上海版牛津初中英语课件Chapter 5 Family lives
上海版牛津英语5A M3 U1课件
How many faces are there in…?
the first picture
the second picture
How many rectangles are there?
6 9 10 4 2 8 7 3 11 5
2 3
40 4020 166 14Miss Hu
2 3
40 40
6 1
Miss Hu
2 3
40 40
6 1
Miss Hu
2 3
40 40
6 1
Miss Hu
Big hall
Small hall
classroom office office
Four, four,
There’re four seasons in a year.
Five, five, There‘re five fingers on my hand.
Six, six, there’re six legs on a bee.
Seven, seven, there‘re seven days in a week.
Floor 2
Floor 1
100 a hundred
Burj Khalifa Tower
160 floors
828 metres
牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit Five Test
二、单选题2. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A .We must stop them from smoking.B .They should call the police at once.C .He is fond of collecting coins.D .The old stamp cost him much money.3. I'd like to show you my new photos. I took ________ when I was in Beijing.A .themB .theyC .theirD .theirs4. You don't need ________ about your lessons. I will help you.【小题5】Let's go to the century park and enjoy the _______ /'sʌnʃaɪn/ this weekend.【小题4】I'd like to put my new desk _______ /'ɒpəzɪt/the window.【小题3】Among the three sitting-rooms, Jake's is the _______ /'smɔ:lɪst/.【小题2】There are two pictures on the wall above the _______ /'səʊfə/.【小题1】Nancy's _______ /'bedru:m/is very big and tidy.Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions (根据所给音标完成句子):1.一、根据音标写单词上海初一课时练习 12-0741次牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit Five TestA.to worry B.worry C.worrying D.to worrying5. The cupboard is too expensive. I can't afford it because I don't have_________.A.enough money B.enough rich C.many money D.rich enough6. I want a flat with ________ rooms than this one.A.more B.many C.much D.most7. I think you should ________ your room, because your class teacher will come this afternoon.A.take notes B.tidy up C.run away D.take care of8. This pair of glasses is ________ than that black pair.A.expensive B.most expensive C.more expensive D.the most expensive9. You should go to the city library by bus because it is ________ here.A.next to B.far from C.in front of D.opposite10. There ________ a girl, two boys and three teachers in the room.A.be B.was C.is D.are11. There is much ________ for me to put all my books in my study.A.place B.bedroom C.space D.box12. The Zhangs ________ to visit Nanjing next week.A.have gone B.went C.were going D.will go13. —________ do you want the round table?—Put it in the living room.A.What B.How C.Which D.Where14. —Would you like to visit the Science Museum with us this weekend?—________A.Yes, I'd love to.B.That's all right C.You're welcome.D.Yes, please.三、用单词的正确形式完成短文15. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。
牛津上海版(深圳)五上unit 6《family life》ppt课件
第十五章 相对论简介
一、知识与技能 (1)同时的相对性 (2)运动长度的收缩 (3)时间间隔的相对 (4)了解时空相对性的验证 (5)了解相对论时空观与经典物理时空观的主要区别
二、过程与方法 (1)理解同时相对性的推演过程 (2)理解从“同时相对性”出发得出“运动长度和时间间隔的相对性” 的过程。
t t 1 ( v )2 c
上面的推导公式表明在地面上观测,火车上的时间进程变慢了,车上的一切物理 过程、化学过程和生命过程都变慢了:时钟走得慢了,人的心脏跳动、呼吸、消化、 思维活动和一切生理过程都变慢了……这就是时间间隔的相对性,也称为“时间膨 胀”或“钟慢效应”。
事例1 甲
度通过一个站台的时候,突然站台上的 人看到A先向B开枪,过了12.5毫微秒,B
到底是谁先动手呢?没有绝对 A
素:甲、乙和他们周围的宇宙,如果甲留在基地上,他相对于大量天体并没有做变速 运动。在甲看来,只有乙在做变速运动。在乙看来,情况与甲不同。他不但看到甲在 做变速运动,而且整个宇宙都在做变速运动。一边是整个周围的宇宙,一边只是一个 飞船,这是明显的不对称性。所以由对称性引起的两难是不存在的。
My family life is busy but happy. We love each other.
