The valuation of foreign currency options under Stochastic Interest Rates




国际金融英文选择题Chapter1模拟试卷一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1.Theprimarygoalofamultinationalcorporationistomaximize :A.RevenueinthedomesticmarketB.ProfitgloballyC.MarketshareinthehostcountryD.Exportsfromthehomecountry2.WhichofthefollowingisnotafunctionoftheInternationalMo netaryFund(IMF)?A.ProvidingfinancialassistancetomembercountriesB.RegulatingexchangeratesC.SettingmonetarypoliciesformembercountriesD.Promotinginternationalmonetarycooperation3.Theexchangerateregimeknownasa"fixedexchangerate"ischa racterized:A.TheratebeingdeterminedmarketforcesB.Thecentralbankinterveningtokeeptheratewithinanarrowba ndC.TheabsenceofgovernmentinterventionD.Frequentandsignificantfluctuationsintherate4.Inthecontextofinternationalfinance,whatdoes"capitalaccount"referto?A.Arecordofacountry'simportsandexportsB.ArecordoffinancialtransactionsinvolvingstocksandbondsC.Arecordofacountry'sforeigndebtD.Arecordofchangesinacountry'sforeignreserves5.Whichofthefollowingisanexampleofadirectinvestment?A.PurchasingstocksinaforeignpanyB.Investinginaforeignbank'ssavingsaccountC.OpeningafranchiseinaforeigncountryD.Buyinggovernmentbondsinaforeigncountry二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)6.Thebalanceofpaymentsisarecordofalleconomictransaction sbetweenacountryandtherestoftheworld.(True/False)7.Appreciationofacurrencymakesimportscheaperandexportsm oreexpensive.(True/False)8.TheWorldBankprimarilyfocusesonprovidingfinancialassis tancefordevelopmentprojectsinpoorcountries.(True/False)9.Afloatingexchangerateisdeterminedthedemandandsupplyof thecurrencyintheforeignexchangemarket.(True/False)10.TheBrettonWoodssystemestablishedafixedexchangeratere gimeafterWorldWarII.(True/False)三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11.The___________isresponsibleformntningpricestabilitya ndcontrollinginflationintheEurozone.12.___________istheprocessofconvertingonecurrencyintoan othercurrency.13.___________occurswhenacountry'simportsexceeditsexpor ts.14.The___________isaglobalfinancialorganizationthatprov idesloanstocountriesoftheworld.15.___________isatypeoffinancialspeculationinvolvingthe simultaneouspurchaseandsaleofafinancialproducttoprofitfroma differenceintheprice.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)16.Explnthedifferencebetweenaflexibleexchangerateandafi xedexchangerate.17.WhatistheroleoftheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)ininter nationalfinance?18.Definetheterm"capitalflight"andexplnitsimpactonacoun try'seconomy.19.Describetheconceptof"exchangeraterisk"ininternationa lbusiness.20.Whatarethemnfunctionsoftheforeignexchangemarket?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)21.IftheexchangeratebetweentheUSdollar(USD)andtheEuro(E UR)is1.1,howmuchis1000EURworthinUSD?22.Explnhowacountrycanuseitsforeignexchangereservestost abilizeitscurrency.23.ApanybasedintheUnitedStatesisconsideringexpandingits operationstoChina.Whataresomefinancialfactorsitshouldconsid erbeforemakingthisdecision?24.Whatarethepotentialadvantagesanddisadvantagesofacoun tryadoptingtheEuroasitscurrency?25.Howdoesacountry'sinflationrateaffectitsbalanceoftrad e?六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)26.Analyzetheimpactofglobalizationoninternationalfinanc ialmarkets.27.Discusstheprosandconsofafloatingexchangeratesystempa redtoafixedexchangeratesystem.七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)28.Youareaneconomicadvisortoasmallcountrythatisexperien cingabalanceofpaymentscrisis.Whatmeasureswouldyouremendtoad dressthisissue?29.Imagineyouareafinancialanalystforamultinationalcorpo ration.Howwouldyouassesstheforeignexchangeriskassociatedwithapotentialinvestmentinaforeigncountry?国际金融英文选择题Chapter1模拟试卷(续)八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)30.Designastrategyforamultinationalcorporationtomanagei tsforeignexchangeriskexposureeffectively.31.Createaplanforacountrytoattractforeigndirectinvestme nt(FDI)andoutlinethestepsinvolved.32.Developamodeltoassesstheimpactofexchangeratefluctuat ionsonacountry'stradebalance.33.Outlineapolicyproposalforacentralbanktocontrolinflat ioninaneconomy.34.Designaframeworkforevaluatingthefinancialperformance ofacountry'sbankingsector.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)35.Explntheconceptof"exchangeratepass-through"anditsimp licationsforinflation.36.Define"quantitativeeasing"anddescribehowitisusedasam onetarypolicytool.37.Explntheterm"capitalcontrol"anddiscussitspotentialim pactonacountry'seconomy.38.Define"currentaccountsurplus"andexplnitssignificance ininternationalfinance.39.Explntheconceptof"carrytrade"anddiscussitspotentialr isksandrewards.十、附加题(每题2分,共10分)40.Discusstheimpactoftheglobalfinancialcrisisof2008onin ternationalfinancialmarkets.41.AnalyzetheroleoftheInternationalMonetaryFund(IMF)inp rovidingfinancialassistancetocountriesineconomiccrisis.42.Evaluatetheeffectivenessofmonetarypolicyincontrollin ginflationinasmallopeneconomy.43.Discusstheimplicationsofacountry'sdecisiontoadoptafl exibleexchangerateregime.44.Analyzetheimpactoftradebarriersonacountry'sbalanceof payments.。



国际金融Chapter2:1、balance of payments:The set of accounts recording all flows of value between a nation’s residents and the residents of the rest of the world during a period of time.2、internatiaoal investment position:Complementing the balance of payments accounts is a balance sheet called the international investment position.Chapter3:1、foreign exchange:Foreign exchange is the act of trading different nations’moneys.2、exchange rate:The value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another. 3、spot exchange rate:The exchange rates governing trading of bank deposits and execute the deal immediately ,are called spot exchange rate .4、forward exchange rate:The exchange rates quoted in foreign exchange which deals sometimes specify a future taransation date , are called forward exchange rates .5、foreign exchange swap:A foreign exchange swap is a package trade that includes both a spot exchange of two currencies and an agreement to the reverse forward exchange of the two currencies.6、floating exchange-rate:The exchange rate is determined by the supply and demand situation in the open market, which is basically unregulated by the government.7、fixed exchange-rate:A exchange rate regime that maintains a fixed price between a national currency and a country (such as the United States), such as the currency, gold, and a package of money (such as the special drawing right).8、arbitrage:The process of buying a currency cheap and selling it dear 。



金融行业人员必须知道的金融术语的英文汉语对照外汇与汇率通汇合约Agency Agreement通汇银行Correspondent Bank商业汇票Commercial Bill of Exchange银行支票Banker’s Check国外汇票Foreign Bill of Exchange关键货币Key Currency:是指国际上普遍接受的,该国国际收支中使用最多,外汇储备中占比最大的自由外汇。


