



Life comes in a package. This package includes happiness and sorr ow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning proces s. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better p erson. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations. LoveLove plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Witho ut love a person could go hayward and also bec ome cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and beco mes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and m ature and help us to understand life better.Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness. No mind is happy without peace. We rea lize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is basic ally due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things a re temporary and pass away.Failure and SuccessFailure is the path to success. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way. Success brings in money, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our hea d on out shoulder. The only way to show our gratitude to God for besto wing success on us is by being humble, modest, courteous and respectf ul to the less fortunate ones.Hope and DespairHope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Hope builds in patience. Life teaches us n ot to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there i s a day. Nothing remains the same we have only one choice keep movi ng on in life and be hopeful.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is be yond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or d ull. So the only alternative is work hard today, so that we will enjoy a b etter tomorrow.人生好似一个包裹,这个包裹里藏着快乐与悲伤、成功与失败,希望与绝望。


Promote cultural exchange
English profitability can enrich the exchange of ideas, values, and conditions between cultures, leading to multiple understanding and inspection
Online learning
Online learning
Detailed description
Online learning is an internet-based learning method, where learners obtain learning resources through online platforms and communicate with teachers and other learners. Online learning has the characteristics of flexibility, convenience, and personalization, making it possible to learn English anytime, anywhere.
Individuals who pose strong English skills are more likely to secure higher paying jobs and have higher learning potential
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ03
Access to global resources
Grammar master
Rules and Structure


What happens when we sleep?
Non-REM sleep
REM sleep
• The first rapid eye movement (REM) period usually begins about 70 to 90 minutes after we fall asleep.
A hard night's sleep
Sleep tips and advice
Thanks for your watching !

➢ Pure of heart, life is full of sweet and joy!
The science of sleep
What’s your daily rhythm ?
• Do you consider yourself a morning person or an evening person ?
• At what time of day do you feel at your best? • Considering only your own "feeling best" rhythm, if you
Species Python巨蟒
Average total sleep time per day
18 hrs



安徽文学ANHUIWENXUE 安徽文学2018年10期总第423期理工科高校非英语专业低年级大学英语课堂presentation 的实证分析董琳上海理工大学外语学院摘要:Presentation 作为提高学生英语综合应用能力的教学手段,被广泛应用到各门类各层面各级别的英语课堂教学中。

笔者以所执教的理工科大学非英语专业低年级班级学生情况为研究出发点,探讨了学生在presentation 教学方式下的学习效果,以及该教学方式实施的现状和困境。

以期为后期关于如何改进理工科高校非英语专业低年级大学英语presentation 教学的研究提供思路和方向。

关键词院Presentation 理工科高校低年级实证分析一、研究背景教育部和国家语言文字工作委员会最新发布的《中国英语能力等级量表》对非英语专业大学生对应级别的口语表达能力的描述为“能经过准备,就与自己专业相关的话题简短地发表个人见解”和“能就与社会文化和学习相关的指定话题发表有一定深度的个人见解,语言丰富、表达流畅、思路清晰”。

根据美国学者埃德加﹒戴尔提出的“学习金字塔”(Learning Pyramid )理论,相对于只能让学习者掌握5%所学知识的传统课堂讲授,实践练习可以达到75%。

在英语教学中的“presentation ”是一种以学生口语实践为主要形式的教学方式。


作为一种强调“在做中学”和“实际演练”的教学方式,Presentation 教学不同于传统的以教师讲授为主导的课堂教学,学生被视为课堂的中心和主体,学生的参与实践是课堂开展的主要形式。

二、现有研究成果及其不足现有的大多数相关研究主要集中探讨presenta -tion 教学在不同门类、不同层面的英语课堂中的实践,如大学英语教学(马秀欢,2015),高职英语教学(郭聪颖,2014),及专业英语,如商务英语教学(廖丽洁,2017),艺术类专业英语(樊红蕾,2014)等。