My family life
九年级英语下册 Chapter 5 Family lives课件 上海牛津版
• Tina never spends it before the end of Tthe month.
• Her psoamreentimtsesgrumble a lot if she spends it .
• Tina always does a lot of housework every day. • Tina’s mother always gives haerbimt oney or a present for
• How long does Thheehy atevlel htoimh, ethlpeytododno’thaoskusheimw.ork every day?
• What kind of cloAtnhheosudr.o Norman’s parents only buy for him?
• How low does NSoirmmplaenclwotahtecshthTaVt ?last a long time.
• She watches abouTt fourteen hours a week.
T has
Listen and fill in the table: Norman
1. allowance
2. arguments with parents
3. housework
5. Parents saying“No” 6. TV watching
__o_f_t_en__ __s_e_v_e_n__h_o_u_r_s a week
Anwer questions:
• DoesNorman get an allowance every month ?
[名词解释]Fc片段(fragmentcrytallizable) [填空题]A型显示超声波探伤仪荧光屏上时基线是由扫描电路产生的()形成的。 [单选]目前我国行政单位会计采用的会计确认和计量的基础是()。A.收付实现制B.实地盘存制C.永续盘存制D.权责发生制 [判断题]材料有受拉伸或压缩时,外力增加到一定数值时,应力不再增加,但应变却急剧增加的阶段为屈服阶段。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]在用于表示设备的符号中,以下哪个符号是用来表示泵。()A.JB.FC.PD.V [问答题,简答题]对各设备及开关进行填料及检修时,必须保证哪些条件方可操作? [填空题]凡进入电气化区段的乘务员,须经《电气化铁路有关人员电气安全规则》有关规定培训考试合格后,方准()进入电气化铁路区段作业。 [问答题,简答题]货运检查站分为那两类?各自定义? [单选]根据我国《公司法》规定,下列选项中可以担任有限责任公司监事、高管人员的是()。A.公司的股东B.公司的经理C.公司的董事D.公司的财务负责人 [单选]ISDN和IDN途述正确的是().A.ISDN和IDN都实现了接入网的数字化B.ISDN和IDN都未实现接入网的数字化C.ISDN实现了接入网的数字化.而IDN没实现 [单选]下列各项中,不属于事业单位净资产项目的是()。A.事业结余B.固定基金C.专用基金D.应缴预算款 [单选]《关于支持循环经济发展的投融资政策措施意见的通知》规定了发展循环经济的()的内容。A.管理制度B.政策导向C.激励措施D.相关投融资政策措施更深化和细化 [问答题,简答题]货车篷布号码是怎样规定的? [单选]女性一生各阶段的生理特点,下列哪项描述不恰当?()A.儿童期儿童体格及内外生殖器同时发育B.月经完全停止1年以上为绝经C.子宫内膜周期性脱落及出血,标志生殖功能成熟D.围绝经期一般历时10余年E.月经初潮,标志青春期开始 [问答题,简答题]C#中的委托是什么?事件是不是一种委托? [名词解释]后生动物 [多选]以公司的国籍为标准,可以将公司分为()。A.本国公司B.外国公司C.总公司D.分公司E.子公司 [单选]具有祛风,通络,止痉作用的药物是()。A.白附子B.木瓜C.蕲蛇D.桑枝E.丝瓜络 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]有关自杀的流行病学资料不正确的是()A.自杀率是指一年期间每10万人中自杀死亡人数B.所有国家自杀未遂率女性高于男性C.教育水平与自杀呈负相关,即文化教育水平低者自杀率高D.在我国,城市人口的自杀率高于农村人口E.我国的研究表明,男女两性的自杀率相 [单选]按照组成系统的要素的性质来划分,下列哪项不属于现实世界中的系统()。