汇率Exchange Rate直接标价法Direct Quotation间接标价法Indirect Quotation汇价点Point买入汇率Buying Rate卖出汇率Selling Rate中间汇率Medial Rate:买入汇率与卖出汇率的平均数就称为中间汇率。



现钞汇率Bank Note Rate即期汇率Spot Rate远期汇率Forward Rate基本汇率Basic Rate套算汇率Cross Rate固定汇率Fixed Rate浮动汇率Floating Rate可调整的钉住Adjustable Peg单一汇率Single Rate:“复汇率”的对称,凡是一国对外仅有一个汇率,各种不同来源与用途的收付均按此计算,或本币对各种外币的既期外汇交易的买卖价不超过2%者,既称为单一汇率。

复汇率Multiple Rate贸易汇率Commercial Rate:专门用于进出口贸易货价及从属费用的计价、交易、结算和结汇的汇率。


金融汇率Financial Rate:金融汇率又称非贸易汇率,是指用于国际资金流动、国际旅旅业及其他国际间非贸易性收支的计算和结汇时所使用的汇率。



金融英语第六章答案Chapter 6The Foreign Exchange MarketExercisesⅠ. Answer the following questions in English.1. How many common methods to express a foreign exchange rate?Answer:There are two common methods to express a foreign exchange rate.2. What is usefulness of settling account?Answer:Business people will pay and recieive different currencies.Therefore, they must convert the currencies that they received into the currencies thatthey could buy commodities.3. How does stop order work?Answer: Stop orders can be used to enter the market on momentuma or to limit the potential loss of a position.4. What do you think about single currency system? Is it possible to establishsingle currency system in the world now?Answer:I think a single currency system,it means no foreign exchange market,no foreign exchange rates,no foreign exchange.It is no possible to establish single currency system in the world now. Because in our world of mainly national currencies,the foreign exchange market plays the indispensable role of providing the essential machinery for making payments across borders,transferring funds and purchasing powerfrom one currency to another,and determining thatsingularly important price,the exchange rate.5. What is limit order?Answer: A limit is an order to buy or sell a currency at a specified price or better.6. How to make money for many traders through foreign exchange market?Answer:(一)You should have trading currencies with a strategy.(1) Currency Trading is Only For Part of Your Investment Money(2)You Must Limit Your Losses in Currency Trading(3)Know the Trends of the Foreign Currency Market Before Trading(二)Decide What Type of Currency Trader You Will be.(1)Trade currendes in multiple lots(2)Lose the urge to trade currencies every day(3)Stick to your trading planⅡ.Fill in the each blank with an appropriate word or expression.l. The currency trader should also decide the time __frame__ that he will be using to trade in order to determine which trend will be the most important. 2. The bid is the price at which dealers are willing to __buy__ dollars (basecurrency) in terms of yen (quote currency) and users of our trading platform can __sell__ dollars in terms of yen.3. The order remains active until the end of the trading day (5:00 PM EST),unless it is __executed__ or canceled by the trader.4. A GTC order remains active until it is canceled by the currency trader or untilthe order is executed. It is the __trade’s__ responsibility to __cancel__ aGTC order.5. The Foreign Exchange Market is where the majority of buying and selling ofworld __currencies__ takes place.6. When placing a limit order, the trader also specifies the__duration__ for whichthe order is to remain active while it is not executed.Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into English.1.外汇交易市场,也称为“Forex”或“FX”市场,是世界上最大的金融市场,平均每天超过1兆美元的资金在当中周转——相当于美国所有证券市场交易额总和的30倍。



国际金融中英文版Chapter 2:Payments among NationsSingle-Choice Questions1. A country’s balance of payments records:一个国家的国际收支平衡记录了 Ba.The value of all exports of goods and services from that country for a periodof time.b.All flows of value between that c ountry’s residents and residents of the restof the world during a period of time。

在一定时间段里,一个国家居民的资产和其它世界居民资产的流动c.All flows of financial assets that cross that country’s borders during a periodof time.d.All flows of goods into that country during a period of time。

2.3. A credit item in the balance of payments is: 在国际收支平衡里的贷项是 Aa.An item for which the country must be paid。

一个国家必须收取的条款b.An item for which the country must pay。

c.Any imported item。

d.An item that creates a monetary claim owed to a foreigner。

4.Every international exchange of value is entered into the balance—of—paymentsaccounts __________ time(s)。

国际金融英文版(托马斯.A.普格尔 著)---Chapter 3

国际金融英文版(托马斯.A.普格尔 著)---Chapter 3

direct quotation: 1 foreign currency unit = x home currency units indirect quotation: 1 home currency unit = x foreign currency units

An exchange system quotation is given by stating the number of units of "term currency" (or "price currency" or "quote currency") that can be bought in terms of 1
The Foreign Exchange Market

The basics of currency trading
Demand and supply for foreign exchange Exchange rate system

Arbitrage in the foreign exchange market

What is exchange rate?

Exchange rate is the price of one nation’s money in terms of another nation’s money. Exchange rate is the rate used by the market participants to convert one currency into another currency. Exchange rates (also known as the foreign-exchange rate, forex rate or FX rate) between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other.

