An annalysis of the awakening of female consciousness in mansfield park
中美奢侈品消费行为差异背后的文化影响研究A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Taboos in the Context of Intercultural CommunicationOn the Linguistic Features of English and Chinese News Headlines解读艾丽斯•沃克《紫色》中的家庭A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析Enhance Listening Aptitude through Music中英爱情谚语的隐喻研究及其翻译The Importance of the Translators’Overall Qualities In Translation《看管人》下的“品特式”生存与对话—浅析《非笑之事》英语电影片名的汉译研究《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格分析论跨文化商务交际中的非语言交际的重要性跨文化交际中的移情及其能力的培养文化负载词的翻译策略英汉基本颜色文化内涵对比浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法委婉语探究:起源、构成、交际功能《哈利波特》系列小说的浪漫主义情节分析浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习A Comparison between Tess and Hester’s Tragic Destiny仿拟在广告中的运用商务谈判中的语言技巧A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights简析比喻在《围城》中的运用Reread Shylock from a Tragic V iewpoint相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter中式思维模式对初中生英语写作的影响文体学视觉下的英语商务信函的礼貌表现《红色英勇勋章》主人公亨利•弗莱明心路历程探析An Analys is of David Copperfield’s Dual Character唯美主义与奥斯卡王尔德童话浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰从《一个干净明亮的地方》看极简主义在短篇小说中的应用论奥斯卡•王尔德《道林格雷的画像》中的死亡结局与唯美主义女性主义视野下林黛玉与简•爱的比较研究An Analysis of Middlemarch from the Perspective of Ethics中学英语课堂中的情感教育从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯•狄更斯的善恶观以赫索格为代表的索尔贝娄作品中知识分子的困境与出路约瑟夫•康拉德《进步前哨》的象征主义分析分析《等待》的悲剧数字口译及其训练策略高中英语任务型语法教学初探论《被遗弃的韦瑟罗尔奶奶》中象征主义和意识流的运用The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray中英身势语中的文化差异《呼啸山庄》和《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的女性意识的对比从目的论看电影《音乐之声》中对白的汉译习语及习语的汉英翻译中美商务谈判的风格差异英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响从生长环境看林黛玉与简爱的反抗性格之差异Pursuit and Disillusionment of American Dream—On Sister Carrie’s Tragedy弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《达洛维夫人》的写作技巧剖析《生活大爆炸》言语幽默语用分析论英语新课标下高中生跨文化意识的培养论《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的超验主义哲学观国际商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略从《阿甘正传》中看美国梦对比研究《珊瑚岛》和《蝇王》主题的冲突性宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现Analysis of the Factors that Influence News Listening Comprehension浅析对信用证软条款的防范西丽自我身份的寻求——《紫色》的女性主义解读从认知语言学的视角下浅析隐喻和换喻的异同爱情描写与《》核心主题的关系论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质论口译中的跨文化意识中西方传统女权主义思想异同比较——王熙凤与简爱之人物性格对比分析从中西方节日看中西文化差异从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义“黑人会飞”——托妮•莫里森小说《所罗门之歌》中的黑人神话研究对外新闻的导语编译研究与苦难嬉戏——透析《查尔斯兰姆散文集》分析女性语言特点在英语委婉语中的体现——以《绝望主妇》为例中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响浅析《飘》中女性主义的萌发论《老人与海》所表现的人与自然的关系英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究从认知的角度看委婉语《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶莎士比亚悲剧人物的海明威式英雄特征——以《哈姆雷特》与《奥赛罗》为例从小说《麦田里的守望者》的主人公看当代大学毕业生的迷惘《十日谈》中的乡村意象A Comparison of the English Color TermsThe Narrative Strategies of O. Henry’s Short Stories互联网时代的语言帝国主义论英语电影片名的翻译英汉谚语中“爱”的情感隐喻对比研究Colonialist Ideology in The Last of the Mohicans商务交际中的模糊语言策略海明威《雨中猫》的文体分析Inheritance and Development of Gothic Literary Tradition in Jane Eyre中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例模糊语在国际商务谈判中的语用功能研究迪斯尼动画《木兰》中的中美文化融合分析从福斯特《天使不敢涉足的地方》看英国转型期中产阶级价值观论《围城》的幽默语翻译《苔丝》与《呼啸山庄》中复仇主题的生态女性主义解读《小妇人》的结局中所包含的清教主义与个人主义的冲突与融合Feminism in The A wakeningOn the Disposal of Cultural Differences in the Translation挣脱世俗枷锁,定义自我人生意义——解读毛姆《人生的枷锁》中的人生哲学做最好的自己—论斯佳丽形象对现代女性的教育意义中美时间观念的跨文化研究从《小妇人》看男性缺失时十九世纪美国女性的成长英汉语复合词结构特征比较探析照进黑暗的光--电影《弱点》主题阐释论英语听力难点及解决方法《晚安,妈妈》中公共汽车和洗衣机的象征寓意福克纳《我弥留之际》中达尔形象解析《飘》—斯嘉丽女性主义意识的成长历程解读对《呼啸山庄》里所反映的人性的解读从译者的读者意识看童话英汉翻译从社会达尔文主义的角度分析《野性的呼唤》中的巴克魔鬼之子:论《呼啸山庄》和《呼唤》中的男主人公形象浅议中西方餐桌礼仪的文化差异及翻译从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响电影片名翻译的研究从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物On the Female Influences on Pip’s Character in Great Expectations非智力因素与英语学习的关系-以xx大学学生为例从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合A Humanistic Study on Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities迷惘一代的英雄:厄内斯特海明威与弗雷德里克亨利从北京奥运会简析宝洁营销策略中西饮食文化的比较Christ Love in Uncle Tom’s Cabin游戏教学在小学英语课堂中的运用浅谈中国经济发展中的问题浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品On the Absurdity in Waiting for GodotOn the Manifold Functions of the Scene of Parties in The Great Gatsby 论翻译的艺术“It be adj for sb to do sth”中形容词制约研究汉英翻译中文化传递的可接受度论女性主义对翻译标准的影响中国英语在中国文化输出中的作用英汉被动意义表达比较研究翻译呼啸山庄的感想(英译中)初中英语的传统教学与现代教学的差异On Translation Strategies of Animal Idioms between English and Chinese 《等待戈多》的荒诞色彩女性主义翻译视角下《紫色》汉译本对比研究儒家文化与和谐世界的构建解读《金色笔记》中的女性主义经济学视野下的《鲁滨逊漂流记》浅析美国高等教育的创新《林湖重游》中的静态美分析通过小说《紫色》分析沃克的妇女主义思想论《简爱》对《灰姑娘》的继承与颠覆An Eco-Critical Approach to Moby Dick商务策略研究——论沃尔玛的营销策略中外英语教师的优劣势比较:从中学生视角盖斯凯尔夫人工业小说研究论现实主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现从生态视野解读狼图腾读者在文学文本多元解读中扮演的角色《爱玛》中的女权思想解读论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源如何在高中英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力英国贵族精神和绅士教育研究从功能对等的角度论英语习语翻译论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗英语中源于希腊罗马神话主要神祇姓名词汇的认知探索车贴中的语言污染现象研究从关联理论分析辛弃疾的诗词翻译论英语新闻中的模糊语言从社会习俗角度分析中西方文化差异论《喜福会》中女性的反抗精神从心理学角度试析简爱性格的对立性论《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘一代”的反叛与抗争高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究从《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》看美国个人主义价值观通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同艾米丽狄金森和李清照自然诗写作风格对比分析论《野性的呼唤》的多重主题林肯话语中幽默特征的分析Double Vision in Characterization in The Great Gatsby《推销员之死》中的反英雄主义群体隐私和个体隐私——中美家庭中隐私观念的对比研究从《喜福会》母女冲突看中美家庭教育差异从新历史主义视角解读杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格《麦田里的守望者》语境与商务英语信函写作A Comparison of the English Color Terms浅谈汉语成语的英译论《太阳照常升起》中的象征主义《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social Perspectives 浅论《洛丽塔》主人公悲剧命运的根源从日常交际礼貌用语失误看中西方文化差异从跨文化交际角度论委婉语的翻译。
19世纪英国女性意识的觉醒与萌发英语本科毕业论文本科毕业论文题目中文 19世纪英国女性意识的觉醒与萌发外文The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in Britain 系别英语翻译系专业英语年级学生姓名指导教师结稿日期 ____________________________The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19thCentury in BritainAbstractThere are many great litterateurs and famous novelists in Englandduring the 19th century Many women novelists welled up and broke the complexion with controlled by men in literature These women novelists described the new image of women with the sharp writing style and sagacious language Jane Austen the Bronte sister Mrs Gaskell and George Eliot are representative of them This new image is different from the traditionalpattern in men novel The traditional pattern was tamable and sentiment which was described by men However feminine patter was strong and unattached which showed the strong feminist consciousness Consciousness of women was as great a contribution to literatureThis paper tries to analyze feminist consciousness and profoundly discuss a historical process of evolution in these women novels The paper is made up of four sections Section one introduces concept of feminist consciousness Section two describes the awakening and germination of feminist consciousness in the 19th century in Britain First feminist consciousness has primary awakening in early 19th century Then I tried to analyze the feminist consciousness of Charlotte Bronte Finally I described Mrs Gaskell and her works Section three analyzes the reasons for the awakening and germination of feminist consciousness in the 19th century in Britain Section four describes the value orientation and historical status of feminist consciousnessKey words feminist consciousness 19th century Charlotte Bronte Jane Austen George EliotThe Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainOutlineThesis Statement This paper tries to analyze Feminist Consciousness and profoundly discuss a historical process of evolution in these womennovelsI IntroductionA Concept of Feminist ConsciousnessB Summarizing the Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainII The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainA the Awakening of Feminist Consciousness by Jane Austen in the early 19th century1 Jane Austens Major Characteristics of Consciousness of Women2 Jane Austens Feminist Consciousness Viewed in Pride and PrejudiceB The Germination of Feminist Consciousness by Charlotte Bronte in the mid 19th Century in BritainC The Feminist Consciousness in Latter 19th Century on the Base of Analysis of Cultural Background in Victorian Age1 Mrs Gaskell and Her Works2 George Eliot and MiddlemarchIIIThe Reasons for the Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainIVConclusionI IntroductionA Concept of Feminist ConsciousnessFeminist consciousness refers to the consciousness that female regard themselves as subjectConcretely feminist consciousness surrounds the focus which is established in the consciousness of women as human beings their feelings experience about life and the world their desire pursuit and values In the human society the differences in physiologic al structure divide people into men and women With the forming of the group consciousness of the social roles of the two sexes men and women mean the difference of the social sexes at the same time Therefore human societies were all patriarchy societies for a long time Though men and women all had self-consciousness the voices from men were too strong and the voices from women were flooded so were the social identification of womenA new movement of global women entrepreneurs that actively resurging the promotion of the triplet aspirations of inalienable rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness all over again but this time as a learning process for feminine prosperity around the word rather than as a political revolution to reduce inequities and improve lives though the meaning is the same It grew out of the consciousness leaping of women as a group in society with subservient roles to men to that of equals Now instead the questions are How do I unstoppable How do I multiply my influence effectiveness How do I lead an inspired life And how can I get and sustain a balanced lifeB Summarizing the Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainThe Victorian Age was period of society turbulence with crossing swords between new value and old value With the changing of society women started to gain some powers and entered into the public to join all kinds of society activities The disintegration of absolute power of male became the fact 1There are many great litterateurs and famous novelists in England during the 19th century Many women novelists welled up and broke the complexion with controlled by men in literature These women novelists described the new image of women with the sharp writing style and sagacious language Jane Austen the Bronte sister Mrs Gaskell and George Eliot are representative of them This new image is different from the traditional pattern in men novel The traditional pattern was tamable and sentiment which was described by men However feminine patter was strong and unattached which showed the strong feminist consciousness II The Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainThere appeared sex discrimination against women since patriarchal period Writers artists and social activists all over the world have been making their efforts to promote womens liberation Because of the historical reasons in the-19th-century England literature about womenblossomed There appeared a series of women images struggling for their independence and equal rights with menA the Awakening of Feminist Consciousness by Jane Austen in the early 19th centuryJane Austen was not merely an outstanding cross-century novelist but she created the new page of women literature with outstanding authoresses such as Charlotte Bronte and George Eliot An authoress before the other two writers Austen expressed her consciousness of women in her novels Her achievements made in this respect especially attract peoples attention Jane Austen began her own literary creation in the background that consciousness of women was awakened gradually in the late of the 18th century She was a writer who attempted to understand women and seek for the value of women in society Her works reflected her consciousness of women Her novels that centered on women have an important impact on the development of English literature Six novels were written by Austen in a crucial social environment All her novels were finished probably in ten years Sense and Sensibility 1811 Pride and Prejudice 1813 Mansfield Park 1814 Emma 1816 Northanger Abbey 1818 Persuasion 18181 Jane Austens Major Characteristics of Consciousness of WomenThere are three major characteristics of feminist consciousness in Jane Austens work womens consciousness of freedom marriage and patriarchy She said what was in his mind Austen believed that women should regardthe equality of women with men as the ladder in their pursuit for freedom The marriage view of Austen was realistic She thought that marriage must be based on sense property and be well-matched in social and economic status In addition what we need to understand is that in Austens time verbal skills were controlled by men So females were defined with male sight and standard which occupied a leading status to come Austens patriarchy can be seen in the novels Cinderellas emotional tie 2 mode and other aspects Austen created true people with irony She was trying to understand women as human beings but not as perfect women Austens consciousness of women is realistic Its value exists in the fact that she established womens characteristics and womens identity Through an analysis of the value orientations of Austens consciousness of women we can see that Austen paid her attention to the characters of in that time Austens consciousness of women emerged from the deep sea of male thinking mode Austens consciousness of women was not womens complete independence but womens waking senses and wisdom that sprouted in real socialize not womens pursuit for social value but womens selfrecognition and selfrealization As a writer who challenged traditional ideas Austens novels were full of new ideas But it was impossible for her to reject tradition and the influence of reality But her consciousness of women was as great a contribution to literature as Bronte and Eliots2 Jane Austens Feminist Consciousness Viewed in Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is an enduringly popular novel published in 1813 by the famous English writer Jane Austen one of the most important novelists of the nineteenth century It is Jane Austens most popular and best-loved novel The plot of the story is very simple natural and intelligible but the characters were described very truly and vividly Jane Austen began her own literary creation in the background that consciousness of women was awakened gradually in the late of 18th century She was a female writer who attempted to understand women and seek for the value of women in society Her works reflected her consciousness of women through particular angle of view and unique manner of taste It could be seen that Jane Austen paid much attention on the society from her meticulous depiction of daily life With her keen feminism vision Jane Austen pushed the female which were in the marginal and inferior status into peoples field of viewIn Pride and Prejudice the author figured different kinds of female characters and prominently represented the feminism consciousness of the heroine which has the self-respect and independence to strive for equal and the freedom Consequently it highlighted the awakening of female consciousness of AustenFirst of all Jane Austen believed that lifetime blessedness of women is marital blessedness This is recognized in male society and also this is female fortunes wheel in that time Pride and Prejudice talks about fivesisters in MrBennet looking for the husband MrsBennet tried to her best to marry her daughter before the neighbor girl in despite of whom This description with full of cynical shows the realistic society However Jane Austens attitude is difference from the traditional marriage She believed marriage was made up of love So Elizabeth raised superior to Darcys courtship because he was arrogant and was lack of loveMarriage is the central topic in Austens Pride and Prejudice the plots of the novels and the actions of the characters revolve around marriage For Austens characters marriage does not mean the act of ungoverned passion but a complex engagement between the marrying couple and society Austens characters are completely integrated into society and play out the stories within the social rules They realize that marriage can provide opportunities of class mobility and financial support money and classier thus closely connected in their decision of marital partners Based on Socialist-feminism this thesis examines social background in Austen s time and explores how social conditions influence females psychological struggle and anxiety toward marriage For Socialist-feminists material factors shape womens marital consciousness in determinate ways The discussions of male class and female status in the end of the eighteenth century are helpful for understanding why marriage is the central topic in Austens novels In a sense marriage is regarded as a market place to exchange upward classmobility and financial support for Austens characters In order to achieve the goal of marriage females are good at transforming themselves into commodities by displaying their appearances and accomplishments to appeal to male gazers Women at the time were encouraged by the social value of performing manners of femininity to win husbands However when Austens female characters face mate selections an unconscious apprehension toward marriage can be observed From the social consideration of Austens time this thesis will reveal female marital perspectives anxieties and inner struggle in Pride and Prejudice It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife The first sentence of the novel Pride and Prejudice highlights the importance of marriage within the world of the novel The sentence suggests that the sole purpose for marriage was to increase the characters social and financial ranking The quote mentions nothing of love yet it provokes the feeling in the minds of the readers that the purpose of marriage is to merely create security Finding a suitable marriage for the female characters that lived in a patriarchal society often became the solace of their livesThe character of Elizabeth is a fascinating one and her personality only adds to the readers interest in her because she has many different sides and constantly changes opinions and ideas Towards the beginning of the book we are given many different descriptions of Elizabeth rangingfrom "She had a lively cheerful disposition which delighted in anything ridiculous" to "hardly a good feature in her face We can see that different people has varying views on her However through the course of the book we come to make our own opinion and I came to know her as being spontaneous high-spirited and intelligent and above all a complex young woman Elizabeth is a literary device used by Jane Austen to represent her values and attitudes on the importance of marrying for love We often see the world through Elizabeths eyes and we are positioned to empathize with her opinion on the absurdity of marrying for reasons other than love Elizabeth is a free-spirited individual who differs substantially from the other female characters of the novel Elizabeth refuses to be wed to a man to whom she does not love Elizabeth although often guilty of prejudice attitudes always acknowledges and learns from her mistakes She is a heroineB The Germination of Feminist Consciousness by Charlotte Bronte in the mid 19th Century in BritainJane Eyre is called the magnum opus of feminist literary in Britain The author Charlotte Bronte profundity models a new female-- Jane Eyre with strong treachery consciousness and opposes consciousness Through Jane Eyre the author expressed the awakening feminist consciousness and blazoned forth the au pair idea between love and marriage Then she put forward ideal of struggling for paddling ones own canoe and maintainingdignityThe 19th century in Britain is regard as the age of female novelist Charlotte Bronte was one of the best outstanding novelists Jane Eyre is representation of feminine literary because the topic shows the ideal of freedom equality and paddling their canoe Jane Eyre figures this kind of new female who can dare to struggle for fortune go in for the equal love and maintain their dignity Feminist consciousness refers to the consciousness that female regard themselves as subject Feminist consciousness surrounds the focus which is established in the consciousness of women as human beings their feelings experience about life and the world their desire pursuit and values The author lived in Britainthe original place of womans rights which is very important for authors feminist consciousness awakening And also this is a sign of the true awakening of feminist consciousness in Britain The feminist consciousness of