A、孤立系统B、自然系统C、复合系统D、人工系统 [多选]会计要素包括()。A.资产B.负债C.所有制权益D.收入E.支出 [单选]糖尿病控制饮食的主要目的不是()A.纠正代谢紊乱B.稳定血糖C.保护胰岛功能D.预防慢性并发症E.控制血脂升高 [填空题]顺磁性气体的体积磁化率与气体的压力成()。 [多选]下列关于剩余收益作为业绩评价指标的优点的表述中,正确的有()。A、可以更好的协调公司各个部门之间的利益冲突,促使公司的整体利益最大化B、有利于防止次优化C、剩余收益着眼于公司的价值创造过程D、便于不同规模的公司和部门的业绩比较 [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球外的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.外射投影D.日晷投影 [单选]选择零件主视图应考虑()的原则。A、公差B、基本尺寸C、实际尺寸D、加工位置 [单选]下列各项中,不会引起利润总额增减变化的是()。A.销售费用B.管理费用C.所得税费用D.营业外支出 [单选]中国历史上最早的数学专著是()。A.《九章算术》B.《算术书》C.《周髀算经》D.《海岛算经》 [单选]关于三踝骨折错误的是()A.腓骨应作内固定B.完全纠正下胫腓联合分离C.使用坚强的固定,术后早期活动D.后踝骨折占关节面面积1/5,须作内固定E.下胫腓关节固定螺丝钉不能超过3个月 [单选]膨胀土的自由膨胀率一般超过()。A.10%B.20%C.30%D.40% [单选]储层定向分布及内部各种属性都在极不均匀地变化,这种变化称为储层的()性。A、均质B、物性C、特性D、非均质 [单选]()和()之间的交互环境C、人们的经济基础,人们的哲学 [单选,A1型题]下列哪一项不符合复杂性高热惊厥的诊断标准()A.发作呈全身性,有时呈局限性发作B.惊厥持续时间常超过15minC.惊厥在24h内有反复发作D.发作后无神经系统异常E.发作后有暂时性麻痹 [单选,A型题]主要用于片剂的粘合剂是()A、羧甲基淀粉钠B、羧甲基纤维素钠C、干淀粉D、低取代羟丙基纤维素E、交联聚维酮 [单选]一位小学生在没有人督促的情况下,能够独立地完成各项作业,反映了其意志的()品质A.自觉性B.果断性C.自制性D.坚韧性 [单选]流行性斑疹伤寒多于何时出现皮疹()A.第1病日B.第2~3病日C.第4~5病日D.第8~10病日E.第11~14病日 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列不属于高压部件的是()A.高压变压器B.灯丝变压器C.高压交换闸D.高压接触器E.高压电缆 [单选]建设工程质量保证金(保修金)是从应付的工程款中预留,用以保证承包人对建设工程出现的缺陷进行维修的资金。该缺陷出现的时间应在()内。A.缺陷责任期B.保修期C.竣工验收期D.工程使用期 [填空题]世界上第一套邮票()的发行日期是1840年5月1日。 [单选]平瓦屋面下,聚合物改性沥青防水垫层的搭接宽度为()。A.60mmB.70mmC.80mmD.100mm
“ 高收低开 ” 5B “报收” 100词,6A “开 盘”80词)
删减教学内容 降低学习要求 提供学习帮助
原6B M 2 现6A M 1 原6B M 2 现6A M 1 原6B M 2 现6A M 1
按照课标, 从词汇、课文、语言知 识范围和技能训练要求等多方面进行合 理整合, 其难度和坡度力求符合六年 级学生的学习水平。
削减课文单元:19-8=11(42%) 缩小课文篇幅:如(p4) 109-48=61词(44%),
又如:Family tree,减为一个家庭; U8的食品 22-7=15
降低词汇总量:317-132=185(41.6%) 删减练习总量:128(48+80)-57=71 (44.5%)
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《英语》牛津上海版 初中段教材修订介绍
《英语(牛津上海版)》 教材编写组
教材修订的 指导思想及落实措施
一、优化框架结构 二、降低教材难度 三、凸现能力培养 四、加强教学指导
整合教材体例 体现上下衔接
6、7年级为 Module -- Unit 8、9年级体例为 Chapter
I love all my lessons. I am not very good at sports. I like playing computer games.