国际金融 名词中英文对照

国际金融 名词中英文对照

第一章国际收支国际借贷international indebtedness(外汇的)收入receipts支付payment国际收支balance of payment经济实体economy经济交易economic transactions国际投资头寸international investment position顺差surplus逆差deficit国际收支危机balance of payment crisis国际收支平衡表balance of payment statement局部差额partial balance经常项目the current account货物goods收入incomes经常转移current transfers资本和金融帐户the capital and financial account 资本转移capital transfers错误与遗漏帐户errors and omissions account (国际收支)均衡equilibrium(国际收支)不均衡disequilibrium自主性交易autonomous transaction=事前交易ex-ante transaction调节性交易accommodating/compensatory transaction=事后交易ex-post transaction基本差额basic balance净清偿差额net liquidity balance官方储备交易差额official reserve transaction balance综合差额overall balance物价-现金流动机制price-specie-flow mechanism 弹性分析法the elasticities approachJ曲线效应J-curve effect吸收分析法the absorption approach货币分析法the monetary approach周期性不均衡cyclical disequilibrium货币性/价格性不均衡Monetary/price disequilibrium收入性不均衡income disequilibrium持久性不均衡secular disequilibrium结构性不均衡structural disequilibrium外汇平稳基金exchange stabilization fund货币贬值devaluation货币升值revaluation(国际收支)基本不均衡fundamental disequilibrium第二章外汇、汇率、外汇市场外汇foreign exchange可自由兑换货币convertible currency外汇汇率foreign exchange rate基本货币base currency标价货币quoted currency直接/应付标价法direct/giving quotation间接/应收标价法indirect/ receiving quotation国定汇率fixed rate浮动汇率floating rate自由浮动freely floating = clean floating有管理的浮动managed floating=肮脏浮动dirty floating(银行)买入汇率bid/buy rate(银行)卖出汇率selling/offer rate同业买卖汇率interbank rate中间汇率Middle rate现钞汇率bank notes rate基本汇率basic rate套算汇率cross rate电汇汇率telegraph transfers rate,T/T rate信汇汇率mail transfers rate,M/T rate汇票汇率demand draft rate,D/D rate即期汇率spot rate远期汇率forward rate远期差价forward margin升水at premium贴水at discount平价at par开盘汇率opening rate收盘汇率closing rate名义汇率nominal rate实际汇率real rate有效汇率effective rate金本位制gold standard system金汇兑本位gold exchange standard黄金输送点gold points有弹性elastic缺乏弹性inelastic空头short position多头long position批发市场wholesale market零售市场retail market外汇风险foreign exchange risk交易风险transaction exposure转换风险transfers exposure经营风险operating exposure债务净额支付netting双边债务净额支付bilateral netting多边债务净额支付multilateral netting配平matching自然配平batural matching平行配平parallel matching提前与推后收付leading & lagging计价货币currency of invoicing定价pricing资产负债管理asset and liability management货币市场套期保值money market hedge货币市场套期保值borrow-spot-invest贴现Discounting保收factoring即期外汇交易spot exchange transaction外汇头寸exchange position超卖oversold超买overbought抛补cover双档报价two way price远期汇差forward margin=掉期率swap rate择期远期交易optional forward transaction掉期外汇交易foreign exchange swap transaction 即期-远期掉期交易spot-forward swaps即期对即期掉期交易spot-spot swaps隔日掉期交易tomorrow-next swaps远期对远期掉期交易forward-forward swaps套汇交易arbitrage transaction不抛补套利uncovered interest arbitrage外汇期货foreign exchange future=外币期货currency=货币期货交易单位trading unit合约规模contract size最小变动价位minimum price change每日价格波动限制daily price limit交易时间trading hours最后交易日last trading day交割delivery初始保证金initial margin维持保证金maintenance margin变动保证金variation margin期权options 外币期权等参考期货看涨期权call options看跌期权put options场外期权OTP options场内期权exchange traded options现汇期权options on spot exchange期货期权options on foreign currency futures标的货币underlying currency履约价格strike price or exercise price 到期月份/日expiration months/day最后交易日last trading day保证金margin交割方式delivery methods期权价格option price期权费options premium内在价值intrinsic value外在价值extrinsic value履约价值exercise value时间价值time value溢价期权in-the-money-option损价期权out-of-the-money option平价期权at-the-money options第三章外汇制度外汇管制汇率制度exchange rate regime浮动汇率制floating exchange rate system中间汇率制intermediate exchange rate regimes 两极汇率制bipolar exchange rate regimes恶性循环假说vicious circle hypothesis国际储备的交易需求transactions demand for international reserves国际储备的预防性需求precautionary demand for international reserves自由浮动independent floating管理浮动managed floating爬行盯住制crawling peg货币局制度currency board arrangements货币联盟monetary union汇率目标区制exchange rate target zone外汇管制foreign exchange control第四章汇率理论国际借贷说theory of international indebtedness 流动借贷floating indebtedness固定借贷consolidated indebtedness国际收支论theory of balance of payment购买力平价说theory of purchasing power parity 绝对购买力平价absolute purchasing power parity 相对购买力平价relative purchasing power parity 利率平价说theory of interest parity弹性价格货币模型flexible-price monetary model 汇率超调模型sticky-price monetary model资产组合平衡模型portfolio balance model第五章国际储备国际储备international reserve国际清偿力international liquidity储备货币reserve currency储备头寸reserve position in IMF普通提款权general drawing rights离岸金融市场offshore financial market短期信贷市场short-term credit market短期证券市场short-term security market欧洲证券Eurobond利息平衡税interest equalization tax固定利率借款fixed-interest loan亚洲美元市场asian-dollar market石油美元oil-dollar国际银行信贷international banking credit LIBOR London Interbank offered rate优惠利率prime rate贷款利率offered rate存款利率bid rate承担费commitment fee政府信贷government credit出口信贷export credit融资租赁financial leasing货币市场共同基金MMMF可转让支付命令帐户NOWs货币市场存单MMCS超级可转让支付命令帐户super-NOWs货币市场存款账户MMDAS垃圾债券junk bond票据发行便利NIFs,note issuance facilities互换swaps远期利率协议FRAs,forward rate agreement非中介化disintermediation周期性承包便利RUFs,revolving underwriting facilities表外业务off-balance-sheet business衍生金融工具derivative securities交割价格delivery price股票指数期货stock index futures资本流出capital outflows交易成本transaction cost市场失灵market failure价格歧视price discrimination所有权有势ownership advantage内部化优势internalization advantage区位优势location advantageOIL , ownership-internalization-location偿债率debt service ratio特别提款权special drawing rights平价网体系grid parity system货币蓝体系basket parity system欧洲货币基金EMF,European monetary fund第九章国际金融机构国际清算银行BIS,bank for international settlement(IMF)普通贷款normal credit tranches出口波动补偿贷款compensation financial facility中期贷款extended facility缓冲库存贷款buffer stock financial facility石油贷款oil facility补充贷款supplementary financial facility信托基金贷款trust fund扩大贷款enlarged access facility结构调整贷款structural adjustment facility体制转型贷款systematic transformation facility 第十章金融全球化financial globalization金融一体化financial integration资本核心充足率capital adequacy ratio。



Chapter ThreePart EightForeign Exchange Markets外汇市场[Teaching Aim]This chapter includes exchange rate, spot transactions, forward transactions, swap transactions, futures, options, etc. The students will be taught some general knowledge on foreign exchange dealing and some special expressions used in foreign exchange markets. It is planned that 4 or 5 periods will be used to study this chapter. The students will read the 10 passage with the help of their instructor and improve their both reading and listing comprehension. They will also have time to discuss their problems in understanding the passages and make some practice in calculation of the futures gain or loss, forward rate or in decision whether or not to exercise the option contract. They will be interested in the study of this chapter and be ready to learn more from their specialty courses.[Key Words & Expressions]1)pound sterling 英镑;2)Canadian dollar 加拿大元3)purchasing power 购买力4)foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率5)the dollar exchange rate 美元汇率6)reciprocal 倒数7)external value 对外价值8)appreciate 升值, 涨价9)depreciate (depreciation n.) 贬值, 跌价, 折旧10)domestic demand (for) 国内需求11)domestic supply (of) 国内供应12)equilibrium exchange rate 平均汇率13)supply and demand condition 供求条件14)offset 抵消15)exchange some dollars for pounds 把一些美元兑换成英镑类似的表示法还有:exchange dollars against pounds; exchange dollars in terms of pounds; trade dollars for pounds; convert dollars into pounds; buy pounds with dollars等。



