comes lily 莉莉来了。

3、What a nice day. 天气真好。

(感叹句)1-31、I am 我是You are 你是\你们是He is 他是She is 她是They are 他们是We are 我们是This is 这是That is 那是These are 这些是Those are 那些是2、What‘s your name ? 你叫什么名字?My name is Judy.1-41、What's this?This’s a …What's that?That‘s a …1-51、wake up 醒醒2、It's time to… 到…的时候了3、get up 起床4、beautiful 美丽的5、复习 am 、is、are2-11、I have … 我有…We have … 我们有…2、one book 单数two books 复数3、so 所以now 现在4、new 新的 ---- old 旧的5、There are ... 有一些…东西2-21、I like … 我喜欢…2、And 和、然后、而且3、I'm cold 我冷I'm hungry 我饿I'm thirsty 我渴了4、Please 请Close the window,plesas. 5、疑问句Are you ok?你好吗?2-31、认知How are you?2、new 新的 old 旧的3、What‘s this?This is…4、WHat‘s that?That is…5、I’m coming.2-41、What's a …?好…一个2、big 大的 ---- small 小的3、There be 句型There isThere are4、I'm thirstyI'm hungry5、How about…?2-51、… is coming 谁来了I am coming. 我来了…and… are coming 谁和谁来了2、The sun is shining 今天阳光真好3、It‘s 是 It is 的缩写4、hot 热3-11、Where is …?…在哪?(单数)Where are …?…在哪?(复数)2、behind 在后面here 这里We are here 我们在这里You are here 你们在这里3-21、they 他们 their 他们的we 我们 our 我们的2、They're We're You're3、dear 亲爱的 love 爱pleasant 快乐的 have 有4、You're our dear daughter and son。



Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?【New words and expressions】★until prep.直到until用于表示动作、状态等的持续,可译为“一直到……为止”或“在……以前”。

在肯定句中,它与表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻:I’ll wait here until 5. 我会在这里等到5点钟。

在否定句中,它通常与描述短暂动作的动词连用,表示“到……为止”、“直到……才”:She cannot arrive until 6. 她到6点才能来。

His father didn't die until he came back.until(后的从句)的时间终止之前,这个动作做了还是没做?做了前面的主句用肯定;没做用否定For he ___A(C)___(wait) until it stopped raining.A. waitedB. didn't waitA. leaveB. leftC. didn't leave★outside adv. 外面(作状语)He is waiting for me outside.★ring(rang. rung) v.(铃、电话等)响① vt. 鸣,(铃、电话等)响(这种响是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事)Every morning the clock rings at 6.The telephone(door bell) is ringing.而风铃等响要用jingle,jingle (bell) (铃儿) 响叮当② vt. 打电话给(美语中用call)ring sb. 给某人打电话③ n. (打)电话give sb. a ringRemember to give me a ring. /Remember to ring me.④ n. 戒指★aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅妈(所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼)男性则是uncle: 叔叔他们的孩子:cousin 堂兄妹(不分男女)cousin的孩子:nephew 外甥;niece 外甥女★repeat v. 重复① vt. 重复Will you repeat the last word?② vi. 重做,重说Please repeat after me.【课文讲解】1、It was Sunday.it指时间、天气、温度或距离,it被称为“虚主语”(empty subject)。

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