My friends say I’m polite and helpful. My teachers and classmates all like me very much.
My name (1)__________ Steven. I (2)__________ 12 years old. My birthday is on 1 October and I was born in Shanghai. I (3)__________ with my family in Beijing now. I (4)__________ a twin sister but I (5)__________ any brothers. I (6)__________ slim, and I wear (7)__________.
3 Decide on words to tell Jon about yourself: your age, height and hair; your hobbies; something about your family and your home; information about your school; your ambition (if you have one).
Paragraph 4 — sentences about your photos — your ending sentences
A Now, you want to try writing to a new penfriend. Choose either a or b: a) Choose one of the penfriends from this unit and write a
九年级英语下册 Chapter 5 Family lives课件 上海牛津版
• How long does Thheehy atevlel htoimh, ethlpeytododno’thaoskusheimw.ork every day?
• What kind of cloAtnhheosudr.o Norman’s parents only buy for him?
• How low does NSoirmmplaenclwotahtecshthTaVt ?last a long time.
a. allowance F .after all
b. democratic c.with regard to d. grumble e. disturb
g. on end
h. budget
j. fashion k. generous
1.The financial secretary announces the government’s ________ evhery year.
A bit less.
• According to Norman’s parents, what does he have to
To look after the money and live within a budget.
• What do they do if they want Norman to do something?
1. allowance
2. arguments with parents
3. housework
nearly always _____w__in_s_
a. _h_a_rd_l_y __e_v_er_ __d_o_e_s____it_ b. It is the job _o_f_ _t_h_e _p_a_r_e_nts
Computer games are very __________ in our city, but I find them __________. (simple, popular, boring)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
School ____________ at 4.15 p.m. (finish) We ____________ this street every day. (cross) Billy ____________ his homework quickly. (do) Ben ____________ very strong. (be) Maggie ____________ hard at school. (try)
Common errors
1 Are you like school? 2 Do Mr Liu drive a taxi? 3 Does he wants some cake?
1 _____________________ _____________________
2 _____________________ _____________________
Edmund is a __________. He speaks three languages and he plays the __________ very well. (client, violin, whizz-kid)
牛津上海版(深圳)英语五年级上册Unit 6《Family life》公开课课件
A school interview(采访) about family life.
1. Do you love your family life?
2. How is your family life?
3. What do you usually do with your family?
The Browns’ family life
Peter is in the living room. He is drawing a picture for Mum. He loves his mum.
Paul is playing with his toys in his bedroom. His parents usually buy many toys for him. They love him.
Circle Line
: Where : What
Peter is in the living room. He is drawing a picture for Mum. He loves his mum.
Paul is playing with his toys in his bedroom. His parents usually buy many toys for him. They love him.
B: Mr Brown is ________. A: What is he doing? B: He is __________.
What is Mr Brown doing in the kitchen?
Mr Brown is _w__a_sh_i_ng__th_e__d_is_h_es__in_t_h_e_k_it_c_h_e_n_______.
牛津上海版(三起)英语五年级上册Module 2 Unit6 Family life 课件
What aboculitmyboinug?mWouhnattaidnos you usually do with your family?
making crafts
cooking a meal
Pre-reading While-reading
Dad, where are you? I’m in the kitchen. I’m cooking dinner. Come and help me, please.
Pre-reading While-reading
1. Where is Kitty? 2. What is she doing now?
Part 2
Today we are going to talk about family life. What do you usually do with your family?