对外币的看法英语作文Title: Perspectives on Foreign Currency。

In the globalized world of today, foreign currency plays a significant role in international trade, finance, and investment. Individuals, businesses, and governments interact with foreign currencies daily, making it a crucial aspect of the global economy. Here, we explore various perspectives on foreign currency.Firstly, foreign currency serves as a medium of exchange in international trade. Businesses engage incross-border transactions, buying and selling goods and services using different currencies. This facilitates the flow of goods and services across borders, contributing to economic growth and development worldwide. For businesses, foreign currency provides opportunities to tap into new markets, diversify revenue streams, and hedge against currency risks.Secondly, foreign currency reflects a country's economic strength and stability. The value of a currency is influenced by factors such as inflation, interest rates, government debt, and political stability. A strong and stable currency enhances a country's purchasing power and attractiveness to foreign investors. Conversely, a weak or volatile currency can erode purchasing power, increase import costs, and destabilize financial markets.Thirdly, foreign currency exchange rates impact tourism and travel. Fluctuations in exchange rates can affect the affordability of travel destinations for tourists. A stronger home currency may make overseas travel more expensive for residents but attract more foreign tourists, boosting the tourism industry. Conversely, a weaker home currency may encourage domestic tourism while making overseas travel more affordable for residents.Moreover, foreign currency plays a crucial role in global investment markets. Investors diversify their portfolios by investing in foreign currencies, stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments. Exchange ratemovements can impact investment returns, as gains or losses may occur due to currency fluctuations. Investors carefully monitor currency markets and implement strategies tomitigate currency risks and optimize returns.Furthermore, central banks intervene in foreign exchange markets to manage their respective currencies' value and stability. They use various monetary policy tools such as interest rate adjustments, foreign exchange interventions, and reserve management to influence exchange rates. Central bank actions can have significantimplications for currency markets, affecting trade balances, capital flows, and overall economic stability.In addition, foreign currency trading, also known as forex or FX trading, has grown into a massive global market. Trillions of dollars are traded daily in the forex market, making it the most liquid financial market in the world. Forex trading allows participants to speculate on exchange rate movements and profit from fluctuations in currency prices. However, it also carries risks due to the high volatility and leverage involved.Overall, foreign currency plays a multifaceted role in the global economy, influencing trade, investment, tourism, and financial markets. Understanding the dynamics offoreign currency is essential for individuals, businesses, and policymakers to navigate the complexities of the international financial system effectively. Asglobalization continues to deepen, the significance of foreign currency will only grow, shaping the interconnectedness of economies worldwide.。



PartⅠ.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false (10%)每题1分,答错不扣分1. If perfect markets existed, resources would be more mobile and could therefore be transferred to those countries more willing to pay a high price for them. ( T )2. The forward contract can hedge future receivables or payables in foreign currencies to insulate the firm against exchange rate risk. ( T )3. The primary objective of the multinational corporation is still the same primary objective of any firm, i.e., to maximize shareholder wealth. ( T )4. A low inflation rate tends to increase imports and decrease exports, thereby decreasing the current account deficit, other things equal. ( F )5. A capital account deficit reflects a net sale of the home currency in exchange for other currencies. This places up ward pressure on that home currency’s value. ( F )6. The theory of comparative advantage implies that countries should specialize in production, thereby relying on other countries for some products. ( T )7. Covered interest arbitrage is plausible when the forward premium reflect the interest rate differential between two countries specified by the interest rate parity formula.?( F )8.The total impact of transaction exposure is on the overall value of the firm. ( F )9. A put option is an option to sell-by the buyer of the option-a stated number of units of the underlying instrument at a specified price per unit during a specified period. ( T )10. Futures must be marked-to-market. Options are not. ( T )PartⅡ:Cloze (20%)每题2分,答错不扣分1. If inflation in a foreign country differs from inflation in the home country, the exchange rate will adjust to maintain equal( purchasing power )2. Speculators who expect a currency to ( appreciate ) could purchase currency futures contracts for that currency.?3. Covered interest arbitrage involves the short-term investment in a foreign currency that is covered by a ( forward contract ) to sell that currency when the investment matures.?4. (Appreciation/ Revalue )of RMB reduces inflows since the foreign demand for our goods is reduced and foreign competition is increased.5. ( PPP ) suggests a relationship between the inflation differential of two countries and the percentage change in the spot exchange rate over time.?6. IFE is based on nominal interest rate ( differentials ), which are influenced by expected inflation.7. Transaction exposure is a subset of economic exposure. Economic exposure includes any form by which the firm’s ( value ) will be affected.?8. The option writer is obligated to buy the underlying commodity at a stated price if a ( put option ) is exercised9. There are three types of long-term international bonds. They are Global bonds , ( eurobonds ) and ( foreign bonds ).10. Any good secondary market for finance instruments must have an efficient clearing system. Most Eurobonds are cleared through either ( Euroclear ) or Cedel.PartⅢ:Questions and Calculations (60%)过程正确结果计算错误扣2分1. Assume the following information:A Bank?B BankBid price of Canadian dollar $0.802 $0.796Ask price of Canadian dollar $0.808 $0.800Given this information, is locational arbitrage possible?? If so, explain the steps involved in locational arbitrage, and compute the profit from this arbitrage if you had $1,000,000 to use. (5%)ANSWER:Yes!? One could purchase New Zealand dollars at Y Bank for $.80 and sell them to X Bank for $.802.? With $1 million available, 1.25 million New Zealand dollars could be purchased at Y Bank.? These New Zealand dollars could then be sold to X Bank for $1,002,500, thereby generating a profit of $2,500.2. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the British pound is $1.90.? How will this spot rate adjust in two years if the United Kingdom experiences an inflation rate of 7 percent per year while the United States experiences an inflation rate of 2 percent per year?(10%)ANSWER:According to PPP, forward rate/spot=indexdom/indexforthe exchange rate of the pound will depreciate by 4.7 percent. Therefore, the spot rate would adjust to $1.90 ×[1 + (–.047)] = $1.81073. Assume that the spot exchange rate of the Singapore dollar is $0.70.? The one-year interest rate is 11 percent in theUnited States and 7 percent in Singapore.? What will the spot rate be in one year according to the IFE?? (5%) ANSWER: according to the IFE,St+1/St=(1+Rh)/(1+Rf)$.70 × (1 + .04) = $0.7284. Assume that XYZ Co. has net receivables of 100,000 Singapore dollars in 90 days.? The spot rate of the S$ is $0.50, and the Singapore interest rate is 2% over 90 days.? Suggest how the U.S. firm could implement a money market hedge.? Be precise . (10%)ANSWER: The firm could borrow the amount of Singapore dollars so that the 100,000 Singapore dollars to be received could be used to pay off the loan.? This amounts to (100,000/1.02) = about S$98,039, which could be converted to about $49,020 and invested.? The borrowing of Singapore dollars has offset the transaction exposure due to the future receivables in Singapore dollars.5. A U.S. company ordered a Jaguar sedan. In 6 months , it will pay £30,000 for the car. It worried that pound ster1ing might rise sharply from the current rate($1.90). So, the company bought a 6 month pound call (supposed contract size = £35,000) with a strike price of $1.90 for a premium of 2.3 cents/£.(1)Is hedging in the options market better if the £rose to $1.92 in 6 months?(2)what did the exchange rate have to be for the company to break even?(15%)Solution:(1)If the £rose to $1.92 in 6 months, the U.S. company would exercise the pound call option. The sum of the strike price and premium is$1.90 + $0.023 = $1.9230/£This is bigger than $1.92.So hedging in the options market is not better.(2) when we say the company can break even, we mean that hedging or not hedging doesn’t matter. And only when (strike price + premium )= the exchange rate ,hedging or not doesn’t matter.So, the exchange rate =$1.923/£.6. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system.(15%)textbook page50 答案以教材第50 页为准PART Ⅳ: Diagram(10%)The strike price for a call is $1.67/£. The premium quoted at the Exchange is $0.0222 per British pound.Diagram the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price for this call optionSolution:Following diagram shows the profit and loss potential, and the break-even price of this put option:PART Ⅴ:Additional QuestionSuppose that you are expecting revenues of Y 100,000 from Japan in one month. Currently, 1 month forward contractsb)????? Calculate the expected value of the hedge.c)????? How could you replicate this hedge in the money market?You are expecting revenues of Y100,000 in one month that you will need to covert to dollars. You could hedge this in forward markets by taking long positions in US dollars (short positions in Japanese Yen). By locking in your price at $1 = Y105, your dollar revenues are guaranteed to beY100,000/ 105 = $952You could replicate this hedge by using the following:a) Borrow in Japanb) Convert the Yen to dollarsc) Invest the dollars in the USd) Pay back the loan when you receive the Y100,000。



