



铜片腐蚀 (ASTM D-130)
表 1 铜片腐蚀级别 级别 刚抛光过的铜片 1 轻微失去光泽 a. 淡橘红色,和刚抛光铜片颜色接近 b. 深橘红色 a. 紫红色 b. 淡紫色 c. 彩色,在紫红色之上覆盖有偏紫色的蓝色 或者银色,或者两者都有 d. 银色 e. 黄铜色或者金色 a. 大片黄铜色之上覆盖品红色 b. 具有红色和绿色的彩色(像孔雀)但没有灰色 a. 明显的黑色,深灰色或者棕色并明显的具 有孔雀绿色 b. 石墨色或者无光泽的黑色 c. 有光泽的或者乌黑色. 定义 描述
轴承的负载比率即轴承的基本额定动负载(C)同轴承当量动负载 的比值 轴承的负载比率即轴承的基本额定动负载 同轴承当量动负载(P)的比值 同轴承当量动负载 的比值, 当比率值在以下区间时,对于轴承实际负载大小的定义: 当比率值在以下区间时,对于轴承实际负载大小的定义:
C / P > 30 C / P 20 - 30 C / P 8 - 20 C/P4-8 C/P<4 C / P < 10 C / P > 30
DIN 51 519
ISO标准将粘度划分成不同的组 ISO标准将粘度划分成不同的组 每个组的“中点” ,每个组的“中点”粘度比前 一个组高大约50% 50%。 一个组高大约50%。 每个组的 允许边界值是平均值的+ 允许边界值是平均值的+ 10 % 。
ISO VG 680 ISO VG 1000 ISO VG 1500
ISO 粘度等级 (ISO VG)
40 °C 时中点粘度 粘度等级 mm²/s ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG 2 3 5 7 10 15 22 32 46 68 100 150 220 320 460 2.2 3.2 4.6 6.8 10 15 22 32 46 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000 1500 40 °C 时边界动力粘度 mm²/s min. 1.98 2.88 4.14 6.12 9.00 13.5 19.8 28.8 41.4 61.2 90.0 135 198 288 414 612 900 1350 max. 2.42 3.52 5.06 7.48 11.0 16.5 24.2 35.2 50.6 74.8 110 165 242 352 506 748 1100 1650