Introduce family life
playing board games
My name is Jason. I am 11 years old. There are four people in my family. My dad, mum, sister and me. My parents usually take us to the park at the weekend. Look! We are climbing mountains now. I like my family.
1. He usually does his homework at night. 2. He is playing word games with his family.
Children should express their ideas and opinions in English and communicate with others in English.
Support: Other family members can provide support and encouragement to children in their English learning.
Environment: Create an English-friendly environment at home, such as watching English movies, listening to English music, and reading English books.
Stability and comfort
Routines and traditions can create a sense of stability and comfort. They provide predictability in an otherwise unpredictable world.
Social and cultural factors
Social and cultural norms, values, and beliefs shape family life and the roles and responsibilities of family members within different cultures.
Communication: Other family members can communicate with children in English to enhance their language proficiency and encourage them to use English more frequently.
牛津上海版英语九下《Chapter 5 Family lives》课件
b. democratic c.with regard to d. grumble e. disturb
g. on end
h. budget
j. fashion k. generous
1.The financial secretary announces the government’s ____h____ every year.
5. Parents saying“No” 6. TV watching
____o_ft_e_n ____s_e_ve_n__h_o_u_rsa week
Anwer questions:
DoesNorman get an allowance every month ?Yes. Is it a bit less or more than he would like?A bit less. According to Norman’s parents, what does he
Tinasnomeevteimress pends it before the end of the month.
Her parents grumble a lot if she spends it .
Tina always does a lot of haobuitsework every day.
Tina’shmardoltyheevreradlwoeasyasnygives her money or a present
for helping her.
Tina thinks housework is the job of the parents.
上海版牛津初中英语课件 Chapter5 Family lives
• 1.generous allowance • 2.grumble a bit • 3.an argument • 4.a democratic family • 5.as for • 6.after all • 7.the latest fashion • 8.a happy childhood • 9.a big advantage • 10.on end • 11.disturb me
Yes, he can.
18.Is it good to expect things for nothing? No, it isn’t. 19.Does Norman have his own TV? No, he doesn’t. 20.Who watches more TV programs, Norman or his father?
最新牛津上海版英语九年级下册《chapter 5 family lives》教案.doc
Chapter 5 Family Lives致远中学朱伟韵一、背景上海市最近出台了《关于加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设实施意见》,其中强调要加强对青少年学生的“责任意识”,要通过开展“责任意识教育”让学生树立正确的人生观观,培养对自己和他人生命珍惜和尊重的态度,增强爱心和社会责任感,使学生在人格上获得健全发展。
牛津英语教材(上海版)九年级第二学期的Chapter 5 的Family Lives 讲述的是通过对比两个学生不同的家庭生活,特别是这两个学生对于“零花钱”的不同看法引导学生作出正确判断。
二、过程Teaching aims1.Knowledge and competence (知识和能力目标)For average students: (对学习程度较弱的学生)1) Help students grasp the new vocabulary such as allowance, generous, democratic, disturb, etc. (帮助学生理解课文中的词汇如allowance等)2) Make students understand the general idea about the topic “Family lives”(帮助学生理解课文的大致意思)3) Have students read the whole text (使学生能朗读课文)For excellent students: (对好学生1) Have students to develop the listening and reading skills (understanding and processing the information in the reading materials) (培养学生的听力和阅读及在阅读中获取信息的能力)2) Make students learn more about family lives ,and encourage them to say something more about their own family lives(使学生了解更多有关家庭生活方面的内容并鼓励学生用所学的词汇说出他们自己的家庭生活情况)3) Have students to think more deeply about what they have read (使学生对所学内容有进一步的理解)2.Process and approaches (过程和方法)1)Train the students’listening ability and help them catch some key words to guess the meaning of the sentences and understand the general idea of the passages (能在听中克服生词障碍,理解大意,获取准确信息)2) Train the students speaking ability by answering the questions on the text and discussing some topics. Make students able to express their own ideas in simple English (通过回答问题和小组讨论培养学生开口说话的能力, 并能用简单的语言表达自己的思想和观点)3) Train