Chapter 4—Exchange Rate Determination加息会降低通货膨胀本国货币就增值涨价了,出口就会减少进口就会增加1. The value of the Australian dollar (A$) today is $0.73. Yesterday, thevalue of the Australian dollar was $0.69. The Australian dollar ____ by ____%.2. If a currency's spot rate market is ____, its exchange rate is likely to be3. ____ is not a factor that causes currency supply and demand schedulesto change.4. A large increase in the income level in Mexico along with no growth inthe U.S. income level is normally expected to cause (assuming no change in interest rates or other factors) a(n) ____ in Mexican demand5. An increase in U.S. interest rates relative to German interest rateswould likely ____ the U.S. demand for euros and ____ the supply of6. Investors from Germany, the United States, and the U.K. frequentlyinvest in each other based on prevailing interest rates. If British interest rates increase, German investors are likely to buy ____ dollar-denominated securities, and the euro is likely to ____ relative to the dollar.7. When the "real" interest rate is relatively low in a given country, thenthe currency of that country is typically expected to be:8. Assume that the inflation rate becomes much higher in the U.K.relative to the U.S. This will place ____ pressure on the value of the British pound. Also, assume that interest rates in the U.K. begin to rise relative to interest rates in the U.S. The change in interest rates will place ____ pressure on the value of the British pound.9. In general, when speculating on exchange rate movements, thespeculator will borrow the currency that is expected to appreciate and invest in the country whose currency is expected to depreciate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 110. Baylor Bank believes the New Zealand dollar will appreciate over thenext five days from $.48 to $.50. The following annual interest rates apply:$5 million. If Baylor Bank's forecast is correct, what will its dollar profit be from speculation over the five-day period (assuming it does not use any of its existing consumer deposits to capitalize on its expectations)11. Assume the following information regarding U.S. and Europeanannualized interest rates:The current spot rate of the euro is $1.13. Furthermore, Trensor Bank expects the spot rate of the euro to be $1.10 in 90 days. What is Trensor Bank's dollar profit from speculating if the spot rate of the euro is indeed $1.10 in 90 daysSOLUTION:12. The equilibrium exchange rate of pounds is $1.70. At an exchangerate of $1.72 per pound:13. Assume that Swiss investors have francs available to invest insecurities, and they initially view U.S. and British interest rates as equally attractive. Now assume that U.S. interest rates increase while British interest rates stay the same. This would likely cause:14. The real interest rate adjusts the nominal interest rate for:15. If U.S. inflation suddenly increased while European inflation stayed thesame, there would be:ANS: D PTS: 116. If inflation in New Zealand suddenly increased while U.S. inflationstayed the same, there would be:17. If the U.S. and Japan engage in substantial financial flows but littletrade, ____ directly influences their exchange rate the most. If the U.S.and Switzerland engage in much trade but little financial flows, ____ directly influences their exchange rate the most.18. If inflation increases substantially in Australia while U.S. inflationremains unchanged, this is expected to place ____ pressure on the value of the Australian dollar with respect to the U.S. dollar.19. Assume that British corporations begin to purchase more suppliesfrom the U.S. as a result of several labor strikes by British suppliers.This action reflects:20. The exchange rates of smaller countries are very stable because themarket for their currency is very liquid.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 121. The phrase "the dollar was mixed in trading" means that:22. Assume that the U.S. places a strict quota on goods imported fromChile and that Chile does not retaliate. Holding other factors constant, this event should immediately cause the U.S. demand for Chilean pesos23. Any event that increases the U.S. demand for euros should result ina(n) ____ in the value of the euro with respect to ____, other things24. Any event that reduces the U.S. demand for Japanese yen shouldresult in a(n) ____ in the value of the Japanese yen with respect to ____,25. Any event that increases the supply of British pounds to be exchangedfor U.S. dollars should result in a(n) ____ in the value of the British pound with respect to ____, other things being equal.26. Any event that reduces the supply of Swiss francs to be exchanged forU.S. dollars should result in a(n) ____ in the value of the Swiss franc with respect to ____, other things being equal.27. Assume that the U.S. experiences a significant decline in income, whileJapan's income remains steady. This event should place ____ pressure on the value of the Japanese yen, other things being equal. (Assume that interest rates and other factors are not affected.)28. News of a potential surge in U.S. inflation and zero Chilean inflationplaces ____ pressure on the value of the Chilean peso. The pressure will29. Assume that Canada places a strict quota on goods imported from theU.S. and that the U.S. does not retaliate. Holding other factors constant, this event should immediately cause the supply of Canadian dollars to be exchanged for U.S. dollars to ____ and the value of the30. Assume that Japan places a strict quota on goods imported from theU.S. and the U.S. places a strict quota on goods imported from Japan.This event should immediately cause the U.S. demand for Japanese yen to ____, and the supply of Japanese yen to be exchanged for U.S.dollars to ____.31. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a factor32. If a country experiences high inflation relative to the U.S., its exportsto the U.S. should ____, its imports should ____, and there is ____ pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.33. If a country experiences an increase in interest rates relative to U.S.interest rates, the inflow of U.S. funds to purchase its securities should ____, the outflow of its funds to purchase U.S. securities should ____, and there is ____ pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.34. An increase in U.S. inflation relative to Singapore inflation placesupward pressure on the Singapore dollar.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 135. When expecting a foreign currency to depreciate, a possible way tospeculate on this movement is to borrow dollars, convert the proceeds to the foreign currency, lend in the foreign country, and use the proceeds from this investment to repay the dollar loan.a. True36. Since supply and demand for a currency are constant (primarily dueto government intervention), currency values seldom fluctuate.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 137. Relatively high Japanese inflation may result in an increase in thesupply of yen for sale and a reduction in the demand for yen.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 138. The main effect of interest rate movements on exchange rates isthrough their effect on international trade.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 139. Country X frequently engages in trade flows with the U.S. (such asimports and exports). Country Y frequently engages in capital flows with the U.S. (such as financial investments). Everything else held constant, an increase in U.S. interest rates would affect the exchange rate of Country X's currency more than the exchange rate of Country Y's currency.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 140. Increases in relative income in one country vs. another result in anincrease in the first country's currency value.a. True41. Trade-related foreign exchange transactions are more responsive tonews than financial flow transactions.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 142. Signals regarding future actions of market participants in the foreignexchange market sometimes result in overreactions.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 143. The markets that have a smaller amount of foreign exchange tradingfor speculatory purposes than for trade purposes will likely experience more volatility than those where trade flows play a larger role.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 144. Liquidity of a currency can affect the extent to which speculation canimpact the currency's value.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 145. Forecasting a currency's future value is difficult, because it is difficultto identify how the factors affecting the currency value will change, and how they will interact to impact the currency's value.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 146. The standard deviation should be applied to values rather thanpercentage movements when comparing volatility among currencies.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 147. Movements of foreign currencies tend to be more volatile for shortertime horizons.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 148. If a currency's spot market is ____, its exchange rate is likely to be ____to a single large purchase or sale transaction.49. The value of euro was $1.30 last week. During last week the eurodepreciated by 5%. What is the value of euro today50. Government controls can only affect the supply of a given currencyfor sale and not the demand.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 151. If one foreign currency will appreciate against the dollar, then allforeign currencies will appreciate against the dollar but by different degrees.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 152. Assume that the income levels in U.K. start to rise, while U.S. incomelevels remain unchanged. This will place ____ pressure on the value of British pound. Also, assume that U.S. interest rates rise, while the British pound remains unchanged. This will place ____ pressure on the value of British pound.53. If the Fed announces that it will decrease the U.S. interest rates, andEuropean Central Bank takes no action, then the value of euro will ____ against the value of U.S. dollar. The Fed's action is called ____54. Assume that the total value of investment transactions between U.S.and Mexico is minimal. Also assume that total dollar value of tradetransactions between these two countries is very large. Now assume that Mexico's inflation has suddenly increased, and Mexican interest rates have suddenly increased. Overall, this would put ____ pressure on the value of Mexican peso. The inflation effect should be ____ pronounced than the interest rate effect.55. If U.S. experiences a sudden surge in inflation and surge in interestrates while Japanese inflation and interest rates remain unchanged,56. If the Japanese yen is expected to appreciate against the U.S. dollarand interest rates in the U.S. and Japan are similar, banks may try speculating on this anticipated exchange rate movement by borrowing57. British investors frequently invest in the U.S. or Italy, depending onthe prevailing interest rates. If Italian interest rates suddenly rise high above U.S. rates, the investors will ____ the supply of pounds to be exchanged for dollars and thus put ____ pressure on the value of the58. The equilibrium exchange rate of the Swiss franc is $0.90. At anexchange rate $.83:59. Financial flow foreign exchange transactions are more responsive tonews than trade-related transactions.a. Trueb. FalseANS: T PTS: 160. Assume that the British government eliminates all controls on importsby British companies. Other things being equal, the U.S. demand for pounds would ____, the supply of pounds for sale would ____, and the equilibrium value of the pound would ____.61. Country X frequently engages in trade flows with the U.S. (such asimports and exports). Country Y frequently engages in capital flows with the U.S. (such as financial investments). Everything else held constant, an increase in U.S. inflation would affect the exchange rate of Country Y's currency more than the exchange rate of Country X's currency.a. TrueANS: F PTS: 162. Assume that U.S. inflation is expected to surge in the near future. Theexpectation of surge in inflation will most likely place ____ pressure on U.S. dollar immediately.63. When the Japanese yen appreciates against the U.S. dollar, this meansthat the U.S. dollar is strengthening relative to the yen.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 164. Illiquid currencies tend to exhibit less volatile exchange ratemovements than liquid currencies.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 165. The supply curve for a currency is downward sloping since U.S.corporations would be encouraged to purchase more foreign goods when the foreign currency is worth less.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 166. Relatively high Japanese inflation may result in an increase in thesupply of yen for sale and a reduction in the demand for yen, other things being equal.b. FalseANS: T PTS: 167. If the British government desires an appreciation in its currency withrespect to the U.S. dollar, it would consider intervening in the foreign exchange market by buying dollars with pounds.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 168. Country X frequently engages in trade flows with the U.S. (such asimports and exports). Country Y frequently engages in financial flows with the U.S. (such as financial investments). Everything else held constant, an increase in U.S. interest rates would affect the exchange rate of Country X's currency more than the exchange rate of Country Y's currency.a. Trueb. FalseANS: F PTS: 169. Illiquid currencies tend to exhibit ____ volatile exchange ratemovements, as the equilibrium prices of their currencies adjust to ____70. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text as a factoraffecting exchange rates71. Which of the following events would most likely result in anappreciation of the U.S. dollar72. Which of the following interactions will likely have the least effect onthe dollar's value Assume everything else is held constant.73. If a country experiences high inflation relative to the U.S., its exportsto the U.S. should ____, its imports should ____, and there is ____ pressure on its currency's equilibrium value.74. If a country experiences an increase in interest rates relative to U.S.interest rates, the inflow of U.S. funds to purchase its securities should ____, the outflow of its funds to purchase U.S. securities should ____,。