LOW-RESOURCE DELAYLESS SUBBAND ADAPTIVE FILTER USING WEIGHTEDOVERLAP-ADDHamid Sheikhzadeh, Robert L. Brennan, Zamir Khan, and Kevin R. L. Whyte AMI Semiconductor Canada Company, 611 Kumpf Drive, Unit 200, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1K8email: {hsheikh, robert.brennan}@ABSTRACTA delayless structure targeted for low-resource implementation is proposed to eliminate filterbank processing delays in subband adap-tive filters (SAFs). Rather than using direct IFFT or polyphase fil-terbanks to transform the SAFs back into the time-domain, the pro-posed method utilizes a weighted overlap-add (WOLA) synthesis. Low-resource real-time implementations are targeted and as such do not involve long (as long as the echo plant) FFT or IFFT operations. Also, the proposed approach facilitates time distribution of the adap-tive filter reconstruction calculations crucial for efficient real-time and hardware implementation. The method is implemented on an oversampled WOLA filterbank employed as part of an echo cancel-lation application. Evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed implementation outperforms conventional SAF systems since the signals used in actual adaptive filtering are not distorted by filter-bank aliasing. The method is a good match for partial update adap-tive algorithms since segments of the time-domain adaptive filter are sequentially reconstructed and updated.1. INTRODUCTIONSubband adaptive filters (SAFs) have become viable alternatives to full-band (time-domain) adaptive filtering as a result of their supe-rior computational advantages and faster convergence. To avoid excessive aliasing, SAFs are frequently implemented on oversam-pled filterbanks. SAFs do, however, incur extra delay in the signal path due to filterbank analysis/synthesis. A number of attempts to reduce the delay problem in SAFs have been reported.Morgan and Thi [1] introduced a method of reconstructing the subband filter back into the time-domain. Consider a time-domain adaptive filter (TAF) of length L, a uniform DFT-modulated filter-bank with K subbands decimated by R and oversampled by RKOS/=(for critically sampled cases KR=), and SAFs of length RLM/=. This method first transforms the SAFs into the fre-quency-domain by a DFT of length M, appropriately stacks the results to obtain a DFT array of length L, and inverse transforms the DFT array back into the time-domain to obtain a TAF suitable for adaptive filtering. In [2], the authors expose a weakness in Mor-gan’s method leading to the production of spectral nulls in the pass-band of the implied synthesis filter. Two variations to the method (called DFT-2 Stacking and DFT-FIR Stacking) are proposed to mitigate this weakness. DFT-2 Stacking simply involves zero-padding prior to DFT and stacking. In DFT-FIR, the SAFs are proc-essed through a polyphase-FFT synthesis filterbank. In [3], a linear weight transform method is introduced. The method employs a lin-ear matrix transformation of the subband filters using both analysis and synthesis filters to recover the TAF. A variation [4] following the steps of Morgan’s method employs the Hadamard transform to reconstruct the TAF.In [5] a new method of transferring the SAFs to time-domain is presented utilizing maximally decimated (QMF) perfect reconstruc-tion filterbanks. Accordingly, the filterbank prototype filter must be constrained to be a Nyquist(K) filter. As a result, the subband analysis filters become simple fractional delay filters. A polyphase fiterbank is used to reconstruct the TAF. For real-time and hardware implementations however, oversampled SAFs (OS-SAFs) are pre-ferred due to their simplicity and low-delay characteristics.As low-resource real-time implementation is targeted in this research, the proposed method is based on the DFT-FIR idea, i.e. the TAF is obtained by employing the subband adaptive filter taps as input signals to a synthesis filter [2,3]. In [2] they use a poly-phase-FFT structure to implement the DFT-FIR method for both critically sampled and two-times oversampled filterbanks. It is well known that the polyphase-FFT synthesis process is more amenable to stream processing computing environments [6] and is not effi-cient for real-time low-resource hardware implementation. In con-trast, the weighted-overlap add (WOLA) synthesis process is more amenable to a block processing environment [6]. In addition, an efficient ultra-low power implementation of WOLA analy-sis/synthesis filterbanks is already available [7]. Thus the method introduced in this research is fully compatible with low-resource WOLA filterbanks.In this paper we propose the use of the WOLA synthesis method (implemented with an oversampled filterbank) to recon-struct the TAF. Only an IFFT of length K is employed in the pro-posed method and due to the nature of the WOLA synthesis, the reconstruction process is distributed in time rendering it suitable for real-time implementation. The method is arranged such that seg-ments of the TAF may be used as they become available in time. This makes the method a perfect match for sequential partial update algorithms (described later) that are often integral parts of low-resource implementations. The proposed WOLA synthesis of the subband filters is efficiently implemented on an oversampled filter-bank that also benefits from the WOLA implementation for its analysis stage. The system is designed and described for an echo cancellation set up though it could be used for other adaptive appli-cations such active noise cancellation or adaptive feedback cancella-tion.Section 2 describes the proposed algorithm. Evaluation results including the usage of partial update adaptive methods are presented in Section 3, and conclusions of the work are discussed in Section 4.2. WOLA SYNTHESIS FOR FILTER RECONSTRUCTION Depicted in Fig. 1 is a typical delayless SAF structure [1-4]. At the output of adaptive processing blocks (APBs in the figure), the sub-band adaptive filters 1K1kzP k−=,,,),( are obtained. Rather than reconstructing the output signal as in typical SAF systems, the adaptive filters are passed to a weight transformation stage to obtain the time-domain adaptive filter )(zP to be used to filter the refer-ence signal )(n x in the time-domain. Assuming a synthesis filter set1K1kzF k−=,,,),( , in the DFT-FIR approach the TAF is ob-tained by passing the SAFs through a synthesis filterbank as [2,3]2Ls1KkRkkzzPzFzP/)()()( −==Figure 1: Delayless SAF system using oversampled filterbanks, employ-ing weight transform for time-filter reconstruction.where R is the filterbank decimation factor, and )(z F 0 is the proto-type filter of the filterbank, bandlimited to R /π. Synthesis filtersare obtained through DFT modulation of the prototype filter as )()(k 0k zW F z F =where K 2j e W /π−=. The term 2Ls z / is added to compensate for delay of the synthesis filter of length Ls .As mentioned before, the DFT-FIR uses a polyphase-FFT structure to reconstruct the TAF through a weight transform of the SAF set. We propose a different approach whereby the TAF is re-constructed through a WOLA synthesis of the SAFs. This method is more amenable to a block processing approach and more compatible to hardware implementation. Basically, this method treats the SAFs ,,,,),(1K 10k m p k −= 1M 10m −=,,, as a set of K subband signals, and passes them through an oversampled filterbank synthe-sis stage as shown in Fig. 2. To efficiently implement the oversam-pled synthesis stage, we use the WOLA implementation as depicted in Fig. 3. For further explanation, consider the SAFs all included in an SAF matrix P , with elements defined as ),(),(m p m k k =P1M 10m −=,,, 1K 10k −=,,,, . The matrix is set as input to thesynthesis stage, one column at every subband time-tick. We call this method of TAF reconstruction “sequential synthesis”. As depicted in Fig. 3, the WOLA synthesis starts with taking an IFFT of each column (of length K ) of the SAF matrix. After the IFFT, and proper circular shifting, the vectors of length K are periodically extended to obtain a vector as long as the synthesis window. Next this result is multiplied by the synthesis window followed by an overlap-add operation. Both evenly-stacked FFT and oddly-stacked FFTs may be used. Odd stacking requires an extra sign sequencer to be employed at the final stage. The WOLA synthesis is well de-scribed in [6-7]. Assuming aliasing is low in the analysis stage, the SAFs can be shown to converge to the Wiener solution. As a result, the solution will be almost independent of the analysis filter design. Thus the synthesis filter set 1K 10k z F k −=,,,),( should be de-signed independently of the analysis filter set to constitute a near perfect-reconstruction set. To obtain the TAF, the output buffer in Fig. 3 is first zeroed out. After reading in the input SAF matrix (one column per subband clock tick), the first 2Ls / samples of the out-put are discarded. The next L output samples produced a block at a time (R time-samples) constitute the TAF. Thus it takes R L / input (subband) clock ticks to obtain the TAF. Through optimized imple-mentation (not described here for brevity) it became possible to avoid the initial 2Ls / sample delays between consecutive filter reconstructions. The total input-output delay for the TAF filter re-construction is thus 2Ls La /)(+ samples where La denotes the analysis window length. This delay is not seen in the signal path; rather the optimal filter for the reference and primary signals is de-layed by this amount. When the echo plant varies slowly (relative toFigure 2: Proposed Reconstruction of TAF through WOLA synthesis ofthe SAFs.p(1:R)kkFigure 3: Details of the WOLA filterbank reconstruction.this reconstruction delay), this delay does not degrade the systemperformance. It is possible to minimize the delay by choosing shorter analysis and synthesis windows as long as distortions in the time-filter due to the reconstruction process are kept within a toler-able range.Notice that in the conventional SAF systems shorter analy-sis/synthesis windows will lead to increased output signal degrada-tion since all signals pass through the complete filterbank [8]. By contrast, in the proposed delayless SAF system, signals are passed through the analysis filterbank only to obtain the adaptive filter. As a result, the adverse effects of shorter analysis/synthesis windows on output signal quality is much less pronounced. It is also possible to further reduce the TAF reconstruction delay to only 2La / samples if one is ready to perform filterbank reconstruction of the whole SAF matrix P for every output block. We call this method of TAF reconstruction “batch synthesis” as opposed to the “sequential syn-thesis” described in this section. Batch synthesis will increase the computation cost from a single WOLA synthesis (per output block) in the sequential synthesis to M WOLA synthesis operations. It is also possible to sequentially reconstruct more than one (but less than M ) columns of matrix P at every subband time-tick if the compu-tational