Charlotte Bronte exceeds the others in the same time In Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte described that womans desperate struggle to attain her identity in isolation and impossible odds Although she processes a strong soul she must fight not only the forces of passion and reason within herself but others wills constantly imposed on her In its first publication it outraged many for its realistic portrayal of life during that time Ultimately the controversy of Brontes novel lied in its realism challenging the role of women religion and mortality in theVictorian societyJane Eyre tells the story of a woman progressing on the path of acceptance Throughout her journey Jane encounters many obstacles to her intelligence Male dominance proves to be the biggest obstruction at each stop of Janes journey Gateshead Hall Lowood Institution Thornfield Manor Moor House and Ferndean Manor As she grows though Jane slowly learns how to understand and control repressionIn the beginning of Jane Eyre Jane struggles against Bessie the nurse at Gateshead Hall and says I resisted all the way a new thing for me3 This sentence foreshadows what will be an important theme of the rest of the book that of female independence or rebelliousness Jane is here resisting her unfair punishment but throughout the novel she expresses her opinions on the state of womenSoon after Jane is settled at Lowood Institution she finds the enjoyment of expanding her own mind and talents She forgets the hardships of living at the school and focuses on the work of her own hands She is not willing to give this up when she is engaged to Rochester She resists becoming dependent on him and his money She does not want to be like his mistresses with their fancy gowns and jewels but even after she and Rochester are married she wants to remain as Adeles governess She is not willing to give up her independence to Rochester and tries to seek her own fortune by writing to her uncleJane not only shows the reader her beliefs on female independence through her actions but also through her thoughts Jane desires to see more of the world and have more interaction with its people While she appreciates her simple life at Thornfield she regrets that she does not have the means to travel She relates her feelings to all women not just those of her class sayingWomen are supposed to be very calm generally but women feel just as men feel they need exercise for their faculties and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do they suffer from too rigid a restraint too absolute a stagnation precisely as men would suffer and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings to playing on the piano and embroidering bags 4It is also important here to talk about Bertha for she is a female character who is often seen resisting It may be wondered why Jane seems to have little sympathy for her and part of the reason for this may be seen with how Bertha is portrayed While Bertha is a woman she is not presented as such She is described in animal-like terms and is called it not even she in the beginning Jane describes her meeting with Bertha as suchIn the deep shade at the farther end of the room a figure ran backwards and forwards What it was whether beast or human being one could not atfirst sight tell it groveled seemingly on all fours it snatched and growled like some strange wild animal but it was covered with clothing and a quantity of dark grizzled hair wild as a mane hid its head and face 5 In essence Brontes novel became a direct assault on Victorian morality Controversy based in its realistic exposure of thoughts once considered improper for a lady of the 19th century Emotions any respectable girl would repress Women at this time were not to feel passion nor were they considered sexual beings To conceive the thought of women expressing rage and blatantly retaliating against authority was defiance against the traditional role of women Jane Eyre sent controversy through the literary community For not only was it written by a woman but marked the first use of realistic characters Janes complexity lied in her being neither holy good nor evil She was poor and plain in a time when society considered "an ugly woman a blot on the face of creation" It challenged Victorian class structure in a strictly hierarchal society A relationship between a lowly governess and a wealthy nobleman was simply unheard of Bronte drew criticism for her attack on the aristocracy who she deemed as hypocritical "showy but not genuine" She assaulted individuals already established morals by presenting a plausible case for bigamy Notions should have evoked disgust and outrage from its reader Yet its most scandaless aspect was its open treatment of love Passionate love scenes which were for their day extremely explicit but by todays standardsare less than tameDo you think because I am poor obscure plain and little I am soulless and heartless You think wrong I have as much soul as you and full as much heart And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth I should have made it as hard for you to leave me as it is now for me to live you I am not talking you now through the medium of custom conventionalities nor even of mortal flesh it is my spirit that address your spirit just as if both had passes the grave and we stood at Gods feet equal we are 6Bronte implies "the importance of women having useful and creative existence" To no longer be forced into the servitude of one man nor enslaved to the social constrictions of the time As Jane so eloquently says "Women feel just as men"Jane Eyre is the main character in the novel named Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte She is but a fictional character and in our hearts she will stay This incredible lady in her beloved story has carried on through the centuries to inspire all its readers Jane is a cherished woman with whom everyone can find a bit of themselves inC The Feminist Consciousness in Latter 19th Century on the Base of Analysis of Cultural Background in Victorian AgeMrs Gaskell and Her WorksMrs Gaskell whose original name was Elizabeth born in 1810 died in1865 Her father is a pastor with considerable culture When Elizabeth was 22 years old she came to Manchester and married with the vice chair in the Manchester Church of GodThis is important for her She engaged in parish work with her husband at the same time she insisted in writing Mrs Gaskell has published many poetries and novels including the novel Mary Barton Cranford North and South Ruth and wife and daughter and other excellent works "Mary Barton" is the Mrs Gaskells first Budget who is the mid-nineteenth century English writer According to the female concept "Mary Barton" extols the virtues of the working women and describes the importance of women in our life Mrs Gaskell one of the female writers in Victoria time can comprehensively analyze womens labor force in this subject Therefore the novel was published with a very far-reaching social significance"Mary Barton" reflected the concept of female practitioners The publication of the novel encouraged women from home to society and encouraged to improve the social status of women which made a great contribution In Victorian time people thought that womens duty is being his wife and mother Then Mrs Gaskell wrote lot of novels for opposition this concept Most of the female protagonist can change their living environment in Mrs Gaskells novels She gave her female dramatis personae power to enable them to choose their own life In Mary Barton Gaskellfigured a young womens image - Mary Mary was full of happiness in the workplace The image of working women is rare in the Victorian era "Mary Barton" emphatically described the young women with lively intelligent confident personality The first impression of Marry is a positive attitude to life Gaskell showed that Mary arranged home affairs in order When her mother passed away she did all the house works and learnt how to make good use of money Mary must deal with various matters Mary didnt only do house works but also looked for work in society The descriptions of these circumstances show the importance of occupations And they should choose their occupations by themselvesWhen Mary Barton published it had tremendous impact on society Although this book was strongly criticized by the capitalists but Charles Dickens and other influential writers supported so it became a best-selling novel Critics began to re-evaluate Mary Barton and affirmed the importance of this novel in 20th century Mrs Gaskell was called a typical image of women in Victorian era and now she is a new image for fighting against female issue Todays women are still trying to resolve these similar problems In short because of Mary Barton Mrs Gaskell can establish the solid status of the critical realism literature in the United KingdomGeorge Eliot and MiddlemarchGeorge Eliot is the Victorian famous writer She works with a wide rangeof social content and the concerns of women living in that world Her works shows a very strong feminist consciousness Therefore studying for her feminist consciousness in-depth has an important significance for understanding of female writers in the creative contributions At the same time it has a great significance for observing the writers feminism for thinking about women s status and futureGeorge Eliot describes in her masterpiece Middlemarch how Dorothea the heroine with great enthusiasm and noble ideals accepts the marginalized role of her lot and is restricted in the trivial domestic sphere after a fruitless struggle against the conventional feminine life through marriage However feminists tend to misinterpret this compromised ending in Middlemarch They charge Eliot with lacking positive presentation of women with her not identifying the fictional life with her radical and fruitful life and with denying aspirant women every chance Critics somehow fail to perceive Eliots unique representation of feminine awareness of self in the text the stifling men-dominated social environment enslaves women into a tragic existence with suppressed souls and marginal place meanwhile women should be personally responsible for their wreck of ideals because of stigmatic female deficiencies and limitations Womens prosaic existence and Eliots exhausting experiences suggest that there are no readily options for aspirant women except the designated wifely life for the time being In her monumental representationof Dorothea Eliot aims to arouse the female consciousness to struggle out of tragedy by making women realize and overcome their gender deficiencies rather than take the radical meansIIIThe Reasons for the Awakening and Germination of Feminist Consciousness in the 19th Century in BritainWomen were oppressed in history in west Female was considered coarseness citizen According to Christian theology the condition of sin that marks all human beings as a result of EVE acts of disobedience7 Aristotle believed that because of lacking some idiosyncrasies women were called women 8 Kant held the opinion that woman was short of rational logic and the aesthetic ability And women should submit to man family is womens responsibility 9The origin of female literary traced back to middle ages and Revival of letters For changing womens society actuality and appealing to attach importance to female problem female literary had new breach in east Virginia Woolf said middle class women began to write in later of 18th century10 in A Room of Ones Own Marry The originator of world women movement appealed that man and women should equality women should independent in economy in A Vindication of the Rights of Women Babala Smith and Bessy Renault organize the first feminism movementInequality between man and women is the root cause of the right to private ownership and make social repression Human society entered the19th century as modern Western industrial civilization development feudal society and culture of the human spirit gradually loosened the shackles In this social context women in the family requests have equal status with men are increasing the feminist movement began to grow Womens movement was to natural and legal right and the Creator are fair whether male or female Women in the life liberty and the pursuit of happiness have the same right as men World womens rights movement originated Europe and the United States The feminist movement was closely with development of the industrial revolution in human progress Each time the industrial Revolution had brought about the feminist movement leaps and bounds End of the 19th century the first industrial revolution brought the budding feminist movement the1869 United States Womens Suffrage Association The early 20th century the second industrial revolution when the feminist movement in Europe and United States launched extensively 1914 London outbreak of the famous feminist movement attacked Buckingham Palace to the King George V petition The incident marked the feminist movement has entered a rapid development period As a social and cultural phenomenon the feminist movement firmly established in the corresponding social material on the basis of it also contributed to social culture especially the development of the human rights movementBefore 19th century English literature exclude female Charlotte Bronte gave up the ideal of becoming writer because the famous Lakers said。
(英语毕业论文)论劳伦斯《虹》里三代女性的爱情观第一篇:(英语毕业论文)论劳伦斯《虹》里三代女性的爱情观英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作从加菲猫看美国新个人主义价值观2 英语中的性别歧视The Exploration of Black Female Characters in Toni Morrison’s Novels A Study of Beauty in Sound, Form and Meaning Displayed in Zhang Peiji’s Prose Translation 5 分析阿加莎克里斯蒂在其侦探小说《阳光下的罪恶》中的写作手法 6 初中生英语自主学习能力培养的研究 Angelic devil: an analysis of the image of Catherinein Wuthering Heights 8 从《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》探索简奥斯丁实用爱情观9 呼啸山庄之人性的泯灭约翰斯坦贝克女性观流变初探A Comparative Study of Female Consciousness between Wang Anyi’s Everlasting Regret and Virgina Woolf’s Mrs.Dalloway 12 高中英语教学过程中实施情感教育的研究从《老人与海》看海明威小说中的英雄式人物的刻画 14 析《苔丝》中的象征意义15 浅析中西方饮食文化差异从《野性的呼唤》浅析杰克伦敦的哲学思想及其哲学倾向17 Irony Art in Orwell’s Animal Farm 爱伦坡短片小说“美女之死”主题研究19 英汉动物词汇隐喻的跨文化研究20 论奥斯卡.王尔德的唯美主义从认知角度看“水”的一词多义现象 22 英汉爱情隐喻对比研究 23 谈呼啸山庄的复仇主题基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究25 中西文化差异引起的语义歧义从精神分析法解读《追风筝的人》的主题27 中国茶文化与西方咖啡文化的对比分析 28 《名利场》中蓓基人物形象分析 29 主位推进模式在语篇翻译中的应用 30 对《别对我说谎》中非言语因素的分析31 从模因论视角看年度流行语“给力”从功能对等的角度浅析汉语成语中数字的翻译 33 肯德基在中国的成功之道 34 马丁伊登的自杀根由对中式菜名英译的试探性研究试论商务英语与普通英语的异同——商务英语书面语的特点37 从主人公的悲剧命运看《推销员之死》的现实意义 38 论中西文化的差异对习语翻译的影响 39 从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译A Comparative Study Between the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation 41 政治委婉语的取效性行为分析英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)从林语堂所译《浮生六记》看文化负载词翻译 43 麦都思眼中的中国宗教形象A Brief Study of Chinglish in C-E Translation 45 英语电影片名翻译策略研究 46 《红与黑》中司汤达的爱情观从功能翻译理论看科技英语与科普英语的汉译 48 试论用英语电影进行英语文化教学 49 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象 50 《他们眼望上苍》中的女性主义 51 浅析跨文化交际中的中英社交称谓A Contrastive Study on Traditional Festivals in Chinese and Western Cultures—from the Perspective of the Disparity between Spring Festival and Christmas Day 53 英语专业新生英语阅读习惯调查 54 透析《劝导》中的新女性形象论罗伯特.佩恩.沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求56 《大衣》中定语从句的翻译策略57 英语报刊新闻标题的特点及解读从社会语用学角度分析《雷雨》中的称谓语 59 《沙漠之花》的女性主义研究欲望与死亡——对马丁伊登的精神分析61 如何激发初中生的英语学习兴趣 62 从自然主义视角分析《嘉莉妹妹》 63 狄更斯《双城记》中的人道主义思想 64 跨文化视角下的中美社交礼仪的对比研究The Implication of Edna Pontellier’s Self-awareness in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening 66 《汤姆·索亚历险记》中所反映的社会问题 67 关于高中英语课堂内自主学习的思考 68 论英语课堂教学中的非语言交际寻找自我——从女性意识角度解读《觉醒》唯美主义与奥斯卡.王尔德的《道林.格雷的画像》71 从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合 72 对《红字》中完美人性的求索--浅析海斯特与丁梅斯代尔的自我思想较量与精神升华 73 简析比喻在《围城》中的运用 74 论小组学习在英语教学中的应用 75 商标翻译中的功能对等性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究 77 英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究78 Cooperative Learning in English Interpretation Class 79 《高老头》主人公人物性格分析Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies 81 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响 82 从关联理论看英文电影字幕翻译中的减译An Analysis of David Copperfield’s Dual Characte r浅论影视字幕翻译中的归化与异化——以《老友记》为例英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)论《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人文化传统Love under Asceticism in The Scarlet Letter and The Thorn Birds 87 论男权主义在圣经语言中的体现《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》女主人公比较分析 89 超音段特征对意义的影响“垮掉的一代”形成的背景探析Aesthetic Arts in Allan Poe’s Poetr y—An Analysis of Israfel and Annabel Lee 92 支付宝-淘宝的成功之道英语文学课外学习活动组织方式的探讨 94 英文电影片名翻译中的归化与异化策略被压抑的堕落的人性——《包法利夫人》女主人公性格分析96 商务信函的写作原则与技巧Translation of Tourism English in a Cross-Cultral Perspective98 论田纳西.威廉斯《欲望号街车》中的逃遁主义A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises--With Special Reference toChangan & Ford Motor Company 100 英语体育新闻的翻译从功能派翻译理论的角度看商标名称的英译重压之下的人之风采——以海明威《老人与海》为例 103 浅谈英语科技文献汉译时应注意的几个方面104 商务英语中含蓄否定句的研究挣扎与妥协——浅析达洛维夫人的内心矛盾 106 论流行网络词汇的汉英翻译凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德小说中的旅行主题分析108 黑人英语与非裔美国黑人文化的研究 109 论《呼啸山庄》中的象征主义运用 110 浅谈在华跨国公司的本土化策略 111 中西方酒店文化比较与探讨追求自由与理想的珍妮—从女性主义视角解读电影《阿甘正传》女主角A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights 114 李安电影中的文化融合现象中美文化差异对其商务谈判的影响从《汤姆索亚历险记》中分析马克吐温的幽默讽刺手法117 初中英语课堂教学现状调查A Study of Pragmatic Failure in Politeness between Chinese and English 119 《大地》中的儒家思想比较《基督山伯爵》和《连城诀》复仇的异同121 汉英“眼”概念隐喻的对比研究A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises--With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company 123 量词“片”与“piece”的语法化对比研究 124 从关联理论看美剧典故的翻译解析电影《黑暗骑士》中的美国个人英雄主义126 论《推销员之死》中的父子关系英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)《鲁滨逊漂流记》“星期五”被殖民化分析A Comparative Study of Chinese and French HigherEducation 129 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位130 On Feminism in Persuasion 131 A Study of Humor in Films and TV Series Subtitles and Its Translation 132英汉称呼语的对比研究Feminist Consciousness Shown on Scarlett O'Hara Impacts upon Today's Female 135 广告英语的修辞特点分析《雾都孤儿》中的讽刺手法On the Female Character During the War Through A Farewell to Arms 138 论《追风筝的人》中父子关系的心理剖析 139 从语言角度看中英广告翻译中的文化差异非传统式英雄——从女性主义批评角度看《名利场》141 浅析《道林.格雷的画像》中的女性形象142 论本杰明.富兰克林《自传》中的美国精神 143 民族文化差异与广告语言创意从翻译审美分析食品品牌名称翻译的原则及策略《等待戈多》中的矛盾分析-分裂的语言与互补的人物 146 从文化的角度理解《喜福会》中的母女关系147 分析西方末世论在美国电影中的体现 148 Grammatical Analysis of Academic Writing 149 英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究研究简奥斯汀的婚姻观---根据分析她的著作《傲慢与偏见》151 外教在英语口语教学中的作用 152 广告中的视觉隐喻及其解读153 论电影翻译中的创造性叛逆——以《肖申克的救赎》为例154 鲁滨逊荒岛生存技能的分析 155 论商务谈判中的文化因素 156 中式英语成因之分析157 马克·吐温的短篇小说的文体分析158 Perseverance in Belief—On the Death of Martin Eden 159 从任务型教学模式谈英语课堂沉默现象的预防策略 160 对狄金森诗歌中四个主题的分析161 论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源 162 高中英语写作作业的反馈及实施效果163 A Reflection upon American Heroism Based on Reviewsof Hollywood Movies 164 刍议美国情景喜剧中的美国俚语165 礼貌原则在英汉语言文化差异中的应用 166 英汉委婉语的跨文化对比研究 167 Preciseness of Legal English 168 中美时间观的文化差异 169 背诵在英语学习中的作用170 从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考(贡献者ID 有提示)171 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛姬的性格 172 中学英语教育中的情感教育173 从《画皮》及《暮色》比较分析中西人鬼文化 174 海明威在《永别了,武器》中的反战情绪175 从唯美主义的角度论《道林.格蕾的画像》中的主要人物176 英文中“and”的用法及译法探析 177 《老人与海》的家园意识178 浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的三次婚姻 179 《红字》中人性的罪恶与光辉 180 《夜莺颂》的翻译技巧探究181 An Analysis of The Call of the Wild from the Perspective of Existentialism 182 从认知语境角度探究社交语用失误的原因183 论《牧师的黑面纱》中的宗教讽刺184 跨文化交际视角下沉默行为的解析 185 对美国总统就职演说的文体分析 186 对意象翻译的初步研究187 从华裔女性文学看东西方女性主义的发展与融合——以华裔女作家林湄及其作品《天望》为例188 从《永别了,武器》看海明威的战争观 189 外语学习焦虑与口语成绩的相关性研究190 从时代背景看《唐璜》中个人主义到人道主义的升华191 《太阳照常升起》中“迷惘的一代”人物分析192 从“礼貌原则”看中国学习者在跨文化交际中的语用失误——以“please”为例 193 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响194 黑人社区的替罪羊--论托尼.莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人小女孩佩科拉 195 《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究 196 论英语无灵句与汉语有灵句的互译197 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异 198 小议非语言交际中的身体语言199 Financial Translation Industrialization 200 英汉称赞语回应的对比研究第二篇:论简爱与现代女性爱情观比较,开题报告中文系毕业论文开题报告题目:简·爱与现代女性爱情观比较开题时间:2012年1月一、选题意义(一)研究的现状综述简·爱已成为唯美爱情的一个典型,是世界文学研究领域方面一个引人注目的方面。
安阳师范学院人文管理学院本科毕业论文An Analysis of the Feminist Consciousness of Jane Eyre论《简爱》中的女性意识摘要《简爱》是英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特的代表作品,由于她成功地塑造了一个典型的人物—简爱,她也因此被认为是一位卓越的女作家。