国际金融 名词解释

国际金融 名词解释

ADR: 美国存托凭证American option: 美式期权可在包括到期日之前的任一天行权的期权Appreciation: 升值汇率变动中,盯住其他货币或黄金的货币外汇价值的上升,也称为法定升值。

Arbitrage: 套利在一个市场中以一个价格购买包括外汇在内的一种商品,同时在另一个市场中以另一种更有利的价格卖出,从价差中获得无风险利润的交易策略。

Ask price: 卖方叫价交易者愿意卖出外汇、证券或商品的价格,也称为卖价。

At-the-money (ATM):平价期权执行价格同标的的现货价格相同的期权。

BBack-to-back loan: 背对背贷款两个来自不同国家的公司在一定时期内互借对方国家的货币,并在合同规定的到期日偿还的贷款形式,有时这两笔贷款以一家中间银行作为中介机构。


Balance of payments (BOP): 国际收支平衡表一张总结了一国居民与世界其他国家之间货物、服务和投资基金往来的金融报表。

Bank for International Settlements (BIS): 国际清算银行一家位于瑞士巴塞尔的银行,形式欧洲央行的职能。

Basic balance: 国际收支基本余额在一国的国际收支平衡表中,商品和服务进出口、单方面转移以及长期资本流动的净差额。

Beta:Bid: 买入价交易商愿意买入外汇或证券的价格。

CCable: 海底电报以美元标价的英镑交叉汇率的昵称。

Call option: 看涨期权在一个特定时期以特定价格买入外汇或其他金融合约的权力,而非义务。

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM): 资本资产定价模型一个关于资产的收益与风险的理论模型,风险的存在使得投资组合存在波动性,假定风险和收益由金融市场的竞争和效率所决定。

Carry trade:Clearinghouse Interbank Payments System (CHIPS): 银行间清算资金支付系统一个总部设在纽约的计算机清算系统,用来清算个会员银行间的外汇交易。