resources permit.3. SYSTEM EV ALUATIONWe evaluate the WOLA filter reconstruction process for a filterbank set up of: analysis and synthesis window lengths of 64La =, and 128Ls = samples with 16K = subbands and decimation rate ofFigure 4: Block diagram of the conventional oversampled SAF systemapplied to echo cancellation.Figure 5: (A) Time-domain echo plant, and the reconstructed plant with SGS-PAP adaptation, for 81D ,=, and (B) error in reconstructed TAFsfor 1D = and (C) error for 8D =.Figure 6: ERLE results for SGS-PAP adaptation with 81D ,=, for conventional SAF and the proposed delayless SAF algorithms..4R = Notice that the analysis filter is shorter in length (and wider in frequency domain) compared to the synthesis filter. This was chosen to provide better excitation in the analysis filter transition region leading to better convergence behavior as reported in the literature [9]. Each SAF )(m p k is of length 32M = resulting in a 3216× SAF matrix P . For comparison, the same filterbank setupwas also employed for the conventional oversampled SAF system with the WOLA implementation (described in [8] and [10]) depicted in Fig. 4. The echo plant was the eighth plant of the ITUT G. 168Figure 7: ERLE (dB) versus time for WOLA filter reconstruction withand without delay compensation.standard [11], the Echo Return Loss (ERL) was 10 dB, and random white noise was used at the reference input without any near-end disturbance.For subband adaptation, the Gauss-Seidel Pseudo-Affine Pro-jection (GS-PAP) [12] with an affine order of two was employed. The method provides fast convergence and is simple enough to be targeted for a low-resource real-time implementation. For our inten-tions, GS-PAP is also superior to the Fast Affine Projection Algo-rithm (FAPA) since unlike the FAPA that operates on a transformed adaptive filter, the GS-PAP directly provides the adaptive filter itself [10,12]. To demonstrate the capability of the proposed WOLA filter reconstruction algorithm in matching sequential update algorithms, sequential update GS-PAP (SGS-PAP described in [10]) was also used for subband adaptation. The sequential decimation factor of the SGS-PAP was chosen to be eight (8D =). This means only one polyphase component (of length 4832=/ taps) out of a total of 8 components of each SAF is adapted at each subband clock tick. For 1D =, the SGS-PAP is obviously the same as GS-PAP. In the de-layless algorithm, a block of R new samples of the TAF is available every subband tick. This new block is used to update the TAF as soon as it becomes available. This way a smooth and continuous filter reconstruction is achieved.Fig. 5 depicts the ERLE results for the conventional SAF sys-tem (Fig. 4) as well as the proposed delayless WOLA filter synthe-sis algorithm (Figs. 2 and 3), employing SGS-PAP with 81D ,=. As expected, the delayless method achieves a greater ERLE compared to the SAF system, partially due to the fact that the input signals are not passed through the WOLA analysis/synthesis stages. This is consistent with the result and analysis presented in [2-3]. Note that the SGS-PAP method shows a slight performance degradation for 8D = (for both the SAF and the delayless methods) since the sub-band adaptive filters are updated at a much lower rate. Adaptation cost is, however, reduced by a factor of 8D =.Using the proposed WOLA synthesis, the TAF was synthe-sized. Fig. 6-A shows the synthesized time-filter for SGS-PAP adaptation with 81D ,=, super-imposed on the ITUT plant. As shown the three impulse responses are almost identical. To observe the differences, Figs. 6-B and 6-C depict time-domain differences between each of the synthesized time-filters and the ITUT plant for 81D ,=. As shown, the differences are negligible in both cases, and higher for 8D = as predicted by the ERLE results.Finally, comparing the proposed method with other delayless SAF systems, note that TAF synthesis through WOLA filterbank is mathematically identical to the polyphase filterbank DFT-FIR syn-thesis proposed in [2]. As a result, the two methods (in simulation and with double-precision arithmetic) perform almost identically when identical prototype filters are employed.In a real hardware implementation, however, the polyphase fil-terbank synthesis of [2] and the proposed WOLA synthesis should be compared based on their suitability. As mentioned before, the WOLA structure is more amenable with a block processing system [6]. As illustrated in Fig. 3, for every input vector, all the processes (after the IFFT) occur sequentially to generate R samples of output. All various blocks of Fig. 3 can thus operate synchronously with a single subband clock, and there is no need to extra buffering. Since the WOLA filterbank is a block processing system, every slice gen-erated from the IFFT block that must be overlap-added to the previ-ous results has a common exponent. This greatly simplifies the ar-chitecture, reducing power and enhancing throughput [7]. The same does not hold for straightforward polyphase implementation of [2] since it is a stream processing method. In the polyphase filterbank synthesis of [2], a separate convolution of one of K polyphase syn-thesis filters (with one of the K subband signals) has to occur for each sample of output. To do this, K different data buffers have to be updated. To summarize, the proposed WOLA synthesis of Fig. 3 provides a simpler, more modular structure for real-time hardware implementation [7].3.1 Tracking PropertiesAs explained in Section 2, in the proposed algorithm the TAF is obtained with a delay relative to the input signal. The amount of delay depends on the method of filter reconstruction. For sequential synthesis the delay is 2LsLa/)(+samples while for batch synthesis it is 2La/ samples. All of the delayless SAF methods reviewed in Section 1 have to deal with a plant reconstruction delay. The delay leads to a “synchronization problem” between the input signals and the plant, causing problems in tracking a dynamic plant. The extent of the problem depends on the plant time-dynamics and the TAF reconstruction delay.To demonstrate the effects of the delay, we simulated the sys-tem with the same system set up and input signals as described in the previous section with the following changes. The echo plant was switched to a new plant after 30 seconds through the experiment. With the employed analysis/synthesis filters used in the experi-ments, tracking problems were barely observable due to the low reconstruction delay of the system. Thus, the analysis and synthesis window lengths were increased to 1024La= and 256Ls= samples to better observe the effects of the delay. To simplify the analysis, batch synthesis was used for TAF WOLA reconstruction. This leads to a filter reconstruction delay of 5122La=/ samples. Delaying the input signals by the same amount so that they are synchronized with the plant could compensate for the filter reconstruction delay. Of course this is counter productive as it creates delays in an otherwise delayless system. Fig. 7 depicts the ERLE results using the WOLA reconstructed TAF, around the time of plant change. The ERLE drops at 30seconds, and stays low for around 64msecs (corre-sponding to 512samples of delay) before it starts to rise again. This low-time of ERLE causes a drop in echo cancellation performance and creates artifacts in the output. Repeating the experiment with delay compensation, the ERLE drops later and start to rise right away as shown in the figure. The echo plant swap is unlikely to happen in practice; rather gradual plant variations might occur. Nevertheless the above experiment serves to underline the potential for tracking difficulties as the reconstruction delay increases. The problem is not specific to the proposed method and exists in all the delayless systems described in this paper.We have minimized the filter reconstruction delay problem in our system (described in Section 3) through using short analysis and synthesis filters. As discussed in Section 2, the adverse effects of short filters on system performance are much less pronounced in the proposed method compared to typical SAF systems.4. CONCLUSIONA delayless method for adaptive filtering through SAF systems is proposed. The method, based on WOLA synthesis of the SAFs, is very efficient and is well mapped to a low-resource hardware im-plementation. The performance of an open-loop version of the sys-tem was compared against a conventional SAF system employing the same WOLA analysis/synthesis filterbanks, with the proposed delayless system offering superior performance but at greater com-putational cost. The performance is identical to the DFT-FIR de-layless SAF system that employs straightforward polyphase filter-banks. However, the proposed WOLA-based TAF synthesis offers a superior mapping to low-resource hardware with limited-precision arithmetic. Also the WOLA adaptive filter reconstruction may eas-ily be spread out in time simplifying the necessary hardware. This time-spreading may be easily combined with partial update adaptive algorithms to reduce the computation cost for low-resource real-time platforms.REFERENCES[1] D. R. Morgan and J.C. Thi, “A delayless subband adaptive filter structure”, IEEE Trans. on Sig. Proc., Aug. 1995, vol. 43, pp. 1819-1830.[2] J. Huo et al., “New weight transform schemes for delayless subband adaptive filtering”, Proc. of IEEE Global Telecom. Conf., 2001, pp. 197-201.[3] L. Larson et al., “A new subband weight transform for de-layless subband adaptive filtering structures”, Proc. of IEEE DSP workshop, Oct. 2002, pp. 201-206.[4] N. Hirayama et al., “Delayless subband adaptive filtering using the hadamard transform”, IEEE Trans. on Sig. Proc., Jun. 1999, vol. 47, pp. 1731-1734.[5] R. Merched et al. “A new delayless subband adaptive filter structure”, IEEE Trans. on Sig. Proc., Jun. 1999, vol. 47, pp. 1580-1591.[6] R. E. Crochiere and L. R. Rabiner, Multirate digital signal processing, Prenitice-Hall, NJ, 1983.[7] R. L. Brennan, and T. Schneider, “A Flexible Filterbank Struc-ture for Extensive Signal Manipulations in Digital Hearing Aids,” Proc. IEEE ISCAS, 1998, pp. 569-572.[8] H. Sheikhzadeh, H. R. Abutalebi, R. L. Brennan, and J. Sol-lazzo, “Performance Limitations of a New Subband Adaptive Sys-tem for Noise and Echo Reduction”, Proc. of IEEE ICECS, 2003. [9] P. L. De León, II and D. M. Etter, “Experimental Results with Increased Bandwidth Analysis Filters in Oversampled, Subband Acoustic Echo Cancelers,” IEEE Sig. Proc. Letters, Jan. 1995, vol. 2, pp. 1-3.[10] H. Sheikhzadeh, K. Whyte, and R. L. Brennan, “Partial update subband implementation of complex pseudo-affine projection algo-rithm on oversampled filterbanks”, accepted, to be presented at ICASSP 2005.[11] Recommendation ITU-T G.168, Digital Network Echo Cancel-lers, Int’l Telecommunication Union, 2000.[12] Albu and A. Fagan, “The Gauss-Seidel Pseudo Affine Projec-tion Algorithm and its Application for Echo Cancellation,” 37th Asilomar Conf. Sig. Sys. & Comp., Pacific Grove, Calif., Nov. 2003.。