关键词:女性意识;尊严;真爱;独立AbstractJane Eyre is the most famous work written by Charlotte Bronte in England. By creating successfully the typical figure, Jane Eyre, is also considered as an extraordinary woman novelist. When the book is published, the character of Jane Eyre has caught people’s broad attention. She showed some of the characteristics of early feminists, such as the persistence to rebel and fight bravely against the social oppression and discrimination, her unremitting efforts of pursuing freedom, equality, independence and true love and she always tries her best to seek for a happy life. That declared the awakening of female self-consciousness. At first, this essay attempts to introduce Jane’ female consciousness through an analysis of some cases happened to her, and a plenty of works will be done to describe her personal equality consciousness, her maintaining the dignity of woman and the pursuing of her independence both in marriage and economy. Then next part analyzes the causes of the formation of Jane Eyre’s female consciousness from the aspects of individuality and society. In the end, an analysis of revealing will be made about the female consciousness of Jane Eyre for women today, from which it can be seen obviously that the modern female have their own personal traits.Key Words: female consciousness, self-respect, true love, independenceContents摘要 (I)Abstract........................................................................................................................................ I II1. Introduction (1)2. The Performance of Female Consciousness of Jane Eyre (2)2.1 Personal Equality Awareness (2)2.2 The Pursuit of Dignity and Independence (4)2.3 The Pursuit of Love and Marriage (5)2.4 Independent Awareness in Economy (6)3. T he Causes of the Formation of Jane Eyre’s Female Consciousness (7)3.1 The Individual Factors (7)3.2 Family Factors (8)3.3 The Social Factors (8)4. The Revealing of Jane’s Female Consciousness for Modern Female (9)4.1The Influence of Jane Eyre (9)4.2 The Significance for Modern Female (10)5. Conclusion (10)Bibliography (12)Acknowledgements (13)1. IntroductionCharlotte Bronte is a great critical realist in the 19th century who was born in a poor family at Thornton Yorkshire. Her father is a country clergy man who has three daughters, and the another two are Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights was a great work written by her sister Emily and the other sister Anne has ever published Agnes Grey. Their novels based on their miserable lives are very popular in the word. Charlotte Bronte went to a charity school where bad food and poor living conditions were provided, and then, she was removed from the school to start a sketchy learning at home. She had been in a boarding school, and later was appointed as a family teacher. She has not received much formal schooling in her youth, but wide reading and home education seemed to give full play to her imagination. She had written lots of works in her long life. In 1842, Charlotte learned French for nine months in Brussels, and got a job. The job gave her a chance to work there as a teacher for one year. Later, she got married with a clergyman, but less than one year she died in 1855.Her masterpiece, Jane Eyre, is a world famous novel in 1847, and has been translated into many languages. She later wrote a great number of works in the past 40 years, which made her enjoy a high reputation.Jane Eyre is a novel written by Charlotte Bronte based on her own experiences, which is her most famous work. This novel has brought public attention and a heated discussion for over 150 years. On the surface, Jane Eyre is about a love story that tells us the beautiful love between a poor young woman Jane Eyre and a rich man Mr. Rochester. But when we read it carefully, it can be found out that this work is not only a simple love story, but also reflects some social issues in Victorian. Eyre is an orphan who is plain, timid and weak. She is ill-treated seriously by her relatives. She rebelled and fought bravely against the social oppression and discrimination, made unremitting efforts of pursuing freedom, equality, independence and true love and she always tries her best to seek for a happy life, which makes her a tough character with strong self-respect, beautiful ideal and wisdom. It can be seen that Jane Eyre, a marvelousfigure, has left us so much to recall and to think: she is a special image out of ordinary. She has the bravery to express her own idea and creates her own life. She always works hard and keeps her self-respect, intelligence and her tough personality under the pressure of life. In her point of view, everyone is not different at the same sky. Though there are differences in status, property and appearance, but all the human beings are equal in personality. She represents those middle-class working women who are struggling for the recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being. Jane tries her best to gain women’s liberation and to pursue freedom, equality and true love in spite of all difficulties. She began to understand the true meaning of life, and tried to brave and strong to live. She thinks i t’s her spirit that makes the life meaningful. Jane Eyre was Charlotte Bronte’s own embodiment to resist the oppression of the traditional morality.The heroine Jane moves most readers as a unique image in spite of her plainness, poverty and low position. There is no doubt that this novel is of great importance in the history of world literature, and a new image it creates gives a profound meaning about Jane’s personalities. It can be said that Jane Eyre is an excellent declaration of women. It is Jane Eyre’s female consciousness that awakens women’s strong desire for liberation. This thesis manifests the females’ situations under the traditional morality in Victorian age. Jane Eyre fights against to break the traditional morality at that time, which is the appearance of feminine consciousness. Women’s pursuing of equal social status like men and independence in life can be easily found.2. The Performance of Female Consciousness of Jane Eyre2.1 Personal Equality AwarenessWomen were discriminated against by men and almost had no right at Victorian Age because man dominated and controlled everything, including woman. However, Jane Eyre dares to challenge men’ authority and traditional ideas in the process of going for the freedom and equality in her life. One of the eternal sights is her powerful confession of love. In a pleasant evening, to tempt Jane Eyre, Rochester saidhe was going to marry Miss Ingram, but also expressed that he was passionately in love with Jane. He hoped that Jane would stay with him. Jane Eyre immediately retorted: “Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton?--a machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!” (Charlotte Bronte, 2007: 23) Here, Jane Eyre thought that her pride was hurt, and pure emotions played a trick by the traditional concept, so she sent out the angry voice under the patriarchal culture depressed women and gave a call of equality between men and women. In this section of the confession of love, it can be found that the poor consciousness and the sense of the slave of the employees are far from Jane Eyre. Some others thought that she was easy to look down on, thanks to her ugly looks and poor family. So when someone met Jane Eyre, they always seemed quite contemptuous, for that they think that they obviously much prettier than Jane. But as the little Jane had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’(Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre, 2003: 67) from that the idea of equality was showed strongly in Jane Eyre’s mind. She was not given the beautiful looks and an amount of money, but everyone is equal in the eyes of God, and Jane is not an exception. She has a kind heart and a thinking brain, which is different from others. What she impresses us most is her awareness of everyone is equal and the sense of self-respect. The strong power can be felt in her small body. Jane Eyre never forgets that she is equal with other people when in the face of that arrogant noble young lady. She always insists on the principle of equality between men and women. She said angrily and discontentedly: “women generally are considered to be very loyal, but they also have the same feelingwith man. And they, like their brothers, also need to play their talents to the full, to exert them to the harsh environment.” (Charlotte Bronte.Jane Eyre, 1997:45)the book shows its uniqueness and force because of Jane’s insistence on equality and shocked many women around the world. In order to strive for equality, Jane made a strong resistance. It can be said that Jane played the female consciousness of that age.2.2 The Pursuit of Dignity and IndependenceJane’s strong independent awareness has an impact on the people from other parts of the world. She was thrown into a survival environment where her parents were dead. However, it is possible for Jane to pursue her self consciousness and self rights. Aunt’s contempt, cousin’s insult and beat and the snobbishness of the servants, these are never made her give up. Instead, she rises up to struggle against opponents with terrible fear, and never compromises. Jane Eyre begun to realize that she had to rely on nobody but herself to get the respect from others at the Lockwood boarding schools. Although constantly humiliated in school, she didn’t sink in humiliation. She got her strength to obtain independence from her dear teacher and fellow students. Maria Temple, an independent woman, is the headmaster of the Institution. She has a responsible attitude toward students and sees everyone equally, even the low students. From then on, Jane began to realize that independence is of great importance thing for everyone to fulfill their values, which is a meaningful lesson she leaned from Maria Temple. Later Jane made great progress in the aspect of her studies and won the respect and understanding from her teachers and students. Eventually she succeeds and gains respect and popularity from the people around her.Later Jane began her teaching career, which made her be independent economically. Without economic independence, female liberation movement would be impossible. When Rochester provided Jane with a chance to free her passions, Jane came to realize that she would be sacrificing her dignity for the sake of her feelings, so she refused without hesitation, because she thought that the freedom and independence she achieved by living as Rochester’s mistress is shameful and disgraceful. From the point of Jane’s view, everyone is equal in terms of personality, without regard to their different status, property and appearance. Love must be basedon equality and mutual independence. Women with independent personality, self-esteem, self-love, but not attached to the other people can get others’ respect, love and real happiness. So when the rights and dignity was invaded, she will be desperate to resist for their human dignity.2.3 The Pursuit of Love and MarriageIn Britain, at that time, it is difficult for women to obtain a majority position that truly belongs to them. Women don’t free to choose a spouse and to enjoy freedom. But Jane is a woman full of new love. She has the bravery to be against the social order and convention. The love between her and Mr. Rochester is on the basis of equal exchange mind and spiritual communion, especially on the emotional communication. That is a kind of love o f ‘soul calling soul’. She insists on that she doesn’t need any stranger who has no common language and is incompatible with her. She needs a type of person with me; she can get emotional resonance together. Love is equal and need mutual exchanges. This is the first criteria of mate selection in Jane Eyre’s view. She is just a poor teacher with a small figure and no charming beauty, and she hasn’t a noble position, an illustrious background, and an amount of wealth or a beautiful appearance. The only proud thing is her self-respect and her staunch independence. She never expects Rochester to love her for that she thinks there is a wide gap between them. In order to not lose herself, Jane always keeps her self-respect and independence when they fall in love. Therefore she has won the love of Rochester. It can be acknowledged that the reason lies in her unique personality and bright spirit that is her most valuable personality.It is said that love is the most beautiful thing in the world, which can bring human beings the spiritual happiness and delighted warmth. However, some people regard their love as goods that can be sold and measure their marriage by some materialistic staff, such as social status, money and power. Maybe they have never tasted the true love. Jane and Rochester love each other; the true love is their common goal that can enjoy the same thing. They can break the bonds of tradition and surpass all obstacles. More efforts like that have been done to achieve true love after they experienced a lot of sufferings. Eventually Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochesterwho has rich experience and wisdom, but not for his wealth and high rank. Rochester loves Jane for her unique character.Honesty should be based on mutual trust and play a very important role in love. Communication is also very important in inter-personal relationships, especially in love. Two people during the time of loving, they will communicate with each other honestly and share the same interest. Then they can have a perfect love. Jane and Rochester are just like this. At the beginning, they have some certain love feelings due to their frank exchanges. Jane understands and loves Rochester more when he tells all things about what happened in his past. Actually, Rochester sees Jane as a real independent person, not an employee or the slave of man and has a strong desire to get true love from her. When it comes to Jane’s love, her marriage has to be built on equality, mutual respect and honesty. She looks down upon the people who get married for money, status and any other beneficial things and refuses to be a puppet especially in the rich family. She truly loves Rochester and has nothing to do with his wealth and social status.2.4 Independent Awareness in EconomyIn the novel Jane Eyre Charlotte expressed strongly a view that female must achieve independence in economy. Charlotte mentioned that, no more than one, if the unmarried women have not their own property, they have to face the hard situation of their low status and aimless to live. She also thought women should not be the goods of the market for sale, but should actively fight for their position, and pursue the spiritual liberation and personality independence that is on the basis of economic independence. It is very necessary for woman’s liberation and their dignity, personality and position.Jane does not want to be the slave of money and to rely on others. She falls in deep love with Rochester. But he does not want Jane to go on working he wishes Jane belongs to him completely and considers Jane as his property. Jane refuses his suggestion without any hesitation.In her opinion,if she loses her job, she must depend on Rochester to live,thus economic independence says goodbye to her. She thinks that a kind of independence in property may also be a kind of comfort. Shedoes not want to be piece of personal belongs of Rochester. At last, she decides to preserve her independence.In the beginning of the novel, economic factors have obvious performance. Her father left her no penny in childhood, so she had to be a sponsor with abuse and humiliation. But through her own hard work, she had a job, a family teacher, which made her gain independence in economy. And at the same time, she also paid more attention to seek spiritual freedom. This freedom and independence are to maintain the foundation of all rights. Eventually she was married Rochester whose a large number of heritage burnt in a big fire. Here, it can be found that Ja ne’pursuit of economic independence is just the way of the achievement her independent personality.3. The Causes of the Formation of Jane Eyre’s Female Consciousness 3.1 The Individual FactorsJane Eyre has her own wisdom, courage and knowledge to achieve a happy life and realize her values, from which she comes to be recognized and respected. Her positive attitude towards life and the confidence in her own experiences make her take a turn for the better.Frankness and rejoicing is her hopeful attitude toward her unfortunate life. In Jane’s long life road, her attitude was formed from her life experiences, her feelings and viewpoints, and the life attitude also experiences a process of growth and maturation. Jane Eyre indicates her resolution by action, making all the costs to maintain human dignity.Jane has some qualities that modern woman should have. In such an era, the patriarchal cultural oppression exists in every corner of the female life. Jane Eyre figures out that a powerful man is based on wom an’s ignorance and obedience, and she comes to realize that women can not be controlled and dominated by man. On the contrary, woman should go for the equal rights in occupation, education and any other facets in life. Because Jane Eyre is strong, and can always keep a clear mind, in any crisis emergence, she always shows calmness. Whenever Rochester is in trouble, heinstinctively turns to Jane who can give him the inner power of life. In the process of getting along with Jane, Rochester has been totally attracted by her unique personality charm, so that he is totally dependent on Jane Eyre in spirit and life. Jane Eyre’s individual factors are the important elements for the formation of her female consciousness.3.2 Family FactorsJane Eyre is an orphan, whose parents passed away when she was very young, being raised by Mrs. Reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt. Jane has ever received kindnesses from a servant named Bessie who often told her some interesting stories and singing songs. One day, she fight with her bullying cousin John Reed, and said “Wicked and cruel boy!” “You are like a murderer.” (Charlotte Bronte, 2007: 12). After that, Jane was confined in the red-room by cruel aunt, in which Jane’s Uncle R eed died. While locked in, Jane was so frightened that she believed she saw her uncle’s ghost, and she screamed and fainted. The sufferings from humiliation teach Jane to be maintaining dignity over anything else. She wakes to find herself in the care of Bessie and Mr. Lloyd, the kindly apothecary who suggests to Mrs. Reed that Jane be sent away to school. When her aunt said she was a liar and nasty girl. Jane felt her personality is suffering from a brutal trample, so her humiliation and anger turned into strong resistance in her heart: “You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so, and you have no pity. People think you a good woman, but you are bad, and you are deceitful!”