示 。笔 者通 过在所 教的4 1级 大二班级 ,运 用开 展 个 0
t i 在商务活动 中比较常见 , ao tn 例如 , 商业项 目的企划展 示、 新产 品的介绍及推广 、 商业培训及会议 报告等 。但
Peet i 教学法 被广泛地 应用于 中 国高校 各科 的教 rsnao tn 学活动 中, 也是近年来教学 发展生命 力的体现 。之所 以
用生命 力来进行表达 ,是 因为在大学英语课 堂 中实施 Peet i 教学活动的过 程 中, r nao s tn 笔者发现此教学方式颇 受学生 的欢迎和接纳 。 我们 所探讨 研究 的Peeti 在大学英 语课 堂上 rsnao tn 的运用是 指学生个体或 以小 组为单位在课 常上借助有
Pee ti 教学方式 , rsn t n ao 并针对 学生 的学 习习惯 、 习热 学 情 、 现欲特点 , 表 深深感 到Pe n tn rs ti 教学方式 被学 生 e ao 接纳 , 同时也 发现学 生们 学习 的积极性 、 组织 能力 、 分 析能力 、 队精 神和 口语 表达能力 , 团 通过Peet i 教 rsn t n ao 学方式 , 都不 同程度 地得 到了提 高 , 以 , 所 笔者认 为应 该长期 在大学 英语课堂 上坚持Peet i 课 堂展示 活 r nao s tn 动。 ・ P eett n 学活动在 大 学英语教 学 中的的 rsnai 教 o

既是发 言者也是观众 。其 优点是 : 面 , 一方 同学之 间熟 悉 的关 系减低 了展示学 生的紧张感 ; 一方面 , 另 完成 了 师生角 色的互换 。
二 、 rsnain 学活动 激发学 生能力 的潜在作 P ee tt 教 o

运 用



Fluency Development
By repeatedly practicing with PowerPoint presentations, students can
improve their fluency and ability to express ideas clearly and coherently in
PowerPoint presentation in college English classrooms
目 录
• Introduction • English language knowledge • English Skills Training • Introduction to Cultural Background • Learning Strategies and Skills • Classroom interaction and activities • Summary and Outlook
Context Understanding
By playing audio along with the slides, students can better understand the context and gain a deep understanding of the information being presented
Sentence analysis
PowerPoint presentations can clearly display the structure of sentences, helping students understand complex grammatical structures.


Language Style
Choose an appropriate language style based on the content of the speech and the characteristics of the audience, such as formal, informal, or humorous.
Theme Introduction
The impact of technology on our lives
The presentation will focus on how technology has transformed our lives in various aspects, including communication, education, entertainment, and work
Use visual aids
Use visual aids such as slides, charts, or handouts to support your presentation and help you move through your material more quickly
Practice makes perfect
02 03
Correct grammar and spelling
Ensure that your language is grammatically correct and free of spelling errors This helps to understand a sense of professionalism


Introduce some of your insights and experiences in learning English.
Share the reasons and interests for choosing an English language and literature major.
Language expression
During the sharing process, attention should be paid to the accuracy and fluency of language expression to avoid grammar errors or unclear expression.
Interaction and communication
During the sharing process, it is possible to interact and communicate with students, guide them to participate in discussions and thinking, and enhance their sense of participation and interactivity.
Promoting personal development
Describe how English can help individuals achieve career transformation and enhance professional skills, as well as its practical applications in academic research, tourism, and other fields.


• Do you consider yourself a morning person or an evening person ? • At what time of day do you feel at your best?
• Considering only your own "feeling best" rhythm, if you were entirely free to plan your day — at what time would you get up and go to bed?
sleep ?
• We have to sleep because it is essential to maintaining normal levels of cognitive skills , such as speech, memory, innovative and flexible thinking .
• Sleep deprivation not only has a major impact on cognitive functioning , but also on emotional and physical health. Moreover , it’ll arouse disorders such as sleep apnoea and the ris;S SLEEP
disorder s
insomni a
Restless leg syndrome


given to existing phrases
Phrase shortening
As communication benefits faster and more
commonly used to describe topics, events, or individuals of
widespread social concern during a specific period of time. These
words or phrases often have the characteristics of simplicity, vividness,
dissemination, etc.
• Detailed description: The formation of catchphrases is often closely
related to social events and cultural phenomena. For example, some
Representing Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Slang and jargon
For example, "2333" represents being very happy, and "Buddhist
style" represents a carefree attitude towards life.
Abbreviations and abbreviations
For example, "OMG" represents "Oh My God", "BTW" represents