ALUBEGKL 18 Special
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ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit说明书

ViralSEQ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit说明书

ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer KitCatalog Numbers A52597 and A52598Pub. No. MAN0026127 Rev. A.0Note: For safety and biohazard guidelines, see the “Safety” appendix in the ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide(Pub. No. MAN0026126). Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.Product descriptionThe Applied Biosystems™ ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit is a TaqMan™-based RT-qPCR kit. The kit measures viral count based on highly sensitive viral RNA quantitation from the supernatants of cell-based, bioproduction systems. Viral titers of 104 to 1011 viral particles (VP) per mL can be quantitated using a standard curve generated from the synthetic RNA control included with the kit. Lentivirus quantitation by RT-qPCR is accurate, sensitive, and reproducible.The ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit is compatible with the PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit (Cat. A50485), which offers both a manual and automated sample preparation workflow. For real‑time PCR, the ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit has been validated on the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System and the Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Real‑Time PCR System. Data analysis is streamlined using AccuSEQ™ Real‑Time PCR Software that provides accurate quantitation and security, audit, and e-signature capabilities to help enable 21 CFR Pt 11 compliance.For more information about reagent use, see the ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Titer Kits User Guide (Pub. No. MAN0026126).Treat samples with DNase I, RNase‑free (1 U/µL)DNase I, RNase‑free (1 U/µL) treatment is used to digest double-stranded DNA.Thaw all reagents on ice. Invert the DNase I, RNase‑free (1 U/µL) several times to mix, then centrifuge briefly. All other reagents should be vortexed, then centrifuged briefly before use.1.Set up the DNase I, RNase‑free (1 U/µL) reactions in a MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate (0.2 mL).[1]Mix gently by pipetting 3-5 times when adding.2.Mix the reactions by gently pipetting up and down 5 times, then seal the reaction plate with MicroAmp™ Clear Adhesive Film.3.Centrifuge the plate at 1,000 x g for 2 minutes.4.Load the reactions onto the VeritiPro™ 96-well Thermal Cycler, then start the DNase I treatment.Set cover temperature: 105℃Set reaction volume: 18 µL[1]Do not hold for more than 5 minutes. Proceed immediately to DNase I inactivation.5.Centrifuge the plate at 1,000 x g for 2 minutes.CAUTION! The plate is in contact with the heated lid. Remove carefully.6.Gently remove the MicroAmp™ Clear Adhesive Film, then discard.IMPORTANT! Do not touch wells when removing the MicroAmp™ Clear Adhesive Film. Contamination can lead to inaccurate results.7.Add 2 µL of 50mM EDTA to each reaction well. Mix by gently pipetting 5 times with a P10/P20 pipettor set to 10 µL.8.Seal the reaction plate with MicroAmp™ Clear Adhesive Film, then centrifuge the plate at 1,000 x g for 2 minutes.9.Load the reactions onto the VeritiPro™ 96-well Thermal Cycler, then start the DNase I inactivation.Set cover temperature: 105℃Set reaction volume: 20 µL[1]Do not hold for more than 5 minutes.10.Centrifuge the plate at 1,000 x g for 2 minutes.CAUTION! The plate is in contact with the heated lid. Remove carefully.IMPORTANT! Do not vortex.Place the plate on ice until use.Prepare the serial dilutionsThaw the Physical Titer RNA Control (2 ✕1010 copies/µL) on ice. Vortex at medium speed for 5 seconds, briefly centrifuge, then place on ice until use.bel nonstick 1.5‑mL microfuge tubes: NTC, SD1, SD2, SD3, SD4, SD5, and SD6 [used for limit of detection (LOD)].2.Add 35 µL of RNA Dilution Buffer (RDB) to the NTC (no template control) tube. Place the tube on ice.3.Perform the serial dilutions.When dispensing RNA, pipette up and down gently. After each transfer, vortex for 7 seconds, then centrifuge briefly.Table 1 Standard curve dilutions (ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit)Store the standard curve dilution tubes at 4°C or on ice. Use the dilutions within 6 hours for RT-qPCR.Prepare the kit reagents and premix solutionThaw all kit reagents on ice. Vortex the reagents for 5 seconds, briefly centrifuge, then place the reagents on ice until use.bel a microcentrifuge tube for the Premix Solution.2.Prepare the Premix Solution according to the following tables.IMPORTANT! Use a separate pipette tip for each component.Table 2 Premix Solution[1]Includes 10% excess to compensate for pipetting loss.3.Vortex the Premix Solution for 10 seconds to mix, then briefly centrifuge.Store the Premix Solution at 4°C or on ice until use.Prepare the PCR reactionsPlace the plate containing DNase I-treated samples on a MicroAmp™ 96-Well Base, then gently remove the MicroAmp™ Clear Adhesive Film. Gently pipette up and down 3 times to mix the samples.1.Dispense the following into the appropriate wells of a MicroAmp™ Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate, 0.1 mL, gently pipetting at thebottom of the well.Figure 1 Recommended plate layout2.Seal the plate with MicroAmp ™Optical Adhesive Film.3.Vortex the reaction plate for 10 seconds, then centrifuge at 1,000 x g for 2 minutes.Note: Ensure there are no bubbles in the reaction wells. If present, tap the well gently to remove bubbles, then re-centrifuge.Proceed immediately to “Start the run (QuantStudio ™ 5 Real ‑Time PCR Instrument)”.Create a ViralSEQ ™ templateCreate a new template in the (Home) screen of the AccuSEQ ™Real ‑Time PCR Software v3.1.1.ClickCreate New on the home screen.Create New ExperimentpaneFactory default/Admin Defined Templates —List of existing default or Admin Defined templates. These templates can beused as templates for new experiments.My Templates —List of templates available to the user that is signed in. These templates can be used as templates for newexperiments.Create New —Used to create an experiment or template with nopre-existing settings.Create My Template —Used to create a new template (stored locally in My Templates).Create Admin Defined Template —Used to create a new template (Administrator only).2.Select Create My Template or Create Admin Defined Template .3.Edit the Experiment Properties as required.a.In the Template Name field, modify the template name. For example, LV Titer template.b.(Optional ) Enter information in the Comments field.c.In the Setup tab, select:•Experiment Type —Quantitation-Standard Curve •Chemistry —TaqMan ® Reagents•Ramp Speed —Standard-2hrs •Block Type —96-Well 0.1mL Blockd.(Optional ) Select Is Locked to lock the template. If locked, users are unable to edit the template.4.ClickAnalysis settings to change the default C t Settings and Flag Settings.a.In the C t Settings tab, click Edit Default Settings .b.Deselect Automatic Threshold , then enter 0.200.c.Ensure that Automatic Baseline is selected.d.Click Save Changes .e.Deselect Default Settings , then click Applyto save any changes before closing the window.2C tSettingsFlag SettingsEdit Default SettingsbuttonDefault Settingscheckbox Apply buttonf.In the Flag Settings tab, deselect the following flags.•CQCONF —Low Cq confidence •EXPFAIL —Exponential algorithm failed •NOAMP —No amplification •NOSIGNAL —No signal in wellNote: Use the scrollbar on the right to scroll down the list of flags.g.Click Apply to save any changes before closing the window.5.Click Next .Template name cannot be changed after this step.The qPCR Method screen is displayed.Edit the run method and optical filter selectionThis section provides general procedures to edit the run method and optical filter selection in the qPCR Method. To edit the default run method, see the AccuSEQ™ Real‑Time PCR Software v3.1 User Guide (Pub. No. 100094287).1.Set the reaction volume to 25 µL.2.Edit Step 1 of the Hold Stage to 45℃ for 30 minutes.3.Set Step 2 of the Hold Stage to 95℃ for 10 minutes.4.Set Step 1 of the PCR Stage to 95℃ for 15 seconds.5.Edit Step 2 of the PCR Stage to 60℃ for 45 seconds.6.Set the cycle number to 40.7.Ensure that Data Collection occurs after Step 2.123Figure 2 Lentivirus Physical Titer Run MethodReaction volume- set to 25µLStageCycle number- set to 40 cycles8.(Optional) Click (Optical Filter Settings) to view the default filter settings.•The default optical filter selection is suitable for the ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit.•The ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit requires the QuantStudio™ 5 System to be calibrated for FAM™, VIC™, and ROX™.•For more information about system dyes and their calibration and optical filter selection, see QuantStudio™ 3 and 5 Real‑Time PCR Systems Installation, Use, and Maintenance Guide (Pub. No. MAN0010407).9.Click Next.Assign plate and well attributesNote: This section provides general procedures to set up the plate.For specific instructions for each assay type, see the corresponding chapter in this guide. Do not change Targets for default assay templates.TargetsSamplesPlate setup toolbarSelect Item to highlight (Sample, Target, or Task).Select Item. For example, Sample 1. Sample 1 replicates arehighlighted.Define& setup Standard(View Legend)(Print Preview)View (Grid View or Table View)1.In Plate Setup screen, click or click‑drag to select plate wells in the (Grid View) of the plate.2.Assign the well attributes for the selected wells. Each well should have a Sample Name under Samples, as well as the appropriateTargets under Targets. Reporters should be FAM™ dye for Lentivirus Physical Titer, and VIC™ dye for internal positive control (IPC).a.To add new Samples or Targets, click Add in the appropriate column on the left of the screen, then edit the new Name andother properties as required. The new sample or target is then selectable within the wells of the plate.b.For each sample (e.g. DNase-treated lentivirus sample, standard curve dilution, or NTC), two targets should be included.•Select the FAM™ dye reporter for Lentivirus Physical Titer detection.•Select the VIC™ dye for IPC detection.c.Select NFQ-MGB as the quencher for both targets.d.For standard curve dilution samples (SD1 to SD5), the Task for Lentivirus Physical Titer target should be indicated as “S” forStandard, with the appropriate copy number written under Quantity. For instance, the quantity for SD1 is 1E9 copies. Change the Task by clicking on the field and using the drop-down menu. Copy numbers can be indicated using scientific notation (e.g.“1E9”) and the program will convert it to numerical format.e.For DNase-treated samples and SD6, set the Task for Lentivirus Physical Titer target to U for Unknown.f.For NTC wells, set the Task for Lentivirus Physical Titer target to N for NTC.g.For IPC wells, set the Task for Lentivirus Physical Titer target to U for Unknown.h.To change sample names, click the name in the Name column, then type the new name. To change Reporters and Quenchers,click the dye, then select from the dropdown list.When a Sample or Targetname are edited, two entries are added to the Audit trail (one for Delete, and another for Create).23AddbuttonCheckbox—Select Targets and Samples to go in the selectedwell.Textbox—Click the name to edit.Scrollbar—Use to scroll to additional properties.•Use the plate setup toolbar (above the plate) to make edits to the plate.–Click View to show/hide the Sample Name, Sample Color, or Target from the view.•To add consecutive samples (with the same Target ), select a well, then click ‑drag the dark blue box to the right.3.(Optional ) Double ‑click a well to enter comments for the selected well.4.Select ROX ™dye from the Passive Reference drop-down list (bottom left of screen).5.Click Save to save the template.This template can then be used to create experiments.Start the run (QuantStudio ™ 5 Real ‑Time PCR Instrument)Ensure that the plate is loaded in the QuantStudio ™5 Real ‑Time PCR Instrument.™A message stating Run has been started successfully is displayed when the run has started.Review the resultsAfter the qPCR run is finished, use the following general procedure to analyze the results. For more detailed instructions see theAccuSEQ ™Real ‑Time PCR Software v3.1 User Guide (Pub. No. 100094287).1.In the AccuSEQ ™Real ‑Time PCR Software, open your experiment, then navigate to the Result tab.ResulttabAnalysis SettingsPlot horizontal scrollbar Analyze button2.In the Result Analysis tab, select individual targets, then review the Amplification Curve plots for amplification profiles in thecontrols, samples, and the standard curve. Ensure that threshold is set to 0.200 with an automatic baseline.3.In the Result Analysis tab, review the QC Summary for any flags in wells.4.In the Result Analysis tab, review the Standard Curve plot. Verify the values for the Slope, Y ‑intercept, R 2, and Efficiency are withinacceptable limits.Note: The Standard Curve efficiency should be between 90-110% and the R 2>0.99. If these criteria are not met, up to two points,not in the same triplicate, can be removed from the standard curve data, and the analysis repeated.5.In Table View, ensure that C t values are within the standard curve range.•Samples with C t values that exceed the upper limit of quantitation (109 copies) of the standard curve should be diluted and re-run.•Samples with C t values that exceed the lower limit of detection (LoD of 10 copies) and IPC shows no signs of PCR inhibition,suggests the absence of lentivirus.6.(Optional ) Outliers can be excluded from the results. To exclude, select the well, then click Omit/Include , then reanalyze by clickingAnalyze .7.(Optional ) Select File 4Print Report to generate a hard copy of the experiment, or click Print Preview to view and save the report asa PDF or HTML file.8.Export the results.a.Navigate to the Report tab.b.Check all boxes under Contents .c.Select Export Data in One File .d.Select the XLS format, then click Export .Calculate the titer (VP/mL)1.Download the Physical Titer Calculation Tool .a.Go to .b.Search for the ViralSEQ ™Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit.c.Download the tool from the Documents section.2.Open the tool, then follow the instructions in the tool to calculate the titer.Calculate lentivirus titers from qPCR dataTo determine the number of lentivirus RNA copies per mL in the original sample, the copy numbers obtained from the qPCR must be multiplied by the dilution factor of the sample during extraction and DNase I treatment. Since there are 2 copies of RNA/target per lentivirus particle, the number of viral particles per mL (VP/mL) is 0.5x the number of lentivirus RNA copies.Viral particles per mL =qPCR copies x sample dilution factor x 0.5Volume of sample used (mL)For help in determining the qPCR copy numbers, see the QuantStudio ™Design and Analysis Desktop Software User Guide (Pub. No. MAN0010408).For example, if the following parameters were used,•10 µL of lentivirus culture was extracted with the KingFisher ™Flex Purification System with 96 Deep-Well Head and eluted in 200 µL •10 µL of this eluate (20x dilution) was treated with DNase I, RNase ‑free (1 U/µL) in a total volume of 20 µL.• 5 µL of the DNase-treated sample (4x dilution) was used for the qPCR reaction.Lentivirus sample10 μL Sample Extraction Elute: 200 μL DNaseI Treat Total: 20 μL reaction RT-qPCRTotal: 25 μL reactionUse 10 μL (1:20 dilution)Use 5 μL (1:4 dilution)then, the calculation would be:Viral particles per mL =qPCR copies x (20x4) x 0.50.01 (mL)Note: qPCR can only determine the number of physical particles in a virus culture. To determine the numbers of infectious units,cell-based transduction experiments must be carried out. The titers of physical particles are often higher than infectious titers by 10-1000fold, depending on the purity of the lentivirus preparation and the levels of infectious particles within the culture.Limited product warrantyLife Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliate(s) warrant their products as set forth in the Life Technologies' General Terms and Conditions of Sale at /us/en/home/global/terms-and-conditions.html . If you have any questions, please contact Life Technologies at /support .Life Technologies Ltd | 7 Kingsland Grange | Woolston, Warrington WA1 4SR | United KingdomThe information in this guide is subject to change without notice.DISCLAIMER : TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT,PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING YOUR USE OF IT.Important Licensing Information : These products may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of these products, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.©2022 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. Vortex-Genie is a trademark of Scientific Industries. Windows and Excel are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. TaqMan is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc., used under permission and license./support | /askaquestion 23 August 2022。