(Charlotte Bronte 2007 , 2 第三十页) This victory made Jane Eyre hurt in her young mind once again , she realized that the only way was the resistance if one wanted to be survive, and obtain fair treatment as anyone else. These family factors have a great impact on her female consciousness later.3.3 The Social FactorsIn 19th century, women did not have any status. They were discriminated and had no such choices. Most of them lived in a state little better than slavery. They had little choice but to obey men, because man dominates all the things in most cases. Girls are forbidden from college and can land only low-income jobs. Women s solepurpose was to marry and reproduce. At that time, woman just was teaching as school mistress or a tutor in a private family. They are educated to remain ignorant and uneducated.In the late 19th century, feminism began to gain popularity in some western countries such as Britain and America and so on so forth. Feminism means that women can get equal rights and opportunities with men; it is a social reform that seeks to end the inferior status of women. Feminism is worldwide. Its aim is to save women from all forms of oppression, and led to unity between women. The charter movement in which the proletariat struggle for democratic rights is rising. From then on the position of women was given prominence. Many people put forward the slogan of freedom for woman's rights, and woman’s independent awareness has been greatly raised. They think they are all equal with men and they have the right to decide their own marriage. Jane with unique character is different from many other women in the male-dominated society. Jane’ great character inspirits not only women but also men. Jane’s a great soul is a bright star to guide us in a long journey.4. The Revealing of Jane’s Female Consciousness for Modern Female 4.1The Influence of Jane EyreJane Eyre develops from an angry, rebellious girl into a sensitive, confident and independent young woman. In fact, she is also the prototype of the author in this novel. It can be said that Jane’s biggest barrier is her social class, but even so, Jane never give up pursuing her financial and emotional independence. The reason why she rejected to marry Rochester was that she realized she can get married with him so long as she has obtained the financial independence. She acknowledged that self-esteem and economical independence were the basis of maintenance a marriage of equality. She is valued for her humanity and values. The story told with terrific intensity. The hardships Jane experienced were illustrated in such a simple and plain language that you could not be read without emotion. Jane Eyre is unique in Victorian fiction. It is one of the most popular of all English novels and has a great effect on thepeople all over the world.4.2 The Significance for Modern FemaleIt can be seen that the status of woman has been improved so fast nowadays, but woman’s status is also very low in some countries. Most feminists believe discrimination against women still exists in North American and European nations, as well as worldwide. But as we all known, it have taken a considerable leap for the rights and status of woman. It is also interesting to witness that in recent years some developing nations, such as India, and Israel that have chosen women as heads of state. What’ more, many women are working in many big companies as leaders or boss. Moreover, we take for granted that women can choose whether or not to marry, and whether or not to have children, and so on. On the whole, we can say that the liberation of woman is no longer a big issue, but we still need to make every effort to fight for more rights for woman. There also seems little doubt that the demand for sexual equality will persist until it has fully been granted everywhere. Today, however, in addition to economic issues, problems of sexual self-determination have come to the foreground. We should do everything we can to advance woman’s right s and status, and achieve real equality between men and women.5. ConclusionFrom the analysis above it can be seen Jane is a good model for women in all aspects, such as, her self -esteem, respect, independence, and her views on true love, her courage, her spirit and ideas. This road in J ane Eyre’ life is full of hardships. In this process, she has ever been depressed, but she was brave and still struggled for her own ideal and dream under the bad environment. She has a heroic spirit in facing hardships. There is a process of growth and enrichment in Jane Eyre’s attitud e towards life, which includes the formation of personality, the attitude toward love and the attitude toward life and death. From this a new feminine image from Jane is presented; the image can be the firm ideals and persistent pursuit of self-esteem, independence, self-reliance, the choice of one’ own life. This is the charisma of JaneEyre, as well as the purpose of this paper. So we still say Jane Eyre is great. Charlotte who publishes her own idea through Jane Eyre is greater. Through Jane Eyre , It can be understood that the woman can find the true love and the sense of belonging so long as they does not submit to the social class and the sex prejudice, and does not approve the oppression, or the status which controls them.Finally, the sprits of independence and sovereignty for women advocated by Charlotte Bronte is what the modern women are pursuing even day, which also influences millions of her readers who can’t get an equal treatment in the society from ancient time till now. Let the great work light up every corner of being unfairly treated women.Bibliography[1] Bronte Charlotte. Jane Eyre [M].New York: Oxford University Press. 1975[2] Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre[M]. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press. 1996[3] Gaskell Elizabeth. Life of Charlotte Bronte[M]. Hammondsport:PenguinPress.1975[4] Wu Wyden. History and Anthology of English Literature[M]. 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Extend my sincere gratitude and the lofty respect to my dear XXXLast my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.。
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Analysis of the Awakening Process of Edna in The Awakening by Using“Maslow’s Hierarchy
Journal of Literature and Art Studies, May 2019, Vol. 9, No. 5, 493-496doi: 10.17265/2159-5836/2019.05.008Analysis of the Awakening Process of Edna in The Awakening by Using “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” TheoryXING Xiao-jie, JIA Xiao-yunUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, ChinaThe Awakening written by Kate Chopin is published for a long time, which stirs up streams of praise for its boldcontent. Most researchers make analysis on this novel from different perspectives including postmodernism,deconstruction, feminism, binary opposition, and so on. Based on the “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, this paperlays emphasis on the transition of protagonist Edna from suffering the traditional shackle to pursuing theself-independent. This paper aims to help readers realize an awakening process of Edna and appeals for moreconcern on the transformation of females’ roles.Keywords: “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, awakening, transition of femaleIntroduction“Hierarchy of Needs” is proposed by Abraham Harold Maslow who is a famous American psychologist focusing on the pyramidal pattern of people’s development. According to the Maslow’s research, this theory is classified into five parts: physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Deficiency needs ranging from bottom to top include physiological need, safety need, belongingness need, and esteem need while the growth need which is opposed to the deficiency needs only contains the self-actualization need. The fulfillment of deficiency needs depends largely on others or environment but the growth need is fulfilled independently (2007, pp. 6-7). This thesis divides the deficiency needs into two parts including the basic needs and the psychological needs. The basic needs include physiological need and safety need. If people cannot fulfill these needs, they cannot gain the safeguard to pursue the higher needs. After people fulfill the basic needs, the psychological needs which contain belongingness needs and esteem needs could be implemented with the help from others. Having realized the basic needs and psychological needs, people can achieve the growth needs to gain the positive attitude towards the future. This theory presents the hierarchical distribution, which evolves from low-level requirements to high-level requirements and emphasizes that different parts play the dominating roles in different periods. The Awakening, written by Chopin, demonstrates a picture in which Edna gradually meets her higher-level requirements. In the first place, Edna only keeps a watchful eye on her household chores, which is the symbol of fulfilling the basic needs. As time passes by, except for the household affairs, she gives priority to her own life on the giving list so that she gains true friends XING Xiao-jie, Master, College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.JIA Xiao-yun, Associate Professor, College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai, China.494ANALYSIS OF THE AWAKENING PROCESS OF EDNA IN THE AWAKENINGand love. In this process, she fulfills the love needs and esteem needs. At the end of this novel, Edna moves into a small house by herself in order to obtain the independent life, which embodies the self-actualization needs. This thesis illustrates the awakening process of Edna from these three parts: basic needs, psychological needs, and self-actualization needs.Awakening Process of Edna From Three PartsEdna is a traditional woman who is willing to sacrifice everything to take care of her family. Suppressed by the conventional dogma, she introspects herself and gradually awakens her consciousness. In her awakening process, Edna satisfies her needs from the lowest to the highest.Fulfillment of Basic NeedsIn the first place, Edna should fulfill the physiological needs. At the beginning of this novel, the writer depicts that Edna lives in a rich life for her husband who is a businessman can earn much money. If we pencil a pair of concentric circles to classify different social roles of male and female characters in the novel, the majority of submissive domestic women would be placed in the inner circle, and the outer circle must be entrenched by the male force, which dominantly supported the family and operated the social machine (Zhuang, 2011). Owing to a large amount of money, their house as one of the most splendid ones in that region is decorated beautifully. Besides, there are many servants to look after them. Obviously, Edna does not need to worry about the daily necessities in the light of the prodigious material life. Within the context of richness, Edna meets the physiological needs without any difficulties.After fulfilling the physiological needs, Edna reckons that she should find some challenges that can bring a sense of surprise to her life in order to cast off the dull life. Within this context, Edna has an opportunity to meet the safety needs while swimming in the sea.In The Awakening,Edna learns to swim all summer. At first, Edna is inundated with fear of death when she swims in the boundless sea. With Robert’s encouragement, she plucks up courage to swim. While she swims away in the sea, she is driven by instinct to withdraw and seek protection. A quick vision of death smites her soul, and then appalls and enfeebles her senses. However, by the effort she rallies her staggering faculties and manages to regain the land (Chopin, 2003, p. 38). Edna makes bold attempt to swim in the sea, which is a miracle for the whole society. Owing to her bold behavior, many people think that Edna is a crazy woman and they do not allow themselves to approach her. Edna is eager to have access to the help from other people while there is nobody giving her a hand except for Robert. At that moment, Robert is the only person who can assist Edna to overcome fear, so Edna entrusts herself to Robert. If Edna is in danger of drowning, Robert must go to his great lengths to rescue her. Due to the support from Robert who is in favor of her swimming, it is safe for Edna to swim in the sea. Fulfillment of Psychological NeedsThe psychological needs include love needs and esteem needs. The belongingness and love needs are mainly obtained from friends and lovers while the esteem needs are usually from the person himself.At the beginning of this novel, a parrot kept in the cage comes into view. The parrot epitomizes Edna who is shackled by her family in the cage. Edna shoulders the responsibilities coming from her family, which means she must be a good mother and wife. She puts all her efforts on her family so she cannot go out of her way to live a life.ANALYSIS OF THE AWAKENING PROCESS OF EDNA IN THE AWAKENING495By contrast, she yearns for free life. In her awakening process, she endeavors to make communication with outside world, especially with the good friends Robert and Reisz, who have given her great influence. Even though Reisz is unwelcomed by the public, Edna does not disgust her. When Edna intends to live independently in a tiny house instead of living a big house with her family, Reisz encourages her to discount the rumor and live in her own way. In the perspective of friendship, Edna meets the belonging needs from Miss. Reisz.Besides, Robert is another friend who helps her to fulfill her love needs. When Edna swims, Robert is always there to give her warmth and encouragement. In that age, almost few women wearing the swim suits swim freely in the sea because most people reckon it as an absurd behavior which is not in line with the tradition. Edna longs for having a free forum in which the oppressed mind can be purged and understood whereas she is scared of shaking the bondage of tradition because no woman has ever done that before. Nevertheless, she attempts to fight against the constraint forced on her even if no women rebels the tradition, fortunately she has Robert as her solid shelter whenever she is merged by the gossip. Within the context of frequently contacting with Robert, Edna embraces an intimate relationship with him.Even though Edna has many friends in her life, she only considers Reisz and Robert as her true friends and lover respectively, which illustrates that she gains belongingness and love needs from these two people.After fulfilling the belongingness and love needs, Edna begins to introspect herself and pays more attention to her inner thoughts. She is eager to obtain the pleasure from her work or life to fulfill the esteem needs.Even if Edna lives a rich life, she also desires to earn money by herself instead of counting on her husband. Women are not men’s appurtenances. Chopin doubts that women’s roles stipulated by the society were to raise their children and to obey their husbands (Wei, 2000). If Edna has the idea of getting away from her family or the traditional fetter, she must face how she can make a living by herself. Edna shows the talent in drawing, so she decides to paint for making a living. At that time, ignoring the blunt comments from others, Edna considers painting as a good way to earn money. She can obtain some pleasure and confidence from her working life, satisfying her inner self-esteem by utilizing her subjective initiatives to take the great leap in her life. Edna is not only willing to earn money by painting but also eager to obtain the acknowledgement from other people. In this novel, she paints a portrait for Madame Ratignolle. The picture completed bore no resemblance to Madame Ratignolle. Madame Ratignolle was greatly disappointed to find that it did not look like her. But it was a fair enough piece of work, and in many respects satisfying (Chopin, 2003, p. 15). It shows Edna’s painting gains recognition from Ratignolle, which demonstrates the fulfillment of esteem needs. Having been recognized by other people, Edna is satisfied with her life.Fulfillment of Self-Actualization NeedsThe self-actualization needs are at the top in “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”. The self-actualization underlines that we should explore our potentials to become the person we expect. After gaining the love and belongingness from others and having been recognized by others, Edna has the confidence to pursue the independent life.Edna entertains her friends on the 29th birthday which is a new start in her life, declaring that she decides to move into a small house in order to live an independent life (Liu, 2011). Virginia Woolf once said in A Room of One’s Own, if women are eager to completely obtain the independence, they must meet these two demands: One496ANALYSIS OF THE AWAKENING PROCESS OF EDNA IN THE AWAKENINGis that they must have their own home, the other is that they must achieve the economic independent (1934, p. 2). Even if her life is not luxurious as it used to be, her heart is filled with happiness because of getting rid of the traditional role imposed on her. She has more free time to do her things, not catering the other people with the mundane matters.ConclusionEdna is a brave woman who tends to sacrifice everything to achieve her ideal life but she used to be a traditional woman who centers on her family and echoes others blindly, which means it is a long journey for her to awaken herself. In the awakening process, she satisfies her needs from bottom to top and she finally achieves the self-actualization. Analyzing the awakening process from five parts of this theory, this thesis helps readers better understand Edna’s thoughts and appeals for more concern on the transformation of females’ roles in the changing time.ReferencesChopin, K. (2003). The awakening. New York: Bantam Dell.Huang, J. Y. (2011). Analyze The awakening in the perspective of feminism. Literature Criticism, 12, 56.Liu, L. (2011). Invisible yoke—analyze the implication of symbolism in The awakening. Journal of Chifeng College (Social Science Edition), 7,160-162.Maslow, A. (2007). Motivation and personality. (J. S. Xv, Trans.). Beijing: China Renmin University Press.Wei, Z. Q. (2000). Bewilderments in The awakening—analysis of Chopin’s feminist ideas. Journal of Liaoning Normal University (Social Science Edition), 4, 85-88.Woolf, V. (1934). A room of one’s own. (H. Wang, Trans.). Shanghai: A Division of Shanghai Century Publishing.Zhuang, Y. (2011). In search of Edna’s new self: An analysis on the female identity construction in Kate Chopin’s The awakening.Journal of Southwest Agricultural University (Social Science Edition),12,138-143.。
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本文从小说的人物形象入手,通过分析主人公与同性与异性的关系和她的自我意识从萌发、增强到窒息的过程,阐述该小说揭露的社会现实和所体现的女性主义特点,探讨《觉醒》在当时社会和现代语境中的重要意义.关键词:女性文学;人物形象;自我意识;女性主义思想特点Abstract:Kate Chopin’s The Awakening is a classic of women’s writing in American Literature. The thesis is an elucidation both of the characteristics of feminist ideas as is revealed in the novel and the significance of the novel against the social background of the past and in the modern context through the analysis of female character’s relationship with other male and female characters and the process of her awakening marked by the growing sense of self.Key Words:Women’s writing;Female character;Sense of self; Characteristics of feminist ideas凯特·肖邦(Kate Chopin) (1851-1904),美国女作家,生于圣路易斯,受教育于一个女子修道学校。
关键词:内战;女性角度;女性主义The awakening of female consciousness of Scarlett's character inGone with the WindAbstractAs the first novel which describe American Civil War from women’s perspective, Margaret focuses on the suffering from the war of those women who stay at home and their difficult journey of reconstruction. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding have given different evaluation about this novel. Most of their researcher concentrates on the historical background of American Civil War, the abolitionist though, Scarlett’s particular character and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Many critics question the literary value and outdated racial issue of Gone with the Wind. Some consider the novel superficial while treated it only a simple love story. However, the author thinks that the novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical backgrounds, our own, Mitchell’s, and Scarlett’s. On the base of perspective of feministic, this paper wound analyzes the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel and its positive effect on the cause of women liberation. The first part of this paper is a general introduction to the work. Then the following chapter is introduction of the female consciousness, Chapter three is feminist analysis of Gone with the Wind and of Scarlet’s characteristic.Key words:Margaret; Scarlett; Civil War.AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I want to express my great gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Ge Youjin, both for her valuable advice and critical comments during the process of writing this essay. With patience and courage , he guided me this essay and discovered defects in my theorizing. Thought I know that the thesis might still contain some errors, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My thanks also go to all the teachers in the Department of English, whose scholarship has impressed me during my college years.I am also very grateful to my friends, who have given me useful help and courage when I am writing this essay.Finally, I greatly appreciate my parents's support and endless love. My heart swells with gratitude to all the people who helped me.Contents中文摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1. Gone with the wind1.1 The introduction of the author (3)1.2 The brief introduction of the story (5)2.The Female Consciousness ················································································2.1 The definition of the Female consciousness (5)2.2 The background of the Female consciousness (7)2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousness (8)3.Specific analysis (8)3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character (8)3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novel (9)3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone withthe Wind (9)4.Analyzing the novel's theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern society (14)5.Conclusion (17)6.Notes Bibliography (14)introduction1.1 The introduction of the authorMargaret Mannerly Mitchell, an American author, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the Wind. It was the only and best book she wrote in her all life, Margaret Mitchell was born in Atlanta, where she can hear many stories about the war between the northern and southern states in American, and when she was wounded in home, she decided to write a book about the war .This work is one of the most popular books of all time.1.2 The brief Introduction of the storyThe novel Gone with the Wind was set the times of the Civil War in Atlantic. At that time, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. Soon or later, the American Civil War broke out. Ashley and Charles joined the war. Unfortunately, Charles died in the war. Scarlett became a widow, but she has been in love with Ashley.2.The female consciousness2.1 The definition of the female consciousnessFeminism is the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities int ended to achieve this state. Hundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men. Then there appear feminism. Feminism is a series of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues.2.2 The background of the female consciousnessHundred years ago, women’s social statue was quite low, women was treated as appendage to men, they only had rights of living, their manner, speaking and behavior were regulated by a series of serious rules and discipline. With the education spreading among women and the awakening of female self-consciousness, they came to realize that they should defend their economic, political and other rights and pursue equal treatment like men.2.3 The development and influence of the Female consciousnessFirst-wave feminism was a series of activities during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the U.K. and U.S., it focused on promoting equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused mainly on gaining political power, particularly the right of women's voting, though some feminists were active in campaigning for women's sexual and economic rights at this time.Second-wave feminism is a feminist movement beginning in the early 1960s and continuing to the 20th and it coexists with third-wave feminism. Second wave feminism is largely concerned with issues of equality not only suffrage, but things like ending discrimination. Second-wave feminists treat women's cultural and political inequalities as its main purposes that to be deal with. During this period, feminist encourage women to understand aspects of their personal lives deeply by means of public promoting. The feminist activist and author Carol Hamish came up with the slogan for the first time "The Personal is Political", which became synonymous with the second wave.Third-wave feminism is start from 1900 to the present. It arose as a response toward failures of the second wave and also as a response to the movements created by the second wave. Third- wave feminism often correct the second wave’s ideas and movements that are not good for females. It accommodates contradictions; conflict and changes. The third wave has its origins in the mid-1980.3.Specific analysis3.1 The analysis of the characters in the novel character3.2 The specific examples and analysis of the awakening of the consciousnes of the novelScarlett’s mother Ellen, a typical noble and elegant female character, is a faultless woman with selfless love. Although she abides by the traditional conventions, she is also a girl with flesh and blood, thought and love. When her love is against ethical codes, she also flares resistant sparks, showing her self-consciousness. At the age of fifteen, Ellen irrevocably falls in love with her cousin Philip, a playboy. Her father firmly objects to it and manage to extrude Philip. Later Philip dies of a bar rioting. His death takes away all of Ellen’s hope. She adopts the only way a gir l can take to fight against her father’s autocracy——forcing her father to agree with her own choice of marriage with the threat of being a nun. She buries her desperation down in her heart and exhausts her life in selfless dedication to her family. However on her deathbed, what she calls out are not the names of her daughters or her husband, but her beloved Philip. Although her fight dose not make her live with her lover, it reflects women’s longing and pursuit for free love and self-directed marriage. This obviously oversteps the meaning of love and marriage themselves and extends to the pursuance of human rights and women’s independence.Scarlett O’Hara, the heroine, is an artistic character that has strong, clear-cut, and rebellious individuality. As t he apple of her parents’ eyes, she comes on the stage from the age of 16 to 28, during which she has married three husbands, been a widow twice, given birth to three babies and also has spared no efforts to revive the family business. When creating this female image, the author places her under the wild social background of American Civil War and the background of the reconstruction after the war, demonstrates her disposition and manners in multi-aspects of her life in love, war and family with a full reflection of her winding and changing psychological journey; thus brings about for the readers a female who is brave enough to face life, unwilling to be indifferent, and persistent in the pursuit of self-value.In the patriarchal society, Scarlett opposes to the gender discrimination from the bottom of her heart; she is neither reconciled to the passive position nor to the failure; besides, she keeps being herself, and always directly expresses and immediately takes action for what she wants. All of these are the epitomes of her strong sense of feminism. It can be said that she, form beginning to end, is against sexism and the fetters imposed on her by the gender attribution, and does her utmost to look for women’s rights which are equal to or even more than those of men’s with her own practices. She is the perfect embodiment of Virginia Woolf’s “androgyny” thought governed by two kinds of power at the same time: the feminine power, soft on theoutside while staunch on the inside; and the masculine power, tender inside despite a hard shell. She overthrows the images of “angels” or “lamias” in the patriarchal literature, and becomes a masculine woman——a woman with men’s wisdom, indomitable will and wild ambitions. As an image with the ideal personality of “androgyny” which is the deconstruction of gender binary opposition, Scarlett announces Margaret’s strong protest against male-centered values.French famous sociologist Julia Kristeva once said that “God” in patriarchal religion creates the world: he separates light from darkness, land from ocean, and a variety of animals and human beings from himself, putting over the original chaotic connection. Through similar separation, humans are divided into two categories: men and women. Women are departed from men, turning into wives, daughters, mothers, or being the three at the same time with the function of multiplication (Julia Kristeva, 1974). God seldom talks to women and most of religions in western cultures oppress women’s consciousness. In patriarchal society, Go d stands up for men, the evidences of which can be traced in the Holy Bible “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ” (Bible, 2008). Therefore women’s rebellion against “God” who defends male rights is an exhibition of their self-consciousness. Scarlett, the heroine, is such a woman who is afraid of neither “God” nor men.For Scarlett, religion is just a thing on the lips. When the whole family is praying, her disappointment and sadness have indeed gone with the wind, and she gains a sense of hope; however such comfort is not from God but from her mother’s peaceful face as she is praying. In Scarlett’s eyes, her mother Ellen rather than God is her real spiritual backbone and source of wisdom. Therefore when Scarlett leaves her mother, her religious convention becomes quite weak. “Scarlett’s conscience smote her at this last, for it had been months since she had been to church.”(Margaret Mitchell, 2008). In addition, the misery later brought by the war further stops Scarlett from going to the church, praying or communicating with God, for she feels that asking for God’s blessing dose little good to relieve her sufferings. She even questions God’s power and justice in her heart “For some time she had felt that God was not watching out for her, the Confederates or the South, in spite of the millions of prayers ascending to Him daily” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). After pushing through the flames of the war and going through thick and thin, Scarlett return home Tara only to find her mother’s death and the devastated house with nobody and nothing to rely on. The death of her mother completely cuts off the contact between God and her, and becomes the symbol of her non-believing. The so-called “Omniscient and omnipotent” God cannot give her strength, nor can he be the one that can be counted on. Hence, she dose what she wants to do, says what she wants to say, and creates her own life with her own hands, regardless of the God’s wil l.From the very beginning she denies accepting the marriage proposed by her father. At the barbeque in the Twelve Oaks, she casts off lady’s style, takes the initiative to reveal her true love to Ashely and even proposes the idea of elopement. She throws off family bondage, steps out of the cave of “home” into society and no longer blindly sacrifices herself to fulfill others. Instead she courageously quests fortrue self and her value. Through her numerous anti-conventional behaviors, Scarlett demonstrates her outstanding judgments and courage. Her behavior outdoes what the patriarchal society has set for women, expressing women’s desire for self-consciousness and independent rights.3.3 The great significance of the female consciousness of Gone with the WindAs for the marriage in the traditional patriarchal society, men occupy the positive role while women are passive. However, Scarlett actively keeps searching for her own marriage and true happiness. She chooses to express her deep love to Ashely instead of accepting the marriage selected by her father. Although her later marriages are resulted from life forces, they are her own decisions. She is the rare master of her love and marriage in that era.For many years, there is only one man in her heart——Ashely. In order to win his love, she simpers, pretends to be innocent and shows her off with every means which she despises so much. For this blind love, she would rather to raise Ashely’s whole family. Furthermore, she is even willing to give up her lumber mill’s half profits just for Ashely’s stay. After Ashely’s return from the war, he has nothing except depression and inability. However Scarlett, who always disdains the weak and the coward, shows her great tolerance and understanding to him, taking every possible measure to support him materially. Lost in her love, Scarlett considers Ashely as a deity. She would give everything even her life to do what he wants. But when she stands a chance to get Ashely, she miserably finds that he is not her “Mr.Right”. “He never really existed at all, except in my imagination” (Margaret Mitchell, 2008). She realizes her real beloved is Rhett, the man who stands behind her but quietly supports and loves her. But unfortunately it is too late to realize it because Rhett, with a deeply broken heart, decides to leave her. Although Scarlett is at her wits’ end for a while, she regains her fighting spirit. She makes up her mind to get him back. She believes that she can make it as long as she has determined to do. She will not and neither can she admit failure. Her fate and her happiness are in her own hands. Therefore in Scarlett’s sub-consciousness, she has strong awareness of male conquest.4.Analyzing the novel's theme and its significance and enlightenment for the modern societyBefore the Civil war, the South is a new reclaimed land where the industrial civilization has not yet penetrated it. The residents rest on the rolling money gained by cotton planting and picking. There, within the shadow of chivalry, keeps the skin-deep grace and splendor. Women living on the red soil are delicate flowers, tightly clinging to men and decorating men’s world. They have no rights to vote. Nor can they control their belongings or children after they get married, let alone draw a will or make a treaty without their husbands’ permission. Their social status is parallel to “that of a minor or a slave” (Deborah L.Madsen, 2006). They endure dualoppression not only from men but also from themselves, lying in the subordinate social position without the privilege to manage their own lives. In this male-dominated world, men stifle women’s development from every aspect.5. ConclusionGone with the Wind, an American novel by Margaret Mitchell is one of the most popular of all time. The author of Gone with the Wind is Margaret Mitchell, an American modern woman writer. She is frequently neglected by critics. Many people neglect the value of feminist learning contained in her work. So in her novel, we can find her idea of women’s equality and independence with men.Gone with the Wind is a very successful commercial novel; however it doesn’t get enough attention from the literary critics accordingly. If we focus on the limited critiques of Gone with the Wind, we can find that the novel was discussed only as a realistic romance. Few scholars analyze the novel from the feminist perspective. Actually, Gone with the Wind turns out turns out to be a valuable target to be studied and analyzed from the feminist perspective. The value of feminist leaning contained in the novel is very obvious.The author of Gone with the Wind is a woman who was deeply influenced with Feminism. The story of Gone with the Wind is set during the American Civil War and Reconstruction period. At that time, in the South, men were the dominance of women. In order to obey the passive femininity, the Southern women needed to appear timid, helpless, and feeble. They didn’t have the fundamental political and civil rights. And their economic and educational opportunities were also very limiter. This paper has analyzed the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in this novel by analyzing the changes Scarlett gone through before the war, during the war and after the warThere are many lively and vivid characters in Gone with the Wind, and the most important one is Scarlett O’Hara. She is an extraordinarily energetic woman. Scarlett has the courage to survive the horrors and chaos of the war years. Her transformation is closely associated with the changing Southern culture and society. What impress the reader most is her constant feminist leanings which become and more noticeable in the novel. According to the analysis done by the thesis, it is found that Gone with the Wind is a valuable work which contains feminist leanings. We should read it and study it from different perspectives.At last, as the limitation of the thesis, the paper ends here, but it is obvious that researches on Gone with the WindWorks CitedAbraham, M Francis.,and P Subhadra, ed. Women, Development and Change: The Third World Experience. U.S.A: Wyndham Hall Press,1988.Bodin, Jeanne.,and Beth Millstein, ed. We, the American Women. U.S.A: Publisher, 1977.Chatham, New Jersey. Citizen Politics in Western Democracies . U.S.A:House Publisher Inc,1988.Norton, Mary Beth. 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最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 翻译腔成因浅探2 论《野性的呼唤》中对人和自然和谐的呼唤3 旅游景点标志翻译初探4 英语谚语的民族性及其艺术特色5 中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例6 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格分析7 大学生英语自主学习影响因素分析8 Paradox in American Culture: Mainstream and the Trend of Multiculturalism9 从唐诗不同译本看数字词汇翻译得与失10 艾米莉•狄金森诗歌中的动物意象研究11 Cultural Differences in the American-Context Chinese Movies12 用目的论理论研究英汉电影名翻译13 美国电影中英雄主义主题的时代演变与启示14 中西方文化中家庭观念差异研究——以电影《推手》为例15 从习语翻译看文化空缺16 新闻英语标题的特点和翻译17 英语新闻标题的前景化18 精神之光——《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人的人性解析19 外语学习焦虑与口语成绩的相关性研究20 论简奥斯汀小说中的反讽艺术21 论《瓦尔登湖》的生态伦理意蕴22 英语广告中仿拟的关联分析23 The Analysis of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter24 中西方酒店文化比较与探讨25 The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter26 A study on Lin Yutang’s Translation standards:faithfulness,fluency and beauty27 论礼貌原则在国际商务信函的应用28 影响中学生英语学习的心理因素分析29 浅谈《圣经》对英语习语的影响30 从电影《阿凡达》透视美国文化31 论图片和卡片在中学英语教学中的合理应用32 浅谈“白色”在英汉语言中的文化差异及其翻译策略33 从美学角度浅谈英文电影片名的翻译34 高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策35 分析《傲慢与偏见》与《简爱》中觉醒的女性意识36 The Influence of The New Policy of Export Tax Rebates37 宗教在世界战争史中扮演的角色38 以《热血强人》为例分析美国黑白种族的融合39 海明威文学创作中主题的转折点——《乞力马扎罗的雪》40 An Analysis of Ecological Ideas in Walden41 美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析42 浅析造成盖茨比悲剧的因素43 《围城》所反映的中西文化差异分析44 《紫色》中“家”的解读45 国际贸易往来电子邮件写作原则46 中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例47 英语词汇中的性别歧视现象及回避方式48 《老人与海》中的象征主义4950 从多视角比较《论读书》的两个译本51 从女性主义视角分析《贵妇画像》中女主人公伊莎贝尔的选择52 话语标记Well的语用功能53 国际商务谈判及其谈判风格54 中西方传统习俗的对比研究——出生礼,婚礼,葬礼55 “It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究56 不同IT企业官网英译现状调查57 《呼唤》中倒装句汉译策略研究58 委婉语探究:起源、构成、交际功能59 《远离尘嚣》中女主角的情感变迁研究60 The Pervasive Agitation of Humbert in Lolita61 对《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的悲剧性分析62 不可避免的命运—对《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》的后现代分析63 从谷歌和百度两大企业的管理方式看中美企业文化的差异64 美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例65 反译法在英译汉中的应用66 中英手机短信的修辞特点分析67 简爱性格研究68 亚哈与桑提亚哥人物的对比研究69 《善良的乡下人》的喜剧性分析70 中西方对"死亡教育"之态度的对比研究71 浅析英语委婉语72 Strategies of Activating Middle School Classrooms for Effective English Learning73 An Ecofeministic Approach to Ernest Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)74 从《肖申克的救赎》看美国的个人英雄主义75 《嘉莉妹妹》之女主人公新女性形象分析76 女性主义翻译研究——《简•爱》两种中文译本的比较77 Love and Death in The Awakening78 德伯家的苔丝中人类的欲望——悲剧的根源79 母语正迁移在初中英语教学中的研究与应用80 英语文学课外学习活动组织方式的探讨81 中英禁忌语比较分析82 礼貌原则之于商务信函的翻译83 西丽自我身份的寻求——《紫色》的女性主义解读84 如何激发初中生学习英语的兴趣85 不一样的颤栗—东西方恐怖片的比较86 浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用87 论谭恩美《喜福会》中文化身份迷失与探寻88 《呼啸山庄》和《暮色》系列的对比研究:《呼啸山庄》再次热销引发的思考89 政治演说中名词性隐喻的认知研究90 On the Differences of Rules for Eye Contact Between the East and the West91 词组词汇学习方法92 像滚石一般流浪:六十年代鲍勃迪伦歌曲中的旅行者意象93 On the Influence of the Female Characters On Pip in Great Expectations94 中美商务礼仪差异的跨文化解析95 剖析希腊神话中的爱情观96 A Femi nist Narratological Analysis of the Tess of the D’Urbervilles97 中餐菜单英译的归化与异化98 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语99 中西面子观比较研究100 从功能对等角度看信用证英语的翻译101 中西性教育方式对比折射中西文化差异的研究102 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译103 从模糊性看古典诗词英译104 《简爱》在当代中国的现实意义——从温和的女性主义视角分析105 从翻译审美分析食品品牌名称翻译的原则及策略106 On the Differences in Table Manners between Westerners and Chinese107 东西方饮食文化差异之餐具比较——筷子和刀叉108 海明威文学创作中主题的转折点——《乞力马扎罗的雪》109 言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析110 《圣经》对英语习语的影响111 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛姬的性格112 模糊语言的社会语用功能113 A Study of Nonverbal Communication114 An Eco-Critical Approach to Moby Dick115 从弗洛伊德的精神分析理论浅析《道林格雷的画像》中的主要人物116 中英商标翻译中的文化障碍与翻译策略研究117 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能118 汉英禁忌语的对比研究119 从跨文化交际中的语用失误看中西文化差异120 英汉语篇中的省略衔接手段对比及其翻译方法——以《雪》译文为例121 《飘》与《倾城之恋》中的女性形象对比研究122 美国俚语中所折射出的美国亚文化现象123 广告英语修辞特点及其翻译124 分析苔丝悲剧的形成原因125 忠实与变通策略在科技翻译中的运用126 从归化角度分析英文广告的汉译127 论《傲慢与偏见》中反讽的艺术效果128 浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例129 试析诗歌翻译中文化意象的处理130 Miss Havisham: an Imprisoned Woman in Great Expectations131 从《在路上》解读“垮掉的一代”时代背景与主题132 应用多媒体资源提高英语新闻听力133 提高英语听力的有效策略及教学启示134 论英语委婉语的构成与翻译135 完美管家还是他者—浅析《长日留痕》中的管家形象136 跨文化交际视角下的英汉动物词语研究137 女性主义视野下林黛玉与简•爱的比较研究138 <<罗伯特家的苔丝>>中动植物的作用139 析《狮子和宝石》中拉昆来失败的原因140 论“老友记”中的幽默翻译141 A Comparative Study of “Two Roses”in Wuthering Heights--Catherine Earnshaw and Catherine Linton142 英语广告的语言特点143 超音段特征对意义的影响144 The Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Willy in Death of a Salesman145 谈丽莉的悲剧--不够懦弱到随波逐流,又不够勇敢到逃离反抗146 On China English as A Localized Variety of English and its Implications for ELT147 《蝴蝶君》中两位主角的心理冲突148 Discourse Analysis on the Translation of Person of the Year, an Editorial in the Time Magazine149 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简•奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析150 冲破人生的枷锁——试析毛姆《人生的枷锁》中的七个枷锁151 An Analysis of the Character of Scarlett in Gone With the Wind152 马克吐温小说的语言特征153 从关联理论看美剧典故的翻译154 斯嘉丽的新女性形象探析155 论翻译中的衔接与连贯156 世界经济危机影响下东莞企业的现状157 从《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》探索简奥斯丁实用爱情观158 An Analysis on Shear's Personality in The Bridge on the River Kwai159 新课标下高中英语学习策略调查160 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突161 顺应论视角下的电影片名翻译162 英汉“批评”类动词的语义成分及词化模式分析163 新兴资产阶级代表—鲁滨逊克鲁索164 维多利亚时期英国女性文学作品的三个男性形象分析165 论宋词词牌名的翻译166 从《野性的呼唤》看杰克伦敦自然主义观167 文化差异在中美雇员协作中的问题分析168 An Interpretation of A Tale of Two Cities from the Perspective of Symbolism169 拒绝话语跨空间映射的认知解读—以商务洽商为例170 国际贸易中商务英语的翻译策略171 《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默172 《到灯塔去》中的“双性和谐”研究173 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析174 论《简爱》中的女性意识175 中英道歉语的比较分析176 探讨发现式学习理论在高中任务型英语听力教学中的运用177 对圣经文学性之赏析178 On the Chinese Loanwords from English179 从《荆棘鸟》中三个女性形象解读女性主义发展180 《麦琪的礼物》看语境在中英翻译中的影响181 功能对等理论透视下的影视片名翻译182 An Analysis of the Translation of Film Titles183 商务交际中you-attitude的语用功能探讨184 爱玛人物形象分析185 从《没有国家的人》看一个无政府主义者对人性的呼唤186 基于语义场理论的英语词汇习得研究187 A Study of the Differences between Chinese and American Business Etiquette 188 Metaphors in the Themes of Of Mice and Men189 英汉诗歌中“月”意象的认知解读190 论〈麦田里的守望者〉中“垮掉派”特质的体现191 论《简爱》中的经济意识192 浅析国际商务谈判成功之道193 师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析194 西方电影片名翻译的功能目的论分析195 中国茶文化与西方咖啡文化的对比分析196 《永别了,武器》的意象分析197 高中英语课堂师生互动研究198 试析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉悲剧之源199 论《喜福会》中家庭观的中西差异200 Analysis of Tony’s Tragedy in A Handful of Dust。