students’reading ability of the text and also help them to read some relevant materials for specific information (能正确流畅地朗读课文,能在阅读中运用阅读策略获取所需的信息.)4) Train students’writing ability by gathering and sharing information, ideas in each paragraph. To help them write composition about the topic (能从文章中获取主要信息,并能写出有关这一主题的文章)3. Emotion , attitude and value evaluation (情感、态度和价值观)1) To arouse the students’interest in learning English(激发学生学习英语的兴趣)2) To make the students take part in English communicative activities willingly (积极参与课堂活动)3) To help the students learn to cooperate with their classmates and accomplish their tasks together (培养学生的合作和团队精神)4) To encourage the students to solve the problems by dealing with the related information found by themselves. (鼓励学生自己提出问题和解决问题的能力Language focus: (教学重点)Make the students know the main four aspects of one’s family lives and make them be able to talk freely about them.Language difficulties: (教学难点)Require the students to say some other aspects of one’s family lives and to make dialoguesabout the topic.Teagprocedures:(教学过程)Read thethe studentshow the Ss aShow the Ss a教学反思:在课堂教学中教师必须把学生作为一个鲜活的生命个体来看待,促进学生的发展,宽容个体差异,应使学生始终处于被激励的气氛中,让他们在课堂中焕发出生命的活力。
牛津上海版(深圳)五年级上册《Family life》表格式教案(3课时)
Help students to master and use new phrases: do homework, make model plane, wash my hair, cook dinner.
Get understanding of present progressive
2. Finish the exercises
Unit 6 Family life
Earth Hour
I usually…
But now…
Some students will confuse with the “present progressive” and “present tense” They need more practice to know the differences. They like retelling the story although they couldn’t do it well.
br /br/:bread, bring,breakfast, brown
cr /kr/: ice cream, cross, cry
4). Get pupils tolisten to the tape and sing the rhymes with the rhythm..
4. Practice & Consolidation
I usuallywatch TVwith my parents in the evening, but now we’relooking atthe stars.
Finish the exercise book
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1.Lesson1-3 Reading 2.Lesson4-5 Language 3.Lesson 6 Listening and speaking 4. Lesson7-8 Using English and Writing 5.Lesson9 More practice
Chapter 5
9.Does Tina like to have her own TV?
nearly always wins
usually loses
a. hardly ever does it
a. does it everyday b. It is the responsibility of the whole family gets them now and again often
How do you love your family?
Do you ever have family meeting?
Do you feel the amount of pocket money you get is fair?
Do you have to do housework regularly?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------allowance generous fair argument with parents
b. It is the job of the parents gets lots of presents never
Parents saying‘no’
seven hours a week fifteen hours a week TV watching --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, she does.
4.Is Tina’s family democratic?
Yes, it is. 5.How often does Tina do housework? Sometimes.
6.What does her mother do if she helps do housework?
How many times do you watch television in a week?
Listen and tick T (true) or F (false).
T Tina has a lot of pocket money. F Tina has to do a lot of housework. T Norman gets a small allowance and must live within a budget. F Norman has her own TV and watches it for 15 hours a week.
1.What are the two articles on?
On family lives. 2.Which word has the same meaning as “pocket money”? Allowance.
3.Does Tina get much pocket money every month?
She gives her money or presents.
7.What kind of clothes does Tina wear? The latest fashions. 8.How does she deal with the old clothes? She throws them away.
Chapter5 Family lives
• • • • • • • • • • Main points: the end of the month / as for / in fact / on end/ make the decision /some day / now and again/ pay for /expect things for nothing /throw away/ a happy childhood / argue with /with regard to / dream of /ask for /grow up Language Objective: 直接引语变间接引语(课标语法五级要求) Ability Objective: 学会填写英文表格