克鲁勃润滑脂主要有以下产品:產品外觀Product packing產品 Produkt內容物 Product in單位自行車 市場專用 工業 市場專用 汽機車市場專用Kluberbio CA 2-100 Spray頂級專業全合成潤滑油 適用於比賽場合世界A 及賽事車隊御用品 耐天候極佳,超高可變油膜強度 特點油質粘度隨溫度改變 自動調整最佳狀態油膜 快速清潔工作建議搭配 SMR 40°C 流動性500 生物可分解環保由品每瓶 250 mlYesKLUBERBIO HOTEMP 2000重機車/自行車雙用系統耐天候極佳,防水抗高溫250°C 生物可分解環保由品 40°C 流動性2000每瓶 400 mlYes YesSTRUCTOVIS BHD SPRAY頂級專業潤滑油適用於原場鏈條加工也是許多知名鍊條工廠指定油 40°C 流動性4750每瓶 250 mlYesKluberoil CM 1-220通用型合成潤滑油適用於各種級數單車 耐天候,油膜強度中等 40°C 流動性220每瓶400 mlYes產品外觀 Product packing產品 Produkt內容物 Product in單位自行車 市場專用 工業 市場專用 汽機車市場專用Metal cleanerSMR氣化式除汙油劑無潤滑可將油污直接蒸發質地溫和無異味適用於:鏈條/變速器/導輪/軸承/碟剎與煞車片快速清潔除油工作,可搭配CA 2-100BHD鏈條系統等...40°C流動性5每瓶400 mlYes Yes YesKluberbioZ 2-5清潔防鏽低潤滑度適用於精密齒輪清潔與潤滑/橡膠類品清潔與滋潤生物可分解環保油品40°C流動性5每瓶400 mlYesLUSIN PROTECT041清潔防銹佳,普級滑度,適用於各種金屬表面清潔防銹保護功能.40°C流動性10每瓶400 mlYes產品外觀Product packing產品Produkt內容物Product in單位自行車市場專用工業市場專用汽機車市場專用ISOFLEX TOPASL 32 N Spray維持長久順暢,油質不因長時間造成黏稠化現象,長期輕快滑順優異表現每瓶400 mlYesKlubersynth RA 44-3502螺絲螺牙/滑軌等長時間不易變質讓您下一次鬆脫或者滑動 依舊如新1KG Yes YesKlubersynth RA 44-3502螺絲螺牙/滑軌等長時間不易變質讓您下一次鬆脫或者滑動 依舊如新10ml Yes產品外觀 Product packing產品 Produkt內容物 Product in單位自行車 市場專用 工業 市場專用 汽機車市場專用ISOFLEX TOPASNB 52提供無與論比的低壓順場度,耐天候耐侵蝕性極佳 增加軸承更長的壽命. 軸承安裝 NB 52 前 建議使用 SMR 徹底清潔1KGYesISOFLEX TOPASNB 52提供無與論比的低壓順場度,耐天候耐侵蝕性極佳 增加軸承更長的壽命. 軸承安裝 NB 52 前 建議使用 SMR 徹底清潔10ml Yes YesISOFLEX TOPASNB 152提供無與論比的耐壓順場度,耐天候耐侵蝕性極佳 增加軸承更長的壽命. 軸承安裝 NB 52 前 建議使用SMR 徹底清潔1KGYesISOFLEX TOPASNB 152提供無與論比的耐壓順場度,耐天候耐侵蝕性極佳 增加軸承更長的壽命. 軸承安裝 NB 52 前 建議使用SMR 徹底清潔10ml Yes Yes產品外觀Product packing產品 Produkt內容物 Product in單位自行車 市場專用 工業 市場專用 汽機車市場專用ISOFLEX TOPASNCA 1521KG YesISOFLEX NBU 151KG YesISOFLEX NCA 15Yes產品外觀 Product packing產品 Produkt 內容物 Product in單位 自行車 市場專用 工業 市場專用 汽機車市場專用 Kluber Summit HySyn FG 46 L Yes Yes Yes KLUBEROIL GEM 1-46 N L Yes Yes Yesklubersynth AR 34-402 1KG Yes Yes YesKlubersynth RA 44-35021KGYesYesYes更多资料请登录 了解、。