本科生毕业论文从女性主义的角度分析《简爱》An Analysis on Jane Eyre from the Perspective ofFeminist摘要十九世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特的作品《简爱》因其独特的思想内容和表现手法,一直被看作是英国文学的经典之作。
关键词:简爱;夏洛蒂.勃朗特;女性主义;平等和自由AbstractCharlotte Bronte is an outstanding woman writer in the 19th century English literature, her work Jane Eyre has been regarded as the classics of the English literature due to its unique content and way of expression. Since the work has been published, it has attracted the attention of the literary critics. Especially the pursuit of female independence and equality, making the heroines of Jane’s image loads the Western women’s awakening of feminist consciousness in the 19th century. There is no lack of the image of rebellious women in English literature, but like Jane Eyre, as humble, ordinary, plain but who have no “minority” women, so consciously against the strong patriarchal society, be regarded as unprecedented.This paper reveals the wake of the gender conscious and the social position of women in Victorian period through the analysis of the heroine from the feminist perspective. The status of women in the Victorian period has improved by the development of female consciousness, but still affected by social class and social status.Key words: Jane Eyre;Charlotte Bronte; female; equality; freedomTable of ContentsAcknowledgements .......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract: This paper first explores Jane Austen’s attitude toward marriage in Sense and Sensibility through her description of Elinor and Marianne, two heroines in the novel. It then discusses the contemporary influence of it. In the Regent period, the social status of women was low and the rights were not protected. With the awakening of female consciousness, these situations were improved to a great degree. Austin thinks that marriage requires love, however, in the society at that time, class is the first threshold, and marriage turned into equivalent commodities trading, women are treated as goods to be sold. Love is not quite a consideration when it comes to marriage. Austin abhors the commercial kind of marriage, advocating free and romantic love ,a breakthrough of the traditional view of marriage, maybe it can due to the advocating of the new ideas “liberty, equality, fraternity" .However, Austen is reserve and sensible, discussing how lacking of can affect people’s life. Marianne’s elastic love toward Willoughby can be detrimental to her reputation, and when she is dumped by him, she is completely desperate and broken. Austen shows her sarcastic and contemptuous attitude toward such behaviors. On the contrary, she appreciates Elinor’s character, reasonable while abounding in feelings. The conflicts between sense and sensibility make up the characters’ complex and contradictory personalities, arousing reader's interest and thinking, thus becoming an enduring topic. The ideas put forward by Jane Austen more than two hundred years ago are still instructive today. The contradictions between money and love, sense and sensibility is weakening, since people are paying more attention to the economic foundation and expecting more resonance of taste and emotion. It can hardly be denied that people of different classes will find it growingly difficult to produce this kind of resonance. Therefore, as long as we strike the balance of sense and sensibility, get rid of unrealistic fantasy and the idea of money worship, and build it on the basis of equality and mutual respect, a happy marriage may not be a utopian fantasy.Key words: sense, sensibility, attitude, marriage简•奥斯汀的婚姻观——以《理智与情感》为例摘要: 首先根据《理智与情感》原著,探究作者对埃莉诺与玛丽安两个女主人公感情和婚姻轨迹的描述,分析其背后奥斯汀对于婚姻的态度。
The Awakening of Female Consciousness in Cat in th
The Awakening of Female Consciousness in Cat in the Rain作者:彭娟来源:《校园英语·中旬》2017年第07期【Abstract】Cat in the Rain is one of Ernest Hemingway’s short stories that reflect female consciousness. By depicting a story of catching a cat, he describes in detail the gradual awakening of the heroine’s female consciousness and her struggle against the patriarchal society, profoundly criticizing the male chauvinism.【Key words】female consciousness; awakening; Cat in the Rain1. IntroductionHemingway is one of the most famous novelists of the 20th century. He is famous for his “tough guy”,but he does not disregard women. Some of his novels reflect women’s problems, focusing on their fates and revealing their pains and resistances in gender conflicts. Cat in the Rain, written in 1923, is one of his early works and is written from the perspective of women. It is a masterpiece about the awakening of feminine consciousness. This article mainly analyzes the process of the gradual awakening of th e heroine’s female consciousness and her protest against the male society.2. The Gradual Awakening of the Heroine’s Female ConsciousnessCat in the Rain tells a story about an American couple who were trapped in an Italian hotel by heavy rain. The wife, standing by the window, occasionally found a cat curling up under a wet green table. Out of sympathy, she went out for it but failed to find it. When she got back, she expressed her thoughts to her husband, but all have been rejected. However, she finally got a cat from a maid sent by the hotel holder.Through such a simple story, Hemingway creates a lonely female figure whose self-consciousness is gradually awakening. Now, the process of her gradual awakening of female consciousness will be analyzed combined with the development of the plots.2.1 The Lack of Female ConsciousnessAt the beginning of the novel, it was pointed out that the American couple lived in a strange hotel. George was lying in bed reading, turning a blind eye to his wife who stood by the window out of boredom. From this scene, we can draw the image of a meek and virtuous wife who did everything according to her husband’s will. She had no free will, and even her hairstyle was cut to meet her husband’s hobby. In fact, she was just an accessory to her husband.This is a typical female representative who is closely attached to man and dominated by man in the male-dominated society, in which man plays a dominant role while woman plays a subordinate role. In this kind of society, there are many absolute privileges for man and restrictions for woman,which is quite unfair. At this time the wife was bound by the traditional gender roles, and she is still lack of female self - consciousness.2.2 The Awakening of Female ConsciousnessJust as the American lady watched out of the window, she accidentally discovered a cat under a table. The cat’s miserable situation aroused her sympathy, and it reminded her of her own situation. The emergenc e of the cat awakened the American wife’s self-consciousness.The situation of the cat is just like the situation of women in the patriarchal society. The irresistible rain which covers a wide range symbolizes the male in such a society. In western world,cats are taken as feminine for they are little and meek, and need to be protected just like women. The cat in the rain symbolizes those women who are lack of self-consciousness. Thus, the process of looking for the cat is actually the process of th e awakening of the American wife’s self-consciousness.When realized the similarities between the cat and herself, the American wife went out for the cat regardless of her husband’s discouragement. This is her first step to get out of her husband’s bondage and to learn to be independent. Though she failed to find the cat, she felt an unprecedented sense of being respected because of the hotel owner. The American wife, with this pride, returned to her husband and began to be eager to change her situa tion and gain women’s rights. She first thought of changing her hairstyle. She tentatively asked her husband for opinion but he said no to her, then she began to refute him and speak out her true thoughts. So far,the American wife’s female self-consciousness is partially awoken.3. ConclusionThis novel shows the heroine’s awakening process of female consciousness. Hemingway,through a simple story, profoundly criticizes the dictatorship of the male rights, and expresses the strong desire of women to break through gender bondage and their demand for independence, which embodies his sympathy for those women who have no freedom and have lost themselves.References:[1]曹巧欣.风雨飘摇的新女性-《雨中的猫》:女性意识的觉醒[J].伊犁师范学院学报(社会科学版),2008(3):112.[2]颜李萍.遥望那片明亮的天空-《雨中的猫》的女性意识觉醒[J].时代文学(上半月),2011(6):150.作者简介:彭娟(1992-),女,汉族,四川达州人,宁夏大学研究生在读,研究方向:英美文学。
女性觉醒 英文作文
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Feminism in The Awakening 女权主义在《觉醒》中的体现
Feminism in The Awakening女权主义在《觉醒》中的体现ContentsAbstract1Key words1I Introduction2II Literature Review31 The diversity of criticism on The Awakening32 Feminist criticism on The Awakening 5III Feminist Critical Theories6IV Kate Chopins Background and Political Background8V Analysis of the Protagonist and the Symbols in The Awakening91 Analysis of the main character Edna 92 Analysis of the symbols in The Awakening 101 Birds102 The sea113 Clothes11VI Conclusion11References12Feminism in The AwakeningAbstract Kate Chopins The Awakening is a most important piece of fiction aboutAmerican woman It enlightens the feminist movement daringly reflects the theme of sex and expresses the awakening of womens sexual consciousness and self-consciousness and their seeking for independent human dignity However when first published in 1899 it met with widespread hostile criticism because of its theme Not only the book was removed from the library shelves in StLouis but also Chopin herself was rejected membership in the StLouis Fine Art Club Fortunately it returned to the spot light because of the research work carried out by two European scholars some years later After that people began to study the novel from brand new angle reaffirmed its significant exploration concerning problems of marriage sex and reestablished Kate Chopins status in the history of American Literature The research is devoted to exploring the feminism implied in The Awakening following some feminist critical theories and the background of The Awakening and the background of Kate Chopin Some ideas of feminist critics are used to reinterpret the novel Then the importance of the symbols in the novel will be analyzed to help Chopin express the theme of feminism Finally the author gets the conclusion that The Awakening is a famous piece of fiction about the theme of feminismKey words Feminism Symbol Feminist Literary Criticism The Awakening摘要凯特肖班的《觉醒》是一部讲述关于美国妇女生活的小说该小说大胆的反映了女性性意识以及自我意识的觉醒和对独立的人格尊严的追求这一主题对女权主义运动有很大的启迪作用由于主题过于敏感导致小说以及肖班本人在很长一段时间内遭受到相当大的打击多年之后在两位欧洲学者的研究的推动下小说与作者又重见天日人们用新的视角来研读小说肯定了它在探究女性在婚姻以及性等问题上的贡献重新确立了肖班在美国文学史中的地位本文致力于对隐含在小说中的女权主义的研究通过对女性主义批评理论以及对时代背景的介绍运用女权评论家的观点重新解读该书通过对人物形象以及象征手法的分析来阐述肖班想要参阐述的女权主义主题最后得出结论该小说是一部重要的涉及女权主义主题的经典之作关键词女权主义象征女权主义批评《觉醒》I IntroductionKate Chopin has been considered to be a great American female writer and her reputation as major American writer has been on the increase ever since the feminist movement in what time hers The Awakening has been rediscovered The novel with its balance structure poetic language super use of symbols especially its barely connotation has aroused interests of one generation after anotherThe critical focus on The Awakening has been shifting constantly Critics interpret the novel from different angels and come to different conclusions The aim of this thesis is to reinterpret the novel from feminist critical perspectives Due to the development of feminist movement feminist criticism has gradually become one of the mainstreams in the critical world It takes an electric critical stance and absorbs various theories to serve its own critical purpose At the early stage feminist critics focus on the interpretation of maleauthored text After analyzing stereotypes of women in the works they find that western culture has strong misogynistic tendencies The main task of feminist critics is to uncover these misogyny assumptions which are widely pervasive in male writers works and help readers to end the subordination ofwomen Then feminist critics return to female writers to study their forgotten works The recovery of a rich tradition of female writers helps readers to understand how earlier female authors are victimized by patriarchal society In order to establish their own canon and to express womens experiences feminist critics encourage women themselves to create their own literature in their own language to subvert the man-dominated culture Furthermore feminists point out that the whole of ideology sets up binary oppositions These binaries lead to a hierarchy In other words one of the binary terms achieves superior status in the culture and the other term is viewed as the inferior pole So feminists should deconstruct the binary oppositions to recuperate womens identity Recently feminist criticism focuses its attention on developing its own theoretical system to reinterpret the classic works In this thesis the writer is to make use of some feminist critical theories methodology and some conclusions the criticism has arrived at to explore Kate Chopins feminist consciousness implied in The AwakeningFeminist ideas are part of the intellectual climate in which Kate Chopin lived Influenced by her living background and the ideological revolution of her time Chopin nurtures her feminist consciousness It is her feminist consciousness that contributes to the creation of Edna as a feminist precursor Through disclosing Ednas persecution by the society Chopin shows that Edna has been put in a marginal position in the society The marginalized status has aroused great sympathy from Chopin And she suggests that a harsh suppression usually brings out a strong flame of rebel Chopins feminist outlook can be reflected by Ednas rebellious thoughts andactions In comparison with the male characters Edna has been given more prominence in The Awakening Besides Chopin exhibits her appreciation of Edna as a feminist precursor by elaborately delineating her individuality which constitutes an important part of Ednas personality In short in The Awakening Kate Chopin portrays a feminist figure Edna through whom she expresses her feminist idealThe thesis is divided into four main parts to explore feminism embedded in The Awakening In the first part literature review will be given Different schools of interpretation of The Awakening will provide a panorama of the criticism on the novel In the second part a brief introduction will be given to feminist criticism In the third part Chopins living background information can help to show how Chopins feminist consciousness comes into being The fourth part is the main part of the thesis Detailed analysis of the main characters the symbols used in the novel will prove that Kate Chopin melts her feminist conscious into hers portrayal of a rebellious woman After the analysis the thesis draws a conclusion that Kate Chopin in hers novel has successfully interwoven hers feminist consciousness into the arrangement of the story and portrayal of her main female character Indeed The Awakening in which feminism is embedded is a classic of womens literature and Chopin is the pioneer of feminist movementII Literature Review1 The diversity of criticism on The AwakeningShortly after the publication of The Awakening on April 22 1899 some Americans reviewed on the Public Opinion New YorkThe Awakening written by Kate Chopin is a feeble reflection of Bourget A theme and manner of treatment both suggesting the French novelist We very much doubt the possibility of a woman of solid old Presbyterians Kentucky stock being at all like Mrs Edna Pontellier who has a long list of lesser loves-------but we are well satisfied when Mrs Pontellier deliberately swims out to her death in the water of the gulf 22 June 1899Truly this remark not only indicates the astonishing impact which the novel brings to its contemporary readers but also predicates the diverse and endless concerns about it from that time on With its broad connotation delicate representation as well as its dazzling symbolical images The Awakening has been focus of criticism over 100 years Critics shift their attention to almost every aspect of the novel from time to time Some are interested in the ethical content some are drawn by the polysemy of the theme some try to interpret the impressive characters some attempt to deconstruct the fascinating symbols used by the author to express hers ambivalent feelings and attitude Influenced by various literary philosophical and psychological ideology and theories critics read the story in terms of deconstruction psychoanalysis and aesthetics We will read it in terms of feminism All these approaches work because not only does Chopin successfully entertain a variety of perspectives in this novel but it can sustain diverse criticismEarly reviewers call this novel as unhealthy morbid and immoral They criticize the novels lack of apparent moral o lesson The reviewers also declare a lack of sympathy or admiration for Chopins heroineAt the very outset of the story one feels that the heroin should pray for deliverance from temptation and in the very closing paragraph when having removed every vestige of clothes she stands naked in the sun and walks out into the water until she can walk no farther and then swims on into eternity one thinks that her very suicide is in itself a prayer for deliverance from evils that beset her all of her own creating St Louis Daily GlobeDemocrat 13 May 1899It is not strange that the reviews are ironical because its theme is far ahead of its time However other reviewers also give some positive public reviews They credit the novels flawless art and declare the work an unusual unique complete masterpiece The reviews admit though that because of the novels theme it should not be read by young who would not understand it or the old who avoid unpleasant truth Also some reviews hints the reviewers appreciation for realism in the novel as it credits It is the life and not the mask that it is subject of the story Furthermore other reviewers unlike some of them appreciate a story that relates what life is rather than desiring a story that depicts what life should be They also suggest that Ednas resentment of her husbands inattention is the cause of her action Instead of blaming Edna like all of the other reviews they seemed to blame her husband Besides there also have some accurate representation of public beliefs about The Awakening While it praises the authors literary ability it condemns her subject choice as vulgar and the novel as commonplace By calling the novel commonplace the reviewer relates his belief that literature should explore the ideal rather than real Chopins novel is rooted in the real and therefore is automatically situated for the criticism of a society resisting realismin literature The review also reveals societys expectations for women through its criticism of Ednas rebellion It condemns Edna for not finding marriage and motherhood a cable strong enough to keep her from forming other attachments The review credits the death of one who has drifted from all right moorings and had not the grace to repent Society therefore upholds Chopins criticism that social expectations provide women with only marriage or death However in addition to exploring moral teaching in the book some critics emphasize symbolism in The Awakening For instance birds clothes houses and other narrative elements are powerful symbols which add meaning to the novel and to the characters We will analyze the most relevant symbols presented in Kate Chopins literary work in the following partModern critics influenced by the latest development of modern philosophy and psychology implement some theories in interpreting The Awakening They develop a textrelated approach to deconstruct the novel Various schools of new interpretation boomed in the sixties or seventies of the 20th century Psychoanalytic archetypal and phenomenological criticism afford three examples of contemporary critical theories whose practitioners are skeptical of new critical or formalist analysis and interpret the novel from their respective stance Feminist criticism absorbing impetus from the womens liberation movement of that time launches a new surge of interpreting the great work The implementation of different theories in criticism indicates a new tendency in analyzing The Awakening2 Feminist criticism on The AwakeningSince feminist critics begin their criticism with revisiting books by male authors and reviewing them from a womans point of view to understand how they both reflect and shape the attitudes that have restricted women then they change their mind into female writers and analyze female writers work The Awakening seems to be natural subject for feminist criticism Feminist critics of Kate Chopin employ a number of critical approaches to arrive at their conclusions For example Jane Ball Howard