Presentation-White Day
2 Origin &Development
“白色情人节”源于欧洲国家,于上世纪70年代被日本人所接受并广泛流传。逐渐 地,“白色情人节” 流行于日本、韩国、中国台湾省等地区,是我们所知道的西方 情人节的延续。 "White Day" ,originate from European countries, was accepted by the Japanese in the 1970s and widely circulated. Gradually, "White day" is popular in Japan, and Korea, Taiwan Province of China, and other regions,because of japanese strong cultural soft power. 近年来,“白色情人节”的风也开始向中国内地吹来,成为了情侣间必过的另一个 节日,纯手工曲奇便成为了“白色情人节”女生给男生必送的礼物之一 In recent years, The trend of "White Day" has begun blowing in the mainland of China, becoming another festival of lovers,Handmade cookies become a "white day" gift from female to male
1 introduction 2 origin &development 3 moral (寓意) 4 custom 5 gifts 6 attitudes



Thanks for your watching !
Species Python巨蟒
Average total sleep time per day
18 hrs
9.7 hrs
3.8 hrs
African elephant
3.3 hrs
1.9 hr
What happens when we sleep?
• The first rapid eye movement (REM) period usually begins about 70 to 90 minutes after we fall asleep.
were entirely free to plan your day — at what time would you get up and go to bed?
• With continued lack of sufficient sleep, the part of the brain that controls language, menmery, planning and sense of time is severely affected, practically shutting down.
• Do you consider yourself a morning person or an evening person ?



英语presentation范文As we all know, giving an English presentation can be a daunting task for many people, especially for non-native English speakers. However, with the right preparation and practice, anyone can deliver a successful and effective presentation in English. In this article, we will provide you with a sample English presentation to help you understand the structure and language used in a typical presentation.Firstly, it is important to start your presentation with a strong and engaging opening. You can begin by greeting your audience and introducing yourself. For example, "Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is [Your Name], and today I am here to talk to you about [Topic of Your Presentation]." This will help you establish a connection with your audience and set the tone for your presentation.Next, you should provide an overview of the topics you will cover in your presentation. This can be done by using phrases such as "In this presentation, I will discuss…" or "I will be covering the following points…" This will help your audience understand the structure of your presentation and what to expect.Moving on to the main body of your presentation, you should organize your content into clear and concise points. Use transition words and phrases to guide your audience through the different sections of your presentation. For example, "Firstly, I will examine…" "Following that, I will discuss…" "In addition, I would like to highlight…" This will help you maintain a smooth flow and keep your audience engaged.When presenting your main points, it is important to use visual aids such as slides, images, or videos to support your content. Visual aids can help reinforce your message and make your presentation more dynamic and engaging. However, it is crucial to use them sparingly and ensure they are relevant to your topic.Furthermore, it is essential to use clear and simple language when delivering your presentation. Avoid using jargon or complex terminology that may confuse your audience.Instead, use everyday language that is easy to understand. Additionally, make sure to speak slowly and clearly, and to maintain eye contact with your audience.In the final part of your presentation, you should summarize the key points you have covered and provide a conclusion. You can use phrases such as "To sum up…" "In conclusion…" "In summary…" to signal that you are wrapping up your presentation. This will help your audience recall the main takeaways from your presentation.To conclude, delivering an English presentation can be challenging, but with the right preparation and practice, it can be a rewarding experience. By following the structure and language used in this sample presentation, you can effectively communicate your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Thank you for your attention, and I hope you found this presentation helpful.。


Something about the personality
Blooming 作者:万晓瑜 宣白丹 郑望雪 叶冰莲
We will share the contents as follow: .
What is the personality the post-90s/our personality
大学教育中对学生个性的培养意义在于充分调动学生个人的 内在潜力,使个性的能量在其学习等各方面得到自由发挥 。同时,学生个性的培养也为大学教育者提供了更多的选 择,术业有专攻,不同的方面有不同的学生擅长,这就是 学生自我个性所在。
The personality of successful people
The importance of cultivating personality
For undergraduate
Students’ unique personality
should be respected, and only the unique character of each student's targeted training, can help students to realize their full potential, in the future for their own position and make due contribution to society.
• Lead a low-key life
• He was a common English teacher • He created a value of billions of dollars to the Internet business empire. • He is very humble, he knew the low-key life • He has said a word "Even my fortune 99.999% was away, I also feel satisfied." "As long as the country needs, ready to pay treasure to the country."