每 月
x 10
5 20 软化剂
重负荷润滑 脂
设备的运行状 态
维修人员 停机/手动运行 维修人员 停机 维修人员 停机 维修人员 停机 维修人员 停机 维修人员 维修人员 停机 维修人员 停机/手动运行 维修人员 停机/手动运行
1. 在SCA控制器上启动“排空定量装置”。定 量机先被加满,然后被排空。
故障 - 原因 - 排除1
定量机 ADKE 6000-xx FIFO 偏离正常运行状态说明存在功能故障,必须由维修人员排除。
定量机已加满, 但不进行涂胶
供胶系统压力不足 管路存在泄漏点 胶料缸堵塞 伺服放大器控制故障 伺服电机失灵 行星减速器失灵 齿形皮带损坏 滚柱丝杆副损失灵
滚珠丝杠副 定量机本体与外壳 集成式填充阀 压力传感器 胶料缸加热电阻
减速箱 多功能盒 软化剂管 观察孔&润滑脂添加 孔
胶料出口以及胶枪安 装接口
2. 拧下软化剂储存管上端的消音器。 3. 稍微倾斜软化剂储存管,将软化剂倒入一
个合适的废料容器中并按规定进行处置。 4. 松开螺纹连接件,然后从定量机上取下软



专利名称:Retorutokakodenpunjudotai 发明人:JEEMUSU YUUJIN IISUTOMAN 申请号:JP3704475申请日:19750328公开号:JPS5129237A公开日:19760312专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Root and root-type starch derivatives having controlled acetyl substitution levels which provide an initial high paste viscosity to facilitate uniform filling operations when used as a food canning medium, and which break down to a thinner viscosity upon heating to facilitate heat penetration into the canned food mass for sterilization of the canned food product and to provide a more acceptable watery or soup-like consistency to the food product.Blends of several root and root-type starch derivatives make possible a predictable final viscosity level which is not completely "water-thin." The selection of acetylating agent also affects the final viscosity level of the starch canning medium. It has been observed that a starch derivative substitute using vinyl acetate provides a slightly higher final viscosity under the same retorting conditions when compared to a starch derivative which has been substituted using acetic anhydride.申请人:EE II SUTEERI MFG CO更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:LIGHT TRANSMISSION PLATE发明人:NISHIGAKI YOSHIKI,西垣 善樹申请号:JP特願2001-106907(P2001-106907)申请日:20010405公开号:JP特開2002-303734(P2002-303734A)A公开日:20021018专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a light transmission plate for a liquid crystal display having a projecting and recessing pattern for reflection or for lightdiffusion, directly molded from a molten resin without generating a warp or deformation after molding and having the pattern of a reflection layer or of a light diffusion layerimparted with precise transferring. SOLUTION: The light transmission plate 30 is provided which is directly molded from the molten transparent resin, has the projecting and recessing pattern for the reflection or for the light diffusion on at least one surface, has <=9×10<-6> birefringence in the thickness direction and further has >=(-3×10<-6> ) and <=(+3×10<-6> ) variance with respect to an average value in measuring birefringence at a plurality of positions in the thickness direction. The light transmission plate is manufactured by using a metallic mold with the projecting and recessing pattern attached on at least one surface, by injecting the molten transparent resin thereinto and by molding the resin. In this case, the projecting and recessing pattern of a metal cavity surface is transferred to a surface of a product with >=90% transfer rate and variance of the transfer rate can be controlled to be >=(-1%) and <=(+1%) with respect to an average value.申请人:SUMITOMO CHEM CO LTD,住友化学工業株式会社地址:大阪府大阪市中央区北浜4丁目5番33号国籍:JP代理人:久保山 隆 (外2名)更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:SLITTER APPARATUS FOR HALF CUT 发明人:KAKIHARA MORIYUKI申请号:JP11520684申请日:19840605公开号:JPS60259311A公开日:19851221专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To change the position of a center knife simply and correctly by installing a pair of guide rings onto the both sides of the center knife through a sleeve, onto one of a pair of shafts onto which the knife is installed, so that the position can be changed, in the captioned apparatus for a band steel, etc. CONSTITUTION:A center knife 2a is fitted 11 onto a pair of shafts 1 by a key, and a pair of sleeves 12 are fitted 11 onto the both sides of the center knife 2a by a key, and fixed by a nut 7. A pair of side guides 2b are fitted 13 onto the sleeve 12 of one shaft 1 by a key through a rubber ring 14 and a spacer bolt 15, and fastened by a fastening bolt 16 and a nut 9. In this constitution, the side guide 2b and the rubber ring 14 are shifted by loosening the nut 9, and the position of the side guide is changed by replacing a spacer bolt 25 to the one having a prescribed dimension. With such constitution, the position of the knife can be changed simply and rapidly.申请人:SUMITOMO KINZOKU KOGYO KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:THROTTLE BODY发明人:ASANUMA, Hiroshi,ISOGAI,Tomiharu,TAKEDA, Keiso,TATSUKAWA,Masami申请号:JP2005009976申请日:20050531公开号:WO05/116425P1公开日:20051208专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A throttle body has a main body (3) and a valve body (60) having a shaft section (20) and a valve section (4). On a bore wall section (5) of the main body (3), there are provided a connection tube section (308) to which a piping member (230) is connected, a seal tube section (310) having a seal surface (16) corresponding to the valve section (4), and a connection tube section (312) to which a piping member (202) is connected. A deformation absorption tube section (309) is provided between the connection tube section (308) and the seal tube section (310). A deformation absorption tube section (311) is provided between the seal tube section (310) and the connection tube section (312). The thicknesses of the connection tube section (308), the seal tube section (310), and the connection tube section (312) are made thicker. The thicknesses of the deformation absorption tube section (309) and the deformation absorption tube section (311) are made thinner.申请人:ASANUMA, Hiroshi,ISOGAI, Tomiharu,TAKEDA, Keiso,TATSUKAWA, Masami 地址:JP,JP,JP,JP,JP国籍:JP,JP,JP,JP,JP代理机构:OKADA, Hidehiko 更多信息请下载全文后查看。