注册会计师-《会计》英语冲刺-第十一章 外币折算

注册会计师-《会计》英语冲刺-第十一章 外币折算



I. 外币交易的会计处理Accounting Treatments for Foreign Currency Transactions(一)初始确认Initial recognition外币交易应当在初始确认时,采用交易发生日的即期汇率将外币金额折算为记账本位币金额;At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the amount in the foreign currency shall be translated into the amount in the functional currency at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date;也可以采用按照系统合理的方法确定的、与交易发生日即期汇率的近似汇率折算。

or at an exchange rate which is determined through a systematic and reasonable method and is approximate to the spot exchange rate of the transaction date.(二)期末,企业应当分别外币货币性项目和外币非货币性项目进行处理At the end of accounting period, enterprise shall treat the foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary items respectivelyII. 外币报表折算差额的核算Accounting for the Balance Arising from the Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements在对企业境外经营财务报表进行折算前,应当调整境外经营的会计期间和会计政策,使之与企业会计期间和会计政策相一致,根据调整后会计政策及会计期间编制相应货币(记账本位币以外的货币)的财务报表,再按照以下方法对境外经营财务报表进行折算:Before translating the financial statements for a foreign operation,the enterprise should adjust the accounting period and accounting policies of the foreign operation to make them be consistent with the accounting period and accounting policies of it,prepare the financial statements in the corresponding currency(a currency other than the functional currency)in accordance with the adjusted accounting policies and accounting period,and then translate the financial statements of the foreign operation according to the following provisions:1.资产负债表中的资产和负债项目,采用资产负债表日的即期汇率折算,所有者权益项目除“未分配利润”项目外,其他项目采用发生时的即期汇率折算。




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国际金融 期末复习 中英文

国际金融 期末复习 中英文

【名词解释】【The Special Drawing Right (SDR)特别提款权】p 30The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an international reserve asset created by the IMF to supplement existing foreign exchange reserves. (It serves as a unit of account for the IMF and is also the base against which some countries peg the exchange rate for their currencies。

【LIBOR 伦敦同业银行拆解率】p 33Eurocurrency Interest Rates:LIBORLIBOR(London Interbank Offered Rate)is the reference rate of interest in the Eurocurrency market, and is now the most widely accepted rate of interest used in standardized quotations, loan agreements or financial derivatives valuations。

LIBOR is officially defined by the British Bankers Association。

【Dollarization美元化】Dollarization – the use of the US dollar as the official currency of the country.只将美元用作官方通货。

【Eurodollar 欧洲美元】Eurodollar is one of the European currency types,which refers to the dollar deposits in banks outside the united states 是指存放在美国以外的银行中的美元存款,欧洲美元是欧洲货币的一种类型。

国际金融 名词解释全

国际金融 名词解释全

国际金融名词解释C2balance of payments:The set of accounts recording all flows of value between a nation’s residents and the residents of the rest of the world during a period of time.the current account:Records the values of goods and services sold and purchased abroad, net interest and other factor payments and net unilateral transfers and gifts.the capital account:consists of capital transfer and the buying and selling of nonproductive assets and non-financial assets.the double-entry bookkeeping:Any exchange automatically enters the balance-of-payment accounts twice: as a credit and as a debit of the same value.current account balance:equals the net credits - debits on the flows of goods, services, income, and unilateral transfers. It also equals the change in the nation’s foreign assets minus foreign liabilities, also known as net foreign investment.the overall balance:equals the sum of the current account balance and the private capital account balance.(算式)the international investment position: is a statement of the stocks of a nation’s international assets and foreign liabilities at a point in time, usually the end of a year.the IMF:The IMF was set up with contributions of gold and foreign exchange from member governments. It grants all member countries the right to borrow reserves to finance temporary deficits.SDRs:(Special Drawing Right)is an artificial "basket" currency used by the IMF for internal accounting purposes. The SDR is also used by some countries as a peg for their own currency, and is used as an international reserve asset.C3foreign exchange:holdings of foreign currencies: (1) foreign currencies;(2) payment instruments dominated in foreign currencies, like demand bank deposits; (3) securities in terms of foreign currencies; (4) otherclaims on nonresidents in terms of foreign rate:the price of one nation’s money in terms of another nation’s exchange rate:The spot exchange rate is the price for “immediate” exchange (delivery).forward exchange:the price set now for an exchange (delivery) that will take place sometime in the futureintangible market:banks and traders who work at banks are at the center of the foreign exchange market. These banks and their traders use computers and telephones to conduct foreign exchange trades with their customers and also with each other.a vehicle currency:One foreign currency is exchanged for dollars, and these dollars are then exchanged for the other foreign currency. The dollar is often used in this way to accomplish trading between two other currencies, and the dollar is called a vehicle currency.SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications):which is used to transmit instructions from one member bank to another CHIPS(Clearing House International Payments System):This system clears dollar transfers among its member banks, which include all large and internationally active banks.floating exchange rate:It is the exchange rate system without intervention by governments or central bankers.the equilibrium exchange rate:(market-clearing rate) means no tendency for change. It is at the intersection point of the supply and demand curves.fixed exchange rate:Official strive to keep the exchange rate virtually fixed ( or pegged ) even if the rate they choose differs from the current equilibrium rate.the depreciation(the appreciation):Under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price (the exchange rate value) of a currency is called a depreciation of that currency; a rise is an appreciation.the devaluation(the revaluation):We refer to a discrete official reduction (rising) in the otherwise fixed par value of a currency as adevaluation (revaluation).arbitrage:The process of buying and selling to make a (nearly) riskless pure profit, ensures that rates in different locations are essentially the same, and that rates and cross-rates are related and consistent among themselves.biangular arbitrage:Buy currencies where they are cheap and simultaneously sell them where they are expensive.triangular arbitrage:There is an opportunity to make riskless profit by arbitraging through the three rates.basic rates:Basic rates represent the dollar price of various foreign currenciescross rates:the cross-rates are the rates between foreign currencies.C4exchange rate risk:the possibility of loss or gain of foreign exchange (currencies) assets (or liabilities) held by persons because of changes of exchange investment with cover:if the rate at which the future sale of foreign currency will occur is locked in now through a forward exchange contract, we investment without cover:involves investing in a financial asset denominated in a foreign currency without hedging or covering the future proceeds of the investment back into one’s own currency.hedging:Hedging a position exposed to rate risk is the act of reducing or eliminating a net asset or net liability position in the foreign currency. hedgers:are persons who have a home currency and seek a balance between their liabilities and assets in foreign currencies. speculating:Speculating is the act of taking a net asset position (“long”) or a net liability position (“short”) in the foreign currency, thereby gambling on its future exchange value.speculators:A speculator is anybody who is willing to take a net position in a foreign currency, whatever his motives or expectations about the future of the exchange rate.the forward premium:F = (f – e)/e If F is positive, the pound is at a forward premium because it gains value between buying current spot pounds and selling current forward pounds.covered interest arbitrage:It is buying a country’s currency spot and selling that country’s currency forward, to make a net profit from the combination of the difference in interest rates between countries and the forward premium on t hat country’s currency.covered interest parity:The condition Covered Interest Differential (CD) = 0 is referred as covered interest parity.uncovered interest parity:The condition Expected Uncover Interest Differential (EUD) = 0 is called the uncovered interest parity. This parity is also called the “international Fisher effect,”C5PPP:The principle that unit of currency will purchase the same basket of goods anywhere in the worldthe law of one price:A product that is easily and freely traded in a perfectly competitive global market should have the same price everywhere.absolute PPP:Posits that a basket or bundle of tradable products will have the same cost in different countries if the cost is stated in the same currency.relative PPP:Posits that the difference between changes over time in product-price levels in two countries will be offset by the change in the exchange rate over this time.overshooting:Investors can react rationally to news by driving the exchange rate past what they know to be its ultimate long run equilibrium value. The actual exchange rate then moves slowly back to that long-run rate later on. That is, the short run the actual exchange rate overshoots its long-run value and then reverts back toward it.bandwagon effects:Some investors, especially for expectations regarding the near-term future (the next minutes, hours, days, or weeks), may expect that the recent trend in the exchange rate will continue. They extrapolate the recent trend into the future.nominal bilateral exchange rate:The regular market rate between two currencies.nominal effective exchange rate:A weighted average of the market rates across a number of foreign currencies.real bilateral exchange rate:Incorporate both the market exchange rate and the product price levels for two countries.real effective exchange rate:A weighted average of real bilateral exchange rates across a number of foreign countries.C6convertible currency:the currency is fully convertible into foreign currency for all uses, for both trade in goods and services and international financial control:the government places some restrictions on the conversation of the domestic currency into foreign currency or vice versa.a clean float:The float of exchange rate which goes where private supply and demand drive it is called a clean float.a dirty float(a managed float):The float of exchange rate which is generally floating but with official intervention is called a managed float (if you are an optimist, commendatory) or a dirty float (if you are a pessimist, derogatory).。