comments that Chopin dares to write of the private needs of women namely education the vote rights to her own property and her own children that the period tries to deny existed Larzer Ziff wrote in The American 1890s Life and Times of a Lost Generation that the novel was the most important piece of fiction about the sexual life of a woman written to date in American and the first fully to face the fact that marriage whether in point of fact it closed the range of womans sexual experiences or not was but an episode in her continuous growth on the very eve of the twentieth century it raised the question of what woman was to do with the freedom she struggled toward Per Seyested the author of Kate Chopin A Critical Biography 1980 wrote that The Awakening by delicate description of the reality broke up the traditional fantasy which dominate peoples thought and vacillate the optimism of bourgeois ideas moreover it inevitably aroused the doubt of the idea---whether things existed would be everlasting therefore neither had the author show some solution directly nor she indicated hers position the book itself had already finished this mission Although different feminist critics have interpreted the novel from different dimensions none of their analyses has been necessarily dominant over others And Kate Chopin herself isnot easily categorized My thesis based on feminist theories and critical approaches will explore Chopins feminist conscious in portraying the female character Edna as a courageous rebel against the patriarchy society Ednas revolutionary thoughts represent some aspect of the early feminist beliefsIII Feminist Critical TheoriesInevitably the flourishing development of womens liberation movement has exerted great influence over the ideology culture and art of human society Its appearance broadens peoples perspectives of looking at the world And promotes them to rediscover in literary canons many contents ignored in the past More importantly it is the movement that changes the unique male perspective of viewing the world in the mandominated society From then on womens voice would not be neglected Feminist literary criticism fins its impetus in the movement and has become an influential tend in literary critical circleIn 1919 the British scholar teacher and early feminist Virginia Woolf laid the foundation for feminist criticism in her A Room of Ones Own in which she declares that men have treated women and continue to treat them as inferiors It is the male she asserts who defines what it means to be female and who control the political economic social and literary structure As a designer of feminist literary criticism Woolf first introduces her feminist thoughts into literary criticism Thus feminist issue has become an important critical dimension from then on Whats more she advocates that women writers should change present expressive patterns and create new mode to express their ideas so that they would not be misunderstood and distorted by readersIn literary criticism by adopting non-traditional theoretical style and expressive patterns she has successfully written a lot of critical works in a form of storytelling Such breakthrough in language represents Woolf rebel against patriarchal language system and paves the way for later feminist criticism The publication of the French writer Simone de Beauvoirs The Second Sex marks a new surge of feminist criticism Heralded as the foundational work of twentieth century feminism Beauvoirs text declares that both French and Western societies are patriarchal that is female are controlled by males She believes that one is not born but rather becomes a women it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature Beauvior1952 The task of feminist critics is to examine the female image in the male writers literary work and uncover how they reflect and shape the attitudes that have restricted women At this stage many feminist critics begin to revisit books by male authors and review them from a womans point of view But when they try to define what the womens identity is feminist critics become confused Feminist criticism seems to fall into a trap set by the patriarchal society which it tries to subvert Therefore some critical return to the forgotten and neglected text to get new impetus for the development of feminist critical theoriesElaine Showalter creates the term gynocritics in her A Literature of Their Own to describe such analyses of which main attention should be focused on women writers and women characters to develop theories and methods based on female experiences and seek to recuperate female identity She argues for a program of gynocritics which constructs a female framework for the analysis of womens literature and develops anew models based on the study of female experience-------on the newly visible world of female culture 1979 that is to say the purposes of gynocritics are to rediscover womens history and culture by studying women authors and forge an alternative literary tradition a canon that better represents the female perspectiveHowever the focuses on the study of women and women writers do not help feminist critics to solve all problems that they are confronted with Meanwhile feminist critics feel that they should not confine their visions to selfdiscovery a search for identity Many feminist critics embrace the learning imparted by traditional humanism that we all share basic universal values though womens and mens experience of the world may be different that we have a common view of experience in short that we share an unquestioned common sense A search for androgynous implications becomes one of the main tasks for contemporary feminist critics They emphasize the differences of two genders but do not ignore common essence as human being Now feminist criticism marks out a broad area of literary studies eclectic original and provocative No matter what they emphasize in theory however all feminist critics assert that they are on journey of selfdiscovery that leads them to a better understanding of themselves And once they have understood and know how to define themselves women they believe will able to change the worldWhatever theory and method criticism we choose to apply to a text we can begin textual analysis by asking some general questions Is the author male or female What type of roles do women have in text Are the female characters the protagonists or secondary characters What are the attitudes toward women How does the authorsculture influence her or his attitude My thesis will follow some feminist critical theories and approaches to reinterpret the main female character Edna in Chopins The Awakening By tracing the source of her feminist consciousness include the awakening of her sexual consciousness selfconsciousness and her seeking for independent human dignity to show you the feminism embedded in this novelIV Kate Chopins Background and Political BackgroundAlthough modern critics advocate textcentered critical approaches to interpretation of literary works it does not necessarily mean that background information contributes little in understanding the works In fact background information sometimes provides a lot of valuable materials for readers to analyze some implied meaning that author implicitly weave or deliberately hide in their texts Especially for Chopin whose complicated thoughts are usually expressed in an ambiguous way we cant neglect the influence on the formation of some of her consciousness from her backgroundKate Chopin was born in St Louis Missouri in 1850 She was the third of five children but her sister died in infancy and her brothers in their early twenties She was the only child to live past the age of twenty-five At five and a half she was sent to The Sacred Heart Academy a Catholic boarding school in St Louis Her father was killed two month later For the next two years she lived at home with her mother grandmother and great-grandmother all of them widows Her great-grandmother oversaw her education and taught her French music and the gossip on St Louis women of the past She grew up surrounded by smart independent single womenEspecially her great-great-grandmother had been the first woman in St Louis obtaining legal separation from her husband These facts laid great impact upon Chopin At the age of twenty she married Oscar Chopin who was French catholic in background as was Kate By all accounts he adored his wife admired her independence and intelligence and allowed her unheard of freedom Oscar died and left many children for Chopin And Chopin experienced more difficulties what other women never experienced In short Kate Chopins family life and miserable experience she saw or she had contributes greatly to her thinking about womens living condition and partly to her redefinition of womens feminityIn the 1890s social contradiction was sharpened from 1893 to 1896 the economic depression accelerated the polarization between classes Traditional life style had been changed by industrialization And the doctrine of the puritan society had been impacted In the 1960s American women began to launch a powerful and dynamic womens liberation movement Women from the upper--class got the chance to study in the university however women from the underprivileged had to fight for better work condition In 1890 two organizations had been set up to ask for the equal political rights with men such as the right to vote In this period many new female appeared they wanted to be their own and choose the life they want to have However in that patriarchal society this kind of women had been treated as mad The feminist organization turned its eye to New Orleans but there was only few of women join it because womens role had rooted in the traditional society Women from the upperclass of southern had been taught to be gentlewomen Creole female live in the straightnesssociety however the organization pave the way the women to be educated or broaden their mindsV Analysis of the Protagonist and the Symbols in The Awakening1 Analysis of the main character EdnaKate Chopin creates her ideal image of women Edna to express her understanding of some feminine attributes By elaborate portraying a rebellious woman character she demonstrates her feminist tendency As has been discussed Chopins living background nurtures her deep concern for womens lives her contemporary ideological revolution has brought influential impact on her attitude towards women her miserable experience provides a domain for her to interpret femininity physically as well as psychologically The following interpretation of the novel will be focused on the analysis of the main character EdnaEdnas life is a process of seeking for love independent and freedom also her life is miserable She lived her life for others not for herself In the initial text it states that Mrs Pontellier was not a mother-woman further along in the novel For the duration of her marriage she stayed in her place as a child-bearing wife doing little but existing for the pleasures of her husband as a prized token more than a companion Being subdued by society the character Edna Pontellier has no other choice than to rebel and find happiness by redefining her position in life I would give up the unessential I would give my money I would give my life for my children but I wouldnt give myself Her unwillingness to sacrifice herself for her children and her husband demonstrates that she does not want to give herself away The point that she makes clear in thatstatement is that she would give her life for her children showing that she loves them but cannot define herself based on creating their happinessDuring this period society of the nineteenth-century gave a heightened meaning to what it means to be a woman According to the commonly known code of true womanhood women were supposed to be docile domestic creatures whose main concerns in life were to be the raising of their children and submissiveness to their husbands But Edna could not bear this any longer So she will be awakened gradually Her husband Mr Pontellier is a money maker only care about money and considers her as personal property Arobin a dude arouses her sexual consciousness but only care to make love with her she can not communicate with him Mr Robert who has the same hobby as Edna teaches Edna to swim in the sea which makes her understand her potential is indefinite and she falls in love with Robert to whom she says I love you only you no one but you It was you who awoke me last summer out of a life-long stupid dream Oh I have suffered Now you are here we shall love each other Nothing else in the world is of any consequence In this Edna is craving the adventure love and freedom that have been avoided from her life since her birth But Robert was shocked by her brave words and evaded Edna finally has to choose death as a way to free her just as the book saysLeaving her clothing in the bath-house and she went on the water was chill but she walked on The water was deep but she lifted her white body reaching out with a long sweeping stroke The touch of the sea is sensuous enfolding the body in its soft close embrace chapter392 Analysis of the symbols in The AwakeningThe Awakening is a novel full of symbols within each narrative segment there is often a central and powerful symbol that serves to add meaning to the text and to underline some subtle point Chopin is making Understanding the meaning of these symbols is vital to a full appreciation of the story We will analyze the most relevant symbols presented in the novel1 BirdsThe images related to birds are the major symbolic images in the narrative from the very beginning of the novel A green and yellow parrot which hung in a cage out side the door kept repeating over and over Allez vous-en Allez vous-en Saprist Thats right In The Awakening caged birds serve as reminders of Ednas entrapment She is caged in the roles as wife and mother she is never expected to think for herself Moreover the caged birds symbolized the entrapment of Victorian women in general Like the parrot the womens movement is limited by rule of society In the first chapter the parrot speaks in a language which nobody understood The parrot is not able to communicate its feeling just like Edna whose feelings are difficult to understand incomprehensible to the members of Creole society In contrast to caged birds Chopin uses wild birds and the idea of flight as symbols of freedom2 The seaThe sea in The Awakening symbolizes freedom and escape It is a vast expanse that Edna can brave only when she is solitary and only after she has discovered her own strength When in the water Edna is reminded of the depth of the universe and ofher own position as a human being within that depth The sensuous sound of the surf constantly beckons and seduces Edna throughout the novel Waters associations with cleansing and baptism make it a symbol of rebirth The sea thus also serves as a reminder of the fact that Ednas awakening is a rebirth of sorts Appropriately Edna ends her life in the sea a space of infinite potential becomes a blank and enveloping void that carries both a promise and a threat In its sublime vastness the sea represents the strength glory and lonely horror of independence3 ClothesEdna is fully dressed when first introduced slowly over the course of the novel she removes her clothes This symbolizes the shedding of the societal rules in her life and her growing awakening and stresses her physical and external self As she disrobes the reader is presented with an internal voyeuristic view As MacCurdy points out Ednas dress opposes external nature but more importantly it begins to oppose her inner nature A division exists between her and her environment as well as between her social character and her awakening instincts 59 When she commits suicide she is finally naked she has shed everything she has in her quest for selfhood VI ConclusionThrough the above analysis it becomes apparent that The Awakening is endowed with a record of a woman who fights against pangs suffered in a patriarchal society and the severe and somber rules and laws imposed upon womenUnlike hers other contemporary male writers Kate Chopin melts a kind of feminist tendency into her storytelling This consciousness can be traced back to her。
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An Analysis of the Awakening of FemaleConsciousness in Mansfield ParkI. IntroductionJane Austen is a prominent woman writer in English literature in the 19th century. She was the first novelist to realistically describe the ordinary lives. Her works include Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasio n. With her precise observation, Jane Austen became the only woman writer who can continually compare with Shakespeare in the history of English literature.Mansfield Park describes English upper-class’s living conditions in general and the love and marriage of several couples of young men and women in particular. It reveals their attitudes towards love and marriage. As Austen’s transition al work, Mansfield Park has an obvious feature: thick preaching color. So it is the most controversial work of Jane Austen. Some people regard it as Austen’s first fully mature work. They think it is perfect and touching. However, others believe its plot is dull. Austen’s mother ever thought of the heroine Fanny flat. But all of these can not prevent Mansfield Park from being a great work. Its greatness lies in its power to interest everybody. The complicated plot and vivid characters make Mansfield Park a significant breakthrough in narrative technique and inside description. It has become a landmark work in the history of English novel.Mansfield Park was written in Victorian age, which was the peak period of the English Industrial Revolution. The occurrence of industrial revolution caused social productivity to develop rapidly and mad e European women’s lives better, especially the middle-class women’s.The increase of leisure time led women to ponder their own worth. Female consciousness was born in patriarchal age, in which the overall framework of human civilization was highly imperfect and the civilization was built only according to male’s will. On the other hand, the development of productive forces drove the development of consciousness. Women had a better understanding of their own value. The established social and cultural tradition was shaken. Women truly sent messages of opposing patriarchal consciousness.In the traditional literary creation, many British women writers in the late 18th century examined and built female characters in their works in the male perspective. Nevertheless, with her keen vision, Jane Austen re-positioned female status and rights in order to express conscious and specific female consciousness. As Yang Jiang said, creating characters is probably her most interesting and best skill. (qtd. in Fu 15) So far, the study of Mansfield Park has focused on Jane Austen’s view of marriage and money,but research on the female consciousness reflected by the characters in this novel is not enough. By analyzing a series of female characters, we can discover Austen’s female consciousness, which emphasizes gender equality and women’s independent personality.II. The old generationThe old generation is the supporter of mercenary marriage. They consider their own interests in all aspects and wear persona at any moment. Just by depicting these human foibles, Jane Austen questions the traditional women’s values.dy BertramIt is inevitable to talk about property when it refers to marriage. For most people as well as Jane Austen, property has relation to whether the marriage is happy or not. “With only seven thousand pounds, Miss Maria Ward had good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park” (Mansfield Park 2). Her elder sister Miss Ward is married to the Rev. Mr. Norris with scarcely any private fortune, so she has to live on the cheap. This shows that at that time, people thought marriage could not be based on the pure love. The end result of love is marriage, but marriage is tangible. So they can not live without material base.As a mother, Lady Bertram is indifferent to her children’s education, even their marriage. Entering high society, she has never worried about small stuff. She is a “woman of very tranquil feelings, and a temper remarkably easy and indolent.” (3) She is a woman who thinks more of her pug than her children. Even when her husband is on business trip, she lies on the couch, leaving all household affairs managed by her sister Mrs. Norris. When her eldest daughter Maria Bertram reaches the marriage age, she does not go into public with her daughters. “She was too indolent even to accept a mother’s gratification in witnessing their success and enjoyment at the expense of any personal trouble.”