ATEC ESPE-SH-241 产品配件包说明书

ATEC ESPE-SH-241 产品配件包说明书

Operation Manual
or CD
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800-404-ATEC (2832)
Communication Manual
12/24/14 10401 Roselle Street l San Diego, CA 92121 l
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Part # ESPE-SH-241-CAP02
Accessory Kit
Accessory Kit
Metal Cap for ESPE-SH-241 2
Shipping/Receiving 800-404-ATEC (2832) x802 Order Additional Equipment
or CD
Hose, Main Drain
Hose, Sensor Drain
Cart with Casters for
SH Series

ams-OSRAM AG 自动干燥包装过程介绍说明书

ams-OSRAM AG 自动干燥包装过程介绍说明书

Published by ams-OSRAM AGTobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Premstaetten, Austria Phone +43 3136 500-0 © All rights reservedInfonoteAO-IN-2022-007-IIntroduction of automated dry packing process for productsprovided in reels with 180mm and 330mm sizeAO-IN-2022-007-I2 | Version no.3 (2022-03-25)04.04.2022Dear Customer,please take note of this Infonote.This customer notification is for information only and does not require customer approval.Objective: Introduction of automated dry packing process for products providedin reels with 180mm and 330mm sizeAffected products: Products provided in reels with 180mm and 330mm sizeReason for change: Industrialization and standardization of existing packing processDescription of change: Current statusManual packing processNew statusAutomated packing process For details refer to file 2_cip_AO-IN-2022-007-ITime schedule: Introduction of automated dry packing processearliest from 18.04.2022 (will be implemented as soon as ready)Assessment: No change in fit, form, function and reliability of the affected productsDocumentation: Customer information package: 2_cip_AO-IN-2022-007-IPublished by ams-OSRAM AGTobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Premstaetten, AustriaPhone +43 3136 500-0 © All rights reserved1Sensing is lifeConfidentialOSR OS Q CQM AM 2022-04-04InfonoteAO-IN-2022-007-IIntroduction of automated dry packing process for products provided in 180mm and 330mm size reelsCustomer information packageAgendaConfidential Page1.Reason for change32.Description of change43.List of affected products54.Time schedule6232022-04-04 | Infonote | AO-IN-2022-007-I | Customer information packagefor products provided in 180mm and 330mm size reelsReason for changeConfidentialItemDescriptionIntroduction of automated dry packing processIndustrialization and standardization of existing packing processDescription of changefor products provided in 180mm and 330mm size reels Item Current status New statusIntroduction of automated dry packing process -Manual process-MBB with grooved sealing-Automated process-MBB with plane sealing42022-04-04 | Infonote | AO-IN-2022-007-I| Customer information package Confidential52022-04-04 | Infonote | AO-IN-2022-007-I | Customer information packageList of affected productsConfidentialfor products provided in 180mm and 330mm size reelsMultiple Brands affectedProducts provided in 180mm size reels Products provided in 330mm size reels62022-04-04 | Infonote | AO-IN-2022-007-I | Customer information packageTime scheduleConfidentialTime scheduleIntended Start of Introduction 18.04.2022 (earliest, will be implemented as soon as ready)for products provided in 180mm and 330mm size reelsSensing is life。

拓普热液GH 461、462产品说明说明书

拓普热液GH 461、462产品说明说明书

STABUTHERM GH 461, 462, Prod. 020500, 020511, en Edition 26.06.2014 [replaces edition 29.10.2012]Benefits for your application–Reduction of lubricant costs due to lower consumption –Reduced waste water disposal costs due to excellent water resistance –Considerable reduction of rolling bearing costs due to good wear protection, good load- carrying capacity and excellent corrosion protection –Trouble-free operation of machines due to good pumpability and metering in central lubrication systems –Low wear at high temperaturesDescriptionSTABUTHERM GH 461 and STABUTHERM GH 462 are high-temperature lubricating greases based on mineral oil andpolyurea. They have a wide service temperature range and canbe applied in rolling bearings up to 180°C. If the lubricant is usedin central lubrication systems, operating temperatures up to200°C are possible. STABUTHERM GH 461 and STABUTHERMGH 462 feature highly effective anti-wear properties. The greasesare very adhesive and resistant to water both under static anddynamic load. STABUTHERM GH 461 and STABUTHERM GH462 are resistant to oxidation and provide reliable protectionagainst corrosion.Application STABUTHERM GH 461 and STABUTHERM GH 462 are particularly suitable for applications in smelting works and rolling mills, especially for high-temperature lubrication points supplied through a central lubrication system, e.g.–drive rollers in continuous casting installations (slabs and billets)–conveyor rollers in continuous furnacesLubricants for such applications must meet extremely highrequirements regarding operating temperature, scaling, water andensuing corrosion.STABUTHERM GH 461 and STABUTHERM GH 462 are alsosuitable for other high-temperature applications, such as:–annealing furnaces, drying stoves –plain bearings in foundry cranes –hot rolls in cardboard manufacturing plants –road tarmacking machines –shut-off gates in bulk material installations –cooling beds, conveyor systems –rotary kilns –machines and installations in the automotive, beverage, glass and ceramics industries Application notes STABUTHERM GH 461 and STABUTHERM GH 462 can bepumped through all common types of lubrication systems.Pipe friction values were determined in order to assess thepumpability in central lubrication systems.The results obtained at different temperatures are illustrated indiagrams 1 and 2 on pages 3 and 4.Diagram 1 shows the resistance to pumping per meter of pipewith a diameter of 7 mm; diagram 2 shows the values of a pipewith a diameter of 16 mm.The pipe friction values were measured with a Shell DELIMONrheometer system.Material safety data sheets Material safety data sheets can be requested via our website . You may also obtain them through your contact person at Klüber Lubrication.STABUTHERM GH 461, 462High-temperature lubricating greases Product informationProduct information STABUTHERM GH 461, 462 High-temperature lubricating greasesPipe friction valuesmeasured with Shell-DELIMON rheometerSTABUTHERM GH 461, 462, Prod. 020500, 020511, enEdition 26.06.2014 [replaces edition 29.10.2012]STABUTHERM GH 461, 462Product informationSTABUTHERM GH 461, 462, Prod. 020500, 020511, enEdition 26.06.2014 [replaces edition 29.10.2012]Klüber Lubrication – your global specialist Innovative tribological solutions are our passion. Through personal contact and consultation, we help our customers to be successful worldwide, in all industries and markets. With our ambitious technical concepts and experienced, competent staff we have been fulfilling increasingly demanding requirements by manufacturing efficient high-performance lubricants for more than 80 years.Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG /Geisenhausenerstraße 7 / 81379 München / Germany /phone +49 89 7876-0 / fax +49 89 7876-333.The data in this document is based on our general experience and knowledge at the time of publication and is intended to give information of possible applications to a reader with technical experience. It constitutes neither an assurance of product properties nor does it release the user from the obligation of performing preliminary field tests with the product selected for a specific application. All data are guide values which depend on the lubricant's composition, the intended use and the application method. The technical values of lubricants change depending on the mechanical, dynamical, chemical and thermal loads, time and pressure. These changes may affect the function of a component. We recommend contacting us to discuss your specific application. If possible we will be pleased to provide a sample for testing on request. Klüber products are continually improved. Therefore, Klüber Lubrication reserves the right to change all the technical data in this document at any time without notice.Publisher and Copyright: Klüber Lubrication München SE & Co. KG. Reprints, total or in part, are permitted only prior consultation with Klüber LubricationMünchen SE & Co. KG and if source is indicated and voucher copy is forwarded.Product information。