国际金融 名词解释

国际金融 名词解释

ADR: 美国存托凭证American option: 美式期权可在包括到期日之前的任一天行权的期权Appreciation: 升值汇率变动中,盯住其他货币或黄金的货币外汇价值的上升,也称为法定升值。

Arbitrage: 套利在一个市场中以一个价格购买包括外汇在内的一种商品,同时在另一个市场中以另一种更有利的价格卖出,从价差中获得无风险利润的交易策略。

Ask price: 卖方叫价交易者愿意卖出外汇、证券或商品的价格,也称为卖价。

At-the-money (ATM):平价期权执行价格同标的的现货价格相同的期权。

BBack-to-back loan: 背对背贷款两个来自不同国家的公司在一定时期内互借对方国家的货币,并在合同规定的到期日偿还的贷款形式,有时这两笔贷款以一家中间银行作为中介机构。


Balance of payments (BOP): 国际收支平衡表一张总结了一国居民与世界其他国家之间货物、服务和投资基金往来的金融报表。

Bank for International Settlements (BIS): 国际清算银行一家位于瑞士巴塞尔的银行,形式欧洲央行的职能。

Basic balance: 国际收支基本余额在一国的国际收支平衡表中,商品和服务进出口、单方面转移以及长期资本流动的净差额。

Beta:Bid: 买入价交易商愿意买入外汇或证券的价格。

CCable: 海底电报以美元标价的英镑交叉汇率的昵称。

Call option: 看涨期权在一个特定时期以特定价格买入外汇或其他金融合约的权力,而非义务。

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM): 资本资产定价模型一个关于资产的收益与风险的理论模型,风险的存在使得投资组合存在波动性,假定风险和收益由金融市场的竞争和效率所决定。

Carry trade:Clearinghouse Interbank Payments System (CHIPS): 银行间清算资金支付系统一个总部设在纽约的计算机清算系统,用来清算个会员银行间的外汇交易。

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In this section, we introduce the dynamics of the domestic and foreign term structures of interest rates as well as the spot exchange rate (cf. [1,3]). Without loss of generality, we suppose only a single foreign economy and assume continuous trading over a finite time interval [0, f]. To this end, we denote the domestic (foreign) forward interest rate contracted at time t for instantaneous borrowing at time T with 0 < t < T _< ?’ by f(t,T) (respectively, g(t,T)). We denote the spot price of one unit of foreign currency in terms of the domestic currency at time, t E [0,5?] by C,. Under the risk-neutral measure Q, the dynamics of these processes are given by the stochastic system;
In this paper, we consider pricing options on a foreign currency in a stochastic interest rate economy by variational methods. As such, an American call (put) option gives the holder the right to buy (sell) a fixed amount of a foreign currency at a predetermined price at any time until a fixed expiration date. The corresponding European option can be exercised only at the expiration date. In particular, an option on a foreign currency represents an option on a foreign treasury bond. When denominated in domestic currency through the spot exchange rate, such instruments may be considered exotic domestic securities. Models encompassing options on a foreign currency are quite general and include such securities as corporate bonds and domestic treasuries as special cases. General stochastic interest rate models have been developed by Amin and Jarrow [I] based on the so-called Heath-Jarrow-Morton term structure of interest rates (cf. also [2,3]). An attempted implementation of a discrete time version of [l] evidently utilizing dynamic programming methodologies via a two stage lattice procedure has been considered by Amin and Bordurtha [4]. However, no theoretical justification (or estimates of convergence) of the algorithm is presented. Moreover, the computational results that are reported fail to support the convergence of the
The Valuation of Foreign Currency Options under Stochastic Interest Rates
s. CHOI Department of Finance University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 891546008, U.S.A.
An International
computers & mathematics
PERGAPI/ION Computers and Mathematics with Applications 46 (2003) with applications 741-749 /locate/camwa
Abstract-we consider the valuation of options written are stochastic and the matrix of the diffusion representing We solve the associated variational inequality for the value method. In the European case, a comparison is made to the for the American option is also presented. @ 2003 Elsevier
M. D. MARCOZZI Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 89154-4020, U.S.A.
(Received January 2001; revised and accepted October 2002)
0898-1221/03/% - see front matter doi: lO.l016/SO898-1221(03)00281-5
@ 2003 Elsevier
All rights
method. Interestingly, in a footnote applicable to the method developed here, Amin and Bordurtha claim that “even if such a partial differential equation can be derived, the boundary conditions are extremely complicated with three state variables. In fact, no attempts have been made to numerically solve three state partial differential equations in the finance literature.” For specificity, we consider multifactor Ho-Lee term-structures in both the domestic and foreign economies. Indeed, our approach remains valid for any short rate model consistent with [I]. Our contributions are as follows. (i) We consider the state variables to be the short rates of interest and the cross currency exchange rate, as opposed to the forward rates as proposed in [l] and utilized in [4], in which case the associative diffusion representing the global economy possesses a coercive diffusion matrix. (ii) We develop appropriate artificial boundary conditions necessary for the well-posedness of indexed parabolic variational inequalities. (iii) We construct a “diagonalizing” sequence of approximating localized solutions and provide convergence estimates. These estimates are then validated computationally. In summary, we obtain an accuracy “at the money” of 0.02% utilizing a mesh containing approximately 36,000 nodes. This compares to accuracies between 2% and 10% recorded in [4], where up to the order of 2.6 million nodes were employed-this after greatly reducing the computational size by introducing a graded time step scaling procedure predicated upon a priori knowledge of the solution. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we introduce a short-rate model consistent with [l]. The value function of the option will be seen to be characterized as the solution to a parabolic variational inequality in Section 3. A comparison of the numerical results, obtained through a finite element approximation, with the analytic solution derived in [l] for the European case, will be presented in Section 4 as well as calculations related to the American option.