(35) Her laissez-faire parenting style causes her daughters to merely have beautiful appearance but superficial moral concept and twisted values. In the end, they tip into degeneration because they can’t withstand the temptation of the outside world.As F anny’s aunt, Lady Bertram is indolent and selfish. She promised to adopt Fanny without hesitation nine years ago, which was related to her good living. She is very dependent on Fanny and wants Fanny to be with her all the time. When the young people visit Sotherton, or when they go to a ball or a party, she does not want to move, so she requires Fanny to stay with her. When Fanny returns to Portsmouth, she writes Fanny a lot, wishing Fanny to go back to Mansfield Park earlier. But without her husband’s permission, she does not dare to propose. When Fanny and Edmund intendto leave Mansfield P ark, “selfishly dear as she had long been to Lady Bertram, she could not be parted with willingly by her. No happiness of son or niece could make her wish the marriage. ” (468) Fortunately, Susan supplies F anny’s place to look after her.In fact, Lady Bertram only loves herself. She is not in agreement with the role of traditional wife. Nothing may have substantial effects on her. Such a lady who is indolent and selfish reflects the male domination in patriarchy society. On the other hand, she reflects wo men’s self-paralysis to respond to the inequality of their social status.B.Mrs. NorrisMarring Rev. Mr. Norris, Miss Ward becomes Mrs. Norris. Sir Thomas is happily able to give them an income and they “began their career of conjugal felicity with very little less than a thousand a year.” (3) Mrs. Norris falls short of the best, but is better than the worst. She serves faithfully to the Bertram and takes good care of them. However, she looks down upon the Price.Mrs. Norris is not a likable person, or literally, she is a woman who is meddlesome and scheming. When Mrs. Price addresses Lady Bertram to ask for help, saying her contrition and despondence and expressing the superfluity of children, Mrs. Norris is condescending and sticks to the correctness of her query on Mrs. Price’s choice of marriage. As for undertaking the care of Fanny, she harangues to interrupt Sir Thomas. She persuades this patriarch with a long passage sententiously. At the moment, her nosiness plays an important role in making Sir Thomas adopting Fanny. At the same time, what she says reflects her witty and critical thinking skills. Once Sir Thomas promises to adopt Fanny, she expresses a superior giver posture in front of Fanny. Since Fanny’s coming will increase her spending, she makes it impossible to adopt Fanny by reason of poor Mr. Norris’s indifferent state of health. She is only willing to contribute labor and refuses to contribute money, which reflects the petty bourgeoisie’s shrewd ness.Every day, in the guise of thrift, she plans for her own interests. She imposes herself as the wisest woman in this park. When everyone is preparing for the play, on the principle of economy, she supervises the making of clothes. She is complacent about saving half-crown for Sir Thomas. When the play is stopped, she takes away the green baize, which she happens to be particularly in want of. When Fanny’s old grey pony dies, Mrs. Norris isn’t willing to buy a new horse for Fanny. She thinks that Fanny can ride one of her cousins’horses at any time when they do not want them. When Fanny adheres to her own moral principle, refusing to act in the play, she thinks Fanny “a very obstinate, ungrateful girl” (147). Fanny’s refusal to accept Henry confuses Mr. Norris. She regards Fanny to be ungrateful. For the marriage between Maria and Mr. Rushworth, she “was most zealous in promoting the match, by everysuggestion and contrivance likely to enhance its desirableness to either party.” (39) She does not know he r niece’s true thoughts but t akes for granted that Maria should marry a rich man. Mrs. Norris’s vanity education should be responsible for the two nieces’ elopement.Mrs. Norris is a typical example who is extremely vainglorious and stingy. In the economical society, she is a good housekeeper who can rival with men. In Jane Austen’s works, Mrs. Norris is a precedent for women to assist men, but her work in not satisfying. Therefore, this precedent reflects the contradiction of Jane Austen’s thoughts. When women enjoy their autonomy, they must be authorized by men.III. The indulged young generationIn fact, the above-mentioned comic old characters are in a subordinate position in the novel. They serve as a foil to the radiant young generation, which highlights the youth’s unique personalities.A.Mary CrawfordMary Crawford has lost faith in love and considers marriage as transactions. When it comes to marriage, she not only considers love, but also takes various factors into account. She is a representative of surface glamour and inner corruption. She and her brother Henry Crawford are young people of fortune. When her sister Mrs. Grant looks out for a suitable match Tom Bertram for her, she is glad. Just as the words in Pride and Prejudice, “it is a truth unive rsally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” (Pride and Prejudice2) Similarly, a single woman with beauty and possession must need a single man with good fortune. She values Tom Bertram’s primogeniture,“his real park, five miles round and a spacious modern-built house.” (47)However, when Tom leaves home, Mary gets well along with Edmund Bertram. She appreciates Edmund’s extraordinary conversation. With Edmund’s favorable impression on her, she keeps a dubious relationship with him. When she knows Edmund will take up the post of a country clergyman, she can not endure clergyman’s quiet and simple life since she has been accustomed to the luxurious life in London. Hearing Tom is ill, she begins to care for Edmund again. She expects Tom to die earlier so that Edmund can have the chance to inherit the estate. Finally, Edmund knows her real character. She is judged by Edmund to have a putrescent and vacuous mind. They go their separate ways.Mary Crawford is outspoken and persistent. She never conceals her inner thoughts. She relentlessly expresses her disrespect for Mr. Crawford’s debauchery in front of friends, which is inconceivable for Fanny and Edmund. She knows thatEdmund chooses to be a clergyman, but she still makes a savage attack on clergy. When realizing it is difficult for Edmund to change his professional ideology, she reconsiders their relationship and plays hot and cold with Edmund. When she knows clearly that Edmund can not give her a rich life, she resolutely chooses to leave. That age endows her vanity, but it is valuable for Mary to spare no effort to express her inner thoughts.Mary Crawford represents the women who have clear target and are anxious to achieve quick success and get instant benefits. Internally, she reminds herself of the future life that she wants. She puts fame, wealth and status prior to affection and love. But on the other hand, she is an independent new generation. Her challenge to authority and persistence in self-discipline reveal her high pursuit of independence and freedom.B.Maria Bertram and Julia BertramThe young Bertrams also take property more into account in the security of their marriage. Vanity and utility defeat love. The eldest daughter Maria promises to marry Mr. Rush who she does not love, in order to be the hostess of Sotherton without a second thought. For Maria Bertram, marring Mr. Rushworth “would give her the enjoyment of a larger income than her father’s.”(38) Later, she loves Henry and flirts with him privately. But she has no courage to refuse her marriage with Mr. Rushworth. The good living can not fill the emptiness of her love. Soon after the marriage, she can not resist the temptation so as to meet Henry again. Risking universal condemnation, she elopes with Henry unexpectedly, which distresses and shames the whole family. Like her sister, Julia attempts to win Henry’s love. As a result, she is hurt by him. When there is no happiness in her love, she meets with Mr. Yates in London and elopes with him. Maria and Julia’s elopements are the direct challenge to patriarchal society.Their elopements not only humiliate authoritarian rule, but also destroy the conservative moral climate. As the future hostess of Sotherton, Maria tries a variety of ways to be alone together with Henry. In preparing the family play, in order to touch more with Henry, Maria chooses to be Agatha who often embraces Henry. Julia intended to be this character, but Henry says that he does not want Julia to engage in the part of Agatha, or he can not take it seriously. Finally, Julia bows out resolutely. Even though Maria has married Mr. Rushworth, when Henry tempts her again, she elopes with Henry according to her internal real ideas. Maria becomes the rebel of traditional marriage. In order to keep away from Henry and flee the authoritarian family, Julia also elopes with Mr. Yates, which manifests her desire and pursuit for freedom. Although elopement is a corrupt act, it succeeds in challenging the manor order and patriarchal system.For the sake of their love, they have already left Sir Thomas’s education behind. People’s true value is trampled deeply. Maria and Julia are the beloved daughters of Sir Thomas, who is noble and grand. But when they meet Henry Crawford, they begin tolose their minds and are spellbound by him. Henry is a hokey hypocrite. His sister Mary thinks that “he is the most horrible flirt that can be imagined.” (42) But it is this man that causes Maria and Julia to compete in order to win the favor of Henry. On the carriage to Sotherton, in order to sit with Henry, they fight each other with open and secret means. To settle the matter, Mrs. Grant expresses that “as you were saying lately that you wished you could drive, Julia, I think this will be a good opportunity for you to take a lesson.” (80) Then Julia is happy because of the realization of her wish, while Maria professes her unhappiness effusively. In the battle for seat, they ignore their status, discard female dignity and forget their brotherhood.IV. The independent and rational heroineThe heroine Fanny Price was born in poverty, which causes her to be adopted by the elegant Sir Thomas couples. In this large family, Fanny is pushed aside and teased by brothers and sisters. Servants purposely make difficulties for Fanny. However, Fanny who is pure and kind always keeps a gentle heart. She treats people in a hospitable and sincere way. In addition, she does not become a yes-man because of her status. She always sticks to her principle and is clear about right and wrong.A.Fanny’s view of lifeIn Mansfield Park, it seems that only Fanny retains the goodness and gratitude of human nature. When Sir Thomas goes to Antigua for the interests of the whole family at great risk, family members’ responses are chilling. His wife is selfish and does not like him to leave because of her own benefit. The Miss Bertrams are happy because they are relieved by his absence. Mrs. Norris has already arranged to break Sir Thomas’s grievous news to the others. B ut Fanny grieves that “Sir Thomas, who had done so much for her and her brothers, and who was gone perhaps never to return! that she should see him go without a tear! it was a shameful insensibility.” (31) Fanny, as a woman, is not the embodiment of weakness. Instead, she becomes a spiritual guide. Fanny is the most docile woman in Jane Austen’s novels. She never contradicts and resists others when treated unfairly. However, it is not the sign of her weakness. Although her relatives and friends advise her to accept Henry’s l ove, she still refuses and sticks to her silent love for Edmund. When Sir Thomas is absent and the young people put on a private theatrical performance, Fanny refuses to take part in the performance because the performance violates the rules, which reflects her unique justice and principles. Even though Edmund who at first opposes the performance urges her to join in, she still insists her initial decision. At this point, Fanny does not oppose patriarchy blindly. And she rationally takes into account her attitude towards patriarchy. Fanny lives in a society where the old morality is destroyed and the new moral order has not been formed. In this moral vacuum, the original moral choice and judgment hasbegun to collapse gradually. People have different answers to what is right and what is wrong. But Fanny is a rational and thoughtful new woman, who does not drift with the tide. Finally, as a result of Sir Thomas’s opposition, this farce came to a premature end. The result indicates that the children of Thomas oppose patriarchal despotism ostensibly. They can not essentially get rid of the control of patriarchy.B.Fanny’s view of loveShe does not choose her partner according to wealth and status. On the contrary, she strives for her happiness rationally and independently. Although she is the most deprived heroine of Jane Austen’s novels, she gives a challenge to female view of spouse. Her love is full of twists and turns, but it is full of feminism.Fanny bravely refuses Henry Crawford’s courtship. Sir Thomas thinks that Henry “is a young man of sense and, of character, of temper, of manners, and of fortune. Gladly would he have bestowed either of his own daughters on him.”(315) But it is such a satisfactory man that Fanny refuses explicitly. From the point of Fanny, Henry is a flashy man, so she can not marry him. At the very start, Henry merely plans to make Fanny in love with him, which reveals the latent essence of a playboy. Fanny remains indifferent toward Henry’s attentions, which forces Henry to take interest in her. Henry Crawford is deeply in love with Fanny and wants to marry her. He takes great pains to get her brother William on. Though grateful for what Henry does for her brother, she still refuses his proposal rationally. In British society at that time, what Fanny does is considered as insanity. But it is this point makes Fanny different from others.She insists on her own minds and does not compromise because of her friends’persuasion. When knowing Fanny’s refusal of Henry, her family and friends are surprised and persuade her to accept Henry. Even Edmund who cares for Fanny most still supports her father Sir Thomas to contribute to the marriage of Henry and Fanny. Her respected Sir Thomas rigorously gives her a dressing-down. In order to awaken Fanny to the reality thoroughly, Sir Thomas lets her back to Portsmouth to know her poor situation. He “wished her to be heartily sick of home before her visit ended; and that a little abstinence from the elegancies and luxuries of Mansfield Park would bring her mind into a sober state, and incline her to a juster estimate of the value of that home of greater permanence, and equal comfort, of which she had the offer.”(366) However, deep in Fanny’s heart, she h as her own standard. Although the man is perfect in wealth, she will not marry the person she does not like. She knows he is frivolous in nature. Soon, Henry really exposes his nature. He elopes with Maria Bertram who has married. Everyone appreciates Fanny’s persistence. Fanny’s obstinacy not only is an im portant part of her personality charm, but also shows the awakening of female consciousness.She loves Edmund secretly and has the courage to strive for love. In Mansfield Park, Fanny lives with caution and tries to figure out everyone’s temper. She neverdoes what others dislike. Owing to Edmund, who is her only friend in Mansfield Park, Fanny does not feel the park indifferent and unfamiliar. To some extent, Edmund is the spiritual pillar and motivation for Fanny to live confidently. While Fanny is growing up, the dependence evolves into love gradually and Edmund goes into her heart. There is no doubt that Fanny loves Edmund but Edmund merely treats her as a sister. When Edmund loves Mary Crawford, Fanny can do nothing but to eat her heart out and dares not to show her jealousy. When Edmund fails in love, she takes care of him and enlightens him sincerely. She strives for her love bravely and marries Edmund in the end.C.Fanny’s challenge to patriarchyIn the 19th century, England was still a patriarchal society. Women were subordinate to men. But Jane Austen’s works break up the traditional mode and give the cry of female consciousness. It is Fanny, a rebel against the time, who revolts the patriarchy and shows the voice of female consciousness.When Fanny refuses Henry Crawford’s proposal, people around all oppose her decision. Sir Thomas not only harshly criticizes Fanny, but also uses threatening tactics to change her decision. The participation of Sir Thomas causes the authority of fathers to conflict with “daughters”. Sir Thomas b rings with all the characteristics of patriarchal society. He only believes in his own authority and thinks that he can force Fanny to change her mind. But what Fanny does is inconceivable and seriously challenges his authority. So Sir Thomas says: “you have disappointed every expectation I had formed, and you peculiarly free from willfulness of temper, self-conceit, and every tendency to that independence of spirit which prevails so much in modern days. Even in young women.” (314)What he says reveals his intolerableness for female independent consciousness. In his mind, women must obey him unconditionally. So he lets Fanny back to Portsmouth. Even Edmund who Fanny loves persuades her that “you have proved yourself upright and disinterested, prove yourself grateful and tender-hearted; and then you will be the perfect model of a woman which I have always believed you born for.” (343) What he said obliterates Fanny’s peculiarity and specific character. But Edmund’s persuasion does not work. Fanny does not submit to these autocratic thoughts and she still sticks to her own principle. It was a great revolt at that time. This action shows the female independent consciousness and status and is a declaration of breaking down women’s low status. Fanny’s revolt succeed s. She defends her marriage freedom by means of her own rationality. She controls her fate on her own. Therefore, when defending individual rights, women must resist various difficulties resolutely.V. ConclusionTo some extent, Mansfield Park is a transitional novel. Austen’s previous works reflect that money plays a key role in marriage, while the later works combine money with love, revealing women’s value for self-consciousness and the praise for female independent consciousness. She puts female intellect above everything. She believes that only with wisdom and reason, can women overcome various challenges in life, especially in love. Therefore, they will not lose their personality and dignity and will win men’s respect.As a pioneer of promoting female consciousness, Jane Austen represents the advanced ideas of her age. Her female consciousness is evident in her works. First of all, she thinks that women and men are equal in both family and society. Secondly, Austen supports women’s pursuit of liberty. They are the master of their own fortune. Thirdly, Austen appreciates women’s intellectual power. In her opinion, women are as rational as men. She believes that “women can think independently and make their own judgment.”(Tang 1) Fourthly, Austen expresses her opinion about marriage. She thinks that women’s marriage needs both love and property. “L ove is the foundation of a successful marriage and money is the security of marriage.” (Tang 1) Finally, Austen expresses her dissatisfaction with patriarchy, which can be seen by above-mentioned analysis of the female characters in this novel.We can find that Austen’s female consciousness is progressive and she criticizes the subordinate status of women in the patriarchal society. But she can not completely abandon the influence of historical tradition and real life on her, so her female consciousness cannot fully satisfy modern readers. In some aspects, although she calls for women’s wisdom and reason, she still emphasizes their role i n the family. It seems to me that in Austen’s opinion, w omen’s duty is to concern themselves with children’s education, ensure the comfort of their family and help their husbands build relationships.Nonetheless, we can not deny the fact that Austen is the torchbearer and pioneer of female consciousness in the history of English literature. Her female consciousness is a great contribution to literature. Subsequently, female consciousness in women writers’ works is more and more apparent. Till the Bronte sisters, it totally awakes and approaches the peak step by step.Works cited and consultedAnderson, Kathleen. “Lounging Ladies and Galloping Girls:Physical Strength and Feminity in Mansfield Park”. Women’s Studies 2009(03): 342-358.Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2011.---. Pride and Prejudice. Shanghai: World Publishing Corporation, 2008.Gillie, Christopher. A preface to Austen. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2005. 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