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STABUTHERM ® GH 461High-temperature lubricating greaseProduct Information 5.56 eEdition 04.03, replaces edition 04.00Description:STABUTHERM GH 461 is a high-temperature lubricating greasebased on mineral oil/polyurea. It has a wide service temperature range and can be applied in rolling bearings up to an operatingtemperature of 180 °C. In the case of total loss lubrication in central lubrication systems, operating temperatures up to 200 °C are possible.STABUTHERM GH 461 features highly effective anti-wear properties and has a good load-carrying capability due to special EP additives.The grease is very adhesive and is resistant to water both under static and dynamic load.STABUTHERM GH 461 is resistant to oxidation, extremely resistant to ageing and provides reliable protection against corrosion.Application:STABUTHERM GH 461 is suitable for applications in smelting works and rolling mills, especially for high-temperature lubrication points supplied through a central lubrication system, e. g.– drive rollers in continuous casting plants (slabs and billets)– conveyor rollers in continuous furnaces.A lubricant for such applications must meet the extremely high requirements set forth by the operating temperature, scaling,water and ensuing corrosion.STABUTHERM GH 461 is also suitable for other high-temperature applications, such as:– annealing furnaces, drying stoves – sliding bearings in foundry cranes – hot rolls in cardboard manu- facturing plants– machines and equipment in the glass and ceramics industries– shut-off gates in bulk material installations– cooling beds, conveyor systems – rotary kilns.Application notes:STABUTHERM GH 461 can be pumped through all common types of lubrication systems.Pipe friction values were determined in order to assess the pumpability in central lubrication systems. The results obtained at different tem-peratures are illustrated in diagrams 1 and 2 on the next page.Diagram 1 shows the resistance to pumping per meter of pipe with a diameter of 7 mm; diagram 2 shows the values of a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm.The pipe friction values weremeasured with the Shell DELIMON rheometer system.Pack sizes: 25 kg bucket 180 kg drum STABUTHERM GH 461•High-temperature lubricatinggrease for rolling bearings•High upper servicetemperature up to 180 °C in central lubrication systems up to 200 °C•Good pumpability in allcommon central lubrication systems•Not miscible with water, thus having only little impact on the cooling water circulation•Good anti-wear properties •High load-carrying capability •Very good anti-corrosionproperties•Resistant to aggressive media •Good sealing effectProduct data:Colorbrown, transparentService temperature range*, °C – 20 to 180/200Drop point, DIN ISO 2176, °C> 240Worked penetration, DIN ISO 2137 at 25 °C 310 to 340 x 0.1 mmApparent viscosity, Klüber viscosity grade**M Flow pressure at – 20 °C, DIN 51 805< 1 400 mbar Resistance to water, DIN 51 807 3 hours at 90 °C 24 hours at 90 °C0/1 – 900/1 – 90Corrosion protection behavior, DIN 51 802(Emcor test)0/1*Service temperatures are guide values which depend on the lubricant’s composition, the intended use and the application method. Lubricants change their consistency, apparent dynamic viscosity or viscosity depending on the mechano- dynamical loads, time, pressure and temperature. These changes in product characteristics may affect the function of a component.**Klüber viscosity grades: EL = extra light lubricating grease; L = light lubricating grease; M = medium lubricating grease;S = heavy lubricating grease; ES = extra heavy lubricating greaseSTABUTHERM® GH 461 High-temperature lubricating greaseSTABUTHERM ® GH 461Safety Data SheetThe data in this product information is based on our general experience and knowledge at the time of printing and is intended to give information of possible applications to a reader with technical experience. It constitutes neither an assurance of product properties nor does it release the user from the obligation of performing preliminary tests with the selected product. We recommend contacting our Technical Consulting Staff to discuss your specific application. If required and possible we will be pleased to provide a sample for testing. Klüber products are continually improved. Therefore, Klüber Lubrication reserves the right to change all the technical data in this product information at any time without notice.Klüber Lubrication, a member of the Freudenberg groupPublisher and Copyright:Reprints, total or in part, are permitted if source Klüber Lubrication München KGKlüber Lubrication München KG is indicated and voucher copy is forwarded.Postfach 70 10 47, D-81310 MünchenTel. (0 89) 78 76-0, Telex 5 23 131, Telefax (0 89) 78 76-3331.1Product name:STABUTHERM GH 461Code-No.:020 50008.03.20001.2Klüber Lubrication München KG Emergency telephone no.:Geisenhausenerstraße 7++49 - 89 - 78 76 - 0D-81379 MünchenTel. ++49 - 89 - 78 76 - 0 telephone exchange Fax: ++49 - 89 - 78 76 - 3332.Composition / information on ingredientsChemical characterization (preparation): Mineral oil, polyurea 3.Hazards identificationNo particular hazards known4.First aid measuresAfter inhalation: Not applicableAfter contact with skin: Wash off with soap and plenty of water After contact with eyes: Rinse with plenty of waterAfter ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Obtain medical attention Advice to doctor: Treat symptomatically5.Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media: Water spray, foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide (CO 2)Unsuitable extinguishing media: High volume water jetSpecial hazards: In case of fire the following can be released: Carbon monoxide, hydrocarbonsSpecial protective equipment for firefighters: Standard procedure for chemical firesAdditional information: Water mist may be used to cool closedcontainers. In the event of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes 6.Accidental release measures Personal precautions: Not requiredEnvironmental precautions: Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer systemMethods for cleaning up / taking up: Use mechanical handling equipment. Dispose of absorbed material in accordance with the regulationsAdditional information: None7.Handling and storageAdvice on safe handling: No special handling advice requiredAdvice on protection against fire and explosion: No special precautions requiredRequirements on storage rooms and vessels: No special storage conditions requiredIncompatible materials: Incompatible with oxidizing agents. Do not store together with foodFurther information on storage conditions: Store at room temperature in the original container8.Exposure controls / personal protectionAdditional advice on system design: Not applicable Ingredients and specific control parameters: NoneRespiratory protection: No special protective equipment required Hand protection: No special protective equipment required Eye protection: No special protective equipment required Body protection: No special protective equipment requiredOther protection measures: No special protective equipment required General protection and hygiene measures: Avoid prolonged and/or repeated contact with skin. Remove soiled or soaked clothing immediately. Clean skin thoroughly after work; apply skin cream9.Physical and chemical properties Form paste Colour brownOdour characteristicDrop point > 240 °C, DIN ISO 2176Flash point > 300 °C (base oil)Flammabilitynot applicable Ignition temperature not applicable Autoflammability not applicable Lower explosion limit not applicable Upper explosion limit not applicable Vapour pressure-first not applicableDensityapprox. 0.9 g/cm 3, 20 °C Water solubility insolublepH valuenot applicable Kinematic viscosity not applicable Further informationnone10.Stability and reactivityConditions to avoid: NoneMaterials to avoid: Strong oxidizing agentsHazardous decomposition products: None under normal use Additional information: None11.Toxicological informationThe toxicological data has been taken from products of similar compositionAcute toxicity: LD 50/oral/rat = > 2 g/kg (literature data)Chronic toxicity: NoneHuman experience: Prolonged skin contact may cause skin irritation and/or dermatitis12.Ecological informationInformation on elimination (persistence and degradability): Product is insoluble in water. May be separated out mechanically in purification plantsBehaviour in environmental compartments: Ecological injuries are not known or expected under normal useEcotoxic effects: Aquatic toxicity is unlikely due to low solubilityAdditional information: Should not be released into the environment13.Advice on DisposalDisposal: Can be incinerated when in compliance with local, state and federal regulationsDispose of contaminated packaging and recommended cleaning: Offer rinsed packaging material to local recycling facilities14.Transport informationGGVS / GGVE: not applicable ADN / ADNR: not applicableIMDG-Code: not applicable ICAO / IATA-DGR: not applicableFurther information: Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations15.Regulatory informationLabelling according to EU-guidelines: The product does not require a hazard warning label in accordance with EC-directives/German regulations on dangerous substances National regulations16.Other informationIssue-department of Safety Data Sheet: Chemical Documentation,Tel.: ++49 - 89 - 78 76 - 564。