Science in Education大学英语课presentation

Science in Education大学英语课presentation
Science in Education
from Crystal
What do you know about science in education?
1[u] knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the natural and physical world,based on facts that you can prove ,for example by experiments
Oxford Advanced learner's English-Chinese Dictionary
2[u] the study of science 3[u,c] a particular branch of science 4[sing.] a system for organizing the knowledge about a particular subject,especially one concerned with aspects of human behavior or society
That's all . Thank you .
Science education in England
• In England and Wales schools science is a compulsory subject in the National Curriculum. All pupils from 5 to 16 years of age must study science. It is generally taught as a single subject science until sixth form, then splits into subject-specific A levels (physics, chemistry and biology). However, the government has since expressed its desire that those pupils who achieve well at the age of 14 should be offered the opportunity to study the three separate sciences from September 2008.[23] In Scotland the subjects split into chemistry, physics and biology at the age of 13-15 for Standard Grades in these subjects.


The science of sleep
______________________________________ ____________
What’s your daily rhythm ?
• Do you consider yourself a morning person or an evening person ?
______________________________________ ____________
Why do we sleep ?

We have to sleep because it
is essential to maintaining normal
levels of cognitive skills , such
as speech, memory, innovative
and flexible thinking .
______________________________________ ____________
What would happen if we didn't sleep?
• With continued lack of sufficient sleep, the part of the brain that controls language, menmery, planning and sense of time is severely affected, practically shutting down.
Species Python巨蟒
Average total sleep time per day
18 rs


加工 能力 和 加 工 时 的 积 极性 。 三、 大 学 英语Βιβλιοθήκη 教 学 中情 感 交 流 建 立
首先 . 建立相互 尊重 、 相互理解 、 相 互 信 赖 的新 型 师 生 关 系 。教 师应 该 做 到仪 表 大 方 、 笑容可掬 、 和 蔼 可亲 , 树 立在 学 生 中 的威 望 。 教 师 既 是学 生 学 习 上 的指 导 者 , 又 是 生 活 上 的朋 友 。 教 师要 及 时 了解 学 生 遇 到 的 挫 折 , 帮助其总结经验教训 , 树 立 信心 。 作 为生 活 上 的朋 友 , 教 师 要 时 刻关 注学 生 的 思想 动态 、 家 庭情况 , 及 时 了解 学生 、 关 心学 生 , 以便 于 正 确 引导 学 生 。 其次 , 营造 能 够 激 发 学 生 学 习 动 机 和 兴 趣 的轻 松 愉 悦 的 学 习 氛 围 。兴趣 是最 好 的老 师 。 兴趣 是 学 习最直 接 、 最 持久 的推 动力 。学 习兴趣 不 仅是 一种 强大 的 学习 动力 , 还是 促进 学生 智 能 发展 的强 大动 力 。兴 趣能 启迪 学生 智 慧 . 能 开发 学生 的潜 能 。出 于对 身边 的事 物 的兴趣 , 学生 自然会 积极 探本 求源 。激 发学 生 的 学 习兴 趣 , 能 培 养 他们 自主 学 习 、 独 立 思 考等 良好 习惯 , 从 而 为 学 生 身心健 康 全面 发展 打下 坚实 基础 。在英语 教 学 中 , 培养 学生 的学 习动机 也很 重要 。创设 情境 是激 发学 习 动机 的重 要 因素 . 没 有 特定 的社 会情 境 , 就没 有语 言 的交 际活 动 。 最后 , 情 感 态 度 的培 养 与英 语 教 学相 结 合 . 培 养 学 生 积 极 的情 感 态 度 。 教师在英语教学活动中, 要 充 分 挖 掘 教 材 中 的情 感 因素 , 以教 材 为 依 托 , 将 其 渗 透 到 英 语 学 习 内容 和 学 习过 程 之 中, 培 养 学 生 的积 极 情 感 , 提高课堂教学实效。 例如 . 关 于英 美 文 学 的 教 材 中介 绍 了 许 多 国 外 成 功 人 士 的 事 迹 .教 师 可 以 用 这 些 成 功人 士 的优 良品 质 影 响 学 生 ,使 得 学 生 不 仅 学 习到 英 语 学科 的知 识 . 还 提 高 其 人格 魅 力 。
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